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path: root/users/Profpatsch/cas-serve/CasServe.hs
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Diffstat (limited to 'users/Profpatsch/cas-serve/CasServe.hs')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/users/Profpatsch/cas-serve/CasServe.hs b/users/Profpatsch/cas-serve/CasServe.hs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f7189d5f9acf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/users/Profpatsch/cas-serve/CasServe.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedRecordDot #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
+module Main where
+import Control.Applicative
+import Control.Monad.Reader
+import Crypto.Hash qualified as Crypto
+import Data.ByteArray qualified as ByteArray
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as ByteString.Lazy
+import Data.ByteString.Lazy qualified as Lazy
+import Data.Functor.Compose
+import Data.Int (Int64)
+import Data.List qualified as List
+import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe)
+import Data.Text qualified as Text
+import Data.Text.IO qualified as Text
+import Database.SQLite.Simple (NamedParam ((:=)))
+import Database.SQLite.Simple qualified as Sqlite
+import Database.SQLite.Simple.FromField qualified as Sqlite
+import Database.SQLite.Simple.QQ qualified as Sqlite
+import Label
+import MyPrelude
+import Network.HTTP.Types qualified as Http
+import Network.Wai qualified as Wai
+import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp qualified as Warp
+import System.IO (stderr)
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+  withEnv $ \env ->
+    Warp.runSettings
+      (Warp.defaultSettings & Warp.setPort 7070)
+      (api env)
+withEnv :: (Env -> IO a) -> IO a
+withEnv inner = do
+  withSqlite "./data.sqlite" $ \envData -> do
+    withSqlite "./wordlist.sqlite" $ \envWordlist -> inner Env {..}
+withSqlite :: String -> (Sqlite.Connection -> IO a) -> IO a
+withSqlite fileName inner = Sqlite.withConnection fileName $ \conn -> do
+  Sqlite.setTrace conn (Just (\msg -> Text.hPutStrLn stderr [fmt|{fileName}: {msg}|]))
+  Sqlite.execute conn [Sqlite.sql|PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON|] ()
+  inner conn
+api :: Env -> Wai.Application
+api env req respond = do
+  case runHandler (getById <|> insertById) req env of
+    Nothing -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS Http.status404 [] "endpoint does not exist."
+    Just handler' -> do
+      handler' >>= \case
+        Left (status, err) -> respond $ Wai.responseLBS status [] (err & toLazyBytes)
+        Right (headers, body) ->
+          respond $
+            Wai.responseLBS
+              Http.status200
+              headers
+              ( body & toLazyBytes
+              )
+data Env = Env
+  { envWordlist :: Sqlite.Connection,
+    envData :: Sqlite.Connection
+  }
+-- | I don’t need any fancy routing in this, so a handler is just something that returns a @Just (IO a)@ if it wants to handle the request.
+newtype Handler a
+  = Handler (ReaderT (Wai.Request, Env) (Compose Maybe IO) a)
+  deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Alternative)
+handler :: ((Wai.Request, Env) -> Maybe (IO a)) -> Handler a
+handler f = Handler (ReaderT (Compose . f))
+runHandler :: Handler a -> Wai.Request -> Env -> Maybe (IO a)
+runHandler (Handler handler') req env = getCompose $ handler' & (\readerT -> runReaderT readerT (req, env))
+getById ::
+  Handler
+    ( Either
+        (Http.Status, ByteString)
+        ([(Http.HeaderName, ByteString)], ByteString)
+    )
+getById = handler $ \(req, env) -> do
+  guard ((req & Wai.requestMethod) == Http.methodGet)
+  case req & Wai.pathInfo of
+    ["v0", "by-id", filename] -> Just $ do
+      Sqlite.queryNamed
+        @( T3
+             "mimetype"
+             Text
+             "content"
+             ByteString
+             "size"
+             Int
+         )
+        (env & envData)
+        [Sqlite.sql|
+        SELECT
+          mimetype,
+          cast (content AS blob) as content,
+          size
+        FROM file_content
+        JOIN file_references
+          ON file_references.file_content = file_content.hash_sha256
+        WHERE
+          file_references.reference_type = 'by-id'
+          AND (file_references.name || file_references.extension) = :filename
+       |]
+        [":filename" Sqlite.:= filename]
+        <&> \case
+          [] -> Left (Http.status404, "File not found.")
+          [res] ->
+            Right
+              ( [ ("Content-Type", res.mimetype & textToBytesUtf8),
+                  ("Content-Length", res.size & showToText & textToBytesUtf8)
+                ],
+                -- TODO: should this be lazy/streamed?
+                res.content
+              )
+          _more -> Left "file_references must be unique (in type and name)" & unwrapError
+    _ -> Nothing
+insertById :: Handler (Either a ([(Http.HeaderName, ByteString)], ByteString))
+insertById = handler $ \(req, env) -> do
+  guard ((req & Wai.requestMethod) == Http.methodPost)
+  case req & Wai.pathInfo of
+    ["v0", "by-id"] -> Just $ do
+      let maybeText bytes = case bytesToTextUtf8 bytes of
+            Left _err -> Nothing
+            Right t -> Just t
+      let mimeType =
+            ( (req & Wai.requestHeaders & List.lookup "X-Cas-Serve-Mimetype" >>= maybeText)
+                <|> (req & Wai.requestHeaders & List.lookup "Content-Type" >>= maybeText)
+            )
+              & fromMaybe "application/octet-stream"
+      let magicFileEnding mimeType' = case Text.split (== '/') mimeType' of
+            [_, ""] -> Nothing
+            ["", _] -> Nothing
+            [_, "any"] -> Nothing
+            ["image", ty] -> Just (Text.cons '.' ty)
+            ["video", ty] -> Just (Text.cons '.' ty)
+            ["text", "plain"] -> Just ".txt"
+            ["text", "html"] -> Just ".html"
+            ["application", "pdf"] -> Just ".pdf"
+            ["application", "json"] -> Just ".json"
+            _ -> Nothing
+      let extension =
+            ( (req & Wai.requestHeaders & List.lookup "X-Cas-Serve-FileExtension" >>= maybeText)
+                <|> ( (req & Wai.requestHeaders & List.lookup "Content-Type")
+                        >>= maybeText
+                        >>= magicFileEnding
+                    )
+            )
+              -- Just the empty extension if we can’t figure it out.
+              & fromMaybe ""
+      body <- Wai.consumeRequestBodyStrict req
+      let hash :: Crypto.Digest Crypto.SHA256 = Crypto.hashlazy body
+      let hashBytes = hash & ByteArray.convert @(Crypto.Digest Crypto.SHA256) @ByteString
+      let len = ByteString.Lazy.length body
+      name <- getNameFromWordlist env
+      let fullname = name <> extension
+      let conn = env & envData
+      Sqlite.withTransaction conn $ do
+        Sqlite.executeNamed
+          conn
+          [Sqlite.sql|
+            INSERT INTO file_content
+              (content, hash_sha256, size)
+              VALUES
+              (:content, :hash_sha256, :size)
+              ON CONFLICT (hash_sha256) DO NOTHING
+          |]
+          [ ":content" := (body :: Lazy.ByteString),
+            ":hash_sha256" := (hashBytes :: ByteString),
+            ":size" := (len :: Int64)
+          ]
+        -- TODO: we are not checking if the name already exists,
+        -- we just assume that 1633^3 is enough to not get any collisions for now.
+        -- If the name exists, the user gets a 500.
+        Sqlite.executeNamed
+          conn
+          [Sqlite.sql|
+            INSERT INTO file_references
+              (file_content, reference_type, name, extension, mimetype)
+            VALUES
+              (:file_content, :reference_type, :name, :extension, :mimetype)
+          |]
+          [ ":file_content" := (hashBytes :: ByteString),
+            ":reference_type" := ("by-id" :: Text),
+            ":name" := name,
+            ":extension" := (extension :: Text),
+            ":mimetype" := (mimeType :: Text)
+          ]
+      pure $
+        Right
+          ( [("Content-Type", "text/plain")],
+            [fmt|/v0/by-id/{fullname}|]
+          )
+    _ -> Nothing
+-- Get a random name from a wordlist, that is three words connected by @-@.
+getNameFromWordlist :: Env -> IO Text
+getNameFromWordlist env =
+  do
+    let numberOfWords = 3 :: Int
+    Sqlite.queryNamed @(Sqlite.Only Text)
+      (env & envWordlist)
+      [Sqlite.sql|SELECT word FROM wordlist ORDER BY RANDOM() LIMIT :words|]
+      [":words" Sqlite.:= numberOfWords]
+    <&> map Sqlite.fromOnly
+    <&> Text.intercalate "-"
+-- | We can use a Rec with a named list of types to parse a returning row of sqlite!!
+  ( Sqlite.FromField t1,
+    Sqlite.FromField t2,
+    Sqlite.FromField t3
+  ) =>
+  Sqlite.FromRow (T3 l1 t1 l2 t2 l3 t3)
+  where
+  fromRow = do
+    T3
+      <$> (label @l1 <$> Sqlite.field)
+      <*> (label @l2 <$> Sqlite.field)
+      <*> (label @l3 <$> Sqlite.field)