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6 files changed, 204 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/docs/src/TODO.md b/tvix/docs/src/TODO.md
index 3d2e083ef9f9..e3f867e11ac2 100644
--- a/tvix/docs/src/TODO.md
+++ b/tvix/docs/src/TODO.md
@@ -77,20 +77,6 @@ correctness:
    "some amount of outgoing bytes" in memory.
    This is somewhat blocked until the {Chunk/Blob}Service split is done, as then
    prefetching would only be a matter of adding it into the one `BlobReader`.
- - The import builtins (`builtins.path` and `builtins.filterSource`) use(d) some
-   helper functions in TvixStoreIO that deals with constructing the `PathInfo`
-   structs and inserting them, but some of the abstractions where probably done
-   at the wrong layer:
-    - Some ways of importing calculate the NAR representation twice
-    - The code isn't very usable from other consumers that also create structs
-      `PathInfo`.
-    - `node_to_path_info` is ony called by `register_in_path_info_service` (due
-      to this marked as private for now).
-   Instead of fighting these abstractions, maybe it's best to explicitly add the
-   code back to the two builtins, remove redundant calls and calculations. A
-   later phase could then see how/if some of this can be reasonably factored out in
-   a way it's also usable for other places having a node and wanting to persist
-   it (if at all).
 ### Error cleanup
  - Currently, all services use tvix_castore::Error, which only has two kinds
diff --git a/tvix/glue/src/builtins/errors.rs b/tvix/glue/src/builtins/errors.rs
index d41c7d8e4998..ec85942bb1ee 100644
--- a/tvix/glue/src/builtins/errors.rs
+++ b/tvix/glue/src/builtins/errors.rs
@@ -64,10 +64,10 @@ pub enum FetcherError {
 #[derive(Debug, Error)]
 pub enum ImportError {
     #[error("non-file '{0}' cannot be imported in 'flat' mode")]
-    FlatImportOfNonFile(String),
+    FlatImportOfNonFile(PathBuf),
     #[error("hash mismatch at ingestion of '{0}', expected: '{1}', got: '{2}'")]
-    HashMismatch(String, NixHash, NixHash),
+    HashMismatch(PathBuf, NixHash, NixHash),
     #[error("path '{}' is not absolute or invalid", .0.display())]
diff --git a/tvix/glue/src/builtins/import.rs b/tvix/glue/src/builtins/import.rs
index d2e2e6c5bd7d..db60f44de183 100644
--- a/tvix/glue/src/builtins/import.rs
+++ b/tvix/glue/src/builtins/import.rs
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ mod import_builtins {
     use crate::tvix_store_io::TvixStoreIO;
     use bstr::ByteSlice;
     use nix_compat::nixhash::{CAHash, NixHash};
-    use nix_compat::store_path::StorePathRef;
+    use nix_compat::store_path::{build_ca_path, StorePathRef};
     use sha2::Digest;
     use std::rc::Rc;
     use tokio::io::AsyncWriteExt;
@@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ mod import_builtins {
     use tvix_eval::generators::Gen;
     use tvix_eval::{generators::GenCo, ErrorKind, Value};
     use tvix_eval::{FileType, NixContextElement, NixString};
+    use tvix_store::path_info::PathInfo;
     async fn builtin_path(
@@ -147,124 +148,128 @@ mod import_builtins {
                 .expect("Failed to derive the default name out of the path")
         let filter = args.select("filter");
+        // Construct a sha256 hasher, which is needed for flat ingestion.
         let recursive_ingestion = args
             .map(|r| r.as_bool())
             .unwrap_or(true); // Yes, yes, Nix, by default, puts `recursive = true;`.
         let expected_sha256 = args
             .map(|h| {
                 h.to_str().and_then(|expected| {
-                    let expected = expected.into_bstring().to_string();
-                    // TODO: ensure that we fail if this is not a valid str.
-                    nix_compat::nixhash::from_str(&expected, None).map_err(|_err| {
-                        // TODO: a better error would be nice, we use
-                        // DerivationError::InvalidOutputHash usually for derivation construction.
-                        // This is not a derivation construction, should we move it outside and
-                        // generalize?
-                        ErrorKind::TypeError {
-                            expected: "sha256",
-                            actual: "not a sha256",
+                    match nix_compat::nixhash::from_str(
+                        expected.into_bstring().to_str()?,
+                        Some("sha256"),
+                    ) {
+                        Ok(NixHash::Sha256(digest)) => Ok(digest),
+                        Ok(_) => unreachable!(),
+                        Err(_e) => {
+                            // TODO: a better error would be nice, we use
+                            // DerivationError::InvalidOutputHash usually for derivation construction.
+                            // This is not a derivation construction, should we move it outside and
+                            // generalize?
+                            Err(ErrorKind::TypeError {
+                                expected: "sha256",
+                                actual: "not a sha256",
+                            })
-                    })
+                    }
-        // Check if the path points to a regular file.
-        // If it does, the filter function is never executed.
-        // TODO: follow symlinks and check their type instead
-        let (root_node, ca_hash) = match state.file_type(path.as_ref())? {
+        // As a first step, we ingest the contents, and get back a root node,
+        // and optionally the sha256 a flat file.
+        let (root_node, ca) = match state.file_type(path.as_ref())? {
+            // Check if the path points to a regular file.
+            // If it does, the filter function is never executed, and we copy to the blobservice directly.
+            // If recursive is false, we need to calculate the sha256 digest of the raw contents,
+            // as that affects the output path calculation.
             FileType::Regular => {
                 let mut file = state.open(path.as_ref())?;
-                // This is a single file, copy it to the blobservice directly.
-                let mut hash = sha2::Sha256::new();
+                let mut flat_sha256 = (!recursive_ingestion).then(sha2::Sha256::new);
                 let mut blob_size = 0;
                 let mut blob_writer = state
                     .block_on(async { state.blob_service.open_write().await });
-                let mut buf = [0u8; 4096];
+                // read piece by piece and write to blob_writer.
+                // This is a bit manual due to EvalIO being sync, while everything else async.
+                {
+                    let mut buf = [0u8; 4096];
-                loop {
-                    // read bytes into buffer, break out if EOF
-                    let len = file.read(&mut buf)?;
-                    if len == 0 {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                    blob_size += len as u64;
+                    loop {
+                        // read bytes into buffer, break out if EOF
+                        let len = file.read(&mut buf)?;
+                        if len == 0 {
+                            break;
+                        }
+                        blob_size += len as u64;
-                    let data = &buf[0..len];
+                        let data = &buf[0..len];
-                    // add to blobwriter
-                    state
-                        .tokio_handle
-                        .block_on(async { blob_writer.write_all(data).await })?;
+                        // add to blobwriter
+                        state
+                            .tokio_handle
+                            .block_on(async { blob_writer.write_all(data).await })?;
-                    // update the sha256 hash function. We can skip that if we're not using it.
-                    if !recursive_ingestion {
-                        hash.update(data);
+                        // update blob_sha256 if needed.
+                        if let Some(h) = flat_sha256.as_mut() {
+                            h.update(data)
+                        }
-                // close the blob writer, get back the b3 digest.
-                let blob_digest = state
-                    .tokio_handle
-                    .block_on(async { blob_writer.close().await })?;
-                let root_node = Node::File {
-                    digest: blob_digest,
-                    size: blob_size,
-                    executable: false,
-                };
-                let ca_hash = if recursive_ingestion {
-                    let (_nar_size, nar_sha256) = state
-                        .tokio_handle
-                        .block_on(async {
-                            state
-                                .nar_calculation_service
-                                .as_ref()
-                                .calculate_nar(&root_node)
-                                .await
-                        })
-                        .map_err(|e| tvix_eval::ErrorKind::TvixError(Rc::new(e)))?;
-                    CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256))
-                } else {
-                    CAHash::Flat(NixHash::Sha256(hash.finalize().into()))
-                };
-                (root_node, ca_hash)
+                // close the blob writer, construct the root node and the blob_sha256 (later used for output path calculation)
+                (
+                    Node::File {
+                        digest: state
+                            .tokio_handle
+                            .block_on(async { blob_writer.close().await })?,
+                        size: blob_size,
+                        executable: false,
+                    },
+                    {
+                        // If non-recursive ingestion is requested…
+                        if let Some(flat_sha256) = flat_sha256 {
+                            let actual_sha256 = flat_sha256.finalize().into();
+                            // compare the recorded flat hash with an upfront one if provided.
+                            if let Some(expected_sha256) = expected_sha256 {
+                                if actual_sha256 != expected_sha256 {
+                                    return Err(ImportError::HashMismatch(
+                                        path,
+                                        NixHash::Sha256(expected_sha256),
+                                        NixHash::Sha256(actual_sha256),
+                                    )
+                                    .into());
+                                }
+                            }
+                            Some(CAHash::Flat(NixHash::Sha256(actual_sha256)))
+                        } else {
+                            None
+                        }
+                    },
+                )
-            FileType::Directory => {
-                if !recursive_ingestion {
-                    return Err(ImportError::FlatImportOfNonFile(
-                        path.to_string_lossy().to_string(),
-                    ))?;
-                }
-                // do the filtered ingest
-                let root_node = filtered_ingest(state.clone(), co, path.as_ref(), filter).await?;
-                // calculate the NAR sha256
-                let (_nar_size, nar_sha256) = state
-                    .tokio_handle
-                    .block_on(async {
-                        state
-                            .nar_calculation_service
-                            .as_ref()
-                            .calculate_nar(&root_node)
-                            .await
-                    })
-                    .map_err(|e| tvix_eval::ErrorKind::TvixError(Rc::new(e)))?;
-                let ca_hash = CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256));
-                (root_node, ca_hash)
+            FileType::Directory if !recursive_ingestion => {
+                return Err(ImportError::FlatImportOfNonFile(path))?
+            // do the filtered ingest
+            FileType::Directory => (
+                filtered_ingest(state.clone(), co, path.as_ref(), filter).await?,
+                None,
+            ),
             FileType::Symlink => {
                 // FUTUREWORK: Nix follows a symlink if it's at the root,
                 // except if it's not resolve-able (NixOS/nix#7761).i
@@ -287,26 +292,63 @@ mod import_builtins {
-        if let Some(expected_sha256) = expected_sha256 {
-            if *ca_hash.hash() != expected_sha256 {
-                Err(ImportError::HashMismatch(
-                    path.to_string_lossy().to_string(),
-                    expected_sha256,
-                    ca_hash.hash().into_owned(),
-                ))?;
+        // Calculate the NAR sha256.
+        let (nar_size, nar_sha256) = state
+            .tokio_handle
+            .block_on(async {
+                state
+                    .nar_calculation_service
+                    .as_ref()
+                    .calculate_nar(&root_node)
+                    .await
+            })
+            .map_err(|e| tvix_eval::ErrorKind::TvixError(Rc::new(e)))?;
+        // Calculate the CA hash for the recursive cases, this is only already
+        // `Some(_)` for flat ingestion.
+        let ca = match ca {
+            None => {
+                // If an upfront-expected NAR hash was specified, compare.
+                if let Some(expected_nar_sha256) = expected_sha256 {
+                    if expected_nar_sha256 != nar_sha256 {
+                        return Err(ImportError::HashMismatch(
+                            path,
+                            NixHash::Sha256(expected_nar_sha256),
+                            NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256),
+                        )
+                        .into());
+                    }
+                }
+                CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256))
-        }
+            Some(ca) => ca,
+        };
+        let store_path = build_ca_path(&name, &ca, Vec::<&str>::new(), false)
+            .map_err(|e| tvix_eval::ErrorKind::TvixError(Rc::new(e)))?;
         let path_info = state
             .block_on(async {
-                    .register_in_path_info_service(name.as_ref(), path.as_ref(), ca_hash, root_node)
+                    .path_info_service
+                    .as_ref()
+                    .put(PathInfo {
+                        store_path,
+                        node: root_node,
+                        // There's no reference scanning on path contents ingested like this.
+                        references: vec![],
+                        nar_size,
+                        nar_sha256,
+                        signatures: vec![],
+                        deriver: None,
+                        ca: Some(ca),
+                    })
             .map_err(|e| tvix_eval::ErrorKind::IO {
                 path: Some(path.to_path_buf()),
-                error: Rc::new(e),
+                error: Rc::new(e.into()),
         // We need to attach context to the final output path.
@@ -332,24 +374,46 @@ mod import_builtins {
         let path_info = state
             .block_on(async {
-                let (_, nar_sha256) = state
+                // Ask the PathInfoService for the NAR size and sha256
+                // We always need it no matter what is the actual hash mode
+                // because the [PathInfo] needs to contain nar_{sha256,size}.
+                let (nar_size, nar_sha256) = state
+                let ca = CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256));
+                // Calculate the output path. This might still fail, as some names are illegal.
+                let output_path =
+                    nix_compat::store_path::build_ca_path(name, &ca, Vec::<&str>::new(), false)
+                        .map_err(|_| {
+                            std::io::Error::new(
+                                std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                                format!("invalid name: {}", name),
+                            )
+                        })?;
-                    .register_in_path_info_service(
-                        name,
-                        &p,
-                        CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256)),
-                        root_node,
-                    )
+                    .path_info_service
+                    .as_ref()
+                    .put(PathInfo {
+                        store_path: output_path,
+                        node: root_node,
+                        // There's no reference scanning on path contents ingested like this.
+                        references: vec![],
+                        nar_size,
+                        nar_sha256,
+                        signatures: vec![],
+                        deriver: None,
+                        ca: Some(ca),
+                    })
-            .map_err(|err| ErrorKind::IO {
+            .map_err(|e| ErrorKind::IO {
                 path: Some(p.to_path_buf()),
-                error: err.into(),
+                error: Rc::new(e.into()),
         // We need to attach context to the final output path.
diff --git a/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs b/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs
index b5877566d524..839d2ae85845 100644
--- a/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs
+++ b/tvix/glue/src/tvix_store_io.rs
@@ -384,56 +384,6 @@ impl TvixStoreIO {
             .map_err(|e| std::io::Error::new(io::ErrorKind::Other, e))
-    async fn node_to_path_info<'a>(
-        &self,
-        name: &'a str,
-        path: &Path,
-        ca: CAHash,
-        root_node: Node,
-    ) -> io::Result<PathInfo> {
-        // Ask the PathInfoService for the NAR size and sha256
-        // We always need it no matter what is the actual hash mode
-        // because the [PathInfo] needs to contain nar_{sha256,size}.
-        let (nar_size, nar_sha256) = self
-            .nar_calculation_service
-            .as_ref()
-            .calculate_nar(&root_node)
-            .await?;
-        // Calculate the output path. This might still fail, as some names are illegal.
-        let output_path =
-            nix_compat::store_path::build_ca_path(name, &ca, Vec::<&str>::new(), false).map_err(
-                |_| {
-                    std::io::Error::new(
-                        std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
-                        format!("invalid name: {}", name),
-                    )
-                },
-            )?;
-        tvix_store::import::log_node(name.as_bytes(), &root_node, path);
-        // construct a PathInfo
-        Ok(tvix_store::import::derive_nar_ca_path_info(
-            nar_size,
-            nar_sha256,
-            Some(ca),
-            output_path,
-            root_node,
-        ))
-    }
-    pub(crate) async fn register_in_path_info_service<'a>(
-        &self,
-        name: &'a str,
-        path: &Path,
-        ca: CAHash,
-        root_node: Node,
-    ) -> io::Result<PathInfo> {
-        let path_info = self.node_to_path_info(name, path, ca, root_node).await?;
-        Ok(self.path_info_service.as_ref().put(path_info).await?)
-    }
 impl EvalIO for TvixStoreIO {
@@ -589,7 +539,7 @@ impl EvalIO for TvixStoreIO {
     #[instrument(skip(self), ret(level = Level::TRACE), err)]
     fn import_path(&self, path: &Path) -> io::Result<PathBuf> {
-        let output_path = self.tokio_handle.block_on(async {
+        let path_info = self.tokio_handle.block_on({
@@ -598,10 +548,10 @@ impl EvalIO for TvixStoreIO {
-            .await
-        Ok(output_path.to_absolute_path().into())
+        // From the returned PathInfo, extract the store path and return it.
+        Ok(path_info.store_path.to_absolute_path().into())
     #[instrument(skip(self), ret(level = Level::TRACE))]
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/bin/tvix-store.rs b/tvix/store/src/bin/tvix-store.rs
index f39b73df2e0b..6cc7c39ab74e 100644
--- a/tvix/store/src/bin/tvix-store.rs
+++ b/tvix/store/src/bin/tvix-store.rs
@@ -262,9 +262,9 @@ async fn run_cli(cli: Cli) -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error + Send + Sync
-                                if let Ok(output_path) = resp {
+                                if let Ok(path_info) = resp {
                                     // If the import was successful, print the path to stdout.
-                                    println!("{}", output_path.to_absolute_path());
+                                    println!("{}", path_info.store_path.to_absolute_path());
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/import.rs b/tvix/store/src/import.rs
index 1e9fd060b492..8101b6635a89 100644
--- a/tvix/store/src/import.rs
+++ b/tvix/store/src/import.rs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use tvix_castore::{
 use nix_compat::{
     nixhash::{CAHash, NixHash},
-    store_path::{self, StorePath, StorePathRef},
+    store_path::{self, StorePath},
 use crate::{
@@ -70,38 +70,10 @@ pub fn path_to_name(path: &Path) -> std::io::Result<&str> {
-/// Takes the NAR size, SHA-256 of the NAR representation, the root node and optionally
-/// a CA hash information.
-/// Constructs a [PathInfo] for a NAR-style object.
-/// The user can then further fill the fields (like deriver, signatures), and/or
-/// verify to have the expected hashes.
-pub fn derive_nar_ca_path_info(
-    nar_size: u64,
-    nar_sha256: [u8; 32],
-    ca: Option<CAHash>,
-    store_path: StorePath<String>,
-    root_node: Node,
-) -> PathInfo {
-    // assemble the [crate::proto::PathInfo] object.
-    PathInfo {
-        store_path,
-        node: root_node,
-        // There's no reference scanning on path contents ingested like this.
-        references: vec![],
-        nar_size,
-        nar_sha256,
-        signatures: vec![],
-        deriver: None,
-        ca,
-    }
 /// Ingest the contents at the given path `path` into castore, and registers the
 /// resulting root node in the passed PathInfoService, using the "NAR sha256
 /// digest" and the passed name for output path calculation.
+/// Inserts the PathInfo into the PathInfoService and returns it back to the caller.
 #[instrument(skip_all, fields(store_name=name, path=?path), err)]
 pub async fn import_path_as_nar_ca<BS, DS, PS, NS, P>(
     path: P,
@@ -110,7 +82,7 @@ pub async fn import_path_as_nar_ca<BS, DS, PS, NS, P>(
     directory_service: DS,
     path_info_service: PS,
     nar_calculation_service: NS,
-) -> Result<StorePathRef, std::io::Error>
+) -> Result<PathInfo, std::io::Error>
     P: AsRef<Path> + std::fmt::Debug,
     BS: BlobService + Clone,
@@ -118,6 +90,7 @@ where
     PS: AsRef<dyn PathInfoService>,
     NS: NarCalculationService,
+    // Ingest the contents at the given path `path` into castore.
     let root_node =
         ingest_path::<_, _, _, &[u8]>(blob_service, directory_service, path.as_ref(), None)
@@ -129,29 +102,29 @@ where
     // Calculate the output path. This might still fail, as some names are illegal.
     // FUTUREWORK: express the `name` at the type level to be valid and move the conversion
     // at the caller level.
-    let output_path = store_path::build_nar_based_store_path(&nar_sha256, name).map_err(|_| {
-        std::io::Error::new(
-            std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
-            format!("invalid name: {}", name),
-        )
-    })?;
-    log_node(name.as_ref(), &root_node, path.as_ref());
-    let path_info = derive_nar_ca_path_info(
-        nar_size,
-        nar_sha256,
-        Some(CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256))),
-        output_path.to_owned(),
-        root_node,
-    );
-    // This new [`PathInfo`] that we get back from there might contain additional signatures or
-    // information set by the service itself. In this function, we silently swallow it because
-    // callers don't really need it.
-    let _path_info = path_info_service.as_ref().put(path_info).await?;
-    Ok(output_path)
+    let output_path: StorePath<String> = store_path::build_nar_based_store_path(&nar_sha256, name)
+        .map_err(|_| {
+            std::io::Error::new(
+                std::io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
+                format!("invalid name: {}", name),
+            )
+        })?;
+    // Insert a PathInfo. On success, return it back to the caller.
+    Ok(path_info_service
+        .as_ref()
+        .put(PathInfo {
+            store_path: output_path.to_owned(),
+            node: root_node,
+            // There's no reference scanning on imported paths
+            references: vec![],
+            nar_size,
+            nar_sha256,
+            signatures: vec![],
+            deriver: None,
+            ca: Some(CAHash::Nar(NixHash::Sha256(nar_sha256))),
+        })
+        .await?)