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path: root/tvix/tools/narinfo2parquet/src/main.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/tools/narinfo2parquet/src/main.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 264 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/tools/narinfo2parquet/src/main.rs b/tvix/tools/narinfo2parquet/src/main.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index ea3d39af5503..000000000000
--- a/tvix/tools/narinfo2parquet/src/main.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,264 +0,0 @@
-//! narinfo2parquet operates on a narinfo.zst directory produced by turbofetch.
-//! It takes the name of a segment file in `narinfo.zst` and writes a Parquet file
-//! with the same name into the `narinfo.pq` directory.
-//! Run it under GNU Parallel for parallelism:
-//! ```shell
-//! mkdir narinfo.pq && ls narinfo.zst | parallel --bar 'narinfo2parquet {}'
-//! ```
-use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
-use jemallocator::Jemalloc;
-use nix_compat::{
-    narinfo::{self, NarInfo},
-    nixbase32,
-use polars::{io::parquet::ParquetWriter, prelude::*};
-use std::{
-    fs::{self, File},
-    io::{self, BufRead, BufReader, Read},
-    path::Path,
-use tempfile_fast::PersistableTempFile;
-static GLOBAL: Jemalloc = Jemalloc;
-fn main() -> Result<()> {
-    let file_name = std::env::args().nth(1).expect("file name missing");
-    let input_path = Path::new("narinfo.zst").join(&file_name);
-    let output_path = Path::new("narinfo.pq").join(&file_name);
-    match fs::metadata(&output_path) {
-        Err(e) if e.kind() == io::ErrorKind::NotFound => {}
-        Err(e) => bail!(e),
-        Ok(_) => bail!("output path already exists: {output_path:?}"),
-    }
-    let reader = File::open(input_path).and_then(zstd::Decoder::new)?;
-    let mut frame = FrameBuilder::default();
-    for_each(reader, |s| {
-        let entry = NarInfo::parse(&s).context("couldn't parse entry:\n{s}")?;
-        frame.push(&entry);
-        Ok(())
-    })?;
-    let mut frame = frame.finish();
-    let mut writer = PersistableTempFile::new_in(output_path.parent().unwrap())?;
-    ParquetWriter::new(&mut writer)
-        .with_compression(ParquetCompression::Gzip(None))
-        .with_statistics(true)
-        .finish(frame.align_chunks())?;
-    writer
-        .persist_noclobber(output_path)
-        .map_err(|e| e.error)
-        .context("couldn't commit output file")?;
-    Ok(())
-fn for_each(reader: impl Read, mut f: impl FnMut(&str) -> Result<()>) -> Result<()> {
-    let mut reader = BufReader::new(reader);
-    let mut group = String::new();
-    loop {
-        let prev_len = group.len();
-        if prev_len > 1024 * 1024 {
-            bail!("excessively large segment");
-        }
-        reader.read_line(&mut group)?;
-        let (prev, line) = group.split_at(prev_len);
-        // EOF
-        if line.is_empty() {
-            break;
-        }
-        // skip empty line
-        if line == "\n" {
-            group.pop().unwrap();
-            continue;
-        }
-        if !prev.is_empty() && line.starts_with("StorePath:") {
-            f(prev)?;
-            group.drain(..prev_len);
-        }
-    }
-    if !group.is_empty() {
-        f(&group)?;
-    }
-    Ok(())
-/// [FrameBuilder] builds a [DataFrame] out of [NarInfo]s.
-/// The exact format is still in flux.
-/// # Example
-/// ```no_run
-/// |narinfos: &[NarInfo]| -> DataFrame {
-///     let frame_builder = FrameBuilder::default();
-///     narinfos.for_each(|n| frame_builder.push(n));
-///     frame_builder.finish()
-/// }
-/// ```
-struct FrameBuilder {
-    store_path_hash_str: StringChunkedBuilder,
-    store_path_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    store_path_name: StringChunkedBuilder,
-    deriver_hash_str: StringChunkedBuilder,
-    deriver_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    deriver_name: StringChunkedBuilder,
-    nar_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    nar_size: PrimitiveChunkedBuilder<UInt64Type>,
-    references: ListBinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    ca_algo: CategoricalChunkedBuilder<'static>,
-    ca_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    signature: BinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    file_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder,
-    file_size: PrimitiveChunkedBuilder<UInt64Type>,
-    compression: CategoricalChunkedBuilder<'static>,
-    quirk_references_out_of_order: BooleanChunkedBuilder,
-    quirk_nar_hash_hex: BooleanChunkedBuilder,
-impl Default for FrameBuilder {
-    fn default() -> Self {
-        Self {
-            store_path_hash_str: StringChunkedBuilder::new("store_path_hash_str", 0, 0),
-            store_path_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder::new("store_path_hash", 0, 0),
-            store_path_name: StringChunkedBuilder::new("store_path_name", 0, 0),
-            deriver_hash_str: StringChunkedBuilder::new("deriver_hash_str", 0, 0),
-            deriver_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder::new("deriver_hash", 0, 0),
-            deriver_name: StringChunkedBuilder::new("deriver_name", 0, 0),
-            nar_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder::new("nar_hash", 0, 0),
-            nar_size: PrimitiveChunkedBuilder::new("nar_size", 0),
-            references: ListBinaryChunkedBuilder::new("references", 0, 0),
-            signature: BinaryChunkedBuilder::new("signature", 0, 0),
-            ca_algo: CategoricalChunkedBuilder::new("ca_algo", 0, CategoricalOrdering::Lexical),
-            ca_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder::new("ca_hash", 0, 0),
-            file_hash: BinaryChunkedBuilder::new("file_hash", 0, 0),
-            file_size: PrimitiveChunkedBuilder::new("file_size", 0),
-            compression: CategoricalChunkedBuilder::new(
-                "compression",
-                0,
-                CategoricalOrdering::Lexical,
-            ),
-            quirk_references_out_of_order: BooleanChunkedBuilder::new(
-                "quirk_references_out_of_order",
-                0,
-            ),
-            quirk_nar_hash_hex: BooleanChunkedBuilder::new("quirk_nar_hash_hex", 0),
-        }
-    }
-impl FrameBuilder {
-    fn push(&mut self, entry: &NarInfo) {
-        self.store_path_hash_str
-            .append_value(nixbase32::encode(entry.store_path.digest()));
-        self.store_path_hash.append_value(entry.store_path.digest());
-        self.store_path_name.append_value(entry.store_path.name());
-        if let Some(deriver) = &entry.deriver {
-            self.deriver_hash_str
-                .append_value(nixbase32::encode(deriver.digest()));
-            self.deriver_hash.append_value(deriver.digest());
-            self.deriver_name.append_value(deriver.name());
-        } else {
-            self.deriver_hash_str.append_null();
-            self.deriver_hash.append_null();
-            self.deriver_name.append_null();
-        }
-        self.nar_hash.append_value(&entry.nar_hash);
-        self.nar_size.append_value(entry.nar_size);
-        self.references
-            .append_values_iter(entry.references.iter().map(|r| r.digest().as_slice()));
-        assert!(entry.signatures.len() <= 1);
-        self.signature
-            .append_option(entry.signatures.get(0).map(|sig| {
-                assert_eq!(sig.name(), &"cache.nixos.org-1");
-                sig.bytes()
-            }));
-        if let Some(ca) = &entry.ca {
-            self.ca_algo.append_value(ca.algo_str());
-            self.ca_hash.append_value(ca.hash().digest_as_bytes());
-        } else {
-            self.ca_algo.append_null();
-            self.ca_hash.append_null();
-        }
-        let file_hash = entry.file_hash.as_ref().unwrap();
-        let file_size = entry.file_size.unwrap();
-        self.file_hash.append_value(file_hash);
-        self.file_size.append_value(file_size);
-        let (compression, extension) = match entry.compression {
-            Some("bzip2") => ("bzip2", "bz2"),
-            Some("xz") => ("xz", "xz"),
-            Some("zstd") => ("zstd", "zst"),
-            x => panic!("unknown compression algorithm: {x:?}"),
-        };
-        self.compression.append_value(compression);
-        let mut file_name = nixbase32::encode(file_hash);
-        file_name.push_str(".nar.");
-        file_name.push_str(extension);
-        assert_eq!(entry.url.strip_prefix("nar/").unwrap(), file_name);
-        {
-            use narinfo::Flags;
-            self.quirk_references_out_of_order
-                .append_value(entry.flags.contains(Flags::REFERENCES_OUT_OF_ORDER));
-            self.quirk_nar_hash_hex
-                .append_value(entry.flags.contains(Flags::NAR_HASH_HEX));
-            let quirks = Flags::REFERENCES_OUT_OF_ORDER | Flags::NAR_HASH_HEX;
-            let unknown_flags = entry.flags.difference(quirks);
-            assert!(
-                unknown_flags.is_empty(),
-                "rejecting flags: {unknown_flags:?}"
-            );
-        }
-    }
-    fn finish(mut self) -> DataFrame {
-        df! {
-            "store_path_hash_str" => self.store_path_hash_str.finish().into_series(),
-            "store_path_hash" => self.store_path_hash.finish().into_series(),
-            "store_path_name" => self.store_path_name.finish().into_series(),
-            "deriver_hash_str" => self.deriver_hash_str.finish().into_series(),
-            "deriver_hash" => self.deriver_hash.finish().into_series(),
-            "deriver_name" => self.deriver_name.finish().into_series(),
-            "nar_hash" => self.nar_hash.finish().into_series(),
-            "nar_size" => self.nar_size.finish().into_series(),
-            "references" => self.references.finish().into_series(),
-            "signature" => self.signature.finish().into_series(),
-            "ca_algo" => self.ca_algo.finish().into_series(),
-            "ca_hash" => self.ca_hash.finish().into_series(),
-            "file_hash" => self.file_hash.finish().into_series(),
-            "file_size" => self.file_size.finish().into_series(),
-            "compression" => self.compression.finish().into_series(),
-            "quirk_references_out_of_order" => self.quirk_references_out_of_order.finish().into_series(),
-            "quirk_nar_hash_hex" => self.quirk_nar_hash_hex.finish().into_series()
-        }
-        .unwrap()
-    }