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path: root/tvix/store/src/proto.rs
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/store/src/proto.rs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 350 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/store/src/proto.rs b/tvix/store/src/proto.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ca3af321c86..000000000000
--- a/tvix/store/src/proto.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,350 +0,0 @@
-// https://github.com/hyperium/tonic/issues/1056
-use std::{collections::HashSet, iter::Peekable};
-use thiserror::Error;
-use prost::Message;
-use nix_compat::store_path::{ParseStorePathError, StorePath};
-#[cfg(feature = "reflection")]
-/// Compiled file descriptors for implementing [gRPC
-/// reflection](https://github.com/grpc/grpc/blob/master/doc/server-reflection.md) with e.g.
-/// [`tonic_reflection`](https://docs.rs/tonic-reflection).
-pub const FILE_DESCRIPTOR_SET: &[u8] = tonic::include_file_descriptor_set!("tvix.store.v1");
-/// Errors that can occur during the validation of Directory messages.
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Error)]
-pub enum ValidateDirectoryError {
-    /// Elements are not in sorted order
-    #[error("{0} is not sorted")]
-    WrongSorting(String),
-    /// Multiple elements with the same name encountered
-    #[error("{0} is a duplicate name")]
-    DuplicateName(String),
-    /// Invalid name encountered
-    #[error("Invalid name in {0}")]
-    InvalidName(String),
-    /// Invalid digest length encountered
-    #[error("Invalid Digest length: {0}")]
-    InvalidDigestLen(usize),
-/// Errors that can occur during the validation of PathInfo messages.
-#[derive(Debug, Error, PartialEq)]
-pub enum ValidatePathInfoError {
-    /// No node present
-    #[error("No node present")]
-    NoNodePresent(),
-    /// Invalid node name encountered.
-    #[error("Failed to parse {0} as NixPath: {1}")]
-    InvalidNodeName(String, ParseStorePathError),
-    /// The digest the (root) node refers to has invalid length.
-    #[error("Invalid Digest length: {0}")]
-    InvalidDigestLen(usize),
-    /// The number of references in the narinfo.reference_names field does not match
-    /// the number of references in the .references field.
-    #[error("Inconsistent Number of References: {0} (references) vs {0} (narinfo)")]
-    InconsistentNumberOfReferences(usize, usize),
-/// Checks a Node name for validity as an intermediate node, and returns an
-/// error that's generated from the supplied constructor.
-/// We disallow slashes, null bytes, '.', '..' and the empty string.
-fn validate_node_name<E>(name: &str, err: fn(String) -> E) -> Result<(), E> {
-    if name.is_empty() || name == ".." || name == "." || name.contains('\x00') || name.contains('/')
-    {
-        return Err(err(name.to_string()));
-    }
-    Ok(())
-/// Checks a digest for validity.
-/// Digests are 32 bytes long, as we store blake3 digests.
-fn validate_digest<E>(digest: &Vec<u8>, err: fn(usize) -> E) -> Result<(), E> {
-    if digest.len() != 32 {
-        return Err(err(digest.len()));
-    }
-    Ok(())
-/// Parses a root node name.
-/// On success, this returns the parsed [StorePath].
-/// On error, it returns an error generated from the supplied constructor.
-fn parse_node_name_root<E>(
-    name: &str,
-    err: fn(String, ParseStorePathError) -> E,
-) -> Result<StorePath, E> {
-    match StorePath::from_string(name) {
-        Ok(np) => Ok(np),
-        Err(e) => Err(err(name.to_string(), e)),
-    }
-impl PathInfo {
-    /// validate performs some checks on the PathInfo struct,
-    /// Returning either a [StorePath] of the root node, or a
-    /// [ValidatePathInfoError].
-    pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<StorePath, ValidatePathInfoError> {
-        // If there is a narinfo field populated, ensure the number of references there
-        // matches PathInfo.references count.
-        if let Some(narinfo) = &self.narinfo {
-            if narinfo.reference_names.len() != self.references.len() {
-                return Err(ValidatePathInfoError::InconsistentNumberOfReferences(
-                    narinfo.reference_names.len(),
-                    self.references.len(),
-                ));
-            }
-        }
-        // FUTUREWORK: parse references in reference_names. ensure they start
-        // with storeDir, and use the same digest as in self.references.
-        // Ensure there is a (root) node present, and it properly parses to a [StorePath].
-        let root_nix_path = match &self.node {
-            None => {
-                return Err(ValidatePathInfoError::NoNodePresent());
-            }
-            Some(Node { node }) => match node {
-                None => {
-                    return Err(ValidatePathInfoError::NoNodePresent());
-                }
-                Some(node::Node::Directory(directory_node)) => {
-                    // ensure the digest has the appropriate size.
-                    validate_digest(
-                        &directory_node.digest,
-                        ValidatePathInfoError::InvalidDigestLen,
-                    )?;
-                    // parse the name
-                    parse_node_name_root(
-                        &directory_node.name,
-                        ValidatePathInfoError::InvalidNodeName,
-                    )?
-                }
-                Some(node::Node::File(file_node)) => {
-                    // ensure the digest has the appropriate size.
-                    validate_digest(&file_node.digest, ValidatePathInfoError::InvalidDigestLen)?;
-                    // parse the name
-                    parse_node_name_root(&file_node.name, ValidatePathInfoError::InvalidNodeName)?
-                }
-                Some(node::Node::Symlink(symlink_node)) => {
-                    // parse the name
-                    parse_node_name_root(
-                        &symlink_node.name,
-                        ValidatePathInfoError::InvalidNodeName,
-                    )?
-                }
-            },
-        };
-        // return the root nix path
-        Ok(root_nix_path)
-    }
-/// NamedNode is implemented for [FileNode], [DirectoryNode] and [SymlinkNode]
-/// and [node::Node], so we can ask all of them for the name easily.
-pub trait NamedNode {
-    fn get_name(&self) -> &str;
-impl NamedNode for &FileNode {
-    fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
-        self.name.as_str()
-    }
-impl NamedNode for &DirectoryNode {
-    fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
-        self.name.as_str()
-    }
-impl NamedNode for &SymlinkNode {
-    fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
-        self.name.as_str()
-    }
-impl NamedNode for node::Node {
-    fn get_name(&self) -> &str {
-        match self {
-            node::Node::File(node_file) => &node_file.name,
-            node::Node::Directory(node_directory) => &node_directory.name,
-            node::Node::Symlink(node_symlink) => &node_symlink.name,
-        }
-    }
-/// Accepts a name, and a mutable reference to the previous name.
-/// If the passed name is larger than the previous one, the reference is updated.
-/// If it's not, an error is returned.
-fn update_if_lt_prev<'set, 'n>(
-    prev_name: &'set mut &'n str,
-    name: &'n str,
-) -> Result<(), ValidateDirectoryError> {
-    if *name < **prev_name {
-        return Err(ValidateDirectoryError::WrongSorting(name.to_string()));
-    }
-    *prev_name = name;
-    Ok(())
-/// Inserts the given name into a HashSet if it's not already in there.
-/// If it is, an error is returned.
-fn insert_once<'n>(
-    seen_names: &mut HashSet<&'n str>,
-    name: &'n str,
-) -> Result<(), ValidateDirectoryError> {
-    if seen_names.get(name).is_some() {
-        return Err(ValidateDirectoryError::DuplicateName(name.to_string()));
-    }
-    seen_names.insert(name);
-    Ok(())
-impl Directory {
-    /// The size of a directory is the number of all regular and symlink elements,
-    /// the number of directory elements, and their size fields.
-    pub fn size(&self) -> u32 {
-        self.files.len() as u32
-            + self.symlinks.len() as u32
-            + self
-                .directories
-                .iter()
-                .fold(0, |acc: u32, e| (acc + 1 + e.size))
-    }
-    /// Calculates the digest of a Directory, which is the blake3 hash of a
-    /// Directory protobuf message, serialized in protobuf canonical form.
-    pub fn digest(&self) -> Vec<u8> {
-        let mut hasher = blake3::Hasher::new();
-        hasher.update(&self.encode_to_vec()).finalize().as_bytes()[..].to_vec()
-    }
-    /// validate checks the directory for invalid data, such as:
-    /// - violations of name restrictions
-    /// - invalid digest lengths
-    /// - not properly sorted lists
-    /// - duplicate names in the three lists
-    pub fn validate(&self) -> Result<(), ValidateDirectoryError> {
-        let mut seen_names: HashSet<&str> = HashSet::new();
-        let mut last_directory_name: &str = "";
-        let mut last_file_name: &str = "";
-        let mut last_symlink_name: &str = "";
-        // check directories
-        for directory_node in &self.directories {
-            validate_node_name(&directory_node.name, ValidateDirectoryError::InvalidName)?;
-            validate_digest(
-                &directory_node.digest,
-                ValidateDirectoryError::InvalidDigestLen,
-            )?;
-            update_if_lt_prev(&mut last_directory_name, directory_node.name.as_str())?;
-            insert_once(&mut seen_names, directory_node.name.as_str())?;
-        }
-        // check files
-        for file_node in &self.files {
-            validate_node_name(&file_node.name, ValidateDirectoryError::InvalidName)?;
-            validate_digest(&file_node.digest, ValidateDirectoryError::InvalidDigestLen)?;
-            update_if_lt_prev(&mut last_file_name, file_node.name.as_str())?;
-            insert_once(&mut seen_names, file_node.name.as_str())?;
-        }
-        // check symlinks
-        for symlink_node in &self.symlinks {
-            validate_node_name(&symlink_node.name, ValidateDirectoryError::InvalidName)?;
-            update_if_lt_prev(&mut last_symlink_name, symlink_node.name.as_str())?;
-            insert_once(&mut seen_names, symlink_node.name.as_str())?;
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Allows iterating over all three nodes ([DirectoryNode], [FileNode],
-    /// [SymlinkNode]) in an ordered fashion, as long as the individual lists
-    /// are sorted (which can be checked by the [Directory::validate]).
-    pub fn nodes(&self) -> DirectoryNodesIterator {
-        return DirectoryNodesIterator {
-            i_directories: self.directories.iter().peekable(),
-            i_files: self.files.iter().peekable(),
-            i_symlinks: self.symlinks.iter().peekable(),
-        };
-    }
-/// Struct to hold the state of an iterator over all nodes of a Directory.
-/// Internally, this keeps peekable Iterators over all three lists of a
-/// Directory message.
-pub struct DirectoryNodesIterator<'a> {
-    // directory: &Directory,
-    i_directories: Peekable<std::slice::Iter<'a, DirectoryNode>>,
-    i_files: Peekable<std::slice::Iter<'a, FileNode>>,
-    i_symlinks: Peekable<std::slice::Iter<'a, SymlinkNode>>,
-/// looks at two elements implementing NamedNode, and returns true if "left
-/// is smaller / comes first".
-/// Some(_) is preferred over None.
-fn left_name_lt_right<A: NamedNode, B: NamedNode>(left: Option<&A>, right: Option<&B>) -> bool {
-    match left {
-        // if left is None, right always wins
-        None => false,
-        Some(left_inner) => {
-            // left is Some.
-            match right {
-                // left is Some, right is None - left wins.
-                None => true,
-                Some(right_inner) => {
-                    // both are Some - compare the name.
-                    return left_inner.get_name() < right_inner.get_name();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-impl Iterator for DirectoryNodesIterator<'_> {
-    type Item = node::Node;
-    // next returns the next node in the Directory.
-    // we peek at all three internal iterators, and pick the one with the
-    // smallest name, to ensure lexicographical ordering.
-    // The individual lists are already known to be sorted.
-    fn next(&mut self) -> Option<Self::Item> {
-        if left_name_lt_right(self.i_directories.peek(), self.i_files.peek()) {
-            // i_directories is still in the game, compare with symlinks
-            if left_name_lt_right(self.i_directories.peek(), self.i_symlinks.peek()) {
-                self.i_directories
-                    .next()
-                    .cloned()
-                    .map(node::Node::Directory)
-            } else {
-                self.i_symlinks.next().cloned().map(node::Node::Symlink)
-            }
-        } else {
-            // i_files is still in the game, compare with symlinks
-            if left_name_lt_right(self.i_files.peek(), self.i_symlinks.peek()) {
-                self.i_files.next().cloned().map(node::Node::File)
-            } else {
-                self.i_symlinks.next().cloned().map(node::Node::Symlink)
-            }
-        }
-    }