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path: root/tvix/proto/evaluator.proto
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/proto/evaluator.proto')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 144 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/proto/evaluator.proto b/tvix/proto/evaluator.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 96431a0b3bfb..000000000000
--- a/tvix/proto/evaluator.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
-// Copyright © 2021 The Tvix Authors
-syntax = "proto3";
-package tvix.proto.v1;
-service EvaluatorService {
-  rpc Evaluate(stream EvaluateRequest) returns (stream EvaluateResponse) {}
-// Message types for EvaluateRequest
-message EvaluateFile {
-  // Absolute path at which the evaluator can find the file to be
-  // evaluated.
-  string file_path = 1;
-  // Optional attribute that should be evaluated within the file,
-  // assuming that the value it evaluates to is an attribute set.
-  optional string attribute = 2;
-  // Additional arguments to pass into the evaluation, with which the
-  // file's top-level function will be auto-called.
-  map<string, NixValue> arguments = 3;
-message EvaluateExpression {
-  // Literal Nix expression to evaluate.
-  string expression = 1;
-  // Working directory in which the expression should be evaluated.
-  string working_directory = 2;
-message BuildResultChunk {
-  string drv_hash = 1;
-  string output = 2;
-  bytes data = 3;
-  // This field may be set on the first build result chunk returned
-  // to the evaluator, indicating the total size of the output that
-  // is going to be streamed in bytes.
-  //
-  // If set, the evaluator can use this to appropriately allocate a
-  // buffer for the output.
-  optional int64 output_size = 4;
-// Indicates that a single build has completed successfully. In case
-// that the build outputs were required by the evaluator this also
-// indicates that the output has been returned completely.
-message BuildSuccess {
-  string drv_hash = 1;
-  string output = 2;
-// Describes an error that occured during a single build.
-// TODO: We might want a more sophisticated error type.
-message BuildError {
-  string drv_hash = 1;
-  string output = 2;
-  string error = 3;
-message BuildResult {
-  oneof build_result {
-    BuildSuccess build_success = 1;
-    BuildError build_error = 2;
-  }
-/// Messages sent to the evaluator by the build coordinator.
-message EvaluateRequest {
-  oneof message {
-    // Ask the evaluator to evaluate the specified file, and
-    // optionally attribute within that file. Must be the first
-    // message.
-    EvaluateFile evaluate_file = 1;
-    // Ask the evaluator to evaluate the specified Nix expression.
-    // Must be the first message.
-    EvaluateExpression evaluate_expression = 2;
-    // Send the chunks of a build result, in response to a
-    // BuildRequest.
-    //
-    // Note: This message might change as the store protocol is
-    // designed, as it is possible that mechanisms for transferring
-    // files might be reused between the protocols.
-    BuildResultChunk build_result_chunk = 3;
-    // Indicate the result of a single build. See the documentation
-    // for the message types defined above for semantic details.
-    BuildResult build_result = 4;
-  }
-// Message types for EvaluateResponse
-// TODO: Placeholder type.
-message Derivation {
-  string drv = 1;
-// TODO: Placeholder type.
-message NixValue {
-  string value = 1;
-// TODO: Placeholder type.
-message NixError {
-  string value = 1;
-message BuildRequest {
-  Derivation drv = 1;
-  string output = 2;
-// Messages returned to the coordinator by the evaluator.
-message EvaluateResponse {
-  oneof message {
-    // A derivation that was instantiated while reducing the graph,
-    // and whose output is not required by the evaluator.
-    Derivation derivation = 1;
-    // A derivation that was instantiated while reducing the graph,
-    // and whose output is required by the evaluator (IFD).
-    BuildRequest build_request = 2;
-    // The final value yielded by the evaluation. Stream is closed
-    // after this.
-    NixValue done = 3;
-    // Evaluation error. Stream is closed after this.
-    NixError error = 4;
-  }