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path: root/tvix/eval/src/vm.rs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1218 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/eval/src/vm.rs b/tvix/eval/src/vm.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index f5107f9ed738..000000000000
--- a/tvix/eval/src/vm.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1218 +0,0 @@
-//! This module implements the virtual (or abstract) machine that runs
-//! Tvix bytecode.
-pub mod generators;
-use serde_json::json;
-use std::{cmp::Ordering, collections::HashMap, ops::DerefMut, path::PathBuf, rc::Rc};
-use crate::{
-    chunk::Chunk,
-    compiler::GlobalsMap,
-    errors::{Error, ErrorKind, EvalResult},
-    io::EvalIO,
-    nix_search_path::NixSearchPath,
-    observer::RuntimeObserver,
-    opcode::{CodeIdx, Count, JumpOffset, OpCode, StackIdx, UpvalueIdx},
-    spans::LightSpan,
-    upvalues::Upvalues,
-    value::{Builtin, Closure, CoercionKind, Lambda, NixAttrs, NixList, Thunk, Value},
-    warnings::{EvalWarning, WarningKind},
-/// Representation of a VM continuation;
-/// see: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Continuation-passing_style#CPS_in_Haskell
-type Continuation = Box<dyn FnOnce(&mut VM) -> EvalResult<Trampoline>>;
-/// A description of how to continue evaluation of a thunk when returned to by the VM
-/// This struct is used when forcing thunks to avoid stack-based recursion, which for deeply nested
-/// evaluation can easily overflow the stack.
-#[must_use = "this `Trampoline` may be a continuation request, which should be handled"]
-pub struct Trampoline {
-    /// The action to perform upon return to the trampoline
-    pub action: Option<TrampolineAction>,
-    /// The continuation to execute after the action has completed
-    pub continuation: Option<Continuation>,
-impl Trampoline {
-    /// Add the execution of a new [`Continuation`] to the existing continuation
-    /// of this `Trampoline`, returning the resulting `Trampoline`.
-    pub fn append_to_continuation(self, f: Continuation) -> Self {
-        Trampoline {
-            action: self.action,
-            continuation: match self.continuation {
-                None => Some(f),
-                Some(f0) => Some(Box::new(move |vm| {
-                    let trampoline = f0(vm)?;
-                    Ok(trampoline.append_to_continuation(f))
-                })),
-            },
-        }
-    }
-/// Description of an action to perform upon return to a [`Trampoline`] by the VM
-pub enum TrampolineAction {
-    /// Enter a new stack frame
-    EnterFrame {
-        lambda: Rc<Lambda>,
-        upvalues: Rc<Upvalues>,
-        light_span: LightSpan,
-        arg_count: usize,
-    },
-struct CallFrame {
-    /// The lambda currently being executed.
-    lambda: Rc<Lambda>,
-    /// Optional captured upvalues of this frame (if a thunk or
-    /// closure if being evaluated).
-    upvalues: Rc<Upvalues>,
-    /// Instruction pointer to the instruction currently being
-    /// executed.
-    ip: CodeIdx,
-    /// Stack offset, i.e. the frames "view" into the VM's full stack.
-    stack_offset: usize,
-    continuation: Option<Continuation>,
-impl CallFrame {
-    /// Retrieve an upvalue from this frame at the given index.
-    fn upvalue(&self, idx: UpvalueIdx) -> &Value {
-        &self.upvalues[idx]
-    }
-pub struct VM<'o> {
-    /// The VM call stack.  One element is pushed onto this stack
-    /// each time a function is called or a thunk is forced.
-    frames: Vec<CallFrame>,
-    /// The VM value stack.  This is actually a "stack of stacks",
-    /// with one stack-of-Values for each CallFrame in frames.  This
-    /// is represented as a Vec<Value> rather than as
-    /// Vec<Vec<Value>> or a Vec<Value> inside CallFrame for
-    /// efficiency reasons: it avoids having to allocate a Vec on
-    /// the heap each time a CallFrame is entered.
-    stack: Vec<Value>,
-    /// Stack indices (absolute indexes into `stack`) of attribute
-    /// sets from which variables should be dynamically resolved
-    /// (`with`).
-    with_stack: Vec<usize>,
-    /// Runtime warnings collected during evaluation.
-    warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>,
-    /// Import cache, mapping absolute file paths to the value that
-    /// they compile to. Note that this reuses thunks, too!
-    // TODO: should probably be based on a file hash
-    pub import_cache: Box<HashMap<PathBuf, Value>>,
-    /// Parsed Nix search path, which is used to resolve `<...>`
-    /// references.
-    nix_search_path: NixSearchPath,
-    /// Implementation of I/O operations used for impure builtins and
-    /// features like `import`.
-    io_handle: Box<dyn EvalIO>,
-    /// Runtime observer which can print traces of runtime operations.
-    observer: &'o mut dyn RuntimeObserver,
-    /// Strong reference to the globals, guaranteeing that they are
-    /// kept alive for the duration of evaluation.
-    ///
-    /// This is important because recursive builtins (specifically
-    /// `import`) hold a weak reference to the builtins, while the
-    /// original strong reference is held by the compiler which does
-    /// not exist anymore at runtime.
-    #[allow(dead_code)]
-    globals: Rc<GlobalsMap>,
-/// The result of a VM's runtime evaluation.
-pub struct RuntimeResult {
-    pub value: Value,
-    pub warnings: Vec<EvalWarning>,
-/// This macro wraps a computation that returns an ErrorKind or a
-/// result, and wraps the ErrorKind in an Error struct if present.
-/// The reason for this macro's existence is that calculating spans is
-/// potentially expensive, so it should be avoided to the last moment
-/// (i.e. definite instantiation of a runtime error) if possible.
-macro_rules! fallible {
-    ( $self:ident, $body:expr) => {
-        match $body {
-            Ok(result) => result,
-            Err(kind) => return Err(Error::new(kind, $self.current_span())),
-        }
-    };
-macro_rules! arithmetic_op {
-    ( $self:ident, $op:tt ) => {{
-        let b = $self.pop();
-        let a = $self.pop();
-        let result = fallible!($self, arithmetic_op!(&a, &b, $op));
-        $self.push(result);
-    }};
-    ( $a:expr, $b:expr, $op:tt ) => {{
-        match ($a, $b) {
-            (Value::Integer(i1), Value::Integer(i2)) => Ok(Value::Integer(i1 $op i2)),
-            (Value::Float(f1), Value::Float(f2)) => Ok(Value::Float(f1 $op f2)),
-            (Value::Integer(i1), Value::Float(f2)) => Ok(Value::Float(*i1 as f64 $op f2)),
-            (Value::Float(f1), Value::Integer(i2)) => Ok(Value::Float(f1 $op *i2 as f64)),
-            (v1, v2) => Err(ErrorKind::TypeError {
-                expected: "number (either int or float)",
-                actual: if v1.is_number() {
-                    v2.type_of()
-                } else {
-                    v1.type_of()
-                },
-            }),
-        }
-    }};
-macro_rules! cmp_op {
-    ( $self:ident, $op:tt ) => {{
-        let b = $self.pop();
-        let a = $self.pop();
-        let ordering = fallible!($self, a.nix_cmp(&b, $self));
-        let result = Value::Bool(cmp_op!(@order $op ordering));
-        $self.push(result);
-    }};
-    (@order < $ordering:expr) => {
-        $ordering == Some(Ordering::Less)
-    };
-    (@order > $ordering:expr) => {
-        $ordering == Some(Ordering::Greater)
-    };
-    (@order <= $ordering:expr) => {
-        !matches!($ordering, None | Some(Ordering::Greater))
-    };
-    (@order >= $ordering:expr) => {
-        !matches!($ordering, None | Some(Ordering::Less))
-    };
-impl<'o> VM<'o> {
-    pub fn new(
-        nix_search_path: NixSearchPath,
-        io_handle: Box<dyn EvalIO>,
-        observer: &'o mut dyn RuntimeObserver,
-        globals: Rc<GlobalsMap>,
-    ) -> Self {
-        // Backtrace-on-stack-overflow is some seriously weird voodoo and
-        // very unsafe.  This double-guard prevents it from accidentally
-        // being enabled on release builds.
-        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
-        #[cfg(feature = "backtrace_overflow")]
-        unsafe {
-            backtrace_on_stack_overflow::enable();
-        };
-        Self {
-            nix_search_path,
-            io_handle,
-            observer,
-            globals,
-            frames: vec![],
-            stack: vec![],
-            with_stack: vec![],
-            warnings: vec![],
-            import_cache: Default::default(),
-        }
-    }
-    fn frame(&self) -> &CallFrame {
-        &self.frames[self.frames.len() - 1]
-    }
-    fn chunk(&self) -> &Chunk {
-        &self.frame().lambda.chunk
-    }
-    fn frame_mut(&mut self) -> &mut CallFrame {
-        let idx = self.frames.len() - 1;
-        &mut self.frames[idx]
-    }
-    fn inc_ip(&mut self) -> OpCode {
-        let op = self.chunk()[self.frame().ip];
-        self.frame_mut().ip += 1;
-        op
-    }
-    pub fn pop(&mut self) -> Value {
-        self.stack.pop().expect("runtime stack empty")
-    }
-    pub fn pop_then_drop(&mut self, num_items: usize) {
-        self.stack.truncate(self.stack.len() - num_items);
-    }
-    pub fn push(&mut self, value: Value) {
-        self.stack.push(value)
-    }
-    fn peek(&self, offset: usize) -> &Value {
-        &self.stack[self.stack.len() - 1 - offset]
-    }
-    /// Returns the source span of the instruction currently being
-    /// executed.
-    pub(crate) fn current_span(&self) -> codemap::Span {
-        self.chunk().get_span(self.frame().ip - 1)
-    }
-    /// Returns the information needed to calculate the current span,
-    /// but without performing that calculation.
-    pub(crate) fn current_light_span(&self) -> LightSpan {
-        LightSpan::new_delayed(self.frame().lambda.clone(), self.frame().ip - 1)
-    }
-    /// Access the I/O handle used for filesystem access in this VM.
-    pub(crate) fn io(&self) -> &dyn EvalIO {
-        &*self.io_handle
-    }
-    /// Construct an error from the given ErrorKind and the source
-    /// span of the current instruction.
-    pub fn error(&self, kind: ErrorKind) -> Error {
-        Error::new(kind, self.current_span())
-    }
-    /// Push an already constructed warning.
-    pub fn push_warning(&mut self, warning: EvalWarning) {
-        self.warnings.push(warning);
-    }
-    /// Emit a warning with the given WarningKind and the source span
-    /// of the current instruction.
-    pub fn emit_warning(&mut self, kind: WarningKind) {
-        self.push_warning(EvalWarning {
-            kind,
-            span: self.current_span(),
-        });
-    }
-    /// Execute the given value in this VM's context, if it is a
-    /// callable.
-    ///
-    /// The stack of the VM must be prepared with all required
-    /// arguments before calling this and the value must have already
-    /// been forced.
-    pub fn call_value(&mut self, callable: &Value) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        match callable {
-            Value::Closure(c) => self.enter_frame(c.lambda(), c.upvalues(), 1),
-            Value::Builtin(b) => self.call_builtin(b.clone()),
-            Value::Thunk(t) => {
-                debug_assert!(t.is_evaluated(), "call_value called with unevaluated thunk");
-                self.call_value(&t.value())
-            }
-            // Attribute sets with a __functor attribute are callable.
-            Value::Attrs(ref attrs) => match attrs.select("__functor") {
-                None => Err(self.error(ErrorKind::NotCallable(callable.type_of()))),
-                Some(functor) => {
-                    // The functor receives the set itself as its first argument
-                    // and needs to be called with it. However, this call is
-                    // synthetic (i.e. there is no corresponding OpCall for the
-                    // first call in the bytecode.)
-                    self.push(callable.clone());
-                    self.call_value(functor)?;
-                    let primed = self.pop();
-                    self.call_value(&primed)
-                }
-            },
-            // TODO: this isn't guaranteed to be a useful span, actually
-            other => Err(self.error(ErrorKind::NotCallable(other.type_of()))),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Call the given `callable` value with the given list of `args`
-    ///
-    /// # Panics
-    ///
-    /// Panics if the passed list of `args` is empty
-    #[track_caller]
-    pub fn call_with<I>(&mut self, callable: &Value, args: I) -> EvalResult<Value>
-    where
-        I: IntoIterator<Item = Value>,
-        I::IntoIter: DoubleEndedIterator,
-    {
-        let mut num_args = 0_usize;
-        for arg in args.into_iter().rev() {
-            num_args += 1;
-            self.push(arg);
-        }
-        if num_args == 0 {
-            panic!("call_with called with an empty list of args");
-        }
-        self.call_value(callable)?;
-        let mut res = self.pop();
-        for _ in 0..(num_args - 1) {
-            res.force(self).map_err(|e| self.error(e))?;
-            self.call_value(&res)?;
-            res = self.pop();
-        }
-        Ok(res)
-    }
-    fn tail_call_value(&mut self, callable: Value) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        match callable {
-            Value::Builtin(builtin) => self.call_builtin(builtin),
-            Value::Thunk(thunk) => self.tail_call_value(thunk.value().clone()),
-            Value::Closure(closure) => {
-                let lambda = closure.lambda();
-                self.observer.observe_tail_call(self.frames.len(), &lambda);
-                // Replace the current call frames internals with
-                // that of the tail-called closure.
-                let mut frame = self.frame_mut();
-                frame.lambda = lambda;
-                frame.upvalues = closure.upvalues();
-                frame.ip = CodeIdx(0); // reset instruction pointer to beginning
-                Ok(())
-            }
-            // Attribute sets with a __functor attribute are callable.
-            Value::Attrs(ref attrs) => match attrs.select("__functor") {
-                None => Err(self.error(ErrorKind::NotCallable(callable.type_of()))),
-                Some(functor) => {
-                    if let Value::Thunk(thunk) = &functor {
-                        fallible!(self, thunk.force(self));
-                    }
-                    // The functor receives the set itself as its first argument
-                    // and needs to be called with it. However, this call is
-                    // synthetic (i.e. there is no corresponding OpCall for the
-                    // first call in the bytecode.)
-                    self.push(callable.clone());
-                    self.call_value(functor)?;
-                    let primed = self.pop();
-                    self.tail_call_value(primed)
-                }
-            },
-            _ => Err(self.error(ErrorKind::NotCallable(callable.type_of()))),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Execute the given lambda in this VM's context, leaving the
-    /// computed value on its stack after the frame completes.
-    pub fn enter_frame(
-        &mut self,
-        lambda: Rc<Lambda>,
-        upvalues: Rc<Upvalues>,
-        arg_count: usize,
-    ) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        self.observer
-            .observe_enter_call_frame(arg_count, &lambda, self.frames.len() + 1);
-        let frame = CallFrame {
-            lambda,
-            upvalues,
-            ip: CodeIdx(0),
-            stack_offset: self.stack.len() - arg_count,
-            continuation: None,
-        };
-        let starting_frames_depth = self.frames.len();
-        self.frames.push(frame);
-        let result = loop {
-            let op = self.inc_ip();
-            self.observer
-                .observe_execute_op(self.frame().ip, &op, &self.stack);
-            let res = self.run_op(op);
-            let mut retrampoline: Option<Continuation> = None;
-            // we need to pop the frame before checking `res` for an
-            // error in order to implement `tryEval` correctly.
-            if self.frame().ip.0 == self.chunk().code.len() {
-                let frame = self.frames.pop();
-                retrampoline = frame.and_then(|frame| frame.continuation);
-            }
-            self.trampoline_loop(res?, retrampoline)?;
-            if self.frames.len() == starting_frames_depth {
-                break Ok(());
-            }
-        };
-        self.observer
-            .observe_exit_call_frame(self.frames.len() + 1, &self.stack);
-        result
-    }
-    fn trampoline_loop(
-        &mut self,
-        mut trampoline: Trampoline,
-        mut retrampoline: Option<Continuation>,
-    ) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        loop {
-            if let Some(TrampolineAction::EnterFrame {
-                lambda,
-                upvalues,
-                arg_count,
-                light_span: _,
-            }) = trampoline.action
-            {
-                let frame = CallFrame {
-                    lambda,
-                    upvalues,
-                    ip: CodeIdx(0),
-                    stack_offset: self.stack.len() - arg_count,
-                    continuation: match retrampoline {
-                        None => trampoline.continuation,
-                        Some(retrampoline) => match trampoline.continuation {
-                            None => None,
-                            Some(cont) => Some(Box::new(|vm| {
-                                Ok(cont(vm)?.append_to_continuation(retrampoline))
-                            })),
-                        },
-                    },
-                };
-                self.frames.push(frame);
-                break;
-            }
-            match trampoline.continuation {
-                None => {
-                    if let Some(cont) = retrampoline.take() {
-                        trampoline = cont(self)?;
-                    } else {
-                        break;
-                    }
-                }
-                Some(cont) => {
-                    trampoline = cont(self)?;
-                    continue;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    pub(crate) fn nix_eq(
-        &mut self,
-        v1: Value,
-        v2: Value,
-        allow_top_level_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks: bool,
-    ) -> EvalResult<bool> {
-        self.push(v1);
-        self.push(v2);
-        let res = self.nix_op_eq(allow_top_level_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks);
-        self.trampoline_loop(res?, None)?;
-        match self.pop() {
-            Value::Bool(b) => Ok(b),
-            v => panic!("run_op(OpEqual) left a non-boolean on the stack: {v:#?}"),
-        }
-    }
-    pub(crate) fn nix_op_eq(
-        &mut self,
-        allow_top_level_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks: bool,
-    ) -> EvalResult<Trampoline> {
-        // This bit gets set to `true` (if it isn't already) as soon
-        // as we start comparing the contents of two
-        // {lists,attrsets} -- but *not* the contents of two thunks.
-        // See tvix/docs/value-pointer-equality.md for details.
-        let mut allow_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks =
-            allow_top_level_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks;
-        let mut numpairs: usize = 1;
-        let res = 'outer: loop {
-            if numpairs == 0 {
-                break true;
-            } else {
-                numpairs -= 1;
-            }
-            let v2 = self.pop();
-            let v1 = self.pop();
-            let v2 = match v2 {
-                Value::Thunk(thunk) => {
-                    if allow_top_level_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks {
-                        if let Value::Thunk(t1) = &v1 {
-                            if t1.ptr_eq(&thunk) {
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    fallible!(self, thunk.force(self));
-                    thunk.value().clone()
-                }
-                v => v,
-            };
-            let v1 = match v1 {
-                Value::Thunk(thunk) => {
-                    fallible!(self, thunk.force(self));
-                    thunk.value().clone()
-                }
-                v => v,
-            };
-            match (v1, v2) {
-                (Value::List(l1), Value::List(l2)) => {
-                    allow_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks = true;
-                    if l1.ptr_eq(&l2) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    if l1.len() != l2.len() {
-                        break false;
-                    }
-                    for (vi1, vi2) in l1.into_iter().zip(l2.into_iter()) {
-                        self.stack.push(vi1);
-                        self.stack.push(vi2);
-                        numpairs += 1;
-                    }
-                }
-                (_, Value::List(_)) => break false,
-                (Value::List(_), _) => break false,
-                (Value::Attrs(a1), Value::Attrs(a2)) => {
-                    if allow_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks && a1.ptr_eq(&a2) {
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    allow_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks = true;
-                    match (a1.select("type"), a2.select("type")) {
-                        (Some(v1), Some(v2))
-                            if "derivation"
-                                == fallible!(
-                                    self,
-                                    v1.coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::ThunksOnly, self)
-                                )
-                                .as_str()
-                                && "derivation"
-                                    == fallible!(
-                                        self,
-                                        v2.coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::ThunksOnly, self)
-                                    )
-                                    .as_str() =>
-                        {
-                            if fallible!(
-                                self,
-                                a1.select("outPath")
-                                    .expect("encountered a derivation with no `outPath` attribute!")
-                                    .coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::ThunksOnly, self)
-                            ) == fallible!(
-                                self,
-                                a2.select("outPath")
-                                    .expect("encountered a derivation with no `outPath` attribute!")
-                                    .coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::ThunksOnly, self)
-                            ) {
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                            break false;
-                        }
-                        _ => {}
-                    }
-                    let iter1 = a1.into_iter_sorted();
-                    let iter2 = a2.into_iter_sorted();
-                    if iter1.len() != iter2.len() {
-                        break false;
-                    }
-                    for ((k1, v1), (k2, v2)) in iter1.zip(iter2) {
-                        if k1 != k2 {
-                            break 'outer false;
-                        }
-                        self.stack.push(v1);
-                        self.stack.push(v2);
-                        numpairs += 1;
-                    }
-                }
-                (Value::Attrs(_), _) => break false,
-                (_, Value::Attrs(_)) => break false,
-                (v1, v2) => {
-                    if allow_pointer_equality_on_functions_and_thunks {
-                        if let (Value::Closure(c1), Value::Closure(c2)) = (&v1, &v2) {
-                            if Rc::ptr_eq(c1, c2) {
-                                continue;
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                    if !fallible!(self, v1.nix_eq(&v2, self)) {
-                        break false;
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        };
-        self.pop_then_drop(numpairs * 2);
-        self.push(Value::Bool(res));
-        Ok(Trampoline::default())
-    }
-    pub(crate) fn run_op(&mut self, op: OpCode) -> EvalResult<Trampoline> {
-        match op {
-            OpCode::OpConstant(idx) => {
-                let c = self.chunk()[idx].clone();
-                self.push(c);
-            }
-            OpCode::OpPop => {
-                self.pop();
-            }
-            OpCode::OpAdd => {
-                let b = self.pop();
-                let a = self.pop();
-                let result = match (&a, &b) {
-                    (Value::Path(p), v) => {
-                        let mut path = p.to_string_lossy().into_owned();
-                        path.push_str(
-                            &v.coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::Weak, self)
-                                .map_err(|ek| self.error(ek))?,
-                        );
-                        crate::value::canon_path(PathBuf::from(path)).into()
-                    }
-                    (Value::String(s1), Value::String(s2)) => Value::String(s1.concat(s2)),
-                    (Value::String(s1), v) => Value::String(
-                        s1.concat(
-                            &v.coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::Weak, self)
-                                .map_err(|ek| self.error(ek))?,
-                        ),
-                    ),
-                    (v, Value::String(s2)) => Value::String(
-                        v.coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::Weak, self)
-                            .map_err(|ek| self.error(ek))?
-                            .concat(s2),
-                    ),
-                    _ => fallible!(self, arithmetic_op!(&a, &b, +)),
-                };
-                self.push(result)
-            }
-            OpCode::OpSub => arithmetic_op!(self, -),
-            OpCode::OpMul => arithmetic_op!(self, *),
-            OpCode::OpDiv => {
-                let b = self.peek(0);
-                match b {
-                    Value::Integer(0) => return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::DivisionByZero)),
-                    Value::Float(b) => {
-                        if *b == 0.0_f64 {
-                            return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::DivisionByZero));
-                        }
-                        arithmetic_op!(self, /)
-                    }
-                    _ => arithmetic_op!(self, /),
-                };
-            }
-            OpCode::OpInvert => {
-                let v = fallible!(self, self.pop().as_bool());
-                self.push(Value::Bool(!v));
-            }
-            OpCode::OpNegate => match self.pop() {
-                Value::Integer(i) => self.push(Value::Integer(-i)),
-                Value::Float(f) => self.push(Value::Float(-f)),
-                v => {
-                    return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::TypeError {
-                        expected: "number (either int or float)",
-                        actual: v.type_of(),
-                    }));
-                }
-            },
-            OpCode::OpEqual => return self.nix_op_eq(false),
-            OpCode::OpLess => cmp_op!(self, <),
-            OpCode::OpLessOrEq => cmp_op!(self, <=),
-            OpCode::OpMore => cmp_op!(self, >),
-            OpCode::OpMoreOrEq => cmp_op!(self, >=),
-            OpCode::OpAttrs(Count(count)) => self.run_attrset(count)?,
-            OpCode::OpAttrsUpdate => {
-                let rhs = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_attrs());
-                let lhs = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_attrs());
-                self.push(Value::attrs(lhs.update(*rhs)))
-            }
-            OpCode::OpAttrsSelect => {
-                let key = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_str());
-                let attrs = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_attrs());
-                match attrs.select(key.as_str()) {
-                    Some(value) => self.push(value.clone()),
-                    None => {
-                        return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::AttributeNotFound {
-                            name: key.as_str().to_string(),
-                        }))
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            OpCode::OpAttrsTrySelect => {
-                let key = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_str());
-                let value = match self.pop() {
-                    Value::Attrs(attrs) => match attrs.select(key.as_str()) {
-                        Some(value) => value.clone(),
-                        None => Value::AttrNotFound,
-                    },
-                    _ => Value::AttrNotFound,
-                };
-                self.push(value);
-            }
-            OpCode::OpHasAttr => {
-                let key = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_str());
-                let result = match self.pop() {
-                    Value::Attrs(attrs) => attrs.contains(key.as_str()),
-                    // Nix allows use of `?` on non-set types, but
-                    // always returns false in those cases.
-                    _ => false,
-                };
-                self.push(Value::Bool(result));
-            }
-            OpCode::OpValidateClosedFormals => {
-                let formals = self.frame().lambda.formals.as_ref().expect(
-                    "OpValidateClosedFormals called within the frame of a lambda without formals",
-                );
-                let args = self.peek(0).to_attrs().map_err(|err| self.error(err))?;
-                for arg in args.keys() {
-                    if !formals.contains(arg) {
-                        return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::UnexpectedArgument {
-                            arg: arg.clone(),
-                            formals_span: formals.span,
-                        }));
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            OpCode::OpList(Count(count)) => {
-                let list =
-                    NixList::construct(count, self.stack.split_off(self.stack.len() - count));
-                self.push(Value::List(list));
-            }
-            OpCode::OpConcat => {
-                let rhs = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_list()).into_inner();
-                let lhs = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_list()).into_inner();
-                self.push(Value::List(NixList::from(lhs + rhs)))
-            }
-            OpCode::OpInterpolate(Count(count)) => self.run_interpolate(count)?,
-            OpCode::OpCoerceToString => {
-                // TODO: handle string context, copying to store
-                let string = fallible!(
-                    self,
-                    // note that coerce_to_string also forces
-                    self.pop().coerce_to_string(CoercionKind::Weak, self)
-                );
-                self.push(Value::String(string));
-            }
-            OpCode::OpFindFile => match self.pop() {
-                Value::UnresolvedPath(path) => {
-                    let resolved = self
-                        .nix_search_path
-                        .resolve(path)
-                        .map_err(|e| self.error(e))?;
-                    self.push(resolved.into());
-                }
-                _ => panic!("tvix compiler bug: OpFindFile called on non-UnresolvedPath"),
-            },
-            OpCode::OpResolveHomePath => match self.pop() {
-                Value::UnresolvedPath(path) => {
-                    match dirs::home_dir() {
-                        None => {
-                            return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::RelativePathResolution(
-                                "failed to determine home directory".into(),
-                            )));
-                        }
-                        Some(mut buf) => {
-                            buf.push(path);
-                            self.push(buf.into());
-                        }
-                    };
-                }
-                _ => {
-                    panic!("tvix compiler bug: OpResolveHomePath called on non-UnresolvedPath")
-                }
-            },
-            OpCode::OpJump(JumpOffset(offset)) => {
-                debug_assert!(offset != 0);
-                self.frame_mut().ip += offset;
-            }
-            OpCode::OpJumpIfTrue(JumpOffset(offset)) => {
-                debug_assert!(offset != 0);
-                if fallible!(self, self.peek(0).as_bool()) {
-                    self.frame_mut().ip += offset;
-                }
-            }
-            OpCode::OpJumpIfFalse(JumpOffset(offset)) => {
-                debug_assert!(offset != 0);
-                if !fallible!(self, self.peek(0).as_bool()) {
-                    self.frame_mut().ip += offset;
-                }
-            }
-            OpCode::OpJumpIfNotFound(JumpOffset(offset)) => {
-                debug_assert!(offset != 0);
-                if matches!(self.peek(0), Value::AttrNotFound) {
-                    self.pop();
-                    self.frame_mut().ip += offset;
-                }
-            }
-            // These assertion operations error out if the stack
-            // top is not of the expected type. This is necessary
-            // to implement some specific behaviours of Nix
-            // exactly.
-            OpCode::OpAssertBool => {
-                let val = self.peek(0);
-                if !val.is_bool() {
-                    return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::TypeError {
-                        expected: "bool",
-                        actual: val.type_of(),
-                    }));
-                }
-            }
-            // Remove the given number of elements from the stack,
-            // but retain the top value.
-            OpCode::OpCloseScope(Count(count)) => {
-                // Immediately move the top value into the right
-                // position.
-                let target_idx = self.stack.len() - 1 - count;
-                self.stack[target_idx] = self.pop();
-                // Then drop the remaining values.
-                for _ in 0..(count - 1) {
-                    self.pop();
-                }
-            }
-            OpCode::OpGetLocal(StackIdx(local_idx)) => {
-                let idx = self.frame().stack_offset + local_idx;
-                self.push(self.stack[idx].clone());
-            }
-            OpCode::OpPushWith(StackIdx(idx)) => {
-                self.with_stack.push(self.frame().stack_offset + idx)
-            }
-            OpCode::OpPopWith => {
-                self.with_stack.pop();
-            }
-            OpCode::OpResolveWith => {
-                let ident = fallible!(self, self.pop().to_str());
-                let value = self.resolve_with(ident.as_str())?;
-                self.push(value)
-            }
-            OpCode::OpAssertFail => {
-                return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::AssertionFailed));
-            }
-            OpCode::OpCall => {
-                let callable = self.pop();
-                self.tail_call_value(callable)?;
-            }
-            OpCode::OpGetUpvalue(upv_idx) => {
-                let value = self.frame().upvalue(upv_idx).clone();
-                self.push(value);
-            }
-            OpCode::OpClosure(idx) => {
-                let blueprint = match &self.chunk()[idx] {
-                    Value::Blueprint(lambda) => lambda.clone(),
-                    _ => panic!("compiler bug: non-blueprint in blueprint slot"),
-                };
-                let upvalue_count = blueprint.upvalue_count;
-                debug_assert!(
-                    upvalue_count > 0,
-                    "OpClosure should not be called for plain lambdas"
-                );
-                let mut upvalues = Upvalues::with_capacity(blueprint.upvalue_count);
-                self.populate_upvalues(upvalue_count, &mut upvalues)?;
-                self.push(Value::Closure(Rc::new(Closure::new_with_upvalues(
-                    Rc::new(upvalues),
-                    blueprint,
-                ))));
-            }
-            OpCode::OpThunkSuspended(idx) | OpCode::OpThunkClosure(idx) => {
-                let blueprint = match &self.chunk()[idx] {
-                    Value::Blueprint(lambda) => lambda.clone(),
-                    _ => panic!("compiler bug: non-blueprint in blueprint slot"),
-                };
-                let upvalue_count = blueprint.upvalue_count;
-                let thunk = if matches!(op, OpCode::OpThunkClosure(_)) {
-                    debug_assert!(
-                        upvalue_count > 0,
-                        "OpThunkClosure should not be called for plain lambdas"
-                    );
-                    Thunk::new_closure(blueprint)
-                } else {
-                    Thunk::new_suspended(blueprint, self.current_light_span())
-                };
-                let upvalues = thunk.upvalues_mut();
-                self.push(Value::Thunk(thunk.clone()));
-                // From this point on we internally mutate the
-                // upvalues. The closure (if `is_closure`) is
-                // already in its stack slot, which means that it
-                // can capture itself as an upvalue for
-                // self-recursion.
-                self.populate_upvalues(upvalue_count, upvalues)?;
-            }
-            OpCode::OpForce => {
-                if let Some(Value::Thunk(_)) = self.stack.last() {
-                    let value = self.pop();
-                    let trampoline = fallible!(self, Thunk::force_trampoline(self, value));
-                    return Ok(trampoline);
-                }
-            }
-            OpCode::OpFinalise(StackIdx(idx)) => {
-                match &self.stack[self.frame().stack_offset + idx] {
-                    Value::Closure(_) => panic!("attempted to finalise a closure"),
-                    Value::Thunk(thunk) => thunk.finalise(&self.stack[self.frame().stack_offset..]),
-                    // In functions with "formals" attributes, it is
-                    // possible for `OpFinalise` to be called on a
-                    // non-capturing value, in which case it is a no-op.
-                    //
-                    // TODO: detect this in some phase and skip the finalise; fail here
-                    _ => { /* TODO: panic here again to catch bugs */ }
-                }
-            }
-            // Data-carrying operands should never be executed,
-            // that is a critical error in the VM.
-            OpCode::DataStackIdx(_)
-            | OpCode::DataDeferredLocal(_)
-            | OpCode::DataUpvalueIdx(_)
-            | OpCode::DataCaptureWith => {
-                panic!("VM bug: attempted to execute data-carrying operand")
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(Trampoline::default())
-    }
-    fn run_attrset(&mut self, count: usize) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        let attrs = fallible!(
-            self,
-            NixAttrs::construct(count, self.stack.split_off(self.stack.len() - count * 2))
-        );
-        self.push(Value::attrs(attrs));
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Interpolate string fragments by popping the specified number of
-    /// fragments of the stack, evaluating them to strings, and pushing
-    /// the concatenated result string back on the stack.
-    fn run_interpolate(&mut self, count: usize) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        let mut out = String::new();
-        for _ in 0..count {
-            out.push_str(fallible!(self, self.pop().to_str()).as_str());
-        }
-        self.push(Value::String(out.into()));
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    /// Resolve a dynamic identifier through the with-stack at runtime.
-    fn resolve_with(&mut self, ident: &str) -> EvalResult<Value> {
-        // Iterate over the with_stack manually to avoid borrowing
-        // self, which is required for forcing the set.
-        for with_stack_idx in (0..self.with_stack.len()).rev() {
-            let with = self.stack[self.with_stack[with_stack_idx]].clone();
-            if let Value::Thunk(thunk) = &with {
-                fallible!(self, thunk.force(self));
-            }
-            match fallible!(self, with.to_attrs()).select(ident) {
-                None => continue,
-                Some(val) => return Ok(val.clone()),
-            }
-        }
-        // Iterate over the captured with stack if one exists. This is
-        // extra tricky to do without a lot of cloning.
-        for idx in (0..self.frame().upvalues.with_stack_len()).rev() {
-            // This will not panic because having an index here guarantees
-            // that the stack is present.
-            let with = self.frame().upvalues.with_stack().unwrap()[idx].clone();
-            if let Value::Thunk(thunk) = &with {
-                fallible!(self, thunk.force(self));
-            }
-            match fallible!(self, with.to_attrs()).select(ident) {
-                None => continue,
-                Some(val) => return Ok(val.clone()),
-            }
-        }
-        Err(self.error(ErrorKind::UnknownDynamicVariable(ident.to_string())))
-    }
-    /// Populate the upvalue fields of a thunk or closure under construction.
-    fn populate_upvalues(
-        &mut self,
-        count: usize,
-        mut upvalues: impl DerefMut<Target = Upvalues>,
-    ) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        for _ in 0..count {
-            match self.inc_ip() {
-                OpCode::DataStackIdx(StackIdx(stack_idx)) => {
-                    let idx = self.frame().stack_offset + stack_idx;
-                    let val = match self.stack.get(idx) {
-                        Some(val) => val.clone(),
-                        None => {
-                            return Err(self.error(ErrorKind::TvixBug {
-                                msg: "upvalue to be captured was missing on stack",
-                                metadata: Some(Rc::new(json!({
-                                    "ip": format!("{:#x}", self.frame().ip.0 - 1),
-                                    "stack_idx(relative)": stack_idx,
-                                    "stack_idx(absolute)": idx,
-                                }))),
-                            }))
-                        }
-                    };
-                    upvalues.deref_mut().push(val);
-                }
-                OpCode::DataUpvalueIdx(upv_idx) => {
-                    upvalues
-                        .deref_mut()
-                        .push(self.frame().upvalue(upv_idx).clone());
-                }
-                OpCode::DataDeferredLocal(idx) => {
-                    upvalues.deref_mut().push(Value::DeferredUpvalue(idx));
-                }
-                OpCode::DataCaptureWith => {
-                    // Start the captured with_stack off of the
-                    // current call frame's captured with_stack, ...
-                    let mut captured_with_stack = self
-                        .frame()
-                        .upvalues
-                        .with_stack()
-                        .map(Clone::clone)
-                        // ... or make an empty one if there isn't one already.
-                        .unwrap_or_else(|| Vec::with_capacity(self.with_stack.len()));
-                    for idx in &self.with_stack {
-                        captured_with_stack.push(self.stack[*idx].clone());
-                    }
-                    upvalues.deref_mut().set_with_stack(captured_with_stack);
-                }
-                _ => panic!("compiler error: missing closure operand"),
-            }
-        }
-        Ok(())
-    }
-    pub fn call_builtin(&mut self, builtin: Builtin) -> EvalResult<()> {
-        let builtin_name = builtin.name();
-        self.observer.observe_enter_builtin(builtin_name);
-        let arg = self.pop();
-        let result = fallible!(self, builtin.apply(self, arg));
-        self.observer
-            .observe_exit_builtin(builtin_name, &self.stack);
-        self.push(result);
-        Ok(())
-    }
-pub fn run_lambda(
-    nix_search_path: NixSearchPath,
-    io_handle: Box<dyn EvalIO>,
-    observer: &mut dyn RuntimeObserver,
-    globals: Rc<GlobalsMap>,
-    lambda: Rc<Lambda>,
-) -> EvalResult<RuntimeResult> {
-    let mut vm = VM::new(nix_search_path, io_handle, observer, globals);
-    // Retain the top-level span of the expression in this lambda, as
-    // synthetic "calls" in deep_force will otherwise not have a span
-    // to fall back to.
-    //
-    // We exploit the fact that the compiler emits a final instruction
-    // with the span of the entire file for top-level expressions.
-    let root_span = lambda.chunk.get_span(CodeIdx(lambda.chunk.code.len() - 1));
-    vm.enter_frame(lambda, Rc::new(Upvalues::with_capacity(0)), 0)?;
-    let value = vm.pop();
-    value
-        .deep_force(&mut vm, &mut Default::default())
-        .map_err(|kind| Error::new(kind, root_span))?;
-    Ok(RuntimeResult {
-        value,
-        warnings: vm.warnings,
-    })