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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/eval/src/opcode.rs')
1 files changed, 279 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/eval/src/opcode.rs b/tvix/eval/src/opcode.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..762cff7b5282
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/eval/src/opcode.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
+//! This module implements the instruction set running on the abstract
+//! machine implemented by tvix.
+use std::ops::{AddAssign, Sub};
+/// Index of a constant in the current code chunk.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct ConstantIdx(pub usize);
+/// Index of an instruction in the current code chunk.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)]
+pub struct CodeIdx(pub usize);
+impl AddAssign<usize> for CodeIdx {
+    fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: usize) {
+        *self = CodeIdx(self.0 + rhs)
+    }
+impl Sub<usize> for CodeIdx {
+    type Output = Self;
+    fn sub(self, rhs: usize) -> Self::Output {
+        CodeIdx(self.0 - rhs)
+    }
+/// Index of a value in the runtime stack.  This is an offset
+/// *relative to* the VM value stack_base of the CallFrame
+/// containing the opcode which contains this StackIdx.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd)]
+pub struct StackIdx(pub usize);
+/// Index of an upvalue within a closure's bound-variable upvalue
+/// list.  This is an absolute index into the Upvalues of the
+/// CallFrame containing the opcode which contains this UpvalueIdx.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct UpvalueIdx(pub usize);
+/// Offset by which an instruction pointer should change in a jump.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct JumpOffset(pub usize);
+/// Provided count for an instruction (could represent e.g. a number
+/// of elements).
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub struct Count(pub usize);
+/// All variants of this enum carry a bounded amount of data to
+/// ensure that no heap allocations are needed for an Opcode.
+/// In documentation comments, stack positions are referred to by
+/// indices written in `{}` as such, where required:
+/// ```notrust
+///                             --- top of the stack
+///                            /
+///                           v
+///       [ ... | 3 | 2 | 1 | 0 ]
+///                   ^
+///                  /
+/// 2 values deep ---
+/// ```
+/// Unless otherwise specified, operations leave their result at the
+/// top of the stack.
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)]
+pub enum OpCode {
+    /// Push a constant onto the stack.
+    OpConstant(ConstantIdx),
+    // Unary operators
+    /// Discard a value from the stack.
+    OpPop,
+    /// Invert the boolean at the top of the stack.
+    OpInvert,
+    // Binary operators
+    /// Invert the sign of the number at the top of the stack.
+    OpNegate,
+    /// Sum up the two numbers at the top of the stack.
+    OpAdd,
+    /// Subtract the number at {1} from the number at {2}.
+    OpSub,
+    /// Multiply the two numbers at the top of the stack.
+    OpMul,
+    /// Divide the two numbers at the top of the stack.
+    OpDiv,
+    // Comparison operators
+    /// Check the two values at the top of the stack for Nix-equality.
+    OpEqual,
+    /// Check whether the value at {2} is less than {1}.
+    OpLess,
+    /// Check whether the value at {2} is less than or equal to {1}.
+    OpLessOrEq,
+    /// Check whether the value at {2} is greater than {1}.
+    OpMore,
+    /// Check whether the value at {2} is greater than or equal to {1}.
+    OpMoreOrEq,
+    // Logical operators & generic jumps
+    /// Jump forward in the bytecode specified by the number of
+    /// instructions in its usize operand.
+    OpJump(JumpOffset),
+    /// Jump forward in the bytecode specified by the number of
+    /// instructions in its usize operand, *if* the value at the top
+    /// of the stack is `true`.
+    OpJumpIfTrue(JumpOffset),
+    /// Jump forward in the bytecode specified by the number of
+    /// instructions in its usize operand, *if* the value at the top
+    /// of the stack is `false`.
+    OpJumpIfFalse(JumpOffset),
+    /// Jump forward in the bytecode specified by the number of
+    /// instructions in its usize operand, *if* the value at the top
+    /// of the stack is the internal value representing a missing
+    /// attribute set key.
+    OpJumpIfNotFound(JumpOffset),
+    /// Jump forward in the bytecode specified by the number of
+    /// instructions in its usize operand, *if* the value at the top
+    /// of the stack is *not* the internal value requesting a
+    /// stack value finalisation.
+    OpJumpIfNoFinaliseRequest(JumpOffset),
+    // Attribute sets
+    /// Construct an attribute set from the given number of key-value pairs on the top of the stack
+    ///
+    /// Note that this takes the count of *pairs*, not the number of *stack values* - the actual
+    /// number of values popped off the stack will be twice the argument to this op
+    OpAttrs(Count),
+    /// Merge the attribute set at {2} into the attribute set at {1},
+    /// and leave the new set at the top of the stack.
+    OpAttrsUpdate,
+    /// Select the attribute with the name at {1} from the set at {2}.
+    OpAttrsSelect,
+    /// Select the attribute with the name at {1} from the set at {2}, but leave
+    /// a `Value::AttrNotFound` in the stack instead of failing if it is
+    /// missing.
+    OpAttrsTrySelect,
+    /// Check for the presence of the attribute with the name at {1} in the set
+    /// at {2}.
+    OpHasAttr,
+    /// Throw an error if the attribute set at the top of the stack has any attributes
+    /// other than those listed in the formals of the current lambda
+    ///
+    /// Panics if the current frame is not a lambda with formals
+    OpValidateClosedFormals,
+    // `with`-handling
+    /// Push a value onto the runtime `with`-stack to enable dynamic identifier
+    /// resolution. The absolute stack index of the value is supplied as a usize
+    /// operand.
+    OpPushWith(StackIdx),
+    /// Pop the last runtime `with`-stack element.
+    OpPopWith,
+    /// Dynamically resolve an identifier with the name at {1} from the runtime
+    /// `with`-stack.
+    OpResolveWith,
+    // Lists
+    /// Construct a list from the given number of values at the top of the
+    /// stack.
+    OpList(Count),
+    /// Concatenate the lists at {2} and {1}.
+    OpConcat,
+    // Strings
+    /// Interpolate the given number of string fragments into a single string.
+    OpInterpolate(Count),
+    /// Force the Value on the stack and coerce it to a string, always using
+    /// `CoercionKind::Weak`.
+    OpCoerceToString,
+    // Paths
+    /// Attempt to resolve the Value on the stack using the configured [`NixSearchPath`][]
+    ///
+    /// [`NixSearchPath`]: crate::nix_search_path::NixSearchPath
+    OpFindFile,
+    /// Attempt to resolve a path literal relative to the home dir
+    OpResolveHomePath,
+    // Type assertion operators
+    /// Assert that the value at {1} is a boolean, and fail with a runtime error
+    /// otherwise.
+    OpAssertBool,
+    OpAssertAttrs,
+    /// Access local identifiers with statically known positions.
+    OpGetLocal(StackIdx),
+    /// Close scopes while leaving their expression value around.
+    OpCloseScope(Count), // number of locals to pop
+    /// Return an error indicating that an `assert` failed
+    OpAssertFail,
+    // Lambdas & closures
+    /// Call the value at {1} in a new VM callframe
+    OpCall,
+    /// Retrieve the upvalue at the given index from the closure or thunk
+    /// currently under evaluation.
+    OpGetUpvalue(UpvalueIdx),
+    /// Construct a closure which has upvalues but no self-references
+    OpClosure(ConstantIdx),
+    /// Construct a closure which has self-references (direct or via upvalues)
+    OpThunkClosure(ConstantIdx),
+    /// Construct a suspended thunk, used to delay a computation for laziness.
+    OpThunkSuspended(ConstantIdx),
+    /// Force the value at {1} until it is a `Thunk::Evaluated`.
+    OpForce,
+    /// Finalise initialisation of the upvalues of the value in the given stack
+    /// index (which must be a Value::Thunk) after the scope is fully bound.
+    OpFinalise(StackIdx),
+    /// Final instruction emitted in a chunk. Does not have an
+    /// inherent effect, but can simplify VM logic as a marker in some
+    /// cases.
+    ///
+    /// Can be thought of as "returning" the value to the parent
+    /// frame, hence the name.
+    OpReturn,
+    // [`OpClosure`], [`OpThunkSuspended`], and [`OpThunkClosure`] have a
+    // variable number of arguments to the instruction, which is
+    // represented here by making their data part of the opcodes.
+    // Each of these two opcodes has a `ConstantIdx`, which must
+    // reference a `Value::Blueprint(Lambda)`.  The `upvalue_count`
+    // field in that `Lambda` indicates the number of arguments it
+    // takes, and the opcode must be followed by exactly this number
+    // of `Data*` opcodes.  The VM skips over these by advancing the
+    // instruction pointer.
+    //
+    // It is illegal for a `Data*` opcode to appear anywhere else.
+    /// Populate a static upvalue by copying from the stack immediately.
+    DataStackIdx(StackIdx),
+    /// Populate a static upvalue of a thunk by copying it the stack, but do
+    /// when the thunk is finalised (by OpFinalise) rather than immediately.
+    DataDeferredLocal(StackIdx),
+    /// Populate a static upvalue by copying it from the upvalues of an
+    /// enclosing scope.
+    DataUpvalueIdx(UpvalueIdx),
+    /// Populate dynamic upvalues by saving a copy of the with-stack.
+    DataCaptureWith,