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path: root/tvix/cli/src
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Diffstat (limited to 'tvix/cli/src')
10 files changed, 7 insertions, 1475 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/.skip-subtree b/tvix/cli/src/.skip-subtree
deleted file mode 100644
index a16a2afe1f1e..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/.skip-subtree
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-Because of the derivation.nix file ...
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/derivation.nix b/tvix/cli/src/derivation.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 9355cc3a96f0..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/derivation.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-# LGPL-2.1-or-later
-# taken from: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/master/src/libexpr/primops/derivation.nix
-# TODO: rewrite in native Rust code
-/* This is the implementation of the ‘derivation’ builtin function.
-   It's actually a wrapper around the ‘derivationStrict’ primop. */
-drvAttrs @ { outputs ? [ "out" ], ... }:
-  strict = derivationStrict drvAttrs;
-  commonAttrs = drvAttrs // (builtins.listToAttrs outputsList) //
-    {
-      all = map (x: x.value) outputsList;
-      inherit drvAttrs;
-    };
-  outputToAttrListElement = outputName:
-    {
-      name = outputName;
-      value = commonAttrs // {
-        outPath = builtins.getAttr outputName strict;
-        drvPath = strict.drvPath;
-        type = "derivation";
-        inherit outputName;
-      };
-    };
-  outputsList = map outputToAttrListElement outputs;
-(builtins.head outputsList).value
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/derivation.rs b/tvix/cli/src/derivation.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 86a271a3966d..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/derivation.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,601 +0,0 @@
-//! Implements `builtins.derivation`, the core of what makes Nix build packages.
-use nix_compat::derivation::{Derivation, Output};
-use nix_compat::nixhash;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use std::collections::{btree_map, BTreeSet};
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use tvix_eval::builtin_macros::builtins;
-use tvix_eval::generators::{self, emit_warning_kind, GenCo};
-use tvix_eval::{
-    AddContext, CatchableErrorKind, CoercionKind, ErrorKind, NixAttrs, NixList, Value, WarningKind,
-use crate::errors::Error;
-use crate::known_paths::{KnownPaths, PathKind, PathName};
-// Constants used for strangely named fields in derivation inputs.
-const STRUCTURED_ATTRS: &str = "__structuredAttrs";
-const IGNORE_NULLS: &str = "__ignoreNulls";
-/// Helper function for populating the `drv.outputs` field from a
-/// manually specified set of outputs, instead of the default
-/// `outputs`.
-async fn populate_outputs(
-    co: &GenCo,
-    drv: &mut Derivation,
-    outputs: NixList,
-) -> Result<(), ErrorKind> {
-    // Remove the original default `out` output.
-    drv.outputs.clear();
-    for output in outputs {
-        let output_name = generators::request_force(co, output)
-            .await
-            .to_str()
-            .context("determining output name")?;
-        if drv
-            .outputs
-            .insert(output_name.as_str().into(), Default::default())
-            .is_some()
-        {
-            return Err(Error::DuplicateOutput(output_name.as_str().into()).into());
-        }
-    }
-    Ok(())
-/// Populate the inputs of a derivation from the build references
-/// found when scanning the derivation's parameters.
-fn populate_inputs<I: IntoIterator<Item = PathName>>(
-    drv: &mut Derivation,
-    known_paths: &KnownPaths,
-    references: I,
-) {
-    for reference in references.into_iter() {
-        let reference = &known_paths[&reference];
-        match &reference.kind {
-            PathKind::Plain => {
-                drv.input_sources.insert(reference.path.clone());
-            }
-            PathKind::Output { name, derivation } => {
-                match drv.input_derivations.entry(derivation.clone()) {
-                    btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
-                        entry.insert(BTreeSet::from([name.clone()]));
-                    }
-                    btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
-                        entry.get_mut().insert(name.clone());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-            PathKind::Derivation { output_names } => {
-                match drv.input_derivations.entry(reference.path.clone()) {
-                    btree_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
-                        entry.insert(output_names.clone());
-                    }
-                    btree_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
-                        entry.get_mut().extend(output_names.clone().into_iter());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-/// Populate the output configuration of a derivation based on the
-/// parameters passed to the call, configuring a fixed-output derivation output
-/// if necessary.
-/// This function handles all possible combinations of the
-/// parameters, including invalid ones.
-/// Due to the support for SRI hashes, and how these are passed along to
-/// builtins.derivation, outputHash and outputHashAlgo can have values which
-/// need to be further modified before constructing the Derivation struct.
-/// If outputHashAlgo is an SRI hash, outputHashAlgo must either be an empty
-/// string, or the hash algorithm as specified in the (single) SRI (entry).
-/// SRI strings with multiple hash algorithms are not supported.
-/// In case an SRI string was used, the (single) fixed output is populated
-/// with the hash algo name, and the hash digest is populated with the
-/// (lowercase) hex encoding of the digest.
-/// These values are only rewritten for the outputs, not what's passed to env.
-fn handle_fixed_output(
-    drv: &mut Derivation,
-    hash_str: Option<String>,      // in nix: outputHash
-    hash_algo_str: Option<String>, // in nix: outputHashAlgo
-    hash_mode_str: Option<String>, // in nix: outputHashmode
-) -> Result<(), ErrorKind> {
-    // If outputHash is provided, ensure hash_algo_str is compatible.
-    // If outputHash is not provided, do nothing.
-    if let Some(hash_str) = hash_str {
-        // treat an empty algo as None
-        let hash_algo_str = match hash_algo_str {
-            Some(s) if s.is_empty() => None,
-            Some(s) => Some(s),
-            None => None,
-        };
-        // construct a NixHash.
-        let nixhash = nixhash::from_str(&hash_str, hash_algo_str.as_deref())
-            .map_err(Error::InvalidOutputHash)?;
-        // construct the fixed output.
-        drv.outputs.insert(
-            "out".to_string(),
-            Output {
-                path: "".to_string(),
-                ca_hash: match hash_mode_str.as_deref() {
-                    None | Some("flat") => Some(nixhash::CAHash::Flat(nixhash)),
-                    Some("recursive") => Some(nixhash::CAHash::Nar(nixhash)),
-                    Some(other) => return Err(Error::InvalidOutputHashMode(other.to_string()))?,
-                },
-            },
-        );
-    }
-    Ok(())
-/// Handles derivation parameters which are not just forwarded to
-/// the environment. The return value indicates whether the
-/// parameter should be included in the environment.
-async fn handle_derivation_parameters(
-    drv: &mut Derivation,
-    co: &GenCo,
-    name: &str,
-    value: &Value,
-    val_str: &str,
-) -> Result<Result<bool, CatchableErrorKind>, ErrorKind> {
-    match name {
-        IGNORE_NULLS => return Ok(Ok(false)),
-        // Command line arguments to the builder.
-        "args" => {
-            let args = value.to_list()?;
-            for arg in args {
-                match strong_coerce_to_string(co, arg).await? {
-                    Err(cek) => return Ok(Err(cek)),
-                    Ok(s) => drv.arguments.push(s),
-                }
-            }
-            // The arguments do not appear in the environment.
-            return Ok(Ok(false));
-        }
-        // Explicitly specified drv outputs (instead of default [ "out" ])
-        "outputs" => {
-            let outputs = value
-                .to_list()
-                .context("looking at the `outputs` parameter of the derivation")?;
-            populate_outputs(co, drv, outputs).await?;
-        }
-        "builder" => {
-            drv.builder = val_str.to_string();
-        }
-        "system" => {
-            drv.system = val_str.to_string();
-        }
-        _ => {}
-    }
-    Ok(Ok(true))
-async fn strong_coerce_to_string(
-    co: &GenCo,
-    val: Value,
-) -> Result<Result<String, CatchableErrorKind>, ErrorKind> {
-    let val = generators::request_force(co, val).await;
-    match generators::request_string_coerce(co, val, CoercionKind::Strong).await {
-        Err(cek) => Ok(Err(cek)),
-        Ok(val_str) => Ok(Ok(val_str.as_str().to_string())),
-    }
-#[builtins(state = "Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>")]
-mod derivation_builtins {
-    use super::*;
-    use nix_compat::store_path::hash_placeholder;
-    use tvix_eval::generators::Gen;
-    #[builtin("placeholder")]
-    async fn builtin_placeholder(co: GenCo, input: Value) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
-        let placeholder = hash_placeholder(
-            input
-                .to_str()
-                .context("looking at output name in builtins.placeholder")?
-                .as_str(),
-        );
-        Ok(placeholder.into())
-    }
-    /// Strictly construct a Nix derivation from the supplied arguments.
-    ///
-    /// This is considered an internal function, users usually want to
-    /// use the higher-level `builtins.derivation` instead.
-    #[builtin("derivationStrict")]
-    async fn builtin_derivation_strict(
-        state: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>,
-        co: GenCo,
-        input: Value,
-    ) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
-        let input = input.to_attrs()?;
-        let name = generators::request_force(&co, input.select_required("name")?.clone())
-            .await
-            .to_str()
-            .context("determining derivation name")?;
-        if name.is_empty() {
-            return Err(ErrorKind::Abort("derivation has empty name".to_string()));
-        }
-        // Check whether attributes should be passed as a JSON file.
-        // TODO: the JSON serialisation has to happen here.
-        if let Some(sa) = input.select(STRUCTURED_ATTRS) {
-            if generators::request_force(&co, sa.clone()).await.as_bool()? {
-                return Err(ErrorKind::NotImplemented(STRUCTURED_ATTRS));
-            }
-        }
-        // Check whether null attributes should be ignored or passed through.
-        let ignore_nulls = match input.select(IGNORE_NULLS) {
-            Some(b) => generators::request_force(&co, b.clone()).await.as_bool()?,
-            None => false,
-        };
-        let mut drv = Derivation::default();
-        drv.outputs.insert("out".to_string(), Default::default());
-        async fn select_string(
-            co: &GenCo,
-            attrs: &NixAttrs,
-            key: &str,
-        ) -> Result<Result<Option<String>, CatchableErrorKind>, ErrorKind> {
-            if let Some(attr) = attrs.select(key) {
-                match strong_coerce_to_string(co, attr.clone()).await? {
-                    Err(cek) => return Ok(Err(cek)),
-                    Ok(str) => return Ok(Ok(Some(str))),
-                }
-            }
-            Ok(Ok(None))
-        }
-        for (name, value) in input.clone().into_iter_sorted() {
-            let value = generators::request_force(&co, value).await;
-            if ignore_nulls && matches!(value, Value::Null) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            match strong_coerce_to_string(&co, value.clone()).await? {
-                Err(cek) => return Ok(Value::Catchable(cek)),
-                Ok(val_str) => {
-                    // handle_derivation_parameters tells us whether the
-                    // argument should be added to the environment; continue
-                    // to the next one otherwise
-                    match handle_derivation_parameters(
-                        &mut drv,
-                        &co,
-                        name.as_str(),
-                        &value,
-                        &val_str,
-                    )
-                    .await?
-                    {
-                        Err(cek) => return Ok(Value::Catchable(cek)),
-                        Ok(false) => continue,
-                        _ => (),
-                    }
-                    // Most of these are also added to the builder's environment in "raw" form.
-                    if drv
-                        .environment
-                        .insert(name.as_str().to_string(), val_str.into())
-                        .is_some()
-                    {
-                        return Err(Error::DuplicateEnvVar(name.as_str().to_string()).into());
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        // Configure fixed-output derivations if required.
-        {
-            let output_hash = match select_string(&co, &input, "outputHash")
-                .await
-                .context("evaluating the `outputHash` parameter")?
-            {
-                Err(cek) => return Ok(Value::Catchable(cek)),
-                Ok(s) => s,
-            };
-            let output_hash_algo = match select_string(&co, &input, "outputHashAlgo")
-                .await
-                .context("evaluating the `outputHashAlgo` parameter")?
-            {
-                Err(cek) => return Ok(Value::Catchable(cek)),
-                Ok(s) => s,
-            };
-            let output_hash_mode = match select_string(&co, &input, "outputHashMode")
-                .await
-                .context("evaluating the `outputHashMode` parameter")?
-            {
-                Err(cek) => return Ok(Value::Catchable(cek)),
-                Ok(s) => s,
-            };
-            handle_fixed_output(&mut drv, output_hash, output_hash_algo, output_hash_mode)?;
-        }
-        // Scan references in relevant attributes to detect any build-references.
-        let references = {
-            let state = state.borrow();
-            if state.is_empty() {
-                // skip reference scanning, create an empty result
-                Default::default()
-            } else {
-                let mut refscan = state.reference_scanner();
-                drv.arguments.iter().for_each(|s| refscan.scan(s));
-                drv.environment.values().for_each(|s| refscan.scan(s));
-                refscan.scan(&drv.builder);
-                refscan.finalise()
-            }
-        };
-        // Each output name needs to exist in the environment, at this
-        // point initialised as an empty string because that is the
-        // way of Golang ;)
-        for output in drv.outputs.keys() {
-            if drv
-                .environment
-                .insert(output.to_string(), String::new().into())
-                .is_some()
-            {
-                emit_warning_kind(&co, WarningKind::ShadowedOutput(output.to_string())).await;
-            }
-        }
-        let mut known_paths = state.borrow_mut();
-        populate_inputs(&mut drv, &known_paths, references);
-        // At this point, derivation fields are fully populated from
-        // eval data structures.
-        drv.validate(false).map_err(Error::InvalidDerivation)?;
-        // Calculate the derivation_or_fod_hash for the current derivation.
-        // This one is still intermediate (so not added to known_paths)
-        let derivation_or_fod_hash_tmp =
-            drv.derivation_or_fod_hash(|drv| known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(drv));
-        // Mutate the Derivation struct and set output paths
-        drv.calculate_output_paths(&name, &derivation_or_fod_hash_tmp)
-            .map_err(Error::InvalidDerivation)?;
-        let derivation_path = drv
-            .calculate_derivation_path(&name)
-            .map_err(Error::InvalidDerivation)?;
-        // recompute the hash derivation modulo and add to known_paths
-        let derivation_or_fod_hash_final =
-            drv.derivation_or_fod_hash(|drv| known_paths.get_hash_derivation_modulo(drv));
-        known_paths.add_hash_derivation_modulo(
-            derivation_path.to_absolute_path(),
-            &derivation_or_fod_hash_final,
-        );
-        // mark all the new paths as known
-        let output_names: Vec<String> = drv.outputs.keys().map(Clone::clone).collect();
-        known_paths.drv(derivation_path.to_absolute_path(), &output_names);
-        for (output_name, output) in &drv.outputs {
-            known_paths.output(
-                &output.path,
-                output_name,
-                derivation_path.to_absolute_path(),
-            );
-        }
-        let mut new_attrs: Vec<(String, String)> = drv
-            .outputs
-            .into_iter()
-            .map(|(name, output)| (name, output.path))
-            .collect();
-        new_attrs.push(("drvPath".to_string(), derivation_path.to_absolute_path()));
-        Ok(Value::Attrs(Box::new(NixAttrs::from_iter(
-            new_attrs.into_iter(),
-        ))))
-    }
-    #[builtin("toFile")]
-    async fn builtin_to_file(
-        state: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>,
-        co: GenCo,
-        name: Value,
-        content: Value,
-    ) -> Result<Value, ErrorKind> {
-        let name = name
-            .to_str()
-            .context("evaluating the `name` parameter of builtins.toFile")?;
-        let content = content
-            .to_str()
-            .context("evaluating the `content` parameter of builtins.toFile")?;
-        let mut refscan = state.borrow().reference_scanner();
-        refscan.scan(content.as_str());
-        let refs = {
-            let paths = state.borrow();
-            refscan
-                .finalise()
-                .into_iter()
-                .map(|path| paths[&path].path.to_string())
-                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
-        };
-        // TODO: fail on derivation references (only "plain" is allowed here)
-        let path = nix_compat::store_path::build_text_path(name.as_str(), content.as_str(), refs)
-            .map_err(|_e| {
-                nix_compat::derivation::DerivationError::InvalidOutputName(
-                    name.as_str().to_string(),
-                )
-            })
-            .map_err(Error::InvalidDerivation)?
-            .to_absolute_path();
-        state.borrow_mut().plain(&path);
-        // TODO: actually persist the file in the store at that path ...
-        Ok(Value::String(path.into()))
-    }
-pub use derivation_builtins::builtins as derivation_builtins;
-mod tests {
-    use crate::known_paths::KnownPaths;
-    use nix_compat::store_path::hash_placeholder;
-    use std::{cell::RefCell, rc::Rc};
-    use test_case::test_case;
-    use tvix_eval::EvaluationResult;
-    /// evaluates a given nix expression and returns the result.
-    /// Takes care of setting up the evaluator so it knows about the
-    // `derivation` builtin.
-    fn eval(str: &str) -> EvaluationResult {
-        let mut eval = tvix_eval::Evaluation::new_impure(str, None);
-        let known_paths: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>> = Default::default();
-        eval.builtins
-            .extend(crate::derivation::derivation_builtins(known_paths));
-        // Add the actual `builtins.derivation` from compiled Nix code
-        eval.src_builtins
-            .push(("derivation", include_str!("derivation.nix")));
-        // run the evaluation itself.
-        eval.evaluate()
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn derivation() {
-        let result = eval(
-            r#"(derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux";}).outPath"#,
-        );
-        assert!(result.errors.is_empty(), "expect evaluation to succeed");
-        let value = result.value.expect("must be some");
-        match value {
-            tvix_eval::Value::String(s) => {
-                assert_eq!(
-                    "/nix/store/xpcvxsx5sw4rbq666blz6sxqlmsqphmr-foo",
-                    s.as_str()
-                );
-            }
-            _ => panic!("unexpected value type: {:?}", value),
-        }
-    }
-    /// a derivation with an empty name is an error.
-    #[test]
-    fn derivation_empty_name_fail() {
-        let result = eval(
-            r#"(derivation { name = ""; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux";}).outPath"#,
-        );
-        assert!(!result.errors.is_empty(), "expect evaluation to fail");
-    }
-    /// construct some calls to builtins.derivation and compare produced output
-    /// paths.
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/17wgs52s7kcamcyin4ja58njkf91ipq8-foo"; "r:sha256")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo2"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/gi0p8vd635vpk1nq029cz3aa3jkhar5k-foo2"; "r:sha256 other name")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha1"; outputHash = "sha1-VUCRC+16gU5lcrLYHlPSUyx0Y/Q="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/p5sammmhpa84ama7ymkbgwwzrilva24x-foo"; "r:sha1")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "md5"; outputHash = "md5-07BzhNET7exJ6qYjitX/AA=="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/gmmxgpy1jrzs86r5y05wy6wiy2m15xgi-foo"; "r:md5")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha512"; outputHash = "sha512-DPkYCnZKuoY6Z7bXLwkYvBMcZ3JkLLLc5aNPCnAvlHDdwr8SXBIZixmVwjPDS0r9NGxUojNMNQqUilG26LTmtg=="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/lfi2bfyyap88y45mfdwi4j99gkaxaj19-foo"; "r:sha512")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "4374173a8cbe88de152b609f96f46e958bcf65762017474eec5a05ec2bd61530"; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/17wgs52s7kcamcyin4ja58njkf91ipq8-foo"; "r:sha256 base16")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "0c0msqmyq1asxi74f5r0frjwz2wmdvs9d7v05caxx25yihx1fx23"; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/17wgs52s7kcamcyin4ja58njkf91ipq8-foo"; "r:sha256 nixbase32")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/17wgs52s7kcamcyin4ja58njkf91ipq8-foo"; "r:sha256 base64")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "sha256-fgIr3TyFGDAXP5+qoAaiMKDg/a1MlT6Fv/S/DaA24S8="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/xm1l9dx4zgycv9qdhcqqvji1z88z534b-foo"; "r:sha256 base64 nopad")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "flat"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/q4pkwkxdib797fhk22p0k3g1q32jmxvf-foo"; "sha256")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo2"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "flat"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/znw17xlmx9r6gw8izjkqxkl6s28sza4l-foo2"; "sha256 other name")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "flat"; outputHashAlgo = "sha1"; outputHash = "sha1-VUCRC+16gU5lcrLYHlPSUyx0Y/Q="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/zgpnjjmga53d8srp8chh3m9fn7nnbdv6-foo"; "sha1")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "flat"; outputHashAlgo = "md5"; outputHash = "md5-07BzhNET7exJ6qYjitX/AA=="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/jfhcwnq1852ccy9ad9nakybp2wadngnd-foo"; "md5")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "flat"; outputHashAlgo = "sha512"; outputHash = "sha512-DPkYCnZKuoY6Z7bXLwkYvBMcZ3JkLLLc5aNPCnAvlHDdwr8SXBIZixmVwjPDS0r9NGxUojNMNQqUilG26LTmtg=="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/as736rr116ian9qzg457f96j52ki8bm3-foo"; "sha512")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/17wgs52s7kcamcyin4ja58njkf91ipq8-foo"; "r:sha256 outputHashAlgo omitted")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/q4pkwkxdib797fhk22p0k3g1q32jmxvf-foo"; "r:sha256 outputHashAlgo and outputHashMode omitted")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/xpcvxsx5sw4rbq666blz6sxqlmsqphmr-foo"; "outputHash* omitted")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; outputs = ["foo" "bar"]; system = "x86_64-linux"; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/hkwdinvz2jpzgnjy9lv34d2zxvclj4s3-foo-foo"; "multiple outputs")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; args = ["--foo" "42" "--bar"]; system = "x86_64-linux"; }).outPath"#, "/nix/store/365gi78n2z7vwc1bvgb98k0a9cqfp6as-foo"; "args")]
-    #[test_case(r#"
-                   let
-                     bar = builtins.derivation {
-                       name = "bar";
-                       builder = ":";
-                       system = ":";
-                       outputHash = "08813cbee9903c62be4c5027726a418a300da4500b2d369d3af9286f4815ceba";
-                       outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
-                       outputHashMode = "recursive";
-                     };
-                   in
-                   (builtins.derivation {
-                     name = "foo";
-                     builder = ":";
-                     system = ":";
-                     inherit bar;
-                   }).outPath
-        "#, "/nix/store/5vyvcwah9l9kf07d52rcgdk70g2f4y13-foo"; "full")]
-    fn test_outpath(code: &str, expected_path: &str) {
-        let value = eval(code).value.expect("must succeed");
-        match value {
-            tvix_eval::Value::String(s) => {
-                assert_eq!(expected_path, s.as_str());
-            }
-            _ => panic!("unexpected value type: {:?}", value),
-        }
-    }
-    /// construct some calls to builtins.derivation that should be rejected
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha256"; outputHash = "sha256-00"; }).outPath"#; "invalid outputhash")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; system = "x86_64-linux"; outputHashMode = "recursive"; outputHashAlgo = "sha1"; outputHash = "sha256-Q3QXOoy+iN4VK2CflvRulYvPZXYgF0dO7FoF7CvWFTA="; }).outPath"#; "sha1 and sha256")]
-    #[test_case(r#"(builtins.derivation { name = "foo"; builder = "/bin/sh"; outputs = ["foo" "foo"]; system = "x86_64-linux"; }).outPath"#; "duplicate output names")]
-    fn test_outpath_invalid(code: &str) {
-        let resp = eval(code);
-        assert!(resp.value.is_none(), "Value should be None");
-        assert!(
-            !resp.errors.is_empty(),
-            "There should have been some errors"
-        );
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn builtins_placeholder_hashes() {
-        assert_eq!(
-            hash_placeholder("out").as_str(),
-            "/1rz4g4znpzjwh1xymhjpm42vipw92pr73vdgl6xs1hycac8kf2n9"
-        );
-        assert_eq!(
-            hash_placeholder("").as_str(),
-            "/171rf4jhx57xqz3p7swniwkig249cif71pa08p80mgaf0mqz5bmr"
-        );
-    }
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/errors.rs b/tvix/cli/src/errors.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cbddcbba811..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/errors.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-use nix_compat::{derivation::DerivationError, nixhash};
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use thiserror::Error;
-/// Errors related to derivation construction
-#[derive(Debug, Error)]
-pub enum Error {
-    #[error("an output with the name '{0}' is already defined")]
-    DuplicateOutput(String),
-    #[error("fixed-output derivations can only have the default `out`-output")]
-    ConflictingOutputTypes,
-    #[error("the environment variable '{0}' has already been set in this derivation")]
-    DuplicateEnvVar(String),
-    #[error("invalid derivation parameters: {0}")]
-    InvalidDerivation(DerivationError),
-    #[error("invalid output hash: {0}")]
-    InvalidOutputHash(nixhash::Error),
-    #[error("invalid output hash mode: '{0}', only 'recursive' and 'flat` are supported")]
-    InvalidOutputHashMode(String),
-impl From<Error> for tvix_eval::ErrorKind {
-    fn from(err: Error) -> Self {
-        tvix_eval::ErrorKind::TvixError(Rc::new(err))
-    }
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/fetchurl.nix b/tvix/cli/src/fetchurl.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f182a5a319b..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/fetchurl.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1
-# This file is vendored from C++ Nix, as it needs to be bundled with
-# an evaluator to be able to evaluate nixpkgs.
-# Source: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/blob/2.3.16/corepkgs/fetchurl.nix
-{ system ? "" # obsolete
-, url
-, hash ? "" # an SRI hash
-  # Legacy hash specification
-, md5 ? ""
-, sha1 ? ""
-, sha256 ? ""
-, sha512 ? ""
-, outputHash ? if hash != "" then hash else if sha512 != "" then sha512 else if sha1 != "" then sha1 else if md5 != "" then md5 else sha256
-, outputHashAlgo ? if hash != "" then "" else if sha512 != "" then "sha512" else if sha1 != "" then "sha1" else if md5 != "" then "md5" else "sha256"
-, executable ? false
-, unpack ? false
-, name ? baseNameOf (toString url)
-derivation {
-  builder = "builtin:fetchurl";
-  # New-style output content requirements.
-  inherit outputHashAlgo outputHash;
-  outputHashMode = if unpack || executable then "recursive" else "flat";
-  inherit name url executable unpack;
-  system = "builtin";
-  # No need to double the amount of network traffic
-  preferLocalBuild = true;
-  impureEnvVars = [
-    # We borrow these environment variables from the caller to allow
-    # easy proxy configuration.  This is impure, but a fixed-output
-    # derivation like fetchurl is allowed to do so since its result is
-    # by definition pure.
-    "http_proxy"
-    "https_proxy"
-    "ftp_proxy"
-    "all_proxy"
-    "no_proxy"
-  ];
-  # To make "nix-prefetch-url" work.
-  urls = [ url ];
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/known_paths.rs b/tvix/cli/src/known_paths.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 07373ef0da7a..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/known_paths.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-//! This module implements logic required for persisting known paths
-//! during an evaluation.
-//! Tvix needs to be able to keep track of each Nix store path that it
-//! knows about during the scope of a single evaluation and its
-//! related builds.
-//! This data is required to scan derivation inputs for the build
-//! references (the "build closure") that they make use of.
-//! Please see //tvix/eval/docs/build-references.md for more
-//! information.
-use crate::refscan::{ReferenceScanner, STORE_PATH_LEN};
-use nix_compat::nixhash::NixHash;
-use std::{
-    collections::{hash_map, BTreeSet, HashMap},
-    ops::Index,
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub enum PathKind {
-    /// A literal derivation (`.drv`-file), and the *names* of its outputs.
-    Derivation { output_names: BTreeSet<String> },
-    /// An output of a derivation, its name, and the path of its derivation.
-    Output { name: String, derivation: String },
-    /// A plain store path (e.g. source files copied to the store).
-    Plain,
-#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
-pub struct KnownPath {
-    pub path: String,
-    pub kind: PathKind,
-impl KnownPath {
-    fn new(path: String, kind: PathKind) -> Self {
-        KnownPath { path, kind }
-    }
-/// Internal struct to prevent accidental leaks of the truncated path
-/// names.
-#[derive(Clone, Debug, Default, PartialEq, PartialOrd, Ord, Eq, Hash)]
-pub struct PathName(String);
-impl From<&str> for PathName {
-    fn from(s: &str) -> Self {
-        PathName(s[..STORE_PATH_LEN].to_string())
-    }
-/// This instance is required to pass PathName instances as needles to
-/// the reference scanner.
-impl AsRef<[u8]> for PathName {
-    fn as_ref(&self) -> &[u8] {
-        self.0.as_ref()
-    }
-#[derive(Debug, Default)]
-pub struct KnownPaths {
-    /// All known paths, keyed by a truncated version of their store
-    /// path used for reference scanning.
-    paths: HashMap<PathName, KnownPath>,
-    /// All known derivation or FOD hashes.
-    ///
-    /// Keys are derivation paths, values is the NixHash.
-    derivation_or_fod_hashes: HashMap<String, NixHash>,
-impl Index<&PathName> for KnownPaths {
-    type Output = KnownPath;
-    fn index(&self, index: &PathName) -> &Self::Output {
-        &self.paths[index]
-    }
-impl KnownPaths {
-    fn insert_path(&mut self, path: String, path_kind: PathKind) {
-        match self.paths.entry(path.as_str().into()) {
-            hash_map::Entry::Vacant(entry) => {
-                entry.insert(KnownPath::new(path, path_kind));
-            }
-            hash_map::Entry::Occupied(mut entry) => {
-                match (path_kind, &mut entry.get_mut().kind) {
-                    // These variant combinations require no "merging action".
-                    (PathKind::Plain, PathKind::Plain) => (),
-                    (PathKind::Output { .. }, PathKind::Output { .. }) => (),
-                    (
-                        PathKind::Derivation { output_names: new },
-                        PathKind::Derivation {
-                            output_names: ref mut old,
-                        },
-                    ) => {
-                        old.extend(new);
-                    }
-                    _ => panic!(
-                        "path '{}' inserted twice with different types",
-                        entry.key().0
-                    ),
-                };
-            }
-        };
-    }
-    /// Mark a plain path as known.
-    pub fn plain<S: ToString>(&mut self, path: S) {
-        self.insert_path(path.to_string(), PathKind::Plain);
-    }
-    /// Mark a derivation as known.
-    pub fn drv<P: ToString, O: ToString>(&mut self, path: P, outputs: &[O]) {
-        self.insert_path(
-            path.to_string(),
-            PathKind::Derivation {
-                output_names: outputs.iter().map(ToString::to_string).collect(),
-            },
-        );
-    }
-    /// Mark a derivation output path as known.
-    pub fn output<P: ToString, N: ToString, D: ToString>(
-        &mut self,
-        output_path: P,
-        name: N,
-        drv_path: D,
-    ) {
-        self.insert_path(
-            output_path.to_string(),
-            PathKind::Output {
-                name: name.to_string(),
-                derivation: drv_path.to_string(),
-            },
-        );
-    }
-    /// Checks whether there are any known paths. If not, a reference
-    /// scanner can not be created.
-    pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool {
-        self.paths.is_empty()
-    }
-    /// Create a reference scanner from the current set of known paths.
-    pub fn reference_scanner(&self) -> ReferenceScanner<PathName> {
-        let candidates = self.paths.keys().map(Clone::clone).collect();
-        ReferenceScanner::new(candidates)
-    }
-    /// Fetch the opaque "hash derivation modulo" for a given derivation path.
-    pub fn get_hash_derivation_modulo(&self, drv_path: &str) -> NixHash {
-        // TODO: we rely on an invariant that things *should* have
-        // been calculated if we get this far.
-        self.derivation_or_fod_hashes[drv_path].clone()
-    }
-    pub fn add_hash_derivation_modulo<D: ToString>(
-        &mut self,
-        drv: D,
-        hash_derivation_modulo: &NixHash,
-    ) {
-        #[allow(unused_variables)] // assertions on this only compiled in debug builds
-        let old = self
-            .derivation_or_fod_hashes
-            .insert(drv.to_string(), hash_derivation_modulo.to_owned());
-        #[cfg(debug_assertions)]
-        {
-            if let Some(old) = old {
-                debug_assert!(
-                    old == *hash_derivation_modulo,
-                    "hash derivation modulo for a given derivation should always be calculated the same"
-                );
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/main.rs b/tvix/cli/src/main.rs
index ebcfe4b800b8..1ffa2be256ac 100644
--- a/tvix/cli/src/main.rs
+++ b/tvix/cli/src/main.rs
@@ -1,24 +1,18 @@
-mod derivation;
-mod errors;
-mod known_paths;
-mod refscan;
-mod tvix_io;
-mod tvix_store_io;
 use std::cell::RefCell;
 use std::rc::Rc;
 use std::sync::Arc;
 use std::{fs, path::PathBuf};
+use tvix_glue::add_derivation_builtins;
+use tvix_glue::known_paths::KnownPaths;
 use clap::Parser;
-use known_paths::KnownPaths;
 use rustyline::{error::ReadlineError, Editor};
 use tvix_castore::blobservice::MemoryBlobService;
 use tvix_castore::directoryservice::MemoryDirectoryService;
 use tvix_eval::observer::{DisassemblingObserver, TracingObserver};
 use tvix_eval::Value;
+use tvix_glue::tvix_store_io::TvixStoreIO;
 use tvix_store::pathinfoservice::MemoryPathInfoService;
-use tvix_store_io::TvixStoreIO;
 struct Args {
@@ -69,7 +63,6 @@ struct Args {
 /// evaluation succeeded.
 fn interpret(code: &str, path: Option<PathBuf>, args: &Args, explain: bool) -> bool {
     let mut eval = tvix_eval::Evaluation::new_impure(code, path);
-    let known_paths: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>> = Default::default();
     eval.strict = args.strict;
@@ -80,9 +73,11 @@ fn interpret(code: &str, path: Option<PathBuf>, args: &Args, explain: bool) -> b
-    let tokio_runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
+    let known_paths: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>> = Default::default();
+    add_derivation_builtins(&mut eval, known_paths.clone());
-    eval.io_handle = Box::new(tvix_io::TvixIO::new(
+    let tokio_runtime = tokio::runtime::Runtime::new().unwrap();
+    eval.io_handle = Box::new(tvix_glue::tvix_io::TvixIO::new(
@@ -100,13 +95,6 @@ fn interpret(code: &str, path: Option<PathBuf>, args: &Args, explain: bool) -> b
         .map(|p| format!("nix=/__corepkgs__:{}", p))
         .or_else(|| Some("nix=/__corepkgs__".to_string()));
-    eval.builtins
-        .extend(derivation::derivation_builtins(known_paths));
-    // Add the actual `builtins.derivation` from compiled Nix code
-    eval.src_builtins
-        .push(("derivation", include_str!("derivation.nix")));
     let source_map = eval.source_map();
     let result = {
         let mut compiler_observer =
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/refscan.rs b/tvix/cli/src/refscan.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 0e0bb6c77828..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/refscan.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-//! Simple scanner for non-overlapping, known references of Nix store paths in a
-//! given string.
-//! This is used for determining build references (see
-//! //tvix/eval/docs/build-references.md for more details).
-//! The scanner itself is using the Wu-Manber string-matching algorithm, using
-//! our fork of the `wu-mamber` crate.
-use std::collections::BTreeSet;
-use wu_manber::TwoByteWM;
-pub const STORE_PATH_LEN: usize = "/nix/store/00000000000000000000000000000000".len();
-/// Represents a "primed" reference scanner with an automaton that knows the set
-/// of store paths to scan for.
-pub struct ReferenceScanner<P: Ord + AsRef<[u8]>> {
-    candidates: Vec<P>,
-    searcher: Option<TwoByteWM>,
-    matches: Vec<usize>,
-impl<P: Clone + Ord + AsRef<[u8]>> ReferenceScanner<P> {
-    /// Construct a new `ReferenceScanner` that knows how to scan for the given
-    /// candidate store paths.
-    pub fn new(candidates: Vec<P>) -> Self {
-        let searcher = if candidates.is_empty() {
-            None
-        } else {
-            Some(TwoByteWM::new(&candidates))
-        };
-        ReferenceScanner {
-            searcher,
-            candidates,
-            matches: Default::default(),
-        }
-    }
-    /// Scan the given str for all non-overlapping matches and collect them
-    /// in the scanner.
-    pub fn scan<S: AsRef<[u8]>>(&mut self, haystack: S) {
-        if haystack.as_ref().len() < STORE_PATH_LEN {
-            return;
-        }
-        if let Some(searcher) = &self.searcher {
-            for m in searcher.find(haystack) {
-                self.matches.push(m.pat_idx);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /// Finalise the reference scanner and return the resulting matches.
-    pub fn finalise(self) -> BTreeSet<P> {
-        self.matches
-            .into_iter()
-            .map(|idx| self.candidates[idx].clone())
-            .collect()
-    }
-mod tests {
-    use super::*;
-    // The actual derivation of `nixpkgs.hello`.
-    const HELLO_DRV: &str = r#"Derive([("out","/nix/store/33l4p0pn0mybmqzaxfkpppyh7vx1c74p-hello-2.12.1","","")],[("/nix/store/6z1jfnqqgyqr221zgbpm30v91yfj3r45-bash-5.1-p16.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/ap9g09fxbicj836zm88d56dn3ff4clxl-stdenv-linux.drv",["out"]),("/nix/store/pf80kikyxr63wrw56k00i1kw6ba76qik-hello-2.12.1.tar.gz.drv",["out"])],["/nix/store/9krlzvny65gdc8s7kpb6lkx8cd02c25b-default-builder.sh"],"x86_64-linux","/nix/store/4xw8n979xpivdc46a9ndcvyhwgif00hz-bash-5.1-p16/bin/bash",["-e","/nix/store/9krlzvny65gdc8s7kpb6lkx8cd02c25b-default-builder.sh"],[("buildInputs",""),("builder","/nix/store/4xw8n979xpivdc46a9ndcvyhwgif00hz-bash-5.1-p16/bin/bash"),("cmakeFlags",""),("configureFlags",""),("depsBuildBuild",""),("depsBuildBuildPropagated",""),("depsBuildTarget",""),("depsBuildTargetPropagated",""),("depsHostHost",""),("depsHostHostPropagated",""),("depsTargetTarget",""),("depsTargetTargetPropagated",""),("doCheck","1"),("doInstallCheck",""),("mesonFlags",""),("name","hello-2.12.1"),("nativeBuildInputs",""),("out","/nix/store/33l4p0pn0mybmqzaxfkpppyh7vx1c74p-hello-2.12.1"),("outputs","out"),("patches",""),("pname","hello"),("propagatedBuildInputs",""),("propagatedNativeBuildInputs",""),("src","/nix/store/pa10z4ngm0g83kx9mssrqzz30s84vq7k-hello-2.12.1.tar.gz"),("stdenv","/nix/store/cp65c8nk29qq5cl1wyy5qyw103cwmax7-stdenv-linux"),("strictDeps",""),("system","x86_64-linux"),("version","2.12.1")])"#;
-    #[test]
-    fn test_no_patterns() {
-        let mut scanner: ReferenceScanner<String> = ReferenceScanner::new(vec![]);
-        scanner.scan(HELLO_DRV);
-        let result = scanner.finalise();
-        assert_eq!(result.len(), 0);
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_single_match() {
-        let mut scanner = ReferenceScanner::new(vec![
-            "/nix/store/4xw8n979xpivdc46a9ndcvyhwgif00hz-bash-5.1-p16".to_string(),
-        ]);
-        scanner.scan(HELLO_DRV);
-        let result = scanner.finalise();
-        assert_eq!(result.len(), 1);
-        assert!(result.contains("/nix/store/4xw8n979xpivdc46a9ndcvyhwgif00hz-bash-5.1-p16"));
-    }
-    #[test]
-    fn test_multiple_matches() {
-        let candidates = vec![
-            // these exist in the drv:
-            "/nix/store/33l4p0pn0mybmqzaxfkpppyh7vx1c74p-hello-2.12.1".to_string(),
-            "/nix/store/pf80kikyxr63wrw56k00i1kw6ba76qik-hello-2.12.1.tar.gz.drv".to_string(),
-            "/nix/store/cp65c8nk29qq5cl1wyy5qyw103cwmax7-stdenv-linux".to_string(),
-            // this doesn't:
-            "/nix/store/fn7zvafq26f0c8b17brs7s95s10ibfzs-emacs-28.2.drv".to_string(),
-        ];
-        let mut scanner = ReferenceScanner::new(candidates.clone());
-        scanner.scan(HELLO_DRV);
-        let result = scanner.finalise();
-        assert_eq!(result.len(), 3);
-        for c in candidates[..3].iter() {
-            assert!(result.contains(c));
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/tvix_io.rs b/tvix/cli/src/tvix_io.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 74f91138bff8..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/tvix_io.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
-//! This module implements a wrapper around tvix-eval's [EvalIO] type,
-//! adding functionality which is required by tvix-cli:
-//! 1. Marking plain paths known to the reference scanner.
-//! 2. Handling the C++ Nix `__corepkgs__`-hack for nixpkgs bootstrapping.
-//! All uses of [EvalIO] in tvix-cli must make use of this wrapper,
-//! otherwise fundamental features like nixpkgs bootstrapping and hash
-//! calculation will not work.
-use crate::KnownPaths;
-use std::cell::RefCell;
-use std::io;
-use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
-use std::rc::Rc;
-use tvix_eval::{EvalIO, FileType};
-// TODO: Merge this together with TvixStoreIO?
-pub(crate) struct TvixIO<T: EvalIO> {
-    /// Ingested paths must be reported to this known paths tracker
-    /// for accurate build reference scanning.
-    known_paths: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>,
-    // Actual underlying [EvalIO] implementation.
-    actual: T,
-impl<T: EvalIO> TvixIO<T> {
-    pub(crate) fn new(known_paths: Rc<RefCell<KnownPaths>>, actual: T) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            known_paths,
-            actual,
-        }
-    }
-impl<T: EvalIO> EvalIO for TvixIO<T> {
-    fn store_dir(&self) -> Option<String> {
-        self.actual.store_dir()
-    }
-    fn import_path(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<PathBuf, io::Error> {
-        let imported_path = self.actual.import_path(path)?;
-        self.known_paths
-            .borrow_mut()
-            .plain(imported_path.to_string_lossy());
-        Ok(imported_path)
-    }
-    fn path_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<bool, io::Error> {
-        if path.starts_with("/__corepkgs__") {
-            return Ok(true);
-        }
-        self.actual.path_exists(path)
-    }
-    fn read_to_string(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
-        // Bundled version of corepkgs/fetchurl.nix. The counterpart
-        // of this happens in `main`, where the `nix_path` of the
-        // evaluation has `nix=/__corepkgs__` added to it.
-        //
-        // This workaround is similar to what cppnix does for passing
-        // the path through.
-        //
-        // TODO: this comparison is bad and allocates, we should use
-        // the sane path library.
-        if path.starts_with("/__corepkgs__/fetchurl.nix") {
-            return Ok(include_str!("fetchurl.nix").to_string());
-        }
-        self.actual.read_to_string(path)
-    }
-    fn read_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<(bytes::Bytes, FileType)>, io::Error> {
-        self.actual.read_dir(path)
-    }
diff --git a/tvix/cli/src/tvix_store_io.rs b/tvix/cli/src/tvix_store_io.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9be896ffc40f..000000000000
--- a/tvix/cli/src/tvix_store_io.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-//! This module provides an implementation of EvalIO talking to tvix-store.
-use nix_compat::store_path::{self, StorePath};
-use std::{io, path::Path, path::PathBuf, sync::Arc};
-use tokio::io::AsyncReadExt;
-use tracing::{error, instrument, warn};
-use tvix_eval::{EvalIO, FileType, StdIO};
-use tvix_castore::{
-    blobservice::BlobService,
-    directoryservice::{self, DirectoryService},
-    import,
-    proto::{node::Node, NamedNode},
-    B3Digest,
-use tvix_store::{
-    nar::calculate_size_and_sha256,
-    pathinfoservice::PathInfoService,
-    proto::{NarInfo, PathInfo},
-/// Implements [EvalIO], asking given [PathInfoService], [DirectoryService]
-/// and [BlobService].
-/// In case the given path does not exist in these stores, we ask StdIO.
-/// This is to both cover cases of syntactically valid store paths, that exist
-/// on the filesystem (still managed by Nix), as well as being able to read
-/// files outside store paths.
-pub struct TvixStoreIO {
-    blob_service: Arc<dyn BlobService>,
-    directory_service: Arc<dyn DirectoryService>,
-    path_info_service: Arc<dyn PathInfoService>,
-    std_io: StdIO,
-    tokio_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle,
-impl TvixStoreIO {
-    pub fn new(
-        blob_service: Arc<dyn BlobService>,
-        directory_service: Arc<dyn DirectoryService>,
-        path_info_service: Arc<dyn PathInfoService>,
-        tokio_handle: tokio::runtime::Handle,
-    ) -> Self {
-        Self {
-            blob_service,
-            directory_service,
-            path_info_service,
-            std_io: StdIO {},
-            tokio_handle,
-        }
-    }
-    /// for a given [StorePath] and additional [Path] inside the store path,
-    /// look up the [PathInfo], and if it exists, and then use
-    /// [directoryservice::traverse_to] to return the
-    /// [Node] specified by `sub_path`.
-    #[instrument(skip(self), ret, err)]
-    fn store_path_to_root_node(
-        &self,
-        store_path: &StorePath,
-        sub_path: &Path,
-    ) -> Result<Option<Node>, io::Error> {
-        let path_info_service = self.path_info_service.clone();
-        let task = self.tokio_handle.spawn({
-            let digest = *store_path.digest();
-            async move { path_info_service.get(digest).await }
-        });
-        let path_info = match self.tokio_handle.block_on(task).unwrap()? {
-            // If there's no PathInfo found, early exit
-            None => return Ok(None),
-            Some(path_info) => path_info,
-        };
-        let root_node = {
-            match path_info.node {
-                None => {
-                    warn!(
-                        "returned PathInfo {:?} node is None, this shouldn't happen.",
-                        &path_info
-                    );
-                    return Ok(None);
-                }
-                Some(root_node) => match root_node.node {
-                    None => {
-                        warn!("node for {:?} is None, this shouldn't happen.", &root_node);
-                        return Ok(None);
-                    }
-                    Some(root_node) => root_node,
-                },
-            }
-        };
-        let directory_service = self.directory_service.clone();
-        let sub_path = sub_path.to_owned();
-        let task = self.tokio_handle.spawn(async move {
-            directoryservice::descend_to(directory_service, root_node, &sub_path).await
-        });
-        Ok(self.tokio_handle.block_on(task).unwrap()?)
-    }
-impl EvalIO for TvixStoreIO {
-    #[instrument(skip(self), ret, err)]
-    fn path_exists(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<bool, io::Error> {
-        if let Ok((store_path, sub_path)) =
-            StorePath::from_absolute_path_full(&path.to_string_lossy())
-        {
-            if self
-                .store_path_to_root_node(&store_path, &sub_path)?
-                .is_some()
-            {
-                Ok(true)
-            } else {
-                // As tvix-store doesn't manage /nix/store on the filesystem,
-                // we still need to also ask self.std_io here.
-                self.std_io.path_exists(path)
-            }
-        } else {
-            // The store path is no store path, so do regular StdIO.
-            self.std_io.path_exists(path)
-        }
-    }
-    #[instrument(skip(self), ret, err)]
-    fn read_to_string(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<String, io::Error> {
-        if let Ok((store_path, sub_path)) =
-            StorePath::from_absolute_path_full(&path.to_string_lossy())
-        {
-            if let Some(node) = self.store_path_to_root_node(&store_path, &sub_path)? {
-                // depending on the node type, treat read_to_string differently
-                match node {
-                    Node::Directory(_) => {
-                        // This would normally be a io::ErrorKind::IsADirectory (still unstable)
-                        Err(io::Error::new(
-                            io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
-                            format!("tried to read directory at {:?} to string", path),
-                        ))
-                    }
-                    Node::File(file_node) => {
-                        let digest: B3Digest =
-                            file_node.digest.clone().try_into().map_err(|_e| {
-                                error!(
-                                    file_node = ?file_node,
-                                    "invalid digest"
-                                );
-                                io::Error::new(
-                                    io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
-                                    format!("invalid digest length in file node: {:?}", file_node),
-                                )
-                            })?;
-                        let blob_service = self.blob_service.clone();
-                        let task = self.tokio_handle.spawn(async move {
-                            let mut reader = {
-                                let resp = blob_service.open_read(&digest).await?;
-                                match resp {
-                                    Some(blob_reader) => blob_reader,
-                                    None => {
-                                        error!(
-                                            blob.digest = %digest,
-                                            "blob not found",
-                                        );
-                                        Err(io::Error::new(
-                                            io::ErrorKind::NotFound,
-                                            format!("blob {} not found", &digest),
-                                        ))?
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            };
-                            let mut buf = String::new();
-                            reader.read_to_string(&mut buf).await?;
-                            Ok(buf)
-                        });
-                        self.tokio_handle.block_on(task).unwrap()
-                    }
-                    Node::Symlink(_symlink_node) => Err(io::Error::new(
-                        io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
-                        "read_to_string for symlinks is unsupported",
-                    ))?,
-                }
-            } else {
-                // As tvix-store doesn't manage /nix/store on the filesystem,
-                // we still need to also ask self.std_io here.
-                self.std_io.read_to_string(path)
-            }
-        } else {
-            // The store path is no store path, so do regular StdIO.
-            self.std_io.read_to_string(path)
-        }
-    }
-    #[instrument(skip(self), ret, err)]
-    fn read_dir(&self, path: &Path) -> Result<Vec<(bytes::Bytes, FileType)>, io::Error> {
-        if let Ok((store_path, sub_path)) =
-            StorePath::from_absolute_path_full(&path.to_string_lossy())
-        {
-            if let Some(node) = self.store_path_to_root_node(&store_path, &sub_path)? {
-                match node {
-                    Node::Directory(directory_node) => {
-                        // fetch the Directory itself.
-                        let digest: B3Digest =
-                            directory_node.digest.clone().try_into().map_err(|_e| {
-                                io::Error::new(
-                                    io::ErrorKind::InvalidData,
-                                    format!(
-                                        "invalid digest length in directory node: {:?}",
-                                        directory_node
-                                    ),
-                                )
-                            })?;
-                        let directory_service = self.directory_service.clone();
-                        let digest_clone = digest.clone();
-                        let task = self
-                            .tokio_handle
-                            .spawn(async move { directory_service.get(&digest_clone).await });
-                        if let Some(directory) = self.tokio_handle.block_on(task).unwrap()? {
-                            let mut children: Vec<(bytes::Bytes, FileType)> = Vec::new();
-                            for node in directory.nodes() {
-                                children.push(match node {
-                                    Node::Directory(e) => (e.name, FileType::Directory),
-                                    Node::File(e) => (e.name, FileType::Regular),
-                                    Node::Symlink(e) => (e.name, FileType::Symlink),
-                                })
-                            }
-                            Ok(children)
-                        } else {
-                            // If we didn't get the directory node that's linked, that's a store inconsistency!
-                            error!(
-                                directory.digest = %digest,
-                                path = ?path,
-                                "directory not found",
-                            );
-                            Err(io::Error::new(
-                                io::ErrorKind::NotFound,
-                                format!("directory {digest} does not exist"),
-                            ))?
-                        }
-                    }
-                    Node::File(_file_node) => {
-                        // This would normally be a io::ErrorKind::NotADirectory (still unstable)
-                        Err(io::Error::new(
-                            io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
-                            "tried to readdir path {:?}, which is a file",
-                        ))?
-                    }
-                    Node::Symlink(_symlink_node) => Err(io::Error::new(
-                        io::ErrorKind::Unsupported,
-                        "read_dir for symlinks is unsupported",
-                    ))?,
-                }
-            } else {
-                self.std_io.read_dir(path)
-            }
-        } else {
-            self.std_io.read_dir(path)
-        }
-    }
-    #[instrument(skip(self), ret, err)]
-    fn import_path(&self, path: &std::path::Path) -> Result<PathBuf, std::io::Error> {
-        let p = path.to_owned();
-        let blob_service = self.blob_service.clone();
-        let directory_service = self.directory_service.clone();
-        let path_info_service = self.path_info_service.clone();
-        let task = self.tokio_handle.spawn(async move {
-            import_path_with_pathinfo(blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service, &p).await
-        });
-        let path_info = self.tokio_handle.block_on(task).unwrap()?;
-        // from the [PathInfo], extract the store path (as string).
-        Ok({
-            let mut path = PathBuf::from(nix_compat::store_path::STORE_DIR_WITH_SLASH);
-            let root_node_name = path_info.node.unwrap().node.unwrap().get_name().to_vec();
-            // This must be a string, otherwise it would have failed validation.
-            let root_node_name = String::from_utf8(root_node_name).unwrap();
-            // append to the PathBuf
-            path.push(root_node_name);
-            // and return it
-            path
-        })
-    }
-    #[instrument(skip(self), ret)]
-    fn store_dir(&self) -> Option<String> {
-        Some("/nix/store".to_string())
-    }
-/// Imports a given path on the filesystem into the store, and returns the
-/// [PathInfo] describing the path, that was sent to
-/// [PathInfoService].
-#[instrument(skip(blob_service, directory_service, path_info_service), ret, err)]
-async fn import_path_with_pathinfo(
-    blob_service: Arc<dyn BlobService>,
-    directory_service: Arc<dyn DirectoryService>,
-    path_info_service: Arc<dyn PathInfoService>,
-    path: &std::path::Path,
-) -> Result<PathInfo, io::Error> {
-    // Call [import::ingest_path], which will walk over the given path and return a root_node.
-    let root_node = import::ingest_path(blob_service.clone(), directory_service.clone(), path)
-        .await
-        .expect("error during import_path");
-    // Render the NAR.
-    let (nar_size, nar_sha256) =
-        calculate_size_and_sha256(&root_node, blob_service.clone(), directory_service.clone())
-            .await
-            .expect("error during nar calculation"); // TODO: handle error
-    // TODO: make a path_to_name helper function?
-    let name = path
-        .file_name()
-        .expect("path must not be ..")
-        .to_str()
-        .expect("path must be valid unicode");
-    let output_path = store_path::build_nar_based_store_path(&nar_sha256, name);
-    // assemble a new root_node with a name that is derived from the nar hash.
-    let root_node = root_node.rename(output_path.to_string().into_bytes().into());
-    // assemble the [PathInfo] object.
-    let path_info = PathInfo {
-        node: Some(tvix_castore::proto::Node {
-            node: Some(root_node),
-        }),
-        // There's no reference scanning on path contents ingested like this.
-        references: vec![],
-        narinfo: Some(NarInfo {
-            nar_size,
-            nar_sha256: nar_sha256.to_vec().into(),
-            signatures: vec![],
-            reference_names: vec![],
-            deriver: None,
-            ca: Some(tvix_store::proto::nar_info::Ca {
-                r#type: tvix_store::proto::nar_info::ca::Hash::NarSha256.into(),
-                digest: nar_sha256.to_vec().into(),
-            }),
-        }),
-    };
-    // put into [PathInfoService], and return the [PathInfo] that we get
-    // back from there (it might contain additional signatures).
-    let path_info = path_info_service.put(path_info).await?;
-    Ok(path_info)