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path: root/tvix/build/src/oci/spec.rs
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1 files changed, 319 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tvix/build/src/oci/spec.rs b/tvix/build/src/oci/spec.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d804aa1171c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tvix/build/src/oci/spec.rs
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+//! Module to create a OCI runtime spec for a given [BuildRequest].
+use crate::proto::BuildRequest;
+use oci_spec::{
+    runtime::{Capability, LinuxNamespace, LinuxNamespaceBuilder, LinuxNamespaceType},
+    OciSpecError,
+use std::{collections::HashSet, path::Path};
+use tvix_castore::proto as castorepb;
+use super::scratch_name;
+/// For a given [BuildRequest], return an OCI runtime spec.
+/// While there's no IO occuring in this function, the generated spec contains
+/// path references relative to the "bundle location".
+/// Due to overlayfs requiring its layers to be absolute paths, we also need a
+/// [bundle_dir] parameter, pointing to the location of the bundle dir itself.
+/// The paths used in the spec are the following (relative to a "bundle root"):
+/// - `inputs`, a directory where the castore nodes specified the build request
+///   inputs are supposed to be populated.
+/// - `outputs`, a directory where all writes to the store_dir during the build
+///   are directed to.
+/// - `root`, a minimal skeleton of files that'll be present at /.
+/// - `scratch`, a directory containing other directories which will be
+///   bind-mounted read-write into the container and used as scratch space
+///   during the build.
+///   No assumptions should be made about what's inside this directory.
+/// Generating these paths, and populating contents, like a skeleton root
+/// is up to another function, this function doesn't do filesystem IO.
+pub(crate) fn make_spec(
+    request: &BuildRequest,
+    rootless: bool,
+    sandbox_shell: &str,
+) -> Result<oci_spec::runtime::Spec, oci_spec::OciSpecError> {
+    // TODO: add BuildRequest validations. BuildRequest must contain strings as inputs
+    let allow_network = request
+        .constraints
+        .as_ref()
+        .is_some_and(|c| c.network_access);
+    // Assemble ro_host_mounts. Start with constraints.available_ro_paths.
+    let mut ro_host_mounts = request
+        .constraints
+        .as_ref()
+        .map(|constraints| {
+            constraints
+                .available_ro_paths
+                .iter()
+                .map(|e| (e.as_str(), e.as_str()))
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>()
+        })
+        .unwrap_or_default();
+    // If provide_bin_sh is set, mount sandbox_shell to /bin/sh
+    if request
+        .constraints
+        .as_ref()
+        .is_some_and(|c| c.provide_bin_sh)
+    {
+        ro_host_mounts.push((sandbox_shell, "/bin/sh"))
+    }
+    oci_spec::runtime::SpecBuilder::default()
+        .process(configure_process(
+            &request.command_args,
+            &request.working_dir,
+            request
+                .environment_vars
+                .iter()
+                .map(|e| {
+                    (
+                        e.key.as_str(),
+                        // TODO: decide what to do with non-bytes env values
+                        String::from_utf8(e.value.to_vec()).expect("invalid string in env"),
+                    )
+                })
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+            rootless,
+        )?)
+        .linux(configure_linux(allow_network, rootless)?)
+        .root(
+            oci_spec::runtime::RootBuilder::default()
+                .path("root")
+                .readonly(true)
+                .build()?,
+        )
+        .hostname("localhost")
+        .mounts(configure_mounts(
+            rootless,
+            allow_network,
+            request.scratch_paths.iter().map(|e| e.as_str()),
+            request.inputs.iter(),
+            &request.inputs_dir, // TODO: validate
+            ro_host_mounts,
+        )?)
+        .build()
+/// Return the Process part of the OCI Runtime spec.
+/// This configures the command, it's working dir, env and terminal setup.
+/// It also takes care of setting rlimits and capabilities.
+/// Capabilities are a bit more complicated in case rootless building is requested.
+fn configure_process<'a>(
+    command_args: &[String],
+    cwd: &String,
+    env: impl IntoIterator<Item = (&'a str, String)>,
+    rootless: bool,
+) -> Result<oci_spec::runtime::Process, oci_spec::OciSpecError> {
+    let spec_builder = oci_spec::runtime::ProcessBuilder::default()
+        .args(command_args)
+        .env(
+            env.into_iter()
+                .map(|(k, v)| format!("{}={}", k, v))
+                .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+        )
+        .terminal(true)
+        .user(
+            oci_spec::runtime::UserBuilder::default()
+                .uid(1000u32)
+                .gid(100u32)
+                .build()?,
+        )
+        .cwd(Path::new("/").join(cwd)) // relative to the bundle root, but at least runc wants it to also be absolute.
+        .capabilities({
+            let caps: HashSet<Capability> = if !rootless {
+                HashSet::from([Capability::AuditWrite, Capability::Kill])
+            } else {
+                HashSet::from([
+                    Capability::AuditWrite,
+                    Capability::Chown,
+                    Capability::DacOverride,
+                    Capability::Fowner,
+                    Capability::Fsetid,
+                    Capability::Kill,
+                    Capability::Mknod,
+                    Capability::NetBindService,
+                    Capability::NetRaw,
+                    Capability::Setfcap,
+                    Capability::Setgid,
+                    Capability::Setpcap,
+                    Capability::Setuid,
+                    Capability::SysChroot,
+                ])
+            };
+            oci_spec::runtime::LinuxCapabilitiesBuilder::default()
+                .bounding(caps.clone())
+                .effective(caps.clone())
+                .inheritable(caps.clone())
+                .permitted(caps.clone())
+                .ambient(caps)
+                .build()?
+        })
+        .rlimits([oci_spec::runtime::LinuxRlimitBuilder::default()
+            .typ(oci_spec::runtime::LinuxRlimitType::RlimitNofile)
+            .hard(1024_u64)
+            .soft(1024_u64)
+            .build()?])
+        .no_new_privileges(true);
+    spec_builder.build()
+/// Return the Linux part of the OCI Runtime spec.
+/// This configures various namespaces, masked and read-only paths.
+fn configure_linux(
+    allow_network: bool,
+    rootless: bool,
+) -> Result<oci_spec::runtime::Linux, OciSpecError> {
+    let mut linux = oci_spec::runtime::Linux::default();
+    // explicitly set namespaces, depending on allow_network.
+    linux.set_namespaces(Some({
+        let mut namespace_types = vec![
+            LinuxNamespaceType::Pid,
+            LinuxNamespaceType::Ipc,
+            LinuxNamespaceType::Uts,
+            LinuxNamespaceType::Mount,
+            LinuxNamespaceType::Cgroup,
+        ];
+        if !allow_network {
+            namespace_types.push(LinuxNamespaceType::Network)
+        }
+        if rootless {
+            namespace_types.push(LinuxNamespaceType::User)
+        }
+        namespace_types
+            .into_iter()
+            .map(|e| LinuxNamespaceBuilder::default().typ(e).build())
+            .collect::<Result<Vec<LinuxNamespace>, _>>()?
+    }));
+    linux.set_masked_paths(Some(
+        [
+            "/proc/kcore",
+            "/proc/latency_stats",
+            "/proc/timer_list",
+            "/proc/timer_stats",
+            "/proc/sched_debug",
+            "/sys/firmware",
+        ]
+        .into_iter()
+        .map(|e| e.to_string())
+        .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+    ));
+    linux.set_readonly_paths(Some(
+        [
+            "/proc/asound",
+            "/proc/bus",
+            "/proc/fs",
+            "/proc/irq",
+            "/proc/sys",
+            "/proc/sysrq-trigger",
+        ]
+        .into_iter()
+        .map(|e| e.to_string())
+        .collect::<Vec<_>>(),
+    ));
+    Ok(linux)
+/// Return the Mounts part of the OCI Runtime spec.
+/// It first sets up the standard mounts, then scratch paths, bind mounts for
+/// all inputs, and finally read-only paths from the hosts.
+fn configure_mounts<'a>(
+    rootless: bool,
+    allow_network: bool,
+    scratch_paths: impl IntoIterator<Item = &'a str>,
+    inputs: impl Iterator<Item = &'a castorepb::Node>,
+    inputs_dir: &str,
+    ro_host_mounts: impl IntoIterator<Item = (&'a str, &'a str)>,
+) -> Result<Vec<oci_spec::runtime::Mount>, oci_spec::OciSpecError> {
+    let mut mounts: Vec<_> = if rootless {
+        oci_spec::runtime::get_rootless_mounts()
+    } else {
+        oci_spec::runtime::get_default_mounts()
+    };
+    mounts.push(configure_mount(
+        "tmpfs",
+        "/tmp",
+        "tmpfs",
+        &["nosuid", "noatime", "mode=700"],
+    )?);
+    // For each scratch path, create a bind mount entry.
+    let scratch_root = Path::new("scratch"); // relative path
+    for scratch_path in scratch_paths.into_iter() {
+        let src = scratch_root.join(scratch_name(scratch_path));
+        mounts.push(configure_mount(
+            src.to_str().unwrap(),
+            Path::new("/").join(scratch_path).to_str().unwrap(),
+            "none",
+            &["rbind", "rw"],
+        )?);
+    }
+    // For each input, create a bind mount from inputs/$name into $inputs_dir/$name.
+    for input in inputs {
+        let (input_name, _input) = input
+            .clone()
+            .into_name_and_node()
+            .expect("invalid input name");
+        let input_name = std::str::from_utf8(input_name.as_ref()).expect("invalid input name");
+        mounts.push(configure_mount(
+            Path::new("inputs").join(input_name).to_str().unwrap(),
+            Path::new("/")
+                .join(inputs_dir)
+                .join(input_name)
+                .to_str()
+                .unwrap(),
+            "none",
+            &[
+                "rbind", "ro",
+                // "nosuid" is required, otherwise mounting will just fail with
+                // a generic permission error.
+                // See https://github.com/wllenyj/containerd/commit/42a386c8164bef16d59590c61ab00806f854d8fd
+                "nosuid", "nodev",
+            ],
+        )?);
+    }
+    // Process ro_host_mounts
+    for (src, dst) in ro_host_mounts.into_iter() {
+        mounts.push(configure_mount(src, dst, "none", &["rbind", "ro"])?);
+    }
+    // In case network is enabled, also mount in /etc/{resolv.conf,services,hosts}
+    if allow_network {
+        for p in ["/etc/resolv.conf", "/etc/services", "/etc/hosts"] {
+            mounts.push(configure_mount(p, p, "none", &["rbind", "ro"])?);
+        }
+    }
+    Ok(mounts)
+/// Helper function to produce a mount.
+fn configure_mount(
+    source: &str,
+    destination: &str,
+    typ: &str,
+    options: &[&str],
+) -> Result<oci_spec::runtime::Mount, oci_spec::OciSpecError> {
+    oci_spec::runtime::MountBuilder::default()
+        .destination(destination.to_string())
+        .typ(typ.to_string())
+        .source(source.to_string())
+        .options(options.iter().map(|e| e.to_string()).collect::<Vec<_>>())
+        .build()