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path: root/tools/rust-crates-advisory
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Diffstat (limited to 'tools/rust-crates-advisory')
3 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tools/rust-crates-advisory/OWNERS b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a742d0d22bf6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+inherited: true
+  - Profpatsch
diff --git a/tools/rust-crates-advisory/check-security-advisory.rs b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/check-security-advisory.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3fd9bc2dd947
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/check-security-advisory.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+extern crate semver;
+extern crate toml;
+use std::io::Write;
+/// reads a security advisory of the form
+/// https://github.com/RustSec/advisory-db/blob/a24932e220dfa9be8b0b501210fef8a0bc7ef43e/EXAMPLE_ADVISORY.md
+/// and a crate version number,
+/// and returns 0 if the crate version is patched
+/// and returns 1 if the crate version is *not* patched
+/// If PRINT_ADVISORY is set, the advisory is printed if it matches.
+fn main() {
+    let mut args = std::env::args_os();
+    let file = args.nth(1).expect("security advisory md file is $1");
+    let crate_version =
+        args.nth(0).expect("crate version is $2")
+        .into_string().expect("crate version string not utf8")
+        ;
+    let crate_version = semver::Version::parse(&crate_version).expect(&format!("this is not a semver version: {}", &crate_version));
+    let filename = file.to_string_lossy();
+    let content = std::fs::read(&file).expect(&format!("could not read {}", filename));
+    let content =
+        std::str::from_utf8(&content).expect(&format!("file {} was not encoded as utf-8", filename));
+    let content = content.trim_start();
+    let toml_start = content
+        .strip_prefix("```toml").expect(&format!("file did not start with ```toml: {}", filename));
+    let toml_end_index = toml_start.find("```").expect(&format!("the toml section did not end, no `` found: {}", filename));
+    let toml = &toml_start[..toml_end_index];
+    let toml : toml::Value = toml::de::from_slice(toml.as_bytes()).expect(&format!("could not parse toml: {}", filename));
+    let versions = toml
+        .as_table().expect(&format!("the toml is not a table: {}", filename))
+        .get("versions").expect(&format!("the toml does not contain the versions field: {}", filename))
+        .as_table().expect(&format!("the toml versions field must be a table: {}", filename));
+    let unaffected = match versions.get("unaffected") {
+        Some(u) => u
+            .as_array().expect(&format!("the toml versions.unaffected field must be a list of semvers: {}", filename))
+            .iter()
+            .map(|v| semver::VersionReq::parse(v.as_str().expect(&format!("the version field {} is not a string", v))).expect(&format!("the version field {} is not a valid semver VersionReq", v)))
+            .collect(),
+        None => vec![]
+    };
+    let mut patched : Vec<semver::VersionReq> = versions.get("patched").expect(&format!("the toml versions.patched field must exist: {}", filename))
+        .as_array().expect(&format!("the toml versions.patched field must be a list of semvers: {}", filename))
+        .iter()
+        .map(|v| semver::VersionReq::parse(v.as_str().expect(&format!("the version field {} is not a string", v))).expect(&format!("the version field {} is not a valid semver VersionReq", v)))
+        .collect();
+    patched.extend_from_slice(&unaffected[..]);
+    let is_patched_or_unaffected = patched.iter().any(|req| req.matches(&crate_version));
+    if is_patched_or_unaffected {
+        std::process::exit(0);
+    } else {
+        if std::env::var_os("PRINT_ADVISORY").is_some() {
+            write!(std::io::stderr(), "Advisory {} matched!\n{}\n", filename, content).unwrap();
+        }
+        std::process::exit(1);
+    }
diff --git a/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0cd4dc03e05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/rust-crates-advisory/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, lib, ... }:
+  bins =
+       depot.nix.getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ "s6-ln" "s6-cat" "s6-echo" "s6-mkdir" "s6-test" "s6-touch" ]
+    // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.lr [ "lr" ]
+    ;
+  crate-advisories = "${depot.third_party.rustsec-advisory-db}/crates";
+  our-crates = lib.filter (v: v ? outPath)
+    (builtins.attrValues depot.third_party.rust-crates);
+  check-security-advisory = depot.nix.writers.rustSimple {
+    name = "parse-security-advisory";
+    dependencies = [
+      depot.third_party.rust-crates.toml
+      depot.third_party.rust-crates.semver
+    ];
+  } (builtins.readFile ./check-security-advisory.rs);
+  # $1 is the directory with advisories for crate $2 with version $3
+  check-crate-advisory = depot.nix.writeExecline "check-crate-advisory" { readNArgs = 3; } [
+    "pipeline" [ bins.lr "-0" "-t" "depth == 1" "$1" ]
+    "forstdin" "-0" "-Eo" "0" "advisory"
+    "if" [ depot.tools.eprintf "advisory %s\n" "$advisory" ]
+    check-security-advisory "$advisory" "$3"
+  ];
+  # Run through everything in the `crate-advisories` repository
+  # and check whether we can parse all the advisories without crashing.
+  test-parsing-all-security-advisories = depot.nix.runExecline "check-all-our-crates" {} [
+    "pipeline" [ bins.lr "-0" "-t" "depth == 1" crate-advisories ]
+    "if" [
+      # this will succeed as long as check-crate-advisory doesn’t `panic!()` (status 101)
+      "forstdin" "-0" "-E" "-x" "101" "crate_advisories"
+      check-crate-advisory "$crate_advisories" "foo" "0.0.0"
+    ]
+    "importas" "out" "out"
+    bins.s6-touch "$out"
+  ];
+  check-all-our-crates = depot.nix.runExecline "check-all-our-crates" {
+    stdin = lib.concatStrings
+      (map
+        (crate:
+          depot.nix.netstring.fromString
+            ( depot.nix.netstring.fromString crate.crateName
+            + depot.nix.netstring.fromString crate.version ))
+        our-crates);
+  } [
+    "if" [
+      "forstdin" "-o" "0" "-Ed" "" "crateNetstring"
+      "multidefine" "-d" "" "$crateNetstring" [ "crate" "crate_version" ]
+      "if" [ depot.tools.eprintf "checking %s, version %s\n" "$crate" "$crate_version" ]
+      "ifthenelse" [ bins.s6-test "-d" "${crate-advisories}/\${crate}" ]
+          [ # also print the full advisory text if it matches
+            "export" "PRINT_ADVISORY" "1"
+            check-crate-advisory "${crate-advisories}/\${crate}" "$crate" "$crate_version"
+          ]
+        [ depot.tools.eprintf "No advisories found for crate %s\n" "$crate" ]
+        "importas" "-ui" "ret" "?"
+        # put a marker in ./failed to read at the end
+        "ifelse" [ bins.s6-test "$ret" "-eq" "1" ]
+          [ bins.s6-touch "./failed" ]
+        "if" [ depot.tools.eprintf "\n" ]
+        "exit" "$ret"
+    ]
+    "ifelse" [ bins.s6-test "-f" "./failed" ]
+      [ "if" [ depot.tools.eprintf "Error: Found active advisories!" ]
+        "exit" "1"
+      ]
+    "importas" "out" "out"
+    bins.s6-touch "$out"
+  ];
+in depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets {
+  check-all-our-crates =
+    depot.nix.drvSeqL
+      [ test-parsing-all-security-advisories ]
+      check-all-our-crates;
+  inherit
+    check-crate-advisory
+    ;