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diff --git a/tools/nixery/docs/src/under-the-hood.md b/tools/nixery/docs/src/under-the-hood.md
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--- a/tools/nixery/docs/src/under-the-hood.md
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-# Under the hood
-This page serves as a quick explanation of what happens under-the-hood when an
-image is requested from Nixery.
-<!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-refresh-toc -->
-- [1. The image manifest is requested](#1-the-image-manifest-is-requested)
-- [2. Nix fetches and prepares image content](#2-nix-fetches-and-prepares-image-content)
-- [3. Layers are grouped, created, hashed, and persisted](#3-layers-are-grouped-created-hashed-and-persisted)
-- [4. The manifest is assembled and returned to the client](#4-the-manifest-is-assembled-and-returned-to-the-client)
-- [5. Image layers are requested](#5-image-layers-are-requested)
-<!-- markdown-toc end -->
-## 1. The image manifest is requested
-When container registry clients such as Docker pull an image, the first thing
-they do is ask for the image manifest. This is a JSON document describing which
-layers are contained in an image, as well as some additional auxiliary
-This request is of the form `GET /v2/$imageName/manifests/$imageTag`.
-Nixery receives this request and begins by splitting the image name into its
-path components and substituting meta-packages (such as `shell`) for their
-For example, requesting `shell/htop/git` results in Nixery expanding the image
-name to `["bashInteractive", "coreutils", "htop", "git"]`.
-If Nixery is configured with a private Nix repository, it also looks at the
-image tag and substitutes `latest` with `master`.
-It then invokes Nix with three parameters:
-1. image contents (as above)
-2. image tag
-3. configured package set source
-## 2. Nix fetches and prepares image content
-Using the parameters above, Nix imports the package set and begins by mapping
-the image names to attributes in the package set.
-A special case during this process is packages with uppercase characters in
-their name, for example anything under `haskellPackages`. The registry protocol
-does not allow uppercase characters, so the Nix code will translate something
-like `haskellpackages` (lowercased) to the correct attribute name.
-After identifying all contents, Nix uses the `symlinkJoin` function to
-create a special layer with the "symlink farm" required to let the
-image function like a normal disk image.
-Nix then returns information about the image contents as well as the
-location of the special layer to Nixery.
-## 3. Layers are grouped, created, hashed, and persisted
-With the information received from Nix, Nixery determines the contents
-of each layer while optimising for the best possible cache efficiency
-(see the [layering design doc][] for details).
-With the grouped layers, Nixery then begins to create compressed
-tarballs with all required contents for each layer. As these tarballs
-are being created, they are simultaneously being hashed (as the image
-manifest must contain the content-hashes of all layers) and persisted
-to storage.
-Storage can be either a remote [Google Cloud Storage][gcs] bucket, or
-a local filesystem path.
-During this step, Nixery checks its build cache (see [Caching][]) to
-determine whether a layer needs to be built or is already cached from
-a previous build.
-*Note:* While this step is running (which can take some time in the case of
-large first-time image builds), the registry client is left hanging waiting for
-an HTTP response. Unfortunately the registry protocol does not allow for any
-feedback back to the user at this point, so from the user's perspective things
-just ... hang, for a moment.
-## 4. The manifest is assembled and returned to the client
-Once armed with the hashes of all required layers, Nixery assembles
-the OCI Container Image manifest which describes the structure of the
-built image and names all of its layers by their content hash.
-This manifest is returned to the client.
-## 5. Image layers are requested
-The client now inspects the manifest and determines which of the
-layers it is currently missing based on their content hashes. Note
-that different container runtimes will handle this differently, and in
-the case of certain engine and storage driver combinations (e.g.
-Docker with OverlayFS) layers might be downloaded again even if they
-are already present.
-For each of the missing layers, the client now issues a request to
-Nixery that looks like this:
-`GET /v2/${imageName}/blob/sha256:${layerHash}`
-Nixery receives these requests and handles them based on the
-configured storage backend.
-If the storage backend is GCS, it *redirects* them to Google Cloud
-Storage URLs, responding with an `HTTP 303 See Other` status code and
-the actual download URL of the layer.
-Nixery supports using private buckets which are not generally world-readable, in
-which case [signed URLs][] are constructed using a private key. These allow the
-registry client to download each layer without needing to care about how the
-underlying authentication works.
-If the storage backend is the local filesystem, Nixery will attempt to
-serve the layer back to the client from disk.
-That's it. After these five steps the registry client has retrieved all it needs
-to run the image produced by Nixery.
-[gcs]: https://cloud.google.com/storage/
-[signed URLs]: https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/access-control/signed-urls
-[layering design doc]: https://storage.googleapis.com/nixdoc/nixery-layers.html