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-## Run your own Nixery
-<!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc-refresh-toc -->
-- [0. Prerequisites](#0-prerequisites)
-- [1. Choose a package set](#1-choose-a-package-set)
-- [2. Build Nixery itself](#2-build-nixery-itself)
-- [3. Prepare configuration](#3-prepare-configuration)
-- [4. Deploy Nixery](#4-deploy-nixery)
-- [5. Productionise](#5-productionise)
-<!-- markdown-toc end -->
-⚠ This page is still under construction! ⚠
-Running your own Nixery is not difficult, but requires some setup. Follow the
-steps below to get up & running.
-*Note:* Nixery can be run inside of a [GKE][] cluster, providing a local service
-from which images can be requested. Documentation for how to set this up is
-forthcoming, please see [nixery#4][].
-## 0. Prerequisites
-To run Nixery, you must have:
-* [Nix][] (to build Nixery itself)
-* Somewhere to run it (your own server, Google AppEngine, a Kubernetes cluster,
-  whatever!)
-* *Either* a [Google Cloud Storage][gcs] bucket in which to store & serve layers,
-  *or* a comfortable amount of disk space
-Note that while the main Nixery process is a server written in Go,
-it invokes a script that itself relies on Nix to be available.
-You can compile the main Nixery daemon without Nix, but it won't
-work without Nix.
-(If you are completely new to Nix and don't know how to get
-started, check the [Nix installation documentation][nixinstall].)
-## 1. Choose a package set
-When running your own Nixery you need to decide which package set you want to
-serve. By default, Nixery builds packages from a recent NixOS channel which
-ensures that most packages are cached upstream and no expensive builds need to
-be performed for trivial things.
-However if you are running a private Nixery, chances are high that you intend to
-use it with your own packages. There are three options available:
-1. Specify an upstream Nix/NixOS channel[^1], such as `nixos-20.09` or
-   `nixos-unstable`.
-2. Specify your own git-repository with a custom package set[^2]. This makes it
-   possible to pull different tags, branches or commits by modifying the image
-   tag.
-3. Specify a local file path containing a Nix package set. Where this comes from
-   or what it contains is up to you.
-## 2. Build Nixery itself
-### 2.1. With a container image
-The easiest way to run Nixery is to build a container image. This
-section assumes that the container runtime used is Docker, please
-modify instructions accordingly if you are using something else.
-With a working Nix installation, you can clone and build the Nixery
-image like this:
-git clone https://code.tvl.fyi/depot.git:/tools/nixery.git
-nix-build -A nixery-image
-This will create a `result`-symlink which points to a tarball containing the
-image. In Docker, this tarball can be loaded by using `docker load -i result`.
-### 2.2. Without a container image
-*This method might be more convenient if you intend to work on
-the code of the Nixery server itself, because you won't have to
-rebuild (and reload) an image each time to test your changes.*
-You will need to run the two following commands at the root of the repo:
-* `go build` to build the `nixery` binary;
-* `nix-env --install --file prepare-image/default.nix` to build
-  the required helpers.
-## 3. Prepare configuration
-Nixery is configured via environment variables.
-You must set *all* of these:
-* `NIXERY_STORAGE_BACKEND` (must be set to `gcs` or `filesystem`)
-* `PORT`: HTTP port on which Nixery should listen
-* `WEB_DIR`: directory containing static files (see below)
-You must set *one* of these:
-* `NIXERY_CHANNEL`: The name of a [Nix/NixOS channel][nixchannel] to use for building,
-  for instance `nixos-21.05`
-* `NIXERY_PKGS_REPO`: URL of a git repository containing a package set (uses
-  locally configured SSH/git credentials)
-* `NIXERY_PKGS_PATH`: A local filesystem path containing a Nix package set to use
-  for building
-If `NIXERY_STORAGE_BACKEND` is set to `filesystem`, then `STORAGE_PATH`
-must be set to the directory that will hold the registry blobs.
-That directory must be located on a filesystem that supports extended
-attributes (which means that on most systems, `/tmp` won't work).
-If `NIXERY_STORAGE_BACKEND` is set to `gcs`, then `GCS_BUCKET`
-must be set to the [Google Cloud Storage][gcs] bucket that will be
-used to store & serve image layers.
-You may set *all* of these:
-* `NIX_TIMEOUT`: Number of seconds that any Nix builder is allowed to run
-  (defaults to 60)
-To authenticate to the configured GCS bucket, Nixery uses Google's [Application
-Default Credentials][ADC]. Depending on your environment this may require
-additional configuration.
-If the `GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS` environment is configured, the service
-account's private key will be used to create [signed URLs for
-## 4. Start Nixery
-Run the image that was built in step 2.1 with all the environment variables
-mentioned above. Alternatively, set all the environment variables and run
-the Nixery server that was built in step 2.2.
-Once Nixery is running you can immediately start requesting images from it.
-## 5. Productionise
-(⚠ Here be dragons! ⚠)
-Nixery is still an early project and has not yet been deployed in any production
-environments and some caveats apply.
-Notably, Nixery currently does not support any authentication methods, so anyone
-with network access to the registry can retrieve images.
-Running a Nixery inside of a fenced-off environment (such as internal to a
-Kubernetes cluster) should be fine, but you should consider to do all of the
-* Issue a TLS certificate for the hostname you are assigning to Nixery. In fact,
-  Docker will refuse to pull images from registries that do not use TLS (with
-  the exception of `.local` domains).
-* Configure signed GCS URLs to avoid having to make your bucket world-readable.
-* Configure request timeouts for Nixery if you have your own web server in front
-  of it. This will be natively supported by Nixery in the future.
-## 6. `WEB_DIR`
-All the URLs accessed by Docker registry clients start with `/v2/`.
-This means that it is possible to serve a static website from Nixery
-itself (as long as you don't want to serve anything starting with `/v2`).
-This is how, for instance, https://nixery.dev shows the website for Nixery,
-while it is also possible to e.g. `docker pull nixery.dev/shell`.
-When running Nixery, you must set the `WEB_DIR` environment variable.
-When Nixery receives requests that don't look like registry requests,
-it tries to serve them using files in the directory indicated by `WEB_DIR`.
-If the directory doesn't exist, Nixery will run fine but serve 404.
-[^1]: Nixery will not work with Nix channels older than `nixos-19.03`.
-[^2]: This documentation will be updated with instructions on how to best set up
-    a custom Nix repository. Nixery expects custom package sets to be a superset
-    of `nixpkgs`, as it uses `lib` and other features from `nixpkgs`
-    extensively.
-[GKE]: https://cloud.google.com/kubernetes-engine/
-[nixery#4]: https://github.com/tazjin/nixery/issues/4
-[Nix]: https://nixos.org/nix
-[gcs]: https://cloud.google.com/storage/
-[signed-urls]: under-the-hood.html#5-image-layers-are-requested
-[ADC]: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production#finding_credentials_automatically
-[nixinstall]: https://nixos.org/manual/nix/stable/installation/installing-binary.html
-[nixchannel]: https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Nix_channels