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path: root/third_party/nix/tests/lang/lib.nix
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nix/tests/lang/lib.nix')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 61 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nix/tests/lang/lib.nix b/third_party/nix/tests/lang/lib.nix
deleted file mode 100644
index 028a538314b7..000000000000
--- a/third_party/nix/tests/lang/lib.nix
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-with builtins;
-rec {
-  fold = op: nul: list:
-    if list == []
-    then nul
-    else op (head list) (fold op nul (tail list));
-  concat =
-    fold (x: y: x + y) "";
-  and = fold (x: y: x && y) true;
-  flatten = x:
-    if isList x
-    then fold (x: y: (flatten x) ++ y) [] x
-    else [x];
-  sum = foldl' (x: y: add x y) 0;
-  hasSuffix = ext: fileName:
-    let lenFileName = stringLength fileName;
-        lenExt = stringLength ext;
-    in !(lessThan lenFileName lenExt) &&
-       substring (sub lenFileName lenExt) lenFileName fileName == ext;
-  # Split a list at the given position.
-  splitAt = pos: list:
-    if pos == 0 then {first = []; second = list;} else
-    if list == [] then {first = []; second = [];} else
-    let res = splitAt (sub pos 1) (tail list);
-    in {first = [(head list)] ++ res.first; second = res.second;};
-  # Stable merge sort.
-  sortBy = comp: list:
-    if lessThan 1 (length list)
-    then
-      let
-        split = splitAt (div (length list) 2) list;
-        first = sortBy comp split.first;
-        second = sortBy comp split.second;
-      in mergeLists comp first second
-    else list;
-  mergeLists = comp: list1: list2:
-    if list1 == [] then list2 else
-    if list2 == [] then list1 else
-    if comp (head list2) (head list1) then [(head list2)] ++ mergeLists comp list1 (tail list2) else
-    [(head list1)] ++ mergeLists comp (tail list1) list2;
-  id = x: x;
-  const = x: y: x;
-  range = first: last:
-    if first > last
-      then []
-      else genList (n: first + n) (last - first + 1);