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path: root/third_party/nix/src/libstore
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nix/src/libstore')
63 files changed, 18626 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/binary-cache-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/binary-cache-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..487c12b5313e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/binary-cache-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,382 @@
+#include "binary-cache-store.hh"
+#include <chrono>
+#include <future>
+#include <memory>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "compression.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "fs-accessor.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
+#include "json.hh"
+#include "nar-accessor.hh"
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+#include "nar-info.hh"
+#include "remote-fs-accessor.hh"
+#include "sync.hh"
+namespace nix {
+BinaryCacheStore::BinaryCacheStore(const Params& params) : Store(params) {
+  if (secretKeyFile != "") {
+    secretKey = std::make_unique<SecretKey>(readFile(secretKeyFile));
+  }
+  StringSink sink;
+  sink << narVersionMagic1;
+  narMagic = *sink.s;
+void BinaryCacheStore::init() {
+  std::string cacheInfoFile = "nix-cache-info";
+  auto cacheInfo = getFile(cacheInfoFile);
+  if (!cacheInfo) {
+    upsertFile(cacheInfoFile, "StoreDir: " + storeDir + "\n",
+               "text/x-nix-cache-info");
+  } else {
+    for (auto& line : tokenizeString<Strings>(*cacheInfo, "\n")) {
+      size_t colon = line.find(':');
+      if (colon == std::string::npos) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      auto name = line.substr(0, colon);
+      auto value = trim(line.substr(colon + 1, std::string::npos));
+      if (name == "StoreDir") {
+        if (value != storeDir) {
+          throw Error(format("binary cache '%s' is for Nix stores with prefix "
+                             "'%s', not '%s'") %
+                      getUri() % value % storeDir);
+        }
+      } else if (name == "WantMassQuery") {
+        wantMassQuery_ = value == "1";
+      } else if (name == "Priority") {
+        string2Int(value, priority);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void BinaryCacheStore::getFile(
+    const std::string& path,
+    Callback<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> callback) noexcept {
+  try {
+    callback(getFile(path));
+  } catch (...) {
+    callback.rethrow();
+  }
+void BinaryCacheStore::getFile(const std::string& path, Sink& sink) {
+  std::promise<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> promise;
+  getFile(path, {[&](std::future<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> result) {
+            try {
+              promise.set_value(result.get());
+            } catch (...) {
+              promise.set_exception(std::current_exception());
+            }
+          }});
+  auto data = promise.get_future().get();
+  sink((unsigned char*)data->data(), data->size());
+std::shared_ptr<std::string> BinaryCacheStore::getFile(
+    const std::string& path) {
+  StringSink sink;
+  try {
+    getFile(path, sink);
+  } catch (NoSuchBinaryCacheFile&) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return sink.s;
+Path BinaryCacheStore::narInfoFileFor(const Path& storePath) {
+  assertStorePath(storePath);
+  return storePathToHash(storePath) + ".narinfo";
+void BinaryCacheStore::writeNarInfo(const ref<NarInfo>& narInfo) {
+  auto narInfoFile = narInfoFileFor(narInfo->path);
+  upsertFile(narInfoFile, narInfo->to_string(), "text/x-nix-narinfo");
+  auto hashPart = storePathToHash(narInfo->path);
+  {
+    auto state_(state.lock());
+    state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>(narInfo));
+  }
+  if (diskCache) {
+    diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart,
+                             std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>(narInfo));
+  }
+void BinaryCacheStore::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info,
+                                  const ref<std::string>& nar,
+                                  RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                                  std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) {
+  if ((repair == 0u) && isValidPath(info.path)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Verify that all references are valid. This may do some .narinfo
+     reads, but typically they'll already be cached. */
+  for (auto& ref : info.references) {
+    try {
+      if (ref != info.path) {
+        queryPathInfo(ref);
+      }
+    } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+      throw Error(format("cannot add '%s' to the binary cache because the "
+                         "reference '%s' is not valid") %
+                  info.path % ref);
+    }
+  }
+  assert(nar->compare(0, narMagic.size(), narMagic) == 0);
+  auto narInfo = make_ref<NarInfo>(info);
+  narInfo->narSize = nar->size();
+  narInfo->narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *nar);
+  if (info.narHash && info.narHash != narInfo->narHash) {
+    throw Error(
+        format("refusing to copy corrupted path '%1%' to binary cache") %
+        info.path);
+  }
+  auto accessor_ = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<RemoteFSAccessor>(accessor);
+  /* Optionally write a JSON file containing a listing of the
+     contents of the NAR. */
+  if (writeNARListing) {
+    std::ostringstream jsonOut;
+    {
+      JSONObject jsonRoot(jsonOut);
+      jsonRoot.attr("version", 1);
+      auto narAccessor = makeNarAccessor(nar);
+      if (accessor_) {
+        accessor_->addToCache(info.path, *nar, narAccessor);
+      }
+      {
+        auto res = jsonRoot.placeholder("root");
+        listNar(res, narAccessor, "", true);
+      }
+    }
+    upsertFile(storePathToHash(info.path) + ".ls", jsonOut.str(),
+               "application/json");
+  }
+  else {
+    if (accessor_) {
+      accessor_->addToCache(info.path, *nar, makeNarAccessor(nar));
+    }
+  }
+  /* Compress the NAR. */
+  narInfo->compression = compression;
+  auto now1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  auto narCompressed = compress(compression, *nar, parallelCompression);
+  auto now2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  narInfo->fileHash = hashString(htSHA256, *narCompressed);
+  narInfo->fileSize = narCompressed->size();
+  auto duration =
+      std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now2 - now1)
+          .count();
+  DLOG(INFO) << "copying path '" << narInfo->path << "' (" << narInfo->narSize
+             << " bytes, compressed "
+             << ((1.0 - (double)narCompressed->size() / nar->size()) * 100.0)
+             << "% in " << duration << "ms) to binary cache";
+  /* Atomically write the NAR file. */
+  narInfo->url = "nar/" + narInfo->fileHash.to_string(Base32, false) + ".nar" +
+                 (compression == "xz" ? ".xz"
+                                      : compression == "bzip2"
+                                            ? ".bz2"
+                                            : compression == "br" ? ".br" : "");
+  if ((repair != 0u) || !fileExists(narInfo->url)) {
+    stats.narWrite++;
+    upsertFile(narInfo->url, *narCompressed, "application/x-nix-nar");
+  } else {
+    stats.narWriteAverted++;
+  }
+  stats.narWriteBytes += nar->size();
+  stats.narWriteCompressedBytes += narCompressed->size();
+  stats.narWriteCompressionTimeMs += duration;
+  /* Atomically write the NAR info file.*/
+  if (secretKey) {
+    narInfo->sign(*secretKey);
+  }
+  writeNarInfo(narInfo);
+  stats.narInfoWrite++;
+bool BinaryCacheStore::isValidPathUncached(const Path& storePath) {
+  // FIXME: this only checks whether a .narinfo with a matching hash
+  // part exists. So ‘f4kb...-foo’ matches ‘f4kb...-bar’, even
+  // though they shouldn't. Not easily fixed.
+  return fileExists(narInfoFileFor(storePath));
+void BinaryCacheStore::narFromPath(const Path& storePath, Sink& sink) {
+  auto info = queryPathInfo(storePath).cast<const NarInfo>();
+  uint64_t narSize = 0;
+  LambdaSink wrapperSink([&](const unsigned char* data, size_t len) {
+    sink(data, len);
+    narSize += len;
+  });
+  auto decompressor = makeDecompressionSink(info->compression, wrapperSink);
+  try {
+    getFile(info->url, *decompressor);
+  } catch (NoSuchBinaryCacheFile& e) {
+    throw SubstituteGone(e.what());
+  }
+  decompressor->finish();
+  stats.narRead++;
+  // stats.narReadCompressedBytes += nar->size(); // FIXME
+  stats.narReadBytes += narSize;
+void BinaryCacheStore::queryPathInfoUncached(
+    const Path& storePath,
+    Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept {
+  auto uri = getUri();
+  LOG(INFO) << "querying info about '" << storePath << "' on '" << uri << "'";
+  auto narInfoFile = narInfoFileFor(storePath);
+  auto callbackPtr = std::make_shared<decltype(callback)>(std::move(callback));
+  getFile(narInfoFile, {[=](std::future<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> fut) {
+            try {
+              auto data = fut.get();
+              if (!data) {
+                return (*callbackPtr)(nullptr);
+              }
+              stats.narInfoRead++;
+              (*callbackPtr)(
+                  (std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>)std::make_shared<NarInfo>(
+                      *this, *data, narInfoFile));
+            } catch (...) {
+              callbackPtr->rethrow();
+            }
+          }});
+Path BinaryCacheStore::addToStore(const string& name, const Path& srcPath,
+                                  bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo,
+                                  PathFilter& filter, RepairFlag repair) {
+  // FIXME: some cut&paste from LocalStore::addToStore().
+  /* Read the whole path into memory. This is not a very scalable
+     method for very large paths, but `copyPath' is mainly used for
+     small files. */
+  StringSink sink;
+  Hash h;
+  if (recursive) {
+    dumpPath(srcPath, sink, filter);
+    h = hashString(hashAlgo, *sink.s);
+  } else {
+    auto s = readFile(srcPath);
+    dumpString(s, sink);
+    h = hashString(hashAlgo, s);
+  }
+  ValidPathInfo info;
+  info.path = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h, name);
+  addToStore(info, sink.s, repair, CheckSigs, nullptr);
+  return info.path;
+Path BinaryCacheStore::addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                                      const PathSet& references,
+                                      RepairFlag repair) {
+  ValidPathInfo info;
+  info.path = computeStorePathForText(name, s, references);
+  info.references = references;
+  if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(info.path)) {
+    StringSink sink;
+    dumpString(s, sink);
+    addToStore(info, sink.s, repair, CheckSigs, nullptr);
+  }
+  return info.path;
+ref<FSAccessor> BinaryCacheStore::getFSAccessor() {
+  return make_ref<RemoteFSAccessor>(ref<Store>(shared_from_this()),
+                                    localNarCache);
+void BinaryCacheStore::addSignatures(const Path& storePath,
+                                     const StringSet& sigs) {
+  /* Note: this is inherently racy since there is no locking on
+     binary caches. In particular, with S3 this unreliable, even
+     when addSignatures() is called sequentially on a path, because
+     S3 might return an outdated cached version. */
+  auto narInfo = make_ref<NarInfo>((NarInfo&)*queryPathInfo(storePath));
+  narInfo->sigs.insert(sigs.begin(), sigs.end());
+  auto narInfoFile = narInfoFileFor(narInfo->path);
+  writeNarInfo(narInfo);
+std::shared_ptr<std::string> BinaryCacheStore::getBuildLog(const Path& path) {
+  Path drvPath;
+  if (isDerivation(path)) {
+    drvPath = path;
+  } else {
+    try {
+      auto info = queryPathInfo(path);
+      // FIXME: add a "Log" field to .narinfo
+      if (info->deriver.empty()) {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      drvPath = info->deriver;
+    } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  auto logPath = "log/" + baseNameOf(drvPath);
+  DLOG(INFO) << "fetching build log from binary cache '" << getUri() << "/"
+             << logPath << "'";
+  return getFile(logPath);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f5bd66bbd6e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include "crypto.hh"
+#include "pool.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct NarInfo;
+class BinaryCacheStore : public Store {
+ public:
+  const Setting<std::string> compression{
+      this, "xz", "compression",
+      "NAR compression method ('xz', 'bzip2', or 'none')"};
+  const Setting<bool> writeNARListing{
+      this, false, "write-nar-listing",
+      "whether to write a JSON file listing the files in each NAR"};
+  const Setting<Path> secretKeyFile{
+      this, "", "secret-key",
+      "path to secret key used to sign the binary cache"};
+  const Setting<Path> localNarCache{this, "", "local-nar-cache",
+                                    "path to a local cache of NARs"};
+  const Setting<bool> parallelCompression{
+      this, false, "parallel-compression",
+      "enable multi-threading compression, available for xz only currently"};
+ private:
+  std::unique_ptr<SecretKey> secretKey;
+ protected:
+  BinaryCacheStore(const Params& params);
+ public:
+  virtual bool fileExists(const std::string& path) = 0;
+  virtual void upsertFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& data,
+                          const std::string& mimeType) = 0;
+  /* Note: subclasses must implement at least one of the two
+     following getFile() methods. */
+  /* Dump the contents of the specified file to a sink. */
+  virtual void getFile(const std::string& path, Sink& sink);
+  /* Fetch the specified file and call the specified callback with
+     the result. A subclass may implement this asynchronously. */
+  virtual void getFile(
+      const std::string& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> callback) noexcept;
+  std::shared_ptr<std::string> getFile(const std::string& path);
+ protected:
+  bool wantMassQuery_ = false;
+  int priority = 50;
+ public:
+  virtual void init();
+ private:
+  std::string narMagic;
+  std::string narInfoFileFor(const Path& storePath);
+  void writeNarInfo(const ref<NarInfo>& narInfo);
+ public:
+  bool isValidPathUncached(const Path& path) override;
+  void queryPathInfoUncached(
+      const Path& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept override;
+  Path queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) override {
+    unsupported("queryPathFromHashPart");
+  }
+  bool wantMassQuery() override { return wantMassQuery_; }
+  void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, const ref<std::string>& nar,
+                  RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                  std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) override;
+  Path addToStore(const string& name, const Path& srcPath, bool recursive,
+                  HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter& filter,
+                  RepairFlag repair) override;
+  Path addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                      const PathSet& references, RepairFlag repair) override;
+  void narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) override;
+  BuildResult buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                              BuildMode buildMode) override {
+    unsupported("buildDerivation");
+  }
+  void ensurePath(const Path& path) override { unsupported("ensurePath"); }
+  ref<FSAccessor> getFSAccessor() override;
+  void addSignatures(const Path& storePath, const StringSet& sigs) override;
+  std::shared_ptr<std::string> getBuildLog(const Path& path) override;
+  int getPriority() override { return priority; }
+MakeError(NoSuchBinaryCacheFile, Error);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fe6463584759
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,4955 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <chrono>
+#include <climits>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <future>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <queue>
+#include <regex>
+#include <sstream>
+#include <thread>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <netdb.h>
+#include <pwd.h>
+#include <sys/resource.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/utsname.h>
+#include <sys/wait.h>
+#include <termios.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "affinity.hh"
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "builtins.hh"
+#include "compression.hh"
+#include "download.hh"
+#include "finally.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
+#include "json.hh"
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include "machines.hh"
+#include "nar-info.hh"
+#include "parsed-derivations.hh"
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include "references.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+/* Includes required for chroot support. */
+#if __linux__
+#include <net/if.h>
+#include <netinet/ip.h>
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/mman.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/param.h>
+#include <sys/personality.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/syscall.h>
+#include <seccomp.h>
+#define pivot_root(new_root, put_old) \
+  (syscall(SYS_pivot_root, new_root, put_old))
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include <utility>
+namespace nix {
+using std::map;
+static string pathNullDevice = "/dev/null";
+/* Forward definition. */
+class Worker;
+struct HookInstance;
+/* A pointer to a goal. */
+class Goal;
+class DerivationGoal;
+using GoalPtr = std::shared_ptr<Goal>;
+using WeakGoalPtr = std::weak_ptr<Goal>;
+struct CompareGoalPtrs {
+  bool operator()(const GoalPtr& a, const GoalPtr& b) const;
+/* Set of goals. */
+typedef set<GoalPtr, CompareGoalPtrs> Goals;
+using WeakGoals = list<WeakGoalPtr>;
+/* A map of paths to goals (and the other way around). */
+typedef map<Path, WeakGoalPtr> WeakGoalMap;
+class Goal : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Goal> {
+ public:
+  typedef enum {
+    ecBusy,
+    ecSuccess,
+    ecFailed,
+    ecNoSubstituters,
+    ecIncompleteClosure
+  } ExitCode;
+ protected:
+  /* Backlink to the worker. */
+  Worker& worker;
+  /* Goals that this goal is waiting for. */
+  Goals waitees;
+  /* Goals waiting for this one to finish.  Must use weak pointers
+     here to prevent cycles. */
+  WeakGoals waiters;
+  /* Number of goals we are/were waiting for that have failed. */
+  unsigned int nrFailed;
+  /* Number of substitution goals we are/were waiting for that
+     failed because there are no substituters. */
+  unsigned int nrNoSubstituters;
+  /* Number of substitution goals we are/were waiting for that
+     failed because othey had unsubstitutable references. */
+  unsigned int nrIncompleteClosure;
+  /* Name of this goal for debugging purposes. */
+  string name;
+  /* Whether the goal is finished. */
+  ExitCode exitCode;
+  explicit Goal(Worker& worker) : worker(worker) {
+    nrFailed = nrNoSubstituters = nrIncompleteClosure = 0;
+    exitCode = ecBusy;
+  }
+  virtual ~Goal() { trace("goal destroyed"); }
+ public:
+  virtual void work() = 0;
+  void addWaitee(const GoalPtr& waitee);
+  virtual void waiteeDone(GoalPtr waitee, ExitCode result);
+  virtual void handleChildOutput(int fd, const string& data) { abort(); }
+  virtual void handleEOF(int fd) { abort(); }
+  void trace(const FormatOrString& fs);
+  string getName() { return name; }
+  ExitCode getExitCode() { return exitCode; }
+  /* Callback in case of a timeout.  It should wake up its waiters,
+     get rid of any running child processes that are being monitored
+     by the worker (important!), etc. */
+  virtual void timedOut() = 0;
+  virtual string key() = 0;
+ protected:
+  virtual void amDone(ExitCode result);
+bool CompareGoalPtrs::operator()(const GoalPtr& a, const GoalPtr& b) const {
+  string s1 = a->key();
+  string s2 = b->key();
+  return s1 < s2;
+using steady_time_point = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>;
+/* A mapping used to remember for each child process to what goal it
+   belongs, and file descriptors for receiving log data and output
+   path creation commands. */
+struct Child {
+  WeakGoalPtr goal;
+  Goal* goal2;  // ugly hackery
+  set<int> fds;
+  bool respectTimeouts;
+  bool inBuildSlot;
+  steady_time_point lastOutput; /* time we last got output on stdout/stderr */
+  steady_time_point timeStarted;
+/* The worker class. */
+class Worker {
+ private:
+  /* Note: the worker should only have strong pointers to the
+     top-level goals. */
+  /* The top-level goals of the worker. */
+  Goals topGoals;
+  /* Goals that are ready to do some work. */
+  WeakGoals awake;
+  /* Goals waiting for a build slot. */
+  WeakGoals wantingToBuild;
+  /* Child processes currently running. */
+  std::list<Child> children;
+  /* Number of build slots occupied.  This includes local builds and
+     substitutions but not remote builds via the build hook. */
+  unsigned int nrLocalBuilds;
+  /* Maps used to prevent multiple instantiations of a goal for the
+     same derivation / path. */
+  WeakGoalMap derivationGoals;
+  WeakGoalMap substitutionGoals;
+  /* Goals waiting for busy paths to be unlocked. */
+  WeakGoals waitingForAnyGoal;
+  /* Goals sleeping for a few seconds (polling a lock). */
+  WeakGoals waitingForAWhile;
+  /* Last time the goals in `waitingForAWhile' where woken up. */
+  steady_time_point lastWokenUp;
+  /* Cache for pathContentsGood(). */
+  std::map<Path, bool> pathContentsGoodCache;
+ public:
+  /* Set if at least one derivation had a BuildError (i.e. permanent
+     failure). */
+  bool permanentFailure;
+  /* Set if at least one derivation had a timeout. */
+  bool timedOut;
+  /* Set if at least one derivation fails with a hash mismatch. */
+  bool hashMismatch;
+  /* Set if at least one derivation is not deterministic in check mode. */
+  bool checkMismatch;
+  LocalStore& store;
+  std::unique_ptr<HookInstance> hook;
+  uint64_t expectedBuilds = 0;
+  uint64_t doneBuilds = 0;
+  uint64_t failedBuilds = 0;
+  uint64_t runningBuilds = 0;
+  uint64_t expectedSubstitutions = 0;
+  uint64_t doneSubstitutions = 0;
+  uint64_t failedSubstitutions = 0;
+  uint64_t runningSubstitutions = 0;
+  uint64_t expectedDownloadSize = 0;
+  uint64_t doneDownloadSize = 0;
+  uint64_t expectedNarSize = 0;
+  uint64_t doneNarSize = 0;
+  /* Whether to ask the build hook if it can build a derivation. If
+     it answers with "decline-permanently", we don't try again. */
+  bool tryBuildHook = true;
+  explicit Worker(LocalStore& store);
+  ~Worker();
+  /* Make a goal (with caching). */
+  GoalPtr makeDerivationGoal(const Path& drvPath,
+                             const StringSet& wantedOutputs,
+                             BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
+  std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> makeBasicDerivationGoal(
+      const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+      BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
+  GoalPtr makeSubstitutionGoal(const Path& storePath,
+                               RepairFlag repair = NoRepair);
+  /* Remove a dead goal. */
+  void removeGoal(const GoalPtr& goal);
+  /* Wake up a goal (i.e., there is something for it to do). */
+  void wakeUp(const GoalPtr& goal);
+  /* Return the number of local build and substitution processes
+     currently running (but not remote builds via the build
+     hook). */
+  unsigned int getNrLocalBuilds();
+  /* Registers a running child process.  `inBuildSlot' means that
+     the process counts towards the jobs limit. */
+  void childStarted(const GoalPtr& goal, const set<int>& fds, bool inBuildSlot,
+                    bool respectTimeouts);
+  /* Unregisters a running child process.  `wakeSleepers' should be
+     false if there is no sense in waking up goals that are sleeping
+     because they can't run yet (e.g., there is no free build slot,
+     or the hook would still say `postpone'). */
+  void childTerminated(Goal* goal, bool wakeSleepers = true);
+  /* Put `goal' to sleep until a build slot becomes available (which
+     might be right away). */
+  void waitForBuildSlot(const GoalPtr& goal);
+  /* Wait for any goal to finish.  Pretty indiscriminate way to
+     wait for some resource that some other goal is holding. */
+  void waitForAnyGoal(GoalPtr goal);
+  /* Wait for a few seconds and then retry this goal.  Used when
+     waiting for a lock held by another process.  This kind of
+     polling is inefficient, but POSIX doesn't really provide a way
+     to wait for multiple locks in the main select() loop. */
+  void waitForAWhile(GoalPtr goal);
+  /* Loop until the specified top-level goals have finished. */
+  void run(const Goals& topGoals);
+  /* Wait for input to become available. */
+  void waitForInput();
+  unsigned int exitStatus();
+  /* Check whether the given valid path exists and has the right
+     contents. */
+  bool pathContentsGood(const Path& path);
+  void markContentsGood(const Path& path);
+void addToWeakGoals(WeakGoals& goals, const GoalPtr& p) {
+  // FIXME: necessary?
+  // FIXME: O(n)
+  for (auto& i : goals) {
+    if (i.lock() == p) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  goals.push_back(p);
+void Goal::addWaitee(const GoalPtr& waitee) {
+  waitees.insert(waitee);
+  addToWeakGoals(waitee->waiters, shared_from_this());
+void Goal::waiteeDone(GoalPtr waitee, ExitCode result) {
+  assert(waitees.find(waitee) != waitees.end());
+  waitees.erase(waitee);
+  trace(format("waitee '%1%' done; %2% left") % waitee->name % waitees.size());
+  if (result == ecFailed || result == ecNoSubstituters ||
+      result == ecIncompleteClosure) {
+    ++nrFailed;
+  }
+  if (result == ecNoSubstituters) {
+    ++nrNoSubstituters;
+  }
+  if (result == ecIncompleteClosure) {
+    ++nrIncompleteClosure;
+  }
+  if (waitees.empty() || (result == ecFailed && !settings.keepGoing)) {
+    /* If we failed and keepGoing is not set, we remove all
+       remaining waitees. */
+    for (auto& goal : waitees) {
+      WeakGoals waiters2;
+      for (auto& j : goal->waiters) {
+        if (j.lock() != shared_from_this()) {
+          waiters2.push_back(j);
+        }
+      }
+      goal->waiters = waiters2;
+    }
+    waitees.clear();
+    worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+  }
+void Goal::amDone(ExitCode result) {
+  trace("done");
+  assert(exitCode == ecBusy);
+  assert(result == ecSuccess || result == ecFailed ||
+         result == ecNoSubstituters || result == ecIncompleteClosure);
+  exitCode = result;
+  for (auto& i : waiters) {
+    GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
+    if (goal) {
+      goal->waiteeDone(shared_from_this(), result);
+    }
+  }
+  waiters.clear();
+  worker.removeGoal(shared_from_this());
+void Goal::trace(const FormatOrString& fs) {
+  DLOG(INFO) << name << ": " << fs.s;
+/* Common initialisation performed in child processes. */
+static void commonChildInit(Pipe& logPipe) {
+  restoreSignals();
+  /* Put the child in a separate session (and thus a separate
+     process group) so that it has no controlling terminal (meaning
+     that e.g. ssh cannot open /dev/tty) and it doesn't receive
+     terminal signals. */
+  if (setsid() == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("creating a new session"));
+  }
+  /* Dup the write side of the logger pipe into stderr. */
+  if (dup2(logPipe.writeSide.get(), STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
+    throw SysError("cannot pipe standard error into log file");
+  }
+  /* Dup stderr to stdout. */
+  if (dup2(STDERR_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
+    throw SysError("cannot dup stderr into stdout");
+  }
+  /* Reroute stdin to /dev/null. */
+  int fdDevNull = open(pathNullDevice.c_str(), O_RDWR);
+  if (fdDevNull == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("cannot open '%1%'") % pathNullDevice);
+  }
+  if (dup2(fdDevNull, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
+    throw SysError("cannot dup null device into stdin");
+  }
+  close(fdDevNull);
+void handleDiffHook(uid_t uid, uid_t gid, Path tryA, Path tryB, Path drvPath,
+                    Path tmpDir) {
+  auto diffHook = settings.diffHook;
+  if (diffHook != "" && settings.runDiffHook) {
+    try {
+      RunOptions diffHookOptions(
+          diffHook, {std::move(tryA), std::move(tryB), std::move(drvPath),
+                     std::move(tmpDir)});
+      diffHookOptions.searchPath = true;
+      diffHookOptions.uid = uid;
+      diffHookOptions.gid = gid;
+      diffHookOptions.chdir = "/";
+      auto diffRes = runProgram(diffHookOptions);
+      if (!statusOk(diffRes.first)) {
+        throw ExecError(diffRes.first,
+                        fmt("diff-hook program '%1%' %2%", diffHook,
+                            statusToString(diffRes.first)));
+      }
+      if (!diffRes.second.empty()) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << chomp(diffRes.second);
+      }
+    } catch (Error& error) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "diff hook execution failed: " << error.what();
+    }
+  }
+class UserLock {
+ private:
+  /* POSIX locks suck.  If we have a lock on a file, and we open and
+     close that file again (without closing the original file
+     descriptor), we lose the lock.  So we have to be *very* careful
+     not to open a lock file on which we are holding a lock. */
+  static Sync<PathSet> lockedPaths_;
+  Path fnUserLock;
+  AutoCloseFD fdUserLock;
+  string user;
+  uid_t uid;
+  gid_t gid;
+  std::vector<gid_t> supplementaryGIDs;
+ public:
+  UserLock();
+  ~UserLock();
+  void kill();
+  string getUser() { return user; }
+  uid_t getUID() {
+    assert(uid);
+    return uid;
+  }
+  uid_t getGID() {
+    assert(gid);
+    return gid;
+  }
+  std::vector<gid_t> getSupplementaryGIDs() { return supplementaryGIDs; }
+  bool enabled() { return uid != 0; }
+Sync<PathSet> UserLock::lockedPaths_;
+UserLock::UserLock() {
+  assert(settings.buildUsersGroup != "");
+  /* Get the members of the build-users-group. */
+  struct group* gr = getgrnam(settings.buildUsersGroup.get().c_str());
+  if (gr == nullptr) {
+    throw Error(
+        format(
+            "the group '%1%' specified in 'build-users-group' does not exist") %
+        settings.buildUsersGroup);
+  }
+  gid = gr->gr_gid;
+  /* Copy the result of getgrnam. */
+  Strings users;
+  for (char** p = gr->gr_mem; *p != nullptr; ++p) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "found build user " << *p;
+    users.push_back(*p);
+  }
+  if (users.empty()) {
+    throw Error(format("the build users group '%1%' has no members") %
+                settings.buildUsersGroup);
+  }
+  /* Find a user account that isn't currently in use for another
+     build. */
+  for (auto& i : users) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "trying user " << i;
+    struct passwd* pw = getpwnam(i.c_str());
+    if (pw == nullptr) {
+      throw Error(format("the user '%1%' in the group '%2%' does not exist") %
+                  i % settings.buildUsersGroup);
+    }
+    createDirs(settings.nixStateDir + "/userpool");
+    fnUserLock =
+        (format("%1%/userpool/%2%") % settings.nixStateDir % pw->pw_uid).str();
+    {
+      auto lockedPaths(lockedPaths_.lock());
+      if (lockedPaths->count(fnUserLock) != 0u) {
+        /* We already have a lock on this one. */
+        continue;
+      }
+      lockedPaths->insert(fnUserLock);
+    }
+    try {
+      AutoCloseFD fd =
+          open(fnUserLock.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600);
+      if (!fd) {
+        throw SysError(format("opening user lock '%1%'") % fnUserLock);
+      }
+      if (lockFile(fd.get(), ltWrite, false)) {
+        fdUserLock = std::move(fd);
+        user = i;
+        uid = pw->pw_uid;
+        /* Sanity check... */
+        if (uid == getuid() || uid == geteuid()) {
+          throw Error(format("the Nix user should not be a member of '%1%'") %
+                      settings.buildUsersGroup);
+        }
+#if __linux__
+        /* Get the list of supplementary groups of this build user.  This
+           is usually either empty or contains a group such as "kvm".  */
+        supplementaryGIDs.resize(10);
+        int ngroups = supplementaryGIDs.size();
+        int err = getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid,
+                               supplementaryGIDs.data(), &ngroups);
+        if (err == -1) {
+          throw Error(
+              format("failed to get list of supplementary groups for '%1%'") %
+              pw->pw_name);
+        }
+        supplementaryGIDs.resize(ngroups);
+        return;
+      }
+    } catch (...) {
+      lockedPaths_.lock()->erase(fnUserLock);
+    }
+  }
+  throw Error(format("all build users are currently in use; "
+                     "consider creating additional users and adding them to "
+                     "the '%1%' group") %
+              settings.buildUsersGroup);
+UserLock::~UserLock() {
+  auto lockedPaths(lockedPaths_.lock());
+  assert(lockedPaths->count(fnUserLock));
+  lockedPaths->erase(fnUserLock);
+void UserLock::kill() { killUser(uid); }
+struct HookInstance {
+  /* Pipes for talking to the build hook. */
+  Pipe toHook;
+  /* Pipe for the hook's standard output/error. */
+  Pipe fromHook;
+  /* Pipe for the builder's standard output/error. */
+  Pipe builderOut;
+  /* The process ID of the hook. */
+  Pid pid;
+  FdSink sink;
+  HookInstance();
+  ~HookInstance();
+HookInstance::HookInstance() {
+  DLOG(INFO) << "starting build hook " << settings.buildHook;
+  /* Create a pipe to get the output of the child. */
+  fromHook.create();
+  /* Create the communication pipes. */
+  toHook.create();
+  /* Create a pipe to get the output of the builder. */
+  builderOut.create();
+  /* Fork the hook. */
+  pid = startProcess([&]() {
+    commonChildInit(fromHook);
+    if (chdir("/") == -1) {
+      throw SysError("changing into /");
+    }
+    /* Dup the communication pipes. */
+    if (dup2(toHook.readSide.get(), STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("dupping to-hook read side");
+    }
+    /* Use fd 4 for the builder's stdout/stderr. */
+    if (dup2(builderOut.writeSide.get(), 4) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("dupping builder's stdout/stderr");
+    }
+    /* Hack: pass the read side of that fd to allow build-remote
+       to read SSH error messages. */
+    if (dup2(builderOut.readSide.get(), 5) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("dupping builder's stdout/stderr");
+    }
+    Strings args = {
+        baseNameOf(settings.buildHook),
+        // std::to_string(verbosity), // TODO(tazjin): what?
+    };
+    execv(settings.buildHook.get().c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
+    throw SysError("executing '%s'", settings.buildHook);
+  });
+  pid.setSeparatePG(true);
+  fromHook.writeSide = -1;
+  toHook.readSide = -1;
+  sink = FdSink(toHook.writeSide.get());
+  std::map<std::string, Config::SettingInfo> settings;
+  globalConfig.getSettings(settings);
+  for (auto& setting : settings) {
+    sink << 1 << setting.first << setting.second.value;
+  }
+  sink << 0;
+HookInstance::~HookInstance() {
+  try {
+    toHook.writeSide = -1;
+    if (pid != -1) {
+      pid.kill();
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+typedef map<std::string, std::string> StringRewrites;
+std::string rewriteStrings(std::string s, const StringRewrites& rewrites) {
+  for (auto& i : rewrites) {
+    size_t j = 0;
+    while ((j = s.find(i.first, j)) != string::npos) {
+      s.replace(j, i.first.size(), i.second);
+    }
+  }
+  return s;
+typedef enum { rpAccept, rpDecline, rpPostpone } HookReply;
+class SubstitutionGoal;
+class DerivationGoal : public Goal {
+ private:
+  /* Whether to use an on-disk .drv file. */
+  bool useDerivation;
+  /* The path of the derivation. */
+  Path drvPath;
+  /* The specific outputs that we need to build.  Empty means all of
+     them. */
+  StringSet wantedOutputs;
+  /* Whether additional wanted outputs have been added. */
+  bool needRestart = false;
+  /* Whether to retry substituting the outputs after building the
+     inputs. */
+  bool retrySubstitution;
+  /* The derivation stored at drvPath. */
+  std::unique_ptr<BasicDerivation> drv;
+  std::unique_ptr<ParsedDerivation> parsedDrv;
+  /* The remainder is state held during the build. */
+  /* Locks on the output paths. */
+  PathLocks outputLocks;
+  /* All input paths (that is, the union of FS closures of the
+     immediate input paths). */
+  PathSet inputPaths;
+  /* Referenceable paths (i.e., input and output paths). */
+  PathSet allPaths;
+  /* Outputs that are already valid.  If we're repairing, these are
+     the outputs that are valid *and* not corrupt. */
+  PathSet validPaths;
+  /* Outputs that are corrupt or not valid. */
+  PathSet missingPaths;
+  /* User selected for running the builder. */
+  std::unique_ptr<UserLock> buildUser;
+  /* The process ID of the builder. */
+  Pid pid;
+  /* The temporary directory. */
+  Path tmpDir;
+  /* The path of the temporary directory in the sandbox. */
+  Path tmpDirInSandbox;
+  /* File descriptor for the log file. */
+  AutoCloseFD fdLogFile;
+  std::shared_ptr<BufferedSink> logFileSink, logSink;
+  /* Number of bytes received from the builder's stdout/stderr. */
+  unsigned long logSize;
+  /* The most recent log lines. */
+  std::list<std::string> logTail;
+  std::string currentLogLine;
+  size_t currentLogLinePos = 0;  // to handle carriage return
+  std::string currentHookLine;
+  /* Pipe for the builder's standard output/error. */
+  Pipe builderOut;
+  /* Pipe for synchronising updates to the builder user namespace. */
+  Pipe userNamespaceSync;
+  /* The build hook. */
+  std::unique_ptr<HookInstance> hook;
+  /* Whether we're currently doing a chroot build. */
+  bool useChroot = false;
+  Path chrootRootDir;
+  /* RAII object to delete the chroot directory. */
+  std::shared_ptr<AutoDelete> autoDelChroot;
+  /* Whether this is a fixed-output derivation. */
+  bool fixedOutput;
+  /* Whether to run the build in a private network namespace. */
+  bool privateNetwork = false;
+  using GoalState = void (DerivationGoal::*)();
+  GoalState state;
+  /* Stuff we need to pass to initChild(). */
+  struct ChrootPath {
+    Path source;
+    bool optional;
+    explicit ChrootPath(Path source = "", bool optional = false)
+        : source(std::move(source)), optional(optional) {}
+  };
+  typedef map<Path, ChrootPath>
+      DirsInChroot;  // maps target path to source path
+  DirsInChroot dirsInChroot;
+  typedef map<string, string> Environment;
+  Environment env;
+#if __APPLE__
+  typedef string SandboxProfile;
+  SandboxProfile additionalSandboxProfile;
+  /* Hash rewriting. */
+  StringRewrites inputRewrites, outputRewrites;
+  typedef map<Path, Path> RedirectedOutputs;
+  RedirectedOutputs redirectedOutputs;
+  BuildMode buildMode;
+  /* If we're repairing without a chroot, there may be outputs that
+     are valid but corrupt.  So we redirect these outputs to
+     temporary paths. */
+  PathSet redirectedBadOutputs;
+  BuildResult result;
+  /* The current round, if we're building multiple times. */
+  size_t curRound = 1;
+  size_t nrRounds;
+  /* Path registration info from the previous round, if we're
+     building multiple times. Since this contains the hash, it
+     allows us to compare whether two rounds produced the same
+     result. */
+  std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo> prevInfos;
+  const uid_t sandboxUid = 1000;
+  const gid_t sandboxGid = 100;
+  const static Path homeDir;
+  std::unique_ptr<MaintainCount<uint64_t>> mcExpectedBuilds, mcRunningBuilds;
+  /* The remote machine on which we're building. */
+  std::string machineName;
+ public:
+  DerivationGoal(const Path& drvPath, StringSet wantedOutputs, Worker& worker,
+                 BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
+  DerivationGoal(const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                 Worker& worker, BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
+  ~DerivationGoal() override;
+  /* Whether we need to perform hash rewriting if there are valid output paths.
+   */
+  bool needsHashRewrite();
+  void timedOut() override;
+  string key() override {
+    /* Ensure that derivations get built in order of their name,
+       i.e. a derivation named "aardvark" always comes before
+       "baboon". And substitution goals always happen before
+       derivation goals (due to "b$"). */
+    return "b$" + storePathToName(drvPath) + "$" + drvPath;
+  }
+  void work() override;
+  Path getDrvPath() { return drvPath; }
+  /* Add wanted outputs to an already existing derivation goal. */
+  void addWantedOutputs(const StringSet& outputs);
+  BuildResult getResult() { return result; }
+ private:
+  /* The states. */
+  void getDerivation();
+  void loadDerivation();
+  void haveDerivation();
+  void outputsSubstituted();
+  void closureRepaired();
+  void inputsRealised();
+  void tryToBuild();
+  void buildDone();
+  /* Is the build hook willing to perform the build? */
+  HookReply tryBuildHook();
+  /* Start building a derivation. */
+  void startBuilder();
+  /* Fill in the environment for the builder. */
+  void initEnv();
+  /* Setup tmp dir location. */
+  void initTmpDir();
+  /* Write a JSON file containing the derivation attributes. */
+  void writeStructuredAttrs();
+  /* Make a file owned by the builder. */
+  void chownToBuilder(const Path& path);
+  /* Run the builder's process. */
+  void runChild();
+  friend int childEntry(void* /*arg*/);
+  /* Check that the derivation outputs all exist and register them
+     as valid. */
+  void registerOutputs();
+  /* Check that an output meets the requirements specified by the
+     'outputChecks' attribute (or the legacy
+     '{allowed,disallowed}{References,Requisites}' attributes). */
+  void checkOutputs(const std::map<std::string, ValidPathInfo>& outputs);
+  /* Open a log file and a pipe to it. */
+  Path openLogFile();
+  /* Close the log file. */
+  void closeLogFile();
+  /* Delete the temporary directory, if we have one. */
+  void deleteTmpDir(bool force);
+  /* Callback used by the worker to write to the log. */
+  void handleChildOutput(int fd, const string& data) override;
+  void handleEOF(int fd) override;
+  void flushLine();
+  /* Return the set of (in)valid paths. */
+  PathSet checkPathValidity(bool returnValid, bool checkHash);
+  /* Abort the goal if `path' failed to build. */
+  bool pathFailed(const Path& path);
+  /* Forcibly kill the child process, if any. */
+  void killChild();
+  Path addHashRewrite(const Path& path);
+  void repairClosure();
+  void amDone(ExitCode result) override { Goal::amDone(result); }
+  void done(BuildResult::Status status, const string& msg = "");
+  PathSet exportReferences(const PathSet& storePaths);
+const Path DerivationGoal::homeDir = "/homeless-shelter";
+DerivationGoal::DerivationGoal(const Path& drvPath, StringSet wantedOutputs,
+                               Worker& worker, BuildMode buildMode)
+    : Goal(worker),
+      useDerivation(true),
+      drvPath(drvPath),
+      wantedOutputs(std::move(wantedOutputs)),
+      buildMode(buildMode) {
+  state = &DerivationGoal::getDerivation;
+  name = (format("building of '%1%'") % drvPath).str();
+  trace("created");
+  mcExpectedBuilds =
+      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.expectedBuilds);
+DerivationGoal::DerivationGoal(const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                               Worker& worker, BuildMode buildMode)
+    : Goal(worker),
+      useDerivation(false),
+      drvPath(drvPath),
+      buildMode(buildMode) {
+  this->drv = std::make_unique<BasicDerivation>(drv);
+  state = &DerivationGoal::haveDerivation;
+  name = (format("building of %1%") % showPaths(drv.outputPaths())).str();
+  trace("created");
+  mcExpectedBuilds =
+      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.expectedBuilds);
+  /* Prevent the .chroot directory from being
+     garbage-collected. (See isActiveTempFile() in gc.cc.) */
+  worker.store.addTempRoot(drvPath);
+DerivationGoal::~DerivationGoal() {
+  /* Careful: we should never ever throw an exception from a
+     destructor. */
+  try {
+    killChild();
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+  try {
+    deleteTmpDir(false);
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+  try {
+    closeLogFile();
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+inline bool DerivationGoal::needsHashRewrite() {
+#if __linux__
+  return !useChroot;
+  /* Darwin requires hash rewriting even when sandboxing is enabled. */
+  return true;
+void DerivationGoal::killChild() {
+  if (pid != -1) {
+    worker.childTerminated(this);
+    if (buildUser) {
+      /* If we're using a build user, then there is a tricky
+         race condition: if we kill the build user before the
+         child has done its setuid() to the build user uid, then
+         it won't be killed, and we'll potentially lock up in
+         pid.wait().  So also send a conventional kill to the
+         child. */
+      ::kill(-pid, SIGKILL); /* ignore the result */
+      buildUser->kill();
+      pid.wait();
+    } else {
+      pid.kill();
+    }
+    assert(pid == -1);
+  }
+  hook.reset();
+void DerivationGoal::timedOut() {
+  killChild();
+  done(BuildResult::TimedOut);
+void DerivationGoal::work() { (this->*state)(); }
+void DerivationGoal::addWantedOutputs(const StringSet& outputs) {
+  /* If we already want all outputs, there is nothing to do. */
+  if (wantedOutputs.empty()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (outputs.empty()) {
+    wantedOutputs.clear();
+    needRestart = true;
+  } else {
+    for (auto& i : outputs) {
+      if (wantedOutputs.find(i) == wantedOutputs.end()) {
+        wantedOutputs.insert(i);
+        needRestart = true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::getDerivation() {
+  trace("init");
+  /* The first thing to do is to make sure that the derivation
+     exists.  If it doesn't, it may be created through a
+     substitute. */
+  if (buildMode == bmNormal && worker.store.isValidPath(drvPath)) {
+    loadDerivation();
+    return;
+  }
+  addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(drvPath));
+  state = &DerivationGoal::loadDerivation;
+void DerivationGoal::loadDerivation() {
+  trace("loading derivation");
+  if (nrFailed != 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "cannot build missing derivation '" << drvPath << "'";
+    done(BuildResult::MiscFailure);
+    return;
+  }
+  /* `drvPath' should already be a root, but let's be on the safe
+     side: if the user forgot to make it a root, we wouldn't want
+     things being garbage collected while we're busy. */
+  worker.store.addTempRoot(drvPath);
+  assert(worker.store.isValidPath(drvPath));
+  /* Get the derivation. */
+  drv = std::unique_ptr<BasicDerivation>(
+      new Derivation(worker.store.derivationFromPath(drvPath)));
+  haveDerivation();
+void DerivationGoal::haveDerivation() {
+  trace("have derivation");
+  retrySubstitution = false;
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    worker.store.addTempRoot(i.second.path);
+  }
+  /* Check what outputs paths are not already valid. */
+  PathSet invalidOutputs = checkPathValidity(false, buildMode == bmRepair);
+  /* If they are all valid, then we're done. */
+  if (invalidOutputs.empty() && buildMode == bmNormal) {
+    done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
+    return;
+  }
+  parsedDrv = std::make_unique<ParsedDerivation>(drvPath, *drv);
+  /* We are first going to try to create the invalid output paths
+     through substitutes.  If that doesn't work, we'll build
+     them. */
+  if (settings.useSubstitutes && parsedDrv->substitutesAllowed()) {
+    for (auto& i : invalidOutputs) {
+      addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(
+          i, buildMode == bmRepair ? Repair : NoRepair));
+    }
+  }
+  if (waitees.empty()) { /* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */
+    outputsSubstituted();
+  } else {
+    state = &DerivationGoal::outputsSubstituted;
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::outputsSubstituted() {
+  trace("all outputs substituted (maybe)");
+  if (nrFailed > 0 && nrFailed > nrNoSubstituters + nrIncompleteClosure &&
+      !settings.tryFallback) {
+    done(BuildResult::TransientFailure,
+         (format("some substitutes for the outputs of derivation '%1%' failed "
+                 "(usually happens due to networking issues); try '--fallback' "
+                 "to build derivation from source ") %
+          drvPath)
+             .str());
+    return;
+  }
+  /*  If the substitutes form an incomplete closure, then we should
+      build the dependencies of this derivation, but after that, we
+      can still use the substitutes for this derivation itself. */
+  if (nrIncompleteClosure > 0) {
+    retrySubstitution = true;
+  }
+  nrFailed = nrNoSubstituters = nrIncompleteClosure = 0;
+  if (needRestart) {
+    needRestart = false;
+    haveDerivation();
+    return;
+  }
+  auto nrInvalid = checkPathValidity(false, buildMode == bmRepair).size();
+  if (buildMode == bmNormal && nrInvalid == 0) {
+    done(BuildResult::Substituted);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (buildMode == bmRepair && nrInvalid == 0) {
+    repairClosure();
+    return;
+  }
+  if (buildMode == bmCheck && nrInvalid > 0) {
+    throw Error(format("some outputs of '%1%' are not valid, so checking is "
+                       "not possible") %
+                drvPath);
+  }
+  /* Otherwise, at least one of the output paths could not be
+     produced using a substitute.  So we have to build instead. */
+  /* Make sure checkPathValidity() from now on checks all
+     outputs. */
+  wantedOutputs = PathSet();
+  /* The inputs must be built before we can build this goal. */
+  if (useDerivation) {
+    for (auto& i : dynamic_cast<Derivation*>(drv.get())->inputDrvs) {
+      addWaitee(worker.makeDerivationGoal(
+          i.first, i.second, buildMode == bmRepair ? bmRepair : bmNormal));
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto& i : drv->inputSrcs) {
+    if (worker.store.isValidPath(i)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!settings.useSubstitutes) {
+      throw Error(format("dependency '%1%' of '%2%' does not exist, and "
+                         "substitution is disabled") %
+                  i % drvPath);
+    }
+    addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(i));
+  }
+  if (waitees.empty()) { /* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */
+    inputsRealised();
+  } else {
+    state = &DerivationGoal::inputsRealised;
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::repairClosure() {
+  /* If we're repairing, we now know that our own outputs are valid.
+     Now check whether the other paths in the outputs closure are
+     good.  If not, then start derivation goals for the derivations
+     that produced those outputs. */
+  /* Get the output closure. */
+  PathSet outputClosure;
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    if (!wantOutput(i.first, wantedOutputs)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    worker.store.computeFSClosure(i.second.path, outputClosure);
+  }
+  /* Filter out our own outputs (which we have already checked). */
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    outputClosure.erase(i.second.path);
+  }
+  /* Get all dependencies of this derivation so that we know which
+     derivation is responsible for which path in the output
+     closure. */
+  PathSet inputClosure;
+  if (useDerivation) {
+    worker.store.computeFSClosure(drvPath, inputClosure);
+  }
+  std::map<Path, Path> outputsToDrv;
+  for (auto& i : inputClosure) {
+    if (isDerivation(i)) {
+      Derivation drv = worker.store.derivationFromPath(i);
+      for (auto& j : drv.outputs) {
+        outputsToDrv[j.second.path] = i;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Check each path (slow!). */
+  PathSet broken;
+  for (auto& i : outputClosure) {
+    if (worker.pathContentsGood(i)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    LOG(ERROR) << "found corrupted or missing path '" << i
+               << "' in the output closure of '" << drvPath << "'";
+    Path drvPath2 = outputsToDrv[i];
+    if (drvPath2.empty()) {
+      addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(i, Repair));
+    } else {
+      addWaitee(worker.makeDerivationGoal(drvPath2, PathSet(), bmRepair));
+    }
+  }
+  if (waitees.empty()) {
+    done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
+    return;
+  }
+  state = &DerivationGoal::closureRepaired;
+void DerivationGoal::closureRepaired() {
+  trace("closure repaired");
+  if (nrFailed > 0) {
+    throw Error(format("some paths in the output closure of derivation '%1%' "
+                       "could not be repaired") %
+                drvPath);
+  }
+  done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
+void DerivationGoal::inputsRealised() {
+  trace("all inputs realised");
+  if (nrFailed != 0) {
+    if (!useDerivation) {
+      throw Error(format("some dependencies of '%1%' are missing") % drvPath);
+    }
+    LOG(ERROR) << "cannot build derivation '" << drvPath << "': " << nrFailed
+               << " dependencies couldn't be built";
+    done(BuildResult::DependencyFailed);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (retrySubstitution) {
+    haveDerivation();
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Gather information necessary for computing the closure and/or
+     running the build hook. */
+  /* The outputs are referenceable paths. */
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "building path " << i.second.path;
+    allPaths.insert(i.second.path);
+  }
+  /* Determine the full set of input paths. */
+  /* First, the input derivations. */
+  if (useDerivation) {
+    for (auto& i : dynamic_cast<Derivation*>(drv.get())->inputDrvs) {
+      /* Add the relevant output closures of the input derivation
+         `i' as input paths.  Only add the closures of output paths
+         that are specified as inputs. */
+      assert(worker.store.isValidPath(i.first));
+      Derivation inDrv = worker.store.derivationFromPath(i.first);
+      for (auto& j : i.second) {
+        if (inDrv.outputs.find(j) != inDrv.outputs.end()) {
+          worker.store.computeFSClosure(inDrv.outputs[j].path, inputPaths);
+        } else {
+          throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' requires non-existent output "
+                             "'%2%' from input derivation '%3%'") %
+                      drvPath % j % i.first);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Second, the input sources. */
+  worker.store.computeFSClosure(drv->inputSrcs, inputPaths);
+  DLOG(INFO) << "added input paths " << showPaths(inputPaths);
+  allPaths.insert(inputPaths.begin(), inputPaths.end());
+  /* Is this a fixed-output derivation? */
+  fixedOutput = drv->isFixedOutput();
+  /* Don't repeat fixed-output derivations since they're already
+     verified by their output hash.*/
+  nrRounds = fixedOutput ? 1 : settings.buildRepeat + 1;
+  /* Okay, try to build.  Note that here we don't wait for a build
+     slot to become available, since we don't need one if there is a
+     build hook. */
+  state = &DerivationGoal::tryToBuild;
+  worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+  result = BuildResult();
+void DerivationGoal::tryToBuild() {
+  trace("trying to build");
+  /* Obtain locks on all output paths.  The locks are automatically
+     released when we exit this function or Nix crashes.  If we
+     can't acquire the lock, then continue; hopefully some other
+     goal can start a build, and if not, the main loop will sleep a
+     few seconds and then retry this goal. */
+  PathSet lockFiles;
+  for (auto& outPath : drv->outputPaths()) {
+    lockFiles.insert(worker.store.toRealPath(outPath));
+  }
+  if (!outputLocks.lockPaths(lockFiles, "", false)) {
+    worker.waitForAWhile(shared_from_this());
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Now check again whether the outputs are valid.  This is because
+     another process may have started building in parallel.  After
+     it has finished and released the locks, we can (and should)
+     reuse its results.  (Strictly speaking the first check can be
+     omitted, but that would be less efficient.)  Note that since we
+     now hold the locks on the output paths, no other process can
+     build this derivation, so no further checks are necessary. */
+  validPaths = checkPathValidity(true, buildMode == bmRepair);
+  if (buildMode != bmCheck && validPaths.size() == drv->outputs.size()) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "skipping build of derivation '" << drvPath
+               << "', someone beat us to it";
+    outputLocks.setDeletion(true);
+    done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
+    return;
+  }
+  missingPaths = drv->outputPaths();
+  if (buildMode != bmCheck) {
+    for (auto& i : validPaths) {
+      missingPaths.erase(i);
+    }
+  }
+  /* If any of the outputs already exist but are not valid, delete
+     them. */
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    Path path = i.second.path;
+    if (worker.store.isValidPath(path)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    DLOG(INFO) << "removing invalid path " << path;
+    deletePath(worker.store.toRealPath(path));
+  }
+  /* Don't do a remote build if the derivation has the attribute
+     `preferLocalBuild' set.  Also, check and repair modes are only
+     supported for local builds. */
+  bool buildLocally = buildMode != bmNormal || parsedDrv->willBuildLocally();
+  auto started = [&]() {
+    auto msg = fmt(buildMode == bmRepair
+                       ? "repairing outputs of '%s'"
+                       : buildMode == bmCheck
+                             ? "checking outputs of '%s'"
+                             : nrRounds > 1 ? "building '%s' (round %d/%d)"
+                                            : "building '%s'",
+                   drvPath, curRound, nrRounds);
+    if (hook) {
+      msg += fmt(" on '%s'", machineName);
+    }
+    LOG(INFO) << msg << "[" << drvPath << "]";
+    mcRunningBuilds =
+        std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.runningBuilds);
+  };
+  /* Is the build hook willing to accept this job? */
+  if (!buildLocally) {
+    switch (tryBuildHook()) {
+      case rpAccept:
+        /* Yes, it has started doing so.  Wait until we get
+           EOF from the hook. */
+        result.startTime = time(nullptr);  // inexact
+        state = &DerivationGoal::buildDone;
+        started();
+        return;
+      case rpPostpone:
+        /* Not now; wait until at least one child finishes or
+           the wake-up timeout expires. */
+        worker.waitForAWhile(shared_from_this());
+        outputLocks.unlock();
+        return;
+      case rpDecline:
+        /* We should do it ourselves. */
+        break;
+    }
+  }
+  /* Make sure that we are allowed to start a build.  If this
+     derivation prefers to be done locally, do it even if
+     maxBuildJobs is 0. */
+  unsigned int curBuilds = worker.getNrLocalBuilds();
+  if (curBuilds >= settings.maxBuildJobs && !(buildLocally && curBuilds == 0)) {
+    worker.waitForBuildSlot(shared_from_this());
+    outputLocks.unlock();
+    return;
+  }
+  try {
+    /* Okay, we have to build. */
+    startBuilder();
+  } catch (BuildError& e) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << e.msg();
+    outputLocks.unlock();
+    buildUser.reset();
+    worker.permanentFailure = true;
+    done(BuildResult::InputRejected, e.msg());
+    return;
+  }
+  /* This state will be reached when we get EOF on the child's
+     log pipe. */
+  state = &DerivationGoal::buildDone;
+  started();
+void replaceValidPath(const Path& storePath, const Path& tmpPath) {
+  /* We can't atomically replace storePath (the original) with
+     tmpPath (the replacement), so we have to move it out of the
+     way first.  We'd better not be interrupted here, because if
+     we're repairing (say) Glibc, we end up with a broken system. */
+  Path oldPath =
+      (format("%1%.old-%2%-%3%") % storePath % getpid() % random()).str();
+  if (pathExists(storePath)) {
+    rename(storePath.c_str(), oldPath.c_str());
+  }
+  if (rename(tmpPath.c_str(), storePath.c_str()) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("moving '%1%' to '%2%'") % tmpPath % storePath);
+  }
+  deletePath(oldPath);
+MakeError(NotDeterministic, BuildError)
+    void DerivationGoal::buildDone() {
+  trace("build done");
+  /* Release the build user at the end of this function. We don't do
+     it right away because we don't want another build grabbing this
+     uid and then messing around with our output. */
+  Finally releaseBuildUser([&]() { buildUser.reset(); });
+  /* Since we got an EOF on the logger pipe, the builder is presumed
+     to have terminated.  In fact, the builder could also have
+     simply have closed its end of the pipe, so just to be sure,
+     kill it. */
+  int status = hook ? hook->pid.kill() : pid.kill();
+  DLOG(INFO) << "builder process for '" << drvPath << "' finished";
+  result.timesBuilt++;
+  result.stopTime = time(nullptr);
+  /* So the child is gone now. */
+  worker.childTerminated(this);
+  /* Close the read side of the logger pipe. */
+  if (hook) {
+    hook->builderOut.readSide = -1;
+    hook->fromHook.readSide = -1;
+  } else {
+    builderOut.readSide = -1;
+  }
+  /* Close the log file. */
+  closeLogFile();
+  /* When running under a build user, make sure that all processes
+     running under that uid are gone.  This is to prevent a
+     malicious user from leaving behind a process that keeps files
+     open and modifies them after they have been chown'ed to
+     root. */
+  if (buildUser) {
+    buildUser->kill();
+  }
+  bool diskFull = false;
+  try {
+    /* Check the exit status. */
+    if (!statusOk(status)) {
+      /* Heuristically check whether the build failure may have
+         been caused by a disk full condition.  We have no way
+         of knowing whether the build actually got an ENOSPC.
+         So instead, check if the disk is (nearly) full now.  If
+         so, we don't mark this build as a permanent failure. */
+      unsigned long long required =
+          8ULL * 1024 * 1024;  // FIXME: make configurable
+      struct statvfs st;
+      if (statvfs(worker.store.realStoreDir.c_str(), &st) == 0 &&
+          (unsigned long long)st.f_bavail * st.f_bsize < required) {
+        diskFull = true;
+      }
+      if (statvfs(tmpDir.c_str(), &st) == 0 &&
+          (unsigned long long)st.f_bavail * st.f_bsize < required) {
+        diskFull = true;
+      }
+      deleteTmpDir(false);
+      /* Move paths out of the chroot for easier debugging of
+         build failures. */
+      if (useChroot && buildMode == bmNormal) {
+        for (auto& i : missingPaths) {
+          if (pathExists(chrootRootDir + i)) {
+            rename((chrootRootDir + i).c_str(), i.c_str());
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      std::string msg =
+          (format("builder for '%1%' %2%") % drvPath % statusToString(status))
+              .str();
+      if (!settings.verboseBuild && !logTail.empty()) {
+        msg += (format("; last %d log lines:") % logTail.size()).str();
+        for (auto& line : logTail) {
+          msg += "\n  " + line;
+        }
+      }
+      if (diskFull) {
+        msg +=
+            "\nnote: build failure may have been caused by lack of free disk "
+            "space";
+      }
+      throw BuildError(msg);
+    }
+    /* Compute the FS closure of the outputs and register them as
+       being valid. */
+    registerOutputs();
+    if (settings.postBuildHook != "") {
+      LOG(INFO) << "running post-build-hook '" << settings.postBuildHook
+                << "' [" << drvPath << "]";
+      auto outputPaths = drv->outputPaths();
+      std::map<std::string, std::string> hookEnvironment = getEnv();
+      hookEnvironment.emplace("DRV_PATH", drvPath);
+      hookEnvironment.emplace("OUT_PATHS",
+                              chomp(concatStringsSep(" ", outputPaths)));
+      RunOptions opts(settings.postBuildHook, {});
+      opts.environment = hookEnvironment;
+      struct LogSink : Sink {
+        std::string currentLine;
+        void operator()(const unsigned char* data, size_t len) override {
+          for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
+            auto c = data[i];
+            if (c == '\n') {
+              flushLine();
+            } else {
+              currentLine += c;
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        void flushLine() {
+          if (settings.verboseBuild) {
+            LOG(ERROR) << "post-build-hook: " << currentLine;
+          }
+          currentLine.clear();
+        }
+        ~LogSink() override {
+          if (!currentLine.empty()) {
+            currentLine += '\n';
+            flushLine();
+          }
+        }
+      };
+      LogSink sink;
+      opts.standardOut = &sink;
+      opts.mergeStderrToStdout = true;
+      runProgram2(opts);
+    }
+    if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
+      done(BuildResult::Built);
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Delete unused redirected outputs (when doing hash rewriting). */
+    for (auto& i : redirectedOutputs) {
+      deletePath(i.second);
+    }
+    /* Delete the chroot (if we were using one). */
+    autoDelChroot.reset(); /* this runs the destructor */
+    deleteTmpDir(true);
+    /* Repeat the build if necessary. */
+    if (curRound++ < nrRounds) {
+      outputLocks.unlock();
+      state = &DerivationGoal::tryToBuild;
+      worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+      return;
+    }
+    /* It is now safe to delete the lock files, since all future
+       lockers will see that the output paths are valid; they will
+       not create new lock files with the same names as the old
+       (unlinked) lock files. */
+    outputLocks.setDeletion(true);
+    outputLocks.unlock();
+  } catch (BuildError& e) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << e.msg();
+    outputLocks.unlock();
+    BuildResult::Status st = BuildResult::MiscFailure;
+    if (hook && WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 101) {
+      st = BuildResult::TimedOut;
+    } else if (hook && (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 100)) {
+    }
+    else {
+      st = dynamic_cast<NotDeterministic*>(&e) != nullptr
+               ? BuildResult::NotDeterministic
+               : statusOk(status)
+                     ? BuildResult::OutputRejected
+                     : fixedOutput || diskFull ? BuildResult::TransientFailure
+                                               : BuildResult::PermanentFailure;
+    }
+    done(st, e.msg());
+    return;
+  }
+  done(BuildResult::Built);
+HookReply DerivationGoal::tryBuildHook() {
+  if (!worker.tryBuildHook || !useDerivation) {
+    return rpDecline;
+  }
+  if (!worker.hook) {
+    worker.hook = std::make_unique<HookInstance>();
+  }
+  try {
+    /* Send the request to the hook. */
+    worker.hook->sink << "try"
+                      << (worker.getNrLocalBuilds() < settings.maxBuildJobs ? 1
+                                                                            : 0)
+                      << drv->platform << drvPath
+                      << parsedDrv->getRequiredSystemFeatures();
+    worker.hook->sink.flush();
+    /* Read the first line of input, which should be a word indicating
+       whether the hook wishes to perform the build. */
+    string reply;
+    while (true) {
+      string s = readLine(worker.hook->fromHook.readSide.get());
+      if (string(s, 0, 2) == "# ") {
+        reply = string(s, 2);
+        break;
+      }
+      s += "\n";
+      std::cerr << s;
+    }
+    DLOG(INFO) << "hook reply is " << reply;
+    if (reply == "decline") {
+      return rpDecline;
+    }
+    if (reply == "decline-permanently") {
+      worker.tryBuildHook = false;
+      worker.hook = nullptr;
+      return rpDecline;
+    } else if (reply == "postpone") {
+      return rpPostpone;
+    } else if (reply != "accept") {
+      throw Error(format("bad hook reply '%1%'") % reply);
+    }
+  } catch (SysError& e) {
+    if (e.errNo == EPIPE) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "build hook died unexpectedly: "
+                 << chomp(drainFD(worker.hook->fromHook.readSide.get()));
+      worker.hook = nullptr;
+      return rpDecline;
+    }
+    throw;
+  }
+  hook = std::move(worker.hook);
+  machineName = readLine(hook->fromHook.readSide.get());
+  /* Tell the hook all the inputs that have to be copied to the
+     remote system. */
+  hook->sink << inputPaths;
+  /* Tell the hooks the missing outputs that have to be copied back
+     from the remote system. */
+  hook->sink << missingPaths;
+  hook->sink = FdSink();
+  hook->toHook.writeSide = -1;
+  /* Create the log file and pipe. */
+  Path logFile = openLogFile();
+  set<int> fds;
+  fds.insert(hook->fromHook.readSide.get());
+  fds.insert(hook->builderOut.readSide.get());
+  worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), fds, false, false);
+  return rpAccept;
+void chmod_(const Path& path, mode_t mode) {
+  if (chmod(path.c_str(), mode) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("setting permissions on '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+int childEntry(void* arg) {
+  ((DerivationGoal*)arg)->runChild();
+  return 1;
+PathSet DerivationGoal::exportReferences(const PathSet& storePaths) {
+  PathSet paths;
+  for (auto storePath : storePaths) {
+    /* Check that the store path is valid. */
+    if (!worker.store.isInStore(storePath)) {
+      throw BuildError(
+          format("'exportReferencesGraph' contains a non-store path '%1%'") %
+          storePath);
+    }
+    storePath = worker.store.toStorePath(storePath);
+    if (inputPaths.count(storePath) == 0u) {
+      throw BuildError(
+          "cannot export references of path '%s' because it is not in the "
+          "input closure of the derivation",
+          storePath);
+    }
+    worker.store.computeFSClosure(storePath, paths);
+  }
+  /* If there are derivations in the graph, then include their
+     outputs as well.  This is useful if you want to do things
+     like passing all build-time dependencies of some path to a
+     derivation that builds a NixOS DVD image. */
+  PathSet paths2(paths);
+  for (auto& j : paths2) {
+    if (isDerivation(j)) {
+      Derivation drv = worker.store.derivationFromPath(j);
+      for (auto& k : drv.outputs) {
+        worker.store.computeFSClosure(k.second.path, paths);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return paths;
+static std::once_flag dns_resolve_flag;
+static void preloadNSS() {
+  /* builtin:fetchurl can trigger a DNS lookup, which with glibc can trigger a
+     dynamic library load of one of the glibc NSS libraries in a sandboxed
+     child, which will fail unless the library's already been loaded in the
+     parent. So we force a lookup of an invalid domain to force the NSS
+     machinery to
+     load its lookup libraries in the parent before any child gets a chance to.
+   */
+  std::call_once(dns_resolve_flag, []() {
+    struct addrinfo* res = nullptr;
+    if (getaddrinfo("this.pre-initializes.the.dns.resolvers.invalid.", "http",
+                    nullptr, &res) != 0) {
+      if (res != nullptr) {
+        freeaddrinfo(res);
+      }
+    }
+  });
+void DerivationGoal::startBuilder() {
+  /* Right platform? */
+  if (!parsedDrv->canBuildLocally()) {
+    throw Error(
+        "a '%s' with features {%s} is required to build '%s', but I am a '%s' "
+        "with features {%s}",
+        drv->platform,
+        concatStringsSep(", ", parsedDrv->getRequiredSystemFeatures()), drvPath,
+        settings.thisSystem, concatStringsSep(", ", settings.systemFeatures));
+  }
+  if (drv->isBuiltin()) {
+    preloadNSS();
+  }
+#if __APPLE__
+  additionalSandboxProfile =
+      parsedDrv->getStringAttr("__sandboxProfile").value_or("");
+  /* Are we doing a chroot build? */
+  {
+    auto noChroot = parsedDrv->getBoolAttr("__noChroot");
+    if (settings.sandboxMode == smEnabled) {
+      if (noChroot) {
+        throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' has '__noChroot' set, "
+                           "but that's not allowed when 'sandbox' is 'true'") %
+                    drvPath);
+      }
+#if __APPLE__
+      if (additionalSandboxProfile != "")
+        throw Error(
+            format("derivation '%1%' specifies a sandbox profile, "
+                   "but this is only allowed when 'sandbox' is 'relaxed'") %
+            drvPath);
+      useChroot = true;
+    } else if (settings.sandboxMode == smDisabled) {
+      useChroot = false;
+    } else if (settings.sandboxMode == smRelaxed) {
+      useChroot = !fixedOutput && !noChroot;
+    }
+  }
+  if (worker.store.storeDir != worker.store.realStoreDir) {
+#if __linux__
+    useChroot = true;
+    throw Error(
+        "building using a diverted store is not supported on this platform");
+  }
+  /* If `build-users-group' is not empty, then we have to build as
+     one of the members of that group. */
+  if (settings.buildUsersGroup != "" && getuid() == 0) {
+#if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__)
+    buildUser = std::make_unique<UserLock>();
+    /* Make sure that no other processes are executing under this
+       uid. */
+    buildUser->kill();
+    /* Don't know how to block the creation of setuid/setgid
+       binaries on this platform. */
+    throw Error(
+        "build users are not supported on this platform for security reasons");
+  }
+  /* Create a temporary directory where the build will take
+     place. */
+  auto drvName = storePathToName(drvPath);
+  tmpDir = createTempDir("", "nix-build-" + drvName, false, false, 0700);
+  chownToBuilder(tmpDir);
+  /* Substitute output placeholders with the actual output paths. */
+  for (auto& output : drv->outputs) {
+    inputRewrites[hashPlaceholder(output.first)] = output.second.path;
+  }
+  /* Construct the environment passed to the builder. */
+  initEnv();
+  writeStructuredAttrs();
+  /* Handle exportReferencesGraph(), if set. */
+  if (!parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs()) {
+    /* The `exportReferencesGraph' feature allows the references graph
+       to be passed to a builder.  This attribute should be a list of
+       pairs [name1 path1 name2 path2 ...].  The references graph of
+       each `pathN' will be stored in a text file `nameN' in the
+       temporary build directory.  The text files have the format used
+       by `nix-store --register-validity'.  However, the deriver
+       fields are left empty. */
+    string s = get(drv->env, "exportReferencesGraph");
+    auto ss = tokenizeString<Strings>(s);
+    if (ss.size() % 2 != 0) {
+      throw BuildError(
+          format("odd number of tokens in 'exportReferencesGraph': '%1%'") % s);
+    }
+    for (auto i = ss.begin(); i != ss.end();) {
+      string fileName = *i++;
+      checkStoreName(fileName); /* !!! abuse of this function */
+      Path storePath = *i++;
+      /* Write closure info to <fileName>. */
+      writeFile(tmpDir + "/" + fileName,
+                worker.store.makeValidityRegistration(
+                    exportReferences({storePath}), false, false));
+    }
+  }
+  if (useChroot) {
+    /* Allow a user-configurable set of directories from the
+       host file system. */
+    PathSet dirs = settings.sandboxPaths;
+    PathSet dirs2 = settings.extraSandboxPaths;
+    dirs.insert(dirs2.begin(), dirs2.end());
+    dirsInChroot.clear();
+    for (auto i : dirs) {
+      if (i.empty()) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      bool optional = false;
+      if (i[i.size() - 1] == '?') {
+        optional = true;
+        i.pop_back();
+      }
+      size_t p = i.find('=');
+      if (p == string::npos) {
+        dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(i, optional);
+      } else {
+        dirsInChroot[string(i, 0, p)] = ChrootPath(string(i, p + 1), optional);
+      }
+    }
+    dirsInChroot[tmpDirInSandbox] = ChrootPath(tmpDir);
+    /* Add the closure of store paths to the chroot. */
+    PathSet closure;
+    for (auto& i : dirsInChroot) {
+      try {
+        if (worker.store.isInStore(i.second.source)) {
+          worker.store.computeFSClosure(
+              worker.store.toStorePath(i.second.source), closure);
+        }
+      } catch (InvalidPath& e) {
+      } catch (Error& e) {
+        throw Error(format("while processing 'sandbox-paths': %s") % e.what());
+      }
+    }
+    for (auto& i : closure) {
+      dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(i);
+    }
+    PathSet allowedPaths = settings.allowedImpureHostPrefixes;
+    /* This works like the above, except on a per-derivation level */
+    auto impurePaths =
+        parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("__impureHostDeps").value_or(Strings());
+    for (auto& i : impurePaths) {
+      bool found = false;
+      /* Note: we're not resolving symlinks here to prevent
+         giving a non-root user info about inaccessible
+         files. */
+      Path canonI = canonPath(i);
+      /* If only we had a trie to do this more efficiently :) luckily, these are
+       * generally going to be pretty small */
+      for (auto& a : allowedPaths) {
+        Path canonA = canonPath(a);
+        if (canonI == canonA || isInDir(canonI, canonA)) {
+          found = true;
+          break;
+        }
+      }
+      if (!found) {
+        throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' requested impure path '%2%', but "
+                           "it was not in allowed-impure-host-deps") %
+                    drvPath % i);
+      }
+      dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(i);
+    }
+#if __linux__
+    /* Create a temporary directory in which we set up the chroot
+       environment using bind-mounts.  We put it in the Nix store
+       to ensure that we can create hard-links to non-directory
+       inputs in the fake Nix store in the chroot (see below). */
+    chrootRootDir = worker.store.toRealPath(drvPath) + ".chroot";
+    deletePath(chrootRootDir);
+    /* Clean up the chroot directory automatically. */
+    autoDelChroot = std::make_shared<AutoDelete>(chrootRootDir);
+    DLOG(INFO) << "setting up chroot environment in '" << chrootRootDir << "'";
+    if (mkdir(chrootRootDir.c_str(), 0750) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("cannot create '%1%'") % chrootRootDir);
+    }
+    if (buildUser &&
+        chown(chrootRootDir.c_str(), 0, buildUser->getGID()) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("cannot change ownership of '%1%'") %
+                     chrootRootDir);
+    }
+    /* Create a writable /tmp in the chroot.  Many builders need
+       this.  (Of course they should really respect $TMPDIR
+       instead.) */
+    Path chrootTmpDir = chrootRootDir + "/tmp";
+    createDirs(chrootTmpDir);
+    chmod_(chrootTmpDir, 01777);
+    /* Create a /etc/passwd with entries for the build user and the
+       nobody account.  The latter is kind of a hack to support
+       Samba-in-QEMU. */
+    createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/etc");
+    writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/passwd",
+              fmt("root:x:0:0:Nix build user:%3%:/noshell\n"
+                  "nixbld:x:%1%:%2%:Nix build user:%3%:/noshell\n"
+                  "nobody:x:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/noshell\n",
+                  sandboxUid, sandboxGid, settings.sandboxBuildDir));
+    /* Declare the build user's group so that programs get a consistent
+       view of the system (e.g., "id -gn"). */
+    writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/group", (format("root:x:0:\n"
+                                                    "nixbld:!:%1%:\n"
+                                                    "nogroup:x:65534:\n") %
+                                             sandboxGid)
+                                                .str());
+    /* Create /etc/hosts with localhost entry. */
+    if (!fixedOutput) {
+      writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/hosts",
+                " localhost\n::1 localhost\n");
+    }
+    /* Make the closure of the inputs available in the chroot,
+       rather than the whole Nix store.  This prevents any access
+       to undeclared dependencies.  Directories are bind-mounted,
+       while other inputs are hard-linked (since only directories
+       can be bind-mounted).  !!! As an extra security
+       precaution, make the fake Nix store only writable by the
+       build user. */
+    Path chrootStoreDir = chrootRootDir + worker.store.storeDir;
+    createDirs(chrootStoreDir);
+    chmod_(chrootStoreDir, 01775);
+    if (buildUser &&
+        chown(chrootStoreDir.c_str(), 0, buildUser->getGID()) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("cannot change ownership of '%1%'") %
+                     chrootStoreDir);
+    }
+    for (auto& i : inputPaths) {
+      Path r = worker.store.toRealPath(i);
+      struct stat st;
+      if (lstat(r.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+        throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % i);
+      }
+      if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+        dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(r);
+      } else {
+        Path p = chrootRootDir + i;
+        DLOG(INFO) << "linking '" << p << "' to '" << r << "'";
+        if (link(r.c_str(), p.c_str()) == -1) {
+          /* Hard-linking fails if we exceed the maximum
+             link count on a file (e.g. 32000 of ext3),
+             which is quite possible after a `nix-store
+             --optimise'. */
+          if (errno != EMLINK) {
+            throw SysError(format("linking '%1%' to '%2%'") % p % i);
+          }
+          StringSink sink;
+          dumpPath(r, sink);
+          StringSource source(*sink.s);
+          restorePath(p, source);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    /* If we're repairing, checking or rebuilding part of a
+       multiple-outputs derivation, it's possible that we're
+       rebuilding a path that is in settings.dirsInChroot
+       (typically the dependencies of /bin/sh).  Throw them
+       out. */
+    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+      dirsInChroot.erase(i.second.path);
+    }
+#elif __APPLE__
+    /* We don't really have any parent prep work to do (yet?)
+       All work happens in the child, instead. */
+    throw Error("sandboxing builds is not supported on this platform");
+  }
+  if (needsHashRewrite()) {
+    if (pathExists(homeDir)) {
+      throw Error(format("directory '%1%' exists; please remove it") % homeDir);
+    }
+    /* We're not doing a chroot build, but we have some valid
+       output paths.  Since we can't just overwrite or delete
+       them, we have to do hash rewriting: i.e. in the
+       environment/arguments passed to the build, we replace the
+       hashes of the valid outputs with unique dummy strings;
+       after the build, we discard the redirected outputs
+       corresponding to the valid outputs, and rewrite the
+       contents of the new outputs to replace the dummy strings
+       with the actual hashes. */
+    if (!validPaths.empty()) {
+      for (auto& i : validPaths) {
+        addHashRewrite(i);
+      }
+    }
+    /* If we're repairing, then we don't want to delete the
+       corrupt outputs in advance.  So rewrite them as well. */
+    if (buildMode == bmRepair) {
+      for (auto& i : missingPaths) {
+        if (worker.store.isValidPath(i) && pathExists(i)) {
+          addHashRewrite(i);
+          redirectedBadOutputs.insert(i);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (useChroot && settings.preBuildHook != "" &&
+      (dynamic_cast<Derivation*>(drv.get()) != nullptr)) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "executing pre-build hook '" << settings.preBuildHook << "'";
+    auto args =
+        useChroot ? Strings({drvPath, chrootRootDir}) : Strings({drvPath});
+    enum BuildHookState { stBegin, stExtraChrootDirs };
+    auto state = stBegin;
+    auto lines = runProgram(settings.preBuildHook, false, args);
+    auto lastPos = std::string::size_type{0};
+    for (auto nlPos = lines.find('\n'); nlPos != string::npos;
+         nlPos = lines.find('\n', lastPos)) {
+      auto line = std::string{lines, lastPos, nlPos - lastPos};
+      lastPos = nlPos + 1;
+      if (state == stBegin) {
+        if (line == "extra-sandbox-paths" || line == "extra-chroot-dirs") {
+          state = stExtraChrootDirs;
+        } else {
+          throw Error(format("unknown pre-build hook command '%1%'") % line);
+        }
+      } else if (state == stExtraChrootDirs) {
+        if (line.empty()) {
+          state = stBegin;
+        } else {
+          auto p = line.find('=');
+          if (p == string::npos) {
+            dirsInChroot[line] = ChrootPath(line);
+          } else {
+            dirsInChroot[string(line, 0, p)] = ChrootPath(string(line, p + 1));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Run the builder. */
+  DLOG(INFO) << "executing builder '" << drv->builder << "'";
+  /* Create the log file. */
+  Path logFile = openLogFile();
+  /* Create a pipe to get the output of the builder. */
+  // builderOut.create();
+  builderOut.readSide = posix_openpt(O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
+  if (!builderOut.readSide) {
+    throw SysError("opening pseudoterminal master");
+  }
+  std::string slaveName(ptsname(builderOut.readSide.get()));
+  if (buildUser) {
+    if (chmod(slaveName.c_str(), 0600) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("changing mode of pseudoterminal slave");
+    }
+    if (chown(slaveName.c_str(), buildUser->getUID(), 0) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("changing owner of pseudoterminal slave");
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (grantpt(builderOut.readSide.get()) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("granting access to pseudoterminal slave");
+    }
+  }
+#if 0
+    // Mount the pt in the sandbox so that the "tty" command works.
+    // FIXME: this doesn't work with the new devpts in the sandbox.
+    if (useChroot)
+        dirsInChroot[slaveName] = {slaveName, false};
+  if (unlockpt(builderOut.readSide.get()) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("unlocking pseudoterminal");
+  }
+  builderOut.writeSide = open(slaveName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
+  if (!builderOut.writeSide) {
+    throw SysError("opening pseudoterminal slave");
+  }
+  // Put the pt into raw mode to prevent \n -> \r\n translation.
+  struct termios term;
+  if (tcgetattr(builderOut.writeSide.get(), &term) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("getting pseudoterminal attributes");
+  }
+  cfmakeraw(&term);
+  if (tcsetattr(builderOut.writeSide.get(), TCSANOW, &term) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("putting pseudoterminal into raw mode");
+  }
+  result.startTime = time(nullptr);
+  /* Fork a child to build the package. */
+  ProcessOptions options;
+#if __linux__
+  if (useChroot) {
+    /* Set up private namespaces for the build:
+       - The PID namespace causes the build to start as PID 1.
+         Processes outside of the chroot are not visible to those
+         on the inside, but processes inside the chroot are
+         visible from the outside (though with different PIDs).
+       - The private mount namespace ensures that all the bind
+         mounts we do will only show up in this process and its
+         children, and will disappear automatically when we're
+         done.
+       - The private network namespace ensures that the builder
+         cannot talk to the outside world (or vice versa).  It
+         only has a private loopback interface. (Fixed-output
+         derivations are not run in a private network namespace
+         to allow functions like fetchurl to work.)
+       - The IPC namespace prevents the builder from communicating
+         with outside processes using SysV IPC mechanisms (shared
+         memory, message queues, semaphores).  It also ensures
+         that all IPC objects are destroyed when the builder
+         exits.
+       - The UTS namespace ensures that builders see a hostname of
+         localhost rather than the actual hostname.
+       We use a helper process to do the clone() to work around
+       clone() being broken in multi-threaded programs due to
+       at-fork handlers not being run. Note that we use
+       CLONE_PARENT to ensure that the real builder is parented to
+       us.
+    */
+    if (!fixedOutput) {
+      privateNetwork = true;
+    }
+    userNamespaceSync.create();
+    options.allowVfork = false;
+    Pid helper = startProcess(
+        [&]() {
+          /* Drop additional groups here because we can't do it
+             after we've created the new user namespace.  FIXME:
+             this means that if we're not root in the parent
+             namespace, we can't drop additional groups; they will
+             be mapped to nogroup in the child namespace. There does
+             not seem to be a workaround for this. (But who can tell
+             from reading user_namespaces(7)?)
+             See also https://lwn.net/Articles/621612/. */
+          if (getuid() == 0 && setgroups(0, nullptr) == -1) {
+            throw SysError("setgroups failed");
+          }
+          size_t stackSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
+          char* stack =
+              (char*)mmap(nullptr, stackSize, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ,
+                          MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_STACK, -1, 0);
+          if (stack == MAP_FAILED) {
+            throw SysError("allocating stack");
+          }
+          int flags = CLONE_NEWUSER | CLONE_NEWPID | CLONE_NEWNS |
+          if (privateNetwork) {
+            flags |= CLONE_NEWNET;
+          }
+          pid_t child = clone(childEntry, stack + stackSize, flags, this);
+          if (child == -1 && errno == EINVAL) {
+            /* Fallback for Linux < 2.13 where CLONE_NEWPID and
+               CLONE_PARENT are not allowed together. */
+            flags &= ~CLONE_NEWPID;
+            child = clone(childEntry, stack + stackSize, flags, this);
+          }
+          if (child == -1 && (errno == EPERM || errno == EINVAL)) {
+            /* Some distros patch Linux to not allow unpriveleged
+             * user namespaces. If we get EPERM or EINVAL, try
+             * without CLONE_NEWUSER and see if that works.
+             */
+            flags &= ~CLONE_NEWUSER;
+            child = clone(childEntry, stack + stackSize, flags, this);
+          }
+          /* Otherwise exit with EPERM so we can handle this in the
+             parent. This is only done when sandbox-fallback is set
+             to true (the default). */
+          if (child == -1 && (errno == EPERM || errno == EINVAL) &&
+              settings.sandboxFallback) {
+            _exit(1);
+          }
+          if (child == -1) {
+            throw SysError("cloning builder process");
+          }
+          writeFull(builderOut.writeSide.get(), std::to_string(child) + "\n");
+          _exit(0);
+        },
+        options);
+    int res = helper.wait();
+    if (res != 0 && settings.sandboxFallback) {
+      useChroot = false;
+      initTmpDir();
+      goto fallback;
+    } else if (res != 0) {
+      throw Error("unable to start build process");
+    }
+    userNamespaceSync.readSide = -1;
+    pid_t tmp;
+    if (!string2Int<pid_t>(readLine(builderOut.readSide.get()), tmp)) {
+      abort();
+    }
+    pid = tmp;
+    /* Set the UID/GID mapping of the builder's user namespace
+       such that the sandbox user maps to the build user, or to
+       the calling user (if build users are disabled). */
+    uid_t hostUid = buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : getuid();
+    uid_t hostGid = buildUser ? buildUser->getGID() : getgid();
+    writeFile("/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/uid_map",
+              (format("%d %d 1") % sandboxUid % hostUid).str());
+    writeFile("/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/setgroups", "deny");
+    writeFile("/proc/" + std::to_string(pid) + "/gid_map",
+              (format("%d %d 1") % sandboxGid % hostGid).str());
+    /* Signal the builder that we've updated its user
+       namespace. */
+    writeFull(userNamespaceSync.writeSide.get(), "1");
+    userNamespaceSync.writeSide = -1;
+  } else
+  {
+  fallback:
+    options.allowVfork = !buildUser && !drv->isBuiltin();
+    pid = startProcess([&]() { runChild(); }, options);
+  }
+  /* parent */
+  pid.setSeparatePG(true);
+  builderOut.writeSide = -1;
+  worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), {builderOut.readSide.get()}, true,
+                      true);
+  /* Check if setting up the build environment failed. */
+  while (true) {
+    string msg = readLine(builderOut.readSide.get());
+    if (string(msg, 0, 1) == "\1") {
+      if (msg.size() == 1) {
+        break;
+      }
+      throw Error(string(msg, 1));
+    }
+    DLOG(INFO) << msg;
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::initTmpDir() {
+  /* In a sandbox, for determinism, always use the same temporary
+     directory. */
+#if __linux__
+  tmpDirInSandbox = useChroot ? settings.sandboxBuildDir : tmpDir;
+  tmpDirInSandbox = tmpDir;
+  /* In non-structured mode, add all bindings specified in the
+     derivation via the environment, except those listed in the
+     passAsFile attribute. Those are passed as file names pointing
+     to temporary files containing the contents. Note that
+     passAsFile is ignored in structure mode because it's not
+     needed (attributes are not passed through the environment, so
+     there is no size constraint). */
+  if (!parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs()) {
+    auto passAsFile = tokenizeString<StringSet>(get(drv->env, "passAsFile"));
+    int fileNr = 0;
+    for (auto& i : drv->env) {
+      if (passAsFile.find(i.first) == passAsFile.end()) {
+        env[i.first] = i.second;
+      } else {
+        string fn = ".attr-" + std::to_string(fileNr++);
+        Path p = tmpDir + "/" + fn;
+        writeFile(p, rewriteStrings(i.second, inputRewrites));
+        chownToBuilder(p);
+        env[i.first + "Path"] = tmpDirInSandbox + "/" + fn;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* For convenience, set an environment pointing to the top build
+     directory. */
+  env["NIX_BUILD_TOP"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
+  /* Also set TMPDIR and variants to point to this directory. */
+  env["TMPDIR"] = env["TEMPDIR"] = env["TMP"] = env["TEMP"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
+  /* Explicitly set PWD to prevent problems with chroot builds.  In
+     particular, dietlibc cannot figure out the cwd because the
+     inode of the current directory doesn't appear in .. (because
+     getdents returns the inode of the mount point). */
+  env["PWD"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
+void DerivationGoal::initEnv() {
+  env.clear();
+  /* Most shells initialise PATH to some default (/bin:/usr/bin:...) when
+     PATH is not set.  We don't want this, so we fill it in with some dummy
+     value. */
+  env["PATH"] = "/path-not-set";
+  /* Set HOME to a non-existing path to prevent certain programs from using
+     /etc/passwd (or NIS, or whatever) to locate the home directory (for
+     example, wget looks for ~/.wgetrc).  I.e., these tools use /etc/passwd
+     if HOME is not set, but they will just assume that the settings file
+     they are looking for does not exist if HOME is set but points to some
+     non-existing path. */
+  env["HOME"] = homeDir;
+  /* Tell the builder where the Nix store is.  Usually they
+     shouldn't care, but this is useful for purity checking (e.g.,
+     the compiler or linker might only want to accept paths to files
+     in the store or in the build directory). */
+  env["NIX_STORE"] = worker.store.storeDir;
+  /* The maximum number of cores to utilize for parallel building. */
+  env["NIX_BUILD_CORES"] = (format("%d") % settings.buildCores).str();
+  initTmpDir();
+  /* Compatibility hack with Nix <= 0.7: if this is a fixed-output
+     derivation, tell the builder, so that for instance `fetchurl'
+     can skip checking the output.  On older Nixes, this environment
+     variable won't be set, so `fetchurl' will do the check. */
+  if (fixedOutput) {
+    env["NIX_OUTPUT_CHECKED"] = "1";
+  }
+  /* *Only* if this is a fixed-output derivation, propagate the
+     values of the environment variables specified in the
+     `impureEnvVars' attribute to the builder.  This allows for
+     instance environment variables for proxy configuration such as
+     `http_proxy' to be easily passed to downloaders like
+     `fetchurl'.  Passing such environment variables from the caller
+     to the builder is generally impure, but the output of
+     fixed-output derivations is by definition pure (since we
+     already know the cryptographic hash of the output). */
+  if (fixedOutput) {
+    for (auto& i :
+         parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("impureEnvVars").value_or(Strings())) {
+      env[i] = getEnv(i);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Currently structured log messages piggyback on stderr, but we
+     may change that in the future. So tell the builder which file
+     descriptor to use for that. */
+  env["NIX_LOG_FD"] = "2";
+  /* Trigger colored output in various tools. */
+  env["TERM"] = "xterm-256color";
+static std::regex shVarName("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*");
+void DerivationGoal::writeStructuredAttrs() {
+  auto& structuredAttrs = parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs();
+  if (!structuredAttrs) {
+    return;
+  }
+  auto json = *structuredAttrs;
+  /* Add an "outputs" object containing the output paths. */
+  nlohmann::json outputs;
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    outputs[i.first] = rewriteStrings(i.second.path, inputRewrites);
+  }
+  json["outputs"] = outputs;
+  /* Handle exportReferencesGraph. */
+  auto e = json.find("exportReferencesGraph");
+  if (e != json.end() && e->is_object()) {
+    for (auto i = e->begin(); i != e->end(); ++i) {
+      std::ostringstream str;
+      {
+        JSONPlaceholder jsonRoot(str, true);
+        PathSet storePaths;
+        for (auto& p : *i) {
+          storePaths.insert(p.get<std::string>());
+        }
+        worker.store.pathInfoToJSON(jsonRoot, exportReferences(storePaths),
+                                    false, true);
+      }
+      json[i.key()] = nlohmann::json::parse(str.str());  // urgh
+    }
+  }
+  writeFile(tmpDir + "/.attrs.json",
+            rewriteStrings(json.dump(), inputRewrites));
+  chownToBuilder(tmpDir + "/.attrs.json");
+  /* As a convenience to bash scripts, write a shell file that
+     maps all attributes that are representable in bash -
+     namely, strings, integers, nulls, Booleans, and arrays and
+     objects consisting entirely of those values. (So nested
+     arrays or objects are not supported.) */
+  auto handleSimpleType =
+      [](const nlohmann::json& value) -> std::optional<std::string> {
+    if (value.is_string()) {
+      return shellEscape(value);
+    }
+    if (value.is_number()) {
+      auto f = value.get<float>();
+      if (std::ceil(f) == f) {
+        return std::to_string(value.get<int>());
+      }
+    }
+    if (value.is_null()) {
+      return std::string("''");
+    }
+    if (value.is_boolean()) {
+      return value.get<bool>() ? std::string("1") : std::string("");
+    }
+    return {};
+  };
+  std::string jsonSh;
+  for (auto i = json.begin(); i != json.end(); ++i) {
+    if (!std::regex_match(i.key(), shVarName)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    auto& value = i.value();
+    auto s = handleSimpleType(value);
+    if (s) {
+      jsonSh += fmt("declare %s=%s\n", i.key(), *s);
+    } else if (value.is_array()) {
+      std::string s2;
+      bool good = true;
+      for (auto i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) {
+        auto s3 = handleSimpleType(i.value());
+        if (!s3) {
+          good = false;
+          break;
+        }
+        s2 += *s3;
+        s2 += ' ';
+      }
+      if (good) {
+        jsonSh += fmt("declare -a %s=(%s)\n", i.key(), s2);
+      }
+    }
+    else if (value.is_object()) {
+      std::string s2;
+      bool good = true;
+      for (auto i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) {
+        auto s3 = handleSimpleType(i.value());
+        if (!s3) {
+          good = false;
+          break;
+        }
+        s2 += fmt("[%s]=%s ", shellEscape(i.key()), *s3);
+      }
+      if (good) {
+        jsonSh += fmt("declare -A %s=(%s)\n", i.key(), s2);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  writeFile(tmpDir + "/.attrs.sh", rewriteStrings(jsonSh, inputRewrites));
+  chownToBuilder(tmpDir + "/.attrs.sh");
+void DerivationGoal::chownToBuilder(const Path& path) {
+  if (!buildUser) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (chown(path.c_str(), buildUser->getUID(), buildUser->getGID()) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("cannot change ownership of '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+void setupSeccomp() {
+#if __linux__
+  if (!settings.filterSyscalls) {
+    return;
+  }
+  scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
+  if ((ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW)) == nullptr) {
+    throw SysError("unable to initialize seccomp mode 2");
+  }
+  Finally cleanup([&]() { seccomp_release(ctx); });
+  if (nativeSystem == "x86_64-linux" &&
+      seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("unable to add 32-bit seccomp architecture");
+  }
+  if (nativeSystem == "x86_64-linux" &&
+      seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X32) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("unable to add X32 seccomp architecture");
+  }
+  if (nativeSystem == "aarch64-linux" &&
+      seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_ARM) != 0) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "unable to add ARM seccomp architecture; this may result in "
+               << "spurious build failures if running 32-bit ARM processes";
+  }
+  /* Prevent builders from creating setuid/setgid binaries. */
+  for (int perm : {S_ISUID, S_ISGID}) {
+    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), SCMP_SYS(chmod), 1,
+                         SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)perm,
+                                 (scmp_datum_t)perm)) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
+    }
+    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), SCMP_SYS(fchmod), 1,
+                         SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)perm,
+                                 (scmp_datum_t)perm)) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
+    }
+    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), SCMP_SYS(fchmodat), 1,
+                         SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)perm,
+                                 (scmp_datum_t)perm)) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
+    }
+  }
+  /* Prevent builders from creating EAs or ACLs. Not all filesystems
+     support these, and they're not allowed in the Nix store because
+     they're not representable in the NAR serialisation. */
+  if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOTSUP), SCMP_SYS(setxattr), 0) !=
+          0 ||
+      seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOTSUP), SCMP_SYS(lsetxattr), 0) !=
+          0 ||
+      seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOTSUP), SCMP_SYS(fsetxattr), 0) !=
+          0) {
+    throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
+  }
+  if (seccomp_attr_set(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP,
+                       settings.allowNewPrivileges ? 0 : 1) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("unable to set 'no new privileges' seccomp attribute");
+  }
+  if (seccomp_load(ctx) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("unable to load seccomp BPF program");
+  }
+  throw Error(
+      "seccomp is not supported on this platform; "
+      "you can bypass this error by setting the option 'filter-syscalls' to "
+      "false, but note that untrusted builds can then create setuid binaries!");
+void DerivationGoal::runChild() {
+  /* Warning: in the child we should absolutely not make any SQLite
+     calls! */
+  try { /* child */
+    commonChildInit(builderOut);
+    try {
+      setupSeccomp();
+    } catch (...) {
+      if (buildUser) {
+        throw;
+      }
+    }
+    bool setUser = true;
+    /* Make the contents of netrc available to builtin:fetchurl
+       (which may run under a different uid and/or in a sandbox). */
+    std::string netrcData;
+    try {
+      if (drv->isBuiltin() && drv->builder == "builtin:fetchurl") {
+        netrcData = readFile(settings.netrcFile);
+      }
+    } catch (SysError&) {
+    }
+#if __linux__
+    if (useChroot) {
+      userNamespaceSync.writeSide = -1;
+      if (drainFD(userNamespaceSync.readSide.get()) != "1") {
+        throw Error("user namespace initialisation failed");
+      }
+      userNamespaceSync.readSide = -1;
+      if (privateNetwork) {
+        /* Initialise the loopback interface. */
+        AutoCloseFD fd(socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP));
+        if (!fd) {
+          throw SysError("cannot open IP socket");
+        }
+        struct ifreq ifr;
+        strcpy(ifr.ifr_name, "lo");
+        ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_UP | IFF_LOOPBACK | IFF_RUNNING;
+        if (ioctl(fd.get(), SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1) {
+          throw SysError("cannot set loopback interface flags");
+        }
+      }
+      /* Set the hostname etc. to fixed values. */
+      char hostname[] = "localhost";
+      if (sethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot set host name");
+      }
+      char domainname[] = "(none)";  // kernel default
+      if (setdomainname(domainname, sizeof(domainname)) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot set domain name");
+      }
+      /* Make all filesystems private.  This is necessary
+         because subtrees may have been mounted as "shared"
+         (MS_SHARED).  (Systemd does this, for instance.)  Even
+         though we have a private mount namespace, mounting
+         filesystems on top of a shared subtree still propagates
+         outside of the namespace.  Making a subtree private is
+         local to the namespace, though, so setting MS_PRIVATE
+         does not affect the outside world. */
+      if (mount(nullptr, "/", nullptr, MS_REC | MS_PRIVATE, nullptr) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("unable to make '/' private mount");
+      }
+      /* Bind-mount chroot directory to itself, to treat it as a
+         different filesystem from /, as needed for pivot_root. */
+      if (mount(chrootRootDir.c_str(), chrootRootDir.c_str(), nullptr, MS_BIND,
+                nullptr) == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("unable to bind mount '%1%'") % chrootRootDir);
+      }
+      /* Set up a nearly empty /dev, unless the user asked to
+         bind-mount the host /dev. */
+      Strings ss;
+      if (dirsInChroot.find("/dev") == dirsInChroot.end()) {
+        createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/dev/shm");
+        createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts");
+        ss.push_back("/dev/full");
+        if ((settings.systemFeatures.get().count("kvm") != 0u) &&
+            pathExists("/dev/kvm")) {
+          ss.push_back("/dev/kvm");
+        }
+        ss.push_back("/dev/null");
+        ss.push_back("/dev/random");
+        ss.push_back("/dev/tty");
+        ss.push_back("/dev/urandom");
+        ss.push_back("/dev/zero");
+        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd", chrootRootDir + "/dev/fd");
+        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd/0", chrootRootDir + "/dev/stdin");
+        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd/1", chrootRootDir + "/dev/stdout");
+        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd/2", chrootRootDir + "/dev/stderr");
+      }
+      /* Fixed-output derivations typically need to access the
+         network, so give them access to /etc/resolv.conf and so
+         on. */
+      if (fixedOutput) {
+        ss.push_back("/etc/resolv.conf");
+        // Only use nss functions to resolve hosts and
+        // services. Don’t use it for anything else that may
+        // be configured for this system. This limits the
+        // potential impurities introduced in fixed outputs.
+        writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/nsswitch.conf",
+                  "hosts: files dns\nservices: files\n");
+        ss.push_back("/etc/services");
+        ss.push_back("/etc/hosts");
+        if (pathExists("/var/run/nscd/socket")) {
+          ss.push_back("/var/run/nscd/socket");
+        }
+      }
+      for (auto& i : ss) {
+        dirsInChroot.emplace(i, i);
+      }
+      /* Bind-mount all the directories from the "host"
+         filesystem that we want in the chroot
+         environment. */
+      auto doBind = [&](const Path& source, const Path& target,
+                        bool optional = false) {
+        DLOG(INFO) << "bind mounting '" << source << "' to '" << target << "'";
+        struct stat st;
+        if (stat(source.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+          if (optional && errno == ENOENT) {
+            return;
+          }
+          throw SysError("getting attributes of path '%1%'", source);
+        }
+        if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+          createDirs(target);
+        } else {
+          createDirs(dirOf(target));
+          writeFile(target, "");
+        }
+        if (mount(source.c_str(), target.c_str(), "", MS_BIND | MS_REC,
+                  nullptr) == -1) {
+          throw SysError("bind mount from '%1%' to '%2%' failed", source,
+                         target);
+        }
+      };
+      for (auto& i : dirsInChroot) {
+        if (i.second.source == "/proc") {
+          continue;
+        }  // backwards compatibility
+        doBind(i.second.source, chrootRootDir + i.first, i.second.optional);
+      }
+      /* Bind a new instance of procfs on /proc. */
+      createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/proc");
+      if (mount("none", (chrootRootDir + "/proc").c_str(), "proc", 0,
+                nullptr) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("mounting /proc");
+      }
+      /* Mount a new tmpfs on /dev/shm to ensure that whatever
+         the builder puts in /dev/shm is cleaned up automatically. */
+      if (pathExists("/dev/shm") &&
+          mount("none", (chrootRootDir + "/dev/shm").c_str(), "tmpfs", 0,
+                fmt("size=%s", settings.sandboxShmSize).c_str()) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("mounting /dev/shm");
+      }
+      /* Mount a new devpts on /dev/pts.  Note that this
+         requires the kernel to be compiled with
+         CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y (which is the case
+         if /dev/ptx/ptmx exists). */
+      if (pathExists("/dev/pts/ptmx") &&
+          !pathExists(chrootRootDir + "/dev/ptmx") &&
+          (dirsInChroot.count("/dev/pts") == 0u)) {
+        if (mount("none", (chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts").c_str(), "devpts", 0,
+                  "newinstance,mode=0620") == 0) {
+          createSymlink("/dev/pts/ptmx", chrootRootDir + "/dev/ptmx");
+          /* Make sure /dev/pts/ptmx is world-writable.  With some
+             Linux versions, it is created with permissions 0.  */
+          chmod_(chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts/ptmx", 0666);
+        } else {
+          if (errno != EINVAL) {
+            throw SysError("mounting /dev/pts");
+          }
+          doBind("/dev/pts", chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts");
+          doBind("/dev/ptmx", chrootRootDir + "/dev/ptmx");
+        }
+      }
+      /* Do the chroot(). */
+      if (chdir(chrootRootDir.c_str()) == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("cannot change directory to '%1%'") %
+                       chrootRootDir);
+      }
+      if (mkdir("real-root", 0) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot create real-root directory");
+      }
+      if (pivot_root(".", "real-root") == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("cannot pivot old root directory onto '%1%'") %
+                       (chrootRootDir + "/real-root"));
+      }
+      if (chroot(".") == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("cannot change root directory to '%1%'") %
+                       chrootRootDir);
+      }
+      if (umount2("real-root", MNT_DETACH) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot unmount real root filesystem");
+      }
+      if (rmdir("real-root") == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot remove real-root directory");
+      }
+      /* Switch to the sandbox uid/gid in the user namespace,
+         which corresponds to the build user or calling user in
+         the parent namespace. */
+      if (setgid(sandboxGid) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("setgid failed");
+      }
+      if (setuid(sandboxUid) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("setuid failed");
+      }
+      setUser = false;
+    }
+    if (chdir(tmpDirInSandbox.c_str()) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("changing into '%1%'") % tmpDir);
+    }
+    /* Close all other file descriptors. */
+#if __linux__
+    /* Change the personality to 32-bit if we're doing an
+       i686-linux build on an x86_64-linux machine. */
+    struct utsname utsbuf;
+    uname(&utsbuf);
+    if (drv->platform == "i686-linux" &&
+        (settings.thisSystem == "x86_64-linux" ||
+         ((strcmp(utsbuf.sysname, "Linux") == 0) &&
+          (strcmp(utsbuf.machine, "x86_64") == 0)))) {
+      if (personality(PER_LINUX32) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot set i686-linux personality");
+      }
+    }
+    /* Impersonate a Linux 2.6 machine to get some determinism in
+       builds that depend on the kernel version. */
+    if ((drv->platform == "i686-linux" || drv->platform == "x86_64-linux") &&
+        settings.impersonateLinux26) {
+      int cur = personality(0xffffffff);
+      if (cur != -1) {
+        personality(cur | 0x0020000 /* == UNAME26 */);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Disable address space randomization for improved
+       determinism. */
+    int cur = personality(0xffffffff);
+    if (cur != -1) {
+      personality(cur | ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE);
+    }
+    /* Disable core dumps by default. */
+    struct rlimit limit = {0, RLIM_INFINITY};
+    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &limit);
+    // FIXME: set other limits to deterministic values?
+    /* Fill in the environment. */
+    Strings envStrs;
+    for (auto& i : env) {
+      envStrs.push_back(
+          rewriteStrings(i.first + "=" + i.second, inputRewrites));
+    }
+    /* If we are running in `build-users' mode, then switch to the
+       user we allocated above.  Make sure that we drop all root
+       privileges.  Note that above we have closed all file
+       descriptors except std*, so that's safe.  Also note that
+       setuid() when run as root sets the real, effective and
+       saved UIDs. */
+    if (setUser && buildUser) {
+      /* Preserve supplementary groups of the build user, to allow
+         admins to specify groups such as "kvm".  */
+      if (!buildUser->getSupplementaryGIDs().empty() &&
+          setgroups(buildUser->getSupplementaryGIDs().size(),
+                    buildUser->getSupplementaryGIDs().data()) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("cannot set supplementary groups of build user");
+      }
+      if (setgid(buildUser->getGID()) == -1 ||
+          getgid() != buildUser->getGID() || getegid() != buildUser->getGID()) {
+        throw SysError("setgid failed");
+      }
+      if (setuid(buildUser->getUID()) == -1 ||
+          getuid() != buildUser->getUID() || geteuid() != buildUser->getUID()) {
+        throw SysError("setuid failed");
+      }
+    }
+    /* Fill in the arguments. */
+    Strings args;
+    const char* builder = "invalid";
+    if (drv->isBuiltin()) {
+      ;
+    }
+#if __APPLE__
+    else if (getEnv("_NIX_TEST_NO_SANDBOX") == "") {
+      /* This has to appear before import statements. */
+      std::string sandboxProfile = "(version 1)\n";
+      if (useChroot) {
+        /* Lots and lots and lots of file functions freak out if they can't stat
+         * their full ancestry */
+        PathSet ancestry;
+        /* We build the ancestry before adding all inputPaths to the store
+           because we know they'll all have the same parents (the store), and
+           there might be lots of inputs. This isn't
+           particularly efficient... I doubt it'll be a bottleneck in practice
+         */
+        for (auto& i : dirsInChroot) {
+          Path cur = i.first;
+          while (cur.compare("/") != 0) {
+            cur = dirOf(cur);
+            ancestry.insert(cur);
+          }
+        }
+        /* And we want the store in there regardless of how empty dirsInChroot.
+           We include the innermost path component this time, since it's
+           typically /nix/store and we care about that. */
+        Path cur = worker.store.storeDir;
+        while (cur.compare("/") != 0) {
+          ancestry.insert(cur);
+          cur = dirOf(cur);
+        }
+        /* Add all our input paths to the chroot */
+        for (auto& i : inputPaths) {
+          dirsInChroot[i] = i;
+        }
+        /* Violations will go to the syslog if you set this. Unfortunately the
+         * destination does not appear to be configurable */
+        if (settings.darwinLogSandboxViolations) {
+          sandboxProfile += "(deny default)\n";
+        } else {
+          sandboxProfile += "(deny default (with no-log))\n";
+        }
+        sandboxProfile += "(import \"sandbox-defaults.sb\")\n";
+        if (fixedOutput) {
+          sandboxProfile += "(import \"sandbox-network.sb\")\n";
+        }
+        /* Our rwx outputs */
+        sandboxProfile += "(allow file-read* file-write* process-exec\n";
+        for (auto& i : missingPaths) {
+          sandboxProfile += (format("\t(subpath \"%1%\")\n") % i.c_str()).str();
+        }
+        /* Also add redirected outputs to the chroot */
+        for (auto& i : redirectedOutputs) {
+          sandboxProfile +=
+              (format("\t(subpath \"%1%\")\n") % i.second.c_str()).str();
+        }
+        sandboxProfile += ")\n";
+        /* Our inputs (transitive dependencies and any impurities computed
+           above)
+           without file-write* allowed, access() incorrectly returns EPERM
+         */
+        sandboxProfile += "(allow file-read* file-write* process-exec\n";
+        for (auto& i : dirsInChroot) {
+          if (i.first != i.second.source)
+            throw Error(format("can't map '%1%' to '%2%': mismatched impure "
+                               "paths not supported on Darwin") %
+                        i.first % i.second.source);
+          string path = i.first;
+          struct stat st;
+          if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st)) {
+            if (i.second.optional && errno == ENOENT) {
+              continue;
+            }
+            throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % path);
+          }
+          if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode))
+            sandboxProfile += (format("\t(subpath \"%1%\")\n") % path).str();
+          else
+            sandboxProfile += (format("\t(literal \"%1%\")\n") % path).str();
+        }
+        sandboxProfile += ")\n";
+        /* Allow file-read* on full directory hierarchy to self. Allows
+         * realpath() */
+        sandboxProfile += "(allow file-read*\n";
+        for (auto& i : ancestry) {
+          sandboxProfile += (format("\t(literal \"%1%\")\n") % i.c_str()).str();
+        }
+        sandboxProfile += ")\n";
+        sandboxProfile += additionalSandboxProfile;
+      } else
+        sandboxProfile += "(import \"sandbox-minimal.sb\")\n";
+      debug("Generated sandbox profile:");
+      debug(sandboxProfile);
+      Path sandboxFile = tmpDir + "/.sandbox.sb";
+      writeFile(sandboxFile, sandboxProfile);
+      bool allowLocalNetworking =
+          parsedDrv->getBoolAttr("__darwinAllowLocalNetworking");
+      /* The tmpDir in scope points at the temporary build directory for our
+         derivation. Some packages try different mechanisms to find temporary
+         directories, so we want to open up a broader place for them to dump
+         their files, if needed. */
+      Path globalTmpDir = canonPath(getEnv("TMPDIR", "/tmp"), true);
+      /* They don't like trailing slashes on subpath directives */
+      if (globalTmpDir.back() == '/') {
+        globalTmpDir.pop_back();
+      }
+      builder = "/usr/bin/sandbox-exec";
+      args.push_back("sandbox-exec");
+      args.push_back("-f");
+      args.push_back(sandboxFile);
+      args.push_back("-D");
+      args.push_back("_GLOBAL_TMP_DIR=" + globalTmpDir);
+      args.push_back("-D");
+      args.push_back("IMPORT_DIR=" + settings.nixDataDir + "/nix/sandbox/");
+      if (allowLocalNetworking) {
+        args.push_back("-D");
+        args.push_back(string("_ALLOW_LOCAL_NETWORKING=1"));
+      }
+      args.push_back(drv->builder);
+    }
+    else {
+      builder = drv->builder.c_str();
+      string builderBasename = baseNameOf(drv->builder);
+      args.push_back(builderBasename);
+    }
+    for (auto& i : drv->args) {
+      args.push_back(rewriteStrings(i, inputRewrites));
+    }
+    /* Indicate that we managed to set up the build environment. */
+    writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, string("\1\n"));
+    /* Execute the program.  This should not return. */
+    if (drv->isBuiltin()) {
+      try {
+        BasicDerivation drv2(*drv);
+        for (auto& e : drv2.env) {
+          e.second = rewriteStrings(e.second, inputRewrites);
+        }
+        if (drv->builder == "builtin:fetchurl") {
+          builtinFetchurl(drv2, netrcData);
+        } else if (drv->builder == "builtin:buildenv") {
+          builtinBuildenv(drv2);
+        } else {
+          throw Error(format("unsupported builtin function '%1%'") %
+                      string(drv->builder, 8));
+        }
+        _exit(0);
+      } catch (std::exception& e) {
+        writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, "error: " + string(e.what()) + "\n");
+        _exit(1);
+      }
+    }
+    execve(builder, stringsToCharPtrs(args).data(),
+           stringsToCharPtrs(envStrs).data());
+    throw SysError(format("executing '%1%'") % drv->builder);
+  } catch (std::exception& e) {
+    writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, "\1while setting up the build environment: " +
+                                 string(e.what()) + "\n");
+    _exit(1);
+  }
+/* Parse a list of reference specifiers.  Each element must either be
+   a store path, or the symbolic name of the output of the derivation
+   (such as `out'). */
+PathSet parseReferenceSpecifiers(Store& store, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                                 const Strings& paths) {
+  PathSet result;
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    if (store.isStorePath(i)) {
+      result.insert(i);
+    } else if (drv.outputs.find(i) != drv.outputs.end()) {
+      result.insert(drv.outputs.find(i)->second.path);
+    } else {
+      throw BuildError(
+          format("derivation contains an illegal reference specifier '%1%'") %
+          i);
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+void DerivationGoal::registerOutputs() {
+  /* When using a build hook, the build hook can register the output
+     as valid (by doing `nix-store --import').  If so we don't have
+     to do anything here. */
+  if (hook) {
+    bool allValid = true;
+    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+      if (!worker.store.isValidPath(i.second.path)) {
+        allValid = false;
+      }
+    }
+    if (allValid) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  std::map<std::string, ValidPathInfo> infos;
+  /* Set of inodes seen during calls to canonicalisePathMetaData()
+     for this build's outputs.  This needs to be shared between
+     outputs to allow hard links between outputs. */
+  InodesSeen inodesSeen;
+  Path checkSuffix = ".check";
+  bool keepPreviousRound = settings.keepFailed || settings.runDiffHook;
+  std::exception_ptr delayedException;
+  /* Check whether the output paths were created, and grep each
+     output path to determine what other paths it references.  Also make all
+     output paths read-only. */
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    Path path = i.second.path;
+    if (missingPaths.find(path) == missingPaths.end()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    ValidPathInfo info;
+    Path actualPath = path;
+    if (useChroot) {
+      actualPath = chrootRootDir + path;
+      if (pathExists(actualPath)) {
+        /* Move output paths from the chroot to the Nix store. */
+        if (buildMode == bmRepair) {
+          replaceValidPath(path, actualPath);
+        } else if (buildMode != bmCheck &&
+                   rename(actualPath.c_str(),
+                          worker.store.toRealPath(path).c_str()) == -1) {
+          throw SysError(format("moving build output '%1%' from the sandbox to "
+                                "the Nix store") %
+                         path);
+        }
+      }
+      if (buildMode != bmCheck) {
+        actualPath = worker.store.toRealPath(path);
+      }
+    }
+    if (needsHashRewrite()) {
+      Path redirected = redirectedOutputs[path];
+      if (buildMode == bmRepair &&
+          redirectedBadOutputs.find(path) != redirectedBadOutputs.end() &&
+          pathExists(redirected)) {
+        replaceValidPath(path, redirected);
+      }
+      if (buildMode == bmCheck && !redirected.empty()) {
+        actualPath = redirected;
+      }
+    }
+    struct stat st;
+    if (lstat(actualPath.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+      if (errno == ENOENT) {
+        throw BuildError(
+            format("builder for '%1%' failed to produce output path '%2%'") %
+            drvPath % path);
+      }
+      throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % actualPath);
+    }
+#ifndef __CYGWIN__
+    /* Check that the output is not group or world writable, as
+       that means that someone else can have interfered with the
+       build.  Also, the output should be owned by the build
+       user. */
+    if ((!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && ((st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)) != 0u)) ||
+        (buildUser && st.st_uid != buildUser->getUID())) {
+      throw BuildError(format("suspicious ownership or permission on '%1%'; "
+                              "rejecting this build output") %
+                       path);
+    }
+    /* Apply hash rewriting if necessary. */
+    bool rewritten = false;
+    if (!outputRewrites.empty()) {
+      LOG(WARNING) << "rewriting hashes in '" << path << "'; cross fingers";
+      /* Canonicalise first.  This ensures that the path we're
+         rewriting doesn't contain a hard link to /etc/shadow or
+         something like that. */
+      canonicalisePathMetaData(actualPath, buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : -1,
+                               inodesSeen);
+      /* FIXME: this is in-memory. */
+      StringSink sink;
+      dumpPath(actualPath, sink);
+      deletePath(actualPath);
+      sink.s = make_ref<std::string>(rewriteStrings(*sink.s, outputRewrites));
+      StringSource source(*sink.s);
+      restorePath(actualPath, source);
+      rewritten = true;
+    }
+    /* Check that fixed-output derivations produced the right
+       outputs (i.e., the content hash should match the specified
+       hash). */
+    if (fixedOutput) {
+      bool recursive;
+      Hash h;
+      i.second.parseHashInfo(recursive, h);
+      if (!recursive) {
+        /* The output path should be a regular file without
+           execute permission. */
+        if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0) {
+          throw BuildError(
+              format(
+                  "output path '%1%' should be a non-executable regular file") %
+              path);
+        }
+      }
+      /* Check the hash. In hash mode, move the path produced by
+         the derivation to its content-addressed location. */
+      Hash h2 = recursive ? hashPath(h.type, actualPath).first
+                          : hashFile(h.type, actualPath);
+      Path dest = worker.store.makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h2,
+                                                   storePathToName(path));
+      if (h != h2) {
+        /* Throw an error after registering the path as
+           valid. */
+        worker.hashMismatch = true;
+        delayedException = std::make_exception_ptr(
+            BuildError("hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '%s':\n  "
+                       "wanted: %s\n  got:    %s",
+                       dest, h.to_string(), h2.to_string()));
+        Path actualDest = worker.store.toRealPath(dest);
+        if (worker.store.isValidPath(dest)) {
+          std::rethrow_exception(delayedException);
+        }
+        if (actualPath != actualDest) {
+          PathLocks outputLocks({actualDest});
+          deletePath(actualDest);
+          if (rename(actualPath.c_str(), actualDest.c_str()) == -1) {
+            throw SysError(format("moving '%1%' to '%2%'") % actualPath % dest);
+          }
+        }
+        path = dest;
+        actualPath = actualDest;
+      } else {
+        assert(path == dest);
+      }
+      info.ca = makeFixedOutputCA(recursive, h2);
+    }
+    /* Get rid of all weird permissions.  This also checks that
+       all files are owned by the build user, if applicable. */
+    canonicalisePathMetaData(actualPath,
+                             buildUser && !rewritten ? buildUser->getUID() : -1,
+                             inodesSeen);
+    /* For this output path, find the references to other paths
+       contained in it.  Compute the SHA-256 NAR hash at the same
+       time.  The hash is stored in the database so that we can
+       verify later on whether nobody has messed with the store. */
+    DLOG(INFO) << "scanning for references inside '" << path << "'";
+    HashResult hash;
+    PathSet references = scanForReferences(actualPath, allPaths, hash);
+    if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
+      if (!worker.store.isValidPath(path)) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      auto info = *worker.store.queryPathInfo(path);
+      if (hash.first != info.narHash) {
+        worker.checkMismatch = true;
+        if (settings.runDiffHook || settings.keepFailed) {
+          Path dst = worker.store.toRealPath(path + checkSuffix);
+          deletePath(dst);
+          if (rename(actualPath.c_str(), dst.c_str()) != 0) {
+            throw SysError(format("renaming '%1%' to '%2%'") % actualPath %
+                           dst);
+          }
+          handleDiffHook(buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : getuid(),
+                         buildUser ? buildUser->getGID() : getgid(), path, dst,
+                         drvPath, tmpDir);
+          throw NotDeterministic(
+              format("derivation '%1%' may not be deterministic: output '%2%' "
+                     "differs from '%3%'") %
+              drvPath % path % dst);
+        }
+        throw NotDeterministic(format("derivation '%1%' may not be "
+                                      "deterministic: output '%2%' differs") %
+                               drvPath % path);
+      }
+      /* Since we verified the build, it's now ultimately
+         trusted. */
+      if (!info.ultimate) {
+        info.ultimate = true;
+        worker.store.signPathInfo(info);
+        worker.store.registerValidPaths({info});
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* For debugging, print out the referenced and unreferenced
+       paths. */
+    for (auto& i : inputPaths) {
+      auto j = references.find(i);
+      if (j == references.end()) {
+        DLOG(INFO) << "unreferenced input: '" << i << "'";
+      } else {
+        DLOG(INFO) << "referenced input: '" << i << "'";
+      }
+    }
+    if (curRound == nrRounds) {
+      worker.store.optimisePath(
+          actualPath);  // FIXME: combine with scanForReferences()
+      worker.markContentsGood(path);
+    }
+    info.path = path;
+    info.narHash = hash.first;
+    info.narSize = hash.second;
+    info.references = references;
+    info.deriver = drvPath;
+    info.ultimate = true;
+    worker.store.signPathInfo(info);
+    if (!info.references.empty()) {
+      info.ca.clear();
+    }
+    infos[i.first] = info;
+  }
+  if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Apply output checks. */
+  checkOutputs(infos);
+  /* Compare the result with the previous round, and report which
+     path is different, if any.*/
+  if (curRound > 1 && prevInfos != infos) {
+    assert(prevInfos.size() == infos.size());
+    for (auto i = prevInfos.begin(), j = infos.begin(); i != prevInfos.end();
+         ++i, ++j) {
+      if (!(*i == *j)) {
+        result.isNonDeterministic = true;
+        Path prev = i->second.path + checkSuffix;
+        bool prevExists = keepPreviousRound && pathExists(prev);
+        auto msg =
+            prevExists
+                ? fmt("output '%1%' of '%2%' differs from '%3%' from previous "
+                      "round",
+                      i->second.path, drvPath, prev)
+                : fmt("output '%1%' of '%2%' differs from previous round",
+                      i->second.path, drvPath);
+        handleDiffHook(buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : getuid(),
+                       buildUser ? buildUser->getGID() : getgid(), prev,
+                       i->second.path, drvPath, tmpDir);
+        if (settings.enforceDeterminism) {
+          throw NotDeterministic(msg);
+        }
+        LOG(ERROR) << msg;
+        curRound = nrRounds;  // we know enough, bail out early
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* If this is the first round of several, then move the output out
+     of the way. */
+  if (nrRounds > 1 && curRound == 1 && curRound < nrRounds &&
+      keepPreviousRound) {
+    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+      Path prev = i.second.path + checkSuffix;
+      deletePath(prev);
+      Path dst = i.second.path + checkSuffix;
+      if (rename(i.second.path.c_str(), dst.c_str()) != 0) {
+        throw SysError(format("renaming '%1%' to '%2%'") % i.second.path % dst);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (curRound < nrRounds) {
+    prevInfos = infos;
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Remove the .check directories if we're done. FIXME: keep them
+     if the result was not determistic? */
+  if (curRound == nrRounds) {
+    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+      Path prev = i.second.path + checkSuffix;
+      deletePath(prev);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Register each output path as valid, and register the sets of
+     paths referenced by each of them.  If there are cycles in the
+     outputs, this will fail. */
+  {
+    ValidPathInfos infos2;
+    for (auto& i : infos) {
+      infos2.push_back(i.second);
+    }
+    worker.store.registerValidPaths(infos2);
+  }
+  /* In case of a fixed-output derivation hash mismatch, throw an
+     exception now that we have registered the output as valid. */
+  if (delayedException) {
+    std::rethrow_exception(delayedException);
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::checkOutputs(
+    const std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo>& outputs) {
+  std::map<Path, const ValidPathInfo&> outputsByPath;
+  for (auto& output : outputs) {
+    outputsByPath.emplace(output.second.path, output.second);
+  }
+  for (auto& output : outputs) {
+    auto& outputName = output.first;
+    auto& info = output.second;
+    struct Checks {
+      bool ignoreSelfRefs = false;
+      std::optional<uint64_t> maxSize, maxClosureSize;
+      std::optional<Strings> allowedReferences, allowedRequisites,
+          disallowedReferences, disallowedRequisites;
+    };
+    /* Compute the closure and closure size of some output. This
+       is slightly tricky because some of its references (namely
+       other outputs) may not be valid yet. */
+    auto getClosure = [&](const Path& path) {
+      uint64_t closureSize = 0;
+      PathSet pathsDone;
+      std::queue<Path> pathsLeft;
+      pathsLeft.push(path);
+      while (!pathsLeft.empty()) {
+        auto path = pathsLeft.front();
+        pathsLeft.pop();
+        if (!pathsDone.insert(path).second) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        auto i = outputsByPath.find(path);
+        if (i != outputsByPath.end()) {
+          closureSize += i->second.narSize;
+          for (auto& ref : i->second.references) {
+            pathsLeft.push(ref);
+          }
+        } else {
+          auto info = worker.store.queryPathInfo(path);
+          closureSize += info->narSize;
+          for (auto& ref : info->references) {
+            pathsLeft.push(ref);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return std::make_pair(pathsDone, closureSize);
+    };
+    auto applyChecks = [&](const Checks& checks) {
+      if (checks.maxSize && info.narSize > *checks.maxSize) {
+        throw BuildError(
+            "path '%s' is too large at %d bytes; limit is %d bytes", info.path,
+            info.narSize, *checks.maxSize);
+      }
+      if (checks.maxClosureSize) {
+        uint64_t closureSize = getClosure(info.path).second;
+        if (closureSize > *checks.maxClosureSize) {
+          throw BuildError(
+              "closure of path '%s' is too large at %d bytes; limit is %d "
+              "bytes",
+              info.path, closureSize, *checks.maxClosureSize);
+        }
+      }
+      auto checkRefs = [&](const std::optional<Strings>& value, bool allowed,
+                           bool recursive) {
+        if (!value) {
+          return;
+        }
+        PathSet spec = parseReferenceSpecifiers(worker.store, *drv, *value);
+        PathSet used =
+            recursive ? getClosure(info.path).first : info.references;
+        if (recursive && checks.ignoreSelfRefs) {
+          used.erase(info.path);
+        }
+        PathSet badPaths;
+        for (auto& i : used) {
+          if (allowed) {
+            if (spec.count(i) == 0u) {
+              badPaths.insert(i);
+            }
+          } else {
+            if (spec.count(i) != 0u) {
+              badPaths.insert(i);
+            }
+          }
+        }
+        if (!badPaths.empty()) {
+          string badPathsStr;
+          for (auto& i : badPaths) {
+            badPathsStr += "\n  ";
+            badPathsStr += i;
+          }
+          throw BuildError(
+              "output '%s' is not allowed to refer to the following paths:%s",
+              info.path, badPathsStr);
+        }
+      };
+      checkRefs(checks.allowedReferences, true, false);
+      checkRefs(checks.allowedRequisites, true, true);
+      checkRefs(checks.disallowedReferences, false, false);
+      checkRefs(checks.disallowedRequisites, false, true);
+    };
+    if (auto structuredAttrs = parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs()) {
+      auto outputChecks = structuredAttrs->find("outputChecks");
+      if (outputChecks != structuredAttrs->end()) {
+        auto output = outputChecks->find(outputName);
+        if (output != outputChecks->end()) {
+          Checks checks;
+          auto maxSize = output->find("maxSize");
+          if (maxSize != output->end()) {
+            checks.maxSize = maxSize->get<uint64_t>();
+          }
+          auto maxClosureSize = output->find("maxClosureSize");
+          if (maxClosureSize != output->end()) {
+            checks.maxClosureSize = maxClosureSize->get<uint64_t>();
+          }
+          auto get = [&](const std::string& name) -> std::optional<Strings> {
+            auto i = output->find(name);
+            if (i != output->end()) {
+              Strings res;
+              for (auto& j : *i) {
+                if (!j.is_string()) {
+                  throw Error(
+                      "attribute '%s' of derivation '%s' must be a list of "
+                      "strings",
+                      name, drvPath);
+                }
+                res.push_back(j.get<std::string>());
+              }
+              checks.disallowedRequisites = res;
+              return res;
+            }
+            return {};
+          };
+          checks.allowedReferences = get("allowedReferences");
+          checks.allowedRequisites = get("allowedRequisites");
+          checks.disallowedReferences = get("disallowedReferences");
+          checks.disallowedRequisites = get("disallowedRequisites");
+          applyChecks(checks);
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      // legacy non-structured-attributes case
+      Checks checks;
+      checks.ignoreSelfRefs = true;
+      checks.allowedReferences = parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("allowedReferences");
+      checks.allowedRequisites = parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("allowedRequisites");
+      checks.disallowedReferences =
+          parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("disallowedReferences");
+      checks.disallowedRequisites =
+          parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("disallowedRequisites");
+      applyChecks(checks);
+    }
+  }
+Path DerivationGoal::openLogFile() {
+  logSize = 0;
+  if (!settings.keepLog) {
+    return "";
+  }
+  string baseName = baseNameOf(drvPath);
+  /* Create a log file. */
+  Path dir = fmt("%s/%s/%s/", worker.store.logDir, nix::LocalStore::drvsLogDir,
+                 string(baseName, 0, 2));
+  createDirs(dir);
+  Path logFileName = fmt("%s/%s%s", dir, string(baseName, 2),
+                         settings.compressLog ? ".bz2" : "");
+  fdLogFile =
+      open(logFileName.c_str(), O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, 0666);
+  if (!fdLogFile) {
+    throw SysError(format("creating log file '%1%'") % logFileName);
+  }
+  logFileSink = std::make_shared<FdSink>(fdLogFile.get());
+  if (settings.compressLog) {
+    logSink = std::shared_ptr<CompressionSink>(
+        makeCompressionSink("bzip2", *logFileSink));
+  } else {
+    logSink = logFileSink;
+  }
+  return logFileName;
+void DerivationGoal::closeLogFile() {
+  auto logSink2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CompressionSink>(logSink);
+  if (logSink2) {
+    logSink2->finish();
+  }
+  if (logFileSink) {
+    logFileSink->flush();
+  }
+  logSink = logFileSink = nullptr;
+  fdLogFile = -1;
+void DerivationGoal::deleteTmpDir(bool force) {
+  if (!tmpDir.empty()) {
+    /* Don't keep temporary directories for builtins because they
+       might have privileged stuff (like a copy of netrc). */
+    if (settings.keepFailed && !force && !drv->isBuiltin()) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "note: keeping build directory '" << tmpDir << "'";
+      chmod(tmpDir.c_str(), 0755);
+    } else {
+      deletePath(tmpDir);
+    }
+    tmpDir = "";
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::handleChildOutput(int fd, const string& data) {
+  if ((hook && fd == hook->builderOut.readSide.get()) ||
+      (!hook && fd == builderOut.readSide.get())) {
+    logSize += data.size();
+    if (settings.maxLogSize && logSize > settings.maxLogSize) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << getName()
+                 << " killed after writing more than %2% bytes of log output"
+                 << settings.maxLogSize;
+      killChild();
+      done(BuildResult::LogLimitExceeded);
+      return;
+    }
+    for (auto c : data) {
+      if (c == '\r') {
+        currentLogLinePos = 0;
+      } else if (c == '\n') {
+        flushLine();
+      } else {
+        if (currentLogLinePos >= currentLogLine.size()) {
+          currentLogLine.resize(currentLogLinePos + 1);
+        }
+        currentLogLine[currentLogLinePos++] = c;
+      }
+    }
+    if (logSink) {
+      (*logSink)(data);
+    }
+  }
+  if (hook && fd == hook->fromHook.readSide.get()) {
+    for (auto c : data) {
+      if (c == '\n') {
+        currentHookLine.clear();
+      } else {
+        currentHookLine += c;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void DerivationGoal::handleEOF(int fd) {
+  if (!currentLogLine.empty()) {
+    flushLine();
+  }
+  worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+void DerivationGoal::flushLine() {
+  if (settings.verboseBuild &&
+      (settings.printRepeatedBuilds || curRound == 1)) {
+    LOG(INFO) << currentLogLine;
+  } else {
+    logTail.push_back(currentLogLine);
+    if (logTail.size() > settings.logLines) {
+      logTail.pop_front();
+    }
+  }
+  currentLogLine = "";
+  currentLogLinePos = 0;
+PathSet DerivationGoal::checkPathValidity(bool returnValid, bool checkHash) {
+  PathSet result;
+  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
+    if (!wantOutput(i.first, wantedOutputs)) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    bool good = worker.store.isValidPath(i.second.path) &&
+                (!checkHash || worker.pathContentsGood(i.second.path));
+    if (good == returnValid) {
+      result.insert(i.second.path);
+    }
+  }
+  return result;
+Path DerivationGoal::addHashRewrite(const Path& path) {
+  string h1 = string(path, worker.store.storeDir.size() + 1, 32);
+  string h2 = string(hashString(htSHA256, "rewrite:" + drvPath + ":" + path)
+                         .to_string(Base32, false),
+                     0, 32);
+  Path p = worker.store.storeDir + "/" + h2 +
+           string(path, worker.store.storeDir.size() + 33);
+  deletePath(p);
+  assert(path.size() == p.size());
+  inputRewrites[h1] = h2;
+  outputRewrites[h2] = h1;
+  redirectedOutputs[path] = p;
+  return p;
+void DerivationGoal::done(BuildResult::Status status, const string& msg) {
+  result.status = status;
+  result.errorMsg = msg;
+  amDone(result.success() ? ecSuccess : ecFailed);
+  if (result.status == BuildResult::TimedOut) {
+    worker.timedOut = true;
+  }
+  if (result.status == BuildResult::PermanentFailure) {
+    worker.permanentFailure = true;
+  }
+  mcExpectedBuilds.reset();
+  mcRunningBuilds.reset();
+  if (result.success()) {
+    if (status == BuildResult::Built) {
+      worker.doneBuilds++;
+    }
+  } else {
+    if (status != BuildResult::DependencyFailed) {
+      worker.failedBuilds++;
+    }
+  }
+class SubstitutionGoal : public Goal {
+  friend class Worker;
+ private:
+  /* The store path that should be realised through a substitute. */
+  Path storePath;
+  /* The remaining substituters. */
+  std::list<ref<Store>> subs;
+  /* The current substituter. */
+  std::shared_ptr<Store> sub;
+  /* Whether a substituter failed. */
+  bool substituterFailed = false;
+  /* Path info returned by the substituter's query info operation. */
+  std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo> info;
+  /* Pipe for the substituter's standard output. */
+  Pipe outPipe;
+  /* The substituter thread. */
+  std::thread thr;
+  std::promise<void> promise;
+  /* Whether to try to repair a valid path. */
+  RepairFlag repair;
+  /* Location where we're downloading the substitute.  Differs from
+     storePath when doing a repair. */
+  Path destPath;
+  std::unique_ptr<MaintainCount<uint64_t>> maintainExpectedSubstitutions,
+      maintainRunningSubstitutions, maintainExpectedNar,
+      maintainExpectedDownload;
+  using GoalState = void (SubstitutionGoal::*)();
+  GoalState state;
+ public:
+  SubstitutionGoal(const Path& storePath, Worker& worker,
+                   RepairFlag repair = NoRepair);
+  ~SubstitutionGoal() override;
+  void timedOut() override { abort(); };
+  string key() override {
+    /* "a$" ensures substitution goals happen before derivation
+       goals. */
+    return "a$" + storePathToName(storePath) + "$" + storePath;
+  }
+  void work() override;
+  /* The states. */
+  void init();
+  void tryNext();
+  void gotInfo();
+  void referencesValid();
+  void tryToRun();
+  void finished();
+  /* Callback used by the worker to write to the log. */
+  void handleChildOutput(int fd, const string& data) override;
+  void handleEOF(int fd) override;
+  Path getStorePath() { return storePath; }
+  void amDone(ExitCode result) override { Goal::amDone(result); }
+SubstitutionGoal::SubstitutionGoal(const Path& storePath, Worker& worker,
+                                   RepairFlag repair)
+    : Goal(worker), repair(repair) {
+  this->storePath = storePath;
+  state = &SubstitutionGoal::init;
+  name = (format("substitution of '%1%'") % storePath).str();
+  trace("created");
+  maintainExpectedSubstitutions =
+      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.expectedSubstitutions);
+SubstitutionGoal::~SubstitutionGoal() {
+  try {
+    if (thr.joinable()) {
+      // FIXME: signal worker thread to quit.
+      thr.join();
+      worker.childTerminated(this);
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+void SubstitutionGoal::work() { (this->*state)(); }
+void SubstitutionGoal::init() {
+  trace("init");
+  worker.store.addTempRoot(storePath);
+  /* If the path already exists we're done. */
+  if ((repair == 0u) && worker.store.isValidPath(storePath)) {
+    amDone(ecSuccess);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (settings.readOnlyMode) {
+    throw Error(
+        format(
+            "cannot substitute path '%1%' - no write access to the Nix store") %
+        storePath);
+  }
+  subs = settings.useSubstitutes ? getDefaultSubstituters()
+                                 : std::list<ref<Store>>();
+  tryNext();
+void SubstitutionGoal::tryNext() {
+  trace("trying next substituter");
+  if (subs.empty()) {
+    /* None left.  Terminate this goal and let someone else deal
+       with it. */
+        << "path '" << storePath
+        << "' is required, but there is no substituter that can build it";
+    /* Hack: don't indicate failure if there were no substituters.
+       In that case the calling derivation should just do a
+       build. */
+    amDone(substituterFailed ? ecFailed : ecNoSubstituters);
+    if (substituterFailed) {
+      worker.failedSubstitutions++;
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  sub = subs.front();
+  subs.pop_front();
+  if (sub->storeDir != worker.store.storeDir) {
+    tryNext();
+    return;
+  }
+  try {
+    // FIXME: make async
+    info = sub->queryPathInfo(storePath);
+  } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+    tryNext();
+    return;
+  } catch (SubstituterDisabled&) {
+    if (settings.tryFallback) {
+      tryNext();
+      return;
+    }
+    throw;
+  } catch (Error& e) {
+    if (settings.tryFallback) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
+      tryNext();
+      return;
+    }
+    throw;
+  }
+  /* Update the total expected download size. */
+  auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(info);
+  maintainExpectedNar = std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(
+      worker.expectedNarSize, info->narSize);
+  maintainExpectedDownload =
+      narInfo && (narInfo->fileSize != 0u)
+          ? std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(
+                worker.expectedDownloadSize, narInfo->fileSize)
+          : nullptr;
+  /* Bail out early if this substituter lacks a valid
+     signature. LocalStore::addToStore() also checks for this, but
+     only after we've downloaded the path. */
+  if (worker.store.requireSigs && !sub->isTrusted &&
+      (info->checkSignatures(worker.store, worker.store.getPublicKeys()) ==
+       0u)) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "substituter '" << sub->getUri()
+                 << "' does not have a valid signature for path '" << storePath
+                 << "'";
+    tryNext();
+    return;
+  }
+  /* To maintain the closure invariant, we first have to realise the
+     paths referenced by this one. */
+  for (auto& i : info->references) {
+    if (i != storePath) { /* ignore self-references */
+      addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(i));
+    }
+  }
+  if (waitees.empty()) { /* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */
+    referencesValid();
+  } else {
+    state = &SubstitutionGoal::referencesValid;
+  }
+void SubstitutionGoal::referencesValid() {
+  trace("all references realised");
+  if (nrFailed > 0) {
+    DLOG(WARNING) << "some references of path '" << storePath
+                  << "' could not be realised";
+    amDone(nrNoSubstituters > 0 || nrIncompleteClosure > 0 ? ecIncompleteClosure
+                                                           : ecFailed);
+    return;
+  }
+  for (auto& i : info->references) {
+    if (i != storePath) { /* ignore self-references */
+      assert(worker.store.isValidPath(i));
+    }
+  }
+  state = &SubstitutionGoal::tryToRun;
+  worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+void SubstitutionGoal::tryToRun() {
+  trace("trying to run");
+  /* Make sure that we are allowed to start a build.  Note that even
+     if maxBuildJobs == 0 (no local builds allowed), we still allow
+     a substituter to run.  This is because substitutions cannot be
+     distributed to another machine via the build hook. */
+  if (worker.getNrLocalBuilds() >=
+      std::max(1U, (unsigned int)settings.maxBuildJobs)) {
+    worker.waitForBuildSlot(shared_from_this());
+    return;
+  }
+  maintainRunningSubstitutions =
+      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.runningSubstitutions);
+  outPipe.create();
+  promise = std::promise<void>();
+  thr = std::thread([this]() {
+    try {
+      /* Wake up the worker loop when we're done. */
+      Finally updateStats([this]() { outPipe.writeSide = -1; });
+      copyStorePath(ref<Store>(sub),
+                    ref<Store>(worker.store.shared_from_this()), storePath,
+                    repair, sub->isTrusted ? NoCheckSigs : CheckSigs);
+      promise.set_value();
+    } catch (...) {
+      promise.set_exception(std::current_exception());
+    }
+  });
+  worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), {outPipe.readSide.get()}, true,
+                      false);
+  state = &SubstitutionGoal::finished;
+void SubstitutionGoal::finished() {
+  trace("substitute finished");
+  thr.join();
+  worker.childTerminated(this);
+  try {
+    promise.get_future().get();
+  } catch (std::exception& e) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
+    /* Cause the parent build to fail unless --fallback is given,
+       or the substitute has disappeared. The latter case behaves
+       the same as the substitute never having existed in the
+       first place. */
+    try {
+      throw;
+    } catch (SubstituteGone&) {
+    } catch (...) {
+      substituterFailed = true;
+    }
+    /* Try the next substitute. */
+    state = &SubstitutionGoal::tryNext;
+    worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+    return;
+  }
+  worker.markContentsGood(storePath);
+  DLOG(INFO) << "substitution of path '" << storePath << "' succeeded";
+  maintainRunningSubstitutions.reset();
+  maintainExpectedSubstitutions.reset();
+  worker.doneSubstitutions++;
+  if (maintainExpectedDownload) {
+    auto fileSize = maintainExpectedDownload->delta;
+    maintainExpectedDownload.reset();
+    worker.doneDownloadSize += fileSize;
+  }
+  worker.doneNarSize += maintainExpectedNar->delta;
+  maintainExpectedNar.reset();
+  amDone(ecSuccess);
+void SubstitutionGoal::handleChildOutput(int fd, const string& data) {}
+void SubstitutionGoal::handleEOF(int fd) {
+  if (fd == outPipe.readSide.get()) {
+    worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
+  }
+static bool working = false;
+Worker::Worker(LocalStore& store) : store(store) {
+  /* Debugging: prevent recursive workers. */
+  if (working) {
+    abort();
+  }
+  working = true;
+  nrLocalBuilds = 0;
+  lastWokenUp = steady_time_point::min();
+  permanentFailure = false;
+  timedOut = false;
+  hashMismatch = false;
+  checkMismatch = false;
+Worker::~Worker() {
+  working = false;
+  /* Explicitly get rid of all strong pointers now.  After this all
+     goals that refer to this worker should be gone.  (Otherwise we
+     are in trouble, since goals may call childTerminated() etc. in
+     their destructors). */
+  topGoals.clear();
+  assert(expectedSubstitutions == 0);
+  assert(expectedDownloadSize == 0);
+  assert(expectedNarSize == 0);
+GoalPtr Worker::makeDerivationGoal(const Path& path,
+                                   const StringSet& wantedOutputs,
+                                   BuildMode buildMode) {
+  GoalPtr goal = derivationGoals[path].lock();
+  if (!goal) {
+    goal =
+        std::make_shared<DerivationGoal>(path, wantedOutputs, *this, buildMode);
+    derivationGoals[path] = goal;
+    wakeUp(goal);
+  } else {
+    (dynamic_cast<DerivationGoal*>(goal.get()))
+        ->addWantedOutputs(wantedOutputs);
+  }
+  return goal;
+std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> Worker::makeBasicDerivationGoal(
+    const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv, BuildMode buildMode) {
+  auto goal = std::make_shared<DerivationGoal>(drvPath, drv, *this, buildMode);
+  wakeUp(goal);
+  return goal;
+GoalPtr Worker::makeSubstitutionGoal(const Path& path, RepairFlag repair) {
+  GoalPtr goal = substitutionGoals[path].lock();
+  if (!goal) {
+    goal = std::make_shared<SubstitutionGoal>(path, *this, repair);
+    substitutionGoals[path] = goal;
+    wakeUp(goal);
+  }
+  return goal;
+static void removeGoal(const GoalPtr& goal, WeakGoalMap& goalMap) {
+  /* !!! inefficient */
+  for (auto i = goalMap.begin(); i != goalMap.end();) {
+    if (i->second.lock() == goal) {
+      auto j = i;
+      ++j;
+      goalMap.erase(i);
+      i = j;
+    } else {
+      ++i;
+    }
+  }
+void Worker::removeGoal(const GoalPtr& goal) {
+  nix::removeGoal(goal, derivationGoals);
+  nix::removeGoal(goal, substitutionGoals);
+  if (topGoals.find(goal) != topGoals.end()) {
+    topGoals.erase(goal);
+    /* If a top-level goal failed, then kill all other goals
+       (unless keepGoing was set). */
+    if (goal->getExitCode() == Goal::ecFailed && !settings.keepGoing) {
+      topGoals.clear();
+    }
+  }
+  /* Wake up goals waiting for any goal to finish. */
+  for (auto& i : waitingForAnyGoal) {
+    GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
+    if (goal) {
+      wakeUp(goal);
+    }
+  }
+  waitingForAnyGoal.clear();
+void Worker::wakeUp(const GoalPtr& goal) {
+  goal->trace("woken up");
+  addToWeakGoals(awake, goal);
+unsigned Worker::getNrLocalBuilds() { return nrLocalBuilds; }
+void Worker::childStarted(const GoalPtr& goal, const set<int>& fds,
+                          bool inBuildSlot, bool respectTimeouts) {
+  Child child;
+  child.goal = goal;
+  child.goal2 = goal.get();
+  child.fds = fds;
+  child.timeStarted = child.lastOutput = steady_time_point::clock::now();
+  child.inBuildSlot = inBuildSlot;
+  child.respectTimeouts = respectTimeouts;
+  children.emplace_back(child);
+  if (inBuildSlot) {
+    nrLocalBuilds++;
+  }
+void Worker::childTerminated(Goal* goal, bool wakeSleepers) {
+  auto i =
+      std::find_if(children.begin(), children.end(),
+                   [&](const Child& child) { return child.goal2 == goal; });
+  if (i == children.end()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (i->inBuildSlot) {
+    assert(nrLocalBuilds > 0);
+    nrLocalBuilds--;
+  }
+  children.erase(i);
+  if (wakeSleepers) {
+    /* Wake up goals waiting for a build slot. */
+    for (auto& j : wantingToBuild) {
+      GoalPtr goal = j.lock();
+      if (goal) {
+        wakeUp(goal);
+      }
+    }
+    wantingToBuild.clear();
+  }
+void Worker::waitForBuildSlot(const GoalPtr& goal) {
+  DLOG(INFO) << "wait for build slot";
+  if (getNrLocalBuilds() < settings.maxBuildJobs) {
+    wakeUp(goal); /* we can do it right away */
+  } else {
+    addToWeakGoals(wantingToBuild, goal);
+  }
+void Worker::waitForAnyGoal(GoalPtr goal) {
+  DLOG(INFO) << "wait for any goal";
+  addToWeakGoals(waitingForAnyGoal, std::move(goal));
+void Worker::waitForAWhile(GoalPtr goal) {
+  DLOG(INFO) << "wait for a while";
+  addToWeakGoals(waitingForAWhile, std::move(goal));
+void Worker::run(const Goals& _topGoals) {
+  for (auto& i : _topGoals) {
+    topGoals.insert(i);
+  }
+  DLOG(INFO) << "entered goal loop";
+  while (true) {
+    checkInterrupt();
+    store.autoGC(false);
+    /* Call every wake goal (in the ordering established by
+       CompareGoalPtrs). */
+    while (!awake.empty() && !topGoals.empty()) {
+      Goals awake2;
+      for (auto& i : awake) {
+        GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
+        if (goal) {
+          awake2.insert(goal);
+        }
+      }
+      awake.clear();
+      for (auto& goal : awake2) {
+        checkInterrupt();
+        goal->work();
+        if (topGoals.empty()) {
+          break;
+        }  // stuff may have been cancelled
+      }
+    }
+    if (topGoals.empty()) {
+      break;
+    }
+    /* Wait for input. */
+    if (!children.empty() || !waitingForAWhile.empty()) {
+      waitForInput();
+    } else {
+      if (awake.empty() && 0 == settings.maxBuildJobs) {
+        throw Error(
+            "unable to start any build; either increase '--max-jobs' "
+            "or enable remote builds");
+      }
+      assert(!awake.empty());
+    }
+  }
+  /* If --keep-going is not set, it's possible that the main goal
+     exited while some of its subgoals were still active.  But if
+     --keep-going *is* set, then they must all be finished now. */
+  assert(!settings.keepGoing || awake.empty());
+  assert(!settings.keepGoing || wantingToBuild.empty());
+  assert(!settings.keepGoing || children.empty());
+void Worker::waitForInput() {
+  DLOG(INFO) << "waiting for children";
+  /* Process output from the file descriptors attached to the
+     children, namely log output and output path creation commands.
+     We also use this to detect child termination: if we get EOF on
+     the logger pipe of a build, we assume that the builder has
+     terminated. */
+  bool useTimeout = false;
+  struct timeval timeout;
+  timeout.tv_usec = 0;
+  auto before = steady_time_point::clock::now();
+  /* If we're monitoring for silence on stdout/stderr, or if there
+     is a build timeout, then wait for input until the first
+     deadline for any child. */
+  auto nearest = steady_time_point::max();  // nearest deadline
+  if (settings.minFree.get() != 0) {
+    // Periodicallty wake up to see if we need to run the garbage collector.
+    nearest = before + std::chrono::seconds(10);
+  }
+  for (auto& i : children) {
+    if (!i.respectTimeouts) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (0 != settings.maxSilentTime) {
+      nearest = std::min(
+          nearest, i.lastOutput + std::chrono::seconds(settings.maxSilentTime));
+    }
+    if (0 != settings.buildTimeout) {
+      nearest = std::min(
+          nearest, i.timeStarted + std::chrono::seconds(settings.buildTimeout));
+    }
+  }
+  if (nearest != steady_time_point::max()) {
+    timeout.tv_sec = std::max(
+        1L,
+        (long)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(nearest - before)
+            .count());
+    useTimeout = true;
+  }
+  /* If we are polling goals that are waiting for a lock, then wake
+     up after a few seconds at most. */
+  if (!waitingForAWhile.empty()) {
+    useTimeout = true;
+    if (lastWokenUp == steady_time_point::min()) {
+      DLOG(WARNING) << "waiting for locks or build slots...";
+    }
+    if (lastWokenUp == steady_time_point::min() || lastWokenUp > before) {
+      lastWokenUp = before;
+    }
+    timeout.tv_sec = std::max(
+        1L,
+        (long)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
+            lastWokenUp + std::chrono::seconds(settings.pollInterval) - before)
+            .count());
+  } else {
+    lastWokenUp = steady_time_point::min();
+  }
+  if (useTimeout) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "sleeping " << timeout.tv_sec << " seconds";
+  }
+  /* Use select() to wait for the input side of any logger pipe to
+     become `available'.  Note that `available' (i.e., non-blocking)
+     includes EOF. */
+  fd_set fds;
+  FD_ZERO(&fds);
+  int fdMax = 0;
+  for (auto& i : children) {
+    for (auto& j : i.fds) {
+      if (j >= FD_SETSIZE) {
+        throw Error("reached FD_SETSIZE limit");
+      }
+      FD_SET(j, &fds);
+      if (j >= fdMax) {
+        fdMax = j + 1;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (select(fdMax, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, useTimeout ? &timeout : nullptr) ==
+      -1) {
+    if (errno == EINTR) {
+      return;
+    }
+    throw SysError("waiting for input");
+  }
+  auto after = steady_time_point::clock::now();
+  /* Process all available file descriptors. FIXME: this is
+     O(children * fds). */
+  decltype(children)::iterator i;
+  for (auto j = children.begin(); j != children.end(); j = i) {
+    i = std::next(j);
+    checkInterrupt();
+    GoalPtr goal = j->goal.lock();
+    assert(goal);
+    set<int> fds2(j->fds);
+    std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(4096);
+    for (auto& k : fds2) {
+      if (FD_ISSET(k, &fds)) {
+        ssize_t rd = read(k, buffer.data(), buffer.size());
+        // FIXME: is there a cleaner way to handle pt close
+        // than EIO? Is this even standard?
+        if (rd == 0 || (rd == -1 && errno == EIO)) {
+          DLOG(WARNING) << goal->getName() << ": got EOF";
+          goal->handleEOF(k);
+          j->fds.erase(k);
+        } else if (rd == -1) {
+          if (errno != EINTR) {
+            throw SysError("%s: read failed", goal->getName());
+          }
+        } else {
+          DLOG(INFO) << goal->getName() << ": read " << rd << " bytes";
+          string data((char*)buffer.data(), rd);
+          j->lastOutput = after;
+          goal->handleChildOutput(k, data);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (goal->getExitCode() == Goal::ecBusy && 0 != settings.maxSilentTime &&
+        j->respectTimeouts &&
+        after - j->lastOutput >= std::chrono::seconds(settings.maxSilentTime)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << goal->getName() << " timed out after "
+                 << settings.maxSilentTime << " seconds of silence";
+      goal->timedOut();
+    }
+    else if (goal->getExitCode() == Goal::ecBusy &&
+             0 != settings.buildTimeout && j->respectTimeouts &&
+             after - j->timeStarted >=
+                 std::chrono::seconds(settings.buildTimeout)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << goal->getName() << " timed out after "
+                 << settings.buildTimeout << " seconds";
+      goal->timedOut();
+    }
+  }
+  if (!waitingForAWhile.empty() &&
+      lastWokenUp + std::chrono::seconds(settings.pollInterval) <= after) {
+    lastWokenUp = after;
+    for (auto& i : waitingForAWhile) {
+      GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
+      if (goal) {
+        wakeUp(goal);
+      }
+    }
+    waitingForAWhile.clear();
+  }
+unsigned int Worker::exitStatus() {
+  /*
+   * 1100100
+   *    ^^^^
+   *    |||`- timeout
+   *    ||`-- output hash mismatch
+   *    |`--- build failure
+   *    `---- not deterministic
+   */
+  unsigned int mask = 0;
+  bool buildFailure = permanentFailure || timedOut || hashMismatch;
+  if (buildFailure) {
+    mask |= 0x04;  // 100
+  }
+  if (timedOut) {
+    mask |= 0x01;  // 101
+  }
+  if (hashMismatch) {
+    mask |= 0x02;  // 102
+  }
+  if (checkMismatch) {
+    mask |= 0x08;  // 104
+  }
+  if (mask != 0u) {
+    mask |= 0x60;
+  }
+  return mask != 0u ? mask : 1;
+bool Worker::pathContentsGood(const Path& path) {
+  auto i = pathContentsGoodCache.find(path);
+  if (i != pathContentsGoodCache.end()) {
+    return i->second;
+  }
+  LOG(INFO) << "checking path '" << path << "'...";
+  auto info = store.queryPathInfo(path);
+  bool res;
+  if (!pathExists(path)) {
+    res = false;
+  } else {
+    HashResult current = hashPath(info->narHash.type, path);
+    Hash nullHash(htSHA256);
+    res = info->narHash == nullHash || info->narHash == current.first;
+  }
+  pathContentsGoodCache[path] = res;
+  if (!res) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "path '" << path << "' is corrupted or missing!";
+  }
+  return res;
+void Worker::markContentsGood(const Path& path) {
+  pathContentsGoodCache[path] = true;
+static void primeCache(Store& store, const PathSet& paths) {
+  PathSet willBuild;
+  PathSet willSubstitute;
+  PathSet unknown;
+  unsigned long long downloadSize;
+  unsigned long long narSize;
+  store.queryMissing(paths, willBuild, willSubstitute, unknown, downloadSize,
+                     narSize);
+  if (!willBuild.empty() && 0 == settings.maxBuildJobs &&
+      getMachines().empty()) {
+    throw Error(
+        "%d derivations need to be built, but neither local builds "
+        "('--max-jobs') "
+        "nor remote builds ('--builders') are enabled",
+        willBuild.size());
+  }
+void LocalStore::buildPaths(const PathSet& drvPaths, BuildMode buildMode) {
+  Worker worker(*this);
+  primeCache(*this, drvPaths);
+  Goals goals;
+  for (auto& i : drvPaths) {
+    DrvPathWithOutputs i2 = parseDrvPathWithOutputs(i);
+    if (isDerivation(i2.first)) {
+      goals.insert(worker.makeDerivationGoal(i2.first, i2.second, buildMode));
+    } else {
+      goals.insert(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(
+          i, buildMode == bmRepair ? Repair : NoRepair));
+    }
+  }
+  worker.run(goals);
+  PathSet failed;
+  for (auto& i : goals) {
+    if (i->getExitCode() != Goal::ecSuccess) {
+      auto* i2 = dynamic_cast<DerivationGoal*>(i.get());
+      if (i2 != nullptr) {
+        failed.insert(i2->getDrvPath());
+      } else {
+        failed.insert(dynamic_cast<SubstitutionGoal*>(i.get())->getStorePath());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (!failed.empty()) {
+    throw Error(worker.exitStatus(), "build of %s failed", showPaths(failed));
+  }
+BuildResult LocalStore::buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath,
+                                        const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                                        BuildMode buildMode) {
+  Worker worker(*this);
+  auto goal = worker.makeBasicDerivationGoal(drvPath, drv, buildMode);
+  BuildResult result;
+  try {
+    worker.run(Goals{goal});
+    result = goal->getResult();
+  } catch (Error& e) {
+    result.status = BuildResult::MiscFailure;
+    result.errorMsg = e.msg();
+  }
+  return result;
+void LocalStore::ensurePath(const Path& path) {
+  /* If the path is already valid, we're done. */
+  if (isValidPath(path)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  primeCache(*this, {path});
+  Worker worker(*this);
+  GoalPtr goal = worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(path);
+  Goals goals = {goal};
+  worker.run(goals);
+  if (goal->getExitCode() != Goal::ecSuccess) {
+    throw Error(worker.exitStatus(),
+                "path '%s' does not exist and cannot be created", path);
+  }
+void LocalStore::repairPath(const Path& path) {
+  Worker worker(*this);
+  GoalPtr goal = worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(path, Repair);
+  Goals goals = {goal};
+  worker.run(goals);
+  if (goal->getExitCode() != Goal::ecSuccess) {
+    /* Since substituting the path didn't work, if we have a valid
+       deriver, then rebuild the deriver. */
+    auto deriver = queryPathInfo(path)->deriver;
+    if (!deriver.empty() && isValidPath(deriver)) {
+      goals.clear();
+      goals.insert(worker.makeDerivationGoal(deriver, StringSet(), bmRepair));
+      worker.run(goals);
+    } else {
+      throw Error(worker.exitStatus(), "cannot repair path '%s'", path);
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07601be0f50c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "derivations.hh"
+namespace nix {
+// TODO: make pluggable.
+void builtinFetchurl(const BasicDerivation& drv, const std::string& netrcData);
+void builtinBuildenv(const BasicDerivation& drv);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins/buildenv.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins/buildenv.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..77ad722fab15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins/buildenv.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "builtins.hh"
+namespace nix {
+typedef std::map<Path, int> Priorities;
+// FIXME: change into local variables.
+static Priorities priorities;
+static unsigned long symlinks;
+/* For each activated package, create symlinks */
+static void createLinks(const Path& srcDir, const Path& dstDir, int priority) {
+  DirEntries srcFiles;
+  try {
+    srcFiles = readDirectory(srcDir);
+  } catch (SysError& e) {
+    if (e.errNo == ENOTDIR) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "warning: not including '" << srcDir
+                 << "' in the user environment because it's not a directory";
+      return;
+    }
+    throw;
+  }
+  for (const auto& ent : srcFiles) {
+    if (ent.name[0] == '.') /* not matched by glob */
+      continue;
+    auto srcFile = srcDir + "/" + ent.name;
+    auto dstFile = dstDir + "/" + ent.name;
+    struct stat srcSt;
+    try {
+      if (stat(srcFile.c_str(), &srcSt) == -1)
+        throw SysError("getting status of '%1%'", srcFile);
+    } catch (SysError& e) {
+      if (e.errNo == ENOENT || e.errNo == ENOTDIR) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << "warning: skipping dangling symlink '" << dstFile << "'";
+        continue;
+      }
+      throw;
+    }
+    /* The files below are special-cased to that they don't show up
+     * in user profiles, either because they are useless, or
+     * because they would cauase pointless collisions (e.g., each
+     * Python package brings its own
+     * `$out/lib/pythonX.Y/site-packages/easy-install.pth'.)
+     */
+    if (hasSuffix(srcFile, "/propagated-build-inputs") ||
+        hasSuffix(srcFile, "/nix-support") ||
+        hasSuffix(srcFile, "/perllocal.pod") ||
+        hasSuffix(srcFile, "/info/dir") || hasSuffix(srcFile, "/log"))
+      continue;
+    else if (S_ISDIR(srcSt.st_mode)) {
+      struct stat dstSt;
+      auto res = lstat(dstFile.c_str(), &dstSt);
+      if (res == 0) {
+        if (S_ISDIR(dstSt.st_mode)) {
+          createLinks(srcFile, dstFile, priority);
+          continue;
+        } else if (S_ISLNK(dstSt.st_mode)) {
+          auto target = canonPath(dstFile, true);
+          if (!S_ISDIR(lstat(target).st_mode))
+            throw Error("collision between '%1%' and non-directory '%2%'",
+                        srcFile, target);
+          if (unlink(dstFile.c_str()) == -1)
+            throw SysError(format("unlinking '%1%'") % dstFile);
+          if (mkdir(dstFile.c_str(), 0755) == -1)
+            throw SysError(format("creating directory '%1%'"));
+          createLinks(target, dstFile, priorities[dstFile]);
+          createLinks(srcFile, dstFile, priority);
+          continue;
+        }
+      } else if (errno != ENOENT)
+        throw SysError(format("getting status of '%1%'") % dstFile);
+    }
+    else {
+      struct stat dstSt;
+      auto res = lstat(dstFile.c_str(), &dstSt);
+      if (res == 0) {
+        if (S_ISLNK(dstSt.st_mode)) {
+          auto prevPriority = priorities[dstFile];
+          if (prevPriority == priority)
+            throw Error(
+                "packages '%1%' and '%2%' have the same priority %3%; "
+                "use 'nix-env --set-flag priority NUMBER INSTALLED_PKGNAME' "
+                "to change the priority of one of the conflicting packages"
+                " (0 being the highest priority)",
+                srcFile, readLink(dstFile), priority);
+          if (prevPriority < priority) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          if (unlink(dstFile.c_str()) == -1)
+            throw SysError(format("unlinking '%1%'") % dstFile);
+        } else if (S_ISDIR(dstSt.st_mode))
+          throw Error(
+              "collision between non-directory '%1%' and directory '%2%'",
+              srcFile, dstFile);
+      } else if (errno != ENOENT)
+        throw SysError(format("getting status of '%1%'") % dstFile);
+    }
+    createSymlink(srcFile, dstFile);
+    priorities[dstFile] = priority;
+    symlinks++;
+  }
+typedef std::set<Path> FileProp;
+static FileProp done;
+static FileProp postponed = FileProp{};
+static Path out;
+static void addPkg(const Path& pkgDir, int priority) {
+  if (done.count(pkgDir)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  done.insert(pkgDir);
+  createLinks(pkgDir, out, priority);
+  try {
+    for (const auto& p : tokenizeString<std::vector<string>>(
+             readFile(pkgDir + "/nix-support/propagated-user-env-packages"),
+             " \n"))
+      if (!done.count(p)) {
+        postponed.insert(p);
+      }
+  } catch (SysError& e) {
+    if (e.errNo != ENOENT && e.errNo != ENOTDIR) {
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+struct Package {
+  Path path;
+  bool active;
+  int priority;
+  Package(Path path, bool active, int priority)
+      : path{path}, active{active}, priority{priority} {}
+typedef std::vector<Package> Packages;
+void builtinBuildenv(const BasicDerivation& drv) {
+  auto getAttr = [&](const string& name) {
+    auto i = drv.env.find(name);
+    if (i == drv.env.end()) {
+      throw Error("attribute '%s' missing", name);
+    }
+    return i->second;
+  };
+  out = getAttr("out");
+  createDirs(out);
+  /* Convert the stuff we get from the environment back into a
+   * coherent data type. */
+  Packages pkgs;
+  auto derivations = tokenizeString<Strings>(getAttr("derivations"));
+  while (!derivations.empty()) {
+    /* !!! We're trusting the caller to structure derivations env var correctly
+     */
+    auto active = derivations.front();
+    derivations.pop_front();
+    auto priority = stoi(derivations.front());
+    derivations.pop_front();
+    auto outputs = stoi(derivations.front());
+    derivations.pop_front();
+    for (auto n = 0; n < outputs; n++) {
+      auto path = derivations.front();
+      derivations.pop_front();
+      pkgs.emplace_back(path, active != "false", priority);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Symlink to the packages that have been installed explicitly by the
+   * user. Process in priority order to reduce unnecessary
+   * symlink/unlink steps.
+   */
+  std::sort(pkgs.begin(), pkgs.end(), [](const Package& a, const Package& b) {
+    return a.priority < b.priority ||
+           (a.priority == b.priority && a.path < b.path);
+  });
+  for (const auto& pkg : pkgs)
+    if (pkg.active) {
+      addPkg(pkg.path, pkg.priority);
+    }
+  /* Symlink to the packages that have been "propagated" by packages
+   * installed by the user (i.e., package X declares that it wants Y
+   * installed as well). We do these later because they have a lower
+   * priority in case of collisions.
+   */
+  auto priorityCounter = 1000;
+  while (!postponed.empty()) {
+    auto pkgDirs = postponed;
+    postponed = FileProp{};
+    for (const auto& pkgDir : pkgDirs) {
+      addPkg(pkgDir, priorityCounter++);
+    }
+  }
+  LOG(INFO) << "created " << symlinks << " symlinks in user environment";
+  createSymlink(getAttr("manifest"), out + "/manifest.nix");
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins/fetchurl.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins/fetchurl.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c3f38a943f57
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/builtins/fetchurl.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "builtins.hh"
+#include "compression.hh"
+#include "download.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+namespace nix {
+void builtinFetchurl(const BasicDerivation& drv, const std::string& netrcData) {
+  /* Make the host's netrc data available. Too bad curl requires
+     this to be stored in a file. It would be nice if we could just
+     pass a pointer to the data. */
+  if (netrcData != "") {
+    settings.netrcFile = "netrc";
+    writeFile(settings.netrcFile, netrcData, 0600);
+  }
+  auto getAttr = [&](const string& name) {
+    auto i = drv.env.find(name);
+    if (i == drv.env.end())
+      throw Error(format("attribute '%s' missing") % name);
+    return i->second;
+  };
+  Path storePath = getAttr("out");
+  auto mainUrl = getAttr("url");
+  bool unpack = get(drv.env, "unpack", "") == "1";
+  /* Note: have to use a fresh downloader here because we're in
+     a forked process. */
+  auto downloader = makeDownloader();
+  auto fetch = [&](const std::string& url) {
+    auto source = sinkToSource([&](Sink& sink) {
+      /* No need to do TLS verification, because we check the hash of
+         the result anyway. */
+      DownloadRequest request(url);
+      request.verifyTLS = false;
+      request.decompress = false;
+      auto decompressor = makeDecompressionSink(
+          unpack && hasSuffix(mainUrl, ".xz") ? "xz" : "none", sink);
+      downloader->download(std::move(request), *decompressor);
+      decompressor->finish();
+    });
+    if (unpack)
+      restorePath(storePath, *source);
+    else
+      writeFile(storePath, *source);
+    auto executable = drv.env.find("executable");
+    if (executable != drv.env.end() && executable->second == "1") {
+      if (chmod(storePath.c_str(), 0755) == -1)
+        throw SysError(format("making '%1%' executable") % storePath);
+    }
+  };
+  /* Try the hashed mirrors first. */
+  if (getAttr("outputHashMode") == "flat")
+    for (auto hashedMirror : settings.hashedMirrors.get()) try {
+        if (!hasSuffix(hashedMirror, "/")) {
+          hashedMirror += '/';
+        }
+        auto ht = parseHashType(getAttr("outputHashAlgo"));
+        auto h = Hash(getAttr("outputHash"), ht);
+        fetch(hashedMirror + printHashType(h.type) + "/" +
+              h.to_string(Base16, false));
+        return;
+      } catch (Error& e) {
+        LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
+      }
+  /* Otherwise try the specified URL. */
+  fetch(mainUrl);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/crypto.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/crypto.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..90580b8dc902
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/crypto.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#include "crypto.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include <sodium.h>
+namespace nix {
+static std::pair<std::string, std::string> split(const string& s) {
+  size_t colon = s.find(':');
+  if (colon == std::string::npos || colon == 0) {
+    return {"", ""};
+  }
+  return {std::string(s, 0, colon), std::string(s, colon + 1)};
+Key::Key(const string& s) {
+  auto ss = split(s);
+  name = ss.first;
+  key = ss.second;
+  if (name.empty() || key.empty()) {
+    throw Error("secret key is corrupt");
+  }
+  key = base64Decode(key);
+SecretKey::SecretKey(const string& s) : Key(s) {
+  if (key.size() != crypto_sign_SECRETKEYBYTES) {
+    throw Error("secret key is not valid");
+  }
+[[noreturn]] static void noSodium() {
+  throw Error(
+      "Nix was not compiled with libsodium, required for signed binary cache "
+      "support");
+std::string SecretKey::signDetached(const std::string& data) const {
+  unsigned char sig[crypto_sign_BYTES];
+  unsigned long long sigLen;
+  crypto_sign_detached(sig, &sigLen, (unsigned char*)data.data(), data.size(),
+                       (unsigned char*)key.data());
+  return name + ":" + base64Encode(std::string((char*)sig, sigLen));
+  noSodium();
+PublicKey SecretKey::toPublicKey() const {
+  unsigned char pk[crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES];
+  crypto_sign_ed25519_sk_to_pk(pk, (unsigned char*)key.data());
+  return PublicKey(name, std::string((char*)pk, crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES));
+  noSodium();
+PublicKey::PublicKey(const string& s) : Key(s) {
+  if (key.size() != crypto_sign_PUBLICKEYBYTES) {
+    throw Error("public key is not valid");
+  }
+bool verifyDetached(const std::string& data, const std::string& sig,
+                    const PublicKeys& publicKeys) {
+  auto ss = split(sig);
+  auto key = publicKeys.find(ss.first);
+  if (key == publicKeys.end()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  auto sig2 = base64Decode(ss.second);
+  if (sig2.size() != crypto_sign_BYTES) {
+    throw Error("signature is not valid");
+  }
+  return crypto_sign_verify_detached(
+             (unsigned char*)sig2.data(), (unsigned char*)data.data(),
+             data.size(), (unsigned char*)key->second.key.data()) == 0;
+  noSodium();
+PublicKeys getDefaultPublicKeys() {
+  PublicKeys publicKeys;
+  // FIXME: filter duplicates
+  for (const auto& s : settings.trustedPublicKeys.get()) {
+    PublicKey key(s);
+    publicKeys.emplace(key.name, key);
+  }
+  for (const auto& secretKeyFile : settings.secretKeyFiles.get()) {
+    try {
+      SecretKey secretKey(readFile(secretKeyFile));
+      publicKeys.emplace(secretKey.name, secretKey.toPublicKey());
+    } catch (SysError& e) {
+      /* Ignore unreadable key files. That's normal in a
+         multi-user installation. */
+    }
+  }
+  return publicKeys;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/crypto.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/crypto.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef578db6d055
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/crypto.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct Key {
+  std::string name;
+  std::string key;
+  /* Construct Key from a string in the format
+     ‘<name>:<key-in-base64>’. */
+  Key(const std::string& s);
+ protected:
+  Key(const std::string& name, const std::string& key) : name(name), key(key) {}
+struct PublicKey;
+struct SecretKey : Key {
+  SecretKey(const std::string& s);
+  /* Return a detached signature of the given string. */
+  std::string signDetached(const std::string& data) const;
+  PublicKey toPublicKey() const;
+struct PublicKey : Key {
+  PublicKey(const std::string& s);
+ private:
+  PublicKey(const std::string& name, const std::string& key) : Key(name, key) {}
+  friend struct SecretKey;
+typedef std::map<std::string, PublicKey> PublicKeys;
+/* Return true iff ‘sig’ is a correct signature over ‘data’ using one
+   of the given public keys. */
+bool verifyDetached(const std::string& data, const std::string& sig,
+                    const PublicKeys& publicKeys);
+PublicKeys getDefaultPublicKeys();
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/derivations.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/derivations.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c71d7209e37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/derivations.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "fs-accessor.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "istringstream_nocopy.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+namespace nix {
+void DerivationOutput::parseHashInfo(bool& recursive, Hash& hash) const {
+  recursive = false;
+  string algo = hashAlgo;
+  if (string(algo, 0, 2) == "r:") {
+    recursive = true;
+    algo = string(algo, 2);
+  }
+  HashType hashType = parseHashType(algo);
+  if (hashType == htUnknown) {
+    throw Error(format("unknown hash algorithm '%1%'") % algo);
+  }
+  hash = Hash(this->hash, hashType);
+Path BasicDerivation::findOutput(const string& id) const {
+  auto i = outputs.find(id);
+  if (i == outputs.end()) {
+    throw Error(format("derivation has no output '%1%'") % id);
+  }
+  return i->second.path;
+bool BasicDerivation::isBuiltin() const {
+  return string(builder, 0, 8) == "builtin:";
+Path writeDerivation(const ref<Store>& store, const Derivation& drv,
+                     const string& name, RepairFlag repair) {
+  PathSet references;
+  references.insert(drv.inputSrcs.begin(), drv.inputSrcs.end());
+  for (auto& i : drv.inputDrvs) {
+    references.insert(i.first);
+  }
+  /* Note that the outputs of a derivation are *not* references
+     (that can be missing (of course) and should not necessarily be
+     held during a garbage collection). */
+  string suffix = name + drvExtension;
+  string contents = drv.unparse();
+  return settings.readOnlyMode
+             ? store->computeStorePathForText(suffix, contents, references)
+             : store->addTextToStore(suffix, contents, references, repair);
+/* Read string `s' from stream `str'. */
+static void expect(std::istream& str, const string& s) {
+  char s2[s.size()];
+  str.read(s2, s.size());
+  if (string(s2, s.size()) != s) {
+    throw FormatError(format("expected string '%1%'") % s);
+  }
+/* Read a C-style string from stream `str'. */
+static string parseString(std::istream& str) {
+  string res;
+  expect(str, "\"");
+  int c;
+  while ((c = str.get()) != '"') {
+    if (c == '\\') {
+      c = str.get();
+      if (c == 'n') {
+        res += '\n';
+      } else if (c == 'r') {
+        res += '\r';
+      } else if (c == 't') {
+        res += '\t';
+      } else {
+        res += c;
+      }
+    } else {
+      res += c;
+    }
+  }
+  return res;
+static Path parsePath(std::istream& str) {
+  string s = parseString(str);
+  if (s.empty() || s[0] != '/') {
+    throw FormatError(format("bad path '%1%' in derivation") % s);
+  }
+  return s;
+static bool endOfList(std::istream& str) {
+  if (str.peek() == ',') {
+    str.get();
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (str.peek() == ']') {
+    str.get();
+    return true;
+  }
+  return false;
+static StringSet parseStrings(std::istream& str, bool arePaths) {
+  StringSet res;
+  while (!endOfList(str)) {
+    res.insert(arePaths ? parsePath(str) : parseString(str));
+  }
+  return res;
+static Derivation parseDerivation(const string& s) {
+  Derivation drv;
+  istringstream_nocopy str(s);
+  expect(str, "Derive([");
+  /* Parse the list of outputs. */
+  while (!endOfList(str)) {
+    DerivationOutput out;
+    expect(str, "(");
+    string id = parseString(str);
+    expect(str, ",");
+    out.path = parsePath(str);
+    expect(str, ",");
+    out.hashAlgo = parseString(str);
+    expect(str, ",");
+    out.hash = parseString(str);
+    expect(str, ")");
+    drv.outputs[id] = out;
+  }
+  /* Parse the list of input derivations. */
+  expect(str, ",[");
+  while (!endOfList(str)) {
+    expect(str, "(");
+    Path drvPath = parsePath(str);
+    expect(str, ",[");
+    drv.inputDrvs[drvPath] = parseStrings(str, false);
+    expect(str, ")");
+  }
+  expect(str, ",[");
+  drv.inputSrcs = parseStrings(str, true);
+  expect(str, ",");
+  drv.platform = parseString(str);
+  expect(str, ",");
+  drv.builder = parseString(str);
+  /* Parse the builder arguments. */
+  expect(str, ",[");
+  while (!endOfList(str)) {
+    drv.args.push_back(parseString(str));
+  }
+  /* Parse the environment variables. */
+  expect(str, ",[");
+  while (!endOfList(str)) {
+    expect(str, "(");
+    string name = parseString(str);
+    expect(str, ",");
+    string value = parseString(str);
+    expect(str, ")");
+    drv.env[name] = value;
+  }
+  expect(str, ")");
+  return drv;
+Derivation readDerivation(const Path& drvPath) {
+  try {
+    return parseDerivation(readFile(drvPath));
+  } catch (FormatError& e) {
+    throw Error(format("error parsing derivation '%1%': %2%") % drvPath %
+                e.msg());
+  }
+Derivation Store::derivationFromPath(const Path& drvPath) {
+  assertStorePath(drvPath);
+  ensurePath(drvPath);
+  auto accessor = getFSAccessor();
+  try {
+    return parseDerivation(accessor->readFile(drvPath));
+  } catch (FormatError& e) {
+    throw Error(format("error parsing derivation '%1%': %2%") % drvPath %
+                e.msg());
+  }
+static void printString(string& res, const string& s) {
+  res += '"';
+  for (const char* i = s.c_str(); *i != 0; i++) {
+    if (*i == '\"' || *i == '\\') {
+      res += "\\";
+      res += *i;
+    } else if (*i == '\n') {
+      res += "\\n";
+    } else if (*i == '\r') {
+      res += "\\r";
+    } else if (*i == '\t') {
+      res += "\\t";
+    } else {
+      res += *i;
+    }
+  }
+  res += '"';
+template <class ForwardIterator>
+static void printStrings(string& res, ForwardIterator i, ForwardIterator j) {
+  res += '[';
+  bool first = true;
+  for (; i != j; ++i) {
+    if (first) {
+      first = false;
+    } else {
+      res += ',';
+    }
+    printString(res, *i);
+  }
+  res += ']';
+string Derivation::unparse() const {
+  string s;
+  s.reserve(65536);
+  s += "Derive([";
+  bool first = true;
+  for (auto& i : outputs) {
+    if (first) {
+      first = false;
+    } else {
+      s += ',';
+    }
+    s += '(';
+    printString(s, i.first);
+    s += ',';
+    printString(s, i.second.path);
+    s += ',';
+    printString(s, i.second.hashAlgo);
+    s += ',';
+    printString(s, i.second.hash);
+    s += ')';
+  }
+  s += "],[";
+  first = true;
+  for (auto& i : inputDrvs) {
+    if (first) {
+      first = false;
+    } else {
+      s += ',';
+    }
+    s += '(';
+    printString(s, i.first);
+    s += ',';
+    printStrings(s, i.second.begin(), i.second.end());
+    s += ')';
+  }
+  s += "],";
+  printStrings(s, inputSrcs.begin(), inputSrcs.end());
+  s += ',';
+  printString(s, platform);
+  s += ',';
+  printString(s, builder);
+  s += ',';
+  printStrings(s, args.begin(), args.end());
+  s += ",[";
+  first = true;
+  for (auto& i : env) {
+    if (first) {
+      first = false;
+    } else {
+      s += ',';
+    }
+    s += '(';
+    printString(s, i.first);
+    s += ',';
+    printString(s, i.second);
+    s += ')';
+  }
+  s += "])";
+  return s;
+bool isDerivation(const string& fileName) {
+  return hasSuffix(fileName, drvExtension);
+bool BasicDerivation::isFixedOutput() const {
+  return outputs.size() == 1 && outputs.begin()->first == "out" &&
+         !outputs.begin()->second.hash.empty();
+DrvHashes drvHashes;
+/* Returns the hash of a derivation modulo fixed-output
+   subderivations.  A fixed-output derivation is a derivation with one
+   output (`out') for which an expected hash and hash algorithm are
+   specified (using the `outputHash' and `outputHashAlgo'
+   attributes).  We don't want changes to such derivations to
+   propagate upwards through the dependency graph, changing output
+   paths everywhere.
+   For instance, if we change the url in a call to the `fetchurl'
+   function, we do not want to rebuild everything depending on it
+   (after all, (the hash of) the file being downloaded is unchanged).
+   So the *output paths* should not change.  On the other hand, the
+   *derivation paths* should change to reflect the new dependency
+   graph.
+   That's what this function does: it returns a hash which is just the
+   hash of the derivation ATerm, except that any input derivation
+   paths have been replaced by the result of a recursive call to this
+   function, and that for fixed-output derivations we return a hash of
+   its output path. */
+Hash hashDerivationModulo(Store& store, Derivation drv) {
+  /* Return a fixed hash for fixed-output derivations. */
+  if (drv.isFixedOutput()) {
+    auto i = drv.outputs.begin();
+    return hashString(htSHA256, "fixed:out:" + i->second.hashAlgo + ":" +
+                                    i->second.hash + ":" + i->second.path);
+  }
+  /* For other derivations, replace the inputs paths with recursive
+     calls to this function.*/
+  DerivationInputs inputs2;
+  for (auto& i : drv.inputDrvs) {
+    Hash h = drvHashes[i.first];
+    if (!h) {
+      assert(store.isValidPath(i.first));
+      Derivation drv2 = readDerivation(store.toRealPath(i.first));
+      h = hashDerivationModulo(store, drv2);
+      drvHashes[i.first] = h;
+    }
+    inputs2[h.to_string(Base16, false)] = i.second;
+  }
+  drv.inputDrvs = inputs2;
+  return hashString(htSHA256, drv.unparse());
+DrvPathWithOutputs parseDrvPathWithOutputs(const string& s) {
+  size_t n = s.find('!');
+  return n == std::string::npos
+             ? DrvPathWithOutputs(s, std::set<string>())
+             : DrvPathWithOutputs(
+                   string(s, 0, n),
+                   tokenizeString<std::set<string> >(string(s, n + 1), ","));
+Path makeDrvPathWithOutputs(const Path& drvPath,
+                            const std::set<string>& outputs) {
+  return outputs.empty() ? drvPath
+                         : drvPath + "!" + concatStringsSep(",", outputs);
+bool wantOutput(const string& output, const std::set<string>& wanted) {
+  return wanted.empty() || wanted.find(output) != wanted.end();
+PathSet BasicDerivation::outputPaths() const {
+  PathSet paths;
+  for (auto& i : outputs) {
+    paths.insert(i.second.path);
+  }
+  return paths;
+Source& readDerivation(Source& in, Store& store, BasicDerivation& drv) {
+  drv.outputs.clear();
+  auto nr = readNum<size_t>(in);
+  for (size_t n = 0; n < nr; n++) {
+    auto name = readString(in);
+    DerivationOutput o;
+    in >> o.path >> o.hashAlgo >> o.hash;
+    store.assertStorePath(o.path);
+    drv.outputs[name] = o;
+  }
+  drv.inputSrcs = readStorePaths<PathSet>(store, in);
+  in >> drv.platform >> drv.builder;
+  drv.args = readStrings<Strings>(in);
+  nr = readNum<size_t>(in);
+  for (size_t n = 0; n < nr; n++) {
+    auto key = readString(in);
+    auto value = readString(in);
+    drv.env[key] = value;
+  }
+  return in;
+Sink& operator<<(Sink& out, const BasicDerivation& drv) {
+  out << drv.outputs.size();
+  for (auto& i : drv.outputs) {
+    out << i.first << i.second.path << i.second.hashAlgo << i.second.hash;
+  }
+  out << drv.inputSrcs << drv.platform << drv.builder << drv.args;
+  out << drv.env.size();
+  for (auto& i : drv.env) {
+    out << i.first << i.second;
+  }
+  return out;
+std::string hashPlaceholder(const std::string& outputName) {
+  // FIXME: memoize?
+  return "/" + hashString(htSHA256, "nix-output:" + outputName)
+                   .to_string(Base32, false);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/derivations.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/derivations.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52b951f5e9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/derivations.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <map>
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+/* Extension of derivations in the Nix store. */
+const string drvExtension = ".drv";
+/* Abstract syntax of derivations. */
+struct DerivationOutput {
+  Path path;
+  string hashAlgo; /* hash used for expected hash computation */
+  string hash;     /* expected hash, may be null */
+  DerivationOutput() {}
+  DerivationOutput(Path path, string hashAlgo, string hash) {
+    this->path = path;
+    this->hashAlgo = hashAlgo;
+    this->hash = hash;
+  }
+  void parseHashInfo(bool& recursive, Hash& hash) const;
+typedef std::map<string, DerivationOutput> DerivationOutputs;
+/* For inputs that are sub-derivations, we specify exactly which
+   output IDs we are interested in. */
+typedef std::map<Path, StringSet> DerivationInputs;
+typedef std::map<string, string> StringPairs;
+struct BasicDerivation {
+  DerivationOutputs outputs; /* keyed on symbolic IDs */
+  PathSet inputSrcs;         /* inputs that are sources */
+  string platform;
+  Path builder;
+  Strings args;
+  StringPairs env;
+  virtual ~BasicDerivation(){};
+  /* Return the path corresponding to the output identifier `id' in
+     the given derivation. */
+  Path findOutput(const string& id) const;
+  bool isBuiltin() const;
+  /* Return true iff this is a fixed-output derivation. */
+  bool isFixedOutput() const;
+  /* Return the output paths of a derivation. */
+  PathSet outputPaths() const;
+struct Derivation : BasicDerivation {
+  DerivationInputs inputDrvs; /* inputs that are sub-derivations */
+  /* Print a derivation. */
+  std::string unparse() const;
+class Store;
+/* Write a derivation to the Nix store, and return its path. */
+Path writeDerivation(const ref<Store>& store, const Derivation& drv,
+                     const string& name, RepairFlag repair = NoRepair);
+/* Read a derivation from a file. */
+Derivation readDerivation(const Path& drvPath);
+/* Check whether a file name ends with the extension for
+   derivations. */
+bool isDerivation(const string& fileName);
+Hash hashDerivationModulo(Store& store, Derivation drv);
+/* Memoisation of hashDerivationModulo(). */
+typedef std::map<Path, Hash> DrvHashes;
+extern DrvHashes drvHashes;  // FIXME: global, not thread-safe
+/* Split a string specifying a derivation and a set of outputs
+   (/nix/store/hash-foo!out1,out2,...) into the derivation path and
+   the outputs. */
+typedef std::pair<string, std::set<string> > DrvPathWithOutputs;
+DrvPathWithOutputs parseDrvPathWithOutputs(const string& s);
+Path makeDrvPathWithOutputs(const Path& drvPath,
+                            const std::set<string>& outputs);
+bool wantOutput(const string& output, const std::set<string>& wanted);
+struct Source;
+struct Sink;
+Source& readDerivation(Source& in, Store& store, BasicDerivation& drv);
+Sink& operator<<(Sink& out, const BasicDerivation& drv);
+std::string hashPlaceholder(const std::string& outputName);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/download.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/download.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7476dd50b579
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/download.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1022 @@
+#include "download.hh"
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "compression.hh"
+#include "finally.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include "s3.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#ifdef ENABLE_S3
+#include <aws/core/client/ClientConfiguration.h>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cmath>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <queue>
+#include <random>
+#include <thread>
+#include <curl/curl.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+using namespace std::string_literals;
+namespace nix {
+DownloadSettings downloadSettings;
+static GlobalConfig::Register r1(&downloadSettings);
+std::string resolveUri(const std::string& uri) {
+  if (uri.compare(0, 8, "channel:") == 0) {
+    return "https://nixos.org/channels/" + std::string(uri, 8) +
+           "/nixexprs.tar.xz";
+  }
+  return uri;
+struct CurlDownloader : public Downloader {
+  CURLM* curlm = nullptr;
+  std::random_device rd;
+  std::mt19937 mt19937;
+  struct DownloadItem : public std::enable_shared_from_this<DownloadItem> {
+    CurlDownloader& downloader;
+    DownloadRequest request;
+    DownloadResult result;
+    bool done = false;  // whether either the success or failure function has
+                        // been called
+    Callback<DownloadResult> callback;
+    CURL* req = nullptr;
+    bool active =
+        false;  // whether the handle has been added to the multi object
+    std::string status;
+    unsigned int attempt = 0;
+    /* Don't start this download until the specified time point
+       has been reached. */
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point embargo;
+    struct curl_slist* requestHeaders = nullptr;
+    std::string encoding;
+    bool acceptRanges = false;
+    curl_off_t writtenToSink = 0;
+    DownloadItem(CurlDownloader& downloader, const DownloadRequest& request,
+                 Callback<DownloadResult>&& callback)
+        : downloader(downloader),
+          request(request),
+          callback(std::move(callback)),
+          finalSink([this](const unsigned char* data, size_t len) {
+            if (this->request.dataCallback) {
+              long httpStatus = 0;
+              curl_easy_getinfo(req, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpStatus);
+              /* Only write data to the sink if this is a
+                 successful response. */
+              if (httpStatus == 0 || httpStatus == 200 || httpStatus == 201 ||
+                  httpStatus == 206) {
+                writtenToSink += len;
+                this->request.dataCallback((char*)data, len);
+              }
+            } else {
+              this->result.data->append((char*)data, len);
+            }
+          }) {
+      LOG(INFO) << (request.data ? "uploading '" : "downloading '")
+                << request.uri << "'";
+      if (!request.expectedETag.empty()) {
+        requestHeaders = curl_slist_append(
+            requestHeaders, ("If-None-Match: " + request.expectedETag).c_str());
+      }
+      if (!request.mimeType.empty()) {
+        requestHeaders = curl_slist_append(
+            requestHeaders, ("Content-Type: " + request.mimeType).c_str());
+      }
+    }
+    ~DownloadItem() {
+      if (req != nullptr) {
+        if (active) {
+          curl_multi_remove_handle(downloader.curlm, req);
+        }
+        curl_easy_cleanup(req);
+      }
+      if (requestHeaders != nullptr) {
+        curl_slist_free_all(requestHeaders);
+      }
+      try {
+        if (!done) {
+          fail(DownloadError(
+              Interrupted,
+              format("download of '%s' was interrupted") % request.uri));
+        }
+      } catch (...) {
+        ignoreException();
+      }
+    }
+    void failEx(const std::exception_ptr& ex) {
+      assert(!done);
+      done = true;
+      callback.rethrow(ex);
+    }
+    template <class T>
+    void fail(const T& e) {
+      failEx(std::make_exception_ptr(e));
+    }
+    LambdaSink finalSink;
+    std::shared_ptr<CompressionSink> decompressionSink;
+    std::exception_ptr writeException;
+    size_t writeCallback(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb) {
+      try {
+        size_t realSize = size * nmemb;
+        result.bodySize += realSize;
+        if (!decompressionSink) {
+          decompressionSink = makeDecompressionSink(encoding, finalSink);
+        }
+        (*decompressionSink)((unsigned char*)contents, realSize);
+        return realSize;
+      } catch (...) {
+        writeException = std::current_exception();
+        return 0;
+      }
+    }
+    static size_t writeCallbackWrapper(void* contents, size_t size,
+                                       size_t nmemb, void* userp) {
+      return ((DownloadItem*)userp)->writeCallback(contents, size, nmemb);
+    }
+    size_t headerCallback(void* contents, size_t size, size_t nmemb) {
+      size_t realSize = size * nmemb;
+      std::string line((char*)contents, realSize);
+      DLOG(INFO) << "got header for '" << request.uri << "': " << trim(line);
+      if (line.compare(0, 5, "HTTP/") == 0) {  // new response starts
+        result.etag = "";
+        auto ss = tokenizeString<vector<string>>(line, " ");
+        status = ss.size() >= 2 ? ss[1] : "";
+        result.data = std::make_shared<std::string>();
+        result.bodySize = 0;
+        acceptRanges = false;
+        encoding = "";
+      } else {
+        auto i = line.find(':');
+        if (i != string::npos) {
+          string name = toLower(trim(string(line, 0, i)));
+          if (name == "etag") {
+            result.etag = trim(string(line, i + 1));
+            /* Hack to work around a GitHub bug: it sends
+               ETags, but ignores If-None-Match. So if we get
+               the expected ETag on a 200 response, then shut
+               down the connection because we already have the
+               data. */
+            if (result.etag == request.expectedETag && status == "200") {
+              DLOG(INFO)
+                  << "shutting down on 200 HTTP response with expected ETag";
+              return 0;
+            }
+          } else if (name == "content-encoding") {
+            encoding = trim(string(line, i + 1));
+          } else if (name == "accept-ranges" &&
+                     toLower(trim(std::string(line, i + 1))) == "bytes") {
+            acceptRanges = true;
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      return realSize;
+    }
+    static size_t headerCallbackWrapper(void* contents, size_t size,
+                                        size_t nmemb, void* userp) {
+      return ((DownloadItem*)userp)->headerCallback(contents, size, nmemb);
+    }
+    static int progressCallback(double dltotal, double dlnow) {
+      try {
+        // TODO(tazjin): this had activity nonsense, clean it up
+      } catch (nix::Interrupted&) {
+        assert(_isInterrupted);
+      }
+      return static_cast<int>(_isInterrupted);
+    }
+    static int progressCallbackWrapper(void* userp, double dltotal,
+                                       double dlnow, double ultotal,
+                                       double ulnow) {
+      return ((DownloadItem*)userp)->progressCallback(dltotal, dlnow);
+    }
+    static int debugCallback(CURL* handle, curl_infotype type, char* data,
+                             size_t size, void* userptr) {
+      if (type == CURLINFO_TEXT) {
+        DLOG(INFO) << "curl: " << chomp(std::string(data, size));
+      }
+      return 0;
+    }
+    size_t readOffset = 0;
+    size_t readCallback(char* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems) {
+      if (readOffset == request.data->length()) {
+        return 0;
+      }
+      auto count = std::min(size * nitems, request.data->length() - readOffset);
+      assert(count);
+      memcpy(buffer, request.data->data() + readOffset, count);
+      readOffset += count;
+      return count;
+    }
+    static size_t readCallbackWrapper(char* buffer, size_t size, size_t nitems,
+                                      void* userp) {
+      return ((DownloadItem*)userp)->readCallback(buffer, size, nitems);
+    }
+    void init() {
+      if (req == nullptr) {
+        req = curl_easy_init();
+      }
+      curl_easy_reset(req);
+      // TODO(tazjin): Add an Abseil flag for this
+      // if (verbosity >= lvlVomit) {
+      //   curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1);
+      //   curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_DEBUGFUNCTION,
+      //                    DownloadItem::debugCallback);
+      // }
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_URL, request.uri.c_str());
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1L);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS, 10);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_NOSIGNAL, 1);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_USERAGENT,
+                       ("curl/" LIBCURL_VERSION " Nix/" + nixVersion +
+                        (downloadSettings.userAgentSuffix != ""
+                             ? " " + downloadSettings.userAgentSuffix.get()
+                             : ""))
+                           .c_str());
+#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x072b00
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_PIPEWAIT, 1);
+#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x072f00
+      if (downloadSettings.enableHttp2) {
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_2TLS);
+      } else {
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION, CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1);
+      }
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION,
+                       DownloadItem::writeCallbackWrapper);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, this);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION,
+                       DownloadItem::headerCallbackWrapper);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, this);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_PROGRESSFUNCTION, progressCallbackWrapper);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_PROGRESSDATA, this);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_NOPROGRESS, 0);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, requestHeaders);
+      if (request.head) {
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1);
+      }
+      if (request.data) {
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_UPLOAD, 1L);
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_READFUNCTION, readCallbackWrapper);
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_READDATA, this);
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_INFILESIZE_LARGE,
+                         (curl_off_t)request.data->length());
+      }
+      if (request.verifyTLS) {
+        if (!settings.caFile.empty()) {
+          curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_CAINFO, settings.caFile.c_str());
+        }
+      } else {
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, 0);
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 0);
+      }
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT,
+                       downloadSettings.connectTimeout.get());
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_LIMIT, 1L);
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_LOW_SPEED_TIME,
+                       downloadSettings.stalledDownloadTimeout.get());
+      /* If no file exist in the specified path, curl continues to work
+         anyway as if netrc support was disabled. */
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_NETRC_FILE,
+                       settings.netrcFile.get().c_str());
+      curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_NETRC, CURL_NETRC_OPTIONAL);
+      if (writtenToSink != 0) {
+        curl_easy_setopt(req, CURLOPT_RESUME_FROM_LARGE, writtenToSink);
+      }
+      result.data = std::make_shared<std::string>();
+      result.bodySize = 0;
+    }
+    void finish(CURLcode code) {
+      long httpStatus = 0;
+      curl_easy_getinfo(req, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &httpStatus);
+      char* effectiveUriCStr;
+      curl_easy_getinfo(req, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL, &effectiveUriCStr);
+      if (effectiveUriCStr != nullptr) {
+        result.effectiveUri = effectiveUriCStr;
+      }
+      DLOG(INFO) << "finished " << request.verb() << " of " << request.uri
+                 << "; curl status = " << code
+                 << ", HTTP status = " << httpStatus
+                 << ", body = " << result.bodySize << " bytes";
+      if (decompressionSink) {
+        try {
+          decompressionSink->finish();
+        } catch (...) {
+          writeException = std::current_exception();
+        }
+      }
+      if (code == CURLE_WRITE_ERROR && result.etag == request.expectedETag) {
+        code = CURLE_OK;
+        httpStatus = 304;
+      }
+      if (writeException) {
+        failEx(writeException);
+      } else if (code == CURLE_OK &&
+                 (httpStatus == 200 || httpStatus == 201 || httpStatus == 204 ||
+                  httpStatus == 206 || httpStatus == 304 ||
+                  httpStatus == 226 /* FTP */ ||
+                  httpStatus == 0 /* other protocol */)) {
+        result.cached = httpStatus == 304;
+        done = true;
+        callback(std::move(result));
+      }
+      else {
+        // We treat most errors as transient, but won't retry when hopeless
+        Error err = Transient;
+        if (httpStatus == 404 || httpStatus == 410 ||
+            code == CURLE_FILE_COULDNT_READ_FILE) {
+          // The file is definitely not there
+          err = NotFound;
+        } else if (httpStatus == 401 || httpStatus == 403 ||
+                   httpStatus == 407) {
+          // Don't retry on authentication/authorization failures
+          err = Forbidden;
+        } else if (httpStatus >= 400 && httpStatus < 500 && httpStatus != 408 &&
+                   httpStatus != 429) {
+          // Most 4xx errors are client errors and are probably not worth
+          // retrying:
+          //   * 408 means the server timed out waiting for us, so we try again
+          //   * 429 means too many requests, so we retry (with a delay)
+          err = Misc;
+        } else if (httpStatus == 501 || httpStatus == 505 ||
+                   httpStatus == 511) {
+          // Let's treat most 5xx (server) errors as transient, except for a
+          // handful:
+          //   * 501 not implemented
+          //   * 505 http version not supported
+          //   * 511 we're behind a captive portal
+          err = Misc;
+        } else {
+          // Don't bother retrying on certain cURL errors either
+          switch (code) {
+            case CURLE_FAILED_INIT:
+            case CURLE_URL_MALFORMAT:
+            case CURLE_NOT_BUILT_IN:
+            case CURLE_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND:
+            case CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK:
+            case CURLE_INTERFACE_FAILED:
+            case CURLE_UNKNOWN_OPTION:
+            case CURLE_SSL_CACERT_BADFILE:
+            case CURLE_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS:
+            case CURLE_WRITE_ERROR:
+              err = Misc;
+              break;
+            default:  // Shut up warnings
+              break;
+          }
+        }
+        attempt++;
+        auto exc =
+            code == CURLE_ABORTED_BY_CALLBACK && _isInterrupted
+                ? DownloadError(Interrupted, fmt("%s of '%s' was interrupted",
+                                                 request.verb(), request.uri))
+                : httpStatus != 0
+                      ? DownloadError(
+                            err, fmt("unable to %s '%s': HTTP error %d",
+                                     request.verb(), request.uri, httpStatus) +
+                                     (code == CURLE_OK
+                                          ? ""
+                                          : fmt(" (curl error: %s)",
+                                                curl_easy_strerror(code))))
+                      : DownloadError(err, fmt("unable to %s '%s': %s (%d)",
+                                               request.verb(), request.uri,
+                                               curl_easy_strerror(code), code));
+        /* If this is a transient error, then maybe retry the
+           download after a while. If we're writing to a
+           sink, we can only retry if the server supports
+           ranged requests. */
+        if (err == Transient && attempt < request.tries &&
+            (!this->request.dataCallback || writtenToSink == 0 ||
+             (acceptRanges && encoding.empty()))) {
+          int ms = request.baseRetryTimeMs *
+                   std::pow(2.0F, attempt - 1 +
+                                      std::uniform_real_distribution<>(
+                                          0.0, 0.5)(downloader.mt19937));
+          if (writtenToSink != 0) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << exc.what() << "; retrying from offset "
+                         << writtenToSink << " in " << ms << "ms";
+          } else {
+            LOG(WARNING) << exc.what() << "; retrying in " << ms << "ms";
+          }
+          embargo =
+              std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::milliseconds(ms);
+          downloader.enqueueItem(shared_from_this());
+        } else {
+          fail(exc);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  struct State {
+    struct EmbargoComparator {
+      bool operator()(const std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>& i1,
+                      const std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>& i2) {
+        return i1->embargo > i2->embargo;
+      }
+    };
+    bool quit = false;
+    std::priority_queue<std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>,
+                        std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>>,
+                        EmbargoComparator>
+        incoming;
+  };
+  Sync<State> state_;
+  /* We can't use a std::condition_variable to wake up the curl
+     thread, because it only monitors file descriptors. So use a
+     pipe instead. */
+  Pipe wakeupPipe;
+  std::thread workerThread;
+  CurlDownloader() : mt19937(rd()) {
+    static std::once_flag globalInit;
+    std::call_once(globalInit, curl_global_init, CURL_GLOBAL_ALL);
+    curlm = curl_multi_init();
+#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x072b00  // Multiplex requires >= 7.43.0
+    curl_multi_setopt(curlm, CURLMOPT_PIPELINING, CURLPIPE_MULTIPLEX);
+#if LIBCURL_VERSION_NUM >= 0x071e00  // Max connections requires >= 7.30.0
+    curl_multi_setopt(curlm, CURLMOPT_MAX_TOTAL_CONNECTIONS,
+                      downloadSettings.httpConnections.get());
+    wakeupPipe.create();
+    fcntl(wakeupPipe.readSide.get(), F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);
+    workerThread = std::thread([&]() { workerThreadEntry(); });
+  }
+  ~CurlDownloader() override {
+    stopWorkerThread();
+    workerThread.join();
+    if (curlm != nullptr) {
+      curl_multi_cleanup(curlm);
+    }
+  }
+  void stopWorkerThread() {
+    /* Signal the worker thread to exit. */
+    {
+      auto state(state_.lock());
+      state->quit = true;
+    }
+    writeFull(wakeupPipe.writeSide.get(), " ", false);
+  }
+  void workerThreadMain() {
+    /* Cause this thread to be notified on SIGINT. */
+    auto callback = createInterruptCallback([&]() { stopWorkerThread(); });
+    std::map<CURL*, std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>> items;
+    bool quit = false;
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point nextWakeup;
+    while (!quit) {
+      checkInterrupt();
+      /* Let curl do its thing. */
+      int running;
+      CURLMcode mc = curl_multi_perform(curlm, &running);
+      if (mc != CURLM_OK) {
+        throw nix::Error(
+            format("unexpected error from curl_multi_perform(): %s") %
+            curl_multi_strerror(mc));
+      }
+      /* Set the promises of any finished requests. */
+      CURLMsg* msg;
+      int left;
+      while ((msg = curl_multi_info_read(curlm, &left)) != nullptr) {
+        if (msg->msg == CURLMSG_DONE) {
+          auto i = items.find(msg->easy_handle);
+          assert(i != items.end());
+          i->second->finish(msg->data.result);
+          curl_multi_remove_handle(curlm, i->second->req);
+          i->second->active = false;
+          items.erase(i);
+        }
+      }
+      /* Wait for activity, including wakeup events. */
+      int numfds = 0;
+      struct curl_waitfd extraFDs[1];
+      extraFDs[0].fd = wakeupPipe.readSide.get();
+      extraFDs[0].events = CURL_WAIT_POLLIN;
+      extraFDs[0].revents = 0;
+      long maxSleepTimeMs = items.empty() ? 10000 : 100;
+      auto sleepTimeMs =
+          nextWakeup != std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point()
+              ? std::max(
+                    0,
+                    (int)std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(
+                        nextWakeup - std::chrono::steady_clock::now())
+                        .count())
+              : maxSleepTimeMs;
+      DLOG(INFO) << "download thread waiting for " << sleepTimeMs << " ms";
+      mc = curl_multi_wait(curlm, extraFDs, 1, sleepTimeMs, &numfds);
+      if (mc != CURLM_OK) {
+        throw nix::Error(format("unexpected error from curl_multi_wait(): %s") %
+                         curl_multi_strerror(mc));
+      }
+      nextWakeup = std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point();
+      /* Add new curl requests from the incoming requests queue,
+         except for requests that are embargoed (waiting for a
+         retry timeout to expire). */
+      if ((extraFDs[0].revents & CURL_WAIT_POLLIN) != 0) {
+        char buf[1024];
+        auto res = read(extraFDs[0].fd, buf, sizeof(buf));
+        if (res == -1 && errno != EINTR) {
+          throw SysError("reading curl wakeup socket");
+        }
+      }
+      std::vector<std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>> incoming;
+      auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+      {
+        auto state(state_.lock());
+        while (!state->incoming.empty()) {
+          auto item = state->incoming.top();
+          if (item->embargo <= now) {
+            incoming.push_back(item);
+            state->incoming.pop();
+          } else {
+            if (nextWakeup == std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point() ||
+                item->embargo < nextWakeup) {
+              nextWakeup = item->embargo;
+            }
+            break;
+          }
+        }
+        quit = state->quit;
+      }
+      for (auto& item : incoming) {
+        DLOG(INFO) << "starting " << item->request.verb() << " of "
+                   << item->request.uri;
+        item->init();
+        curl_multi_add_handle(curlm, item->req);
+        item->active = true;
+        items[item->req] = item;
+      }
+    }
+    DLOG(INFO) << "download thread shutting down";
+  }
+  void workerThreadEntry() {
+    try {
+      workerThreadMain();
+    } catch (nix::Interrupted& e) {
+    } catch (std::exception& e) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "unexpected error in download thread: " << e.what();
+    }
+    {
+      auto state(state_.lock());
+      while (!state->incoming.empty()) {
+        state->incoming.pop();
+      }
+      state->quit = true;
+    }
+  }
+  void enqueueItem(const std::shared_ptr<DownloadItem>& item) {
+    if (item->request.data && !hasPrefix(item->request.uri, "http://") &&
+        !hasPrefix(item->request.uri, "https://")) {
+      throw nix::Error("uploading to '%s' is not supported", item->request.uri);
+    }
+    {
+      auto state(state_.lock());
+      if (state->quit) {
+        throw nix::Error(
+            "cannot enqueue download request because the download thread is "
+            "shutting down");
+      }
+      state->incoming.push(item);
+    }
+    writeFull(wakeupPipe.writeSide.get(), " ");
+  }
+#ifdef ENABLE_S3
+  std::tuple<std::string, std::string, Store::Params> parseS3Uri(
+      std::string uri) {
+    auto [path, params] = splitUriAndParams(uri);
+    auto slash = path.find('/', 5);  // 5 is the length of "s3://" prefix
+    if (slash == std::string::npos) {
+      throw nix::Error("bad S3 URI '%s'", path);
+    }
+    std::string bucketName(path, 5, slash - 5);
+    std::string key(path, slash + 1);
+    return {bucketName, key, params};
+  }
+  void enqueueDownload(const DownloadRequest& request,
+                       Callback<DownloadResult> callback) override {
+    /* Ugly hack to support s3:// URIs. */
+    if (hasPrefix(request.uri, "s3://")) {
+      // FIXME: do this on a worker thread
+      try {
+#ifdef ENABLE_S3
+        auto [bucketName, key, params] = parseS3Uri(request.uri);
+        std::string profile = get(params, "profile", "");
+        std::string region = get(params, "region", Aws::Region::US_EAST_1);
+        std::string scheme = get(params, "scheme", "");
+        std::string endpoint = get(params, "endpoint", "");
+        S3Helper s3Helper(profile, region, scheme, endpoint);
+        // FIXME: implement ETag
+        auto s3Res = s3Helper.getObject(bucketName, key);
+        DownloadResult res;
+        if (!s3Res.data)
+          throw DownloadError(
+              NotFound, fmt("S3 object '%s' does not exist", request.uri));
+        res.data = s3Res.data;
+        callback(std::move(res));
+        throw nix::Error(
+            "cannot download '%s' because Nix is not built with S3 support",
+            request.uri);
+      } catch (...) {
+        callback.rethrow();
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    enqueueItem(
+        std::make_shared<DownloadItem>(*this, request, std::move(callback)));
+  }
+ref<Downloader> getDownloader() {
+  static ref<Downloader> downloader = makeDownloader();
+  return downloader;
+ref<Downloader> makeDownloader() { return make_ref<CurlDownloader>(); }
+std::future<DownloadResult> Downloader::enqueueDownload(
+    const DownloadRequest& request) {
+  auto promise = std::make_shared<std::promise<DownloadResult>>();
+  enqueueDownload(request, {[promise](std::future<DownloadResult> fut) {
+                    try {
+                      promise->set_value(fut.get());
+                    } catch (...) {
+                      promise->set_exception(std::current_exception());
+                    }
+                  }});
+  return promise->get_future();
+DownloadResult Downloader::download(const DownloadRequest& request) {
+  return enqueueDownload(request).get();
+void Downloader::download(DownloadRequest&& request, Sink& sink) {
+  /* Note: we can't call 'sink' via request.dataCallback, because
+     that would cause the sink to execute on the downloader
+     thread. If 'sink' is a coroutine, this will fail. Also, if the
+     sink is expensive (e.g. one that does decompression and writing
+     to the Nix store), it would stall the download thread too much.
+     Therefore we use a buffer to communicate data between the
+     download thread and the calling thread. */
+  struct State {
+    bool quit = false;
+    std::exception_ptr exc;
+    std::string data;
+    std::condition_variable avail, request;
+  };
+  auto _state = std::make_shared<Sync<State>>();
+  /* In case of an exception, wake up the download thread. FIXME:
+     abort the download request. */
+  Finally finally([&]() {
+    auto state(_state->lock());
+    state->quit = true;
+    state->request.notify_one();
+  });
+  request.dataCallback = [_state](char* buf, size_t len) {
+    auto state(_state->lock());
+    if (state->quit) {
+      return;
+    }
+    /* If the buffer is full, then go to sleep until the calling
+       thread wakes us up (i.e. when it has removed data from the
+       buffer). We don't wait forever to prevent stalling the
+       download thread. (Hopefully sleeping will throttle the
+       sender.) */
+    if (state->data.size() > 1024 * 1024) {
+      DLOG(INFO) << "download buffer is full; going to sleep";
+      state.wait_for(state->request, std::chrono::seconds(10));
+    }
+    /* Append data to the buffer and wake up the calling
+       thread. */
+    state->data.append(buf, len);
+    state->avail.notify_one();
+  };
+  enqueueDownload(request, {[_state](std::future<DownloadResult> fut) {
+                    auto state(_state->lock());
+                    state->quit = true;
+                    try {
+                      fut.get();
+                    } catch (...) {
+                      state->exc = std::current_exception();
+                    }
+                    state->avail.notify_one();
+                    state->request.notify_one();
+                  }});
+  while (true) {
+    checkInterrupt();
+    std::string chunk;
+    /* Grab data if available, otherwise wait for the download
+       thread to wake us up. */
+    {
+      auto state(_state->lock());
+      while (state->data.empty()) {
+        if (state->quit) {
+          if (state->exc) {
+            std::rethrow_exception(state->exc);
+          }
+          return;
+        }
+        state.wait(state->avail);
+      }
+      chunk = std::move(state->data);
+      state->request.notify_one();
+    }
+    /* Flush the data to the sink and wake up the download thread
+       if it's blocked on a full buffer. We don't hold the state
+       lock while doing this to prevent blocking the download
+       thread if sink() takes a long time. */
+    sink((unsigned char*)chunk.data(), chunk.size());
+  }
+CachedDownloadResult Downloader::downloadCached(
+    const ref<Store>& store, const CachedDownloadRequest& request) {
+  auto url = resolveUri(request.uri);
+  auto name = request.name;
+  if (name.empty()) {
+    auto p = url.rfind('/');
+    if (p != string::npos) {
+      name = string(url, p + 1);
+    }
+  }
+  Path expectedStorePath;
+  if (request.expectedHash) {
+    expectedStorePath =
+        store->makeFixedOutputPath(request.unpack, request.expectedHash, name);
+    if (store->isValidPath(expectedStorePath)) {
+      CachedDownloadResult result;
+      result.storePath = expectedStorePath;
+      result.path = store->toRealPath(expectedStorePath);
+      return result;
+    }
+  }
+  Path cacheDir = getCacheDir() + "/nix/tarballs";
+  createDirs(cacheDir);
+  string urlHash = hashString(htSHA256, name + std::string("\0"s) + url)
+                       .to_string(Base32, false);
+  Path dataFile = cacheDir + "/" + urlHash + ".info";
+  Path fileLink = cacheDir + "/" + urlHash + "-file";
+  PathLocks lock({fileLink}, fmt("waiting for lock on '%1%'...", fileLink));
+  Path storePath;
+  string expectedETag;
+  bool skip = false;
+  CachedDownloadResult result;
+  if (pathExists(fileLink) && pathExists(dataFile)) {
+    storePath = readLink(fileLink);
+    store->addTempRoot(storePath);
+    if (store->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+      auto ss = tokenizeString<vector<string>>(readFile(dataFile), "\n");
+      if (ss.size() >= 3 && ss[0] == url) {
+        time_t lastChecked;
+        if (string2Int(ss[2], lastChecked) &&
+            (uint64_t)lastChecked + request.ttl >= (uint64_t)time(nullptr)) {
+          skip = true;
+          result.effectiveUri = request.uri;
+          result.etag = ss[1];
+        } else if (!ss[1].empty()) {
+          DLOG(INFO) << "verifying previous ETag: " << ss[1];
+          expectedETag = ss[1];
+        }
+      }
+    } else {
+      storePath = "";
+    }
+  }
+  if (!skip) {
+    try {
+      DownloadRequest request2(url);
+      request2.expectedETag = expectedETag;
+      auto res = download(request2);
+      result.effectiveUri = res.effectiveUri;
+      result.etag = res.etag;
+      if (!res.cached) {
+        ValidPathInfo info;
+        StringSink sink;
+        dumpString(*res.data, sink);
+        Hash hash = hashString(
+            request.expectedHash ? request.expectedHash.type : htSHA256,
+            *res.data);
+        info.path = store->makeFixedOutputPath(false, hash, name);
+        info.narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *sink.s);
+        info.narSize = sink.s->size();
+        info.ca = makeFixedOutputCA(false, hash);
+        store->addToStore(info, sink.s, NoRepair, NoCheckSigs);
+        storePath = info.path;
+      }
+      assert(!storePath.empty());
+      replaceSymlink(storePath, fileLink);
+      writeFile(dataFile, url + "\n" + res.etag + "\n" +
+                              std::to_string(time(nullptr)) + "\n");
+    } catch (DownloadError& e) {
+      if (storePath.empty()) {
+        throw;
+      }
+      LOG(WARNING) << e.msg() << "; using cached result";
+      result.etag = expectedETag;
+    }
+  }
+  if (request.unpack) {
+    Path unpackedLink = cacheDir + "/" + baseNameOf(storePath) + "-unpacked";
+    PathLocks lock2({unpackedLink},
+                    fmt("waiting for lock on '%1%'...", unpackedLink));
+    Path unpackedStorePath;
+    if (pathExists(unpackedLink)) {
+      unpackedStorePath = readLink(unpackedLink);
+      store->addTempRoot(unpackedStorePath);
+      if (!store->isValidPath(unpackedStorePath)) {
+        unpackedStorePath = "";
+      }
+    }
+    if (unpackedStorePath.empty()) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "unpacking '" << url << "' ...";
+      Path tmpDir = createTempDir();
+      AutoDelete autoDelete(tmpDir, true);
+      // FIXME: this requires GNU tar for decompression.
+      runProgram("tar", true,
+                 {"xf", store->toRealPath(storePath), "-C", tmpDir,
+                  "--strip-components", "1"});
+      unpackedStorePath = store->addToStore(name, tmpDir, true, htSHA256,
+                                            defaultPathFilter, NoRepair);
+    }
+    replaceSymlink(unpackedStorePath, unpackedLink);
+    storePath = unpackedStorePath;
+  }
+  if (!expectedStorePath.empty() && storePath != expectedStorePath) {
+    unsigned int statusCode = 102;
+    Hash gotHash =
+        request.unpack
+            ? hashPath(request.expectedHash.type, store->toRealPath(storePath))
+                  .first
+            : hashFile(request.expectedHash.type, store->toRealPath(storePath));
+    throw nix::Error(statusCode,
+                     "hash mismatch in file downloaded from '%s':\n  wanted: "
+                     "%s\n  got:    %s",
+                     url, request.expectedHash.to_string(),
+                     gotHash.to_string());
+  }
+  result.storePath = storePath;
+  result.path = store->toRealPath(storePath);
+  return result;
+bool isUri(const string& s) {
+  if (s.compare(0, 8, "channel:") == 0) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  size_t pos = s.find("://");
+  if (pos == string::npos) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  string scheme(s, 0, pos);
+  return scheme == "http" || scheme == "https" || scheme == "file" ||
+         scheme == "channel" || scheme == "git" || scheme == "s3" ||
+         scheme == "ssh";
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/download.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/download.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9ddbdfc15955
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/download.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <future>
+#include <string>
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct DownloadSettings : Config {
+  Setting<bool> enableHttp2{this, true, "http2",
+                            "Whether to enable HTTP/2 support."};
+  Setting<std::string> userAgentSuffix{
+      this, "", "user-agent-suffix",
+      "String appended to the user agent in HTTP requests."};
+  Setting<size_t> httpConnections{this,
+                                  25,
+                                  "http-connections",
+                                  "Number of parallel HTTP connections.",
+                                  {"binary-caches-parallel-connections"}};
+  Setting<unsigned long> connectTimeout{
+      this, 0, "connect-timeout",
+      "Timeout for connecting to servers during downloads. 0 means use curl's "
+      "builtin default."};
+  Setting<unsigned long> stalledDownloadTimeout{
+      this, 300, "stalled-download-timeout",
+      "Timeout (in seconds) for receiving data from servers during download. "
+      "Nix cancels idle downloads after this timeout's duration."};
+  Setting<unsigned int> tries{
+      this, 5, "download-attempts",
+      "How often Nix will attempt to download a file before giving up."};
+extern DownloadSettings downloadSettings;
+struct DownloadRequest {
+  std::string uri;
+  std::string expectedETag;
+  bool verifyTLS = true;
+  bool head = false;
+  size_t tries = downloadSettings.tries;
+  unsigned int baseRetryTimeMs = 250;
+  bool decompress = true;
+  std::shared_ptr<std::string> data;
+  std::string mimeType;
+  std::function<void(char*, size_t)> dataCallback;
+  DownloadRequest(const std::string& uri) : uri(uri) {}
+  std::string verb() { return data ? "upload" : "download"; }
+struct DownloadResult {
+  bool cached = false;
+  std::string etag;
+  std::string effectiveUri;
+  std::shared_ptr<std::string> data;
+  uint64_t bodySize = 0;
+struct CachedDownloadRequest {
+  std::string uri;
+  bool unpack = false;
+  std::string name;
+  Hash expectedHash;
+  unsigned int ttl = settings.tarballTtl;
+  CachedDownloadRequest(const std::string& uri) : uri(uri) {}
+struct CachedDownloadResult {
+  // Note: 'storePath' may be different from 'path' when using a
+  // chroot store.
+  Path storePath;
+  Path path;
+  std::optional<std::string> etag;
+  std::string effectiveUri;
+class Store;
+struct Downloader {
+  virtual ~Downloader() {}
+  /* Enqueue a download request, returning a future to the result of
+     the download. The future may throw a DownloadError
+     exception. */
+  virtual void enqueueDownload(const DownloadRequest& request,
+                               Callback<DownloadResult> callback) = 0;
+  std::future<DownloadResult> enqueueDownload(const DownloadRequest& request);
+  /* Synchronously download a file. */
+  DownloadResult download(const DownloadRequest& request);
+  /* Download a file, writing its data to a sink. The sink will be
+     invoked on the thread of the caller. */
+  void download(DownloadRequest&& request, Sink& sink);
+  /* Check if the specified file is already in ~/.cache/nix/tarballs
+     and is more recent than ‘tarball-ttl’ seconds. Otherwise,
+     use the recorded ETag to verify if the server has a more
+     recent version, and if so, download it to the Nix store. */
+  CachedDownloadResult downloadCached(const ref<Store>& store,
+                                      const CachedDownloadRequest& request);
+  enum Error { NotFound, Forbidden, Misc, Transient, Interrupted };
+/* Return a shared Downloader object. Using this object is preferred
+   because it enables connection reuse and HTTP/2 multiplexing. */
+ref<Downloader> getDownloader();
+/* Return a new Downloader object. */
+ref<Downloader> makeDownloader();
+class DownloadError : public Error {
+ public:
+  Downloader::Error error;
+  DownloadError(Downloader::Error error, const FormatOrString& fs)
+      : Error(fs), error(error) {}
+bool isUri(const string& s);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/export-import.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/export-import.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..077b0d539001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/export-import.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct HashAndWriteSink : Sink {
+  Sink& writeSink;
+  HashSink hashSink;
+  explicit HashAndWriteSink(Sink& writeSink)
+      : writeSink(writeSink), hashSink(htSHA256) {}
+  void operator()(const unsigned char* data, size_t len) override {
+    writeSink(data, len);
+    hashSink(data, len);
+  }
+  Hash currentHash() { return hashSink.currentHash().first; }
+void Store::exportPaths(const Paths& paths, Sink& sink) {
+  Paths sorted = topoSortPaths(PathSet(paths.begin(), paths.end()));
+  std::reverse(sorted.begin(), sorted.end());
+  std::string doneLabel("paths exported");
+  // logger->incExpected(doneLabel, sorted.size());
+  for (auto& path : sorted) {
+    // Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, format("exporting path '%s'") % path);
+    sink << 1;
+    exportPath(path, sink);
+    // logger->incProgress(doneLabel);
+  }
+  sink << 0;
+void Store::exportPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) {
+  auto info = queryPathInfo(path);
+  HashAndWriteSink hashAndWriteSink(sink);
+  narFromPath(path, hashAndWriteSink);
+  /* Refuse to export paths that have changed.  This prevents
+     filesystem corruption from spreading to other machines.
+     Don't complain if the stored hash is zero (unknown). */
+  Hash hash = hashAndWriteSink.currentHash();
+  if (hash != info->narHash && info->narHash != Hash(info->narHash.type)) {
+    throw Error(format("hash of path '%1%' has changed from '%2%' to '%3%'!") %
+                path % info->narHash.to_string() % hash.to_string());
+  }
+  hashAndWriteSink << exportMagic << path << info->references << info->deriver
+                   << 0;
+Paths Store::importPaths(Source& source,
+                         const std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor>& accessor,
+                         CheckSigsFlag checkSigs) {
+  Paths res;
+  while (true) {
+    auto n = readNum<uint64_t>(source);
+    if (n == 0) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (n != 1) {
+      throw Error(
+          "input doesn't look like something created by 'nix-store --export'");
+    }
+    /* Extract the NAR from the source. */
+    TeeSink tee(source);
+    parseDump(tee, tee.source);
+    uint32_t magic = readInt(source);
+    if (magic != exportMagic) {
+      throw Error("Nix archive cannot be imported; wrong format");
+    }
+    ValidPathInfo info;
+    info.path = readStorePath(*this, source);
+    // Activity act(*logger, lvlInfo, format("importing path '%s'") %
+    // info.path);
+    info.references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, source);
+    info.deriver = readString(source);
+    if (!info.deriver.empty()) {
+      assertStorePath(info.deriver);
+    }
+    info.narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *tee.source.data);
+    info.narSize = tee.source.data->size();
+    // Ignore optional legacy signature.
+    if (readInt(source) == 1) {
+      readString(source);
+    }
+    addToStore(info, tee.source.data, NoRepair, checkSigs, accessor);
+    res.push_back(info.path);
+  }
+  return res;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/fs-accessor.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/fs-accessor.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad0d7f0ed9fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/fs-accessor.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+/* An abstract class for accessing a filesystem-like structure, such
+   as a (possibly remote) Nix store or the contents of a NAR file. */
+class FSAccessor {
+ public:
+  enum Type { tMissing, tRegular, tSymlink, tDirectory };
+  struct Stat {
+    Type type = tMissing;
+    uint64_t fileSize = 0;      // regular files only
+    bool isExecutable = false;  // regular files only
+    uint64_t narOffset = 0;     // regular files only
+  };
+  virtual ~FSAccessor() {}
+  virtual Stat stat(const Path& path) = 0;
+  virtual StringSet readDirectory(const Path& path) = 0;
+  virtual std::string readFile(const Path& path) = 0;
+  virtual std::string readLink(const Path& path) = 0;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/gc.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/gc.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc3393265e48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/gc.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1013 @@
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <climits>
+#include <functional>
+#include <queue>
+#include <random>
+#include <regex>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "finally.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
+#include "local-store.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static string gcLockName = "gc.lock";
+static string gcRootsDir = "gcroots";
+/* Acquire the global GC lock.  This is used to prevent new Nix
+   processes from starting after the temporary root files have been
+   read.  To be precise: when they try to create a new temporary root
+   file, they will block until the garbage collector has finished /
+   yielded the GC lock. */
+AutoCloseFD LocalStore::openGCLock(LockType lockType) {
+  Path fnGCLock = (format("%1%/%2%") % stateDir % gcLockName).str();
+  DLOG(INFO) << "acquiring global GC lock " << fnGCLock;
+  AutoCloseFD fdGCLock =
+      open(fnGCLock.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600);
+  if (!fdGCLock) {
+    throw SysError(format("opening global GC lock '%1%'") % fnGCLock);
+  }
+  if (!lockFile(fdGCLock.get(), lockType, false)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "waiting for the big garbage collector lock...";
+    lockFile(fdGCLock.get(), lockType, true);
+  }
+  /* !!! Restrict read permission on the GC root.  Otherwise any
+     process that can open the file for reading can DoS the
+     collector. */
+  return fdGCLock;
+static void makeSymlink(const Path& link, const Path& target) {
+  /* Create directories up to `gcRoot'. */
+  createDirs(dirOf(link));
+  /* Create the new symlink. */
+  Path tempLink =
+      (format("%1%.tmp-%2%-%3%") % link % getpid() % random()).str();
+  createSymlink(target, tempLink);
+  /* Atomically replace the old one. */
+  if (rename(tempLink.c_str(), link.c_str()) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("cannot rename '%1%' to '%2%'") % tempLink % link);
+  }
+void LocalStore::syncWithGC() { AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltRead); }
+void LocalStore::addIndirectRoot(const Path& path) {
+  string hash = hashString(htSHA1, path).to_string(Base32, false);
+  Path realRoot = canonPath(
+      (format("%1%/%2%/auto/%3%") % stateDir % gcRootsDir % hash).str());
+  makeSymlink(realRoot, path);
+Path LocalFSStore::addPermRoot(const Path& _storePath, const Path& _gcRoot,
+                               bool indirect, bool allowOutsideRootsDir) {
+  Path storePath(canonPath(_storePath));
+  Path gcRoot(canonPath(_gcRoot));
+  assertStorePath(storePath);
+  if (isInStore(gcRoot)) {
+    throw Error(format("creating a garbage collector root (%1%) in the Nix "
+                       "store is forbidden "
+                       "(are you running nix-build inside the store?)") %
+                gcRoot);
+  }
+  if (indirect) {
+    /* Don't clobber the link if it already exists and doesn't
+       point to the Nix store. */
+    if (pathExists(gcRoot) &&
+        (!isLink(gcRoot) || !isInStore(readLink(gcRoot)))) {
+      throw Error(format("cannot create symlink '%1%'; already exists") %
+                  gcRoot);
+    }
+    makeSymlink(gcRoot, storePath);
+    addIndirectRoot(gcRoot);
+  }
+  else {
+    if (!allowOutsideRootsDir) {
+      Path rootsDir =
+          canonPath((format("%1%/%2%") % stateDir % gcRootsDir).str());
+      if (string(gcRoot, 0, rootsDir.size() + 1) != rootsDir + "/") {
+        throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not a valid garbage collector root; "
+                           "it's not in the directory '%2%'") %
+                    gcRoot % rootsDir);
+      }
+    }
+    if (baseNameOf(gcRoot) == baseNameOf(storePath)) {
+      writeFile(gcRoot, "");
+    } else {
+      makeSymlink(gcRoot, storePath);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Check that the root can be found by the garbage collector.
+     !!! This can be very slow on machines that have many roots.
+     Instead of reading all the roots, it would be more efficient to
+     check if the root is in a directory in or linked from the
+     gcroots directory. */
+  if (settings.checkRootReachability) {
+    Roots roots = findRoots(false);
+    if (roots[storePath].count(gcRoot) == 0) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "warning: '" << gcRoot
+                 << "' is not in a directory where the garbage "
+                 << "collector looks for roots; therefore, '" << storePath
+                 << "' might be removed by the garbage collector";
+    }
+  }
+  /* Grab the global GC root, causing us to block while a GC is in
+     progress.  This prevents the set of permanent roots from
+     increasing while a GC is in progress. */
+  syncWithGC();
+  return gcRoot;
+void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const Path& path) {
+  auto state(_state.lock());
+  /* Create the temporary roots file for this process. */
+  if (!state->fdTempRoots) {
+    while (true) {
+      AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltRead);
+      if (pathExists(fnTempRoots)) {
+        /* It *must* be stale, since there can be no two
+           processes with the same pid. */
+        unlink(fnTempRoots.c_str());
+      }
+      state->fdTempRoots = openLockFile(fnTempRoots, true);
+      fdGCLock = -1;
+      DLOG(INFO) << "acquiring read lock on " << fnTempRoots;
+      lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltRead, true);
+      /* Check whether the garbage collector didn't get in our
+         way. */
+      struct stat st;
+      if (fstat(state->fdTempRoots.get(), &st) == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("statting '%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
+      }
+      if (st.st_size == 0) {
+        break;
+      }
+      /* The garbage collector deleted this file before we could
+         get a lock.  (It won't delete the file after we get a
+         lock.)  Try again. */
+    }
+  }
+  /* Upgrade the lock to a write lock.  This will cause us to block
+     if the garbage collector is holding our lock. */
+  DLOG(INFO) << "acquiring write lock on " << fnTempRoots;
+  lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltWrite, true);
+  string s = path + '\0';
+  writeFull(state->fdTempRoots.get(), s);
+  /* Downgrade to a read lock. */
+  DLOG(INFO) << "downgrading to read lock on " << fnTempRoots;
+  lockFile(state->fdTempRoots.get(), ltRead, true);
+static std::string censored = "{censored}";
+void LocalStore::findTempRoots(FDs& fds, Roots& tempRoots, bool censor) {
+  /* Read the `temproots' directory for per-process temporary root
+     files. */
+  for (auto& i : readDirectory(tempRootsDir)) {
+    Path path = tempRootsDir + "/" + i.name;
+    pid_t pid = std::stoi(i.name);
+    DLOG(INFO) << "reading temporary root file " << path;
+    FDPtr fd(new AutoCloseFD(open(path.c_str(), O_CLOEXEC | O_RDWR, 0666)));
+    if (!*fd) {
+      /* It's okay if the file has disappeared. */
+      if (errno == ENOENT) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      throw SysError(format("opening temporary roots file '%1%'") % path);
+    }
+    /* This should work, but doesn't, for some reason. */
+    // FDPtr fd(new AutoCloseFD(openLockFile(path, false)));
+    // if (*fd == -1) { continue; }
+    /* Try to acquire a write lock without blocking.  This can
+       only succeed if the owning process has died.  In that case
+       we don't care about its temporary roots. */
+    if (lockFile(fd->get(), ltWrite, false)) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "removing stale temporary roots file " << path;
+      unlink(path.c_str());
+      writeFull(fd->get(), "d");
+      continue;
+    }
+    /* Acquire a read lock.  This will prevent the owning process
+       from upgrading to a write lock, therefore it will block in
+       addTempRoot(). */
+    DLOG(INFO) << "waiting for read lock on " << path;
+    lockFile(fd->get(), ltRead, true);
+    /* Read the entire file. */
+    string contents = readFile(fd->get());
+    /* Extract the roots. */
+    string::size_type pos = 0;
+    string::size_type end;
+    while ((end = contents.find((char)0, pos)) != string::npos) {
+      Path root(contents, pos, end - pos);
+      DLOG(INFO) << "got temporary root " << root;
+      assertStorePath(root);
+      tempRoots[root].emplace(censor ? censored : fmt("{temp:%d}", pid));
+      pos = end + 1;
+    }
+    fds.push_back(fd); /* keep open */
+  }
+void LocalStore::findRoots(const Path& path, unsigned char type, Roots& roots) {
+  auto foundRoot = [&](const Path& path, const Path& target) {
+    Path storePath = toStorePath(target);
+    if (isStorePath(storePath) && isValidPath(storePath)) {
+      roots[storePath].emplace(path);
+    } else {
+      LOG(INFO) << "skipping invalid root from '" << path << "' to '"
+                << storePath << "'";
+    }
+  };
+  try {
+    if (type == DT_UNKNOWN) {
+      type = getFileType(path);
+    }
+    if (type == DT_DIR) {
+      for (auto& i : readDirectory(path)) {
+        findRoots(path + "/" + i.name, i.type, roots);
+      }
+    }
+    else if (type == DT_LNK) {
+      Path target = readLink(path);
+      if (isInStore(target)) {
+        foundRoot(path, target);
+      }
+      /* Handle indirect roots. */
+      else {
+        target = absPath(target, dirOf(path));
+        if (!pathExists(target)) {
+          if (isInDir(path, stateDir + "/" + gcRootsDir + "/auto")) {
+            LOG(INFO) << "removing stale link from '" << path << "' to '"
+                      << target << "'";
+            unlink(path.c_str());
+          }
+        } else {
+          struct stat st2 = lstat(target);
+          if (!S_ISLNK(st2.st_mode)) {
+            return;
+          }
+          Path target2 = readLink(target);
+          if (isInStore(target2)) {
+            foundRoot(target, target2);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    else if (type == DT_REG) {
+      Path storePath = storeDir + "/" + baseNameOf(path);
+      if (isStorePath(storePath) && isValidPath(storePath)) {
+        roots[storePath].emplace(path);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  catch (SysError& e) {
+    /* We only ignore permanent failures. */
+    if (e.errNo == EACCES || e.errNo == ENOENT || e.errNo == ENOTDIR) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "cannot read potential root '" << path << "'";
+    } else {
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+void LocalStore::findRootsNoTemp(Roots& roots, bool censor) {
+  /* Process direct roots in {gcroots,profiles}. */
+  findRoots(stateDir + "/" + gcRootsDir, DT_UNKNOWN, roots);
+  findRoots(stateDir + "/profiles", DT_UNKNOWN, roots);
+  /* Add additional roots returned by different platforms-specific
+     heuristics.  This is typically used to add running programs to
+     the set of roots (to prevent them from being garbage collected). */
+  findRuntimeRoots(roots, censor);
+Roots LocalStore::findRoots(bool censor) {
+  Roots roots;
+  findRootsNoTemp(roots, censor);
+  FDs fds;
+  findTempRoots(fds, roots, censor);
+  return roots;
+static void readProcLink(const string& file, Roots& roots) {
+  /* 64 is the starting buffer size gnu readlink uses... */
+  auto bufsiz = ssize_t{64};
+  char buf[bufsiz];
+  auto res = readlink(file.c_str(), buf, bufsiz);
+  if (res == -1) {
+    if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EACCES || errno == ESRCH) {
+      return;
+    }
+    throw SysError("reading symlink");
+  }
+  if (res == bufsiz) {
+    if (SSIZE_MAX / 2 < bufsiz) {
+      throw Error("stupidly long symlink");
+    }
+    bufsiz *= 2;
+    goto try_again;
+  }
+  if (res > 0 && buf[0] == '/') {
+    roots[std::string(static_cast<char*>(buf), res)].emplace(file);
+  }
+static string quoteRegexChars(const string& raw) {
+  static auto specialRegex = std::regex(R"([.^$\\*+?()\[\]{}|])");
+  return std::regex_replace(raw, specialRegex, R"(\$&)");
+static void readFileRoots(const char* path, Roots& roots) {
+  try {
+    roots[readFile(path)].emplace(path);
+  } catch (SysError& e) {
+    if (e.errNo != ENOENT && e.errNo != EACCES) {
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+void LocalStore::findRuntimeRoots(Roots& roots, bool censor) {
+  Roots unchecked;
+  auto procDir = AutoCloseDir{opendir("/proc")};
+  if (procDir) {
+    struct dirent* ent;
+    auto digitsRegex = std::regex(R"(^\d+$)");
+    auto mapRegex =
+        std::regex(R"(^\s*\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+\S+\s+(/\S+)\s*$)");
+    auto storePathRegex = std::regex(quoteRegexChars(storeDir) +
+                                     R"(/[0-9a-z]+[0-9a-zA-Z\+\-\._\?=]*)");
+    while (errno = 0, ent = readdir(procDir.get())) {
+      checkInterrupt();
+      if (std::regex_match(ent->d_name, digitsRegex)) {
+        readProcLink(fmt("/proc/%s/exe", ent->d_name), unchecked);
+        readProcLink(fmt("/proc/%s/cwd", ent->d_name), unchecked);
+        auto fdStr = fmt("/proc/%s/fd", ent->d_name);
+        auto fdDir = AutoCloseDir(opendir(fdStr.c_str()));
+        if (!fdDir) {
+          if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EACCES) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          throw SysError(format("opening %1%") % fdStr);
+        }
+        struct dirent* fd_ent;
+        while (errno = 0, fd_ent = readdir(fdDir.get())) {
+          if (fd_ent->d_name[0] != '.') {
+            readProcLink(fmt("%s/%s", fdStr, fd_ent->d_name), unchecked);
+          }
+        }
+        if (errno) {
+          if (errno == ESRCH) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          throw SysError(format("iterating /proc/%1%/fd") % ent->d_name);
+        }
+        fdDir.reset();
+        try {
+          auto mapFile = fmt("/proc/%s/maps", ent->d_name);
+          auto mapLines = tokenizeString<std::vector<string>>(
+              readFile(mapFile, true), "\n");
+          for (const auto& line : mapLines) {
+            auto match = std::smatch{};
+            if (std::regex_match(line, match, mapRegex)) {
+              unchecked[match[1]].emplace(mapFile);
+            }
+          }
+          auto envFile = fmt("/proc/%s/environ", ent->d_name);
+          auto envString = readFile(envFile, true);
+          auto env_end = std::sregex_iterator{};
+          for (auto i = std::sregex_iterator{envString.begin(), envString.end(),
+                                             storePathRegex};
+               i != env_end; ++i) {
+            unchecked[i->str()].emplace(envFile);
+          }
+        } catch (SysError& e) {
+          if (errno == ENOENT || errno == EACCES || errno == ESRCH) {
+            continue;
+          }
+          throw;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (errno) {
+      throw SysError("iterating /proc");
+    }
+  }
+#if !defined(__linux__)
+  // lsof is really slow on OS X. This actually causes the gc-concurrent.sh test
+  // to fail. See: https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/3011 Because of this we
+  // disable lsof when running the tests.
+  if (getEnv("_NIX_TEST_NO_LSOF") == "") {
+    try {
+      std::regex lsofRegex(R"(^n(/.*)$)");
+      auto lsofLines = tokenizeString<std::vector<string>>(
+          runProgram(LSOF, true, {"-n", "-w", "-F", "n"}), "\n");
+      for (const auto& line : lsofLines) {
+        std::smatch match;
+        if (std::regex_match(line, match, lsofRegex))
+          unchecked[match[1]].emplace("{lsof}");
+      }
+    } catch (ExecError& e) {
+      /* lsof not installed, lsof failed */
+    }
+  }
+#if defined(__linux__)
+  readFileRoots("/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe", unchecked);
+  readFileRoots("/proc/sys/kernel/fbsplash", unchecked);
+  readFileRoots("/proc/sys/kernel/poweroff_cmd", unchecked);
+  for (auto& [target, links] : unchecked) {
+    if (isInStore(target)) {
+      Path path = toStorePath(target);
+      if (isStorePath(path) && isValidPath(path)) {
+        DLOG(INFO) << "got additional root " << path;
+        if (censor) {
+          roots[path].insert(censored);
+        } else {
+          roots[path].insert(links.begin(), links.end());
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+struct GCLimitReached {};
+struct LocalStore::GCState {
+  GCOptions options;
+  GCResults& results;
+  PathSet roots;
+  PathSet tempRoots;
+  PathSet dead;
+  PathSet alive;
+  bool gcKeepOutputs;
+  bool gcKeepDerivations;
+  unsigned long long bytesInvalidated;
+  bool moveToTrash = true;
+  bool shouldDelete;
+  explicit GCState(GCResults& results_)
+      : results(results_), bytesInvalidated(0) {}
+bool LocalStore::isActiveTempFile(const GCState& state, const Path& path,
+                                  const string& suffix) {
+  return hasSuffix(path, suffix) &&
+         state.tempRoots.find(string(path, 0, path.size() - suffix.size())) !=
+             state.tempRoots.end();
+void LocalStore::deleteGarbage(GCState& state, const Path& path) {
+  unsigned long long bytesFreed;
+  deletePath(path, bytesFreed);
+  state.results.bytesFreed += bytesFreed;
+void LocalStore::deletePathRecursive(GCState& state, const Path& path) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+  unsigned long long size = 0;
+  if (isStorePath(path) && isValidPath(path)) {
+    PathSet referrers;
+    queryReferrers(path, referrers);
+    for (auto& i : referrers) {
+      if (i != path) {
+        deletePathRecursive(state, i);
+      }
+    }
+    size = queryPathInfo(path)->narSize;
+    invalidatePathChecked(path);
+  }
+  Path realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(path);
+  struct stat st;
+  if (lstat(realPath.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+    if (errno == ENOENT) {
+      return;
+    }
+    throw SysError(format("getting status of %1%") % realPath);
+  }
+  LOG(INFO) << "deleting '" << path << "'";
+  state.results.paths.insert(path);
+  /* If the path is not a regular file or symlink, move it to the
+     trash directory.  The move is to ensure that later (when we're
+     not holding the global GC lock) we can delete the path without
+     being afraid that the path has become alive again.  Otherwise
+     delete it right away. */
+  if (state.moveToTrash && S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+    // Estimate the amount freed using the narSize field.  FIXME:
+    // if the path was not valid, need to determine the actual
+    // size.
+    try {
+      if (chmod(realPath.c_str(), st.st_mode | S_IWUSR) == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("making '%1%' writable") % realPath);
+      }
+      Path tmp = trashDir + "/" + baseNameOf(path);
+      if (rename(realPath.c_str(), tmp.c_str()) != 0) {
+        throw SysError(format("unable to rename '%1%' to '%2%'") % realPath %
+                       tmp);
+      }
+      state.bytesInvalidated += size;
+    } catch (SysError& e) {
+      if (e.errNo == ENOSPC) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "note: can't create move '" << realPath
+                  << "': " << e.msg();
+        deleteGarbage(state, realPath);
+      }
+    }
+  } else {
+    deleteGarbage(state, realPath);
+  }
+  if (state.results.bytesFreed + state.bytesInvalidated >
+      state.options.maxFreed) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "deleted or invalidated more than " << state.options.maxFreed
+              << " bytes; stopping";
+    throw GCLimitReached();
+  }
+bool LocalStore::canReachRoot(GCState& state, PathSet& visited,
+                              const Path& path) {
+  if (visited.count(path) != 0u) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (state.alive.count(path) != 0u) {
+    return true;
+  }
+  if (state.dead.count(path) != 0u) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  if (state.roots.count(path) != 0u) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "cannot delete '" << path << "' because it's a root";
+    state.alive.insert(path);
+    return true;
+  }
+  visited.insert(path);
+  if (!isStorePath(path) || !isValidPath(path)) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  PathSet incoming;
+  /* Don't delete this path if any of its referrers are alive. */
+  queryReferrers(path, incoming);
+  /* If keep-derivations is set and this is a derivation, then
+     don't delete the derivation if any of the outputs are alive. */
+  if (state.gcKeepDerivations && isDerivation(path)) {
+    PathSet outputs = queryDerivationOutputs(path);
+    for (auto& i : outputs) {
+      if (isValidPath(i) && queryPathInfo(i)->deriver == path) {
+        incoming.insert(i);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* If keep-outputs is set, then don't delete this path if there
+     are derivers of this path that are not garbage. */
+  if (state.gcKeepOutputs) {
+    PathSet derivers = queryValidDerivers(path);
+    for (auto& i : derivers) {
+      incoming.insert(i);
+    }
+  }
+  for (auto& i : incoming) {
+    if (i != path) {
+      if (canReachRoot(state, visited, i)) {
+        state.alive.insert(path);
+        return true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return false;
+void LocalStore::tryToDelete(GCState& state, const Path& path) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+  auto realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(path);
+  if (realPath == linksDir || realPath == trashDir) {
+    return;
+  }
+  // Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, format("considering whether to delete
+  // '%1%'") % path);
+  if (!isStorePath(path) || !isValidPath(path)) {
+    /* A lock file belonging to a path that we're building right
+       now isn't garbage. */
+    if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".lock")) {
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Don't delete .chroot directories for derivations that are
+       currently being built. */
+    if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".chroot")) {
+      return;
+    }
+    /* Don't delete .check directories for derivations that are
+       currently being built, because we may need to run
+       diff-hook. */
+    if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".check")) {
+      return;
+    }
+  }
+  PathSet visited;
+  if (canReachRoot(state, visited, path)) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "cannot delete '" << path << "' because it's still reachable";
+  } else {
+    /* No path we visited was a root, so everything is garbage.
+       But we only delete ‘path’ and its referrers here so that
+       ‘nix-store --delete’ doesn't have the unexpected effect of
+       recursing into derivations and outputs. */
+    state.dead.insert(visited.begin(), visited.end());
+    if (state.shouldDelete) {
+      deletePathRecursive(state, path);
+    }
+  }
+/* Unlink all files in /nix/store/.links that have a link count of 1,
+   which indicates that there are no other links and so they can be
+   safely deleted.  FIXME: race condition with optimisePath(): we
+   might see a link count of 1 just before optimisePath() increases
+   the link count. */
+void LocalStore::removeUnusedLinks(const GCState& state) {
+  AutoCloseDir dir(opendir(linksDir.c_str()));
+  if (!dir) {
+    throw SysError(format("opening directory '%1%'") % linksDir);
+  }
+  long long actualSize = 0;
+  long long unsharedSize = 0;
+  struct dirent* dirent;
+  while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir.get())) {
+    checkInterrupt();
+    string name = dirent->d_name;
+    if (name == "." || name == "..") {
+      continue;
+    }
+    Path path = linksDir + "/" + name;
+    struct stat st;
+    if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("statting '%1%'") % path);
+    }
+    if (st.st_nlink != 1) {
+      actualSize += st.st_size;
+      unsharedSize += (st.st_nlink - 1) * st.st_size;
+      continue;
+    }
+    LOG(INFO) << "deleting unused link " << path;
+    if (unlink(path.c_str()) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("deleting '%1%'") % path);
+    }
+    state.results.bytesFreed += st.st_size;
+  }
+  struct stat st;
+  if (stat(linksDir.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("statting '%1%'") % linksDir);
+  }
+  long long overhead = st.st_blocks * 512ULL;
+  // TODO(tazjin): absl::StrFormat %.2f
+  LOG(INFO) << "note: currently hard linking saves "
+            << ((unsharedSize - actualSize - overhead) / (1024.0 * 1024.0))
+            << " MiB";
+void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions& options, GCResults& results) {
+  GCState state(results);
+  state.options = options;
+  state.gcKeepOutputs = settings.gcKeepOutputs;
+  state.gcKeepDerivations = settings.gcKeepDerivations;
+  /* Using `--ignore-liveness' with `--delete' can have unintended
+     consequences if `keep-outputs' or `keep-derivations' are true
+     (the garbage collector will recurse into deleting the outputs
+     or derivers, respectively).  So disable them. */
+  if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific && options.ignoreLiveness) {
+    state.gcKeepOutputs = false;
+    state.gcKeepDerivations = false;
+  }
+  state.shouldDelete = options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead ||
+                       options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific;
+  if (state.shouldDelete) {
+    deletePath(reservedPath);
+  }
+  /* Acquire the global GC root.  This prevents
+     a) New roots from being added.
+     b) Processes from creating new temporary root files. */
+  AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltWrite);
+  /* Find the roots.  Since we've grabbed the GC lock, the set of
+     permanent roots cannot increase now. */
+  LOG(INFO) << "finding garbage collector roots...";
+  Roots rootMap;
+  if (!options.ignoreLiveness) {
+    findRootsNoTemp(rootMap, true);
+  }
+  for (auto& i : rootMap) {
+    state.roots.insert(i.first);
+  }
+  /* Read the temporary roots.  This acquires read locks on all
+     per-process temporary root files.  So after this point no paths
+     can be added to the set of temporary roots. */
+  FDs fds;
+  Roots tempRoots;
+  findTempRoots(fds, tempRoots, true);
+  for (auto& root : tempRoots) {
+    state.tempRoots.insert(root.first);
+  }
+  state.roots.insert(state.tempRoots.begin(), state.tempRoots.end());
+  /* After this point the set of roots or temporary roots cannot
+     increase, since we hold locks on everything.  So everything
+     that is not reachable from `roots' is garbage. */
+  if (state.shouldDelete) {
+    if (pathExists(trashDir)) {
+      deleteGarbage(state, trashDir);
+    }
+    try {
+      createDirs(trashDir);
+    } catch (SysError& e) {
+      if (e.errNo == ENOSPC) {
+        LOG(INFO) << "note: can't create trash directory: " << e.msg();
+        state.moveToTrash = false;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Now either delete all garbage paths, or just the specified
+     paths (for gcDeleteSpecific). */
+  if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific) {
+    for (auto& i : options.pathsToDelete) {
+      assertStorePath(i);
+      tryToDelete(state, i);
+      if (state.dead.find(i) == state.dead.end()) {
+        throw Error(format("cannot delete path '%1%' since it is still alive") %
+                    i);
+      }
+    }
+  } else if (options.maxFreed > 0) {
+    if (state.shouldDelete) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "deleting garbage...";
+    } else {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "determining live/dead paths...";
+    }
+    try {
+      AutoCloseDir dir(opendir(realStoreDir.c_str()));
+      if (!dir) {
+        throw SysError(format("opening directory '%1%'") % realStoreDir);
+      }
+      /* Read the store and immediately delete all paths that
+         aren't valid.  When using --max-freed etc., deleting
+         invalid paths is preferred over deleting unreachable
+         paths, since unreachable paths could become reachable
+         again.  We don't use readDirectory() here so that GCing
+         can start faster. */
+      Paths entries;
+      struct dirent* dirent;
+      while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir.get())) {
+        checkInterrupt();
+        string name = dirent->d_name;
+        if (name == "." || name == "..") {
+          continue;
+        }
+        Path path = storeDir + "/" + name;
+        if (isStorePath(path) && isValidPath(path)) {
+          entries.push_back(path);
+        } else {
+          tryToDelete(state, path);
+        }
+      }
+      dir.reset();
+      /* Now delete the unreachable valid paths.  Randomise the
+         order in which we delete entries to make the collector
+         less biased towards deleting paths that come
+         alphabetically first (e.g. /nix/store/000...).  This
+         matters when using --max-freed etc. */
+      vector<Path> entries_(entries.begin(), entries.end());
+      std::mt19937 gen(1);
+      std::shuffle(entries_.begin(), entries_.end(), gen);
+      for (auto& i : entries_) {
+        tryToDelete(state, i);
+      }
+    } catch (GCLimitReached& e) {
+    }
+  }
+  if (state.options.action == GCOptions::gcReturnLive) {
+    state.results.paths = state.alive;
+    return;
+  }
+  if (state.options.action == GCOptions::gcReturnDead) {
+    state.results.paths = state.dead;
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Allow other processes to add to the store from here on. */
+  fdGCLock = -1;
+  fds.clear();
+  /* Delete the trash directory. */
+  LOG(INFO) << "deleting " << trashDir;
+  deleteGarbage(state, trashDir);
+  /* Clean up the links directory. */
+  if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead ||
+      options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "deleting unused links...";
+    removeUnusedLinks(state);
+  }
+  /* While we're at it, vacuum the database. */
+  // if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead) { vacuumDB(); }
+void LocalStore::autoGC(bool sync) {
+  static auto fakeFreeSpaceFile = getEnv("_NIX_TEST_FREE_SPACE_FILE", "");
+  auto getAvail = [this]() -> uint64_t {
+    if (!fakeFreeSpaceFile.empty()) {
+      return std::stoll(readFile(fakeFreeSpaceFile));
+    }
+    struct statvfs st;
+    if (statvfs(realStoreDir.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+      throw SysError("getting filesystem info about '%s'", realStoreDir);
+    }
+    return (uint64_t)st.f_bavail * st.f_bsize;
+  };
+  std::shared_future<void> future;
+  {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    if (state->gcRunning) {
+      future = state->gcFuture;
+      DLOG(INFO) << "waiting for auto-GC to finish";
+      goto sync;
+    }
+    auto now = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    if (now < state->lastGCCheck +
+                  std::chrono::seconds(settings.minFreeCheckInterval)) {
+      return;
+    }
+    auto avail = getAvail();
+    state->lastGCCheck = now;
+    if (avail >= settings.minFree || avail >= settings.maxFree) {
+      return;
+    }
+    if (avail > state->availAfterGC * 0.97) {
+      return;
+    }
+    state->gcRunning = true;
+    std::promise<void> promise;
+    future = state->gcFuture = promise.get_future().share();
+    std::thread([promise{std::move(promise)}, this, avail, getAvail]() mutable {
+      try {
+        /* Wake up any threads waiting for the auto-GC to finish. */
+        Finally wakeup([&]() {
+          auto state(_state.lock());
+          state->gcRunning = false;
+          state->lastGCCheck = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+          promise.set_value();
+        });
+        GCOptions options;
+        options.maxFreed = settings.maxFree - avail;
+        LOG(INFO) << "running auto-GC to free " << options.maxFreed << " bytes";
+        GCResults results;
+        collectGarbage(options, results);
+        _state.lock()->availAfterGC = getAvail();
+      } catch (...) {
+        // FIXME: we could propagate the exception to the
+        // future, but we don't really care.
+        ignoreException();
+      }
+    }).detach();
+  }
+  // Wait for the future outside of the state lock.
+  if (sync) {
+    future.get();
+  }
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/globals.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/globals.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..066de443653b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/globals.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <thread>
+#include <dlfcn.h>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "args.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+/* The default location of the daemon socket, relative to nixStateDir.
+   The socket is in a directory to allow you to control access to the
+   Nix daemon by setting the mode/ownership of the directory
+   appropriately.  (This wouldn't work on the socket itself since it
+   must be deleted and recreated on startup.) */
+#define DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH "/daemon-socket/socket"
+/* chroot-like behavior from Apple's sandbox */
+#if __APPLE__
+#define DEFAULT_ALLOWED_IMPURE_PREFIXES "/System/Library /usr/lib /dev /bin/sh"
+Settings settings;
+static GlobalConfig::Register r1(&settings);
+    : nixPrefix(NIX_PREFIX),
+      nixStore(canonPath(
+          getEnv("NIX_STORE_DIR", getEnv("NIX_STORE", NIX_STORE_DIR)))),
+      nixDataDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_DATA_DIR", NIX_DATA_DIR))),
+      nixLogDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_LOG_DIR", NIX_LOG_DIR))),
+      nixStateDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_STATE_DIR", NIX_STATE_DIR))),
+      nixConfDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_CONF_DIR", NIX_CONF_DIR))),
+      nixLibexecDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR", NIX_LIBEXEC_DIR))),
+      nixBinDir(canonPath(getEnv("NIX_BIN_DIR", NIX_BIN_DIR))),
+      nixManDir(canonPath(NIX_MAN_DIR)),
+      nixDaemonSocketFile(canonPath(nixStateDir + DEFAULT_SOCKET_PATH)) {
+  buildUsersGroup = getuid() == 0 ? "nixbld" : "";
+  lockCPU = getEnv("NIX_AFFINITY_HACK", "1") == "1";
+  caFile = getEnv("NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE", getEnv("SSL_CERT_FILE", ""));
+  if (caFile.empty()) {
+    for (auto& fn :
+         {"/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
+          "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"}) {
+      if (pathExists(fn)) {
+        caFile = fn;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Backwards compatibility. */
+  auto s = getEnv("NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS");
+  if (!s.empty()) {
+    Strings ss;
+    for (auto& p : tokenizeString<Strings>(s, ":")) {
+      ss.push_back("@" + p);
+    }
+    builders = concatStringsSep(" ", ss);
+  }
+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(SANDBOX_SHELL)
+  sandboxPaths = tokenizeString<StringSet>("/bin/sh=" SANDBOX_SHELL);
+  allowedImpureHostPrefixes =
+      tokenizeString<StringSet>(DEFAULT_ALLOWED_IMPURE_PREFIXES);
+void loadConfFile() {
+  globalConfig.applyConfigFile(settings.nixConfDir + "/nix.conf");
+  /* We only want to send overrides to the daemon, i.e. stuff from
+     ~/.nix/nix.conf or the command line. */
+  globalConfig.resetOverriden();
+  auto dirs = getConfigDirs();
+  // Iterate over them in reverse so that the ones appearing first in the path
+  // take priority
+  for (auto dir = dirs.rbegin(); dir != dirs.rend(); dir++) {
+    globalConfig.applyConfigFile(*dir + "/nix/nix.conf");
+  }
+unsigned int Settings::getDefaultCores() {
+  return std::max(1U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
+StringSet Settings::getDefaultSystemFeatures() {
+  /* For backwards compatibility, accept some "features" that are
+     used in Nixpkgs to route builds to certain machines but don't
+     actually require anything special on the machines. */
+  StringSet features{"nixos-test", "benchmark", "big-parallel"};
+#if __linux__
+  if (access("/dev/kvm", R_OK | W_OK) == 0) {
+    features.insert("kvm");
+  }
+  return features;
+const string nixVersion = PACKAGE_VERSION;
+template <>
+void BaseSetting<SandboxMode>::set(const std::string& str) {
+  if (str == "true") {
+    value = smEnabled;
+  } else if (str == "relaxed") {
+    value = smRelaxed;
+  } else if (str == "false") {
+    value = smDisabled;
+  } else {
+    throw UsageError("option '%s' has invalid value '%s'", name, str);
+  }
+template <>
+std::string BaseSetting<SandboxMode>::to_string() {
+  if (value == smEnabled) {
+    return "true";
+  }
+  if (value == smRelaxed) {
+    return "relaxed";
+  } else if (value == smDisabled) {
+    return "false";
+  } else {
+    abort();
+  }
+template <>
+void BaseSetting<SandboxMode>::toJSON(JSONPlaceholder& out) {
+  AbstractSetting::toJSON(out);
+template <>
+void BaseSetting<SandboxMode>::convertToArg(Args& args,
+                                            const std::string& category) {
+  args.mkFlag()
+      .longName(name)
+      .description("Enable sandboxing.")
+      .handler([=](const std::vector<std::string>& ss) { override(smEnabled); })
+      .category(category);
+  args.mkFlag()
+      .longName("no-" + name)
+      .description("Disable sandboxing.")
+      .handler(
+          [=](const std::vector<std::string>& ss) { override(smDisabled); })
+      .category(category);
+  args.mkFlag()
+      .longName("relaxed-" + name)
+      .description("Enable sandboxing, but allow builds to disable it.")
+      .handler([=](const std::vector<std::string>& ss) { override(smRelaxed); })
+      .category(category);
+void MaxBuildJobsSetting::set(const std::string& str) {
+  if (str == "auto") {
+    value = std::max(1U, std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
+  } else if (!string2Int(str, value)) {
+    throw UsageError(
+        "configuration setting '%s' should be 'auto' or an integer", name);
+  }
+void initPlugins() {
+  for (const auto& pluginFile : settings.pluginFiles.get()) {
+    Paths pluginFiles;
+    try {
+      auto ents = readDirectory(pluginFile);
+      for (const auto& ent : ents) {
+        pluginFiles.emplace_back(pluginFile + "/" + ent.name);
+      }
+    } catch (SysError& e) {
+      if (e.errNo != ENOTDIR) {
+        throw;
+      }
+      pluginFiles.emplace_back(pluginFile);
+    }
+    for (const auto& file : pluginFiles) {
+      /* handle is purposefully leaked as there may be state in the
+         DSO needed by the action of the plugin. */
+      void* handle = dlopen(file.c_str(), RTLD_LAZY | RTLD_LOCAL);
+      if (handle == nullptr) {
+        throw Error("could not dynamically open plugin file '%s': %s", file,
+                    dlerror());
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Since plugins can add settings, try to re-apply previously
+     unknown settings. */
+  globalConfig.reapplyUnknownSettings();
+  globalConfig.warnUnknownSettings();
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/globals.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/globals.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e04b0937457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/globals.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,479 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+typedef enum { smEnabled, smRelaxed, smDisabled } SandboxMode;
+struct MaxBuildJobsSetting : public BaseSetting<unsigned int> {
+  MaxBuildJobsSetting(Config* options, unsigned int def,
+                      const std::string& name, const std::string& description,
+                      const std::set<std::string>& aliases = {})
+      : BaseSetting<unsigned int>(def, name, description, aliases) {
+    options->addSetting(this);
+  }
+  void set(const std::string& str) override;
+class Settings : public Config {
+  static unsigned int getDefaultCores();
+  static StringSet getDefaultSystemFeatures();
+ public:
+  Settings();
+  Path nixPrefix;
+  /* The directory where we store sources and derived files. */
+  Path nixStore;
+  Path nixDataDir; /* !!! fix */
+  /* The directory where we log various operations. */
+  Path nixLogDir;
+  /* The directory where state is stored. */
+  Path nixStateDir;
+  /* The directory where configuration files are stored. */
+  Path nixConfDir;
+  /* The directory where internal helper programs are stored. */
+  Path nixLibexecDir;
+  /* The directory where the main programs are stored. */
+  Path nixBinDir;
+  /* The directory where the man pages are stored. */
+  Path nixManDir;
+  /* File name of the socket the daemon listens to.  */
+  Path nixDaemonSocketFile;
+  Setting<std::string> storeUri{this, getEnv("NIX_REMOTE", "auto"), "store",
+                                "The default Nix store to use."};
+  Setting<bool> keepFailed{
+      this, false, "keep-failed",
+      "Whether to keep temporary directories of failed builds."};
+  Setting<bool> keepGoing{
+      this, false, "keep-going",
+      "Whether to keep building derivations when another build fails."};
+  Setting<bool> tryFallback{
+      this,
+      false,
+      "fallback",
+      "Whether to fall back to building when substitution fails.",
+      {"build-fallback"}};
+  /* Whether to show build log output in real time. */
+  bool verboseBuild = true;
+  Setting<size_t> logLines{
+      this, 10, "log-lines",
+      "If verbose-build is false, the number of lines of the tail of "
+      "the log to show if a build fails."};
+  MaxBuildJobsSetting maxBuildJobs{this,
+                                   1,
+                                   "max-jobs",
+                                   "Maximum number of parallel build jobs. "
+                                   "\"auto\" means use number of cores.",
+                                   {"build-max-jobs"}};
+  Setting<unsigned int> buildCores{
+      this,
+      getDefaultCores(),
+      "cores",
+      "Number of CPU cores to utilize in parallel within a build, "
+      "i.e. by passing this number to Make via '-j'. 0 means that the "
+      "number of actual CPU cores on the local host ought to be "
+      "auto-detected.",
+      {"build-cores"}};
+  /* Read-only mode.  Don't copy stuff to the store, don't change
+     the database. */
+  bool readOnlyMode = false;
+  Setting<std::string> thisSystem{this, SYSTEM, "system",
+                                  "The canonical Nix system name."};
+  Setting<time_t> maxSilentTime{
+      this,
+      0,
+      "max-silent-time",
+      "The maximum time in seconds that a builer can go without "
+      "producing any output on stdout/stderr before it is killed. "
+      "0 means infinity.",
+      {"build-max-silent-time"}};
+  Setting<time_t> buildTimeout{
+      this,
+      0,
+      "timeout",
+      "The maximum duration in seconds that a builder can run. "
+      "0 means infinity.",
+      {"build-timeout"}};
+  PathSetting buildHook{this, true, nixLibexecDir + "/nix/build-remote",
+                        "build-hook",
+                        "The path of the helper program that executes builds "
+                        "to remote machines."};
+  Setting<std::string> builders{this, "@" + nixConfDir + "/machines",
+                                "builders",
+                                "A semicolon-separated list of build machines, "
+                                "in the format of nix.machines."};
+  Setting<bool> buildersUseSubstitutes{
+      this, false, "builders-use-substitutes",
+      "Whether build machines should use their own substitutes for obtaining "
+      "build dependencies if possible, rather than waiting for this host to "
+      "upload them."};
+  Setting<off_t> reservedSize{
+      this, 8 * 1024 * 1024, "gc-reserved-space",
+      "Amount of reserved disk space for the garbage collector."};
+  Setting<bool> fsyncMetadata{this, true, "fsync-metadata",
+                              "Whether SQLite should use fsync()."};
+  Setting<bool> useSQLiteWAL{this, true, "use-sqlite-wal",
+                             "Whether SQLite should use WAL mode."};
+  Setting<bool> syncBeforeRegistering{
+      this, false, "sync-before-registering",
+      "Whether to call sync() before registering a path as valid."};
+  Setting<bool> useSubstitutes{this,
+                               true,
+                               "substitute",
+                               "Whether to use substitutes.",
+                               {"build-use-substitutes"}};
+  Setting<std::string> buildUsersGroup{
+      this, "", "build-users-group",
+      "The Unix group that contains the build users."};
+  Setting<bool> impersonateLinux26{
+      this,
+      false,
+      "impersonate-linux-26",
+      "Whether to impersonate a Linux 2.6 machine on newer kernels.",
+      {"build-impersonate-linux-26"}};
+  Setting<bool> keepLog{this,
+                        true,
+                        "keep-build-log",
+                        "Whether to store build logs.",
+                        {"build-keep-log"}};
+  Setting<bool> compressLog{this,
+                            true,
+                            "compress-build-log",
+                            "Whether to compress logs.",
+                            {"build-compress-log"}};
+  Setting<unsigned long> maxLogSize{
+      this,
+      0,
+      "max-build-log-size",
+      "Maximum number of bytes a builder can write to stdout/stderr "
+      "before being killed (0 means no limit).",
+      {"build-max-log-size"}};
+  /* When buildRepeat > 0 and verboseBuild == true, whether to print
+     repeated builds (i.e. builds other than the first one) to
+     stderr. Hack to prevent Hydra logs from being polluted. */
+  bool printRepeatedBuilds = true;
+  Setting<unsigned int> pollInterval{
+      this, 5, "build-poll-interval",
+      "How often (in seconds) to poll for locks."};
+  Setting<bool> checkRootReachability{
+      this, false, "gc-check-reachability",
+      "Whether to check if new GC roots can in fact be found by the "
+      "garbage collector."};
+  Setting<bool> gcKeepOutputs{
+      this,
+      false,
+      "keep-outputs",
+      "Whether the garbage collector should keep outputs of live derivations.",
+      {"gc-keep-outputs"}};
+  Setting<bool> gcKeepDerivations{
+      this,
+      true,
+      "keep-derivations",
+      "Whether the garbage collector should keep derivers of live paths.",
+      {"gc-keep-derivations"}};
+  Setting<bool> autoOptimiseStore{this, false, "auto-optimise-store",
+                                  "Whether to automatically replace files with "
+                                  "identical contents with hard links."};
+  Setting<bool> envKeepDerivations{
+      this,
+      false,
+      "keep-env-derivations",
+      "Whether to add derivations as a dependency of user environments "
+      "(to prevent them from being GCed).",
+      {"env-keep-derivations"}};
+  /* Whether to lock the Nix client and worker to the same CPU. */
+  bool lockCPU;
+  /* Whether to show a stack trace if Nix evaluation fails. */
+  Setting<bool> showTrace{
+      this, false, "show-trace",
+      "Whether to show a stack trace on evaluation errors."};
+  Setting<SandboxMode> sandboxMode {
+    this,
+#if __linux__
+        smEnabled
+        smDisabled
+        ,
+        "sandbox",
+        "Whether to enable sandboxed builds. Can be \"true\", \"false\" or "
+        "\"relaxed\".",
+    {
+      "build-use-chroot", "build-use-sandbox"
+    }
+  };
+  Setting<PathSet> sandboxPaths{
+      this,
+      {},
+      "sandbox-paths",
+      "The paths to make available inside the build sandbox.",
+      {"build-chroot-dirs", "build-sandbox-paths"}};
+  Setting<bool> sandboxFallback{
+      this, true, "sandbox-fallback",
+      "Whether to disable sandboxing when the kernel doesn't allow it."};
+  Setting<PathSet> extraSandboxPaths{
+      this,
+      {},
+      "extra-sandbox-paths",
+      "Additional paths to make available inside the build sandbox.",
+      {"build-extra-chroot-dirs", "build-extra-sandbox-paths"}};
+  Setting<size_t> buildRepeat{
+      this,
+      0,
+      "repeat",
+      "The number of times to repeat a build in order to verify determinism.",
+      {"build-repeat"}};
+#if __linux__
+  Setting<std::string> sandboxShmSize{
+      this, "50%", "sandbox-dev-shm-size",
+      "The size of /dev/shm in the build sandbox."};
+  Setting<Path> sandboxBuildDir{this, "/build", "sandbox-build-dir",
+                                "The build directory inside the sandbox."};
+  Setting<PathSet> allowedImpureHostPrefixes{
+      this,
+      {},
+      "allowed-impure-host-deps",
+      "Which prefixes to allow derivations to ask for access to (primarily for "
+      "Darwin)."};
+#if __APPLE__
+  Setting<bool> darwinLogSandboxViolations{
+      this, false, "darwin-log-sandbox-violations",
+      "Whether to log Darwin sandbox access violations to the system log."};
+  Setting<bool> runDiffHook{
+      this, false, "run-diff-hook",
+      "Whether to run the program specified by the diff-hook setting "
+      "repeated builds produce a different result. Typically used to "
+      "plug in diffoscope."};
+  PathSetting diffHook{
+      this, true, "", "diff-hook",
+      "A program that prints out the differences between the two paths "
+      "specified on its command line."};
+  Setting<bool> enforceDeterminism{
+      this, true, "enforce-determinism",
+      "Whether to fail if repeated builds produce different output."};
+  Setting<Strings> trustedPublicKeys{
+      this,
+      {"cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY="},
+      "trusted-public-keys",
+      "Trusted public keys for secure substitution.",
+      {"binary-cache-public-keys"}};
+  Setting<Strings> secretKeyFiles{
+      this,
+      {},
+      "secret-key-files",
+      "Secret keys with which to sign local builds."};
+  Setting<unsigned int> tarballTtl{
+      this, 60 * 60, "tarball-ttl",
+      "How long downloaded files are considered up-to-date."};
+  Setting<bool> requireSigs{
+      this, true, "require-sigs",
+      "Whether to check that any non-content-addressed path added to the "
+      "Nix store has a valid signature (that is, one signed using a key "
+      "listed in 'trusted-public-keys'."};
+  Setting<StringSet> extraPlatforms{
+      this,
+      std::string{SYSTEM} == "x86_64-linux" ? StringSet{"i686-linux"}
+                                            : StringSet{},
+      "extra-platforms",
+      "Additional platforms that can be built on the local system. "
+      "These may be supported natively (e.g. armv7 on some aarch64 CPUs "
+      "or using hacks like qemu-user."};
+  Setting<StringSet> systemFeatures{
+      this, getDefaultSystemFeatures(), "system-features",
+      "Optional features that this system implements (like \"kvm\")."};
+  Setting<Strings> substituters{
+      this,
+      nixStore == "/nix/store" ? Strings{"https://cache.nixos.org/"}
+                               : Strings(),
+      "substituters",
+      "The URIs of substituters (such as https://cache.nixos.org/).",
+      {"binary-caches"}};
+  // FIXME: provide a way to add to option values.
+  Setting<Strings> extraSubstituters{this,
+                                     {},
+                                     "extra-substituters",
+                                     "Additional URIs of substituters.",
+                                     {"extra-binary-caches"}};
+  Setting<StringSet> trustedSubstituters{
+      this,
+      {},
+      "trusted-substituters",
+      "Disabled substituters that may be enabled via the substituters option "
+      "by untrusted users.",
+      {"trusted-binary-caches"}};
+  Setting<Strings> trustedUsers{this,
+                                {"root"},
+                                "trusted-users",
+                                "Which users or groups are trusted to ask the "
+                                "daemon to do unsafe things."};
+  Setting<unsigned int> ttlNegativeNarInfoCache{
+      this, 3600, "narinfo-cache-negative-ttl",
+      "The TTL in seconds for negative lookups in the disk cache i.e binary "
+      "cache lookups that "
+      "return an invalid path result"};
+  Setting<unsigned int> ttlPositiveNarInfoCache{
+      this, 30 * 24 * 3600, "narinfo-cache-positive-ttl",
+      "The TTL in seconds for positive lookups in the disk cache i.e binary "
+      "cache lookups that "
+      "return a valid path result."};
+  /* ?Who we trust to use the daemon in safe ways */
+  Setting<Strings> allowedUsers{
+      this,
+      {"*"},
+      "allowed-users",
+      "Which users or groups are allowed to connect to the daemon."};
+  Setting<bool> printMissing{
+      this, true, "print-missing",
+      "Whether to print what paths need to be built or downloaded."};
+  Setting<std::string> preBuildHook{
+      this, "", "pre-build-hook",
+      "A program to run just before a build to set derivation-specific build "
+      "settings."};
+  Setting<std::string> postBuildHook{
+      this, "", "post-build-hook",
+      "A program to run just after each successful build."};
+  Setting<std::string> netrcFile{this, fmt("%s/%s", nixConfDir, "netrc"),
+                                 "netrc-file",
+                                 "Path to the netrc file used to obtain "
+                                 "usernames/passwords for downloads."};
+  /* Path to the SSL CA file used */
+  Path caFile;
+#if __linux__
+  Setting<bool> filterSyscalls{
+      this, true, "filter-syscalls",
+      "Whether to prevent certain dangerous system calls, such as "
+      "creation of setuid/setgid files or adding ACLs or extended "
+      "attributes. Only disable this if you're aware of the "
+      "security implications."};
+  Setting<bool> allowNewPrivileges{
+      this, false, "allow-new-privileges",
+      "Whether builders can acquire new privileges by calling programs with "
+      "setuid/setgid bits or with file capabilities."};
+  Setting<Strings> hashedMirrors{
+      this,
+      {"http://tarballs.nixos.org/"},
+      "hashed-mirrors",
+      "A list of servers used by builtins.fetchurl to fetch files by hash."};
+  Setting<uint64_t> minFree{this, 0, "min-free",
+                            "Automatically run the garbage collector when free "
+                            "disk space drops below the specified amount."};
+  Setting<uint64_t> maxFree{this, std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max(),
+                            "max-free",
+                            "Stop deleting garbage when free disk space is "
+                            "above the specified amount."};
+  Setting<uint64_t> minFreeCheckInterval{
+      this, 5, "min-free-check-interval",
+      "Number of seconds between checking free disk space."};
+  Setting<Paths> pluginFiles{
+      this,
+      {},
+      "plugin-files",
+      "Plugins to dynamically load at nix initialization time."};
+// FIXME: don't use a global variable.
+extern Settings settings;
+/* This should be called after settings are initialized, but before
+   anything else */
+void initPlugins();
+void loadConfFile();
+extern const string nixVersion;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/http-binary-cache-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/http-binary-cache-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a46423b3542
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/http-binary-cache-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+#include <utility>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "binary-cache-store.hh"
+#include "download.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+namespace nix {
+MakeError(UploadToHTTP, Error);
+class HttpBinaryCacheStore : public BinaryCacheStore {
+ private:
+  Path cacheUri;
+  struct State {
+    bool enabled = true;
+    std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point disabledUntil;
+  };
+  Sync<State> _state;
+ public:
+  HttpBinaryCacheStore(const Params& params, Path _cacheUri)
+      : BinaryCacheStore(params), cacheUri(std::move(_cacheUri)) {
+    if (cacheUri.back() == '/') {
+      cacheUri.pop_back();
+    }
+    diskCache = getNarInfoDiskCache();
+  }
+  std::string getUri() override { return cacheUri; }
+  void init() override {
+    // FIXME: do this lazily?
+    if (!diskCache->cacheExists(cacheUri, wantMassQuery_, priority)) {
+      try {
+        BinaryCacheStore::init();
+      } catch (UploadToHTTP&) {
+        throw Error("'%s' does not appear to be a binary cache", cacheUri);
+      }
+      diskCache->createCache(cacheUri, storeDir, wantMassQuery_, priority);
+    }
+  }
+ protected:
+  void maybeDisable() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    if (state->enabled && settings.tryFallback) {
+      int t = 60;
+      LOG(WARNING) << "disabling binary cache '" << getUri() << "' for " << t
+                   << " seconds";
+      state->enabled = false;
+      state->disabledUntil =
+          std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(t);
+    }
+  }
+  void checkEnabled() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    if (state->enabled) {
+      return;
+    }
+    if (std::chrono::steady_clock::now() > state->disabledUntil) {
+      state->enabled = true;
+      DLOG(INFO) << "re-enabling binary cache '" << getUri() << "'";
+      return;
+    }
+    throw SubstituterDisabled("substituter '%s' is disabled", getUri());
+  }
+  bool fileExists(const std::string& path) override {
+    checkEnabled();
+    try {
+      DownloadRequest request(cacheUri + "/" + path);
+      request.head = true;
+      getDownloader()->download(request);
+      return true;
+    } catch (DownloadError& e) {
+      /* S3 buckets return 403 if a file doesn't exist and the
+         bucket is unlistable, so treat 403 as 404. */
+      if (e.error == Downloader::NotFound || e.error == Downloader::Forbidden) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      maybeDisable();
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+  void upsertFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& data,
+                  const std::string& mimeType) override {
+    auto req = DownloadRequest(cacheUri + "/" + path);
+    req.data = std::make_shared<string>(data);  // FIXME: inefficient
+    req.mimeType = mimeType;
+    try {
+      getDownloader()->download(req);
+    } catch (DownloadError& e) {
+      throw UploadToHTTP("while uploading to HTTP binary cache at '%s': %s",
+                         cacheUri, e.msg());
+    }
+  }
+  DownloadRequest makeRequest(const std::string& path) {
+    DownloadRequest request(cacheUri + "/" + path);
+    return request;
+  }
+  void getFile(const std::string& path, Sink& sink) override {
+    checkEnabled();
+    auto request(makeRequest(path));
+    try {
+      getDownloader()->download(std::move(request), sink);
+    } catch (DownloadError& e) {
+      if (e.error == Downloader::NotFound || e.error == Downloader::Forbidden) {
+        throw NoSuchBinaryCacheFile(
+            "file '%s' does not exist in binary cache '%s'", path, getUri());
+      }
+      maybeDisable();
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+  void getFile(
+      const std::string& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<std::string>> callback) noexcept override {
+    checkEnabled();
+    auto request(makeRequest(path));
+    auto callbackPtr =
+        std::make_shared<decltype(callback)>(std::move(callback));
+    getDownloader()->enqueueDownload(
+        request, {[callbackPtr, this](std::future<DownloadResult> result) {
+          try {
+            (*callbackPtr)(result.get().data);
+          } catch (DownloadError& e) {
+            if (e.error == Downloader::NotFound ||
+                e.error == Downloader::Forbidden) {
+              return (*callbackPtr)(std::shared_ptr<std::string>());
+            }
+            maybeDisable();
+            callbackPtr->rethrow();
+          } catch (...) {
+            callbackPtr->rethrow();
+          }
+        }});
+  }
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore(
+    [](const std::string& uri,
+       const Store::Params& params) -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+      if (std::string(uri, 0, 7) != "http://" &&
+          std::string(uri, 0, 8) != "https://" &&
+          (getEnv("_NIX_FORCE_HTTP_BINARY_CACHE_STORE") != "1" ||
+           std::string(uri, 0, 7) != "file://")) {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      auto store = std::make_shared<HttpBinaryCacheStore>(params, uri);
+      store->init();
+      return store;
+    });
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a84e0295657
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
+#include "pool.hh"
+#include "remote-store.hh"
+#include "serve-protocol.hh"
+#include "ssh.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static std::string uriScheme = "ssh://";
+struct LegacySSHStore : public Store {
+  const Setting<int> maxConnections{
+      this, 1, "max-connections",
+      "maximum number of concurrent SSH connections"};
+  const Setting<Path> sshKey{this, "", "ssh-key", "path to an SSH private key"};
+  const Setting<bool> compress{this, false, "compress",
+                               "whether to compress the connection"};
+  const Setting<Path> remoteProgram{
+      this, "nix-store", "remote-program",
+      "path to the nix-store executable on the remote system"};
+  const Setting<std::string> remoteStore{
+      this, "", "remote-store", "URI of the store on the remote system"};
+  // Hack for getting remote build log output.
+  const Setting<int> logFD{
+      this, -1, "log-fd", "file descriptor to which SSH's stderr is connected"};
+  struct Connection {
+    std::unique_ptr<SSHMaster::Connection> sshConn;
+    FdSink to;
+    FdSource from;
+    int remoteVersion;
+    bool good = true;
+  };
+  std::string host;
+  ref<Pool<Connection>> connections;
+  SSHMaster master;
+  LegacySSHStore(const string& host, const Params& params)
+      : Store(params),
+        host(host),
+        connections(make_ref<Pool<Connection>>(
+            std::max(1, (int)maxConnections),
+            [this]() { return openConnection(); },
+            [](const ref<Connection>& r) { return r->good; })),
+        master(host, sshKey,
+               // Use SSH master only if using more than 1 connection.
+               connections->capacity() > 1, compress, logFD) {}
+  ref<Connection> openConnection() {
+    auto conn = make_ref<Connection>();
+    conn->sshConn = master.startCommand(
+        fmt("%s --serve --write", remoteProgram) +
+        (remoteStore.get().empty()
+             ? ""
+             : " --store " + shellEscape(remoteStore.get())));
+    conn->to = FdSink(conn->sshConn->in.get());
+    conn->from = FdSource(conn->sshConn->out.get());
+    try {
+      conn->to.flush();
+      unsigned int magic = readInt(conn->from);
+      if (magic != SERVE_MAGIC_2) {
+        throw Error("protocol mismatch with 'nix-store --serve' on '%s'", host);
+      }
+      conn->remoteVersion = readInt(conn->from);
+      if (GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(conn->remoteVersion) != 0x200) {
+        throw Error("unsupported 'nix-store --serve' protocol version on '%s'",
+                    host);
+      }
+    } catch (EndOfFile& e) {
+      throw Error("cannot connect to '%1%'", host);
+    }
+    return conn;
+  };
+  string getUri() override { return uriScheme + host; }
+  void queryPathInfoUncached(
+      const Path& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept override {
+    try {
+      auto conn(connections->get());
+      DLOG(INFO) << "querying remote host '" << host << "' for info on '"
+                 << path << "'";
+      conn->to << cmdQueryPathInfos << PathSet{path};
+      conn->to.flush();
+      auto info = std::make_shared<ValidPathInfo>();
+      conn->from >> info->path;
+      if (info->path.empty()) {
+        return callback(nullptr);
+      }
+      assert(path == info->path);
+      PathSet references;
+      conn->from >> info->deriver;
+      info->references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+      readLongLong(conn->from);  // download size
+      info->narSize = readLongLong(conn->from);
+      if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 4) {
+        auto s = readString(conn->from);
+        info->narHash = s.empty() ? Hash() : Hash(s);
+        conn->from >> info->ca;
+        info->sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(conn->from);
+      }
+      auto s = readString(conn->from);
+      assert(s.empty());
+      callback(std::move(info));
+    } catch (...) {
+      callback.rethrow();
+    }
+  }
+  void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& source, RepairFlag repair,
+                  CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                  std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) override {
+    DLOG(INFO) << "adding path '" << info.path << "' to remote host '" << host
+               << "'";
+    auto conn(connections->get());
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 5) {
+      conn->to << cmdAddToStoreNar << info.path << info.deriver
+               << info.narHash.to_string(Base16, false) << info.references
+               << info.registrationTime << info.narSize
+               << static_cast<uint64_t>(info.ultimate) << info.sigs << info.ca;
+      try {
+        copyNAR(source, conn->to);
+      } catch (...) {
+        conn->good = false;
+        throw;
+      }
+      conn->to.flush();
+    } else {
+      conn->to << cmdImportPaths << 1;
+      try {
+        copyNAR(source, conn->to);
+      } catch (...) {
+        conn->good = false;
+        throw;
+      }
+      conn->to << exportMagic << info.path << info.references << info.deriver
+               << 0 << 0;
+      conn->to.flush();
+    }
+    if (readInt(conn->from) != 1) {
+      throw Error(
+          "failed to add path '%s' to remote host '%s', info.path, host");
+    }
+  }
+  void narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) override {
+    auto conn(connections->get());
+    conn->to << cmdDumpStorePath << path;
+    conn->to.flush();
+    copyNAR(conn->from, sink);
+  }
+  Path queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) override {
+    unsupported("queryPathFromHashPart");
+  }
+  Path addToStore(const string& name, const Path& srcPath, bool recursive,
+                  HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter& filter,
+                  RepairFlag repair) override {
+    unsupported("addToStore");
+  }
+  Path addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                      const PathSet& references, RepairFlag repair) override {
+    unsupported("addTextToStore");
+  }
+  BuildResult buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                              BuildMode buildMode) override {
+    auto conn(connections->get());
+    conn->to << cmdBuildDerivation << drvPath << drv << settings.maxSilentTime
+             << settings.buildTimeout;
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 2) {
+      conn->to << settings.maxLogSize;
+    }
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 3) {
+      conn->to << settings.buildRepeat
+               << static_cast<uint64_t>(settings.enforceDeterminism);
+    }
+    conn->to.flush();
+    BuildResult status;
+    status.status = (BuildResult::Status)readInt(conn->from);
+    conn->from >> status.errorMsg;
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->remoteVersion) >= 3) {
+      conn->from >> status.timesBuilt >> status.isNonDeterministic >>
+          status.startTime >> status.stopTime;
+    }
+    return status;
+  }
+  void ensurePath(const Path& path) override { unsupported("ensurePath"); }
+  void computeFSClosure(const PathSet& paths, PathSet& out,
+                        bool flipDirection = false, bool includeOutputs = false,
+                        bool includeDerivers = false) override {
+    if (flipDirection || includeDerivers) {
+      Store::computeFSClosure(paths, out, flipDirection, includeOutputs,
+                              includeDerivers);
+      return;
+    }
+    auto conn(connections->get());
+    conn->to << cmdQueryClosure << static_cast<uint64_t>(includeOutputs)
+             << paths;
+    conn->to.flush();
+    auto res = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+    out.insert(res.begin(), res.end());
+  }
+  PathSet queryValidPaths(const PathSet& paths, SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute =
+                                                    NoSubstitute) override {
+    auto conn(connections->get());
+    conn->to << cmdQueryValidPaths << 0u  // lock
+             << maybeSubstitute << paths;
+    conn->to.flush();
+    return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+  }
+  void connect() override { auto conn(connections->get()); }
+  unsigned int getProtocol() override {
+    auto conn(connections->get());
+    return conn->remoteVersion;
+  }
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore(
+    [](const std::string& uri,
+       const Store::Params& params) -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+      if (std::string(uri, 0, uriScheme.size()) != uriScheme) {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      return std::make_shared<LegacySSHStore>(
+          std::string(uri, uriScheme.size()), params);
+    });
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-binary-cache-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-binary-cache-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00bb21eb24fe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-binary-cache-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+#include <utility>
+#include "binary-cache-store.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class LocalBinaryCacheStore : public BinaryCacheStore {
+ private:
+  Path binaryCacheDir;
+ public:
+  LocalBinaryCacheStore(const Params& params, Path binaryCacheDir)
+      : BinaryCacheStore(params), binaryCacheDir(std::move(binaryCacheDir)) {}
+  void init() override;
+  std::string getUri() override { return "file://" + binaryCacheDir; }
+ protected:
+  bool fileExists(const std::string& path) override;
+  void upsertFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& data,
+                  const std::string& mimeType) override;
+  void getFile(const std::string& path, Sink& sink) override {
+    try {
+      readFile(binaryCacheDir + "/" + path, sink);
+    } catch (SysError& e) {
+      if (e.errNo == ENOENT) {
+        throw NoSuchBinaryCacheFile("file '%s' does not exist in binary cache",
+                                    path);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  PathSet queryAllValidPaths() override {
+    PathSet paths;
+    for (auto& entry : readDirectory(binaryCacheDir)) {
+      if (entry.name.size() != 40 || !hasSuffix(entry.name, ".narinfo")) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      paths.insert(storeDir + "/" +
+                   entry.name.substr(0, entry.name.size() - 8));
+    }
+    return paths;
+  }
+void LocalBinaryCacheStore::init() {
+  createDirs(binaryCacheDir + "/nar");
+  BinaryCacheStore::init();
+static void atomicWrite(const Path& path, const std::string& s) {
+  Path tmp = path + ".tmp." + std::to_string(getpid());
+  AutoDelete del(tmp, false);
+  writeFile(tmp, s);
+  if (rename(tmp.c_str(), path.c_str()) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("renaming '%1%' to '%2%'") % tmp % path);
+  }
+  del.cancel();
+bool LocalBinaryCacheStore::fileExists(const std::string& path) {
+  return pathExists(binaryCacheDir + "/" + path);
+void LocalBinaryCacheStore::upsertFile(const std::string& path,
+                                       const std::string& data,
+                                       const std::string& mimeType) {
+  atomicWrite(binaryCacheDir + "/" + path, data);
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore(
+    [](const std::string& uri,
+       const Store::Params& params) -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+      if (getEnv("_NIX_FORCE_HTTP_BINARY_CACHE_STORE") == "1" ||
+          std::string(uri, 0, 7) != "file://") {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      auto store =
+          std::make_shared<LocalBinaryCacheStore>(params, std::string(uri, 7));
+      store->init();
+      return store;
+    });
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-fs-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-fs-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2120afc0ce7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-fs-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "compression.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "fs-accessor.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+namespace nix {
+LocalFSStore::LocalFSStore(const Params& params) : Store(params) {}
+struct LocalStoreAccessor : public FSAccessor {
+  ref<LocalFSStore> store;
+  explicit LocalStoreAccessor(const ref<LocalFSStore>& store) : store(store) {}
+  Path toRealPath(const Path& path) {
+    Path storePath = store->toStorePath(path);
+    if (!store->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+      throw InvalidPath(format("path '%1%' is not a valid store path") %
+                        storePath);
+    }
+    return store->getRealStoreDir() + std::string(path, store->storeDir.size());
+  }
+  FSAccessor::Stat stat(const Path& path) override {
+    auto realPath = toRealPath(path);
+    struct stat st;
+    if (lstat(realPath.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+      if (errno == ENOENT || errno == ENOTDIR) {
+        return {Type::tMissing, 0, false};
+      }
+      throw SysError(format("getting status of '%1%'") % path);
+    }
+    if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && !S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+      throw Error(format("file '%1%' has unsupported type") % path);
+    }
+    return {S_ISREG(st.st_mode)
+                ? Type::tRegular
+                : S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) ? Type::tSymlink : Type::tDirectory,
+            S_ISREG(st.st_mode) ? (uint64_t)st.st_size : 0,
+            S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && ((st.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0u)};
+  }
+  StringSet readDirectory(const Path& path) override {
+    auto realPath = toRealPath(path);
+    auto entries = nix::readDirectory(realPath);
+    StringSet res;
+    for (auto& entry : entries) {
+      res.insert(entry.name);
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+  std::string readFile(const Path& path) override {
+    return nix::readFile(toRealPath(path));
+  }
+  std::string readLink(const Path& path) override {
+    return nix::readLink(toRealPath(path));
+  }
+ref<FSAccessor> LocalFSStore::getFSAccessor() {
+  return make_ref<LocalStoreAccessor>(ref<LocalFSStore>(
+      std::dynamic_pointer_cast<LocalFSStore>(shared_from_this())));
+void LocalFSStore::narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) {
+  if (!isValidPath(path)) {
+    throw Error(format("path '%s' is not valid") % path);
+  }
+  dumpPath(getRealStoreDir() + std::string(path, storeDir.size()), sink);
+const string LocalFSStore::drvsLogDir = "drvs";
+std::shared_ptr<std::string> LocalFSStore::getBuildLog(const Path& path_) {
+  auto path(path_);
+  assertStorePath(path);
+  if (!isDerivation(path)) {
+    try {
+      path = queryPathInfo(path)->deriver;
+    } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+    if (path.empty()) {
+      return nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  string baseName = baseNameOf(path);
+  for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++) {
+    Path logPath = j == 0 ? fmt("%s/%s/%s/%s", logDir, drvsLogDir,
+                                string(baseName, 0, 2), string(baseName, 2))
+                          : fmt("%s/%s/%s", logDir, drvsLogDir, baseName);
+    Path logBz2Path = logPath + ".bz2";
+    if (pathExists(logPath)) {
+      return std::make_shared<std::string>(readFile(logPath));
+    }
+    if (pathExists(logBz2Path)) {
+      try {
+        return decompress("bzip2", readFile(logBz2Path));
+      } catch (Error&) {
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1d162ad6be10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,1534 @@
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <ctime>
+#include <iostream>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <grp.h>
+#include <sys/select.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/time.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <utime.h>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "nar-info.hh"
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+#if __linux__
+#include <sched.h>
+#include <sys/ioctl.h>
+#include <sys/mount.h>
+#include <sys/statvfs.h>
+#include <sys/xattr.h>
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+namespace nix {
+LocalStore::LocalStore(const Params& params)
+    : Store(params),
+      LocalFSStore(params),
+      realStoreDir_{this, false,
+                    rootDir != "" ? rootDir + "/nix/store" : storeDir, "real",
+                    "physical path to the Nix store"},
+      realStoreDir(realStoreDir_),
+      dbDir(stateDir + "/db"),
+      linksDir(realStoreDir + "/.links"),
+      reservedPath(dbDir + "/reserved"),
+      schemaPath(dbDir + "/schema"),
+      trashDir(realStoreDir + "/trash"),
+      tempRootsDir(stateDir + "/temproots"),
+      fnTempRoots(fmt("%s/%d", tempRootsDir, getpid())) {
+  auto state(_state.lock());
+  /* Create missing state directories if they don't already exist. */
+  createDirs(realStoreDir);
+  makeStoreWritable();
+  createDirs(linksDir);
+  Path profilesDir = stateDir + "/profiles";
+  createDirs(profilesDir);
+  createDirs(tempRootsDir);
+  createDirs(dbDir);
+  Path gcRootsDir = stateDir + "/gcroots";
+  if (!pathExists(gcRootsDir)) {
+    createDirs(gcRootsDir);
+    createSymlink(profilesDir, gcRootsDir + "/profiles");
+  }
+  for (auto& perUserDir :
+       {profilesDir + "/per-user", gcRootsDir + "/per-user"}) {
+    createDirs(perUserDir);
+    if (chmod(perUserDir.c_str(), 0755) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("could not set permissions on '%s' to 755", perUserDir);
+    }
+  }
+  createUser(getUserName(), getuid());
+  /* Optionally, create directories and set permissions for a
+     multi-user install. */
+  if (getuid() == 0 && settings.buildUsersGroup != "") {
+    mode_t perm = 01775;
+    struct group* gr = getgrnam(settings.buildUsersGroup.get().c_str());
+    if (gr == nullptr) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "warning: the group '" << settings.buildUsersGroup
+                 << "' specified in 'build-users-group' does not exist";
+    } else {
+      struct stat st;
+      if (stat(realStoreDir.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+        throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") %
+                       realStoreDir);
+      }
+      if (st.st_uid != 0 || st.st_gid != gr->gr_gid ||
+          (st.st_mode & ~S_IFMT) != perm) {
+        if (chown(realStoreDir.c_str(), 0, gr->gr_gid) == -1) {
+          throw SysError(format("changing ownership of path '%1%'") %
+                         realStoreDir);
+        }
+        if (chmod(realStoreDir.c_str(), perm) == -1) {
+          throw SysError(format("changing permissions on path '%1%'") %
+                         realStoreDir);
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Ensure that the store and its parents are not symlinks. */
+  if (getEnv("NIX_IGNORE_SYMLINK_STORE") != "1") {
+    Path path = realStoreDir;
+    struct stat st;
+    while (path != "/") {
+      if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+        throw SysError(format("getting status of '%1%'") % path);
+      }
+      if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+        throw Error(format("the path '%1%' is a symlink; "
+                           "this is not allowed for the Nix store and its "
+                           "parent directories") %
+                    path);
+      }
+      path = dirOf(path);
+    }
+  }
+  /* We can't open a SQLite database if the disk is full.  Since
+     this prevents the garbage collector from running when it's most
+     needed, we reserve some dummy space that we can free just
+     before doing a garbage collection. */
+  try {
+    struct stat st;
+    if (stat(reservedPath.c_str(), &st) == -1 ||
+        st.st_size != settings.reservedSize) {
+      AutoCloseFD fd =
+          open(reservedPath.c_str(), O_WRONLY | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600);
+      int res = -1;
+      res = posix_fallocate(fd.get(), 0, settings.reservedSize);
+      if (res == -1) {
+        writeFull(fd.get(), string(settings.reservedSize, 'X'));
+        [[gnu::unused]] auto res2 = ftruncate(fd.get(), settings.reservedSize);
+      }
+    }
+  } catch (SysError& e) { /* don't care about errors */
+  }
+  /* Acquire the big fat lock in shared mode to make sure that no
+     schema upgrade is in progress. */
+  Path globalLockPath = dbDir + "/big-lock";
+  globalLock = openLockFile(globalLockPath, true);
+  if (!lockFile(globalLock.get(), ltRead, false)) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "waiting for the big Nix store lock...";
+    lockFile(globalLock.get(), ltRead, true);
+  }
+  /* Check the current database schema and if necessary do an
+     upgrade.  */
+  int curSchema = getSchema();
+  if (curSchema > nixSchemaVersion) {
+    throw Error(
+        format(
+            "current Nix store schema is version %1%, but I only support %2%") %
+        curSchema % nixSchemaVersion);
+  }
+  if (curSchema == 0) { /* new store */
+    curSchema = nixSchemaVersion;
+    openDB(*state, true);
+    writeFile(schemaPath, (format("%1%") % nixSchemaVersion).str());
+  } else if (curSchema < nixSchemaVersion) {
+    if (curSchema < 5) {
+      throw Error(
+          "Your Nix store has a database in Berkeley DB format,\n"
+          "which is no longer supported. To convert to the new format,\n"
+          "please upgrade Nix to version 0.12 first.");
+    }
+    if (curSchema < 6) {
+      throw Error(
+          "Your Nix store has a database in flat file format,\n"
+          "which is no longer supported. To convert to the new format,\n"
+          "please upgrade Nix to version 1.11 first.");
+    }
+    if (!lockFile(globalLock.get(), ltWrite, false)) {
+      LOG(INFO) << "waiting for exclusive access to the Nix store...";
+      lockFile(globalLock.get(), ltWrite, true);
+    }
+    /* Get the schema version again, because another process may
+       have performed the upgrade already. */
+    curSchema = getSchema();
+    if (curSchema < 7) {
+      upgradeStore7();
+    }
+    openDB(*state, false);
+    if (curSchema < 8) {
+      SQLiteTxn txn(state->db);
+      state->db.exec("alter table ValidPaths add column ultimate integer");
+      state->db.exec("alter table ValidPaths add column sigs text");
+      txn.commit();
+    }
+    if (curSchema < 9) {
+      SQLiteTxn txn(state->db);
+      state->db.exec("drop table FailedPaths");
+      txn.commit();
+    }
+    if (curSchema < 10) {
+      SQLiteTxn txn(state->db);
+      state->db.exec("alter table ValidPaths add column ca text");
+      txn.commit();
+    }
+    writeFile(schemaPath, (format("%1%") % nixSchemaVersion).str());
+    lockFile(globalLock.get(), ltRead, true);
+  } else {
+    openDB(*state, false);
+  }
+  /* Prepare SQL statements. */
+  state->stmtRegisterValidPath.create(
+      state->db,
+      "insert into ValidPaths (path, hash, registrationTime, deriver, narSize, "
+      "ultimate, sigs, ca) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);");
+  state->stmtUpdatePathInfo.create(
+      state->db,
+      "update ValidPaths set narSize = ?, hash = ?, ultimate = ?, sigs = ?, ca "
+      "= ? where path = ?;");
+  state->stmtAddReference.create(
+      state->db,
+      "insert or replace into Refs (referrer, reference) values (?, ?);");
+  state->stmtQueryPathInfo.create(
+      state->db,
+      "select id, hash, registrationTime, deriver, narSize, ultimate, sigs, ca "
+      "from ValidPaths where path = ?;");
+  state->stmtQueryReferences.create(state->db,
+                                    "select path from Refs join ValidPaths on "
+                                    "reference = id where referrer = ?;");
+  state->stmtQueryReferrers.create(
+      state->db,
+      "select path from Refs join ValidPaths on referrer = id where reference "
+      "= (select id from ValidPaths where path = ?);");
+  state->stmtInvalidatePath.create(state->db,
+                                   "delete from ValidPaths where path = ?;");
+  state->stmtAddDerivationOutput.create(
+      state->db,
+      "insert or replace into DerivationOutputs (drv, id, path) values (?, ?, "
+      "?);");
+  state->stmtQueryValidDerivers.create(
+      state->db,
+      "select v.id, v.path from DerivationOutputs d join ValidPaths v on d.drv "
+      "= v.id where d.path = ?;");
+  state->stmtQueryDerivationOutputs.create(
+      state->db, "select id, path from DerivationOutputs where drv = ?;");
+  // Use "path >= ?" with limit 1 rather than "path like '?%'" to
+  // ensure efficient lookup.
+  state->stmtQueryPathFromHashPart.create(
+      state->db, "select path from ValidPaths where path >= ? limit 1;");
+  state->stmtQueryValidPaths.create(state->db, "select path from ValidPaths");
+LocalStore::~LocalStore() {
+  std::shared_future<void> future;
+  {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    if (state->gcRunning) {
+      future = state->gcFuture;
+    }
+  }
+  if (future.valid()) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "waiting for auto-GC to finish on exit...";
+    future.get();
+  }
+  try {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    if (state->fdTempRoots) {
+      state->fdTempRoots = -1;
+      unlink(fnTempRoots.c_str());
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+std::string LocalStore::getUri() { return "local"; }
+int LocalStore::getSchema() {
+  int curSchema = 0;
+  if (pathExists(schemaPath)) {
+    string s = readFile(schemaPath);
+    if (!string2Int(s, curSchema)) {
+      throw Error(format("'%1%' is corrupt") % schemaPath);
+    }
+  }
+  return curSchema;
+void LocalStore::openDB(State& state, bool create) {
+  if (access(dbDir.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("Nix database directory '%1%' is not writable") %
+                   dbDir);
+  }
+  /* Open the Nix database. */
+  string dbPath = dbDir + "/db.sqlite";
+  auto& db(state.db);
+  if (sqlite3_open_v2(dbPath.c_str(), &db.db,
+                      SQLITE_OPEN_READWRITE | (create ? SQLITE_OPEN_CREATE : 0),
+                      nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throw Error(format("cannot open Nix database '%1%'") % dbPath);
+  }
+#ifdef __CYGWIN__
+  /* The cygwin version of sqlite3 has a patch which calls
+     SetDllDirectory("/usr/bin") on init. It was intended to fix extension
+     loading, which we don't use, and the effect of SetDllDirectory is
+     inherited by child processes, and causes libraries to be loaded from
+     /usr/bin instead of $PATH. This breaks quite a few things (e.g.
+     checkPhase on openssh), so we set it back to default behaviour. */
+  SetDllDirectoryW(L"");
+  if (sqlite3_busy_timeout(db, 60 * 60 * 1000) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(db, "setting timeout");
+  }
+  db.exec("pragma foreign_keys = 1");
+  /* !!! check whether sqlite has been built with foreign key
+     support */
+  /* Whether SQLite should fsync().  "Normal" synchronous mode
+     should be safe enough.  If the user asks for it, don't sync at
+     all.  This can cause database corruption if the system
+     crashes. */
+  string syncMode = settings.fsyncMetadata ? "normal" : "off";
+  db.exec("pragma synchronous = " + syncMode);
+  /* Set the SQLite journal mode.  WAL mode is fastest, so it's the
+     default. */
+  string mode = settings.useSQLiteWAL ? "wal" : "truncate";
+  string prevMode;
+  {
+    SQLiteStmt stmt;
+    stmt.create(db, "pragma main.journal_mode;");
+    if (sqlite3_step(stmt) != SQLITE_ROW) {
+      throwSQLiteError(db, "querying journal mode");
+    }
+    prevMode = string((const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, 0));
+  }
+  if (prevMode != mode &&
+      sqlite3_exec(db, ("pragma main.journal_mode = " + mode + ";").c_str(),
+                   nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(db, "setting journal mode");
+  }
+  /* Increase the auto-checkpoint interval to 40000 pages.  This
+     seems enough to ensure that instantiating the NixOS system
+     derivation is done in a single fsync(). */
+  if (mode == "wal" && sqlite3_exec(db, "pragma wal_autocheckpoint = 40000;",
+                                    nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(db, "setting autocheckpoint interval");
+  }
+  /* Initialise the database schema, if necessary. */
+  if (create) {
+    const char* schema =
+#include "schema.sql.gen.hh"
+        ;
+    db.exec(schema);
+  }
+/* To improve purity, users may want to make the Nix store a read-only
+   bind mount.  So make the Nix store writable for this process. */
+void LocalStore::makeStoreWritable() {
+#if __linux__
+  if (getuid() != 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Check if /nix/store is on a read-only mount. */
+  struct statvfs stat;
+  if (statvfs(realStoreDir.c_str(), &stat) != 0) {
+    throw SysError("getting info about the Nix store mount point");
+  }
+  if ((stat.f_flag & ST_RDONLY) != 0u) {
+    if (unshare(CLONE_NEWNS) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("setting up a private mount namespace");
+    }
+    if (mount(nullptr, realStoreDir.c_str(), "none", MS_REMOUNT | MS_BIND,
+              nullptr) == -1) {
+      throw SysError(format("remounting %1% writable") % realStoreDir);
+    }
+  }
+const time_t mtimeStore = 1; /* 1 second into the epoch */
+static void canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(const Path& path,
+                                                const struct stat& st) {
+  if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+    /* Mask out all type related bits. */
+    mode_t mode = st.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
+    if (mode != 0444 && mode != 0555) {
+      mode = (st.st_mode & S_IFMT) | 0444 |
+             ((st.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0u ? 0111 : 0);
+      if (chmod(path.c_str(), mode) == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("changing mode of '%1%' to %2$o") % path % mode);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  if (st.st_mtime != mtimeStore) {
+    struct timeval times[2];
+    times[0].tv_sec = st.st_atime;
+    times[0].tv_usec = 0;
+    times[1].tv_sec = mtimeStore;
+    times[1].tv_usec = 0;
+    if (lutimes(path.c_str(), times) == -1) {
+      if (errno != ENOSYS ||
+          (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && utimes(path.c_str(), times) == -1)) {
+    if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && utimes(path.c_str(), times) == -1)
+        throw SysError(format("changing modification time of '%1%'") % path);
+      }
+    }
+  }  // namespace nix
+void canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(const Path& path) {
+  struct stat st;
+  if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(path, st);
+static void canonicalisePathMetaData_(const Path& path, uid_t fromUid,
+                                      InodesSeen& inodesSeen) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+#if __APPLE__
+  /* Remove flags, in particular UF_IMMUTABLE which would prevent
+     the file from being garbage-collected. FIXME: Use
+     setattrlist() to remove other attributes as well. */
+  if (lchflags(path.c_str(), 0)) {
+    if (errno != ENOTSUP)
+      throw SysError(format("clearing flags of path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  struct stat st;
+  if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  /* Really make sure that the path is of a supported type. */
+  if (!(S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) || S_ISLNK(st.st_mode))) {
+    throw Error(format("file '%1%' has an unsupported type") % path);
+  }
+#if __linux__
+  /* Remove extended attributes / ACLs. */
+  ssize_t eaSize = llistxattr(path.c_str(), nullptr, 0);
+  if (eaSize < 0) {
+    if (errno != ENOTSUP && errno != ENODATA) {
+      throw SysError("querying extended attributes of '%s'", path);
+    }
+  } else if (eaSize > 0) {
+    std::vector<char> eaBuf(eaSize);
+    if ((eaSize = llistxattr(path.c_str(), eaBuf.data(), eaBuf.size())) < 0) {
+      throw SysError("querying extended attributes of '%s'", path);
+    }
+    for (auto& eaName : tokenizeString<Strings>(
+             std::string(eaBuf.data(), eaSize), std::string("\000", 1))) {
+      /* Ignore SELinux security labels since these cannot be
+         removed even by root. */
+      if (eaName == "security.selinux") {
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (lremovexattr(path.c_str(), eaName.c_str()) == -1) {
+        throw SysError("removing extended attribute '%s' from '%s'", eaName,
+                       path);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  /* Fail if the file is not owned by the build user.  This prevents
+     us from messing up the ownership/permissions of files
+     hard-linked into the output (e.g. "ln /etc/shadow $out/foo").
+     However, ignore files that we chown'ed ourselves previously to
+     ensure that we don't fail on hard links within the same build
+     (i.e. "touch $out/foo; ln $out/foo $out/bar"). */
+  if (fromUid != (uid_t)-1 && st.st_uid != fromUid) {
+    assert(!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode));
+    if (inodesSeen.find(Inode(st.st_dev, st.st_ino)) == inodesSeen.end()) {
+      throw BuildError(format("invalid ownership on file '%1%'") % path);
+    }
+    mode_t mode = st.st_mode & ~S_IFMT;
+    assert(S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) ||
+           (st.st_uid == geteuid() && (mode == 0444 || mode == 0555) &&
+            st.st_mtime == mtimeStore));
+    return;
+  }
+  inodesSeen.insert(Inode(st.st_dev, st.st_ino));
+  canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(path, st);
+  /* Change ownership to the current uid.  If it's a symlink, use
+     lchown if available, otherwise don't bother.  Wrong ownership
+     of a symlink doesn't matter, since the owning user can't change
+     the symlink and can't delete it because the directory is not
+     writable.  The only exception is top-level paths in the Nix
+     store (since that directory is group-writable for the Nix build
+     users group); we check for this case below. */
+  if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) {
+    if (lchown(path.c_str(), geteuid(), getegid()) == -1) {
+    if (!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && chown(path.c_str(), geteuid(), getegid()) == -1)
+      throw SysError(format("changing owner of '%1%' to %2%") % path %
+                     geteuid());
+    }
+  }
+  if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+    DirEntries entries = readDirectory(path);
+    for (auto& i : entries) {
+      canonicalisePathMetaData_(path + "/" + i.name, fromUid, inodesSeen);
+    }
+  }
+void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path& path, uid_t fromUid,
+                              InodesSeen& inodesSeen) {
+  canonicalisePathMetaData_(path, fromUid, inodesSeen);
+  /* On platforms that don't have lchown(), the top-level path can't
+     be a symlink, since we can't change its ownership. */
+  struct stat st;
+  if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  if (st.st_uid != geteuid()) {
+    assert(S_ISLNK(st.st_mode));
+    throw Error(format("wrong ownership of top-level store path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path& path, uid_t fromUid) {
+  InodesSeen inodesSeen;
+  canonicalisePathMetaData(path, fromUid, inodesSeen);
+void LocalStore::checkDerivationOutputs(const Path& drvPath,
+                                        const Derivation& drv) {
+  string drvName = storePathToName(drvPath);
+  assert(isDerivation(drvName));
+  drvName = string(drvName, 0, drvName.size() - drvExtension.size());
+  if (drv.isFixedOutput()) {
+    auto out = drv.outputs.find("out");
+    if (out == drv.outputs.end()) {
+      throw Error(
+          format("derivation '%1%' does not have an output named 'out'") %
+          drvPath);
+    }
+    bool recursive;
+    Hash h;
+    out->second.parseHashInfo(recursive, h);
+    Path outPath = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h, drvName);
+    auto j = drv.env.find("out");
+    if (out->second.path != outPath || j == drv.env.end() ||
+        j->second != outPath) {
+      throw Error(
+          format(
+              "derivation '%1%' has incorrect output '%2%', should be '%3%'") %
+          drvPath % out->second.path % outPath);
+    }
+  }
+  else {
+    Derivation drvCopy(drv);
+    for (auto& i : drvCopy.outputs) {
+      i.second.path = "";
+      drvCopy.env[i.first] = "";
+    }
+    Hash h = hashDerivationModulo(*this, drvCopy);
+    for (auto& i : drv.outputs) {
+      Path outPath = makeOutputPath(i.first, h, drvName);
+      auto j = drv.env.find(i.first);
+      if (i.second.path != outPath || j == drv.env.end() ||
+          j->second != outPath) {
+        throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' has incorrect output '%2%', "
+                           "should be '%3%'") %
+                    drvPath % i.second.path % outPath);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+uint64_t LocalStore::addValidPath(State& state, const ValidPathInfo& info,
+                                  bool checkOutputs) {
+  if (!info.ca.empty() && !info.isContentAddressed(*this)) {
+    throw Error(
+        "cannot add path '%s' to the Nix store because it claims to be "
+        "content-addressed but isn't",
+        info.path);
+  }
+  state.stmtRegisterValidPath
+      .use()(info.path)(info.narHash.to_string(Base16))(
+          info.registrationTime == 0 ? time(nullptr) : info.registrationTime)(
+          info.deriver, !info.deriver.empty())(info.narSize, info.narSize != 0)(
+          info.ultimate ? 1 : 0, info.ultimate)(
+          concatStringsSep(" ", info.sigs), !info.sigs.empty())(
+          info.ca, !info.ca.empty())
+      .exec();
+  uint64_t id = sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(state.db);
+  /* If this is a derivation, then store the derivation outputs in
+     the database.  This is useful for the garbage collector: it can
+     efficiently query whether a path is an output of some
+     derivation. */
+  if (isDerivation(info.path)) {
+    Derivation drv = readDerivation(realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(info.path));
+    /* Verify that the output paths in the derivation are correct
+       (i.e., follow the scheme for computing output paths from
+       derivations).  Note that if this throws an error, then the
+       DB transaction is rolled back, so the path validity
+       registration above is undone. */
+    if (checkOutputs) {
+      checkDerivationOutputs(info.path, drv);
+    }
+    for (auto& i : drv.outputs) {
+      state.stmtAddDerivationOutput.use()(id)(i.first)(i.second.path).exec();
+    }
+  }
+  {
+    auto state_(Store::state.lock());
+    state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(storePathToHash(info.path),
+                                 std::make_shared<ValidPathInfo>(info));
+  }
+  return id;
+void LocalStore::queryPathInfoUncached(
+    const Path& path,
+    Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept {
+  try {
+    auto info = std::make_shared<ValidPathInfo>();
+    info->path = path;
+    assertStorePath(path);
+    callback(retrySQLite<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>>([&]() {
+      auto state(_state.lock());
+      /* Get the path info. */
+      auto useQueryPathInfo(state->stmtQueryPathInfo.use()(path));
+      if (!useQueryPathInfo.next()) {
+        return std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>();
+      }
+      info->id = useQueryPathInfo.getInt(0);
+      try {
+        info->narHash = Hash(useQueryPathInfo.getStr(1));
+      } catch (BadHash& e) {
+        throw Error("in valid-path entry for '%s': %s", path, e.what());
+      }
+      info->registrationTime = useQueryPathInfo.getInt(2);
+      auto s = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(state->stmtQueryPathInfo, 3);
+      if (s != nullptr) {
+        info->deriver = s;
+      }
+      /* Note that narSize = NULL yields 0. */
+      info->narSize = useQueryPathInfo.getInt(4);
+      info->ultimate = useQueryPathInfo.getInt(5) == 1;
+      s = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(state->stmtQueryPathInfo, 6);
+      if (s != nullptr) {
+        info->sigs = tokenizeString<StringSet>(s, " ");
+      }
+      s = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(state->stmtQueryPathInfo, 7);
+      if (s != nullptr) {
+        info->ca = s;
+      }
+      /* Get the references. */
+      auto useQueryReferences(state->stmtQueryReferences.use()(info->id));
+      while (useQueryReferences.next()) {
+        info->references.insert(useQueryReferences.getStr(0));
+      }
+      return info;
+    }));
+  } catch (...) {
+    callback.rethrow();
+  }
+/* Update path info in the database. */
+void LocalStore::updatePathInfo(State& state, const ValidPathInfo& info) {
+  state.stmtUpdatePathInfo
+      .use()(info.narSize, info.narSize != 0)(info.narHash.to_string(Base16))(
+          info.ultimate ? 1 : 0, info.ultimate)(
+          concatStringsSep(" ", info.sigs), !info.sigs.empty())(
+          info.ca, !info.ca.empty())(info.path)
+      .exec();
+uint64_t LocalStore::queryValidPathId(State& state, const Path& path) {
+  auto use(state.stmtQueryPathInfo.use()(path));
+  if (!use.next()) {
+    throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not valid") % path);
+  }
+  return use.getInt(0);
+bool LocalStore::isValidPath_(State& state, const Path& path) {
+  return state.stmtQueryPathInfo.use()(path).next();
+bool LocalStore::isValidPathUncached(const Path& path) {
+  return retrySQLite<bool>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    return isValidPath_(*state, path);
+  });
+PathSet LocalStore::queryValidPaths(const PathSet& paths,
+                                    SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute) {
+  PathSet res;
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    if (isValidPath(i)) {
+      res.insert(i);
+    }
+  }
+  return res;
+PathSet LocalStore::queryAllValidPaths() {
+  return retrySQLite<PathSet>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    auto use(state->stmtQueryValidPaths.use());
+    PathSet res;
+    while (use.next()) {
+      res.insert(use.getStr(0));
+    }
+    return res;
+  });
+void LocalStore::queryReferrers(State& state, const Path& path,
+                                PathSet& referrers) {
+  auto useQueryReferrers(state.stmtQueryReferrers.use()(path));
+  while (useQueryReferrers.next()) {
+    referrers.insert(useQueryReferrers.getStr(0));
+  }
+void LocalStore::queryReferrers(const Path& path, PathSet& referrers) {
+  assertStorePath(path);
+  return retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    queryReferrers(*state, path, referrers);
+  });
+PathSet LocalStore::queryValidDerivers(const Path& path) {
+  assertStorePath(path);
+  return retrySQLite<PathSet>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    auto useQueryValidDerivers(state->stmtQueryValidDerivers.use()(path));
+    PathSet derivers;
+    while (useQueryValidDerivers.next()) {
+      derivers.insert(useQueryValidDerivers.getStr(1));
+    }
+    return derivers;
+  });
+PathSet LocalStore::queryDerivationOutputs(const Path& path) {
+  return retrySQLite<PathSet>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    auto useQueryDerivationOutputs(state->stmtQueryDerivationOutputs.use()(
+        queryValidPathId(*state, path)));
+    PathSet outputs;
+    while (useQueryDerivationOutputs.next()) {
+      outputs.insert(useQueryDerivationOutputs.getStr(1));
+    }
+    return outputs;
+  });
+StringSet LocalStore::queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path& path) {
+  return retrySQLite<StringSet>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    auto useQueryDerivationOutputs(state->stmtQueryDerivationOutputs.use()(
+        queryValidPathId(*state, path)));
+    StringSet outputNames;
+    while (useQueryDerivationOutputs.next()) {
+      outputNames.insert(useQueryDerivationOutputs.getStr(0));
+    }
+    return outputNames;
+  });
+Path LocalStore::queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) {
+  if (hashPart.size() != storePathHashLen) {
+    throw Error("invalid hash part");
+  }
+  Path prefix = storeDir + "/" + hashPart;
+  return retrySQLite<Path>([&]() -> std::string {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    auto useQueryPathFromHashPart(
+        state->stmtQueryPathFromHashPart.use()(prefix));
+    if (!useQueryPathFromHashPart.next()) {
+      return "";
+    }
+    const char* s =
+        (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(state->stmtQueryPathFromHashPart, 0);
+    return (s != nullptr) &&
+                   prefix.compare(0, prefix.size(), s, prefix.size()) == 0
+               ? s
+               : "";
+  });
+PathSet LocalStore::querySubstitutablePaths(const PathSet& paths) {
+  if (!settings.useSubstitutes) {
+    return PathSet();
+  }
+  auto remaining = paths;
+  PathSet res;
+  for (auto& sub : getDefaultSubstituters()) {
+    if (remaining.empty()) {
+      break;
+    }
+    if (sub->storeDir != storeDir) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (!sub->wantMassQuery()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    auto valid = sub->queryValidPaths(remaining);
+    PathSet remaining2;
+    for (auto& path : remaining) {
+      if (valid.count(path) != 0u) {
+        res.insert(path);
+      } else {
+        remaining2.insert(path);
+      }
+    }
+    std::swap(remaining, remaining2);
+  }
+  return res;
+void LocalStore::querySubstitutablePathInfos(const PathSet& paths,
+                                             SubstitutablePathInfos& infos) {
+  if (!settings.useSubstitutes) {
+    return;
+  }
+  for (auto& sub : getDefaultSubstituters()) {
+    if (sub->storeDir != storeDir) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    for (auto& path : paths) {
+      if (infos.count(path) != 0u) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      DLOG(INFO) << "checking substituter '" << sub->getUri() << "' for path '"
+                 << path << "'";
+      try {
+        auto info = sub->queryPathInfo(path);
+        auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(
+            std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(info));
+        infos[path] = SubstitutablePathInfo{info->deriver, info->references,
+                                            narInfo ? narInfo->fileSize : 0,
+                                            info->narSize};
+      } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+      } catch (SubstituterDisabled&) {
+      } catch (Error& e) {
+        if (settings.tryFallback) {
+          LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
+        } else {
+          throw;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  }
+void LocalStore::registerValidPath(const ValidPathInfo& info) {
+  ValidPathInfos infos;
+  infos.push_back(info);
+  registerValidPaths(infos);
+void LocalStore::registerValidPaths(const ValidPathInfos& infos) {
+  /* SQLite will fsync by default, but the new valid paths may not
+     be fsync-ed.  So some may want to fsync them before registering
+     the validity, at the expense of some speed of the path
+     registering operation. */
+  if (settings.syncBeforeRegistering) {
+    sync();
+  }
+  return retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    SQLiteTxn txn(state->db);
+    PathSet paths;
+    for (auto& i : infos) {
+      assert(i.narHash.type == htSHA256);
+      if (isValidPath_(*state, i.path)) {
+        updatePathInfo(*state, i);
+      } else {
+        addValidPath(*state, i, false);
+      }
+      paths.insert(i.path);
+    }
+    for (auto& i : infos) {
+      auto referrer = queryValidPathId(*state, i.path);
+      for (auto& j : i.references) {
+        state->stmtAddReference.use()(referrer)(queryValidPathId(*state, j))
+            .exec();
+      }
+    }
+    /* Check that the derivation outputs are correct.  We can't do
+       this in addValidPath() above, because the references might
+       not be valid yet. */
+    for (auto& i : infos) {
+      if (isDerivation(i.path)) {
+        // FIXME: inefficient; we already loaded the
+        // derivation in addValidPath().
+        Derivation drv =
+            readDerivation(realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(i.path));
+        checkDerivationOutputs(i.path, drv);
+      }
+    }
+    /* Do a topological sort of the paths.  This will throw an
+       error if a cycle is detected and roll back the
+       transaction.  Cycles can only occur when a derivation
+       has multiple outputs. */
+    topoSortPaths(paths);
+    txn.commit();
+  });
+/* Invalidate a path.  The caller is responsible for checking that
+   there are no referrers. */
+void LocalStore::invalidatePath(State& state, const Path& path) {
+  LOG(INFO) << "invalidating path '" << path << "'";
+  state.stmtInvalidatePath.use()(path).exec();
+  /* Note that the foreign key constraints on the Refs table take
+     care of deleting the references entries for `path'. */
+  {
+    auto state_(Store::state.lock());
+    state_->pathInfoCache.erase(storePathToHash(path));
+  }
+const PublicKeys& LocalStore::getPublicKeys() {
+  auto state(_state.lock());
+  if (!state->publicKeys) {
+    state->publicKeys = std::make_unique<PublicKeys>(getDefaultPublicKeys());
+  }
+  return *state->publicKeys;
+void LocalStore::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& source,
+                            RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                            std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) {
+  if (!info.narHash) {
+    throw Error("cannot add path '%s' because it lacks a hash", info.path);
+  }
+  if (requireSigs && (checkSigs != 0u) &&
+      (info.checkSignatures(*this, getPublicKeys()) == 0u)) {
+    throw Error("cannot add path '%s' because it lacks a valid signature",
+                info.path);
+  }
+  addTempRoot(info.path);
+  if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(info.path)) {
+    PathLocks outputLock;
+    Path realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(info.path);
+    /* Lock the output path.  But don't lock if we're being called
+       from a build hook (whose parent process already acquired a
+       lock on this path). */
+    if (locksHeld.count(info.path) == 0u) {
+      outputLock.lockPaths({realPath});
+    }
+    if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(info.path)) {
+      deletePath(realPath);
+      /* While restoring the path from the NAR, compute the hash
+         of the NAR. */
+      HashSink hashSink(htSHA256);
+      LambdaSource wrapperSource(
+          [&](unsigned char* data, size_t len) -> size_t {
+            size_t n = source.read(data, len);
+            hashSink(data, n);
+            return n;
+          });
+      restorePath(realPath, wrapperSource);
+      auto hashResult = hashSink.finish();
+      if (hashResult.first != info.narHash) {
+        throw Error(
+            "hash mismatch importing path '%s';\n  wanted: %s\n  got:    %s",
+            info.path, info.narHash.to_string(), hashResult.first.to_string());
+      }
+      if (hashResult.second != info.narSize) {
+        throw Error(
+            "size mismatch importing path '%s';\n  wanted: %s\n  got:   %s",
+            info.path, info.narSize, hashResult.second);
+      }
+      autoGC();
+      canonicalisePathMetaData(realPath, -1);
+      optimisePath(realPath);  // FIXME: combine with hashPath()
+      registerValidPath(info);
+    }
+    outputLock.setDeletion(true);
+  }
+Path LocalStore::addToStoreFromDump(const string& dump, const string& name,
+                                    bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo,
+                                    RepairFlag repair) {
+  Hash h = hashString(hashAlgo, dump);
+  Path dstPath = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h, name);
+  addTempRoot(dstPath);
+  if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+    /* The first check above is an optimisation to prevent
+       unnecessary lock acquisition. */
+    Path realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(dstPath);
+    PathLocks outputLock({realPath});
+    if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+      deletePath(realPath);
+      autoGC();
+      if (recursive) {
+        StringSource source(dump);
+        restorePath(realPath, source);
+      } else {
+        writeFile(realPath, dump);
+      }
+      canonicalisePathMetaData(realPath, -1);
+      /* Register the SHA-256 hash of the NAR serialisation of
+         the path in the database.  We may just have computed it
+         above (if called with recursive == true and hashAlgo ==
+         sha256); otherwise, compute it here. */
+      HashResult hash;
+      if (recursive) {
+        hash.first = hashAlgo == htSHA256 ? h : hashString(htSHA256, dump);
+        hash.second = dump.size();
+      } else {
+        hash = hashPath(htSHA256, realPath);
+      }
+      optimisePath(realPath);  // FIXME: combine with hashPath()
+      ValidPathInfo info;
+      info.path = dstPath;
+      info.narHash = hash.first;
+      info.narSize = hash.second;
+      info.ca = makeFixedOutputCA(recursive, h);
+      registerValidPath(info);
+    }
+    outputLock.setDeletion(true);
+  }
+  return dstPath;
+Path LocalStore::addToStore(const string& name, const Path& _srcPath,
+                            bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo,
+                            PathFilter& filter, RepairFlag repair) {
+  Path srcPath(absPath(_srcPath));
+  /* Read the whole path into memory. This is not a very scalable
+     method for very large paths, but `copyPath' is mainly used for
+     small files. */
+  StringSink sink;
+  if (recursive) {
+    dumpPath(srcPath, sink, filter);
+  } else {
+    sink.s = make_ref<std::string>(readFile(srcPath));
+  }
+  return addToStoreFromDump(*sink.s, name, recursive, hashAlgo, repair);
+Path LocalStore::addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                                const PathSet& references, RepairFlag repair) {
+  auto hash = hashString(htSHA256, s);
+  auto dstPath = makeTextPath(name, hash, references);
+  addTempRoot(dstPath);
+  if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+    Path realPath = realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(dstPath);
+    PathLocks outputLock({realPath});
+    if ((repair != 0u) || !isValidPath(dstPath)) {
+      deletePath(realPath);
+      autoGC();
+      writeFile(realPath, s);
+      canonicalisePathMetaData(realPath, -1);
+      StringSink sink;
+      dumpString(s, sink);
+      auto narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *sink.s);
+      optimisePath(realPath);
+      ValidPathInfo info;
+      info.path = dstPath;
+      info.narHash = narHash;
+      info.narSize = sink.s->size();
+      info.references = references;
+      info.ca = "text:" + hash.to_string();
+      registerValidPath(info);
+    }
+    outputLock.setDeletion(true);
+  }
+  return dstPath;
+/* Create a temporary directory in the store that won't be
+   garbage-collected. */
+Path LocalStore::createTempDirInStore() {
+  Path tmpDir;
+  do {
+    /* There is a slight possibility that `tmpDir' gets deleted by
+       the GC between createTempDir() and addTempRoot(), so repeat
+       until `tmpDir' exists. */
+    tmpDir = createTempDir(realStoreDir);
+    addTempRoot(tmpDir);
+  } while (!pathExists(tmpDir));
+  return tmpDir;
+void LocalStore::invalidatePathChecked(const Path& path) {
+  assertStorePath(path);
+  retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    SQLiteTxn txn(state->db);
+    if (isValidPath_(*state, path)) {
+      PathSet referrers;
+      queryReferrers(*state, path, referrers);
+      referrers.erase(path); /* ignore self-references */
+      if (!referrers.empty()) {
+        throw PathInUse(
+            format("cannot delete path '%1%' because it is in use by %2%") %
+            path % showPaths(referrers));
+      }
+      invalidatePath(*state, path);
+    }
+    txn.commit();
+  });
+bool LocalStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair) {
+  LOG(INFO) << "reading the Nix store...";
+  bool errors = false;
+  /* Acquire the global GC lock to get a consistent snapshot of
+     existing and valid paths. */
+  AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltWrite);
+  PathSet store;
+  for (auto& i : readDirectory(realStoreDir)) {
+    store.insert(i.name);
+  }
+  /* Check whether all valid paths actually exist. */
+  LOG(INFO) << "checking path existence...";
+  PathSet validPaths2 = queryAllValidPaths();
+  PathSet validPaths;
+  PathSet done;
+  fdGCLock = -1;
+  for (auto& i : validPaths2) {
+    verifyPath(i, store, done, validPaths, repair, errors);
+  }
+  /* Optionally, check the content hashes (slow). */
+  if (checkContents) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "checking hashes...";
+    Hash nullHash(htSHA256);
+    for (auto& i : validPaths) {
+      try {
+        auto info = std::const_pointer_cast<ValidPathInfo>(
+            std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(queryPathInfo(i)));
+        /* Check the content hash (optionally - slow). */
+        DLOG(INFO) << "checking contents of '" << i << "'";
+        HashResult current = hashPath(info->narHash.type, toRealPath(i));
+        if (info->narHash != nullHash && info->narHash != current.first) {
+          LOG(ERROR) << "path '" << i << "' was modified! expected hash '"
+                     << info->narHash.to_string() << "', got '"
+                     << current.first.to_string() << "'";
+          if (repair != 0u) {
+            repairPath(i);
+          } else {
+            errors = true;
+          }
+        } else {
+          bool update = false;
+          /* Fill in missing hashes. */
+          if (info->narHash == nullHash) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << "fixing missing hash on '" << i << "'";
+            info->narHash = current.first;
+            update = true;
+          }
+          /* Fill in missing narSize fields (from old stores). */
+          if (info->narSize == 0) {
+            LOG(ERROR) << "updating size field on '" << i << "' to "
+                       << current.second;
+            info->narSize = current.second;
+            update = true;
+          }
+          if (update) {
+            auto state(_state.lock());
+            updatePathInfo(*state, *info);
+          }
+        }
+      } catch (Error& e) {
+        /* It's possible that the path got GC'ed, so ignore
+           errors on invalid paths. */
+        if (isValidPath(i)) {
+          LOG(ERROR) << e.msg();
+        } else {
+          LOG(WARNING) << e.msg();
+        }
+        errors = true;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return errors;
+void LocalStore::verifyPath(const Path& path, const PathSet& store,
+                            PathSet& done, PathSet& validPaths,
+                            RepairFlag repair, bool& errors) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+  if (done.find(path) != done.end()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  done.insert(path);
+  if (!isStorePath(path)) {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "path '" << path << "' is not in the Nix store";
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    invalidatePath(*state, path);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (store.find(baseNameOf(path)) == store.end()) {
+    /* Check any referrers first.  If we can invalidate them
+       first, then we can invalidate this path as well. */
+    bool canInvalidate = true;
+    PathSet referrers;
+    queryReferrers(path, referrers);
+    for (auto& i : referrers) {
+      if (i != path) {
+        verifyPath(i, store, done, validPaths, repair, errors);
+        if (validPaths.find(i) != validPaths.end()) {
+          canInvalidate = false;
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    if (canInvalidate) {
+      LOG(WARNING) << "path '" << path
+                   << "' disappeared, removing from database...";
+      auto state(_state.lock());
+      invalidatePath(*state, path);
+    } else {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "path '" << path
+                 << "' disappeared, but it still has valid referrers!";
+      if (repair != 0u) {
+        try {
+          repairPath(path);
+        } catch (Error& e) {
+          LOG(WARNING) << e.msg();
+          errors = true;
+        }
+      } else {
+        errors = true;
+      }
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  validPaths.insert(path);
+unsigned int LocalStore::getProtocol() { return PROTOCOL_VERSION; }
+#if defined(FS_IOC_SETFLAGS) && defined(FS_IOC_GETFLAGS) && \
+    defined(FS_IMMUTABLE_FL)
+static void makeMutable(const Path& path) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+  struct stat st = lstat(path);
+  if (!S_ISDIR(st.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+    for (auto& i : readDirectory(path)) {
+      makeMutable(path + "/" + i.name);
+    }
+  }
+  /* The O_NOFOLLOW is important to prevent us from changing the
+     mutable bit on the target of a symlink (which would be a
+     security hole). */
+  AutoCloseFD fd = open(path.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_NOFOLLOW | O_CLOEXEC);
+  if (fd == -1) {
+    if (errno == ELOOP) {
+      return;
+    }  // it's a symlink
+    throw SysError(format("opening file '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  unsigned int flags = 0, old;
+  /* Silently ignore errors getting/setting the immutable flag so
+     that we work correctly on filesystems that don't support it. */
+  if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_GETFLAGS, &flags)) {
+    return;
+  }
+  old = flags;
+  flags &= ~FS_IMMUTABLE_FL;
+  if (old == flags) {
+    return;
+  }
+  if (ioctl(fd, FS_IOC_SETFLAGS, &flags)) {
+    return;
+  }
+/* Upgrade from schema 6 (Nix 0.15) to schema 7 (Nix >= 1.3). */
+void LocalStore::upgradeStore7() {
+  if (getuid() != 0) {
+    return;
+  }
+  printError(
+      "removing immutable bits from the Nix store (this may take a while)...");
+  makeMutable(realStoreDir);
+void LocalStore::upgradeStore7() {}
+void LocalStore::vacuumDB() {
+  auto state(_state.lock());
+  state->db.exec("vacuum");
+void LocalStore::addSignatures(const Path& storePath, const StringSet& sigs) {
+  retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    SQLiteTxn txn(state->db);
+    auto info = std::const_pointer_cast<ValidPathInfo>(
+        std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(queryPathInfo(storePath)));
+    info->sigs.insert(sigs.begin(), sigs.end());
+    updatePathInfo(*state, *info);
+    txn.commit();
+  });
+void LocalStore::signPathInfo(ValidPathInfo& info) {
+  // FIXME: keep secret keys in memory.
+  auto secretKeyFiles = settings.secretKeyFiles;
+  for (auto& secretKeyFile : secretKeyFiles.get()) {
+    SecretKey secretKey(readFile(secretKeyFile));
+    info.sign(secretKey);
+  }
+void LocalStore::createUser(const std::string& userName, uid_t userId) {
+  for (auto& dir : {fmt("%s/profiles/per-user/%s", stateDir, userName),
+                    fmt("%s/gcroots/per-user/%s", stateDir, userName)}) {
+    createDirs(dir);
+    if (chmod(dir.c_str(), 0755) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("changing permissions of directory '%s'", dir);
+    }
+    if (chown(dir.c_str(), userId, getgid()) == -1) {
+      throw SysError("changing owner of directory '%s'", dir);
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-store.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-store.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1a58df81613b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/local-store.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <chrono>
+#include <future>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include "sqlite.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "sync.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+/* Nix store and database schema version.  Version 1 (or 0) was Nix <=
+   0.7.  Version 2 was Nix 0.8 and 0.9.  Version 3 is Nix 0.10.
+   Version 4 is Nix 0.11.  Version 5 is Nix 0.12-0.16.  Version 6 is
+   Nix 1.0.  Version 7 is Nix 1.3. Version 10 is 2.0. */
+const int nixSchemaVersion = 10;
+struct Derivation;
+struct OptimiseStats {
+  unsigned long filesLinked = 0;
+  unsigned long long bytesFreed = 0;
+  unsigned long long blocksFreed = 0;
+class LocalStore : public LocalFSStore {
+ private:
+  /* Lock file used for upgrading. */
+  AutoCloseFD globalLock;
+  struct State {
+    /* The SQLite database object. */
+    SQLite db;
+    /* Some precompiled SQLite statements. */
+    SQLiteStmt stmtRegisterValidPath;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtUpdatePathInfo;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtAddReference;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryPathInfo;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryReferences;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryReferrers;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtInvalidatePath;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtAddDerivationOutput;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryValidDerivers;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryDerivationOutputs;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryPathFromHashPart;
+    SQLiteStmt stmtQueryValidPaths;
+    /* The file to which we write our temporary roots. */
+    AutoCloseFD fdTempRoots;
+    /* The last time we checked whether to do an auto-GC, or an
+       auto-GC finished. */
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> lastGCCheck;
+    /* Whether auto-GC is running. If so, get gcFuture to wait for
+       the GC to finish. */
+    bool gcRunning = false;
+    std::shared_future<void> gcFuture;
+    /* How much disk space was available after the previous
+       auto-GC. If the current available disk space is below
+       minFree but not much below availAfterGC, then there is no
+       point in starting a new GC. */
+    uint64_t availAfterGC = std::numeric_limits<uint64_t>::max();
+    std::unique_ptr<PublicKeys> publicKeys;
+  };
+  Sync<State, std::recursive_mutex> _state;
+ public:
+  PathSetting realStoreDir_;
+  const Path realStoreDir;
+  const Path dbDir;
+  const Path linksDir;
+  const Path reservedPath;
+  const Path schemaPath;
+  const Path trashDir;
+  const Path tempRootsDir;
+  const Path fnTempRoots;
+ private:
+  Setting<bool> requireSigs{
+      (Store*)this, settings.requireSigs, "require-sigs",
+      "whether store paths should have a trusted signature on import"};
+  const PublicKeys& getPublicKeys();
+ public:
+  // Hack for build-remote.cc.
+  PathSet locksHeld = tokenizeString<PathSet>(getEnv("NIX_HELD_LOCKS"));
+  /* Initialise the local store, upgrading the schema if
+     necessary. */
+  LocalStore(const Params& params);
+  ~LocalStore();
+  /* Implementations of abstract store API methods. */
+  std::string getUri() override;
+  bool isValidPathUncached(const Path& path) override;
+  PathSet queryValidPaths(const PathSet& paths, SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute =
+                                                    NoSubstitute) override;
+  PathSet queryAllValidPaths() override;
+  void queryPathInfoUncached(
+      const Path& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept override;
+  void queryReferrers(const Path& path, PathSet& referrers) override;
+  PathSet queryValidDerivers(const Path& path) override;
+  PathSet queryDerivationOutputs(const Path& path) override;
+  StringSet queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path& path) override;
+  Path queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) override;
+  PathSet querySubstitutablePaths(const PathSet& paths) override;
+  void querySubstitutablePathInfos(const PathSet& paths,
+                                   SubstitutablePathInfos& infos) override;
+  void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& source, RepairFlag repair,
+                  CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                  std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) override;
+  Path addToStore(const string& name, const Path& srcPath, bool recursive,
+                  HashType hashAlgo, PathFilter& filter,
+                  RepairFlag repair) override;
+  /* Like addToStore(), but the contents of the path are contained
+     in `dump', which is either a NAR serialisation (if recursive ==
+     true) or simply the contents of a regular file (if recursive ==
+     false). */
+  Path addToStoreFromDump(const string& dump, const string& name,
+                          bool recursive = true, HashType hashAlgo = htSHA256,
+                          RepairFlag repair = NoRepair);
+  Path addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                      const PathSet& references, RepairFlag repair) override;
+  void buildPaths(const PathSet& paths, BuildMode buildMode) override;
+  BuildResult buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                              BuildMode buildMode) override;
+  void ensurePath(const Path& path) override;
+  void addTempRoot(const Path& path) override;
+  void addIndirectRoot(const Path& path) override;
+  void syncWithGC() override;
+ private:
+  typedef std::shared_ptr<AutoCloseFD> FDPtr;
+  typedef list<FDPtr> FDs;
+  void findTempRoots(FDs& fds, Roots& roots, bool censor);
+ public:
+  Roots findRoots(bool censor) override;
+  void collectGarbage(const GCOptions& options, GCResults& results) override;
+  /* Optimise the disk space usage of the Nix store by hard-linking
+     files with the same contents. */
+  void optimiseStore(OptimiseStats& stats);
+  void optimiseStore() override;
+  /* Optimise a single store path. */
+  void optimisePath(const Path& path);
+  bool verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair) override;
+  /* Register the validity of a path, i.e., that `path' exists, that
+     the paths referenced by it exists, and in the case of an output
+     path of a derivation, that it has been produced by a successful
+     execution of the derivation (or something equivalent).  Also
+     register the hash of the file system contents of the path.  The
+     hash must be a SHA-256 hash. */
+  void registerValidPath(const ValidPathInfo& info);
+  void registerValidPaths(const ValidPathInfos& infos);
+  unsigned int getProtocol() override;
+  void vacuumDB();
+  /* Repair the contents of the given path by redownloading it using
+     a substituter (if available). */
+  void repairPath(const Path& path);
+  void addSignatures(const Path& storePath, const StringSet& sigs) override;
+  /* If free disk space in /nix/store if below minFree, delete
+     garbage until it exceeds maxFree. */
+  void autoGC(bool sync = true);
+ private:
+  int getSchema();
+  void openDB(State& state, bool create);
+  void makeStoreWritable();
+  static uint64_t queryValidPathId(State& state, const Path& path);
+  uint64_t addValidPath(State& state, const ValidPathInfo& info,
+                        bool checkOutputs = true);
+  void invalidatePath(State& state, const Path& path);
+  /* Delete a path from the Nix store. */
+  void invalidatePathChecked(const Path& path);
+  void verifyPath(const Path& path, const PathSet& store, PathSet& done,
+                  PathSet& validPaths, RepairFlag repair, bool& errors);
+  static void updatePathInfo(State& state, const ValidPathInfo& info);
+  void upgradeStore6();
+  void upgradeStore7();
+  PathSet queryValidPathsOld();
+  ValidPathInfo queryPathInfoOld(const Path& path);
+  struct GCState;
+  static void deleteGarbage(GCState& state, const Path& path);
+  void tryToDelete(GCState& state, const Path& path);
+  bool canReachRoot(GCState& state, PathSet& visited, const Path& path);
+  void deletePathRecursive(GCState& state, const Path& path);
+  static bool isActiveTempFile(const GCState& state, const Path& path,
+                               const string& suffix);
+  AutoCloseFD openGCLock(LockType lockType);
+  void findRoots(const Path& path, unsigned char type, Roots& roots);
+  void findRootsNoTemp(Roots& roots, bool censor);
+  void findRuntimeRoots(Roots& roots, bool censor);
+  void removeUnusedLinks(const GCState& state);
+  Path createTempDirInStore();
+  void checkDerivationOutputs(const Path& drvPath, const Derivation& drv);
+  typedef std::unordered_set<ino_t> InodeHash;
+  InodeHash loadInodeHash();
+  static Strings readDirectoryIgnoringInodes(const Path& path,
+                                             const InodeHash& inodeHash);
+  void optimisePath_(OptimiseStats& stats, const Path& path,
+                     InodeHash& inodeHash);
+  // Internal versions that are not wrapped in retry_sqlite.
+  static bool isValidPath_(State& state, const Path& path);
+  static void queryReferrers(State& state, const Path& path,
+                             PathSet& referrers);
+  /* Add signatures to a ValidPathInfo using the secret keys
+     specified by the ‘secret-key-files’ option. */
+  static void signPathInfo(ValidPathInfo& info);
+  Path getRealStoreDir() override { return realStoreDir; }
+  void createUser(const std::string& userName, uid_t userId) override;
+  friend class DerivationGoal;
+  friend class SubstitutionGoal;
+typedef std::pair<dev_t, ino_t> Inode;
+typedef set<Inode> InodesSeen;
+/* "Fix", or canonicalise, the meta-data of the files in a store path
+   after it has been built.  In particular:
+   - the last modification date on each file is set to 1 (i.e.,
+     00:00:01 1/1/1970 UTC)
+   - the permissions are set of 444 or 555 (i.e., read-only with or
+     without execute permission; setuid bits etc. are cleared)
+   - the owner and group are set to the Nix user and group, if we're
+     running as root. */
+void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path& path, uid_t fromUid,
+                              InodesSeen& inodesSeen);
+void canonicalisePathMetaData(const Path& path, uid_t fromUid);
+void canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(const Path& path);
+MakeError(PathInUse, Error);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/machines.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/machines.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5b0c7e72ddba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/machines.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#include "machines.hh"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+Machine::Machine(decltype(storeUri)& storeUri,
+                 decltype(systemTypes)& systemTypes, decltype(sshKey)& sshKey,
+                 decltype(maxJobs) maxJobs, decltype(speedFactor) speedFactor,
+                 decltype(supportedFeatures)& supportedFeatures,
+                 decltype(mandatoryFeatures)& mandatoryFeatures,
+                 decltype(sshPublicHostKey)& sshPublicHostKey)
+    : storeUri(
+          // Backwards compatibility: if the URI is a hostname,
+          // prepend ssh://.
+          storeUri.find("://") != std::string::npos ||
+                  hasPrefix(storeUri, "local") ||
+                  hasPrefix(storeUri, "remote") ||
+                  hasPrefix(storeUri, "auto") || hasPrefix(storeUri, "/")
+              ? storeUri
+              : "ssh://" + storeUri),
+      systemTypes(systemTypes),
+      sshKey(sshKey),
+      maxJobs(maxJobs),
+      speedFactor(std::max(1U, speedFactor)),
+      supportedFeatures(supportedFeatures),
+      mandatoryFeatures(mandatoryFeatures),
+      sshPublicHostKey(sshPublicHostKey) {}
+bool Machine::allSupported(const std::set<string>& features) const {
+  return std::all_of(features.begin(), features.end(),
+                     [&](const string& feature) {
+                       return (supportedFeatures.count(feature) != 0u) ||
+                              (mandatoryFeatures.count(feature) != 0u);
+                     });
+bool Machine::mandatoryMet(const std::set<string>& features) const {
+  return std::all_of(
+      mandatoryFeatures.begin(), mandatoryFeatures.end(),
+      [&](const string& feature) { return features.count(feature); });
+void parseMachines(const std::string& s, Machines& machines) {
+  for (auto line : tokenizeString<std::vector<string>>(s, "\n;")) {
+    trim(line);
+    line.erase(std::find(line.begin(), line.end(), '#'), line.end());
+    if (line.empty()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (line[0] == '@') {
+      auto file = trim(std::string(line, 1));
+      try {
+        parseMachines(readFile(file), machines);
+      } catch (const SysError& e) {
+        if (e.errNo != ENOENT) {
+          throw;
+        }
+        DLOG(INFO) << "cannot find machines file: " << file;
+      }
+      continue;
+    }
+    auto tokens = tokenizeString<std::vector<string>>(line);
+    auto sz = tokens.size();
+    if (sz < 1) {
+      throw FormatError("bad machine specification '%s'", line);
+    }
+    auto isSet = [&](size_t n) {
+      return tokens.size() > n && !tokens[n].empty() && tokens[n] != "-";
+    };
+    machines.emplace_back(
+        tokens[0],
+        isSet(1) ? tokenizeString<std::vector<string>>(tokens[1], ",")
+                 : std::vector<string>{settings.thisSystem},
+        isSet(2) ? tokens[2] : "", isSet(3) ? std::stoull(tokens[3]) : 1LL,
+        isSet(4) ? std::stoull(tokens[4]) : 1LL,
+        isSet(5) ? tokenizeString<std::set<string>>(tokens[5], ",")
+                 : std::set<string>{},
+        isSet(6) ? tokenizeString<std::set<string>>(tokens[6], ",")
+                 : std::set<string>{},
+        isSet(7) ? tokens[7] : "");
+  }
+Machines getMachines() {
+  static auto machines = [&]() {
+    Machines machines;
+    parseMachines(settings.builders, machines);
+    return machines;
+  }();
+  return machines;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/machines.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/machines.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aef8054c250e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/machines.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct Machine {
+  const string storeUri;
+  const std::vector<string> systemTypes;
+  const string sshKey;
+  const unsigned int maxJobs;
+  const unsigned int speedFactor;
+  const std::set<string> supportedFeatures;
+  const std::set<string> mandatoryFeatures;
+  const std::string sshPublicHostKey;
+  bool enabled = true;
+  bool allSupported(const std::set<string>& features) const;
+  bool mandatoryMet(const std::set<string>& features) const;
+  Machine(decltype(storeUri)& storeUri, decltype(systemTypes)& systemTypes,
+          decltype(sshKey)& sshKey, decltype(maxJobs) maxJobs,
+          decltype(speedFactor) speedFactor,
+          decltype(supportedFeatures)& supportedFeatures,
+          decltype(mandatoryFeatures)& mandatoryFeatures,
+          decltype(sshPublicHostKey)& sshPublicHostKey);
+typedef std::vector<Machine> Machines;
+void parseMachines(const std::string& s, Machines& machines);
+Machines getMachines();
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/meson.build b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/meson.build
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47f6ddf25970
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/meson.build
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+# Nix lib store build file
+src_inc += include_directories('.')
+libstore_src = files(
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/binary-cache-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/build.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/crypto.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/derivations.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/download.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/export-import.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/gc.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/globals.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/http-binary-cache-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/legacy-ssh-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/local-binary-cache-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/local-fs-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/local-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/machines.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/misc.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/nar-accessor.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/nar-info.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/optimise-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/parsed-derivations.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/pathlocks.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/profiles.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/references.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/remote-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/sqlite.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/ssh.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/ssh-store.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/store-api.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/builtins/buildenv.cc'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/builtins/fetchurl.cc'))
+libstore_headers = files(
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/binary-cache-store.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/builtins.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/crypto.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/derivations.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/download.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/fs-accessor.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/globals.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/local-store.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/machines.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/nar-accessor.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/nar-info.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/parsed-derivations.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/pathlocks.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/profiles.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/references.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/remote-store.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/s3.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/serve-protocol.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/sqlite.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/ssh.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/store-api.hh'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/worker-protocol.hh'))
+libstore_data = files(
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/sandbox-defaults.sb'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/sandbox-minimal.sb'),
+    join_paths(meson.source_root(), 'src/libstore/sandbox-network.sb'))
+# dependancies
+libstore_dep_list = [
+    glog_dep,
+    libbz2_dep,
+    libcurl_dep,
+    libdl_dep,
+    pthread_dep,
+    sqlite3_dep,
+    libsodium_dep
+if sys_name.contains('linux')
+    libstore_dep_list += libseccomp_dep
+if sys_name.contains('freebsd')
+    libstore_dep_list += libdl_dep
+# Link args
+libstore_link_list = [
+    libutil_lib]
+libstore_link_args = []
+# compiler args
+libstore_cxx_args = [
+    '-DNIX_PREFIX="@0@" '.format(prefix),
+    '-DNIX_STORE_DIR="@0@" '.format(nixstoredir),
+    '-DNIX_DATA_DIR="@0@" '.format(datadir),
+    '-DNIX_STATE_DIR="@0@" '.format(join_paths(localstatedir, 'nix')),
+    '-DNIX_LOG_DIR="@0@" '.format(join_paths(localstatedir, 'log/nix')),
+    '-DNIX_CONF_DIR="@0@" '.format(join_paths(sysconfdir, 'nix')),
+    '-DNIX_LIBEXEC_DIR="@0@" '.format(libexecdir),
+    '-DNIX_BIN_DIR="@0@" '.format(bindir),
+    '-DNIX_MAN_DIR="@0@" '.format(mandir),
+    '-DSANDBOX_SHELL="@0@" '.format(get_option('sandbox_shell')),
+    '-DLSOF="@0@" '.format(lsof)]
+# targets
+gen_header = '''
+  echo 'R"foo(' >> "$1"
+  cat @INPUT@ >> "$1"
+  echo ')foo"' >> "$1"
+libstore_src += custom_target(
+  'schema.sql.gen.hh',
+  output : 'schema.sql.gen.hh',
+  input : 'schema.sql',
+  command : [bash, '-c', gen_header, 'sh', '@OUTPUT@'])
+# build
+libstore_lib = library(
+    'nixstore',
+    install : true,
+    install_mode : 'rwxr-xr-x',
+    install_dir : libdir,
+    include_directories : src_inc,
+    link_with : libstore_link_list,
+    sources : libstore_src,
+    cpp_args : libstore_cxx_args,
+    link_args : libstore_link_args,
+    dependencies : libstore_dep_list)
+    libstore_headers,
+    install_dir : join_paths(includedir, 'nix'))
+    libstore_data,
+    install_dir : join_paths(datadir, 'nix/sandbox'))
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/misc.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/misc.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f95c4bec8b0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/misc.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include "parsed-derivations.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "thread-pool.hh"
+namespace nix {
+void Store::computeFSClosure(const PathSet& startPaths, PathSet& paths_,
+                             bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs,
+                             bool includeDerivers) {
+  struct State {
+    size_t pending;
+    PathSet& paths;
+    std::exception_ptr exc;
+  };
+  Sync<State> state_(State{0, paths_, nullptr});
+  std::function<void(const Path&)> enqueue;
+  std::condition_variable done;
+  enqueue = [&](const Path& path) -> void {
+    {
+      auto state(state_.lock());
+      if (state->exc) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (state->paths.count(path) != 0u) {
+        return;
+      }
+      state->paths.insert(path);
+      state->pending++;
+    }
+    queryPathInfo(
+        path, {[&, path](std::future<ref<ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
+          // FIXME: calls to isValidPath() should be async
+          try {
+            auto info = fut.get();
+            if (flipDirection) {
+              PathSet referrers;
+              queryReferrers(path, referrers);
+              for (auto& ref : referrers) {
+                if (ref != path) {
+                  enqueue(ref);
+                }
+              }
+              if (includeOutputs) {
+                for (auto& i : queryValidDerivers(path)) {
+                  enqueue(i);
+                }
+              }
+              if (includeDerivers && isDerivation(path)) {
+                for (auto& i : queryDerivationOutputs(path)) {
+                  if (isValidPath(i) && queryPathInfo(i)->deriver == path) {
+                    enqueue(i);
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+            } else {
+              for (auto& ref : info->references) {
+                if (ref != path) {
+                  enqueue(ref);
+                }
+              }
+              if (includeOutputs && isDerivation(path)) {
+                for (auto& i : queryDerivationOutputs(path)) {
+                  if (isValidPath(i)) {
+                    enqueue(i);
+                  }
+                }
+              }
+              if (includeDerivers && isValidPath(info->deriver)) {
+                enqueue(info->deriver);
+              }
+            }
+            {
+              auto state(state_.lock());
+              assert(state->pending);
+              if (--state->pending == 0u) {
+                done.notify_one();
+              }
+            }
+          } catch (...) {
+            auto state(state_.lock());
+            if (!state->exc) {
+              state->exc = std::current_exception();
+            }
+            assert(state->pending);
+            if (--state->pending == 0u) {
+              done.notify_one();
+            }
+          };
+        }});
+  };
+  for (auto& startPath : startPaths) {
+    enqueue(startPath);
+  }
+  {
+    auto state(state_.lock());
+    while (state->pending != 0u) {
+      state.wait(done);
+    }
+    if (state->exc) {
+      std::rethrow_exception(state->exc);
+    }
+  }
+void Store::computeFSClosure(const Path& startPath, PathSet& paths_,
+                             bool flipDirection, bool includeOutputs,
+                             bool includeDerivers) {
+  computeFSClosure(PathSet{startPath}, paths_, flipDirection, includeOutputs,
+                   includeDerivers);
+void Store::queryMissing(const PathSet& targets, PathSet& willBuild_,
+                         PathSet& willSubstitute_, PathSet& unknown_,
+                         unsigned long long& downloadSize_,
+                         unsigned long long& narSize_) {
+  LOG(INFO) << "querying info about missing paths";
+  downloadSize_ = narSize_ = 0;
+  ThreadPool pool;
+  struct State {
+    PathSet done;
+    PathSet &unknown, &willSubstitute, &willBuild;
+    unsigned long long& downloadSize;
+    unsigned long long& narSize;
+  };
+  struct DrvState {
+    size_t left;
+    bool done = false;
+    PathSet outPaths;
+    explicit DrvState(size_t left) : left(left) {}
+  };
+  Sync<State> state_(State{PathSet(), unknown_, willSubstitute_, willBuild_,
+                           downloadSize_, narSize_});
+  std::function<void(Path)> doPath;
+  auto mustBuildDrv = [&](const Path& drvPath, const Derivation& drv) {
+    {
+      auto state(state_.lock());
+      state->willBuild.insert(drvPath);
+    }
+    for (auto& i : drv.inputDrvs) {
+      pool.enqueue(
+          std::bind(doPath, makeDrvPathWithOutputs(i.first, i.second)));
+    }
+  };
+  auto checkOutput = [&](const Path& drvPath, const ref<Derivation>& drv,
+                         const Path& outPath,
+                         const ref<Sync<DrvState>>& drvState_) {
+    if (drvState_->lock()->done) {
+      return;
+    }
+    SubstitutablePathInfos infos;
+    querySubstitutablePathInfos({outPath}, infos);
+    if (infos.empty()) {
+      drvState_->lock()->done = true;
+      mustBuildDrv(drvPath, *drv);
+    } else {
+      {
+        auto drvState(drvState_->lock());
+        if (drvState->done) {
+          return;
+        }
+        assert(drvState->left);
+        drvState->left--;
+        drvState->outPaths.insert(outPath);
+        if (drvState->left == 0u) {
+          for (auto& path : drvState->outPaths) {
+            pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, path));
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  doPath = [&](const Path& path) {
+    {
+      auto state(state_.lock());
+      if (state->done.count(path) != 0u) {
+        return;
+      }
+      state->done.insert(path);
+    }
+    DrvPathWithOutputs i2 = parseDrvPathWithOutputs(path);
+    if (isDerivation(i2.first)) {
+      if (!isValidPath(i2.first)) {
+        // FIXME: we could try to substitute the derivation.
+        auto state(state_.lock());
+        state->unknown.insert(path);
+        return;
+      }
+      Derivation drv = derivationFromPath(i2.first);
+      ParsedDerivation parsedDrv(i2.first, drv);
+      PathSet invalid;
+      for (auto& j : drv.outputs) {
+        if (wantOutput(j.first, i2.second) && !isValidPath(j.second.path)) {
+          invalid.insert(j.second.path);
+        }
+      }
+      if (invalid.empty()) {
+        return;
+      }
+      if (settings.useSubstitutes && parsedDrv.substitutesAllowed()) {
+        auto drvState = make_ref<Sync<DrvState>>(DrvState(invalid.size()));
+        for (auto& output : invalid) {
+          pool.enqueue(std::bind(checkOutput, i2.first,
+                                 make_ref<Derivation>(drv), output, drvState));
+        }
+      } else {
+        mustBuildDrv(i2.first, drv);
+      }
+    } else {
+      if (isValidPath(path)) {
+        return;
+      }
+      SubstitutablePathInfos infos;
+      querySubstitutablePathInfos({path}, infos);
+      if (infos.empty()) {
+        auto state(state_.lock());
+        state->unknown.insert(path);
+        return;
+      }
+      auto info = infos.find(path);
+      assert(info != infos.end());
+      {
+        auto state(state_.lock());
+        state->willSubstitute.insert(path);
+        state->downloadSize += info->second.downloadSize;
+        state->narSize += info->second.narSize;
+      }
+      for (auto& ref : info->second.references) {
+        pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, ref));
+      }
+    }
+  };
+  for (auto& path : targets) {
+    pool.enqueue(std::bind(doPath, path));
+  }
+  pool.process();
+Paths Store::topoSortPaths(const PathSet& paths) {
+  Paths sorted;
+  PathSet visited;
+  PathSet parents;
+  std::function<void(const Path& path, const Path* parent)> dfsVisit;
+  dfsVisit = [&](const Path& path, const Path* parent) {
+    if (parents.find(path) != parents.end()) {
+      throw BuildError(
+          format("cycle detected in the references of '%1%' from '%2%'") %
+          path % *parent);
+    }
+    if (visited.find(path) != visited.end()) {
+      return;
+    }
+    visited.insert(path);
+    parents.insert(path);
+    PathSet references;
+    try {
+      references = queryPathInfo(path)->references;
+    } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+    }
+    for (auto& i : references) {
+      /* Don't traverse into paths that don't exist.  That can
+         happen due to substitutes for non-existent paths. */
+      if (i != path && paths.find(i) != paths.end()) {
+        dfsVisit(i, &path);
+      }
+    }
+    sorted.push_front(path);
+    parents.erase(path);
+  };
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    dfsVisit(i, nullptr);
+  }
+  return sorted;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-accessor.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-accessor.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f6e0377aed4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-accessor.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,268 @@
+#include "nar-accessor.hh"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <map>
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include <stack>
+#include <utility>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "json.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct NarMember {
+  FSAccessor::Type type = FSAccessor::Type::tMissing;
+  bool isExecutable = false;
+  /* If this is a regular file, position of the contents of this
+     file in the NAR. */
+  size_t start = 0, size = 0;
+  std::string target;
+  /* If this is a directory, all the children of the directory. */
+  std::map<std::string, NarMember> children;
+struct NarAccessor : public FSAccessor {
+  std::shared_ptr<const std::string> nar;
+  GetNarBytes getNarBytes;
+  NarMember root;
+  struct NarIndexer : ParseSink, StringSource {
+    NarAccessor& acc;
+    std::stack<NarMember*> parents;
+    std::string currentStart;
+    bool isExec = false;
+    NarIndexer(NarAccessor& acc, const std::string& nar)
+        : StringSource(nar), acc(acc) {}
+    void createMember(const Path& path, NarMember member) {
+      size_t level = std::count(path.begin(), path.end(), '/');
+      while (parents.size() > level) {
+        parents.pop();
+      }
+      if (parents.empty()) {
+        acc.root = std::move(member);
+        parents.push(&acc.root);
+      } else {
+        if (parents.top()->type != FSAccessor::Type::tDirectory) {
+          throw Error("NAR file missing parent directory of path '%s'", path);
+        }
+        auto result = parents.top()->children.emplace(baseNameOf(path),
+                                                      std::move(member));
+        parents.push(&result.first->second);
+      }
+    }
+    void createDirectory(const Path& path) override {
+      createMember(path, {FSAccessor::Type::tDirectory, false, 0, 0});
+    }
+    void createRegularFile(const Path& path) override {
+      createMember(path, {FSAccessor::Type::tRegular, false, 0, 0});
+    }
+    void isExecutable() override { parents.top()->isExecutable = true; }
+    void preallocateContents(unsigned long long size) override {
+      currentStart = string(s, pos, 16);
+      assert(size <= std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
+      parents.top()->size = (size_t)size;
+      parents.top()->start = pos;
+    }
+    void receiveContents(unsigned char* data, unsigned int len) override {
+      // Sanity check
+      if (!currentStart.empty()) {
+        assert(len < 16 || currentStart == string((char*)data, 16));
+        currentStart.clear();
+      }
+    }
+    void createSymlink(const Path& path, const string& target) override {
+      createMember(path,
+                   NarMember{FSAccessor::Type::tSymlink, false, 0, 0, target});
+    }
+  };
+  explicit NarAccessor(const ref<const std::string>& nar) : nar(nar) {
+    NarIndexer indexer(*this, *nar);
+    parseDump(indexer, indexer);
+  }
+  NarAccessor(const std::string& listing, GetNarBytes getNarBytes)
+      : getNarBytes(std::move(getNarBytes)) {
+    using json = nlohmann::json;
+    std::function<void(NarMember&, json&)> recurse;
+    recurse = [&](NarMember& member, json& v) {
+      std::string type = v["type"];
+      if (type == "directory") {
+        member.type = FSAccessor::Type::tDirectory;
+        for (auto i = v["entries"].begin(); i != v["entries"].end(); ++i) {
+          const std::string& name = i.key();
+          recurse(member.children[name], i.value());
+        }
+      } else if (type == "regular") {
+        member.type = FSAccessor::Type::tRegular;
+        member.size = v["size"];
+        member.isExecutable = v.value("executable", false);
+        member.start = v["narOffset"];
+      } else if (type == "symlink") {
+        member.type = FSAccessor::Type::tSymlink;
+        member.target = v.value("target", "");
+      } else {
+        return;
+      }
+    };
+    json v = json::parse(listing);
+    recurse(root, v);
+  }
+  NarMember* find(const Path& path) {
+    Path canon = path.empty() ? "" : canonPath(path);
+    NarMember* current = &root;
+    auto end = path.end();
+    for (auto it = path.begin(); it != end;) {
+      // because it != end, the remaining component is non-empty so we need
+      // a directory
+      if (current->type != FSAccessor::Type::tDirectory) {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      // skip slash (canonPath above ensures that this is always a slash)
+      assert(*it == '/');
+      it += 1;
+      // lookup current component
+      auto next = std::find(it, end, '/');
+      auto child = current->children.find(std::string(it, next));
+      if (child == current->children.end()) {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      current = &child->second;
+      it = next;
+    }
+    return current;
+  }
+  NarMember& get(const Path& path) {
+    auto result = find(path);
+    if (result == nullptr) {
+      throw Error("NAR file does not contain path '%1%'", path);
+    }
+    return *result;
+  }
+  Stat stat(const Path& path) override {
+    auto i = find(path);
+    if (i == nullptr) {
+      return {FSAccessor::Type::tMissing, 0, false};
+    }
+    return {i->type, i->size, i->isExecutable, i->start};
+  }
+  StringSet readDirectory(const Path& path) override {
+    auto i = get(path);
+    if (i.type != FSAccessor::Type::tDirectory) {
+      throw Error(format("path '%1%' inside NAR file is not a directory") %
+                  path);
+    }
+    StringSet res;
+    for (auto& child : i.children) {
+      res.insert(child.first);
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+  std::string readFile(const Path& path) override {
+    auto i = get(path);
+    if (i.type != FSAccessor::Type::tRegular) {
+      throw Error(format("path '%1%' inside NAR file is not a regular file") %
+                  path);
+    }
+    if (getNarBytes) {
+      return getNarBytes(i.start, i.size);
+    }
+    assert(nar);
+    return std::string(*nar, i.start, i.size);
+  }
+  std::string readLink(const Path& path) override {
+    auto i = get(path);
+    if (i.type != FSAccessor::Type::tSymlink) {
+      throw Error(format("path '%1%' inside NAR file is not a symlink") % path);
+    }
+    return i.target;
+  }
+ref<FSAccessor> makeNarAccessor(ref<const std::string> nar) {
+  return make_ref<NarAccessor>(nar);
+ref<FSAccessor> makeLazyNarAccessor(const std::string& listing,
+                                    GetNarBytes getNarBytes) {
+  return make_ref<NarAccessor>(listing, getNarBytes);
+void listNar(JSONPlaceholder& res, const ref<FSAccessor>& accessor,
+             const Path& path, bool recurse) {
+  auto st = accessor->stat(path);
+  auto obj = res.object();
+  switch (st.type) {
+    case FSAccessor::Type::tRegular:
+      obj.attr("type", "regular");
+      obj.attr("size", st.fileSize);
+      if (st.isExecutable) {
+        obj.attr("executable", true);
+      }
+      if (st.narOffset != 0u) {
+        obj.attr("narOffset", st.narOffset);
+      }
+      break;
+    case FSAccessor::Type::tDirectory:
+      obj.attr("type", "directory");
+      {
+        auto res2 = obj.object("entries");
+        for (auto& name : accessor->readDirectory(path)) {
+          if (recurse) {
+            auto res3 = res2.placeholder(name);
+            listNar(res3, accessor, path + "/" + name, true);
+          } else {
+            res2.object(name);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+      break;
+    case FSAccessor::Type::tSymlink:
+      obj.attr("type", "symlink");
+      obj.attr("target", accessor->readLink(path));
+      break;
+    default:
+      throw Error("path '%s' does not exist in NAR", path);
+  }
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-accessor.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-accessor.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b18d4a36e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-accessor.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <functional>
+#include "fs-accessor.hh"
+namespace nix {
+/* Return an object that provides access to the contents of a NAR
+   file. */
+ref<FSAccessor> makeNarAccessor(ref<const std::string> nar);
+/* Create a NAR accessor from a NAR listing (in the format produced by
+   listNar()). The callback getNarBytes(offset, length) is used by the
+   readFile() method of the accessor to get the contents of files
+   inside the NAR. */
+typedef std::function<std::string(uint64_t, uint64_t)> GetNarBytes;
+ref<FSAccessor> makeLazyNarAccessor(const std::string& listing,
+                                    GetNarBytes getNarBytes);
+class JSONPlaceholder;
+/* Write a JSON representation of the contents of a NAR (except file
+   contents). */
+void listNar(JSONPlaceholder& res, const ref<FSAccessor>& accessor,
+             const Path& path, bool recurse);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..19ef2c9d7461
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "sqlite.hh"
+#include "sync.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static const char* schema = R"sql(
+create table if not exists BinaryCaches (
+    id        integer primary key autoincrement not null,
+    url       text unique not null,
+    timestamp integer not null,
+    storeDir  text not null,
+    wantMassQuery integer not null,
+    priority  integer not null
+create table if not exists NARs (
+    cache            integer not null,
+    hashPart         text not null,
+    namePart         text,
+    url              text,
+    compression      text,
+    fileHash         text,
+    fileSize         integer,
+    narHash          text,
+    narSize          integer,
+    refs             text,
+    deriver          text,
+    sigs             text,
+    ca               text,
+    timestamp        integer not null,
+    present          integer not null,
+    primary key (cache, hashPart),
+    foreign key (cache) references BinaryCaches(id) on delete cascade
+create table if not exists LastPurge (
+    dummy            text primary key,
+    value            integer
+class NarInfoDiskCacheImpl : public NarInfoDiskCache {
+ public:
+  /* How often to purge expired entries from the cache. */
+  const int purgeInterval = 24 * 3600;
+  struct Cache {
+    int id;
+    Path storeDir;
+    bool wantMassQuery;
+    int priority;
+  };
+  struct State {
+    SQLite db;
+    SQLiteStmt insertCache, queryCache, insertNAR, insertMissingNAR, queryNAR,
+        purgeCache;
+    std::map<std::string, Cache> caches;
+  };
+  Sync<State> _state;
+  NarInfoDiskCacheImpl() {
+    auto state(_state.lock());
+    Path dbPath = getCacheDir() + "/nix/binary-cache-v6.sqlite";
+    createDirs(dirOf(dbPath));
+    state->db = SQLite(dbPath);
+    if (sqlite3_busy_timeout(state->db, 60 * 60 * 1000) != SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(state->db, "setting timeout");
+    }
+    // We can always reproduce the cache.
+    state->db.exec("pragma synchronous = off");
+    state->db.exec("pragma main.journal_mode = truncate");
+    state->db.exec(schema);
+    state->insertCache.create(
+        state->db,
+        "insert or replace into BinaryCaches(url, timestamp, storeDir, "
+        "wantMassQuery, priority) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)");
+    state->queryCache.create(state->db,
+                             "select id, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority "
+                             "from BinaryCaches where url = ?");
+    state->insertNAR.create(
+        state->db,
+        "insert or replace into NARs(cache, hashPart, namePart, url, "
+        "compression, fileHash, fileSize, narHash, "
+        "narSize, refs, deriver, sigs, ca, timestamp, present) values (?, ?, "
+        "?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 1)");
+    state->insertMissingNAR.create(
+        state->db,
+        "insert or replace into NARs(cache, hashPart, timestamp, present) "
+        "values (?, ?, ?, 0)");
+    state->queryNAR.create(
+        state->db,
+        "select present, namePart, url, compression, fileHash, fileSize, "
+        "narHash, narSize, refs, deriver, sigs, ca from NARs where cache = ? "
+        "and hashPart = ? and ((present = 0 and timestamp > ?) or (present = 1 "
+        "and timestamp > ?))");
+    /* Periodically purge expired entries from the database. */
+    retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+      auto now = time(nullptr);
+      SQLiteStmt queryLastPurge(state->db, "select value from LastPurge");
+      auto queryLastPurge_(queryLastPurge.use());
+      if (!queryLastPurge_.next() ||
+          queryLastPurge_.getInt(0) < now - purgeInterval) {
+        SQLiteStmt(state->db,
+                   "delete from NARs where ((present = 0 and timestamp < ?) or "
+                   "(present = 1 and timestamp < ?))")
+            .use()(now - settings.ttlNegativeNarInfoCache)(
+                now - settings.ttlPositiveNarInfoCache)
+            .exec();
+        DLOG(INFO) << "deleted " << sqlite3_changes(state->db)
+                   << " entries from the NAR info disk cache";
+        SQLiteStmt(
+            state->db,
+            "insert or replace into LastPurge(dummy, value) values ('', ?)")
+            .use()(now)
+            .exec();
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  static Cache& getCache(State& state, const std::string& uri) {
+    auto i = state.caches.find(uri);
+    if (i == state.caches.end()) {
+      abort();
+    }
+    return i->second;
+  }
+  void createCache(const std::string& uri, const Path& storeDir,
+                   bool wantMassQuery, int priority) override {
+    retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+      auto state(_state.lock());
+      // FIXME: race
+      state->insertCache
+          .use()(uri)(time(nullptr))(storeDir)(
+              static_cast<int64_t>(wantMassQuery))(priority)
+          .exec();
+      assert(sqlite3_changes(state->db) == 1);
+      state->caches[uri] = Cache{(int)sqlite3_last_insert_rowid(state->db),
+                                 storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority};
+    });
+  }
+  bool cacheExists(const std::string& uri, bool& wantMassQuery,
+                   int& priority) override {
+    return retrySQLite<bool>([&]() {
+      auto state(_state.lock());
+      auto i = state->caches.find(uri);
+      if (i == state->caches.end()) {
+        auto queryCache(state->queryCache.use()(uri));
+        if (!queryCache.next()) {
+          return false;
+        }
+        state->caches.emplace(
+            uri, Cache{(int)queryCache.getInt(0), queryCache.getStr(1),
+                       queryCache.getInt(2) != 0, (int)queryCache.getInt(3)});
+      }
+      auto& cache(getCache(*state, uri));
+      wantMassQuery = cache.wantMassQuery;
+      priority = cache.priority;
+      return true;
+    });
+  }
+  std::pair<Outcome, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>> lookupNarInfo(
+      const std::string& uri, const std::string& hashPart) override {
+    return retrySQLite<std::pair<Outcome, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>>>(
+        [&]() -> std::pair<Outcome, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>> {
+          auto state(_state.lock());
+          auto& cache(getCache(*state, uri));
+          auto now = time(nullptr);
+          auto queryNAR(state->queryNAR.use()(cache.id)(hashPart)(
+              now - settings.ttlNegativeNarInfoCache)(
+              now - settings.ttlPositiveNarInfoCache));
+          if (!queryNAR.next()) {
+            return {oUnknown, nullptr};
+          }
+          if (queryNAR.getInt(0) == 0) {
+            return {oInvalid, nullptr};
+          }
+          auto narInfo = make_ref<NarInfo>();
+          auto namePart = queryNAR.getStr(1);
+          narInfo->path = cache.storeDir + "/" + hashPart +
+                          (namePart.empty() ? "" : "-" + namePart);
+          narInfo->url = queryNAR.getStr(2);
+          narInfo->compression = queryNAR.getStr(3);
+          if (!queryNAR.isNull(4)) {
+            narInfo->fileHash = Hash(queryNAR.getStr(4));
+          }
+          narInfo->fileSize = queryNAR.getInt(5);
+          narInfo->narHash = Hash(queryNAR.getStr(6));
+          narInfo->narSize = queryNAR.getInt(7);
+          for (auto& r : tokenizeString<Strings>(queryNAR.getStr(8), " ")) {
+            narInfo->references.insert(cache.storeDir + "/" + r);
+          }
+          if (!queryNAR.isNull(9)) {
+            narInfo->deriver = cache.storeDir + "/" + queryNAR.getStr(9);
+          }
+          for (auto& sig : tokenizeString<Strings>(queryNAR.getStr(10), " ")) {
+            narInfo->sigs.insert(sig);
+          }
+          narInfo->ca = queryNAR.getStr(11);
+          return {oValid, narInfo};
+        });
+  }
+  void upsertNarInfo(const std::string& uri, const std::string& hashPart,
+                     std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo> info) override {
+    retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+      auto state(_state.lock());
+      auto& cache(getCache(*state, uri));
+      if (info) {
+        auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<NarInfo>(info);
+        assert(hashPart == storePathToHash(info->path));
+        state->insertNAR
+            .use()(cache.id)(hashPart)(storePathToName(info->path))(
+                narInfo ? narInfo->url : "", narInfo != nullptr)(
+                narInfo ? narInfo->compression : "", narInfo != nullptr)(
+                narInfo && narInfo->fileHash ? narInfo->fileHash.to_string()
+                                             : "",
+                narInfo && narInfo->fileHash)(
+                narInfo ? narInfo->fileSize : 0,
+                narInfo != nullptr &&
+                    (narInfo->fileSize != 0u))(info->narHash.to_string())(
+                info->narSize)(concatStringsSep(" ", info->shortRefs()))(
+                !info->deriver.empty() ? baseNameOf(info->deriver) : "",
+                !info->deriver.empty())(concatStringsSep(" ", info->sigs))(
+                info->ca)(time(nullptr))
+            .exec();
+      } else {
+        state->insertMissingNAR.use()(cache.id)(hashPart)(time(nullptr)).exec();
+      }
+    });
+  }
+ref<NarInfoDiskCache> getNarInfoDiskCache() {
+  static ref<NarInfoDiskCache> cache = make_ref<NarInfoDiskCacheImpl>();
+  return cache;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65bb773c92f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info-disk-cache.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "nar-info.hh"
+#include "ref.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class NarInfoDiskCache {
+ public:
+  typedef enum { oValid, oInvalid, oUnknown } Outcome;
+  virtual void createCache(const std::string& uri, const Path& storeDir,
+                           bool wantMassQuery, int priority) = 0;
+  virtual bool cacheExists(const std::string& uri, bool& wantMassQuery,
+                           int& priority) = 0;
+  virtual std::pair<Outcome, std::shared_ptr<NarInfo>> lookupNarInfo(
+      const std::string& uri, const std::string& hashPart) = 0;
+  virtual void upsertNarInfo(const std::string& uri,
+                             const std::string& hashPart,
+                             std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo> info) = 0;
+/* Return a singleton cache object that can be used concurrently by
+   multiple threads. */
+ref<NarInfoDiskCache> getNarInfoDiskCache();
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..91cf471554f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+#include "nar-info.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+namespace nix {
+NarInfo::NarInfo(const Store& store, const std::string& s,
+                 const std::string& whence) {
+  auto corrupt = [&]() {
+    throw Error(format("NAR info file '%1%' is corrupt") % whence);
+  };
+  auto parseHashField = [&](const string& s) {
+    try {
+      return Hash(s);
+    } catch (BadHash&) {
+      corrupt();
+      return Hash();  // never reached
+    }
+  };
+  size_t pos = 0;
+  while (pos < s.size()) {
+    size_t colon = s.find(':', pos);
+    if (colon == std::string::npos) {
+      corrupt();
+    }
+    std::string name(s, pos, colon - pos);
+    size_t eol = s.find('\n', colon + 2);
+    if (eol == std::string::npos) {
+      corrupt();
+    }
+    std::string value(s, colon + 2, eol - colon - 2);
+    if (name == "StorePath") {
+      if (!store.isStorePath(value)) {
+        corrupt();
+      }
+      path = value;
+    } else if (name == "URL") {
+      url = value;
+    } else if (name == "Compression") {
+      compression = value;
+    } else if (name == "FileHash") {
+      fileHash = parseHashField(value);
+    } else if (name == "FileSize") {
+      if (!string2Int(value, fileSize)) {
+        corrupt();
+      }
+    } else if (name == "NarHash") {
+      narHash = parseHashField(value);
+    } else if (name == "NarSize") {
+      if (!string2Int(value, narSize)) {
+        corrupt();
+      }
+    } else if (name == "References") {
+      auto refs = tokenizeString<Strings>(value, " ");
+      if (!references.empty()) {
+        corrupt();
+      }
+      for (auto& r : refs) {
+        auto r2 = store.storeDir + "/" + r;
+        if (!store.isStorePath(r2)) {
+          corrupt();
+        }
+        references.insert(r2);
+      }
+    } else if (name == "Deriver") {
+      if (value != "unknown-deriver") {
+        auto p = store.storeDir + "/" + value;
+        if (!store.isStorePath(p)) {
+          corrupt();
+        }
+        deriver = p;
+      }
+    } else if (name == "System") {
+      system = value;
+    } else if (name == "Sig") {
+      sigs.insert(value);
+    } else if (name == "CA") {
+      if (!ca.empty()) {
+        corrupt();
+      }
+      ca = value;
+    }
+    pos = eol + 1;
+  }
+  if (compression.empty()) {
+    compression = "bzip2";
+  }
+  if (path.empty() || url.empty() || narSize == 0 || !narHash) {
+    corrupt();
+  }
+std::string NarInfo::to_string() const {
+  std::string res;
+  res += "StorePath: " + path + "\n";
+  res += "URL: " + url + "\n";
+  assert(!compression.empty());
+  res += "Compression: " + compression + "\n";
+  assert(fileHash.type == htSHA256);
+  res += "FileHash: " + fileHash.to_string(Base32) + "\n";
+  res += "FileSize: " + std::to_string(fileSize) + "\n";
+  assert(narHash.type == htSHA256);
+  res += "NarHash: " + narHash.to_string(Base32) + "\n";
+  res += "NarSize: " + std::to_string(narSize) + "\n";
+  res += "References: " + concatStringsSep(" ", shortRefs()) + "\n";
+  if (!deriver.empty()) {
+    res += "Deriver: " + baseNameOf(deriver) + "\n";
+  }
+  if (!system.empty()) {
+    res += "System: " + system + "\n";
+  }
+  for (const auto& sig : sigs) {
+    res += "Sig: " + sig + "\n";
+  }
+  if (!ca.empty()) {
+    res += "CA: " + ca + "\n";
+  }
+  return res;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce362e703f99
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nar-info.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct NarInfo : ValidPathInfo {
+  std::string url;
+  std::string compression;
+  Hash fileHash;
+  uint64_t fileSize = 0;
+  std::string system;
+  NarInfo() {}
+  NarInfo(const ValidPathInfo& info) : ValidPathInfo(info) {}
+  NarInfo(const Store& store, const std::string& s, const std::string& whence);
+  std::string to_string() const;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nix-store.pc.in b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nix-store.pc.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6d67b1e03808
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/nix-store.pc.in
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Name: Nix
+Description: Nix Package Manager
+Libs: -L${libdir} -lnixstore -lnixutil
+Cflags: -I${includedir}/nix -std=c++17
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/optimise-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/optimise-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d7cf2bb74449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/optimise-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <regex>
+#include <utility>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "glog/logging.h"
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static void makeWritable(const Path& path) {
+  struct stat st;
+  if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  if (chmod(path.c_str(), st.st_mode | S_IWUSR) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("changing writability of '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+struct MakeReadOnly {
+  Path path;
+  explicit MakeReadOnly(Path path) : path(std::move(path)) {}
+  ~MakeReadOnly() {
+    try {
+      /* This will make the path read-only. */
+      if (!path.empty()) {
+        canonicaliseTimestampAndPermissions(path);
+      }
+    } catch (...) {
+      ignoreException();
+    }
+  }
+LocalStore::InodeHash LocalStore::loadInodeHash() {
+  DLOG(INFO) << "loading hash inodes in memory";
+  InodeHash inodeHash;
+  AutoCloseDir dir(opendir(linksDir.c_str()));
+  if (!dir) {
+    throw SysError(format("opening directory '%1%'") % linksDir);
+  }
+  struct dirent* dirent;
+  while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir.get())) { /* sic */
+    checkInterrupt();
+    // We don't care if we hit non-hash files, anything goes
+    inodeHash.insert(dirent->d_ino);
+  }
+  if (errno) {
+    throw SysError(format("reading directory '%1%'") % linksDir);
+  }
+  DLOG(INFO) << "loaded " << inodeHash.size() << " hash inodes";
+  return inodeHash;
+Strings LocalStore::readDirectoryIgnoringInodes(const Path& path,
+                                                const InodeHash& inodeHash) {
+  Strings names;
+  AutoCloseDir dir(opendir(path.c_str()));
+  if (!dir) {
+    throw SysError(format("opening directory '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  struct dirent* dirent;
+  while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir.get())) { /* sic */
+    checkInterrupt();
+    if (inodeHash.count(dirent->d_ino) != 0u) {
+      DLOG(WARNING) << dirent->d_name << " is already linked";
+      continue;
+    }
+    string name = dirent->d_name;
+    if (name == "." || name == "..") {
+      continue;
+    }
+    names.push_back(name);
+  }
+  if (errno) {
+    throw SysError(format("reading directory '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  return names;
+void LocalStore::optimisePath_(OptimiseStats& stats, const Path& path,
+                               InodeHash& inodeHash) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+  struct stat st;
+  if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+#if __APPLE__
+  /* HFS/macOS has some undocumented security feature disabling hardlinking for
+     special files within .app dirs. *.app/Contents/PkgInfo and
+     *.app/Contents/Resources/\*.lproj seem to be the only paths affected. See
+     https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1443 for more discussion. */
+  if (std::regex_search(path, std::regex("\\.app/Contents/.+$"))) {
+    debug(format("'%1%' is not allowed to be linked in macOS") % path);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+    Strings names = readDirectoryIgnoringInodes(path, inodeHash);
+    for (auto& i : names) {
+      optimisePath_(stats, path + "/" + i, inodeHash);
+    }
+    return;
+  }
+  /* We can hard link regular files and maybe symlinks. */
+  if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode)
+      && !S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)
+  )
+    return;
+  /* Sometimes SNAFUs can cause files in the Nix store to be
+     modified, in particular when running programs as root under
+     NixOS (example: $fontconfig/var/cache being modified).  Skip
+     those files.  FIXME: check the modification time. */
+  if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode) && ((st.st_mode & S_IWUSR) != 0u)) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "skipping suspicious writable file '" << path << "'";
+    return;
+  }
+  /* This can still happen on top-level files. */
+  if (st.st_nlink > 1 && (inodeHash.count(st.st_ino) != 0u)) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << path << " is already linked, with " << (st.st_nlink - 2)
+               << " other file(s)";
+    return;
+  }
+  /* Hash the file.  Note that hashPath() returns the hash over the
+     NAR serialisation, which includes the execute bit on the file.
+     Thus, executable and non-executable files with the same
+     contents *won't* be linked (which is good because otherwise the
+     permissions would be screwed up).
+     Also note that if `path' is a symlink, then we're hashing the
+     contents of the symlink (i.e. the result of readlink()), not
+     the contents of the target (which may not even exist). */
+  Hash hash = hashPath(htSHA256, path).first;
+  LOG(INFO) << path << " has hash " << hash.to_string();
+  /* Check if this is a known hash. */
+  Path linkPath = linksDir + "/" + hash.to_string(Base32, false);
+  if (!pathExists(linkPath)) {
+    /* Nope, create a hard link in the links directory. */
+    if (link(path.c_str(), linkPath.c_str()) == 0) {
+      inodeHash.insert(st.st_ino);
+      return;
+    }
+    switch (errno) {
+      case EEXIST:
+        /* Fall through if another process created ‘linkPath’ before
+           we did. */
+        break;
+      case ENOSPC:
+        /* On ext4, that probably means the directory index is
+           full.  When that happens, it's fine to ignore it: we
+           just effectively disable deduplication of this
+           file.  */
+        LOG(WARNING) << "cannot link '" << linkPath << " to " << path << ": "
+                     << strerror(errno);
+        return;
+      default:
+        throw SysError("cannot link '%1%' to '%2%'", linkPath, path);
+    }
+  }
+  /* Yes!  We've seen a file with the same contents.  Replace the
+     current file with a hard link to that file. */
+  struct stat stLink;
+  if (lstat(linkPath.c_str(), &stLink) != 0) {
+    throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % linkPath);
+  }
+  if (st.st_ino == stLink.st_ino) {
+    DLOG(INFO) << path << " is already linked to " << linkPath;
+    return;
+  }
+  if (st.st_size != stLink.st_size) {
+    LOG(WARNING) << "removing corrupted link '" << linkPath << "'";
+    unlink(linkPath.c_str());
+    goto retry;
+  }
+  DLOG(INFO) << "linking '" << path << "' to '" << linkPath << "'";
+  /* Make the containing directory writable, but only if it's not
+     the store itself (we don't want or need to mess with its
+     permissions). */
+  bool mustToggle = dirOf(path) != realStoreDir;
+  if (mustToggle) {
+    makeWritable(dirOf(path));
+  }
+  /* When we're done, make the directory read-only again and reset
+     its timestamp back to 0. */
+  MakeReadOnly makeReadOnly(mustToggle ? dirOf(path) : "");
+  Path tempLink =
+      (format("%1%/.tmp-link-%2%-%3%") % realStoreDir % getpid() % random())
+          .str();
+  if (link(linkPath.c_str(), tempLink.c_str()) == -1) {
+    if (errno == EMLINK) {
+      /* Too many links to the same file (>= 32000 on most file
+         systems).  This is likely to happen with empty files.
+         Just shrug and ignore. */
+      if (st.st_size != 0) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << linkPath << " has maximum number of links";
+      }
+      return;
+    }
+    throw SysError("cannot link '%1%' to '%2%'", tempLink, linkPath);
+  }
+  /* Atomically replace the old file with the new hard link. */
+  if (rename(tempLink.c_str(), path.c_str()) == -1) {
+    if (unlink(tempLink.c_str()) == -1) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << "unable to unlink '" << tempLink << "'";
+    }
+    if (errno == EMLINK) {
+      /* Some filesystems generate too many links on the rename,
+         rather than on the original link.  (Probably it
+         temporarily increases the st_nlink field before
+         decreasing it again.) */
+      DLOG(WARNING) << "'" << linkPath
+                    << "' has reached maximum number of links";
+      return;
+    }
+    throw SysError(format("cannot rename '%1%' to '%2%'") % tempLink % path);
+  }
+  stats.filesLinked++;
+  stats.bytesFreed += st.st_size;
+  stats.blocksFreed += st.st_blocks;
+void LocalStore::optimiseStore(OptimiseStats& stats) {
+  PathSet paths = queryAllValidPaths();
+  InodeHash inodeHash = loadInodeHash();
+  uint64_t done = 0;
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    addTempRoot(i);
+    if (!isValidPath(i)) {
+      continue;
+    } /* path was GC'ed, probably */
+    {
+      LOG(INFO) << "optimising path '" << i << "'";
+      optimisePath_(stats, realStoreDir + "/" + baseNameOf(i), inodeHash);
+    }
+    done++;
+  }
+static string showBytes(unsigned long long bytes) {
+  return (format("%.2f MiB") % (bytes / (1024.0 * 1024.0))).str();
+void LocalStore::optimiseStore() {
+  OptimiseStats stats;
+  optimiseStore(stats);
+  LOG(INFO) << showBytes(stats.bytesFreed) << " freed by hard-linking "
+            << stats.filesLinked << " files";
+void LocalStore::optimisePath(const Path& path) {
+  OptimiseStats stats;
+  InodeHash inodeHash;
+  if (settings.autoOptimiseStore) {
+    optimisePath_(stats, path, inodeHash);
+  }
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/parsed-derivations.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/parsed-derivations.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1186203249de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/parsed-derivations.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+#include "parsed-derivations.hh"
+namespace nix {
+ParsedDerivation::ParsedDerivation(const Path& drvPath, BasicDerivation& drv)
+    : drvPath(drvPath), drv(drv) {
+  /* Parse the __json attribute, if any. */
+  auto jsonAttr = drv.env.find("__json");
+  if (jsonAttr != drv.env.end()) {
+    try {
+      structuredAttrs = nlohmann::json::parse(jsonAttr->second);
+    } catch (std::exception& e) {
+      throw Error("cannot process __json attribute of '%s': %s", drvPath,
+                  e.what());
+    }
+  }
+std::optional<std::string> ParsedDerivation::getStringAttr(
+    const std::string& name) const {
+  if (structuredAttrs) {
+    auto i = structuredAttrs->find(name);
+    if (i == structuredAttrs->end()) {
+      return {};
+    }
+    if (!i->is_string()) {
+      throw Error("attribute '%s' of derivation '%s' must be a string", name,
+                  drvPath);
+    }
+    return i->get<std::string>();
+  } else {
+    auto i = drv.env.find(name);
+    if (i == drv.env.end()) {
+      return {};
+    }
+    return i->second;
+  }
+bool ParsedDerivation::getBoolAttr(const std::string& name, bool def) const {
+  if (structuredAttrs) {
+    auto i = structuredAttrs->find(name);
+    if (i == structuredAttrs->end()) {
+      return def;
+    }
+    if (!i->is_boolean()) {
+      throw Error("attribute '%s' of derivation '%s' must be a Boolean", name,
+                  drvPath);
+    }
+    return i->get<bool>();
+  } else {
+    auto i = drv.env.find(name);
+    if (i == drv.env.end()) {
+      return def;
+    }
+    return i->second == "1";
+  }
+std::optional<Strings> ParsedDerivation::getStringsAttr(
+    const std::string& name) const {
+  if (structuredAttrs) {
+    auto i = structuredAttrs->find(name);
+    if (i == structuredAttrs->end()) {
+      return {};
+    }
+    if (!i->is_array()) {
+      throw Error("attribute '%s' of derivation '%s' must be a list of strings",
+                  name, drvPath);
+    }
+    Strings res;
+    for (const auto& j : *i) {
+      if (!j.is_string()) {
+        throw Error(
+            "attribute '%s' of derivation '%s' must be a list of strings", name,
+            drvPath);
+      }
+      res.push_back(j.get<std::string>());
+    }
+    return res;
+  } else {
+    auto i = drv.env.find(name);
+    if (i == drv.env.end()) {
+      return {};
+    }
+    return tokenizeString<Strings>(i->second);
+  }
+StringSet ParsedDerivation::getRequiredSystemFeatures() const {
+  StringSet res;
+  for (auto& i : getStringsAttr("requiredSystemFeatures").value_or(Strings())) {
+    res.insert(i);
+  }
+  return res;
+bool ParsedDerivation::canBuildLocally() const {
+  if (drv.platform != settings.thisSystem.get() &&
+      (settings.extraPlatforms.get().count(drv.platform) == 0u) &&
+      !drv.isBuiltin()) {
+    return false;
+  }
+  for (auto& feature : getRequiredSystemFeatures()) {
+    if (settings.systemFeatures.get().count(feature) == 0u) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+bool ParsedDerivation::willBuildLocally() const {
+  return getBoolAttr("preferLocalBuild") && canBuildLocally();
+bool ParsedDerivation::substitutesAllowed() const {
+  return getBoolAttr("allowSubstitutes", true);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/parsed-derivations.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/parsed-derivations.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7b2da3b566ac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/parsed-derivations.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
+#include "derivations.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class ParsedDerivation {
+  Path drvPath;
+  BasicDerivation& drv;
+  std::optional<nlohmann::json> structuredAttrs;
+ public:
+  ParsedDerivation(const Path& drvPath, BasicDerivation& drv);
+  const std::optional<nlohmann::json>& getStructuredAttrs() const {
+    return structuredAttrs;
+  }
+  std::optional<std::string> getStringAttr(const std::string& name) const;
+  bool getBoolAttr(const std::string& name, bool def = false) const;
+  std::optional<Strings> getStringsAttr(const std::string& name) const;
+  StringSet getRequiredSystemFeatures() const;
+  bool canBuildLocally() const;
+  bool willBuildLocally() const;
+  bool substitutesAllowed() const;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/pathlocks.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/pathlocks.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..eeee5ee1e9c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/pathlocks.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <sys/file.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "sync.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+AutoCloseFD openLockFile(const Path& path, bool create) {
+  AutoCloseFD fd;
+  fd = open(path.c_str(), O_CLOEXEC | O_RDWR | (create ? O_CREAT : 0), 0600);
+  if (!fd && (create || errno != ENOENT)) {
+    throw SysError(format("opening lock file '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+  return fd;
+void deleteLockFile(const Path& path, int fd) {
+  /* Get rid of the lock file.  Have to be careful not to introduce
+     races.  Write a (meaningless) token to the file to indicate to
+     other processes waiting on this lock that the lock is stale
+     (deleted). */
+  unlink(path.c_str());
+  writeFull(fd, "d");
+  /* Note that the result of unlink() is ignored; removing the lock
+     file is an optimisation, not a necessity. */
+bool lockFile(int fd, LockType lockType, bool wait) {
+  int type;
+  if (lockType == ltRead) {
+    type = LOCK_SH;
+  } else if (lockType == ltWrite) {
+    type = LOCK_EX;
+  } else if (lockType == ltNone) {
+    type = LOCK_UN;
+  } else {
+    abort();
+  }
+  if (wait) {
+    while (flock(fd, type) != 0) {
+      checkInterrupt();
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+        throw SysError(format("acquiring/releasing lock"));
+      }
+      return false;
+    }
+  } else {
+    while (flock(fd, type | LOCK_NB) != 0) {
+      checkInterrupt();
+      if (errno == EWOULDBLOCK) {
+        return false;
+      }
+      if (errno != EINTR) {
+        throw SysError(format("acquiring/releasing lock"));
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  return true;
+PathLocks::PathLocks() : deletePaths(false) {}
+PathLocks::PathLocks(const PathSet& paths, const string& waitMsg)
+    : deletePaths(false) {
+  lockPaths(paths, waitMsg);
+bool PathLocks::lockPaths(const PathSet& paths, const string& waitMsg,
+                          bool wait) {
+  assert(fds.empty());
+  /* Note that `fds' is built incrementally so that the destructor
+     will only release those locks that we have already acquired. */
+  /* Acquire the lock for each path in sorted order. This ensures
+     that locks are always acquired in the same order, thus
+     preventing deadlocks. */
+  for (auto& path : paths) {
+    checkInterrupt();
+    Path lockPath = path + ".lock";
+    DLOG(INFO) << "locking path '" << path << "'";
+    AutoCloseFD fd;
+    while (true) {
+      /* Open/create the lock file. */
+      fd = openLockFile(lockPath, true);
+      /* Acquire an exclusive lock. */
+      if (!lockFile(fd.get(), ltWrite, false)) {
+        if (wait) {
+          if (!waitMsg.empty()) {
+            LOG(WARNING) << waitMsg;
+          }
+          lockFile(fd.get(), ltWrite, true);
+        } else {
+          /* Failed to lock this path; release all other
+             locks. */
+          unlock();
+          return false;
+        }
+      }
+      DLOG(INFO) << "lock acquired on '" << lockPath << "'";
+      /* Check that the lock file hasn't become stale (i.e.,
+         hasn't been unlinked). */
+      struct stat st;
+      if (fstat(fd.get(), &st) == -1) {
+        throw SysError(format("statting lock file '%1%'") % lockPath);
+      }
+      if (st.st_size != 0) {
+        /* This lock file has been unlinked, so we're holding
+           a lock on a deleted file.  This means that other
+           processes may create and acquire a lock on
+           `lockPath', and proceed.  So we must retry. */
+        DLOG(INFO) << "open lock file '" << lockPath << "' has become stale";
+      } else {
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    /* Use borrow so that the descriptor isn't closed. */
+    fds.emplace_back(fd.release(), lockPath);
+  }
+  return true;
+PathLocks::~PathLocks() {
+  try {
+    unlock();
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+void PathLocks::unlock() {
+  for (auto& i : fds) {
+    if (deletePaths) {
+      deleteLockFile(i.second, i.first);
+    }
+    if (close(i.first) == -1) {
+      LOG(WARNING) << "cannot close lock file on '" << i.second << "'";
+    }
+    DLOG(INFO) << "lock released on '" << i.second << "'";
+  }
+  fds.clear();
+void PathLocks::setDeletion(bool deletePaths) {
+  this->deletePaths = deletePaths;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/pathlocks.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/pathlocks.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..90184989cde3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/pathlocks.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+/* Open (possibly create) a lock file and return the file descriptor.
+   -1 is returned if create is false and the lock could not be opened
+   because it doesn't exist.  Any other error throws an exception. */
+AutoCloseFD openLockFile(const Path& path, bool create);
+/* Delete an open lock file. */
+void deleteLockFile(const Path& path, int fd);
+enum LockType { ltRead, ltWrite, ltNone };
+bool lockFile(int fd, LockType lockType, bool wait);
+class PathLocks {
+ private:
+  typedef std::pair<int, Path> FDPair;
+  list<FDPair> fds;
+  bool deletePaths;
+ public:
+  PathLocks();
+  PathLocks(const PathSet& paths, const string& waitMsg = "");
+  bool lockPaths(const PathSet& _paths, const string& waitMsg = "",
+                 bool wait = true);
+  ~PathLocks();
+  void unlock();
+  void setDeletion(bool deletePaths);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/profiles.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/profiles.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bdb90b7388f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/profiles.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
+#include "profiles.hh"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstdio>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static bool cmpGensByNumber(const Generation& a, const Generation& b) {
+  return a.number < b.number;
+/* Parse a generation name of the format
+   `<profilename>-<number>-link'. */
+static int parseName(const string& profileName, const string& name) {
+  if (string(name, 0, profileName.size() + 1) != profileName + "-") {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  string s = string(name, profileName.size() + 1);
+  string::size_type p = s.find("-link");
+  if (p == string::npos) {
+    return -1;
+  }
+  int n;
+  if (string2Int(string(s, 0, p), n) && n >= 0) {
+    return n;
+  }
+  return -1;
+Generations findGenerations(const Path& profile, int& curGen) {
+  Generations gens;
+  Path profileDir = dirOf(profile);
+  string profileName = baseNameOf(profile);
+  for (auto& i : readDirectory(profileDir)) {
+    int n;
+    if ((n = parseName(profileName, i.name)) != -1) {
+      Generation gen;
+      gen.path = profileDir + "/" + i.name;
+      gen.number = n;
+      struct stat st;
+      if (lstat(gen.path.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
+        throw SysError(format("statting '%1%'") % gen.path);
+      }
+      gen.creationTime = st.st_mtime;
+      gens.push_back(gen);
+    }
+  }
+  gens.sort(cmpGensByNumber);
+  curGen = pathExists(profile) ? parseName(profileName, readLink(profile)) : -1;
+  return gens;
+static void makeName(const Path& profile, unsigned int num, Path& outLink) {
+  Path prefix = (format("%1%-%2%") % profile % num).str();
+  outLink = prefix + "-link";
+Path createGeneration(const ref<LocalFSStore>& store, const Path& profile,
+                      const Path& outPath) {
+  /* The new generation number should be higher than old the
+     previous ones. */
+  int dummy;
+  Generations gens = findGenerations(profile, dummy);
+  unsigned int num;
+  if (!gens.empty()) {
+    Generation last = gens.back();
+    if (readLink(last.path) == outPath) {
+      /* We only create a new generation symlink if it differs
+         from the last one.
+         This helps keeping gratuitous installs/rebuilds from piling
+         up uncontrolled numbers of generations, cluttering up the
+         UI like grub. */
+      return last.path;
+    }
+    num = gens.back().number;
+  } else {
+    num = 0;
+  }
+  /* Create the new generation.  Note that addPermRoot() blocks if
+     the garbage collector is running to prevent the stuff we've
+     built from moving from the temporary roots (which the GC knows)
+     to the permanent roots (of which the GC would have a stale
+     view).  If we didn't do it this way, the GC might remove the
+     user environment etc. we've just built. */
+  Path generation;
+  makeName(profile, num + 1, generation);
+  store->addPermRoot(outPath, generation, false, true);
+  return generation;
+static void removeFile(const Path& path) {
+  if (remove(path.c_str()) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("cannot unlink '%1%'") % path);
+  }
+void deleteGeneration(const Path& profile, unsigned int gen) {
+  Path generation;
+  makeName(profile, gen, generation);
+  removeFile(generation);
+static void deleteGeneration2(const Path& profile, unsigned int gen,
+                              bool dryRun) {
+  if (dryRun) {
+    LOG(INFO) << "would remove generation " << gen;
+  } else {
+    LOG(INFO) << "removing generation " << gen;
+    deleteGeneration(profile, gen);
+  }
+void deleteGenerations(const Path& profile,
+                       const std::set<unsigned int>& gensToDelete,
+                       bool dryRun) {
+  PathLocks lock;
+  lockProfile(lock, profile);
+  int curGen;
+  Generations gens = findGenerations(profile, curGen);
+  if (gensToDelete.find(curGen) != gensToDelete.end()) {
+    throw Error(format("cannot delete current generation of profile %1%'") %
+                profile);
+  }
+  for (auto& i : gens) {
+    if (gensToDelete.find(i.number) == gensToDelete.end()) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    deleteGeneration2(profile, i.number, dryRun);
+  }
+void deleteGenerationsGreaterThan(const Path& profile, int max, bool dryRun) {
+  PathLocks lock;
+  lockProfile(lock, profile);
+  int curGen;
+  bool fromCurGen = false;
+  Generations gens = findGenerations(profile, curGen);
+  for (auto i = gens.rbegin(); i != gens.rend(); ++i) {
+    if (i->number == curGen) {
+      fromCurGen = true;
+      max--;
+      continue;
+    }
+    if (fromCurGen) {
+      if (max != 0) {
+        max--;
+        continue;
+      }
+      deleteGeneration2(profile, i->number, dryRun);
+    }
+  }
+void deleteOldGenerations(const Path& profile, bool dryRun) {
+  PathLocks lock;
+  lockProfile(lock, profile);
+  int curGen;
+  Generations gens = findGenerations(profile, curGen);
+  for (auto& i : gens) {
+    if (i.number != curGen) {
+      deleteGeneration2(profile, i.number, dryRun);
+    }
+  }
+void deleteGenerationsOlderThan(const Path& profile, time_t t, bool dryRun) {
+  PathLocks lock;
+  lockProfile(lock, profile);
+  int curGen;
+  Generations gens = findGenerations(profile, curGen);
+  bool canDelete = false;
+  for (auto i = gens.rbegin(); i != gens.rend(); ++i) {
+    if (canDelete) {
+      assert(i->creationTime < t);
+      if (i->number != curGen) {
+        deleteGeneration2(profile, i->number, dryRun);
+      }
+    } else if (i->creationTime < t) {
+      /* We may now start deleting generations, but we don't
+         delete this generation yet, because this generation was
+         still the one that was active at the requested point in
+         time. */
+      canDelete = true;
+    }
+  }
+void deleteGenerationsOlderThan(const Path& profile, const string& timeSpec,
+                                bool dryRun) {
+  time_t curTime = time(nullptr);
+  string strDays = string(timeSpec, 0, timeSpec.size() - 1);
+  int days;
+  if (!string2Int(strDays, days) || days < 1) {
+    throw Error(format("invalid number of days specifier '%1%'") % timeSpec);
+  }
+  time_t oldTime = curTime - days * 24 * 3600;
+  deleteGenerationsOlderThan(profile, oldTime, dryRun);
+void switchLink(const Path& link, Path target) {
+  /* Hacky. */
+  if (dirOf(target) == dirOf(link)) {
+    target = baseNameOf(target);
+  }
+  replaceSymlink(target, link);
+void lockProfile(PathLocks& lock, const Path& profile) {
+  lock.lockPaths({profile},
+                 (format("waiting for lock on profile '%1%'") % profile).str());
+  lock.setDeletion(true);
+string optimisticLockProfile(const Path& profile) {
+  return pathExists(profile) ? readLink(profile) : "";
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/profiles.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/profiles.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ab31cc993af5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/profiles.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <time.h>
+#include "pathlocks.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+struct Generation {
+  int number;
+  Path path;
+  time_t creationTime;
+  Generation() { number = -1; }
+  operator bool() const { return number != -1; }
+typedef list<Generation> Generations;
+/* Returns the list of currently present generations for the specified
+   profile, sorted by generation number. */
+Generations findGenerations(const Path& profile, int& curGen);
+class LocalFSStore;
+Path createGeneration(const ref<LocalFSStore>& store, const Path& profile,
+                      const Path& outPath);
+void deleteGeneration(const Path& profile, unsigned int gen);
+void deleteGenerations(const Path& profile,
+                       const std::set<unsigned int>& gensToDelete, bool dryRun);
+void deleteGenerationsGreaterThan(const Path& profile, const int max,
+                                  bool dryRun);
+void deleteOldGenerations(const Path& profile, bool dryRun);
+void deleteGenerationsOlderThan(const Path& profile, time_t t, bool dryRun);
+void deleteGenerationsOlderThan(const Path& profile, const string& timeSpec,
+                                bool dryRun);
+void switchLink(const Path& link, Path target);
+/* Ensure exclusive access to a profile.  Any command that modifies
+   the profile first acquires this lock. */
+void lockProfile(PathLocks& lock, const Path& profile);
+/* Optimistic locking is used by long-running operations like `nix-env
+   -i'.  Instead of acquiring the exclusive lock for the entire
+   duration of the operation, we just perform the operation
+   optimistically (without an exclusive lock), and check at the end
+   whether the profile changed while we were busy (i.e., the symlink
+   target changed).  If so, the operation is restarted.  Restarting is
+   generally cheap, since the build results are still in the Nix
+   store.  Most of the time, only the user environment has to be
+   rebuilt. */
+string optimisticLockProfile(const Path& profile);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/references.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/references.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8cebaec08f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/references.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
+#include "references.hh"
+#include <cstdlib>
+#include <map>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static unsigned int refLength = 32; /* characters */
+static void search(const unsigned char* s, size_t len, StringSet& hashes,
+                   StringSet& seen) {
+  static bool initialised = false;
+  static bool isBase32[256];
+  if (!initialised) {
+    for (bool& i : isBase32) {
+      i = false;
+    }
+    for (char base32Char : base32Chars) {
+      isBase32[(unsigned char)base32Char] = true;
+    }
+    initialised = true;
+  }
+  for (size_t i = 0; i + refLength <= len;) {
+    int j;
+    bool match = true;
+    for (j = refLength - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
+      if (!isBase32[(unsigned char)s[i + j]]) {
+        i += j + 1;
+        match = false;
+        break;
+      }
+    }
+    if (!match) {
+      continue;
+    }
+    string ref((const char*)s + i, refLength);
+    if (hashes.find(ref) != hashes.end()) {
+      DLOG(INFO) << "found reference to '" << ref << "' at offset " << i;
+      seen.insert(ref);
+      hashes.erase(ref);
+    }
+    ++i;
+  }
+struct RefScanSink : Sink {
+  HashSink hashSink;
+  StringSet hashes;
+  StringSet seen;
+  string tail;
+  RefScanSink() : hashSink(htSHA256) {}
+  void operator()(const unsigned char* data, size_t len) override;
+void RefScanSink::operator()(const unsigned char* data, size_t len) {
+  hashSink(data, len);
+  /* It's possible that a reference spans the previous and current
+     fragment, so search in the concatenation of the tail of the
+     previous fragment and the start of the current fragment. */
+  string s =
+      tail + string((const char*)data, len > refLength ? refLength : len);
+  search((const unsigned char*)s.data(), s.size(), hashes, seen);
+  search(data, len, hashes, seen);
+  size_t tailLen = len <= refLength ? len : refLength;
+  tail = string(tail, tail.size() < refLength - tailLen
+                          ? 0
+                          : tail.size() - (refLength - tailLen)) +
+         string((const char*)data + len - tailLen, tailLen);
+PathSet scanForReferences(const string& path, const PathSet& refs,
+                          HashResult& hash) {
+  RefScanSink sink;
+  std::map<string, Path> backMap;
+  /* For efficiency (and a higher hit rate), just search for the
+     hash part of the file name.  (This assumes that all references
+     have the form `HASH-bla'). */
+  for (auto& i : refs) {
+    string baseName = baseNameOf(i);
+    string::size_type pos = baseName.find('-');
+    if (pos == string::npos) {
+      throw Error(format("bad reference '%1%'") % i);
+    }
+    string s = string(baseName, 0, pos);
+    assert(s.size() == refLength);
+    assert(backMap.find(s) == backMap.end());
+    // parseHash(htSHA256, s);
+    sink.hashes.insert(s);
+    backMap[s] = i;
+  }
+  /* Look for the hashes in the NAR dump of the path. */
+  dumpPath(path, sink);
+  /* Map the hashes found back to their store paths. */
+  PathSet found;
+  for (auto& i : sink.seen) {
+    std::map<string, Path>::iterator j;
+    if ((j = backMap.find(i)) == backMap.end()) {
+      abort();
+    }
+    found.insert(j->second);
+  }
+  hash = sink.hashSink.finish();
+  return found;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/references.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/references.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2229150e3359
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/references.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "types.hh"
+namespace nix {
+PathSet scanForReferences(const Path& path, const PathSet& refs,
+                          HashResult& hash);
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca478c213fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#include "remote-fs-accessor.hh"
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include "json.hh"
+#include "nar-accessor.hh"
+namespace nix {
+RemoteFSAccessor::RemoteFSAccessor(const ref<Store>& store,
+                                   const Path& cacheDir)
+    : store(store), cacheDir(cacheDir) {
+  if (!cacheDir.empty()) {
+    createDirs(cacheDir);
+  }
+Path RemoteFSAccessor::makeCacheFile(const Path& storePath,
+                                     const std::string& ext) {
+  assert(!cacheDir.empty());
+  return fmt("%s/%s.%s", cacheDir, storePathToHash(storePath), ext);
+void RemoteFSAccessor::addToCache(const Path& storePath, const std::string& nar,
+                                  const ref<FSAccessor>& narAccessor) {
+  nars.emplace(storePath, narAccessor);
+  if (!cacheDir.empty()) {
+    try {
+      std::ostringstream str;
+      JSONPlaceholder jsonRoot(str);
+      listNar(jsonRoot, narAccessor, "", true);
+      writeFile(makeCacheFile(storePath, "ls"), str.str());
+      /* FIXME: do this asynchronously. */
+      writeFile(makeCacheFile(storePath, "nar"), nar);
+    } catch (...) {
+      ignoreException();
+    }
+  }
+std::pair<ref<FSAccessor>, Path> RemoteFSAccessor::fetch(const Path& path_) {
+  auto path = canonPath(path_);
+  auto storePath = store->toStorePath(path);
+  std::string restPath = std::string(path, storePath.size());
+  if (!store->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+    throw InvalidPath(format("path '%1%' is not a valid store path") %
+                      storePath);
+  }
+  auto i = nars.find(storePath);
+  if (i != nars.end()) {
+    return {i->second, restPath};
+  }
+  StringSink sink;
+  std::string listing;
+  Path cacheFile;
+  if (!cacheDir.empty() &&
+      pathExists(cacheFile = makeCacheFile(storePath, "nar"))) {
+    try {
+      listing = nix::readFile(makeCacheFile(storePath, "ls"));
+      auto narAccessor = makeLazyNarAccessor(
+          listing, [cacheFile](uint64_t offset, uint64_t length) {
+            AutoCloseFD fd = open(cacheFile.c_str(), O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC);
+            if (!fd) {
+              throw SysError("opening NAR cache file '%s'", cacheFile);
+            }
+            if (lseek(fd.get(), offset, SEEK_SET) != (off_t)offset) {
+              throw SysError("seeking in '%s'", cacheFile);
+            }
+            std::string buf(length, 0);
+            readFull(fd.get(), (unsigned char*)buf.data(), length);
+            return buf;
+          });
+      nars.emplace(storePath, narAccessor);
+      return {narAccessor, restPath};
+    } catch (SysError&) {
+    }
+    try {
+      *sink.s = nix::readFile(cacheFile);
+      auto narAccessor = makeNarAccessor(sink.s);
+      nars.emplace(storePath, narAccessor);
+      return {narAccessor, restPath};
+    } catch (SysError&) {
+    }
+  }
+  store->narFromPath(storePath, sink);
+  auto narAccessor = makeNarAccessor(sink.s);
+  addToCache(storePath, *sink.s, narAccessor);
+  return {narAccessor, restPath};
+FSAccessor::Stat RemoteFSAccessor::stat(const Path& path) {
+  auto res = fetch(path);
+  return res.first->stat(res.second);
+StringSet RemoteFSAccessor::readDirectory(const Path& path) {
+  auto res = fetch(path);
+  return res.first->readDirectory(res.second);
+std::string RemoteFSAccessor::readFile(const Path& path) {
+  auto res = fetch(path);
+  return res.first->readFile(res.second);
+std::string RemoteFSAccessor::readLink(const Path& path) {
+  auto res = fetch(path);
+  return res.first->readLink(res.second);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..32c729f50dcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-fs-accessor.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "fs-accessor.hh"
+#include "ref.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class RemoteFSAccessor : public FSAccessor {
+  ref<Store> store;
+  std::map<Path, ref<FSAccessor>> nars;
+  Path cacheDir;
+  std::pair<ref<FSAccessor>, Path> fetch(const Path& path_);
+  friend class BinaryCacheStore;
+  Path makeCacheFile(const Path& storePath, const std::string& ext);
+  void addToCache(const Path& storePath, const std::string& nar,
+                  const ref<FSAccessor>& narAccessor);
+ public:
+  RemoteFSAccessor(const ref<Store>& store,
+                   const /* FIXME: use std::optional */ Path& cacheDir = "");
+  Stat stat(const Path& path) override;
+  StringSet readDirectory(const Path& path) override;
+  std::string readFile(const Path& path) override;
+  std::string readLink(const Path& path) override;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c4215800da8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,749 @@
+#include "remote-store.hh"
+#include <cerrno>
+#include <cstring>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <sys/socket.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/un.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include "affinity.hh"
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "finally.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "pool.hh"
+#include "prefork-compat.hh"
+#include "serialise.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+namespace nix {
+Path readStorePath(Store& store, Source& from) {
+  Path path = readString(from);
+  store.assertStorePath(path);
+  return path;
+template <class T>
+T readStorePaths(Store& store, Source& from) {
+  T paths = readStrings<T>(from);
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    store.assertStorePath(i);
+  }
+  return paths;
+template PathSet readStorePaths(Store& store, Source& from);
+template Paths readStorePaths(Store& store, Source& from);
+/* TODO: Separate these store impls into different files, give them better names
+ */
+RemoteStore::RemoteStore(const Params& params)
+    : Store(params),
+      connections(make_ref<Pool<Connection>>(
+          std::max(1, (int)maxConnections),
+          [this]() { return openConnectionWrapper(); },
+          [this](const ref<Connection>& r) {
+            return r->to.good() && r->from.good() &&
+                   std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
+                       std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - r->startTime)
+                           .count() < maxConnectionAge;
+          })) {}
+ref<RemoteStore::Connection> RemoteStore::openConnectionWrapper() {
+  if (failed) {
+    throw Error("opening a connection to remote store '%s' previously failed",
+                getUri());
+  }
+  try {
+    return openConnection();
+  } catch (...) {
+    failed = true;
+    throw;
+  }
+UDSRemoteStore::UDSRemoteStore(const Params& params)
+    : Store(params), LocalFSStore(params), RemoteStore(params) {}
+UDSRemoteStore::UDSRemoteStore(std::string socket_path, const Params& params)
+    : Store(params),
+      LocalFSStore(params),
+      RemoteStore(params),
+      path(socket_path) {}
+std::string UDSRemoteStore::getUri() {
+  if (path) {
+    return std::string("unix://") + *path;
+  }
+  return "daemon";
+ref<RemoteStore::Connection> UDSRemoteStore::openConnection() {
+  auto conn = make_ref<Connection>();
+  /* Connect to a daemon that does the privileged work for us. */
+  conn->fd = socket(PF_UNIX,
+                    SOCK_STREAM
+                        | SOCK_CLOEXEC
+                    ,
+                    0);
+  if (!conn->fd) {
+    throw SysError("cannot create Unix domain socket");
+  }
+  closeOnExec(conn->fd.get());
+  string socketPath = path ? *path : settings.nixDaemonSocketFile;
+  struct sockaddr_un addr;
+  addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
+  if (socketPath.size() + 1 >= sizeof(addr.sun_path)) {
+    throw Error(format("socket path '%1%' is too long") % socketPath);
+  }
+  strcpy(addr.sun_path, socketPath.c_str());
+  if (::connect(conn->fd.get(), (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)) == -1) {
+    throw SysError(format("cannot connect to daemon at '%1%'") % socketPath);
+  }
+  conn->from.fd = conn->fd.get();
+  conn->to.fd = conn->fd.get();
+  conn->startTime = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  initConnection(*conn);
+  return conn;
+void RemoteStore::initConnection(Connection& conn) {
+  /* Send the magic greeting, check for the reply. */
+  try {
+    conn.to << WORKER_MAGIC_1;
+    conn.to.flush();
+    unsigned int magic = readInt(conn.from);
+    if (magic != WORKER_MAGIC_2) {
+      throw Error("protocol mismatch");
+    }
+    conn.from >> conn.daemonVersion;
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(conn.daemonVersion) !=
+      throw Error("Nix daemon protocol version not supported");
+    }
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.daemonVersion) < 10) {
+      throw Error("the Nix daemon version is too old");
+    }
+    conn.to << PROTOCOL_VERSION;
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.daemonVersion) >= 14) {
+      int cpu = sameMachine() && settings.lockCPU ? lockToCurrentCPU() : -1;
+      if (cpu != -1) {
+        conn.to << 1 << cpu;
+      } else {
+        conn.to << 0;
+      }
+    }
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.daemonVersion) >= 11) {
+      conn.to << 0u;
+    }
+    auto ex = conn.processStderr();
+    if (ex) {
+      std::rethrow_exception(ex);
+    }
+  } catch (Error& e) {
+    throw Error("cannot open connection to remote store '%s': %s", getUri(),
+                e.what());
+  }
+  setOptions(conn);
+void RemoteStore::setOptions(Connection& conn) {
+  conn.to << wopSetOptions << static_cast<uint64_t>(settings.keepFailed)
+          << static_cast<uint64_t>(settings.keepGoing)
+          // TODO(tazjin): Remove the verbosity stuff here.
+          << static_cast<uint64_t>(settings.tryFallback) << compat::kInfo
+          << settings.maxBuildJobs << settings.maxSilentTime
+          << 1u
+          // TODO(tazjin): what behaviour does this toggle remotely?
+          << (settings.verboseBuild ? compat::kError : compat::kVomit)
+          << 0  // obsolete log type
+          << 0  /* obsolete print build trace */
+          << settings.buildCores
+          << static_cast<uint64_t>(settings.useSubstitutes);
+  if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn.daemonVersion) >= 12) {
+    std::map<std::string, Config::SettingInfo> overrides;
+    globalConfig.getSettings(overrides, true);
+    overrides.erase(settings.keepFailed.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.keepGoing.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.tryFallback.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.maxBuildJobs.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.maxSilentTime.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.buildCores.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.useSubstitutes.name);
+    overrides.erase(settings.showTrace.name);
+    conn.to << overrides.size();
+    for (auto& i : overrides) {
+      conn.to << i.first << i.second.value;
+    }
+  }
+  auto ex = conn.processStderr();
+  if (ex) {
+    std::rethrow_exception(ex);
+  }
+/* A wrapper around Pool<RemoteStore::Connection>::Handle that marks
+   the connection as bad (causing it to be closed) if a non-daemon
+   exception is thrown before the handle is closed. Such an exception
+   causes a deviation from the expected protocol and therefore a
+   desynchronization between the client and daemon. */
+struct ConnectionHandle {
+  Pool<RemoteStore::Connection>::Handle handle;
+  bool daemonException = false;
+  explicit ConnectionHandle(Pool<RemoteStore::Connection>::Handle&& handle)
+      : handle(std::move(handle)) {}
+  ConnectionHandle(ConnectionHandle&& h) : handle(std::move(h.handle)) {}
+  ~ConnectionHandle() {
+    if (!daemonException && (std::uncaught_exceptions() != 0)) {
+      handle.markBad();
+      // TODO(tazjin): are these types of things supposed to be DEBUG?
+      DLOG(INFO) << "closing daemon connection because of an exception";
+    }
+  }
+  RemoteStore::Connection* operator->() { return &*handle; }
+  void processStderr(Sink* sink = nullptr, Source* source = nullptr) {
+    auto ex = handle->processStderr(sink, source);
+    if (ex) {
+      daemonException = true;
+      std::rethrow_exception(ex);
+    }
+  }
+ConnectionHandle RemoteStore::getConnection() {
+  return ConnectionHandle(connections->get());
+bool RemoteStore::isValidPathUncached(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopIsValidPath << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readInt(conn->from) != 0u;
+PathSet RemoteStore::queryValidPaths(const PathSet& paths,
+                                     SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) < 12) {
+    PathSet res;
+    for (auto& i : paths) {
+      if (isValidPath(i)) {
+        res.insert(i);
+      }
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+  conn->to << wopQueryValidPaths << paths;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+PathSet RemoteStore::queryAllValidPaths() {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopQueryAllValidPaths;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+PathSet RemoteStore::querySubstitutablePaths(const PathSet& paths) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) < 12) {
+    PathSet res;
+    for (auto& i : paths) {
+      conn->to << wopHasSubstitutes << i;
+      conn.processStderr();
+      if (readInt(conn->from) != 0u) {
+        res.insert(i);
+      }
+    }
+    return res;
+  }
+  conn->to << wopQuerySubstitutablePaths << paths;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+void RemoteStore::querySubstitutablePathInfos(const PathSet& paths,
+                                              SubstitutablePathInfos& infos) {
+  if (paths.empty()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) < 12) {
+    for (auto& i : paths) {
+      SubstitutablePathInfo info;
+      conn->to << wopQuerySubstitutablePathInfo << i;
+      conn.processStderr();
+      unsigned int reply = readInt(conn->from);
+      if (reply == 0) {
+        continue;
+      }
+      info.deriver = readString(conn->from);
+      if (!info.deriver.empty()) {
+        assertStorePath(info.deriver);
+      }
+      info.references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+      info.downloadSize = readLongLong(conn->from);
+      info.narSize = readLongLong(conn->from);
+      infos[i] = info;
+    }
+  } else {
+    conn->to << wopQuerySubstitutablePathInfos << paths;
+    conn.processStderr();
+    auto count = readNum<size_t>(conn->from);
+    for (size_t n = 0; n < count; n++) {
+      Path path = readStorePath(*this, conn->from);
+      SubstitutablePathInfo& info(infos[path]);
+      info.deriver = readString(conn->from);
+      if (!info.deriver.empty()) {
+        assertStorePath(info.deriver);
+      }
+      info.references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+      info.downloadSize = readLongLong(conn->from);
+      info.narSize = readLongLong(conn->from);
+    }
+  }
+void RemoteStore::queryPathInfoUncached(
+    const Path& path,
+    Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept {
+  try {
+    std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo> info;
+    {
+      auto conn(getConnection());
+      conn->to << wopQueryPathInfo << path;
+      try {
+        conn.processStderr();
+      } catch (Error& e) {
+        // Ugly backwards compatibility hack.
+        if (e.msg().find("is not valid") != std::string::npos) {
+          throw InvalidPath(e.what());
+        }
+        throw;
+      }
+      if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) >= 17) {
+        bool valid;
+        conn->from >> valid;
+        if (!valid) {
+          throw InvalidPath(format("path '%s' is not valid") % path);
+        }
+      }
+      info = std::make_shared<ValidPathInfo>();
+      info->path = path;
+      info->deriver = readString(conn->from);
+      if (!info->deriver.empty()) {
+        assertStorePath(info->deriver);
+      }
+      info->narHash = Hash(readString(conn->from), htSHA256);
+      info->references = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+      conn->from >> info->registrationTime >> info->narSize;
+      if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) >= 16) {
+        conn->from >> info->ultimate;
+        info->sigs = readStrings<StringSet>(conn->from);
+        conn->from >> info->ca;
+      }
+    }
+    callback(std::move(info));
+  } catch (...) {
+    callback.rethrow();
+  }
+void RemoteStore::queryReferrers(const Path& path, PathSet& referrers) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopQueryReferrers << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  auto referrers2 = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+  referrers.insert(referrers2.begin(), referrers2.end());
+PathSet RemoteStore::queryValidDerivers(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopQueryValidDerivers << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+PathSet RemoteStore::queryDerivationOutputs(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopQueryDerivationOutputs << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+PathSet RemoteStore::queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopQueryDerivationOutputNames << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStrings<PathSet>(conn->from);
+Path RemoteStore::queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopQueryPathFromHashPart << hashPart;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  Path path = readString(conn->from);
+  if (!path.empty()) {
+    assertStorePath(path);
+  }
+  return path;
+void RemoteStore::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& source,
+                             RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                             std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) < 18) {
+    conn->to << wopImportPaths;
+    auto source2 = sinkToSource([&](Sink& sink) {
+      sink << 1  // == path follows
+          ;
+      copyNAR(source, sink);
+      sink << exportMagic << info.path << info.references << info.deriver
+           << 0  // == no legacy signature
+           << 0  // == no path follows
+          ;
+    });
+    conn.processStderr(nullptr, source2.get());
+    auto importedPaths = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+    assert(importedPaths.size() <= 1);
+  }
+  else {
+    conn->to << wopAddToStoreNar << info.path << info.deriver
+             << info.narHash.to_string(Base16, false) << info.references
+             << info.registrationTime << info.narSize << info.ultimate
+             << info.sigs << info.ca << repair << !checkSigs;
+    bool tunnel = GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) >= 21;
+    if (!tunnel) {
+      copyNAR(source, conn->to);
+    }
+    conn.processStderr(nullptr, tunnel ? &source : nullptr);
+  }
+Path RemoteStore::addToStore(const string& name, const Path& _srcPath,
+                             bool recursive, HashType hashAlgo,
+                             PathFilter& filter, RepairFlag repair) {
+  if (repair != 0u) {
+    throw Error(
+        "repairing is not supported when building through the Nix daemon");
+  }
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  Path srcPath(absPath(_srcPath));
+  conn->to << wopAddToStore << name
+           << ((hashAlgo == htSHA256 && recursive)
+                   ? 0
+                   : 1) /* backwards compatibility hack */
+           << (recursive ? 1 : 0) << printHashType(hashAlgo);
+  try {
+    conn->to.written = 0;
+    conn->to.warn = true;
+    connections->incCapacity();
+    {
+      Finally cleanup([&]() { connections->decCapacity(); });
+      dumpPath(srcPath, conn->to, filter);
+    }
+    conn->to.warn = false;
+    conn.processStderr();
+  } catch (SysError& e) {
+    /* Daemon closed while we were sending the path. Probably OOM
+       or I/O error. */
+    if (e.errNo == EPIPE) {
+      try {
+        conn.processStderr();
+      } catch (EndOfFile& e) {
+      }
+    }
+    throw;
+  }
+  return readStorePath(*this, conn->from);
+Path RemoteStore::addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                                 const PathSet& references, RepairFlag repair) {
+  if (repair != 0u) {
+    throw Error(
+        "repairing is not supported when building through the Nix daemon");
+  }
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopAddTextToStore << name << s << references;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readStorePath(*this, conn->from);
+void RemoteStore::buildPaths(const PathSet& drvPaths, BuildMode buildMode) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopBuildPaths;
+  if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) >= 13) {
+    conn->to << drvPaths;
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) >= 15) {
+      conn->to << buildMode;
+    } else
+        /* Old daemons did not take a 'buildMode' parameter, so we
+           need to validate it here on the client side.  */
+        if (buildMode != bmNormal) {
+      throw Error(
+          "repairing or checking is not supported when building through the "
+          "Nix daemon");
+    }
+  } else {
+    /* For backwards compatibility with old daemons, strip output
+       identifiers. */
+    PathSet drvPaths2;
+    for (auto& i : drvPaths) {
+      drvPaths2.insert(string(i, 0, i.find('!')));
+    }
+    conn->to << drvPaths2;
+  }
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+BuildResult RemoteStore::buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath,
+                                         const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                                         BuildMode buildMode) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopBuildDerivation << drvPath << drv << buildMode;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  BuildResult res;
+  unsigned int status;
+  conn->from >> status >> res.errorMsg;
+  res.status = (BuildResult::Status)status;
+  return res;
+void RemoteStore::ensurePath(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopEnsurePath << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+void RemoteStore::addTempRoot(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopAddTempRoot << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+void RemoteStore::addIndirectRoot(const Path& path) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopAddIndirectRoot << path;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+void RemoteStore::syncWithGC() {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopSyncWithGC;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+Roots RemoteStore::findRoots(bool censor) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopFindRoots;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  auto count = readNum<size_t>(conn->from);
+  Roots result;
+  while ((count--) != 0u) {
+    Path link = readString(conn->from);
+    Path target = readStorePath(*this, conn->from);
+    result[target].emplace(link);
+  }
+  return result;
+void RemoteStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions& options, GCResults& results) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopCollectGarbage << options.action << options.pathsToDelete
+           << static_cast<uint64_t>(options.ignoreLiveness)
+           << options.maxFreed
+           /* removed options */
+           << 0 << 0 << 0;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  results.paths = readStrings<PathSet>(conn->from);
+  results.bytesFreed = readLongLong(conn->from);
+  readLongLong(conn->from);  // obsolete
+  {
+    auto state_(Store::state.lock());
+    state_->pathInfoCache.clear();
+  }
+void RemoteStore::optimiseStore() {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopOptimiseStore;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+bool RemoteStore::verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopVerifyStore << static_cast<uint64_t>(checkContents) << repair;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  return readInt(conn->from) != 0u;
+void RemoteStore::addSignatures(const Path& storePath, const StringSet& sigs) {
+  auto conn(getConnection());
+  conn->to << wopAddSignatures << storePath << sigs;
+  conn.processStderr();
+  readInt(conn->from);
+void RemoteStore::queryMissing(const PathSet& targets, PathSet& willBuild,
+                               PathSet& willSubstitute, PathSet& unknown,
+                               unsigned long long& downloadSize,
+                               unsigned long long& narSize) {
+  {
+    auto conn(getConnection());
+    if (GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(conn->daemonVersion) < 19) {
+      // Don't hold the connection handle in the fallback case
+      // to prevent a deadlock.
+      goto fallback;
+    }
+    conn->to << wopQueryMissing << targets;
+    conn.processStderr();
+    willBuild = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+    willSubstitute = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+    unknown = readStorePaths<PathSet>(*this, conn->from);
+    conn->from >> downloadSize >> narSize;
+    return;
+  }
+  return Store::queryMissing(targets, willBuild, willSubstitute, unknown,
+                             downloadSize, narSize);
+void RemoteStore::connect() { auto conn(getConnection()); }
+unsigned int RemoteStore::getProtocol() {
+  auto conn(connections->get());
+  return conn->daemonVersion;
+void RemoteStore::flushBadConnections() { connections->flushBad(); }
+RemoteStore::Connection::~Connection() {
+  try {
+    to.flush();
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+std::exception_ptr RemoteStore::Connection::processStderr(Sink* sink,
+                                                          Source* source) {
+  to.flush();
+  while (true) {
+    auto msg = readNum<uint64_t>(from);
+    if (msg == STDERR_WRITE) {
+      string s = readString(from);
+      if (sink == nullptr) {
+        throw Error("no sink");
+      }
+      (*sink)(s);
+    }
+    else if (msg == STDERR_READ) {
+      if (source == nullptr) {
+        throw Error("no source");
+      }
+      auto len = readNum<size_t>(from);
+      auto buf = std::make_unique<unsigned char[]>(len);
+      writeString(buf.get(), source->read(buf.get(), len), to);
+      to.flush();
+    }
+    else if (msg == STDERR_ERROR) {
+      string error = readString(from);
+      unsigned int status = readInt(from);
+      return std::make_exception_ptr(Error(status, error));
+    }
+    else if (msg == STDERR_NEXT) {
+      LOG(ERROR) << chomp(readString(from));
+    }
+    else if (msg == STDERR_START_ACTIVITY) {
+      LOG(INFO) << readString(from);
+    }
+    else if (msg == STDERR_LAST) {
+      break;
+    }
+    else {
+      throw Error("got unknown message type %x from Nix daemon", msg);
+    }
+  }
+  return nullptr;
+static std::string uriScheme = "unix://";
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore(
+    [](const std::string& uri,
+       const Store::Params& params) -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+      if (std::string(uri, 0, uriScheme.size()) != uriScheme) {
+        return nullptr;
+      }
+      return std::make_shared<UDSRemoteStore>(
+          std::string(uri, uriScheme.size()), params);
+    });
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-store.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-store.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dc44cd32ac47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/remote-store.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <limits>
+#include <string>
+#include "store-api.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class Pipe;
+class Pid;
+struct FdSink;
+struct FdSource;
+template <typename T>
+class Pool;
+struct ConnectionHandle;
+/* FIXME: RemoteStore is a misnomer - should be something like
+   DaemonStore. */
+class RemoteStore : public virtual Store {
+ public:
+  const Setting<int> maxConnections{
+      (Store*)this, 1, "max-connections",
+      "maximum number of concurrent connections to the Nix daemon"};
+  const Setting<unsigned int> maxConnectionAge{
+      (Store*)this, std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max(),
+      "max-connection-age", "number of seconds to reuse a connection"};
+  virtual bool sameMachine() = 0;
+  RemoteStore(const Params& params);
+  /* Implementations of abstract store API methods. */
+  bool isValidPathUncached(const Path& path) override;
+  PathSet queryValidPaths(const PathSet& paths, SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute =
+                                                    NoSubstitute) override;
+  PathSet queryAllValidPaths() override;
+  void queryPathInfoUncached(
+      const Path& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept override;
+  void queryReferrers(const Path& path, PathSet& referrers) override;
+  PathSet queryValidDerivers(const Path& path) override;
+  PathSet queryDerivationOutputs(const Path& path) override;
+  StringSet queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path& path) override;
+  Path queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) override;
+  PathSet querySubstitutablePaths(const PathSet& paths) override;
+  void querySubstitutablePathInfos(const PathSet& paths,
+                                   SubstitutablePathInfos& infos) override;
+  void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& source, RepairFlag repair,
+                  CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                  std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) override;
+  Path addToStore(const string& name, const Path& srcPath,
+                  bool recursive = true, HashType hashAlgo = htSHA256,
+                  PathFilter& filter = defaultPathFilter,
+                  RepairFlag repair = NoRepair) override;
+  Path addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                      const PathSet& references, RepairFlag repair) override;
+  void buildPaths(const PathSet& paths, BuildMode buildMode) override;
+  BuildResult buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                              BuildMode buildMode) override;
+  void ensurePath(const Path& path) override;
+  void addTempRoot(const Path& path) override;
+  void addIndirectRoot(const Path& path) override;
+  void syncWithGC() override;
+  Roots findRoots(bool censor) override;
+  void collectGarbage(const GCOptions& options, GCResults& results) override;
+  void optimiseStore() override;
+  bool verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair) override;
+  void addSignatures(const Path& storePath, const StringSet& sigs) override;
+  void queryMissing(const PathSet& targets, PathSet& willBuild,
+                    PathSet& willSubstitute, PathSet& unknown,
+                    unsigned long long& downloadSize,
+                    unsigned long long& narSize) override;
+  void connect() override;
+  unsigned int getProtocol() override;
+  void flushBadConnections();
+ protected:
+  struct Connection {
+    AutoCloseFD fd;
+    FdSink to;
+    FdSource from;
+    unsigned int daemonVersion;
+    std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock> startTime;
+    virtual ~Connection();
+    std::exception_ptr processStderr(Sink* sink = 0, Source* source = 0);
+  };
+  ref<Connection> openConnectionWrapper();
+  virtual ref<Connection> openConnection() = 0;
+  void initConnection(Connection& conn);
+  ref<Pool<Connection>> connections;
+  virtual void setOptions(Connection& conn);
+  ConnectionHandle getConnection();
+  friend struct ConnectionHandle;
+ private:
+  std::atomic_bool failed{false};
+class UDSRemoteStore : public LocalFSStore, public RemoteStore {
+ public:
+  UDSRemoteStore(const Params& params);
+  UDSRemoteStore(std::string path, const Params& params);
+  std::string getUri() override;
+  bool sameMachine() { return true; }
+ private:
+  ref<RemoteStore::Connection> openConnection() override;
+  std::optional<std::string> path;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..483ddc19a3aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,428 @@
+#if ENABLE_S3
+#include "s3-binary-cache-store.hh"
+#include <aws/core/Aws.h>
+#include <aws/core/VersionConfig.h>
+#include <aws/core/auth/AWSCredentialsProvider.h>
+#include <aws/core/auth/AWSCredentialsProviderChain.h>
+#include <aws/core/client/ClientConfiguration.h>
+#include <aws/core/client/DefaultRetryStrategy.h>
+#include <aws/core/utils/logging/FormattedLogSystem.h>
+#include <aws/core/utils/logging/LogMacros.h>
+#include <aws/core/utils/threading/Executor.h>
+#include <aws/s3/S3Client.h>
+#include <aws/s3/model/GetObjectRequest.h>
+#include <aws/s3/model/HeadObjectRequest.h>
+#include <aws/s3/model/ListObjectsRequest.h>
+#include <aws/s3/model/PutObjectRequest.h>
+#include <aws/transfer/TransferManager.h>
+#include "compression.hh"
+#include "download.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "istringstream_nocopy.hh"
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+#include "nar-info.hh"
+#include "s3.hh"
+using namespace Aws::Transfer;
+namespace nix {
+struct S3Error : public Error {
+  Aws::S3::S3Errors err;
+  S3Error(Aws::S3::S3Errors err, const FormatOrString& fs)
+      : Error(fs), err(err){};
+/* Helper: given an Outcome<R, E>, return R in case of success, or
+   throw an exception in case of an error. */
+template <typename R, typename E>
+R&& checkAws(const FormatOrString& fs, Aws::Utils::Outcome<R, E>&& outcome) {
+  if (!outcome.IsSuccess())
+    throw S3Error(outcome.GetError().GetErrorType(),
+                  fs.s + ": " + outcome.GetError().GetMessage());
+  return outcome.GetResultWithOwnership();
+class AwsLogger : public Aws::Utils::Logging::FormattedLogSystem {
+  using Aws::Utils::Logging::FormattedLogSystem::FormattedLogSystem;
+  void ProcessFormattedStatement(Aws::String&& statement) override {
+    debug("AWS: %s", chomp(statement));
+  }
+static void initAWS() {
+  static std::once_flag flag;
+  std::call_once(flag, []() {
+    Aws::SDKOptions options;
+    /* We install our own OpenSSL locking function (see
+       shared.cc), so don't let aws-sdk-cpp override it. */
+    options.cryptoOptions.initAndCleanupOpenSSL = false;
+    if (verbosity >= lvlDebug) {
+      options.loggingOptions.logLevel =
+          verbosity == lvlDebug ? Aws::Utils::Logging::LogLevel::Debug
+                                : Aws::Utils::Logging::LogLevel::Trace;
+      options.loggingOptions.logger_create_fn = [options]() {
+        return std::make_shared<AwsLogger>(options.loggingOptions.logLevel);
+      };
+    }
+    Aws::InitAPI(options);
+  });
+S3Helper::S3Helper(const string& profile, const string& region,
+                   const string& scheme, const string& endpoint)
+    : config(makeConfig(region, scheme, endpoint)),
+      client(make_ref<Aws::S3::S3Client>(
+          profile == ""
+              ? std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Aws::Auth::AWSCredentialsProvider>(
+                    std::make_shared<
+                        Aws::Auth::DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain>())
+              : std::dynamic_pointer_cast<Aws::Auth::AWSCredentialsProvider>(
+                    std::make_shared<
+                        Aws::Auth::ProfileConfigFileAWSCredentialsProvider>(
+                        profile.c_str())),
+          *config,
+// FIXME: https://github.com/aws/aws-sdk-cpp/issues/759
+          false,
+          Aws::Client::AWSAuthV4Signer::PayloadSigningPolicy::Never,
+          endpoint.empty())) {
+/* Log AWS retries. */
+class RetryStrategy : public Aws::Client::DefaultRetryStrategy {
+  bool ShouldRetry(const Aws::Client::AWSError<Aws::Client::CoreErrors>& error,
+                   long attemptedRetries) const override {
+    auto retry =
+        Aws::Client::DefaultRetryStrategy::ShouldRetry(error, attemptedRetries);
+    if (retry)
+      printError("AWS error '%s' (%s), will retry in %d ms",
+                 error.GetExceptionName(), error.GetMessage(),
+                 CalculateDelayBeforeNextRetry(error, attemptedRetries));
+    return retry;
+  }
+ref<Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration> S3Helper::makeConfig(
+    const string& region, const string& scheme, const string& endpoint) {
+  initAWS();
+  auto res = make_ref<Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration>();
+  res->region = region;
+  if (!scheme.empty()) {
+    res->scheme = Aws::Http::SchemeMapper::FromString(scheme.c_str());
+  }
+  if (!endpoint.empty()) {
+    res->endpointOverride = endpoint;
+  }
+  res->requestTimeoutMs = 600 * 1000;
+  res->connectTimeoutMs = 5 * 1000;
+  res->retryStrategy = std::make_shared<RetryStrategy>();
+  res->caFile = settings.caFile;
+  return res;
+S3Helper::DownloadResult S3Helper::getObject(const std::string& bucketName,
+                                             const std::string& key) {
+  debug("fetching 's3://%s/%s'...", bucketName, key);
+  auto request =
+      Aws::S3::Model::GetObjectRequest().WithBucket(bucketName).WithKey(key);
+  request.SetResponseStreamFactory(
+      [&]() { return Aws::New<std::stringstream>("STRINGSTREAM"); });
+  DownloadResult res;
+  auto now1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  try {
+    auto result = checkAws(fmt("AWS error fetching '%s'", key),
+                           client->GetObject(request));
+    res.data =
+        decompress(result.GetContentEncoding(),
+                   dynamic_cast<std::stringstream&>(result.GetBody()).str());
+  } catch (S3Error& e) {
+    if (e.err != Aws::S3::S3Errors::NO_SUCH_KEY) {
+      throw;
+    }
+  }
+  auto now2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+  res.durationMs =
+      std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now2 - now1)
+          .count();
+  return res;
+struct S3BinaryCacheStoreImpl : public S3BinaryCacheStore {
+  const Setting<std::string> profile{
+      this, "", "profile", "The name of the AWS configuration profile to use."};
+  const Setting<std::string> region{
+      this, Aws::Region::US_EAST_1, "region", {"aws-region"}};
+  const Setting<std::string> scheme{
+      this, "", "scheme",
+      "The scheme to use for S3 requests, https by default."};
+  const Setting<std::string> endpoint{
+      this, "", "endpoint",
+      "An optional override of the endpoint to use when talking to S3."};
+  const Setting<std::string> narinfoCompression{
+      this, "", "narinfo-compression", "compression method for .narinfo files"};
+  const Setting<std::string> lsCompression{this, "", "ls-compression",
+                                           "compression method for .ls files"};
+  const Setting<std::string> logCompression{
+      this, "", "log-compression", "compression method for log/* files"};
+  const Setting<bool> multipartUpload{this, false, "multipart-upload",
+                                      "whether to use multi-part uploads"};
+  const Setting<uint64_t> bufferSize{
+      this, 5 * 1024 * 1024, "buffer-size",
+      "size (in bytes) of each part in multi-part uploads"};
+  std::string bucketName;
+  Stats stats;
+  S3Helper s3Helper;
+  S3BinaryCacheStoreImpl(const Params& params, const std::string& bucketName)
+      : S3BinaryCacheStore(params),
+        bucketName(bucketName),
+        s3Helper(profile, region, scheme, endpoint) {
+    diskCache = getNarInfoDiskCache();
+  }
+  std::string getUri() override { return "s3://" + bucketName; }
+  void init() override {
+    if (!diskCache->cacheExists(getUri(), wantMassQuery_, priority)) {
+      BinaryCacheStore::init();
+      diskCache->createCache(getUri(), storeDir, wantMassQuery_, priority);
+    }
+  }
+  const Stats& getS3Stats() override { return stats; }
+  /* This is a specialisation of isValidPath() that optimistically
+     fetches the .narinfo file, rather than first checking for its
+     existence via a HEAD request. Since .narinfos are small, doing
+     a GET is unlikely to be slower than HEAD. */
+  bool isValidPathUncached(const Path& storePath) override {
+    try {
+      queryPathInfo(storePath);
+      return true;
+    } catch (InvalidPath& e) {
+      return false;
+    }
+  }
+  bool fileExists(const std::string& path) override {
+    stats.head++;
+    auto res = s3Helper.client->HeadObject(Aws::S3::Model::HeadObjectRequest()
+                                               .WithBucket(bucketName)
+                                               .WithKey(path));
+    if (!res.IsSuccess()) {
+      auto& error = res.GetError();
+      if (error.GetErrorType() == Aws::S3::S3Errors::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND ||
+          error.GetErrorType() == Aws::S3::S3Errors::NO_SUCH_KEY
+          // If bucket listing is disabled, 404s turn into 403s
+          || error.GetErrorType() == Aws::S3::S3Errors::ACCESS_DENIED)
+        return false;
+      throw Error(format("AWS error fetching '%s': %s") % path %
+                  error.GetMessage());
+    }
+    return true;
+  }
+  std::shared_ptr<TransferManager> transferManager;
+  std::once_flag transferManagerCreated;
+  void uploadFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& data,
+                  const std::string& mimeType,
+                  const std::string& contentEncoding) {
+    auto stream = std::make_shared<istringstream_nocopy>(data);
+    auto maxThreads = std::thread::hardware_concurrency();
+    static std::shared_ptr<Aws::Utils::Threading::PooledThreadExecutor>
+        executor =
+            std::make_shared<Aws::Utils::Threading::PooledThreadExecutor>(
+                maxThreads);
+    std::call_once(transferManagerCreated, [&]() {
+      if (multipartUpload) {
+        TransferManagerConfiguration transferConfig(executor.get());
+        transferConfig.s3Client = s3Helper.client;
+        transferConfig.bufferSize = bufferSize;
+        transferConfig.uploadProgressCallback =
+            [](const TransferManager* transferManager,
+               const std::shared_ptr<const TransferHandle>& transferHandle) {
+              // FIXME: find a way to properly abort the multipart upload.
+              // checkInterrupt();
+              debug("upload progress ('%s'): '%d' of '%d' bytes",
+                    transferHandle->GetKey(),
+                    transferHandle->GetBytesTransferred(),
+                    transferHandle->GetBytesTotalSize());
+            };
+        transferManager = TransferManager::Create(transferConfig);
+      }
+    });
+    auto now1 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    if (transferManager) {
+      if (contentEncoding != "")
+        throw Error(
+            "setting a content encoding is not supported with S3 multi-part "
+            "uploads");
+      std::shared_ptr<TransferHandle> transferHandle =
+          transferManager->UploadFile(stream, bucketName, path, mimeType,
+                                      Aws::Map<Aws::String, Aws::String>(),
+                                      nullptr /*, contentEncoding */);
+      transferHandle->WaitUntilFinished();
+      if (transferHandle->GetStatus() == TransferStatus::FAILED)
+        throw Error("AWS error: failed to upload 's3://%s/%s': %s", bucketName,
+                    path, transferHandle->GetLastError().GetMessage());
+      if (transferHandle->GetStatus() != TransferStatus::COMPLETED)
+        throw Error(
+            "AWS error: transfer status of 's3://%s/%s' in unexpected state",
+            bucketName, path);
+    } else {
+      auto request = Aws::S3::Model::PutObjectRequest()
+                         .WithBucket(bucketName)
+                         .WithKey(path);
+      request.SetContentType(mimeType);
+      if (contentEncoding != "") {
+        request.SetContentEncoding(contentEncoding);
+      }
+      auto stream = std::make_shared<istringstream_nocopy>(data);
+      request.SetBody(stream);
+      auto result = checkAws(fmt("AWS error uploading '%s'", path),
+                             s3Helper.client->PutObject(request));
+    }
+    auto now2 = std::chrono::steady_clock::now();
+    auto duration =
+        std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now2 - now1)
+            .count();
+    printInfo(format("uploaded 's3://%1%/%2%' (%3% bytes) in %4% ms") %
+              bucketName % path % data.size() % duration);
+    stats.putTimeMs += duration;
+    stats.putBytes += data.size();
+    stats.put++;
+  }
+  void upsertFile(const std::string& path, const std::string& data,
+                  const std::string& mimeType) override {
+    if (narinfoCompression != "" && hasSuffix(path, ".narinfo"))
+      uploadFile(path, *compress(narinfoCompression, data), mimeType,
+                 narinfoCompression);
+    else if (lsCompression != "" && hasSuffix(path, ".ls"))
+      uploadFile(path, *compress(lsCompression, data), mimeType, lsCompression);
+    else if (logCompression != "" && hasPrefix(path, "log/"))
+      uploadFile(path, *compress(logCompression, data), mimeType,
+                 logCompression);
+    else
+      uploadFile(path, data, mimeType, "");
+  }
+  void getFile(const std::string& path, Sink& sink) override {
+    stats.get++;
+    // FIXME: stream output to sink.
+    auto res = s3Helper.getObject(bucketName, path);
+    stats.getBytes += res.data ? res.data->size() : 0;
+    stats.getTimeMs += res.durationMs;
+    if (res.data) {
+      printTalkative("downloaded 's3://%s/%s' (%d bytes) in %d ms", bucketName,
+                     path, res.data->size(), res.durationMs);
+      sink((unsigned char*)res.data->data(), res.data->size());
+    } else
+      throw NoSuchBinaryCacheFile(
+          "file '%s' does not exist in binary cache '%s'", path, getUri());
+  }
+  PathSet queryAllValidPaths() override {
+    PathSet paths;
+    std::string marker;
+    do {
+      debug(format("listing bucket 's3://%s' from key '%s'...") % bucketName %
+            marker);
+      auto res = checkAws(
+          format("AWS error listing bucket '%s'") % bucketName,
+          s3Helper.client->ListObjects(Aws::S3::Model::ListObjectsRequest()
+                                           .WithBucket(bucketName)
+                                           .WithDelimiter("/")
+                                           .WithMarker(marker)));
+      auto& contents = res.GetContents();
+      debug(format("got %d keys, next marker '%s'") % contents.size() %
+            res.GetNextMarker());
+      for (auto object : contents) {
+        auto& key = object.GetKey();
+        if (key.size() != 40 || !hasSuffix(key, ".narinfo")) {
+          continue;
+        }
+        paths.insert(storeDir + "/" + key.substr(0, key.size() - 8));
+      }
+      marker = res.GetNextMarker();
+    } while (!marker.empty());
+    return paths;
+  }
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore(
+    [](const std::string& uri,
+       const Store::Params& params) -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+      if (std::string(uri, 0, 5) != "s3://") {
+        return 0;
+      }
+      auto store =
+          std::make_shared<S3BinaryCacheStoreImpl>(params, std::string(uri, 5));
+      store->init();
+      return store;
+    });
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24cb67721a92
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3-binary-cache-store.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include "binary-cache-store.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class S3BinaryCacheStore : public BinaryCacheStore {
+ protected:
+  S3BinaryCacheStore(const Params& params) : BinaryCacheStore(params) {}
+ public:
+  struct Stats {
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> put{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> putBytes{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> putTimeMs{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> get{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> getBytes{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> getTimeMs{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> head{0};
+  };
+  virtual const Stats& getS3Stats() = 0;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..09935fabed47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/s3.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+#pragma once
+#if ENABLE_S3
+#include "ref.hh"
+namespace Aws {
+namespace Client {
+class ClientConfiguration;
+}  // namespace Aws
+namespace Aws {
+namespace S3 {
+class S3Client;
+}  // namespace Aws
+namespace nix {
+struct S3Helper {
+  ref<Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration> config;
+  ref<Aws::S3::S3Client> client;
+  S3Helper(const std::string& profile, const std::string& region,
+           const std::string& scheme, const std::string& endpoint);
+  ref<Aws::Client::ClientConfiguration> makeConfig(const std::string& region,
+                                                   const std::string& scheme,
+                                                   const std::string& endpoint);
+  struct DownloadResult {
+    std::shared_ptr<std::string> data;
+    unsigned int durationMs;
+  };
+  DownloadResult getObject(const std::string& bucketName,
+                           const std::string& key);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-defaults.sb b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-defaults.sb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0299d1ee45d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-defaults.sb
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+(define TMPDIR (param "_GLOBAL_TMP_DIR"))
+(deny default)
+; Disallow creating setuid/setgid binaries, since that
+; would allow breaking build user isolation.
+(deny file-write-setugid)
+; Allow forking.
+(allow process-fork)
+; Allow reading system information like #CPUs, etc.
+(allow sysctl-read)
+; Allow POSIX semaphores and shared memory.
+(allow ipc-posix*)
+; Allow socket creation.
+(allow system-socket)
+; Allow sending signals within the sandbox.
+(allow signal (target same-sandbox))
+; Allow getpwuid.
+(allow mach-lookup (global-name "com.apple.system.opendirectoryd.libinfo"))
+; Access to /tmp.
+; The network-outbound/network-inbound ones are for unix domain sockets, which
+; we allow access to in TMPDIR (but if we allow them more broadly, you could in
+; theory escape the sandbox)
+(allow file* process-exec network-outbound network-inbound
+       (literal "/tmp") (subpath TMPDIR))
+; Some packages like to read the system version.
+(allow file-read* (literal "/System/Library/CoreServices/SystemVersion.plist"))
+; Without this line clang cannot write to /dev/null, breaking some configure tests.
+(allow file-read-metadata (literal "/dev"))
+; Many packages like to do local networking in their test suites, but let's only
+; allow it if the package explicitly asks for it.
+    (begin
+      (allow network* (local ip) (local tcp) (local udp))
+      ; Allow access to /etc/resolv.conf (which is a symlink to
+      ; /private/var/run/resolv.conf).
+      ; TODO: deduplicate with sandbox-network.sb
+      (allow file-read-metadata
+             (literal "/var")
+             (literal "/etc")
+             (literal "/etc/resolv.conf")
+             (literal "/private/etc/resolv.conf"))
+      (allow file-read*
+             (literal "/private/var/run/resolv.conf"))
+      ; Allow DNS lookups. This is even needed for localhost, which lots of tests rely on
+      (allow file-read-metadata (literal "/etc/hosts"))
+      (allow file-read*         (literal "/private/etc/hosts"))
+      (allow network-outbound (remote unix-socket (path-literal "/private/var/run/mDNSResponder")))))
+; Standard devices.
+(allow file*
+       (literal "/dev/null")
+       (literal "/dev/random")
+       (literal "/dev/stdin")
+       (literal "/dev/stdout")
+       (literal "/dev/tty")
+       (literal "/dev/urandom")
+       (literal "/dev/zero")
+       (subpath "/dev/fd"))
+; Does nothing, but reduces build noise.
+(allow file* (literal "/dev/dtracehelper"))
+; Allow access to zoneinfo since libSystem needs it.
+(allow file-read* (subpath "/usr/share/zoneinfo"))
+(allow file-read* (subpath "/usr/share/locale"))
+; This is mostly to get more specific log messages when builds try to
+; access something in /etc or /var.
+(allow file-read-metadata
+       (literal "/etc")
+       (literal "/var")
+       (literal "/private/var/tmp"))
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-minimal.sb b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-minimal.sb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65f5108b3990
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-minimal.sb
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+(allow default)
+; Disallow creating setuid/setgid binaries, since that
+; would allow breaking build user isolation.
+(deny file-write-setugid)
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-network.sb b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-network.sb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56beec761fa8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sandbox-network.sb
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+; Allow local and remote network traffic.
+(allow network* (local ip) (remote ip))
+; Allow access to /etc/resolv.conf (which is a symlink to
+; /private/var/run/resolv.conf).
+(allow file-read-metadata
+       (literal "/var")
+       (literal "/etc")
+       (literal "/etc/resolv.conf")
+       (literal "/private/etc/resolv.conf"))
+(allow file-read*
+       (literal "/private/var/run/resolv.conf"))
+; Allow DNS lookups.
+(allow network-outbound (remote unix-socket (path-literal "/private/var/run/mDNSResponder")))
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/schema.sql b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/schema.sql
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..09c71a2b8dd7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/schema.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+create table if not exists ValidPaths (
+    id               integer primary key autoincrement not null,
+    path             text unique not null,
+    hash             text not null,
+    registrationTime integer not null,
+    deriver          text,
+    narSize          integer,
+    ultimate         integer, -- null implies "false"
+    sigs             text, -- space-separated
+    ca               text -- if not null, an assertion that the path is content-addressed; see ValidPathInfo
+create table if not exists Refs (
+    referrer  integer not null,
+    reference integer not null,
+    primary key (referrer, reference),
+    foreign key (referrer) references ValidPaths(id) on delete cascade,
+    foreign key (reference) references ValidPaths(id) on delete restrict
+create index if not exists IndexReferrer on Refs(referrer);
+create index if not exists IndexReference on Refs(reference);
+-- Paths can refer to themselves, causing a tuple (N, N) in the Refs
+-- table.  This causes a deletion of the corresponding row in
+-- ValidPaths to cause a foreign key constraint violation (due to `on
+-- delete restrict' on the `reference' column).  Therefore, explicitly
+-- get rid of self-references.
+create trigger if not exists DeleteSelfRefs before delete on ValidPaths
+  begin
+    delete from Refs where referrer = old.id and reference = old.id;
+  end;
+create table if not exists DerivationOutputs (
+    drv  integer not null,
+    id   text not null, -- symbolic output id, usually "out"
+    path text not null,
+    primary key (drv, id),
+    foreign key (drv) references ValidPaths(id) on delete cascade
+create index if not exists IndexDerivationOutputs on DerivationOutputs(path);
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/serve-protocol.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/serve-protocol.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a07a7ef97425
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/serve-protocol.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace nix {
+#define SERVE_MAGIC_1 0x390c9deb
+#define SERVE_MAGIC_2 0x5452eecb
+#define GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(x) ((x)&0xff00)
+#define GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(x) ((x)&0x00ff)
+typedef enum {
+  cmdQueryValidPaths = 1,
+  cmdQueryPathInfos = 2,
+  cmdDumpStorePath = 3,
+  cmdImportPaths = 4,
+  cmdExportPaths = 5,
+  cmdBuildPaths = 6,
+  cmdQueryClosure = 7,
+  cmdBuildDerivation = 8,
+  cmdAddToStoreNar = 9,
+} ServeCommand;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sqlite.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sqlite.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2dea952d0275
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sqlite.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+#include "sqlite.hh"
+#include <atomic>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include <sqlite3.h>
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+[[noreturn]] void throwSQLiteError(sqlite3* db, const FormatOrString& fs) {
+  int err = sqlite3_errcode(db);
+  int exterr = sqlite3_extended_errcode(db);
+  auto path = sqlite3_db_filename(db, nullptr);
+  if (path == nullptr) {
+    path = "(in-memory)";
+  }
+  if (err == SQLITE_BUSY || err == SQLITE_PROTOCOL) {
+    throw SQLiteBusy(
+        err == SQLITE_PROTOCOL
+            ? fmt("SQLite database '%s' is busy (SQLITE_PROTOCOL)", path)
+            : fmt("SQLite database '%s' is busy", path));
+  }
+  throw SQLiteError("%s: %s (in '%s')", fs.s, sqlite3_errstr(exterr), path);
+SQLite::SQLite(const Path& path) {
+  if (sqlite3_open_v2(path.c_str(), &db,
+                      nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throw Error(format("cannot open SQLite database '%s'") % path);
+  }
+SQLite::~SQLite() {
+  try {
+    if ((db != nullptr) && sqlite3_close(db) != SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(db, "closing database");
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+void SQLite::exec(const std::string& stmt) {
+  retrySQLite<void>([&]() {
+    if (sqlite3_exec(db, stmt.c_str(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) !=
+        SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(db, format("executing SQLite statement '%s'") % stmt);
+    }
+  });
+void SQLiteStmt::create(sqlite3* db, const string& sql) {
+  checkInterrupt();
+  assert(!stmt);
+  if (sqlite3_prepare_v2(db, sql.c_str(), -1, &stmt, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(db, fmt("creating statement '%s'", sql));
+  }
+  this->db = db;
+  this->sql = sql;
+SQLiteStmt::~SQLiteStmt() {
+  try {
+    if ((stmt != nullptr) && sqlite3_finalize(stmt) != SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(db, fmt("finalizing statement '%s'", sql));
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+SQLiteStmt::Use::Use(SQLiteStmt& stmt) : stmt(stmt) {
+  assert(stmt.stmt);
+  /* Note: sqlite3_reset() returns the error code for the most
+     recent call to sqlite3_step().  So ignore it. */
+  sqlite3_reset(stmt);
+SQLiteStmt::Use::~Use() { sqlite3_reset(stmt); }
+SQLiteStmt::Use& SQLiteStmt::Use::operator()(const std::string& value,
+                                             bool notNull) {
+  if (notNull) {
+    if (sqlite3_bind_text(stmt, curArg++, value.c_str(), -1,
+                          SQLITE_TRANSIENT) != SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument");
+    }
+  } else {
+    bind();
+  }
+  return *this;
+SQLiteStmt::Use& SQLiteStmt::Use::operator()(int64_t value, bool notNull) {
+  if (notNull) {
+    if (sqlite3_bind_int64(stmt, curArg++, value) != SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument");
+    }
+  } else {
+    bind();
+  }
+  return *this;
+SQLiteStmt::Use& SQLiteStmt::Use::bind() {
+  if (sqlite3_bind_null(stmt, curArg++) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, "binding argument");
+  }
+  return *this;
+int SQLiteStmt::Use::step() { return sqlite3_step(stmt); }
+void SQLiteStmt::Use::exec() {
+  int r = step();
+  assert(r != SQLITE_ROW);
+  if (r != SQLITE_DONE) {
+    throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, fmt("executing SQLite statement '%s'", stmt.sql));
+  }
+bool SQLiteStmt::Use::next() {
+  int r = step();
+  if (r != SQLITE_DONE && r != SQLITE_ROW) {
+    throwSQLiteError(stmt.db, fmt("executing SQLite query '%s'", stmt.sql));
+  }
+  return r == SQLITE_ROW;
+std::string SQLiteStmt::Use::getStr(int col) {
+  auto s = (const char*)sqlite3_column_text(stmt, col);
+  assert(s);
+  return s;
+int64_t SQLiteStmt::Use::getInt(int col) {
+  // FIXME: detect nulls?
+  return sqlite3_column_int64(stmt, col);
+bool SQLiteStmt::Use::isNull(int col) {
+  return sqlite3_column_type(stmt, col) == SQLITE_NULL;
+SQLiteTxn::SQLiteTxn(sqlite3* db) {
+  this->db = db;
+  if (sqlite3_exec(db, "begin;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(db, "starting transaction");
+  }
+  active = true;
+void SQLiteTxn::commit() {
+  if (sqlite3_exec(db, "commit;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+    throwSQLiteError(db, "committing transaction");
+  }
+  active = false;
+SQLiteTxn::~SQLiteTxn() {
+  try {
+    if (active &&
+        sqlite3_exec(db, "rollback;", nullptr, nullptr, nullptr) != SQLITE_OK) {
+      throwSQLiteError(db, "aborting transaction");
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    ignoreException();
+  }
+void handleSQLiteBusy(const SQLiteBusy& e) {
+  static std::atomic<time_t> lastWarned{0};
+  time_t now = time(nullptr);
+  if (now > lastWarned + 10) {
+    lastWarned = now;
+    LOG(ERROR) << e.what();
+  }
+  /* Sleep for a while since retrying the transaction right away
+     is likely to fail again. */
+  checkInterrupt();
+  struct timespec t;
+  t.tv_sec = 0;
+  t.tv_nsec = (random() % 100) * 1000 * 1000; /* <= 0.1s */
+  nanosleep(&t, nullptr);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sqlite.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sqlite.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..298bb574ea2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/sqlite.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <functional>
+#include <string>
+#include "types.hh"
+class sqlite3;
+class sqlite3_stmt;
+namespace nix {
+/* RAII wrapper to close a SQLite database automatically. */
+struct SQLite {
+  sqlite3* db = 0;
+  SQLite() {}
+  SQLite(const Path& path);
+  SQLite(const SQLite& from) = delete;
+  SQLite& operator=(const SQLite& from) = delete;
+  SQLite& operator=(SQLite&& from) {
+    db = from.db;
+    from.db = 0;
+    return *this;
+  }
+  ~SQLite();
+  operator sqlite3*() { return db; }
+  void exec(const std::string& stmt);
+/* RAII wrapper to create and destroy SQLite prepared statements. */
+struct SQLiteStmt {
+  sqlite3* db = 0;
+  sqlite3_stmt* stmt = 0;
+  std::string sql;
+  SQLiteStmt() {}
+  SQLiteStmt(sqlite3* db, const std::string& sql) { create(db, sql); }
+  void create(sqlite3* db, const std::string& s);
+  ~SQLiteStmt();
+  operator sqlite3_stmt*() { return stmt; }
+  /* Helper for binding / executing statements. */
+  class Use {
+    friend struct SQLiteStmt;
+   private:
+    SQLiteStmt& stmt;
+    unsigned int curArg = 1;
+    Use(SQLiteStmt& stmt);
+   public:
+    ~Use();
+    /* Bind the next parameter. */
+    Use& operator()(const std::string& value, bool notNull = true);
+    Use& operator()(int64_t value, bool notNull = true);
+    Use& bind();  // null
+    int step();
+    /* Execute a statement that does not return rows. */
+    void exec();
+    /* For statements that return 0 or more rows. Returns true iff
+       a row is available. */
+    bool next();
+    std::string getStr(int col);
+    int64_t getInt(int col);
+    bool isNull(int col);
+  };
+  Use use() { return Use(*this); }
+/* RAII helper that ensures transactions are aborted unless explicitly
+   committed. */
+struct SQLiteTxn {
+  bool active = false;
+  sqlite3* db;
+  SQLiteTxn(sqlite3* db);
+  void commit();
+  ~SQLiteTxn();
+MakeError(SQLiteError, Error);
+MakeError(SQLiteBusy, SQLiteError);
+[[noreturn]] void throwSQLiteError(sqlite3* db, const FormatOrString& fs);
+void handleSQLiteBusy(const SQLiteBusy& e);
+/* Convenience function for retrying a SQLite transaction when the
+   database is busy. */
+template <typename T>
+T retrySQLite(std::function<T()> fun) {
+  while (true) {
+    try {
+      return fun();
+    } catch (SQLiteBusy& e) {
+      handleSQLiteBusy(e);
+    }
+  }
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh-store.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh-store.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9c49babcf2b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh-store.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+#include "archive.hh"
+#include "pool.hh"
+#include "remote-fs-accessor.hh"
+#include "remote-store.hh"
+#include "ssh.hh"
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include "worker-protocol.hh"
+namespace nix {
+static std::string uriScheme = "ssh-ng://";
+class SSHStore : public RemoteStore {
+ public:
+  const Setting<Path> sshKey{(Store*)this, "", "ssh-key",
+                             "path to an SSH private key"};
+  const Setting<bool> compress{(Store*)this, false, "compress",
+                               "whether to compress the connection"};
+  SSHStore(const std::string& host, const Params& params)
+      : Store(params),
+        RemoteStore(params),
+        host(host),
+        master(host, sshKey,
+               // Use SSH master only if using more than 1 connection.
+               connections->capacity() > 1, compress) {}
+  std::string getUri() override { return uriScheme + host; }
+  bool sameMachine() override { return false; }
+  void narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) override;
+  ref<FSAccessor> getFSAccessor() override;
+ private:
+  struct Connection : RemoteStore::Connection {
+    std::unique_ptr<SSHMaster::Connection> sshConn;
+  };
+  ref<RemoteStore::Connection> openConnection() override;
+  std::string host;
+  SSHMaster master;
+  void setOptions(RemoteStore::Connection& conn) override{
+      /* TODO Add a way to explicitly ask for some options to be
+         forwarded. One option: A way to query the daemon for its
+         settings, and then a series of params to SSHStore like
+         forward-cores or forward-overridden-cores that only
+         override the requested settings.
+      */
+  };
+void SSHStore::narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) {
+  auto conn(connections->get());
+  conn->to << wopNarFromPath << path;
+  conn->processStderr();
+  copyNAR(conn->from, sink);
+ref<FSAccessor> SSHStore::getFSAccessor() {
+  return make_ref<RemoteFSAccessor>(ref<Store>(shared_from_this()));
+ref<RemoteStore::Connection> SSHStore::openConnection() {
+  auto conn = make_ref<Connection>();
+  conn->sshConn = master.startCommand("nix-daemon --stdio");
+  conn->to = FdSink(conn->sshConn->in.get());
+  conn->from = FdSource(conn->sshConn->out.get());
+  initConnection(*conn);
+  return conn;
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([](const std::string& uri,
+                                               const Store::Params& params)
+                                                -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+  if (std::string(uri, 0, uriScheme.size()) != uriScheme) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  return std::make_shared<SSHStore>(std::string(uri, uriScheme.size()), params);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..06aaf285f1b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+#include "ssh.hh"
+#include <utility>
+namespace nix {
+SSHMaster::SSHMaster(const std::string& host, std::string keyFile,
+                     bool useMaster, bool compress, int logFD)
+    : host(host),
+      fakeSSH(host == "localhost"),
+      keyFile(std::move(keyFile)),
+      useMaster(useMaster && !fakeSSH),
+      compress(compress),
+      logFD(logFD) {
+  if (host.empty() || hasPrefix(host, "-")) {
+    throw Error("invalid SSH host name '%s'", host);
+  }
+void SSHMaster::addCommonSSHOpts(Strings& args) {
+  for (auto& i : tokenizeString<Strings>(getEnv("NIX_SSHOPTS"))) {
+    args.push_back(i);
+  }
+  if (!keyFile.empty()) {
+    args.insert(args.end(), {"-i", keyFile});
+  }
+  if (compress) {
+    args.push_back("-C");
+  }
+std::unique_ptr<SSHMaster::Connection> SSHMaster::startCommand(
+    const std::string& command) {
+  Path socketPath = startMaster();
+  Pipe in;
+  Pipe out;
+  in.create();
+  out.create();
+  auto conn = std::make_unique<Connection>();
+  ProcessOptions options;
+  options.dieWithParent = false;
+  conn->sshPid = startProcess(
+      [&]() {
+        restoreSignals();
+        close(in.writeSide.get());
+        close(out.readSide.get());
+        if (dup2(in.readSide.get(), STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
+          throw SysError("duping over stdin");
+        }
+        if (dup2(out.writeSide.get(), STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
+          throw SysError("duping over stdout");
+        }
+        if (logFD != -1 && dup2(logFD, STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
+          throw SysError("duping over stderr");
+        }
+        Strings args;
+        if (fakeSSH) {
+          args = {"bash", "-c"};
+        } else {
+          args = {"ssh", host, "-x", "-a"};
+          addCommonSSHOpts(args);
+          if (!socketPath.empty()) {
+            args.insert(args.end(), {"-S", socketPath});
+          }
+          // TODO(tazjin): Abseil verbosity flag
+          /*if (verbosity >= lvlChatty) {
+              args.push_back("-v");
+              }*/
+        }
+        args.push_back(command);
+        execvp(args.begin()->c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
+        // could not exec ssh/bash
+        throw SysError("unable to execute '%s'", args.front());
+      },
+      options);
+  in.readSide = -1;
+  out.writeSide = -1;
+  conn->out = std::move(out.readSide);
+  conn->in = std::move(in.writeSide);
+  return conn;
+Path SSHMaster::startMaster() {
+  if (!useMaster) {
+    return "";
+  }
+  auto state(state_.lock());
+  if (state->sshMaster != -1) {
+    return state->socketPath;
+  }
+  state->tmpDir =
+      std::make_unique<AutoDelete>(createTempDir("", "nix", true, true, 0700));
+  state->socketPath = (Path)*state->tmpDir + "/ssh.sock";
+  Pipe out;
+  out.create();
+  ProcessOptions options;
+  options.dieWithParent = false;
+  state->sshMaster = startProcess(
+      [&]() {
+        restoreSignals();
+        close(out.readSide.get());
+        if (dup2(out.writeSide.get(), STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
+          throw SysError("duping over stdout");
+        }
+        Strings args = {"ssh", host,
+                        "-M",  "-N",
+                        "-S",  state->socketPath,
+                        "-o",  "LocalCommand=echo started",
+                        "-o",  "PermitLocalCommand=yes"};
+        // if (verbosity >= lvlChatty) { args.push_back("-v"); }
+        addCommonSSHOpts(args);
+        execvp(args.begin()->c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
+        throw SysError("unable to execute '%s'", args.front());
+      },
+      options);
+  out.writeSide = -1;
+  std::string reply;
+  try {
+    reply = readLine(out.readSide.get());
+  } catch (EndOfFile& e) {
+  }
+  if (reply != "started") {
+    throw Error("failed to start SSH master connection to '%s'", host);
+  }
+  return state->socketPath;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..23952ccb1293
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/ssh.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+#pragma once
+#include "sync.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+class SSHMaster {
+ private:
+  const std::string host;
+  bool fakeSSH;
+  const std::string keyFile;
+  const bool useMaster;
+  const bool compress;
+  const int logFD;
+  struct State {
+    Pid sshMaster;
+    std::unique_ptr<AutoDelete> tmpDir;
+    Path socketPath;
+  };
+  Sync<State> state_;
+  void addCommonSSHOpts(Strings& args);
+ public:
+  SSHMaster(const std::string& host, std::string keyFile, bool useMaster,
+            bool compress, int logFD = -1);
+  struct Connection {
+    Pid sshPid;
+    AutoCloseFD out, in;
+  };
+  std::unique_ptr<Connection> startCommand(const std::string& command);
+  Path startMaster();
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..50e9b3b6ea86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,974 @@
+#include "store-api.hh"
+#include <future>
+#include <utility>
+#include <glog/logging.h>
+#include "crypto.hh"
+#include "derivations.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "json.hh"
+#include "nar-info-disk-cache.hh"
+#include "thread-pool.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+namespace nix {
+bool Store::isInStore(const Path& path) const {
+  return isInDir(path, storeDir);
+bool Store::isStorePath(const Path& path) const {
+  return isInStore(path) &&
+         path.size() >= storeDir.size() + 1 + storePathHashLen &&
+         path.find('/', storeDir.size() + 1) == Path::npos;
+void Store::assertStorePath(const Path& path) const {
+  if (!isStorePath(path)) {
+    throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+  }
+Path Store::toStorePath(const Path& path) const {
+  if (!isInStore(path)) {
+    throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+  }
+  Path::size_type slash = path.find('/', storeDir.size() + 1);
+  if (slash == Path::npos) {
+    return path;
+  }
+  return Path(path, 0, slash);
+Path Store::followLinksToStore(const Path& _path) const {
+  Path path = absPath(_path);
+  while (!isInStore(path)) {
+    if (!isLink(path)) {
+      break;
+    }
+    string target = readLink(path);
+    path = absPath(target, dirOf(path));
+  }
+  if (!isInStore(path)) {
+    throw Error(format("path '%1%' is not in the Nix store") % path);
+  }
+  return path;
+Path Store::followLinksToStorePath(const Path& path) const {
+  return toStorePath(followLinksToStore(path));
+string storePathToName(const Path& path) {
+  auto base = baseNameOf(path);
+  assert(base.size() == storePathHashLen ||
+         (base.size() > storePathHashLen && base[storePathHashLen] == '-'));
+  return base.size() == storePathHashLen ? ""
+                                         : string(base, storePathHashLen + 1);
+string storePathToHash(const Path& path) {
+  auto base = baseNameOf(path);
+  assert(base.size() >= storePathHashLen);
+  return string(base, 0, storePathHashLen);
+void checkStoreName(const string& name) {
+  string validChars = "+-._?=";
+  auto baseError =
+      format(
+          "The path name '%2%' is invalid: %3%. "
+          "Path names are alphanumeric and can include the symbols %1% "
+          "and must not begin with a period. "
+          "Note: If '%2%' is a source file and you cannot rename it on "
+          "disk, builtins.path { name = ... } can be used to give it an "
+          "alternative name.") %
+      validChars % name;
+  /* Disallow names starting with a dot for possible security
+     reasons (e.g., "." and ".."). */
+  if (string(name, 0, 1) == ".") {
+    throw Error(baseError % "it is illegal to start the name with a period");
+  }
+  /* Disallow names longer than 211 characters. ext4’s max is 256,
+     but we need extra space for the hash and .chroot extensions. */
+  if (name.length() > 211) {
+    throw Error(baseError % "name must be less than 212 characters");
+  }
+  for (auto& i : name) {
+    if (!((i >= 'A' && i <= 'Z') || (i >= 'a' && i <= 'z') ||
+          (i >= '0' && i <= '9') || validChars.find(i) != string::npos)) {
+      throw Error(baseError % (format("the '%1%' character is invalid") % i));
+    }
+  }
+/* Store paths have the following form:
+   <store>/<h>-<name>
+   where
+   <store> = the location of the Nix store, usually /nix/store
+   <name> = a human readable name for the path, typically obtained
+     from the name attribute of the derivation, or the name of the
+     source file from which the store path is created.  For derivation
+     outputs other than the default "out" output, the string "-<id>"
+     is suffixed to <name>.
+   <h> = base-32 representation of the first 160 bits of a SHA-256
+     hash of <s>; the hash part of the store name
+   <s> = the string "<type>:sha256:<h2>:<store>:<name>";
+     note that it includes the location of the store as well as the
+     name to make sure that changes to either of those are reflected
+     in the hash (e.g. you won't get /nix/store/<h>-name1 and
+     /nix/store/<h>-name2 with equal hash parts).
+   <type> = one of:
+     "text:<r1>:<r2>:...<rN>"
+       for plain text files written to the store using
+       addTextToStore(); <r1> ... <rN> are the references of the
+       path.
+     "source"
+       for paths copied to the store using addToStore() when recursive
+       = true and hashAlgo = "sha256"
+     "output:<id>"
+       for either the outputs created by derivations, OR paths copied
+       to the store using addToStore() with recursive != true or
+       hashAlgo != "sha256" (in that case "source" is used; it's
+       silly, but it's done that way for compatibility).  <id> is the
+       name of the output (usually, "out").
+   <h2> = base-16 representation of a SHA-256 hash of:
+     if <type> = "text:...":
+       the string written to the resulting store path
+     if <type> = "source":
+       the serialisation of the path from which this store path is
+       copied, as returned by hashPath()
+     if <type> = "output:<id>":
+       for non-fixed derivation outputs:
+         the derivation (see hashDerivationModulo() in
+         primops.cc)
+       for paths copied by addToStore() or produced by fixed-output
+       derivations:
+         the string "fixed:out:<rec><algo>:<hash>:", where
+           <rec> = "r:" for recursive (path) hashes, or "" for flat
+             (file) hashes
+           <algo> = "md5", "sha1" or "sha256"
+           <hash> = base-16 representation of the path or flat hash of
+             the contents of the path (or expected contents of the
+             path for fixed-output derivations)
+   It would have been nicer to handle fixed-output derivations under
+   "source", e.g. have something like "source:<rec><algo>", but we're
+   stuck with this for now...
+   The main reason for this way of computing names is to prevent name
+   collisions (for security).  For instance, it shouldn't be feasible
+   to come up with a derivation whose output path collides with the
+   path for a copied source.  The former would have a <s> starting with
+   "output:out:", while the latter would have a <s> starting with
+   "source:".
+Path Store::makeStorePath(const string& type, const Hash& hash,
+                          const string& name) const {
+  /* e.g., "source:sha256:1abc...:/nix/store:foo.tar.gz" */
+  string s = type + ":" + hash.to_string(Base16) + ":" + storeDir + ":" + name;
+  checkStoreName(name);
+  return storeDir + "/" +
+         compressHash(hashString(htSHA256, s), 20).to_string(Base32, false) +
+         "-" + name;
+Path Store::makeOutputPath(const string& id, const Hash& hash,
+                           const string& name) const {
+  return makeStorePath("output:" + id, hash,
+                       name + (id == "out" ? "" : "-" + id));
+Path Store::makeFixedOutputPath(bool recursive, const Hash& hash,
+                                const string& name) const {
+  return hash.type == htSHA256 && recursive
+             ? makeStorePath("source", hash, name)
+             : makeStorePath(
+                   "output:out",
+                   hashString(htSHA256,
+                              "fixed:out:" + (recursive ? (string) "r:" : "") +
+                                  hash.to_string(Base16) + ":"),
+                   name);
+Path Store::makeTextPath(const string& name, const Hash& hash,
+                         const PathSet& references) const {
+  assert(hash.type == htSHA256);
+  /* Stuff the references (if any) into the type.  This is a bit
+     hacky, but we can't put them in `s' since that would be
+     ambiguous. */
+  string type = "text";
+  for (auto& i : references) {
+    type += ":";
+    type += i;
+  }
+  return makeStorePath(type, hash, name);
+std::pair<Path, Hash> Store::computeStorePathForPath(const string& name,
+                                                     const Path& srcPath,
+                                                     bool recursive,
+                                                     HashType hashAlgo,
+                                                     PathFilter& filter) const {
+  Hash h = recursive ? hashPath(hashAlgo, srcPath, filter).first
+                     : hashFile(hashAlgo, srcPath);
+  Path dstPath = makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h, name);
+  return std::pair<Path, Hash>(dstPath, h);
+Path Store::computeStorePathForText(const string& name, const string& s,
+                                    const PathSet& references) const {
+  return makeTextPath(name, hashString(htSHA256, s), references);
+Store::Store(const Params& params)
+    : Config(params), state({(size_t)pathInfoCacheSize}) {}
+std::string Store::getUri() { return ""; }
+bool Store::isValidPath(const Path& storePath) {
+  assertStorePath(storePath);
+  auto hashPart = storePathToHash(storePath);
+  {
+    auto state_(state.lock());
+    auto res = state_->pathInfoCache.get(hashPart);
+    if (res) {
+      stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+      return *res != nullptr;
+    }
+  }
+  if (diskCache) {
+    auto res = diskCache->lookupNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart);
+    if (res.first != NarInfoDiskCache::oUnknown) {
+      stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+      auto state_(state.lock());
+      state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(
+          hashPart,
+          res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ? nullptr : res.second);
+      return res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oValid;
+    }
+  }
+  bool valid = isValidPathUncached(storePath);
+  if (diskCache && !valid) {
+    // FIXME: handle valid = true case.
+    diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, nullptr);
+  }
+  return valid;
+/* Default implementation for stores that only implement
+   queryPathInfoUncached(). */
+bool Store::isValidPathUncached(const Path& path) {
+  try {
+    queryPathInfo(path);
+    return true;
+  } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+    return false;
+  }
+ref<const ValidPathInfo> Store::queryPathInfo(const Path& storePath) {
+  std::promise<ref<ValidPathInfo>> promise;
+  queryPathInfo(storePath, {[&](std::future<ref<ValidPathInfo>> result) {
+                  try {
+                    promise.set_value(result.get());
+                  } catch (...) {
+                    promise.set_exception(std::current_exception());
+                  }
+                }});
+  return promise.get_future().get();
+void Store::queryPathInfo(const Path& storePath,
+                          Callback<ref<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept {
+  std::string hashPart;
+  try {
+    assertStorePath(storePath);
+    hashPart = storePathToHash(storePath);
+    {
+      auto res = state.lock()->pathInfoCache.get(hashPart);
+      if (res) {
+        stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+        if (!*res) {
+          throw InvalidPath(format("path '%s' is not valid") % storePath);
+        }
+        return callback(ref<ValidPathInfo>(*res));
+      }
+    }
+    if (diskCache) {
+      auto res = diskCache->lookupNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart);
+      if (res.first != NarInfoDiskCache::oUnknown) {
+        stats.narInfoReadAverted++;
+        {
+          auto state_(state.lock());
+          state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(
+              hashPart,
+              res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ? nullptr : res.second);
+          if (res.first == NarInfoDiskCache::oInvalid ||
+              (res.second->path != storePath &&
+               !storePathToName(storePath).empty())) {
+            throw InvalidPath(format("path '%s' is not valid") % storePath);
+          }
+        }
+        return callback(ref<ValidPathInfo>(res.second));
+      }
+    }
+  } catch (...) {
+    return callback.rethrow();
+  }
+  auto callbackPtr = std::make_shared<decltype(callback)>(std::move(callback));
+  queryPathInfoUncached(
+      storePath, {[this, storePath, hashPart, callbackPtr](
+                      std::future<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
+        try {
+          auto info = fut.get();
+          if (diskCache) {
+            diskCache->upsertNarInfo(getUri(), hashPart, info);
+          }
+          {
+            auto state_(state.lock());
+            state_->pathInfoCache.upsert(hashPart, info);
+          }
+          if (!info || (info->path != storePath &&
+                        !storePathToName(storePath).empty())) {
+            stats.narInfoMissing++;
+            throw InvalidPath("path '%s' is not valid", storePath);
+          }
+          (*callbackPtr)(ref<ValidPathInfo>(info));
+        } catch (...) {
+          callbackPtr->rethrow();
+        }
+      }});
+PathSet Store::queryValidPaths(const PathSet& paths,
+                               SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute) {
+  struct State {
+    size_t left;
+    PathSet valid;
+    std::exception_ptr exc;
+  };
+  Sync<State> state_(State{paths.size(), PathSet()});
+  std::condition_variable wakeup;
+  ThreadPool pool;
+  auto doQuery = [&](const Path& path) {
+    checkInterrupt();
+    queryPathInfo(
+        path, {[path, &state_, &wakeup](std::future<ref<ValidPathInfo>> fut) {
+          auto state(state_.lock());
+          try {
+            auto info = fut.get();
+            state->valid.insert(path);
+          } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+          } catch (...) {
+            state->exc = std::current_exception();
+          }
+          assert(state->left);
+          if (--state->left == 0u) {
+            wakeup.notify_one();
+          }
+        }});
+  };
+  for (auto& path : paths) {
+    pool.enqueue(std::bind(doQuery, path));
+  }
+  pool.process();
+  while (true) {
+    auto state(state_.lock());
+    if (state->left == 0u) {
+      if (state->exc) {
+        std::rethrow_exception(state->exc);
+      }
+      return state->valid;
+    }
+    state.wait(wakeup);
+  }
+/* Return a string accepted by decodeValidPathInfo() that
+   registers the specified paths as valid.  Note: it's the
+   responsibility of the caller to provide a closure. */
+string Store::makeValidityRegistration(const PathSet& paths, bool showDerivers,
+                                       bool showHash) {
+  string s = s;
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    s += i + "\n";
+    auto info = queryPathInfo(i);
+    if (showHash) {
+      s += info->narHash.to_string(Base16, false) + "\n";
+      s += (format("%1%\n") % info->narSize).str();
+    }
+    Path deriver = showDerivers ? info->deriver : "";
+    s += deriver + "\n";
+    s += (format("%1%\n") % info->references.size()).str();
+    for (auto& j : info->references) {
+      s += j + "\n";
+    }
+  }
+  return s;
+void Store::pathInfoToJSON(JSONPlaceholder& jsonOut, const PathSet& storePaths,
+                           bool includeImpureInfo, bool showClosureSize,
+                           AllowInvalidFlag allowInvalid) {
+  auto jsonList = jsonOut.list();
+  for (auto storePath : storePaths) {
+    auto jsonPath = jsonList.object();
+    jsonPath.attr("path", storePath);
+    try {
+      auto info = queryPathInfo(storePath);
+      storePath = info->path;
+      jsonPath.attr("narHash", info->narHash.to_string())
+          .attr("narSize", info->narSize);
+      {
+        auto jsonRefs = jsonPath.list("references");
+        for (auto& ref : info->references) {
+          jsonRefs.elem(ref);
+        }
+      }
+      if (!info->ca.empty()) {
+        jsonPath.attr("ca", info->ca);
+      }
+      std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> closureSizes;
+      if (showClosureSize) {
+        closureSizes = getClosureSize(storePath);
+        jsonPath.attr("closureSize", closureSizes.first);
+      }
+      if (includeImpureInfo) {
+        if (!info->deriver.empty()) {
+          jsonPath.attr("deriver", info->deriver);
+        }
+        if (info->registrationTime != 0) {
+          jsonPath.attr("registrationTime", info->registrationTime);
+        }
+        if (info->ultimate) {
+          jsonPath.attr("ultimate", info->ultimate);
+        }
+        if (!info->sigs.empty()) {
+          auto jsonSigs = jsonPath.list("signatures");
+          for (auto& sig : info->sigs) {
+            jsonSigs.elem(sig);
+          }
+        }
+        auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(
+            std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(info));
+        if (narInfo) {
+          if (!narInfo->url.empty()) {
+            jsonPath.attr("url", narInfo->url);
+          }
+          if (narInfo->fileHash) {
+            jsonPath.attr("downloadHash", narInfo->fileHash.to_string());
+          }
+          if (narInfo->fileSize != 0u) {
+            jsonPath.attr("downloadSize", narInfo->fileSize);
+          }
+          if (showClosureSize) {
+            jsonPath.attr("closureDownloadSize", closureSizes.second);
+          }
+        }
+      }
+    } catch (InvalidPath&) {
+      jsonPath.attr("valid", false);
+    }
+  }
+std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> Store::getClosureSize(const Path& storePath) {
+  uint64_t totalNarSize = 0;
+  uint64_t totalDownloadSize = 0;
+  PathSet closure;
+  computeFSClosure(storePath, closure, false, false);
+  for (auto& p : closure) {
+    auto info = queryPathInfo(p);
+    totalNarSize += info->narSize;
+    auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(
+        std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo>(info));
+    if (narInfo) {
+      totalDownloadSize += narInfo->fileSize;
+    }
+  }
+  return {totalNarSize, totalDownloadSize};
+const Store::Stats& Store::getStats() {
+  {
+    auto state_(state.lock());
+    stats.pathInfoCacheSize = state_->pathInfoCache.size();
+  }
+  return stats;
+void Store::buildPaths(const PathSet& paths, BuildMode buildMode) {
+  for (auto& path : paths) {
+    if (isDerivation(path)) {
+      unsupported("buildPaths");
+    }
+  }
+  if (queryValidPaths(paths).size() != paths.size()) {
+    unsupported("buildPaths");
+  }
+void copyStorePath(ref<Store> srcStore, const ref<Store>& dstStore,
+                   const Path& storePath, RepairFlag repair,
+                   CheckSigsFlag checkSigs) {
+  auto srcUri = srcStore->getUri();
+  auto dstUri = dstStore->getUri();
+  if (srcUri == "local" || srcUri == "daemon") {
+    LOG(INFO) << "copying path '" << storePath << "' to '" << dstUri << "'";
+  } else {
+    if (dstUri == "local" || dstUri == "daemon") {
+      LOG(INFO) << "copying path '" << storePath << "' from '" << srcUri << "'";
+    } else {
+      LOG(INFO) << "copying path '" << storePath << "' from '" << srcUri
+                << "' to '" << dstUri << "'";
+    }
+  }
+  auto info = srcStore->queryPathInfo(storePath);
+  uint64_t total = 0;
+  if (!info->narHash) {
+    StringSink sink;
+    srcStore->narFromPath({storePath}, sink);
+    auto info2 = make_ref<ValidPathInfo>(*info);
+    info2->narHash = hashString(htSHA256, *sink.s);
+    if (info->narSize == 0u) {
+      info2->narSize = sink.s->size();
+    }
+    if (info->ultimate) {
+      info2->ultimate = false;
+    }
+    info = info2;
+    StringSource source(*sink.s);
+    dstStore->addToStore(*info, source, repair, checkSigs);
+    return;
+  }
+  if (info->ultimate) {
+    auto info2 = make_ref<ValidPathInfo>(*info);
+    info2->ultimate = false;
+    info = info2;
+  }
+  auto source = sinkToSource(
+      [&](Sink& sink) {
+        LambdaSink wrapperSink([&](const unsigned char* data, size_t len) {
+          sink(data, len);
+          total += len;
+        });
+        srcStore->narFromPath({storePath}, wrapperSink);
+      },
+      [&]() {
+        throw EndOfFile("NAR for '%s' fetched from '%s' is incomplete",
+                        storePath, srcStore->getUri());
+      });
+  dstStore->addToStore(*info, *source, repair, checkSigs);
+void copyPaths(ref<Store> srcStore, ref<Store> dstStore,
+               const PathSet& storePaths, RepairFlag repair,
+               CheckSigsFlag checkSigs, SubstituteFlag substitute) {
+  PathSet valid = dstStore->queryValidPaths(storePaths, substitute);
+  PathSet missing;
+  for (auto& path : storePaths) {
+    if (valid.count(path) == 0u) {
+      missing.insert(path);
+    }
+  }
+  if (missing.empty()) {
+    return;
+  }
+  LOG(INFO) << "copying " << missing.size() << " paths";
+  std::atomic<size_t> nrDone{0};
+  std::atomic<size_t> nrFailed{0};
+  std::atomic<uint64_t> bytesExpected{0};
+  std::atomic<uint64_t> nrRunning{0};
+  ThreadPool pool;
+  processGraph<Path>(
+      pool, PathSet(missing.begin(), missing.end()),
+      [&](const Path& storePath) {
+        if (dstStore->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+          nrDone++;
+          return PathSet();
+        }
+        auto info = srcStore->queryPathInfo(storePath);
+        bytesExpected += info->narSize;
+        return info->references;
+      },
+      [&](const Path& storePath) {
+        checkInterrupt();
+        if (!dstStore->isValidPath(storePath)) {
+          MaintainCount<decltype(nrRunning)> mc(nrRunning);
+          try {
+            copyStorePath(srcStore, dstStore, storePath, repair, checkSigs);
+          } catch (Error& e) {
+            nrFailed++;
+            if (!settings.keepGoing) {
+              throw e;
+            }
+            LOG(ERROR) << "could not copy " << storePath << ": " << e.what();
+            return;
+          }
+        }
+        nrDone++;
+      });
+void copyClosure(const ref<Store>& srcStore, const ref<Store>& dstStore,
+                 const PathSet& storePaths, RepairFlag repair,
+                 CheckSigsFlag checkSigs, SubstituteFlag substitute) {
+  PathSet closure;
+  srcStore->computeFSClosure({storePaths}, closure);
+  copyPaths(srcStore, dstStore, closure, repair, checkSigs, substitute);
+ValidPathInfo decodeValidPathInfo(std::istream& str, bool hashGiven) {
+  ValidPathInfo info;
+  getline(str, info.path);
+  if (str.eof()) {
+    info.path = "";
+    return info;
+  }
+  if (hashGiven) {
+    string s;
+    getline(str, s);
+    info.narHash = Hash(s, htSHA256);
+    getline(str, s);
+    if (!string2Int(s, info.narSize)) {
+      throw Error("number expected");
+    }
+  }
+  getline(str, info.deriver);
+  string s;
+  int n;
+  getline(str, s);
+  if (!string2Int(s, n)) {
+    throw Error("number expected");
+  }
+  while ((n--) != 0) {
+    getline(str, s);
+    info.references.insert(s);
+  }
+  if (!str || str.eof()) {
+    throw Error("missing input");
+  }
+  return info;
+string showPaths(const PathSet& paths) {
+  string s;
+  for (auto& i : paths) {
+    if (!s.empty()) {
+      s += ", ";
+    }
+    s += "'" + i + "'";
+  }
+  return s;
+std::string ValidPathInfo::fingerprint() const {
+  if (narSize == 0 || !narHash) {
+    throw Error(format("cannot calculate fingerprint of path '%s' because its "
+                       "size/hash is not known") %
+                path);
+  }
+  return "1;" + path + ";" + narHash.to_string(Base32) + ";" +
+         std::to_string(narSize) + ";" + concatStringsSep(",", references);
+void ValidPathInfo::sign(const SecretKey& secretKey) {
+  sigs.insert(secretKey.signDetached(fingerprint()));
+bool ValidPathInfo::isContentAddressed(const Store& store) const {
+  auto warn = [&]() {
+    LOG(ERROR) << "warning: path '" << path
+               << "' claims to be content-addressed but isn't";
+  };
+  if (hasPrefix(ca, "text:")) {
+    Hash hash(std::string(ca, 5));
+    if (store.makeTextPath(storePathToName(path), hash, references) == path) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    warn();
+  }
+  else if (hasPrefix(ca, "fixed:")) {
+    bool recursive = ca.compare(6, 2, "r:") == 0;
+    Hash hash(std::string(ca, recursive ? 8 : 6));
+    if (references.empty() &&
+        store.makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, hash, storePathToName(path)) ==
+            path) {
+      return true;
+    }
+    warn();
+  }
+  return false;
+size_t ValidPathInfo::checkSignatures(const Store& store,
+                                      const PublicKeys& publicKeys) const {
+  if (isContentAddressed(store)) {
+    return maxSigs;
+  }
+  size_t good = 0;
+  for (auto& sig : sigs) {
+    if (checkSignature(publicKeys, sig)) {
+      good++;
+    }
+  }
+  return good;
+bool ValidPathInfo::checkSignature(const PublicKeys& publicKeys,
+                                   const std::string& sig) const {
+  return verifyDetached(fingerprint(), sig, publicKeys);
+Strings ValidPathInfo::shortRefs() const {
+  Strings refs;
+  for (auto& r : references) {
+    refs.push_back(baseNameOf(r));
+  }
+  return refs;
+std::string makeFixedOutputCA(bool recursive, const Hash& hash) {
+  return "fixed:" + (recursive ? (std::string) "r:" : "") + hash.to_string();
+void Store::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& narSource,
+                       RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                       std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) {
+  addToStore(info, make_ref<std::string>(narSource.drain()), repair, checkSigs,
+             std::move(accessor));
+void Store::addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, const ref<std::string>& nar,
+                       RepairFlag repair, CheckSigsFlag checkSigs,
+                       std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor) {
+  StringSource source(*nar);
+  addToStore(info, source, repair, checkSigs, std::move(accessor));
+}  // namespace nix
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include "remote-store.hh"
+namespace nix {
+    RegisterStoreImplementation::implementations = nullptr;
+/* Split URI into protocol+hierarchy part and its parameter set. */
+std::pair<std::string, Store::Params> splitUriAndParams(
+    const std::string& uri_) {
+  auto uri(uri_);
+  Store::Params params;
+  auto q = uri.find('?');
+  if (q != std::string::npos) {
+    for (const auto& s : tokenizeString<Strings>(uri.substr(q + 1), "&")) {
+      auto e = s.find('=');
+      if (e != std::string::npos) {
+        auto value = s.substr(e + 1);
+        std::string decoded;
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < value.size();) {
+          if (value[i] == '%') {
+            if (i + 2 >= value.size()) {
+              throw Error("invalid URI parameter '%s'", value);
+            }
+            try {
+              decoded += std::stoul(std::string(value, i + 1, 2), nullptr, 16);
+              i += 3;
+            } catch (...) {
+              throw Error("invalid URI parameter '%s'", value);
+            }
+          } else {
+            decoded += value[i++];
+          }
+        }
+        params[s.substr(0, e)] = decoded;
+      }
+    }
+    uri = uri_.substr(0, q);
+  }
+  return {uri, params};
+ref<Store> openStore(const std::string& uri_,
+                     const Store::Params& extraParams) {
+  auto [uri, uriParams] = splitUriAndParams(uri_);
+  auto params = extraParams;
+  params.insert(uriParams.begin(), uriParams.end());
+  for (const auto& fun : *RegisterStoreImplementation::implementations) {
+    auto store = fun(uri, params);
+    if (store) {
+      store->warnUnknownSettings();
+      return ref<Store>(store);
+    }
+  }
+  throw Error("don't know how to open Nix store '%s'", uri);
+StoreType getStoreType(const std::string& uri, const std::string& stateDir) {
+  if (uri == "daemon") {
+    return tDaemon;
+  }
+  if (uri == "local" || hasPrefix(uri, "/")) {
+    return tLocal;
+  } else if (uri.empty() || uri == "auto") {
+    if (access(stateDir.c_str(), R_OK | W_OK) == 0) {
+      return tLocal;
+    }
+    if (pathExists(settings.nixDaemonSocketFile)) {
+      return tDaemon;
+    } else {
+      return tLocal;
+    }
+  } else {
+    return tOther;
+  }
+static RegisterStoreImplementation regStore([](const std::string& uri,
+                                               const Store::Params& params)
+                                                -> std::shared_ptr<Store> {
+  switch (getStoreType(uri, get(params, "state", settings.nixStateDir))) {
+    case tDaemon:
+      return std::shared_ptr<Store>(std::make_shared<UDSRemoteStore>(params));
+    case tLocal: {
+      Store::Params params2 = params;
+      if (hasPrefix(uri, "/")) {
+        params2["root"] = uri;
+      }
+      return std::shared_ptr<Store>(std::make_shared<LocalStore>(params2));
+    }
+    default:
+      return nullptr;
+  }
+std::list<ref<Store>> getDefaultSubstituters() {
+  static auto stores([]() {
+    std::list<ref<Store>> stores;
+    StringSet done;
+    auto addStore = [&](const std::string& uri) {
+      if (done.count(uri) != 0u) {
+        return;
+      }
+      done.insert(uri);
+      try {
+        stores.push_back(openStore(uri));
+      } catch (Error& e) {
+        LOG(WARNING) << e.what();
+      }
+    };
+    for (const auto& uri : settings.substituters.get()) {
+      addStore(uri);
+    }
+    for (const auto& uri : settings.extraSubstituters.get()) {
+      addStore(uri);
+    }
+    stores.sort([](ref<Store>& a, ref<Store>& b) {
+      return a->getPriority() < b->getPriority();
+    });
+    return stores;
+  }());
+  return stores;
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..242a3e65621e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/store-api.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+#pragma once
+#include <atomic>
+#include <limits>
+#include <map>
+#include <memory>
+#include <string>
+#include <unordered_map>
+#include <unordered_set>
+#include "config.hh"
+#include "crypto.hh"
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "hash.hh"
+#include "lru-cache.hh"
+#include "serialise.hh"
+#include "sync.hh"
+namespace nix {
+MakeError(SubstError, Error)
+    MakeError(BuildError, Error) /* denotes a permanent build failure */
+    MakeError(InvalidPath, Error) MakeError(Unsupported, Error)
+        MakeError(SubstituteGone, Error) MakeError(SubstituterDisabled, Error)
+            struct BasicDerivation;
+struct Derivation;
+class FSAccessor;
+class NarInfoDiskCache;
+class Store;
+class JSONPlaceholder;
+enum RepairFlag : bool { NoRepair = false, Repair = true };
+enum CheckSigsFlag : bool { NoCheckSigs = false, CheckSigs = true };
+enum SubstituteFlag : bool { NoSubstitute = false, Substitute = true };
+enum AllowInvalidFlag : bool { DisallowInvalid = false, AllowInvalid = true };
+/* Size of the hash part of store paths, in base-32 characters. */
+const size_t storePathHashLen = 32;  // i.e. 160 bits
+/* Magic header of exportPath() output (obsolete). */
+const uint32_t exportMagic = 0x4558494e;
+typedef std::unordered_map<Path, std::unordered_set<std::string>> Roots;
+struct GCOptions {
+  /* Garbage collector operation:
+     - `gcReturnLive': return the set of paths reachable from
+       (i.e. in the closure of) the roots.
+     - `gcReturnDead': return the set of paths not reachable from
+       the roots.
+     - `gcDeleteDead': actually delete the latter set.
+     - `gcDeleteSpecific': delete the paths listed in
+        `pathsToDelete', insofar as they are not reachable.
+  */
+  typedef enum {
+    gcReturnLive,
+    gcReturnDead,
+    gcDeleteDead,
+    gcDeleteSpecific,
+  } GCAction;
+  GCAction action{gcDeleteDead};
+  /* If `ignoreLiveness' is set, then reachability from the roots is
+     ignored (dangerous!).  However, the paths must still be
+     unreferenced *within* the store (i.e., there can be no other
+     store paths that depend on them). */
+  bool ignoreLiveness{false};
+  /* For `gcDeleteSpecific', the paths to delete. */
+  PathSet pathsToDelete;
+  /* Stop after at least `maxFreed' bytes have been freed. */
+  unsigned long long maxFreed{std::numeric_limits<unsigned long long>::max()};
+struct GCResults {
+  /* Depending on the action, the GC roots, or the paths that would
+     be or have been deleted. */
+  PathSet paths;
+  /* For `gcReturnDead', `gcDeleteDead' and `gcDeleteSpecific', the
+     number of bytes that would be or was freed. */
+  unsigned long long bytesFreed = 0;
+struct SubstitutablePathInfo {
+  Path deriver;
+  PathSet references;
+  unsigned long long downloadSize; /* 0 = unknown or inapplicable */
+  unsigned long long narSize;      /* 0 = unknown */
+typedef std::map<Path, SubstitutablePathInfo> SubstitutablePathInfos;
+struct ValidPathInfo {
+  Path path;
+  Path deriver;
+  Hash narHash;
+  PathSet references;
+  time_t registrationTime = 0;
+  uint64_t narSize = 0;  // 0 = unknown
+  uint64_t id;           // internal use only
+  /* Whether the path is ultimately trusted, that is, it's a
+     derivation output that was built locally. */
+  bool ultimate = false;
+  StringSet sigs;  // note: not necessarily verified
+  /* If non-empty, an assertion that the path is content-addressed,
+     i.e., that the store path is computed from a cryptographic hash
+     of the contents of the path, plus some other bits of data like
+     the "name" part of the path. Such a path doesn't need
+     signatures, since we don't have to trust anybody's claim that
+     the path is the output of a particular derivation. (In the
+     extensional store model, we have to trust that the *contents*
+     of an output path of a derivation were actually produced by
+     that derivation. In the intensional model, we have to trust
+     that a particular output path was produced by a derivation; the
+     path then implies the contents.)
+     Ideally, the content-addressability assertion would just be a
+     Boolean, and the store path would be computed from
+     ‘storePathToName(path)’, ‘narHash’ and ‘references’. However,
+     1) we've accumulated several types of content-addressed paths
+     over the years; and 2) fixed-output derivations support
+     multiple hash algorithms and serialisation methods (flat file
+     vs NAR). Thus, ‘ca’ has one of the following forms:
+     * ‘text:sha256:<sha256 hash of file contents>’: For paths
+       computed by makeTextPath() / addTextToStore().
+     * ‘fixed:<r?>:<ht>:<h>’: For paths computed by
+       makeFixedOutputPath() / addToStore().
+  */
+  std::string ca;
+  bool operator==(const ValidPathInfo& i) const {
+    return path == i.path && narHash == i.narHash && references == i.references;
+  }
+  /* Return a fingerprint of the store path to be used in binary
+     cache signatures. It contains the store path, the base-32
+     SHA-256 hash of the NAR serialisation of the path, the size of
+     the NAR, and the sorted references. The size field is strictly
+     speaking superfluous, but might prevent endless/excessive data
+     attacks. */
+  std::string fingerprint() const;
+  void sign(const SecretKey& secretKey);
+  /* Return true iff the path is verifiably content-addressed. */
+  bool isContentAddressed(const Store& store) const;
+  static const size_t maxSigs = std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max();
+  /* Return the number of signatures on this .narinfo that were
+     produced by one of the specified keys, or maxSigs if the path
+     is content-addressed. */
+  size_t checkSignatures(const Store& store,
+                         const PublicKeys& publicKeys) const;
+  /* Verify a single signature. */
+  bool checkSignature(const PublicKeys& publicKeys,
+                      const std::string& sig) const;
+  Strings shortRefs() const;
+  virtual ~ValidPathInfo() {}
+typedef list<ValidPathInfo> ValidPathInfos;
+enum BuildMode { bmNormal, bmRepair, bmCheck };
+struct BuildResult {
+  /* Note: don't remove status codes, and only add new status codes
+     at the end of the list, to prevent client/server
+     incompatibilities in the nix-store --serve protocol. */
+  enum Status {
+    Built = 0,
+    Substituted,
+    AlreadyValid,
+    PermanentFailure,
+    InputRejected,
+    OutputRejected,
+    TransientFailure,  // possibly transient
+    CachedFailure,     // no longer used
+    TimedOut,
+    MiscFailure,
+    DependencyFailed,
+    LogLimitExceeded,
+    NotDeterministic,
+  } status = MiscFailure;
+  std::string errorMsg;
+  /* How many times this build was performed. */
+  unsigned int timesBuilt = 0;
+  /* If timesBuilt > 1, whether some builds did not produce the same
+     result. (Note that 'isNonDeterministic = false' does not mean
+     the build is deterministic, just that we don't have evidence of
+     non-determinism.) */
+  bool isNonDeterministic = false;
+  /* The start/stop times of the build (or one of the rounds, if it
+     was repeated). */
+  time_t startTime = 0, stopTime = 0;
+  bool success() {
+    return status == Built || status == Substituted || status == AlreadyValid;
+  }
+class Store : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Store>, public Config {
+ public:
+  typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Params;
+  const PathSetting storeDir_{this, false, settings.nixStore, "store",
+                              "path to the Nix store"};
+  const Path storeDir = storeDir_;
+  const Setting<int> pathInfoCacheSize{
+      this, 65536, "path-info-cache-size",
+      "size of the in-memory store path information cache"};
+  const Setting<bool> isTrusted{
+      this, false, "trusted",
+      "whether paths from this store can be used as substitutes even when they "
+      "lack trusted signatures"};
+ protected:
+  struct State {
+    LRUCache<std::string, std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> pathInfoCache;
+  };
+  Sync<State> state;
+  std::shared_ptr<NarInfoDiskCache> diskCache;
+  Store(const Params& params);
+ public:
+  virtual ~Store() {}
+  virtual std::string getUri() = 0;
+  /* Return true if ‘path’ is in the Nix store (but not the Nix
+     store itself). */
+  bool isInStore(const Path& path) const;
+  /* Return true if ‘path’ is a store path, i.e. a direct child of
+     the Nix store. */
+  bool isStorePath(const Path& path) const;
+  /* Throw an exception if ‘path’ is not a store path. */
+  void assertStorePath(const Path& path) const;
+  /* Chop off the parts after the top-level store name, e.g.,
+     /nix/store/abcd-foo/bar => /nix/store/abcd-foo. */
+  Path toStorePath(const Path& path) const;
+  /* Follow symlinks until we end up with a path in the Nix store. */
+  Path followLinksToStore(const Path& path) const;
+  /* Same as followLinksToStore(), but apply toStorePath() to the
+     result. */
+  Path followLinksToStorePath(const Path& path) const;
+  /* Constructs a unique store path name. */
+  Path makeStorePath(const string& type, const Hash& hash,
+                     const string& name) const;
+  Path makeOutputPath(const string& id, const Hash& hash,
+                      const string& name) const;
+  Path makeFixedOutputPath(bool recursive, const Hash& hash,
+                           const string& name) const;
+  Path makeTextPath(const string& name, const Hash& hash,
+                    const PathSet& references) const;
+  /* This is the preparatory part of addToStore(); it computes the
+     store path to which srcPath is to be copied.  Returns the store
+     path and the cryptographic hash of the contents of srcPath. */
+  std::pair<Path, Hash> computeStorePathForPath(
+      const string& name, const Path& srcPath, bool recursive = true,
+      HashType hashAlgo = htSHA256,
+      PathFilter& filter = defaultPathFilter) const;
+  /* Preparatory part of addTextToStore().
+     !!! Computation of the path should take the references given to
+     addTextToStore() into account, otherwise we have a (relatively
+     minor) security hole: a caller can register a source file with
+     bogus references.  If there are too many references, the path may
+     not be garbage collected when it has to be (not really a problem,
+     the caller could create a root anyway), or it may be garbage
+     collected when it shouldn't be (more serious).
+     Hashing the references would solve this (bogus references would
+     simply yield a different store path, so other users wouldn't be
+     affected), but it has some backwards compatibility issues (the
+     hashing scheme changes), so I'm not doing that for now. */
+  Path computeStorePathForText(const string& name, const string& s,
+                               const PathSet& references) const;
+  /* Check whether a path is valid. */
+  bool isValidPath(const Path& path);
+ protected:
+  virtual bool isValidPathUncached(const Path& path);
+ public:
+  /* Query which of the given paths is valid. Optionally, try to
+     substitute missing paths. */
+  virtual PathSet queryValidPaths(
+      const PathSet& paths, SubstituteFlag maybeSubstitute = NoSubstitute);
+  /* Query the set of all valid paths. Note that for some store
+     backends, the name part of store paths may be omitted
+     (i.e. you'll get /nix/store/<hash> rather than
+     /nix/store/<hash>-<name>). Use queryPathInfo() to obtain the
+     full store path. */
+  virtual PathSet queryAllValidPaths() { unsupported("queryAllValidPaths"); }
+  /* Query information about a valid path. It is permitted to omit
+     the name part of the store path. */
+  ref<const ValidPathInfo> queryPathInfo(const Path& path);
+  /* Asynchronous version of queryPathInfo(). */
+  void queryPathInfo(const Path& path,
+                     Callback<ref<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept;
+ protected:
+  virtual void queryPathInfoUncached(
+      const Path& path,
+      Callback<std::shared_ptr<ValidPathInfo>> callback) noexcept = 0;
+ public:
+  /* Queries the set of incoming FS references for a store path.
+     The result is not cleared. */
+  virtual void queryReferrers(const Path& path, PathSet& referrers) {
+    unsupported("queryReferrers");
+  }
+  /* Return all currently valid derivations that have `path' as an
+     output.  (Note that the result of `queryDeriver()' is the
+     derivation that was actually used to produce `path', which may
+     not exist anymore.) */
+  virtual PathSet queryValidDerivers(const Path& path) { return {}; };
+  /* Query the outputs of the derivation denoted by `path'. */
+  virtual PathSet queryDerivationOutputs(const Path& path) {
+    unsupported("queryDerivationOutputs");
+  }
+  /* Query the output names of the derivation denoted by `path'. */
+  virtual StringSet queryDerivationOutputNames(const Path& path) {
+    unsupported("queryDerivationOutputNames");
+  }
+  /* Query the full store path given the hash part of a valid store
+     path, or "" if the path doesn't exist. */
+  virtual Path queryPathFromHashPart(const string& hashPart) = 0;
+  /* Query which of the given paths have substitutes. */
+  virtual PathSet querySubstitutablePaths(const PathSet& paths) { return {}; };
+  /* Query substitute info (i.e. references, derivers and download
+     sizes) of a set of paths.  If a path does not have substitute
+     info, it's omitted from the resulting ‘infos’ map. */
+  virtual void querySubstitutablePathInfos(const PathSet& paths,
+                                           SubstitutablePathInfos& infos) {
+    return;
+  };
+  virtual bool wantMassQuery() { return false; }
+  /* Import a path into the store. */
+  virtual void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info, Source& narSource,
+                          RepairFlag repair = NoRepair,
+                          CheckSigsFlag checkSigs = CheckSigs,
+                          std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor = 0);
+  // FIXME: remove
+  virtual void addToStore(const ValidPathInfo& info,
+                          const ref<std::string>& nar,
+                          RepairFlag repair = NoRepair,
+                          CheckSigsFlag checkSigs = CheckSigs,
+                          std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor> accessor = 0);
+  /* Copy the contents of a path to the store and register the
+     validity the resulting path.  The resulting path is returned.
+     The function object `filter' can be used to exclude files (see
+     libutil/archive.hh). */
+  virtual Path addToStore(const string& name, const Path& srcPath,
+                          bool recursive = true, HashType hashAlgo = htSHA256,
+                          PathFilter& filter = defaultPathFilter,
+                          RepairFlag repair = NoRepair) = 0;
+  /* Like addToStore, but the contents written to the output path is
+     a regular file containing the given string. */
+  virtual Path addTextToStore(const string& name, const string& s,
+                              const PathSet& references,
+                              RepairFlag repair = NoRepair) = 0;
+  /* Write a NAR dump of a store path. */
+  virtual void narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) = 0;
+  /* For each path, if it's a derivation, build it.  Building a
+     derivation means ensuring that the output paths are valid.  If
+     they are already valid, this is a no-op.  Otherwise, validity
+     can be reached in two ways.  First, if the output paths is
+     substitutable, then build the path that way.  Second, the
+     output paths can be created by running the builder, after
+     recursively building any sub-derivations. For inputs that are
+     not derivations, substitute them. */
+  virtual void buildPaths(const PathSet& paths, BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal);
+  /* Build a single non-materialized derivation (i.e. not from an
+     on-disk .drv file). Note that ‘drvPath’ is only used for
+     informational purposes. */
+  virtual BuildResult buildDerivation(const Path& drvPath,
+                                      const BasicDerivation& drv,
+                                      BuildMode buildMode = bmNormal) = 0;
+  /* Ensure that a path is valid.  If it is not currently valid, it
+     may be made valid by running a substitute (if defined for the
+     path). */
+  virtual void ensurePath(const Path& path) = 0;
+  /* Add a store path as a temporary root of the garbage collector.
+     The root disappears as soon as we exit. */
+  virtual void addTempRoot(const Path& path) { unsupported("addTempRoot"); }
+  /* Add an indirect root, which is merely a symlink to `path' from
+     /nix/var/nix/gcroots/auto/<hash of `path'>.  `path' is supposed
+     to be a symlink to a store path.  The garbage collector will
+     automatically remove the indirect root when it finds that
+     `path' has disappeared. */
+  virtual void addIndirectRoot(const Path& path) {
+    unsupported("addIndirectRoot");
+  }
+  /* Acquire the global GC lock, then immediately release it.  This
+     function must be called after registering a new permanent root,
+     but before exiting.  Otherwise, it is possible that a running
+     garbage collector doesn't see the new root and deletes the
+     stuff we've just built.  By acquiring the lock briefly, we
+     ensure that either:
+     - The collector is already running, and so we block until the
+       collector is finished.  The collector will know about our
+       *temporary* locks, which should include whatever it is we
+       want to register as a permanent lock.
+     - The collector isn't running, or it's just started but hasn't
+       acquired the GC lock yet.  In that case we get and release
+       the lock right away, then exit.  The collector scans the
+       permanent root and sees our's.
+     In either case the permanent root is seen by the collector. */
+  virtual void syncWithGC(){};
+  /* Find the roots of the garbage collector.  Each root is a pair
+     (link, storepath) where `link' is the path of the symlink
+     outside of the Nix store that point to `storePath'. If
+     'censor' is true, privacy-sensitive information about roots
+     found in /proc is censored. */
+  virtual Roots findRoots(bool censor) { unsupported("findRoots"); }
+  /* Perform a garbage collection. */
+  virtual void collectGarbage(const GCOptions& options, GCResults& results) {
+    unsupported("collectGarbage");
+  }
+  /* Return a string representing information about the path that
+     can be loaded into the database using `nix-store --load-db' or
+     `nix-store --register-validity'. */
+  string makeValidityRegistration(const PathSet& paths, bool showDerivers,
+                                  bool showHash);
+  /* Write a JSON representation of store path metadata, such as the
+     hash and the references. If ‘includeImpureInfo’ is true,
+     variable elements such as the registration time are
+     included. If ‘showClosureSize’ is true, the closure size of
+     each path is included. */
+  void pathInfoToJSON(JSONPlaceholder& jsonOut, const PathSet& storePaths,
+                      bool includeImpureInfo, bool showClosureSize,
+                      AllowInvalidFlag allowInvalid = DisallowInvalid);
+  /* Return the size of the closure of the specified path, that is,
+     the sum of the size of the NAR serialisation of each path in
+     the closure. */
+  std::pair<uint64_t, uint64_t> getClosureSize(const Path& storePath);
+  /* Optimise the disk space usage of the Nix store by hard-linking files
+     with the same contents. */
+  virtual void optimiseStore(){};
+  /* Check the integrity of the Nix store.  Returns true if errors
+     remain. */
+  virtual bool verifyStore(bool checkContents, RepairFlag repair = NoRepair) {
+    return false;
+  };
+  /* Return an object to access files in the Nix store. */
+  virtual ref<FSAccessor> getFSAccessor() { unsupported("getFSAccessor"); }
+  /* Add signatures to the specified store path. The signatures are
+     not verified. */
+  virtual void addSignatures(const Path& storePath, const StringSet& sigs) {
+    unsupported("addSignatures");
+  }
+  /* Utility functions. */
+  /* Read a derivation, after ensuring its existence through
+     ensurePath(). */
+  Derivation derivationFromPath(const Path& drvPath);
+  /* Place in `out' the set of all store paths in the file system
+     closure of `storePath'; that is, all paths than can be directly
+     or indirectly reached from it.  `out' is not cleared.  If
+     `flipDirection' is true, the set of paths that can reach
+     `storePath' is returned; that is, the closures under the
+     `referrers' relation instead of the `references' relation is
+     returned. */
+  virtual void computeFSClosure(const PathSet& paths, PathSet& paths_,
+                                bool flipDirection = false,
+                                bool includeOutputs = false,
+                                bool includeDerivers = false);
+  void computeFSClosure(const Path& path, PathSet& paths_,
+                        bool flipDirection = false, bool includeOutputs = false,
+                        bool includeDerivers = false);
+  /* Given a set of paths that are to be built, return the set of
+     derivations that will be built, and the set of output paths
+     that will be substituted. */
+  virtual void queryMissing(const PathSet& targets, PathSet& willBuild,
+                            PathSet& willSubstitute, PathSet& unknown,
+                            unsigned long long& downloadSize,
+                            unsigned long long& narSize);
+  /* Sort a set of paths topologically under the references
+     relation.  If p refers to q, then p precedes q in this list. */
+  Paths topoSortPaths(const PathSet& paths);
+  /* Export multiple paths in the format expected by ‘nix-store
+     --import’. */
+  void exportPaths(const Paths& paths, Sink& sink);
+  void exportPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink);
+  /* Import a sequence of NAR dumps created by exportPaths() into
+     the Nix store. Optionally, the contents of the NARs are
+     preloaded into the specified FS accessor to speed up subsequent
+     access. */
+  Paths importPaths(Source& source, const std::shared_ptr<FSAccessor>& accessor,
+                    CheckSigsFlag checkSigs = CheckSigs);
+  struct Stats {
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narInfoRead{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narInfoReadAverted{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narInfoMissing{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narInfoWrite{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> pathInfoCacheSize{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narRead{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narReadBytes{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narReadCompressedBytes{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narWrite{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narWriteAverted{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narWriteBytes{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narWriteCompressedBytes{0};
+    std::atomic<uint64_t> narWriteCompressionTimeMs{0};
+  };
+  const Stats& getStats();
+  /* Return the build log of the specified store path, if available,
+     or null otherwise. */
+  virtual std::shared_ptr<std::string> getBuildLog(const Path& path) {
+    return nullptr;
+  }
+  /* Hack to allow long-running processes like hydra-queue-runner to
+     occasionally flush their path info cache. */
+  void clearPathInfoCache() { state.lock()->pathInfoCache.clear(); }
+  /* Establish a connection to the store, for store types that have
+     a notion of connection. Otherwise this is a no-op. */
+  virtual void connect(){};
+  /* Get the protocol version of this store or it's connection. */
+  virtual unsigned int getProtocol() { return 0; };
+  /* Get the priority of the store, used to order substituters. In
+     particular, binary caches can specify a priority field in their
+     "nix-cache-info" file. Lower value means higher priority. */
+  virtual int getPriority() { return 0; }
+  virtual Path toRealPath(const Path& storePath) { return storePath; }
+  virtual void createUser(const std::string& userName, uid_t userId) {}
+ protected:
+  Stats stats;
+  /* Unsupported methods. */
+  [[noreturn]] void unsupported(const std::string& op) {
+    throw Unsupported("operation '%s' is not supported by store '%s'", op,
+                      getUri());
+  }
+class LocalFSStore : public virtual Store {
+ public:
+  // FIXME: the (Store*) cast works around a bug in gcc that causes
+  // it to emit the call to the Option constructor. Clang works fine
+  // either way.
+  const PathSetting rootDir{(Store*)this, true, "", "root",
+                            "directory prefixed to all other paths"};
+  const PathSetting stateDir{
+      (Store*)this, false,
+      rootDir != "" ? rootDir + "/nix/var/nix" : settings.nixStateDir, "state",
+      "directory where Nix will store state"};
+  const PathSetting logDir{
+      (Store*)this, false,
+      rootDir != "" ? rootDir + "/nix/var/log/nix" : settings.nixLogDir, "log",
+      "directory where Nix will store state"};
+  const static string drvsLogDir;
+  LocalFSStore(const Params& params);
+  void narFromPath(const Path& path, Sink& sink) override;
+  ref<FSAccessor> getFSAccessor() override;
+  /* Register a permanent GC root. */
+  Path addPermRoot(const Path& storePath, const Path& gcRoot, bool indirect,
+                   bool allowOutsideRootsDir = false);
+  virtual Path getRealStoreDir() { return storeDir; }
+  Path toRealPath(const Path& storePath) override {
+    assert(isInStore(storePath));
+    return getRealStoreDir() + "/" +
+           std::string(storePath, storeDir.size() + 1);
+  }
+  std::shared_ptr<std::string> getBuildLog(const Path& path) override;
+/* Extract the name part of the given store path. */
+string storePathToName(const Path& path);
+/* Extract the hash part of the given store path. */
+string storePathToHash(const Path& path);
+/* Check whether ‘name’ is a valid store path name part, i.e. contains
+   only the characters [a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.\_\?\=] and doesn't start with
+   a dot. */
+void checkStoreName(const string& name);
+/* Copy a path from one store to another. */
+void copyStorePath(ref<Store> srcStore, const ref<Store>& dstStore,
+                   const Path& storePath, RepairFlag repair = NoRepair,
+                   CheckSigsFlag checkSigs = CheckSigs);
+/* Copy store paths from one store to another. The paths may be copied
+   in parallel. They are copied in a topologically sorted order
+   (i.e. if A is a reference of B, then A is copied before B), but
+   the set of store paths is not automatically closed; use
+   copyClosure() for that. */
+void copyPaths(ref<Store> srcStore, ref<Store> dstStore,
+               const PathSet& storePaths, RepairFlag repair = NoRepair,
+               CheckSigsFlag checkSigs = CheckSigs,
+               SubstituteFlag substitute = NoSubstitute);
+/* Copy the closure of the specified paths from one store to another. */
+void copyClosure(const ref<Store>& srcStore, const ref<Store>& dstStore,
+                 const PathSet& storePaths, RepairFlag repair = NoRepair,
+                 CheckSigsFlag checkSigs = CheckSigs,
+                 SubstituteFlag substitute = NoSubstitute);
+/* Remove the temporary roots file for this process.  Any temporary
+   root becomes garbage after this point unless it has been registered
+   as a (permanent) root. */
+void removeTempRoots();
+/* Return a Store object to access the Nix store denoted by
+   ‘uri’ (slight misnomer...). Supported values are:
+   * ‘local’: The Nix store in /nix/store and database in
+     /nix/var/nix/db, accessed directly.
+   * ‘daemon’: The Nix store accessed via a Unix domain socket
+     connection to nix-daemon.
+   * ‘unix://<path>’: The Nix store accessed via a Unix domain socket
+     connection to nix-daemon, with the socket located at <path>.
+   * ‘auto’ or ‘’: Equivalent to ‘local’ or ‘daemon’ depending on
+     whether the user has write access to the local Nix
+     store/database.
+   * ‘file://<path>’: A binary cache stored in <path>.
+   * ‘https://<path>’: A binary cache accessed via HTTP.
+   * ‘s3://<path>’: A writable binary cache stored on Amazon's Simple
+     Storage Service.
+   * ‘ssh://[user@]<host>’: A remote Nix store accessed by running
+     ‘nix-store --serve’ via SSH.
+   You can pass parameters to the store implementation by appending
+   ‘?key=value&key=value&...’ to the URI.
+ref<Store> openStore(const std::string& uri = settings.storeUri.get(),
+                     const Store::Params& extraParams = Store::Params());
+enum StoreType { tDaemon, tLocal, tOther };
+StoreType getStoreType(const std::string& uri = settings.storeUri.get(),
+                       const std::string& stateDir = settings.nixStateDir);
+/* Return the default substituter stores, defined by the
+   ‘substituters’ option and various legacy options. */
+std::list<ref<Store>> getDefaultSubstituters();
+/* Store implementation registration. */
+typedef std::function<std::shared_ptr<Store>(const std::string& uri,
+                                             const Store::Params& params)>
+    OpenStore;
+struct RegisterStoreImplementation {
+  typedef std::vector<OpenStore> Implementations;
+  static Implementations* implementations;
+  RegisterStoreImplementation(OpenStore fun) {
+    if (!implementations) {
+      implementations = new Implementations;
+    }
+    implementations->push_back(fun);
+  }
+/* Display a set of paths in human-readable form (i.e., between quotes
+   and separated by commas). */
+string showPaths(const PathSet& paths);
+ValidPathInfo decodeValidPathInfo(std::istream& str, bool hashGiven = false);
+/* Compute the content-addressability assertion (ValidPathInfo::ca)
+   for paths created by makeFixedOutputPath() / addToStore(). */
+std::string makeFixedOutputCA(bool recursive, const Hash& hash);
+/* Split URI into protocol+hierarchy part and its parameter set. */
+std::pair<std::string, Store::Params> splitUriAndParams(const std::string& uri);
+}  // namespace nix
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/worker-protocol.hh b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/worker-protocol.hh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..970d494acee1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/worker-protocol.hh
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#pragma once
+namespace nix {
+#define WORKER_MAGIC_1 0x6e697863
+#define WORKER_MAGIC_2 0x6478696f
+#define PROTOCOL_VERSION 0x115
+#define GET_PROTOCOL_MAJOR(x) ((x)&0xff00)
+#define GET_PROTOCOL_MINOR(x) ((x)&0x00ff)
+typedef enum {
+  wopIsValidPath = 1,
+  wopHasSubstitutes = 3,
+  wopQueryPathHash = 4,    // obsolete
+  wopQueryReferences = 5,  // obsolete
+  wopQueryReferrers = 6,
+  wopAddToStore = 7,
+  wopAddTextToStore = 8,
+  wopBuildPaths = 9,
+  wopEnsurePath = 10,
+  wopAddTempRoot = 11,
+  wopAddIndirectRoot = 12,
+  wopSyncWithGC = 13,
+  wopFindRoots = 14,
+  wopExportPath = 16,    // obsolete
+  wopQueryDeriver = 18,  // obsolete
+  wopSetOptions = 19,
+  wopCollectGarbage = 20,
+  wopQuerySubstitutablePathInfo = 21,
+  wopQueryDerivationOutputs = 22,
+  wopQueryAllValidPaths = 23,
+  wopQueryFailedPaths = 24,
+  wopClearFailedPaths = 25,
+  wopQueryPathInfo = 26,
+  wopImportPaths = 27,  // obsolete
+  wopQueryDerivationOutputNames = 28,
+  wopQueryPathFromHashPart = 29,
+  wopQuerySubstitutablePathInfos = 30,
+  wopQueryValidPaths = 31,
+  wopQuerySubstitutablePaths = 32,
+  wopQueryValidDerivers = 33,
+  wopOptimiseStore = 34,
+  wopVerifyStore = 35,
+  wopBuildDerivation = 36,
+  wopAddSignatures = 37,
+  wopNarFromPath = 38,
+  wopAddToStoreNar = 39,
+  wopQueryMissing = 40,
+} WorkerOp;
+#define STDERR_NEXT 0x6f6c6d67
+#define STDERR_READ 0x64617461   // data needed from source
+#define STDERR_WRITE 0x64617416  // data for sink
+#define STDERR_LAST 0x616c7473
+#define STDERR_ERROR 0x63787470
+#define STDERR_START_ACTIVITY 0x53545254
+#define STDERR_STOP_ACTIVITY 0x53544f50
+#define STDERR_RESULT 0x52534c54
+Path readStorePath(Store& store, Source& from);
+template <class T>
+T readStorePaths(Store& store, Source& from);
+}  // namespace nix