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path: root/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 4820 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc b/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f5752a168c8..000000000000
--- a/third_party/nix/src/libstore/build.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4820 +0,0 @@
-#include <algorithm>
-#include <cerrno>
-#include <chrono>
-#include <climits>
-#include <cstring>
-#include <future>
-#include <iostream>
-#include <map>
-#include <memory>
-#include <ostream>
-#include <queue>
-#include <regex>
-#include <sstream>
-#include <string>
-#include <thread>
-#include <absl/status/status.h>
-#include <absl/strings/ascii.h>
-#include <absl/strings/numbers.h>
-#include <absl/strings/str_cat.h>
-#include <absl/strings/str_format.h>
-#include <absl/strings/str_split.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <glog/logging.h>
-#include <grp.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <pwd.h>
-#include <sys/resource.h>
-#include <sys/select.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <sys/time.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/utsname.h>
-#include <sys/wait.h>
-#include <termios.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "libstore/builtins.hh"
-#include "libstore/download.hh"
-#include "libstore/globals.hh"
-#include "libstore/local-store.hh"
-#include "libstore/machines.hh"
-#include "libstore/nar-info.hh"
-#include "libstore/parsed-derivations.hh"
-#include "libstore/pathlocks.hh"
-#include "libstore/references.hh"
-#include "libstore/store-api.hh"
-#include "libutil/affinity.hh"
-#include "libutil/archive.hh"
-#include "libutil/compression.hh"
-#include "libutil/finally.hh"
-#include "libutil/json.hh"
-#include "libutil/util.hh"
-/* Includes required for chroot support. */
-#if __linux__
-#include <net/if.h>
-#include <netinet/ip.h>
-#include <sched.h>
-#include <sys/ioctl.h>
-#include <sys/mman.h>
-#include <sys/mount.h>
-#include <sys/param.h>
-#include <sys/personality.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <sys/syscall.h>
-#include <seccomp.h>
-#define pivot_root(new_root, put_old) \
-  (syscall(SYS_pivot_root, new_root, put_old))
-#include <sys/statvfs.h>
-#include <nlohmann/json.hpp>
-#include <utility>
-namespace nix {
-constexpr std::string_view kPathNullDevice = "/dev/null";
-/* Forward definition. */
-class Worker;
-struct HookInstance;
-/* A pointer to a goal. */
-class Goal;
-class DerivationGoal;
-using GoalPtr = std::shared_ptr<Goal>;
-using WeakGoalPtr = std::weak_ptr<Goal>;
-struct CompareGoalPtrs {
-  bool operator()(const GoalPtr& a, const GoalPtr& b) const;
-/* Set of goals. */
-using Goals = std::set<GoalPtr, CompareGoalPtrs>;
-using WeakGoals = std::list<WeakGoalPtr>;
-/* A map of paths to goals (and the other way around). */
-using WeakGoalMap = std::map<Path, WeakGoalPtr>;
-class Goal : public std::enable_shared_from_this<Goal> {
- public:
-  using ExitCode = enum {
-    ecBusy,
-    ecSuccess,
-    ecFailed,
-    ecNoSubstituters,
-    ecIncompleteClosure
-  };
- protected:
-  /* Backlink to the worker. */
-  Worker& worker;
-  /* Goals that this goal is waiting for. */
-  Goals waitees;
-  /* Goals waiting for this one to finish.  Must use weak pointers
-     here to prevent cycles. */
-  WeakGoals waiters;
-  /* Number of goals we are/were waiting for that have failed. */
-  unsigned int nrFailed;
-  /* Number of substitution goals we are/were waiting for that
-     failed because there are no substituters. */
-  unsigned int nrNoSubstituters;
-  /* Number of substitution goals we are/were waiting for that
-     failed because othey had unsubstitutable references. */
-  unsigned int nrIncompleteClosure;
-  /* Name of this goal for debugging purposes. */
-  std::string name;
-  /* Whether the goal is finished. */
-  ExitCode exitCode;
-  // Output stream for build logs.
-  // TODO(tazjin): Rename all build_log instances to log_sink.
-  std::ostream& log_sink() const;
-  explicit Goal(Worker& worker) : worker(worker) {
-    nrFailed = nrNoSubstituters = nrIncompleteClosure = 0;
-    exitCode = ecBusy;
-  }
-  virtual ~Goal() { trace("goal destroyed"); }
- public:
-  virtual void work() = 0;
-  void addWaitee(const GoalPtr& waitee);
-  virtual void waiteeDone(GoalPtr waitee, ExitCode result);
-  virtual void handleChildOutput(int fd, const std::string& data) { abort(); }
-  virtual void handleEOF(int fd) { abort(); }
-  void trace(const FormatOrString& fs);
-  std::string getName() { return name; }
-  ExitCode getExitCode() { return exitCode; }
-  /* Callback in case of a timeout.  It should wake up its waiters,
-     get rid of any running child processes that are being monitored
-     by the worker (important!), etc. */
-  virtual void timedOut() = 0;
-  virtual std::string key() = 0;
- protected:
-  virtual void amDone(ExitCode result);
-bool CompareGoalPtrs::operator()(const GoalPtr& a, const GoalPtr& b) const {
-  std::string s1 = a->key();
-  std::string s2 = b->key();
-  return s1 < s2;
-using steady_time_point = std::chrono::time_point<std::chrono::steady_clock>;
-/* A mapping used to remember for each child process to what goal it
-   belongs, and file descriptors for receiving log data and output
-   path creation commands. */
-struct Child {
-  WeakGoalPtr goal;
-  Goal* goal2;  // ugly hackery
-  std::set<int> fds;
-  bool respectTimeouts;
-  bool inBuildSlot;
-  steady_time_point lastOutput; /* time we last got output on stdout/stderr */
-  steady_time_point timeStarted;
-/* The worker class. */
-class Worker {
- private:
-  /* Note: the worker should only have strong pointers to the
-     top-level goals. */
-  /* The top-level goals of the worker. */
-  Goals topGoals;
-  /* Goals that are ready to do some work. */
-  WeakGoals awake;
-  /* Goals waiting for a build slot. */
-  WeakGoals wantingToBuild;
-  /* Child processes currently running. */
-  std::list<Child> children;
-  /* Number of build slots occupied.  This includes local builds and
-     substitutions but not remote builds via the build hook. */
-  unsigned int nrLocalBuilds;
-  /* Maps used to prevent multiple instantiations of a goal for the
-     same derivation / path. */
-  WeakGoalMap derivationGoals;
-  WeakGoalMap substitutionGoals;
-  /* Goals waiting for busy paths to be unlocked. */
-  WeakGoals waitingForAnyGoal;
-  /* Goals sleeping for a few seconds (polling a lock). */
-  WeakGoals waitingForAWhile;
-  /* Last time the goals in `waitingForAWhile' where woken up. */
-  steady_time_point lastWokenUp;
-  /* Cache for pathContentsGood(). */
-  std::map<Path, bool> pathContentsGoodCache;
-  std::ostream& log_sink_;
- public:
-  /* Set if at least one derivation had a BuildError (i.e. permanent
-     failure). */
-  bool permanentFailure;
-  /* Set if at least one derivation had a timeout. */
-  bool timedOut;
-  /* Set if at least one derivation fails with a hash mismatch. */
-  bool hashMismatch;
-  /* Set if at least one derivation is not deterministic in check mode. */
-  bool checkMismatch;
-  LocalStore& store;
-  std::unique_ptr<HookInstance> hook;
-  uint64_t expectedBuilds = 0;
-  uint64_t doneBuilds = 0;
-  uint64_t failedBuilds = 0;
-  uint64_t runningBuilds = 0;
-  uint64_t expectedSubstitutions = 0;
-  uint64_t doneSubstitutions = 0;
-  uint64_t failedSubstitutions = 0;
-  uint64_t runningSubstitutions = 0;
-  uint64_t expectedDownloadSize = 0;
-  uint64_t doneDownloadSize = 0;
-  uint64_t expectedNarSize = 0;
-  uint64_t doneNarSize = 0;
-  /* Whether to ask the build hook if it can build a derivation. If
-     it answers with "decline-permanently", we don't try again. */
-  bool tryBuildHook = true;
-  Worker(LocalStore& store, std::ostream& log_sink);
-  ~Worker();
-  /* Make a goal (with caching). */
-  GoalPtr makeDerivationGoal(const Path& drvPath,
-                             const StringSet& wantedOutputs,
-                             BuildMode buildMode);
-  std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> makeBasicDerivationGoal(
-      const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv, BuildMode buildMode);
-  GoalPtr makeSubstitutionGoal(const Path& storePath,
-                               RepairFlag repair = NoRepair);
-  /* Remove a dead goal. */
-  void removeGoal(const GoalPtr& goal);
-  /* Wake up a goal (i.e., there is something for it to do). */
-  void wakeUp(const GoalPtr& goal);
-  /* Return the number of local build and substitution processes
-     currently running (but not remote builds via the build
-     hook). */
-  unsigned int getNrLocalBuilds();
-  /* Registers a running child process.  `inBuildSlot' means that
-     the process counts towards the jobs limit. */
-  void childStarted(const GoalPtr& goal, const std::set<int>& fds,
-                    bool inBuildSlot, bool respectTimeouts);
-  /* Unregisters a running child process.  `wakeSleepers' should be
-     false if there is no sense in waking up goals that are sleeping
-     because they can't run yet (e.g., there is no free build slot,
-     or the hook would still say `postpone'). */
-  void childTerminated(Goal* goal, bool wakeSleepers = true);
-  /* Put `goal' to sleep until a build slot becomes available (which
-     might be right away). */
-  void waitForBuildSlot(const GoalPtr& goal);
-  /* Wait for any goal to finish.  Pretty indiscriminate way to
-     wait for some resource that some other goal is holding. */
-  void waitForAnyGoal(GoalPtr goal);
-  /* Wait for a few seconds and then retry this goal.  Used when
-     waiting for a lock held by another process.  This kind of
-     polling is inefficient, but POSIX doesn't really provide a way
-     to wait for multiple locks in the main select() loop. */
-  void waitForAWhile(GoalPtr goal);
-  /* Loop until the specified top-level goals have finished. */
-  void run(const Goals& topGoals);
-  /* Wait for input to become available. */
-  void waitForInput();
-  unsigned int exitStatus();
-  /* Check whether the given valid path exists and has the right
-     contents. */
-  bool pathContentsGood(const Path& path);
-  void markContentsGood(const Path& path);
-  std::ostream& log_sink() const { return log_sink_; };
-void addToWeakGoals(WeakGoals& goals, const GoalPtr& p) {
-  // FIXME: necessary?
-  // FIXME: O(n)
-  for (auto& i : goals) {
-    if (i.lock() == p) {
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  goals.push_back(p);
-std::ostream& Goal::log_sink() const { return worker.log_sink(); }
-void Goal::addWaitee(const GoalPtr& waitee) {
-  waitees.insert(waitee);
-  addToWeakGoals(waitee->waiters, shared_from_this());
-void Goal::waiteeDone(GoalPtr waitee, ExitCode result) {
-  assert(waitees.find(waitee) != waitees.end());
-  waitees.erase(waitee);
-  trace(format("waitee '%1%' done; %2% left") % waitee->name % waitees.size());
-  if (result == ecFailed || result == ecNoSubstituters ||
-      result == ecIncompleteClosure) {
-    ++nrFailed;
-  }
-  if (result == ecNoSubstituters) {
-    ++nrNoSubstituters;
-  }
-  if (result == ecIncompleteClosure) {
-    ++nrIncompleteClosure;
-  }
-  if (waitees.empty() || (result == ecFailed && !settings.keepGoing)) {
-    /* If we failed and keepGoing is not set, we remove all
-       remaining waitees. */
-    for (auto& goal : waitees) {
-      WeakGoals waiters2;
-      for (auto& j : goal->waiters) {
-        if (j.lock() != shared_from_this()) {
-          waiters2.push_back(j);
-        }
-      }
-      goal->waiters = waiters2;
-    }
-    waitees.clear();
-    worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-  }
-void Goal::amDone(ExitCode result) {
-  trace("done");
-  assert(exitCode == ecBusy);
-  assert(result == ecSuccess || result == ecFailed ||
-         result == ecNoSubstituters || result == ecIncompleteClosure);
-  exitCode = result;
-  for (auto& i : waiters) {
-    GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
-    if (goal) {
-      goal->waiteeDone(shared_from_this(), result);
-    }
-  }
-  waiters.clear();
-  worker.removeGoal(shared_from_this());
-void Goal::trace(const FormatOrString& fs) {
-  DLOG(INFO) << name << ": " << fs.s;
-/* Common initialisation performed in child processes. */
-static void commonChildInit(Pipe& logPipe) {
-  restoreSignals();
-  /* Put the child in a separate session (and thus a separate
-     process group) so that it has no controlling terminal (meaning
-     that e.g. ssh cannot open /dev/tty) and it doesn't receive
-     terminal signals. */
-  if (setsid() == -1) {
-    throw SysError(format("creating a new session"));
-  }
-  /* Dup the write side of the logger pipe into stderr. */
-  if (dup2(logPipe.writeSide.get(), STDERR_FILENO) == -1) {
-    throw SysError("cannot pipe standard error into log file");
-  }
-  /* Dup stderr to stdout. */
-  if (dup2(STDERR_FILENO, STDOUT_FILENO) == -1) {
-    throw SysError("cannot dup stderr into stdout");
-  }
-  /* Reroute stdin to /dev/null. */
-  int fdDevNull = open(kPathNullDevice.begin(), O_RDWR);
-  if (fdDevNull == -1) {
-    throw SysError(format("cannot open '%1%'") % kPathNullDevice);
-  }
-  if (dup2(fdDevNull, STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
-    throw SysError("cannot dup null device into stdin");
-  }
-  close(fdDevNull);
-void handleDiffHook(uid_t uid, uid_t gid, Path tryA, Path tryB, Path drvPath,
-                    Path tmpDir, std::ostream& log_sink) {
-  auto diffHook = settings.diffHook;
-  if (diffHook != "" && settings.runDiffHook) {
-    try {
-      RunOptions diffHookOptions(
-          diffHook, {std::move(tryA), std::move(tryB), std::move(drvPath),
-                     std::move(tmpDir)});
-      diffHookOptions.searchPath = true;
-      diffHookOptions.uid = uid;
-      diffHookOptions.gid = gid;
-      diffHookOptions.chdir = "/";
-      auto diffRes = runProgram(diffHookOptions);
-      if (!statusOk(diffRes.first)) {
-        throw ExecError(diffRes.first,
-                        fmt("diff-hook program '%1%' %2%", diffHook,
-                            statusToString(diffRes.first)));
-      }
-      if (!diffRes.second.empty()) {
-        log_sink << absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(diffRes.second);
-      }
-    } catch (Error& error) {
-      log_sink << "diff hook execution failed: " << error.what();
-    }
-  }
-class UserLock {
- private:
-  /* POSIX locks suck.  If we have a lock on a file, and we open and
-     close that file again (without closing the original file
-     descriptor), we lose the lock.  So we have to be *very* careful
-     not to open a lock file on which we are holding a lock. */
-  static Sync<PathSet> lockedPaths_;
-  Path fnUserLock;
-  AutoCloseFD fdUserLock;
-  std::string user;
-  uid_t uid;
-  gid_t gid;
-  std::vector<gid_t> supplementaryGIDs;
- public:
-  UserLock();
-  ~UserLock();
-  void kill();
-  std::string getUser() { return user; }
-  uid_t getUID() {
-    assert(uid);
-    return uid;
-  }
-  uid_t getGID() {
-    assert(gid);
-    return gid;
-  }
-  std::vector<gid_t> getSupplementaryGIDs() { return supplementaryGIDs; }
-  bool enabled() { return uid != 0; }
-Sync<PathSet> UserLock::lockedPaths_;
-UserLock::UserLock() {
-  assert(settings.buildUsersGroup != "");
-  /* Get the members of the build-users-group. */
-  struct group* gr = getgrnam(settings.buildUsersGroup.get().c_str());
-  if (gr == nullptr) {
-    throw Error(
-        format(
-            "the group '%1%' specified in 'build-users-group' does not exist") %
-        settings.buildUsersGroup);
-  }
-  gid = gr->gr_gid;
-  /* Copy the result of getgrnam. */
-  Strings users;
-  for (char** p = gr->gr_mem; *p != nullptr; ++p) {
-    DLOG(INFO) << "found build user " << *p;
-    users.push_back(*p);
-  }
-  if (users.empty()) {
-    throw Error(format("the build users group '%1%' has no members") %
-                settings.buildUsersGroup);
-  }
-  /* Find a user account that isn't currently in use for another
-     build. */
-  for (auto& i : users) {
-    DLOG(INFO) << "trying user " << i;
-    struct passwd* pw = getpwnam(i.c_str());
-    if (pw == nullptr) {
-      throw Error(format("the user '%1%' in the group '%2%' does not exist") %
-                  i % settings.buildUsersGroup);
-    }
-    createDirs(settings.nixStateDir + "/userpool");
-    fnUserLock =
-        (format("%1%/userpool/%2%") % settings.nixStateDir % pw->pw_uid).str();
-    {
-      auto lockedPaths(lockedPaths_.lock());
-      if (lockedPaths->count(fnUserLock) != 0u) {
-        /* We already have a lock on this one. */
-        continue;
-      }
-      lockedPaths->insert(fnUserLock);
-    }
-    try {
-      AutoCloseFD fd(
-          open(fnUserLock.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_CLOEXEC, 0600));
-      if (!fd) {
-        throw SysError(format("opening user lock '%1%'") % fnUserLock);
-      }
-      if (lockFile(fd.get(), ltWrite, false)) {
-        fdUserLock = std::move(fd);
-        user = i;
-        uid = pw->pw_uid;
-        /* Sanity check... */
-        if (uid == getuid() || uid == geteuid()) {
-          throw Error(format("the Nix user should not be a member of '%1%'") %
-                      settings.buildUsersGroup);
-        }
-#if __linux__
-        /* Get the list of supplementary groups of this build user.  This
-           is usually either empty or contains a group such as "kvm".  */
-        supplementaryGIDs.resize(10);
-        int ngroups = supplementaryGIDs.size();
-        int err = getgrouplist(pw->pw_name, pw->pw_gid,
-                               supplementaryGIDs.data(), &ngroups);
-        if (err == -1) {
-          throw Error(
-              format("failed to get list of supplementary groups for '%1%'") %
-              pw->pw_name);
-        }
-        supplementaryGIDs.resize(ngroups);
-        return;
-      }
-    } catch (...) {
-      lockedPaths_.lock()->erase(fnUserLock);
-    }
-  }
-  throw Error(format("all build users are currently in use; "
-                     "consider creating additional users and adding them to "
-                     "the '%1%' group") %
-              settings.buildUsersGroup);
-UserLock::~UserLock() {
-  auto lockedPaths(lockedPaths_.lock());
-  assert(lockedPaths->count(fnUserLock));
-  lockedPaths->erase(fnUserLock);
-void UserLock::kill() { killUser(uid); }
-struct HookInstance {
-  /* Pipes for talking to the build hook. */
-  Pipe toHook;
-  /* Pipe for the hook's standard output/error. */
-  Pipe fromHook;
-  /* Pipe for the builder's standard output/error. */
-  Pipe builderOut;
-  /* The process ID of the hook. */
-  Pid pid;
-  FdSink sink;
-  HookInstance();
-  ~HookInstance();
-HookInstance::HookInstance() {
-  DLOG(INFO) << "starting build hook " << settings.buildHook;
-  /* Create a pipe to get the output of the child. */
-  fromHook.create();
-  /* Create the communication pipes. */
-  toHook.create();
-  /* Create a pipe to get the output of the builder. */
-  builderOut.create();
-  /* Fork the hook. */
-  pid = startProcess([&]() {
-    commonChildInit(fromHook);
-    if (chdir("/") == -1) {
-      throw SysError("changing into /");
-    }
-    /* Dup the communication pipes. */
-    if (dup2(toHook.readSide.get(), STDIN_FILENO) == -1) {
-      throw SysError("dupping to-hook read side");
-    }
-    /* Use fd 4 for the builder's stdout/stderr. */
-    if (dup2(builderOut.writeSide.get(), 4) == -1) {
-      throw SysError("dupping builder's stdout/stderr");
-    }
-    /* Hack: pass the read side of that fd to allow build-remote
-       to read SSH error messages. */
-    if (dup2(builderOut.readSide.get(), 5) == -1) {
-      throw SysError("dupping builder's stdout/stderr");
-    }
-    Strings args = {
-        baseNameOf(settings.buildHook),
-        // std::to_string(verbosity), // TODO(tazjin): what?
-    };
-    execv(settings.buildHook.get().c_str(), stringsToCharPtrs(args).data());
-    throw SysError("executing '%s'", settings.buildHook);
-  });
-  pid.setSeparatePG(true);
-  fromHook.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  toHook.readSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  sink = FdSink(toHook.writeSide.get());
-  std::map<std::string, Config::SettingInfo> settings;
-  globalConfig.getSettings(settings);
-  for (auto& setting : settings) {
-    sink << 1 << setting.first << setting.second.value;
-  }
-  sink << 0;
-HookInstance::~HookInstance() {
-  try {
-    toHook.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-    if (pid != Pid(-1)) {
-      pid.kill();
-    }
-  } catch (...) {
-    ignoreException();
-  }
-using StringRewrites = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
-std::string rewriteStrings(std::string s, const StringRewrites& rewrites) {
-  for (auto& i : rewrites) {
-    size_t j = 0;
-    while ((j = s.find(i.first, j)) != std::string::npos) {
-      s.replace(j, i.first.size(), i.second);
-    }
-  }
-  return s;
-using HookReply = enum { rpAccept, rpDecline, rpPostpone };
-class SubstitutionGoal;
-class DerivationGoal : public Goal {
- private:
-  /* Whether to use an on-disk .drv file. */
-  bool useDerivation;
-  /* The path of the derivation. */
-  Path drvPath;
-  /* The specific outputs that we need to build.  Empty means all of
-     them. */
-  StringSet wantedOutputs;
-  /* Whether additional wanted outputs have been added. */
-  bool needRestart = false;
-  /* Whether to retry substituting the outputs after building the
-     inputs. */
-  bool retrySubstitution;
-  /* The derivation stored at drvPath. */
-  std::unique_ptr<BasicDerivation> drv;
-  std::unique_ptr<ParsedDerivation> parsedDrv;
-  /* The remainder is state held during the build. */
-  /* Locks on the output paths. */
-  PathLocks outputLocks;
-  /* All input paths (that is, the union of FS closures of the
-     immediate input paths). */
-  PathSet inputPaths;
-  /* Referenceable paths (i.e., input and output paths). */
-  PathSet allPaths;
-  /* Outputs that are already valid.  If we're repairing, these are
-     the outputs that are valid *and* not corrupt. */
-  PathSet validPaths;
-  /* Outputs that are corrupt or not valid. */
-  PathSet missingPaths;
-  /* User selected for running the builder. */
-  std::unique_ptr<UserLock> buildUser;
-  /* The process ID of the builder. */
-  Pid pid;
-  /* The temporary directory. */
-  Path tmpDir;
-  /* The path of the temporary directory in the sandbox. */
-  Path tmpDirInSandbox;
-  /* File descriptor for the log file. */
-  AutoCloseFD fdLogFile;
-  std::shared_ptr<BufferedSink> logFileSink, logSink;
-  /* Number of bytes received from the builder's stdout/stderr. */
-  unsigned long logSize;
-  /* The most recent log lines. */
-  std::list<std::string> logTail;
-  std::string currentLogLine;
-  size_t currentLogLinePos = 0;  // to handle carriage return
-  std::string currentHookLine;
-  /* Pipe for the builder's standard output/error. */
-  Pipe builderOut;
-  /* Pipe for synchronising updates to the builder user namespace. */
-  Pipe userNamespaceSync;
-  /* The build hook. */
-  std::unique_ptr<HookInstance> hook;
-  /* Whether we're currently doing a chroot build. */
-  bool useChroot = false;
-  Path chrootRootDir;
-  /* RAII object to delete the chroot directory. */
-  std::shared_ptr<AutoDelete> autoDelChroot;
-  /* Whether this is a fixed-output derivation. */
-  bool fixedOutput;
-  /* Whether to run the build in a private network namespace. */
-  bool privateNetwork = false;
-  using GoalState = void (DerivationGoal::*)();
-  GoalState state;
-  /* Stuff we need to pass to initChild(). */
-  struct ChrootPath {
-    Path source;
-    bool optional;
-    explicit ChrootPath(Path source = "", bool optional = false)
-        : source(std::move(source)), optional(optional) {}
-  };
-  using DirsInChroot =
-      std::map<Path, ChrootPath>;  // maps target path to source path
-  DirsInChroot dirsInChroot;
-  using Environment = std::map<std::string, std::string>;
-  Environment env;
-  /* Hash rewriting. */
-  StringRewrites inputRewrites, outputRewrites;
-  using RedirectedOutputs = std::map<Path, Path>;
-  RedirectedOutputs redirectedOutputs;
-  BuildMode buildMode;
-  /* If we're repairing without a chroot, there may be outputs that
-     are valid but corrupt.  So we redirect these outputs to
-     temporary paths. */
-  PathSet redirectedBadOutputs;
-  BuildResult result;
-  /* The current round, if we're building multiple times. */
-  size_t curRound = 1;
-  size_t nrRounds;
-  /* Path registration info from the previous round, if we're
-     building multiple times. Since this contains the hash, it
-     allows us to compare whether two rounds produced the same
-     result. */
-  std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo> prevInfos;
-  const uid_t sandboxUid = 1000;
-  const gid_t sandboxGid = 100;
-  const static Path homeDir;
-  std::unique_ptr<MaintainCount<uint64_t>> mcExpectedBuilds, mcRunningBuilds;
-  /* The remote machine on which we're building. */
-  std::string machineName;
- public:
-  DerivationGoal(Worker& worker, const Path& drvPath, StringSet wantedOutputs,
-                 BuildMode buildMode);
-  DerivationGoal(Worker& worker, const Path& drvPath,
-                 const BasicDerivation& drv, BuildMode buildMode);
-  ~DerivationGoal() override;
-  /* Whether we need to perform hash rewriting if there are valid output paths.
-   */
-  bool needsHashRewrite();
-  void timedOut() override;
-  std::string key() override {
-    /* Ensure that derivations get built in order of their name,
-       i.e. a derivation named "aardvark" always comes before
-       "baboon". And substitution goals always happen before
-       derivation goals (due to "b$"). */
-    return "b$" + storePathToName(drvPath) + "$" + drvPath;
-  }
-  void work() override;
-  Path getDrvPath() { return drvPath; }
-  /* Add wanted outputs to an already existing derivation goal. */
-  void addWantedOutputs(const StringSet& outputs);
-  BuildResult getResult() { return result; }
- private:
-  /* The states. */
-  void getDerivation();
-  void loadDerivation();
-  void haveDerivation();
-  void outputsSubstituted();
-  void closureRepaired();
-  void inputsRealised();
-  void tryToBuild();
-  void buildDone();
-  /* Is the build hook willing to perform the build? */
-  HookReply tryBuildHook();
-  /* Start building a derivation. */
-  void startBuilder();
-  /* Fill in the environment for the builder. */
-  void initEnv();
-  /* Setup tmp dir location. */
-  void initTmpDir();
-  /* Write a JSON file containing the derivation attributes. */
-  void writeStructuredAttrs();
-  /* Make a file owned by the builder. */
-  void chownToBuilder(const Path& path);
-  /* Run the builder's process. */
-  void runChild();
-  friend int childEntry(void* /*arg*/);
-  /* Check that the derivation outputs all exist and register them
-     as valid. */
-  void registerOutputs();
-  /* Check that an output meets the requirements specified by the
-     'outputChecks' attribute (or the legacy
-     '{allowed,disallowed}{References,Requisites}' attributes). */
-  void checkOutputs(const std::map<std::string, ValidPathInfo>& outputs);
-  /* Open a log file and a pipe to it. */
-  Path openLogFile();
-  /* Close the log file. */
-  void closeLogFile();
-  /* Delete the temporary directory, if we have one. */
-  void deleteTmpDir(bool force);
-  /* Callback used by the worker to write to the log. */
-  void handleChildOutput(int fd, const std::string& data) override;
-  void handleEOF(int fd) override;
-  void flushLine();
-  /* Return the set of (in)valid paths. */
-  PathSet checkPathValidity(bool returnValid, bool checkHash);
-  /* Abort the goal if `path' failed to build. */
-  bool pathFailed(const Path& path);
-  /* Forcibly kill the child process, if any. */
-  void killChild();
-  Path addHashRewrite(const Path& path);
-  void repairClosure();
-  void amDone(ExitCode result) override { Goal::amDone(result); }
-  void done(BuildResult::Status status, const std::string& msg = "");
-  PathSet exportReferences(const PathSet& storePaths);
-const Path DerivationGoal::homeDir = "/homeless-shelter";
-DerivationGoal::DerivationGoal(Worker& worker, const Path& drvPath,
-                               StringSet wantedOutputs, BuildMode buildMode)
-    : Goal(worker),
-      useDerivation(true),
-      drvPath(drvPath),
-      wantedOutputs(std::move(wantedOutputs)),
-      buildMode(buildMode) {
-  state = &DerivationGoal::getDerivation;
-  name = (format("building of '%1%'") % drvPath).str();
-  trace("created");
-  mcExpectedBuilds =
-      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.expectedBuilds);
-DerivationGoal::DerivationGoal(Worker& worker, const Path& drvPath,
-                               const BasicDerivation& drv, BuildMode buildMode)
-    : Goal(worker),
-      useDerivation(false),
-      drvPath(drvPath),
-      buildMode(buildMode) {
-  this->drv = std::make_unique<BasicDerivation>(drv);
-  state = &DerivationGoal::haveDerivation;
-  name = (format("building of %1%") % showPaths(drv.outputPaths())).str();
-  trace("created");
-  mcExpectedBuilds =
-      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.expectedBuilds);
-  /* Prevent the .chroot directory from being
-     garbage-collected. (See isActiveTempFile() in gc.cc.) */
-  worker.store.addTempRoot(drvPath);
-DerivationGoal::~DerivationGoal() {
-  /* Careful: we should never ever throw an exception from a
-     destructor. */
-  try {
-    killChild();
-  } catch (...) {
-    ignoreException();
-  }
-  try {
-    deleteTmpDir(false);
-  } catch (...) {
-    ignoreException();
-  }
-  try {
-    closeLogFile();
-  } catch (...) {
-    ignoreException();
-  }
-inline bool DerivationGoal::needsHashRewrite() { return !useChroot; }
-void DerivationGoal::killChild() {
-  if (pid != Pid(-1)) {
-    worker.childTerminated(this);
-    if (buildUser) {
-      /* If we're using a build user, then there is a tricky
-         race condition: if we kill the build user before the
-         child has done its setuid() to the build user uid, then
-         it won't be killed, and we'll potentially lock up in
-         pid.wait().  So also send a conventional kill to the
-         child. */
-      ::kill(-static_cast<pid_t>(pid), SIGKILL); /* ignore the result */
-      buildUser->kill();
-      pid.wait();
-    } else {
-      pid.kill();
-    }
-    assert(pid == Pid(-1));
-  }
-  hook.reset();
-void DerivationGoal::timedOut() {
-  killChild();
-  done(BuildResult::TimedOut);
-void DerivationGoal::work() { (this->*state)(); }
-void DerivationGoal::addWantedOutputs(const StringSet& outputs) {
-  /* If we already want all outputs, there is nothing to do. */
-  if (wantedOutputs.empty()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (outputs.empty()) {
-    wantedOutputs.clear();
-    needRestart = true;
-  } else {
-    for (auto& i : outputs) {
-      if (wantedOutputs.find(i) == wantedOutputs.end()) {
-        wantedOutputs.insert(i);
-        needRestart = true;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void DerivationGoal::getDerivation() {
-  trace("init");
-  /* The first thing to do is to make sure that the derivation
-     exists.  If it doesn't, it may be created through a
-     substitute. */
-  if (buildMode == bmNormal && worker.store.isValidPath(drvPath)) {
-    loadDerivation();
-    return;
-  }
-  addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(drvPath));
-  state = &DerivationGoal::loadDerivation;
-void DerivationGoal::loadDerivation() {
-  trace("loading derivation");
-  if (nrFailed != 0) {
-    log_sink() << "cannot build missing derivation '" << drvPath << "'"
-               << std::endl;
-    done(BuildResult::MiscFailure);
-    return;
-  }
-  /* `drvPath' should already be a root, but let's be on the safe
-     side: if the user forgot to make it a root, we wouldn't want
-     things being garbage collected while we're busy. */
-  worker.store.addTempRoot(drvPath);
-  assert(worker.store.isValidPath(drvPath));
-  /* Get the derivation. */
-  drv = std::unique_ptr<BasicDerivation>(
-      new Derivation(worker.store.derivationFromPath(drvPath)));
-  haveDerivation();
-void DerivationGoal::haveDerivation() {
-  trace("have derivation");
-  retrySubstitution = false;
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    worker.store.addTempRoot(i.second.path);
-  }
-  /* Check what outputs paths are not already valid. */
-  PathSet invalidOutputs = checkPathValidity(false, buildMode == bmRepair);
-  /* If they are all valid, then we're done. */
-  if (invalidOutputs.empty() && buildMode == bmNormal) {
-    done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
-    return;
-  }
-  parsedDrv = std::make_unique<ParsedDerivation>(drvPath, *drv);
-  /* We are first going to try to create the invalid output paths
-     through substitutes.  If that doesn't work, we'll build
-     them. */
-  if (settings.useSubstitutes && parsedDrv->substitutesAllowed()) {
-    for (auto& i : invalidOutputs) {
-      addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(
-          i, buildMode == bmRepair ? Repair : NoRepair));
-    }
-  }
-  if (waitees.empty()) { /* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */
-    outputsSubstituted();
-  } else {
-    state = &DerivationGoal::outputsSubstituted;
-  }
-void DerivationGoal::outputsSubstituted() {
-  trace("all outputs substituted (maybe)");
-  if (nrFailed > 0 && nrFailed > nrNoSubstituters + nrIncompleteClosure &&
-      !settings.tryFallback) {
-    done(BuildResult::TransientFailure,
-         (format("some substitutes for the outputs of derivation '%1%' failed "
-                 "(usually happens due to networking issues); try '--fallback' "
-                 "to build derivation from source ") %
-          drvPath)
-             .str());
-    return;
-  }
-  /*  If the substitutes form an incomplete closure, then we should
-      build the dependencies of this derivation, but after that, we
-      can still use the substitutes for this derivation itself. */
-  if (nrIncompleteClosure > 0) {
-    retrySubstitution = true;
-  }
-  nrFailed = nrNoSubstituters = nrIncompleteClosure = 0;
-  if (needRestart) {
-    needRestart = false;
-    haveDerivation();
-    return;
-  }
-  auto nrInvalid = checkPathValidity(false, buildMode == bmRepair).size();
-  if (buildMode == bmNormal && nrInvalid == 0) {
-    done(BuildResult::Substituted);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (buildMode == bmRepair && nrInvalid == 0) {
-    repairClosure();
-    return;
-  }
-  if (buildMode == bmCheck && nrInvalid > 0) {
-    throw Error(format("some outputs of '%1%' are not valid, so checking is "
-                       "not possible") %
-                drvPath);
-  }
-  /* Otherwise, at least one of the output paths could not be
-     produced using a substitute.  So we have to build instead. */
-  /* Make sure checkPathValidity() from now on checks all
-     outputs. */
-  wantedOutputs = PathSet();
-  /* The inputs must be built before we can build this goal. */
-  if (useDerivation) {
-    for (auto& i : dynamic_cast<Derivation*>(drv.get())->inputDrvs) {
-      addWaitee(worker.makeDerivationGoal(
-          i.first, i.second, buildMode == bmRepair ? bmRepair : bmNormal));
-    }
-  }
-  for (auto& i : drv->inputSrcs) {
-    if (worker.store.isValidPath(i)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (!settings.useSubstitutes) {
-      throw Error(format("dependency '%1%' of '%2%' does not exist, and "
-                         "substitution is disabled") %
-                  i % drvPath);
-    }
-    addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(i));
-  }
-  if (waitees.empty()) { /* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */
-    inputsRealised();
-  } else {
-    state = &DerivationGoal::inputsRealised;
-  }
-void DerivationGoal::repairClosure() {
-  /* If we're repairing, we now know that our own outputs are valid.
-     Now check whether the other paths in the outputs closure are
-     good.  If not, then start derivation goals for the derivations
-     that produced those outputs. */
-  /* Get the output closure. */
-  PathSet outputClosure;
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    if (!wantOutput(i.first, wantedOutputs)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    worker.store.computeFSClosure(i.second.path, outputClosure);
-  }
-  /* Filter out our own outputs (which we have already checked). */
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    outputClosure.erase(i.second.path);
-  }
-  /* Get all dependencies of this derivation so that we know which
-     derivation is responsible for which path in the output
-     closure. */
-  PathSet inputClosure;
-  if (useDerivation) {
-    worker.store.computeFSClosure(drvPath, inputClosure);
-  }
-  std::map<Path, Path> outputsToDrv;
-  for (auto& i : inputClosure) {
-    if (isDerivation(i)) {
-      Derivation drv = worker.store.derivationFromPath(i);
-      for (auto& j : drv.outputs) {
-        outputsToDrv[j.second.path] = i;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Check each path (slow!). */
-  PathSet broken;
-  for (auto& i : outputClosure) {
-    if (worker.pathContentsGood(i)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    log_sink() << "found corrupted or missing path '" << i
-               << "' in the output closure of '" << drvPath << "'" << std::endl;
-    Path drvPath2 = outputsToDrv[i];
-    if (drvPath2.empty()) {
-      addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(i, Repair));
-    } else {
-      addWaitee(worker.makeDerivationGoal(drvPath2, PathSet(), bmRepair));
-    }
-  }
-  if (waitees.empty()) {
-    done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
-    return;
-  }
-  state = &DerivationGoal::closureRepaired;
-void DerivationGoal::closureRepaired() {
-  trace("closure repaired");
-  if (nrFailed > 0) {
-    throw Error(format("some paths in the output closure of derivation '%1%' "
-                       "could not be repaired") %
-                drvPath);
-  }
-  done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
-void DerivationGoal::inputsRealised() {
-  trace("all inputs realised");
-  if (nrFailed != 0) {
-    if (!useDerivation) {
-      throw Error(format("some dependencies of '%1%' are missing") % drvPath);
-    }
-    log_sink() << "cannot build derivation '" << drvPath << "': " << nrFailed
-               << " dependencies couldn't be built" << std::endl;
-    done(BuildResult::DependencyFailed);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (retrySubstitution) {
-    haveDerivation();
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Gather information necessary for computing the closure and/or
-     running the build hook. */
-  /* The outputs are referenceable paths. */
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    log_sink() << "building path " << i.second.path << std::endl;
-    allPaths.insert(i.second.path);
-  }
-  /* Determine the full set of input paths. */
-  /* First, the input derivations. */
-  if (useDerivation) {
-    for (auto& i : dynamic_cast<Derivation*>(drv.get())->inputDrvs) {
-      /* Add the relevant output closures of the input derivation
-         `i' as input paths.  Only add the closures of output paths
-         that are specified as inputs. */
-      assert(worker.store.isValidPath(i.first));
-      Derivation inDrv = worker.store.derivationFromPath(i.first);
-      for (auto& j : i.second) {
-        if (inDrv.outputs.find(j) != inDrv.outputs.end()) {
-          worker.store.computeFSClosure(inDrv.outputs[j].path, inputPaths);
-        } else {
-          throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' requires non-existent output "
-                             "'%2%' from input derivation '%3%'") %
-                      drvPath % j % i.first);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Second, the input sources. */
-  worker.store.computeFSClosure(drv->inputSrcs, inputPaths);
-  DLOG(INFO) << "added input paths " << showPaths(inputPaths);
-  allPaths.insert(inputPaths.begin(), inputPaths.end());
-  /* Is this a fixed-output derivation? */
-  fixedOutput = drv->isFixedOutput();
-  /* Don't repeat fixed-output derivations since they're already
-     verified by their output hash.*/
-  nrRounds = fixedOutput ? 1 : settings.buildRepeat + 1;
-  /* Okay, try to build.  Note that here we don't wait for a build
-     slot to become available, since we don't need one if there is a
-     build hook. */
-  state = &DerivationGoal::tryToBuild;
-  worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-  result = BuildResult();
-void DerivationGoal::tryToBuild() {
-  trace("trying to build");
-  /* Obtain locks on all output paths.  The locks are automatically
-     released when we exit this function or Nix crashes.  If we
-     can't acquire the lock, then continue; hopefully some other
-     goal can start a build, and if not, the main loop will sleep a
-     few seconds and then retry this goal. */
-  PathSet lockFiles;
-  for (auto& outPath : drv->outputPaths()) {
-    lockFiles.insert(worker.store.toRealPath(outPath));
-  }
-  if (!outputLocks.lockPaths(lockFiles, "", false)) {
-    worker.waitForAWhile(shared_from_this());
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Now check again whether the outputs are valid.  This is because
-     another process may have started building in parallel.  After
-     it has finished and released the locks, we can (and should)
-     reuse its results.  (Strictly speaking the first check can be
-     omitted, but that would be less efficient.)  Note that since we
-     now hold the locks on the output paths, no other process can
-     build this derivation, so no further checks are necessary. */
-  validPaths = checkPathValidity(true, buildMode == bmRepair);
-  if (buildMode != bmCheck && validPaths.size() == drv->outputs.size()) {
-    DLOG(INFO) << "skipping build of derivation '" << drvPath
-               << "', someone beat us to it";
-    outputLocks.setDeletion(true);
-    done(BuildResult::AlreadyValid);
-    return;
-  }
-  missingPaths = drv->outputPaths();
-  if (buildMode != bmCheck) {
-    for (auto& i : validPaths) {
-      missingPaths.erase(i);
-    }
-  }
-  /* If any of the outputs already exist but are not valid, delete
-     them. */
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    Path path = i.second.path;
-    if (worker.store.isValidPath(path)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    DLOG(INFO) << "removing invalid path " << path;
-    deletePath(worker.store.toRealPath(path));
-  }
-  /* Don't do a remote build if the derivation has the attribute
-     `preferLocalBuild' set.  Also, check and repair modes are only
-     supported for local builds. */
-  bool buildLocally = buildMode != bmNormal || parsedDrv->willBuildLocally();
-  auto started = [&]() {
-    std::string msg;
-    if (buildMode == bmRepair) {
-      msg = absl::StrFormat("repairing outputs of '%s'", drvPath);
-    } else if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
-      msg = absl::StrFormat("checking outputs of '%s'", drvPath);
-    } else if (nrRounds > 1) {
-      msg = absl::StrFormat("building '%s' (round %d/%d)", drvPath, curRound,
-                            nrRounds);
-    } else {
-      msg = absl::StrFormat("building '%s'", drvPath);
-    }
-    if (hook) {
-      absl::StrAppend(&msg, absl::StrFormat(" on '%s'", machineName));
-    }
-    log_sink() << msg << std::endl;
-    mcRunningBuilds =
-        std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.runningBuilds);
-  };
-  /* Is the build hook willing to accept this job? */
-  if (!buildLocally) {
-    switch (tryBuildHook()) {
-      case rpAccept:
-        /* Yes, it has started doing so.  Wait until we get
-           EOF from the hook. */
-        result.startTime = time(nullptr);  // inexact
-        state = &DerivationGoal::buildDone;
-        started();
-        return;
-      case rpPostpone:
-        /* Not now; wait until at least one child finishes or
-           the wake-up timeout expires. */
-        worker.waitForAWhile(shared_from_this());
-        outputLocks.unlock();
-        return;
-      case rpDecline:
-        /* We should do it ourselves. */
-        break;
-    }
-  }
-  /* Make sure that we are allowed to start a build.  If this
-     derivation prefers to be done locally, do it even if
-     maxBuildJobs is 0. */
-  unsigned int curBuilds = worker.getNrLocalBuilds();
-  if (curBuilds >= settings.maxBuildJobs && !(buildLocally && curBuilds == 0)) {
-    worker.waitForBuildSlot(shared_from_this());
-    outputLocks.unlock();
-    return;
-  }
-  try {
-    /* Okay, we have to build. */
-    startBuilder();
-  } catch (BuildError& e) {
-    log_sink() << e.msg() << std::endl;
-    outputLocks.unlock();
-    buildUser.reset();
-    worker.permanentFailure = true;
-    done(BuildResult::InputRejected, e.msg());
-    return;
-  }
-  /* This state will be reached when we get EOF on the child's
-     log pipe. */
-  state = &DerivationGoal::buildDone;
-  started();
-void replaceValidPath(const Path& storePath, const Path& tmpPath) {
-  /* We can't atomically replace storePath (the original) with
-     tmpPath (the replacement), so we have to move it out of the
-     way first.  We'd better not be interrupted here, because if
-     we're repairing (say) Glibc, we end up with a broken system. */
-  Path oldPath =
-      (format("%1%.old-%2%-%3%") % storePath % getpid() % random()).str();
-  if (pathExists(storePath)) {
-    rename(storePath.c_str(), oldPath.c_str());
-  }
-  if (rename(tmpPath.c_str(), storePath.c_str()) == -1) {
-    throw SysError(format("moving '%1%' to '%2%'") % tmpPath % storePath);
-  }
-  deletePath(oldPath);
-MakeError(NotDeterministic, BuildError);
-void DerivationGoal::buildDone() {
-  trace("build done");
-  /* Release the build user at the end of this function. We don't do
-     it right away because we don't want another build grabbing this
-     uid and then messing around with our output. */
-  Finally releaseBuildUser([&]() { buildUser.reset(); });
-  /* Since we got an EOF on the logger pipe, the builder is presumed
-     to have terminated.  In fact, the builder could also have
-     simply have closed its end of the pipe, so just to be sure,
-     kill it. */
-  int status = hook ? hook->pid.kill() : pid.kill();
-  DLOG(INFO) << "builder process for '" << drvPath << "' finished";
-  result.timesBuilt++;
-  result.stopTime = time(nullptr);
-  /* So the child is gone now. */
-  worker.childTerminated(this);
-  /* Close the read side of the logger pipe. */
-  if (hook) {
-    hook->builderOut.readSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-    hook->fromHook.readSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  } else {
-    builderOut.readSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  }
-  /* Close the log file. */
-  closeLogFile();
-  /* When running under a build user, make sure that all processes
-     running under that uid are gone.  This is to prevent a
-     malicious user from leaving behind a process that keeps files
-     open and modifies them after they have been chown'ed to
-     root. */
-  if (buildUser) {
-    buildUser->kill();
-  }
-  bool diskFull = false;
-  try {
-    /* Check the exit status. */
-    if (!statusOk(status)) {
-      /* Heuristically check whether the build failure may have
-         been caused by a disk full condition.  We have no way
-         of knowing whether the build actually got an ENOSPC.
-         So instead, check if the disk is (nearly) full now.  If
-         so, we don't mark this build as a permanent failure. */
-      unsigned long long required =
-          8ULL * 1024 * 1024;  // FIXME: make configurable
-      struct statvfs st;
-      if (statvfs(worker.store.realStoreDir.c_str(), &st) == 0 &&
-          static_cast<unsigned long long>(st.f_bavail) * st.f_bsize <
-              required) {
-        diskFull = true;
-      }
-      if (statvfs(tmpDir.c_str(), &st) == 0 &&
-          static_cast<unsigned long long>(st.f_bavail) * st.f_bsize <
-              required) {
-        diskFull = true;
-      }
-      deleteTmpDir(false);
-      /* Move paths out of the chroot for easier debugging of
-         build failures. */
-      if (useChroot && buildMode == bmNormal) {
-        for (auto& i : missingPaths) {
-          if (pathExists(chrootRootDir + i)) {
-            rename((chrootRootDir + i).c_str(), i.c_str());
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      std::string msg =
-          (format("builder for '%1%' %2%") % drvPath % statusToString(status))
-              .str();
-      if (!settings.verboseBuild && !logTail.empty()) {
-        msg += (format("; last %d log lines:") % logTail.size()).str();
-        for (auto& line : logTail) {
-          msg += "\n  " + line;
-        }
-      }
-      if (diskFull) {
-        msg +=
-            "\nnote: build failure may have been caused by lack of free disk "
-            "space";
-      }
-      throw BuildError(msg);
-    }
-    /* Compute the FS closure of the outputs and register them as
-       being valid. */
-    registerOutputs();
-    if (settings.postBuildHook != "") {
-      log_sink() << "running post-build-hook '" << settings.postBuildHook
-                 << "' [" << drvPath << "]" << std::endl;
-      auto outputPaths = drv->outputPaths();
-      std::map<std::string, std::string> hookEnvironment = getEnv();
-      hookEnvironment.emplace("DRV_PATH", drvPath);
-      hookEnvironment.emplace("OUT_PATHS",
-                              absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(
-                                  concatStringsSep(" ", outputPaths)));
-      RunOptions opts(settings.postBuildHook, {});
-      opts.environment = hookEnvironment;
-      struct LogSink : Sink {
-        std::string currentLine;
-        void operator()(const unsigned char* data, size_t len) override {
-          for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) {
-            auto c = data[i];
-            if (c == '\n') {
-              flushLine();
-            } else {
-              currentLine += c;
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        void flushLine() {
-          if (settings.verboseBuild) {
-            LOG(ERROR) << "post-build-hook: " << currentLine;
-          }
-          currentLine.clear();
-        }
-        ~LogSink() override {
-          if (!currentLine.empty()) {
-            currentLine += '\n';
-            flushLine();
-          }
-        }
-      };
-      LogSink sink;
-      opts.standardOut = &sink;
-      opts.mergeStderrToStdout = true;
-      runProgram2(opts);
-    }
-    if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
-      done(BuildResult::Built);
-      return;
-    }
-    /* Delete unused redirected outputs (when doing hash rewriting). */
-    for (auto& i : redirectedOutputs) {
-      deletePath(i.second);
-    }
-    /* Delete the chroot (if we were using one). */
-    autoDelChroot.reset(); /* this runs the destructor */
-    deleteTmpDir(true);
-    /* Repeat the build if necessary. */
-    if (curRound++ < nrRounds) {
-      outputLocks.unlock();
-      state = &DerivationGoal::tryToBuild;
-      worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-      return;
-    }
-    /* It is now safe to delete the lock files, since all future
-       lockers will see that the output paths are valid; they will
-       not create new lock files with the same names as the old
-       (unlinked) lock files. */
-    outputLocks.setDeletion(true);
-    outputLocks.unlock();
-  } catch (BuildError& e) {
-    log_sink() << e.msg() << std::endl;
-    outputLocks.unlock();
-    BuildResult::Status st = BuildResult::MiscFailure;
-    if (hook && WIFEXITED(status) && WEXITSTATUS(status) == 101) {
-      st = BuildResult::TimedOut;
-    } else if (hook && (!WIFEXITED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 100)) {
-    }
-    else {
-      st = dynamic_cast<NotDeterministic*>(&e) != nullptr
-               ? BuildResult::NotDeterministic
-           : statusOk(status)        ? BuildResult::OutputRejected
-           : fixedOutput || diskFull ? BuildResult::TransientFailure
-                                     : BuildResult::PermanentFailure;
-    }
-    done(st, e.msg());
-    return;
-  }
-  done(BuildResult::Built);
-HookReply DerivationGoal::tryBuildHook() {
-  if (!worker.tryBuildHook || !useDerivation) {
-    return rpDecline;
-  }
-  if (!worker.hook) {
-    worker.hook = std::make_unique<HookInstance>();
-  }
-  try {
-    /* Send the request to the hook. */
-    worker.hook->sink << "try"
-                      << (worker.getNrLocalBuilds() < settings.maxBuildJobs ? 1
-                                                                            : 0)
-                      << drv->platform << drvPath
-                      << parsedDrv->getRequiredSystemFeatures();
-    worker.hook->sink.flush();
-    /* Read the first line of input, which should be a word indicating
-       whether the hook wishes to perform the build. */
-    std::string reply;
-    while (true) {
-      std::string s = readLine(worker.hook->fromHook.readSide.get());
-      if (std::string(s, 0, 2) == "# ") {
-        reply = std::string(s, 2);
-        break;
-      }
-      s += "\n";
-      std::cerr << s;
-    }
-    DLOG(INFO) << "hook reply is " << reply;
-    if (reply == "decline") {
-      return rpDecline;
-    }
-    if (reply == "decline-permanently") {
-      worker.tryBuildHook = false;
-      worker.hook = nullptr;
-      return rpDecline;
-    } else if (reply == "postpone") {
-      return rpPostpone;
-    } else if (reply != "accept") {
-      throw Error(format("bad hook reply '%1%'") % reply);
-    }
-  } catch (SysError& e) {
-    if (e.errNo == EPIPE) {
-      log_sink() << "build hook died unexpectedly: "
-                 << absl::StripTrailingAsciiWhitespace(
-                        drainFD(worker.hook->fromHook.readSide.get()))
-                 << std::endl;
-      worker.hook = nullptr;
-      return rpDecline;
-    }
-    throw;
-  }
-  hook = std::move(worker.hook);
-  machineName = readLine(hook->fromHook.readSide.get());
-  /* Tell the hook all the inputs that have to be copied to the
-     remote system. */
-  hook->sink << inputPaths;
-  /* Tell the hooks the missing outputs that have to be copied back
-     from the remote system. */
-  hook->sink << missingPaths;
-  hook->sink = FdSink();
-  hook->toHook.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  /* Create the log file and pipe. */
-  Path logFile = openLogFile();
-  std::set<int> fds;
-  fds.insert(hook->fromHook.readSide.get());
-  fds.insert(hook->builderOut.readSide.get());
-  worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), fds, false, false);
-  return rpAccept;
-void chmod_(const Path& path, mode_t mode) {
-  if (chmod(path.c_str(), mode) == -1) {
-    throw SysError(format("setting permissions on '%1%'") % path);
-  }
-int childEntry(void* arg) {
-  (static_cast<DerivationGoal*>(arg))->runChild();
-  return 1;
-PathSet DerivationGoal::exportReferences(const PathSet& storePaths) {
-  PathSet paths;
-  for (auto storePath : storePaths) {
-    /* Check that the store path is valid. */
-    if (!worker.store.isInStore(storePath)) {
-      throw BuildError(
-          format("'exportReferencesGraph' contains a non-store path '%1%'") %
-          storePath);
-    }
-    storePath = worker.store.toStorePath(storePath);
-    if (inputPaths.count(storePath) == 0u) {
-      throw BuildError(
-          "cannot export references of path '%s' because it is not in the "
-          "input closure of the derivation",
-          storePath);
-    }
-    worker.store.computeFSClosure(storePath, paths);
-  }
-  /* If there are derivations in the graph, then include their
-     outputs as well.  This is useful if you want to do things
-     like passing all build-time dependencies of some path to a
-     derivation that builds a NixOS DVD image. */
-  PathSet paths2(paths);
-  for (auto& j : paths2) {
-    if (isDerivation(j)) {
-      Derivation drv = worker.store.derivationFromPath(j);
-      for (auto& k : drv.outputs) {
-        worker.store.computeFSClosure(k.second.path, paths);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return paths;
-static std::once_flag dns_resolve_flag;
-static void preloadNSS() {
-  /* builtin:fetchurl can trigger a DNS lookup, which with glibc can trigger a
-     dynamic library load of one of the glibc NSS libraries in a sandboxed
-     child, which will fail unless the library's already been loaded in the
-     parent. So we force a lookup of an invalid domain to force the NSS
-     machinery to
-     load its lookup libraries in the parent before any child gets a chance to.
-   */
-  std::call_once(dns_resolve_flag, []() {
-    struct addrinfo* res = nullptr;
-    if (getaddrinfo("this.pre-initializes.the.dns.resolvers.invalid.", "http",
-                    nullptr, &res) != 0) {
-      if (res != nullptr) {
-        freeaddrinfo(res);
-      }
-    }
-  });
-void DerivationGoal::startBuilder() {
-  /* Right platform? */
-  if (!parsedDrv->canBuildLocally()) {
-    throw Error(
-        "a '%s' with features {%s} is required to build '%s', but I am a '%s' "
-        "with features {%s}",
-        drv->platform,
-        concatStringsSep(", ", parsedDrv->getRequiredSystemFeatures()), drvPath,
-        settings.thisSystem, concatStringsSep(", ", settings.systemFeatures));
-  }
-  if (drv->isBuiltin()) {
-    preloadNSS();
-  }
-  /* Are we doing a chroot build? */
-  {
-    auto noChroot = parsedDrv->getBoolAttr("__noChroot");
-    if (settings.sandboxMode == smEnabled) {
-      if (noChroot) {
-        throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' has '__noChroot' set, "
-                           "but that's not allowed when 'sandbox' is 'true'") %
-                    drvPath);
-      }
-      useChroot = true;
-    } else if (settings.sandboxMode == smDisabled) {
-      useChroot = false;
-    } else if (settings.sandboxMode == smRelaxed) {
-      useChroot = !fixedOutput && !noChroot;
-    }
-  }
-  if (worker.store.storeDir != worker.store.realStoreDir) {
-    useChroot = true;
-  }
-  /* If `build-users-group' is not empty, then we have to build as
-     one of the members of that group. */
-  if (settings.buildUsersGroup != "" && getuid() == 0) {
-    buildUser = std::make_unique<UserLock>();
-    /* Make sure that no other processes are executing under this
-       uid. */
-    buildUser->kill();
-  }
-  /* Create a temporary directory where the build will take
-     place. */
-  auto drvName = storePathToName(drvPath);
-  tmpDir = createTempDir("", "nix-build-" + drvName, false, false, 0700);
-  chownToBuilder(tmpDir);
-  /* Substitute output placeholders with the actual output paths. */
-  for (auto& output : drv->outputs) {
-    inputRewrites[hashPlaceholder(output.first)] = output.second.path;
-  }
-  /* Construct the environment passed to the builder. */
-  initEnv();
-  writeStructuredAttrs();
-  /* Handle exportReferencesGraph(), if set. */
-  if (!parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs()) {
-    /* The `exportReferencesGraph' feature allows the references graph
-       to be passed to a builder.  This attribute should be a list of
-       pairs [name1 path1 name2 path2 ...].  The references graph of
-       each `pathN' will be stored in a text file `nameN' in the
-       temporary build directory.  The text files have the format used
-       by `nix-store --register-validity'.  However, the deriver
-       fields are left empty. */
-    std::string s = get(drv->env, "exportReferencesGraph");
-    std::vector<std::string> ss =
-        absl::StrSplit(s, absl::ByAnyChar(" \t\n\r"), absl::SkipEmpty());
-    if (ss.size() % 2 != 0) {
-      throw BuildError(absl::StrFormat(
-          "odd number of tokens %d in 'exportReferencesGraph': '%s'", ss.size(),
-          s));
-    }
-    for (auto i = ss.begin(); i != ss.end();) {
-      std::string fileName = *i++;
-      checkStoreName(fileName); /* !!! abuse of this function */
-      Path storePath = *i++;
-      /* Write closure info to <fileName>. */
-      writeFile(tmpDir + "/" + fileName,
-                worker.store.makeValidityRegistration(
-                    exportReferences({storePath}), false, false));
-    }
-  }
-  if (useChroot) {
-    /* Allow a user-configurable set of directories from the
-       host file system. */
-    PathSet dirs = settings.sandboxPaths;
-    PathSet dirs2 = settings.extraSandboxPaths;
-    dirs.insert(dirs2.begin(), dirs2.end());
-    dirsInChroot.clear();
-    for (auto i : dirs) {
-      if (i.empty()) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      bool optional = false;
-      if (i[i.size() - 1] == '?') {
-        optional = true;
-        i.pop_back();
-      }
-      size_t p = i.find('=');
-      if (p == std::string::npos) {
-        dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(i, optional);
-      } else {
-        dirsInChroot[std::string(i, 0, p)] =
-            ChrootPath(std::string(i, p + 1), optional);
-      }
-    }
-    dirsInChroot[tmpDirInSandbox] = ChrootPath(tmpDir);
-    /* Add the closure of store paths to the chroot. */
-    PathSet closure;
-    for (auto& i : dirsInChroot) {
-      try {
-        if (worker.store.isInStore(i.second.source)) {
-          worker.store.computeFSClosure(
-              worker.store.toStorePath(i.second.source), closure);
-        }
-      } catch (InvalidPath& e) {
-      } catch (Error& e) {
-        throw Error(format("while processing 'sandbox-paths': %s") % e.what());
-      }
-    }
-    for (auto& i : closure) {
-      dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(i);
-    }
-    PathSet allowedPaths = settings.allowedImpureHostPrefixes;
-    /* This works like the above, except on a per-derivation level */
-    auto impurePaths =
-        parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("__impureHostDeps").value_or(Strings());
-    for (auto& i : impurePaths) {
-      bool found = false;
-      /* Note: we're not resolving symlinks here to prevent
-         giving a non-root user info about inaccessible
-         files. */
-      Path canonI = canonPath(i);
-      /* If only we had a trie to do this more efficiently :) luckily, these are
-       * generally going to be pretty small */
-      for (auto& a : allowedPaths) {
-        Path canonA = canonPath(a);
-        if (canonI == canonA || isInDir(canonI, canonA)) {
-          found = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      if (!found) {
-        throw Error(format("derivation '%1%' requested impure path '%2%', but "
-                           "it was not in allowed-impure-host-deps") %
-                    drvPath % i);
-      }
-      dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(i);
-    }
-    /* Create a temporary directory in which we set up the chroot
-       environment using bind-mounts.  We put it in the Nix store
-       to ensure that we can create hard-links to non-directory
-       inputs in the fake Nix store in the chroot (see below). */
-    chrootRootDir = worker.store.toRealPath(drvPath) + ".chroot";
-    deletePath(chrootRootDir);
-    /* Clean up the chroot directory automatically. */
-    autoDelChroot = std::make_shared<AutoDelete>(chrootRootDir);
-    DLOG(INFO) << "setting up chroot environment in '" << chrootRootDir << "'";
-    if (mkdir(chrootRootDir.c_str(), 0750) == -1) {
-      throw SysError(format("cannot create '%1%'") % chrootRootDir);
-    }
-    if (buildUser &&
-        chown(chrootRootDir.c_str(), 0, buildUser->getGID()) == -1) {
-      throw SysError(format("cannot change ownership of '%1%'") %
-                     chrootRootDir);
-    }
-    /* Create a writable /tmp in the chroot.  Many builders need
-       this.  (Of course they should really respect $TMPDIR
-       instead.) */
-    Path chrootTmpDir = chrootRootDir + "/tmp";
-    createDirs(chrootTmpDir);
-    chmod_(chrootTmpDir, 01777);
-    /* Create a /etc/passwd with entries for the build user and the
-       nobody account.  The latter is kind of a hack to support
-       Samba-in-QEMU. */
-    createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/etc");
-    writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/passwd",
-              fmt("root:x:0:0:Nix build user:%3%:/noshell\n"
-                  "nixbld:x:%1%:%2%:Nix build user:%3%:/noshell\n"
-                  "nobody:x:65534:65534:Nobody:/:/noshell\n",
-                  sandboxUid, sandboxGid, settings.sandboxBuildDir));
-    /* Declare the build user's group so that programs get a consistent
-       view of the system (e.g., "id -gn"). */
-    writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/group", (format("root:x:0:\n"
-                                                    "nixbld:!:%1%:\n"
-                                                    "nogroup:x:65534:\n") %
-                                             sandboxGid)
-                                                .str());
-    /* Create /etc/hosts with localhost entry. */
-    if (!fixedOutput) {
-      writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/hosts",
-                " localhost\n::1 localhost\n");
-    }
-    /* Make the closure of the inputs available in the chroot,
-       rather than the whole Nix store.  This prevents any access
-       to undeclared dependencies.  Directories are bind-mounted,
-       while other inputs are hard-linked (since only directories
-       can be bind-mounted).  !!! As an extra security
-       precaution, make the fake Nix store only writable by the
-       build user. */
-    Path chrootStoreDir = chrootRootDir + worker.store.storeDir;
-    createDirs(chrootStoreDir);
-    chmod_(chrootStoreDir, 01775);
-    if (buildUser &&
-        chown(chrootStoreDir.c_str(), 0, buildUser->getGID()) == -1) {
-      throw SysError(format("cannot change ownership of '%1%'") %
-                     chrootStoreDir);
-    }
-    for (auto& i : inputPaths) {
-      Path r = worker.store.toRealPath(i);
-      struct stat st;
-      if (lstat(r.c_str(), &st) != 0) {
-        throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % i);
-      }
-      if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
-        dirsInChroot[i] = ChrootPath(r);
-      } else {
-        Path p = chrootRootDir + i;
-        DLOG(INFO) << "linking '" << p << "' to '" << r << "'";
-        if (link(r.c_str(), p.c_str()) == -1) {
-          /* Hard-linking fails if we exceed the maximum
-             link count on a file (e.g. 32000 of ext3),
-             which is quite possible after a `nix-store
-             --optimise'. */
-          if (errno != EMLINK) {
-            throw SysError(format("linking '%1%' to '%2%'") % p % i);
-          }
-          StringSink sink;
-          dumpPath(r, sink);
-          StringSource source(*sink.s);
-          restorePath(p, source);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /* If we're repairing, checking or rebuilding part of a
-       multiple-outputs derivation, it's possible that we're
-       rebuilding a path that is in settings.dirsInChroot
-       (typically the dependencies of /bin/sh).  Throw them
-       out. */
-    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-      dirsInChroot.erase(i.second.path);
-    }
-  }
-  if (needsHashRewrite()) {
-    if (pathExists(homeDir)) {
-      throw Error(format("directory '%1%' exists; please remove it") % homeDir);
-    }
-    /* We're not doing a chroot build, but we have some valid
-       output paths.  Since we can't just overwrite or delete
-       them, we have to do hash rewriting: i.e. in the
-       environment/arguments passed to the build, we replace the
-       hashes of the valid outputs with unique dummy strings;
-       after the build, we discard the redirected outputs
-       corresponding to the valid outputs, and rewrite the
-       contents of the new outputs to replace the dummy strings
-       with the actual hashes. */
-    if (!validPaths.empty()) {
-      for (auto& i : validPaths) {
-        addHashRewrite(i);
-      }
-    }
-    /* If we're repairing, then we don't want to delete the
-       corrupt outputs in advance.  So rewrite them as well. */
-    if (buildMode == bmRepair) {
-      for (auto& i : missingPaths) {
-        if (worker.store.isValidPath(i) && pathExists(i)) {
-          addHashRewrite(i);
-          redirectedBadOutputs.insert(i);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (useChroot && settings.preBuildHook != "" &&
-      (dynamic_cast<Derivation*>(drv.get()) != nullptr)) {
-    DLOG(INFO) << "executing pre-build hook '" << settings.preBuildHook << "'";
-    auto args =
-        useChroot ? Strings({drvPath, chrootRootDir}) : Strings({drvPath});
-    enum BuildHookState { stBegin, stExtraChrootDirs };
-    auto state = stBegin;
-    auto lines = runProgram(settings.preBuildHook, false, args);
-    auto lastPos = std::string::size_type{0};
-    for (auto nlPos = lines.find('\n'); nlPos != std::string::npos;
-         nlPos = lines.find('\n', lastPos)) {
-      auto line = std::string{lines, lastPos, nlPos - lastPos};
-      lastPos = nlPos + 1;
-      if (state == stBegin) {
-        if (line == "extra-sandbox-paths" || line == "extra-chroot-dirs") {
-          state = stExtraChrootDirs;
-        } else {
-          throw Error(format("unknown pre-build hook command '%1%'") % line);
-        }
-      } else if (state == stExtraChrootDirs) {
-        if (line.empty()) {
-          state = stBegin;
-        } else {
-          auto p = line.find('=');
-          if (p == std::string::npos) {
-            dirsInChroot[line] = ChrootPath(line);
-          } else {
-            dirsInChroot[std::string(line, 0, p)] =
-                ChrootPath(std::string(line, p + 1));
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* Run the builder. */
-  DLOG(INFO) << "executing builder '" << drv->builder << "'";
-  /* Create the log file. */
-  Path logFile = openLogFile();
-  /* Create a pipe to get the output of the builder. */
-  // builderOut.create();
-  builderOut.readSide = AutoCloseFD(posix_openpt(O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY));
-  if (!builderOut.readSide) {
-    throw SysError("opening pseudoterminal master");
-  }
-  std::string slaveName(ptsname(builderOut.readSide.get()));
-  if (buildUser) {
-    if (chmod(slaveName.c_str(), 0600) != 0) {
-      throw SysError("changing mode of pseudoterminal slave");
-    }
-    if (chown(slaveName.c_str(), buildUser->getUID(), 0) != 0) {
-      throw SysError("changing owner of pseudoterminal slave");
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (grantpt(builderOut.readSide.get()) != 0) {
-      throw SysError("granting access to pseudoterminal slave");
-    }
-  }
-#if 0
-    // Mount the pt in the sandbox so that the "tty" command works.
-    // FIXME: this doesn't work with the new devpts in the sandbox.
-    if (useChroot)
-        dirsInChroot[slaveName] = {slaveName, false};
-  if (unlockpt(builderOut.readSide.get()) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("unlocking pseudoterminal");
-  }
-  builderOut.writeSide =
-      AutoCloseFD(open(slaveName.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY));
-  if (!builderOut.writeSide) {
-    throw SysError("opening pseudoterminal slave");
-  }
-  // Put the pt into raw mode to prevent \n -> \r\n translation.
-  struct termios term;
-  if (tcgetattr(builderOut.writeSide.get(), &term) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("getting pseudoterminal attributes");
-  }
-  cfmakeraw(&term);
-  if (tcsetattr(builderOut.writeSide.get(), TCSANOW, &term) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("putting pseudoterminal into raw mode");
-  }
-  result.startTime = time(nullptr);
-  /* Fork a child to build the package. */
-  ProcessOptions options;
-#if __linux__
-  if (useChroot) {
-    /* Set up private namespaces for the build:
-       - The PID namespace causes the build to start as PID 1.
-         Processes outside of the chroot are not visible to those
-         on the inside, but processes inside the chroot are
-         visible from the outside (though with different PIDs).
-       - The private mount namespace ensures that all the bind
-         mounts we do will only show up in this process and its
-         children, and will disappear automatically when we're
-         done.
-       - The private network namespace ensures that the builder
-         cannot talk to the outside world (or vice versa).  It
-         only has a private loopback interface. (Fixed-output
-         derivations are not run in a private network namespace
-         to allow functions like fetchurl to work.)
-       - The IPC namespace prevents the builder from communicating
-         with outside processes using SysV IPC mechanisms (shared
-         memory, message queues, semaphores).  It also ensures
-         that all IPC objects are destroyed when the builder
-         exits.
-       - The UTS namespace ensures that builders see a hostname of
-         localhost rather than the actual hostname.
-       We use a helper process to do the clone() to work around
-       clone() being broken in multi-threaded programs due to
-       at-fork handlers not being run. Note that we use
-       CLONE_PARENT to ensure that the real builder is parented to
-       us.
-    */
-    if (!fixedOutput) {
-      privateNetwork = true;
-    }
-    userNamespaceSync.create();
-    Pid helper(startProcess(
-        [&]() {
-          /* Drop additional groups here because we can't do it
-             after we've created the new user namespace.  FIXME:
-             this means that if we're not root in the parent
-             namespace, we can't drop additional groups; they will
-             be mapped to nogroup in the child namespace. There does
-             not seem to be a workaround for this. (But who can tell
-             from reading user_namespaces(7)?)
-             See also https://lwn.net/Articles/621612/. */
-          if (getuid() == 0 && setgroups(0, nullptr) == -1) {
-            throw SysError("setgroups failed");
-          }
-          size_t stackSize = 1 * 1024 * 1024;
-          char* stack = static_cast<char*>(
-              mmap(nullptr, stackSize, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ,
-                   MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_STACK, -1, 0));
-          if (stack == MAP_FAILED) {
-            throw SysError("allocating stack");
-          }
-          int flags = CLONE_NEWUSER | CLONE_NEWPID | CLONE_NEWNS |
-          if (privateNetwork) {
-            flags |= CLONE_NEWNET;
-          }
-          pid_t child = clone(childEntry, stack + stackSize, flags, this);
-          if (child == -1 && errno == EINVAL) {
-            /* Fallback for Linux < 2.13 where CLONE_NEWPID and
-               CLONE_PARENT are not allowed together. */
-            flags &= ~CLONE_NEWPID;
-            child = clone(childEntry, stack + stackSize, flags, this);
-          }
-          if (child == -1 && (errno == EPERM || errno == EINVAL)) {
-            /* Some distros patch Linux to not allow unpriveleged
-             * user namespaces. If we get EPERM or EINVAL, try
-             * without CLONE_NEWUSER and see if that works.
-             */
-            flags &= ~CLONE_NEWUSER;
-            child = clone(childEntry, stack + stackSize, flags, this);
-          }
-          /* Otherwise exit with EPERM so we can handle this in the
-             parent. This is only done when sandbox-fallback is set
-             to true (the default). */
-          if (child == -1 && (errno == EPERM || errno == EINVAL) &&
-              settings.sandboxFallback) {
-            _exit(1);
-          }
-          if (child == -1) {
-            throw SysError("cloning builder process");
-          }
-          writeFull(builderOut.writeSide.get(), std::to_string(child) + "\n");
-          _exit(0);
-        },
-        options));
-    int res = helper.wait();
-    if (res != 0 && settings.sandboxFallback) {
-      useChroot = false;
-      initTmpDir();
-      goto fallback;
-    } else if (res != 0) {
-      throw Error("unable to start build process");
-    }
-    userNamespaceSync.readSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-    pid_t tmp;
-    if (!absl::SimpleAtoi(readLine(builderOut.readSide.get()), &tmp)) {
-      abort();
-    }
-    pid = tmp;
-    /* Set the UID/GID mapping of the builder's user namespace
-       such that the sandbox user maps to the build user, or to
-       the calling user (if build users are disabled). */
-    uid_t hostUid = buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : getuid();
-    uid_t hostGid = buildUser ? buildUser->getGID() : getgid();
-    writeFile("/proc/" + std::to_string(static_cast<pid_t>(pid)) + "/uid_map",
-              (format("%d %d 1") % sandboxUid % hostUid).str());
-    writeFile("/proc/" + std::to_string(static_cast<pid_t>(pid)) + "/setgroups",
-              "deny");
-    writeFile("/proc/" + std::to_string(static_cast<pid_t>(pid)) + "/gid_map",
-              (format("%d %d 1") % sandboxGid % hostGid).str());
-    /* Signal the builder that we've updated its user
-       namespace. */
-    writeFull(userNamespaceSync.writeSide.get(), "1");
-    userNamespaceSync.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  } else
-  {
-  fallback:
-    pid = startProcess([&]() { runChild(); }, options);
-  }
-  /* parent */
-  pid.setSeparatePG(true);
-  builderOut.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-  worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), {builderOut.readSide.get()}, true,
-                      true);
-  /* Check if setting up the build environment failed. */
-  while (true) {
-    std::string msg = readLine(builderOut.readSide.get());
-    if (std::string(msg, 0, 1) == "\1") {
-      if (msg.size() == 1) {
-        break;
-      }
-      throw Error(std::string(msg, 1));
-    }
-    DLOG(INFO) << msg;
-  }
-void DerivationGoal::initTmpDir() {
-  /* In a sandbox, for determinism, always use the same temporary
-     directory. */
-#if __linux__
-  tmpDirInSandbox = useChroot ? settings.sandboxBuildDir : tmpDir;
-  tmpDirInSandbox = tmpDir;
-  /* In non-structured mode, add all bindings specified in the
-     derivation via the environment, except those listed in the
-     passAsFile attribute. Those are passed as file names pointing
-     to temporary files containing the contents. Note that
-     passAsFile is ignored in structure mode because it's not
-     needed (attributes are not passed through the environment, so
-     there is no size constraint). */
-  if (!parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs()) {
-    std::set<std::string> passAsFile =
-        absl::StrSplit(get(drv->env, "passAsFile"), absl::ByAnyChar(" \t\n\r"),
-                       absl::SkipEmpty());
-    for (auto& i : drv->env) {
-      if (passAsFile.find(i.first) == passAsFile.end()) {
-        env[i.first] = i.second;
-      } else {
-        auto hash = hashString(htSHA256, i.first);
-        std::string fn = ".attr-" + hash.to_string(Base32, false);
-        Path p = tmpDir + "/" + fn;
-        writeFile(p, rewriteStrings(i.second, inputRewrites));
-        chownToBuilder(p);
-        env[i.first + "Path"] = tmpDirInSandbox + "/" + fn;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* For convenience, set an environment pointing to the top build
-     directory. */
-  env["NIX_BUILD_TOP"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
-  /* Also set TMPDIR and variants to point to this directory. */
-  env["TMPDIR"] = env["TEMPDIR"] = env["TMP"] = env["TEMP"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
-  /* Explicitly set PWD to prevent problems with chroot builds.  In
-     particular, dietlibc cannot figure out the cwd because the
-     inode of the current directory doesn't appear in .. (because
-     getdents returns the inode of the mount point). */
-  env["PWD"] = tmpDirInSandbox;
-void DerivationGoal::initEnv() {
-  env.clear();
-  /* Most shells initialise PATH to some default (/bin:/usr/bin:...) when
-     PATH is not set.  We don't want this, so we fill it in with some dummy
-     value. */
-  env["PATH"] = "/path-not-set";
-  /* Set HOME to a non-existing path to prevent certain programs from using
-     /etc/passwd (or NIS, or whatever) to locate the home directory (for
-     example, wget looks for ~/.wgetrc).  I.e., these tools use /etc/passwd
-     if HOME is not set, but they will just assume that the settings file
-     they are looking for does not exist if HOME is set but points to some
-     non-existing path. */
-  env["HOME"] = homeDir;
-  /* Tell the builder where the Nix store is.  Usually they
-     shouldn't care, but this is useful for purity checking (e.g.,
-     the compiler or linker might only want to accept paths to files
-     in the store or in the build directory). */
-  env["NIX_STORE"] = worker.store.storeDir;
-  /* The maximum number of cores to utilize for parallel building. */
-  env["NIX_BUILD_CORES"] = (format("%d") % settings.buildCores).str();
-  initTmpDir();
-  /* Compatibility hack with Nix <= 0.7: if this is a fixed-output
-     derivation, tell the builder, so that for instance `fetchurl'
-     can skip checking the output.  On older Nixes, this environment
-     variable won't be set, so `fetchurl' will do the check. */
-  if (fixedOutput) {
-    env["NIX_OUTPUT_CHECKED"] = "1";
-  }
-  /* *Only* if this is a fixed-output derivation, propagate the
-     values of the environment variables specified in the
-     `impureEnvVars' attribute to the builder.  This allows for
-     instance environment variables for proxy configuration such as
-     `http_proxy' to be easily passed to downloaders like
-     `fetchurl'.  Passing such environment variables from the caller
-     to the builder is generally impure, but the output of
-     fixed-output derivations is by definition pure (since we
-     already know the cryptographic hash of the output). */
-  if (fixedOutput) {
-    for (auto& i :
-         parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("impureEnvVars").value_or(Strings())) {
-      env[i] = getEnv(i).value_or("");
-    }
-  }
-  /* Currently structured log messages piggyback on stderr, but we
-     may change that in the future. So tell the builder which file
-     descriptor to use for that. */
-  env["NIX_LOG_FD"] = "2";
-  /* Trigger colored output in various tools. */
-  env["TERM"] = "xterm-256color";
-static std::regex shVarName("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9_]*");
-void DerivationGoal::writeStructuredAttrs() {
-  auto& structuredAttrs = parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs();
-  if (!structuredAttrs) {
-    return;
-  }
-  auto json = *structuredAttrs;
-  /* Add an "outputs" object containing the output paths. */
-  nlohmann::json outputs;
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    outputs[i.first] = rewriteStrings(i.second.path, inputRewrites);
-  }
-  json["outputs"] = outputs;
-  /* Handle exportReferencesGraph. */
-  auto e = json.find("exportReferencesGraph");
-  if (e != json.end() && e->is_object()) {
-    for (auto i = e->begin(); i != e->end(); ++i) {
-      std::ostringstream str;
-      {
-        JSONPlaceholder jsonRoot(str, true);
-        PathSet storePaths;
-        for (auto& p : *i) {
-          storePaths.insert(p.get<std::string>());
-        }
-        worker.store.pathInfoToJSON(jsonRoot, exportReferences(storePaths),
-                                    false, true);
-      }
-      json[i.key()] = nlohmann::json::parse(str.str());  // urgh
-    }
-  }
-  writeFile(tmpDir + "/.attrs.json",
-            rewriteStrings(json.dump(), inputRewrites));
-  chownToBuilder(tmpDir + "/.attrs.json");
-  /* As a convenience to bash scripts, write a shell file that
-     maps all attributes that are representable in bash -
-     namely, strings, integers, nulls, Booleans, and arrays and
-     objects consisting entirely of those values. (So nested
-     arrays or objects are not supported.) */
-  auto handleSimpleType =
-      [](const nlohmann::json& value) -> std::optional<std::string> {
-    if (value.is_string()) {
-      return shellEscape(value);
-    }
-    if (value.is_number()) {
-      auto f = value.get<float>();
-      if (std::ceil(f) == f) {
-        return std::to_string(value.get<int>());
-      }
-    }
-    if (value.is_null()) {
-      return std::string("''");
-    }
-    if (value.is_boolean()) {
-      return value.get<bool>() ? std::string("1") : std::string("");
-    }
-    return {};
-  };
-  std::string jsonSh;
-  for (auto i = json.begin(); i != json.end(); ++i) {
-    if (!std::regex_match(i.key(), shVarName)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    auto& value = i.value();
-    auto s = handleSimpleType(value);
-    if (s) {
-      jsonSh += fmt("declare %s=%s\n", i.key(), *s);
-    } else if (value.is_array()) {
-      std::string s2;
-      bool good = true;
-      for (auto i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) {
-        auto s3 = handleSimpleType(i.value());
-        if (!s3) {
-          good = false;
-          break;
-        }
-        s2 += *s3;
-        s2 += ' ';
-      }
-      if (good) {
-        jsonSh += fmt("declare -a %s=(%s)\n", i.key(), s2);
-      }
-    }
-    else if (value.is_object()) {
-      std::string s2;
-      bool good = true;
-      for (auto i = value.begin(); i != value.end(); ++i) {
-        auto s3 = handleSimpleType(i.value());
-        if (!s3) {
-          good = false;
-          break;
-        }
-        s2 += fmt("[%s]=%s ", shellEscape(i.key()), *s3);
-      }
-      if (good) {
-        jsonSh += fmt("declare -A %s=(%s)\n", i.key(), s2);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  writeFile(tmpDir + "/.attrs.sh", rewriteStrings(jsonSh, inputRewrites));
-  chownToBuilder(tmpDir + "/.attrs.sh");
-void DerivationGoal::chownToBuilder(const Path& path) {
-  if (!buildUser) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (chown(path.c_str(), buildUser->getUID(), buildUser->getGID()) == -1) {
-    throw SysError(format("cannot change ownership of '%1%'") % path);
-  }
-void setupSeccomp() {
-#if __linux__
-  if (!settings.filterSyscalls) {
-    return;
-  }
-  scmp_filter_ctx ctx;
-  if ((ctx = seccomp_init(SCMP_ACT_ALLOW)) == nullptr) {
-    throw SysError("unable to initialize seccomp mode 2");
-  }
-  Finally cleanup([&]() { seccomp_release(ctx); });
-  if (nativeSystem == "x86_64-linux" &&
-      seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X86) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("unable to add 32-bit seccomp architecture");
-  }
-  if (nativeSystem == "x86_64-linux" &&
-      seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_X32) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("unable to add X32 seccomp architecture");
-  }
-  if (nativeSystem == "aarch64-linux" &&
-      seccomp_arch_add(ctx, SCMP_ARCH_ARM) != 0) {
-    LOG(ERROR) << "unable to add ARM seccomp architecture; this may result in "
-               << "spurious build failures if running 32-bit ARM processes";
-  }
-  /* Prevent builders from creating setuid/setgid binaries. */
-  for (int perm : {S_ISUID, S_ISGID}) {
-    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), SCMP_SYS(chmod), 1,
-                         SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)perm,
-                                 (scmp_datum_t)perm)) != 0) {
-      throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
-    }
-    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), SCMP_SYS(fchmod), 1,
-                         SCMP_A1(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)perm,
-                                 (scmp_datum_t)perm)) != 0) {
-      throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
-    }
-    if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(EPERM), SCMP_SYS(fchmodat), 1,
-                         SCMP_A2(SCMP_CMP_MASKED_EQ, (scmp_datum_t)perm,
-                                 (scmp_datum_t)perm)) != 0) {
-      throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
-    }
-  }
-  /* Prevent builders from creating EAs or ACLs. Not all filesystems
-     support these, and they're not allowed in the Nix store because
-     they're not representable in the NAR serialisation. */
-  if (seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOTSUP), SCMP_SYS(setxattr), 0) !=
-          0 ||
-      seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOTSUP), SCMP_SYS(lsetxattr), 0) !=
-          0 ||
-      seccomp_rule_add(ctx, SCMP_ACT_ERRNO(ENOTSUP), SCMP_SYS(fsetxattr), 0) !=
-          0) {
-    throw SysError("unable to add seccomp rule");
-  }
-  if (seccomp_attr_set(ctx, SCMP_FLTATR_CTL_NNP,
-                       settings.allowNewPrivileges ? 0 : 1) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("unable to set 'no new privileges' seccomp attribute");
-  }
-  if (seccomp_load(ctx) != 0) {
-    throw SysError("unable to load seccomp BPF program");
-  }
-  throw Error(
-      "seccomp is not supported on this platform; "
-      "you can bypass this error by setting the option 'filter-syscalls' to "
-      "false, but note that untrusted builds can then create setuid binaries!");
-void DerivationGoal::runChild() {
-  /* Warning: in the child we should absolutely not make any SQLite
-     calls! */
-  try { /* child */
-    commonChildInit(builderOut);
-    try {
-      setupSeccomp();
-    } catch (...) {
-      if (buildUser) {
-        throw;
-      }
-    }
-    bool setUser = true;
-    /* Make the contents of netrc available to builtin:fetchurl
-       (which may run under a different uid and/or in a sandbox). */
-    std::string netrcData;
-    try {
-      if (drv->isBuiltin() && drv->builder == "builtin:fetchurl") {
-        const std::string& netrc_file = settings.netrcFile;
-        netrcData = readFile(netrc_file);
-      }
-    } catch (SysError&) {
-    }
-#if __linux__
-    if (useChroot) {
-      userNamespaceSync.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-      if (drainFD(userNamespaceSync.readSide.get()) != "1") {
-        throw Error("user namespace initialisation failed");
-      }
-      userNamespaceSync.readSide = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-      if (privateNetwork) {
-        /* Initialise the loopback interface. */
-        AutoCloseFD fd(socket(PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP));
-        if (!fd) {
-          throw SysError("cannot open IP socket");
-        }
-        struct ifreq ifr;
-        strncpy(ifr.ifr_name, "lo", sizeof("lo"));
-        ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_UP | IFF_LOOPBACK | IFF_RUNNING;
-        if (ioctl(fd.get(), SIOCSIFFLAGS, &ifr) == -1) {
-          throw SysError("cannot set loopback interface flags");
-        }
-      }
-      /* Set the hostname etc. to fixed values. */
-      char hostname[] = "localhost";
-      if (sethostname(hostname, sizeof(hostname)) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot set host name");
-      }
-      char domainname[] = "(none)";  // kernel default
-      if (setdomainname(domainname, sizeof(domainname)) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot set domain name");
-      }
-      /* Make all filesystems private.  This is necessary
-         because subtrees may have been mounted as "shared"
-         (MS_SHARED).  (Systemd does this, for instance.)  Even
-         though we have a private mount namespace, mounting
-         filesystems on top of a shared subtree still propagates
-         outside of the namespace.  Making a subtree private is
-         local to the namespace, though, so setting MS_PRIVATE
-         does not affect the outside world. */
-      if (mount(nullptr, "/", nullptr, MS_REC | MS_PRIVATE, nullptr) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("unable to make '/' private mount");
-      }
-      /* Bind-mount chroot directory to itself, to treat it as a
-         different filesystem from /, as needed for pivot_root. */
-      if (mount(chrootRootDir.c_str(), chrootRootDir.c_str(), nullptr, MS_BIND,
-                nullptr) == -1) {
-        throw SysError(format("unable to bind mount '%1%'") % chrootRootDir);
-      }
-      /* Set up a nearly empty /dev, unless the user asked to
-         bind-mount the host /dev. */
-      Strings ss;
-      if (dirsInChroot.find("/dev") == dirsInChroot.end()) {
-        createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/dev/shm");
-        createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts");
-        ss.push_back("/dev/full");
-        if ((settings.systemFeatures.get().count("kvm") != 0u) &&
-            pathExists("/dev/kvm")) {
-          ss.push_back("/dev/kvm");
-        }
-        ss.push_back("/dev/null");
-        ss.push_back("/dev/random");
-        ss.push_back("/dev/tty");
-        ss.push_back("/dev/urandom");
-        ss.push_back("/dev/zero");
-        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd", chrootRootDir + "/dev/fd");
-        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd/0", chrootRootDir + "/dev/stdin");
-        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd/1", chrootRootDir + "/dev/stdout");
-        createSymlink("/proc/self/fd/2", chrootRootDir + "/dev/stderr");
-      }
-      /* Fixed-output derivations typically need to access the
-         network, so give them access to /etc/resolv.conf and so
-         on. */
-      if (fixedOutput) {
-        ss.push_back("/etc/resolv.conf");
-        // Only use nss functions to resolve hosts and
-        // services. Donโ€™t use it for anything else that may
-        // be configured for this system. This limits the
-        // potential impurities introduced in fixed outputs.
-        writeFile(chrootRootDir + "/etc/nsswitch.conf",
-                  "hosts: files dns\nservices: files\n");
-        ss.push_back("/etc/services");
-        ss.push_back("/etc/hosts");
-        if (pathExists("/var/run/nscd/socket")) {
-          ss.push_back("/var/run/nscd/socket");
-        }
-      }
-      for (auto& i : ss) {
-        dirsInChroot.emplace(i, i);
-      }
-      /* Bind-mount all the directories from the "host"
-         filesystem that we want in the chroot
-         environment. */
-      auto doBind = [&](const Path& source, const Path& target,
-                        bool optional = false) {
-        DLOG(INFO) << "bind mounting '" << source << "' to '" << target << "'";
-        struct stat st;
-        if (stat(source.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
-          if (optional && errno == ENOENT) {
-            return;
-          }
-          throw SysError("getting attributes of path '%1%'", source);
-        }
-        if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
-          createDirs(target);
-        } else {
-          createDirs(dirOf(target));
-          writeFile(target, "");
-        }
-        if (mount(source.c_str(), target.c_str(), "", MS_BIND | MS_REC,
-                  nullptr) == -1) {
-          throw SysError("bind mount from '%1%' to '%2%' failed", source,
-                         target);
-        }
-      };
-      for (auto& i : dirsInChroot) {
-        if (i.second.source == "/proc") {
-          continue;
-        }  // backwards compatibility
-        doBind(i.second.source, chrootRootDir + i.first, i.second.optional);
-      }
-      /* Bind a new instance of procfs on /proc. */
-      createDirs(chrootRootDir + "/proc");
-      if (mount("none", (chrootRootDir + "/proc").c_str(), "proc", 0,
-                nullptr) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("mounting /proc");
-      }
-      /* Mount a new tmpfs on /dev/shm to ensure that whatever
-         the builder puts in /dev/shm is cleaned up automatically. */
-      if (pathExists("/dev/shm") &&
-          mount("none", (chrootRootDir + "/dev/shm").c_str(), "tmpfs", 0,
-                fmt("size=%s", settings.sandboxShmSize).c_str()) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("mounting /dev/shm");
-      }
-      /* Mount a new devpts on /dev/pts.  Note that this
-         requires the kernel to be compiled with
-         CONFIG_DEVPTS_MULTIPLE_INSTANCES=y (which is the case
-         if /dev/ptx/ptmx exists). */
-      if (pathExists("/dev/pts/ptmx") &&
-          !pathExists(chrootRootDir + "/dev/ptmx") &&
-          (dirsInChroot.count("/dev/pts") == 0u)) {
-        if (mount("none", (chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts").c_str(), "devpts", 0,
-                  "newinstance,mode=0620") == 0) {
-          createSymlink("/dev/pts/ptmx", chrootRootDir + "/dev/ptmx");
-          /* Make sure /dev/pts/ptmx is world-writable.  With some
-             Linux versions, it is created with permissions 0.  */
-          chmod_(chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts/ptmx", 0666);
-        } else {
-          if (errno != EINVAL) {
-            throw SysError("mounting /dev/pts");
-          }
-          doBind("/dev/pts", chrootRootDir + "/dev/pts");
-          doBind("/dev/ptmx", chrootRootDir + "/dev/ptmx");
-        }
-      }
-      /* Do the chroot(). */
-      if (chdir(chrootRootDir.c_str()) == -1) {
-        throw SysError(format("cannot change directory to '%1%'") %
-                       chrootRootDir);
-      }
-      if (mkdir("real-root", 0) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot create real-root directory");
-      }
-      if (pivot_root(".", "real-root") == -1) {
-        throw SysError(format("cannot pivot old root directory onto '%1%'") %
-                       (chrootRootDir + "/real-root"));
-      }
-      if (chroot(".") == -1) {
-        throw SysError(format("cannot change root directory to '%1%'") %
-                       chrootRootDir);
-      }
-      if (umount2("real-root", MNT_DETACH) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot unmount real root filesystem");
-      }
-      if (rmdir("real-root") == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot remove real-root directory");
-      }
-      /* Switch to the sandbox uid/gid in the user namespace,
-         which corresponds to the build user or calling user in
-         the parent namespace. */
-      if (setgid(sandboxGid) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("setgid failed");
-      }
-      if (setuid(sandboxUid) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("setuid failed");
-      }
-      setUser = false;
-    }
-    if (chdir(tmpDirInSandbox.c_str()) == -1) {
-      throw SysError(format("changing into '%1%'") % tmpDir);
-    }
-    /* Close all other file descriptors. */
-#if __linux__
-    /* Change the personality to 32-bit if we're doing an
-       i686-linux build on an x86_64-linux machine. */
-    struct utsname utsbuf;
-    uname(&utsbuf);
-    if (drv->platform == "i686-linux" &&
-        (settings.thisSystem == "x86_64-linux" ||
-         ((strcmp(utsbuf.sysname, "Linux") == 0) &&
-          (strcmp(utsbuf.machine, "x86_64") == 0)))) {
-      if (personality(PER_LINUX32) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot set i686-linux personality");
-      }
-    }
-    /* Impersonate a Linux 2.6 machine to get some determinism in
-       builds that depend on the kernel version. */
-    if ((drv->platform == "i686-linux" || drv->platform == "x86_64-linux") &&
-        settings.impersonateLinux26) {
-      int cur = personality(0xffffffff);
-      if (cur != -1) {
-        personality(cur | 0x0020000 /* == UNAME26 */);
-      }
-    }
-    /* Disable address space randomization for improved
-       determinism. */
-    int cur = personality(0xffffffff);
-    if (cur != -1) {
-      personality(cur | ADDR_NO_RANDOMIZE);
-    }
-    /* Disable core dumps by default. */
-    struct rlimit limit = {0, RLIM_INFINITY};
-    setrlimit(RLIMIT_CORE, &limit);
-    // FIXME: set other limits to deterministic values?
-    /* Fill in the environment. */
-    Strings envStrs;
-    for (auto& i : env) {
-      envStrs.push_back(
-          rewriteStrings(i.first + "=" + i.second, inputRewrites));
-    }
-    /* If we are running in `build-users' mode, then switch to the
-       user we allocated above.  Make sure that we drop all root
-       privileges.  Note that above we have closed all file
-       descriptors except std*, so that's safe.  Also note that
-       setuid() when run as root sets the real, effective and
-       saved UIDs. */
-    if (setUser && buildUser) {
-      /* Preserve supplementary groups of the build user, to allow
-         admins to specify groups such as "kvm".  */
-      if (!buildUser->getSupplementaryGIDs().empty() &&
-          setgroups(buildUser->getSupplementaryGIDs().size(),
-                    buildUser->getSupplementaryGIDs().data()) == -1) {
-        throw SysError("cannot set supplementary groups of build user");
-      }
-      if (setgid(buildUser->getGID()) == -1 ||
-          getgid() != buildUser->getGID() || getegid() != buildUser->getGID()) {
-        throw SysError("setgid failed");
-      }
-      if (setuid(buildUser->getUID()) == -1 ||
-          getuid() != buildUser->getUID() || geteuid() != buildUser->getUID()) {
-        throw SysError("setuid failed");
-      }
-    }
-    /* Fill in the arguments. */
-    Strings args;
-    const char* builder = "invalid";
-    if (!drv->isBuiltin()) {
-      builder = drv->builder.c_str();
-      std::string builderBasename = baseNameOf(drv->builder);
-      args.push_back(builderBasename);
-    }
-    for (auto& i : drv->args) {
-      args.push_back(rewriteStrings(i, inputRewrites));
-    }
-    /* Indicate that we managed to set up the build environment. */
-    writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, std::string("\1\n"));
-    /* Execute the program.  This should not return. */
-    if (drv->isBuiltin()) {
-      try {
-        BasicDerivation drv2(*drv);
-        for (auto& e : drv2.env) {
-          e.second = rewriteStrings(e.second, inputRewrites);
-        }
-        if (drv->builder == "builtin:fetchurl") {
-          builtinFetchurl(drv2, netrcData);
-        } else if (drv->builder == "builtin:buildenv") {
-          builtinBuildenv(drv2);
-        } else {
-          throw Error(format("unsupported builtin function '%1%'") %
-                      std::string(drv->builder, 8));
-        }
-        _exit(0);
-      } catch (std::exception& e) {
-        writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, "error: " + std::string(e.what()) + "\n");
-        _exit(1);
-      }
-    }
-    execve(builder, stringsToCharPtrs(args).data(),
-           stringsToCharPtrs(envStrs).data());
-    throw SysError(format("executing '%1%'") % drv->builder);
-  } catch (std::exception& e) {
-    writeFull(STDERR_FILENO, "\1while setting up the build environment: " +
-                                 std::string(e.what()) + "\n");
-    _exit(1);
-  }
-/* Parse a list of reference specifiers.  Each element must either be
-   a store path, or the symbolic name of the output of the derivation
-   (such as `out'). */
-PathSet parseReferenceSpecifiers(Store& store, const BasicDerivation& drv,
-                                 const Strings& paths) {
-  PathSet result;
-  for (auto& i : paths) {
-    if (store.isStorePath(i)) {
-      result.insert(i);
-    } else if (drv.outputs.find(i) != drv.outputs.end()) {
-      result.insert(drv.outputs.find(i)->second.path);
-    } else {
-      throw BuildError(
-          format("derivation contains an illegal reference specifier '%1%'") %
-          i);
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-void DerivationGoal::registerOutputs() {
-  /* When using a build hook, the build hook can register the output
-     as valid (by doing `nix-store --import').  If so we don't have
-     to do anything here. */
-  if (hook) {
-    bool allValid = true;
-    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-      if (!worker.store.isValidPath(i.second.path)) {
-        allValid = false;
-      }
-    }
-    if (allValid) {
-      return;
-    }
-  }
-  std::map<std::string, ValidPathInfo> infos;
-  /* Set of inodes seen during calls to canonicalisePathMetaData()
-     for this build's outputs.  This needs to be shared between
-     outputs to allow hard links between outputs. */
-  InodesSeen inodesSeen;
-  Path checkSuffix = ".check";
-  bool keepPreviousRound = settings.keepFailed || settings.runDiffHook;
-  std::exception_ptr delayedException;
-  /* Check whether the output paths were created, and grep each
-     output path to determine what other paths it references.  Also make all
-     output paths read-only. */
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    Path path = i.second.path;
-    if (missingPaths.find(path) == missingPaths.end()) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    ValidPathInfo info;
-    Path actualPath = path;
-    if (useChroot) {
-      actualPath = chrootRootDir + path;
-      if (pathExists(actualPath)) {
-        /* Move output paths from the chroot to the Nix store. */
-        if (buildMode == bmRepair) {
-          replaceValidPath(path, actualPath);
-        } else if (buildMode != bmCheck &&
-                   rename(actualPath.c_str(),
-                          worker.store.toRealPath(path).c_str()) == -1) {
-          throw SysError(format("moving build output '%1%' from the sandbox to "
-                                "the Nix store") %
-                         path);
-        }
-      }
-      if (buildMode != bmCheck) {
-        actualPath = worker.store.toRealPath(path);
-      }
-    }
-    if (needsHashRewrite()) {
-      Path redirected = redirectedOutputs[path];
-      if (buildMode == bmRepair &&
-          redirectedBadOutputs.find(path) != redirectedBadOutputs.end() &&
-          pathExists(redirected)) {
-        replaceValidPath(path, redirected);
-      }
-      if (buildMode == bmCheck && !redirected.empty()) {
-        actualPath = redirected;
-      }
-    }
-    struct stat st;
-    if (lstat(actualPath.c_str(), &st) == -1) {
-      if (errno == ENOENT) {
-        throw BuildError(
-            format("builder for '%1%' failed to produce output path '%2%'") %
-            drvPath % path);
-      }
-      throw SysError(format("getting attributes of path '%1%'") % actualPath);
-    }
-#ifndef __CYGWIN__
-    /* Check that the output is not group or world writable, as
-       that means that someone else can have interfered with the
-       build.  Also, the output should be owned by the build
-       user. */
-    if ((!S_ISLNK(st.st_mode) && ((st.st_mode & (S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH)) != 0u)) ||
-        (buildUser && st.st_uid != buildUser->getUID())) {
-      throw BuildError(format("suspicious ownership or permission on '%1%'; "
-                              "rejecting this build output") %
-                       path);
-    }
-    /* Apply hash rewriting if necessary. */
-    bool rewritten = false;
-    if (!outputRewrites.empty()) {
-      LOG(WARNING) << "rewriting hashes in '" << path << "'; cross fingers";
-      /* Canonicalise first.  This ensures that the path we're
-         rewriting doesn't contain a hard link to /etc/shadow or
-         something like that. */
-      canonicalisePathMetaData(actualPath, buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : -1,
-                               inodesSeen);
-      /* FIXME: this is in-memory. */
-      StringSink sink;
-      dumpPath(actualPath, sink);
-      deletePath(actualPath);
-      sink.s = make_ref<std::string>(rewriteStrings(*sink.s, outputRewrites));
-      StringSource source(*sink.s);
-      restorePath(actualPath, source);
-      rewritten = true;
-    }
-    /* Check that fixed-output derivations produced the right
-       outputs (i.e., the content hash should match the specified
-       hash). */
-    if (fixedOutput) {
-      bool recursive;
-      Hash h;
-      i.second.parseHashInfo(recursive, h);
-      if (!recursive) {
-        /* The output path should be a regular file without
-           execute permission. */
-        if (!S_ISREG(st.st_mode) || (st.st_mode & S_IXUSR) != 0) {
-          throw BuildError(
-              format(
-                  "output path '%1%' should be a non-executable regular file") %
-              path);
-        }
-      }
-      /* Check the hash. In hash mode, move the path produced by
-         the derivation to its content-addressed location. */
-      Hash h2 = recursive ? hashPath(h.type, actualPath).first
-                          : hashFile(h.type, actualPath);
-      Path dest = worker.store.makeFixedOutputPath(recursive, h2,
-                                                   storePathToName(path));
-      if (h != h2) {
-        /* Throw an error after registering the path as
-           valid. */
-        worker.hashMismatch = true;
-        delayedException = std::make_exception_ptr(
-            BuildError("hash mismatch in fixed-output derivation '%s':\n  "
-                       "wanted: %s\n  got:    %s",
-                       dest, h.to_string(), h2.to_string()));
-        Path actualDest = worker.store.toRealPath(dest);
-        if (worker.store.isValidPath(dest)) {
-          std::rethrow_exception(delayedException);
-        }
-        if (actualPath != actualDest) {
-          PathLocks outputLocks({actualDest});
-          deletePath(actualDest);
-          if (rename(actualPath.c_str(), actualDest.c_str()) == -1) {
-            throw SysError(format("moving '%1%' to '%2%'") % actualPath % dest);
-          }
-        }
-        path = dest;
-        actualPath = actualDest;
-      } else {
-        assert(path == dest);
-      }
-      info.ca = makeFixedOutputCA(recursive, h2);
-    }
-    /* Get rid of all weird permissions.  This also checks that
-       all files are owned by the build user, if applicable. */
-    canonicalisePathMetaData(actualPath,
-                             buildUser && !rewritten ? buildUser->getUID() : -1,
-                             inodesSeen);
-    /* For this output path, find the references to other paths
-       contained in it.  Compute the SHA-256 NAR hash at the same
-       time.  The hash is stored in the database so that we can
-       verify later on whether nobody has messed with the store. */
-    DLOG(INFO) << "scanning for references inside '" << path << "'";
-    HashResult hash;
-    PathSet references = scanForReferences(actualPath, allPaths, hash);
-    if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
-      if (!worker.store.isValidPath(path)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      auto info = *worker.store.queryPathInfo(path);
-      if (hash.first != info.narHash) {
-        worker.checkMismatch = true;
-        if (settings.runDiffHook || settings.keepFailed) {
-          Path dst = worker.store.toRealPath(path + checkSuffix);
-          deletePath(dst);
-          if (rename(actualPath.c_str(), dst.c_str()) != 0) {
-            throw SysError(format("renaming '%1%' to '%2%'") % actualPath %
-                           dst);
-          }
-          handleDiffHook(buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : getuid(),
-                         buildUser ? buildUser->getGID() : getgid(), path, dst,
-                         drvPath, tmpDir, log_sink());
-          throw NotDeterministic(
-              format("derivation '%1%' may not be deterministic: output '%2%' "
-                     "differs from '%3%'") %
-              drvPath % path % dst);
-        }
-        throw NotDeterministic(format("derivation '%1%' may not be "
-                                      "deterministic: output '%2%' differs") %
-                               drvPath % path);
-      }
-      /* Since we verified the build, it's now ultimately
-         trusted. */
-      if (!info.ultimate) {
-        info.ultimate = true;
-        worker.store.signPathInfo(info);
-        worker.store.registerValidPaths({info});
-      }
-      continue;
-    }
-    /* For debugging, print out the referenced and unreferenced
-       paths. */
-    for (auto& i : inputPaths) {
-      auto j = references.find(i);
-      if (j == references.end()) {
-        DLOG(INFO) << "unreferenced input: '" << i << "'";
-      } else {
-        DLOG(INFO) << "referenced input: '" << i << "'";
-      }
-    }
-    if (curRound == nrRounds) {
-      worker.store.optimisePath(
-          actualPath);  // FIXME: combine with scanForReferences()
-      worker.markContentsGood(path);
-    }
-    info.path = path;
-    info.narHash = hash.first;
-    info.narSize = hash.second;
-    info.references = references;
-    info.deriver = drvPath;
-    info.ultimate = true;
-    worker.store.signPathInfo(info);
-    if (!info.references.empty()) {
-      info.ca.clear();
-    }
-    infos[i.first] = info;
-  }
-  if (buildMode == bmCheck) {
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Apply output checks. */
-  checkOutputs(infos);
-  /* Compare the result with the previous round, and report which
-     path is different, if any.*/
-  if (curRound > 1 && prevInfos != infos) {
-    assert(prevInfos.size() == infos.size());
-    for (auto i = prevInfos.begin(), j = infos.begin(); i != prevInfos.end();
-         ++i, ++j) {
-      if (!(*i == *j)) {
-        result.isNonDeterministic = true;
-        Path prev = i->second.path + checkSuffix;
-        bool prevExists = keepPreviousRound && pathExists(prev);
-        auto msg =
-            prevExists
-                ? fmt("output '%1%' of '%2%' differs from '%3%' from previous "
-                      "round",
-                      i->second.path, drvPath, prev)
-                : fmt("output '%1%' of '%2%' differs from previous round",
-                      i->second.path, drvPath);
-        handleDiffHook(buildUser ? buildUser->getUID() : getuid(),
-                       buildUser ? buildUser->getGID() : getgid(), prev,
-                       i->second.path, drvPath, tmpDir, log_sink());
-        if (settings.enforceDeterminism) {
-          throw NotDeterministic(msg);
-        }
-        log_sink() << msg << std::endl;
-        curRound = nrRounds;  // we know enough, bail out early
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /* If this is the first round of several, then move the output out
-     of the way. */
-  if (nrRounds > 1 && curRound == 1 && curRound < nrRounds &&
-      keepPreviousRound) {
-    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-      Path prev = i.second.path + checkSuffix;
-      deletePath(prev);
-      Path dst = i.second.path + checkSuffix;
-      if (rename(i.second.path.c_str(), dst.c_str()) != 0) {
-        throw SysError(format("renaming '%1%' to '%2%'") % i.second.path % dst);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (curRound < nrRounds) {
-    prevInfos = infos;
-    return;
-  }
-  /* Remove the .check directories if we're done. FIXME: keep them
-     if the result was not determistic? */
-  if (curRound == nrRounds) {
-    for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-      Path prev = i.second.path + checkSuffix;
-      deletePath(prev);
-    }
-  }
-  /* Register each output path as valid, and register the sets of
-     paths referenced by each of them.  If there are cycles in the
-     outputs, this will fail. */
-  {
-    ValidPathInfos infos2;
-    for (auto& i : infos) {
-      infos2.push_back(i.second);
-    }
-    worker.store.registerValidPaths(infos2);
-  }
-  /* In case of a fixed-output derivation hash mismatch, throw an
-     exception now that we have registered the output as valid. */
-  if (delayedException) {
-    std::rethrow_exception(delayedException);
-  }
-void DerivationGoal::checkOutputs(
-    const std::map<Path, ValidPathInfo>& outputs) {
-  std::map<Path, const ValidPathInfo&> outputsByPath;
-  for (auto& output : outputs) {
-    outputsByPath.emplace(output.second.path, output.second);
-  }
-  for (auto& output : outputs) {
-    auto& outputName = output.first;
-    auto& info = output.second;
-    struct Checks {
-      bool ignoreSelfRefs = false;
-      std::optional<uint64_t> maxSize, maxClosureSize;
-      std::optional<Strings> allowedReferences, allowedRequisites,
-          disallowedReferences, disallowedRequisites;
-    };
-    /* Compute the closure and closure size of some output. This
-       is slightly tricky because some of its references (namely
-       other outputs) may not be valid yet. */
-    auto getClosure = [&](const Path& path) {
-      uint64_t closureSize = 0;
-      PathSet pathsDone;
-      std::queue<Path> pathsLeft;
-      pathsLeft.push(path);
-      while (!pathsLeft.empty()) {
-        auto path = pathsLeft.front();
-        pathsLeft.pop();
-        if (!pathsDone.insert(path).second) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        auto i = outputsByPath.find(path);
-        if (i != outputsByPath.end()) {
-          closureSize += i->second.narSize;
-          for (auto& ref : i->second.references) {
-            pathsLeft.push(ref);
-          }
-        } else {
-          auto info = worker.store.queryPathInfo(path);
-          closureSize += info->narSize;
-          for (auto& ref : info->references) {
-            pathsLeft.push(ref);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      return std::make_pair(pathsDone, closureSize);
-    };
-    auto applyChecks = [&](const Checks& checks) {
-      if (checks.maxSize && info.narSize > *checks.maxSize) {
-        throw BuildError(
-            "path '%s' is too large at %d bytes; limit is %d bytes", info.path,
-            info.narSize, *checks.maxSize);
-      }
-      if (checks.maxClosureSize) {
-        uint64_t closureSize = getClosure(info.path).second;
-        if (closureSize > *checks.maxClosureSize) {
-          throw BuildError(
-              "closure of path '%s' is too large at %d bytes; limit is %d "
-              "bytes",
-              info.path, closureSize, *checks.maxClosureSize);
-        }
-      }
-      auto checkRefs = [&](const std::optional<Strings>& value, bool allowed,
-                           bool recursive) {
-        if (!value) {
-          return;
-        }
-        PathSet spec = parseReferenceSpecifiers(worker.store, *drv, *value);
-        PathSet used =
-            recursive ? getClosure(info.path).first : info.references;
-        if (recursive && checks.ignoreSelfRefs) {
-          used.erase(info.path);
-        }
-        PathSet badPaths;
-        for (auto& i : used) {
-          if (allowed) {
-            if (spec.count(i) == 0u) {
-              badPaths.insert(i);
-            }
-          } else {
-            if (spec.count(i) != 0u) {
-              badPaths.insert(i);
-            }
-          }
-        }
-        if (!badPaths.empty()) {
-          std::string badPathsStr;
-          for (auto& i : badPaths) {
-            badPathsStr += "\n  ";
-            badPathsStr += i;
-          }
-          throw BuildError(
-              "output '%s' is not allowed to refer to the following paths:%s",
-              info.path, badPathsStr);
-        }
-      };
-      checkRefs(checks.allowedReferences, true, false);
-      checkRefs(checks.allowedRequisites, true, true);
-      checkRefs(checks.disallowedReferences, false, false);
-      checkRefs(checks.disallowedRequisites, false, true);
-    };
-    if (auto structuredAttrs = parsedDrv->getStructuredAttrs()) {
-      auto outputChecks = structuredAttrs->find("outputChecks");
-      if (outputChecks != structuredAttrs->end()) {
-        auto output = outputChecks->find(outputName);
-        if (output != outputChecks->end()) {
-          Checks checks;
-          auto maxSize = output->find("maxSize");
-          if (maxSize != output->end()) {
-            checks.maxSize = maxSize->get<uint64_t>();
-          }
-          auto maxClosureSize = output->find("maxClosureSize");
-          if (maxClosureSize != output->end()) {
-            checks.maxClosureSize = maxClosureSize->get<uint64_t>();
-          }
-          auto get = [&](const std::string& name) -> std::optional<Strings> {
-            auto i = output->find(name);
-            if (i != output->end()) {
-              Strings res;
-              for (auto& j : *i) {
-                if (!j.is_string()) {
-                  throw Error(
-                      "attribute '%s' of derivation '%s' must be a list of "
-                      "strings",
-                      name, drvPath);
-                }
-                res.push_back(j.get<std::string>());
-              }
-              checks.disallowedRequisites = res;
-              return res;
-            }
-            return {};
-          };
-          checks.allowedReferences = get("allowedReferences");
-          checks.allowedRequisites = get("allowedRequisites");
-          checks.disallowedReferences = get("disallowedReferences");
-          checks.disallowedRequisites = get("disallowedRequisites");
-          applyChecks(checks);
-        }
-      }
-    } else {
-      // legacy non-structured-attributes case
-      Checks checks;
-      checks.ignoreSelfRefs = true;
-      checks.allowedReferences = parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("allowedReferences");
-      checks.allowedRequisites = parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("allowedRequisites");
-      checks.disallowedReferences =
-          parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("disallowedReferences");
-      checks.disallowedRequisites =
-          parsedDrv->getStringsAttr("disallowedRequisites");
-      applyChecks(checks);
-    }
-  }
-Path DerivationGoal::openLogFile() {
-  logSize = 0;
-  if (!settings.keepLog) {
-    return "";
-  }
-  std::string baseName = baseNameOf(drvPath);
-  /* Create a log file. */
-  Path dir = fmt("%s/%s/%s/", worker.store.logDir, nix::LocalStore::drvsLogDir,
-                 std::string(baseName, 0, 2));
-  createDirs(dir);
-  Path logFileName = fmt("%s/%s%s", dir, std::string(baseName, 2),
-                         settings.compressLog ? ".bz2" : "");
-  fdLogFile = AutoCloseFD(open(logFileName.c_str(),
-                               O_CREAT | O_WRONLY | O_TRUNC | O_CLOEXEC, 0666));
-  if (!fdLogFile) {
-    throw SysError(format("creating log file '%1%'") % logFileName);
-  }
-  logFileSink = std::make_shared<FdSink>(fdLogFile.get());
-  if (settings.compressLog) {
-    logSink = std::shared_ptr<CompressionSink>(
-        makeCompressionSink("bzip2", *logFileSink));
-  } else {
-    logSink = logFileSink;
-  }
-  return logFileName;
-void DerivationGoal::closeLogFile() {
-  auto logSink2 = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<CompressionSink>(logSink);
-  if (logSink2) {
-    logSink2->finish();
-  }
-  if (logFileSink) {
-    logFileSink->flush();
-  }
-  logSink = logFileSink = nullptr;
-  fdLogFile = AutoCloseFD(-1);
-void DerivationGoal::deleteTmpDir(bool force) {
-  if (!tmpDir.empty()) {
-    /* Don't keep temporary directories for builtins because they
-       might have privileged stuff (like a copy of netrc). */
-    if (settings.keepFailed && !force && !drv->isBuiltin()) {
-      log_sink() << "note: keeping build directory '" << tmpDir << "'"
-                 << std::endl;
-      chmod(tmpDir.c_str(), 0755);
-    } else {
-      deletePath(tmpDir);
-    }
-    tmpDir = "";
-  }
-// TODO(tazjin): What ... what does this function ... do?
-void DerivationGoal::handleChildOutput(int fd, const std::string& data) {
-  if ((hook && fd == hook->builderOut.readSide.get()) ||
-      (!hook && fd == builderOut.readSide.get())) {
-    logSize += data.size();
-    if (settings.maxLogSize && logSize > settings.maxLogSize) {
-      log_sink() << getName() << " killed after writing more than "
-                 << settings.maxLogSize << " bytes of log output" << std::endl;
-      killChild();
-      done(BuildResult::LogLimitExceeded);
-      return;
-    }
-    for (auto c : data) {
-      if (c == '\r') {
-        currentLogLinePos = 0;
-      } else if (c == '\n') {
-        flushLine();
-      } else {
-        if (currentLogLinePos >= currentLogLine.size()) {
-          currentLogLine.resize(currentLogLinePos + 1);
-        }
-        currentLogLine[currentLogLinePos++] = c;
-      }
-    }
-    if (logSink) {
-      (*logSink)(data);
-    }
-  }
-  if (hook && fd == hook->fromHook.readSide.get()) {
-    for (auto c : data) {
-      if (c == '\n') {
-        currentHookLine.clear();
-      } else {
-        currentHookLine += c;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-void DerivationGoal::handleEOF(int /* fd */) {
-  if (!currentLogLine.empty()) {
-    flushLine();
-  }
-  worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-void DerivationGoal::flushLine() {
-  if (settings.verboseBuild &&
-      (settings.printRepeatedBuilds || curRound == 1)) {
-    log_sink() << currentLogLine << std::endl;
-  } else {
-    logTail.push_back(currentLogLine);
-    if (logTail.size() > settings.logLines) {
-      logTail.pop_front();
-    }
-  }
-  currentLogLine = "";
-  currentLogLinePos = 0;
-PathSet DerivationGoal::checkPathValidity(bool returnValid, bool checkHash) {
-  PathSet result;
-  for (auto& i : drv->outputs) {
-    if (!wantOutput(i.first, wantedOutputs)) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    bool good = worker.store.isValidPath(i.second.path) &&
-                (!checkHash || worker.pathContentsGood(i.second.path));
-    if (good == returnValid) {
-      result.insert(i.second.path);
-    }
-  }
-  return result;
-Path DerivationGoal::addHashRewrite(const Path& path) {
-  std::string h1 = std::string(path, worker.store.storeDir.size() + 1, 32);
-  std::string h2 =
-      std::string(hashString(htSHA256, "rewrite:" + drvPath + ":" + path)
-                      .to_string(Base32, false),
-                  0, 32);
-  Path p = worker.store.storeDir + "/" + h2 +
-           std::string(path, worker.store.storeDir.size() + 33);
-  deletePath(p);
-  assert(path.size() == p.size());
-  inputRewrites[h1] = h2;
-  outputRewrites[h2] = h1;
-  redirectedOutputs[path] = p;
-  return p;
-void DerivationGoal::done(BuildResult::Status status, const std::string& msg) {
-  result.status = status;
-  result.errorMsg = msg;
-  amDone(result.success() ? ecSuccess : ecFailed);
-  if (result.status == BuildResult::TimedOut) {
-    worker.timedOut = true;
-  }
-  if (result.status == BuildResult::PermanentFailure) {
-    worker.permanentFailure = true;
-  }
-  mcExpectedBuilds.reset();
-  mcRunningBuilds.reset();
-  if (result.success()) {
-    if (status == BuildResult::Built) {
-      worker.doneBuilds++;
-    }
-  } else {
-    if (status != BuildResult::DependencyFailed) {
-      worker.failedBuilds++;
-    }
-  }
-class SubstitutionGoal : public Goal {
-  friend class Worker;
- private:
-  /* The store path that should be realised through a substitute. */
-  Path storePath;
-  /* The remaining substituters. */
-  std::list<ref<Store>> subs;
-  /* The current substituter. */
-  std::shared_ptr<Store> sub;
-  /* Whether a substituter failed. */
-  bool substituterFailed = false;
-  /* Path info returned by the substituter's query info operation. */
-  std::shared_ptr<const ValidPathInfo> info;
-  /* Pipe for the substituter's standard output. */
-  Pipe outPipe;
-  /* The substituter thread. */
-  std::thread thr;
-  std::promise<void> promise;
-  /* Whether to try to repair a valid path. */
-  RepairFlag repair;
-  /* Location where we're downloading the substitute.  Differs from
-     storePath when doing a repair. */
-  Path destPath;
-  std::unique_ptr<MaintainCount<uint64_t>> maintainExpectedSubstitutions,
-      maintainRunningSubstitutions, maintainExpectedNar,
-      maintainExpectedDownload;
-  using GoalState = void (SubstitutionGoal::*)();
-  GoalState state;
- public:
-  SubstitutionGoal(Worker& worker, const Path& storePath,
-                   RepairFlag repair = NoRepair);
-  ~SubstitutionGoal() override;
-  void timedOut() override { abort(); };
-  std::string key() override {
-    /* "a$" ensures substitution goals happen before derivation
-       goals. */
-    return "a$" + storePathToName(storePath) + "$" + storePath;
-  }
-  void work() override;
-  /* The states. */
-  void init();
-  void tryNext();
-  void gotInfo();
-  void referencesValid();
-  void tryToRun();
-  void finished();
-  /* Callback used by the worker to write to the log. */
-  void handleChildOutput(int fd, const std::string& data) override;
-  void handleEOF(int fd) override;
-  Path getStorePath() { return storePath; }
-  void amDone(ExitCode result) override { Goal::amDone(result); }
-SubstitutionGoal::SubstitutionGoal(Worker& worker, const Path& storePath,
-                                   RepairFlag repair)
-    : Goal(worker), repair(repair) {
-  this->storePath = storePath;
-  state = &SubstitutionGoal::init;
-  name = absl::StrCat("substitution of ", storePath);
-  trace("created");
-  maintainExpectedSubstitutions =
-      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.expectedSubstitutions);
-SubstitutionGoal::~SubstitutionGoal() {
-  try {
-    if (thr.joinable()) {
-      // FIXME: signal worker thread to quit.
-      thr.join();
-      worker.childTerminated(this);
-    }
-  } catch (...) {
-    ignoreException();
-  }
-void SubstitutionGoal::work() { (this->*state)(); }
-void SubstitutionGoal::init() {
-  trace("init");
-  worker.store.addTempRoot(storePath);
-  /* If the path already exists we're done. */
-  if ((repair == 0u) && worker.store.isValidPath(storePath)) {
-    amDone(ecSuccess);
-    return;
-  }
-  if (settings.readOnlyMode) {
-    throw Error(
-        format(
-            "cannot substitute path '%1%' - no write access to the Nix store") %
-        storePath);
-  }
-  subs = settings.useSubstitutes ? getDefaultSubstituters()
-                                 : std::list<ref<Store>>();
-  tryNext();
-void SubstitutionGoal::tryNext() {
-  trace("trying next substituter");
-  if (subs.empty()) {
-    /* None left.  Terminate this goal and let someone else deal
-       with it. */
-        << "path '" << storePath
-        << "' is required, but there is no substituter that can build it";
-    /* Hack: don't indicate failure if there were no substituters.
-       In that case the calling derivation should just do a
-       build. */
-    amDone(substituterFailed ? ecFailed : ecNoSubstituters);
-    if (substituterFailed) {
-      worker.failedSubstitutions++;
-    }
-    return;
-  }
-  sub = subs.front();
-  subs.pop_front();
-  if (sub->storeDir != worker.store.storeDir) {
-    tryNext();
-    return;
-  }
-  try {
-    // FIXME: make async
-    info = sub->queryPathInfo(storePath);
-  } catch (InvalidPath&) {
-    tryNext();
-    return;
-  } catch (SubstituterDisabled&) {
-    if (settings.tryFallback) {
-      tryNext();
-      return;
-    }
-    throw;
-  } catch (Error& e) {
-    if (settings.tryFallback) {
-      log_sink() << e.what() << std::endl;
-      tryNext();
-      return;
-    }
-    throw;
-  }
-  /* Update the total expected download size. */
-  auto narInfo = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<const NarInfo>(info);
-  maintainExpectedNar = std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(
-      worker.expectedNarSize, info->narSize);
-  maintainExpectedDownload =
-      narInfo && (narInfo->fileSize != 0u)
-          ? std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(
-                worker.expectedDownloadSize, narInfo->fileSize)
-          : nullptr;
-  /* Bail out early if this substituter lacks a valid
-     signature. LocalStore::addToStore() also checks for this, but
-     only after we've downloaded the path. */
-  if (worker.store.requireSigs && !sub->isTrusted &&
-      (info->checkSignatures(worker.store, worker.store.getPublicKeys()) ==
-       0u)) {
-    log_sink() << "substituter '" << sub->getUri()
-               << "' does not have a valid signature for path '" << storePath
-               << "'" << std::endl;
-    tryNext();
-    return;
-  }
-  /* To maintain the closure invariant, we first have to realise the
-     paths referenced by this one. */
-  for (auto& i : info->references) {
-    if (i != storePath) { /* ignore self-references */
-      addWaitee(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(i));
-    }
-  }
-  if (waitees.empty()) { /* to prevent hang (no wake-up event) */
-    referencesValid();
-  } else {
-    state = &SubstitutionGoal::referencesValid;
-  }
-void SubstitutionGoal::referencesValid() {
-  trace("all references realised");
-  if (nrFailed > 0) {
-    DLOG(WARNING) << "some references of path '" << storePath
-                  << "' could not be realised";
-    amDone(nrNoSubstituters > 0 || nrIncompleteClosure > 0 ? ecIncompleteClosure
-                                                           : ecFailed);
-    return;
-  }
-  for (auto& i : info->references) {
-    if (i != storePath) { /* ignore self-references */
-      assert(worker.store.isValidPath(i));
-    }
-  }
-  state = &SubstitutionGoal::tryToRun;
-  worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-void SubstitutionGoal::tryToRun() {
-  trace("trying to run");
-  /* Make sure that we are allowed to start a build.  Note that even
-     if maxBuildJobs == 0 (no local builds allowed), we still allow
-     a substituter to run.  This is because substitutions cannot be
-     distributed to another machine via the build hook. */
-  if (worker.getNrLocalBuilds() >=
-      std::max(1U, (unsigned int)settings.maxBuildJobs)) {
-    worker.waitForBuildSlot(shared_from_this());
-    return;
-  }
-  maintainRunningSubstitutions =
-      std::make_unique<MaintainCount<uint64_t>>(worker.runningSubstitutions);
-  outPipe.create();
-  promise = std::promise<void>();
-  thr = std::thread([this]() {
-    try {
-      /* Wake up the worker loop when we're done. */
-      Finally updateStats([this]() { outPipe.writeSide = AutoCloseFD(-1); });
-      copyStorePath(ref<Store>(sub),
-                    ref<Store>(worker.store.shared_from_this()), storePath,
-                    repair, sub->isTrusted ? NoCheckSigs : CheckSigs);
-      promise.set_value();
-    } catch (...) {
-      promise.set_exception(std::current_exception());
-    }
-  });
-  worker.childStarted(shared_from_this(), {outPipe.readSide.get()}, true,
-                      false);
-  state = &SubstitutionGoal::finished;
-void SubstitutionGoal::finished() {
-  trace("substitute finished");
-  thr.join();
-  worker.childTerminated(this);
-  try {
-    promise.get_future().get();
-  } catch (std::exception& e) {
-    log_sink() << e.what() << std::endl;
-    /* Cause the parent build to fail unless --fallback is given,
-       or the substitute has disappeared. The latter case behaves
-       the same as the substitute never having existed in the
-       first place. */
-    try {
-      throw;
-    } catch (SubstituteGone&) {
-    } catch (...) {
-      substituterFailed = true;
-    }
-    /* Try the next substitute. */
-    state = &SubstitutionGoal::tryNext;
-    worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-    return;
-  }
-  worker.markContentsGood(storePath);
-  DLOG(INFO) << "substitution of path '" << storePath << "' succeeded";
-  maintainRunningSubstitutions.reset();
-  maintainExpectedSubstitutions.reset();
-  worker.doneSubstitutions++;
-  if (maintainExpectedDownload) {
-    auto fileSize = maintainExpectedDownload->delta;
-    maintainExpectedDownload.reset();
-    worker.doneDownloadSize += fileSize;
-  }
-  worker.doneNarSize += maintainExpectedNar->delta;
-  maintainExpectedNar.reset();
-  amDone(ecSuccess);
-void SubstitutionGoal::handleChildOutput(int fd, const std::string& data) {}
-void SubstitutionGoal::handleEOF(int fd) {
-  if (fd == outPipe.readSide.get()) {
-    worker.wakeUp(shared_from_this());
-  }
-ABSL_CONST_INIT static thread_local bool working = false;
-Worker::Worker(LocalStore& store, std::ostream& log_sink)
-    : log_sink_(log_sink), store(store) {
-  // Debugging: prevent recursive workers.
-  // TODO(grfn): Do we need this?
-  CHECK(!working) << "Worker initialized during execution of a worker";
-  working = true;
-  nrLocalBuilds = 0;
-  lastWokenUp = steady_time_point::min();
-  permanentFailure = false;
-  timedOut = false;
-  hashMismatch = false;
-  checkMismatch = false;
-Worker::~Worker() {
-  working = false;
-  /* Explicitly get rid of all strong pointers now.  After this all
-     goals that refer to this worker should be gone.  (Otherwise we
-     are in trouble, since goals may call childTerminated() etc. in
-     their destructors). */
-  topGoals.clear();
-  assert(expectedSubstitutions == 0);
-  assert(expectedDownloadSize == 0);
-  assert(expectedNarSize == 0);
-GoalPtr Worker::makeDerivationGoal(const Path& drv_path,
-                                   const StringSet& wantedOutputs,
-                                   BuildMode buildMode) {
-  GoalPtr goal = derivationGoals[drv_path].lock();
-  if (!goal) {
-    goal = std::make_shared<DerivationGoal>(*this, drv_path, wantedOutputs,
-                                            buildMode);
-    derivationGoals[drv_path] = goal;
-    wakeUp(goal);
-  } else {
-    (dynamic_cast<DerivationGoal*>(goal.get()))
-        ->addWantedOutputs(wantedOutputs);
-  }
-  return goal;
-std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> Worker::makeBasicDerivationGoal(
-    const Path& drvPath, const BasicDerivation& drv, BuildMode buildMode) {
-  std::shared_ptr<DerivationGoal> goal =
-      std::make_shared<DerivationGoal>(*this, drvPath, drv, buildMode);
-  wakeUp(goal);
-  return goal;
-GoalPtr Worker::makeSubstitutionGoal(const Path& path, RepairFlag repair) {
-  GoalPtr goal = substitutionGoals[path].lock();
-  if (!goal) {
-    goal = std::make_shared<SubstitutionGoal>(*this, path, repair);
-    substitutionGoals[path] = goal;
-    wakeUp(goal);
-  }
-  return goal;
-static void removeGoal(const GoalPtr& goal, WeakGoalMap& goalMap) {
-  /* !!! inefficient */
-  for (auto i = goalMap.begin(); i != goalMap.end();) {
-    if (i->second.lock() == goal) {
-      auto j = i;
-      ++j;
-      goalMap.erase(i);
-      i = j;
-    } else {
-      ++i;
-    }
-  }
-void Worker::removeGoal(const GoalPtr& goal) {
-  nix::removeGoal(goal, derivationGoals);
-  nix::removeGoal(goal, substitutionGoals);
-  if (topGoals.find(goal) != topGoals.end()) {
-    topGoals.erase(goal);
-    /* If a top-level goal failed, then kill all other goals
-       (unless keepGoing was set). */
-    if (goal->getExitCode() == Goal::ecFailed && !settings.keepGoing) {
-      topGoals.clear();
-    }
-  }
-  /* Wake up goals waiting for any goal to finish. */
-  for (auto& i : waitingForAnyGoal) {
-    GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
-    if (goal) {
-      wakeUp(goal);
-    }
-  }
-  waitingForAnyGoal.clear();
-void Worker::wakeUp(const GoalPtr& goal) {
-  goal->trace("woken up");
-  addToWeakGoals(awake, goal);
-unsigned Worker::getNrLocalBuilds() { return nrLocalBuilds; }
-void Worker::childStarted(const GoalPtr& goal, const std::set<int>& fds,
-                          bool inBuildSlot, bool respectTimeouts) {
-  Child child;
-  child.goal = goal;
-  child.goal2 = goal.get();
-  child.fds = fds;
-  child.timeStarted = child.lastOutput = steady_time_point::clock::now();
-  child.inBuildSlot = inBuildSlot;
-  child.respectTimeouts = respectTimeouts;
-  children.emplace_back(child);
-  if (inBuildSlot) {
-    nrLocalBuilds++;
-  }
-void Worker::childTerminated(Goal* goal, bool wakeSleepers) {
-  auto i =
-      std::find_if(children.begin(), children.end(),
-                   [&](const Child& child) { return child.goal2 == goal; });
-  if (i == children.end()) {
-    return;
-  }
-  if (i->inBuildSlot) {
-    assert(nrLocalBuilds > 0);
-    nrLocalBuilds--;
-  }
-  children.erase(i);
-  if (wakeSleepers) {
-    /* Wake up goals waiting for a build slot. */
-    for (auto& j : wantingToBuild) {
-      GoalPtr goal = j.lock();
-      if (goal) {
-        wakeUp(goal);
-      }
-    }
-    wantingToBuild.clear();
-  }
-void Worker::waitForBuildSlot(const GoalPtr& goal) {
-  DLOG(INFO) << "wait for build slot";
-  if (getNrLocalBuilds() < settings.maxBuildJobs) {
-    wakeUp(goal); /* we can do it right away */
-  } else {
-    addToWeakGoals(wantingToBuild, goal);
-  }
-void Worker::waitForAnyGoal(GoalPtr goal) {
-  DLOG(INFO) << "wait for any goal";
-  addToWeakGoals(waitingForAnyGoal, std::move(goal));
-void Worker::waitForAWhile(GoalPtr goal) {
-  DLOG(INFO) << "wait for a while";
-  addToWeakGoals(waitingForAWhile, std::move(goal));
-void Worker::run(const Goals& _topGoals) {
-  for (auto& i : _topGoals) {
-    topGoals.insert(i);
-  }
-  DLOG(INFO) << "entered goal loop";
-  while (true) {
-    checkInterrupt();
-    store.autoGC(false);
-    /* Call every wake goal (in the ordering established by
-       CompareGoalPtrs). */
-    while (!awake.empty() && !topGoals.empty()) {
-      Goals awake2;
-      for (auto& i : awake) {
-        GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
-        if (goal) {
-          awake2.insert(goal);
-        }
-      }
-      awake.clear();
-      for (auto& goal : awake2) {
-        checkInterrupt();
-        goal->work();
-        if (topGoals.empty()) {
-          break;
-        }  // stuff may have been cancelled
-      }
-    }
-    if (topGoals.empty()) {
-      break;
-    }
-    /* Wait for input. */
-    if (!children.empty() || !waitingForAWhile.empty()) {
-      waitForInput();
-    } else {
-      if (awake.empty() && 0 == settings.maxBuildJobs) {
-        throw Error(
-            "unable to start any build; either increase '--max-jobs' "
-            "or enable remote builds");
-      }
-      assert(!awake.empty());
-    }
-  }
-  /* If --keep-going is not set, it's possible that the main goal
-     exited while some of its subgoals were still active.  But if
-     --keep-going *is* set, then they must all be finished now. */
-  assert(!settings.keepGoing || awake.empty());
-  assert(!settings.keepGoing || wantingToBuild.empty());
-  assert(!settings.keepGoing || children.empty());
-void Worker::waitForInput() {
-  DLOG(INFO) << "waiting for children";
-  /* Process output from the file descriptors attached to the
-     children, namely log output and output path creation commands.
-     We also use this to detect child termination: if we get EOF on
-     the logger pipe of a build, we assume that the builder has
-     terminated. */
-  bool useTimeout = false;
-  struct timeval timeout;
-  timeout.tv_usec = 0;
-  auto before = steady_time_point::clock::now();
-  /* If we're monitoring for silence on stdout/stderr, or if there
-     is a build timeout, then wait for input until the first
-     deadline for any child. */
-  auto nearest = steady_time_point::max();  // nearest deadline
-  if (settings.minFree.get() != 0) {
-    // Periodicallty wake up to see if we need to run the garbage collector.
-    nearest = before + std::chrono::seconds(10);
-  }
-  for (auto& i : children) {
-    if (!i.respectTimeouts) {
-      continue;
-    }
-    if (0 != settings.maxSilentTime) {
-      nearest = std::min(
-          nearest, i.lastOutput + std::chrono::seconds(settings.maxSilentTime));
-    }
-    if (0 != settings.buildTimeout) {
-      nearest = std::min(
-          nearest, i.timeStarted + std::chrono::seconds(settings.buildTimeout));
-    }
-  }
-  if (nearest != steady_time_point::max()) {
-    timeout.tv_sec = std::max(
-        1L, static_cast<long>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
-                                  nearest - before)
-                                  .count()));
-    useTimeout = true;
-  }
-  /* If we are polling goals that are waiting for a lock, then wake
-     up after a few seconds at most. */
-  if (!waitingForAWhile.empty()) {
-    useTimeout = true;
-    if (lastWokenUp == steady_time_point::min()) {
-      DLOG(WARNING) << "waiting for locks or build slots...";
-    }
-    if (lastWokenUp == steady_time_point::min() || lastWokenUp > before) {
-      lastWokenUp = before;
-    }
-    timeout.tv_sec = std::max(
-        1L, static_cast<long>(std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::seconds>(
-                                  lastWokenUp +
-                                  std::chrono::seconds(settings.pollInterval) -
-                                  before)
-                                  .count()));
-  } else {
-    lastWokenUp = steady_time_point::min();
-  }
-  if (useTimeout) {
-    DLOG(INFO) << "sleeping " << timeout.tv_sec << " seconds";
-  }
-  /* Use select() to wait for the input side of any logger pipe to
-     become `available'.  Note that `available' (i.e., non-blocking)
-     includes EOF. */
-  fd_set fds;
-  FD_ZERO(&fds);
-  int fdMax = 0;
-  for (auto& i : children) {
-    for (auto& j : i.fds) {
-      if (j >= FD_SETSIZE) {
-        throw Error("reached FD_SETSIZE limit");
-      }
-      FD_SET(j, &fds);
-      if (j >= fdMax) {
-        fdMax = j + 1;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (select(fdMax, &fds, nullptr, nullptr, useTimeout ? &timeout : nullptr) ==
-      -1) {
-    if (errno == EINTR) {
-      return;
-    }
-    throw SysError("waiting for input");
-  }
-  auto after = steady_time_point::clock::now();
-  /* Process all available file descriptors. FIXME: this is
-     O(children * fds). */
-  decltype(children)::iterator i;
-  for (auto j = children.begin(); j != children.end(); j = i) {
-    i = std::next(j);
-    checkInterrupt();
-    GoalPtr goal = j->goal.lock();
-    assert(goal);
-    std::set<int> fds2(j->fds);
-    std::vector<unsigned char> buffer(4096);
-    for (auto& k : fds2) {
-      if (FD_ISSET(k, &fds)) {
-        ssize_t rd = read(k, buffer.data(), buffer.size());
-        // FIXME: is there a cleaner way to handle pt close
-        // than EIO? Is this even standard?
-        if (rd == 0 || (rd == -1 && errno == EIO)) {
-          DLOG(WARNING) << goal->getName() << ": got EOF";
-          goal->handleEOF(k);
-          j->fds.erase(k);
-        } else if (rd == -1) {
-          if (errno != EINTR) {
-            throw SysError("%s: read failed", goal->getName());
-          }
-        } else {
-          DLOG(INFO) << goal->getName() << ": read " << rd << " bytes";
-          std::string data(reinterpret_cast<char*>(buffer.data()), rd);
-          j->lastOutput = after;
-          goal->handleChildOutput(k, data);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    if (goal->getExitCode() == Goal::ecBusy && 0 != settings.maxSilentTime &&
-        j->respectTimeouts &&
-        after - j->lastOutput >= std::chrono::seconds(settings.maxSilentTime)) {
-      log_sink_ << goal->getName() << " timed out after "
-                << settings.maxSilentTime << " seconds of silence";
-      goal->timedOut();
-    }
-    else if (goal->getExitCode() == Goal::ecBusy &&
-             0 != settings.buildTimeout && j->respectTimeouts &&
-             after - j->timeStarted >=
-                 std::chrono::seconds(settings.buildTimeout)) {
-      log_sink_ << goal->getName() << " timed out after "
-                << settings.buildTimeout << " seconds";
-      goal->timedOut();
-    }
-  }
-  if (!waitingForAWhile.empty() &&
-      lastWokenUp + std::chrono::seconds(settings.pollInterval) <= after) {
-    lastWokenUp = after;
-    for (auto& i : waitingForAWhile) {
-      GoalPtr goal = i.lock();
-      if (goal) {
-        wakeUp(goal);
-      }
-    }
-    waitingForAWhile.clear();
-  }
-unsigned int Worker::exitStatus() {
-  /*
-   * 1100100
-   *    ^^^^
-   *    |||`- timeout
-   *    ||`-- output hash mismatch
-   *    |`--- build failure
-   *    `---- not deterministic
-   */
-  unsigned int mask = 0;
-  bool buildFailure = permanentFailure || timedOut || hashMismatch;
-  if (buildFailure) {
-    mask |= 0x04;  // 100
-  }
-  if (timedOut) {
-    mask |= 0x01;  // 101
-  }
-  if (hashMismatch) {
-    mask |= 0x02;  // 102
-  }
-  if (checkMismatch) {
-    mask |= 0x08;  // 104
-  }
-  if (mask != 0u) {
-    mask |= 0x60;
-  }
-  return mask != 0u ? mask : 1;
-bool Worker::pathContentsGood(const Path& path) {
-  auto i = pathContentsGoodCache.find(path);
-  if (i != pathContentsGoodCache.end()) {
-    return i->second;
-  }
-  log_sink_ << "checking path '" << path << "'...";
-  auto info = store.queryPathInfo(path);
-  bool res;
-  if (!pathExists(path)) {
-    res = false;
-  } else {
-    HashResult current = hashPath(info->narHash.type, path);
-    Hash nullHash(htSHA256);
-    res = info->narHash == nullHash || info->narHash == current.first;
-  }
-  pathContentsGoodCache[path] = res;
-  if (!res) {
-    log_sink_ << "path '" << path << "' is corrupted or missing!";
-  }
-  return res;
-void Worker::markContentsGood(const Path& path) {
-  pathContentsGoodCache[path] = true;
-static void primeCache(Store& store, const PathSet& paths) {
-  PathSet willBuild;
-  PathSet willSubstitute;
-  PathSet unknown;
-  unsigned long long downloadSize;
-  unsigned long long narSize;
-  store.queryMissing(paths, willBuild, willSubstitute, unknown, downloadSize,
-                     narSize);
-  if (!willBuild.empty() && 0 == settings.maxBuildJobs &&
-      getMachines().empty()) {
-    throw Error(
-        "%d derivations need to be built, but neither local builds "
-        "('--max-jobs') "
-        "nor remote builds ('--builders') are enabled",
-        willBuild.size());
-  }
-absl::Status LocalStore::buildPaths(std::ostream& log_sink,
-                                    const PathSet& drvPaths,
-                                    BuildMode build_mode) {
-  Worker worker(*this, log_sink);
-  primeCache(*this, drvPaths);
-  Goals goals;
-  for (auto& i : drvPaths) {
-    DrvPathWithOutputs i2 = parseDrvPathWithOutputs(i);
-    if (isDerivation(i2.first)) {
-      goals.insert(worker.makeDerivationGoal(i2.first, i2.second, build_mode));
-    } else {
-      goals.insert(worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(
-          i, build_mode == bmRepair ? Repair : NoRepair));
-    }
-  }
-  worker.run(goals);
-  PathSet failed;
-  for (auto& i : goals) {
-    if (i->getExitCode() != Goal::ecSuccess) {
-      auto* i2 = dynamic_cast<DerivationGoal*>(i.get());
-      if (i2 != nullptr) {
-        failed.insert(i2->getDrvPath());
-      } else {
-        failed.insert(dynamic_cast<SubstitutionGoal*>(i.get())->getStorePath());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (!failed.empty()) {
-    return absl::Status(
-        absl::StatusCode::kInternal,
-        absl::StrFormat("build of %s failed (exit code %d)", showPaths(failed),
-                        worker.exitStatus()));
-  }
-  return absl::OkStatus();
-BuildResult LocalStore::buildDerivation(std::ostream& log_sink,
-                                        const Path& drvPath,
-                                        const BasicDerivation& drv,
-                                        BuildMode buildMode) {
-  Worker worker(*this, log_sink);
-  auto goal = worker.makeBasicDerivationGoal(drvPath, drv, buildMode);
-  BuildResult result;
-  try {
-    worker.run(Goals{goal});
-    result = goal->getResult();
-  } catch (Error& e) {
-    result.status = BuildResult::MiscFailure;
-    result.errorMsg = e.msg();
-  }
-  return result;
-void LocalStore::ensurePath(const Path& path) {
-  /* If the path is already valid, we're done. */
-  if (isValidPath(path)) {
-    return;
-  }
-  primeCache(*this, {path});
-  auto discard_logs = DiscardLogsSink();
-  Worker worker(*this, discard_logs);
-  GoalPtr goal = worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(path);
-  Goals goals = {goal};
-  worker.run(goals);
-  if (goal->getExitCode() != Goal::ecSuccess) {
-    throw Error(worker.exitStatus(),
-                "path '%s' does not exist and cannot be created", path);
-  }
-void LocalStore::repairPath(const Path& path) {
-  auto discard_logs = DiscardLogsSink();
-  Worker worker(*this, discard_logs);
-  GoalPtr goal = worker.makeSubstitutionGoal(path, Repair);
-  Goals goals = {goal};
-  worker.run(goals);
-  if (goal->getExitCode() != Goal::ecSuccess) {
-    /* Since substituting the path didn't work, if we have a valid
-       deriver, then rebuild the deriver. */
-    auto deriver = queryPathInfo(path)->deriver;
-    if (!deriver.empty() && isValidPath(deriver)) {
-      goals.clear();
-      goals.insert(worker.makeDerivationGoal(deriver, StringSet(), bmRepair));
-      worker.run(goals);
-    } else {
-      throw Error(worker.exitStatus(), "cannot repair path '%s'", path);
-    }
-  }
-}  // namespace nix