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path: root/third_party/lisp/trivial-backtrace/dev/mucking.lisp
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/lisp/trivial-backtrace/dev/mucking.lisp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 75 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/trivial-backtrace/dev/mucking.lisp b/third_party/lisp/trivial-backtrace/dev/mucking.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 2be26a5a870e..000000000000
--- a/third_party/lisp/trivial-backtrace/dev/mucking.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-(in-package #:metabang.gsn)
-Need to account for different kinds of links
-  in gsn-nodes-from-json, need to return pairs of node and attributes
-hash-table for nodes to prevent duplicates
-queue or stack for nodes to expand
-hash-table for links (triples of A link B?) to handle duplicates
-(defgeneric expand-node (context node)
-  )
-(defgeneric find-neighbors (context node)
-  )
-(defgeneric expand-node-p (context node)
-  )
-(defgeneric add-node (context node)
-  )
-(defgeneric add-link (context node neighbor direction)
-  )
-(defgeneric update-node-data (context node data)
-  )
-(defclass abstract-context ()
-  ())
-(defclass gsn-context (abstract-context)
-  ())
-(defparameter +gsn-root+ "http://socialgraph.apis.google.com/")
-(defmethod expand-node ((context abstract-context) node)
-  (bind (((to from) (find-neighbors context node)))
-    (dolist (neighbor to)
-      (add-node context neighbor)
-      (add-link context node neighbor :to))
-    (dolist (neighbor from)
-      (add-node context neighbor)
-      (add-link context node neighbor :from))))
-(defmethod find-neighbors ((context gsn-context) node)
-  (bind (((result headers stream)
-	  (http-get 
-	   (format nil "~alookup?edo=1&edi=1&pretty=1&q=~a" 
-		   +gsn-root+ node)))
-	 json)
-    (unwind-protect 
-	 (setf json (json:decode-json stream))
-      (close strea))
-    (update-node-data context node json)		      
-    (list (gsn-nodes-from-json json :to)
-	  (gsn-nodes-from-json json :from))))
-(gsn-nodes-from-json x :from)  
-(defun gsn-test (who)
-  (destructuring-bind (result headers stream)
-      (http-get 
-       (format nil "http://socialgraph.apis.google.com/lookup?edo=1&edi=1&pretty=1&q=~a" who))
-    (declare (ignore result headers))
-    (json:decode-json stream)))
-(assoc :nodes_referenced 
-       (assoc :nodes (gsn-test "TWITTER.COM/GWKING") :key #'first))
-(setf x (gsn-test "TWITTER.COM/GWKING"))