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path: root/third_party/lisp/sclf
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/lisp/sclf')
15 files changed, 3633 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/.skip-subtree b/third_party/lisp/sclf/.skip-subtree
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5051f60d6b86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/.skip-subtree
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+prevent readTree from creating entries for subdirs that don't contain an .nix files
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/OWNERS b/third_party/lisp/sclf/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f16dd105d761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+inherited: true
+  - sterni
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/README b/third_party/lisp/sclf/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a1c2c3c5c1c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+SCLF has originally been written by Walter C. Pelissero and vendored
+into depot since it is a dependency of mime4cl. Upstream and depot version
+may diverge.
+Upstream Website: http://wcp.sdf-eu.org/software/#sclf
+Vendored Tarball: http://wcp.sdf-eu.org/software/sclf-20150207T213551.tbz
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/default.nix b/third_party/lisp/sclf/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fb07f8f764e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2021 by the TVL Authors
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+depot.nix.buildLisp.library {
+  name = "sclf";
+  deps = [
+    (depot.nix.buildLisp.bundled "sb-posix")
+  ];
+  srcs = [
+    ./package.lisp
+    ./sclf.lisp
+    ./sysproc.lisp
+    ./lazy.lisp
+    ./time.lisp
+    ./directory.lisp
+    ./serial.lisp
+    ./mp/sbcl.lisp
+  ];
+  # TODO(sterni): implement OS interaction for ECL and CCL
+  brokenOn = [
+    "ecl"
+    "ccl"
+  ];
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/directory.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/directory.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4684a8e7056a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/directory.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+;;;  directory.lisp --- filesystem directory access
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2021 by the TVL Authors
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: sclf
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: directory.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(cl:in-package :sclf)
+(defun pathname-as-directory (pathname)
+  "Converts PATHNAME to directory form and return it."
+  (setf pathname (pathname pathname))
+  (if (pathname-name pathname)
+      (make-pathname :directory (append (or (pathname-directory pathname)
+					    '(:relative))
+					(list (file-namestring pathname)))
+		     :name nil
+		     :type nil
+		     :defaults pathname)
+      pathname))
+(defun d+ (path &rest rest)
+  "Concatenate directory pathname parts and return a pathname."
+  (make-pathname :defaults path
+		 :directory (append (pathname-directory path) rest)))
+(defun delete-directory (pathname)
+  "Remove directory PATHNAME.  Return PATHNAME."
+  #+cmu (multiple-value-bind (done errno)
+	     (unix:unix-rmdir (namestring pathname))
+	   (unless done
+	     (error "Unable to delete directory ~A (errno=~A)"
+		    pathname errno)))
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:rmdir pathname)
+  #+lispworks (lw:delete-directory pathname)
+  #-(or cmu sbcl)
+  (error "DELETE-DIRECTORY not implemented for you lisp system.")
+  pathname)
+(defun list-directory (pathname &key truenamep)
+  "List content of directory PATHNAME.  If TRUENAMEP is true don't try
+to follow symbolic links."
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (declare (ignore truenamep))
+  (let (#+cmu (lisp::*ignore-wildcards* t))
+    (directory (make-pathname :defaults (pathname-as-directory pathname)
+			      :name :wild
+			      :type :wild
+			      :version :wild)
+	       #+cmu :truenamep #+cmu truenamep
+	       #+sbcl :resolve-symlinks #+sbcl truenamep)))
+(defun traverse-directory-tree (root-pathname proc &key truenamep test depth-first)
+  "Call PROC on all pathnames under ROOT-PATHNAME, both files and
+directories.  Unless TRUENAMEP is true, this function doesn't try
+to lookup the truename of files, as finding the truename may be a
+superfluous and noxious activity expecially when you expect
+broken symbolic links in your filesystem."
+  (check-type root-pathname pathname)
+  (check-type proc (or function symbol))
+  (check-type test (or function symbol null))
+  (labels ((ls (dir)
+	     (declare (type pathname dir))
+	     (list-directory dir :truenamep truenamep))
+	   (traverse? (file)
+	     (declare (type pathname file))
+	     (and (not (pathname-name file))
+		  (or truenamep
+		      (not (symbolic-link-p file)))
+		  (or (not test)
+		      (funcall test file))))
+	   (traverse-pre-order (dir)
+	     (declare (type pathname dir))
+	     (loop
+		for file in (ls dir)
+		do (funcall proc file)
+		when (traverse? file)
+		do (traverse-pre-order file)))
+	   (traverse-post-order (dir)
+	     (declare (type pathname dir))
+	     (loop
+		for file in (ls dir)
+		when (traverse? file)
+		do (traverse-post-order file)
+		do (funcall proc file))))
+    (if depth-first
+	(traverse-post-order root-pathname)
+	(traverse-pre-order root-pathname))
+    (values)))
+(defmacro do-directory-tree ((file root-pathname &key truenamep test depth-first) &body body)
+  "Call TRAVERSE-DIRECTORY-TREE with BODY es procedure."
+  `(traverse-directory-tree ,root-pathname
+			    #'(lambda (,file)
+				,@body)
+			    :truenamep ,truenamep
+			    :test ,test
+			    :depth-first ,depth-first))
+(defun empty-directory-p (pathname)
+  (and (directory-p pathname)
+       (endp (list-directory pathname))))
+(defun remove-empty-directories (root)
+  (do-directory-tree (pathname root :depth-first t)
+    (when (empty-directory-p pathname)
+      (delete-directory pathname))))
+(defun map-directory-tree (pathname function)
+  "Apply FUNCTION to every file in a directory tree starting from
+PATHNAME.  Return the list of results."
+  (be return-list '()
+    (do-directory-tree (directory-entry pathname)
+      (push (funcall function directory-entry) return-list))
+    (nreverse return-list)))
+(defun find-files (root-pathname matcher-function &key truenamep)
+  "In the directory tree rooted at ROOT-PATHNAME, find files that
+when the pathname is applied to MATCHER-FUNCTION will return
+true.  Return the list of files found.  Unless TRUENAMEP is true
+this function doesn't try to lookup the truename of
+files. Finding the truename may be a superfluous and noxious
+activity expecially when you expect broken symbolic links in your
+filesystem.  (This may not apply to your particular lisp
+  (be files '()
+    (do-directory-tree (file root-pathname :truenamep truenamep)
+      (when (funcall matcher-function file)
+	(push file files)))
+    (nreverse files)))
+(defun delete-directory-tree (pathname)
+  "Recursively delete PATHNAME and all the directory structure below
+WARNING: depending on the way the DIRECTORY function is implemented on
+your Lisp system this function may follow Unix symbolic links and thus
+delete files outside the PATHNAME hierarchy.  Check this before using
+this function in your programs."
+  (if (pathname-name pathname)
+      (delete-file pathname)
+      (progn
+	(dolist (file (list-directory pathname))
+	  (delete-directory-tree file))
+	(delete-directory pathname))))
+(defun make-directory (pathname &optional (mode #o777))
+  "Create a new directory in the filesystem.  Permissions MODE
+will be assigned to it.  Return PATHNAME."
+  #+cmu (multiple-value-bind (done errno)
+	    (unix:unix-mkdir (native-namestring pathname) mode)
+	  (unless done
+	    (error "Unable to create directory ~A (errno=~A)." pathname errno)))
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:mkdir pathname mode)
+  #-(or cmu sbcl)
+  (error "MAKE-DIRECTORY is not implemented for this Lisp system.")
+  pathname)
+;; At least on SBCL/CMUCL + Unix + NFS this function is faster than
+;; ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST, because it doesn't check all the pathname
+;; components starting from the root; it proceeds from the leaf and
+;; crawls the directory tree upward only if necessary."
+(defun ensure-directory (pathname &key verbose (mode #o777))
+  "Just like ENSURE-DIRECTORIES-EXIST but, in some situations,
+it's faster."
+  (labels ((ensure (path)
+	     (unless (probe-file path)
+	       (be* tail (last (pathname-directory path) 2)
+		    last (cdr tail)
+		 (setf (cdr tail) nil)
+		 (unwind-protect
+		      (ensure path)
+		   (setf (cdr tail) last))
+		 (make-directory path mode)
+		 (when verbose
+		   (format t "Created ~S~%" path))))))
+    (ensure (make-pathname :defaults pathname
+			   :name nil :type nil
+			   :version nil))))
+(defun make-temp-directory (&optional (default-pathname *tmp-file-defaults*) (mode #o777))
+  "Create a new directory and return its pathname.
+If DEFAULT-PATHNAME is specified and not NIL it's used as
+defaults to produce the pathname of the directory.  Return the
+pathname of the temporary directory."
+  (loop
+     for name = (pathname-as-directory (temp-file-name default-pathname))
+     when (ignore-errors (make-directory name mode))
+     return name))
+(defmacro with-temp-directory ((path &rest make-temp-directory-args) &body body)
+  "Execute BODY with PATH bound to the pathname of a new unique
+temporary directory.  On exit of BODY the directory tree starting from
+PATH will be automatically removed from the filesystem.  Return what
+BODY returns.  BODY is _not_ executed within the PATH directory; the
+working directory is never changed."
+  `(be ,path (make-temp-directory ,@make-temp-directory-args)
+     (unwind-protect
+	  (progn ,@body)
+       (delete-directory-tree ,path))))
+(defun current-directory ()
+  "Return the pathname of the current directory."
+  (truename (make-pathname :directory '(:relative))))
+(defun ensure-home-translations ()
+  "Ensure that the logical pathname translations for the host \"home\"
+are defined."
+  ;; CMUCL already defines a HOME translation of its own and gets
+  ;; angry if we try to redefine it
+  #-cmu
+  (be home (user-homedir-pathname)
+    ;; we should discard and replace whatever has been defined in any
+    ;; rc file during compilation
+    (setf (logical-pathname-translations "home")
+	  (list
+	   (list "**;*.*.*"
+		 (make-pathname :defaults home
+				:directory (append (pathname-directory home)
+						   '(:wild-inferiors))
+				:name :wild
+				:type :wild))))))
+(defun parse-native-namestring (string &optional host (defaults *default-pathname-defaults*)
+				&key (start 0) end junk-allowed)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:parse-native-namestring string host defaults
+					 :start start
+					 :end end
+					 :junk-allowed junk-allowed)
+  #-sbcl (let (#+cmu(lisp::*ignore-wildcards* t))
+	   (parse-namestring string host defaults
+			     :start start
+			     :end end
+			     :junk-allowed junk-allowed)))
+(defun native-namestring (pathname)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring pathname)
+  #-sbcl (let (#+cmu (lisp::*ignore-wildcards* t))
+	   (namestring pathname)))
+(defun native-file-namestring (pathname)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-namestring
+	  (make-pathname :name (pathname-name pathname)
+			 :type (pathname-type pathname)))
+  #+cmu (be lisp::*ignore-wildcards* t
+	  (file-namestring pathname)))
+(defun native-pathname (thing)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:native-pathname thing)
+  #+cmu (be lisp::*ignore-wildcards* t
+	  (pathname thing)))
+(defun bits-set-p (x bits)
+  (= (logand x bits)
+     bits))
+(defun directory-p (pathname)
+  "Return true if PATHNAME names a directory on the filesystem."
+  #-clisp (awhen (unix-stat (native-namestring pathname))
+	    (bits-set-p (stat-mode it)
+			#+sbcl sb-posix:s-ifdir
+			#+cmu unix:s-ifdir))
+  #+clisp (ext:probe-directory (pathname-as-directory pathname)))
+(defun regular-file-p (pathname)
+  "Return true if PATHNAME names a regular file on the filesystem."
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know how to check whether a file might be a regular file")
+  (awhen (unix-stat (native-namestring pathname))
+    (bits-set-p (stat-mode it)
+		#+sbcl sb-posix:s-ifreg
+		#+cmu unix:s-ifreg)))
+(defun file-readable-p (pathname)
+  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-access (native-namestring pathname) sb-unix:r_ok)
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-access (native-namestring pathname) unix:r_ok)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know how to check whether a file might be readable"))
+(defun file-writable-p (pathname)
+  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-access (native-namestring pathname) sb-unix:w_ok)
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-access (native-namestring pathname) unix:w_ok)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know how to check whether a file might be writable"))
+(defun file-executable-p (pathname)
+  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-access (native-namestring pathname) sb-unix:x_ok)
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-access (native-namestring pathname) unix:x_ok)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know how to check whether a file might be executable"))
+(defstruct (unix-file-stat (:conc-name stat-))
+  device
+  inode
+  links
+  atime
+  mtime
+  ctime
+  size
+  blksize
+  blocks
+  uid
+  gid
+  mode)
+(defun unix-stat (pathname)
+  ;; this could be different depending on the unix systems
+  (multiple-value-bind (ok? device inode mode links uid gid rdev
+			    size atime mtime ctime
+			    blksize blocks)
+      (#+cmu unix:unix-lstat
+       #+sbcl sb-unix:unix-lstat
+       (if (stringp pathname)
+	   pathname
+	   (native-namestring pathname)))
+    (declare (ignore rdev))
+    (when ok?
+      (make-unix-file-stat :device device
+			   :inode inode
+			   :links links
+			   :atime atime
+			   :mtime mtime
+			   :ctime ctime
+			   :size size
+			   :blksize blksize
+			   :blocks blocks
+			   :uid uid
+			   :gid gid
+			   :mode mode))))
+(defun stat-modification-time (stat)
+  "Return the modification time of the STAT structure as Lisp
+Universal Time, which is not the same as the Unix time."
+  (unix->universal-time (stat-mtime stat)))
+(defun stat-creation-time (stat)
+  "Return the creation time of the STAT structure as Lisp
+Universal Time, which is not the same as the Unix time."
+  (unix->universal-time (stat-ctime stat)))
+(defun file-modification-time (file)
+  "Return the modification time of FILE as Lisp Universal Time, which
+is not the same as the Unix time."
+  (awhen (unix-stat file)
+    (stat-modification-time it)))
+(defun file-creation-time (file)
+  "Return the creation time of FILE as Lisp Universal Time, which
+is not the same as the Unix time."
+  (awhen (unix-stat file)
+    (stat-creation-time it)))
+(defun read-symbolic-link (symlink)
+  "Return the pathname the SYMLINK points to.  That is, it's
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:readlink (native-namestring symlink))
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-readlink (native-namestring symlink)))
+;; FILE-LENGTH is a bit idiosyncratic in this respect.  Besides, Unix
+;; allows to get to know the file size without being able to open a
+;; file; just ask politely.
+(defun file-size (pathname)
+  (stat-size (unix-stat pathname)))
+(defun symbolic-link-p (pathname)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know hot to test for symbolic links.")
+  (aand (unix-stat pathname)
+	(bits-set-p (stat-mode it)
+		    #+sbcl sb-posix:s-iflnk
+		    #+cmu unix:s-iflnk)))
+(defun broken-link-p (pathname)
+ (when (symbolic-link-p pathname)
+   #+cmu (not (ignore-errors (truename pathname)))
+   ;; On a broken symlink SBCL returns the link path without resolving
+   ;; the link itself.  De gustibus non est disputandum.
+   #+sbcl (equalp pathname (probe-file pathname))))
+(defun move-file (old new)
+  "Just like RENAME-FILE, but doesn't carry on to NEW file the type of
+OLD file, if NEW doesn't specify one.  It does what most people would
+expect from a rename function, which RENAME-FILE doesn't do.
+So (MOVE-FILE \"foo.bar\" \"foo\") does rename foo.bar to foo, losing
+the \"bar\" type; RENAME-FILE wouldn't allow you that."
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:rename (native-namestring old) (native-namestring new))
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-rename (native-namestring old) (native-namestring new)))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/lazy.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/lazy.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..18f6bfdb7109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/lazy.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+;;;  lazy.lisp --- lazy primitives
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: sclf
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: lazy.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+;;; Lazy primitives
+(in-package :sclf)
+(defstruct promise
+  procedure
+  value)
+(defmacro lazy (form)
+  `(make-promise :procedure #'(lambda () ,form)))
+(defun forced-p (promise)
+  (null (promise-procedure promise)))
+(defun force (promise)
+  (if (forced-p promise)
+      (promise-value promise)
+      (prog1 (setf (promise-value promise)
+		   (funcall (promise-procedure promise)))
+	(setf (promise-procedure promise) nil))))
+(defmacro deflazy (name value &optional documentation)
+  `(defparameter ,name (lazy ,value)
+     ,@(when documentation
+	     (list documentation))))
+(defclass lazy-metaclass (standard-class)
+  ()
+  (:documentation "Metaclass for object having lazy slots.  Lazy slots
+should be specified with the :LAZY keyword which must be a function of
+one argument.  If required this function will be called once to get
+the value to memoize in the slot.  Lazy slots can also be set/read as
+any other."))
+(defmethod validate-superclass ((class lazy-metaclass) (super standard-class))
+  "Lazy classes may inherit from ordinary classes."
+  (declare (ignore class super))
+  t)
+(defmethod validate-superclass ((class standard-class) (super lazy-metaclass))
+  "Ordinary classes may inherit from lazy classes."
+  (declare (ignore class super))
+  t)
+(defclass lazy-slot-mixin ()
+  ((lazy-function :initarg :lazy
+		   :reader lazy-slot-function
+		   :initform nil))
+  (:documentation
+   "Slot for LAZY-METACLASS classes.  Lazy slots must be declared with
+the argument :LAZY which must be a function accepting the object
+instance as argument."))
+(defclass lazy-direct-slot-definition (lazy-slot-mixin standard-direct-slot-definition)
+  ())
+(defclass lazy-effective-slot-definition (lazy-slot-mixin standard-effective-slot-definition)
+  ())
+(defmethod direct-slot-definition-class ((class lazy-metaclass) &rest initargs)
+  (if (getf initargs :lazy nil)
+      (find-class 'lazy-direct-slot-definition)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod effective-slot-definition-class ((class lazy-metaclass) &rest initargs)
+  (if (getf initargs :lazy nil)
+      (find-class 'lazy-effective-slot-definition)
+      (call-next-method)))
+(defmethod compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs ((class lazy-metaclass) direct-slots)
+  (let ((ds (car direct-slots)))
+    (if (typep ds 'lazy-direct-slot-definition)
+      (let ((form (lazy-slot-function ds))
+	    (args (call-next-method)))
+	(when (or (getf args :initarg)
+		  (getf args :initform))
+	  (error "Lazy slot ~S cannot have :INITARG nor :INITFORM arguments." ds))
+	(list* :lazy
+	       (cond ((and (listp form)
+			   (eq 'lambda (car form)))
+		      (compile nil form))
+		     ((symbolp form)
+		      form)
+		     (t (compile nil `(lambda (self)
+					(declare (ignorable self))
+					,form))))
+	       args))
+      (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod slot-value-using-class ((class lazy-metaclass) instance (slot lazy-slot-mixin))
+  (declare (ignore class))
+  ;; If the slot is unbound, call the lazy function passing the
+  ;; instance and memoize the value in the slot.
+  (unless (slot-boundp-using-class class instance slot)
+    (setf (slot-value-using-class class instance slot)
+	  (funcall (lazy-slot-function slot) instance)))
+  (call-next-method))
+(defun reset-lazy-slots (object)
+  "Unbind all the lazy slots in OBJECT so that they will be
+re-evaluated next time their value is requested again."
+  (be* class (class-of object)
+    (dolist (slot (class-slots class))
+      (when (typep slot 'lazy-effective-slot-definition)
+	(slot-makunbound object (slot-definition-name slot))))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/README b/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/README
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a0732c029453
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/README
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+This directory contains an uniforming layer for multiprocessing in the
+style supported by Allegro Common Lisp and CMUCL.  Almost nothing of
+this has been written by me.  It's mostly the work of Gilbert Baumann
+(unk6@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de) and I've shamelessly lifted it from McCLIM.
+The copyright disclaimer in this code is compatible with the one of
+SCLF, so I believe there should be no legal issues.
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/cmu.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/cmu.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6617f6dadd5d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/cmu.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+;;; Code freely lifted from various places with compatible license
+;;; terms.  Most of this code is copyright Gilbert Baumann
+;;; <unk6@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>.  The bugs are copyright Walter
+;;; C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>.
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :sclf)
+(defun make-lock (&optional name)
+  (mp:make-lock name))
+(defun make-recursive-lock (&optional name)
+  (mp:make-lock name :kind :recursive))
+(defmacro with-lock-held ((lock &key whostate (wait t) timeout) &body forms)
+  `(mp:with-lock-held (,lock ,(or whostate "Lock Wait")
+			     :wait wait
+			     ,@(when timeout (list :timeout timeout)))
+     ,@forms))
+(defmacro with-recursive-lock-held ((lock &key wait timeout) &body forms)
+  `(mp:with-lock-held (,lock
+		       ,@(when wait (list :wait wait))
+		       ,@(when timeout (list :timeout timeout)))
+     ,@forms))
+(defstruct condition-variable
+  (lock (make-lock "condition variable"))
+  (value nil)
+  (process-queue nil))
+(defun %release-lock (lock) ; copied from with-lock-held in multiproc.lisp
+  #+i486 (kernel:%instance-set-conditional
+	  lock 2 mp:*current-process* nil)
+  #-i486 (when (eq (lock-process lock) mp:*current-process*)
+	   (setf (lock-process lock) nil)))
+(defun condition-wait (cv lock &optional timeout)
+  (declare (ignore timeout))		;For now
+  (loop
+     (let ((cv-lock (condition-variable-lock cv)))
+       (with-lock-held (cv-lock)
+	 (when (condition-variable-value cv)
+	   (setf (condition-variable-value cv) nil)
+	   (return-from condition-wait t))
+	 (setf (condition-variable-process-queue cv)
+	       (nconc (condition-variable-process-queue cv)
+		      (list mp:*current-process*)))
+	 (%release-lock lock))
+       (mp:process-add-arrest-reason mp:*current-process* cv)
+       (let ((cv-val nil))
+	 (with-lock-held (cv-lock)
+	   (setq cv-val (condition-variable-value cv))
+	   (when cv-val
+	     (setf (condition-variable-value cv) nil)))
+	 (when cv-val
+	   (mp::lock-wait lock "waiting for condition variable lock")
+	   (return-from condition-wait t))))))
+(defun condition-notify (cv)
+  (with-lock-held ((condition-variable-lock cv))
+    (let ((proc (pop (condition-variable-process-queue cv))))
+      ;; The waiting process may have released the CV lock but not
+      ;; suspended itself yet
+      (when proc
+	(loop
+	 for activep = (mp:process-active-p proc)
+	 while activep
+	 do (mp:process-yield))
+	(setf (condition-variable-value cv) t)
+	(mp:process-revoke-arrest-reason proc cv))))
+  ;; Give the other process a chance
+  (mp:process-yield))
+(defun process-execute (process function)
+  (mp:process-preset process function)
+  ;; For some obscure reason process-preset doesn't make the process
+  ;; runnable.  I'm sure it's me who didn't understand how
+  ;; multiprocessing works under CMUCL, despite the vast documentation
+  ;; available.
+  (mp:enable-process process)
+  (mp:process-add-run-reason process :enable))
+(defun destroy-process (process)
+  ;; silnetly ignore a process that is trying to destroy itself
+  (unless (eq (mp:current-process)
+	      process)
+    (mp:destroy-process process)))
+(defun restart-process (process)
+  (mp:restart-process process)
+  (mp:enable-process process)
+  (mp:process-add-run-reason process :enable))
+(defun process-alive-p (process)
+  (mp:process-alive-p process))
+(defun process-join (process)
+  (error "PROCESS-JOIN not support under CMUCL."))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/sbcl.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/sbcl.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f47ec9c615f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/mp/sbcl.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+;;; Code freely lifted from various places with compatible license
+;;; terms.  Most of this code is copyright Daniel Barlow
+;;; <dan@metacircles.com> or Gilbert Baumann
+;;; <unk6@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de>.  The bugs are copyright Walter
+;;; C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>.
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+;;; version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Library General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the 
+;;; Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, 
+;;; Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA.
+(in-package :sclf)
+(defstruct (process
+	     (:constructor %make-process)
+	     (:predicate processp))
+  name
+  state
+  whostate
+  function
+  thread)
+(defvar *current-process*
+  (%make-process
+   :name "initial process" :function nil
+   :thread
+   #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol "THREAD-NAME" "SB-THREAD") '(and) '(or))
+   sb-thread:*current-thread*
+   #-#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol "THREAD-NAME" "SB-THREAD") '(and) '(or))
+   (sb-thread:current-thread-id)))
+(defvar *all-processes* (list *current-process*))
+(defvar *all-processes-lock*
+  (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "Lock around *ALL-PROCESSES*"))
+;; we implement disable-process by making the disablee attempt to lock
+;; *permanent-queue*, which is already locked because we locked it
+;; here.  enable-process just interrupts the lock attempt.
+(defmacro get-mutex (mutex &optional (wait t))
+  `(
+    #+#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol "GRAB-MUTEX" "SB-THREAD") '(and) '(or))
+	sb-thread:grab-mutex
+	#-#.(cl:if (cl:find-symbol "GRAB-MUTEX" "SB-THREAD") '(and) '(or))
+	sb-thread:get-mutex
+	,mutex :waitp ,wait))
+(defvar *permanent-queue*
+  (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "Lock for disabled threads"))
+(unless (sb-thread:mutex-owner *permanent-queue*)
+  (get-mutex *permanent-queue* nil))
+(defun make-process (function &key name)
+  (let ((p (%make-process :name name
+			  :function function)))
+    (sb-thread:with-mutex (*all-processes-lock*)
+      (pushnew p *all-processes*))
+    (restart-process p)))
+(defun process-kill-thread (process)
+  (let ((thread (process-thread process)))
+    (when (and thread
+	       (sb-thread:thread-alive-p thread))
+      (assert (not (eq thread sb-thread:*current-thread*)))
+      (sb-thread:terminate-thread thread)
+      ;; Wait until all the clean-up forms are done.
+      (sb-thread:join-thread thread :default nil))
+    (setf (process-thread process) nil)))
+(defun process-join (process)
+  (sb-thread:join-thread (process-thread process)))
+(defun restart-process (p)
+  (labels ((boing ()
+	     (let ((*current-process* p)
+		   (function (process-function p)))
+	       (when function
+		 (funcall function)))))
+    (process-kill-thread p)
+    (when (setf (process-thread p)
+		(sb-thread:make-thread #'boing :name (process-name p)))
+      p)))
+(defun destroy-process (process)
+  (sb-thread:with-mutex (*all-processes-lock*)
+    (setf *all-processes* (delete process *all-processes*)))
+  (process-kill-thread process))
+(defun current-process ()
+  *current-process*)
+(defun all-processes ()
+  ;; we're calling DELETE on *ALL-PROCESSES*.  If we look up the value
+  ;; while that delete is executing, we could end up with nonsense.
+  ;; Better use a lock (or call REMOVE instead in DESTROY-PROCESS).
+  (sb-thread:with-mutex (*all-processes-lock*)
+    *all-processes*))
+(defun process-yield ()
+  (sb-thread:thread-yield))
+(defun process-wait (reason predicate)
+  (let ((old-state (process-whostate *current-process*)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	 (progn
+	   (setf old-state (process-whostate *current-process*)
+		 (process-whostate *current-process*) reason)
+	   (until (funcall predicate)
+	     (process-yield)))
+      (setf (process-whostate *current-process*) old-state))))
+(defun process-wait-with-timeout (reason timeout predicate)
+  (let ((old-state (process-whostate *current-process*))
+	(end-time (+ (get-universal-time) timeout)))
+    (unwind-protect
+	 (progn
+	   (setf old-state (process-whostate *current-process*)
+		 (process-whostate *current-process*) reason)
+	   (loop 
+	      for result = (funcall predicate)
+	      until (or result
+			(> (get-universal-time) end-time))
+	      do (process-yield)
+	      finally (return result)))
+      (setf (process-whostate *current-process*) old-state))))
+(defun process-interrupt (process function)
+  (sb-thread:interrupt-thread (process-thread process) function))
+(defun disable-process (process)
+  (sb-thread:interrupt-thread
+   (process-thread process)
+   (lambda ()
+     (catch 'interrupted-wait (get-mutex *permanent-queue*)))))
+(defun enable-process (process)
+  (sb-thread:interrupt-thread
+   (process-thread process) (lambda () (throw 'interrupted-wait nil))))
+(defmacro without-scheduling (&body body)
+  (declare (ignore body))
+  (error "WITHOUT-SCHEDULING is not supported on this platform."))
+(defparameter *atomic-lock*
+  (sb-thread:make-mutex :name "atomic incf/decf"))
+(defmacro atomic-incf (place)
+  `(sb-thread:with-mutex (*atomic-lock*)
+    (incf ,place)))
+(defmacro atomic-decf (place) 
+  `(sb-thread:with-mutex (*atomic-lock*)
+    (decf ,place)))
+;;; 32.3 Locks
+(defun make-lock (&optional name)
+  (sb-thread:make-mutex :name name))
+(defmacro with-lock-held ((place &key state (wait t) timeout) &body body)
+  (declare (ignore timeout))
+  (let ((old-state (gensym "OLD-STATE")))
+    `(sb-thread:with-mutex (,place :wait-p ,wait)
+       (let (,old-state)
+	 (unwind-protect
+	      (progn
+		(when ,state
+		  (setf ,old-state (process-state *current-process*))
+		  (setf (process-state *current-process*) ,state))
+		,@body)
+	   (setf (process-state *current-process*) ,old-state))))))
+(defun make-recursive-lock (&optional name)
+  (sb-thread:make-mutex :name name))
+(defmacro with-recursive-lock-held ((place &optional state (wait t) timeout) &body body)
+  (declare (ignore wait timeout))
+  (let ((old-state (gensym "OLD-STATE")))
+  `(sb-thread:with-recursive-lock (,place)
+    (let (,old-state)
+      (unwind-protect
+	   (progn
+	     (when ,state
+	       (setf ,old-state (process-state *current-process*))
+	       (setf (process-state *current-process*) ,state))
+	     ,@body)
+	(setf (process-state *current-process*) ,old-state))))))
+(defun make-condition-variable () (sb-thread:make-waitqueue))
+(defun condition-wait (cv lock &optional timeout)
+  (if timeout
+      (handler-case 
+	  (sb-ext:with-timeout timeout
+	    (sb-thread:condition-wait cv lock)
+	    t)
+	(sb-ext:timeout (c)
+	  (declare (ignore c))
+	  nil))
+      (progn (sb-thread:condition-wait cv lock) t)))
+(defun condition-notify (cv)
+  (sb-thread:condition-notify cv))
+(defvar *process-plists* (make-hash-table)
+  "Hash table mapping processes to a property list.  This is used by
+(defun process-property-list (process)
+  (gethash process *process-plists*))
+(defun (setf process-property-list) (value process)
+  (setf (gethash process *process-plists*) value))
+(defun process-execute (process function)
+  (setf (process-function process) function)
+  (restart-process process))
+(defun process-alive-p (process)
+  (sb-thread:thread-alive-p (process-thread process)))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/package.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/package.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..652194f93cad
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/package.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,258 @@
+;;;  package.lisp --- packages description
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2021 by the TVL Authors
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: sclf
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: package.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :sclf
+  (:use :common-lisp
+	;; we need the MOP for lazy.lisp and serial.lisp
+	#+cmu :pcl
+	#+sbcl :sb-mop)
+  ;; Don't know why but compute-effective-slot-definition-initargs is
+  ;; internal in both CMUCL and SBCL
+  (:import-from #+cmu"PCL" #+sbcl"SB-PCL"
+		#-(or cmu sbcl) "CLOS"
+  #+cmu (:import-from :mp
+		      #:make-process
+		      #:current-process
+		      #:all-processes
+		      #:processp
+		      #:process-name
+		      #:process-state
+		      #:process-whostate
+		      #:process-wait
+		      #:process-wait-with-timeout
+		      #:process-yield
+		      #:process-interrupt
+		      #:disable-process
+		      #:enable-process
+		      #:without-scheduling
+		      #:atomic-incf
+		      #:atomic-decf
+		      #:process-property-list)
+  (:export #:be #:be*
+	   #:defconst
+	   #:with-gensyms
+	   #:d+
+	   #:s+
+	   #:f++
+	   #:list->string
+	   #:string-starts-with #:string-ends-with
+	   #:aif #:awhen #:acond #:aand #:acase #:it
+	   #:+whitespace+
+	   #:string-trim-whitespace
+	   #:string-right-trim-whitespace
+	   #:string-left-trim-whitespace
+	   #:whitespace-p #:seq-whitespace-p
+	   #:not-empty
+	   #:position-any
+	   #:+month-names+
+	   #:find-any
+	   #:split-at
+	   #:split-string-at-char
+	   #:week-day->string
+	   #:month->string
+	   #:month-string->number
+	   #:add-months #:add-days
+	   #:read-whole-stream
+	   #:read-file #:write-file #:read-lines
+	   #:read-from-file #:write-to-file
+	   #:string-concat
+	   #:gcase
+	   #:string-truncate
+	   #:promise #:force #:forced-p #:lazy #:deflazy #:lazy-metaclass #:self #:reset-lazy-slots
+	   #:copy-stream #:copy-file
+	   #:symlink-file
+	   #:keywordify
+	   #:until
+	   #:year #:month #:day #:hour #:minute #:week-day #:week #:day-of-the-year
+	   #:beginning-of-week #:end-of-week
+	   #:next-week-day #:next-monday #:full-weeks-in-span
+	   #:beginning-of-first-week #:end-of-last-week
+	   #:beginning-of-month #:end-of-month
+	   #:locate-system-program
+	   #:*tmp-file-defaults*
+	   #:temp-file-name
+	   #:open-temp-file
+	   #:with-temp-file
+	   #:file-size
+	   #:getenv
+	   #:with-system-environment
+	   #:time-string #:iso-time-string #:parse-iso-time-string
+	   #:soundex
+	   #:string-soundex=
+	   #:lru-cache
+	   #:getcache #:cached
+	   #:print-time-span
+	   #:double-linked-list #:limited-list #:sorted-list
+	   #:insert #:size
+	   #:heap #:heap-add #:heap-pop #:heap-empty-p
+	   #:double-linked-element #:make-double-linked-element #:double-linked-element-p
+	   #:dle-previous #:dle-next #:dle-value
+	   #:cons-dle #:dle-remove #:dle-map #:do-dle :do-dle*
+	   #:sl-map #:do-dll #:do-dll*
+	   #:dll-find #:dll-find-cursor
+	   #:push-first #:push-last #:dll-remove
+	   #:pop-first #:pop-last
+	   #:leap-year-p #:last-day-of-month
+	   #:getuid #:setuid #:with-euid
+	   #:get-logname #:get-user-name #:get-user-home #:find-uid
+	   #:super-user-p
+	   #:pathname-as-directory #:pathname-as-file
+	   #:alist->plist #:plist->alist
+	   #:byte-vector->string
+	   #:string->byte-vector
+	   #:outdated-p
+	   #:with-hidden-temp-file
+	   #:let-places #:let-slots
+	   #:*decimal-point*
+	   #:*thousands-comma*
+	   #:format-amount #:parse-amount
+	   #:with-package
+	   #:make-directory #:ensure-directory
+	   #:make-temp-directory
+	   #:with-temp-directory
+	   #:delete-directory
+	   #:delete-directory-tree
+	   #:do-directory-tree
+	   #:traverse-directory-tree
+	   #:empty-directory-p
+	   #:remove-empty-directories
+	   #:map-directory-tree
+	   #:find-files
+	   #:directory-p
+	   #:regular-file-p
+	   #:file-readable-p
+	   #:file-writable-p
+	   #:file-executable-p
+	   #:current-directory
+	   #:ensure-home-translations
+	   #:list-directory
+	   #:string-escape
+	   #:string-substitute
+	   #:bytes-simple-string
+	   #:make-lock-files
+	   #:with-lock-files
+	   #:getpid
+	   #:on-error
+	   #:floor-to
+	   #:round-to
+	   #:ceiling-to
+	   #:insert-in-order
+	   #:forget-documentation
+	   #:load-compiled
+	   #:swap
+	   #:queue #:make-queue #:queue-append #:queue-pop #:queue-empty-p
+	   #:unix-stat #:unix-file-stat
+	   #:stat-device
+	   #:stat-inode
+	   #:stat-links
+	   #:stat-atime
+	   #:stat-mtime
+	   #:stat-ctime
+	   #:stat-birthtime
+	   #:stat-size
+	   #:stat-blksize
+	   #:stat-blocks
+	   #:stat-uid
+	   #:stat-gid
+	   #:stat-mode
+	   #:save-file-excursion
+	   #:stat-modification-time
+	   #:stat-creation-time
+	   #:file-modification-time
+	   #:file-creation-time
+	   #:show
+	   #:memoize-function
+	   #:memoized
+	   #:defun-memoized
+	   #:parse-native-namestring
+	   #:native-file-namestring
+	   #:native-namestring
+	   #:native-pathname
+	   #:read-symbolic-link
+	   #:symbolic-link-p
+	   #:broken-link-p
+	   #:circular-list
+	   #:last-member
+	   #:glob->regex
+	   #:universal->unix-time #:unix->universal-time
+	   #:get-unix-time
+	   #:move-file
+	   ;; sysproc.lisp
+	   #:*run-verbose*
+	   #:run-pipe
+	   #:run-program
+	   #:run-shell-command
+	   #:run-async-shell-command
+	   #:exit-code
+	   #:with-open-pipe
+	   #:*bourne-shell*
+	   #:sysproc-kill
+	   #:sysproc-input
+	   #:sysproc-output
+	   #:sysproc-alive-p
+	   #:sysproc-pid
+	   #:sysproc-p
+	   #:sysproc-wait
+	   #:sysproc-exit-code
+	   #:sysproc-set-signal-callback
+	   ;; MP
+	   #:make-process
+	   #:destroy-process
+	   #:current-process
+	   #:all-processes
+	   #:processp
+	   #:process-name
+	   #:process-state
+	   #:process-whostate
+	   #:process-wait
+	   #:process-wait-with-timeout
+	   #:process-yield
+	   #:process-interrupt
+	   #:disable-process
+	   #:enable-process
+	   #:restart-process
+	   #:without-scheduling
+	   #:atomic-incf
+	   #:atomic-decf
+	   #:process-property-list
+	   #:process-alive-p
+	   #:process-join
+	   ;;
+	   #:make-lock
+	   #:with-lock-held
+	   #:make-recursive-lock
+	   #:with-recursive-lock-held
+	   ;;
+	   #:make-condition-variable
+	   #:condition-wait
+	   #:condition-notify
+	   #:process-property-list
+	   #:process-execute
+	   ;; mop.lisp
+	   #:printable-object-mixin
+	   ))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.asd b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.asd
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dfb56a8ded0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.asd
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+;;;  sclf.asd --- system definition
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2008, 2009 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2021 by the TVL Authors
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: SCLF
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: sclf.asd, Time-stamp: <2013-06-17 15:32:29 wcp> $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :cl-user)
+(defpackage :sclf-system
+  (:use :common-lisp :asdf #+asdfa :asdfa))
+(in-package :sclf-system)
+(defsystem sclf
+    :name "SCLF"
+    :author "Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>"
+    :maintainer "Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>"
+    ;; :version "0.0"
+    :description "Stray Common Lisp Functions"
+    :long-description
+    "A collection of Common Lisp functions for the most disparate
+uses, too small to fit anywhere else."
+    :licence "LGPL"
+    :depends-on (#+sbcl :sb-posix)
+    :components
+    ((:doc-file "README")
+     (:file "package")
+     (:file "sclf" :depends-on ("package"))
+     (:file "sysproc" :depends-on ("package" "sclf"))
+     (:file "lazy" :depends-on ("package" "sclf"))
+     (:file "time" :depends-on ("package" "sclf"))
+     (:file "directory" :depends-on ("package" "sclf" "time"))
+     (:file "serial" :depends-on ("package" "sclf"))
+     (:module "mp"
+	      :depends-on ("package" "sclf")
+	      :components
+	      ((:doc-file "README")
+	       (:file #.(first
+			 (list #+cmu "cmu"
+			       #+sbcl "sbcl"
+			       "unknown")))))))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d587da8eb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sclf.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,1717 @@
+;;;  sclf.lisp --- miscellanea
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: SCLF
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: sclf.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+;;;  Commentary:
+;;; This is a collection of Common Lisp functions of the most disparate
+;;; uses and purposes.  These functions are too small or too unrelated
+;;; to each other to deserve an own module.
+;;; If you want to indent properly the following macros you should add
+;;; the following lines to your .emacs file:
+;;; (defun cl-indent-be (path state indent-point sexp-column normal-indent)
+;;;   (let ((sexp-start (cadr state))
+;;; 	(i 0))
+;;;     (save-excursion
+;;;       (goto-char sexp-start)
+;;;       (forward-char)
+;;;       (+ sexp-column
+;;; 	 (block indentation
+;;; 	   (condition-case nil
+;;; 	       (while (< (point) indent-point)
+;;; 		 (setq i (1+ i))
+;;; 		 (when (and (= 0 (logand i 1))
+;;; 			    (looking-at "[\t\n ]*\\s("))
+;;; 		   (return-from indentation 2))
+;;; 		 (forward-sexp))
+;;; 	     (error nil))
+;;; 	   (if (= 1 (logand i 1))
+;;; 	       6 4))))))
+;;; (put 'be 'common-lisp-indent-function 'cl-indent-be)
+;;; (put 'be* 'common-lisp-indent-function 'cl-indent-be)
+;;; (put 'awhen 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+;;; (put 'gcase 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+;;; (put 'acase 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+;;; (put 'acond 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+;;; (put 'until 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(cl:in-package :sclf)
+(defmacro be (&rest bindings-and-body)
+  "Less-parenthetic let."
+  (let ((bindings
+	 (loop
+	    while (and (symbolp (car bindings-and-body))
+		       (cdr bindings-and-body))
+	    collect (list (pop bindings-and-body)
+			  (pop bindings-and-body)))))
+    `(let ,bindings
+       ,@bindings-and-body)))
+(defmacro be* (&rest bindings-and-body)
+  "Less-parenthetic let*."
+  (let ((bindings
+	 (loop
+	    while (and (symbolp (car bindings-and-body))
+		       (cdr bindings-and-body))
+	    collect (list (pop bindings-and-body)
+			  (pop bindings-and-body)))))
+    `(let* ,bindings
+       ,@bindings-and-body)))
+(defmacro defconst (name value &rest etc)
+  "For some reason SBCL, between usefulness and adherence to the ANSI
+standard, has chosen the latter, thus rendering the DEFCONSTANT pretty
+useless.  This macro works around that problem."
+  #+sbcl (list* 'defvar name value etc)
+  #-sbcl (list* 'defconstant name value etc))
+(defmacro with-gensyms ((&rest symbols) &body body)
+  "Gensym all SYMBOLS and make them available in BODY.
+See also LET-GENSYMS."
+  `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (s)
+		     (list s '(gensym))) symbols)
+     ,@body))
+(defun s+ (&rest strings)
+  "Return a string which is made of the concatenation of STRINGS."
+  (apply #'concatenate 'string strings))
+(defun string-starts-with (prefix string &optional (compare #'string=))
+  (be prefix-length (length prefix)
+    (and (>= (length string) prefix-length)
+	 (funcall compare prefix string :end2 prefix-length))))
+(defun string-ends-with (postfix string &optional (compare #'string=))
+  "Return true if STRING's last characters are the same as POSTFIX."
+  (be postfix-length (length postfix)
+      string-length (length string)
+    (and (>= string-length postfix-length)
+	 (funcall compare postfix string :start2 (- string-length postfix-length)))))
+(defun string-substitute (from to sequence &key (start 0) end (test #'eql))
+  "Replace in SEQUENCE occurrences of FROM with TO.  FROM and TO don't
+need to be the same length."
+  (be from-length (length from)
+    (with-output-to-string (out)
+      (write-string sequence out :start 0 :end start)
+      (loop
+	 for position = (search from sequence :start2 start :end2 end :test test)
+	 while position
+	 do
+	   (write-string sequence out :start start :end position)
+	   (write-string to out)
+	   (setf start (+ position from-length))
+	 finally (write-string (subseq sequence start) out)))))
+(defun string-escape (string character &key (escape-character #\\) (escape-escape t))
+  "Prepend all occurences of CHARACTER in STRING with a
+  (with-output-to-string (stream)
+    (loop
+       for c across string
+       when (or (char= c character)
+		(and escape-escape
+		     (char= c escape-character)))
+       do (write-char escape-character stream)
+       do (write-char c stream))))
+(defmacro aif (test then &optional else)
+  `(be it ,test
+     (if it
+	 ,then
+	 ,else)))
+(defmacro awhen (test &body then)
+  `(be it ,test
+     (when it
+       ,@then)))
+(defmacro acond (&body forms)
+  (when forms
+    `(aif ,(caar forms)
+	  (progn ,@(cdar forms))
+	  (acond ,@(cdr forms)))))
+(defmacro aand (&rest args)
+  (cond ((null args) t)
+	((null (cdr args)) (car args))
+	(t `(aif ,(car args) (aand ,@(cdr args))))))
+(defmacro acase (condition &body forms)
+  `(be it ,condition
+     (case it ,@forms)))
+(defconst +whitespace+ '(#\return #\newline #\tab #\space #\page))
+(defun string-trim-whitespace (string)
+  (string-trim +whitespace+ string))
+(defun string-right-trim-whitespace (string)
+  (string-right-trim +whitespace+ string))
+(defun string-left-trim-whitespace (string)
+  (string-left-trim +whitespace+ string))
+(defun whitespace-p (char)
+  (member char +whitespace+))
+(defun seq-whitespace-p (sequence)
+  (every #'whitespace-p sequence))
+(defun not-empty (sequence)
+  "Return SEQUENCE if it's not empty, otherwise NIL.
+NIL is indeed empty."
+  (when (or (listp sequence)
+	    (not (zerop (length sequence))))
+      sequence))
+(defun position-any (bag sequence &rest position-args)
+  "Find any element of bag in sequence and return its position.
+Accept any argument accepted by the POSITION function."
+  (apply #'position-if #'(lambda (element)
+			   (find element bag)) sequence position-args))
+(defun find-any (bag sequence &rest find-args)
+  "Find any element of bag in sequence.  Accept any argument
+accepted by the FIND function."
+  (apply #'find-if #'(lambda (element)
+			   (find element bag)) sequence find-args))
+(defun split-at (bag sequence &key (start 0) key)
+  "Split SEQUENCE at occurence of any element from BAG.
+Contiguous occurences of elements from BAG are considered atomic;
+so no empty sequence is returned."
+  (be len (length sequence)
+    (labels ((split-from (start)
+	       (unless (>= start len)
+		 (be sep (position-any bag sequence :start start :key key)
+		   (cond ((not sep)
+			  (list (subseq sequence start)))
+			 ((> sep start)
+			  (cons (subseq sequence start sep)
+				(split-from (1+ sep))))
+			 (t
+			  (split-from (1+ start))))))))
+      (split-from start))))
+(defun split-string-at-char (string separator &key escape skip-empty)
+  "Split STRING at SEPARATORs and return a list of the substrings.  If
+SKIP-EMPTY is true then filter out the empty substrings.  If ESCAPE is
+not nil then split at SEPARATOR only if it's not preceded by ESCAPE."
+  (declare (type string string) (type character separator))
+  (labels ((next-separator (beg)
+             (be pos (position separator string :start beg)
+	       (if (and escape
+			pos
+			(plusp pos)
+			(char= escape (char string (1- pos))))
+		   (next-separator (1+ pos))
+		   pos)))
+           (parse (beg)
+             (cond ((< beg (length string))
+                    (let* ((end (next-separator beg))
+                           (substring (subseq string beg end)))
+                      (cond ((and skip-empty (string= "" substring))
+                             (parse (1+ end)))
+                            ((not end)
+                             (list substring))
+                            (t
+			     (cons substring (parse (1+ end)))))))
+                   (skip-empty
+		    '())
+                   (t
+		    (list "")))))
+    (parse 0)))
+(defun copy-stream (in out)
+  (loop
+     for c = (read-char in nil)
+     while c
+     do (write-char c out)))
+(defun pathname-as-file (pathname)
+  "Converts PATHNAME to file form and return it."
+  (unless (pathnamep pathname)
+    (setf pathname (pathname pathname)))
+  (cond ((pathname-name pathname)
+	 pathname)
+	((stringp (car (last (pathname-directory pathname))))
+	 (be name (parse-native-namestring (car (last (pathname-directory pathname))))
+	   (make-pathname :directory (butlast (pathname-directory pathname))
+			  :name (pathname-name name)
+			  :type (pathname-type name)
+			  :defaults pathname)))
+	;; it can't be done?
+	(t pathname)))
+(defun copy-file (file copy-file &key (if-exists :error))
+  (with-open-file (in file)
+    (with-open-file (out copy-file :direction :output :if-exists if-exists)
+      (copy-stream in out))))
+(defun symlink-file (src dst &key (if-exists :error))
+  (when (and (eq :supersede if-exists)
+	     (probe-file dst))
+    (delete-file dst))
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:symlink src dst)
+  #+cmu(unix:unix-symlink (native-namestring src) (native-namestring dst))
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "don't know how to symlink files"))
+(defun read-whole-stream (stream)
+  "Read stream until the end and return it as a string."
+  (with-output-to-string (string)
+    (loop
+       for line = (read-line stream nil)
+       while line
+       do (write-line line string))))
+(defun read-lines (stream &optional n)
+  "Read N lines from stream and return them as a list of strings.  If
+N is NIL, read the whole stream til the end.  If the stream ends
+before N lines a read, this function will return those without
+signalling an error."
+  (loop
+     for line = (read-line stream nil)
+     for i from 0
+     while (and line
+		(or (not n)
+		    (< i n)))
+     collect line))
+(defun read-file (pathname &key (element-type 'character) (if-does-not-exist :error) default)
+  "Read the whole content of file and return it as a sequence which
+can be a string, a vector of bytes, or whatever you specify as
+  (with-open-file (in pathname
+		      :element-type element-type
+		      :if-does-not-exist (unless (eq :value if-does-not-exist)
+					   :error))
+    (if in
+	(be seq (make-array (file-length in) :element-type element-type)
+	  (read-sequence seq in)
+	  seq)
+	default)))
+(defun write-file (pathname contents &key (if-exists :error))
+  "Read the whole content of file and return it as a sequence which
+can be a string, a vector of bytes, or whatever you specify as
+  (with-open-file (out pathname
+		       :element-type (if (stringp contents)
+					 'character
+					 (array-element-type contents))
+		       :if-exists if-exists)
+    (write-sequence contents out)))
+(defun read-from-file (pathname &key (on-error :error) default)
+  "Similar to READ-FROM-STRING but for files.  Read the first Lisp
+object in file and return it.  If file does not exist or does not
+contain a readable Lisp object, ON-ERROR tells what to do.  If
+ON-ERROR is :ERROR, an error is signalled.  If ON-ERROR is :VALUE,
+DEFAULT is returned."
+  (ecase on-error
+    (:error
+     (with-open-file (in pathname)
+       (read in)))
+    (:value
+     (handler-case (with-open-file (in pathname)
+		     (read in))
+       (t ()
+	 default)))))
+(defun write-to-file (object pathname &key (if-exists :error) pretty)
+  "Similar to WRITE-TO-STRING but for files.  Write OBJECT to a file
+with pathname PATHNAME."
+  (with-open-file (out pathname :direction :output :if-exists if-exists)
+    (write object :stream out :escape t :readably t :pretty pretty)))
+(defun string-concat (list &optional (separator ""))
+  "Concatenate the strings in LIST interposing SEPARATOR (default
+nothing) between them."
+  (reduce #'(lambda (&rest args)
+	      (if args
+		  (s+ (car args) separator (cadr args))
+		  ""))
+	  list))
+;; to indent it properly: (put 'gcase 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(defmacro gcase ((value &optional (test 'equalp)) &rest cases)
+  "Generic CASE macro.  Match VALUE to CASES as if by the normal CASE
+but use TEST as the comparison function, which defaults to EQUALP."
+  (with-gensyms (val)
+    `(be ,val ,value
+       ,(cons 'cond
+	      (mapcar #'(lambda (case-desc)
+			  (destructuring-bind (vals &rest forms) case-desc
+			    `(,(cond ((consp vals)
+				      (cons 'or (mapcar #'(lambda (v)
+							    (list test val v))
+							vals)))
+				     ((or (eq vals 'otherwise)
+					  (eq vals t))
+				      t)
+				     (t (list test val vals)))
+			       ,@forms)))
+		      cases)))))
+(defun string-truncate (string max-length)
+  "If STRING is longer than MAX-LENGTH, return a shorter version.
+Otherwise return the same string unchanged."
+  (if (> (length string) max-length)
+      (subseq string 0 max-length)
+      string))
+;; to indent properly: (put 'until 'lisp-indent-function 1)
+(defmacro until (test &body body)
+  (with-gensyms (result)
+    `(loop
+	for ,result = ,test
+	until ,result
+	do (progn ,@body)
+	finally (return ,result))))
+(defun keywordify (string)
+  (intern (string-upcase string) :keyword))
+(defun locate-system-program (name)
+  "Given the NAME of a system program try to find it through the
+search of the environment variable PATH.  Return the full
+  (loop
+     for dir in (split-string-at-char (getenv "PATH") #\:)
+     for pathname = (merge-pathnames name (pathname-as-directory dir))
+     when (probe-file pathname)
+     return pathname))
+(defvar *tmp-file-defaults* #P"/tmp/")
+(defun temp-file-name (&optional (default *tmp-file-defaults*))
+  "Create a random pathname based on DEFAULT.  No effort is made
+to make sure that the returned pathname doesn't identify an
+already existing file.  If missing DEFAULT defaults to
+  (make-pathname :defaults default
+		 :name (format nil "~36R" (random #.(expt 36 10)))))
+(defun open-temp-file (&optional default-pathname &rest open-args)
+  "Open a new temporary file and return a stream to it.  This function
+makes sure the pathname of the temporary file is unique.  OPEN-ARGS
+are arguments passed verbatim to OPEN.  If OPEN-ARGS specify
+the :DIRECTION it should be either :OUTPUT (default) or :IO;
+any other value causes an error.  If DEFAULT-PATHNAME is specified and
+not NIL it's used as defaults to produce the pathname of the temporary
+file, otherwise *TMP-FILE-DEFAULTS* is used."
+  (unless default-pathname
+    (setf default-pathname *tmp-file-defaults*))
+  ;; if :DIRECTION is specified check that it's compatible with the
+  ;; purpose of this function, otherwise make it default to :OUTPUT
+  (aif (getf open-args :direction)
+       (unless (member it '(:output :io))
+	 (error "Can't create temporary file with open direction ~A." it))
+       (setf open-args (append '(:direction :output)
+			       open-args)))
+  (do* ((name #1=(temp-file-name default-pathname) #1#)
+	(stream #2=(apply #'open  name
+			  :if-exists nil
+			  :if-does-not-exist :create
+			  open-args) #2#))
+       (stream stream)))
+(defmacro with-temp-file ((stream &rest open-temp-args) &body body)
+  "Execute BODY within a dynamic extent where STREAM is bound to
+a STREAM open on a unique temporary file name.  OPEN-TEMP-ARGS are
+passed verbatim to OPEN-TEMP-FILE."
+  `(be ,stream (open-temp-file ,@open-temp-args)
+     (unwind-protect
+	  (progn ,@body)
+       (close ,stream)
+       ;; body may decide to rename the file so we must ignore the errors
+       (ignore-errors
+	 (delete-file (pathname ,stream))))))
+(defmacro with-hidden-temp-file ((stream &rest open-args) &body body)
+  "Just like WITH-TEMP-FILE but unlink (delete) the temporary file
+before the execution of BODY.  As such BODY won't be able to
+manipulate the file but through STREAM, and no other program is able
+to see it.  Once STREAM is closed the temporary file blocks are
+automatically relinquished by the operating system.  This works at
+least on Unix filesystems.  I don't know about MS-OSs where the system
+may likely decide to crash, take all your data with it and, in the
+meanwhile, report you to the NSA as terrorist."
+  `(be ,stream (open-temp-file ,@open-args)
+     (unwind-protect
+	  (progn (delete-file (pathname ,stream))
+		 ,@body)
+       (close ,stream))))
+(defun insert-in-order (item seq &key (test #'<) key)
+  "Destructively insert ITEM in LIST in order by TEST.  Return
+the new list.  This is a simple wrapper around MERGE."
+  (merge (if seq
+	     (type-of seq)
+	     'list)
+	 (list item) seq test :key key))
+(defmacro f++ (x &optional (delta 1))
+  "Same as INCF but hopefully optimised for fixnums."
+  `(setf ,x (+ (the fixnum ,x) (the fixnum ,delta))))
+(defun soundex (word &optional (key-length 4))
+  "Knuth's Soundex algorithm.  Returns a string representing the
+sound of a certain word (English).  Different words will thus
+yield the same output string.  To compare two string by the
+sound, simply do:
+   (string= (soundex str1) (soundex str2))
+   (soundex \"Knuth\") => \"K530\"
+   (soundex \"Kant\") => \"K530\"
+   (soundex \"Lloyd\") => \"L300\"
+   (soundex \"Ladd\") => \"L300\""
+  (declare (type string word))
+  (flet ((translate-char (char)
+	   (awhen (position char "BFPVCGJKQSXZDTLMNR")
+	     (elt "111122222222334556" it))))
+    (let ((key (make-string key-length :initial-element #\0))
+	  (word-length (length word)))
+      (setf (elt key 0) (elt word 0))
+      (loop
+	 with previous-sound = (translate-char (char-upcase (elt word 0)))
+	 with j = 1
+	 for i from 1 by 1 below word-length
+	 for c = (char-upcase (elt word i))
+	 while (< j key-length)
+	 do (be sound (translate-char c)
+	      (cond ((not (eq sound previous-sound))
+		     (unless (member c '(#\H #\W))
+		       (setf previous-sound sound))
+		     (when sound
+		       (setf (elt key j) sound)
+		       (incf j))))))
+      key)))
+(defun string-soundex= (string1 string2)
+  (let ((l1 (split-at +whitespace+ string1))
+	(l2 (split-at +whitespace+ string2)))
+    (and (= (length l1) (length l2))
+	 (every #'string= (mapcar #'soundex l1) (mapcar #'soundex l2)))))
+(defun soundex-test ()
+  (let* ((words1 '("Euler" "Gauss" "Hilbert" "Knuth" "Lloyd" "Lukasiewicz" "Wachs"))
+	 (words2 '("Ellery" "Ghosh" "Heilbronn" "Kant" "Ladd" "Lissajous" "Waugh"))
+	 (results '("E460" "G200" "H416" "K530" "L300" "L222" "W200")))
+    (mapc #'(lambda (w1 w2 r)
+	      (let ((r1 (soundex w1))
+		    (r2 (soundex w2)))
+		(format t "~A = ~A, ~A = ~A => ~A~%" w1 r1 w2 r2
+			(if (and (string= r1 r2)
+				 (string= r r1))
+			    "OK"
+			    (format nil "ERROR (expected ~A)" r)))))
+	  words1 words2 results)
+    (values)))
+;; (defstruct cache-slot ()
+;;   ((previous :type (or cache-slot null)
+;; 	     :initarg :previous
+;; 	     :initform nil
+;; 	     :accessor cslot-previous)
+;;    (key :initarg :key
+;; 	:accessor cslot-key)
+;;    (value :initarg :value
+;; 	  :accessor cslot-value)
+;;    (next :type (or cache-slot null)
+;; 	 :initarg :next
+;; 	 :initform nil
+;; 	 :accessor cslot-next)))
+;; (defmethod print-object ((object cache-slot) stream)
+;;   (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
+;;     (if (slot-boundp object 'key)
+;; 	(format stream "key=~S, value=~S" (cslot-key object) (cslot-value object))
+;; 	(format stream "NULL"))))
+(defstruct (double-linked-element (:conc-name dle-))
+  (previous nil :type (or double-linked-element null))
+  value
+  (next nil :type (or double-linked-element null)))
+(defmethod print-object ((object double-linked-element) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
+    (format stream "value=~S" (dle-value object))))
+(defun cons-dle (value previous next)
+  (declare (type (or double-linked-element null) previous next))
+  (be new-element (make-double-linked-element :previous previous :next next :value value)
+    (when previous
+      (setf (dle-next previous) new-element))
+    (when next
+      (setf (dle-previous next) new-element))
+    new-element))
+(defun dle-remove (dle-object)
+  "Remove the DLE-OBJECT from its current position in the list of
+elements agjusting the pointer of dle-objects before and after this
+one (if any)."
+  (declare (type double-linked-element dle-object))
+  (awhen (dle-next dle-object)
+    (setf (dle-previous it) (dle-previous dle-object)))
+  (awhen (dle-previous dle-object)
+    (setf (dle-next it) (dle-next dle-object))))
+(defun dle-map (function dle-object)
+  (when dle-object
+    (make-double-linked-element :value (funcall function (dle-value dle-object))
+				:previous (dle-previous dle-object)
+				:next (dle-map function (dle-next dle-object)))))
+(defmacro do-dle ((var dle &optional (result nil)) &body body)
+  "Iterate over a list of DOUBLE-LINKED-ELEMENTs and map body to
+each element's value.  Bind VAR to the value on each iteration."
+  (be cursor (gensym)
+    `(do ((,cursor ,dle (dle-next ,cursor)))
+	 ((not ,cursor) ,result)
+       (be ,var (dle-value ,cursor)
+	 ,@body))))
+(defmacro do-dle* ((var dle &optional (result nil)) &body body)
+  "Same as DO-DLE but VAR is a symbol macro, so that BODY can
+modify the element's value."
+  (be cursor (gensym)
+    `(symbol-macrolet ((,var (dle-value ,cursor)))
+       (do ((,cursor ,dle (dle-next ,cursor)))
+	   ((not ,cursor) ,result)
+	 ,@body))))
+(defclass double-linked-list ()
+  ((elements :type double-linked-element
+	     :documentation "The actual list of elements held by this object.")
+   (last-element :type double-linked-element))
+  (:documentation
+   "A double linked list where elements can be added or removed
+from either end."))
+(defmethod initialize-instance ((object double-linked-list) &rest rest)
+  (declare (ignorable rest))
+  (call-next-method)
+  (with-slots (last-element elements) object
+    (setf last-element (make-double-linked-element)
+	  elements last-element)))
+(defmethod print-object ((object double-linked-list) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
+    (be elements '()
+      (do-dle (e (slot-value object 'elements))
+	(push e elements))
+      (format stream "elements=~S" (nreverse elements)))))
+(defgeneric pop-first (double-linked-list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Pop the first element of a double-linked-list."))
+(defgeneric pop-last (double-linked-list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Pop the last element of a double-linked-list."))
+(defgeneric push-first (item double-linked-list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Push an item in front of a double-linked-list."))
+(defgeneric push-last (item double-linked-list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Append an item to a double-linked-list."))
+(defgeneric list-map (function double-linked-list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Map a function to a double-linked-list."))
+(defgeneric dll-find-cursor (object dll &key test key))
+(defgeneric dll-find (object dll &key test key))
+(defgeneric dll-remove (cursor dll))
+(defmethod pop-last ((list double-linked-list))
+  "Drop the last element in the dl list."
+  (with-slots (last-element) list
+    (awhen (dle-previous last-element)
+      (dle-remove it)
+      (dle-value it))))
+(defmethod pop-first ((list double-linked-list))
+  "Drop the first element in the dl list."
+  (with-slots (elements) list
+    (when (dle-next elements)
+      (prog1 (dle-value elements)
+	(setf (dle-previous (dle-next elements)) nil
+	      elements (dle-next elements))))))
+(defmethod push-first (value (list double-linked-list))
+  (with-slots (elements) list
+    (setf elements (cons-dle value nil elements)))
+  list)
+(defmethod push-last (value (list double-linked-list))
+  (with-slots (last-element) list
+    (cons-dle value (dle-previous last-element) last-element))
+  list)
+(defmethod list-map (function (list double-linked-list))
+  (labels ((map-dll (dle)
+	     (when (dle-next dle)
+	       (make-double-linked-element
+		:value (funcall function (dle-value dle))
+		:previous (dle-previous dle)
+		:next (map-dll (dle-next dle))))))
+    (map-dll (slot-value list 'elements))))
+(defmethod dll-find-cursor (object (list double-linked-list) &key (test #'eql) (key #'identity))
+  (do ((cursor (slot-value list 'elements) (dle-next cursor)))
+      ((not (dle-next cursor)))
+    (be value (dle-value cursor)
+      (when (funcall test (funcall key value) object)
+	(return cursor)))))
+(defmethod dll-find (object (list double-linked-list) &key (test #'eql) (key #'identity))
+  (awhen (dll-find-cursor object list :test test :key key)
+    (dle-value it)))
+(defmethod dll-remove ((cursor double-linked-element) (list double-linked-list))
+  (with-slots (elements) list
+    (if (dle-previous cursor)
+	(dle-remove cursor)
+	(setf (dle-previous (dle-next elements)) nil
+	      elements (dle-next elements))))
+  list)
+(defmacro do-dll ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body)
+  "Iterate over a dll and map body to each element's
+value.  Bind VAR to the value on each iteration."
+  (be cursor (gensym)
+    `(do ((,cursor (slot-value ,list 'elements) (dle-next ,cursor)))
+	 ((not (dle-next ,cursor)) ,result)
+       (be ,var (dle-value ,cursor)
+	 ,@body))))
+(defmacro do-dll* ((var list &optional (result nil)) &body body)
+  "Same as DO-DLL but VAR is a symbol macro, so that BODY can
+modify the element's value."
+  (be cursor (gensym)
+    `(symbol-macrolet ((,var (dle-value ,cursor)))
+       (do ((,cursor (slot-value ,list 'elements) (dle-next ,cursor)))
+	   ((not (dle-next ,cursor)) ,result)
+	 ,@body))))
+(defclass limited-list (double-linked-list)
+  ((max-size :initform nil
+	     :initarg :size
+	     :reader max-size
+	     :type (or integer null)
+	     :documentation "Size limit to which the list is allowed to grow to.  NIL = no limit.")
+   (size :initform 0
+	 :reader size
+	 :type integer
+	 :documentation "Current number of elements in the list."))
+  (:documentation
+   "A double linked list where the maximum number of elements can
+be limited."))
+(defun dll-member-p (dle list)
+  (with-slots (elements size) list
+    (do ((e elements (dle-next e)))
+	((not e))
+      (when (eq e dle)
+	(return t)))))
+(defmethod dll-remove ((cursor double-linked-element) (list limited-list))
+  (with-slots (size) list
+    (unless (zerop size)
+      (decf size)
+      (call-next-method)))
+  list)
+(defmethod pop-first ((list limited-list))
+  (with-slots (size) list
+    (unless (zerop size)
+      (decf size)
+      (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod pop-last ((list limited-list))
+  (with-slots (size) list
+    (unless (zerop size)
+      (decf size)
+      (call-next-method))))
+(defmethod push-first (value (list limited-list))
+  "Add in front of the list and drop the last element if list is
+  (declare (ignore value))
+  (prog1 (call-next-method)
+    (with-slots (max-size size last-element) list
+      (if (or (not max-size)
+	      (< size max-size))
+	  (incf size)
+	  (dle-remove (dle-previous last-element))))))
+(defmethod push-last (value (list limited-list))
+  "Add at the end of the list and drop the first element if list
+is full."
+  (declare (ignore value))
+  (prog1 (call-next-method)
+    (with-slots (max-size size elements) list
+      (if (or (not max-size)
+	      (< size max-size))
+	(incf size)
+	(setf (dle-previous (dle-next elements)) nil
+	      elements (dle-next elements))))))
+(defclass sorted-list (limited-list)
+  ((test :type function
+	 :initarg :test))
+  (:documentation
+   "A double linked list where elements are inserted in a
+sorted order."))
+(defgeneric insert (item sorted-list)
+  (:documentation
+   "Insert an item in a sorted-list."))
+(defmethod insert (item (sl sorted-list))
+  "Insert ITEM in SL, which is a sorted double linked list,
+before the item for which TEST is true or at the end of the list.
+Returns two values, the modified list and the cursor to the new
+  (with-slots (max-size size elements test last-element) sl
+    (do ((cursor elements (dle-next cursor)))
+	((or (not (dle-next cursor))
+	     (funcall test item (dle-value cursor)))
+	 (if (dle-previous cursor)
+	     (cons-dle item (dle-previous cursor) cursor)
+	     (setf elements (cons-dle item nil cursor)))
+	 (if (or (not max-size)
+		  (< size max-size))
+	     (incf size)
+	     (dle-remove (dle-previous last-element)))
+	 (values sl (dle-previous cursor))))))
+(defclass heap ()
+  ((less-than :type function
+	      :initarg :test
+	      :documentation "The heap invariant.")
+   (data :type array
+	 :documentation "The heap tree representation.")))
+(defmethod initialize-instance ((heap heap) &rest args)
+  (declare (ignore args))
+  (call-next-method)
+  (with-slots (data) heap
+    (setf data (make-array 0 :fill-pointer 0 :adjustable t))))
+(defgeneric heap-add (heap item))
+(defun bubble-up (heap pos)
+  (with-slots (data less-than) heap
+    (loop
+       for current = pos then parent
+       for parent = (truncate (1- current) 2)
+       until (or (zerop current)
+		 (funcall less-than (aref data parent) (aref data current)))
+       do (rotatef (aref data current) (aref data parent)))))
+(defmethod heap-add ((heap heap) item)
+  (with-slots (data) heap
+    (vector-push-extend item data)
+    (bubble-up heap (1- (fill-pointer data)))))
+(defgeneric heap-size (heap))
+(defmethod heap-size ((heap heap))
+  (fill-pointer (slot-value heap 'data)))
+(defgeneric heap-empty-p (heap))
+(defmethod heap-empty-p ((heap heap))
+  (zerop (heap-size heap)))
+(defgeneric heap-pop (heap))
+(defun percolate-down (heap pos)
+  (with-slots (data less-than) heap
+    (loop
+       with end = (fill-pointer data)
+       for current = pos then child
+       for left-child = (+ 1 (* 2 current))
+       for right-child = (+ 2 (* 2 current))
+       for child = (cond ((>= left-child end)
+			  (return))
+			 ((>= right-child end)
+			  left-child)
+			 ((funcall less-than (aref data left-child) (aref data right-child))
+			  left-child)
+			 (t
+			  right-child))
+       while (funcall less-than (aref data child) (aref data current))
+       do (rotatef (aref data current) (aref data child)))))
+(defmethod heap-pop ((heap heap))
+  (assert (not (heap-empty-p heap)))
+  (with-slots (data) heap
+    (be root (aref data 0)
+      (setf (aref data 0) (vector-pop data))
+      (percolate-down heap 0)
+      root)))
+(defstruct (lru-cache-slot (:include double-linked-element)
+			   (:conc-name lruc-slot-))
+  key)
+(defmethod print-object ((object lru-cache-slot) stream)
+  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t)
+    (format stream "key=~S value=~S" (lruc-slot-key object) (lruc-slot-value object))))
+(defvar *default-cache-size* 100
+  "Default size of a LRU cache if it's not specified at instantiation
+(defclass lru-cache ()
+  ((max-size :initform *default-cache-size*
+	     :initarg :size
+	     :reader max-size
+	     :type (or integer null)
+	     :documentation
+	     "Maximum number of elements that the cache can fit.")
+   (elements-list :type lru-cache-slot
+		  :documentation "The list of elements held by the cache.")
+   (elements-hash :type hash-table
+		  :documentation "The hash table of the elements held bye the cache.")
+   (last-element :type lru-cache-slot)
+   (size :initform 0
+	 :reader size
+	 :type integer
+	 :documentation "Current number of elements in the cache.")
+   (finalizer :initform nil
+	      :initarg :finalizer
+	      :documentation
+	      "Procedure to call when elements are dropped from cache."))
+  (:documentation
+   "An objects cache that keeps the elements used more often and
+drops those that are used less often.  The usage is similar to an
+hash table.  Elements are added to the list up to MAX-SIZE, then
+any new element will drop the less used one in the cache.  Every
+time an element is set or retrieved it goes in front of a list.
+Those which get at the end of the list are dropped when more room
+is required."))
+(defmethod initialize-instance ((object lru-cache) &key test &allow-other-keys)
+  (call-next-method)
+  (with-slots (last-element elements-list elements-hash) object
+    (setf last-element (make-lru-cache-slot)
+	  elements-list last-element
+	  elements-hash (if test
+			    (make-hash-table :test test)
+			    (make-hash-table)))))
+(defgeneric getcache (key cache)
+  (:documentation
+   "Get an item with KEY from a CACHE."))
+(defgeneric (setf getcache) (value key cache)
+  (:documentation
+   "Set or add an item with KEY in a CACHE."))
+(defgeneric remcache (key cache)
+  (:documentation
+   "Remove an item with KEY from a CACHE."))
+(defun move-in-front-of-cache-list (slot cache)
+  "Relocate slot to the front of the elements list in cache.
+This will stretch its lifespan in the cache."
+  (declare (type lru-cache-slot slot)
+	   (type lru-cache cache))
+  (with-slots (elements-list) cache
+    ;; unless it's already the first
+    (unless (eq slot elements-list)
+      ;; remove the slot from its original place...
+      (dle-remove slot)
+      ;; ... and add it in front of the list
+      (setf (lruc-slot-next slot) elements-list
+	    (lruc-slot-previous slot) nil
+	    (lruc-slot-previous elements-list) slot
+	    elements-list slot))))
+(defun drop-last-cache-element (cache)
+  "Drop the last element in the list of the cache object."
+  (declare (type lru-cache cache))
+  (with-slots (last-element elements-hash finalizer) cache
+    (let ((second-last (lruc-slot-previous last-element)))
+      (assert second-last)
+      (when finalizer
+	(funcall finalizer (lruc-slot-value second-last)))
+      (dle-remove second-last)
+      (remhash (lruc-slot-key second-last) elements-hash))))
+(defun add-to-cache (slot cache)
+  (declare (type lru-cache-slot slot)
+	   (type lru-cache cache))
+  (move-in-front-of-cache-list slot cache)
+  (with-slots (max-size size elements-hash) cache
+    (setf (gethash (lruc-slot-key slot) elements-hash) slot)
+    (if (and max-size
+	     (< size max-size))
+	(incf size)
+	(drop-last-cache-element cache))))
+(defmethod getcache (key (cache lru-cache))
+  (multiple-value-bind (slot found?) (gethash key (slot-value cache 'elements-hash))
+    (when found?
+      (move-in-front-of-cache-list slot cache)
+      (values (lruc-slot-value slot) t))))
+(defmethod (setf getcache) (value key (cache lru-cache))
+  (with-slots (elements-hash elements-list) cache
+    (multiple-value-bind (slot found?) (gethash key elements-hash)
+      (if found?
+	  (progn
+	    (move-in-front-of-cache-list slot cache)
+	    (setf (lruc-slot-value slot) value))
+	  (add-to-cache (make-lru-cache-slot :key key :value value) cache))
+      value)))
+(defmethod remcache (key (cache lru-cache))
+  (with-slots (elements-hash size elements-list finalizer) cache
+    (multiple-value-bind (slot found?) (gethash key elements-hash)
+      (when found?
+	(remhash key elements-hash)
+	(when finalizer
+	  (funcall finalizer (lruc-slot-value slot)))
+	(when (eq slot elements-list)
+	  (setf elements-list (dle-next slot)))
+	(dle-remove slot)
+	(decf size)
+	t))))
+(defmacro cached (cache key value)
+  "If KEY is found in CACHE return the associated object.  Otherwise
+store VALUE for later re-use."
+  (with-gensyms (object my-cache my-key my-value found?)
+    `(let* ((,my-cache ,cache)
+	    (,my-key ,key))
+       (multiple-value-bind (,object ,found?) (getcache ,my-key ,my-cache)
+	 (if ,found?
+	     ,object
+	     (let ((,my-value ,value))
+	       (setf (getcache ,my-key ,my-cache) ,my-value)
+	       ,my-value))))))
+(declaim (inline list->string))
+(defun list->string (list)
+  "Coerce a list of characters into a string."
+  (coerce list 'string))
+(defun setuid (id)
+  "Set the Unix real user id."
+  (when (stringp id)
+    (setf id (find-uid id)))
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:setuid id)
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-setuid id)
+  #+clisp (posix::%setuid id)		; not verified -wcp26/8/09.
+  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
+  (error "setuid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
+(defun seteuid (id)
+  "Set the Unix effective user id."
+  (when (stringp id)
+    (setf id (find-uid id)))
+  #+sbcl (sb-posix:seteuid id)
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-setreuid -1 id)
+  #+clisp (posix::%seteuid id)		; not verified -wcp26/8/09.
+  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
+  (error "seteuid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
+(defun find-uid (name)
+  "Find the user id of NAME.  Return an integer."
+  #+sbcl (awhen (sb-posix:getpwnam name)
+	   (sb-posix:passwd-uid it))
+  #+cmu (awhen (unix:unix-getpwnam name)
+	  (unix:user-info-uid it))
+  #-(or cmu sbcl)
+  (error "Unable to find a UID on this Lisp system."))
+#+clisp (ffi:def-call-out %getuid
+	    (:name "getuid")
+	  (:arguments)
+	  (:return-type ffi:int)
+	  (:library "libc.so"))
+(defun getuid ()
+  "Return the Unix user id.  This is an integer."
+  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-getuid)
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-getuid)
+  #+clisp (%getuid)
+  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
+  (error "getuid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
+(defun super-user-p (&optional id)
+  "Return true if the user ID is zero.  ID defaults to the current
+user id."
+  (zerop (or id (getuid))))
+(defmacro with-euid (uid &body forms)
+  "Switch temporarely to Unix user id UID, while performing FORMS."
+  (with-gensyms (ruid)
+    `(be ,ruid (getuid)
+       (seteuid ,uid)
+       (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
+	 (seteuid ,ruid)))))
+(defun get-logname (&optional uid)
+  "Return the login id of the user.  This is a string and it is not
+the Unix uid, which is a number."
+  (unless uid
+    (setf uid (getuid)))
+  (when (stringp uid)
+    (setf uid (find-uid uid)))
+  (when uid
+    #+sbcl (sb-unix:uid-username uid)
+    #+cmu (unix:user-info-name (unix:unix-getpwuid uid))
+    #+clisp (posix:user-info-login-id (posix:user-info uid))
+    #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
+    (error "get-logname unsupported under this Lisp implementation")))
+(defun get-user-name (&optional uid)
+  "Return the user name, taken from the GCOS field of the /etc/passwd
+  (unless uid
+    (setf uid (getuid)))
+  (when (stringp uid)
+    (setf uid (find-uid uid)))
+  (when uid
+    (car (split-string-at-char #+cmu (unix:user-info-gecos (unix:unix-getpwuid uid))
+			       #+sbcl (sb-posix:passwd-gecos (sb-posix:getpwuid uid))
+			       #-(or cmu sbcl) (error "can't getpwuid() on this Lisp system.")
+			       #\,))))
+(defun get-user-home (&optional uid)
+  (unless uid
+    (setf uid (getuid)))
+  (when (stringp uid)
+    (setf uid (find-uid uid)))
+  (when uid
+    #+cmu (unix:user-info-dir (unix:unix-getpwuid uid))
+    #+sbcl (sb-posix:passwd-dir (sb-posix:getpwuid uid))))
+;; Rather stupid, but the mnemonic is worth it
+(declaim (inline alist->plist))
+(defun alist->plist (alist)
+  "Convert an association list into a property list.  The alist
+elements are assumed to be lists of just two elements: the key
+and the value.  If the element list is longer this function
+doesn't work."
+  (mapcan #'identity alist))
+(defun plist->alist (plist &optional pairs-p)
+  "Convert a property list into an association list.  The alist
+elements wiil be lists of just two elements: the key and the
+value.  If PAIRS-P is true the alist elements will be pairs."
+  (loop
+     for (key val) on plist by #'cddr
+     collect (if pairs-p
+		 (cons key val)
+		 (list key val))))
+(defun string->byte-vector (string &key start end)
+  "Convert a string of characters into a vector of (unsigned-byte
+8) elements."
+  (map '(vector (unsigned-byte 8)) #'char-code
+       (if (or start end)
+	   (subseq string (or start 0) end)
+	   string)))
+(defun byte-vector->string (vector &key start end)
+  "Convert a vector of (unsigned-byte 8) elements into a string
+of characters."
+  (map 'string #'code-char
+       (if (or start end)
+	   (subseq vector (or start 0) end)
+	   vector)))
+(defun outdated-p (file dependencies)
+  "Check if FILE has been modified before any of its
+  (be epoch (and (probe-file file)
+		 (file-write-date file))
+    ;; if file is missing altogether, we consider it outdated
+    (or (not epoch)
+	(loop
+	   for dep in dependencies
+	   thereis (aand (probe-file dep)
+			 (file-write-date dep)
+			 (> it epoch))))))
+(defmacro let-places (places-and-values &body body)
+  "Execute BODY binding temporarily some places to new values and
+restoring the original values of these places on exit of BODY.  The
+syntax of this macro is identical to LET.  The difference is that
+instead of new variable names this macro binds values to existing
+places (variables)."
+  (be tmp-variables (loop for x in places-and-values collect (gensym))
+    `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (tmp-var place-and-value)
+		       (list tmp-var (car place-and-value)))
+		   tmp-variables places-and-values)
+       (unwind-protect
+	    (progn
+	      ;; as some assignments could signal an error, we assign
+	      ;; within the unwind-protect block so that we can always
+	      ;; guarantee a consistent state on exit
+	      ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (place-and-value)
+			    `(setf ,(car place-and-value) ,(cadr place-and-value)))
+			places-and-values)
+	      ,@body)
+	 ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (tmp-var place-and-value)
+		       `(setf ,(car place-and-value) ,tmp-var))
+		   tmp-variables
+		   places-and-values)))))
+(defmacro let-slots (accessor/new-value-pairs object &body body)
+  "Execute BODY with some OBJECT's slots temporary sets to new
+values as described in ACCESSOR/NEW-VALUE-PAIRS.  The latter
+should be an alist of accessor names and the value to be assigned
+to that slot.  On exit from BODY, those slots are restored to
+their original value.  See LET-PLACES."
+  (with-gensyms (obj)
+    `(be ,obj ,object
+       (let-places ,(mapcar #'(lambda (av)
+				`((,(car av) ,obj) ,(cadr av)))
+			    accessor/new-value-pairs)
+	 ,@body))))
+(defvar *decimal-point* #\.)
+(defvar *thousands-comma* #\,)
+(defun format-amount (number &key (decimals 2) (rounder #'round)
+		      (comma *thousands-comma*) (comma-stance 3)
+		      (decimal-point *decimal-point*))
+  "Return a string formatted as fixed decimal point number of DECIMALS
+adding commas every COMMA-STANCE places before the decimal point."
+  (declare (type number number)
+	   (type fixnum decimals comma-stance)
+	   (type function rounder)
+	   (type character comma decimal-point)
+	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0)))
+  (let* ((int (funcall rounder (* number (expt 10 decimals))))
+	 (negative (< int 0)))
+    (declare (integer int))
+    (when negative
+      (setf int (- int)))
+    (let* ((digits (max (1+ decimals)
+			(1+ (if (zerop int)
+				0
+				(truncate (log int 10))))))
+	   (string-length (+ digits
+			     ;; the minus sign
+			     (if negative 1 0)
+			     ;; the decimal point
+			     (if (zerop decimals) 0 1)
+			     ;; the thousands commas
+			     (1- (ceiling (- digits decimals) comma-stance))))
+	   (string (make-string string-length))
+	   (pos (1- string-length)))
+      (declare (type fixnum pos digits))
+      (labels ((add-char (char)
+		 (setf (schar string pos) char)
+		 (decf pos))
+	       (add-digit ()
+		 (add-char (digit-char (mod int 10)))
+		 (setf int (truncate int 10))))
+	(unless (zerop decimals)
+	  (loop
+	     for i fixnum from 0 below decimals
+	     do (add-digit))
+	  (add-char decimal-point))
+	(loop
+	   for i fixnum from 1
+	   do (add-digit)
+	   while (>= pos (if negative 1 0))
+	   when (zerop (mod i comma-stance))
+	   do (add-char comma))
+	(when negative
+	  (add-char #\-)))
+      string)))
+(defun parse-amount (string &key (start 0) end)
+  "Parse STRING as if it was formatted with FORMAT-AMOUNT and return
+the parsed number.  Return NIL if STRING is malformed.  Leading or
+trailing spaces must be removed from the string in advance."
+  (loop
+     with amount = 0
+     with decimals = nil
+     with negative = (when (and (not (zerop (length string)))
+				(char= #\- (char string 0)))
+		       (incf start)
+		       t)
+     for i from start below (or end (length string))
+     for c = (char string i)
+     do (cond ((char= c *decimal-point*)
+	       (if decimals
+		   (return nil)
+		   (setf decimals 0)))
+	      ((char= c *thousands-comma*))
+	      (t
+	       (be d (digit-char-p c)
+		 (cond ((not d)
+			(return nil))
+		       (decimals
+			(incf decimals)
+			(incf amount (/ d (expt 10 decimals))))
+		       (t
+			(setf amount (+ d (* amount 10))))))))
+     finally (return (if negative
+			 (- amount)
+			 amount))))
+(defmacro with-package (name &body body)
+  `(let ((*package* (find-package ,name)))
+     ,@body))
+(defun bytes-simple-string (n &optional imply-bytes)
+  "Return a string describing N using a unit of measure multiple
+of a byte that is most apporpriate for the magnitude of N.  A
+kilobyte is 1024 not 1000 bytes, everything follows."
+  (let* ((kilo 1024)
+	 (mega (* kilo kilo))
+	 (giga (* kilo mega))
+	 (tera (* mega mega))
+	 (peta (* kilo tera)))
+    (apply #'format nil "~,1F~A"
+	   (cond ((> n (* 2 peta))
+		  (list (/ n peta) (if imply-bytes "P" "PB")))
+		 ((> n (* 2 tera))
+		  (list (/ n tera) (if imply-bytes "T" "TB")))
+		 ((> n (* 2 giga))
+		  (list (/ n giga) (if imply-bytes "G" "GB")))
+		 ((> n (* 2 mega))
+		  (list (/ n mega) (if imply-bytes "M" "MB")))
+		 ((> n (* 2 kilo))
+		  (list (/ n kilo) (if imply-bytes "K" "KB")))
+		 (t (list n (if imply-bytes "" " bytes")))))))
+;; WARNING: This function may or may not work on your Lisp system.  It
+;; all depends on how the OPEN function has been implemented regarding
+;; the :IF-EXISTS option.  This function requires that OPEN be
+;; implemented in a way so that the checking of the existence of file
+;; and its open attempt be atomic.  If the Lisp OPEN first checks that
+;; the file exists and then tries to open it, this function won't be
+;; reliable.  CMUCL seems to use the O_EXCL open() flag in the right
+;; way.  So at least on CMUCL this function will work.  Same goes for
+;; SBCL.
+(defun make-lock-files (pathnames &key (sleep-time 7) retries (suspend 13) expiration)
+  "Create semaphore files.  If it can't create all the specified
+files in the specified order, it waits SLEEP-TIME seconds and
+retries the last file that didn't succeed.  You can specify the
+number of RETRIES to do until failure is returned.  If the number
+of retries is NIL this function will retry forever.
+If it tries RETRIES times without success, this function signal
+an error and removes all the lock files it created until then.
+All files created by lock file will be read-only.
+If you specify a EXPIRATION then an existing lock file will be
+removed by force after EXPIRATION seconds have passed since the
+lock file was last modified/created (most likely by some other
+program that unexpectedly died without cleaning up its lock
+files).  After a lock file has been removed by force, a
+suspension of SUSPEND seconds is taken into account, in order to
+prevent the inadvertent immediate removal of any newly created
+lock file by another program."
+  (be locked '()
+    (flet ((lock (file)
+	     (when (and expiration
+			(> (get-universal-time)
+			   (+ (file-write-date file) expiration)))
+	       (delete-file file)
+	       (when suspend
+		 (sleep suspend)))
+	     (do ((i 0 (1+ i))
+		  (done nil))
+		 (done)
+	       (unless (or (not retries)
+			   (< i retries))
+		 (error "Can't create lock file ~S: tried ~A time~:P." file retries))
+	       (with-open-file (out file :direction :output :if-exists nil)
+		 (cond (out
+			(format out "Lock file created on ~A~%" (time-string (get-universal-time)))
+			(setf done t))
+		       (sleep-time
+			(sleep sleep-time)))))))
+      (unwind-protect
+	   (progn
+	     (dolist (file pathnames)
+	       (lock file)
+	       (push file locked))
+	     (setf locked '()))
+	(mapc #'delete-file locked)))))
+(defmacro with-lock-files ((lock-files &rest lock-args) &body body)
+  "Execute BODY after creating LOCK-FILES.  Remove the lock files
+on exit.  LOCK-ARGS are passed to MAKE-LOCK-FILES."
+  (with-gensyms (files)
+    `(be ,files (list ,@lock-files)
+       (make-lock-files ,files ,@lock-args)
+       (unwind-protect (progn ,@body)
+	 (mapc #'delete-file ,files)))))
+(defun getpid ()
+  #+cmu (unix:unix-getpid)
+  #+sbcl (sb-unix:unix-getpid)
+  #+clisp (ext:process-id)
+  #-(or cmu sbcl clisp)
+   (error "getpid unsupported under this Lisp implementation"))
+(defmacro on-error (form &body error-forms)
+  "Execute FORM and in case of error execute ERROR-FORMS too.
+This does _not_ stop the error from propagating."
+  (be done-p (gensym)
+    `(be ,done-p nil
+       (unwind-protect
+	    (prog1
+		,form
+	      (setf ,done-p t))
+	 (unless ,done-p
+	   ,@error-forms)))))
+(defun floor-to (x aim)
+  "Round X down to the nearest multiple of AIM."
+  (* (floor x aim) aim))
+(defun round-to (x aim)
+  "Round X to the nearest multiple of AIM."
+  (* (round x aim) aim))
+(defun ceiling-to (x aim)
+  "Round X up to the nearest multiple of AIM."
+  (* (ceiling x aim) aim))
+(defstruct queue
+  first
+  last)
+(defgeneric queue-append (queue objects))
+(defgeneric queue-pop (queue))
+(defgeneric queue-empty-p (queue))
+(defmethod queue-append ((queue queue) (objects list))
+  (cond ((null (queue-first queue))
+	 (setf (queue-first queue) objects
+	       (queue-last queue) (last objects)))
+	(t
+	 (setf (cdr (queue-last queue)) objects
+	       (queue-last queue) (last objects))))
+  queue)
+(defmethod queue-append ((queue queue) object)
+  (queue-append queue (list object)))
+(defmethod queue-pop ((queue queue))
+  (prog1 (car (queue-first queue))
+    (setf (queue-first queue) (cdr (queue-first queue)))))
+(defmethod queue-empty-p ((queue queue))
+  (null (queue-first queue)))
+(defun package-locked-p (package)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:package-locked-p package)
+  #+cmu (ext:package-definition-lock package)
+  #+clisp (ext:package-lock package)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu clisp) (error "Don't know how to check whether a package might be locked."))
+(defun forget-documentation (packages)
+  "Remove documentation from all known symbols in PACKAGES.  If
+PACKAGES is NIL remove documentations from all packages.  This may not
+make sense if your Lisp image has been built so that existing objects
+don't get garbage collected.  It may work for your own code, though.
+Locked packages are left alone.  If you need to do those too, unlock
+them first."
+  (flet ((forget (symbol)
+	   (dolist (type '(compiler-macro function method-combination setf structure type variable))
+	     (when (ignore-errors (documentation symbol type))
+	       (setf (documentation symbol type) nil)))))
+    (setf packages (mapcar #'(lambda (pkg)
+			       (if (packagep pkg)
+				   (package-name pkg)
+				   (package-name (find-package pkg))))
+			   packages))
+    (setf packages
+	  ;; don't try to modify locked packages
+	  (remove-if #'package-locked-p
+		     (mapcar #'find-package
+			     (or packages
+				 (list-all-packages)))))
+    (dolist (package packages)
+      (with-package-iterator (next package :internal :external)
+	(loop
+	   (multiple-value-bind (more? symbol) (next)
+	     (unless more?
+	       (return))
+	     (forget symbol)))))
+    #+(OR) (do-all-symbols (symbol)
+	     (when (member (symbol-package symbol) packages)
+	       (forget symbol))))
+  (values))
+(defun load-compiled (pathname &optional compiled-pathname)
+  "Make sure to compile PATHNAME before loading it.  Don't compile if
+the compiled version is more recent than its source."
+  ;; be tolerant if we didn't get a type
+  (unless (probe-file pathname)
+    (setf pathname (merge-pathnames pathname (make-pathname :type "lisp"))))
+  (if (probe-file pathname)
+      (progn
+	(setf compiled-pathname (or compiled-pathname
+				    (compile-file-pathname pathname)))
+	(when (or (not (probe-file compiled-pathname))
+		  (< (file-write-date compiled-pathname)
+		     (file-write-date pathname)))
+	  (compile-file pathname))
+	(load compiled-pathname))
+      (error "Can't load ~A as it doesn't exist." pathname)))
+;; Just a silly mnemonic for those used to lesser languages
+(defmacro swap (x y)
+  "Swap values of places X and Y."
+  `(rotatef ,x ,y))
+(defmacro show (&rest things)
+  "Debugging macro to show the name and content of variables.  You can
+also specify forms, not just variables."
+  (let ((*print-pretty* nil))
+    `(let ((*print-circle* t))
+       (format t ,(format nil "~~&~{~A=~~:W~~%~}" things)
+	       ,@things)
+       (finish-output)
+       (values))))
+(defmacro memoize-function (name &key test)
+  "Make function NAME memoized.  TEST is passed to MAKE-HASH-TABLE."
+  `(setf (get ',name 'results-hash-table)
+	 (make-hash-table ,@(when test (list :test test)))))
+(defmacro defun-memoized (name args &body forms)
+  "Define function NAME and make it memoizable.  Then the MEMOIZED
+macro can be used to call this function and memoize its results.  The
+function NAME must accept only one argument and return just one
+argument; more complicated cases are not considered.  The hash table
+test function is the default 'EQL."
+  `(eval-when (:load-toplevel :compile-toplevel)
+     (defun ,name ,args ,@forms)
+     (memoize-function ,name)))
+(defmacro memoized (function arg)
+  "If necessary call FUNCTION passing ARG so that its return value is
+memoized.  The next time this form is executed with the same argument
+value, the memoized result is returned instead of executing FUNCTION."
+  (with-gensyms (table key result not-found)
+    `(be* ,key ,arg
+	  ,table (get ',function 'results-hash-table)
+	  ,not-found (list nil)
+	  ,result (gethash ,key ,table ,not-found)
+       (if (eq ,not-found ,result)
+	   (setf (gethash ,key ,table)
+		 (,function ,key))
+	   ,result))))
+(defmacro save-file-excursion ((stream &optional position) &body forms)
+  "Execute FORMS returning, on exit, STREAM to the position it was
+before FORMS.  Optionally POSITION can be set to the starting offset."
+  (unless position
+    (setf position (gensym)))
+  `(be ,position (file-position ,stream)
+     (unwind-protect (progn ,@forms)
+       (file-position ,stream ,position))))
+(defun circular-list (&rest elements)
+  "Return a circular list of ELEMENTS."
+  (setf (cdr (last elements)) elements))
+(defun getenv (var)
+  "Return the string associate to VAR in the system environment."
+  #+cmu (cdr (assoc (if (symbolp var)
+			var
+			(intern var :keyword))
+		    ext:*environment-list*))
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:posix-getenv (string var))
+  #+lispworks (hcl:getenv var)
+  #+clisp (ext:getenv (string var))
+  #-(or cmu sbcl lispworks clisp)
+  (error "GETENV not implemented for your Lisp system."))
+#+clisp (ffi:def-call-out %setenv
+	    (:name "setenv")
+	  (:arguments (name ffi:c-string) (value ffi:c-string) (overwrite ffi:int))
+	  (:return-type ffi:int)
+	  (:library "libc.so"))
+#+clisp (ffi:def-call-out %unsetenv
+	    (:name "unsetenv")
+	  (:arguments (name ffi:c-string))
+	  (:return-type ffi:int)
+	  (:library "libc.so"))
+(defun setenv (name value &optional (overwrite t))
+  (typecase value
+    (string)
+    (pathname
+     (setf value (native-namestring value)))
+    (t
+     (setf value (format nil "~A" value))))
+  #+sbcl (unless (zerop (sb-posix:setenv name value (if overwrite 1 0)))
+	   (error "unable to setenv ~A: errno=~A." name
+		  (sb-alien:get-errno)))
+  #+cmu (be key (keywordify name)
+	  (aif (assoc key
+		      ext:*environment-list*)
+	       (when overwrite
+		 (setf (cdr it) value))
+	       (setf ext:*environment-list*
+		     (cons (cons key value)
+			   ext:*environment-list*))))
+  #-(or cmu sbcl) (unless (zerop (%setenv name value (if overwrite 1 0)))
+		    (error "unable to setenv ~A." name)))
+(defun unsetenv (name)
+  #+sbcl (unless (zerop (sb-posix:unsetenv name))
+	   (error "unable to unsetenv ~A: errno=~A." name
+		  (sb-alien:get-errno)))
+  #+cmu (be key (keywordify name)
+	  (setf ext:*environment-list*
+		(delete-if #'(lambda (e)
+			       (eq (car e) key))
+			   ext:*environment-list*)))
+  #-(or cmu sbcl) (unless (zerop (%unsetenv name))
+		    (error "unable to unsetenv ~A." name)))
+(defun (setf getenv) (value name)
+  (if value
+      (setenv name value t)
+      (unsetenv name)))
+;; in CMUCL it's much easier (see below)
+(defmacro with-system-environment ((&rest var-and-values) &body body)
+  (be gensym-alist (mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
+			       (list (gensym) (string (car vv)) (cadr vv)))
+			   var-and-values)
+      `(let ,(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
+			 (destructuring-bind (varsym var value) vv
+			   (declare (ignore value))
+			   `(,varsym (getenv ,var))))
+		     gensym-alist)
+	 (unwind-protect
+	      (progn
+		,@(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
+			      (destructuring-bind (varsym var value) vv
+				(declare (ignore varsym))
+				`(setenv ,var ,value)))
+			  gensym-alist)
+		,@body)
+	   ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
+			 (destructuring-bind (varsym var value) vv
+			   (declare (ignore value))
+			   `(if ,varsym
+				(setenv ,var ,varsym)
+				(unsetenv ,var))))
+		     gensym-alist)))))
+(defmacro with-system-environment ((&rest var-and-values) &body body)
+  `(let ((ext:*environment-list*
+	  (append (list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (vv)
+				      (destructuring-bind (variable value) vv
+					`(cons ,(keywordify variable)
+					       ,value)))
+				  var-and-values))
+		  ext:*environment-list*)))
+     ,@body))
+(defun last-member (item list &key key (test #'eq))
+  "Return the last sublist in LIST that is prefixed by ITEM."
+  (loop
+     with l = list and result = nil
+     for l2 = (member item l :key key :test test)
+     while l2
+     do (setf result l2
+	      l (cdr l2))
+     finally (return result)))
+(defun glob->regex (string)
+  "Convert a shell glob expression into a regular expression string."
+  (with-output-to-string (out)
+    ;; globs are always anchored to beginning and end
+    (write-char #\^ out)
+    (loop
+       for i from 0 below (length string)
+       do (be c (char string i)
+	    (cond ((char= c #\\)
+		   (setf c (char string (incf i))))
+		  ((find c  ".+()|^$")
+		   (write-char #\\ out))
+		  ((char= c #\*)
+		   (write-char #\. out))
+		  ((char= c #\?)
+		   (setf c #\.)))
+	    (write-char c out)))
+    (write-char #\$ out)))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/serial.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/serial.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..936c61606386
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/serial.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+ ;;; serial.lisp --- serialisation of CLOS objects
+ ;;; Copyright (C) 2009 by Walter C. Pelissero
+ ;;; Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+ ;;; Project: sclf
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: serial.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :sclf)
+(defclass printable-object-mixin () ())
+(defmacro reconstruct-object (class &rest args)
+  `(apply #'make-instance ',class ',args))
+(defun print-readable-instance (object &optional stream)
+  (unless stream
+    (setf stream *standard-output*))
+  (be class (class-of object)
+    (pprint-logical-block (stream (copy-list (class-slots class)) :prefix "#.(" :suffix ")")
+      (flet ((spc ()
+	       (write-char #\space stream)))
+	(write 'reconstruct-object :stream stream)
+	(spc)
+	(write (class-name class) :stream stream :escape t :readably t :pretty t)
+	(pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	(spc)
+	(loop
+	   (be* slot (pprint-pop)
+		slot-name (slot-definition-name slot)
+		initarg (car (slot-definition-initargs slot))
+	     (when (and initarg
+			(slot-boundp object slot-name))
+	       (write initarg :stream stream)
+	       (spc)
+	       (when *print-pretty*
+		 (pprint-newline :miser stream))
+	       (write (slot-value object slot-name)
+		      :stream stream)
+	       (pprint-exit-if-list-exhausted)
+	       (if *print-pretty*
+		   (pprint-newline :linear stream)
+		   (spc)))))))))
+(defmethod print-object ((object printable-object-mixin) stream)
+  (if *print-readably*
+      (print-readable-instance object stream)
+      (call-next-method)))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/sysproc.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sysproc.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..85c2517e0002
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/sysproc.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+;;;  sysproc.lisp --- system processes
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2008, 2009, 2010 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: sclf
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: sysproc.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :sclf)
+(defvar *bourne-shell* "/bin/sh")
+(defvar *run-verbose* nil
+  "If true system commands are displayed before execution and standard
+error is not discarded.")
+;; SIGINFO is missing in both CMUCL and SBCL
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defconstant unix::siginfo 29)
+  (defvar siginfo (unix::make-unix-signal :siginfo unix::siginfo "Information"))
+  (export '(unix::siginfo) "UNIX")
+  (pushnew siginfo unix::*unix-signals*))
+#+sbcl (in-package :sb-posix)
+(eval-when (:execute :compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
+  (unless (find-symbol "SIGINFO" :sb-posix)
+    (sb-ext:with-unlocked-packages (:sb-posix)
+      (defvar siginfo 29)
+      (export '(SIGINFO)))))
+#+sbcl (in-package :sclf)
+(defun signal-number (signal-name)
+  (ecase signal-name
+    ((:abrt :abort)
+     #+cmu unix:sigabrt
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigabrt)
+    ((:alrm :alarm)
+     #+cmu unix:sigalrm
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigalrm)
+    ((:bus :bus-error)
+     #+cmu unix:sigbus
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigbus)
+    ((:chld :child)
+     #+cmu unix:sigchld
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigchld)
+    ((:cont :continue)
+     #+cmu unix:sigcont
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigcont)
+    #+freebsd((:emt :emulate-instruction)
+	      #+cmu unix:sigemt
+	      #+sbcl sb-posix:sigemt)
+    ((:fpe :floating-point-exception)
+     #+cmu unix:sigfpe
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigfpe)
+    ((:hup :hangup)
+     #+cmu unix:sighup
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sighup)
+    ((:ill :illegal :illegal-instruction)
+     #+cmu unix:sigill
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigill)
+    ((:int :interrupt)
+     #+cmu unix:sigint
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigint)
+    ((:io :input-output)
+     #+cmu unix:sigio
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigio)
+    (:kill
+     #+cmu unix:sigkill
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigkill)
+    ((:pipe :broke-pipe)
+     #+cmu unix:sigpipe
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigpipe)
+    ((:prof :profiler)
+     #+cmu unix:sigprof
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigprof)
+    (:quit
+     #+cmu unix:sigquit
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigquit)
+    ((:segv :segmentation-violation)
+     #+cmu unix:sigsegv
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigsegv)
+    (:stop
+     #+cmu unix:sigstop
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigstop)
+    ((:sys :system-call)
+     #+cmu unix:sigsys
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigsys)
+    ((:term :terminate)
+     #+cmu unix:sigterm
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigterm)
+    ((:trap)
+     #+cmu unix:sigtrap
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigtrap)
+    ((:tstp :terminal-stop)
+     #+cmu unix:sigtstp
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigtstp)
+    ((:ttin :tty-input)
+     #+cmu unix:sigttin
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigttin)
+    ((:ttou :tty-output)
+     #+cmu unix:sigttou
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigttou)
+    ((:urg :urgent)
+     #+cmu unix:sigurg
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigurg)
+    ((:usr1 :user1)
+     #+cmu unix:sigusr1
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigusr1)
+    ((:usr2 :user2)
+     #+cmu unix:sigusr2
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigusr2)
+    ((:vtalrm :virtual-timer-alarm)
+     #+cmu unix:sigvtalrm
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigvtalrm)
+    ((:winch :window-change :window-size-change)
+     #+cmu unix:sigwinch
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigwinch)
+    ((:xcpu :exceeded-cpu)
+     #+cmu unix:sigxcpu
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigxcpu)
+    ((:xfsz :exceeded-file-size)
+     #+cmu unix:sigxfsz
+     #+sbcl sb-posix:sigxfsz)
+    ;; oddly this is not defined by neither CMUCL nor SBCL
+    (:info 29)))
+(defun sysproc-kill (process signal)
+  (when (keywordp signal)
+    (setf signal (signal-number signal)))
+  #+cmu (ext:process-kill process signal)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-kill process signal)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to kill a process"))
+(defun sysproc-exit-code (process)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-exit-code process)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-exit-code process)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to get a process exit code"))
+(defun sysproc-wait (process)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-wait process)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-wait process)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to wait a process"))
+(defun sysproc-input (process)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-input process)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-input process)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to get the process input"))
+(defun sysproc-output (process)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-output process)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-output process)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to get the process output"))
+(defun sysproc-alive-p (process)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-alive-p process)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-alive-p process)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to test wether a process might be running"))
+(defun sysproc-pid (process)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-pid process)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-pid process)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to get the id of a process"))
+(defun sysproc-p (thing)
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:process-p thing)
+  #+cmu (ext:process-p thing)
+  #-(or sbcl cmu) (error "Don't know how to figure out whether something is a system process"))
+(defun run-program (program arguments &key (wait t) pty input output error)
+  "Run PROGRAM with ARGUMENTS (a list) and return a process object."
+  ;; convert arguments to strings
+  (setf arguments
+	(mapcar #'(lambda (item)
+		    (typecase item
+		      (string item)
+		      (pathname (native-namestring item))
+		      (t (format nil "~A" item))))
+		arguments))
+  (when *run-verbose*
+    (unless error
+      (setf error t))
+    (format t "~&; run-pipe ~A~{ ~S~}~%" program arguments))
+  #+cmu (ext:run-program program arguments
+			 :wait wait
+			 :pty pty
+			 :input input
+			 :output output
+			 :error (or error *run-verbose*))
+  #+sbcl (sb-ext:run-program program arguments
+			     :search t
+			     :wait wait
+			     :pty pty
+			     :input input
+			     :output output
+			     :error (or error *run-verbose*))
+  #-(or sbcl cmu)
+  (error "Unsupported Lisp system."))
+(defun run-pipe (direction program arguments &key error)
+  "Run PROGRAM with a list of ARGUMENTS and according to DIRECTION
+return the input and output streams and process object of that
+  (be process (run-program program arguments
+			   :wait nil
+			   :pty nil
+			   :input (when (member direction '(:output :input-output :io))
+				    :stream)
+			   :output (when (member direction '(:input :input-output :io))
+				     :stream)
+			   :error error)
+    (values (sysproc-output process)
+	    (sysproc-input process)
+	    process))
+  #-(or sbcl cmu)
+  (error "Unsupported Lisp system."))
+(defun exit-code (process)
+  (sysproc-wait process)
+  (sysproc-exit-code process))
+(defun run-shell-command (fmt &rest args)
+  "Run a Bourne Shell command.  Return the exit status of the command."
+  (run-program *bourne-shell* (list "-c" (apply #'format nil fmt args))))
+(defun run-async-shell-command (fmt &rest args)
+  "Run a Bourne Shell command asynchronously. Return a process
+object if provided by your Lisp implementation."
+  (run-program *bourne-shell* (list "-c" (apply #'format nil fmt args))
+	       :wait nil))
+(defmacro with-open-pipe ((in out program arguments &key (process (gensym)) error pty) &body forms)
+  "Run BODY with IN and OUT bound respectively to an input and an
+output stream connected to a system process created by running PROGRAM
+with ARGUMENTS.  If IN or OUT are NIL, then don't create that stream."
+  (with-gensyms (prg args)
+    `(be* ,prg ,program
+	  ,args ,arguments
+	  ,process (run-program ,prg ,args
+				:output ,(case in
+					       ((t nil) in)
+					       (t :stream))
+				:input ,(case out
+					      ((t nil) out)
+					      (t :stream))
+				:wait nil
+				:pty ,pty
+				,@(when error `(:error ,error)))
+       (if ,process
+	   (let (,@(case in
+			 ((t nil))
+			 (t `((,in (sysproc-output ,process)))))
+		 ,@(case out
+			 ((t nil))
+			 (t `((,out (sysproc-input ,process))))))
+	     (unwind-protect
+		  (progn
+		    ,@forms)
+	       ,@(case in
+		       ((t nil))
+		       (t `((close ,in))))
+	       ,@(case out
+		       ((t nil))
+		       (t `((close ,out))))
+	       (when (sysproc-alive-p ,process)
+		 (sysproc-kill ,process :term))))
+	   (error "unable to run ~A~{ ~A~}." ,prg ,args)))))
+(defun sysproc-set-signal-callback (signal handler)
+  "Arrange HANDLER function to be called when receiving the system
+signal SIGNAL."
+  (when (keywordp signal)
+    (setf signal (signal-number signal)))
+  #+cmu (system:enable-interrupt signal handler)
+  #+sbcl (sb-sys:enable-interrupt signal handler)
+  #-(or cmu sbcl) (error "Don't know how to set a system signal callback."))
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/sclf/time.lisp b/third_party/lisp/sclf/time.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ca1e1902a92c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/sclf/time.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+;;;  time.lisp --- time primitives
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2006, 2007, 2009 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: sclf
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: time.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :sclf)
+(defun year (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the year of EPOCH."
+  (sixth (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone))))
+(defun month (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the month of EPOCH."
+  (fifth (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone))))
+(defun day (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the day of EPOCH."
+  (fourth (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone))))
+(defun week-day (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the day of the week of EPOCH."
+  (seventh (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone))))
+(defun hour (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the hour of EPOCH."
+  (third (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone))))
+(defun minute (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the minute of EPOCH."
+  (second (multiple-value-list (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone))))
+(defun leap-year-p (year)
+  "Return true if YEAR is a leap year."
+  (and (zerop (mod year 4))
+       (or (not (zerop (mod year 100)))
+	   (zerop (mod year 400)))))
+(defun last-day-of-month (month year)
+  "Return the last day of the month as integer."
+  (be last (elt #(31 28 31 30 31 30 31 31 30 31 30 31) (1- month))
+    (if (and (= last 28)
+	     (leap-year-p year))
+	(1+ last)
+	last)))
+(defun add-months (months epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Add MONTHS to EPOCH, which is a universal time.  MONTHS can be
+  (multiple-value-bind (ss mm hh day month year) (decode-universal-time epoch time-zone)
+    (multiple-value-bind (y m) (floor (+ month months -1) 12)
+      (let ((new-month (1+ m))
+	    (new-year (+ year y)))
+	(encode-universal-time ss mm hh
+			       (min day (last-day-of-month new-month (year epoch)))
+			       new-month
+			       new-year
+			       time-zone)))))
+(defun add-days (days epoch)
+  "Add DAYS to EPOCH, which is an universal time.  DAYS can be
+  (+ (* 60 60 24 days) epoch))
+;; The following two functions are based on Thomas Russ <tar@isi.edu>
+;; code which didn't carry any copyright notice, so I assume it was in
+;; the public domain.
+(defun iso-time-string (time &key time-zone with-timezone-p basic)
+  "Return an ISO 8601 string representing TIME.  The time zone is
+included if WITH-TIMEZONE-P is true."
+  (flet ((format-timezone (zone)
+	   (if (zerop zone)
+               "Z"
+               (multiple-value-bind (h m) (truncate (abs zone) 1.0)
+                 ;; Sign of time zone is reversed in ISO 8601 relative
+                 ;; to Common Lisp convention!
+                 (format nil "~:[+~;-~]~2,'0D:~2,'0D"
+                         (> zone 0) h (round m))))))
+    (multiple-value-bind (second minute hour day month year dow dst zone)
+	(decode-universal-time time time-zone)
+      (declare (ignore dow dst))
+      (if basic
+	  (format nil "~4,'0D~2,'0D~2,'0DT~2,'0D~2,'0D~2,'0D~[~*~;~A~]"
+		  year month day hour minute second
+		  with-timezone-p (format-timezone zone))
+	  (format nil "~4,'0D-~2,'0D-~2,'0DT~2,'0D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D~:[~*~;~A~]"
+		  year month day hour minute second
+		  with-timezone-p (format-timezone zone))))))
+(defun parse-iso-time-string (time-string)
+  "Parse an ISO 8601 formated string and return the universal time.
+It can parse the basic and the extended format, but may not be able to
+cover all the cases."
+  (labels ((parse-delimited-string (string delimiter n)
+	     ;; Parses a delimited string and returns a list of
+	     ;; n integers found in that string.
+	     (let ((answer (make-list n :initial-element 0)))
+	       (loop
+		  for i upfrom 0
+		  for start = 0 then (1+ end)
+		  for end = (position delimiter string :start (1+ start))
+		  do (setf (nth i answer)
+			   (parse-integer (subseq string start end)))
+		  when (null end) return t)
+	       (values-list answer)))
+	   (parse-fixed-field-string (string field-sizes)
+	     ;; Parses a string with fixed length fields and returns
+	     ;; a list of integers found in that string.
+	     (let ((answer (make-list (length field-sizes) :initial-element 0)))
+	       (loop
+		  with len = (length string)
+		  for start = 0 then (+ start field-size)
+		  for field-size in field-sizes
+		  for i upfrom 0
+		  while (< start len)
+		  do (setf (nth i answer)
+			   (parse-integer (subseq string start (+ start field-size)))))
+	       (values-list answer)))
+	   (parse-iso8601-date (date-string)
+	     (let ((hyphen-pos (position #\- date-string)))
+	       (if hyphen-pos
+		   (parse-delimited-string date-string #\- 3)
+		   (parse-fixed-field-string date-string '(4 2 2)))))
+	   (parse-iso8601-timeonly (time-string)
+	     (let* ((colon-pos (position #\: time-string))
+		    (zone-pos (or (position #\- time-string)
+				  (position #\+ time-string)))
+		    (timeonly-string (subseq time-string 0 zone-pos))
+		    (zone-string (when zone-pos (subseq time-string (1+ zone-pos))))
+		    (time-zone nil))
+	       (when zone-pos
+		 (multiple-value-bind (zone-h zone-m)
+		     (parse-delimited-string zone-string #\: 2)
+		   (setq time-zone (+ zone-h (/ zone-m 60)))
+		   (when (char= (char time-string zone-pos) #\-)
+		     (setq time-zone (- time-zone)))))
+	       (multiple-value-bind (hh mm ss)
+		   (if colon-pos
+		       (parse-delimited-string timeonly-string #\: 3)
+		       (parse-fixed-field-string timeonly-string '(2 2 2)))
+		 (values hh mm ss time-zone)))))
+    (let ((time-separator (position #\T time-string)))
+      (multiple-value-bind (year month date)
+	  (parse-iso8601-date
+	   (subseq time-string 0 time-separator))
+	(if time-separator
+	    (multiple-value-bind (hh mm ss zone)
+		(parse-iso8601-timeonly
+		 (subseq time-string (1+ time-separator)))
+	      (if zone
+		  ;; Sign of time zone is reversed in ISO 8601
+		  ;; relative to Common Lisp convention!
+		  (encode-universal-time ss mm hh date month year (- zone))
+		  (encode-universal-time ss mm hh date month year)))
+	    (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 date month year))))))
+(defun time-string (time &optional time-zone)
+  "Return a string representing TIME in the form:
+  Tue Jan 25 12:55:40 2005"
+  (multiple-value-bind (ss mm hh day month year week-day)
+      (decode-universal-time time time-zone)
+    (format nil "~A ~A ~A ~D:~2,'0D:~2,'0D ~A"
+	    (subseq (week-day->string week-day) 0 3)
+	    (subseq (month->string month) 0 3)
+	    day
+	    hh mm ss
+	    year)))
+(defun beginning-of-month (month year &optional time-zone)
+  (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 month year time-zone))
+(defun end-of-month (month year &optional time-zone)
+  (1- (add-months 1 (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 month year time-zone))))
+(defun beginning-of-first-week (year &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the epoch of the first week of YEAR.  As the first week
+of the year needs to have Thursday in this YEAR, the returned
+time can actually fall in the previous year."
+  (let* ((Jan-1st (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 year time-zone))
+	 (start (- 4 (week-day (add-days 4 Jan-1st)))))
+    (add-days start Jan-1st)))
+(defun beginning-of-week (week year &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the epoch of the beginning of WEEK of YEAR."
+  (add-days (* (1- week) 7) (beginning-of-first-week year time-zone)))
+(defun end-of-week (week year &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the epoch of the beginning of WEEK of YEAR."
+  (1- (beginning-of-week (1+ week) year time-zone)))
+(defun end-of-last-week (year &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the epoch of the last week of YEAR.  As the last week
+of the year needs to have Thursday in this YEAR, the returned
+time can fall in the next year."
+  (1- (beginning-of-first-week (1+ year) time-zone)))
+(defun seconds-from-beginning-of-the-year (time &optional time-zone)
+  (- time (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 (year time) time-zone)))
+(defun day-of-the-year (time &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the day within the year of TIME starting from 1 up to
+365 (or 366)."
+  (1+ (truncate (seconds-from-beginning-of-the-year time time-zone)
+		(* 60 60 24))))
+(defun week (time &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the number of the week and the year TIME referes to.
+Week is an integer from 1 to 52.  Due to the way the first week
+of the year is calculated a day in one year could actually be in
+the last week of the previous or next year."
+  (let* ((year (year time))
+	 (start (beginning-of-first-week year time-zone))
+	 (days-from-start (truncate (- time start) (* 60 60 24)))
+	 (weeks (truncate days-from-start 7))
+	 (week-number (mod weeks 52)))
+    (values (1+ week-number)
+	    (cond ((< weeks 0)
+		   (1- year))
+		  ((> weeks 51)
+		   (1+ year))
+		  (t year)))))
+(defun week-day->string (day &optional sunday-first)
+  "Return the weekday string corresponding to DAY number."
+  (elt (if sunday-first
+	   #("Sunday" "Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday")
+	   #("Monday" "Tuesday" "Wednesday" "Thursday" "Friday" "Saturday" "Sunday"))
+       day))
+(defconst +month-names+  #("January" "February" "March" "April" "May" "June" "July"
+			   "August" "September" "October" "November" "December"))
+(defun month->string (month)
+  "Return the month string corresponding to MONTH number."
+  (elt +month-names+ (1- month)))
+(defun month-string->number (month)
+  (1+ (position month +month-names+ :test #'string-equal)))
+(defun print-time-span (span &optional stream)
+  "Print in English the time SPAN expressed in seconds."
+  (let* ((minute 60)
+	 (hour (* minute 60))
+	 (day (* hour 24))
+	 (seconds span))
+    (macrolet ((split (divisor)
+		 `(when (>= seconds ,divisor)
+		    (prog1 (truncate seconds ,divisor)
+		      (setf seconds (mod seconds ,divisor))))))
+      (let* ((days (split day))
+	     (hours (split hour))
+	     (minutes (split minute)))
+	(format stream "~{~A~^ ~}" (remove nil
+					   (list
+					    (when days
+					      (format nil "~D day~:P" days))
+					    (when hours
+					      (format nil "~D hour~:P" hours))
+					    (when minutes
+					      (format nil "~D minute~:P" minutes))
+					    (when (or (> seconds 0)
+						      (= span 0))
+					      (format nil "~D second~:P" seconds)))))))))
+(defun next-week-day (epoch week-day &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the universal time of the next WEEK-DAY starting from epoch."
+  (add-days (mod (- week-day (week-day epoch time-zone)) 7)
+	    epoch))
+(defun next-monday (epoch &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the universal time of the next Monday starting from
+  (next-week-day epoch 0 time-zone))
+(defun full-weeks-in-span (start end &optional time-zone)
+  "Return the number of full weeks in time span START to END.  A
+full week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday."
+  (be first-monday (next-monday start time-zone)
+    (truncate (- end first-monday) (* 7 24 60 60))))
+(defconst +unix-lisp-time-difference+
+  (encode-universal-time 0 0 0 1 1 1970 0)
+  "Time difference between Unix epoch and Common Lisp epoch.  The
+former is 1st January 1970, while the latter is the beginning of the
+XX century.")
+(defun universal->unix-time (time)
+  (- time +unix-lisp-time-difference+))
+(defun unix->universal-time (time)
+  (+ time +unix-lisp-time-difference+))
+(defun get-unix-time ()
+  (universal->unix-time (get-universal-time)))