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path: root/third_party/lisp/s-xml/src/xml.lisp
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 702 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/s-xml/src/xml.lisp b/third_party/lisp/s-xml/src/xml.lisp
deleted file mode 100644
index 8a2076985a49..000000000000
--- a/third_party/lisp/s-xml/src/xml.lisp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,702 +0,0 @@
-;;;; -*- mode: lisp -*-
-;;;; $Id: xml.lisp,v 1.15 2006/01/19 20:00:06 scaekenberghe Exp $
-;;;; This is a Common Lisp implementation of a basic but usable XML parser.
-;;;; The parser is non-validating and not complete (no PI).
-;;;; Namespace and entities are handled.
-;;;; The API into the parser is a pure functional parser hook model that comes from SSAX,
-;;;; see also http://pobox.com/~oleg/ftp/Scheme/xml.html or http://ssax.sourceforge.net
-;;;; Different DOM models are provided, an XSML, an LXML and a xml-element struct based one.
-;;;; Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Sven Van Caekenberghe, Beta Nine BVBA.
-;;;; You are granted the rights to distribute and use this software
-;;;; as governed by the terms of the Lisp Lesser General Public License
-;;;; (http://opensource.franz.com/preamble.html), also known as the LLGPL.
-(in-package :s-xml)
-;;; (tazjin): moved up here because something was wonky with the
-;;; definition order
-(defvar *ignore-namespaces* nil
-  "When t, namespaces are ignored like in the old version of S-XML")
-;;; error reporting
-(define-condition xml-parser-error (error)
-  ((message :initarg :message :reader xml-parser-error-message)
-   (args :initarg :args :reader xml-parser-error-args)
-   (stream :initarg :stream :reader xml-parser-error-stream :initform nil))
-  (:report (lambda (condition stream)
-	     (format stream
-		     "XML parser ~?~@[ near stream position ~d~]."
-		     (xml-parser-error-message condition)
-		     (xml-parser-error-args condition)
-		     (and (xml-parser-error-stream condition)
-			  (file-position (xml-parser-error-stream condition))))))
-  (:documentation "Thrown by the XML parser to indicate errorneous input"))
-(setf (documentation 'xml-parser-error-message 'function)
-      "Get the message from an XML parser error"
-      (documentation 'xml-parser-error-args 'function)
-      "Get the error arguments from an XML parser error"
-      (documentation 'xml-parser-error-stream 'function)
-      "Get the stream from an XML parser error")
-(defun parser-error (message &optional args stream)
-  (make-condition 'xml-parser-error
-		  :message message
-		  :args args
-		  :stream stream))
-;; attribute parsing hooks
-;; this is a bit complicated, refer to the mailing lists for a more detailed explanation
-(defun parse-attribute-name (string)
-  "Default parser for the attribute name"
-  (declare (special *namespaces*))
-  (resolve-identifier string *namespaces* t))
-(defun parse-attribute-value (name string)
-  "Default parser for the attribute value"
-  (declare (ignore name)
-           (special *ignore-namespace*))
-  (if *ignore-namespaces*
-      (copy-seq string)
-      string))
-(defparameter *attribute-name-parser* #'parse-attribute-name
-  "Called to compute interned attribute name from a buffer that will be reused")
-(defparameter *attribute-value-parser* #'parse-attribute-value
-  "Called to compute an element of an attribute list from a buffer that will be reused")
-;;; utilities
-(defun whitespace-char-p (char)
-  "Is char an XML whitespace character ?"
-  (declare (type character char))
-  (or (char= char #\space)
-      (char= char #\tab)
-      (char= char #\return)
-      (char= char #\linefeed)))
-(defun identifier-char-p (char)
-  "Is char an XML identifier character ?"
-  (declare (type character char))
-  (or (and (char<= #\A char) (char<= char #\Z))
-      (and (char<= #\a char) (char<= char #\z))
-      (and (char<= #\0 char) (char<= char #\9))
-      (char= char #\-)
-      (char= char #\_)
-      (char= char #\.)
-      (char= char #\:)))
-(defun skip-whitespace (stream)
-  "Skip over XML whitespace in stream, return first non-whitespace
-  character which was peeked but not read, return nil on eof"
-  (loop
-   (let ((char (peek-char nil stream nil #\Null)))
-     (declare (type character char))
-     (if (whitespace-char-p char)
-	 (read-char stream)
-       (return char)))))
-(defun make-extendable-string (&optional (size 10))
-  "Make an extendable string which is a one-dimensional character
-  array which is adjustable and has a fill pointer"
-  (make-array size
-	      :element-type 'character
-	      :adjustable t
-	      :fill-pointer 0))
-(defun print-string-xml (string stream &key (start 0) end)
-  "Write the characters of string to stream using basic XML conventions"
-  (loop for offset upfrom start below (or end (length string))
-        for char = (char string offset)
-	do (case char
-	     (#\& (write-string "&amp;" stream))
-	     (#\< (write-string "&lt;" stream))
-	     (#\> (write-string "&gt;" stream))
-	     (#\" (write-string "&quot;" stream))
-             ((#\newline #\return #\tab) (write-char char stream))
-	     (t (if (and (<= 32 (char-code char))
-			 (<= (char-code char) 126))
-		    (write-char char stream)
-		  (progn
-		    (write-string "&#x" stream)
-		    (write (char-code char) :stream stream :base 16)
-		    (write-char #\; stream)))))))
-(defun make-standard-entities ()
-  "A hashtable mapping XML entity names to their replacement strings,
-  filled with the standard set"
-  (let ((entities (make-hash-table :test #'equal)))
-    (setf (gethash "amp" entities) (string #\&)
-	  (gethash "quot" entities) (string #\")
-	  (gethash "apos" entities) (string #\')
-	  (gethash "lt" entities) (string #\<)
-	  (gethash "gt" entities) (string #\>)
-	  (gethash "nbsp" entities) (string #\space))
-    entities))
-(defun resolve-entity (stream extendable-string entities entity)
-  "Read and resolve an XML entity from stream, positioned after the '&' entity marker,
-  accepting &name; &#DEC; and &#xHEX; formats,
-  destructively modifying string, which is also returned,
-  destructively modifying entity, incorrect entity formats result in errors"
-  (declare (type (vector character) entity))
-  (loop
-   (let ((char (read-char stream nil #\Null)))
-     (declare (type character char))
-     (cond ((char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered eof before end of entity")))
-	   ((char= #\; char) (return))
-	   (t (vector-push-extend char entity)))))
-  (if (char= (char entity 0) #\#)
-      (let ((code (if (char= (char entity 1) #\x)
-		      (parse-integer entity :start 2 :radix 16 :junk-allowed t)
-		    (parse-integer entity :start 1 :radix 10 :junk-allowed t))))
-	(when (null code)
-          (error (parser-error "encountered incorrect entity &~s;" (list entity) stream)))
-	(vector-push-extend (code-char code) extendable-string))
-    (let ((value (gethash entity entities)))
-      (if value
-	  (loop :for char :across value
-                :do (vector-push-extend char extendable-string))
-	(error (parser-error "encountered unknown entity &~s;" (list entity) stream)))))
-  extendable-string)
-;;; namespace support
-(defclass xml-namespace ()
-  ((uri :documentation "The URI used to identify this namespace"
-        :accessor get-uri
-        :initarg :uri)
-   (prefix :documentation "The preferred prefix assigned to this namespace"
-           :accessor get-prefix
-           :initarg :prefix
-           :initform nil)
-   (package :documentation "The Common Lisp package where this namespace's symbols are interned"
-            :accessor get-package
-            :initarg :package
-            :initform nil))
-  (:documentation "Describes an XML namespace and how it is handled"))
-(setf (documentation 'get-uri 'function)
-      "The URI used to identify this namespace"
-      (documentation 'get-prefix 'function)
-      "The preferred prefix assigned to this namespace"
-      (documentation 'get-package 'function)
-      "The Common Lisp package where this namespace's symbols are interned")
-(defmethod print-object ((object xml-namespace) stream)
-  (print-unreadable-object (object stream :type t :identity t)
-    (format stream "~A - ~A" (get-prefix object) (get-uri object))))
-(defvar *local-namespace* (make-instance 'xml-namespace
-                                         :uri "local"
-                                         :prefix ""
-                                         :package (find-package :keyword))
-  "The local (global default) XML namespace")
-(defvar *xml-namespace* (make-instance 'xml-namespace
-                                       :uri "http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"
-                                       :prefix "xml"
-                                       :package (or (find-package :xml)
-                                                    (make-package :xml :nicknames '("XML"))))
-  "REC-xml-names-19990114 says the prefix xml is bound to the namespace http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace.")
-(defvar *known-namespaces* (list *local-namespace* *xml-namespace*)
-  "The list of known/defined namespaces")
-(defvar *namespaces* `(("xml" . ,*xml-namespace*) ("" . ,*local-namespace*))
-  "Ordered list of (prefix . XML-namespace) bindings currently in effect - special variable")
-(defun find-namespace (uri)
-  "Find a registered XML namespace identified by uri"
-  (find uri *known-namespaces* :key #'get-uri :test #'string-equal))
-(defun register-namespace (uri prefix package)
-  "Register a new or redefine an existing XML namespace defined by uri with prefix and package"
-  (let ((namespace (find-namespace uri)))
-    (if namespace
-        (setf (get-prefix namespace) prefix
-              (get-package namespace) (find-package package))
-      (push (setf namespace (make-instance 'xml-namespace
-                                           :uri uri
-                                           :prefix prefix
-                                           :package (find-package package)))
-            *known-namespaces*))
-    namespace))
-(defun find-namespace-binding (prefix namespaces)
-  "Find the XML namespace currently bound to prefix in the namespaces bindings"
-  (cdr (assoc prefix namespaces :test #'string-equal)))
-(defun split-identifier (identifier)
-  "Split an identifier 'prefix:name' and return (values prefix name)"
-  (when (symbolp identifier)
-    (setf identifier (symbol-name identifier)))
-  (let ((colon-position (position #\: identifier :test #'char=)))
-    (if colon-position
-        (values (subseq identifier 0 colon-position)
-                (subseq identifier (1+ colon-position)))
-      (values nil identifier))))
-(defvar *require-existing-symbols* nil
-  "If t, each XML identifier must exist as symbol already")
-(defvar *auto-export-symbols* t
-  "If t, export newly interned symbols form their packages")
-(defun resolve-identifier (identifier namespaces &optional as-attribute)
-  "Resolve the string identifier in the list of namespace bindings"
-  (if *ignore-namespaces*
-      (intern identifier :keyword)
-    (flet ((intern-symbol (string package) ; intern string as a symbol in package
-             (if *require-existing-symbols*
-                 (let ((symbol (find-symbol string package)))
-                   (or symbol
-                       (error "Symbol ~s does not exist in ~s" string package)))
-               (let ((symbol (intern string package)))
-                 (when (and *auto-export-symbols*
-                            (not (eql package (find-package :keyword))))
-                   (export symbol package))
-                 symbol))))
-      (multiple-value-bind (prefix name)
-          (split-identifier identifier)
-        (if (or (null prefix) (string= prefix "xmlns"))
-            (if as-attribute
-                (intern (if (string= prefix "xmlns") identifier name) (get-package *local-namespace*))
-              (let ((default-namespace (find-namespace-binding "" namespaces)))
-                (intern-symbol name (get-package default-namespace))))
-          (let ((namespace (find-namespace-binding prefix namespaces)))
-            (if namespace
-                (intern-symbol name (get-package namespace))
-              (error "namespace not found for prefix ~s" prefix))))))))
-(defvar *auto-create-namespace-packages* t
-  "If t, new packages will be created for namespaces, if needed, named by the prefix")
-(defun new-namespace (uri &optional prefix)
-  "Register a new namespace for uri and prefix, creating a package if necessary"
-  (if prefix
-      (register-namespace uri
-                          prefix
-                          (or (find-package prefix)
-                              (if *auto-create-namespace-packages*
-                                  (make-package prefix :nicknames `(,(string-upcase prefix)))
-                                (error "Cannot find or create package ~s" prefix))))
-    (let ((unique-name (loop :for i :upfrom 0
-                             :do (let ((name (format nil "ns-~d" i)))
-                                   (when (not (find-package name))
-                                     (return name))))))
-      (register-namespace uri
-                          unique-name
-                          (if *auto-create-namespace-packages*
-                              (make-package (string-upcase unique-name) :nicknames `(,unique-name))
-                            (error "Cannot create package ~s" unique-name))))))
-(defun extend-namespaces (attributes namespaces)
-  "Given possible 'xmlns[:prefix]' attributes, extend the namespaces bindings"
-  (unless *ignore-namespaces*
-    (let (default-namespace-uri)
-      (loop :for (key . value) :in attributes
-            :do (if (string= key "xmlns")
-                    (setf default-namespace-uri value)
-                  (multiple-value-bind (prefix name)
-                      (split-identifier key)
-                    (when (string= prefix "xmlns")
-                      (let* ((uri value)
-                             (prefix name)
-                             (namespace (find-namespace uri)))
-                        (unless namespace
-                          (setf namespace (new-namespace uri prefix)))
-                        (push `(,prefix . ,namespace) namespaces))))))
-      (when default-namespace-uri
-        (let ((namespace (find-namespace default-namespace-uri)))
-          (unless namespace
-            (setf namespace (new-namespace default-namespace-uri)))
-          (push `("" . ,namespace) namespaces)))))
-  namespaces)
-(defun print-identifier (identifier stream &optional as-attribute)
-  "Print identifier on stream using namespace conventions"
-  (declare (ignore as-attribute) (special *namespaces*))
-  (if *ignore-namespaces*
-      (princ identifier stream)
-    (if (symbolp identifier)
-        (let ((package (symbol-package identifier))
-              (name (symbol-name identifier)))
-          (let* ((namespace (find package *known-namespaces* :key #'get-package))
-                 (prefix (or (car (find namespace *namespaces* :key #'cdr))
-                             (get-prefix namespace))))
-            (if (string= prefix "")
-                (princ name stream)
-              (format stream "~a:~a" prefix name))))
-      (princ identifier stream))))
-;;; the parser state
-(defclass xml-parser-state ()
-  ((entities :documentation "A hashtable mapping XML entity names to their replacement stings"
-	     :accessor get-entities
-	     :initarg :entities
-	     :initform (make-standard-entities))
-   (seed :documentation "The user seed object"
-	 :accessor get-seed
-	 :initarg :seed
-	 :initform nil)
-   (buffer :documentation "The main reusable character buffer"
-	   :accessor get-buffer
-	   :initform (make-extendable-string))
-   (mini-buffer :documentation "The secondary, smaller reusable character buffer"
-		:accessor get-mini-buffer
-		:initform (make-extendable-string))
-   (new-element-hook :documentation "Called when new element starts"
-		     ;; Handle the start of a new xml element with name and attributes,
-		     ;; receiving seed from previous element (sibling or parent)
-		     ;; return seed to be used for first child (content)
-                     ;; or directly to finish-element-hook
-		     :accessor get-new-element-hook
-		     :initarg :new-element-hook
-		     :initform #'(lambda (name attributes seed)
-				   (declare (ignore name attributes))
-                                   seed))
-   (finish-element-hook :documentation "Called when element ends"
-			;; Handle the end of an xml element with name and attributes,
-			;; receiving parent-seed, the seed passed to us when this element started,
-                        ;; i.e. passed to our corresponding new-element-hook
-			;; and receiving seed from last child (content)
-                        ;; or directly from new-element-hook
-			;; return final seed for this element to next element (sibling or parent)
-			:accessor get-finish-element-hook
-			:initarg :finish-element-hook
-			:initform #'(lambda (name attributes parent-seed seed)
-				      (declare (ignore name attributes parent-seed))
-                                      seed))
-   (text-hook :documentation "Called when text is found"
-	      ;; Handle text in string, found as contents,
-	      ;; receiving seed from previous element (sibling or parent),
-              ;; return final seed for this element to next element (sibling or parent)
-	      :accessor get-text-hook
-	      :initarg :text-hook
-	      :initform #'(lambda (string seed)
-			    (declare (ignore string))
-                            seed)))
-  (:documentation "The XML parser state passed along all code making up the parser"))
-(setf (documentation 'get-seed 'function)
-      "Get the initial user seed of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation 'get-entities 'function)
-      "Get the entities hashtable of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation 'get-new-element-hook 'function)
-      "Get the new element hook of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation 'get-finish-element-hook 'function)
-      "Get the finish element hook of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation 'get-text-hook 'function)
-      "Get the text hook of an XML parser state")
-(setf (documentation '(setf get-seed) 'function)
-      "Set the initial user seed of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation '(setf get-entities) 'function)
-      "Set the entities hashtable of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation '(setf get-new-element-hook) 'function)
-      "Set the new element hook of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation '(setf get-finish-element-hook) 'function)
-      "Set the finish element hook of an XML parser state"
-      (documentation '(setf get-text-hook) 'function)
-      "Set the text hook of an XML parser state")
-(defmethod get-mini-buffer :after ((state xml-parser-state))
-  "Reset and return the reusable mini buffer"
-  (with-slots (mini-buffer) state
-    (setf (fill-pointer mini-buffer) 0)))
-(defmethod get-buffer :after ((state xml-parser-state))
-  "Reset and return the main reusable buffer"
-  (with-slots (buffer) state
-    (setf (fill-pointer buffer) 0)))
-;;; parser support
-(defun parse-whitespace (stream extendable-string)
-  "Read and collect XML whitespace from stream in string which is
-  destructively modified, return first non-whitespace character which
-  was peeked but not read, return #\Null on eof"
-  (declare (type (vector character) extendable-string))
-  (loop
-   (let ((char (peek-char nil stream nil #\Null)))
-     (declare (type character char))
-     (if (whitespace-char-p char)
-	 (vector-push-extend (read-char stream) extendable-string)
-       (return char)))))
-(defun parse-string (stream state string)
-  "Read and return an XML string from stream, delimited by either
-  single or double quotes, the stream is expected to be on the opening
-  delimiter, at the end the closing delimiter is also read, entities
-  are resolved, eof before end of string is an error"
-  (declare (type (vector character) string))
-  (let ((delimiter (read-char stream nil #\Null))
-	(char #\Null))
-    (declare (type character delimiter char))
-    (unless (or (char= delimiter #\') (char= delimiter #\"))
-      (error (parser-error "expected string delimiter" nil stream)))
-    (loop
-     (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))
-     (cond ((char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered eof before end of string")))
-	   ((char= char delimiter) (return))
-	   ((char= char #\&) (resolve-entity stream string (get-entities state) (get-mini-buffer state)))
-	   (t (vector-push-extend char string))))
-    string))
-(defun parse-text (stream state extendable-string)
-  "Read and collect XML text from stream in string which is
-  destructively modified, the text ends with a '<', which is peeked and
-  returned, entities are resolved, eof is considered an error"
-  (declare (type (vector character) extendable-string))
-  (let ((char #\Null))
-    (declare (type character char))
-    (loop
-     (setf char (peek-char nil stream nil #\Null))
-     (when (char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in text")))
-     (when (char= char #\<) (return))
-     (read-char stream)
-     (if (char= char #\&)
-	 (resolve-entity stream extendable-string (get-entities state) (get-mini-buffer state))
-       (vector-push-extend char extendable-string)))
-    char))
-(defun parse-identifier (stream identifier)
-  "Read and returns an XML identifier from stream, positioned at the
-  start of the identifier, ending with the first non-identifier
-  character, which is peeked, the identifier is written destructively
-  into identifier which is also returned"
-  (declare (type (vector character) identifier))
-  (loop
-   (let ((char (read-char stream nil #\Null)))
-     (declare (type character char))
-     (cond ((identifier-char-p char)
-	    (vector-push-extend char identifier))
-	   (t
-            (when (char/= char #\Null) (unread-char char stream))
-	    (return identifier))))))
-(defun skip-comment (stream)
-  "Skip an XML comment in stream, positioned after the opening '<!--',
-  consumes the closing '-->' sequence, unexpected eof or a malformed
-  closing sequence result in a error"
-  (let ((dashes-to-read 2))
-    (loop
-     (if (zerop dashes-to-read) (return))
-     (let ((char (read-char stream nil #\Null)))
-       (declare (type character char))
-       (if (char= char #\Null)
-	   (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof for comment")))
-       (if (char= char #\-)
-	   (decf dashes-to-read)
-	 (setf dashes-to-read 2)))))
-  (if (char/= (read-char stream nil #\Null) #\>)
-      (error (parser-error "expected > ending comment" nil stream))))
-(defun read-cdata (stream state string)
-  "Reads in the CDATA and calls the callback for CDATA if it exists"
-  ;; we already read the <![CDATA[ stuff
-  ;; continue to read until we hit ]]>
-  (let ((char #\space)
-	(last-3-characters (list #\[ #\A #\T))
-	(pattern (list #\> #\] #\])))
-    (declare (type character char))
-    (loop
-     (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))
-     (when (char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in text")))
-     (push char last-3-characters)
-     (setf (cdddr last-3-characters) nil)
-     (cond
-       ((equal last-3-characters
-	       pattern)
-	(setf (fill-pointer string)
-	      (- (fill-pointer string) 2))
-	(setf (get-seed state)
-	      (funcall (get-text-hook state)
-		       (copy-seq string)
-		       (get-seed state)))
-	(return-from read-cdata))
-       (t
-	(vector-push-extend char string))))))
-(defun skip-special-tag (stream state)
-  "Skip an XML special tag (comments and processing instructions) in
-  stream, positioned after the opening '<', unexpected eof is an error"
-  ;; opening < has been read, consume ? or !
-  (read-char stream)
-  (let ((char (read-char stream nil #\Null)))
-    (declare (type character char))
-    ;; see if we are dealing with a comment
-    (when (char= char #\-)
-      (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))
-      (when (char= char #\-)
-	(skip-comment stream)
-	(return-from skip-special-tag)))
-    ;; maybe we are dealing with CDATA?
-    (when (and (char= char #\[)
-	       (loop :for pattern :across "CDATA["
-		     :for char = (read-char stream nil #\Null)
-		     :when (char= char #\Null) :do
-		     (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof in cdata"))
-		     :always (char= char pattern)))
-      (read-cdata stream state (get-buffer state))
-      (return-from skip-special-tag))
-    ;; loop over chars, dealing with strings (skipping their content)
-    ;; and counting opening and closing < and > chars
-    (let ((taglevel 1)
-	  (string-delimiter #\Null))
-      (declare (type character string-delimiter))
-      (loop
-       (when (zerop taglevel) (return))
-       (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))
-       (when (char= char #\Null)
-	 (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof for special (! or ?) tag" nil stream)))
-       (if (char/= string-delimiter #\Null)
-	   ;; inside a string we only look for a closing string delimiter
-	   (when (char= char string-delimiter)
-	     (setf string-delimiter #\Null))
-	 ;; outside a string we count < and > and watch out for strings
-	 (cond ((or (char= char #\') (char= char #\")) (setf string-delimiter char))
-	       ((char= char #\<) (incf taglevel))
-	       ((char= char #\>) (decf taglevel))))))))
-;;; the XML parser proper
-(defun parse-xml-element-attributes (stream state)
-  "Parse XML element attributes from stream positioned after the tag
-  identifier, returning the attributes as an assoc list, ending at
-  either a '>' or a '/' which is peeked and also returned"
-  (declare (special *namespaces*))
-  (let ((char #\Null) attributes)
-    (declare (type character char))
-    (loop
-     ;; skip whitespace separating items
-     (setf char (skip-whitespace stream))
-     ;; start tag attributes ends with > or />
-     (when (or (char= char #\>) (char= char #\/)) (return))
-     ;; read the attribute key
-     (let ((key (let ((string (parse-identifier stream (get-mini-buffer state))))
-                  (if *ignore-namespaces*
-                      (funcall *attribute-name-parser* string)
-                      (copy-seq string)))))
-       ;; skip separating whitespace
-       (setf char (skip-whitespace stream))
-       ;; require = sign (and consume it if present)
-       (if (char= char #\=)
-	   (read-char stream)
-	 (error (parser-error "expected =" nil stream)))
-       ;; skip separating whitespace
-       (skip-whitespace stream)
-       ;; read the attribute value as a string
-       (push (cons key (let ((string (parse-string stream state (get-buffer state))))
-                         (if *ignore-namespaces*
-                             (funcall *attribute-value-parser* key string)
-                             (copy-seq string))))
-	     attributes)))
-    ;; return attributes peek char ending loop
-    (values attributes char)))
-(defun parse-xml-element (stream state)
-  "Parse and return an XML element from stream, positioned after the opening '<'"
-  (declare (special *namespaces*))
-  ;; opening < has been read
-  (when (char= (peek-char nil stream nil #\Null) #\!)
-    (skip-special-tag stream state)
-    (return-from parse-xml-element))
-  (let ((char #\Null) buffer open-tag parent-seed has-children)
-    (declare (type character char))
-    (setf parent-seed (get-seed state))
-    ;; read tag name (no whitespace between < and name ?)
-    (setf open-tag (copy-seq (parse-identifier stream (get-mini-buffer state))))
-    ;; tag has been read, read attributes if any
-    (multiple-value-bind (attributes peeked-char)
-	(parse-xml-element-attributes stream state)
-      (let ((*namespaces* (extend-namespaces attributes *namespaces*)))
-        (setf open-tag (resolve-identifier open-tag *namespaces*))
-        (unless *ignore-namespaces*
-          (dolist (attribute attributes)
-            (setf (car attribute) (funcall *attribute-name-parser* (car attribute))
-                  (cdr attribute) (funcall *attribute-value-parser* (car attribute) (cdr attribute)))))
-        (setf (get-seed state) (funcall (get-new-element-hook state)
-                                        open-tag attributes (get-seed state)))
-        (setf char peeked-char)
-        (when (char= char #\/)
-          ;; handle solitary tag of the form <tag .. />
-          (read-char stream)
-          (setf char (read-char stream nil #\Null))
-          (if (char= #\> char)
-              (progn
-                (setf (get-seed state) (funcall (get-finish-element-hook state)
-                                                open-tag attributes parent-seed (get-seed state)))
-                (return-from parse-xml-element))
-            (error (parser-error "expected >" nil stream))))
-        ;; consume >
-        (read-char stream)
-        (loop
-         (setf buffer (get-buffer state))
-         ;; read whitespace into buffer
-         (setf char (parse-whitespace stream buffer))
-         ;; see what ended the whitespace scan
-         (cond ((char= char #\Null) (error (parser-error "encountered unexpected eof handling ~a"
-                                                         (list open-tag))))
-               ((char= char #\<)
-                ;; consume the <
-                (read-char stream)
-                (if (char= (peek-char nil stream nil #\Null) #\/)
-                    (progn
-                      ;; handle the matching closing tag </tag> and done
-                      ;; if we read whitespace as this (leaf) element's contents, it is significant
-                      (when (and (not has-children) (plusp (length buffer)))
-                        (setf (get-seed state) (funcall (get-text-hook state)
-                                                        (copy-seq buffer) (get-seed state))))
-                      (read-char stream)
-                      (let ((close-tag (resolve-identifier (parse-identifier stream (get-mini-buffer state))
-                                                           *namespaces*)))
-                        (unless (eq open-tag close-tag)
-                          (error (parser-error "found <~a> not matched by </~a> but by <~a>"
-                                               (list open-tag open-tag close-tag) stream)))
-                        (unless (char= (read-char stream nil #\Null) #\>)
-                          (error (parser-error "expected >" nil stream)))
-                        (setf (get-seed state) (funcall (get-finish-element-hook state)
-                                                        open-tag attributes parent-seed (get-seed state))))
-                      (return))
-                  ;; handle child tag and loop, no hooks to call here
-                  ;; whitespace between child elements is skipped
-                  (progn
-                    (setf has-children t)
-                    (parse-xml-element stream state))))
-               (t
-                ;; no child tag, concatenate text to whitespace in buffer
-                ;; handle text content and loop
-                (setf char (parse-text stream state buffer))
-                (setf (get-seed state) (funcall (get-text-hook state)
-                                                (copy-seq buffer) (get-seed state))))))))))
-(defun start-parse-xml (stream &optional (state (make-instance 'xml-parser-state)))
-  "Parse and return a toplevel XML element from stream, using parser state"
-  (loop
-   (let ((char (skip-whitespace stream)))
-     (when (char= char #\Null) (return-from start-parse-xml))
-     ;; skip whitespace until start tag
-     (unless (char= char #\<)
-       (error (parser-error "expected <" nil stream)))
-     (read-char stream)			; consume peeked char
-     (setf char (peek-char nil stream nil #\Null))
-     (if (or (char= char #\!) (char= char #\?))
-	 ;; deal with special tags
-	 (skip-special-tag stream state)
-       (progn
-	 ;; read the main element
-	 (parse-xml-element stream state)
-	 (return-from start-parse-xml (get-seed state)))))))
-;;;; eof