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path: root/third_party/lisp/npg/src/define.lisp
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1 files changed, 408 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/lisp/npg/src/define.lisp b/third_party/lisp/npg/src/define.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..783f071fc5d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/lisp/npg/src/define.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+;;;  define.lisp --- grammar rules definition
+;;;  Copyright (C) 2003-2006, 2009 by Walter C. Pelissero
+;;;  Author: Walter C. Pelissero <walter@pelissero.de>
+;;;  Project: NPG a Naive Parser Generator
+#+cmu (ext:file-comment "$Module: define.lisp $")
+;;; This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+;;; modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+;;; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1
+;;; of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+;;; This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;;; Lesser General Public License for more details.
+;;; You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+;;; License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
+;;; Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA
+;;; 02111-1307 USA
+(in-package :naive-parser-generator)
+(defvar *smart-default-reduction* t
+  "If true the default reductions take only the non-static tokens -
+those that are not declared as strings in the grammar.")
+;; These two are filled with DEFRULE.
+(defvar *rules* (make-rules-table))
+(defvar *keywords* (make-keywords-table))
+(defun make-action-arguments (tokens)
+  "Given a list of tokens making up a production, return three values:
+the list of variables for the function reducing this production, those
+that are non static and their unambiguous user-friendly names."
+  (flet ((unique (sym list)
+           (if (not (assoc sym list))
+               sym
+               (loop
+                  for i of-type fixnum from 2
+                  for x = (intern (format nil "~:@(~A~)~A" sym i))
+                  while (assoc x list)
+                  finally (return x)))))
+    (loop
+       for tok in tokens
+       for i of-type fixnum from 1
+       for arg = (intern (format nil "$~A" i) (find-package #.*package*))
+       collect arg into args
+       unless (const-terminal-p tok)
+         collect arg into vars
+         and when (symbolp tok)
+           collect (list (unique tok named-vars) arg) into named-vars
+       when (and (listp tok)
+                 (symbolp (cadr tok)))
+         collect (list (unique (cadr tok) named-vars) arg) into named-vars
+       finally
+       (return (values args vars named-vars)))))
+(defun make-action-function (name tokens action)
+  "Create a function with name NAME, arguments derived from TOKENS and
+body ACTION.  Return it's definition."
+  (let ((function
+         (multiple-value-bind (args vars named-vars)
+             (make-action-arguments tokens)
+           `(lambda ,args
+              (declare (ignorable ,@args))
+              (let (($vars (list ,@vars))
+                    ($all (list ,@args))
+                    ,@named-vars
+                    ($alist (list ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (v)
+                                                `(cons ',(intern (symbol-name (car v)))
+                                                       ,(cadr v)))
+                                            named-vars))))
+                (declare (ignorable $vars $all $alist ,@(mapcar #'car named-vars)))
+                (flet ((make-object (&optional type args)
+                         (apply #'make-instance (or type ',name)
+                                (append args $alist))))
+                  ,action))))))
+    (when *compile-print*
+      (if *compile-verbose*
+          (format t "; Compiling ~S:~%  ~S~%" name function)
+          (format t "; Compiling ~S~%" name)))
+    (compile name function)))
+(defun define-rule (name productions)
+  "Accept a rule in EBNF-like syntax, translate it into a sexp and a
+  (flet ((transform (productions)
+           (loop
+              for tok in productions
+              with prod = nil
+              with action = nil
+              with phase = nil
+              with new-prods = nil
+              while tok
+              do (cond ((eq tok :=)
+                        (push (list (nreverse prod) action) new-prods)
+                        (setf prod nil
+                              action nil
+                              phase :prod))
+                       ((eq tok :reduce)
+                        (setf phase :action))
+                       ((eq tok :tag)
+                        (setf phase :tag))
+                       ((eq phase :tag)
+                        (setf action `(cons ,tok $vars)))
+                       ((eq phase :action)
+                        (setf action tok))
+                       ((eq phase :prod)
+                        (push tok prod)))
+              finally
+                (return (cdr (nreverse (cons (list (nreverse prod) action) new-prods)))))))
+    (insert-rule-in-current-grammar name (transform productions))))
+(defmacro defrule (name &rest productions)
+  "Wrapper macro for DEFINE-RULE."
+  `(define-rule ',name ',productions))
+(defun make-optional-rule (token)
+  "Make a rule for a possibly missing (non)terminal (? syntax) and
+return it."
+  (insert-rule-in-current-grammar
+   (gensym (concatenate 'string "OPT-"
+                        (if (rule-p token)
+                            (symbol-name (rule-name token))
+                            (string-upcase token))))
+   `(((,token)) (()))))
+(defun make-alternative-rule (tokens)
+  "Make a rule for a list of alternatives (\"or\" syntax) and return it."
+  (insert-rule-in-current-grammar
+   (gensym "ALT")
+   (mapcar #'(lambda (alternative)
+               `((,alternative)))
+           tokens)))
+(defun make-nonempty-list-rule (token &optional separator)
+  "Make a rule for a non-empty list (+ syntax) and return it."
+  (let ((rule-name (gensym (concatenate 'string "NELST-"
+                                        (if (rule-p token)
+                                            (symbol-name (rule-name token))
+                                            (string-upcase token))))))
+    (insert-rule-in-current-grammar
+     rule-name
+     (if separator
+         `(((,token ,separator ,rule-name)
+            (cons $1 $3))
+           ((,token) ,#'list))
+         `(((,token ,rule-name)
+            (cons $1 $2))
+           ((,token) ,#'list))))))
+(defun make-list-rule (token &optional separator)
+  "Make a rule for a possibly empty list (* syntax) return it."
+  (make-optional-rule (make-nonempty-list-rule token separator)))
+(defun const-terminal-p (object)
+  (or (stringp object)
+      (keywordp object)))
+(defun expand-production-token (tok)
+  "Translate token of the type NAME? or NAME* or NAME+ into (? NAME)
+or (* NAME) or (+ NAME).  This is used by the DEFRULE macro."
+  (if (symbolp tok)
+      (let* ((name (symbol-name tok))
+             (last (char name (1- (length name))))
+             ;; this looks silly but we need to make sure that we
+             ;; return symbols interned in this package, no one else
+             (op (cadr (assoc last '((#\? ?) (#\+ +) (#\* *))))))
+        (if (and (> (length name) 1) op)
+            (list op
+                  (intern (subseq name 0 (1- (length name)))))
+            tok))
+      tok))
+(defun EBNF-to-SEBNF (tokens)
+  "Take a production as a list of TOKENS and expand it.  This turns a
+EBNF syntax into a sexp-based EBNF syntax or SEBNF."
+  (loop
+     for tok in tokens
+     for token = (expand-production-token tok)
+     with new-tokens = '()
+     do (cond ((member token '(* + ?))
+               (setf (car new-tokens)
+                     (list token (car new-tokens))))
+              (t
+               (push token new-tokens)))
+     finally (return (nreverse new-tokens))))
+(defun SEBNF-to-BNF (tokens)
+  "Take a production in SEBNF (Symbolic Extended BNF) syntax and turn
+it into BNF.  The production is simplified but the current grammar is
+populated with additional rules."
+  (flet ((make-complex-token-rule (tok)
+           (ecase (car tok)
+             (* (apply #'make-list-rule (cdr tok)))
+             (+ (apply #'make-nonempty-list-rule (cdr tok)))
+             (? (make-optional-rule (cadr tok)))
+             (or (make-alternative-rule (cdr tok))))))
+    (loop
+       for token in tokens
+       with new-tokens = '()
+       with keywords = '()
+       do (cond ((listp token)
+                 (push (make-complex-token-rule token) new-tokens))
+                (t
+                 (push token new-tokens)
+                 (when (const-terminal-p token)
+                   (push token keywords))))
+       finally (return (values (nreverse new-tokens) keywords)))))
+(defun make-default-action-function (name tokens)
+  "Create a sexp to be used as default action in case one is not
+supplied in the production.  This is usually a quite sensible
+one.  That is, only the non-constant tokens are returned in a
+list and in case only a variable token is available that one is
+returned (not included in a list).  If all the tokens are
+constant, then all of them are returned in a list."
+  (cond ((null tokens)
+         ;; if the production matched the empty list (no tokens) we
+         ;; return always nil, that is the function LIST applied to no
+         ;; arguments
+         #'list)
+        ((null (cdr tokens))
+         ;; if the production matches just one token we simply return
+         ;; that
+         #'identity)
+        (*smart-default-reduction*
+         ;; If we are required to be "smart" then create a function
+         ;; that simply returns the non static tokens of the
+         ;; production.  If the production doesn't have nonterminal,
+         ;; then return all the tokens.  If the production has only
+         ;; one argument then return that one only.
+         (make-action-function name tokens '(cond
+                                             ((null $vars) $all)
+                                             ((null (cdr $vars)) (car $vars))
+                                             (t $vars))))
+        (t
+         ;; in all the other cases we return all the token matching
+         ;; the production
+         #'list)))
+(defun make-production-from-descr (name production-description)
+  "Take a production NAME and its description in the form of a sexp
+and return a production structure object together with a list of used
+  (destructuring-bind (tokens &optional action) production-description
+    (let ((expanded-tokens (EBNF-to-SEBNF tokens)))
+      (multiple-value-bind (production-tokens keywords)
+          (sebnf-to-bnf expanded-tokens)
+      (let ((funct
+             (cond ((not action)
+                    (make-default-action-function name expanded-tokens))
+                   ((or (listp action)
+                        ;; the case when the action is simply to
+                        ;; return a token (ie $2) or a constant value
+                        (symbolp action))
+                    (make-action-function name expanded-tokens action))
+                   ((functionp action)
+                    action)
+                   (t			; action is a constant
+                    #'(lambda (&rest args)
+                        (declare (ignore args))
+                        action)))))
+        (values
+         ;; Make a promise instead of actually resolving the
+         ;; nonterminals.  This avoids endless recursion.
+         (make-production :tokens production-tokens
+                          :tokens-length (length production-tokens)
+                          :action funct)
+         keywords))))))
+(defun remove-immediate-left-recursivity (rule)
+  "Turn left recursive rules of the type
+    A -> A x | y
+    A -> y A2
+    A2 -> x A2 | E
+where E is the empty production."
+  (let ((name (rule-name rule))
+        (productions (rule-productions rule)))
+    (loop
+       for prod in productions
+       for tokens = (prod-tokens prod)
+       ;; when immediately left recursive
+       when (eq (car tokens) rule)
+       collect prod into left-recursive
+       else
+       collect prod into non-left-recursive
+       finally
+         ;; found any left recursive production?
+         (when left-recursive
+           (warn "rule ~S is left recursive" name)
+           (let ((new-rule (make-rule :name (gensym "REWRITE"))))
+             ;; A -> y A2
+             (setf (rule-productions rule)
+                   (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
+                               (let ((tokens (prod-tokens p))
+                                     (action (prod-action p)))
+                                 (make-production :tokens (append tokens (list new-rule))
+                                                  :tokens-length (1+ (prod-tokens-length p))
+                                                  :action #'(lambda (&rest args)
+                                                              (let ((f-A2 (car (last args)))
+                                                                    (head (butlast args)))
+                                                                (funcall f-A2 (apply action head)))))))
+                           non-left-recursive))
+             ;; A2 -> x A2 | E
+             (setf (rule-productions new-rule)
+                   (append
+                    (mapcar #'(lambda (p)
+                                (let ((tokens (prod-tokens p))
+                                      (action (prod-action p)))
+                                  (make-production :tokens (append (cdr tokens) (list new-rule))
+                                                   :tokens-length (prod-tokens-length p)
+                                                   :action #'(lambda (&rest args)
+                                                               (let ((f-A2 (car (last args)))
+                                                                     (head (butlast args)))
+                                                                 #'(lambda (x)
+                                                                     (funcall f-A2 (apply action x head))))))))
+                            left-recursive)
+                    (list
+                     (make-production :tokens nil
+                                      :tokens-length 0
+                                      :action #'(lambda () #'(lambda (arg) arg)))))))))))
+(defun remove-left-recursivity-from-rules (rules)
+  (loop
+     for rule being each hash-value in rules
+     do
+     ;; More to be done here.  For now only the trivial immediate left
+     ;; recursivity is removed -wcp18/11/03.
+       (remove-immediate-left-recursivity rule)))
+(defun resolve-all-nonterminals (rules)
+  (loop
+     for rule being each hash-value in rules
+     do (loop
+           for production in (rule-productions rule)
+           do (setf (prod-tokens production)
+                    (resolve-nonterminals (prod-tokens production) rules)))))
+(defun make-rule-productions (rule-name production-descriptions)
+  "Return a production object that belongs to RULE-NAME made according
+  (loop
+     for descr in production-descriptions
+     for i of-type fixnum from 1 by 1
+     for prod-name = (intern (format nil "~:@(~A~)-PROD~A" rule-name i))
+     with productions = '()
+     with keywords = '()
+     do (progn
+          (multiple-value-bind (production keyws)
+              (make-production-from-descr prod-name descr)
+            (push production productions)
+            (setf keywords (append keyws keywords))))
+     finally (return
+               (values (nreverse productions) keywords))))
+(defun create-rule (name production-descriptions)
+  "Return a new rule object together with a list of keywords making up
+the production definitions."
+  (multiple-value-bind (productions keywords)
+      (make-rule-productions name production-descriptions)
+    (values (make-rule :name name :productions productions)
+            keywords)))
+(defun insert-rule-in-current-grammar (name productions)
+  "Add rule to the current grammar and its keywords to the keywords
+hash table.  You don't want to use this directly.  See DEFRULE macro
+  (when (find-rule name *rules*)
+    (error "redefining rule ~A" name))
+  (multiple-value-bind (rule keywords)
+      (create-rule name productions)
+    (add-rule name rule *rules*)
+    (dolist (term keywords)
+      (add-keyword term *keywords*))
+    rule))
+(defun resolve-nonterminals (tokens rules)
+  "Given a list of production tokens, try to expand the nonterminal
+ones with their respective rule from the the RULES pool."
+  (flet ((resolve-symbol (sym)
+           (or (find-rule sym rules)
+               sym)))
+    (mapcar #'(lambda (tok)
+                (if (symbolp tok)
+                    (resolve-symbol tok)
+                    tok))
+            tokens)))
+(defun reset-grammar ()
+  "Empty the current grammar from any existing rule."
+  (setf *rules* (make-rules-table)
+        *keywords* (make-keywords-table)))
+(defun generate-grammar (&optional (equal-p #'string-equal))
+  "Return a GRAMMAR structure suitable for the PARSE function, using
+the current rules.  EQUAL-P, if present, is a function to be used to
+match the input tokens; it defaults to STRING-EQUAL."
+  (resolve-all-nonterminals *rules*)
+  (remove-left-recursivity-from-rules *rules*)
+  (make-grammar :rules *rules*
+                :keywords *keywords*
+                :equal-p equal-p))