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path: root/third_party/immer/immer/experimental/detail/dvektor_impl.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/immer/immer/experimental/detail/dvektor_impl.hpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 498 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/immer/immer/experimental/detail/dvektor_impl.hpp b/third_party/immer/immer/experimental/detail/dvektor_impl.hpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 81dbbc59f5f3..000000000000
--- a/third_party/immer/immer/experimental/detail/dvektor_impl.hpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,498 +0,0 @@
-// immer: immutable data structures for C++
-// Copyright (C) 2016, 2017, 2018 Juan Pedro Bolivar Puente
-// This software is distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
-// See accompanying file LICENSE or copy at http://boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt
-#pragma once
-#include <immer/heap/heap_policy.hpp>
-#include <immer/refcount/enable_intrusive_ptr.hpp>
-#include <immer/refcount/refcount_policy.hpp>
-#include <boost/intrusive_ptr.hpp>
-#include <boost/iterator/iterator_facade.hpp>
-#include <boost/smart_ptr/intrusive_ref_counter.hpp>
-#include <cassert>
-#include <limits>
-namespace immer {
-namespace detail {
-namespace dvektor {
-constexpr auto fast_log2(std::size_t x)
-    return x == 0 ? 0 : sizeof(std::size_t) * 8 - 1 - __builtin_clzl(x);
-template <int B, typename T = std::size_t>
-constexpr T branches = T{1} << B;
-template <int B, typename T = std::size_t>
-constexpr T mask = branches<B, T> - 1;
-template <int B, typename T = std::size_t>
-constexpr auto
-    max_depth = fast_log2(std::numeric_limits<std::size_t>::max()) / B;
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-struct node;
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-using node_ptr = boost::intrusive_ptr<node<T, B, MP>>;
-template <typename T, int B>
-using leaf_node = std::array<T, 1 << B>;
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-using inner_node = std::array<node_ptr<T, B, MP>, 1 << B>;
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-struct node
-    : enable_intrusive_ptr<node<T, B, MP>, typename MP::refcount>
-    , enable_optimized_heap_policy<node<T, B, MP>, typename MP::heap>
-    using leaf_node_t  = leaf_node<T, B>;
-    using inner_node_t = inner_node<T, B, MP>;
-    enum
-    {
-        leaf_kind,
-        inner_kind
-    } kind;
-    union data_t
-    {
-        leaf_node_t leaf;
-        inner_node_t inner;
-        data_t(leaf_node_t n)
-            : leaf(std::move(n))
-        {}
-        data_t(inner_node_t n)
-            : inner(std::move(n))
-        {}
-        ~data_t() {}
-    } data;
-    ~node()
-    {
-        switch (kind) {
-        case leaf_kind:
-            data.leaf.~leaf_node_t();
-            break;
-        case inner_kind:
-            data.inner.~inner_node_t();
-            break;
-        }
-    }
-    node(leaf_node<T, B> n)
-        : kind{leaf_kind}
-        , data{std::move(n)}
-    {}
-    node(inner_node<T, B, MP> n)
-        : kind{inner_kind}
-        , data{std::move(n)}
-    {}
-    inner_node_t& inner() &
-    {
-        assert(kind == inner_kind);
-        return data.inner;
-    }
-    const inner_node_t& inner() const&
-    {
-        assert(kind == inner_kind);
-        return data.inner;
-    }
-    inner_node_t&& inner() &&
-    {
-        assert(kind == inner_kind);
-        return std::move(data.inner);
-    }
-    leaf_node_t& leaf() &
-    {
-        assert(kind == leaf_kind);
-        return data.leaf;
-    }
-    const leaf_node_t& leaf() const&
-    {
-        assert(kind == leaf_kind);
-        return data.leaf;
-    }
-    leaf_node_t&& leaf() &&
-    {
-        assert(kind == leaf_kind);
-        return std::move(data.leaf);
-    }
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP, typename... Ts>
-auto make_node(Ts&&... xs) -> boost::intrusive_ptr<node<T, B, MP>>
-    return new node<T, B, MP>(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-struct ref
-    using inner_t    = inner_node<T, B, MP>;
-    using leaf_t     = leaf_node<T, B>;
-    using node_t     = node<T, B, MP>;
-    using node_ptr_t = node_ptr<T, B, MP>;
-    unsigned depth;
-    std::array<node_ptr_t, max_depth<B>> display;
-    template <typename... Ts>
-    static auto make_node(Ts&&... xs)
-    {
-        return dvektor::make_node<T, B, MP>(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
-    }
-    const T& get_elem(std::size_t index, std::size_t xr) const
-    {
-        auto display_idx = fast_log2(xr) / B;
-        auto node        = display[display_idx].get();
-        auto shift       = display_idx * B;
-        while (display_idx--) {
-            node = node->inner()[(index >> shift) & mask<B>].get();
-            shift -= B;
-        }
-        return node->leaf()[index & mask<B>];
-    }
-    node_ptr_t null_slot_and_copy_inner(node_ptr_t& node, std::size_t idx)
-    {
-        auto& n = node->inner();
-        auto x  = node_ptr_t{};
-        x.swap(n[idx]);
-        return copy_of_inner(x);
-    }
-    node_ptr_t null_slot_and_copy_leaf(node_ptr_t& node, std::size_t idx)
-    {
-        auto& n = node->inner();
-        auto x  = node_ptr_t{};
-        x.swap(n[idx]);
-        return copy_of_leaf(x);
-    }
-    node_ptr_t copy_of_inner(const node_ptr_t& n)
-    {
-        return make_node(n->inner());
-    }
-    node_ptr_t copy_of_leaf(const node_ptr_t& n)
-    {
-        return make_node(n->leaf());
-    }
-    void stabilize(std::size_t index)
-    {
-        auto shift = B;
-        for (auto i = 1u; i < depth; ++i) {
-            display[i] = copy_of_inner(display[i]);
-            display[i]->inner()[(index >> shift) & mask<B>] = display[i - 1];
-            shift += B;
-        }
-    }
-    void goto_pos_writable_from_clean(std::size_t old_index,
-                                      std::size_t index,
-                                      std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        assert(depth);
-        auto d = depth - 1;
-        if (d == 0) {
-            display[0] = copy_of_leaf(display[0]);
-        } else {
-            display[d] = copy_of_inner(display[d]);
-            auto shift = B * d;
-            while (--d) {
-                display[d] = null_slot_and_copy_inner(
-                    display[d + 1], (index >> shift) & mask<B>);
-                shift -= B;
-            }
-            display[0] =
-                null_slot_and_copy_leaf(display[1], (index >> B) & mask<B>);
-        }
-    }
-    void goto_pos_writable_from_dirty(std::size_t old_index,
-                                      std::size_t new_index,
-                                      std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        assert(depth);
-        if (xr < (1 << B)) {
-            display[0] = copy_of_leaf(display[0]);
-        } else {
-            auto display_idx = fast_log2(xr) / B;
-            auto shift       = B;
-            for (auto i = 1u; i <= display_idx; ++i) {
-                display[i] = copy_of_inner(display[i]);
-                display[i]->inner()[(old_index >> shift) & mask<B>] =
-                    display[i - 1];
-                shift += B;
-            }
-            for (auto i = display_idx - 1; i > 0; --i) {
-                shift -= B;
-                display[i] = null_slot_and_copy_inner(
-                    display[i + 1], (new_index >> shift) & mask<B>);
-            }
-            display[0] =
-                null_slot_and_copy_leaf(display[1], (new_index >> B) & mask<B>);
-        }
-    }
-    void goto_fresh_pos_writable_from_clean(std::size_t old_index,
-                                            std::size_t new_index,
-                                            std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        auto display_idx = fast_log2(xr) / B;
-        if (display_idx > 0) {
-            auto shift = display_idx * B;
-            if (display_idx == depth) {
-                display[display_idx] = make_node(inner_t{});
-                display[display_idx]->inner()[(old_index >> shift) & mask<B>] =
-                    display[display_idx - 1];
-                ++depth;
-            }
-            while (--display_idx) {
-                auto node = display[display_idx + 1]
-                                ->inner()[(new_index >> shift) & mask<B>];
-                display[display_idx] =
-                    node ? std::move(node) : make_node(inner_t{});
-            }
-            display[0] = make_node(leaf_t{});
-        }
-    }
-    void goto_fresh_pos_writable_from_dirty(std::size_t old_index,
-                                            std::size_t new_index,
-                                            std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        stabilize(old_index);
-        goto_fresh_pos_writable_from_clean(old_index, new_index, xr);
-    }
-    void goto_next_block_start(std::size_t index, std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        auto display_idx = fast_log2(xr) / B;
-        auto shift       = display_idx * B;
-        if (display_idx > 0) {
-            display[display_idx - 1] =
-                display[display_idx]->inner()[(index >> shift) & mask<B>];
-            while (--display_idx)
-                display[display_idx - 1] = display[display_idx]->inner()[0];
-        }
-    }
-    void goto_pos(std::size_t index, std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        auto display_idx = fast_log2(xr) / B;
-        auto shift       = display_idx * B;
-        if (display_idx) {
-            do {
-                display[display_idx - 1] =
-                    display[display_idx]->inner()[(index >> shift) & mask<B>];
-                shift -= B;
-            } while (--display_idx);
-        }
-    }
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-struct impl
-    using inner_t    = inner_node<T, B, MP>;
-    using leaf_t     = leaf_node<T, B>;
-    using node_t     = node<T, B, MP>;
-    using node_ptr_t = node_ptr<T, B, MP>;
-    using ref_t      = ref<T, B, MP>;
-    std::size_t size;
-    std::size_t focus;
-    bool dirty;
-    ref_t p;
-    template <typename... Ts>
-    static auto make_node(Ts&&... xs)
-    {
-        return dvektor::make_node<T, B, MP>(std::forward<Ts>(xs)...);
-    }
-    void goto_pos_writable(std::size_t old_index,
-                           std::size_t new_index,
-                           std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        if (dirty) {
-            p.goto_pos_writable_from_dirty(old_index, new_index, xr);
-        } else {
-            p.goto_pos_writable_from_clean(old_index, new_index, xr);
-            dirty = true;
-        }
-    }
-    void goto_fresh_pos_writable(std::size_t old_index,
-                                 std::size_t new_index,
-                                 std::size_t xr)
-    {
-        if (dirty) {
-            p.goto_fresh_pos_writable_from_dirty(old_index, new_index, xr);
-        } else {
-            p.goto_fresh_pos_writable_from_clean(old_index, new_index, xr);
-            dirty = true;
-        }
-    }
-    impl push_back(T value) const
-    {
-        if (size) {
-            auto block_index = size & ~mask<B>;
-            auto lo          = size & mask<B>;
-            if (size != block_index) {
-                auto s = impl{size + 1, block_index, dirty, p};
-                s.goto_pos_writable(focus, block_index, focus ^ block_index);
-                s.p.display[0]->leaf()[lo] = std::move(value);
-                return s;
-            } else {
-                auto s = impl{size + 1, block_index, dirty, p};
-                s.goto_fresh_pos_writable(
-                    focus, block_index, focus ^ block_index);
-                s.p.display[0]->leaf()[lo] = std::move(value);
-                return s;
-            }
-        } else {
-            return impl{
-                1, 0, false, {1, {{make_node(leaf_t{{std::move(value)}})}}}};
-        }
-    }
-    const T& get(std::size_t index) const
-    {
-        return p.get_elem(index, index ^ focus);
-    }
-    template <typename FnT>
-    impl update(std::size_t idx, FnT&& fn) const
-    {
-        auto s = impl{size, idx, dirty, p};
-        s.goto_pos_writable(focus, idx, focus ^ idx);
-        auto& v = s.p.display[0]->leaf()[idx & mask<B>];
-        v       = fn(std::move(v));
-        return s;
-    }
-    impl assoc(std::size_t idx, T value) const
-    {
-        return update(idx, [&](auto&&) { return std::move(value); });
-    }
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-const impl<T, B, MP> empty = {0, 0, false, ref<T, B, MP>{1, {}}};
-template <typename T, int B, typename MP>
-struct iterator
-    : boost::iterator_facade<iterator<T, B, MP>,
-                             T,
-                             boost::random_access_traversal_tag,
-                             const T&>
-    struct end_t
-    {};
-    iterator() = default;
-    iterator(const impl<T, B, MP>& v)
-        : p_{v.p}
-        , i_{0}
-        , base_{0}
-    {
-        if (v.dirty)
-            p_.stabilize(v.focus);
-        p_.goto_pos(0, 0 ^ v.focus);
-        curr_ = p_.display[0]->leaf().begin();
-    }
-    iterator(const impl<T, B, MP>& v, end_t)
-        : p_{v.p}
-        , i_{v.size}
-        , base_{(v.size - 1) & ~mask<B>}
-    {
-        if (v.dirty)
-            p_.stabilize(v.focus);
-        p_.goto_pos(base_, base_ ^ v.focus);
-        curr_ = p_.display[0]->leaf().begin() + (i_ - base_);
-    }
-    friend class boost::iterator_core_access;
-    using leaf_iterator = typename leaf_node<T, B>::const_iterator;
-    ref<T, B, MP> p_;
-    std::size_t i_;
-    std::size_t base_;
-    leaf_iterator curr_;
-    void increment()
-    {
-        ++i_;
-        if (i_ - base_ < branches<B>) {
-            ++curr_;
-        } else {
-            auto new_base = base_ + branches<B>;
-            p_.goto_next_block_start(new_base, base_ ^ new_base);
-            base_ = new_base;
-            curr_ = p_.display[0]->leaf().begin();
-        }
-    }
-    void decrement()
-    {
-        assert(i_ > 0);
-        --i_;
-        if (i_ >= base_) {
-            --curr_;
-        } else {
-            auto new_base = base_ - branches<B>;
-            p_.goto_pos(new_base, base_ ^ new_base);
-            base_ = new_base;
-            curr_ = std::prev(p_.display[0]->leaf().end());
-        }
-    }
-    void advance(std::ptrdiff_t n)
-    {
-        i_ += n;
-        if (i_ <= base_ && i_ - base_ < branches<B>) {
-            curr_ += n;
-        } else {
-            auto new_base = i_ & ~mask<B>;
-            p_.goto_pos(new_base, base_ ^ new_base);
-            base_ = new_base;
-            curr_ = p_.display[0]->leaf().begin() + (i_ - base_);
-        }
-    }
-    bool equal(const iterator& other) const { return i_ == other.i_; }
-    std::ptrdiff_t distance_to(const iterator& other) const
-    {
-        return other.i_ > i_ ? static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(other.i_ - i_)
-                             : -static_cast<std::ptrdiff_t>(i_ - other.i_);
-    }
-    const T& dereference() const { return *curr_; }
-} /* namespace dvektor */
-} /* namespace detail */
-} /* namespace immer */