about summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/third_party/git/git-gui/lib
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/git-gui/lib')
-rw-r--r--third_party/git/git-gui/lib/git-gui.icobin3638 -> 0 bytes
42 files changed, 0 insertions, 13147 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/about.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/about.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index cfa50fca8782..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/about.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui about git-gui dialog
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc do_about {} {
-	global appvers copyright oguilib
-	global tcl_patchLevel tk_patchLevel
-	global ui_comm_spell NS use_ttk
-	set w .about_dialog
-	Dialog $w
-	wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	pack [git_logo $w.git_logo] -side left -fill y -padx 10 -pady 10
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text {Close} \
-		-default active \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.close -side right
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	paddedlabel $w.desc \
-		-text "[mc "git-gui - a graphical user interface for Git."]\n$copyright"
-	pack $w.desc -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
-	set v {}
-	append v "git-gui version $appvers\n"
-	append v "[git version]\n"
-	append v "\n"
-	if {$tcl_patchLevel eq $tk_patchLevel} {
-		append v "Tcl/Tk version $tcl_patchLevel"
-	} else {
-		append v "Tcl version $tcl_patchLevel"
-		append v ", Tk version $tk_patchLevel"
-	}
-	if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]
-		&& [$ui_comm_spell version] ne {}} {
-		append v "\n"
-		append v [$ui_comm_spell version]
-	}
-	set d {}
-	append d "git wrapper: $::_git\n"
-	append d "git exec dir: [gitexec]\n"
-	append d "git-gui lib: $oguilib"
-	paddedlabel $w.vers -text $v
-	pack $w.vers -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
-	paddedlabel $w.dirs -text $d
-	pack $w.dirs -side top -fill x -padx 5 -pady 5
-	menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label {Copy} \
-		-command "
-		clipboard clear
-		clipboard append -format STRING -type STRING -- \[$w.vers cget -text\]
-	"
-	bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.close"
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
-	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
-	bind_button3 $w.vers "tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y; grab $w; focus $w"
-	wm title $w "About [appname]"
-	tkwait window $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8441e109be32..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/blame.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1374 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui blame viewer
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class blame {
-# Persistent data (survives loads)
-field history {}; # viewer history: {commit path}
-field header    ; # array commit,key -> header field
-# Tk UI control paths
-field w          ; # top window in this viewer
-field w_back     ; # our back button
-field w_path     ; # label showing the current file path
-field w_columns  ; # list of all column widgets in the viewer
-field w_line     ; # text column: all line numbers
-field w_amov     ; # text column: annotations + move tracking
-field w_asim     ; # text column: annotations (simple computation)
-field w_file     ; # text column: actual file data
-field w_cviewer  ; # pane showing commit message
-field finder     ; # find mini-dialog frame
-field gotoline   ; # line goto mini-dialog frame
-field status     ; # status mega-widget instance
-field status_operation ; # operation displayed by status mega-widget
-field old_height ; # last known height of $w.file_pane
-# Tk UI colors
-variable active_color #c0edc5
-variable group_colors {
-	#d6d6d6
-	#e1e1e1
-	#ececec
-# Current blame data; cleared/reset on each load
-field commit               ; # input commit to blame
-field path                 ; # input filename to view in $commit
-field current_fd        {} ; # background process running
-field highlight_line    -1 ; # current line selected
-field highlight_column  {} ; # current commit column selected
-field highlight_commit  {} ; # sha1 of commit selected
-field total_lines       0  ; # total length of file
-field blame_lines       0  ; # number of lines computed
-field amov_data            ; # list of {commit origfile origline}
-field asim_data            ; # list of {commit origfile origline}
-field r_commit             ; # commit currently being parsed
-field r_orig_line          ; # original line number
-field r_final_line         ; # final line number
-field r_line_count         ; # lines in this region
-field tooltip_wm        {} ; # Current tooltip toplevel, if open
-field tooltip_t         {} ; # Text widget in $tooltip_wm
-field tooltip_timer     {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip
-field tooltip_commit    {} ; # Commit(s) in tooltip
-constructor new {i_commit i_path i_jump} {
-	global cursor_ptr M1B M1T have_tk85 use_ttk NS
-	variable active_color
-	variable group_colors
-	set commit $i_commit
-	set path   $i_path
-	make_toplevel top w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): File Viewer" [appname] [reponame]]
-	set font_w [font measure font_diff "0"]
-	gold_frame $w.header
-	tlabel $w.header.commit_l \
-		-text [mc "Commit:"] \
-		-background gold \
-		-foreground black \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	set w_back $w.header.commit_b
-	tlabel $w_back \
-		-image ::blame::img_back_arrow \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-relief flat \
-		-state disabled \
-		-background gold \
-		-foreground black \
-		-activebackground gold
-	bind $w_back <Button-1> "
-		if {\[$w_back cget -state\] eq {normal}} {
-			[cb _history_menu]
-		}
-		"
-	tlabel $w.header.commit \
-		-textvariable @commit \
-		-background gold \
-		-foreground black \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	tlabel $w.header.path_l \
-		-text [mc "File:"] \
-		-background gold \
-		-foreground black \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	set w_path $w.header.path
-	tlabel $w_path \
-		-background gold \
-		-foreground black \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	pack $w.header.commit_l -side left
-	pack $w_back -side left
-	pack $w.header.commit -side left
-	pack $w_path -fill x -side right
-	pack $w.header.path_l -side right
-	panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical -borderwidth 0 -sashwidth 3
-	frame $w.file_pane.out -relief flat -borderwidth 1
-	frame $w.file_pane.cm -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
-	$w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.out \
-		-sticky nsew \
-		-minsize 100 \
-		-height 100 \
-		-width 100
-	$w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.cm \
-		-sticky nsew \
-		-minsize 25 \
-		-height 25 \
-		-width 100
-	set w_line $w.file_pane.out.linenumber_t
-	text $w_line \
-		-takefocus 0 \
-		-highlightthickness 0 \
-		-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-state disabled \
-		-wrap none \
-		-height 40 \
-		-width 6 \
-		-font font_diff
-	$w_line tag conf linenumber -justify right -rmargin 5
-	set w_amov $w.file_pane.out.amove_t
-	text $w_amov \
-		-takefocus 0 \
-		-highlightthickness 0 \
-		-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-state disabled \
-		-wrap none \
-		-height 40 \
-		-width 5 \
-		-font font_diff
-	$w_amov tag conf author_abbr -justify right -rmargin 5
-	$w_amov tag conf curr_commit
-	$w_amov tag conf prior_commit -foreground blue -underline 1
-	$w_amov tag bind prior_commit \
-		<Button-1> \
-		"[cb _load_commit $w_amov @amov_data @%x,%y];break"
-	set w_asim $w.file_pane.out.asimple_t
-	text $w_asim \
-		-takefocus 0 \
-		-highlightthickness 0 \
-		-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-state disabled \
-		-wrap none \
-		-height 40 \
-		-width 4 \
-		-font font_diff
-	$w_asim tag conf author_abbr -justify right
-	$w_asim tag conf curr_commit
-	$w_asim tag conf prior_commit -foreground blue -underline 1
-	$w_asim tag bind prior_commit \
-		<Button-1> \
-		"[cb _load_commit $w_asim @asim_data @%x,%y];break"
-	set w_file $w.file_pane.out.file_t
-	text $w_file \
-		-takefocus 0 \
-		-highlightthickness 0 \
-		-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-state disabled \
-		-wrap none \
-		-height 40 \
-		-width 80 \
-		-xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.out.sbx set] \
-		-font font_diff
-	if {$have_tk85} {
-		$w_file configure -inactiveselectbackground darkblue
-	}
-	$w_file tag conf found \
-		-background yellow
-	set w_columns [list $w_amov $w_asim $w_line $w_file]
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sbx \
-		-orient h \
-		-command [list $w_file xview]
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sby \
-		-orient v \
-		-command [list scrollbar2many $w_columns yview]
-	eval grid $w_columns $w.file_pane.out.sby -sticky nsew
-	grid conf \
-		$w.file_pane.out.sbx \
-		-column 0 \
-		-columnspan [expr {[llength $w_columns] + 1}] \
-		-sticky we
-	grid columnconfigure \
-		$w.file_pane.out \
-		[expr {[llength $w_columns] - 1}] \
-		-weight 1
-	grid rowconfigure $w.file_pane.out 0 -weight 1
-	set finder [::searchbar::new \
-		$w.file_pane.out.ff $w_file \
-		-column 0 \
-		-columnspan [expr {[llength $w_columns] + 1}] \
-		]
-	set gotoline [::linebar::new \
-		$w.file_pane.out.lf $w_file \
-		-column 0 \
-		-columnspan [expr {[llength $w_columns] + 1}] \
-		]
-	set w_cviewer $w.file_pane.cm.t
-	text $w_cviewer \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-state disabled \
-		-wrap none \
-		-height 10 \
-		-width 80 \
-		-xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.cm.sbx set] \
-		-yscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.cm.sby set] \
-		-font font_diff
-	$w_cviewer tag conf still_loading \
-		-font font_uiitalic \
-		-justify center
-	$w_cviewer tag conf header_key \
-		-tabs {3c} \
-		-background $active_color \
-		-font font_uibold
-	$w_cviewer tag conf header_val \
-		-background $active_color \
-		-font font_ui
-	$w_cviewer tag raise sel
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.cm.sbx \
-		-orient h \
-		-command [list $w_cviewer xview]
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.cm.sby \
-		-orient v \
-		-command [list $w_cviewer yview]
-	pack $w.file_pane.cm.sby -side right -fill y
-	pack $w.file_pane.cm.sbx -side bottom -fill x
-	pack $w_cviewer -expand 1 -fill both
-	set status [::status_bar::new $w.status]
-	set status_operation {}
-	menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Copy Commit"] \
-		-command [cb _copycommit]
-	$w.ctxm add separator
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Find Text..."] \
-		-accelerator F7 \
-		-command [cb _show_finder]
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Goto Line..."] \
-		-accelerator "Ctrl-G" \
-		-command [cb _show_linebar]
-	menu $w.ctxm.enc
-	build_encoding_menu $w.ctxm.enc [cb _setencoding]
-	$w.ctxm add cascade \
-		-label [mc "Encoding"] \
-		-menu $w.ctxm.enc
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Do Full Copy Detection"] \
-		-command [cb _fullcopyblame]
-	$w.ctxm add separator
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Show History Context"] \
-		-command [cb _gitkcommit]
-	$w.ctxm add command \
-		-label [mc "Blame Parent Commit"] \
-		-command [cb _blameparent]
-	foreach i $w_columns {
-		for {set g 0} {$g < [llength $group_colors]} {incr g} {
-			$i tag conf color$g -background [lindex $group_colors $g]
-		}
-		if {$i eq $w_file} {
-			$w_file tag raise found
-		}
-		$i tag raise sel
-		$i conf -cursor $cursor_ptr
-		$i conf -yscrollcommand \
-			"[list ::searchbar::scrolled $finder]
-			 [list many2scrollbar $w_columns yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]"
-		bind $i <Button-1> "
-			[cb _hide_tooltip]
-			[cb _click $i @%x,%y]
-			focus $i
-		"
-		bind $i <Any-Motion>  [cb _show_tooltip $i @%x,%y]
-		bind $i <Any-Enter>   [cb _hide_tooltip]
-		bind $i <Any-Leave>   [cb _hide_tooltip]
-		bind $i <Deactivate>  [cb _hide_tooltip]
-		bind_button3 $i "
-			[cb _hide_tooltip]
-			set cursorX %x
-			set cursorY %y
-			set cursorW %W
-			tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y
-		"
-		bind $i <Shift-Tab> "[list focus $w_cviewer];break"
-		bind $i <Tab>       "[cb _focus_search $w_cviewer];break"
-	}
-	foreach i [concat $w_columns $w_cviewer] {
-		bind $i <Key-Up>        {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-Down>      {catch {%W yview scroll  1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-Left>      {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-Right>     {catch {%W xview scroll  1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-k>         {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-j>         {catch {%W yview scroll  1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-h>         {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Key-l>         {catch {%W xview scroll  1 units};break}
-		bind $i <Control-Key-b> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 pages};break}
-		bind $i <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll  1 pages};break}
-	}
-	bind $w_cviewer <Shift-Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_file];break"
-	bind $w_cviewer <Tab>       "[list focus $w_file];break"
-	bind $w_cviewer <Button-1>   [list focus $w_cviewer]
-	bind $w_file    <Visibility> [cb _focus_search $w_file]
-	bind $top       <F7>         [cb _show_finder]
-	bind $top       <Key-slash>  [cb _show_finder]
-	bind $top    <Control-Key-s> [cb _show_finder]
-	bind $top       <Escape>     [list searchbar::hide $finder]
-	bind $top       <F3>         [list searchbar::find_next $finder]
-	bind $top       <Shift-F3>   [list searchbar::find_prev $finder]
-	bind $top    <Control-Key-g> [cb _show_linebar]
-	catch { bind $top <Shift-Key-XF86_Switch_VT_3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder] }
-	grid configure $w.header -sticky ew
-	grid configure $w.file_pane -sticky nsew
-	grid configure $w.status -sticky ew
-	grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
-	grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 0
-	grid rowconfigure $top 1 -weight 1
-	grid rowconfigure $top 2 -weight 0
-	set req_w [winfo reqwidth  $top]
-	set req_h [winfo reqheight $top]
-	set scr_w [expr {[winfo screenwidth $top] - 40}]
-	set scr_h [expr {[winfo screenheight $top] - 120}]
-	set opt_w [expr {$font_w * (80 + 5*3 + 3)}]
-	if {$req_w < $opt_w} {set req_w $opt_w}
-	if {$req_w > $scr_w} {set req_w $scr_w}
-	set opt_h [expr {$req_w*4/3}]
-	if {$req_h < $scr_h} {set req_h $scr_h}
-	if {$req_h > $opt_h} {set req_h $opt_h}
-	set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
-	wm geometry $top $g
-	update
-	set old_height [winfo height $w.file_pane]
-	$w.file_pane sash place 0 \
-		[lindex [$w.file_pane sash coord 0] 0] \
-		[expr {int($old_height * 0.80)}]
-	bind $w.file_pane <Configure> \
-	"if {{$w.file_pane} eq {%W}} {[cb _resize %h]}"
-	wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $top"
-	bind $top <Destroy> [cb _handle_destroy %W]
-	_load $this $i_jump
-method _focus_search {win} {
-	if {[searchbar::visible $finder]} {
-		focus [searchbar::editor $finder]
-	} else {
-		focus $win
-	}
-method _handle_destroy {win} {
-	if {$win eq $w} {
-		_kill $this
-		delete_this
-	}
-method _kill {} {
-	if {$current_fd ne {}} {
-		kill_file_process $current_fd
-		catch {close $current_fd}
-		set current_fd {}
-	}
-method _load {jump} {
-	variable group_colors
-	_hide_tooltip $this
-	if {$total_lines != 0 || $current_fd ne {}} {
-		_kill $this
-		foreach i $w_columns {
-			$i conf -state normal
-			$i delete 0.0 end
-			foreach g [$i tag names] {
-				if {[regexp {^g[0-9a-f]{40}$} $g]} {
-					$i tag delete $g
-				}
-			}
-			$i conf -state disabled
-		}
-		$w_cviewer conf -state normal
-		$w_cviewer delete 0.0 end
-		$w_cviewer conf -state disabled
-		set highlight_line -1
-		set highlight_column {}
-		set highlight_commit {}
-		set total_lines 0
-	}
-	if {$history eq {}} {
-		$w_back conf -state disabled
-	} else {
-		$w_back conf -state normal
-	}
-	# Index 0 is always empty.  There is never line 0 as
-	# we use only 1 based lines, as that matches both with
-	# git-blame output and with Tk's text widget.
-	#
-	set amov_data [list [list]]
-	set asim_data [list [list]]
-	$status show [mc "Reading %s..." "$commit:[escape_path $path]"]
-	$w_path conf -text [escape_path $path]
-	set do_textconv 0
-	if {![is_config_false gui.textconv] && [git-version >= 1.7.2]} {
-		set filter [gitattr $path diff set]
-		set textconv [get_config [join [list diff $filter textconv] .]]
-		if {$filter ne {set} && $textconv ne {}} {
-			set do_textconv 1
-		}
-	}
-	if {$commit eq {}} {
-		if {$do_textconv ne 0} {
-			set fd [open_cmd_pipe $textconv $path]
-		} else {
-			set fd [open $path r]
-		}
-		fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
-	} else {
-		if {$do_textconv ne 0} {
-			set fd [git_read cat-file --textconv "$commit:$path"]
-		} else {
-			set fd [git_read cat-file blob "$commit:$path"]
-		}
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd \
-		-blocking 0 \
-		-translation lf \
-		-encoding [get_path_encoding $path]
-	fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_file $fd $jump]
-	set current_fd $fd
-method _history_menu {} {
-	set m $w.backmenu
-	if {[winfo exists $m]} {
-		$m delete 0 end
-	} else {
-		menu $m -tearoff 0
-	}
-	for {set i [expr {[llength $history] - 1}]
-		} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
-		set e [lindex $history $i]
-		set c [lindex $e 0]
-		set f [lindex $e 1]
-		if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $c]} {
-			set t [string range $c 0 8]...
-		} elseif {$c eq {}} {
-			set t {Working Directory}
-		} else {
-			set t $c
-		}
-		if {![catch {set summary $header($c,summary)}]} {
-			append t " $summary"
-			if {[string length $t] > 70} {
-				set t [string range $t 0 66]...
-			}
-		}
-		$m add command -label $t -command [cb _goback $i]
-	}
-	set X [winfo rootx $w_back]
-	set Y [expr {[winfo rooty $w_back] + [winfo height $w_back]}]
-	tk_popup $m $X $Y
-method _goback {i} {
-	set dat [lindex $history $i]
-	set history [lrange $history 0 [expr {$i - 1}]]
-	set commit [lindex $dat 0]
-	set path [lindex $dat 1]
-	_load $this [lrange $dat 2 5]
-method _read_file {fd jump} {
-	if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
-		catch {close $fd}
-		return
-	}
-	foreach i $w_columns {$i conf -state normal}
-	while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-		regsub "\r\$" $line {} line
-		incr total_lines
-		lappend amov_data {}
-		lappend asim_data {}
-		if {$total_lines > 1} {
-			foreach i $w_columns {$i insert end "\n"}
-		}
-		$w_line insert end "$total_lines" linenumber
-		$w_file insert end "$line"
-	}
-	set ln_wc [expr {[string length $total_lines] + 2}]
-	if {[$w_line cget -width] < $ln_wc} {
-		$w_line conf -width $ln_wc
-	}
-	foreach i $w_columns {$i conf -state disabled}
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 1; # enable error reporting on close
-		if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
-			tk_messageBox -icon error -title [mc Error] \
-				-message $err
-		}
-		# If we don't force Tk to update the widgets *right now*
-		# none of our jump commands will cause a change in the UI.
-		#
-		update
-		if {[llength $jump] == 1} {
-			set highlight_line [lindex $jump 0]
-			$w_file see "$highlight_line.0"
-		} elseif {[llength $jump] == 4} {
-			set highlight_column [lindex $jump 0]
-			set highlight_line [lindex $jump 1]
-			$w_file xview moveto [lindex $jump 2]
-			$w_file yview moveto [lindex $jump 3]
-		}
-		_exec_blame $this $w_asim @asim_data \
-			[list] \
-			[mc "Loading copy/move tracking annotations..."]
-	}
-} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
-method _exec_blame {cur_w cur_d options cur_s} {
-	lappend options --incremental --encoding=utf-8
-	if {$commit eq {}} {
-		lappend options --contents $path
-	} else {
-		lappend options $commit
-	}
-	# We may recurse in from another call to _exec_blame and already have
-	# a status operation.
-	if {$status_operation == {}} {
-		set status_operation [$status start \
-			$cur_s \
-			[mc "lines annotated"]]
-	} else {
-		$status_operation restart $cur_s
-	}
-	lappend options -- $path
-	set fd [eval git_read --nice blame $options]
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding utf-8
-	fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_blame $fd $cur_w $cur_d]
-	set current_fd $fd
-	set blame_lines 0
-method _read_blame {fd cur_w cur_d} {
-	upvar #0 $cur_d line_data
-	variable group_colors
-	if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
-		catch {close $fd}
-		return
-	}
-	$cur_w conf -state normal
-	while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-		if {[regexp {^([a-z0-9]{40}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$} $line line \
-			cmit original_line final_line line_count]} {
-			set r_commit     $cmit
-			set r_orig_line  $original_line
-			set r_final_line $final_line
-			set r_line_count $line_count
-		} elseif {[string match {filename *} $line]} {
-			set file [string range $line 9 end]
-			set n    $r_line_count
-			set lno  $r_final_line
-			set oln  $r_orig_line
-			set cmit $r_commit
-			if {[regexp {^0{40}$} $cmit]} {
-				set commit_abbr work
-				set commit_type curr_commit
-			} elseif {$cmit eq $commit} {
-				set commit_abbr this
-				set commit_type curr_commit
-			} else {
-				set commit_type prior_commit
-				set commit_abbr [string range $cmit 0 3]
-			}
-			set author_abbr {}
-			set a_name {}
-			catch {set a_name $header($cmit,author)}
-			while {$a_name ne {}} {
-				if {$author_abbr ne {}
-					&& [string index $a_name 0] eq {'}} {
-					regsub {^'[^']+'\s+} $a_name {} a_name
-				}
-				if {![regexp {^([[:upper:]])} $a_name _a]} break
-				append author_abbr $_a
-				unset _a
-				if {![regsub \
-					{^[[:upper:]][^\s]*\s+} \
-					$a_name {} a_name ]} break
-			}
-			if {$author_abbr eq {}} {
-				set author_abbr { |}
-			} else {
-				set author_abbr [string range $author_abbr 0 3]
-			}
-			unset a_name
-			set first_lno $lno
-			while {
-			   $first_lno > 1
-			&& $cmit eq [lindex $line_data [expr {$first_lno - 1}] 0]
-			&& $file eq [lindex $line_data [expr {$first_lno - 1}] 1]
-			} {
-				incr first_lno -1
-			}
-			set color {}
-			if {$first_lno < $lno} {
-				foreach g [$w_file tag names $first_lno.0] {
-					if {[regexp {^color[0-9]+$} $g]} {
-						set color $g
-						break
-					}
-				}
-			} else {
-				set i [lsort [concat \
-					[$w_file tag names "[expr {$first_lno - 1}].0"] \
-					[$w_file tag names "[expr {$lno + $n}].0"] \
-					]]
-				for {set g 0} {$g < [llength $group_colors]} {incr g} {
-					if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $i color$g] == -1} {
-						set color color$g
-						break
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			if {$color eq {}} {
-				set color color0
-			}
-			while {$n > 0} {
-				set lno_e "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
-				if {[lindex $line_data $lno] ne {}} {
-					set g [lindex $line_data $lno 0]
-					foreach i $w_columns {
-						$i tag remove g$g $lno.0 $lno_e
-					}
-				}
-				lset line_data $lno [list $cmit $file $oln]
-				$cur_w delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
-				if {$lno == $first_lno} {
-					$cur_w insert $lno.0 $commit_abbr $commit_type
-				} elseif {$lno == [expr {$first_lno + 1}]} {
-					$cur_w insert $lno.0 $author_abbr author_abbr
-				} else {
-					$cur_w insert $lno.0 { |}
-				}
-				foreach i $w_columns {
-					if {$cur_w eq $w_amov} {
-						for {set g 0} \
-							{$g < [llength $group_colors]} \
-							{incr g} {
-							$i tag remove color$g $lno.0 $lno_e
-						}
-						$i tag add $color $lno.0 $lno_e
-					}
-					$i tag add g$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
-				}
-				if {$highlight_column eq $cur_w} {
-					if {$highlight_line == -1
-					 && [lindex [$w_file yview] 0] == 0} {
-						$w_file see $lno.0
-						set highlight_line $lno
-					}
-					if {$highlight_line == $lno} {
-						_showcommit $this $cur_w $lno
-					}
-				}
-				incr n -1
-				incr lno
-				incr oln
-				incr blame_lines
-			}
-			while {
-			   $cmit eq [lindex $line_data $lno 0]
-			&& $file eq [lindex $line_data $lno 1]
-			} {
-				$cur_w delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
-				if {$lno == $first_lno} {
-					$cur_w insert $lno.0 $commit_abbr $commit_type
-				} elseif {$lno == [expr {$first_lno + 1}]} {
-					$cur_w insert $lno.0 $author_abbr author_abbr
-				} else {
-					$cur_w insert $lno.0 { |}
-				}
-				if {$cur_w eq $w_amov} {
-					foreach i $w_columns {
-						for {set g 0} \
-							{$g < [llength $group_colors]} \
-							{incr g} {
-							$i tag remove color$g $lno.0 $lno_e
-						}
-						$i tag add $color $lno.0 $lno_e
-					}
-				}
-				incr lno
-			}
-		} elseif {[regexp {^([a-z-]+) (.*)$} $line line key data]} {
-			set header($r_commit,$key) $data
-		}
-	}
-	$cur_w conf -state disabled
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		close $fd
-		if {$cur_w eq $w_asim} {
-			# Switches for original location detection
-			set threshold [get_config gui.copyblamethreshold]
-			set original_options [list "-C$threshold"]
-			if {![is_config_true gui.fastcopyblame]} {
-				# thorough copy search; insert before the threshold
-				set original_options [linsert $original_options 0 -C]
-			}
-			if {[git-version >= 1.5.3]} {
-				lappend original_options -w ; # ignore indentation changes
-			}
-			_exec_blame $this $w_amov @amov_data \
-				$original_options \
-				[mc "Loading original location annotations..."]
-		} else {
-			set current_fd {}
-			$status_operation stop [mc "Annotation complete."]
-			set status_operation {}
-		}
-	} else {
-		$status_operation update $blame_lines $total_lines
-	}
-} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
-method _find_commit_bound {data_list start_idx delta} {
-	upvar #0 $data_list line_data
-	set pos $start_idx
-	set limit       [expr {[llength $line_data] - 1}]
-	set base_commit [lindex $line_data $pos 0]
-	while {$pos > 0 && $pos < $limit} {
-		set new_pos [expr {$pos + $delta}]
-		if {[lindex $line_data $new_pos 0] ne $base_commit} {
-			return $pos
-		}
-		set pos $new_pos
-	}
-	return $pos
-method _fullcopyblame {} {
-	if {$current_fd ne {}} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [mc "Busy"] \
-			-message [mc "Annotation process is already running."]
-		return
-	}
-	# Switches for original location detection
-	set threshold [get_config gui.copyblamethreshold]
-	set original_options [list -C -C "-C$threshold"]
-	if {[git-version >= 1.5.3]} {
-		lappend original_options -w ; # ignore indentation changes
-	}
-	# Find the line range
-	set pos @$::cursorX,$::cursorY
-	set lno [lindex [split [$::cursorW index $pos] .] 0]
-	set min_amov_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @amov_data $lno -1]
-	set max_amov_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @amov_data $lno 1]
-	set min_asim_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @asim_data $lno -1]
-	set max_asim_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @asim_data $lno 1]
-	if {$min_asim_lno < $min_amov_lno} {
-		set min_amov_lno $min_asim_lno
-	}
-	if {$max_asim_lno > $max_amov_lno} {
-		set max_amov_lno $max_asim_lno
-	}
-	lappend original_options -L "$min_amov_lno,$max_amov_lno"
-	# Clear lines
-	for {set i $min_amov_lno} {$i <= $max_amov_lno} {incr i} {
-		lset amov_data $i [list ]
-	}
-	# Start the back-end process
-	_exec_blame $this $w_amov @amov_data \
-		$original_options \
-		[mc "Running thorough copy detection..."]
-method _click {cur_w pos} {
-	set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
-	_showcommit $this $cur_w $lno
-method _setencoding {enc} {
-	force_path_encoding $path $enc
-	_load $this [list \
-		$highlight_column \
-		$highlight_line \
-		[lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
-		[lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
-		]
-method _load_commit {cur_w cur_d pos} {
-	upvar #0 $cur_d line_data
-	set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
-	set dat [lindex $line_data $lno]
-	if {$dat ne {}} {
-		_load_new_commit $this  \
-			[lindex $dat 0] \
-			[lindex $dat 1] \
-			[list [lindex $dat 2]]
-	}
-method _load_new_commit {new_commit new_path jump} {
-	lappend history [list \
-		$commit $path \
-		$highlight_column \
-		$highlight_line \
-		[lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
-		[lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
-		]
-	set commit $new_commit
-	set path   $new_path
-	_load $this $jump
-method _showcommit {cur_w lno} {
-	global repo_config
-	variable active_color
-	if {$highlight_commit ne {}} {
-		foreach i $w_columns {
-			$i tag conf g$highlight_commit -background {}
-			$i tag lower g$highlight_commit
-		}
-	}
-	if {$cur_w eq $w_asim} {
-		set dat [lindex $asim_data $lno]
-		set highlight_column $w_asim
-	} else {
-		set dat [lindex $amov_data $lno]
-		set highlight_column $w_amov
-	}
-	$w_cviewer conf -state normal
-	$w_cviewer delete 0.0 end
-	if {$dat eq {}} {
-		set cmit {}
-		$w_cviewer insert end [mc "Loading annotation..."] still_loading
-	} else {
-		set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
-		set file [lindex $dat 1]
-		foreach i $w_columns {
-			$i tag conf g$cmit -background $active_color
-			$i tag raise g$cmit
-			if {$i eq $w_file} {
-				$w_file tag raise found
-			}
-			$i tag raise sel
-		}
-		set author_name {}
-		set author_email {}
-		set author_time {}
-		catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
-		catch {set author_email $header($cmit,author-mail)}
-		catch {set author_time [format_date $header($cmit,author-time)]}
-		set committer_name {}
-		set committer_email {}
-		set committer_time {}
-		catch {set committer_name $header($cmit,committer)}
-		catch {set committer_email $header($cmit,committer-mail)}
-		catch {set committer_time [format_date $header($cmit,committer-time)]}
-		if {[catch {set msg $header($cmit,message)}]} {
-			set msg {}
-			catch {
-				set fd [git_read cat-file commit $cmit]
-				fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
-				# By default commits are assumed to be in utf-8
-				set enc utf-8
-				while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
-					if {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
-						set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
-					}
-				}
-				set msg [read $fd]
-				close $fd
-				set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
-				if {$enc ne {}} {
-					set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
-				}
-				set msg [string trim $msg]
-			}
-			set header($cmit,message) $msg
-		}
-		$w_cviewer insert end "commit $cmit\n" header_key
-		$w_cviewer insert end [strcat [mc "Author:"] "\t"] header_key
-		$w_cviewer insert end "$author_name $author_email" header_val
-		$w_cviewer insert end "  $author_time\n" header_val
-		$w_cviewer insert end [strcat [mc "Committer:"] "\t"] header_key
-		$w_cviewer insert end "$committer_name $committer_email" header_val
-		$w_cviewer insert end "  $committer_time\n" header_val
-		if {$file ne $path} {
-			$w_cviewer insert end [strcat [mc "Original File:"] "\t"] header_key
-			$w_cviewer insert end "[escape_path $file]\n" header_val
-		}
-		$w_cviewer insert end "\n$msg"
-	}
-	$w_cviewer conf -state disabled
-	set highlight_line $lno
-	set highlight_commit $cmit
-	if {[lsearch -exact $tooltip_commit $highlight_commit] != -1} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-	}
-method _get_click_amov_info {} {
-	set pos @$::cursorX,$::cursorY
-	set lno [lindex [split [$::cursorW index $pos] .] 0]
-	return [lindex $amov_data $lno]
-method _copycommit {} {
-	set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
-	if {$dat ne {}} {
-		clipboard clear
-		clipboard append \
-			-format STRING \
-			-type STRING \
-			-- [lindex $dat 0]
-	}
-method _format_offset_date {base offset} {
-	set exval [expr {$base + $offset*24*60*60}]
-	return [clock format $exval -format {%Y-%m-%d}]
-method _gitkcommit {} {
-	global nullid
-	set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
-	if {$dat ne {}} {
-		set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
-		# If the line belongs to the working copy, use HEAD instead
-		if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
-			if {[catch {set cmit [git rev-parse --verify HEAD]} err]} {
-				error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot find HEAD commit:"] "\n\n$err"]
-				return;
-			}
-		}
-		set radius [get_config gui.blamehistoryctx]
-		set cmdline [list --select-commit=$cmit]
-		if {$radius > 0} {
-			set author_time {}
-			set committer_time {}
-			catch {set author_time $header($cmit,author-time)}
-			catch {set committer_time $header($cmit,committer-time)}
-			if {$committer_time eq {}} {
-				set committer_time $author_time
-			}
-			set after_time [_format_offset_date $this $committer_time [expr {-$radius}]]
-			set before_time [_format_offset_date $this $committer_time $radius]
-			lappend cmdline --after=$after_time --before=$before_time
-		}
-		lappend cmdline $cmit
-		set base_rev "HEAD"
-		if {$commit ne {}} {
-			set base_rev $commit
-		}
-		if {$base_rev ne $cmit} {
-			lappend cmdline $base_rev
-		}
-		do_gitk $cmdline
-	}
-method _blameparent {} {
-	global nullid
-	set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
-	if {$dat ne {}} {
-		set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
-		set new_path [lindex $dat 1]
-		# Allow using Blame Parent on lines modified in the working copy
-		if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
-			set parent_ref "HEAD"
-		} else {
-			set parent_ref "$cmit^"
-		}
-		if {[catch {set cparent [git rev-parse --verify $parent_ref]} err]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot find parent commit:"] "\n\n$err"]
-			return;
-		}
-		_kill $this
-		# Generate a diff between the commit and its parent,
-		# and use the hunks to update the line number.
-		# Request zero context to simplify calculations.
-		if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
-			set diffcmd [list diff-index --unified=0 $cparent -- $new_path]
-		} else {
-			set diffcmd [list diff-tree --unified=0 $cparent $cmit -- $new_path]
-		}
-		if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read $diffcmd]} err]} {
-			$status_operation stop [mc "Unable to display parent"]
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading diff:"] "\n\n$err"]
-			return
-		}
-		set r_orig_line [lindex $dat 2]
-		fconfigure $fd \
-			-blocking 0 \
-			-encoding binary \
-			-translation binary
-		fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_diff_load_commit \
-			$fd $cparent $new_path $r_orig_line]
-		set current_fd $fd
-	}
-method _read_diff_load_commit {fd cparent new_path tline} {
-	if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
-		catch {close $fd}
-		return
-	}
-	while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-		if {[regexp {^@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@} $line line \
-			old_line osz old_size new_line nsz new_size]} {
-			if {$osz eq {}} { set old_size 1 }
-			if {$nsz eq {}} { set new_size 1 }
-			if {$new_line <= $tline} {
-				if {[expr {$new_line + $new_size}] > $tline} {
-					# Target line within the hunk
-					set line_shift [expr {
-						($new_size-$old_size)*($tline-$new_line)/$new_size
-						}]
-				} else {
-					set line_shift [expr {$new_size-$old_size}]
-				}
-				set r_orig_line [expr {$r_orig_line - $line_shift}]
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		close $fd
-		set current_fd {}
-		_load_new_commit $this  \
-			$cparent        \
-			$new_path       \
-			[list $r_orig_line]
-	}
-} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
-method _show_tooltip {cur_w pos} {
-	if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
-		_open_tooltip $this $cur_w
-	} elseif {$tooltip_timer eq {}} {
-		set tooltip_timer [after 1000 [cb _open_tooltip $cur_w]]
-	}
-method _open_tooltip {cur_w} {
-	set tooltip_timer {}
-	set pos_x [winfo pointerx $cur_w]
-	set pos_y [winfo pointery $cur_w]
-	if {[winfo containing $pos_x $pos_y] ne $cur_w} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-		return
-	}
-	if {$tooltip_wm ne "$cur_w.tooltip"} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-		set tooltip_wm [toplevel $cur_w.tooltip -borderwidth 1]
-		catch {wm attributes $tooltip_wm -type tooltip}
-		wm overrideredirect $tooltip_wm 1
-		wm transient $tooltip_wm [winfo toplevel $cur_w]
-		set tooltip_t $tooltip_wm.label
-		text $tooltip_t \
-			-takefocus 0 \
-			-highlightthickness 0 \
-			-relief flat \
-			-borderwidth 0 \
-			-wrap none \
-			-background lightyellow \
-			-foreground black
-		$tooltip_t tag conf section_header -font font_uibold
-		pack $tooltip_t
-	} else {
-		$tooltip_t conf -state normal
-		$tooltip_t delete 0.0 end
-	}
-	set pos @[join [list \
-		[expr {$pos_x - [winfo rootx $cur_w]}] \
-		[expr {$pos_y - [winfo rooty $cur_w]}]] ,]
-	set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
-	if {$cur_w eq $w_amov} {
-		set dat [lindex $amov_data $lno]
-		set org {}
-	} else {
-		set dat [lindex $asim_data $lno]
-		set org [lindex $amov_data $lno]
-	}
-	if {$dat eq {}} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-		return
-	}
-	set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
-	set tooltip_commit [list $cmit]
-	set author_name {}
-	set summary     {}
-	set author_time {}
-	catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
-	catch {set summary     $header($cmit,summary)}
-	catch {set author_time [format_date $header($cmit,author-time)]}
-	$tooltip_t insert end "commit $cmit\n"
-	$tooltip_t insert end "$author_name  $author_time\n"
-	$tooltip_t insert end "$summary"
-	if {$org ne {} && [lindex $org 0] ne $cmit} {
-		set save [$tooltip_t get 0.0 end]
-		$tooltip_t delete 0.0 end
-		set cmit [lindex $org 0]
-		set file [lindex $org 1]
-		lappend tooltip_commit $cmit
-		set author_name {}
-		set summary     {}
-		set author_time {}
-		catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
-		catch {set summary     $header($cmit,summary)}
-		catch {set author_time [format_date $header($cmit,author-time)]}
-		$tooltip_t insert end [strcat [mc "Originally By:"] "\n"] section_header
-		$tooltip_t insert end "commit $cmit\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end "$author_name  $author_time\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end "$summary\n"
-		if {$file ne $path} {
-			$tooltip_t insert end [strcat [mc "In File:"] " "] section_header
-			$tooltip_t insert end "$file\n"
-		}
-		$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [strcat [mc "Copied Or Moved Here By:"] "\n"] section_header
-		$tooltip_t insert end $save
-	}
-	$tooltip_t conf -state disabled
-	_position_tooltip $this
-	# On MacOS raising a window causes it to acquire focus.
-	# Tk 8.5 on MacOS seems to properly support wm transient,
-	# so we can safely counter the effect there.
-	if {$::have_tk85 && [is_MacOSX]} {
-		update
-		if {$w eq {}} {
-			raise .
-		} else {
-			raise $w
-		}
-	}
-method _position_tooltip {} {
-	set max_h [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index end] .] 0]
-	set max_w 0
-	for {set i 1} {$i <= $max_h} {incr i} {
-		set c [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index "$i.0 lineend"] .] 1]
-		if {$c > $max_w} {set max_w $c}
-	}
-	$tooltip_t conf -width $max_w -height $max_h
-	set req_w [winfo reqwidth  $tooltip_t]
-	set req_h [winfo reqheight $tooltip_t]
-	set pos_x [expr {[winfo pointerx .] +  5}]
-	set pos_y [expr {[winfo pointery .] + 10}]
-	set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32" || $pos_x >= 0} {append g +}
-	append g $pos_x
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32" || $pos_y >= 0} {append g +}
-	append g $pos_y
-	wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g
-	if {![is_MacOSX]} {
-		raise $tooltip_wm
-	}
-method _hide_tooltip {} {
-	if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
-		destroy $tooltip_wm
-		set tooltip_wm {}
-		set tooltip_commit {}
-	}
-	if {$tooltip_timer ne {}} {
-		after cancel $tooltip_timer
-		set tooltip_timer {}
-	}
-method _resize {new_height} {
-	set diff [expr {$new_height - $old_height}]
-	if {$diff == 0} return
-	set my [expr {[winfo height $w.file_pane] - 25}]
-	set o [$w.file_pane sash coord 0]
-	set ox [lindex $o 0]
-	set oy [expr {[lindex $o 1] + $diff}]
-	if {$oy < 0}   {set oy 0}
-	if {$oy > $my} {set oy $my}
-	$w.file_pane sash place 0 $ox $oy
-	set old_height $new_height
-method _show_finder {} {
-	linebar::hide $gotoline
-	searchbar::show $finder
-method _show_linebar {} {
-	searchbar::hide $finder
-	linebar::show $gotoline
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b0c4858890f..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch (create/delete) support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc load_all_heads {} {
-	global some_heads_tracking
-	set rh refs/heads
-	set rh_len [expr {[string length $rh] + 1}]
-	set all_heads [list]
-	set fd [git_read for-each-ref --format=%(refname) $rh]
-	fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding utf-8
-	while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
-		if {!$some_heads_tracking || ![is_tracking_branch $line]} {
-			lappend all_heads [string range $line $rh_len end]
-		}
-	}
-	close $fd
-	return [lsort $all_heads]
-proc load_all_tags {} {
-	set all_tags [list]
-	set fd [git_read for-each-ref \
-		--sort=-taggerdate \
-		--format=%(refname) \
-		refs/tags]
-	fconfigure $fd -translation binary -encoding utf-8
-	while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
-		if {![regsub ^refs/tags/ $line {} name]} continue
-		lappend all_tags $name
-	}
-	close $fd
-	return $all_tags
-proc radio_selector {varname value args} {
-	upvar #0 $varname var
-	set var $value
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_checkout.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_checkout.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d06037decc1a..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_checkout.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch checkout support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class branch_checkout {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_rev          ; # mega-widget to pick the initial revision
-field opt_fetch     1; # refetch tracking branch if used?
-field opt_detach    0; # force a detached head case?
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Checkout Branch" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Checkout Branch"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Checkout] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _checkout]
-	pack $w.buttons.create -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	set w_rev [::choose_rev::new $w.rev [mc Revision]]
-	$w_rev bind_listbox <Double-Button-1> [cb _checkout]
-	pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.options -text [mc Options]
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
-		-text [mc "Fetch Tracking Branch"] \
-		-variable @opt_fetch
-	pack $w.options.fetch -anchor nw
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.detach \
-		-text [mc "Detach From Local Branch"] \
-		-variable @opt_detach
-	pack $w.options.detach -anchor nw
-	pack $w.options -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _checkout]\;break
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-method _checkout {} {
-	set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
-	if {$spec ne {} && $opt_fetch} {
-		set new {}
-	} elseif {[catch {set new [$w_rev commit_or_die]}]} {
-		return
-	}
-	if {$opt_detach} {
-		set ref {}
-	} else {
-		set ref [$w_rev get_local_branch]
-	}
-	set co [::checkout_op::new [$w_rev get] $new $ref]
-	$co parent $w
-	$co enable_checkout 1
-	if {$spec ne {} && $opt_fetch} {
-		$co enable_fetch $spec
-	}
-	if {[$co run]} {
-		destroy $w
-	} else {
-		$w_rev focus_filter
-	}
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	$w_rev focus_filter
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_create.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_create.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ba367d551d21..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_create.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,224 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch create support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class branch_create {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_rev          ; # mega-widget to pick the initial revision
-field w_name         ; # new branch name widget
-field name         {}; # name of the branch the user has chosen
-field name_type  user; # type of branch name to use
-field opt_merge    ff; # type of merge to apply to existing branch
-field opt_checkout  1; # automatically checkout the new branch?
-field opt_fetch     1; # refetch tracking branch if used?
-field reset_ok      0; # did the user agree to reset?
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global repo_config use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Create Branch" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Create New Branch"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Create] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _create]
-	pack $w.buttons.create -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Branch Name"]
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.desc.name_r \
-		-text [mc "Name:"] \
-		-value user \
-		-variable @name_type
-	if {!$use_ttk} {$w.desc.name_r configure -anchor w}
-	set w_name $w.desc.name_t
-	${NS}::entry $w_name \
-		-width 40 \
-		-textvariable @name \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S]
-	grid $w.desc.name_r $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.desc.match_r \
-		-text [mc "Match Tracking Branch Name"] \
-		-value match \
-		-variable @name_type
-	if {!$use_ttk} {$w.desc.match_r configure -anchor w}
-	grid $w.desc.match_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
-	grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	set w_rev [::choose_rev::new $w.rev [mc "Starting Revision"]]
-	pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.options -text [mc Options]
-	${NS}::frame $w.options.merge
-	${NS}::label $w.options.merge.l -text [mc "Update Existing Branch:"]
-	pack $w.options.merge.l -side left
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.options.merge.no \
-		-text [mc No] \
-		-value none \
-		-variable @opt_merge
-	pack $w.options.merge.no -side left
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.options.merge.ff \
-		-text [mc "Fast Forward Only"] \
-		-value ff \
-		-variable @opt_merge
-	pack $w.options.merge.ff -side left
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.options.merge.reset \
-		-text [mc Reset] \
-		-value reset \
-		-variable @opt_merge
-	pack $w.options.merge.reset -side left
-	pack $w.options.merge -anchor nw
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.fetch \
-		-text [mc "Fetch Tracking Branch"] \
-		-variable @opt_fetch
-	pack $w.options.fetch -anchor nw
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.checkout \
-		-text [mc "Checkout After Creation"] \
-		-variable @opt_checkout
-	pack $w.options.checkout -anchor nw
-	pack $w.options -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	trace add variable @name_type write [cb _select]
-	set name $repo_config(gui.newbranchtemplate)
-	if {[is_config_true gui.matchtrackingbranch]} {
-		set name_type match
-	}
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _create]\;break
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-method _create {} {
-	global repo_config
-	global M1B
-	set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
-	switch -- $name_type {
-	user {
-		set newbranch $name
-	}
-	match {
-		if {$spec eq {}} {
-			tk_messageBox \
-				-icon error \
-				-type ok \
-				-title [wm title $w] \
-				-parent $w \
-				-message [mc "Please select a tracking branch."]
-			return
-		}
-		if {![regsub ^refs/heads/ [lindex $spec 2] {} newbranch]} {
-			tk_messageBox \
-				-icon error \
-				-type ok \
-				-title [wm title $w] \
-				-parent $w \
-				-message [mc "Tracking branch %s is not a branch in the remote repository." [$w get]]
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	}
-	if {$newbranch eq {}
-		|| $newbranch eq $repo_config(gui.newbranchtemplate)} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Please supply a branch name."]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {git check-ref-format "heads/$newbranch"}]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "'%s' is not an acceptable branch name." $newbranch]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	if {$spec ne {} && $opt_fetch} {
-		set new {}
-	} elseif {[catch {set new [$w_rev commit_or_die]}]} {
-		return
-	}
-	set co [::checkout_op::new \
-		[$w_rev get] \
-		$new \
-		refs/heads/$newbranch]
-	$co parent $w
-	$co enable_create   1
-	$co enable_merge    $opt_merge
-	$co enable_checkout $opt_checkout
-	if {$spec ne {} && $opt_fetch} {
-		$co enable_fetch $spec
-	}
-	if {$spec ne {}} {
-		$co remote_source $spec
-	}
-	if {[$co run]} {
-		destroy $w
-	} else {
-		focus $w_name
-	}
-method _validate {d S} {
-	if {$d == 1} {
-		if {[regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} $S]} {
-			return 0
-		}
-		if {[string length $S] > 0} {
-			set name_type user
-		}
-	}
-	return 1
-method _select {args} {
-	if {$name_type eq {match}} {
-		$w_rev pick_tracking_branch
-	}
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	if {$name_type eq {user}} {
-		$w_name icursor end
-		focus $w_name
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_delete.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_delete.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a5051637bbc2..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_delete.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch delete support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class branch_delete {
-field w               ; # widget path
-field w_heads         ; # listbox of local head names
-field w_check         ; # revision picker for merge test
-field w_delete        ; # delete button
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global current_branch use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Delete Branch" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Local Branch"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	set w_delete $w.buttons.delete
-	${NS}::button $w_delete \
-		-text [mc Delete] \
-		-default active \
-		-state disabled \
-		-command [cb _delete]
-	pack $w_delete -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-		-text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.list -text [mc "Local Branches"]
-	set w_heads $w.list.l
-	slistbox $w_heads \
-		-height 10 \
-		-width 70 \
-		-selectmode extended \
-		-exportselection false
-	pack $w.list.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	set w_check [choose_rev::new \
-		$w.check \
-		[mc "Delete Only If Merged Into"] \
-		]
-	$w_check none [mc "Always (Do not perform merge checks)"]
-	pack $w.check -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	foreach h [load_all_heads] {
-		if {$h ne $current_branch} {
-			$w_heads insert end $h
-		}
-	}
-	bind $w_heads <<ListboxSelect>> [cb _select]
-	bind $w <Visibility> "
-		grab $w
-		focus $w
-	"
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _delete]\;break
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-method _select {} {
-	if {[$w_heads curselection] eq {}} {
-		$w_delete configure -state disabled
-	} else {
-		$w_delete configure -state normal
-	}
-method _delete {} {
-	if {[catch {set check_cmt [$w_check commit_or_die]}]} {
-		return
-	}
-	set to_delete [list]
-	set not_merged [list]
-	foreach i [$w_heads curselection] {
-		set b [$w_heads get $i]
-		if {[catch {
-			set o [git rev-parse --verify "refs/heads/$b"]
-		}]} continue
-		if {$check_cmt ne {}} {
-			if {[catch {set m [git merge-base $o $check_cmt]}]} continue
-			if {$o ne $m} {
-				lappend not_merged $b
-				continue
-			}
-		}
-		lappend to_delete [list $b $o]
-	}
-	if {$not_merged ne {}} {
-		set msg "[mc "The following branches are not completely merged into %s:" [$w_check get]]
- - [join $not_merged "\n - "]"
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon info \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message $msg
-	}
-	if {$to_delete eq {}} return
-	if {$check_cmt eq {}} {
-		set msg [mc "Recovering deleted branches is difficult.\n\nDelete the selected branches?"]
-		if {[tk_messageBox \
-			-icon warning \
-			-type yesno \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message $msg] ne yes} {
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	set failed {}
-	foreach i $to_delete {
-		set b [lindex $i 0]
-		set o [lindex $i 1]
-		if {[catch {git branch -D $b} err]} {
-			append failed [mc " - %s:" $b] " $err\n"
-		}
-	}
-	if {$failed ne {}} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Failed to delete branches:\n%s" $failed]
-	}
-	destroy $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_rename.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_rename.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a2d79a9cc3a..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/branch_rename.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch rename support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class branch_rename {
-field w
-field oldname
-field newname
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global current_branch use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Rename Branch" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	set oldname $current_branch
-	set newname [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Rename Branch"]\
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.rename -text [mc Rename] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _rename]
-	pack $w.buttons.rename -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::frame $w.rename
-	${NS}::label $w.rename.oldname_l -text [mc "Branch:"]
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		ttk::combobox $w.rename.oldname_m -textvariable @oldname \
-			-values [load_all_heads] -state readonly
-	} else {
-		eval tk_optionMenu $w.rename.oldname_m @oldname [load_all_heads]
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.rename.newname_l -text [mc "New Name:"]
-	${NS}::entry $w.rename.newname_t \
-		-width 40 \
-		-textvariable @newname \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand {
-			if {%d == 1 && [regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} %S]} {return 0}
-			return 1
-		}
-	grid $w.rename.oldname_l $w.rename.oldname_m -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	grid $w.rename.newname_l $w.rename.newname_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	grid columnconfigure $w.rename 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.rename -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _rename]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Visibility> "
-		grab $w
-		$w.rename.newname_t icursor end
-		focus $w.rename.newname_t
-	"
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-method _rename {} {
-	global current_branch
-	if {$oldname eq {}} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Please select a branch to rename."]
-		focus $w.rename.oldname_m
-		return
-	}
-	if {$newname eq {}
-		|| $newname eq [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Please supply a branch name."]
-		focus $w.rename.newname_t
-		return
-	}
-	if {![catch {git show-ref --verify -- "refs/heads/$newname"}]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Branch '%s' already exists." $newname]
-		focus $w.rename.newname_t
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {git check-ref-format "heads/$newname"}]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "'%s' is not an acceptable branch name." $newname]
-		focus $w.rename.newname_t
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {git branch -m $oldname $newname} err]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [strcat [mc "Failed to rename '%s'." $oldname] "\n\n$err"]
-		return
-	}
-	if {$current_branch eq $oldname} {
-		set current_branch $newname
-	}
-	destroy $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a98298366763..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/browser.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,322 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui tree browser
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class browser {
-field w
-field browser_commit
-field browser_path
-field browser_files  {}
-field browser_status [mc "Starting..."]
-field browser_stack  {}
-field browser_busy   1
-field ls_buf     {}; # Buffered record output from ls-tree
-constructor new {commit {path {}}} {
-	global cursor_ptr M1B use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $top
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): File Browser" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$path ne {}} {
-		if {[string index $path end] ne {/}} {
-			append path /
-		}
-	}
-	set browser_commit $commit
-	set browser_path "$browser_commit:[escape_path $path]"
-	${NS}::label $w.path \
-		-textvariable @browser_path \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-font font_uibold
-	if {!$use_ttk} { $w.path configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
-	pack $w.path -anchor w -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.list
-	set w_list $w.list.l
-	text $w_list -background white -foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 0 \
-		-cursor $cursor_ptr \
-		-state disabled \
-		-wrap none \
-		-height 20 \
-		-width 70 \
-		-xscrollcommand [list $w.list.sbx set] \
-		-yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
-	rmsel_tag $w_list
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.list.sbx -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.list.sby -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
-	pack $w.list.sbx -side bottom -fill x
-	pack $w.list.sby -side right -fill y
-	pack $w_list -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.list -side top -fill both -expand 1
-	${NS}::label $w.status \
-		-textvariable @browser_status \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	if {!$use_ttk} { $w.status configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken}
-	pack $w.status -anchor w -side bottom -fill x
-	bind $w_list <Button-1>        "[cb _click 0 @%x,%y];break"
-	bind $w_list <Double-Button-1> "[cb _click 1 @%x,%y];break"
-	bind $w_list <$M1B-Up>         "[cb _parent]        ;break"
-	bind $w_list <$M1B-Left>       "[cb _parent]        ;break"
-	bind $w_list <Up>              "[cb _move -1]       ;break"
-	bind $w_list <Down>            "[cb _move  1]       ;break"
-	bind $w_list <$M1B-Right>      "[cb _enter]         ;break"
-	bind $w_list <Return>          "[cb _enter]         ;break"
-	bind $w_list <Prior>           "[cb _page -1]       ;break"
-	bind $w_list <Next>            "[cb _page  1]       ;break"
-	bind $w_list <Left>            break
-	bind $w_list <Right>           break
-	bind $w_list <Visibility> [list focus $w_list]
-	wm deiconify $top
-	set w $w_list
-	if {$path ne {}} {
-		_ls $this $browser_commit:$path $path
-	} else {
-		_ls $this $browser_commit $path
-	}
-	return $this
-method _move {dir} {
-	if {$browser_busy} return
-	set lno [lindex [split [$w index in_sel.first] .] 0]
-	incr lno $dir
-	if {[lindex $browser_files [expr {$lno - 1}]] ne {}} {
-		$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-		$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-		$w see $lno.0
-	}
-method _page {dir} {
-	if {$browser_busy} return
-	$w yview scroll $dir pages
-	set lno [expr {int(
-		  [lindex [$w yview] 0]
-		* [llength $browser_files]
-		+ 1)}]
-	if {[lindex $browser_files [expr {$lno - 1}]] ne {}} {
-		$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-		$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-		$w see $lno.0
-	}
-method _parent {} {
-	if {$browser_busy} return
-	set info [lindex $browser_files 0]
-	if {[lindex $info 0] eq {parent}} {
-		set parent [lindex $browser_stack end-1]
-		set browser_stack [lrange $browser_stack 0 end-2]
-		if {$browser_stack eq {}} {
-			regsub {:.*$} $browser_path {:} browser_path
-		} else {
-			regsub {/[^/]+/$} $browser_path {/} browser_path
-		}
-		set browser_status [mc "Loading %s..." $browser_path]
-		_ls $this [lindex $parent 0] [lindex $parent 1]
-	}
-method _enter {} {
-	if {$browser_busy} return
-	set lno [lindex [split [$w index in_sel.first] .] 0]
-	set info [lindex $browser_files [expr {$lno - 1}]]
-	if {$info ne {}} {
-		switch -- [lindex $info 0] {
-		parent {
-			_parent $this
-		}
-		tree {
-			set name [lindex $info 2]
-			set escn [escape_path $name]
-			set browser_status [mc "Loading %s..." $escn]
-			append browser_path $escn
-			_ls $this [lindex $info 1] $name
-		}
-		blob {
-			set name [lindex $info 2]
-			set p {}
-			foreach n $browser_stack {
-				append p [lindex $n 1]
-			}
-			append p $name
-			blame::new $browser_commit $p {}
-		}
-		}
-	}
-method _click {was_double_click pos} {
-	if {$browser_busy} return
-	set lno [lindex [split [$w index $pos] .] 0]
-	focus $w
-	if {[lindex $browser_files [expr {$lno - 1}]] ne {}} {
-		$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-		$w tag add in_sel $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-		if {$was_double_click} {
-			_enter $this
-		}
-	}
-method _ls {tree_id {name {}}} {
-	set ls_buf {}
-	set browser_files {}
-	set browser_busy 1
-	$w conf -state normal
-	$w tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-	$w delete 0.0 end
-	if {$browser_stack ne {}} {
-		$w image create end \
-			-align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
-			-name icon0 \
-			-image ::browser::img_parent
-		$w insert end [mc "\[Up To Parent\]"]
-		lappend browser_files parent
-	}
-	lappend browser_stack [list $tree_id $name]
-	$w conf -state disabled
-	set fd [git_read ls-tree -z $tree_id]
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding utf-8
-	fileevent $fd readable [cb _read $fd]
-method _read {fd} {
-	append ls_buf [read $fd]
-	set pck [split $ls_buf "\0"]
-	set ls_buf [lindex $pck end]
-	set n [llength $browser_files]
-	$w conf -state normal
-	foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
-		set tab [string first "\t" $p]
-		if {$tab == -1} continue
-		set info [split [string range $p 0 [expr {$tab - 1}]] { }]
-		set path [string range $p [expr {$tab + 1}] end]
-		set type   [lindex $info 1]
-		set object [lindex $info 2]
-		switch -- $type {
-		blob {
-			scan [lindex $info 0] %o mode
-			if {$mode == 0120000} {
-				set image ::browser::img_symlink
-			} elseif {($mode & 0100) != 0} {
-				set image ::browser::img_xblob
-			} else {
-				set image ::browser::img_rblob
-			}
-		}
-		tree {
-			set image ::browser::img_tree
-			append path /
-		}
-		default {
-			set image ::browser::img_unknown
-		}
-		}
-		if {$n > 0} {$w insert end "\n"}
-		$w image create end \
-			-align center -padx 5 -pady 1 \
-			-name icon[incr n] \
-			-image $image
-		$w insert end [escape_path $path]
-		lappend browser_files [list $type $object $path]
-	}
-	$w conf -state disabled
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		close $fd
-		set browser_status [mc "Ready."]
-		set browser_busy 0
-		set ls_buf {}
-		if {$n > 0} {
-			$w tag add in_sel 1.0 2.0
-			focus -force $w
-		}
-	}
-} ifdeleted {
-	catch {close $fd}
-class browser_open {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_rev          ; # mega-widget to pick the initial revision
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $top
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Browse Branch Files" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-		wm transient $top .
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header \
-		-text [mc "Browse Branch Files"] \
-		-font font_uibold \
-		-anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.browse -text [mc Browse] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _open]
-	pack $w.buttons.browse -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	set w_rev [::choose_rev::new $w.rev [mc Revision]]
-	$w_rev bind_listbox <Double-Button-1> [cb _open]
-	pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _open]\;break
-	wm deiconify $top
-	tkwait window $w
-method _open {} {
-	if {[catch {$w_rev commit_or_die} err]} {
-		return
-	}
-	set name [$w_rev get]
-	destroy $w
-	browser::new $name
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	$w_rev focus_filter
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 21ea768d8036..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/checkout_op.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,646 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui commit checkout support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class checkout_op {
-field w        {}; # our window (if we have one)
-field w_cons   {}; # embedded console window object
-field new_expr   ; # expression the user saw/thinks this is
-field new_hash   ; # commit SHA-1 we are switching to
-field new_ref    ; # ref we are updating/creating
-field old_hash   ; # commit SHA-1 that was checked out when we started
-field parent_w      .; # window that started us
-field merge_type none; # type of merge to apply to existing branch
-field merge_base   {}; # merge base if we have another ref involved
-field fetch_spec   {}; # refetch tracking branch if used?
-field checkout      1; # actually checkout the branch?
-field create        0; # create the branch if it doesn't exist?
-field remote_source {}; # same as fetch_spec, to setup tracking
-field reset_ok      0; # did the user agree to reset?
-field fetch_ok      0; # did the fetch succeed?
-field readtree_d   {}; # buffered output from read-tree
-field update_old   {}; # was the update-ref call deferred?
-field reflog_msg   {}; # log message for the update-ref call
-constructor new {expr hash {ref {}}} {
-	set new_expr $expr
-	set new_hash $hash
-	set new_ref  $ref
-	return $this
-method parent {path} {
-	set parent_w [winfo toplevel $path]
-method enable_merge {type} {
-	set merge_type $type
-method enable_fetch {spec} {
-	set fetch_spec $spec
-method remote_source {spec} {
-	set remote_source $spec
-method enable_checkout {co} {
-	set checkout $co
-method enable_create {co} {
-	set create $co
-method run {} {
-	if {$fetch_spec ne {}} {
-		global M1B
-		# We were asked to refresh a single tracking branch
-		# before we get to work.  We should do that before we
-		# consider any ref updating.
-		#
-		set fetch_ok 0
-		set l_trck [lindex $fetch_spec 0]
-		set remote [lindex $fetch_spec 1]
-		set r_head [lindex $fetch_spec 2]
-		regsub ^refs/heads/ $r_head {} r_name
-		set cmd [list git fetch $remote]
-		if {$l_trck ne {}} {
-			lappend cmd +$r_head:$l_trck
-		} else {
-			lappend cmd $r_head
-		}
-		_toplevel $this {Refreshing Tracking Branch}
-		set w_cons [::console::embed \
-			$w.console \
-			[mc "Fetching %s from %s" $r_name $remote]]
-		pack $w.console -fill both -expand 1
-		$w_cons exec $cmd [cb _finish_fetch]
-		bind $w <$M1B-Key-w> break
-		bind $w <$M1B-Key-W> break
-		bind $w <Visibility> "
-			[list grab $w]
-			[list focus $w]
-		"
-		wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _noop]
-		tkwait window $w
-		if {!$fetch_ok} {
-			delete_this
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	if {$new_ref ne {}} {
-		# If we have a ref we need to update it before we can
-		# proceed with a checkout (if one was enabled).
-		#
-		if {![_update_ref $this]} {
-			delete_this
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	if {$checkout} {
-		_checkout $this
-		return 1
-	}
-	delete_this
-	return 1
-method _noop {} {}
-method _finish_fetch {ok} {
-	if {$ok} {
-		set l_trck [lindex $fetch_spec 0]
-		if {$l_trck eq {}} {
-			set l_trck FETCH_HEAD
-		}
-		if {[catch {set new_hash [git rev-parse --verify "$l_trck^0"]} err]} {
-			set ok 0
-			$w_cons insert [mc "fatal: Cannot resolve %s" $l_trck]
-			$w_cons insert $err
-		}
-	}
-	$w_cons done $ok
-	set w_cons {}
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
-	if {$ok} {
-		destroy $w
-		set w {}
-	} else {
-		button $w.close -text [mc Close] -command [list destroy $w]
-		pack $w.close -side bottom -anchor e -padx 10 -pady 10
-	}
-	set fetch_ok $ok
-method _update_ref {} {
-	global null_sha1 current_branch repo_config
-	set ref $new_ref
-	set new $new_hash
-	set is_current 0
-	set rh refs/heads/
-	set rn [string length $rh]
-	if {[string equal -length $rn $rh $ref]} {
-		set newbranch [string range $ref $rn end]
-		if {$current_branch eq $newbranch} {
-			set is_current 1
-		}
-	} else {
-		set newbranch $ref
-	}
-	if {[catch {set cur [git rev-parse --verify "$ref^0"]}]} {
-		# Assume it does not exist, and that is what the error was.
-		#
-		if {!$create} {
-			_error $this [mc "Branch '%s' does not exist." $newbranch]
-			return 0
-		}
-		set reflog_msg "branch: Created from $new_expr"
-		set cur $null_sha1
-		if {($repo_config(branch.autosetupmerge) eq {true}
-			|| $repo_config(branch.autosetupmerge) eq {always})
-			&& $remote_source ne {}
-			&& "refs/heads/$newbranch" eq $ref} {
-			set c_remote [lindex $remote_source 1]
-			set c_merge [lindex $remote_source 2]
-			if {[catch {
-					git config branch.$newbranch.remote $c_remote
-					git config branch.$newbranch.merge  $c_merge
-				} err]} {
-				_error $this [strcat \
-				[mc "Failed to configure simplified git-pull for '%s'." $newbranch] \
-				"\n\n$err"]
-			}
-		}
-	} elseif {$create && $merge_type eq {none}} {
-		# We were told to create it, but not do a merge.
-		# Bad.  Name shouldn't have existed.
-		#
-		_error $this [mc "Branch '%s' already exists." $newbranch]
-		return 0
-	} elseif {!$create && $merge_type eq {none}} {
-		# We aren't creating, it exists and we don't merge.
-		# We are probably just a simple branch switch.
-		# Use whatever value we just read.
-		#
-		set new      $cur
-		set new_hash $cur
-	} elseif {$new eq $cur} {
-		# No merge would be required, don't compute anything.
-		#
-	} else {
-		catch {set merge_base [git merge-base $new $cur]}
-		if {$merge_base eq $cur} {
-			# The current branch is older.
-			#
-			set reflog_msg "merge $new_expr: Fast-forward"
-		} else {
-			switch -- $merge_type {
-			ff {
-				if {$merge_base eq $new} {
-					# The current branch is actually newer.
-					#
-					set new $cur
-					set new_hash $cur
-				} else {
-					_error $this [mc "Branch '%s' already exists.\n\nIt cannot fast-forward to %s.\nA merge is required." $newbranch $new_expr]
-					return 0
-				}
-			}
-			reset {
-				# The current branch will lose things.
-				#
-				if {[_confirm_reset $this $cur]} {
-					set reflog_msg "reset $new_expr"
-				} else {
-					return 0
-				}
-			}
-			default {
-				_error $this [mc "Merge strategy '%s' not supported." $merge_type]
-				return 0
-			}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$new ne $cur} {
-		if {$is_current} {
-			# No so fast.  We should defer this in case
-			# we cannot update the working directory.
-			#
-			set update_old $cur
-			return 1
-		}
-		if {[catch {
-				git update-ref -m $reflog_msg $ref $new $cur
-			} err]} {
-			_error $this [strcat [mc "Failed to update '%s'." $newbranch] "\n\n$err"]
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	return 1
-method _checkout {} {
-	if {[lock_index checkout_op]} {
-		after idle [cb _start_checkout]
-	} else {
-		_error $this [mc "Staging area (index) is already locked."]
-		delete_this
-	}
-method _start_checkout {} {
-	global HEAD commit_type
-	# -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
-	#
-	repository_state curType old_hash curMERGE_HEAD
-	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
-		&& $curType eq {normal}
-		&& $old_hash eq $HEAD} {
-	} elseif {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $old_hash} {
-		info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
-Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan.  A rescan must be performed before the current branch can be changed.
-The rescan will be automatically started now.
-		unlock_index
-		rescan ui_ready
-		delete_this
-		return
-	}
-	if {$old_hash eq $new_hash} {
-		_after_readtree $this
-	} elseif {[is_config_true gui.trustmtime]} {
-		_readtree $this
-	} else {
-		ui_status [mc "Refreshing file status..."]
-		set fd [git_read update-index \
-			-q \
-			--unmerged \
-			--ignore-missing \
-			--refresh \
-			]
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
-		fileevent $fd readable [cb _refresh_wait $fd]
-	}
-method _refresh_wait {fd} {
-	read $fd
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		close $fd
-		_readtree $this
-	}
-method _name {} {
-	if {$new_ref eq {}} {
-		return [string range $new_hash 0 7]
-	}
-	set rh refs/heads/
-	set rn [string length $rh]
-	if {[string equal -length $rn $rh $new_ref]} {
-		return [string range $new_ref $rn end]
-	} else {
-		return $new_ref
-	}
-method _readtree {} {
-	global HEAD
-	set readtree_d {}
-	set status_bar_operation [$::main_status start \
-		[mc "Updating working directory to '%s'..." [_name $this]] \
-		[mc "files checked out"]]
-	set fd [git_read --stderr read-tree \
-		-m \
-		-u \
-		-v \
-		--exclude-per-directory=.gitignore \
-		$HEAD \
-		$new_hash \
-		]
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
-	fileevent $fd readable [cb _readtree_wait $fd $status_bar_operation]
-method _readtree_wait {fd status_bar_operation} {
-	global current_branch
-	set buf [read $fd]
-	$status_bar_operation update_meter $buf
-	append readtree_d $buf
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-	if {![eof $fd]} {
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
-		$status_bar_operation stop
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
-		set err $readtree_d
-		regsub {^fatal: } $err {} err
-		$status_bar_operation stop [mc "Aborted checkout of '%s' (file level merging is required)." [_name $this]]
-		warn_popup [strcat [mc "File level merge required."] "
-" [mc "Staying on branch '%s'." $current_branch]]
-		unlock_index
-		delete_this
-		return
-	}
-	$status_bar_operation stop
-	_after_readtree $this
-method _after_readtree {} {
-	global commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
-	global current_branch is_detached
-	global ui_comm
-	set name [_name $this]
-	set log "checkout: moving"
-	if {!$is_detached} {
-		append log " from $current_branch"
-	}
-	# -- Move/create HEAD as a symbolic ref.  Core git does not
-	#    even check for failure here, it Just Works(tm).  If it
-	#    doesn't we are in some really ugly state that is difficult
-	#    to recover from within git-gui.
-	#
-	set rh refs/heads/
-	set rn [string length $rh]
-	if {[string equal -length $rn $rh $new_ref]} {
-		set new_branch [string range $new_ref $rn end]
-		if {$is_detached || $current_branch ne $new_branch} {
-			append log " to $new_branch"
-			if {[catch {
-					git symbolic-ref -m $log HEAD $new_ref
-				} err]} {
-				_fatal $this $err
-			}
-			set current_branch $new_branch
-			set is_detached 0
-		}
-	} else {
-		if {!$is_detached || $new_hash ne $HEAD} {
-			append log " to $new_expr"
-			if {[catch {
-					_detach_HEAD $log $new_hash
-				} err]} {
-				_fatal $this $err
-			}
-		}
-		set current_branch HEAD
-		set is_detached 1
-	}
-	# -- We had to defer updating the branch itself until we
-	#    knew the working directory would update.  So now we
-	#    need to finish that work.  If it fails we're in big
-	#    trouble.
-	#
-	if {$update_old ne {}} {
-		if {[catch {
-				git update-ref \
-					-m $reflog_msg \
-					$new_ref \
-					$new_hash \
-					$update_old
-			} err]} {
-			_fatal $this $err
-		}
-	}
-	if {$is_detached} {
-		info_popup [mc "You are no longer on a local branch.
-If you wanted to be on a branch, create one now starting from 'This Detached Checkout'."]
-	}
-	# -- Run the post-checkout hook.
-	#
-	set fd_ph [githook_read post-checkout $old_hash $new_hash 1]
-	if {$fd_ph ne {}} {
-		global pch_error
-		set pch_error {}
-		fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
-		fileevent $fd_ph readable [cb _postcheckout_wait $fd_ph]
-	} else {
-		_update_repo_state $this
-	}
-method _postcheckout_wait {fd_ph} {
-	global pch_error
-	append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
-			hook_failed_popup post-checkout $pch_error 0
-		}
-		unset pch_error
-		_update_repo_state $this
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-method _update_repo_state {} {
-	# -- Update our repository state.  If we were previously in
-	#    amend mode we need to toss the current buffer and do a
-	#    full rescan to update our file lists.  If we weren't in
-	#    amend mode our file lists are accurate and we can avoid
-	#    the rescan.
-	#
-	global commit_type_is_amend commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD PARENT
-	global ui_comm
-	unlock_index
-	set name [_name $this]
-	set commit_type_is_amend 0
-	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-		$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-		$ui_comm edit reset
-		$ui_comm edit modified false
-		rescan [list ui_status [mc "Checked out '%s'." $name]]
-	} else {
-		repository_state commit_type HEAD MERGE_HEAD
-		ui_status [mc "Checked out '%s'." $name]
-	}
-	delete_this
-git-version proc _detach_HEAD {log new} {
-	>= 1.5.3 {
-		git update-ref --no-deref -m $log HEAD $new
-	}
-	default {
-		set p [gitdir HEAD]
-		file delete $p
-		set fd [open $p w]
-		fconfigure $fd -translation lf -encoding utf-8
-		puts $fd $new
-		close $fd
-	}
-method _confirm_reset {cur} {
-	set reset_ok 0
-	set name [_name $this]
-	set gitk [list do_gitk [list $cur ^$new_hash]]
-	_toplevel $this {Confirm Branch Reset}
-	pack [label $w.msg1 \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-text [mc "Resetting '%s' to '%s' will lose the following commits:" $name $new_expr]\
-		] -anchor w
-	set list $w.list.l
-	frame $w.list
-	text $list \
-		-font font_diff \
-		-width 80 \
-		-height 10 \
-		-wrap none \
-		-xscrollcommand [list $w.list.sbx set] \
-		-yscrollcommand [list $w.list.sby set]
-	scrollbar $w.list.sbx -orient h -command [list $list xview]
-	scrollbar $w.list.sby -orient v -command [list $list yview]
-	pack $w.list.sbx -fill x -side bottom
-	pack $w.list.sby -fill y -side right
-	pack $list -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
-	pack [label $w.msg2 \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-text [mc "Recovering lost commits may not be easy."] \
-		]
-	pack [label $w.msg3 \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-text [mc "Reset '%s'?" $name] \
-		]
-	frame $w.buttons
-	button $w.buttons.visualize \
-		-text [mc Visualize] \
-		-command $gitk
-	pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
-	button $w.buttons.reset \
-		-text [mc Reset] \
-		-command "
-			set @reset_ok 1
-			destroy $w
-		"
-	pack $w.buttons.reset -side right
-	button $w.buttons.cancel \
-		-default active \
-		-text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	set fd [git_read rev-list --pretty=oneline $cur ^$new_hash]
-	while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
-		set abbr [string range $line 0 7]
-		set subj [string range $line 41 end]
-		$list insert end "$abbr  $subj\n"
-	}
-	close $fd
-	$list configure -state disabled
-	bind $w    <Key-v> $gitk
-	bind $w <Visibility> "
-		grab $w
-		focus $w.buttons.cancel
-	"
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	tkwait window $w
-	return $reset_ok
-method _error {msg} {
-	if {[winfo ismapped $parent_w]} {
-		set p $parent_w
-	} else {
-		set p .
-	}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [wm title $p] \
-		-parent $p \
-		-message $msg
-method _toplevel {title} {
-	regsub -all {::} $this {__} w
-	set w .$w
-	if {[winfo ismapped $parent_w]} {
-		set p $parent_w
-	} else {
-		set p .
-	}
-	toplevel $w
-	wm title $w $title
-	wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx $p]+[winfo rooty $p]"
-method _fatal {err} {
-	error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to set current branch.
-This working directory is only partially switched.  We successfully updated your files, but failed to update an internal Git file.
-This should not have occurred.  %s will now close and give up." [appname]] "
-	exit 1
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_font.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_font.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ebe50bd7d07e..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_font.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,171 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui font chooser
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class choose_font {
-field w
-field w_family    ; # UI widget of all known family names
-field w_example   ; # Example to showcase the chosen font
-field f_family    ; # Currently chosen family name
-field f_size      ; # Currently chosen point size
-field v_family    ; # Name of global variable for family
-field v_size      ; # Name of global variable for size
-variable all_families [list]  ; # All fonts known to Tk
-constructor pick {path title a_family a_size} {
-	variable all_families
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set v_family $a_family
-	set v_size $a_size
-	upvar #0 $v_family pv_family
-	upvar #0 $v_size pv_size
-	set f_family $pv_family
-	set f_size $pv_size
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $top
-	wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): $title"
-	wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx $path]+[winfo rooty $path]"
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text $title -font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.select \
-		-text [mc Select] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _select]
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-		-text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.select -side right
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::frame $w.inner
-	${NS}::frame $w.inner.family
-	${NS}::label $w.inner.family.l \
-		-text [mc "Font Family"] \
-		-anchor w
-	set w_family $w.inner.family.v
-	text $w_family \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 1 \
-		-relief sunken \
-		-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-		-wrap none \
-		-width 30 \
-		-height 10 \
-		-yscrollcommand [list $w.inner.family.sby set]
-	rmsel_tag $w_family
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.inner.family.sby -command [list $w_family yview]
-	pack $w.inner.family.l -side top -fill x
-	pack $w.inner.family.sby -side right -fill y
-	pack $w_family -fill both -expand 1
-	${NS}::frame $w.inner.size
-	${NS}::label $w.inner.size.l \
-		-text [mc "Font Size"] \
-		-anchor w
-	tspinbox $w.inner.size.v \
-		-textvariable @f_size \
-		-from 2 -to 80 -increment 1 \
-		-width 3
-	bind $w.inner.size.v <FocusIn> {%W selection range 0 end}
-	pack $w.inner.size.l -fill x -side top
-	pack $w.inner.size.v -fill x -padx 2
-	grid configure $w.inner.family $w.inner.size -sticky nsew
-	grid rowconfigure $w.inner 0 -weight 1
-	grid columnconfigure $w.inner 0 -weight 1
-	pack $w.inner -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 5
-	${NS}::frame $w.example
-	${NS}::label $w.example.l \
-		-text [mc "Font Example"] \
-		-anchor w
-	set w_example $w.example.t
-	text $w_example \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 1 \
-		-relief sunken \
-		-height 3 \
-		-width 40
-	rmsel_tag $w_example
-	$w_example tag conf example -justify center
-	$w_example insert end [mc "This is example text.\nIf you like this text, it can be your font."] example
-	$w_example conf -state disabled
-	pack $w.example.l -fill x
-	pack $w_example -fill x
-	pack $w.example -fill x -padx 5
-	if {$all_families eq {}} {
-		set all_families [lsort [font families]]
-	}
-	$w_family tag conf pick
-	$w_family tag bind pick <Button-1> [cb _pick_family %x %y]\;break
-	foreach f $all_families {
-		set sel [list pick]
-		if {$f eq $f_family} {
-			lappend sel in_sel
-		}
-		$w_family insert end "$f\n" $sel
-	}
-	$w_family conf -state disabled
-	_update $this
-	trace add variable @f_size write [cb _update]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _select]\;break
-	bind $w <Visibility> "
-		grab $w
-		focus $w
-	"
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-method _select {} {
-	upvar #0 $v_family pv_family
-	upvar #0 $v_size pv_size
-	set pv_family $f_family
-	set pv_size $f_size
-	destroy $w
-method _pick_family {x y} {
-	variable all_families
-	set i [lindex [split [$w_family index @$x,$y] .] 0]
-	set n [lindex $all_families [expr {$i - 1}]]
-	if {$n ne {}} {
-		$w_family tag remove in_sel 0.0 end
-		$w_family tag add in_sel $i.0 [expr {$i + 1}].0
-		set f_family $n
-		_update $this
-	}
-method _update {args} {
-	variable all_families
-	set i [lsearch -exact $all_families $f_family]
-	if {$i < 0} return
-	$w_example tag conf example -font [list $f_family $f_size]
-	$w_family see [expr {$i + 1}].0
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index af1fee7c751d..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_repository.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1149 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui Git repository chooser
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class choose_repository {
-field top
-field w
-field w_body      ; # Widget holding the center content
-field w_next      ; # Next button
-field w_quit      ; # Quit button
-field o_cons      ; # Console object (if active)
-# Status mega-widget instance during _do_clone2 (used by _copy_files and
-# _link_files). Widget is destroyed before _do_clone2 calls
-# _do_clone_checkout
-field o_status
-# Operation displayed by status mega-widget during _do_clone_checkout =>
-# _readtree_wait => _postcheckout_wait => _do_clone_submodules =>
-# _do_validate_submodule_cloning. The status mega-widget is a different
-# instance than that stored in $o_status in earlier operations.
-field o_status_op
-field w_types     ; # List of type buttons in clone
-field w_recentlist ; # Listbox containing recent repositories
-field w_localpath  ; # Entry widget bound to local_path
-field done              0 ; # Finished picking the repository?
-field local_path       {} ; # Where this repository is locally
-field origin_url       {} ; # Where we are cloning from
-field origin_name  origin ; # What we shall call 'origin'
-field clone_type hardlink ; # Type of clone to construct
-field recursive      true ; # Recursive cloning flag
-field readtree_err        ; # Error output from read-tree (if any)
-field sorted_recent       ; # recent repositories (sorted)
-constructor pick {} {
-	global M1T M1B use_ttk NS
-	if {[set maxrecent [get_config gui.maxrecentrepo]] eq {}} {
-		set maxrecent 10
-	}
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm title $top [mc "Git Gui"]
-	if {$top eq {.}} {
-		menu $w.mbar -tearoff 0
-		$top configure -menu $w.mbar
-		set m_repo $w.mbar.repository
-		$w.mbar add cascade \
-			-label [mc Repository] \
-			-menu $m_repo
-		menu $m_repo
-		if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-			$w.mbar add cascade -label Apple -menu .mbar.apple
-			menu $w.mbar.apple
-			$w.mbar.apple add command \
-				-label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-				-command do_about
-			$w.mbar.apple add command \
-				-label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
-				-command do_ssh_key
-		} else {
-			$w.mbar add cascade -label [mc Help] -menu $w.mbar.help
-			menu $w.mbar.help
-			$w.mbar.help add command \
-				-label [mc "About %s" [appname]] \
-				-command do_about
-			$w.mbar.help add command \
-				-label [mc "Show SSH Key"] \
-				-command do_ssh_key
-		}
-		wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW exit
-		bind $top <$M1B-q> exit
-		bind $top <$M1B-Q> exit
-		bind $top <Key-Escape> exit
-	} else {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-		bind $top <Key-Escape> [list destroy $top]
-		set m_repo {}
-	}
-	pack [git_logo $w.git_logo] -side left -fill y -padx 10 -pady 10
-	set w_body $w.body
-	set opts $w_body.options
-	${NS}::frame $w_body
-	text $opts \
-		-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-		-relief flat \
-		-background [get_bg_color $w_body] \
-		-wrap none \
-		-spacing1 5 \
-		-width 50 \
-		-height 3
-	pack $opts -anchor w -fill x
-	$opts tag conf link_new -foreground blue -underline 1
-	$opts tag bind link_new <1> [cb _next new]
-	$opts insert end [mc "Create New Repository"] link_new
-	$opts insert end "\n"
-	if {$m_repo ne {}} {
-		$m_repo add command \
-			-command [cb _next new] \
-			-accelerator $M1T-N \
-			-label [mc "New..."]
-		bind $top <$M1B-n> [cb _next new]
-		bind $top <$M1B-N> [cb _next new]
-	}
-	$opts tag conf link_clone -foreground blue -underline 1
-	$opts tag bind link_clone <1> [cb _next clone]
-	$opts insert end [mc "Clone Existing Repository"] link_clone
-	$opts insert end "\n"
-	if {$m_repo ne {}} {
-		if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} {
-			set key L
-		} else {
-			set key C
-		}
-		$m_repo add command \
-			-command [cb _next clone] \
-			-accelerator $M1T-$key \
-			-label [mc "Clone..."]
-		bind $top <$M1B-[string tolower $key]> [cb _next clone]
-		bind $top <$M1B-[string toupper $key]> [cb _next clone]
-	}
-	$opts tag conf link_open -foreground blue -underline 1
-	$opts tag bind link_open <1> [cb _next open]
-	$opts insert end [mc "Open Existing Repository"] link_open
-	$opts insert end "\n"
-	if {$m_repo ne {}} {
-		$m_repo add command \
-			-command [cb _next open] \
-			-accelerator $M1T-O \
-			-label [mc "Open..."]
-		bind $top <$M1B-o> [cb _next open]
-		bind $top <$M1B-O> [cb _next open]
-	}
-	$opts conf -state disabled
-	set sorted_recent [_get_recentrepos]
-	if {[llength $sorted_recent] > 0} {
-		if {$m_repo ne {}} {
-			$m_repo add separator
-			$m_repo add command \
-				-state disabled \
-				-label [mc "Recent Repositories"]
-		}
-	if {[set lenrecent [llength $sorted_recent]] < $maxrecent} {
-		set lenrecent $maxrecent
-	}
-		${NS}::label $w_body.space
-		${NS}::label $w_body.recentlabel \
-			-anchor w \
-			-text [mc "Open Recent Repository:"]
-		set w_recentlist $w_body.recentlist
-		text $w_recentlist \
-			-cursor $::cursor_ptr \
-			-relief flat \
-			-background [get_bg_color $w_body.recentlabel] \
-			-wrap none \
-			-width 50 \
-			-height $lenrecent
-		$w_recentlist tag conf link \
-			-foreground blue \
-			-underline 1
-		set home $::env(HOME)
-		if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-			set home [exec cygpath --windows --absolute $home]
-		}
-		set home "[file normalize $home]/"
-		set hlen [string length $home]
-		foreach p $sorted_recent {
-			set path $p
-			if {[string equal -length $hlen $home $p]} {
-				set p "~/[string range $p $hlen end]"
-			}
-			regsub -all "\n" $p "\\n" p
-			$w_recentlist insert end $p link
-			$w_recentlist insert end "\n"
-			if {$m_repo ne {}} {
-				$m_repo add command \
-					-command [cb _open_recent_path $path] \
-					-label "    $p"
-			}
-		}
-		$w_recentlist conf -state disabled
-		$w_recentlist tag bind link <1> [cb _open_recent %x,%y]
-		pack $w_body.space -anchor w -fill x
-		pack $w_body.recentlabel -anchor w -fill x
-		pack $w_recentlist -anchor w -fill x
-	}
-	pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	set w_next $w.buttons.next
-	set w_quit $w.buttons.quit
-	${NS}::button $w_quit \
-		-text [mc "Quit"] \
-		-command exit
-	pack $w_quit -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
-	if {$m_repo ne {}} {
-		$m_repo add separator
-		$m_repo add command \
-			-label [mc Quit] \
-			-command exit \
-			-accelerator $M1T-Q
-	}
-	bind $top <Return> [cb _invoke_next]
-	bind $top <Visibility> "
-		[cb _center]
-		grab $top
-		focus $top
-		bind $top <Visibility> {}
-	"
-	wm deiconify $top
-	tkwait variable @done
-	grab release $top
-	if {$top eq {.}} {
-		eval destroy [winfo children $top]
-	}
-method _center {} {
-	set nx [winfo reqwidth $top]
-	set ny [winfo reqheight $top]
-	set rx [expr {([winfo screenwidth  $top] - $nx) / 3}]
-	set ry [expr {([winfo screenheight $top] - $ny) / 3}]
-	wm geometry $top [format {+%d+%d} $rx $ry]
-method _invoke_next {} {
-	if {[winfo exists $w_next]} {
-		uplevel #0 [$w_next cget -command]
-	}
-proc _get_recentrepos {} {
-	set recent [list]
-	foreach p [lsort -unique [get_config gui.recentrepo]] {
-		if {[_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
-			lappend recent $p
-		} else {
-			_unset_recentrepo $p
-		}
-	}
-	return $recent
-proc _unset_recentrepo {p} {
-	regsub -all -- {([()\[\]{}\.^$+*?\\])} $p {\\\1} p
-	catch {git config --global --unset-all gui.recentrepo "^$p\$"}
-	load_config 1
-proc _append_recentrepos {path} {
-	set path [file normalize $path]
-	set recent [get_config gui.recentrepo]
-	if {[lindex $recent end] eq $path} {
-		return
-	}
-	set i [lsearch $recent $path]
-	if {$i >= 0} {
-		_unset_recentrepo $path
-	}
-	git config --global --add gui.recentrepo $path
-	load_config 1
-	set recent [get_config gui.recentrepo]
-	if {[set maxrecent [get_config gui.maxrecentrepo]] eq {}} {
-		set maxrecent 10
-	}
-	while {[llength $recent] > $maxrecent} {
-		_unset_recentrepo [lindex $recent 0]
-		set recent [get_config gui.recentrepo]
-	}
-method _open_recent {xy} {
-	set id [lindex [split [$w_recentlist index @$xy] .] 0]
-	set local_path [lindex $sorted_recent [expr {$id - 1}]]
-	_do_open2 $this
-method _open_recent_path {p} {
-	set local_path $p
-	_do_open2 $this
-method _next {action} {
-	global NS
-	destroy $w_body
-	if {![winfo exists $w_next]} {
-		${NS}::button $w_next -default active
-		set pos -before
-		if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32"} { set pos -after }
-		pack $w_next -side right -padx 5 $pos $w_quit
-	}
-	_do_$action $this
-method _write_local_path {args} {
-	if {$local_path eq {}} {
-		$w_next conf -state disabled
-	} else {
-		$w_next conf -state normal
-	}
-method _git_init {} {
-	if {[catch {file mkdir $local_path} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "Failed to create repository %s:" $local_path] \
-			"\n\n$err"]
-		return 0
-	}
-	if {[catch {cd $local_path} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "Failed to create repository %s:" $local_path] \
-			"\n\n$err"]
-		return 0
-	}
-	if {[catch {git init} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "Failed to create repository %s:" $local_path] \
-			"\n\n$err"]
-		return 0
-	}
-	_append_recentrepos [pwd]
-	set ::_gitdir .git
-	set ::_prefix {}
-	return 1
-proc _is_git {path {outdir_var ""}} {
-	if {$outdir_var ne ""} {
-		upvar 1 $outdir_var outdir
-	}
-	if {[catch {set outdir [git rev-parse --resolve-git-dir $path]}]} {
-		return 0
-	}
-	return 1
-proc _objdir {path} {
-	set objdir [file join $path .git objects]
-	if {[file isdirectory $objdir]} {
-		return $objdir
-	}
-	set objdir [file join $path objects]
-	if {[file isdirectory $objdir]} {
-		return $objdir
-	}
-	if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-		set objdir [file join $path .git objects.lnk]
-		if {[file isfile $objdir]} {
-			return [win32_read_lnk $objdir]
-		}
-		set objdir [file join $path objects.lnk]
-		if {[file isfile $objdir]} {
-			return [win32_read_lnk $objdir]
-		}
-	}
-	return {}
-## Create New Repository
-method _do_new {} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	$w_next conf \
-		-state disabled \
-		-command [cb _do_new2] \
-		-text [mc "Create"]
-	${NS}::frame $w_body
-	${NS}::label $w_body.h \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center \
-		-text [mc "Create New Repository"]
-	pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
-	pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
-	${NS}::frame $w_body.where
-	${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Directory:"]
-	${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
-		-textvariable @local_path \
-		-width 50
-	${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
-		-text [mc "Browse"] \
-		-command [cb _new_local_path]
-	set w_localpath $w_body.where.t
-	grid $w_body.where.l $w_body.where.t $w_body.where.b -sticky ew
-	pack $w_body.where -fill x
-	grid columnconfigure $w_body.where 1 -weight 1
-	trace add variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]
-	bind $w_body.h <Destroy> [list trace remove variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]]
-	update
-	focus $w_body.where.t
-method _new_local_path {} {
-	if {$local_path ne {}} {
-		set p [file dirname $local_path]
-	} else {
-		set p [pwd]
-	}
-	set p [tk_chooseDirectory \
-		-initialdir $p \
-		-parent $top \
-		-title [mc "Git Repository"] \
-		-mustexist false]
-	if {$p eq {}} return
-	set p [file normalize $p]
-	if {![_new_ok $p]} {
-		return
-	}
-	set local_path $p
-	$w_localpath icursor end
-method _do_new2 {} {
-	if {![_new_ok $local_path]} {
-		return
-	}
-	if {![_git_init $this]} {
-		return
-	}
-	set done 1
-proc _new_ok {p} {
-	if {[file isdirectory $p]} {
-		if {[_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
-			error_popup [mc "Directory %s already exists." $p]
-			return 0
-		}
-	} elseif {[file exists $p]} {
-		error_popup [mc "File %s already exists." $p]
-		return 0
-	}
-	return 1
-## Clone Existing Repository
-method _do_clone {} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	$w_next conf \
-		-state disabled \
-		-command [cb _do_clone2] \
-		-text [mc "Clone"]
-	${NS}::frame $w_body
-	${NS}::label $w_body.h \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center \
-		-text [mc "Clone Existing Repository"]
-	pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
-	pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
-	set args $w_body.args
-	${NS}::frame $w_body.args
-	pack $args -fill both
-	${NS}::label $args.origin_l -text [mc "Source Location:"]
-	${NS}::entry $args.origin_t \
-		-textvariable @origin_url \
-		-width 50
-	${NS}::button $args.origin_b \
-		-text [mc "Browse"] \
-		-command [cb _open_origin]
-	grid $args.origin_l $args.origin_t $args.origin_b -sticky ew
-	${NS}::label $args.where_l -text [mc "Target Directory:"]
-	${NS}::entry $args.where_t \
-		-textvariable @local_path \
-		-width 50
-	${NS}::button $args.where_b \
-		-text [mc "Browse"] \
-		-command [cb _new_local_path]
-	grid $args.where_l $args.where_t $args.where_b -sticky ew
-	set w_localpath $args.where_t
-	${NS}::label $args.type_l -text [mc "Clone Type:"]
-	${NS}::frame $args.type_f
-	set w_types [list]
-	lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.hardlink \
-		-state disabled \
-		-text [mc "Standard (Fast, Semi-Redundant, Hardlinks)"] \
-		-variable @clone_type \
-		-value hardlink]
-	lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.full \
-		-state disabled \
-		-text [mc "Full Copy (Slower, Redundant Backup)"] \
-		-variable @clone_type \
-		-value full]
-	lappend w_types [${NS}::radiobutton $args.type_f.shared \
-		-state disabled \
-		-text [mc "Shared (Fastest, Not Recommended, No Backup)"] \
-		-variable @clone_type \
-		-value shared]
-	foreach r $w_types {
-		pack $r -anchor w
-	}
-	${NS}::checkbutton $args.type_f.recursive \
-		-text [mc "Recursively clone submodules too"] \
-		-variable @recursive \
-		-onvalue true -offvalue false
-	pack $args.type_f.recursive -anchor w
-	grid $args.type_l $args.type_f -sticky new
-	grid columnconfigure $args 1 -weight 1
-	trace add variable @local_path write [cb _update_clone]
-	trace add variable @origin_url write [cb _update_clone]
-	bind $w_body.h <Destroy> "
-		[list trace remove variable @local_path write [cb _update_clone]]
-		[list trace remove variable @origin_url write [cb _update_clone]]
-	"
-	update
-	focus $args.origin_t
-method _open_origin {} {
-	if {$origin_url ne {} && [file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
-		set p $origin_url
-	} else {
-		set p [pwd]
-	}
-	set p [tk_chooseDirectory \
-		-initialdir $p \
-		-parent $top \
-		-title [mc "Git Repository"] \
-		-mustexist true]
-	if {$p eq {}} return
-	set p [file normalize $p]
-	if {![_is_git [file join $p .git]] && ![_is_git $p]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $p]]
-		return
-	}
-	set origin_url $p
-method _update_clone {args} {
-	if {$local_path ne {} && $origin_url ne {}} {
-		$w_next conf -state normal
-	} else {
-		$w_next conf -state disabled
-	}
-	if {$origin_url ne {} &&
-		(  [_is_git [file join $origin_url .git]]
-		|| [_is_git $origin_url])} {
-		set e normal
-		if {[[lindex $w_types 0] cget -state] eq {disabled}} {
-			set clone_type hardlink
-		}
-	} else {
-		set e disabled
-		set clone_type full
-	}
-	foreach r $w_types {
-		$r conf -state $e
-	}
-method _do_clone2 {} {
-	if {[file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
-		set origin_url [file normalize $origin_url]
-	}
-	if {$clone_type eq {hardlink} && ![file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Standard only available for local repository."]
-		return
-	}
-	if {$clone_type eq {shared} && ![file isdirectory $origin_url]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Shared only available for local repository."]
-		return
-	}
-	if {$clone_type eq {hardlink} || $clone_type eq {shared}} {
-		set objdir [_objdir $origin_url]
-		if {$objdir eq {}} {
-			error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $origin_url]]
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	set giturl $origin_url
-	if {[is_Cygwin] && [file isdirectory $giturl]} {
-		set giturl [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $giturl]
-		if {$clone_type eq {shared}} {
-			set objdir [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $objdir]
-		}
-	}
-	if {[file exists $local_path]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Location %s already exists." $local_path]
-		return
-	}
-	if {![_git_init $this]} return
-	set local_path [pwd]
-	if {[catch {
-			git config remote.$origin_name.url $giturl
-			git config remote.$origin_name.fetch +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/$origin_name/*
-		} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to configure origin"] "\n\n$err"]
-		return
-	}
-	destroy $w_body $w_next
-	switch -exact -- $clone_type {
-	hardlink {
-		set o_status [status_bar::two_line $w_body]
-		pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
-		set status_op [$o_status start \
-			[mc "Counting objects"] \
-			[mc "buckets"]]
-		update
-		if {[file exists [file join $objdir info alternates]]} {
-			set pwd [pwd]
-			if {[catch {
-				file mkdir [gitdir objects info]
-				set f_in [open [file join $objdir info alternates] r]
-				set f_cp [open [gitdir objects info alternates] w]
-				fconfigure $f_in -translation binary -encoding binary
-				fconfigure $f_cp -translation binary -encoding binary
-				cd $objdir
-				while {[gets $f_in line] >= 0} {
-					if {[is_Cygwin]} {
-						puts $f_cp [exec cygpath --unix --absolute $line]
-					} else {
-						puts $f_cp [file normalize $line]
-					}
-				}
-				close $f_in
-				close $f_cp
-				cd $pwd
-			} err]} {
-				catch {cd $pwd}
-				_clone_failed $this [mc "Unable to copy objects/info/alternates: %s" $err]
-				$status_op stop
-				return
-			}
-		}
-		set tolink  [list]
-		set buckets [glob \
-			-tails \
-			-nocomplain \
-			-directory [file join $objdir] ??]
-		set bcnt [expr {[llength $buckets] + 2}]
-		set bcur 1
-		$status_op update $bcur $bcnt
-		update
-		file mkdir [file join .git objects pack]
-		foreach i [glob -tails -nocomplain \
-			-directory [file join $objdir pack] *] {
-			lappend tolink [file join pack $i]
-		}
-		$status_op update [incr bcur] $bcnt
-		update
-		foreach i $buckets {
-			file mkdir [file join .git objects $i]
-			foreach j [glob -tails -nocomplain \
-				-directory [file join $objdir $i] *] {
-				lappend tolink [file join $i $j]
-			}
-			$status_op update [incr bcur] $bcnt
-			update
-		}
-		$status_op stop
-		if {$tolink eq {}} {
-			info_popup [strcat \
-				[mc "Nothing to clone from %s." $origin_url] \
-				"\n" \
-				[mc "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."] \
-				]
-			destroy $w_body
-			set done 1
-			return
-		}
-		set i [lindex $tolink 0]
-		if {[catch {
-				file link -hard \
-					[file join .git objects $i] \
-					[file join $objdir $i]
-			} err]} {
-			info_popup [mc "Hardlinks are unavailable.  Falling back to copying."]
-			set i [_copy_files $this $objdir $tolink]
-		} else {
-			set i [_link_files $this $objdir [lrange $tolink 1 end]]
-		}
-		if {!$i} return
-		destroy $w_body
-		set o_status {}
-	}
-	full {
-		set o_cons [console::embed \
-			$w_body \
-			[mc "Cloning from %s" $origin_url]]
-		pack $w_body -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
-		$o_cons exec \
-			[list git fetch --no-tags -k $origin_name] \
-			[cb _do_clone_tags]
-	}
-	shared {
-		set fd [open [gitdir objects info alternates] w]
-		fconfigure $fd -translation binary
-		puts $fd $objdir
-		close $fd
-	}
-	}
-	if {$clone_type eq {hardlink} || $clone_type eq {shared}} {
-		if {![_clone_refs $this]} return
-		set pwd [pwd]
-		if {[catch {
-				cd $origin_url
-				set HEAD [git rev-parse --verify HEAD^0]
-			} err]} {
-			_clone_failed $this [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $origin_url]]
-			return 0
-		}
-		cd $pwd
-		_do_clone_checkout $this $HEAD
-	}
-method _copy_files {objdir tocopy} {
-	set status_op [$o_status start \
-		[mc "Copying objects"] \
-		[mc "KiB"]]
-	set tot 0
-	set cmp 0
-	foreach p $tocopy {
-		incr tot [file size [file join $objdir $p]]
-	}
-	foreach p $tocopy {
-		if {[catch {
-				set f_in [open [file join $objdir $p] r]
-				set f_cp [open [file join .git objects $p] w]
-				fconfigure $f_in -translation binary -encoding binary
-				fconfigure $f_cp -translation binary -encoding binary
-				while {![eof $f_in]} {
-					incr cmp [fcopy $f_in $f_cp -size 16384]
-					$status_op update \
-						[expr {$cmp / 1024}] \
-						[expr {$tot / 1024}]
-					update
-				}
-				close $f_in
-				close $f_cp
-			} err]} {
-			_clone_failed $this [mc "Unable to copy object: %s" $err]
-			$status_op stop
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	$status_op stop
-	return 1
-method _link_files {objdir tolink} {
-	set total [llength $tolink]
-	set status_op [$o_status start \
-		[mc "Linking objects"] \
-		[mc "objects"]]
-	for {set i 0} {$i < $total} {} {
-		set p [lindex $tolink $i]
-		if {[catch {
-				file link -hard \
-					[file join .git objects $p] \
-					[file join $objdir $p]
-			} err]} {
-			_clone_failed $this [mc "Unable to hardlink object: %s" $err]
-			$status_op stop
-			return 0
-		}
-		incr i
-		if {$i % 5 == 0} {
-			$status_op update $i $total
-			update
-		}
-	}
-	$status_op stop
-	return 1
-method _clone_refs {} {
-	set pwd [pwd]
-	if {[catch {cd $origin_url} err]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $origin_url]]
-		return 0
-	}
-	set fd_in [git_read for-each-ref \
-		--tcl \
-		{--format=list %(refname) %(objectname) %(*objectname)}]
-	cd $pwd
-	set fd [open [gitdir packed-refs] w]
-	fconfigure $fd -translation binary
-	puts $fd "# pack-refs with: peeled"
-	while {[gets $fd_in line] >= 0} {
-		set line [eval $line]
-		set refn [lindex $line 0]
-		set robj [lindex $line 1]
-		set tobj [lindex $line 2]
-		if {[regsub ^refs/heads/ $refn \
-			"refs/remotes/$origin_name/" refn]} {
-			puts $fd "$robj $refn"
-		} elseif {[string match refs/tags/* $refn]} {
-			puts $fd "$robj $refn"
-			if {$tobj ne {}} {
-				puts $fd "^$tobj"
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	close $fd_in
-	close $fd
-	return 1
-method _do_clone_tags {ok} {
-	if {$ok} {
-		$o_cons exec \
-			[list git fetch --tags -k $origin_name] \
-			[cb _do_clone_HEAD]
-	} else {
-		$o_cons done $ok
-		_clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot fetch branches and objects.  See console output for details."]
-	}
-method _do_clone_HEAD {ok} {
-	if {$ok} {
-		$o_cons exec \
-			[list git fetch $origin_name HEAD] \
-			[cb _do_clone_full_end]
-	} else {
-		$o_cons done $ok
-		_clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot fetch tags.  See console output for details."]
-	}
-method _do_clone_full_end {ok} {
-	$o_cons done $ok
-	if {$ok} {
-		destroy $w_body
-		set HEAD {}
-		if {[file exists [gitdir FETCH_HEAD]]} {
-			set fd [open [gitdir FETCH_HEAD] r]
-			while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-				if {[regexp "^(.{40})\t\t" $line line HEAD]} {
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			close $fd
-		}
-		catch {git pack-refs}
-		_do_clone_checkout $this $HEAD
-	} else {
-		_clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot determine HEAD.  See console output for details."]
-	}
-method _clone_failed {{why {}}} {
-	if {[catch {file delete -force $local_path} err]} {
-		set why [strcat \
-			$why \
-			"\n\n" \
-			[mc "Unable to cleanup %s" $local_path] \
-			"\n\n" \
-			$err]
-	}
-	if {$why ne {}} {
-		update
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Clone failed."] "\n" $why]
-	}
-method _do_clone_checkout {HEAD} {
-	if {$HEAD eq {}} {
-		info_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "No default branch obtained."] \
-			"\n" \
-			[mc "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."] \
-			]
-		set done 1
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {
-			git update-ref HEAD $HEAD^0
-		} err]} {
-		info_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "Cannot resolve %s as a commit." $HEAD^0] \
-			"\n  $err" \
-			"\n" \
-			[mc "The 'master' branch has not been initialized."] \
-			]
-		set done 1
-		return
-	}
-	set status [status_bar::two_line $w_body]
-	pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10 -pady 10
-	# We start the status operation here.
-	#
-	# This function calls _readtree_wait as a callback.
-	#
-	# _readtree_wait in turn either calls _do_clone_submodules directly,
-	# or calls _postcheckout_wait as a callback which then calls
-	# _do_clone_submodules.
-	#
-	# _do_clone_submodules calls _do_validate_submodule_cloning.
-	#
-	# _do_validate_submodule_cloning stops the status operation.
-	#
-	# There are no other calls into this chain from other code.
-	set o_status_op [$status start \
-		[mc "Creating working directory"] \
-		[mc "files"]]
-	set readtree_err {}
-	set fd [git_read --stderr read-tree \
-		-m \
-		-u \
-		-v \
-		HEAD \
-		HEAD \
-		]
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
-	fileevent $fd readable [cb _readtree_wait $fd]
-method _readtree_wait {fd} {
-	set buf [read $fd]
-	$o_status_op update_meter $buf
-	append readtree_err $buf
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-	if {![eof $fd]} {
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
-		set err $readtree_err
-		regsub {^fatal: } $err {} err
-		error_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "Initial file checkout failed."] \
-			"\n\n$err"]
-		return
-	}
-	# -- Run the post-checkout hook.
-	#
-	set fd_ph [githook_read post-checkout [string repeat 0 40] \
-		[git rev-parse HEAD] 1]
-	if {$fd_ph ne {}} {
-		global pch_error
-		set pch_error {}
-		fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
-		fileevent $fd_ph readable [cb _postcheckout_wait $fd_ph]
-	} else {
-		_do_clone_submodules $this
-	}
-method _postcheckout_wait {fd_ph} {
-	global pch_error
-	append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
-			hook_failed_popup post-checkout $pch_error 0
-		}
-		unset pch_error
-		_do_clone_submodules $this
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-method _do_clone_submodules {} {
-	if {$recursive eq {true}} {
-		$o_status_op stop
-		set o_status_op {}
-		destroy $w_body
-		set o_cons [console::embed \
-			$w_body \
-			[mc "Cloning submodules"]]
-		pack $w_body -fill both -expand 1 -padx 10
-		$o_cons exec \
-			[list git submodule update --init --recursive] \
-			[cb _do_validate_submodule_cloning]
-	} else {
-		set done 1
-	}
-method _do_validate_submodule_cloning {ok} {
-	if {$ok} {
-		$o_cons done $ok
-		set done 1
-	} else {
-		_clone_failed $this [mc "Cannot clone submodules."]
-	}
-## Open Existing Repository
-method _do_open {} {
-	global NS
-	$w_next conf \
-		-state disabled \
-		-command [cb _do_open2] \
-		-text [mc "Open"]
-	${NS}::frame $w_body
-	${NS}::label $w_body.h \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center \
-		-text [mc "Open Existing Repository"]
-	pack $w_body.h -side top -fill x -pady 10
-	pack $w_body -fill x -padx 10
-	${NS}::frame $w_body.where
-	${NS}::label $w_body.where.l -text [mc "Repository:"]
-	${NS}::entry $w_body.where.t \
-		-textvariable @local_path \
-		-width 50
-	${NS}::button $w_body.where.b \
-		-text [mc "Browse"] \
-		-command [cb _open_local_path]
-	grid $w_body.where.l $w_body.where.t $w_body.where.b -sticky ew
-	pack $w_body.where -fill x
-	grid columnconfigure $w_body.where 1 -weight 1
-	trace add variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]
-	bind $w_body.h <Destroy> [list trace remove variable @local_path write [cb _write_local_path]]
-	update
-	focus $w_body.where.t
-method _open_local_path {} {
-	if {$local_path ne {}} {
-		set p $local_path
-	} else {
-		set p [pwd]
-	}
-	set p [tk_chooseDirectory \
-		-initialdir $p \
-		-parent $top \
-		-title [mc "Git Repository"] \
-		-mustexist true]
-	if {$p eq {}} return
-	set p [file normalize $p]
-	if {![_is_git [file join $p .git]]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $p]]
-		return
-	}
-	set local_path $p
-method _do_open2 {} {
-	if {![_is_git [file join $local_path .git] actualgit]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Not a Git repository: %s" [file tail $local_path]]
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {cd $local_path} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat \
-			[mc "Failed to open repository %s:" $local_path] \
-			"\n\n$err"]
-		return
-	}
-	_append_recentrepos [pwd]
-	set ::_gitdir $actualgit
-	set ::_prefix {}
-	set done 1
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_rev.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_rev.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dae7937d589..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/choose_rev.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,634 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui revision chooser
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class choose_rev {
-field w               ; # our megawidget path
-field w_list          ; # list of currently filtered specs
-field w_filter        ; # filter entry for $w_list
-field c_expr        {}; # current revision expression
-field filter        ""; # current filter string
-field revtype     head; # type of revision chosen
-field cur_specs [list]; # list of specs for $revtype
-field spec_head       ; # list of all head specs
-field spec_trck       ; # list of all tracking branch specs
-field spec_tag        ; # list of all tag specs
-field tip_data        ; # array of tip commit info by refname
-field log_last        ; # array of reflog date by refname
-field tooltip_wm        {} ; # Current tooltip toplevel, if open
-field tooltip_t         {} ; # Text widget in $tooltip_wm
-field tooltip_timer     {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip
-proc new {path {title {}}} {
-	return [_new $path 0 $title]
-proc new_unmerged {path {title {}}} {
-	return [_new $path 1 $title]
-constructor _new {path unmerged_only title} {
-	global current_branch is_detached use_ttk NS
-	if {![info exists ::all_remotes]} {
-		load_all_remotes
-	}
-	set w $path
-	if {$title ne {}} {
-		${NS}::labelframe $w -text $title
-	} else {
-		${NS}::frame $w
-	}
-	bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
-	if {$is_detached} {
-		${NS}::radiobutton $w.detachedhead_r \
-			-text [mc "This Detached Checkout"] \
-			-value HEAD \
-			-variable @revtype
-		if {!$use_ttk} {$w.detachedhead_r configure -anchor w}
-		grid $w.detachedhead_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
-	}
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.expr_r \
-		-text [mc "Revision Expression:"] \
-		-value expr \
-		-variable @revtype
-	${NS}::entry $w.expr_t \
-		-width 50 \
-		-textvariable @c_expr \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S]
-	grid $w.expr_r $w.expr_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	${NS}::frame $w.types
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.types.head_r \
-		-text [mc "Local Branch"] \
-		-value head \
-		-variable @revtype
-	pack $w.types.head_r -side left
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.types.trck_r \
-		-text [mc "Tracking Branch"] \
-		-value trck \
-		-variable @revtype
-	pack $w.types.trck_r -side left
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.types.tag_r \
-		-text [mc "Tag"] \
-		-value tag \
-		-variable @revtype
-	pack $w.types.tag_r -side left
-	set w_filter $w.types.filter
-	${NS}::entry $w_filter \
-		-width 12 \
-		-textvariable @filter \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand [cb _filter %P]
-	pack $w_filter -side right
-	pack [${NS}::label $w.types.filter_icon \
-		-image ::choose_rev::img_find \
-		] -side right
-	grid $w.types -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		ttk::frame $w.list -style SListbox.TFrame -padding 2
-	} else {
-		frame $w.list
-	}
-	set w_list $w.list.l
-	listbox $w_list \
-		-font font_diff \
-		-width 50 \
-		-height 10 \
-		-selectmode browse \
-		-exportselection false \
-		-xscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sbx h] \
-		-yscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sby v]
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		$w_list configure -relief flat -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0
-	}
-	pack $w_list -fill both -expand 1
-	grid $w.list -sticky nswe -padx {20 5} -columnspan 2
-	bind $w_list <Any-Motion>  [cb _show_tooltip @%x,%y]
-	bind $w_list <Any-Enter>   [cb _hide_tooltip]
-	bind $w_list <Any-Leave>   [cb _hide_tooltip]
-	bind $w_list <Destroy>     [cb _hide_tooltip]
-	grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1
-	if {$is_detached} {
-		grid rowconfigure $w 3 -weight 1
-	} else {
-		grid rowconfigure $w 2 -weight 1
-	}
-	trace add variable @revtype write [cb _select]
-	bind $w_filter <Key-Return> [list focus $w_list]\;break
-	bind $w_filter <Key-Down>   [list focus $w_list]
-	set fmt list
-	append fmt { %(refname)}
-	append fmt { [list}
-	append fmt { %(objecttype)}
-	append fmt { %(objectname)}
-	append fmt { [concat %(taggername) %(authorname)]}
-	append fmt { [reformat_date [concat %(taggerdate) %(authordate)]]}
-	append fmt { %(subject)}
-	append fmt {] [list}
-	append fmt { %(*objecttype)}
-	append fmt { %(*objectname)}
-	append fmt { %(*authorname)}
-	append fmt { [reformat_date %(*authordate)]}
-	append fmt { %(*subject)}
-	append fmt {]}
-	set all_refn [list]
-	set fr_fd [git_read for-each-ref \
-		--tcl \
-		--sort=-taggerdate \
-		--format=$fmt \
-		refs/heads \
-		refs/remotes \
-		refs/tags \
-		]
-	fconfigure $fr_fd -translation lf -encoding utf-8
-	while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
-		set line [eval $line]
-		if {[lindex $line 1 0] eq {tag}} {
-			if {[lindex $line 2 0] eq {commit}} {
-				set sha1 [lindex $line 2 1]
-			} else {
-				continue
-			}
-		} elseif {[lindex $line 1 0] eq {commit}} {
-			set sha1 [lindex $line 1 1]
-		} else {
-			continue
-		}
-		set refn [lindex $line 0]
-		set tip_data($refn) [lrange $line 1 end]
-		lappend cmt_refn($sha1) $refn
-		lappend all_refn $refn
-	}
-	close $fr_fd
-	if {$unmerged_only} {
-		set fr_fd [git_read rev-list --all ^$::HEAD]
-		while {[gets $fr_fd sha1] > 0} {
-			if {[catch {set rlst $cmt_refn($sha1)}]} continue
-			foreach refn $rlst {
-				set inc($refn) 1
-			}
-		}
-		close $fr_fd
-	} else {
-		foreach refn $all_refn {
-			set inc($refn) 1
-		}
-	}
-	set spec_head [list]
-	foreach name [load_all_heads] {
-		set refn refs/heads/$name
-		if {[info exists inc($refn)]} {
-			lappend spec_head [list $name $refn]
-		}
-	}
-	set spec_trck [list]
-	foreach spec [all_tracking_branches] {
-		set refn [lindex $spec 0]
-		if {[info exists inc($refn)]} {
-			regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes)/ $refn {} name
-			lappend spec_trck [concat $name $spec]
-		}
-	}
-	set spec_tag [list]
-	foreach name [load_all_tags] {
-		set refn refs/tags/$name
-		if {[info exists inc($refn)]} {
-			lappend spec_tag [list $name $refn]
-		}
-	}
-		  if {$is_detached}             { set revtype HEAD
-	} elseif {[llength $spec_head] > 0} { set revtype head
-	} elseif {[llength $spec_trck] > 0} { set revtype trck
-	} elseif {[llength $spec_tag ] > 0} { set revtype tag
-	} else {                              set revtype expr
-	}
-	if {$revtype eq {head} && $current_branch ne {}} {
-		set i 0
-		foreach spec $spec_head {
-			if {[lindex $spec 0] eq $current_branch} {
-				$w_list selection clear 0 end
-				$w_list selection set $i
-				break
-			}
-			incr i
-		}
-	}
-	return $this
-method none {text} {
-	global NS use_ttk
-	if {![winfo exists $w.none_r]} {
-		${NS}::radiobutton $w.none_r \
-			-value none \
-			-variable @revtype
-		if {!$use_ttk} {$w.none_r configure -anchor w}
-		grid $w.none_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2
-	}
-	$w.none_r configure -text $text
-method get {} {
-	switch -- $revtype {
-	head -
-	trck -
-	tag  {
-		set i [$w_list curselection]
-		if {$i ne {}} {
-			return [lindex $cur_specs $i 0]
-		} else {
-			return {}
-		}
-	}
-	HEAD { return HEAD                     }
-	expr { return $c_expr                  }
-	none { return {}                       }
-	default { error "unknown type of revision" }
-	}
-method pick_tracking_branch {} {
-	set revtype trck
-method focus_filter {} {
-	if {[$w_filter cget -state] eq {normal}} {
-		focus $w_filter
-	}
-method bind_listbox {event script}  {
-	bind $w_list $event $script
-method get_local_branch {} {
-	if {$revtype eq {head}} {
-		return [_expr $this]
-	} else {
-		return {}
-	}
-method get_tracking_branch {} {
-	set i [$w_list curselection]
-	if {$i eq {} || $revtype ne {trck}} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	return [lrange [lindex $cur_specs $i] 1 end]
-method get_commit {} {
-	set e [_expr $this]
-	if {$e eq {}} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	return [git rev-parse --verify "$e^0"]
-method commit_or_die {} {
-	if {[catch {set new [get_commit $this]} err]} {
-		# Cleanup the not-so-friendly error from rev-parse.
-		#
-		regsub {^fatal:\s*} $err {} err
-		if {$err eq {Needed a single revision}} {
-			set err {}
-		}
-		set top [winfo toplevel $w]
-		set msg [strcat [mc "Invalid revision: %s" [get $this]] "\n\n$err"]
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $top] \
-			-parent $top \
-			-message $msg
-		error $msg
-	}
-	return $new
-method _expr {} {
-	switch -- $revtype {
-	head -
-	trck -
-	tag  {
-		set i [$w_list curselection]
-		if {$i ne {}} {
-			return [lindex $cur_specs $i 1]
-		} else {
-			error [mc "No revision selected."]
-		}
-	}
-	expr {
-		if {$c_expr ne {}} {
-			return $c_expr
-		} else {
-			error [mc "Revision expression is empty."]
-		}
-	}
-	HEAD { return HEAD                     }
-	none { return {}                       }
-	default { error "unknown type of revision"      }
-	}
-method _validate {d S} {
-	if {$d == 1} {
-		if {[regexp {\s} $S]} {
-			return 0
-		}
-		if {[string length $S] > 0} {
-			set revtype expr
-		}
-	}
-	return 1
-method _filter {P} {
-	if {[regexp {\s} $P]} {
-		return 0
-	}
-	_rebuild $this $P
-	return 1
-method _select {args} {
-	_rebuild $this $filter
-	focus_filter $this
-method _rebuild {pat} {
-	set ste normal
-	switch -- $revtype {
-	head { set new $spec_head }
-	trck { set new $spec_trck }
-	tag  { set new $spec_tag  }
-	expr -
-	HEAD -
-	none {
-		set new [list]
-		set ste disabled
-	}
-	}
-	if {[$w_list cget -state] eq {disabled}} {
-		$w_list configure -state normal
-	}
-	$w_list delete 0 end
-	if {$pat ne {}} {
-		set pat *${pat}*
-	}
-	set cur_specs [list]
-	foreach spec $new {
-		set txt [lindex $spec 0]
-		if {$pat eq {} || [string match $pat $txt]} {
-			lappend cur_specs $spec
-			$w_list insert end $txt
-		}
-	}
-	if {$cur_specs ne {}} {
-		$w_list selection clear 0 end
-		$w_list selection set 0
-	}
-	if {[$w_filter cget -state] ne $ste} {
-		$w_list   configure -state $ste
-		$w_filter configure -state $ste
-	}
-method _delete {current} {
-	if {$current eq $w} {
-		delete_this
-	}
-method _sb_set {sb orient first last} {
-	global NS
-	set old_focus [focus -lastfor $w]
-	if {$first == 0 && $last == 1} {
-		if {[winfo exists $sb]} {
-			destroy $sb
-			if {$old_focus ne {}} {
-				update
-				focus $old_focus
-			}
-		}
-		return
-	}
-	if {![winfo exists $sb]} {
-		if {$orient eq {h}} {
-			${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_list xview]
-			pack $sb -fill x -side bottom -before $w_list
-		} else {
-			${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_list yview]
-			pack $sb -fill y -side right -before $w_list
-		}
-		if {$old_focus ne {}} {
-			update
-			focus $old_focus
-		}
-	}
-	catch {$sb set $first $last}
-method _show_tooltip {pos} {
-	if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
-		_open_tooltip $this
-	} elseif {$tooltip_timer eq {}} {
-		set tooltip_timer [after 1000 [cb _open_tooltip]]
-	}
-method _open_tooltip {} {
-	global remote_url
-	set tooltip_timer {}
-	set pos_x [winfo pointerx $w_list]
-	set pos_y [winfo pointery $w_list]
-	if {[winfo containing $pos_x $pos_y] ne $w_list} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-		return
-	}
-	set pos @[join [list \
-		[expr {$pos_x - [winfo rootx $w_list]}] \
-		[expr {$pos_y - [winfo rooty $w_list]}]] ,]
-	set lno [$w_list index $pos]
-	if {$lno eq {}} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-		return
-	}
-	set spec [lindex $cur_specs $lno]
-	set refn [lindex $spec 1]
-	if {$refn eq {}} {
-		_hide_tooltip $this
-		return
-	}
-	if {$tooltip_wm eq {}} {
-		set tooltip_wm [toplevel $w_list.tooltip -borderwidth 1]
-		catch {wm attributes $tooltip_wm -type tooltip}
-		wm overrideredirect $tooltip_wm 1
-		wm transient $tooltip_wm [winfo toplevel $w_list]
-		set tooltip_t $tooltip_wm.label
-		text $tooltip_t \
-			-takefocus 0 \
-			-highlightthickness 0 \
-			-relief flat \
-			-borderwidth 0 \
-			-wrap none \
-			-background lightyellow \
-			-foreground black
-		$tooltip_t tag conf section_header -font font_uibold
-		bind $tooltip_wm <Escape> [cb _hide_tooltip]
-		pack $tooltip_t
-	} else {
-		$tooltip_t conf -state normal
-		$tooltip_t delete 0.0 end
-	}
-	set data $tip_data($refn)
-	if {[lindex $data 0 0] eq {tag}} {
-		set tag  [lindex $data 0]
-		if {[lindex $data 1 0] eq {commit}} {
-			set cmit [lindex $data 1]
-		} else {
-			set cmit {}
-		}
-	} elseif {[lindex $data 0 0] eq {commit}} {
-		set tag  {}
-		set cmit [lindex $data 0]
-	}
-	$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $spec 0]
-	set last [_reflog_last $this [lindex $spec 1]]
-	if {$last ne {}} {
-		$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Updated"]
-		$tooltip_t insert end " $last"
-	}
-	$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-	if {$tag ne {}} {
-		$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Tag"] section_header
-		$tooltip_t insert end "  [lindex $tag 1]\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $tag 2]
-		$tooltip_t insert end " ([lindex $tag 3])\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $tag 4]
-		$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-	}
-	if {$cmit ne {}} {
-		$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Commit@@noun"] section_header
-		$tooltip_t insert end "  [lindex $cmit 1]\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $cmit 2]
-		$tooltip_t insert end " ([lindex $cmit 3])\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [lindex $cmit 4]
-	}
-	if {[llength $spec] > 2} {
-		$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Remote"] section_header
-		$tooltip_t insert end "  [lindex $spec 2]\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [mc "URL"]
-		$tooltip_t insert end " $remote_url([lindex $spec 2])\n"
-		$tooltip_t insert end [mc "Branch"]
-		$tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $spec 3]"
-	}
-	$tooltip_t conf -state disabled
-	_position_tooltip $this
-method _reflog_last {name} {
-	if {[info exists reflog_last($name)]} {
-		return reflog_last($name)
-	}
-	set last {}
-	if {[catch {set last [file mtime [gitdir $name]]}]
-	&& ![catch {set g [open [gitdir logs $name] r]}]} {
-		fconfigure $g -translation binary
-		while {[gets $g line] >= 0} {
-			if {[regexp {> ([1-9][0-9]*) } $line line when]} {
-				set last $when
-			}
-		}
-		close $g
-	}
-	if {$last ne {}} {
-		set last [format_date $last]
-	}
-	set reflog_last($name) $last
-	return $last
-method _position_tooltip {} {
-	set max_h [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index end] .] 0]
-	set max_w 0
-	for {set i 1} {$i <= $max_h} {incr i} {
-		set c [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index "$i.0 lineend"] .] 1]
-		if {$c > $max_w} {set max_w $c}
-	}
-	$tooltip_t conf -width $max_w -height $max_h
-	set req_w [winfo reqwidth  $tooltip_t]
-	set req_h [winfo reqheight $tooltip_t]
-	set pos_x [expr {[winfo pointerx .] +  5}]
-	set pos_y [expr {[winfo pointery .] + 10}]
-	set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32" || $pos_x >= 0} {append g +}
-	append g $pos_x
-	if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "win32" || $pos_y >= 0} {append g +}
-	append g $pos_y
-	wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g
-	raise $tooltip_wm
-method _hide_tooltip {} {
-	if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
-		destroy $tooltip_wm
-		set tooltip_wm {}
-	}
-	if {$tooltip_timer ne {}} {
-		after cancel $tooltip_timer
-		set tooltip_timer {}
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/chord.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/chord.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e21e7d3d0b79..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/chord.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
-# Simple Chord for Tcl
-# A "chord" is a method with more than one entrypoint and only one body, such
-# that the body runs only once all the entrypoints have been called by
-# different asynchronous tasks. In this implementation, the chord is defined
-# dynamically for each invocation. A SimpleChord object is created, supplying
-# body script to be run when the chord is completed, and then one or more notes
-# are added to the chord. Each note can be called like a proc, and returns
-# immediately if the chord isn't yet complete. When the last remaining note is
-# called, the body runs before the note returns.
-# The SimpleChord class has a constructor that takes the body script, and a
-# method add_note that returns a note object. Since the body script does not
-# run in the context of the procedure that defined it, a mechanism is provided
-# for injecting variables into the chord for use by the body script. The
-# activation of a note is idempotent; multiple calls have the same effect as
-# a simple call.
-# If you are invoking asynchronous operations with chord notes as completion
-# callbacks, and there is a possibility that earlier operations could complete
-# before later ones are started, it is a good practice to create a "common"
-# note on the chord that prevents it from being complete until you're certain
-# you've added all the notes you need.
-# Example:
-#   # Turn off the UI while running a couple of async operations.
-#   lock_ui
-#   set chord [SimpleChord::new {
-#     unlock_ui
-#     # Note: $notice here is not referenced in the calling scope
-#     if {$notice} { info_popup $notice }
-#   }
-#   # Configure a note to keep the chord from completing until
-#   # all operations have been initiated.
-#   set common_note [$chord add_note]
-#   # Activate notes in 'after' callbacks to other operations
-#   set newnote [$chord add_note]
-#   async_operation $args [list $newnote activate]
-#   # Communicate with the chord body
-#   if {$condition} {
-#     # This sets $notice in the same context that the chord body runs in.
-#     $chord eval { set notice "Something interesting" }
-#   }
-#   # Activate the common note, making the chord eligible to complete
-#   $common_note activate
-# At this point, the chord will complete at some unknown point in the future.
-# The common note might have been the first note activated, or the async
-# operations might have completed synchronously and the common note is the
-# last one, completing the chord before this code finishes, or anything in
-# between. The purpose of the chord is to not have to worry about the order.
-# SimpleChord class:
-#   Represents a procedure that conceptually has multiple entrypoints that must
-#   all be called before the procedure executes. Each entrypoint is called a
-#   "note". The chord is only "completed" when all the notes are "activated".
-class SimpleChord {
-	field notes
-	field body
-	field is_completed
-	field eval_ns
-	# Constructor:
-	#   set chord [SimpleChord::new {body}]
-	#     Creates a new chord object with the specified body script. The
-	#     body script is evaluated at most once, when a note is activated
-	#     and the chord has no other non-activated notes.
-	constructor new {i_body} {
-		set notes [list]
-		set body $i_body
-		set is_completed 0
-		set eval_ns "[namespace qualifiers $this]::eval"
-		return $this
-	}
-	# Method:
-	#   $chord eval {script}
-	#     Runs the specified script in the same context (namespace) in which
-	#     the chord body will be evaluated. This can be used to set variable
-	#     values for the chord body to use.
-	method eval {script} {
-		namespace eval $eval_ns $script
-	}
-	# Method:
-	#   set note [$chord add_note]
-	#     Adds a new note to the chord, an instance of ChordNote. Raises an
-	#     error if the chord is already completed, otherwise the chord is
-	#     updated so that the new note must also be activated before the
-	#     body is evaluated.
-	method add_note {} {
-		if {$is_completed} { error "Cannot add a note to a completed chord" }
-		set note [ChordNote::new $this]
-		lappend notes $note
-		return $note
-	}
-	# This method is for internal use only and is intentionally undocumented.
-	method notify_note_activation {} {
-		if {!$is_completed} {
-			foreach note $notes {
-				if {![$note is_activated]} { return }
-			}
-			set is_completed 1
-			namespace eval $eval_ns $body
-			delete_this
-		}
-	}
-# ChordNote class:
-#   Represents a note within a chord, providing a way to activate it. When the
-#   final note of the chord is activated (this can be any note in the chord,
-#   with all other notes already previously activated in any order), the chord's
-#   body is evaluated.
-class ChordNote {
-	field chord
-	field is_activated
-	# Constructor:
-	#   Instances of ChordNote are created internally by calling add_note on
-	#   SimpleChord objects.
-	constructor new {c} {
-		set chord $c
-		set is_activated 0
-		return $this
-	}
-	# Method:
-	#   [$note is_activated]
-	#     Returns true if this note has already been activated.
-	method is_activated {} {
-		return $is_activated
-	}
-	# Method:
-	#   $note activate
-	#     Activates the note, if it has not already been activated, and
-	#     completes the chord if there are no other notes awaiting
-	#     activation. Subsequent calls will have no further effect.
-	method activate {} {
-		if {!$is_activated} {
-			set is_activated 1
-			$chord notify_note_activation
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/class.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/class.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index f08506f3834a..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/class.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui simple class/object fake-alike
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc class {class body} {
-	if {[namespace exists $class]} {
-		error "class $class already declared"
-	}
-	namespace eval $class "
-		variable __nextid     0
-		variable __sealed     0
-		variable __field_list {}
-		variable __field_array
-		proc cb {name args} {
-			upvar this this
-			concat \[list ${class}::\$name \$this\] \$args
-		}
-	"
-	namespace eval $class $body
-proc field {name args} {
-	set class [uplevel {namespace current}]
-	variable ${class}::__sealed
-	variable ${class}::__field_array
-	switch [llength $args] {
-	0 { set new [list $name] }
-	1 { set new [list $name [lindex $args 0]] }
-	default { error "wrong # args: field name value?" }
-	}
-	if {$__sealed} {
-		error "class $class is sealed (cannot add new fields)"
-	}
-	if {[catch {set old $__field_array($name)}]} {
-		variable ${class}::__field_list
-		lappend __field_list $new
-		set __field_array($name) 1
-	} else {
-		error "field $name already declared"
-	}
-proc constructor {name params body} {
-	set class [uplevel {namespace current}]
-	set ${class}::__sealed 1
-	variable ${class}::__field_list
-	set mbodyc {}
-	append mbodyc {set this } $class
-	append mbodyc {::__o[incr } $class {::__nextid]::__d} \;
-	append mbodyc {create_this } $class \;
-	append mbodyc {set __this [namespace qualifiers $this]} \;
-	if {$__field_list ne {}} {
-		append mbodyc {upvar #0}
-		foreach n $__field_list {
-			set n [lindex $n 0]
-			append mbodyc { ${__this}::} $n { } $n
-			regsub -all @$n\\M $body "\${__this}::$n" body
-		}
-		append mbodyc \;
-		foreach n $__field_list {
-			if {[llength $n] == 2} {
-				append mbodyc \
-				{set } [lindex $n 0] { } [list [lindex $n 1]] \;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	append mbodyc $body
-	namespace eval $class [list proc $name $params $mbodyc]
-proc method {name params body {deleted {}} {del_body {}}} {
-	set class [uplevel {namespace current}]
-	set ${class}::__sealed 1
-	variable ${class}::__field_list
-	set params [linsert $params 0 this]
-	set mbodyc {}
-	append mbodyc {set __this [namespace qualifiers $this]} \;
-	switch $deleted {
-	{} {}
-	ifdeleted {
-		append mbodyc {if {![namespace exists $__this]} }
-		append mbodyc \{ $del_body \; return \} \;
-	}
-	default {
-		error "wrong # args: method name args body (ifdeleted body)?"
-	}
-	}
-	set decl {}
-	foreach n $__field_list {
-		set n [lindex $n 0]
-		if {[regexp -- $n\\M $body]} {
-			if {   [regexp -all -- $n\\M $body] == 1
-				&& [regexp -all -- \\\$$n\\M $body] == 1
-				&& [regexp -all -- \\\$$n\\( $body] == 0} {
-				regsub -all \
-					\\\$$n\\M $body \
-					"\[set \${__this}::$n\]" body
-			} else {
-				append decl { ${__this}::} $n { } $n
-				regsub -all @$n\\M $body "\${__this}::$n" body
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$decl ne {}} {
-		append mbodyc {upvar #0} $decl \;
-	}
-	append mbodyc $body
-	namespace eval $class [list proc $name $params $mbodyc]
-proc create_this {class} {
-	upvar this this
-	namespace eval [namespace qualifiers $this] [list proc \
-		[namespace tail $this] \
-		[list name args] \
-		"eval \[list ${class}::\$name $this\] \$args" \
-	]
-proc delete_this {{t {}}} {
-	if {$t eq {}} {
-		upvar this this
-		set t $this
-	}
-	set t [namespace qualifiers $t]
-	if {[namespace exists $t]} {namespace delete $t}
-proc make_dialog {t w args} {
-	upvar $t top $w pfx this this
-	global use_ttk
-	uplevel [linsert $args 0 make_toplevel $t $w]
-	catch {wm attributes $top -type dialog}
-	pave_toplevel $pfx
-proc make_toplevel {t w args} {
-	upvar $t top $w pfx this this
-	if {[llength $args] % 2} {
-		error "make_toplevel topvar winvar {options}"
-	}
-	set autodelete 1
-	foreach {name value} $args {
-		switch -exact -- $name {
-		-autodelete {set autodelete $value}
-		default     {error "unsupported option $name"}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$::root_exists || [winfo ismapped .]} {
-		regsub -all {::} $this {__} w
-		set top .$w
-		set pfx $top
-		toplevel $top
-		set ::root_exists 1
-	} else {
-		set top .
-		set pfx {}
-	}
-	if {$autodelete} {
-		wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "
-			[list delete_this $this]
-			[list destroy $top]
-		"
-	}
-## auto_mkindex support for class/constructor/method
-auto_mkindex_parser::command class {name body} {
-	variable parser
-	variable contextStack
-	set contextStack [linsert $contextStack 0 $name]
-	$parser eval [list _%@namespace eval $name] $body
-	set contextStack [lrange $contextStack 1 end]
-auto_mkindex_parser::command constructor {name args} {
-	variable index
-	variable scriptFile
-	append index [list set auto_index([fullname $name])] \
-		[format { [list source [file join $dir %s]]} \
-		[file split $scriptFile]] "\n"
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index b516aa299069..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/commit.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,547 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui misc. commit reading/writing support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc load_last_commit {} {
-	global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type ui_comm commit_author
-	global repo_config
-	if {[llength $PARENT] == 0} {
-		error_popup [mc "There is nothing to amend.
-You are about to create the initial commit.  There is no commit before this to amend.
-		return
-	}
-	repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
-	if {$curType eq {merge}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Cannot amend while merging.
-You are currently in the middle of a merge that has not been fully completed.  You cannot amend the prior commit unless you first abort the current merge activity.
-		return
-	}
-	set msg {}
-	set parents [list]
-	if {[catch {
-			set name ""
-			set email ""
-			set fd [git_read cat-file commit $curHEAD]
-			fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
-			# By default commits are assumed to be in utf-8
-			set enc utf-8
-			while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
-				if {[string match {parent *} $line]} {
-					lappend parents [string range $line 7 end]
-				} elseif {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
-					set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
-				} elseif {[regexp "author (.*)\\s<(.*)>\\s(\\d.*$)" $line all name email time]} { }
-			}
-			set msg [read $fd]
-			close $fd
-			set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
-			if {$enc ne {}} {
-				set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
-				set name [encoding convertfrom $enc $name]
-				set email [encoding convertfrom $enc $email]
-			}
-			if {$name ne {} && $email ne {}} {
-				set commit_author [list name $name email $email date $time]
-			}
-			set msg [string trim $msg]
-		} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading commit data for amend:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		return
-	}
-	set HEAD $curHEAD
-	set PARENT $parents
-	set MERGE_HEAD [list]
-	switch -- [llength $parents] {
-	0       {set commit_type amend-initial}
-	1       {set commit_type amend}
-	default {set commit_type amend-merge}
-	}
-	$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-	$ui_comm insert end $msg
-	$ui_comm edit reset
-	$ui_comm edit modified false
-	rescan ui_ready
-proc committer_ident {} {
-	if {$GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT eq {}} {
-		if {[catch {set me [git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT]} err]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Unable to obtain your identity:"] "\n\n$err"]
-			return {}
-		}
-		if {![regexp {^(.*) [0-9]+ [-+0-9]+$} \
-			$me me GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Invalid GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT:"] "\n\n$me"]
-			return {}
-		}
-	}
-proc do_signoff {} {
-	global ui_comm
-	set me [committer_ident]
-	if {$me eq {}} return
-	set sob "Signed-off-by: $me"
-	set last [$ui_comm get {end -1c linestart} {end -1c}]
-	if {$last ne $sob} {
-		$ui_comm edit separator
-		if {$last ne {}
-			&& ![regexp {^[A-Z][A-Za-z]*-[A-Za-z-]+: *} $last]} {
-			$ui_comm insert end "\n"
-		}
-		$ui_comm insert end "\n$sob"
-		$ui_comm edit separator
-		$ui_comm see end
-	}
-proc create_new_commit {} {
-	global commit_type ui_comm commit_author
-	set commit_type normal
-	unset -nocomplain commit_author
-	$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-	$ui_comm edit reset
-	$ui_comm edit modified false
-	rescan ui_ready
-proc setup_commit_encoding {msg_wt {quiet 0}} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
-		set enc utf-8
-	}
-	set use_enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
-	if {$use_enc ne {}} {
-		fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding $use_enc
-	} else {
-		if {!$quiet} {
-			error_popup [mc "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'." $enc]
-		}
-		fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding utf-8
-	}
-proc commit_tree {} {
-	global HEAD commit_type file_states ui_comm repo_config
-	global pch_error
-	if {[committer_ident] eq {}} return
-	if {![lock_index update]} return
-	# -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
-	#
-	repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
-	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
-		&& $curType eq {normal}
-		&& $curHEAD eq $HEAD} {
-	} elseif {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
-		info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
-Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan.  A rescan must be performed before another commit can be created.
-The rescan will be automatically started now.
-		unlock_index
-		rescan ui_ready
-		return
-	}
-	# -- At least one file should differ in the index.
-	#
-	set files_ready 0
-	foreach path [array names file_states] {
-		set s $file_states($path)
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
-		_? {continue}
-		A? -
-		D? -
-		T? -
-		M? {set files_ready 1}
-		_U -
-		U? {
-			error_popup [mc "Unmerged files cannot be committed.
-File %s has merge conflicts.  You must resolve them and stage the file before committing.
-" [short_path $path]]
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-		default {
-			error_popup [mc "Unknown file state %s detected.
-File %s cannot be committed by this program.
-" [lindex $s 0] [short_path $path]]
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	if {!$files_ready && ![string match *merge $curType] && ![is_enabled nocommit]} {
-		info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
-You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	if {[is_enabled nocommitmsg]} { do_quit 0 }
-	# -- A message is required.
-	#
-	set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 1.0 end]]
-	regsub -all -line {[ \t\r]+$} $msg {} msg
-	if {$msg eq {}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Please supply a commit message.
-A good commit message has the following format:
-- First line: Describe in one sentence what you did.
-- Second line: Blank
-- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	# -- Build the message file.
-	#
-	set msg_p [gitdir GITGUI_EDITMSG]
-	set msg_wt [open $msg_p w]
-	fconfigure $msg_wt -translation lf
-	setup_commit_encoding $msg_wt
-	puts $msg_wt $msg
-	close $msg_wt
-	if {[is_enabled nocommit]} { do_quit 0 }
-	# -- Run the pre-commit hook.
-	#
-	set fd_ph [githook_read pre-commit]
-	if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
-		commit_commitmsg $curHEAD $msg_p
-		return
-	}
-	ui_status [mc "Calling pre-commit hook..."]
-	set pch_error {}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
-	fileevent $fd_ph readable \
-		[list commit_prehook_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg_p]
-proc commit_prehook_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg_p} {
-	global pch_error
-	append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
-			catch {file delete $msg_p}
-			ui_status [mc "Commit declined by pre-commit hook."]
-			hook_failed_popup pre-commit $pch_error
-			unlock_index
-		} else {
-			commit_commitmsg $curHEAD $msg_p
-		}
-		set pch_error {}
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-proc commit_commitmsg {curHEAD msg_p} {
-	global is_detached repo_config
-	global pch_error
-	if {$is_detached
-	    && ![file exists [gitdir rebase-merge head-name]]
-	    && 	[is_config_true gui.warndetachedcommit]} {
-		set msg [mc "You are about to commit on a detached head.\
-This is a potentially dangerous thing to do because if you switch\
-to another branch you will lose your changes and it can be difficult\
-to retrieve them later from the reflog. You should probably cancel this\
-commit and create a new branch to continue.\n\
-Do you really want to proceed with your Commit?"]
-		if {[ask_popup $msg] ne yes} {
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	# -- Run the commit-msg hook.
-	#
-	set fd_ph [githook_read commit-msg $msg_p]
-	if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
-		commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg_p
-		return
-	}
-	ui_status [mc "Calling commit-msg hook..."]
-	set pch_error {}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
-	fileevent $fd_ph readable \
-		[list commit_commitmsg_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg_p]
-proc commit_commitmsg_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg_p} {
-	global pch_error
-	append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
-			catch {file delete $msg_p}
-			ui_status [mc "Commit declined by commit-msg hook."]
-			hook_failed_popup commit-msg $pch_error
-			unlock_index
-		} else {
-			commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg_p
-		}
-		set pch_error {}
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-proc commit_writetree {curHEAD msg_p} {
-	ui_status [mc "Committing changes..."]
-	set fd_wt [git_read write-tree]
-	fileevent $fd_wt readable \
-		[list commit_committree $fd_wt $curHEAD $msg_p]
-proc commit_committree {fd_wt curHEAD msg_p} {
-	global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type commit_author
-	global current_branch
-	global ui_comm commit_type_is_amend
-	global file_states selected_paths rescan_active
-	global repo_config
-	global env
-	gets $fd_wt tree_id
-	if {[catch {close $fd_wt} err]} {
-		catch {file delete $msg_p}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "write-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	# -- Verify this wasn't an empty change.
-	#
-	if {$commit_type eq {normal}} {
-		set fd_ot [git_read cat-file commit $PARENT]
-		fconfigure $fd_ot -encoding binary -translation lf
-		set old_tree [gets $fd_ot]
-		close $fd_ot
-		if {[string equal -length 5 {tree } $old_tree]
-			&& [string length $old_tree] == 45} {
-			set old_tree [string range $old_tree 5 end]
-		} else {
-			error [mc "Commit %s appears to be corrupt" $PARENT]
-		}
-		if {$tree_id eq $old_tree} {
-			catch {file delete $msg_p}
-			info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
-No files were modified by this commit and it was not a merge commit.
-A rescan will be automatically started now.
-			unlock_index
-			rescan {ui_status [mc "No changes to commit."]}
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	if {[info exists commit_author]} {
-		set old_author [commit_author_ident $commit_author]
-	}
-	# -- Create the commit.
-	#
-	set cmd [list commit-tree $tree_id]
-	if {[is_config_true commit.gpgsign]} {
-		lappend cmd -S
-	}
-	foreach p [concat $PARENT $MERGE_HEAD] {
-		lappend cmd -p $p
-	}
-	lappend cmd <$msg_p
-	if {[catch {set cmt_id [eval git $cmd]} err]} {
-		catch {file delete $msg_p}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "commit-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
-		unlock_index
-		unset -nocomplain commit_author
-		commit_author_reset $old_author
-		return
-	}
-	if {[info exists commit_author]} {
-		unset -nocomplain commit_author
-		commit_author_reset $old_author
-	}
-	# -- Update the HEAD ref.
-	#
-	set reflogm commit
-	if {$commit_type ne {normal}} {
-		append reflogm " ($commit_type)"
-	}
-	set msg_fd [open $msg_p r]
-	setup_commit_encoding $msg_fd 1
-	gets $msg_fd subject
-	close $msg_fd
-	append reflogm {: } $subject
-	if {[catch {
-			git update-ref -m $reflogm HEAD $cmt_id $curHEAD
-		} err]} {
-		catch {file delete $msg_p}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "update-ref failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	# -- Cleanup after ourselves.
-	#
-	catch {file delete $msg_p}
-	catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
-	catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
-	catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
-	catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
-	catch {file delete [gitdir CHERRY_PICK_HEAD]}
-	# -- Let rerere do its thing.
-	#
-	if {[get_config rerere.enabled] eq {}} {
-		set rerere [file isdirectory [gitdir rr-cache]]
-	} else {
-		set rerere [is_config_true rerere.enabled]
-	}
-	if {$rerere} {
-		catch {git rerere}
-	}
-	# -- Run the post-commit hook.
-	#
-	set fd_ph [githook_read post-commit]
-	if {$fd_ph ne {}} {
-		global pch_error
-		set pch_error {}
-		fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
-		fileevent $fd_ph readable \
-			[list commit_postcommit_wait $fd_ph $cmt_id]
-	}
-	$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-	$ui_comm edit reset
-	$ui_comm edit modified false
-	if {$::GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
-		catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
-		set ::GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
-	}
-	if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} { do_quit 0 }
-	# -- Update in memory status
-	#
-	set commit_type normal
-	set commit_type_is_amend 0
-	set HEAD $cmt_id
-	set PARENT $cmt_id
-	set MERGE_HEAD [list]
-	foreach path [array names file_states] {
-		set s $file_states($path)
-		set m [lindex $s 0]
-		switch -glob -- $m {
-		_O -
-		_M -
-		_D {continue}
-		__ -
-		A_ -
-		M_ -
-		T_ -
-		D_ {
-			unset file_states($path)
-			catch {unset selected_paths($path)}
-		}
-		DO {
-			set file_states($path) [list _O [lindex $s 1] {} {}]
-		}
-		AM -
-		AD -
-		AT -
-		TM -
-		TD -
-		MM -
-		MT -
-		MD {
-			set file_states($path) [list \
-				_[string index $m 1] \
-				[lindex $s 1] \
-				[lindex $s 3] \
-				{}]
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	display_all_files
-	unlock_index
-	reshow_diff
-	ui_status [mc "Created commit %s: %s" [string range $cmt_id 0 7] $subject]
-proc commit_postcommit_wait {fd_ph cmt_id} {
-	global pch_error
-	append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
-			hook_failed_popup post-commit $pch_error 0
-		}
-		unset pch_error
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
-proc commit_author_ident {details} {
-	global env
-	array set author $details
-	set old [array get env GIT_AUTHOR_*]
-	set env(GIT_AUTHOR_NAME) $author(name)
-	set env(GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) $author(email)
-	set env(GIT_AUTHOR_DATE) $author(date)
-	return $old
-proc commit_author_reset {details} {
-	global env
-	if {$details ne {}} {
-		array set env $details
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/console.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/console.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index bb6b9c889e20..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/console.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,225 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui console support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class console {
-field t_short
-field t_long
-field w
-field w_t
-field console_cr
-field is_toplevel    1; # are we our own window?
-constructor new {short_title long_title} {
-	set t_short $short_title
-	set t_long $long_title
-	_init $this
-	return $this
-constructor embed {path title} {
-	set t_short {}
-	set t_long $title
-	set w $path
-	set is_toplevel 0
-	_init $this
-	return $this
-method _init {} {
-	global M1B use_ttk NS
-	if {$is_toplevel} {
-		make_dialog top w -autodelete 0
-		wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): $t_short"
-	} else {
-		${NS}::frame $w
-	}
-	set console_cr 1.0
-	set w_t $w.m.t
-	${NS}::frame $w.m
-	${NS}::label $w.m.l1 \
-		-textvariable @t_long  \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-font font_uibold
-	text $w_t \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 1 \
-		-relief sunken \
-		-width 80 -height 10 \
-		-wrap none \
-		-font font_diff \
-		-state disabled \
-		-xscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.m.sbx h] \
-		-yscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.m.sby v]
-	label $w.m.s -text [mc "Working... please wait..."] \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-font font_uibold
-	pack $w.m.l1 -side top -fill x
-	pack $w.m.s -side bottom -fill x
-	pack $w_t -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.m -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 10
-	menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
-	$w.ctxm add command -label [mc "Copy"] \
-		-command "tk_textCopy $w_t"
-	$w.ctxm add command -label [mc "Select All"] \
-		-command "focus $w_t;$w_t tag add sel 0.0 end"
-	$w.ctxm add command -label [mc "Copy All"] \
-		-command "
-			$w_t tag add sel 0.0 end
-			tk_textCopy $w_t
-			$w_t tag remove sel 0.0 end
-		"
-	if {$is_toplevel} {
-		${NS}::button $w.ok -text [mc "Close"] \
-			-state disabled \
-			-command [list destroy $w]
-		pack $w.ok -side bottom -anchor e -pady 10 -padx 10
-		bind $w <Visibility> [list focus $w]
-	}
-	bind_button3 $w_t "tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y"
-	bind $w_t <$M1B-Key-a> "$w_t tag add sel 0.0 end;break"
-	bind $w_t <$M1B-Key-A> "$w_t tag add sel 0.0 end;break"
-method exec {cmd {after {}}} {
-	if {[lindex $cmd 0] eq {git}} {
-		set fd_f [eval git_read --stderr [lrange $cmd 1 end]]
-	} else {
-		lappend cmd 2>@1
-		set fd_f [_open_stdout_stderr $cmd]
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd_f -blocking 0 -translation binary
-	fileevent $fd_f readable [cb _read $fd_f $after]
-method _read {fd after} {
-	set buf [read $fd]
-	if {$buf ne {}} {
-		if {![winfo exists $w_t]} {_init $this}
-		$w_t conf -state normal
-		set c 0
-		set n [string length $buf]
-		while {$c < $n} {
-			set cr [string first "\r" $buf $c]
-			set lf [string first "\n" $buf $c]
-			if {$cr < 0} {set cr [expr {$n + 1}]}
-			if {$lf < 0} {set lf [expr {$n + 1}]}
-			if {$lf < $cr} {
-				$w_t insert end [string range $buf $c $lf]
-				set console_cr [$w_t index {end -1c}]
-				set c $lf
-				incr c
-			} else {
-				$w_t delete $console_cr end
-				$w_t insert end "\n"
-				$w_t insert end [string range $buf $c [expr {$cr - 1}]]
-				set c $cr
-				incr c
-			}
-		}
-		$w_t conf -state disabled
-		$w_t see end
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
-			set ok 0
-		} else {
-			set ok 1
-		}
-		if {$after ne {}} {
-			uplevel #0 $after $ok
-		} else {
-			done $this $ok
-		}
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
-method chain {cmdlist {ok 1}} {
-	if {$ok} {
-		if {[llength $cmdlist] == 0} {
-			done $this $ok
-			return
-		}
-		set cmd [lindex $cmdlist 0]
-		set cmdlist [lrange $cmdlist 1 end]
-		if {[lindex $cmd 0] eq {exec}} {
-			exec $this \
-				[lrange $cmd 1 end] \
-				[cb chain $cmdlist]
-		} else {
-			uplevel #0 $cmd [cb chain $cmdlist]
-		}
-	} else {
-		done $this $ok
-	}
-method insert {txt} {
-	if {![winfo exists $w_t]} {_init $this}
-	$w_t conf -state normal
-	$w_t insert end "$txt\n"
-	set console_cr [$w_t index {end -1c}]
-	$w_t conf -state disabled
-method done {ok} {
-	if {$ok} {
-		if {[winfo exists $w.m.s]} {
-			bind $w.m.s <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
-			$w.m.s conf -background green -foreground black \
-				-text [mc "Success"]
-			if {$is_toplevel} {
-				$w.ok conf -state normal
-				focus $w.ok
-			}
-		} else {
-			delete_this
-		}
-	} else {
-		if {![winfo exists $w.m.s]} {
-			_init $this
-		}
-		bind $w.m.s <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
-		$w.m.s conf -background red -foreground black \
-			-text [mc "Error: Command Failed"]
-		if {$is_toplevel} {
-			$w.ok conf -state normal
-			focus $w.ok
-		}
-	}
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w;break"
-method _sb_set {sb orient first last} {
-	global NS
-	if {![winfo exists $sb]} {
-		if {$first == $last || ($first == 0 && $last == 1)} return
-		if {$orient eq {h}} {
-			${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_t xview]
-			pack $sb -fill x -side bottom -before $w_t
-		} else {
-			${NS}::scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_t yview]
-			pack $sb -fill y -side right -before $w_t
-		}
-	}
-	$sb set $first $last
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/database.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/database.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 85783081e0d8..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/database.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,115 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui object database management support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc do_stats {} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set fd [git_read count-objects -v]
-	while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
-		if {[regexp {^([^:]+): (\d+)$} $line _ name value]} {
-			set stats($name) $value
-		}
-	}
-	close $fd
-	set packed_sz 0
-	foreach p [glob -directory [gitdir objects pack] \
-		-type f \
-		-nocomplain -- *] {
-		incr packed_sz [file size $p]
-	}
-	if {$packed_sz > 0} {
-		set stats(size-pack) [expr {$packed_sz / 1024}]
-	}
-	set w .stats_view
-	Dialog $w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.gc -text [mc "Compress Database"] \
-		-default normal \
-		-command "destroy $w;do_gc"
-	pack $w.buttons.close -side right
-	pack $w.buttons.gc -side left
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.stat -text [mc "Database Statistics"]
-	foreach s {
-		{count           {mc "Number of loose objects"}}
-		{size            {mc "Disk space used by loose objects"} { KiB}}
-		{in-pack         {mc "Number of packed objects"}}
-		{packs           {mc "Number of packs"}}
-		{size-pack       {mc "Disk space used by packed objects"} { KiB}}
-		{prune-packable  {mc "Packed objects waiting for pruning"}}
-		{garbage         {mc "Garbage files"}}
-		} {
-		set name [lindex $s 0]
-		set label [eval [lindex $s 1]]
-		if {[catch {set value $stats($name)}]} continue
-		if {[llength $s] > 2} {
-			set value "$value[lindex $s 2]"
-		}
-		${NS}::label $w.stat.l_$name -text [mc "%s:" $label] -anchor w
-		${NS}::label $w.stat.v_$name -text $value -anchor w
-		grid $w.stat.l_$name $w.stat.v_$name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	}
-	pack $w.stat -pady 10 -padx 10
-	bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.close"
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [list destroy $w]
-	wm title $w [mc "%s (%s): Database Statistics" [appname] [reponame]]
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-proc do_gc {} {
-	set w [console::new {gc} [mc "Compressing the object database"]]
-	console::chain $w {
-		{exec git pack-refs --prune}
-		{exec git reflog expire --all}
-		{exec git repack -a -d -l}
-		{exec git rerere gc}
-	}
-proc do_fsck_objects {} {
-	set w [console::new {fsck-objects} \
-		[mc "Verifying the object database with fsck-objects"]]
-	set cmd [list git fsck-objects]
-	lappend cmd --full
-	lappend cmd --cache
-	lappend cmd --strict
-	console::exec $w $cmd
-proc hint_gc {} {
-	set ndirs 1
-	set limit 8
-	if {[is_Windows]} {
-		set ndirs 4
-		set limit 1
-	}
-	set count [llength [glob \
-		-nocomplain \
-		-- \
-		[gitdir objects 4\[0-[expr {$ndirs-1}]\]/*]]]
-	if {$count >= $limit * $ndirs} {
-		set objects_current [expr {$count * 256/$ndirs}]
-		if {[ask_popup \
-			[mc "This repository currently has approximately %i loose objects.
-To maintain optimal performance it is strongly recommended that you compress the database.
-Compress the database now?" $objects_current]] eq yes} {
-			do_gc
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/date.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/date.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index abe82992b652..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/date.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui date processing support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-set git_month(Jan)  1
-set git_month(Feb)  2
-set git_month(Mar)  3
-set git_month(Apr)  4
-set git_month(May)  5
-set git_month(Jun)  6
-set git_month(Jul)  7
-set git_month(Aug)  8
-set git_month(Sep)  9
-set git_month(Oct) 10
-set git_month(Nov) 11
-set git_month(Dec) 12
-proc parse_git_date {s} {
-	if {$s eq {}} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	if {![regexp \
-		{^... (...) (\d{1,2}) (\d\d):(\d\d):(\d\d) (\d{4}) ([+-]?)(\d\d)(\d\d)$} $s s \
-		month day hr mm ss yr ew tz_h tz_m]} {
-		error [mc "Invalid date from Git: %s" $s]
-	}
-	set s [clock scan [format {%4.4i%2.2i%2.2iT%2s%2s%2s} \
-			$yr $::git_month($month) $day \
-			$hr $mm $ss] \
-			-gmt 1]
-	regsub ^0 $tz_h {} tz_h
-	regsub ^0 $tz_m {} tz_m
-	switch -- $ew {
-	-  {set ew +}
-	+  {set ew -}
-	{} {set ew -}
-	}
-	return [expr "$s $ew ($tz_h * 3600 + $tz_m * 60)"]
-proc format_date {s} {
-	if {$s eq {}} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	return [clock format $s -format {%a %b %e %H:%M:%S %Y}]
-proc reformat_date {s} {
-	return [format_date [parse_git_date $s]]
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 871ad488c2a1..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/diff.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,905 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui diff viewer
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc apply_tab_size {{firsttab {}}} {
-	global have_tk85 repo_config ui_diff
-	set w [font measure font_diff "0"]
-	if {$have_tk85 && $firsttab != 0} {
-		$ui_diff configure -tabs [list [expr {$firsttab * $w}] [expr {($firsttab + $repo_config(gui.tabsize)) * $w}]]
-	} elseif {$have_tk85 || $repo_config(gui.tabsize) != 8} {
-		$ui_diff configure -tabs [expr {$repo_config(gui.tabsize) * $w}]
-	} else {
-		$ui_diff configure -tabs {}
-	}
-proc clear_diff {} {
-	global ui_diff current_diff_path current_diff_header
-	global ui_index ui_workdir
-	$ui_diff conf -state normal
-	$ui_diff delete 0.0 end
-	$ui_diff conf -state disabled
-	set current_diff_path {}
-	set current_diff_header {}
-	$ui_index tag remove in_diff 0.0 end
-	$ui_workdir tag remove in_diff 0.0 end
-proc reshow_diff {{after {}}} {
-	global file_states file_lists
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_side
-	global ui_diff
-	set p $current_diff_path
-	if {$p eq {}} {
-		# No diff is being shown.
-	} elseif {$current_diff_side eq {}} {
-		clear_diff
-	} elseif {[catch {set s $file_states($p)}]
-		|| [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($current_diff_side) $p] == -1} {
-		if {[find_next_diff $current_diff_side $p {} {[^O]}]} {
-			next_diff $after
-		} else {
-			clear_diff
-		}
-	} else {
-		set save_pos [lindex [$ui_diff yview] 0]
-		show_diff $p $current_diff_side {} $save_pos $after
-	}
-proc force_diff_encoding {enc} {
-	global current_diff_path
-	if {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
-		force_path_encoding $current_diff_path $enc
-		reshow_diff
-	}
-proc handle_empty_diff {} {
-	global current_diff_path file_states file_lists
-	global diff_empty_count
-	set path $current_diff_path
-	set s $file_states($path)
-	if {[lindex $s 0] ne {_M} || [has_textconv $path]} return
-	# Prevent infinite rescan loops
-	incr diff_empty_count
-	if {$diff_empty_count > 1} return
-	info_popup [mc "No differences detected.
-%s has no changes.
-The modification date of this file was updated by another application, but the content within the file was not changed.
-A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have the same state." [short_path $path]]
-	clear_diff
-	display_file $path __
-	rescan ui_ready 0
-proc show_diff {path w {lno {}} {scroll_pos {}} {callback {}}} {
-	global file_states file_lists
-	global is_3way_diff is_conflict_diff diff_active repo_config
-	global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
-	global current_diff_queue
-	if {$diff_active || ![lock_index read]} return
-	clear_diff
-	if {$lno == {}} {
-		set lno [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($w) $path]
-		if {$lno >= 0} {
-			incr lno
-		}
-	}
-	if {$lno >= 1} {
-		$w tag add in_diff $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
-		$w see $lno.0
-	}
-	set s $file_states($path)
-	set m [lindex $s 0]
-	set is_conflict_diff 0
-	set current_diff_path $path
-	set current_diff_side $w
-	set current_diff_queue {}
-	ui_status [mc "Loading diff of %s..." [escape_path $path]]
-	set cont_info [list $scroll_pos $callback]
-	apply_tab_size 0
-	if {[string first {U} $m] >= 0} {
-		merge_load_stages $path [list show_unmerged_diff $cont_info]
-	} elseif {$m eq {_O}} {
-		show_other_diff $path $w $m $cont_info
-	} else {
-		start_show_diff $cont_info
-	}
-	global current_diff_path selected_paths
-	set selected_paths($current_diff_path) 1
-proc show_unmerged_diff {cont_info} {
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_side
-	global merge_stages ui_diff is_conflict_diff
-	global current_diff_queue
-	if {$merge_stages(2) eq {}} {
-		set is_conflict_diff 1
-		lappend current_diff_queue \
-			[list [mc "LOCAL: deleted\nREMOTE:\n"] d= \
-			    [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":3:$current_diff_path"]]
-	} elseif {$merge_stages(3) eq {}} {
-		set is_conflict_diff 1
-		lappend current_diff_queue \
-			[list [mc "REMOTE: deleted\nLOCAL:\n"] d= \
-			    [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":2:$current_diff_path"]]
-	} elseif {[lindex $merge_stages(1) 0] eq {120000}
-		|| [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {120000}
-		|| [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {120000}} {
-		set is_conflict_diff 1
-		lappend current_diff_queue \
-			[list [mc "LOCAL:\n"] d= \
-			    [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":2:$current_diff_path"]]
-		lappend current_diff_queue \
-			[list [mc "REMOTE:\n"] d= \
-			    [list ":1:$current_diff_path" ":3:$current_diff_path"]]
-	} else {
-		start_show_diff $cont_info
-		return
-	}
-	advance_diff_queue $cont_info
-proc advance_diff_queue {cont_info} {
-	global current_diff_queue ui_diff
-	set item [lindex $current_diff_queue 0]
-	set current_diff_queue [lrange $current_diff_queue 1 end]
-	$ui_diff conf -state normal
-	$ui_diff insert end [lindex $item 0] [lindex $item 1]
-	$ui_diff conf -state disabled
-	start_show_diff $cont_info [lindex $item 2]
-proc show_other_diff {path w m cont_info} {
-	global file_states file_lists
-	global is_3way_diff diff_active repo_config
-	global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
-	# - Git won't give us the diff, there's nothing to compare to!
-	#
-	if {$m eq {_O}} {
-		set max_sz 100000
-		set type unknown
-		if {[catch {
-				set type [file type $path]
-				switch -- $type {
-				directory {
-					set type submodule
-					set content {}
-					set sz 0
-				}
-				link {
-					set content [file readlink $path]
-					set sz [string length $content]
-				}
-				file {
-					set fd [open $path r]
-					fconfigure $fd \
-						-eofchar {} \
-						-encoding [get_path_encoding $path]
-					set content [read $fd $max_sz]
-					close $fd
-					set sz [file size $path]
-				}
-				default {
-					error "'$type' not supported"
-				}
-				}
-			} err ]} {
-			set diff_active 0
-			unlock_index
-			ui_status [mc "Unable to display %s" [escape_path $path]]
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading file:"] "\n\n$err"]
-			return
-		}
-		$ui_diff conf -state normal
-		if {$type eq {submodule}} {
-			$ui_diff insert end \
-				"* [mc "Git Repository (subproject)"]\n" \
-				d_info
-		} elseif {![catch {set type [exec file $path]}]} {
-			set n [string length $path]
-			if {[string equal -length $n $path $type]} {
-				set type [string range $type $n end]
-				regsub {^:?\s*} $type {} type
-			}
-			$ui_diff insert end "* $type\n" d_info
-		}
-		if {[string first "\0" $content] != -1} {
-			$ui_diff insert end \
-				[mc "* Binary file (not showing content)."] \
-				d_info
-		} else {
-			if {$sz > $max_sz} {
-				$ui_diff insert end [mc \
-"* Untracked file is %d bytes.
-* Showing only first %d bytes.
-" $sz $max_sz] d_info
-			}
-			$ui_diff insert end $content
-			if {$sz > $max_sz} {
-				$ui_diff insert end [mc "
-* Untracked file clipped here by %s.
-* To see the entire file, use an external editor.
-" [appname]] d_info
-			}
-		}
-		$ui_diff conf -state disabled
-		set diff_active 0
-		unlock_index
-		set scroll_pos [lindex $cont_info 0]
-		if {$scroll_pos ne {}} {
-			update
-			$ui_diff yview moveto $scroll_pos
-		}
-		ui_ready
-		set callback [lindex $cont_info 1]
-		if {$callback ne {}} {
-			eval $callback
-		}
-		return
-	}
-proc start_show_diff {cont_info {add_opts {}}} {
-	global file_states file_lists
-	global is_3way_diff is_submodule_diff diff_active repo_config
-	global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
-	set path $current_diff_path
-	set w $current_diff_side
-	set s $file_states($path)
-	set m [lindex $s 0]
-	set is_3way_diff 0
-	set is_submodule_diff 0
-	set diff_active 1
-	set current_diff_header {}
-	set conflict_size [gitattr $path conflict-marker-size 7]
-	set cmd [list]
-	if {$w eq $ui_index} {
-		lappend cmd diff-index
-		lappend cmd --cached
-		if {[git-version >= "1.7.2"]} {
-			lappend cmd --ignore-submodules=dirty
-		}
-	} elseif {$w eq $ui_workdir} {
-		if {[string first {U} $m] >= 0} {
-			lappend cmd diff
-		} else {
-			lappend cmd diff-files
-		}
-	}
-	if {![is_config_false gui.textconv] && [git-version >= 1.6.1]} {
-		lappend cmd --textconv
-	}
-	if {[string match {160000 *} [lindex $s 2]]
-	 || [string match {160000 *} [lindex $s 3]]} {
-		set is_submodule_diff 1
-		if {[git-version >= "1.6.6"]} {
-			lappend cmd --submodule
-		}
-	}
-	lappend cmd -p
-	lappend cmd --color
-	set cmd [concat $cmd $repo_config(gui.diffopts)]
-	if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) >= 1} {
-		lappend cmd "-U$repo_config(gui.diffcontext)"
-	}
-	if {$w eq $ui_index} {
-		lappend cmd [PARENT]
-	}
-	if {$add_opts ne {}} {
-		eval lappend cmd $add_opts
-	} else {
-		lappend cmd --
-		lappend cmd $path
-	}
-	if {$is_submodule_diff && [git-version < "1.6.6"]} {
-		if {$w eq $ui_index} {
-			set cmd [list submodule summary --cached -- $path]
-		} else {
-			set cmd [list submodule summary --files -- $path]
-		}
-	}
-	if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read --nice $cmd]} err]} {
-		set diff_active 0
-		unlock_index
-		ui_status [mc "Unable to display %s" [escape_path $path]]
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading diff:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		return
-	}
-	set ::current_diff_inheader 1
-	# Detect pre-image lines of the diff3 conflict-style. They are just
-	# '++' lines which is not bijective. Thus, we need to maintain a state
-	# across lines.
-	set ::conflict_in_pre_image 0
-	fconfigure $fd \
-		-blocking 0 \
-		-encoding [get_path_encoding $path] \
-		-translation lf
-	fileevent $fd readable [list read_diff $fd $conflict_size $cont_info]
-proc parse_color_line {line} {
-	set start 0
-	set result ""
-	set markup [list]
-	set regexp {\033\[((?:\d+;)*\d+)?m}
-	set need_reset 0
-	while {[regexp -indices -start $start $regexp $line match code]} {
-		foreach {begin end} $match break
-		append result [string range $line $start [expr {$begin - 1}]]
-		set pos [string length $result]
-		set col [eval [linsert $code 0 string range $line]]
-		set start [incr end]
-		if {$col eq "0" || $col eq ""} {
-			if {!$need_reset} continue
-			set need_reset 0
-		} else {
-			set need_reset 1
-		}
-		lappend markup $pos $col
-	}
-	append result [string range $line $start end]
-	if {[llength $markup] < 4} {set markup {}}
-	return [list $result $markup]
-proc read_diff {fd conflict_size cont_info} {
-	global ui_diff diff_active is_submodule_diff
-	global is_3way_diff is_conflict_diff current_diff_header
-	global current_diff_queue
-	global diff_empty_count
-	$ui_diff conf -state normal
-	while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-		foreach {line markup} [parse_color_line $line] break
-		set line [string map {\033 ^} $line]
-		set tags {}
-		# -- Check for start of diff header.
-		if {   [string match {diff --git *}      $line]
-		    || [string match {diff --cc *}       $line]
-		    || [string match {diff --combined *} $line]} {
-			set ::current_diff_inheader 1
-		}
-		# -- Check for end of diff header (any hunk line will do this).
-		#
-		if {[regexp {^@@+ } $line]} {set ::current_diff_inheader 0}
-		# -- Automatically detect if this is a 3 way diff.
-		#
-		if {[string match {@@@ *} $line]} {
-			set is_3way_diff 1
-			apply_tab_size 1
-		}
-		if {$::current_diff_inheader} {
-			# -- These two lines stop a diff header and shouldn't be in there
-			if {   [string match {Binary files * and * differ} $line]
-			    || [regexp {^\* Unmerged path }                $line]} {
-				set ::current_diff_inheader 0
-			} else {
-				append current_diff_header $line "\n"
-			}
-			# -- Cleanup uninteresting diff header lines.
-			#
-			if {   [string match {diff --git *}      $line]
-			    || [string match {diff --cc *}       $line]
-			    || [string match {diff --combined *} $line]
-			    || [string match {--- *}             $line]
-			    || [string match {+++ *}             $line]
-			    || [string match {index *}           $line]} {
-				continue
-			}
-			# -- Name it symlink, not 120000
-			#    Note, that the original line is in $current_diff_header
-			regsub {^(deleted|new) file mode 120000} $line {\1 symlink} line
-		} elseif {   $line eq {\ No newline at end of file}} {
-			# -- Handle some special lines
-		} elseif {$is_3way_diff} {
-			set op [string range $line 0 1]
-			switch -- $op {
-			{  } {set tags {}}
-			{@@} {set tags d_@}
-			{ +} {set tags d_s+}
-			{ -} {set tags d_s-}
-			{+ } {set tags d_+s}
-			{- } {set tags d_-s}
-			{--} {set tags d_--}
-			{++} {
-				set regexp [string map [list %conflict_size $conflict_size]\
-								{^\+\+([<>=|]){%conflict_size}(?: |$)}]
-				if {[regexp $regexp $line _g op]} {
-					set is_conflict_diff 1
-					set line [string replace $line 0 1 {  }]
-					set tags d$op
-					# The ||| conflict-marker marks the start of the pre-image.
-					# All those lines are also prefixed with '++'. Thus we need
-					# to maintain this state.
-					set ::conflict_in_pre_image [expr {$op eq {|}}]
-				} elseif {$::conflict_in_pre_image} {
-					# This is a pre-image line. It is the one which both sides
-					# are based on. As it has also the '++' line start, it is
-					# normally shown as 'added'. Invert this to '--' to make
-					# it a 'removed' line.
-					set line [string replace $line 0 1 {--}]
-					set tags d_--
-				} else {
-					set tags d_++
-				}
-			}
-			default {
-				puts "error: Unhandled 3 way diff marker: {$op}"
-				set tags {}
-			}
-			}
-		} elseif {$is_submodule_diff} {
-			if {$line == ""} continue
-			if {[regexp {^Submodule } $line]} {
-				set tags d_info
-			} elseif {[regexp {^\* } $line]} {
-				set line [string replace $line 0 1 {Submodule }]
-				set tags d_info
-			} else {
-				set op [string range $line 0 2]
-				switch -- $op {
-				{  <} {set tags d_-}
-				{  >} {set tags d_+}
-				{  W} {set tags {}}
-				default {
-					puts "error: Unhandled submodule diff marker: {$op}"
-					set tags {}
-				}
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			set op [string index $line 0]
-			switch -- $op {
-			{ } {set tags {}}
-			{@} {set tags d_@}
-			{-} {set tags d_-}
-			{+} {
-				set regexp [string map [list %conflict_size $conflict_size]\
-								{^\+([<>=]){%conflict_size}(?: |$)}]
-				if {[regexp $regexp $line _g op]} {
-					set is_conflict_diff 1
-					set tags d$op
-				} else {
-					set tags d_+
-				}
-			}
-			default {
-				puts "error: Unhandled 2 way diff marker: {$op}"
-				set tags {}
-			}
-			}
-		}
-		set mark [$ui_diff index "end - 1 line linestart"]
-		$ui_diff insert end $line $tags
-		if {[string index $line end] eq "\r"} {
-			$ui_diff tag add d_cr {end - 2c}
-		}
-		$ui_diff insert end "\n" $tags
-		foreach {posbegin colbegin posend colend} $markup {
-			set prefix clr
-			foreach style [lsort -integer [split $colbegin ";"]] {
-				if {$style eq "7"} {append prefix i; continue}
-				if {$style != 4 && ($style < 30 || $style > 47)} {continue}
-				set a "$mark linestart + $posbegin chars"
-				set b "$mark linestart + $posend chars"
-				catch {$ui_diff tag add $prefix$style $a $b}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	$ui_diff conf -state disabled
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		close $fd
-		if {$current_diff_queue ne {}} {
-			advance_diff_queue $cont_info
-			return
-		}
-		set diff_active 0
-		unlock_index
-		set scroll_pos [lindex $cont_info 0]
-		if {$scroll_pos ne {}} {
-			update
-			$ui_diff yview moveto $scroll_pos
-		}
-		ui_ready
-		if {[$ui_diff index end] eq {2.0}} {
-			handle_empty_diff
-		} else {
-			set diff_empty_count 0
-		}
-		set callback [lindex $cont_info 1]
-		if {$callback ne {}} {
-			eval $callback
-		}
-	}
-proc apply_or_revert_hunk {x y revert} {
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_header current_diff_side
-	global ui_diff ui_index file_states last_revert last_revert_enc
-	if {$current_diff_path eq {} || $current_diff_header eq {}} return
-	if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
-	set apply_cmd {apply --whitespace=nowarn}
-	set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
-	if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
-		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected hunk."]
-		lappend apply_cmd --reverse --cached
-		if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-	} else {
-		if {$revert} {
-			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to revert selected hunk."]
-			lappend apply_cmd --reverse
-		} else {
-			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected hunk."]
-			lappend apply_cmd --cached
-		}
-		if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	set s_lno [lindex [split [$ui_diff index @$x,$y] .] 0]
-	set s_lno [$ui_diff search -backwards -regexp ^@@ $s_lno.0 0.0]
-	if {$s_lno eq {}} {
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	set e_lno [$ui_diff search -forwards -regexp ^@@ "$s_lno + 1 lines" end]
-	if {$e_lno eq {}} {
-		set e_lno end
-	}
-	set wholepatch "$current_diff_header[$ui_diff get $s_lno $e_lno]"
-	if {[catch {
-		set enc [get_path_encoding $current_diff_path]
-		set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
-		fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
-		puts -nonewline $p $wholepatch
-		close $p} err]} {
-		error_popup "$failed_msg\n\n$err"
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	if {$revert} {
-		# Save a copy of this patch for undoing reverts.
-		set last_revert $wholepatch
-		set last_revert_enc $enc
-	}
-	$ui_diff conf -state normal
-	$ui_diff delete $s_lno $e_lno
-	$ui_diff conf -state disabled
-	# Check if the hunk was the last one in the file.
-	if {[$ui_diff get 1.0 end] eq "\n"} {
-		set o _
-	} else {
-		set o ?
-	}
-	# Update the status flags.
-	if {$revert} {
-		set mi [string index $mi 0]$o
-	} elseif {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
-		set mi ${o}M
-	} elseif {[string index $mi 0] eq {_}} {
-		set mi M$o
-	} else {
-		set mi ?$o
-	}
-	unlock_index
-	display_file $current_diff_path $mi
-	# This should trigger shift to the next changed file
-	if {$o eq {_}} {
-		reshow_diff
-	}
-proc apply_or_revert_range_or_line {x y revert} {
-	global current_diff_path current_diff_header current_diff_side
-	global ui_diff ui_index file_states last_revert
-	set selected [$ui_diff tag nextrange sel 0.0]
-	if {$selected == {}} {
-		set first [$ui_diff index "@$x,$y"]
-		set last $first
-	} else {
-		set first [lindex $selected 0]
-		set last [lindex $selected 1]
-	}
-	set first_l [$ui_diff index "$first linestart"]
-	set last_l [$ui_diff index "$last lineend"]
-	if {$current_diff_path eq {} || $current_diff_header eq {}} return
-	if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
-	set apply_cmd {apply --whitespace=nowarn}
-	set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
-	if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
-		set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected line."]
-		set to_context {+}
-		lappend apply_cmd --reverse --cached
-		if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-	} else {
-		if {$revert} {
-			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to revert selected line."]
-			set to_context {+}
-			lappend apply_cmd --reverse
-		} else {
-			set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected line."]
-			set to_context {-}
-			lappend apply_cmd --cached
-		}
-		if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	set wholepatch {}
-	while {$first_l < $last_l} {
-		set i_l [$ui_diff search -backwards -regexp ^@@ $first_l 0.0]
-		if {$i_l eq {}} {
-			# If there's not a @@ above, then the selected range
-			# must have come before the first_l @@
-			set i_l [$ui_diff search -regexp ^@@ $first_l $last_l]
-		}
-		if {$i_l eq {}} {
-			unlock_index
-			return
-		}
-		# $i_l is now at the beginning of a line
-		# pick start line number from hunk header
-		set hh [$ui_diff get $i_l "$i_l + 1 lines"]
-		set hh [lindex [split $hh ,] 0]
-		set hln [lindex [split $hh -] 1]
-		set hln [lindex [split $hln " "] 0]
-		# There is a special situation to take care of. Consider this
-		# hunk:
-		#
-		#    @@ -10,4 +10,4 @@
-		#     context before
-		#    -old 1
-		#    -old 2
-		#    +new 1
-		#    +new 2
-		#     context after
-		#
-		# We used to keep the context lines in the order they appear in
-		# the hunk. But then it is not possible to correctly stage only
-		# "-old 1" and "+new 1" - it would result in this staged text:
-		#
-		#    context before
-		#    old 2
-		#    new 1
-		#    context after
-		#
-		# (By symmetry it is not possible to *un*stage "old 2" and "new
-		# 2".)
-		#
-		# We resolve the problem by introducing an asymmetry, namely,
-		# when a "+" line is *staged*, it is moved in front of the
-		# context lines that are generated from the "-" lines that are
-		# immediately before the "+" block. That is, we construct this
-		# patch:
-		#
-		#    @@ -10,4 +10,5 @@
-		#     context before
-		#    +new 1
-		#     old 1
-		#     old 2
-		#     context after
-		#
-		# But we do *not* treat "-" lines that are *un*staged in a
-		# special way.
-		#
-		# With this asymmetry it is possible to stage the change "old
-		# 1" -> "new 1" directly, and to stage the change "old 2" ->
-		# "new 2" by first staging the entire hunk and then unstaging
-		# the change "old 1" -> "new 1".
-		#
-		# Applying multiple lines adds complexity to the special
-		# situation.  The pre_context must be moved after the entire
-		# first block of consecutive staged "+" lines, so that
-		# staging both additions gives the following patch:
-		#
-		#    @@ -10,4 +10,6 @@
-		#     context before
-		#    +new 1
-		#    +new 2
-		#     old 1
-		#     old 2
-		#     context after
-		# This is non-empty if and only if we are _staging_ changes;
-		# then it accumulates the consecutive "-" lines (after
-		# converting them to context lines) in order to be moved after
-		# "+" change lines.
-		set pre_context {}
-		set n 0
-		set m 0
-		set i_l [$ui_diff index "$i_l + 1 lines"]
-		set patch {}
-		while {[$ui_diff compare $i_l < "end - 1 chars"] &&
-		       [$ui_diff get $i_l "$i_l + 2 chars"] ne {@@}} {
-			set next_l [$ui_diff index "$i_l + 1 lines"]
-			set c1 [$ui_diff get $i_l]
-			if {[$ui_diff compare $first_l <= $i_l] &&
-			    [$ui_diff compare $i_l < $last_l] &&
-			    ($c1 eq {-} || $c1 eq {+})} {
-				# a line to stage/unstage
-				set ln [$ui_diff get $i_l $next_l]
-				if {$c1 eq {-}} {
-					set n [expr $n+1]
-					set patch "$patch$pre_context$ln"
-					set pre_context {}
-				} else {
-					set m [expr $m+1]
-					set patch "$patch$ln"
-				}
-			} elseif {$c1 ne {-} && $c1 ne {+}} {
-				# context line
-				set ln [$ui_diff get $i_l $next_l]
-				set patch "$patch$pre_context$ln"
-				# Skip the "\ No newline at end of
-				# file". Depending on the locale setting
-				# we don't know what this line looks
-				# like exactly. The only thing we do
-				# know is that it starts with "\ "
-				if {![string match {\\ *} $ln]} {
-					set n [expr $n+1]
-					set m [expr $m+1]
-				}
-				set pre_context {}
-			} elseif {$c1 eq $to_context} {
-				# turn change line into context line
-				set ln [$ui_diff get "$i_l + 1 chars" $next_l]
-				if {$c1 eq {-}} {
-					set pre_context "$pre_context $ln"
-				} else {
-					set patch "$patch $ln"
-				}
-				set n [expr $n+1]
-				set m [expr $m+1]
-			} else {
-				# a change in the opposite direction of
-				# to_context which is outside the range of
-				# lines to apply.
-				set patch "$patch$pre_context"
-				set pre_context {}
-			}
-			set i_l $next_l
-		}
-		set patch "$patch$pre_context"
-		set wholepatch "$wholepatch@@ -$hln,$n +$hln,$m @@\n$patch"
-		set first_l [$ui_diff index "$next_l + 1 lines"]
-	}
-	if {[catch {
-		set enc [get_path_encoding $current_diff_path]
-		set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
-		fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
-		puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
-		puts -nonewline $p $wholepatch
-		close $p} err]} {
-		error_popup "$failed_msg\n\n$err"
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	if {$revert} {
-		# Save a copy of this patch for undoing reverts.
-		set last_revert $current_diff_header$wholepatch
-		set last_revert_enc $enc
-	}
-	unlock_index
-# Undo the last line/hunk reverted. When hunks and lines are reverted, a copy
-# of the diff applied is saved. Re-apply that diff to undo the revert.
-# Right now, we only use a single variable to hold the copy, and not a
-# stack/deque for simplicity, so multiple undos are not possible. Maybe this
-# can be added if the need for something like this is felt in the future.
-proc undo_last_revert {} {
-	global last_revert current_diff_path current_diff_header
-	global last_revert_enc
-	if {$last_revert eq {}} return
-	if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
-	set apply_cmd {apply --whitespace=nowarn}
-	set failed_msg [mc "Failed to undo last revert."]
-	if {[catch {
-		set enc $last_revert_enc
-		set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
-		fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding $enc
-		puts -nonewline $p $last_revert
-		close $p} err]} {
-		error_popup "$failed_msg\n\n$err"
-		unlock_index
-		return
-	}
-	set last_revert {}
-	unlock_index
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 32668fc9c6de..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/encoding.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui encoding support
-# Copyright (C) 2005 Paul Mackerras <paulus@samba.org>
-# (Copied from gitk, commit fd8ccbec4f0161)
-# This list of encoding names and aliases is distilled from
-# http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets.
-# Not all of them are supported by Tcl.
-set encoding_aliases {
-    { ANSI_X3.4-1968 iso-ir-6 ANSI_X3.4-1986 ISO_646.irv:1991 ASCII
-      ISO646-US US-ASCII us IBM367 cp367 csASCII }
-    { ISO-10646-UTF-1 csISO10646UTF1 }
-    { ISO_646.basic:1983 ref csISO646basic1983 }
-    { ISO_646.irv:1983 iso-ir-2 irv csISO2IntlRefVersion }
-    { BS_4730 iso-ir-4 ISO646-GB gb uk csISO4UnitedKingdom }
-    { NATS-SEFI iso-ir-8-1 csNATSSEFI }
-    { NATS-SEFI-ADD iso-ir-8-2 csNATSSEFIADD }
-    { NATS-DANO iso-ir-9-1 csNATSDANO }
-    { NATS-DANO-ADD iso-ir-9-2 csNATSDANOADD }
-    { SEN_850200_B iso-ir-10 FI ISO646-FI ISO646-SE se csISO10Swedish }
-    { SEN_850200_C iso-ir-11 ISO646-SE2 se2 csISO11SwedishForNames }
-    { KS_C_5601-1987 iso-ir-149 KS_C_5601-1989 KSC_5601 korean csKSC56011987 }
-    { ISO-2022-KR csISO2022KR }
-    { EUC-KR csEUCKR }
-    { ISO-2022-JP csISO2022JP }
-    { ISO-2022-JP-2 csISO2022JP2 }
-    { JIS_C6220-1969-jp JIS_C6220-1969 iso-ir-13 katakana x0201-7
-      csISO13JISC6220jp }
-    { JIS_C6220-1969-ro iso-ir-14 jp ISO646-JP csISO14JISC6220ro }
-    { IT iso-ir-15 ISO646-IT csISO15Italian }
-    { PT iso-ir-16 ISO646-PT csISO16Portuguese }
-    { ES iso-ir-17 ISO646-ES csISO17Spanish }
-    { greek7-old iso-ir-18 csISO18Greek7Old }
-    { latin-greek iso-ir-19 csISO19LatinGreek }
-    { DIN_66003 iso-ir-21 de ISO646-DE csISO21German }
-    { NF_Z_62-010_(1973) iso-ir-25 ISO646-FR1 csISO25French }
-    { Latin-greek-1 iso-ir-27 csISO27LatinGreek1 }
-    { ISO_5427 iso-ir-37 csISO5427Cyrillic }
-    { JIS_C6226-1978 iso-ir-42 csISO42JISC62261978 }
-    { BS_viewdata iso-ir-47 csISO47BSViewdata }
-    { INIS iso-ir-49 csISO49INIS }
-    { INIS-8 iso-ir-50 csISO50INIS8 }
-    { INIS-cyrillic iso-ir-51 csISO51INISCyrillic }
-    { ISO_5427:1981 iso-ir-54 ISO5427Cyrillic1981 }
-    { ISO_5428:1980 iso-ir-55 csISO5428Greek }
-    { GB_1988-80 iso-ir-57 cn ISO646-CN csISO57GB1988 }
-    { GB_2312-80 iso-ir-58 chinese csISO58GB231280 }
-    { NS_4551-1 iso-ir-60 ISO646-NO no csISO60DanishNorwegian
-      csISO60Norwegian1 }
-    { NS_4551-2 ISO646-NO2 iso-ir-61 no2 csISO61Norwegian2 }
-    { NF_Z_62-010 iso-ir-69 ISO646-FR fr csISO69French }
-    { videotex-suppl iso-ir-70 csISO70VideotexSupp1 }
-    { PT2 iso-ir-84 ISO646-PT2 csISO84Portuguese2 }
-    { ES2 iso-ir-85 ISO646-ES2 csISO85Spanish2 }
-    { MSZ_7795.3 iso-ir-86 ISO646-HU hu csISO86Hungarian }
-    { JIS_C6226-1983 iso-ir-87 x0208 JIS_X0208-1983 csISO87JISX0208 }
-    { greek7 iso-ir-88 csISO88Greek7 }
-    { ASMO_449 ISO_9036 arabic7 iso-ir-89 csISO89ASMO449 }
-    { iso-ir-90 csISO90 }
-    { JIS_C6229-1984-a iso-ir-91 jp-ocr-a csISO91JISC62291984a }
-    { JIS_C6229-1984-b iso-ir-92 ISO646-JP-OCR-B jp-ocr-b
-      csISO92JISC62991984b }
-    { JIS_C6229-1984-b-add iso-ir-93 jp-ocr-b-add csISO93JIS62291984badd }
-    { JIS_C6229-1984-hand iso-ir-94 jp-ocr-hand csISO94JIS62291984hand }
-    { JIS_C6229-1984-hand-add iso-ir-95 jp-ocr-hand-add
-      csISO95JIS62291984handadd }
-    { JIS_C6229-1984-kana iso-ir-96 csISO96JISC62291984kana }
-    { ISO_2033-1983 iso-ir-98 e13b csISO2033 }
-    { ANSI_X3.110-1983 iso-ir-99 CSA_T500-1983 NAPLPS csISO99NAPLPS }
-    { ISO_8859-1:1987 iso-ir-100 ISO_8859-1 ISO-8859-1 latin1 l1 IBM819
-      CP819 csISOLatin1 }
-    { ISO_8859-2:1987 iso-ir-101 ISO_8859-2 ISO-8859-2 latin2 l2 csISOLatin2 }
-    { T.61-7bit iso-ir-102 csISO102T617bit }
-    { T.61-8bit T.61 iso-ir-103 csISO103T618bit }
-    { ISO_8859-3:1988 iso-ir-109 ISO_8859-3 ISO-8859-3 latin3 l3 csISOLatin3 }
-    { ISO_8859-4:1988 iso-ir-110 ISO_8859-4 ISO-8859-4 latin4 l4 csISOLatin4 }
-    { ECMA-cyrillic iso-ir-111 KOI8-E csISO111ECMACyrillic }
-    { CSA_Z243.4-1985-1 iso-ir-121 ISO646-CA csa7-1 ca csISO121Canadian1 }
-    { CSA_Z243.4-1985-2 iso-ir-122 ISO646-CA2 csa7-2 csISO122Canadian2 }
-    { CSA_Z243.4-1985-gr iso-ir-123 csISO123CSAZ24341985gr }
-    { ISO_8859-6:1987 iso-ir-127 ISO_8859-6 ISO-8859-6 ECMA-114 ASMO-708
-      arabic csISOLatinArabic }
-    { ISO_8859-6-E csISO88596E ISO-8859-6-E }
-    { ISO_8859-6-I csISO88596I ISO-8859-6-I }
-    { ISO_8859-7:1987 iso-ir-126 ISO_8859-7 ISO-8859-7 ELOT_928 ECMA-118
-      greek greek8 csISOLatinGreek }
-    { T.101-G2 iso-ir-128 csISO128T101G2 }
-    { ISO_8859-8:1988 iso-ir-138 ISO_8859-8 ISO-8859-8 hebrew
-      csISOLatinHebrew }
-    { ISO_8859-8-E csISO88598E ISO-8859-8-E }
-    { ISO_8859-8-I csISO88598I ISO-8859-8-I }
-    { CSN_369103 iso-ir-139 csISO139CSN369103 }
-    { JUS_I.B1.002 iso-ir-141 ISO646-YU js yu csISO141JUSIB1002 }
-    { ISO_6937-2-add iso-ir-142 csISOTextComm }
-    { IEC_P27-1 iso-ir-143 csISO143IECP271 }
-    { ISO_8859-5:1988 iso-ir-144 ISO_8859-5 ISO-8859-5 cyrillic
-      csISOLatinCyrillic }
-    { JUS_I.B1.003-serb iso-ir-146 serbian csISO146Serbian }
-    { JUS_I.B1.003-mac macedonian iso-ir-147 csISO147Macedonian }
-    { ISO_8859-9:1989 iso-ir-148 ISO_8859-9 ISO-8859-9 latin5 l5 csISOLatin5 }
-    { greek-ccitt iso-ir-150 csISO150 csISO150GreekCCITT }
-    { NC_NC00-10:81 cuba iso-ir-151 ISO646-CU csISO151Cuba }
-    { ISO_6937-2-25 iso-ir-152 csISO6937Add }
-    { GOST_19768-74 ST_SEV_358-88 iso-ir-153 csISO153GOST1976874 }
-    { ISO_8859-supp iso-ir-154 latin1-2-5 csISO8859Supp }
-    { ISO_10367-box iso-ir-155 csISO10367Box }
-    { ISO-8859-10 iso-ir-157 l6 ISO_8859-10:1992 csISOLatin6 latin6 }
-    { latin-lap lap iso-ir-158 csISO158Lap }
-    { JIS_X0212-1990 x0212 iso-ir-159 csISO159JISX02121990 }
-    { DS_2089 DS2089 ISO646-DK dk csISO646Danish }
-    { us-dk csUSDK }
-    { dk-us csDKUS }
-    { JIS_X0201 X0201 csHalfWidthKatakana }
-    { KSC5636 ISO646-KR csKSC5636 }
-    { ISO-10646-UCS-2 csUnicode }
-    { ISO-10646-UCS-4 csUCS4 }
-    { DEC-MCS dec csDECMCS }
-    { hp-roman8 roman8 r8 csHPRoman8 }
-    { macintosh mac csMacintosh }
-    { IBM037 cp037 ebcdic-cp-us ebcdic-cp-ca ebcdic-cp-wt ebcdic-cp-nl
-      csIBM037 }
-    { IBM038 EBCDIC-INT cp038 csIBM038 }
-    { IBM273 CP273 csIBM273 }
-    { IBM274 EBCDIC-BE CP274 csIBM274 }
-    { IBM275 EBCDIC-BR cp275 csIBM275 }
-    { IBM278 CP278 ebcdic-cp-fi ebcdic-cp-se csIBM278 }
-    { IBM280 CP280 ebcdic-cp-it csIBM280 }
-    { IBM281 EBCDIC-JP-E cp281 csIBM281 }
-    { IBM284 CP284 ebcdic-cp-es csIBM284 }
-    { IBM285 CP285 ebcdic-cp-gb csIBM285 }
-    { IBM290 cp290 EBCDIC-JP-kana csIBM290 }
-    { IBM297 cp297 ebcdic-cp-fr csIBM297 }
-    { IBM420 cp420 ebcdic-cp-ar1 csIBM420 }
-    { IBM423 cp423 ebcdic-cp-gr csIBM423 }
-    { IBM424 cp424 ebcdic-cp-he csIBM424 }
-    { IBM437 cp437 437 csPC8CodePage437 }
-    { IBM500 CP500 ebcdic-cp-be ebcdic-cp-ch csIBM500 }
-    { IBM775 cp775 csPC775Baltic }
-    { IBM850 cp850 850 csPC850Multilingual }
-    { IBM851 cp851 851 csIBM851 }
-    { IBM852 cp852 852 csPCp852 }
-    { IBM855 cp855 855 csIBM855 }
-    { IBM857 cp857 857 csIBM857 }
-    { IBM860 cp860 860 csIBM860 }
-    { IBM861 cp861 861 cp-is csIBM861 }
-    { IBM862 cp862 862 csPC862LatinHebrew }
-    { IBM863 cp863 863 csIBM863 }
-    { IBM864 cp864 csIBM864 }
-    { IBM865 cp865 865 csIBM865 }
-    { IBM866 cp866 866 csIBM866 }
-    { IBM868 CP868 cp-ar csIBM868 }
-    { IBM869 cp869 869 cp-gr csIBM869 }
-    { IBM870 CP870 ebcdic-cp-roece ebcdic-cp-yu csIBM870 }
-    { IBM871 CP871 ebcdic-cp-is csIBM871 }
-    { IBM880 cp880 EBCDIC-Cyrillic csIBM880 }
-    { IBM891 cp891 csIBM891 }
-    { IBM903 cp903 csIBM903 }
-    { IBM904 cp904 904 csIBBM904 }
-    { IBM905 CP905 ebcdic-cp-tr csIBM905 }
-    { IBM918 CP918 ebcdic-cp-ar2 csIBM918 }
-    { IBM1026 CP1026 csIBM1026 }
-    { UNKNOWN-8BIT csUnknown8BiT }
-    { MNEMONIC csMnemonic }
-    { MNEM csMnem }
-    { VISCII csVISCII }
-    { VIQR csVIQR }
-    { KOI8-R csKOI8R }
-    { IBM00858 CCSID00858 CP00858 PC-Multilingual-850+euro }
-    { IBM00924 CCSID00924 CP00924 ebcdic-Latin9--euro }
-    { IBM01140 CCSID01140 CP01140 ebcdic-us-37+euro }
-    { IBM01141 CCSID01141 CP01141 ebcdic-de-273+euro }
-    { IBM01142 CCSID01142 CP01142 ebcdic-dk-277+euro ebcdic-no-277+euro }
-    { IBM01143 CCSID01143 CP01143 ebcdic-fi-278+euro ebcdic-se-278+euro }
-    { IBM01144 CCSID01144 CP01144 ebcdic-it-280+euro }
-    { IBM01145 CCSID01145 CP01145 ebcdic-es-284+euro }
-    { IBM01146 CCSID01146 CP01146 ebcdic-gb-285+euro }
-    { IBM01147 CCSID01147 CP01147 ebcdic-fr-297+euro }
-    { IBM01148 CCSID01148 CP01148 ebcdic-international-500+euro }
-    { IBM01149 CCSID01149 CP01149 ebcdic-is-871+euro }
-    { IBM1047 IBM-1047 }
-    { PTCP154 csPTCP154 PT154 CP154 Cyrillic-Asian }
-    { Amiga-1251 Ami1251 Amiga1251 Ami-1251 }
-    { UNICODE-1-1 csUnicode11 }
-    { CESU-8 csCESU-8 }
-    { BOCU-1 csBOCU-1 }
-    { UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7 csUnicode11UTF7 }
-    { ISO-8859-14 iso-ir-199 ISO_8859-14:1998 ISO_8859-14 latin8 iso-celtic
-      l8 }
-    { ISO-8859-15 ISO_8859-15 Latin-9 }
-    { ISO-8859-16 iso-ir-226 ISO_8859-16:2001 ISO_8859-16 latin10 l10 }
-    { GBK CP936 MS936 windows-936 }
-    { JIS_Encoding csJISEncoding }
-    { Shift_JIS MS_Kanji csShiftJIS ShiftJIS Shift-JIS }
-    { Extended_UNIX_Code_Packed_Format_for_Japanese csEUCPkdFmtJapanese
-      EUC-JP }
-    { Extended_UNIX_Code_Fixed_Width_for_Japanese csEUCFixWidJapanese }
-    { ISO-10646-UCS-Basic csUnicodeASCII }
-    { ISO-10646-Unicode-Latin1 csUnicodeLatin1 ISO-10646 }
-    { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1261 csUnicodeIBM1261 }
-    { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1268 csUnicodeIBM1268 }
-    { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1276 csUnicodeIBM1276 }
-    { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1264 csUnicodeIBM1264 }
-    { ISO-Unicode-IBM-1265 csUnicodeIBM1265 }
-    { ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.0-Latin-1 csWindows30Latin1 }
-    { ISO-8859-1-Windows-3.1-Latin-1 csWindows31Latin1 }
-    { ISO-8859-2-Windows-Latin-2 csWindows31Latin2 }
-    { ISO-8859-9-Windows-Latin-5 csWindows31Latin5 }
-    { Adobe-Standard-Encoding csAdobeStandardEncoding }
-    { Ventura-US csVenturaUS }
-    { Ventura-International csVenturaInternational }
-    { PC8-Danish-Norwegian csPC8DanishNorwegian }
-    { PC8-Turkish csPC8Turkish }
-    { IBM-Symbols csIBMSymbols }
-    { IBM-Thai csIBMThai }
-    { HP-Legal csHPLegal }
-    { HP-Pi-font csHPPiFont }
-    { HP-Math8 csHPMath8 }
-    { Adobe-Symbol-Encoding csHPPSMath }
-    { HP-DeskTop csHPDesktop }
-    { Ventura-Math csVenturaMath }
-    { Microsoft-Publishing csMicrosoftPublishing }
-    { Windows-31J csWindows31J }
-    { GB2312 csGB2312 }
-    { Big5 csBig5 }
-set encoding_groups {
-    {"" ""
-	{"Unicode" UTF-8}
-	{"Western" ISO-8859-1}}
-    {we "West European"
-	{"Western" ISO-8859-15 CP-437 CP-850 MacRoman CP-1252 Windows-1252}
-	{"Celtic" ISO-8859-14}
-	{"Greek" ISO-8859-14 ISO-8859-7 CP-737 CP-869 MacGreek CP-1253 Windows-1253}
-	{"Icelandic" MacIceland MacIcelandic CP-861}
-	{"Nordic" ISO-8859-10 CP-865}
-	{"Portuguese" CP-860}
-	{"South European" ISO-8859-3}}
-    {ee "East European"
-	{"Baltic" CP-775 ISO-8859-4 ISO-8859-13 CP-1257 Windows-1257}
-	{"Central European" CP-852 ISO-8859-2 MacCE CP-1250 Windows-1250}
-	{"Croatian" MacCroatian}
-	{"Cyrillic" CP-855 ISO-8859-5 ISO-IR-111 KOI8-R MacCyrillic CP-1251 Windows-1251}
-	{"Russian" CP-866}
-	{"Ukrainian" KOI8-U MacUkraine MacUkrainian}
-	{"Romanian" ISO-8859-16 MacRomania MacRomanian}}
-    {ea "East Asian"
-	{"Generic" ISO-2022}
-	{"Chinese Simplified" GB2312 GB1988 GB12345 GB2312-RAW GBK EUC-CN GB18030 HZ ISO-2022-CN}
-	{"Chinese Traditional" Big5 Big5-HKSCS EUC-TW CP-950}
-	{"Japanese" EUC-JP ISO-2022-JP Shift-JIS JIS-0212 JIS-0208 JIS-0201 CP-932 MacJapan}
-	{"Korean" EUC-KR UHC JOHAB ISO-2022-KR CP-949 KSC5601}}
-    {sa "SE & SW Asian"
-	{"Armenian" ARMSCII-8}
-	{"Georgian" GEOSTD8}
-	{"Thai" TIS-620 ISO-8859-11 CP-874 Windows-874 MacThai}
-	{"Turkish" CP-857 CP857 ISO-8859-9 MacTurkish CP-1254 Windows-1254}
-	{"Vietnamese" TCVN VISCII VPS CP-1258 Windows-1258}
-	{"Hindi" MacDevanagari}
-	{"Gujarati" MacGujarati}
-	{"Gurmukhi" MacGurmukhi}}
-    {me "Middle Eastern"
-	{"Arabic" ISO-8859-6 Windows-1256 CP-1256 CP-864 MacArabic}
-	{"Farsi" MacFarsi}
-	{"Hebrew" ISO-8859-8-I Windows-1255 CP-1255 ISO-8859-8 CP-862 MacHebrew}}
-    {mi "Misc"
-	{"7-bit" ASCII}
-	{"16-bit" Unicode}
-	{"Legacy" CP-863 EBCDIC}
-	{"Symbol" Symbol Dingbats MacDingbats MacCentEuro}}
-proc build_encoding_table {} {
-	global encoding_aliases encoding_lookup_table
-	# Prepare the lookup list; cannot use lsort -nocase because
-	# of compatibility issues with older Tcl (e.g. in msysgit)
-	set names [list]
-	foreach item [encoding names] {
-		lappend names [list [string tolower $item] $item]
-	}
-	set names [lsort -ascii -index 0 $names]
-	# neither can we use lsearch -index
-	set lnames [list]
-	foreach item $names {
-		lappend lnames [lindex $item 0]
-	}
-	foreach grp $encoding_aliases {
-		set target {}
-		foreach item $grp {
-			set i [lsearch -sorted -ascii $lnames \
-					[string tolower $item]]
-			if {$i >= 0} {
-				set target [lindex $names $i 1]
-				break
-			}
-		}
-		if {$target eq {}} continue
-		foreach item $grp {
-			set encoding_lookup_table([string tolower $item]) $target
-		}
-	}
-	foreach item $names {
-		set encoding_lookup_table([lindex $item 0]) [lindex $item 1]
-	}
-proc tcl_encoding {enc} {
-	global encoding_lookup_table
-	if {$enc eq {}} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	if {![info exists encoding_lookup_table]} {
-		build_encoding_table
-	}
-	set enc [string tolower $enc]
-	if {![info exists encoding_lookup_table($enc)]} {
-		# look for "isonnn" instead of "iso-nnn" or "iso_nnn"
-		if {[regsub {^(iso|cp|ibm|jis)[-_]} $enc {\1} encx]} {
-			set enc $encx
-		}
-	}
-	if {[info exists encoding_lookup_table($enc)]} {
-		return $encoding_lookup_table($enc)
-	} else {
-		return {}
-	}
-proc force_path_encoding {path enc} {
-	global path_encoding_overrides last_encoding_override
-	set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
-	if {$enc eq {}} {
-		catch { unset last_encoding_override }
-		catch { unset path_encoding_overrides($path) }
-	} else {
-		set last_encoding_override $enc
-		if {$path ne {}} {
-			set path_encoding_overrides($path) $enc
-		}
-	}
-proc get_path_encoding {path} {
-	global path_encoding_overrides last_encoding_override
-	if {[info exists last_encoding_override]} {
-		set tcl_enc $last_encoding_override
-	} else {
-		set tcl_enc [tcl_encoding [get_config gui.encoding]]
-	}
-	if {$tcl_enc eq {}} {
-		set tcl_enc [encoding system]
-	}
-	if {$path ne {}} {
-		if {[info exists path_encoding_overrides($path)]} {
-			set enc2 $path_encoding_overrides($path)
-		} else {
-			set enc2 [tcl_encoding [gitattr $path encoding $tcl_enc]]
-		}
-		if {$enc2 ne {}} {
-			set tcl_enc $enc2
-		}
-	}
-	return $tcl_enc
-proc build_encoding_submenu {parent grp cmd} {
-	global used_encodings
-	set mid [lindex $grp 0]
-	set gname [mc [lindex $grp 1]]
-	set smenu {}
-	foreach subset [lrange $grp 2 end] {
-		set name [mc [lindex $subset 0]]
-		foreach enc [lrange $subset 1 end] {
-			set tcl_enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
-			if {$tcl_enc eq {}} continue
-			if {$smenu eq {}} {
-				if {$mid eq {}} {
-					set smenu $parent
-				} else {
-					set smenu "$parent.$mid"
-					menu $smenu
-					$parent add cascade \
-						-label $gname \
-						-menu $smenu
-				}
-			}
-			if {$name ne {}} {
-				set lbl "$name ($enc)"
-			} else {
-				set lbl $enc
-			}
-			$smenu add command \
-				-label $lbl \
-				-command [concat $cmd [list $tcl_enc]]
-			lappend used_encodings $tcl_enc
-		}
-	}
-proc popup_btn_menu {m b} {
-	tk_popup $m [winfo pointerx $b] [winfo pointery $b]
-proc build_encoding_menu {emenu cmd {nodef 0}} {
-	$emenu configure -postcommand \
-		[list do_build_encoding_menu $emenu $cmd $nodef]
-proc do_build_encoding_menu {emenu cmd {nodef 0}} {
-	global used_encodings encoding_groups
-	$emenu configure -postcommand {}
-	if {!$nodef} {
-		$emenu add command \
-			-label [mc "Default"] \
-			-command [concat $cmd [list {}]]
-	}
-	set sysenc [encoding system]
-	$emenu add command \
-		-label [mc "System (%s)" $sysenc] \
-		-command [concat $cmd [list $sysenc]]
-	# Main encoding tree
-	set used_encodings [list identity]
-	$emenu add separator
-	foreach grp $encoding_groups {
-		build_encoding_submenu $emenu $grp $cmd
-	}
-	# Add unclassified encodings
-	set unused_grp [list [mc Other]]
-	foreach enc [encoding names] {
-		if {[lsearch -exact $used_encodings $enc] < 0} {
-			lappend unused_grp $enc
-		}
-	}
-	build_encoding_submenu $emenu [list other [mc Other] $unused_grp] $cmd
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/error.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/error.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 8968a57f33e3..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/error.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch (create/delete) support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc _error_parent {} {
-	set p [grab current .]
-	if {$p eq {}} {
-		return .
-	}
-	return $p
-proc error_popup {msg} {
-	set title [appname]
-	if {[reponame] ne {}} {
-		append title " ([reponame])"
-	}
-	set cmd [list tk_messageBox \
-		-icon error \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "%s: error" $title] \
-		-message $msg]
-	if {[winfo ismapped [_error_parent]]} {
-		lappend cmd -parent [_error_parent]
-	}
-	eval $cmd
-proc warn_popup {msg} {
-	set title [appname]
-	if {[reponame] ne {}} {
-		append title " ([reponame])"
-	}
-	set cmd [list tk_messageBox \
-		-icon warning \
-		-type ok \
-		-title [mc "%s: warning" $title] \
-		-message $msg]
-	if {[winfo ismapped [_error_parent]]} {
-		lappend cmd -parent [_error_parent]
-	}
-	eval $cmd
-proc info_popup {msg} {
-	set title [appname]
-	if {[reponame] ne {}} {
-		append title " ([reponame])"
-	}
-	tk_messageBox \
-		-parent [_error_parent] \
-		-icon info \
-		-type ok \
-		-title $title \
-		-message $msg
-proc ask_popup {msg} {
-	set title [appname]
-	if {[reponame] ne {}} {
-		append title " ([reponame])"
-	}
-	set cmd [list tk_messageBox \
-		-icon question \
-		-type yesno \
-		-title $title \
-		-message $msg]
-	if {[winfo ismapped [_error_parent]]} {
-		lappend cmd -parent [_error_parent]
-	}
-	eval $cmd
-proc hook_failed_popup {hook msg {is_fatal 1}} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set w .hookfail
-	Dialog $w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	${NS}::frame $w.m
-	${NS}::label $w.m.l1 -text [mc "%s hook failed:" $hook] \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left \
-		-font font_uibold
-	text $w.m.t \
-		-background white \
-		-foreground black \
-		-borderwidth 1 \
-		-relief sunken \
-		-width 80 -height 10 \
-		-font font_diff \
-		-yscrollcommand [list $w.m.sby set]
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.m.sby -command [list $w.m.t yview]
-	pack $w.m.l1 -side top -fill x
-	if {$is_fatal} {
-		${NS}::label $w.m.l2 \
-			-text [mc "You must correct the above errors before committing."] \
-			-anchor w \
-			-justify left \
-			-font font_uibold
-		pack $w.m.l2 -side bottom -fill x
-	}
-	pack $w.m.sby -side right -fill y
-	pack $w.m.t -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.m -side top -fill both -expand 1 -padx 5 -pady 10
-	$w.m.t insert 1.0 $msg
-	$w.m.t conf -state disabled
-	${NS}::button $w.ok -text OK \
-		-width 15 \
-		-command "destroy $w"
-	pack $w.ok -side bottom -anchor e -pady 10 -padx 10
-	bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w"
-	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
-	wm title $w [mc "%s (%s): error" [appname] [reponame]]
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/git-gui.ico b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/git-gui.ico
deleted file mode 100644
index 334cfa5a1a59..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/git-gui.ico
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differdiff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/index.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d2ec24bd80e1..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/index.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,753 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui index (add/remove) support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc _delete_indexlock {} {
-	if {[catch {file delete -- [gitdir index.lock]} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Unable to unlock the index."] "\n\n$err"]
-	}
-proc close_and_unlock_index {fd after} {
-	if {![catch {_close_updateindex $fd} err]} {
-		unlock_index
-		uplevel #0 $after
-	} else {
-		rescan_on_error $err $after
-	}
-proc _close_updateindex {fd} {
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-	close $fd
-proc rescan_on_error {err {after {}}} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set w .indexfried
-	Dialog $w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm title $w [strcat "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Index Error"]]
-	wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	set s [mc "Updating the Git index failed.  A rescan will be automatically started to resynchronize git-gui."]
-	text $w.msg -yscrollcommand [list $w.vs set] \
-		-width [string length $s] -relief flat \
-		-borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
-		-background [get_bg_color $w]
-	$w.msg tag configure bold -font font_uibold -justify center
-	${NS}::scrollbar $w.vs -command [list $w.msg yview]
-	$w.msg insert end $s bold \n\n$err {}
-	$w.msg configure -state disabled
-	${NS}::button $w.continue \
-		-text [mc "Continue"] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	${NS}::button $w.unlock \
-		-text [mc "Unlock Index"] \
-		-command "destroy $w; _delete_indexlock"
-	grid $w.msg - $w.vs -sticky news
-	grid $w.unlock $w.continue - -sticky se -padx 2 -pady 2
-	grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
-	grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW update
-	bind $w.continue <Visibility> "
-		grab $w
-		focus %W
-	"
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-	$::main_status stop_all
-	unlock_index
-	rescan [concat $after {ui_ready;}] 0
-proc update_indexinfo {msg path_list after} {
-	global update_index_cp
-	if {![lock_index update]} return
-	set update_index_cp 0
-	set path_list [lsort $path_list]
-	set total_cnt [llength $path_list]
-	set batch [expr {int($total_cnt * .01) + 1}]
-	if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
-	set status_bar_operation [$::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]]
-	set fd [git_write update-index -z --index-info]
-	fconfigure $fd \
-		-blocking 0 \
-		-buffering full \
-		-buffersize 512 \
-		-encoding binary \
-		-translation binary
-	fileevent $fd writable [list \
-		write_update_indexinfo \
-		$fd \
-		$path_list \
-		$total_cnt \
-		$batch \
-		$status_bar_operation \
-		$after \
-		]
-proc write_update_indexinfo {fd path_list total_cnt batch status_bar_operation \
-	after} {
-	global update_index_cp
-	global file_states current_diff_path
-	if {$update_index_cp >= $total_cnt} {
-		$status_bar_operation stop
-		close_and_unlock_index $fd $after
-		return
-	}
-	for {set i $batch} \
-		{$update_index_cp < $total_cnt && $i > 0} \
-		{incr i -1} {
-		set path [lindex $path_list $update_index_cp]
-		incr update_index_cp
-		set s $file_states($path)
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
-		A? {set new _O}
-		MT -
-		TM -
-		T_ {set new _T}
-		M? {set new _M}
-		TD -
-		D_ {set new _D}
-		D? {set new _?}
-		?? {continue}
-		}
-		set info [lindex $s 2]
-		if {$info eq {}} continue
-		puts -nonewline $fd "$info\t[encoding convertto utf-8 $path]\0"
-		display_file $path $new
-	}
-	$status_bar_operation update $update_index_cp $total_cnt
-proc update_index {msg path_list after} {
-	global update_index_cp
-	if {![lock_index update]} return
-	set update_index_cp 0
-	set path_list [lsort $path_list]
-	set total_cnt [llength $path_list]
-	set batch [expr {int($total_cnt * .01) + 1}]
-	if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
-	set status_bar_operation [$::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]]
-	set fd [git_write update-index --add --remove -z --stdin]
-	fconfigure $fd \
-		-blocking 0 \
-		-buffering full \
-		-buffersize 512 \
-		-encoding binary \
-		-translation binary
-	fileevent $fd writable [list \
-		write_update_index \
-		$fd \
-		$path_list \
-		$total_cnt \
-		$batch \
-		$status_bar_operation \
-		$after \
-		]
-proc write_update_index {fd path_list total_cnt batch status_bar_operation \
-	after} {
-	global update_index_cp
-	global file_states current_diff_path
-	if {$update_index_cp >= $total_cnt} {
-		$status_bar_operation stop
-		close_and_unlock_index $fd $after
-		return
-	}
-	for {set i $batch} \
-		{$update_index_cp < $total_cnt && $i > 0} \
-		{incr i -1} {
-		set path [lindex $path_list $update_index_cp]
-		incr update_index_cp
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		AD {set new __}
-		?D {set new D_}
-		_O -
-		AT -
-		AM {set new A_}
-		TM -
-		MT -
-		_T {set new T_}
-		_U -
-		U? {
-			if {[file exists $path]} {
-				set new M_
-			} else {
-				set new D_
-			}
-		}
-		?M {set new M_}
-		?? {continue}
-		}
-		puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto utf-8 $path]\0"
-		display_file $path $new
-	}
-	$status_bar_operation update $update_index_cp $total_cnt
-proc checkout_index {msg path_list after capture_error} {
-	global update_index_cp
-	if {![lock_index update]} return
-	set update_index_cp 0
-	set path_list [lsort $path_list]
-	set total_cnt [llength $path_list]
-	set batch [expr {int($total_cnt * .01) + 1}]
-	if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
-	set status_bar_operation [$::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]]
-	set fd [git_write checkout-index \
-		--index \
-		--quiet \
-		--force \
-		-z \
-		--stdin \
-		]
-	fconfigure $fd \
-		-blocking 0 \
-		-buffering full \
-		-buffersize 512 \
-		-encoding binary \
-		-translation binary
-	fileevent $fd writable [list \
-		write_checkout_index \
-		$fd \
-		$path_list \
-		$total_cnt \
-		$batch \
-		$status_bar_operation \
-		$after \
-		$capture_error \
-		]
-proc write_checkout_index {fd path_list total_cnt batch status_bar_operation \
-	after capture_error} {
-	global update_index_cp
-	global file_states current_diff_path
-	if {$update_index_cp >= $total_cnt} {
-		$status_bar_operation stop
-		# We do not unlock the index directly here because this
-		# operation expects to potentially run in parallel with file
-		# deletions scheduled by revert_helper. We're done with the
-		# update index, so we close it, but actually unlocking the index
-		# and dealing with potential errors is deferred to the chord
-		# body that runs when all async operations are completed.
-		#
-		# (See after_chord in revert_helper.)
-		if {[catch {_close_updateindex $fd} err]} {
-			uplevel #0 $capture_error [list $err]
-		}
-		uplevel #0 $after
-		return
-	}
-	for {set i $batch} \
-		{$update_index_cp < $total_cnt && $i > 0} \
-		{incr i -1} {
-		set path [lindex $path_list $update_index_cp]
-		incr update_index_cp
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		U? {continue}
-		?M -
-		?T -
-		?D {
-			puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto utf-8 $path]\0"
-			display_file $path ?_
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	$status_bar_operation update $update_index_cp $total_cnt
-proc unstage_helper {txt paths} {
-	global file_states current_diff_path
-	if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
-	set path_list [list]
-	set after {}
-	foreach path $paths {
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		A? -
-		M? -
-		T? -
-		D? {
-			lappend path_list $path
-			if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
-				set after {reshow_diff;}
-			}
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$path_list eq {}} {
-		unlock_index
-	} else {
-		update_indexinfo \
-			$txt \
-			$path_list \
-			[concat $after {ui_ready;}]
-	}
-proc do_unstage_selection {} {
-	global current_diff_path selected_paths
-	if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
-		unstage_helper \
-			[mc "Unstaging selected files from commit"] \
-			[array names selected_paths]
-	} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
-		unstage_helper \
-			[mc "Unstaging %s from commit" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
-			[list $current_diff_path]
-	}
-proc add_helper {txt paths} {
-	global file_states current_diff_path
-	if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
-	set path_list [list]
-	set after {}
-	foreach path $paths {
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		_U -
-		U? {
-			if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
-				unlock_index
-				merge_stage_workdir $path
-				return
-			}
-		}
-		_O -
-		?M -
-		?D -
-		?T {
-			lappend path_list $path
-			if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
-				set after {reshow_diff;}
-			}
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	if {$path_list eq {}} {
-		unlock_index
-	} else {
-		update_index \
-			$txt \
-			$path_list \
-			[concat $after {ui_status [mc "Ready to commit."];}]
-	}
-proc do_add_selection {} {
-	global current_diff_path selected_paths
-	if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
-		add_helper \
-			[mc "Adding selected files"] \
-			[array names selected_paths]
-	} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
-		add_helper \
-			[mc "Adding %s" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
-			[list $current_diff_path]
-	}
-proc do_add_all {} {
-	global file_states
-	set paths [list]
-	set untracked_paths [list]
-	foreach path [array names file_states] {
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		U? {continue}
-		?M -
-		?T -
-		?D {lappend paths $path}
-		?O {lappend untracked_paths $path}
-		}
-	}
-	if {[llength $untracked_paths]} {
-		set reply 0
-		switch -- [get_config gui.stageuntracked] {
-		no {
-			set reply 0
-		}
-		yes {
-			set reply 1
-		}
-		ask -
-		default {
-			set reply [ask_popup [mc "Stage %d untracked files?" \
-									  [llength $untracked_paths]]]
-		}
-		}
-		if {$reply} {
-			set paths [concat $paths $untracked_paths]
-		}
-	}
-	add_helper [mc "Adding all changed files"] $paths
-# Copied from TclLib package "lambda".
-proc lambda {arguments body args} {
-	return [list ::apply [list $arguments $body] {*}$args]
-proc revert_helper {txt paths} {
-	global file_states current_diff_path
-	if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
-	# Common "after" functionality that waits until multiple asynchronous
-	# operations are complete (by waiting for them to activate their notes
-	# on the chord).
-	#
-	# The asynchronous operations are each indicated below by a comment
-	# before the code block that starts the async operation.
-	set after_chord [SimpleChord::new {
-		if {[string trim $err] != ""} {
-			rescan_on_error $err
-		} else {
-			unlock_index
-			if {$should_reshow_diff} { reshow_diff }
-			ui_ready
-		}
-	}]
-	$after_chord eval { set should_reshow_diff 0 }
-	# This function captures an error for processing when after_chord is
-	# completed. (The chord is curried into the lambda function.)
-	set capture_error [lambda \
-		{chord error} \
-		{ $chord eval [list set err $error] } \
-		$after_chord]
-	# We don't know how many notes we're going to create (it's dynamic based
-	# on conditional paths below), so create a common note that will delay
-	# the chord's completion until we activate it, and then activate it
-	# after all the other notes have been created.
-	set after_common_note [$after_chord add_note]
-	set path_list [list]
-	set untracked_list [list]
-	foreach path $paths {
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		U? {continue}
-		?O {
-			lappend untracked_list $path
-		}
-		?M -
-		?T -
-		?D {
-			lappend path_list $path
-			if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
-				$after_chord eval { set should_reshow_diff 1 }
-			}
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	set path_cnt [llength $path_list]
-	set untracked_cnt [llength $untracked_list]
-	# Asynchronous operation: revert changes by checking them out afresh
-	# from the index.
-	if {$path_cnt > 0} {
-		# Split question between singular and plural cases, because
-		# such distinction is needed in some languages. Previously, the
-		# code used "Revert changes in" for both, but that can't work
-		# in languages where 'in' must be combined with word from
-		# rest of string (in different way for both cases of course).
-		#
-		# FIXME: Unfortunately, even that isn't enough in some languages
-		# as they have quite complex plural-form rules. Unfortunately,
-		# msgcat doesn't seem to support that kind of string
-		# translation.
-		#
-		if {$path_cnt == 1} {
-			set query [mc \
-				"Revert changes in file %s?" \
-				[short_path [lindex $path_list]] \
-				]
-		} else {
-			set query [mc \
-				"Revert changes in these %i files?" \
-				$path_cnt]
-		}
-		set reply [tk_dialog \
-			.confirm_revert \
-			"[appname] ([reponame])" \
-			"$query
-[mc "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."]" \
-			question \
-			1 \
-			[mc "Do Nothing"] \
-			[mc "Revert Changes"] \
-			]
-		if {$reply == 1} {
-			set note [$after_chord add_note]
-			checkout_index \
-				$txt \
-				$path_list \
-				[list $note activate] \
-				$capture_error
-		}
-	}
-	# Asynchronous operation: Deletion of untracked files.
-	if {$untracked_cnt > 0} {
-		# Split question between singular and plural cases, because
-		# such distinction is needed in some languages.
-		#
-		# FIXME: Unfortunately, even that isn't enough in some languages
-		# as they have quite complex plural-form rules. Unfortunately,
-		# msgcat doesn't seem to support that kind of string
-		# translation.
-		#
-		if {$untracked_cnt == 1} {
-			set query [mc \
-				"Delete untracked file %s?" \
-				[short_path [lindex $untracked_list]] \
-				]
-		} else {
-			set query [mc \
-				"Delete these %i untracked files?" \
-				$untracked_cnt \
-				]
-		}
-		set reply [tk_dialog \
-			.confirm_revert \
-			"[appname] ([reponame])" \
-			"$query
-[mc "Files will be permanently deleted."]" \
-			question \
-			1 \
-			[mc "Do Nothing"] \
-			[mc "Delete Files"] \
-			]
-		if {$reply == 1} {
-			$after_chord eval { set should_reshow_diff 1 }
-			set note [$after_chord add_note]
-			delete_files $untracked_list [list $note activate]
-		}
-	}
-	# Activate the common note. If no other notes were created, this
-	# completes the chord. If other notes were created, then this common
-	# note prevents a race condition where the chord might complete early.
-	$after_common_note activate
-# Delete all of the specified files, performing deletion in batches to allow the
-# UI to remain responsive and updated.
-proc delete_files {path_list after} {
-	# Enable progress bar status updates
-	set status_bar_operation [$::main_status \
-		start \
-		[mc "Deleting"] \
-		[mc "files"]]
-	set path_index 0
-	set deletion_errors [list]
-	set batch_size 50
-	delete_helper \
-		$path_list \
-		$path_index \
-		$deletion_errors \
-		$batch_size \
-		$status_bar_operation \
-		$after
-# Helper function to delete a list of files in batches. Each call deletes one
-# batch of files, and then schedules a call for the next batch after any UI
-# messages have been processed.
-proc delete_helper {path_list path_index deletion_errors batch_size \
-	status_bar_operation after} {
-	global file_states
-	set path_cnt [llength $path_list]
-	set batch_remaining $batch_size
-	while {$batch_remaining > 0} {
-		if {$path_index >= $path_cnt} { break }
-		set path [lindex $path_list $path_index]
-		set deletion_failed [catch {file delete -- $path} deletion_error]
-		if {$deletion_failed} {
-			lappend deletion_errors [list "$deletion_error"]
-		} else {
-			remove_empty_directories [file dirname $path]
-			# Don't assume the deletion worked. Remove the file from
-			# the UI, but only if it no longer exists.
-			if {![path_exists $path]} {
-				unset file_states($path)
-				display_file $path __
-			}
-		}
-		incr path_index 1
-		incr batch_remaining -1
-	}
-	# Update the progress bar to indicate that this batch has been
-	# completed. The update will be visible when this procedure returns
-	# and allows the UI thread to process messages.
-	$status_bar_operation update $path_index $path_cnt
-	if {$path_index < $path_cnt} {
-		# The Tcler's Wiki lists this as the best practice for keeping
-		# a UI active and processing messages during a long-running
-		# operation.
-		after idle [list after 0 [list \
-			delete_helper \
-			$path_list \
-			$path_index \
-			$deletion_errors \
-			$batch_size \
-			$status_bar_operation \
-			$after
-			]]
-	} else {
-		# Finish the status bar operation.
-		$status_bar_operation stop
-		# Report error, if any, based on how many deletions failed.
-		set deletion_error_cnt [llength $deletion_errors]
-		if {($deletion_error_cnt > 0)
-		 && ($deletion_error_cnt <= [MAX_VERBOSE_FILES_IN_DELETION_ERROR])} {
-			set error_text [mc "Encountered errors deleting files:\n"]
-			foreach deletion_error $deletion_errors {
-				append error_text "* [lindex $deletion_error 0]\n"
-			}
-			error_popup $error_text
-		} elseif {$deletion_error_cnt == $path_cnt} {
-			error_popup [mc \
-				"None of the %d selected files could be deleted." \
-				$path_cnt \
-				]
-		} elseif {$deletion_error_cnt > 1} {
-			error_popup [mc \
-				"%d of the %d selected files could not be deleted." \
-				$deletion_error_cnt \
-				$path_cnt \
-				]
-		}
-		uplevel #0 $after
-	}
-# This function is from the TCL documentation:
-#   https://wiki.tcl-lang.org/page/file+exists
-# [file exists] returns false if the path does exist but is a symlink to a path
-# that doesn't exist. This proc returns true if the path exists, regardless of
-# whether it is a symlink and whether it is broken.
-proc path_exists {name} {
-	expr {![catch {file lstat $name finfo}]}
-# Remove as many empty directories as we can starting at the specified path,
-# walking up the directory tree. If we encounter a directory that is not
-# empty, or if a directory deletion fails, then we stop the operation and
-# return to the caller. Even if this procedure fails to delete any
-# directories at all, it does not report failure.
-proc remove_empty_directories {directory_path} {
-	set parent_path [file dirname $directory_path]
-	while {$parent_path != $directory_path} {
-		set contents [glob -nocomplain -dir $directory_path *]
-		if {[llength $contents] > 0} { break }
-		if {[catch {file delete -- $directory_path}]} { break }
-		set directory_path $parent_path
-		set parent_path [file dirname $directory_path]
-	}
-proc do_revert_selection {} {
-	global current_diff_path selected_paths
-	if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
-		revert_helper \
-			[mc "Reverting selected files"] \
-			[array names selected_paths]
-	} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
-		revert_helper \
-			[mc "Reverting %s" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
-			[list $current_diff_path]
-	}
-proc do_select_commit_type {} {
-	global commit_type commit_type_is_amend
-	if {$commit_type_is_amend == 0
-		&& [string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-		create_new_commit
-	} elseif {$commit_type_is_amend == 1
-		&& ![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-		load_last_commit
-		# The amend request was rejected...
-		#
-		if {![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-			set commit_type_is_amend 0
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/line.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/line.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a026de954c3d..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/line.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-# goto line number
-# based on code from gitk, Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras
-class linebar {
-field w
-field ctext
-field linenum   {}
-constructor new {i_w i_text args} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set w      $i_w
-	set ctext  $i_text
-	${NS}::frame  $w
-	${NS}::label  $w.l       -text [mc "Goto Line:"]
-	tentry  $w.ent \
-		-textvariable ${__this}::linenum \
-		-background lightgreen \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand [cb _validate %P]
-	${NS}::button $w.bn      -text [mc Go] -command [cb _goto]
-	pack   $w.l   -side left
-	pack   $w.bn  -side right
-	pack   $w.ent -side left -expand 1 -fill x
-	eval grid conf $w -sticky we $args
-	grid remove $w
-	trace add variable linenum write [cb _goto_cb]
-	bind $w.ent <Return> [cb _goto]
-	bind $w.ent <Escape> [cb hide]
-	bind $w <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
-	return $this
-method show {} {
-	if {![visible $this]} {
-		grid $w
-	}
-	focus -force $w.ent
-method hide {} {
-	if {[visible $this]} {
-		$w.ent delete 0 end
-		focus $ctext
-		grid remove $w
-	}
-method visible {} {
-	return [winfo ismapped $w]
-method editor {} {
-	return $w.ent
-method _validate {P} {
-	# only accept numbers as input
-	string is integer $P
-method _goto_cb {name ix op} {
-	after idle [cb _goto 1]
-method _goto {{nohide {0}}} {
-	if {$linenum ne {}} {
-		$ctext see $linenum.0
-		if {!$nohide} {
-			hide $this
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/logo.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/logo.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ff76692f5ee..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/logo.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui Git Gui logo
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-# Henrik Nyh's alternative Git logo, from his blog post
-# http://henrik.nyh.se/2007/06/alternative-git-logo-and-favicon
-image create photo ::git_logo_data -data {
-proc git_logo {w} {
-	label $w \
-		-borderwidth 1 \
-		-relief sunken \
-		-background white \
-		-image ::git_logo_data
-	return $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 664803cf3fd1..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/merge.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,285 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui branch merge support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class merge {
-field w         ; # top level window
-field w_rev     ; # mega-widget to pick the revision to merge
-method _can_merge {} {
-	global HEAD commit_type file_states
-	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-		info_popup [mc "Cannot merge while amending.
-You must finish amending this commit before starting any type of merge.
-		return 0
-	}
-	if {[committer_ident] eq {}} {return 0}
-	if {![lock_index merge]} {return 0}
-	# -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
-	#
-	repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
-	if {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
-		info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
-Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan.  A rescan must be performed before a merge can be performed.
-The rescan will be automatically started now.
-		unlock_index
-		rescan ui_ready
-		return 0
-	}
-	foreach path [array names file_states] {
-		switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
-		_O {
-			continue; # and pray it works!
-		}
-		_U -
-		U? {
-			error_popup [mc "You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.
-File %s has merge conflicts.
-You must resolve them, stage the file, and commit to complete the current merge.  Only then can you begin another merge.
-" [short_path $path]]
-			unlock_index
-			return 0
-		}
-		?? {
-			error_popup [mc "You are in the middle of a change.
-File %s is modified.
-You should complete the current commit before starting a merge.  Doing so will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise.
-" [short_path $path]]
-			unlock_index
-			return 0
-		}
-		}
-	}
-	return 1
-method _rev {} {
-	if {[catch {$w_rev commit_or_die}]} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	return [$w_rev get]
-method _visualize {} {
-	set rev [_rev $this]
-	if {$rev ne {}} {
-		do_gitk [list $rev --not HEAD]
-	}
-method _start {} {
-	global HEAD current_branch remote_url
-	global _last_merged_branch
-	set name [_rev $this]
-	if {$name eq {}} {
-		return
-	}
-	set spec [$w_rev get_tracking_branch]
-	set cmit [$w_rev get_commit]
-	set fh [open [gitdir FETCH_HEAD] w]
-	fconfigure $fh -translation lf
-	if {$spec eq {}} {
-		set remote .
-		set branch $name
-		set stitle $branch
-	} else {
-		set remote $remote_url([lindex $spec 1])
-		if {[regexp {^[^:@]*@[^:]*:/} $remote]} {
-			regsub {^[^:@]*@} $remote {} remote
-		}
-		set branch [lindex $spec 2]
-		set stitle [mc "%s of %s" $branch $remote]
-	}
-	regsub ^refs/heads/ $branch {} branch
-	puts $fh "$cmit\t\tbranch '$branch' of $remote"
-	close $fh
-	set _last_merged_branch $branch
-	if {[git-version >= "2.5.0"]} {
-		set cmd [list git merge --strategy=recursive FETCH_HEAD]
-	} else {
-		set cmd [list git]
-		lappend cmd merge
-		lappend cmd --strategy=recursive
-		lappend cmd [git fmt-merge-msg <[gitdir FETCH_HEAD]]
-		lappend cmd HEAD
-		lappend cmd $name
-	}
-	ui_status [mc "Merging %s and %s..." $current_branch $stitle]
-	set cons [console::new [mc "Merge"] "merge $stitle"]
-	console::exec $cons $cmd [cb _finish $cons]
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
-	destroy $w
-method _finish {cons ok} {
-	console::done $cons $ok
-	if {$ok} {
-		set msg [mc "Merge completed successfully."]
-	} else {
-		set msg [mc "Merge failed.  Conflict resolution is required."]
-	}
-	unlock_index
-	rescan [list ui_status $msg]
-	delete_this
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global current_branch
-	global M1B use_ttk NS
-	if {![_can_merge $this]} {
-		delete_this
-		return
-	}
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Merge" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	set _start [cb _start]
-	${NS}::label $w.header \
-		-text [mc "Merge Into %s" $current_branch] \
-		-font font_uibold
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.visualize \
-		-text [mc Visualize] \
-		-command [cb _visualize]
-	pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.merge \
-		-text [mc Merge] \
-		-command $_start
-	pack $w.buttons.merge -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-		-text [mc "Cancel"] \
-		-command [cb _cancel]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	set w_rev [::choose_rev::new_unmerged $w.rev [mc "Revision To Merge"]]
-	pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	bind $w <$M1B-Key-Return> $_start
-	bind $w <Key-Return> $_start
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [cb _cancel]
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _cancel]
-	bind $w.buttons.merge <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	tkwait window $w
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	if {[is_config_true gui.matchtrackingbranch]} {
-		$w_rev pick_tracking_branch
-	}
-	$w_rev focus_filter
-method _cancel {} {
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
-	unlock_index
-	destroy $w
-	delete_this
-namespace eval merge {
-proc reset_hard {} {
-	global HEAD commit_type file_states
-	if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
-		info_popup [mc "Cannot abort while amending.
-You must finish amending this commit.
-		return
-	}
-	if {![lock_index abort]} return
-	if {[string match *merge* $commit_type]} {
-		set op_question [mc "Abort merge?
-Aborting the current merge will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.
-Continue with aborting the current merge?"]
-	} else {
-		set op_question [mc "Reset changes?
-Resetting the changes will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.
-Continue with resetting the current changes?"]
-	}
-	if {[ask_popup $op_question] eq {yes}} {
-		set fd [git_read --stderr read-tree --reset -u -v HEAD]
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
-		set status_bar_operation [$::main_status \
-			start \
-			[mc "Aborting"] \
-			[mc "files reset"]]
-		fileevent $fd readable [namespace code [list \
-			_reset_wait $fd $status_bar_operation]]
-	} else {
-		unlock_index
-	}
-proc _reset_wait {fd status_bar_operation} {
-	global ui_comm
-	$status_bar_operation update_meter [read $fd]
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		set fail [catch {close $fd} err]
-		unlock_index
-		$status_bar_operation stop
-		$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
-		$ui_comm edit modified false
-		catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
-		catch {file delete [gitdir rr-cache MERGE_RR]}
-		catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_RR]}
-		catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
-		catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
-		catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
-		if {$fail} {
-			warn_popup "[mc "Abort failed."]\n\n$err"
-		}
-		rescan {ui_status [mc "Abort completed.  Ready."]}
-	} else {
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e688b016ef6c..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/mergetool.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,400 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui merge conflict resolution
-# parts based on git-mergetool (c) 2006 Theodore Y. Ts'o
-proc merge_resolve_one {stage} {
-	global current_diff_path
-	switch -- $stage {
-		1 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to the base version?"] }
-		2 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to this branch?"] }
-		3 { set targetquestion [mc "Force resolution to the other branch?"] }
-	}
-	set op_question [strcat $targetquestion "\n" \
-[mc "Note that the diff shows only conflicting changes.
-%s will be overwritten.
-This operation can be undone only by restarting the merge." \
-		[short_path $current_diff_path]]]
-	if {[ask_popup $op_question] eq {yes}} {
-		merge_load_stages $current_diff_path [list merge_force_stage $stage]
-	}
-proc merge_stage_workdir {path {lno {}}} {
-	global current_diff_path diff_active
-	global current_diff_side ui_workdir
-	if {$diff_active} return
-	if {$path ne $current_diff_path || $ui_workdir ne $current_diff_side} {
-		show_diff $path $ui_workdir $lno {} [list do_merge_stage_workdir $path]
-	} else {
-		do_merge_stage_workdir $path
-	}
-proc do_merge_stage_workdir {path} {
-	global current_diff_path is_conflict_diff
-	if {$path ne $current_diff_path} return;
-	if {$is_conflict_diff} {
-		if {[ask_popup [mc "File %s seems to have unresolved conflicts, still stage?" \
-				[short_path $path]]] ne {yes}} {
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	merge_add_resolution $path
-proc merge_add_resolution {path} {
-	global current_diff_path ui_workdir
-	set after [next_diff_after_action $ui_workdir $path {} {^_?U}]
-	update_index \
-		[mc "Adding resolution for %s" [short_path $path]] \
-		[list $path] \
-		[concat $after {ui_ready;}]
-proc merge_force_stage {stage} {
-	global current_diff_path merge_stages
-	if {$merge_stages($stage) ne {}} {
-		git checkout-index -f --stage=$stage -- $current_diff_path
-	} else {
-		file delete -- $current_diff_path
-	}
-	merge_add_resolution $current_diff_path
-proc merge_load_stages {path cont} {
-	global merge_stages_fd merge_stages merge_stages_buf
-	if {[info exists merge_stages_fd]} {
-		catch { kill_file_process $merge_stages_fd }
-		catch { close $merge_stages_fd }
-	}
-	set merge_stages(0) {}
-	set merge_stages(1) {}
-	set merge_stages(2) {}
-	set merge_stages(3) {}
-	set merge_stages_buf {}
-	set merge_stages_fd [eval git_read ls-files -u -z -- {$path}]
-	fconfigure $merge_stages_fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
-	fileevent $merge_stages_fd readable [list read_merge_stages $merge_stages_fd $cont]
-proc read_merge_stages {fd cont} {
-	global merge_stages_buf merge_stages_fd merge_stages
-	append merge_stages_buf [read $fd]
-	set pck [split $merge_stages_buf "\0"]
-	set merge_stages_buf [lindex $pck end]
-	if {[eof $fd] && $merge_stages_buf ne {}} {
-		lappend pck {}
-		set merge_stages_buf {}
-	}
-	foreach p [lrange $pck 0 end-1] {
-		set fcols [split $p "\t"]
-		set cols  [split [lindex $fcols 0] " "]
-		set stage [lindex $cols 2]
-		set merge_stages($stage) [lrange $cols 0 1]
-	}
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		close $fd
-		unset merge_stages_fd
-		eval $cont
-	}
-proc merge_resolve_tool {} {
-	global current_diff_path
-	merge_load_stages $current_diff_path [list merge_resolve_tool2]
-proc merge_resolve_tool2 {} {
-	global current_diff_path merge_stages
-	# Validate the stages
-	if {$merge_stages(2) eq {} ||
-	    [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {120000} ||
-	    [lindex $merge_stages(2) 0] eq {160000} ||
-	    $merge_stages(3) eq {} ||
-	    [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {120000} ||
-	    [lindex $merge_stages(3) 0] eq {160000}
-	} {
-		error_popup [mc "Cannot resolve deletion or link conflicts using a tool"]
-		return
-	}
-	if {![file exists $current_diff_path]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Conflict file does not exist"]
-		return
-	}
-	# Determine the tool to use
-	set tool [get_config merge.tool]
-	if {$tool eq {}} { set tool meld }
-	set merge_tool_path [get_config "mergetool.$tool.path"]
-	if {$merge_tool_path eq {}} {
-		switch -- $tool {
-		emerge { set merge_tool_path "emacs" }
-		araxis { set merge_tool_path "compare" }
-		default { set merge_tool_path $tool }
-		}
-	}
-	# Make file names
-	set filebase [file rootname $current_diff_path]
-	set fileext  [file extension $current_diff_path]
-	set basename [lindex [file split $current_diff_path] end]
-	set MERGED   $current_diff_path
-	set BASE     "./$MERGED.BASE$fileext"
-	set LOCAL    "./$MERGED.LOCAL$fileext"
-	set REMOTE   "./$MERGED.REMOTE$fileext"
-	set BACKUP   "./$MERGED.BACKUP$fileext"
-	set base_stage $merge_stages(1)
-	# Build the command line
-	switch -- $tool {
-	araxis {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -wait -merge -3 -a1 \
-				-title1:"'$MERGED (Base)'" -title2:"'$MERGED (Local)'" \
-				-title3:"'$MERGED (Remote)'" \
-				"$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -wait -2 \
-				 -title1:"'$MERGED (Local)'" -title2:"'$MERGED (Remote)'" \
-				 "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$MERGED"]
-		}
-	}
-	bc3 {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "-mergeoutput=$MERGED"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "-mergeoutput=$MERGED"]
-		}
-	}
-	ecmerge {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" --default --mode=merge3 --to="$MERGED"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" --default --mode=merge2 --to="$MERGED"]
-		}
-	}
-	emerge {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-with-ancestor-command \
-					"$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$BASE" "$basename"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f emerge-files-command \
-					"$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" "$basename"]
-		}
-	}
-	gvimdiff {
-		set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -f "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"]
-	}
-	kdiff3 {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" --auto --L1 "$MERGED (Base)" \
-				--L2 "$MERGED (Local)" --L3 "$MERGED (Remote)" -o "$MERGED" "$BASE" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" --auto --L1 "$MERGED (Local)" \
-				--L2 "$MERGED (Remote)" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
-		}
-	}
-	meld {
-		set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED" "$REMOTE"]
-	}
-	opendiff {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -ancestor "$BASE" -merge "$MERGED"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE" -merge "$MERGED"]
-		}
-	}
-	p4merge {
-		set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" "$BASE" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"]
-	}
-	tkdiff {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -a "$BASE" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -o "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
-		}
-	}
-	vimdiff {
-		error_popup [mc "Not a GUI merge tool: '%s'" $tool]
-		return
-	}
-	winmerge {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			# This tool does not support 3-way merges.
-			# Use the 'conflict file' resolution feature instead.
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -e -ub "$MERGED"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -e -ub -wl \
-				-dl "Theirs File" -dr "Mine File" "$REMOTE" "$LOCAL" "$MERGED"]
-		}
-	}
-	xxdiff {
-		if {$base_stage ne {}} {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \
-					    -R {Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"} \
-					    -R {Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"} \
-					    -R {Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"} \
-					    --merged-file "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$BASE" "$REMOTE"]
-		} else {
-			set cmdline [list "$merge_tool_path" -X --show-merged-pane \
-					    -R {Accel.SaveAsMerged: "Ctrl-S"} \
-					    -R {Accel.Search: "Ctrl+F"} \
-					    -R {Accel.SearchForward: "Ctrl-G"} \
-					    --merged-file "$MERGED" "$LOCAL" "$REMOTE"]
-		}
-	}
-	default {
-		error_popup [mc "Unsupported merge tool '%s'" $tool]
-		return
-	}
-	}
-	merge_tool_start $cmdline $MERGED $BACKUP [list $BASE $LOCAL $REMOTE]
-proc delete_temp_files {files} {
-	foreach fname $files {
-		file delete $fname
-	}
-proc merge_tool_get_stages {target stages} {
-	global merge_stages
-	set i 1
-	foreach fname $stages {
-		if {$merge_stages($i) eq {}} {
-			file delete $fname
-			catch { close [open $fname w] }
-		} else {
-			# A hack to support autocrlf properly
-			git checkout-index -f --stage=$i -- $target
-			file rename -force -- $target $fname
-		}
-		incr i
-	}
-proc merge_tool_start {cmdline target backup stages} {
-	global merge_stages mtool_target mtool_tmpfiles mtool_fd mtool_mtime
-	if {[info exists mtool_fd]} {
-		if {[ask_popup [mc "Merge tool is already running, terminate it?"]] eq {yes}} {
-			catch { kill_file_process $mtool_fd }
-			catch { close $mtool_fd }
-			unset mtool_fd
-			set old_backup [lindex $mtool_tmpfiles end]
-			file rename -force -- $old_backup $mtool_target
-			delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
-		} else {
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	# Save the original file
-	file rename -force -- $target $backup
-	# Get the blobs; it destroys $target
-	if {[catch {merge_tool_get_stages $target $stages} err]} {
-		file rename -force -- $backup $target
-		delete_temp_files $stages
-		error_popup [mc "Error retrieving versions:\n%s" $err]
-		return
-	}
-	# Restore the conflict file
-	file copy -force -- $backup $target
-	# Initialize global state
-	set mtool_target $target
-	set mtool_mtime [file mtime $target]
-	set mtool_tmpfiles $stages
-	lappend mtool_tmpfiles $backup
-	# Force redirection to avoid interpreting output on stderr
-	# as an error, and launch the tool
-	lappend cmdline {2>@1}
-	if {[catch { set mtool_fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmdline] } err]} {
-		delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
-		error_popup [mc "Could not start the merge tool:\n\n%s" $err]
-		return
-	}
-	ui_status [mc "Running merge tool..."]
-	fconfigure $mtool_fd -blocking 0 -translation binary -encoding binary
-	fileevent $mtool_fd readable [list read_mtool_output $mtool_fd]
-proc read_mtool_output {fd} {
-	global mtool_fd mtool_tmpfiles
-	read $fd
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		unset mtool_fd
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-		merge_tool_finish $fd
-	}
-proc merge_tool_finish {fd} {
-	global mtool_tmpfiles mtool_target mtool_mtime
-	set backup [lindex $mtool_tmpfiles end]
-	set failed 0
-	# Check the return code
-	if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
-		set failed 1
-		if {$err ne {child process exited abnormally}} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Merge tool failed."] "\n\n$err"]
-		}
-	}
-	# Finish
-	if {$failed} {
-		file rename -force -- $backup $mtool_target
-		delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
-		ui_status [mc "Merge tool failed."]
-	} else {
-		if {[is_config_true mergetool.keepbackup]} {
-			file rename -force -- $backup "$mtool_target.orig"
-		}
-		delete_temp_files $mtool_tmpfiles
-		reshow_diff
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/option.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/option.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index e43971bfa3e0..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/option.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,349 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui options editor
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc config_check_encodings {} {
-	global repo_config_new global_config_new
-	set enc $global_config_new(gui.encoding)
-	if {$enc eq {}} {
-		set global_config_new(gui.encoding) [encoding system]
-	} elseif {[tcl_encoding $enc] eq {}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Invalid global encoding '%s'" $enc]
-		return 0
-	}
-	set enc $repo_config_new(gui.encoding)
-	if {$enc eq {}} {
-		set repo_config_new(gui.encoding) [encoding system]
-	} elseif {[tcl_encoding $enc] eq {}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Invalid repo encoding '%s'" $enc]
-		return 0
-	}
-	return 1
-proc save_config {} {
-	global default_config font_descs
-	global repo_config global_config system_config
-	global repo_config_new global_config_new
-	global ui_comm_spell
-	foreach option $font_descs {
-		set name [lindex $option 0]
-		set font [lindex $option 1]
-		font configure $font \
-			-family $global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
-			-size $global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
-		font configure ${font}bold \
-			-family $global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
-			-size $global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
-		font configure ${font}italic \
-			-family $global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
-			-size $global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
-		set global_config_new(gui.$name) [font configure $font]
-		unset global_config_new(gui.$font^^family)
-		unset global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
-	}
-	foreach name [array names default_config] {
-		set value $global_config_new($name)
-		if {$value ne $global_config($name)} {
-			if {$value eq $system_config($name)} {
-				catch {git config --global --unset $name}
-			} else {
-				regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
-				git config --global $name $value
-			}
-			set global_config($name) $value
-			if {$value eq $repo_config($name)} {
-				catch {git config --unset $name}
-				set repo_config($name) $value
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	foreach name [array names default_config] {
-		set value $repo_config_new($name)
-		if {$value ne $repo_config($name)} {
-			if {$value eq $global_config($name)} {
-				catch {git config --unset $name}
-			} else {
-				regsub -all "\[{}\]" $value {"} value
-				git config $name $value
-			}
-			set repo_config($name) $value
-		}
-	}
-	if {[info exists repo_config(gui.spellingdictionary)]} {
-		set value $repo_config(gui.spellingdictionary)
-		if {$value eq {none}} {
-			if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
-				$ui_comm_spell stop
-			}
-		} elseif {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
-			$ui_comm_spell lang $value
-		}
-	}
-proc do_options {} {
-	global repo_config global_config font_descs
-	global repo_config_new global_config_new
-	global ui_comm_spell use_ttk NS
-	array unset repo_config_new
-	array unset global_config_new
-	foreach name [array names repo_config] {
-		set repo_config_new($name) $repo_config($name)
-	}
-	load_config 1
-	foreach name [array names repo_config] {
-		switch -- $name {
-		gui.diffcontext {continue}
-		}
-		set repo_config_new($name) $repo_config($name)
-	}
-	foreach name [array names global_config] {
-		set global_config_new($name) $global_config($name)
-	}
-	set w .options_editor
-	Dialog $w
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm transient $w [winfo parent $w]
-	wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.restore -text [mc "Restore Defaults"] \
-		-default normal \
-		-command do_restore_defaults
-	pack $w.buttons.restore -side left
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.save -text [mc Save] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [list do_save_config $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.save -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-		-default normal \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.repo -text [mc "%s Repository" [reponame]]
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.global -text [mc "Global (All Repositories)"]
-	pack $w.repo -side left -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	pack $w.global -side right -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	set optid 0
-	foreach option {
-		{t user.name {mc "User Name"}}
-		{t user.email {mc "Email Address"}}
-		{b merge.summary {mc "Summarize Merge Commits"}}
-		{i-1..5 merge.verbosity {mc "Merge Verbosity"}}
-		{b merge.diffstat {mc "Show Diffstat After Merge"}}
-		{t merge.tool {mc "Use Merge Tool"}}
-		{b gui.trustmtime  {mc "Trust File Modification Timestamps"}}
-		{b gui.pruneduringfetch {mc "Prune Tracking Branches During Fetch"}}
-		{b gui.matchtrackingbranch {mc "Match Tracking Branches"}}
-		{b gui.textconv {mc "Use Textconv For Diffs and Blames"}}
-		{b gui.fastcopyblame {mc "Blame Copy Only On Changed Files"}}
-		{i-0..100 gui.maxrecentrepo {mc "Maximum Length of Recent Repositories List"}}
-		{i-20..200 gui.copyblamethreshold {mc "Minimum Letters To Blame Copy On"}}
-		{i-0..300 gui.blamehistoryctx {mc "Blame History Context Radius (days)"}}
-		{i-1..99 gui.diffcontext {mc "Number of Diff Context Lines"}}
-		{t gui.diffopts {mc "Additional Diff Parameters"}}
-		{i-0..99 gui.commitmsgwidth {mc "Commit Message Text Width"}}
-		{t gui.newbranchtemplate {mc "New Branch Name Template"}}
-		{c gui.encoding {mc "Default File Contents Encoding"}}
-		{b gui.warndetachedcommit {mc "Warn before committing to a detached head"}}
-		{s gui.stageuntracked {mc "Staging of untracked files"} {list "yes" "no" "ask"}}
-		{b gui.displayuntracked {mc "Show untracked files"}}
-		{i-1..99 gui.tabsize {mc "Tab spacing"}}
-		} {
-		set type [lindex $option 0]
-		set name [lindex $option 1]
-		set text [eval [lindex $option 2]]
-		incr optid
-		foreach f {repo global} {
-			switch -glob -- $type {
-			b {
-				${NS}::checkbutton $w.$f.$optid -text $text \
-					-variable ${f}_config_new($name) \
-					-onvalue true \
-					-offvalue false
-				pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w
-			}
-			i-* {
-				regexp -- {-(\d+)\.\.(\d+)$} $type _junk min max
-				${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
-				${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "%s:" $text]
-				pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
-				tspinbox $w.$f.$optid.v \
-					-textvariable ${f}_config_new($name) \
-					-from $min \
-					-to $max \
-					-increment 1 \
-					-width [expr {1 + [string length $max]}]
-				bind $w.$f.$optid.v <FocusIn> {%W selection range 0 end}
-				pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side right -anchor e -padx 5
-				pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
-			}
-			c -
-			t {
-				${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
-				${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "%s:" $text]
-				${NS}::entry $w.$f.$optid.v \
-					-width 20 \
-					-textvariable ${f}_config_new($name)
-				pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w
-				pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side left -anchor w \
-					-fill x -expand 1 \
-					-padx 5
-				if {$type eq {c}} {
-					menu $w.$f.$optid.m
-					build_encoding_menu $w.$f.$optid.m \
-						[list set ${f}_config_new($name)] 1
-					${NS}::button $w.$f.$optid.b \
-						-text [mc "Change"] \
-						-command [list popup_btn_menu \
-							$w.$f.$optid.m $w.$f.$optid.b]
-					pack $w.$f.$optid.b -side left -anchor w
-				}
-				pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
-			}
-			s {
-				set opts [eval [lindex $option 3]]
-				${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
-				${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "%s:" $text]
-				if {$use_ttk} {
-					ttk::combobox $w.$f.$optid.v \
-						-textvariable ${f}_config_new($name) \
-						-values $opts -state readonly
-				} else {
-					eval tk_optionMenu $w.$f.$optid.v \
-						${f}_config_new($name) \
-						$opts
-				}
-				pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
-				pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side right -anchor e -padx 5
-				pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
-			}
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	set all_dicts [linsert \
-		[spellcheck::available_langs] \
-		0 \
-		none]
-	incr optid
-	foreach f {repo global} {
-		if {![info exists ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary)]} {
-			if {[info exists ui_comm_spell]} {
-				set value [$ui_comm_spell lang]
-			} else {
-				set value none
-			}
-			set ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) $value
-		}
-		${NS}::frame $w.$f.$optid
-		${NS}::label $w.$f.$optid.l -text [mc "Spelling Dictionary:"]
-		if {$use_ttk} {
-			ttk::combobox $w.$f.$optid.v \
-				-textvariable ${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) \
-				-values $all_dicts -state readonly
-		} else {
-			eval tk_optionMenu $w.$f.$optid.v \
-				${f}_config_new(gui.spellingdictionary) \
-				$all_dicts
-		}
-		pack $w.$f.$optid.l -side left -anchor w -fill x
-		pack $w.$f.$optid.v -side right -anchor e -padx 5
-		pack $w.$f.$optid -side top -anchor w -fill x
-	}
-	unset all_dicts
-	set all_fonts [lsort [font families]]
-	foreach option $font_descs {
-		set name [lindex $option 0]
-		set font [lindex $option 1]
-		set text [eval [lindex $option 2]]
-		set global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
-			[font configure $font -family]
-		set global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
-			[font configure $font -size]
-		${NS}::frame $w.global.$name
-		${NS}::label $w.global.$name.l -text [mc "%s:" $text]
-		${NS}::button $w.global.$name.b \
-			-text [mc "Change Font"] \
-			-command [list \
-				tchoosefont \
-				$w \
-				[mc "Choose %s" $text] \
-				global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
-				global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
-				]
-		${NS}::label $w.global.$name.f -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^family)
-		${NS}::label $w.global.$name.s -textvariable global_config_new(gui.$font^^size)
-		${NS}::label $w.global.$name.pt -text [mc "pt."]
-		pack $w.global.$name.l -side left -anchor w
-		pack $w.global.$name.b -side right -anchor e
-		pack $w.global.$name.pt -side right -anchor w
-		pack $w.global.$name.s -side right -anchor w
-		pack $w.global.$name.f -side right -anchor w
-		pack $w.global.$name -side top -anchor w -fill x
-	}
-	bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.save"
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [list do_save_config $w]
-	if {[is_MacOSX]} {
-		set t [mc "Preferences"]
-	} else {
-		set t [mc "Options"]
-	}
-	wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): $t"
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
-proc do_restore_defaults {} {
-	global font_descs default_config repo_config system_config
-	global repo_config_new global_config_new
-	foreach name [array names default_config] {
-		set repo_config_new($name) $system_config($name)
-		set global_config_new($name) $system_config($name)
-	}
-	foreach option $font_descs {
-		set name [lindex $option 0]
-		set repo_config(gui.$name) $system_config(gui.$name)
-	}
-	apply_config
-	foreach option $font_descs {
-		set name [lindex $option 0]
-		set font [lindex $option 1]
-		set global_config_new(gui.$font^^family) \
-			[font configure $font -family]
-		set global_config_new(gui.$font^^size) \
-			[font configure $font -size]
-	}
-proc do_save_config {w} {
-	if {![config_check_encodings]} return
-	if {[catch {save_config} err]} {
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Failed to completely save options:"] "\n\n$err"]
-	}
-	reshow_diff
-	destroy $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ef77ed7399c5..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,333 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui remote management
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-set some_heads_tracking 0;  # assume not
-proc is_tracking_branch {name} {
-	global tracking_branches
-	foreach spec $tracking_branches {
-		set t [lindex $spec 0]
-		if {$t eq $name || [string match $t $name]} {
-			return 1
-		}
-	}
-	return 0
-proc all_tracking_branches {} {
-	global tracking_branches
-	set all [list]
-	set pat [list]
-	set cmd [list]
-	foreach spec $tracking_branches {
-		set dst [lindex $spec 0]
-		if {[string range $dst end-1 end] eq {/*}} {
-			lappend pat $spec
-			lappend cmd [string range $dst 0 end-2]
-		} else {
-			lappend all $spec
-		}
-	}
-	if {$pat ne {}} {
-		set fd [eval git_read for-each-ref --format=%(refname) $cmd]
-		while {[gets $fd n] > 0} {
-			foreach spec $pat {
-				set dst [string range [lindex $spec 0] 0 end-2]
-				set len [string length $dst]
-				if {[string equal -length $len $dst $n]} {
-					set src [string range [lindex $spec 2] 0 end-2]
-					set spec [list \
-						$n \
-						[lindex $spec 1] \
-						$src[string range $n $len end] \
-						]
-					lappend all $spec
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		close $fd
-	}
-	return [lsort -index 0 -unique $all]
-proc load_all_remotes {} {
-	global repo_config
-	global all_remotes tracking_branches some_heads_tracking
-	global remote_url
-	set some_heads_tracking 0
-	set all_remotes [list]
-	set trck [list]
-	set rh_str refs/heads/
-	set rh_len [string length $rh_str]
-	set rm_dir [gitdir remotes]
-	if {[file isdirectory $rm_dir]} {
-		set all_remotes [glob \
-			-types f \
-			-tails \
-			-nocomplain \
-			-directory $rm_dir *]
-		foreach name $all_remotes {
-			catch {
-				set fd [open [file join $rm_dir $name] r]
-				while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-					if {[regexp {^URL:[ 	]*(.+)$} $line line url]} {
-						set remote_url($name) $url
-						continue
-					}
-					if {![regexp {^Pull:[ 	]*([^:]+):(.+)$} \
-						$line line src dst]} continue
-					if {[string index $src 0] eq {+}} {
-						set src [string range $src 1 end]
-					}
-					if {![string equal -length 5 refs/ $src]} {
-						set src $rh_str$src
-					}
-					if {![string equal -length 5 refs/ $dst]} {
-						set dst $rh_str$dst
-					}
-					if {[string equal -length $rh_len $rh_str $dst]} {
-						set some_heads_tracking 1
-					}
-					lappend trck [list $dst $name $src]
-				}
-				close $fd
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	foreach line [array names repo_config remote.*.url] {
-		if {![regexp ^remote\.(.*)\.url\$ $line line name]} continue
-		lappend all_remotes $name
-		set remote_url($name) $repo_config(remote.$name.url)
-		if {[catch {set fl $repo_config(remote.$name.fetch)}]} {
-			set fl {}
-		}
-		foreach line $fl {
-			if {![regexp {^([^:]+):(.+)$} $line line src dst]} continue
-			if {[string index $src 0] eq {+}} {
-				set src [string range $src 1 end]
-			}
-			if {![string equal -length 5 refs/ $src]} {
-				set src $rh_str$src
-			}
-			if {![string equal -length 5 refs/ $dst]} {
-				set dst $rh_str$dst
-			}
-			if {[string equal -length $rh_len $rh_str $dst]} {
-				set some_heads_tracking 1
-			}
-			lappend trck [list $dst $name $src]
-		}
-	}
-	set tracking_branches [lsort -index 0 -unique $trck]
-	set all_remotes [lsort -unique $all_remotes]
-proc add_fetch_entry {r} {
-	global repo_config
-	set remote_m .mbar.remote
-	set fetch_m $remote_m.fetch
-	set prune_m $remote_m.prune
-	set remove_m $remote_m.remove
-	set enable 0
-	if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.url)}]} {
-		if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.fetch)}]} {
-			set enable 1
-		}
-	} else {
-		catch {
-			set fd [open [gitdir remotes $r] r]
-			while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
-				if {[regexp {^Pull:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $n]} {
-					set enable 1
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			close $fd
-		}
-	}
-	if {$enable} {
-		make_sure_remote_submenues_exist $remote_m
-		$fetch_m add command \
-			-label $r \
-			-command [list fetch_from $r]
-		$prune_m add command \
-			-label $r \
-			-command [list prune_from $r]
-		$remove_m add command \
-			-label $r \
-			-command [list remove_remote $r]
-	}
-proc add_push_entry {r} {
-	global repo_config
-	set remote_m .mbar.remote
-	set push_m $remote_m.push
-	set enable 0
-	if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.url)}]} {
-		if {![catch {set a $repo_config(remote.$r.push)}]} {
-			set enable 1
-		}
-	} else {
-		catch {
-			set fd [open [gitdir remotes $r] r]
-			while {[gets $fd n] >= 0} {
-				if {[regexp {^Push:[ \t]*([^:]+):} $n]} {
-					set enable 1
-					break
-				}
-			}
-			close $fd
-		}
-	}
-	if {$enable} {
-		if {![winfo exists $push_m]} {
-			menu $push_m
-			$remote_m insert 0 cascade \
-				-label [mc "Push to"] \
-				-menu $push_m
-		}
-		$push_m add command \
-			-label $r \
-			-command [list push_to $r]
-	}
-proc make_sure_remote_submenues_exist {remote_m} {
-	set fetch_m $remote_m.fetch
-	set prune_m $remote_m.prune
-	set remove_m $remote_m.remove
-	if {![winfo exists $fetch_m]} {
-		menu $remove_m
-		$remote_m insert 0 cascade \
-			-label [mc "Remove Remote"] \
-			-menu $remove_m
-		menu $prune_m
-		$remote_m insert 0 cascade \
-			-label [mc "Prune from"] \
-			-menu $prune_m
-		menu $fetch_m
-		$remote_m insert 0 cascade \
-			-label [mc "Fetch from"] \
-			-menu $fetch_m
-	}
-proc update_all_remotes_menu_entry {} {
-	global all_remotes
-	if {[git-version < 1.6.6]} { return }
-	set have_remote 0
-	foreach r $all_remotes {
-		incr have_remote
-	}
-	set remote_m .mbar.remote
-	set fetch_m $remote_m.fetch
-	set prune_m $remote_m.prune
-	if {$have_remote > 1} {
-		make_sure_remote_submenues_exist $remote_m
-		if {[$fetch_m type end] eq "command" \
-				&& [$fetch_m entrycget end -label] ne [mc "All"]} {
-			$fetch_m insert end separator
-			$fetch_m insert end command \
-				-label [mc "All"] \
-				-command fetch_from_all
-			$prune_m insert end separator
-			$prune_m insert end command \
-				-label [mc "All"] \
-				-command prune_from_all
-		}
-	} else {
-		if {[winfo exists $fetch_m]} {
-			if {[$fetch_m type end] eq "command" \
-					&& [$fetch_m entrycget end -label] eq [mc "All"]} {
-				delete_from_menu $fetch_m end
-				delete_from_menu $fetch_m end
-				delete_from_menu $prune_m end
-				delete_from_menu $prune_m end
-			}
-		}
-	}
-proc populate_remotes_menu {} {
-	global all_remotes
-	foreach r $all_remotes {
-		add_fetch_entry $r
-		add_push_entry $r
-	}
-	update_all_remotes_menu_entry
-proc add_single_remote {name location} {
-	global all_remotes repo_config
-	lappend all_remotes $name
-	git remote add $name $location
-	# XXX: Better re-read the config so that we will never get out
-	# of sync with git remote implementation?
-	set repo_config(remote.$name.url) $location
-	set repo_config(remote.$name.fetch) "+refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/$name/*"
-	add_fetch_entry $name
-	add_push_entry $name
-	update_all_remotes_menu_entry
-proc delete_from_menu {menu name} {
-	if {[winfo exists $menu]} {
-		$menu delete $name
-	}
-proc remove_remote {name} {
-	global all_remotes repo_config
-	git remote rm $name
-	catch {
-		# Missing values are ok
-		unset repo_config(remote.$name.url)
-		unset repo_config(remote.$name.fetch)
-		unset repo_config(remote.$name.push)
-	}
-	set i [lsearch -exact $all_remotes $name]
-	set all_remotes [lreplace $all_remotes $i $i]
-	set remote_m .mbar.remote
-	delete_from_menu $remote_m.fetch $name
-	delete_from_menu $remote_m.prune $name
-	delete_from_menu $remote_m.remove $name
-	# Not all remotes are in the push menu
-	catch { delete_from_menu $remote_m.push $name }
-	update_all_remotes_menu_entry
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote_add.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote_add.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 480a6b30d0a9..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote_add.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,190 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui remote adding support
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Petr Baudis
-class remote_add {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_name         ; # new remote name widget
-field w_loc          ; # new remote location widget
-field name         {}; # name of the remote the user has chosen
-field location     {}; # location of the remote the user has chosen
-field opt_action fetch; # action to do after registering the remote locally
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global repo_config use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm withdraw $top
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Add Remote" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Remote"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _add]
-	pack $w.buttons.create -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Remote Details"]
-	${NS}::label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
-	set w_name $w.desc.name_t
-	${NS}::entry $w_name \
-		-width 40 \
-		-textvariable @name \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
-	grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	${NS}::label $w.desc.loc_l -text [mc "Location:"]
-	set w_loc $w.desc.loc_t
-	${NS}::entry $w_loc \
-		-width 40 \
-		-textvariable @location
-	grid $w.desc.loc_l $w_loc -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.action -text [mc "Further Action"]
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.action.fetch \
-		-text [mc "Fetch Immediately"] \
-		-value fetch \
-		-variable @opt_action
-	pack $w.action.fetch -anchor nw
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.action.push \
-		-text [mc "Initialize Remote Repository and Push"] \
-		-value push \
-		-variable @opt_action
-	pack $w.action.push -anchor nw
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.action.none \
-		-text [mc "Do Nothing Else Now"] \
-		-value none \
-		-variable @opt_action
-	pack $w.action.none -anchor nw
-	grid columnconfigure $w.action 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.action -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _add]\;break
-	wm deiconify $top
-	tkwait window $w
-method _add {} {
-	global repo_config env
-	global M1B
-	if {$name eq {}} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Please supply a remote name."]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	# XXX: We abuse check-ref-format here, but
-	# that should be ok.
-	if {[catch {git check-ref-format "remotes/$name"}]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "'%s' is not an acceptable remote name." $name]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {add_single_remote $name $location}]} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Failed to add remote '%s' of location '%s'." $name $location]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	switch -- $opt_action {
-	fetch {
-		set c [console::new \
-			[mc "fetch %s" $name] \
-			[mc "Fetching the %s" $name]]
-		console::exec $c [list git fetch $name]
-	}
-	push {
-		set cmds [list]
-		# Parse the location
-		if { [regexp {(?:git\+)?ssh://([^/]+)(/.+)} $location xx host path]
-		     || [regexp {([^:][^:]+):(.+)} $location xx host path]} {
-			set ssh ssh
-			if {[info exists env(GIT_SSH)]} {
-				set ssh $env(GIT_SSH)
-			}
-			lappend cmds [list exec $ssh $host mkdir -p $location && git --git-dir=$path init --bare]
-		} elseif { ! [regexp {://} $location xx] } {
-			lappend cmds [list exec mkdir -p $location]
-			lappend cmds [list exec git --git-dir=$location init --bare]
-		} else {
-			tk_messageBox \
-				-icon error \
-				-type ok \
-				-title [wm title $w] \
-				-parent $w \
-				-message [mc "Do not know how to initialize repository at location '%s'." $location]
-			destroy $w
-			return
-		}
-		set c [console::new \
-			[mc "push %s" $name] \
-			[mc "Setting up the %s (at %s)" $name $location]]
-		lappend cmds [list exec git push -v --all $name]
-		console::chain $c $cmds
-	}
-	none {
-	}
-	}
-	destroy $w
-method _validate_name {d S} {
-	if {$d == 1} {
-		if {[regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} $S]} {
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	return 1
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	$w_name icursor end
-	focus $w_name
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ba9fcadd17f..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/remote_branch_delete.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,359 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui remote branch deleting support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-class remote_branch_delete {
-field w
-field head_m
-field urltype   {url}
-field remote    {}
-field url       {}
-field checktype  {head}
-field check_head {}
-field status    {}
-field idle_id   {}
-field full_list {}
-field head_list {}
-field active_ls {}
-field head_cache
-field full_cache
-field cached
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global all_remotes M1B use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Delete Branch Remotely" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Delete Branch Remotely"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.delete -text [mc Delete] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _delete]
-	pack $w.buttons.delete -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "From Repository"]
-	if {$all_remotes ne {}} {
-		${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
-			-text [mc "Remote:"] \
-			-value remote \
-			-variable @urltype
-		if {$use_ttk} {
-			ttk::combobox $w.dest.remote_m -textvariable @remote \
-				-values $all_remotes -state readonly
-		} else {
-			eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m @remote $all_remotes
-		}
-		grid $w.dest.remote_r $w.dest.remote_m -sticky w
-		if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $all_remotes origin] != -1} {
-			set remote origin
-		} else {
-			set remote [lindex $all_remotes 0]
-		}
-		set urltype remote
-		trace add variable @remote write [cb _write_remote]
-	} else {
-		set urltype url
-	}
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
-		-text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-		-value url \
-		-variable @urltype
-	${NS}::entry $w.dest.url_t \
-		-width 50 \
-		-textvariable @url \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand {
-			if {%d == 1 && [regexp {\s} %S]} {return 0}
-			return 1
-		}
-	trace add variable @url write [cb _write_url]
-	grid $w.dest.url_r $w.dest.url_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	grid columnconfigure $w.dest 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.heads -text [mc "Branches"]
-	slistbox $w.heads.l \
-		-height 10 \
-		-width 70 \
-		-listvariable @head_list \
-		-selectmode extended
-	${NS}::frame $w.heads.footer
-	${NS}::label $w.heads.footer.status \
-		-textvariable @status \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	${NS}::button $w.heads.footer.rescan \
-		-text [mc "Rescan"] \
-		-command [cb _rescan]
-	pack $w.heads.footer.status -side left -fill x
-	pack $w.heads.footer.rescan -side right
-	pack $w.heads.footer -side bottom -fill x
-	pack $w.heads.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.heads -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.validate -text [mc "Delete Only If"]
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.validate.head_r \
-		-text [mc "Merged Into:"] \
-		-value head \
-		-variable @checktype
-	set head_m [tk_optionMenu $w.validate.head_m @check_head {}]
-	trace add variable @head_list write [cb _write_head_list]
-	trace add variable @check_head write [cb _write_check_head]
-	grid $w.validate.head_r $w.validate.head_m -sticky w
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.validate.always_r \
-		-text [mc "Always (Do not perform merge checks)"] \
-		-value always \
-		-variable @checktype
-	grid $w.validate.always_r -columnspan 2 -sticky w
-	grid columnconfigure $w.validate 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.validate -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	trace add variable @urltype write [cb _write_urltype]
-	_rescan $this
-	bind $w <Key-F5>     [cb _rescan]
-	bind $w <$M1B-Key-r> [cb _rescan]
-	bind $w <$M1B-Key-R> [cb _rescan]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _delete]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	return $w
-method _delete {} {
-	switch $urltype {
-	remote {set uri $remote}
-	url    {set uri $url}
-	}
-	set cache $urltype:$uri
-	set crev {}
-	if {$checktype eq {head}} {
-		if {$check_head eq {}} {
-			tk_messageBox \
-				-icon error \
-				-type ok \
-				-title [wm title $w] \
-				-parent $w \
-				-message [mc "A branch is required for 'Merged Into'."]
-			return
-		}
-		set crev $full_cache("$cache\nrefs/heads/$check_head")
-	}
-	set not_merged [list]
-	set need_fetch 0
-	set have_selection 0
-	set push_cmd [list git push]
-	lappend push_cmd -v
-	lappend push_cmd $uri
-	foreach i [$w.heads.l curselection] {
-		set ref [lindex $full_list $i]
-		if {$crev ne {}} {
-			set obj $full_cache("$cache\n$ref")
-			if {[catch {set m [git merge-base $obj $crev]}]} {
-				set need_fetch 1
-				set m {}
-			}
-			if {$obj ne $m} {
-				lappend not_merged [lindex $head_list $i]
-				continue
-			}
-		}
-		lappend push_cmd :$ref
-		set have_selection 1
-	}
-	if {$not_merged ne {}} {
-		set msg [mc "The following branches are not completely merged into %s:
- - %s" $check_head [join $not_merged "\n - "]]
-		if {$need_fetch} {
-			append msg "\n\n" [mc "One or more of the merge tests failed because you have not fetched the necessary commits.  Try fetching from %s first." $uri]
-		}
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon info \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message $msg
-		if {!$have_selection} return
-	}
-	if {!$have_selection} {
-		tk_messageBox \
-			-icon error \
-			-type ok \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Please select one or more branches to delete."]
-		return
-	}
-	if {$checktype ne {head}} {
-		if {[tk_messageBox \
-			-icon warning \
-			-type yesno \
-			-title [wm title $w] \
-			-parent $w \
-			-message [mc "Recovering deleted branches is difficult.\n\nDelete the selected branches?"]] ne yes} {
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	destroy $w
-	set cons [console::new \
-		"push $uri" \
-		[mc "Deleting branches from %s" $uri]]
-	console::exec $cons $push_cmd
-method _rescan {{force 1}} {
-	switch $urltype {
-	remote {set uri $remote}
-	url    {set uri $url}
-	}
-	if {$force} {
-		unset -nocomplain cached($urltype:$uri)
-	}
-	if {$idle_id ne {}} {
-		after cancel $idle_id
-		set idle_id {}
-	}
-	_load $this $urltype:$uri $uri
-method _write_remote     {args} { set urltype remote }
-method _write_url        {args} { set urltype url    }
-method _write_check_head {args} { set checktype head }
-method _write_head_list {args} {
-	global current_branch _last_merged_branch
-	$head_m delete 0 end
-	foreach abr $head_list {
-		$head_m insert end radiobutton \
-			-label $abr \
-			-value $abr \
-			-variable @check_head
-	}
-	if {[lsearch -exact -sorted $head_list $check_head] < 0} {
-		if {[lsearch -exact -sorted $head_list $current_branch] < 0} {
-			set check_head {}
-		} else {
-			set check_head $current_branch
-		}
-	}
-	set lmb [lsearch -exact -sorted $head_list $_last_merged_branch]
-	if {$lmb >= 0} {
-		$w.heads.l conf -state normal
-		$w.heads.l select set $lmb
-		$w.heads.l yview $lmb
-		$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
-	}
-method _write_urltype {args} {
-	if {$urltype eq {url}} {
-		if {$idle_id ne {}} {
-			after cancel $idle_id
-		}
-		_load $this none: {}
-		set idle_id [after 1000 [cb _rescan 0]]
-	} else {
-		_rescan $this 0
-	}
-method _load {cache uri} {
-	if {$active_ls ne {}} {
-		catch {close $active_ls}
-	}
-	if {$uri eq {}} {
-		$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
-		set head_list [list]
-		set full_list [list]
-		set status [mc "No repository selected."]
-		return
-	}
-	if {[catch {set x $cached($cache)}]} {
-		set status [mc "Scanning %s..." $uri]
-		$w.heads.l conf -state disabled
-		set head_list [list]
-		set full_list [list]
-		set head_cache($cache) [list]
-		set full_cache($cache) [list]
-		set active_ls [git_read ls-remote $uri]
-		fconfigure $active_ls \
-			-blocking 0 \
-			-translation lf \
-			-encoding utf-8
-		fileevent $active_ls readable [cb _read $cache $active_ls]
-	} else {
-		set status {}
-		set full_list $full_cache($cache)
-		set head_list $head_cache($cache)
-		$w.heads.l conf -state normal
-	}
-method _read {cache fd} {
-	if {$fd ne $active_ls} {
-		catch {close $fd}
-		return
-	}
-	while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-		if {[string match {*^{}} $line]} continue
-		if {[regexp {^([0-9a-f]{40})	(.*)$} $line _junk obj ref]} {
-			if {[regsub ^refs/heads/ $ref {} abr]} {
-				lappend head_list $abr
-				lappend head_cache($cache) $abr
-				lappend full_list $ref
-				lappend full_cache($cache) $ref
-				set full_cache("$cache\n$ref") $obj
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
-			set status $err
-			set head_list [list]
-			set full_list [list]
-		} else {
-			set status {}
-			set cached($cache) 1
-			$w.heads.l conf -state normal
-		}
-	}
-} ifdeleted {
-	catch {close $fd}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1e55521d7c..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# incremental search panel
-# based on code from gitk, Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras
-class searchbar {
-field w
-field ctext
-field searchstring   {}
-field regexpsearch
-field default_regexpsearch
-field casesensitive
-field default_casesensitive
-field smartcase
-field searchdirn     -forwards
-field history
-field history_index
-field smarktop
-field smarkbot
-constructor new {i_w i_text args} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set w      $i_w
-	set ctext  $i_text
-	set default_regexpsearch [is_config_true gui.search.regexp]
-	switch -- [get_config gui.search.case] {
-	no {
-		set default_casesensitive 0
-		set smartcase 0
-	}
-	smart {
-		set default_casesensitive 0
-		set smartcase 1
-	}
-	yes -
-	default {
-		set default_casesensitive 1
-		set smartcase 0
-	}
-	}
-	set history [list]
-	${NS}::frame  $w
-	${NS}::label  $w.l       -text [mc Find:]
-	tentry  $w.ent -textvariable ${__this}::searchstring -background lightgreen
-	${NS}::button $w.bn      -text [mc Next] -command [cb find_next]
-	${NS}::button $w.bp      -text [mc Prev] -command [cb find_prev]
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.re -text [mc RegExp] \
-		-variable ${__this}::regexpsearch -command [cb _incrsearch]
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.cs -text [mc Case] \
-		-variable ${__this}::casesensitive -command [cb _incrsearch]
-	pack   $w.l   -side left
-	pack   $w.cs  -side right
-	pack   $w.re  -side right
-	pack   $w.bp  -side right
-	pack   $w.bn  -side right
-	pack   $w.ent -side left -expand 1 -fill x
-	eval grid conf $w -sticky we $args
-	grid remove $w
-	trace add variable searchstring write [cb _incrsearch_cb]
-	bind $w.ent <Return> [cb find_next]
-	bind $w.ent <Shift-Return> [cb find_prev]
-	bind $w.ent <Key-Up>   [cb _prev_search]
-	bind $w.ent <Key-Down> [cb _next_search]
-	bind $w <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
-	return $this
-method show {} {
-	if {![visible $this]} {
-		grid $w
-		$w.ent delete 0 end
-		set regexpsearch  $default_regexpsearch
-		set casesensitive $default_casesensitive
-		set history_index [llength $history]
-	}
-	focus -force $w.ent
-method hide {} {
-	if {[visible $this]} {
-		focus $ctext
-		grid remove $w
-		_save_search $this
-	}
-method visible {} {
-	return [winfo ismapped $w]
-method editor {} {
-	return $w.ent
-method _get_new_anchor {} {
-	# use start of selection if it is visible,
-	# or the bounds of the visible area
-	set top    [$ctext index @0,0]
-	set bottom [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]]
-	set sel    [$ctext tag ranges sel]
-	if {$sel ne {}} {
-		set spos [lindex $sel 0]
-		if {[lindex $spos 0] >= [lindex $top 0] &&
-		    [lindex $spos 0] <= [lindex $bottom 0]} {
-			return $spos
-		}
-	}
-	if {$searchdirn eq "-forwards"} {
-		return $top
-	} else {
-		return $bottom
-	}
-method _get_wrap_anchor {dir} {
-	if {$dir eq "-forwards"} {
-		return 1.0
-	} else {
-		return end
-	}
-method _do_search {start {mlenvar {}} {dir {}} {endbound {}}} {
-	set cmd [list $ctext search]
-	if {$mlenvar ne {}} {
-		upvar $mlenvar mlen
-		lappend cmd -count mlen
-	}
-	if {$regexpsearch} {
-		lappend cmd -regexp
-	}
-	if {!$casesensitive} {
-		lappend cmd -nocase
-	}
-	if {$dir eq {}} {
-		set dir $searchdirn
-	}
-	lappend cmd $dir -- $searchstring
-	if {[catch {
-		if {$endbound ne {}} {
-			set here [eval $cmd [list $start] [list $endbound]]
-		} else {
-			set here [eval $cmd [list $start]]
-			if {$here eq {}} {
-				set here [eval $cmd [_get_wrap_anchor $this $dir]]
-			}
-		}
-	} err]} { set here {} }
-	return $here
-method _incrsearch_cb {name ix op} {
-	after idle [cb _incrsearch]
-method _incrsearch {} {
-	$ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
-	if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} {
-		$ctext mark set anchor [_get_new_anchor $this]
-	}
-	if {$searchstring ne {}} {
-		if {$smartcase && [regexp {[[:upper:]]} $searchstring]} {
-			set casesensitive 1
-		}
-		set here [_do_search $this anchor mlen]
-		if {$here ne {}} {
-			$ctext see $here
-			$ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
-			$ctext tag add sel $here "$here + $mlen c"
-			#$w.ent configure -background lightgreen
-			$w.ent state !pressed
-			_set_marks $this 1
-		} else {
-			#$w.ent configure -background lightpink
-			$w.ent state pressed
-		}
-	} elseif {$smartcase} {
-		# clearing the field resets the smart case detection
-		set casesensitive 0
-	}
-method _save_search {} {
-	if {$searchstring eq {}} {
-		return
-	}
-	if {[llength $history] > 0} {
-		foreach {s_regexp s_case s_expr} [lindex $history end] break
-	} else {
-		set s_regexp $regexpsearch
-		set s_case   $casesensitive
-		set s_expr   ""
-	}
-	if {$searchstring eq $s_expr} {
-		# update modes
-		set history [lreplace $history end end \
-				[list $regexpsearch $casesensitive $searchstring]]
-	} else {
-		lappend history [list $regexpsearch $casesensitive $searchstring]
-	}
-	set history_index [llength $history]
-method _prev_search {} {
-	if {$history_index > 0} {
-		incr history_index -1
-		foreach {s_regexp s_case s_expr} [lindex $history $history_index] break
-		$w.ent delete 0 end
-		$w.ent insert 0 $s_expr
-		set regexpsearch $s_regexp
-		set casesensitive $s_case
-	}
-method _next_search {} {
-	if {$history_index < [llength $history]} {
-		incr history_index
-	}
-	if {$history_index < [llength $history]} {
-		foreach {s_regexp s_case s_expr} [lindex $history $history_index] break
-	} else {
-		set s_regexp $default_regexpsearch
-		set s_case   $default_casesensitive
-		set s_expr   ""
-	}
-	$w.ent delete 0 end
-	$w.ent insert 0 $s_expr
-	set regexpsearch $s_regexp
-	set casesensitive $s_case
-method find_prev {} {
-	find_next $this -backwards
-method find_next {{dir -forwards}} {
-	focus $w.ent
-	$w.ent icursor end
-	set searchdirn $dir
-	$ctext mark unset anchor
-	if {$searchstring ne {}} {
-		_save_search $this
-		set start [_get_new_anchor $this]
-		if {$dir eq "-forwards"} {
-			set start "$start + 1c"
-		}
-		set match [_do_search $this $start mlen]
-		$ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
-		if {$match ne {}} {
-			$ctext see $match
-			$ctext tag add sel $match "$match + $mlen c"
-		}
-	}
-method _mark_range {first last} {
-	set mend $first.0
-	while {1} {
-		set match [_do_search $this $mend mlen -forwards $last.end]
-		if {$match eq {}} break
-		set mend "$match + $mlen c"
-		$ctext tag add found $match $mend
-	}
-method _set_marks {doall} {
-	set topline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,0] .] 0]
-	set botline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]] .] 0]
-	if {$doall || $botline < $smarktop || $topline > $smarkbot} {
-		# no overlap with previous
-		_mark_range $this $topline $botline
-		set smarktop $topline
-		set smarkbot $botline
-	} else {
-		if {$topline < $smarktop} {
-			_mark_range $this $topline [expr {$smarktop-1}]
-			set smarktop $topline
-		}
-		if {$botline > $smarkbot} {
-			_mark_range $this [expr {$smarkbot+1}] $botline
-			set smarkbot $botline
-		}
-	}
-method scrolled {} {
-	if {$searchstring ne {}} {
-		after idle [cb _set_marks 0]
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/shortcut.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/shortcut.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 97d1d7aa0268..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/shortcut.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui desktop icon creators
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc do_windows_shortcut {} {
-	global _gitworktree
-	set fn [tk_getSaveFile \
-		-parent . \
-		-title [mc "%s (%s): Create Desktop Icon" [appname] [reponame]] \
-		-initialfile "Git [reponame].lnk"]
-	if {$fn != {}} {
-		if {[file extension $fn] ne {.lnk}} {
-			set fn ${fn}.lnk
-		}
-		# Use git-gui.exe if available (ie: git-for-windows)
-		set cmdLine [auto_execok git-gui.exe]
-		if {$cmdLine eq {}} {
-			set cmdLine [list [info nameofexecutable] \
-							 [file normalize $::argv0]]
-		}
-		if {[catch {
-				win32_create_lnk $fn $cmdLine \
-					[file normalize $_gitworktree]
-			} err]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot write shortcut:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		}
-	}
-proc do_cygwin_shortcut {} {
-	global argv0 _gitworktree
-	if {[catch {
-		set desktop [exec cygpath \
-			--windows \
-			--absolute \
-			--long-name \
-			--desktop]
-		}]} {
-			set desktop .
-	}
-	set fn [tk_getSaveFile \
-		-parent . \
-		-title [mc "%s (%s): Create Desktop Icon" [appname] [reponame]] \
-		-initialdir $desktop \
-		-initialfile "Git [reponame].lnk"]
-	if {$fn != {}} {
-		if {[file extension $fn] ne {.lnk}} {
-			set fn ${fn}.lnk
-		}
-		if {[catch {
-				set sh [exec cygpath \
-					--windows \
-					--absolute \
-					/bin/sh.exe]
-				set me [exec cygpath \
-					--unix \
-					--absolute \
-					$argv0]
-				win32_create_lnk $fn [list \
-					$sh -c \
-					"CHERE_INVOKING=1 source /etc/profile;[sq $me] &" \
-					] \
-					[file normalize $_gitworktree]
-			} err]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot write shortcut:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		}
-	}
-proc do_macosx_app {} {
-	global argv0 env
-	set fn [tk_getSaveFile \
-		-parent . \
-		-title [mc "%s (%s): Create Desktop Icon" [appname] [reponame]] \
-		-initialdir [file join $env(HOME) Desktop] \
-		-initialfile "Git [reponame].app"]
-	if {$fn != {}} {
-		if {[file extension $fn] ne {.app}} {
-			set fn ${fn}.app
-		}
-		if {[catch {
-				set Contents [file join $fn Contents]
-				set MacOS [file join $Contents MacOS]
-				set exe [file join $MacOS git-gui]
-				file mkdir $MacOS
-				set fd [open [file join $Contents Info.plist] w]
-				puts $fd {<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
-<plist version="1.0">
-	<key>CFBundleDevelopmentRegion</key>
-	<string>English</string>
-	<key>CFBundleExecutable</key>
-	<string>git-gui</string>
-	<key>CFBundleIdentifier</key>
-	<string>org.spearce.git-gui</string>
-	<key>CFBundleInfoDictionaryVersion</key>
-	<string>6.0</string>
-	<key>CFBundlePackageType</key>
-	<string>APPL</string>
-	<key>CFBundleSignature</key>
-	<string>????</string>
-	<key>CFBundleVersion</key>
-	<string>1.0</string>
-	<key>NSPrincipalClass</key>
-	<string>NSApplication</string>
-				close $fd
-				set fd [open $exe w]
-				puts $fd "#!/bin/sh"
-				foreach name [lsort [array names env]] {
-					set value $env($name)
-					switch -- $name {
-					GIT_DIR { set value [file normalize [gitdir]] }
-					}
-					switch -glob -- $name {
-					SSH_* -
-					GIT_* {
-						puts $fd "if test \"z\$$name\" = z; then"
-						puts $fd "  export $name=[sq $value]"
-						puts $fd "fi &&"
-					}
-					}
-				}
-				puts $fd "export PATH=[sq [file dirname $::_git]]:\$PATH &&"
-				puts $fd "cd [sq [file normalize [pwd]]] &&"
-				puts $fd "exec \\"
-				puts $fd " [sq [info nameofexecutable]] \\"
-				puts $fd " [sq [file normalize $argv0]]"
-				close $fd
-				file attributes $exe -permissions u+x,g+x,o+x
-			} err]} {
-			error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot write icon:"] "\n\n$err"]
-		}
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 538d61c792de..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/spellcheck.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,415 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui spellchecking support through ispell/aspell
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Shawn Pearce
-class spellcheck {
-field s_fd      {} ; # pipe to ispell/aspell
-field s_version {} ; # ispell/aspell version string
-field s_lang    {} ; # current language code
-field s_prog aspell; # are we actually old ispell?
-field s_failed   0 ; # is $s_prog bogus and not working?
-field w_text      ; # text widget we are spelling
-field w_menu      ; # context menu for the widget
-field s_menuidx 0 ; # last index of insertion into $w_menu
-field s_i           {} ; # timer registration for _run callbacks
-field s_clear        0 ; # did we erase misspelled tags yet?
-field s_seen    [list] ; # lines last seen from $w_text in _run
-field s_checked [list] ; # lines already checked
-field s_pending [list] ; # [$line $data] sent to ispell/aspell
-field s_suggest        ; # array, list of suggestions, keyed by misspelling
-constructor init {pipe_fd ui_text ui_menu} {
-	set w_text $ui_text
-	set w_menu $ui_menu
-	array unset s_suggest
-	bind_button3 $w_text [cb _popup_suggest %X %Y @%x,%y]
-	_connect $this $pipe_fd
-	return $this
-method _connect {pipe_fd} {
-	fconfigure $pipe_fd \
-		-encoding utf-8 \
-		-eofchar {} \
-		-translation lf
-	if {[gets $pipe_fd s_version] <= 0} {
-		if {[catch {close $pipe_fd} err]} {
-			# Eh?  Is this actually ispell choking on aspell options?
-			#
-			if {$s_prog eq {aspell}
-				&& [regexp -nocase {^Usage: } $err]
-				&& ![catch {
-						set pipe_fd [open [list | $s_prog -v] r]
-						gets $pipe_fd s_version
-						close $pipe_fd
-				}]
-				&& $s_version ne {}} {
-				if {{@(#) } eq [string range $s_version 0 4]} {
-					set s_version [string range $s_version 5 end]
-				}
-				set s_failed 1
-				error_popup [strcat \
-					[mc "Unsupported spell checker"] \
-					":\n\n$s_version"]
-				set s_version {}
-				return
-			}
-			regsub -nocase {^Error: } $err {} err
-			if {$s_fd eq {}} {
-				error_popup [strcat [mc "Spell checking is unavailable"] ":\n\n$err"]
-			} else {
-				error_popup [strcat \
-					[mc "Invalid spell checking configuration"] \
-					":\n\n$err\n\n" \
-					[mc "Reverting dictionary to %s." $s_lang]]
-			}
-		} else {
-			error_popup [mc "Spell checker silently failed on startup"]
-		}
-		return
-	}
-	if {{@(#) } ne [string range $s_version 0 4]} {
-		catch {close $pipe_fd}
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Unrecognized spell checker"] ":\n\n$s_version"]
-		return
-	}
-	set s_version [string range [string trim $s_version] 5 end]
-	regexp \
-		{International Ispell Version .* \(but really (Aspell .*?)\)$} \
-		$s_version _junk s_version
-	regexp {^Aspell (\d)+\.(\d+)} $s_version _junk major minor
-	puts $pipe_fd !             ; # enable terse mode
-	# fetch the language
-	if {$major > 0 || ($major == 0 && $minor >= 60)} {
-		puts $pipe_fd {$$cr master}
-		flush $pipe_fd
-		gets $pipe_fd s_lang
-		regexp {[/\\]([^/\\]+)\.[^\.]+$} $s_lang _ s_lang
-	} else {
-		set s_lang {}
-	}
-	if {$::default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) eq {}
-	 && [get_config gui.spellingdictionary] eq {}} {
-		set ::default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) $s_lang
-	}
-	if {$s_fd ne {}} {
-		catch {close $s_fd}
-	}
-	set s_fd $pipe_fd
-	fconfigure $s_fd -blocking 0
-	fileevent $s_fd readable [cb _read]
-	$w_text tag conf misspelled \
-		-foreground red \
-		-underline 1
-	array unset s_suggest
-	set s_seen    [list]
-	set s_checked [list]
-	set s_pending [list]
-	_run $this
-method lang {{n {}}} {
-	if {$n ne {} && $s_lang ne $n && !$s_failed} {
-		set spell_cmd [list |]
-		lappend spell_cmd aspell
-		lappend spell_cmd --master=$n
-		lappend spell_cmd --mode=none
-		lappend spell_cmd --encoding=UTF-8
-		lappend spell_cmd pipe
-		_connect $this [open $spell_cmd r+]
-	}
-	return $s_lang
-method version {} {
-	if {$s_version ne {}} {
-		return "$s_version, $s_lang"
-	}
-	return {}
-method stop {} {
-	while {$s_menuidx > 0} {
-		$w_menu delete 0
-		incr s_menuidx -1
-	}
-	$w_text tag delete misspelled
-	catch {close $s_fd}
-	catch {after cancel $s_i}
-	set s_fd {}
-	set s_i {}
-	set s_lang {}
-method _popup_suggest {X Y pos} {
-	while {$s_menuidx > 0} {
-		$w_menu delete 0
-		incr s_menuidx -1
-	}
-	set b_loc [$w_text index "$pos wordstart"]
-	set e_loc [_wordend $this $b_loc]
-	set orig  [$w_text get $b_loc $e_loc]
-	set tags  [$w_text tag names $b_loc]
-	if {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
-		if {[info exists s_suggest($orig)]} {
-			set cnt 0
-			foreach s $s_suggest($orig) {
-				if {$cnt < 5} {
-					$w_menu insert $s_menuidx command \
-						-label $s \
-						-command [cb _replace $b_loc $e_loc $s]
-					incr s_menuidx
-					incr cnt
-				} else {
-					break
-				}
-			}
-		} else {
-			$w_menu insert $s_menuidx command \
-				-label [mc "No Suggestions"] \
-				-state disabled
-			incr s_menuidx
-		}
-		$w_menu insert $s_menuidx separator
-		incr s_menuidx
-	}
-	$w_text mark set saved-insert insert
-	tk_popup $w_menu $X $Y
-method _replace {b_loc e_loc word} {
-	$w_text configure -autoseparators 0
-	$w_text edit separator
-	$w_text delete $b_loc $e_loc
-	$w_text insert $b_loc $word
-	$w_text edit separator
-	$w_text configure -autoseparators 1
-	$w_text mark set insert saved-insert
-method _restart_timer {} {
-	set s_i [after 300 [cb _run]]
-proc _match_length {max_line arr_name} {
-	upvar $arr_name a
-	if {[llength $a] > $max_line} {
-		set a [lrange $a 0 $max_line]
-	}
-	while {[llength $a] <= $max_line} {
-		lappend a {}
-	}
-method _wordend {pos} {
-	set pos  [$w_text index "$pos wordend"]
-	set tags [$w_text tag names $pos]
-	while {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
-		set pos  [$w_text index "$pos +1c"]
-		set tags [$w_text tag names $pos]
-	}
-	return $pos
-method _run {} {
-	set cur_pos  [$w_text index {insert -1c}]
-	set cur_line [lindex [split $cur_pos .] 0]
-	set max_line [lindex [split [$w_text index end] .] 0]
-	_match_length $max_line s_seen
-	_match_length $max_line s_checked
-	# Nothing in the message buffer?  Nothing to spellcheck.
-	#
-	if {$cur_line == 1
-	 && $max_line == 2
-	 && [$w_text get 1.0 end] eq "\n"} {
-		array unset s_suggest
-		_restart_timer $this
-		return
-	}
-	set active 0
-	for {set n 1} {$n <= $max_line} {incr n} {
-		set s [$w_text get "$n.0" "$n.end"]
-		# Don't spellcheck the current line unless we are at
-		# a word boundary.  The user might be typing on it.
-		#
-		if {$n == $cur_line
-		 && ![regexp {^\W$} [$w_text get $cur_pos insert]]} {
-			# If the current word is misspelled remove the tag
-			# but force a spellcheck later.
-			#
-			set tags [$w_text tag names $cur_pos]
-			if {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
-				$w_text tag remove misspelled \
-					"$cur_pos wordstart" \
-					[_wordend $this $cur_pos]
-				lset s_seen    $n $s
-				lset s_checked $n {}
-			}
-			continue
-		}
-		if {[lindex $s_seen    $n] eq $s
-		 && [lindex $s_checked $n] ne $s} {
-			# Don't send empty lines to Aspell it doesn't check them.
-			#
-			if {$s eq {}} {
-				lset s_checked $n $s
-				continue
-			}
-			# Don't send typical s-b-o lines as the emails are
-			# almost always misspelled according to Aspell.
-			#
-			if {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z-]+-by:.*<.*@.*>$} $s]} {
-				$w_text tag remove misspelled "$n.0" "$n.end"
-				lset s_checked $n $s
-				continue
-			}
-			puts $s_fd ^$s
-			lappend s_pending [list $n $s]
-			set active 1
-		} else {
-			# Delay until another idle loop to make sure we don't
-			# spellcheck lines the user is actively changing.
-			#
-			lset s_seen $n $s
-		}
-	}
-	if {$active} {
-		set s_clear 1
-		flush $s_fd
-	} else {
-		_restart_timer $this
-	}
-method _read {} {
-	while {[gets $s_fd line] >= 0} {
-		set lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 0]
-		set line [string trim $line]
-		if {$s_clear} {
-			$w_text tag remove misspelled "$lineno.0" "$lineno.end"
-			set s_clear 0
-		}
-		if {$line eq {}} {
-			lset s_checked $lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 1]
-			set s_pending [lrange $s_pending 1 end]
-			set s_clear 1
-			continue
-		}
-		set sugg [list]
-		switch -- [string range $line 0 1] {
-		{& } {
-			set line [split [string range $line 2 end] :]
-			set info [split [lindex $line 0] { }]
-			set orig [lindex $info 0]
-			set offs [lindex $info 2]
-			foreach s [split [lindex $line 1] ,] {
-				lappend sugg [string range $s 1 end]
-			}
-		}
-		{# } {
-			set info [split [string range $line 2 end] { }]
-			set orig [lindex $info 0]
-			set offs [lindex $info 1]
-		}
-		default {
-			puts stderr "<spell> $line"
-			continue
-		}
-		}
-		incr offs -1
-		set b_loc "$lineno.$offs"
-		set e_loc [$w_text index "$lineno.$offs wordend"]
-		set curr [$w_text get $b_loc $e_loc]
-		# At least for English curr = "bob", orig = "bob's"
-		# so Tk didn't include the 's but Aspell did.  We
-		# try to round out the word.
-		#
-		while {$curr ne $orig
-		 && [string equal -length [string length $curr] $curr $orig]} {
-			set n_loc  [$w_text index "$e_loc +1c"]
-			set n_curr [$w_text get $b_loc $n_loc]
-			if {$n_curr eq $curr} {
-				break
-			}
-			set curr  $n_curr
-			set e_loc $n_loc
-		}
-		if {$curr eq $orig} {
-			$w_text tag add misspelled $b_loc $e_loc
-			if {[llength $sugg] > 0} {
-				set s_suggest($orig) $sugg
-			} else {
-				unset -nocomplain s_suggest($orig)
-			}
-		} else {
-			unset -nocomplain s_suggest($orig)
-		}
-	}
-	fconfigure $s_fd -block 1
-	if {[eof $s_fd]} {
-		if {![catch {close $s_fd} err]} {
-			set err [mc "Unexpected EOF from spell checker"]
-		}
-		catch {after cancel $s_i}
-		$w_text tag remove misspelled 1.0 end
-		error_popup [strcat [mc "Spell Checker Failed"] "\n\n" $err]
-		return
-	}
-	fconfigure $s_fd -block 0
-	if {[llength $s_pending] == 0} {
-		_restart_timer $this
-	}
-proc available_langs {} {
-	set langs [list]
-	catch {
-		set fd [open [list | aspell dump dicts] r]
-		while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
-			if {$line eq {}} continue
-			lappend langs $line
-		}
-		close $fd
-	}
-	return $langs
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/sshkey.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/sshkey.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 589ff8f78aba..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/sshkey.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui about git-gui dialog
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc find_ssh_key {} {
-	foreach name {
-		~/.ssh/id_dsa.pub ~/.ssh/id_ecdsa.pub ~/.ssh/id_ed25519.pub
-		~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ~/.ssh/identity.pub
-	} {
-		if {[file exists $name]} {
-			set fh    [open $name r]
-			set cont  [read $fh]
-			close $fh
-			return [list $name $cont]
-		}
-	}
-	return {}
-proc do_ssh_key {} {
-	global sshkey_title have_tk85 sshkey_fd use_ttk NS
-	set w .sshkey_dialog
-	if {[winfo exists $w]} {
-		raise $w
-		return
-	}
-	Dialog $w
-	wm transient $w .
-	set finfo [find_ssh_key]
-	if {$finfo eq {}} {
-		set sshkey_title [mc "No keys found."]
-		set gen_state   normal
-	} else {
-		set sshkey_title [mc "Found a public key in: %s" [lindex $finfo 0]]
-		set gen_state   disabled
-	}
-	${NS}::frame $w.header
-	${NS}::label $w.header.lbl -textvariable sshkey_title -anchor w
-	${NS}::button $w.header.gen -text [mc "Generate Key"] \
-		-command [list make_ssh_key $w] -state $gen_state
-	pack $w.header.lbl -side left -expand 1 -fill x
-	pack $w.header.gen -side right
-	pack $w.header -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	text $w.contents -width 60 -height 10 -wrap char -relief sunken
-	pack $w.contents -fill both -expand 1
-	if {$have_tk85} {
-		set clr darkblue
-		if {$use_ttk} { set clr [ttk::style lookup . -selectbackground] }
-		$w.contents configure -inactiveselectbackground $clr
-	}
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
-		-default active -command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.close -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.copy -text [mc "Copy To Clipboard"] \
-		-command [list tk_textCopy $w.contents]
-	pack $w.buttons.copy -side left
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	if {$finfo ne {}} {
-		$w.contents insert end [lindex $finfo 1] sel
-	}
-	$w.contents configure -state disabled
-	bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.close"
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
-	bind $w <Key-Return> "destroy $w"
-	bind $w <Destroy> kill_sshkey
-	wm title $w [mc "Your OpenSSH Public Key"]
-	tk::PlaceWindow $w widget .
-	tkwait window $w
-proc make_ssh_key {w} {
-	global sshkey_title sshkey_output sshkey_fd
-	set sshkey_title [mc "Generating..."]
-	$w.header.gen configure -state disabled
-	set cmdline [list sh -c {echo | ssh-keygen -q -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa 2>&1}]
-	if {[catch { set sshkey_fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmdline] } err]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Could not start ssh-keygen:\n\n%s" $err]
-		return
-	}
-	set sshkey_output {}
-	fconfigure $sshkey_fd -blocking 0
-	fileevent $sshkey_fd readable [list read_sshkey_output $sshkey_fd $w]
-proc kill_sshkey {} {
-	global sshkey_fd
-	if {![info exists sshkey_fd]} return
-	catch { kill_file_process $sshkey_fd }
-	catch { close $sshkey_fd }
-proc read_sshkey_output {fd w} {
-	global sshkey_fd sshkey_output sshkey_title
-	set sshkey_output "$sshkey_output[read $fd]"
-	if {![eof $fd]} return
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-	unset sshkey_fd
-	$w.contents configure -state normal
-	if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
-		set sshkey_title [mc "Generation failed."]
-		$w.contents insert end $err
-		$w.contents insert end "\n"
-		$w.contents insert end $sshkey_output
-	} else {
-		set finfo [find_ssh_key]
-		if {$finfo eq {}} {
-			set sshkey_title [mc "Generation succeeded, but no keys found."]
-			$w.contents insert end $sshkey_output
-		} else {
-			set sshkey_title [mc "Your key is in: %s" [lindex $finfo 0]]
-			$w.contents insert end [lindex $finfo 1] sel
-		}
-	}
-	$w.contents configure -state disable
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/status_bar.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/status_bar.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index d32b14142ff8..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/status_bar.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,312 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui status bar mega-widget
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-# The status_bar class manages the entire status bar. It is possible for
-# multiple overlapping asynchronous operations to want to display status
-# simultaneously. Each one receives a status_bar_operation when it calls the
-# start method, and the status bar combines all active operations into the
-# line of text it displays. Most of the time, there will be at most one
-# ongoing operation.
-# Note that the entire status bar can be either in single-line or two-line
-# mode, depending on the constructor. Multiple active operations are only
-# supported for single-line status bars.
-class status_bar {
-field allow_multiple ; # configured at construction
-field w         ; # our own window path
-field w_l       ; # text widget we draw messages into
-field w_c       ; # canvas we draw a progress bar into
-field c_pack    ; # script to pack the canvas with
-field baseline_text   ; # text to show if there are no operations
-field status_bar_text ; # combined text for all operations
-field operations ; # list of current ongoing operations
-# The status bar can display a progress bar, updated when consumers call the
-# update method on their status_bar_operation. When there are multiple
-# operations, the status bar shows the combined status of all operations.
-# When an overlapping operation completes, the progress bar is going to
-# abruptly have one fewer operation in the calculation, causing a discontinuity.
-# Therefore, whenever an operation completes, if it is not the last operation,
-# this counter is increased, and the progress bar is calculated as though there
-# were still another operation at 100%. When the last operation completes, this
-# is reset to 0.
-field completed_operation_count
-constructor new {path} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set w $path
-	set w_l $w.l
-	set w_c $w.c
-	# Standard single-line status bar: Permit overlapping operations
-	set allow_multiple 1
-	set baseline_text ""
-	set operations [list]
-	set completed_operation_count 0
-	${NS}::frame $w
-	if {!$use_ttk} {
-		$w configure -borderwidth 1 -relief sunken
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w_l \
-		-textvariable @status_bar_text \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	pack $w_l -side left
-	set c_pack [cb _oneline_pack]
-	bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
-	return $this
-method _oneline_pack {} {
-	$w_c conf -width 100
-	pack $w_c -side right
-constructor two_line {path} {
-	global NS
-	set w $path
-	set w_l $w.l
-	set w_c $w.c
-	# Two-line status bar: Only one ongoing operation permitted.
-	set allow_multiple 0
-	set baseline_text ""
-	set operations [list]
-	set completed_operation_count 0
-	${NS}::frame $w
-	${NS}::label $w_l \
-		-textvariable @status_bar_text \
-		-anchor w \
-		-justify left
-	pack $w_l -anchor w -fill x
-	set c_pack [list pack $w_c -fill x]
-	bind $w <Destroy> [cb _delete %W]
-	return $this
-method ensure_canvas {} {
-	if {[winfo exists $w_c]} {
-		$w_c coords bar 0 0 0 20
-	} else {
-		canvas $w_c \
-			-height [expr {int([winfo reqheight $w_l] * 0.6)}] \
-			-borderwidth 1 \
-			-relief groove \
-			-highlightt 0
-		$w_c create rectangle 0 0 0 20 -tags bar -fill navy
-		eval $c_pack
-	}
-method show {msg} {
-	$this ensure_canvas
-	set baseline_text $msg
-	$this refresh
-method start {msg {uds {}}} {
-	set baseline_text ""
-	if {!$allow_multiple && [llength $operations]} {
-		return [lindex $operations 0]
-	}
-	$this ensure_canvas
-	set operation [status_bar_operation::new $this $msg $uds]
-	lappend operations $operation
-	$this refresh
-	return $operation
-method refresh {} {
-	set new_text ""
-	set total [expr $completed_operation_count * 100]
-	set have $total
-	foreach operation $operations {
-		if {$new_text != ""} {
-			append new_text " / "
-		}
-		append new_text [$operation get_status]
-		set total [expr $total + 100]
-		set have [expr $have + [$operation get_progress]]
-	}
-	if {$new_text == ""} {
-		set new_text $baseline_text
-	}
-	set status_bar_text $new_text
-	if {[winfo exists $w_c]} {
-		set pixel_width 0
-		if {$have > 0} {
-			set pixel_width [expr {[winfo width $w_c] * $have / $total}]
-		}
-		$w_c coords bar 0 0 $pixel_width 20
-	}
-method stop {operation stop_msg} {
-	set idx [lsearch $operations $operation]
-	if {$idx >= 0} {
-		set operations [lreplace $operations $idx $idx]
-		set completed_operation_count [expr \
-			$completed_operation_count + 1]
-		if {[llength $operations] == 0} {
-			set completed_operation_count 0
-			destroy $w_c
-			if {$stop_msg ne {}} {
-				set baseline_text $stop_msg
-			}
-		}
-		$this refresh
-	}
-method stop_all {{stop_msg {}}} {
-	# This makes the operation's call to stop a no-op.
-	set operations_copy $operations
-	set operations [list]
-	foreach operation $operations_copy {
-		$operation stop
-	}
-	if {$stop_msg ne {}} {
-		set baseline_text $stop_msg
-	}
-	$this refresh
-method _delete {current} {
-	if {$current eq $w} {
-		delete_this
-	}
-# The status_bar_operation class tracks a single consumer's ongoing status bar
-# activity, with the context that there are a few situations where multiple
-# overlapping asynchronous operations might want to display status information
-# simultaneously. Instances of status_bar_operation are created by calling
-# start on the status_bar, and when the caller is done with its stauts bar
-# operation, it calls stop on the operation.
-class status_bar_operation {
-field status_bar; # reference back to the status_bar that owns this object
-field is_active;
-field status   {}; # single line of text we show
-field progress {}; # current progress (0 to 100)
-field prefix   {}; # text we format into status
-field units    {}; # unit of progress
-field meter    {}; # current core git progress meter (if active)
-constructor new {owner msg uds} {
-	set status_bar $owner
-	set status $msg
-	set progress 0
-	set prefix $msg
-	set units  $uds
-	set meter  {}
-	set is_active 1
-	return $this
-method get_is_active {} { return $is_active }
-method get_status {} { return $status }
-method get_progress {} { return $progress }
-method update {have total} {
-	if {!$is_active} { return }
-	set progress 0
-	if {$total > 0} {
-		set progress [expr {100 * $have / $total}]
-	}
-	set prec [string length [format %i $total]]
-	set status [mc "%s ... %*i of %*i %s (%3i%%)" \
-		$prefix \
-		$prec $have \
-		$prec $total \
-		$units $progress]
-	$status_bar refresh
-method update_meter {buf} {
-	if {!$is_active} { return }
-	append meter $buf
-	set r [string last "\r" $meter]
-	if {$r == -1} {
-		return
-	}
-	set prior [string range $meter 0 $r]
-	set meter [string range $meter [expr {$r + 1}] end]
-	set p "\\((\\d+)/(\\d+)\\)"
-	if {[regexp ":\\s*\\d+% $p\(?:, done.\\s*\n|\\s*\r)\$" $prior _j a b]} {
-		update $this $a $b
-	} elseif {[regexp "$p\\s+done\r\$" $prior _j a b]} {
-		update $this $a $b
-	}
-method stop {{stop_msg {}}} {
-	if {$is_active} {
-		set is_active 0
-		$status_bar stop $this $stop_msg
-	}
-method restart {msg} {
-	if {!$is_active} { return }
-	set status $msg
-	set prefix $msg
-	set meter {}
-	$status_bar refresh
-method _delete {} {
-	stop
-	delete_this
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/themed.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/themed.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 83e3ac795f38..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/themed.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-# Functions for supporting the use of themed Tk widgets in git-gui.
-# Copyright (C) 2009 Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>
-namespace eval color {
-	# Variable colors
-	# Preffered way to set widget colors is using add_option.
-	# In some cases, like with tags in_diff/in_sel, we use these colors.
-	variable select_bg		lightgray
-	variable select_fg		black
-	proc sync_with_theme {} {
-		set base_bg		[ttk::style lookup . -background]
-		set base_fg		[ttk::style lookup . -foreground]
-		set text_bg		[ttk::style lookup Treeview -background]
-		set text_fg		[ttk::style lookup Treeview -foreground]
-		set select_bg	[ttk::style lookup Default -selectbackground]
-		set select_fg	[ttk::style lookup Default -selectforeground]
-		set color::select_bg $select_bg
-		set color::select_fg $select_fg
-		proc add_option {key val} {
-			option add $key $val widgetDefault
-		}
-		# Add options for plain Tk widgets
-		# Using `option add` instead of tk_setPalette to avoid unintended
-		# consequences.
-		if {![is_MacOSX]} {
-			add_option *Menu.Background $base_bg
-			add_option *Menu.Foreground $base_fg
-			add_option *Menu.activeBackground $select_bg
-			add_option *Menu.activeForeground $select_fg
-		}
-		add_option *Text.Background $text_bg
-		add_option *Text.Foreground $text_fg
-		add_option *Text.HighlightBackground $base_bg
-		add_option *Text.HighlightColor $select_bg
-	}
-proc ttk_get_current_theme {} {
-	# Handle either current Tk or older versions of 8.5
-	if {[catch {set theme [ttk::style theme use]}]} {
-		set theme  $::ttk::currentTheme
-	}
-	return $theme
-proc InitTheme {} {
-	# Create a color label style (bg can be overridden by widget option)
-	ttk::style layout Color.TLabel {
-		Color.Label.border -sticky news -children {
-			Color.label.fill -sticky news -children {
-				Color.Label.padding -sticky news -children {
-					Color.Label.label -sticky news}}}}
-	eval [linsert [ttk::style configure TLabel] 0 \
-			  ttk::style configure Color.TLabel]
-	ttk::style configure Color.TLabel \
-		-borderwidth 0 -relief flat -padding 2
-	ttk::style map Color.TLabel -background {{} gold}
-	# We also need a padded label.
-	ttk::style configure Padded.TLabel \
-		-padding {5 5} -borderwidth 1 -relief solid
-	# We need a gold frame.
-	ttk::style layout Gold.TFrame {
-		Gold.Frame.border -sticky nswe -children {
-			Gold.Frame.fill -sticky nswe}}
-	ttk::style configure Gold.TFrame -background gold -relief flat
-	# listboxes should have a theme border so embed in ttk::frame
-	ttk::style layout SListbox.TFrame {
-		SListbox.Frame.Entry.field -sticky news -border true -children {
-			SListbox.Frame.padding -sticky news
-		}
-	}
-	set theme [ttk_get_current_theme]
-	if {[lsearch -exact {default alt classic clam} $theme] != -1} {
-		# Simple override of standard ttk::entry to change the field
-		# packground according to a state flag. We should use 'user1'
-		# but not all versions of 8.5 support that so make use of 'pressed'
-		# which is not normally in use for entry widgets.
-		ttk::style layout Edged.Entry [ttk::style layout TEntry]
-		ttk::style map Edged.Entry {*}[ttk::style map TEntry]
-		ttk::style configure Edged.Entry {*}[ttk::style configure TEntry] \
-			-fieldbackground lightgreen
-		ttk::style map Edged.Entry -fieldbackground {
-			{pressed !disabled} lightpink
-		}
-	} else {
-		# For fancier themes, in particular the Windows ones, the field
-		# element may not support changing the background color. So instead
-		# override the fill using the default fill element. If we overrode
-		# the vista theme field element we would loose the themed border
-		# of the widget.
-		catch {
-			ttk::style element create color.fill from default
-		}
-		ttk::style layout Edged.Entry {
-			Edged.Entry.field -sticky nswe -border 0 -children {
-				Edged.Entry.border -sticky nswe -border 1 -children {
-					Edged.Entry.padding -sticky nswe -children {
-						Edged.Entry.color.fill -sticky nswe -children {
-							Edged.Entry.textarea -sticky nswe
-						}
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		ttk::style configure Edged.Entry {*}[ttk::style configure TEntry] \
-			-background lightgreen -padding 0 -borderwidth 0
-		ttk::style map Edged.Entry {*}[ttk::style map TEntry] \
-			-background {{pressed !disabled} lightpink}
-	}
-	if {[lsearch [bind . <<ThemeChanged>>] InitTheme] == -1} {
-		bind . <<ThemeChanged>> +[namespace code [list InitTheme]]
-	}
-# Define a style used for the surround of text widgets.
-proc InitEntryFrame {} {
-	ttk::style theme settings default {
-		ttk::style layout EntryFrame {
-			EntryFrame.field -sticky nswe -border 0 -children {
-				EntryFrame.fill -sticky nswe -children {
-					EntryFrame.padding -sticky nswe
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 1 -relief sunken
-		ttk::style map EntryFrame -background {}
-	}
-	ttk::style theme settings classic {
-		ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 2 -relief sunken
-		ttk::style map EntryFrame -background {}
-	}
-	ttk::style theme settings alt {
-		ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 2
-		ttk::style map EntryFrame -background {}
-	}
-	ttk::style theme settings clam {
-		ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 2
-		ttk::style map EntryFrame -background {}
-	}
-	# Ignore errors for missing native themes
-	catch {
-		ttk::style theme settings winnative {
-			ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 2
-		}
-		ttk::style theme settings xpnative {
-			ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 1
-			ttk::style element create EntryFrame.field vsapi \
-				EDIT 1 {disabled 4 focus 3 active 2 {} 1} -padding 1
-		}
-		ttk::style theme settings vista {
-			ttk::style configure EntryFrame -padding 2
-			ttk::style element create EntryFrame.field vsapi \
-				EDIT 6 {disabled 4 focus 3 active 2 {} 1} -padding 2
-		}
-	}
-	bind EntryFrame <Enter> {%W instate !disabled {%W state active}}
-	bind EntryFrame <Leave> {%W state !active}
-	bind EntryFrame <<ThemeChanged>> {
-		set pad [ttk::style lookup EntryFrame -padding]
-		%W configure -padding [expr {$pad eq {} ? 1 : $pad}]
-	}
-proc gold_frame {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::frame $w -style Gold.TFrame]
-	} else {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 frame $w -background gold]
-	}
-proc tlabel {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		set cmd [list ttk::label $w -style Color.TLabel]
-		foreach {k v} $args {
-			switch -glob -- $k {
-				-activebackground {}
-				default { lappend cmd $k $v }
-			}
-		}
-		eval $cmd
-	} else {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 label $w]
-	}
-# The padded label gets used in the about class.
-proc paddedlabel {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::label $w -style Padded.TLabel]
-	} else {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 label $w \
-				  -padx 5 -pady 5 \
-				  -justify left \
-				  -anchor w \
-				  -borderwidth 1 \
-				  -relief solid]
-	}
-# Create a toplevel for use as a dialog.
-# If available, sets the EWMH dialog hint and if ttk is enabled
-# place a themed frame over the surface.
-proc Dialog {w args} {
-	eval [linsert $args 0 toplevel $w -class Dialog]
-	catch {wm attributes $w -type dialog}
-	pave_toplevel $w
-	return $w
-# Tk toplevels are not themed - so pave it over with a themed frame to get
-# the base color correct per theme.
-proc pave_toplevel {w} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk && ![winfo exists $w.!paving]} {
-		set paving [ttk::frame $w.!paving]
-		place $paving -x 0 -y 0 -relwidth 1 -relheight 1
-		lower $paving
-	}
-# Create a scrolled listbox with appropriate border for the current theme.
-# On many themes the border for a scrolled listbox needs to go around the
-# listbox and the scrollbar.
-proc slistbox {w args} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		set f [ttk::frame $w -style SListbox.TFrame -padding 2]
-	} else {
-		set f [frame $w -relief flat]
-	}
-    if {[catch {
-		if {$use_ttk} {
-			eval [linsert $args 0 listbox $f.list -relief flat \
-					  -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0]
-		} else {
-			eval [linsert $args 0 listbox $f.list]
-		}
-        ${NS}::scrollbar $f.vs -command [list $f.list yview]
-        $f.list configure -yscrollcommand [list $f.vs set]
-        grid $f.list $f.vs -sticky news
-        grid rowconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
-        grid columnconfigure $f 0 -weight 1
-		bind $f.list <<ListboxSelect>> \
-			[list event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>>]
-        interp hide {} $w
-        interp alias {} $w {} $f.list
-    } err]} {
-        destroy $f
-        return -code error $err
-    }
-    return $w
-# fetch the background color from a widget.
-proc get_bg_color {w} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		set bg [ttk::style lookup [winfo class $w] -background]
-	} else {
-		set bg [$w cget -background]
-	}
-	return $bg
-# ttk::spinbox didn't get added until 8.6
-proc tspinbox {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk && [llength [info commands ttk::spinbox]] > 0} {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::spinbox $w]
-	} else {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 spinbox $w]
-	}
-# Create a text widget with any theme specific properties.
-proc ttext {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		switch -- [ttk_get_current_theme] {
-			"vista" - "xpnative" {
-				lappend args -highlightthickness 0 -borderwidth 0
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	set w [eval [linsert $args 0 text $w]]
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		if {[winfo class [winfo parent $w]] eq "EntryFrame"} {
-			bind $w <FocusIn> {[winfo parent %W] state focus}
-			bind $w <FocusOut> {[winfo parent %W] state !focus}
-		}
-	}
-	return $w
-# themed frame suitable for surrounding a text field.
-proc textframe {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		if {[catch {ttk::style layout EntryFrame}]} {
-			InitEntryFrame
-		}
-		eval [linsert $args 0 ttk::frame $w -class EntryFrame -style EntryFrame]
-	} else {
-		eval [linsert $args 0 frame $w]
-	}
-	return $w
-proc tentry {w args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	if {$use_ttk} {
-		InitTheme
-		ttk::entry $w -style Edged.Entry
-	} else {
-		entry $w
-	}
-	rename $w _$w
-	interp alias {} $w {} tentry_widgetproc $w
-	eval [linsert $args 0 tentry_widgetproc $w configure]
-	return $w
-proc tentry_widgetproc {w cmd args} {
-	global use_ttk
-	switch -- $cmd {
-		state {
-			if {$use_ttk} {
-				return [uplevel 1 [list _$w $cmd] $args]
-			} else {
-				if {[lsearch -exact $args pressed] != -1} {
-					_$w configure -background lightpink
-				} else {
-					_$w configure -background lightgreen
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		configure {
-			if {$use_ttk} {
-				if {[set n [lsearch -exact $args -background]] != -1} {
-					set args [lreplace $args $n [incr n]]
-					if {[llength $args] == 0} {return}
-				}
-			}
-			return [uplevel 1 [list _$w $cmd] $args]
-		}
-		default { return [uplevel 1 [list _$w $cmd] $args] }
-	}
-# Tk 8.6 provides a standard font selection dialog. This uses the native
-# dialogs on Windows and MacOSX or a standard Tk dialog on X11.
-proc tchoosefont {w title familyvar sizevar} {
-	if {[package vsatisfies [package provide Tk] 8.6]} {
-		upvar #0 $familyvar family
-		upvar #0 $sizevar size
-		tk fontchooser configure -parent $w -title $title \
-			-font [list $family $size] \
-			-command [list on_choosefont $familyvar $sizevar]
-		tk fontchooser show
-	} else {
-		choose_font::pick $w $title $familyvar $sizevar
-	}
-# Called when the Tk 8.6 fontchooser selects a font.
-proc on_choosefont {familyvar sizevar font} {
-	upvar #0 $familyvar family
-	upvar #0 $sizevar size
-	set font [font actual $font]
-	set family [dict get $font -family]
-	set size [dict get $font -size]
-# Local variables:
-# mode: tcl
-# indent-tabs-mode: t
-# tab-width: 4
-# End:
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/tools.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/tools.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index 413f1a170079..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/tools.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui Tools menu implementation
-proc tools_list {} {
-	global repo_config
-	set names {}
-	foreach item [array names repo_config guitool.*.cmd] {
-		lappend names [string range $item 8 end-4]
-	}
-	return [lsort $names]
-proc tools_populate_all {} {
-	global tools_menubar tools_menutbl
-	global tools_tailcnt
-	set mbar_end [$tools_menubar index end]
-	set mbar_base [expr {$mbar_end - $tools_tailcnt}]
-	if {$mbar_base >= 0} {
-		$tools_menubar delete 0 $mbar_base
-	}
-	array unset tools_menutbl
-	foreach fullname [tools_list] {
-		tools_populate_one $fullname
-	}
-proc tools_create_item {parent args} {
-	global tools_menubar tools_tailcnt
-	if {$parent eq $tools_menubar} {
-		set pos [expr {[$parent index end]-$tools_tailcnt+1}]
-		eval [list $parent insert $pos] $args
-	} else {
-		eval [list $parent add] $args
-	}
-proc tools_populate_one {fullname} {
-	global tools_menubar tools_menutbl tools_id
-	if {![info exists tools_id]} {
-		set tools_id 0
-	}
-	set names [split $fullname '/']
-	set parent $tools_menubar
-	for {set i 0} {$i < [llength $names]-1} {incr i} {
-		set subname [join [lrange $names 0 $i] '/']
-		if {[info exists tools_menutbl($subname)]} {
-			set parent $tools_menutbl($subname)
-		} else {
-			set subid $parent.t$tools_id
-			tools_create_item $parent cascade \
-					-label [lindex $names $i] -menu $subid
-			menu $subid
-			set tools_menutbl($subname) $subid
-			set parent $subid
-			incr tools_id
-		}
-	}
-	tools_create_item $parent command \
-		-label [lindex $names end] \
-		-command [list tools_exec $fullname]
-proc tools_exec {fullname} {
-	global repo_config env current_diff_path
-	global current_branch is_detached
-	global selected_paths
-	if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.needsfile"]} {
-		if {$current_diff_path eq {}} {
-			error_popup [mc "Running %s requires a selected file." $fullname]
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	catch { unset env(ARGS) }
-	catch { unset env(REVISION) }
-	if {[get_config "guitool.$fullname.revprompt"] ne {} ||
-	    [get_config "guitool.$fullname.argprompt"] ne {}} {
-		set dlg [tools_askdlg::dialog $fullname]
-		if {![tools_askdlg::execute $dlg]} {
-			return
-		}
-	} elseif {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.confirm"]} {
-		if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.needsfile"]} {
-			if {[ask_popup [mc "Are you sure you want to run %1\$s on file \"%2\$s\"?" $fullname $current_diff_path]] ne {yes}} {
-				return
-			}
-		} else {
-			if {[ask_popup [mc "Are you sure you want to run %s?" $fullname]] ne {yes}} {
-				return
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	set env(GIT_GUITOOL) $fullname
-	set env(FILENAME) $current_diff_path
-	set env(FILENAMES) [join [array names selected_paths] \n]
-	if {$is_detached} {
-		set env(CUR_BRANCH) ""
-	} else {
-		set env(CUR_BRANCH) $current_branch
-	}
-	set cmdline $repo_config(guitool.$fullname.cmd)
-	if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.noconsole"]} {
-		tools_run_silent [list sh -c $cmdline] \
-				 [list tools_complete $fullname {}]
-	} else {
-		regsub {/} $fullname { / } title
-		set w [console::new \
-			[mc "Tool: %s" $title] \
-			[mc "Running: %s" $cmdline]]
-		console::exec $w [list sh -c $cmdline] \
-				 [list tools_complete $fullname $w]
-	}
-	unset env(GIT_GUITOOL)
-	unset env(FILENAME)
-	unset env(FILENAMES)
-	unset env(CUR_BRANCH)
-	catch { unset env(ARGS) }
-	catch { unset env(REVISION) }
-proc tools_run_silent {cmd after} {
-	lappend cmd 2>@1
-	set fd [_open_stdout_stderr $cmd]
-	fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
-	fileevent $fd readable [list tools_consume_input $fd $after]
-proc tools_consume_input {fd after} {
-	read $fd
-	if {[eof $fd]} {
-		fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
-		if {[catch {close $fd}]} {
-			uplevel #0 $after 0
-		} else {
-			uplevel #0 $after 1
-		}
-	}
-proc tools_complete {fullname w {ok 1}} {
-	if {$w ne {}} {
-		console::done $w $ok
-	}
-	if {$ok} {
-		set msg [mc "Tool completed successfully: %s" $fullname]
-	} else {
-		set msg [mc "Tool failed: %s" $fullname]
-	}
-	if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.norescan"]} {
-		ui_status $msg
-	} else {
-		rescan [list ui_status $msg]
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/tools_dlg.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/tools_dlg.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index c05413ce432d..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/tools_dlg.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,414 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui Tools menu dialogs
-class tools_add {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_name         ; # new remote name widget
-field w_cmd          ; # new remote location widget
-field name         {}; # name of the tool
-field command      {}; # command to execute
-field add_global    0; # add to the --global config
-field no_console    0; # disable using the console
-field needs_file    0; # ensure filename is set
-field confirm       0; # ask for confirmation
-field ask_branch    0; # ask for a revision
-field ask_args      0; # ask for additional args
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global repo_config use_ttk NS
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Add Tool" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-		wm transient $top .
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Add New Tool Command"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.buttons.global \
-		-text [mc "Add globally"] \
-		-variable @add_global
-	pack $w.buttons.global -side left -padx 5
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Add] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _add]
-	pack $w.buttons.create -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.desc -text [mc "Tool Details"]
-	${NS}::label $w.desc.name_cmnt -anchor w\
-		-text [mc "Use '/' separators to create a submenu tree:"]
-	grid x $w.desc.name_cmnt -sticky we -padx {0 5} -pady {0 2}
-	${NS}::label $w.desc.name_l -text [mc "Name:"]
-	set w_name $w.desc.name_t
-	${NS}::entry $w_name \
-		-width 40 \
-		-textvariable @name \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand [cb _validate_name %d %S]
-	grid $w.desc.name_l $w_name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	${NS}::label $w.desc.cmd_l -text [mc "Command:"]
-	set w_cmd $w.desc.cmd_t
-	${NS}::entry $w_cmd \
-		-width 40 \
-		-textvariable @command
-	grid $w.desc.cmd_l $w_cmd -sticky we -padx {0 5} -pady {0 3}
-	grid columnconfigure $w.desc 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.desc -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.confirm \
-		-text [mc "Show a dialog before running"] \
-		-variable @confirm -command [cb _check_enable_dlg]
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.dlg -labelwidget $w.confirm
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.dlg.askbranch \
-		-text [mc "Ask the user to select a revision (sets \$REVISION)"] \
-		-variable @ask_branch -state disabled
-	pack $w.dlg.askbranch -anchor w -padx 15
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.dlg.askargs \
-		-text [mc "Ask the user for additional arguments (sets \$ARGS)"] \
-		-variable @ask_args -state disabled
-	pack $w.dlg.askargs -anchor w -padx 15
-	pack $w.dlg -anchor nw -fill x -pady {0 8} -padx 5
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.noconsole \
-		-text [mc "Don't show the command output window"] \
-		-variable @no_console
-	pack $w.noconsole -anchor w -padx 5
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.needsfile \
-		-text [mc "Run only if a diff is selected (\$FILENAME not empty)"] \
-		-variable @needs_file
-	pack $w.needsfile -anchor w -padx 5
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _add]\;break
-	tkwait window $w
-method _check_enable_dlg {} {
-	if {$confirm} {
-		$w.dlg.askbranch configure -state normal
-		$w.dlg.askargs configure -state normal
-	} else {
-		$w.dlg.askbranch configure -state disabled
-		$w.dlg.askargs configure -state disabled
-	}
-method _add {} {
-	global repo_config
-	if {$name eq {}} {
-		error_popup [mc "Please supply a name for the tool."]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	set item "guitool.$name.cmd"
-	if {[info exists repo_config($item)]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Tool '%s' already exists." $name]
-		focus $w_name
-		return
-	}
-	set cmd [list git config]
-	if {$add_global} { lappend cmd --global }
-	set items {}
-	if {$no_console} { lappend items "guitool.$name.noconsole" }
-	if {$needs_file} { lappend items "guitool.$name.needsfile" }
-	if {$confirm} {
-		if {$ask_args}   { lappend items "guitool.$name.argprompt" }
-		if {$ask_branch} { lappend items "guitool.$name.revprompt" }
-		if {!$ask_args && !$ask_branch} {
-			lappend items "guitool.$name.confirm"
-		}
-	}
-	if {[catch {
-		eval $cmd [list $item $command]
-		foreach citem $items { eval $cmd [list $citem yes] }
-	    } err]} {
-		error_popup [mc "Could not add tool:\n%s" $err]
-	} else {
-		set repo_config($item) $command
-		foreach citem $items { set repo_config($citem) yes }
-		tools_populate_all
-	}
-	destroy $w
-method _validate_name {d S} {
-	if {$d == 1} {
-		if {[regexp {[~?*&\[\0\"\\\{]} $S]} {
-			return 0
-		}
-	}
-	return 1
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	$w_name icursor end
-	focus $w_name
-class tools_remove {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_names        ; # name list
-constructor dialog {} {
-	global repo_config global_config system_config use_ttk NS
-	load_config 1
-	make_dialog top w
-	wm title $top [mc "%s (%s): Remove Tool" [appname] [reponame]]
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-		wm transient $top .
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Remove Tool Commands"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Remove] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [cb _remove]
-	pack $w.buttons.create -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc Cancel] \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::frame $w.list
-	set w_names $w.list.l
-	slistbox $w_names \
-		-height 10 \
-		-width 30 \
-		-selectmode extended \
-		-exportselection false
-	pack $w.list.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.list -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	set local_cnt 0
-	foreach fullname [tools_list] {
-		# Cannot delete system tools
-		if {[info exists system_config(guitool.$fullname.cmd)]} continue
-		$w_names insert end $fullname
-		if {![info exists global_config(guitool.$fullname.cmd)]} {
-			$w_names itemconfigure end -foreground blue
-			incr local_cnt
-		}
-	}
-	if {$local_cnt > 0} {
-		${NS}::label $w.colorlbl -foreground blue \
-			-text [mc "(Blue denotes repository-local tools)"]
-		pack $w.colorlbl -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	}
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _remove]\;break
-	tkwait window $w
-method _remove {} {
-	foreach i [$w_names curselection] {
-		set name [$w_names get $i]
-		catch { git config --remove-section guitool.$name }
-		catch { git config --global --remove-section guitool.$name }
-	}
-	load_config 0
-	tools_populate_all
-	destroy $w
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	focus $w_names
-class tools_askdlg {
-field w              ; # widget path
-field w_rev        {}; # revision browser
-field w_args       {}; # arguments
-field is_ask_args   0; # has arguments field
-field is_ask_revs   0; # has revision browser
-field is_ok         0; # ok to start
-field argstr       {}; # arguments
-constructor dialog {fullname} {
-	global M1B use_ttk NS
-	set title [get_config "guitool.$fullname.title"]
-	if {$title eq {}} {
-		regsub {/} $fullname { / } title
-	}
-	make_dialog top w -autodelete 0
-	wm title $top "[mc "%s (%s):" [appname] [reponame]] $title"
-	if {$top ne {.}} {
-		wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-		wm transient $top .
-	}
-	set prompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.prompt"]
-	if {$prompt eq {}} {
-		set command [get_config "guitool.$fullname.cmd"]
-		set prompt [mc "Run Command: %s" $command]
-	}
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text $prompt -font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	set argprompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.argprompt"]
-	set revprompt [get_config "guitool.$fullname.revprompt"]
-	set is_ask_args [expr {$argprompt ne {}}]
-	set is_ask_revs [expr {$revprompt ne {}}]
-	if {$is_ask_args} {
-		if {$argprompt eq {yes} || $argprompt eq {true} || $argprompt eq {1}} {
-			set argprompt [mc "Arguments"]
-		}
-		${NS}::labelframe $w.arg -text $argprompt
-		set w_args $w.arg.txt
-		${NS}::entry $w_args \
-			-width 40 \
-			-textvariable @argstr
-		pack $w_args -padx 5 -pady 5 -fill both
-		pack $w.arg -anchor nw -fill both -pady 5 -padx 5
-	}
-	if {$is_ask_revs} {
-		if {$revprompt eq {yes} || $revprompt eq {true} || $revprompt eq {1}} {
-			set revprompt [mc "Revision"]
-		}
-		if {[is_config_true "guitool.$fullname.revunmerged"]} {
-			set w_rev [::choose_rev::new_unmerged $w.rev $revprompt]
-		} else {
-			set w_rev [::choose_rev::new $w.rev $revprompt]
-		}
-		pack $w.rev -anchor nw -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	}
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	if {$is_ask_revs} {
-		${NS}::button $w.buttons.visualize \
-			-text [mc Visualize] \
-			-command [cb _visualize]
-		pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
-	}
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.ok \
-		-text [mc OK] \
-		-command [cb _start]
-	pack $w.buttons.ok -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel \
-		-text [mc "Cancel"] \
-		-command [cb _cancel]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	bind $w <$M1B-Key-Return> [cb _start]
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _start]
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> [cb _cancel]
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW [cb _cancel]
-	bind $w <Visibility> [cb _visible]
-	return $this
-method execute {} {
-	tkwait window $w
-	set rv $is_ok
-	delete_this
-	return $rv
-method _visible {} {
-	grab $w
-	if {$is_ask_args} {
-		focus $w_args
-	} elseif {$is_ask_revs} {
-		$w_rev focus_filter
-	}
-method _cancel {} {
-	wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
-	destroy $w
-method _rev {} {
-	if {[catch {$w_rev commit_or_die}]} {
-		return {}
-	}
-	return [$w_rev get]
-method _visualize {} {
-	global current_branch
-	set rev [_rev $this]
-	if {$rev ne {}} {
-		do_gitk [list --left-right "$current_branch...$rev"]
-	}
-method _start {} {
-	global env
-	if {$is_ask_revs} {
-		set name [_rev $this]
-		if {$name eq {}} {
-			return
-		}
-		set env(REVISION) $name
-	}
-	if {$is_ask_args} {
-		set env(ARGS) $argstr
-	}
-	set is_ok 1
-	_cancel $this
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index a1a424aab540..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/transport.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,232 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui transport (fetch/push) support
-# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc fetch_from {remote} {
-	set w [console::new \
-		[mc "fetch %s" $remote] \
-		[mc "Fetching new changes from %s" $remote]]
-	set cmds [list]
-	lappend cmds [list exec git fetch $remote]
-	if {[is_config_true gui.pruneduringfetch]} {
-		lappend cmds [list exec git remote prune $remote]
-	}
-	console::chain $w $cmds
-proc prune_from {remote} {
-	set w [console::new \
-		[mc "remote prune %s" $remote] \
-		[mc "Pruning tracking branches deleted from %s" $remote]]
-	console::exec $w [list git remote prune $remote]
-proc fetch_from_all {} {
-	set w [console::new \
-		[mc "fetch all remotes"] \
-		[mc "Fetching new changes from all remotes"]]
-	set cmd [list git fetch --all]
-	if {[is_config_true gui.pruneduringfetch]} {
-		lappend cmd --prune
-	}
-	console::exec $w $cmd
-proc prune_from_all {} {
-	global all_remotes
-	set w [console::new \
-		[mc "remote prune all remotes"] \
-		[mc "Pruning tracking branches deleted from all remotes"]]
-	set cmd [list git remote prune]
-	foreach r $all_remotes {
-		lappend cmd $r
-	}
-	console::exec $w $cmd
-proc push_to {remote} {
-	set w [console::new \
-		[mc "push %s" $remote] \
-		[mc "Pushing changes to %s" $remote]]
-	set cmd [list git push]
-	lappend cmd -v
-	lappend cmd $remote
-	console::exec $w $cmd
-proc start_push_anywhere_action {w} {
-	global push_urltype push_remote push_url push_thin push_tags
-	global push_force
-	global repo_config
-	set is_mirror 0
-	set r_url {}
-	switch -- $push_urltype {
-	remote {
-		set r_url $push_remote
-		catch {set is_mirror $repo_config(remote.$push_remote.mirror)}
-	}
-	url {set r_url $push_url}
-	}
-	if {$r_url eq {}} return
-	set cmd [list git push]
-	lappend cmd -v
-	if {$push_thin} {
-		lappend cmd --thin
-	}
-	if {$push_force} {
-		lappend cmd --force
-	}
-	if {$push_tags} {
-		lappend cmd --tags
-	}
-	lappend cmd $r_url
-	if {$is_mirror} {
-		set cons [console::new \
-			[mc "push %s" $r_url] \
-			[mc "Mirroring to %s" $r_url]]
-	} else {
-		set cnt 0
-		foreach i [$w.source.l curselection] {
-			set b [$w.source.l get $i]
-			lappend cmd "refs/heads/$b:refs/heads/$b"
-			incr cnt
-		}
-		if {$cnt == 0} {
-			return
-		} elseif {$cnt == 1} {
-			set unit branch
-		} else {
-			set unit branches
-		}
-		set cons [console::new \
-			[mc "push %s" $r_url] \
-			[mc "Pushing %s %s to %s" $cnt $unit $r_url]]
-	}
-	console::exec $cons $cmd
-	destroy $w
-trace add variable push_remote write \
-	[list radio_selector push_urltype remote]
-proc do_push_anywhere {} {
-	global all_remotes current_branch
-	global push_urltype push_remote push_url push_thin push_tags
-	global push_force use_ttk NS
-	set w .push_setup
-	toplevel $w
-	catch {wm attributes $w -type dialog}
-	wm withdraw $w
-	wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
-	pave_toplevel $w
-	${NS}::label $w.header -text [mc "Push Branches"] \
-		-font font_uibold -anchor center
-	pack $w.header -side top -fill x
-	${NS}::frame $w.buttons
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.create -text [mc Push] \
-		-default active \
-		-command [list start_push_anywhere_action $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.create -side right
-	${NS}::button $w.buttons.cancel -text [mc "Cancel"] \
-		-default normal \
-		-command [list destroy $w]
-	pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
-	pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.source -text [mc "Source Branches"]
-	slistbox $w.source.l \
-		-height 10 \
-		-width 70 \
-		-selectmode extended
-	foreach h [load_all_heads] {
-		$w.source.l insert end $h
-		if {$h eq $current_branch} {
-			$w.source.l select set end
-			$w.source.l yview end
-		}
-	}
-	pack $w.source.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
-	pack $w.source -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.dest -text [mc "Destination Repository"]
-	if {$all_remotes ne {}} {
-		${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.remote_r \
-			-text [mc "Remote:"] \
-			-value remote \
-			-variable push_urltype
-		if {$use_ttk} {
-			ttk::combobox $w.dest.remote_m -state readonly \
-				-exportselection false \
-				-textvariable push_remote \
-				-values $all_remotes
-		} else {
-			eval tk_optionMenu $w.dest.remote_m push_remote $all_remotes
-		}
-		grid $w.dest.remote_r $w.dest.remote_m -sticky w
-		if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $all_remotes origin] != -1} {
-			set push_remote origin
-		} else {
-			set push_remote [lindex $all_remotes 0]
-		}
-		set push_urltype remote
-	} else {
-		set push_urltype url
-	}
-	${NS}::radiobutton $w.dest.url_r \
-		-text [mc "Arbitrary Location:"] \
-		-value url \
-		-variable push_urltype
-	${NS}::entry $w.dest.url_t \
-		-width 50 \
-		-textvariable push_url \
-		-validate key \
-		-validatecommand {
-			if {%d == 1 && [regexp {\s} %S]} {return 0}
-			if {%d == 1 && [string length %S] > 0} {
-				set push_urltype url
-			}
-			return 1
-		}
-	grid $w.dest.url_r $w.dest.url_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
-	grid columnconfigure $w.dest 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.dest -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	${NS}::labelframe $w.options -text [mc "Transfer Options"]
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.force \
-		-text [mc "Force overwrite existing branch (may discard changes)"] \
-		-variable push_force
-	grid $w.options.force -columnspan 2 -sticky w
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.thin \
-		-text [mc "Use thin pack (for slow network connections)"] \
-		-variable push_thin
-	grid $w.options.thin -columnspan 2 -sticky w
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.options.tags \
-		-text [mc "Include tags"] \
-		-variable push_tags
-	grid $w.options.tags -columnspan 2 -sticky w
-	grid columnconfigure $w.options 1 -weight 1
-	pack $w.options -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
-	set push_url {}
-	set push_force 0
-	set push_thin 0
-	set push_tags 0
-	bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.create"
-	bind $w <Key-Escape> "destroy $w"
-	bind $w <Key-Return> [list start_push_anywhere_action $w]
-	wm title $w [mc "%s (%s): Push" [appname] [reponame]]
-	wm deiconify $w
-	tkwait window $w
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/win32.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/win32.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index db91ab84a56d..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/win32.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-# git-gui Misc. native Windows 32 support
-# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-proc win32_read_lnk {lnk_path} {
-	return [exec cscript.exe \
-		/E:jscript \
-		/nologo \
-		[file join $::oguilib win32_shortcut.js] \
-		$lnk_path]
-proc win32_create_lnk {lnk_path lnk_exec lnk_dir} {
-	global oguilib
-	set lnk_args [lrange $lnk_exec 1 end]
-	set lnk_exec [lindex $lnk_exec 0]
-	eval [list exec wscript.exe \
-		/E:jscript \
-		/nologo \
-		[file nativename [file join $oguilib win32_shortcut.js]] \
-		$lnk_path \
-		[file nativename [file join $oguilib git-gui.ico]] \
-		$lnk_dir \
-		$lnk_exec] $lnk_args
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/win32_shortcut.js b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/win32_shortcut.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 117923f8860b..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/win32_shortcut.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-// git-gui Windows shortcut support
-// Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
-var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
-var argv = WScript.Arguments;
-var argi = 0;
-var lnk_path = argv.item(argi++);
-var ico_path = argi < argv.length ? argv.item(argi++) : undefined;
-var dir_path = argi < argv.length ? argv.item(argi++) : undefined;
-var lnk_exec = argi < argv.length ? argv.item(argi++) : undefined;
-var lnk_args = '';
-while (argi < argv.length) {
-	var s = argv.item(argi++);
-	if (lnk_args != '')
-		lnk_args += ' ';
-	if (s.indexOf(' ') >= 0) {
-		lnk_args += '"';
-		lnk_args += s;
-		lnk_args += '"';
-	} else {
-		lnk_args += s;
-	}
-var lnk = WshShell.CreateShortcut(lnk_path);
-if (argv.length == 1) {
-	WScript.echo(lnk.TargetPath);
-} else {
-	lnk.TargetPath = lnk_exec;
-	lnk.Arguments = lnk_args;
-	lnk.IconLocation = ico_path + ", 0";
-	lnk.WorkingDirectory = dir_path;
-	lnk.Save();