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path: root/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 300 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl b/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
deleted file mode 100644
index ef1e55521d7c..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/git-gui/lib/search.tcl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-# incremental search panel
-# based on code from gitk, Copyright (C) Paul Mackerras
-class searchbar {
-field w
-field ctext
-field searchstring   {}
-field regexpsearch
-field default_regexpsearch
-field casesensitive
-field default_casesensitive
-field smartcase
-field searchdirn     -forwards
-field history
-field history_index
-field smarktop
-field smarkbot
-constructor new {i_w i_text args} {
-	global use_ttk NS
-	set w      $i_w
-	set ctext  $i_text
-	set default_regexpsearch [is_config_true gui.search.regexp]
-	switch -- [get_config gui.search.case] {
-	no {
-		set default_casesensitive 0
-		set smartcase 0
-	}
-	smart {
-		set default_casesensitive 0
-		set smartcase 1
-	}
-	yes -
-	default {
-		set default_casesensitive 1
-		set smartcase 0
-	}
-	}
-	set history [list]
-	${NS}::frame  $w
-	${NS}::label  $w.l       -text [mc Find:]
-	tentry  $w.ent -textvariable ${__this}::searchstring -background lightgreen
-	${NS}::button $w.bn      -text [mc Next] -command [cb find_next]
-	${NS}::button $w.bp      -text [mc Prev] -command [cb find_prev]
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.re -text [mc RegExp] \
-		-variable ${__this}::regexpsearch -command [cb _incrsearch]
-	${NS}::checkbutton $w.cs -text [mc Case] \
-		-variable ${__this}::casesensitive -command [cb _incrsearch]
-	pack   $w.l   -side left
-	pack   $w.cs  -side right
-	pack   $w.re  -side right
-	pack   $w.bp  -side right
-	pack   $w.bn  -side right
-	pack   $w.ent -side left -expand 1 -fill x
-	eval grid conf $w -sticky we $args
-	grid remove $w
-	trace add variable searchstring write [cb _incrsearch_cb]
-	bind $w.ent <Return> [cb find_next]
-	bind $w.ent <Shift-Return> [cb find_prev]
-	bind $w.ent <Key-Up>   [cb _prev_search]
-	bind $w.ent <Key-Down> [cb _next_search]
-	bind $w <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
-	return $this
-method show {} {
-	if {![visible $this]} {
-		grid $w
-		$w.ent delete 0 end
-		set regexpsearch  $default_regexpsearch
-		set casesensitive $default_casesensitive
-		set history_index [llength $history]
-	}
-	focus -force $w.ent
-method hide {} {
-	if {[visible $this]} {
-		focus $ctext
-		grid remove $w
-		_save_search $this
-	}
-method visible {} {
-	return [winfo ismapped $w]
-method editor {} {
-	return $w.ent
-method _get_new_anchor {} {
-	# use start of selection if it is visible,
-	# or the bounds of the visible area
-	set top    [$ctext index @0,0]
-	set bottom [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]]
-	set sel    [$ctext tag ranges sel]
-	if {$sel ne {}} {
-		set spos [lindex $sel 0]
-		if {[lindex $spos 0] >= [lindex $top 0] &&
-		    [lindex $spos 0] <= [lindex $bottom 0]} {
-			return $spos
-		}
-	}
-	if {$searchdirn eq "-forwards"} {
-		return $top
-	} else {
-		return $bottom
-	}
-method _get_wrap_anchor {dir} {
-	if {$dir eq "-forwards"} {
-		return 1.0
-	} else {
-		return end
-	}
-method _do_search {start {mlenvar {}} {dir {}} {endbound {}}} {
-	set cmd [list $ctext search]
-	if {$mlenvar ne {}} {
-		upvar $mlenvar mlen
-		lappend cmd -count mlen
-	}
-	if {$regexpsearch} {
-		lappend cmd -regexp
-	}
-	if {!$casesensitive} {
-		lappend cmd -nocase
-	}
-	if {$dir eq {}} {
-		set dir $searchdirn
-	}
-	lappend cmd $dir -- $searchstring
-	if {[catch {
-		if {$endbound ne {}} {
-			set here [eval $cmd [list $start] [list $endbound]]
-		} else {
-			set here [eval $cmd [list $start]]
-			if {$here eq {}} {
-				set here [eval $cmd [_get_wrap_anchor $this $dir]]
-			}
-		}
-	} err]} { set here {} }
-	return $here
-method _incrsearch_cb {name ix op} {
-	after idle [cb _incrsearch]
-method _incrsearch {} {
-	$ctext tag remove found 1.0 end
-	if {[catch {$ctext index anchor}]} {
-		$ctext mark set anchor [_get_new_anchor $this]
-	}
-	if {$searchstring ne {}} {
-		if {$smartcase && [regexp {[[:upper:]]} $searchstring]} {
-			set casesensitive 1
-		}
-		set here [_do_search $this anchor mlen]
-		if {$here ne {}} {
-			$ctext see $here
-			$ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
-			$ctext tag add sel $here "$here + $mlen c"
-			#$w.ent configure -background lightgreen
-			$w.ent state !pressed
-			_set_marks $this 1
-		} else {
-			#$w.ent configure -background lightpink
-			$w.ent state pressed
-		}
-	} elseif {$smartcase} {
-		# clearing the field resets the smart case detection
-		set casesensitive 0
-	}
-method _save_search {} {
-	if {$searchstring eq {}} {
-		return
-	}
-	if {[llength $history] > 0} {
-		foreach {s_regexp s_case s_expr} [lindex $history end] break
-	} else {
-		set s_regexp $regexpsearch
-		set s_case   $casesensitive
-		set s_expr   ""
-	}
-	if {$searchstring eq $s_expr} {
-		# update modes
-		set history [lreplace $history end end \
-				[list $regexpsearch $casesensitive $searchstring]]
-	} else {
-		lappend history [list $regexpsearch $casesensitive $searchstring]
-	}
-	set history_index [llength $history]
-method _prev_search {} {
-	if {$history_index > 0} {
-		incr history_index -1
-		foreach {s_regexp s_case s_expr} [lindex $history $history_index] break
-		$w.ent delete 0 end
-		$w.ent insert 0 $s_expr
-		set regexpsearch $s_regexp
-		set casesensitive $s_case
-	}
-method _next_search {} {
-	if {$history_index < [llength $history]} {
-		incr history_index
-	}
-	if {$history_index < [llength $history]} {
-		foreach {s_regexp s_case s_expr} [lindex $history $history_index] break
-	} else {
-		set s_regexp $default_regexpsearch
-		set s_case   $default_casesensitive
-		set s_expr   ""
-	}
-	$w.ent delete 0 end
-	$w.ent insert 0 $s_expr
-	set regexpsearch $s_regexp
-	set casesensitive $s_case
-method find_prev {} {
-	find_next $this -backwards
-method find_next {{dir -forwards}} {
-	focus $w.ent
-	$w.ent icursor end
-	set searchdirn $dir
-	$ctext mark unset anchor
-	if {$searchstring ne {}} {
-		_save_search $this
-		set start [_get_new_anchor $this]
-		if {$dir eq "-forwards"} {
-			set start "$start + 1c"
-		}
-		set match [_do_search $this $start mlen]
-		$ctext tag remove sel 1.0 end
-		if {$match ne {}} {
-			$ctext see $match
-			$ctext tag add sel $match "$match + $mlen c"
-		}
-	}
-method _mark_range {first last} {
-	set mend $first.0
-	while {1} {
-		set match [_do_search $this $mend mlen -forwards $last.end]
-		if {$match eq {}} break
-		set mend "$match + $mlen c"
-		$ctext tag add found $match $mend
-	}
-method _set_marks {doall} {
-	set topline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,0] .] 0]
-	set botline [lindex [split [$ctext index @0,[winfo height $ctext]] .] 0]
-	if {$doall || $botline < $smarktop || $topline > $smarkbot} {
-		# no overlap with previous
-		_mark_range $this $topline $botline
-		set smarktop $topline
-		set smarkbot $botline
-	} else {
-		if {$topline < $smarktop} {
-			_mark_range $this $topline [expr {$smarktop-1}]
-			set smarktop $topline
-		}
-		if {$botline > $smarkbot} {
-			_mark_range $this [expr {$smarkbot+1}] $botline
-			set smarkbot $botline
-		}
-	}
-method scrolled {} {
-	if {$searchstring ne {}} {
-		after idle [cb _set_marks 0]
-	}