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path: root/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git')
22 files changed, 0 insertions, 3907 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/.gitignore b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index ae545b013dc8..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/.perlcriticrc b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/.perlcriticrc
deleted file mode 100644
index b7333267adad..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/.perlcriticrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-# These 3 rules demand to add the s, m and x flag to *every* regexp. This is
-# overkill and would be harmful for readability.
-# This rule says that builtin functions should not be called with parentheses
-# e.g.: (taken from CPAN's documentation)
-# open($handle, '>', $filename); #not ok
-# open $handle, '>', $filename;  #ok
-# Applying such a rule would mean modifying a huge number of lines for a
-# question of style.
-# This rule states that each system call should have its return value checked
-# The problem is that it includes the print call. Checking every print call's
-# return value would be harmful to the code readability.
-# This configuration keeps all default function but print.
-functions = open say close
-# This rule demands to add a dependency for the Readonly module. This is not
-# wished.
-# This rule is not really useful (rather a question of style) and produces many
-# warnings among the code.
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/Git/Mediawiki.pm b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/Git/Mediawiki.pm
deleted file mode 100644
index 917d9e2d3222..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/Git/Mediawiki.pm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-package Git::Mediawiki;
-use 5.008;
-use strict;
-use POSIX;
-use Git;
-# Totally unstable API.
-$VERSION = '0.01';
-require Exporter;
-@ISA = qw(Exporter);
-@EXPORT = ();
-# Methods which can be called as standalone functions as well:
-@EXPORT_OK = qw(clean_filename smudge_filename connect_maybe
-# Mediawiki filenames can contain forward slashes. This variable decides by which pattern they should be replaced
-use constant SLASH_REPLACEMENT => '%2F';
-# Used to test for empty strings
-use constant EMPTY => q{};
-# HTTP codes
-use constant HTTP_CODE_OK => 200;
-use constant HTTP_CODE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND => 404;
-sub clean_filename {
-	my $filename = shift;
-	$filename =~ s{@{[SLASH_REPLACEMENT]}}{/}g;
-	# [, ], |, {, and } are forbidden by MediaWiki, even URL-encoded.
-	# Do a variant of URL-encoding, i.e. looks like URL-encoding,
-	# but with _ added to prevent MediaWiki from thinking this is
-	# an actual special character.
-	$filename =~ s/[\[\]\{\}\|]/sprintf("_%%_%x", ord($&))/ge;
-	# If we use the uri escape before
-	# we should unescape here, before anything
-	return $filename;
-sub smudge_filename {
-	my $filename = shift;
-	$filename =~ s{/}{@{[SLASH_REPLACEMENT]}}g;
-	$filename =~ s/ /_/g;
-	# Decode forbidden characters encoded in clean_filename
-	$filename =~ s/_%_([0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])/sprintf('%c', hex($1))/ge;
-	return substr($filename, 0, NAME_MAX-length('.mw'));
-sub connect_maybe {
-	my $wiki = shift;
-	if ($wiki) {
-		return $wiki;
-	}
-	my $remote_name = shift;
-	my $remote_url = shift;
-	my ($wiki_login, $wiki_password, $wiki_domain);
-	$wiki_login = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwLogin");
-	$wiki_password = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwPassword");
-	$wiki_domain = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwDomain");
-	$wiki = MediaWiki::API->new;
-	$wiki->{config}->{api_url} = "${remote_url}/api.php";
-	if ($wiki_login) {
-		my %credential = (
-			'url' => $remote_url,
-			'username' => $wiki_login,
-			'password' => $wiki_password
-		);
-		Git::credential(\%credential);
-		my $request = {lgname => $credential{username},
-			       lgpassword => $credential{password},
-			       lgdomain => $wiki_domain};
-		if ($wiki->login($request)) {
-			Git::credential(\%credential, 'approve');
-			print {*STDERR} qq(Logged in mediawiki user "$credential{username}".\n);
-		} else {
-			print {*STDERR} qq(Failed to log in mediawiki user "$credential{username}" on ${remote_url}\n);
-			print {*STDERR} '  (error ' .
-				$wiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' .
-				$wiki->{error}->{details} . ")\n";
-			Git::credential(\%credential, 'reject');
-			exit 1;
-		}
-	}
-	return $wiki;
-1; # Famous last words
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/Makefile b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 4e603512a39f..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2013
-#     Matthieu Moy <Matthieu.Moy@imag.fr>
-# To build and test:
-#   make
-#   bin-wrapper/git mw preview Some_page.mw
-#   bin-wrapper/git clone mediawiki::http://example.com/wiki/
-# To install, run Git's toplevel 'make install' then run:
-#   make install
-INSTALL = install
-SCRIPT_PERL_FULL=$(patsubst %,$(HERE)/%,$(SCRIPT_PERL))
-                -s --no-print-directory prefix=$(prefix) \
-                perllibdir=$(perllibdir) perllibdir)
-DESTDIR_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(DESTDIR))
-INSTLIBDIR_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(INSTLIBDIR))
-all: build
-test: all
-	$(MAKE) -C t
-check: perlcritic test
-	$(INSTALL) -d -m 755 '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(INSTLIBDIR_SQ)/Git'
-                build-perl-script
-install: install_pm
-                install-perl-script
-                clean-perl-script
-	perlcritic -5 $(SCRIPT_PERL)
-	-perlcritic -2 $(SCRIPT_PERL)
-.PHONY: all test check install_pm install clean perlcritic
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/bin-wrapper/git b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/bin-wrapper/git
deleted file mode 100755
index 6663ae57e869..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/bin-wrapper/git
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-# git executable wrapper script for Git-Mediawiki to run tests without
-# installing all the scripts and perl packages.
-GIT_EXEC_PATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && cd ${GIT_ROOT_DIR} && pwd)
-exec "${GIT_EXEC_PATH}/bin-wrappers/git" "$@"
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-mw.perl b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-mw.perl
deleted file mode 100755
index eb52a53d3202..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-mw.perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2013
-#     Benoit Person <benoit.person@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Celestin Matte <celestin.matte@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# Set of tools for git repo with a mediawiki remote.
-# Documentation & bugtracker: https://github.com/Git-Mediawiki/Git-Mediawiki
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use URI::URL qw(url);
-use LWP::UserAgent;
-use HTML::TreeBuilder;
-use Git;
-use MediaWiki::API;
-use Git::Mediawiki qw(clean_filename connect_maybe
-# By default, use UTF-8 to communicate with Git and the user
-binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-# Global parameters
-my $verbose = 0;
-sub v_print {
-	if ($verbose) {
-		return print {*STDERR} @_;
-	}
-	return;
-# Preview parameters
-my $file_name = EMPTY;
-my $remote_name = EMPTY;
-my $preview_file_name = EMPTY;
-my $autoload = 0;
-sub file {
-	$file_name = shift;
-	return $file_name;
-my %commands = (
-	'help' =>
-		[\&help, {}, \&help],
-	'preview' =>
-		[\&preview, {
-			'<>' => \&file,
-			'output|o=s' => \$preview_file_name,
-			'remote|r=s' => \$remote_name,
-			'autoload|a' => \$autoload
-		}, \&preview_help]
-# Search for sub-command
-my $cmd = $commands{'help'};
-for (0..@ARGV-1) {
-	if (defined $commands{$ARGV[$_]}) {
-		$cmd = $commands{$ARGV[$_]};
-		splice @ARGV, $_, 1;
-		last;
-	}
-GetOptions( %{$cmd->[1]},
-	'help|h' => \&{$cmd->[2]},
-	'verbose|v'  => \$verbose);
-# Launch command
-############################# Preview Functions ################################
-sub preview_help {
-	print {*STDOUT} <<'END';
-USAGE: git mw preview [--remote|-r <remote name>] [--autoload|-a]
-                      [--output|-o <output filename>] [--verbose|-v]
-                      <blob> | <filename>
-Preview is an utiliy to preview local content of a mediawiki repo as if it was
-pushed on the remote.
-For that, preview searches for the remote name of the current branch's
-upstream if --remote is not set. If that remote is not found or if it
-is not a mediawiki, it lists all mediawiki remotes configured and asks
-you to replay your command with the --remote option set properly.
-Then, it searches for a file named 'filename'. If it's not found in
-the current dir, it will assume it's a blob.
-The content retrieved in the file (or in the blob) will then be parsed
-by the remote mediawiki and combined with a template retrieved from
-the mediawiki.
-Finally, preview will save the HTML result in a file. and autoload it
-in your default web browser if the option --autoload is present.
-    -r <remote name>, --remote <remote name>
-        If the remote is a mediawiki, the template and the parse engine
-        used for the preview will be those of that remote.
-        If not, a list of valid remotes will be shown.
-    -a, --autoload
-        Try to load the HTML output in a new tab (or new window) of your
-        default web browser.
-    -o <output filename>, --output <output filename>
-        Change the HTML output filename. Default filename is based on the
-        input filename with its extension replaced by '.html'.
-    -v, --verbose
-        Show more information on what's going on under the hood.
-	exit;
-sub preview {
-	my $wiki;
-	my ($remote_url, $wiki_page_name);
-	my ($new_content, $template);
-	my $file_content;
-	if ($file_name eq EMPTY) {
-		die "Missing file argument, see `git mw help`\n";
-	}
-	v_print("### Selecting remote\n");
-	if ($remote_name eq EMPTY) {
-		$remote_name = find_upstream_remote_name();
-		if ($remote_name) {
-			$remote_url = mediawiki_remote_url_maybe($remote_name);
-		}
-		if (! $remote_url) {
-			my @valid_remotes = find_mediawiki_remotes();
-			if ($#valid_remotes == 0) {
-				print {*STDERR} "No mediawiki remote in this repo. \n";
-				exit 1;
-			} else {
-				my $remotes_list = join("\n\t", @valid_remotes);
-				print {*STDERR} <<"MESSAGE";
-There are multiple mediawiki remotes, which of:
-	${remotes_list}
-do you want ? Use the -r option to specify the remote.
-			}
-			exit 1;
-		}
-	} else {
-		if (!is_valid_remote($remote_name)) {
-			die "${remote_name} is not a remote\n";
-		}
-		$remote_url = mediawiki_remote_url_maybe($remote_name);
-		if (! $remote_url) {
-			die "${remote_name} is not a mediawiki remote\n";
-		}
-	}
-	v_print("selected remote:\n\tname: ${remote_name}\n\turl: ${remote_url}\n");
-	$wiki = connect_maybe($wiki, $remote_name, $remote_url);
-	# Read file content
-	if (! -e $file_name) {
-		$file_content = git_cmd_try {
-			Git::command('cat-file', 'blob', $file_name); }
-			"%s failed w/ code %d";
-		if ($file_name =~ /(.+):(.+)/) {
-			$file_name = $2;
-		}
-	} else {
-		open my $read_fh, "<", $file_name
-			or die "could not open ${file_name}: $!\n";
-		$file_content = do { local $/ = undef; <$read_fh> };
-		close $read_fh
-			or die "unable to close: $!\n";
-	}
-	v_print("### Retrieving template\n");
-	($wiki_page_name = clean_filename($file_name)) =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
-	$template = get_template($remote_url, $wiki_page_name);
-	v_print("### Parsing local content\n");
-	$new_content = $wiki->api({
-		action => 'parse',
-		text => $file_content,
-		title => $wiki_page_name
-	}, {
-		skip_encoding => 1
-	}) or die "No response from remote mediawiki\n";
-	$new_content = $new_content->{'parse'}->{'text'}->{'*'};
-	v_print("### Merging contents\n");
-	if ($preview_file_name eq EMPTY) {
-		($preview_file_name = $file_name) =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.html/;
-	}
-	open(my $save_fh, '>:encoding(UTF-8)', $preview_file_name)
-		or die "Could not open: $!\n";
-	print {$save_fh} merge_contents($template, $new_content, $remote_url);
-	close($save_fh)
-		or die "Could not close: $!\n";
-	v_print("### Results\n");
-	if ($autoload) {
-		v_print("Launching browser w/ file: ${preview_file_name}");
-		system('git', 'web--browse', $preview_file_name);
-	} else {
-		print {*STDERR} "Preview file saved as: ${preview_file_name}\n";
-	}
-	exit;
-# uses global scope variable: $remote_name
-sub merge_contents {
-	my $template = shift;
-	my $content = shift;
-	my $remote_url = shift;
-	my ($content_tree, $html_tree, $mw_content_text);
-	my $template_content_id = 'bodyContent';
-	$html_tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
-	$html_tree->parse($template);
-	$content_tree = HTML::TreeBuilder->new;
-	$content_tree->parse($content);
-	$template_content_id = Git::config("remote.${remote_name}.mwIDcontent")
-		|| $template_content_id;
-	v_print("Using '${template_content_id}' as the content ID\n");
-	$mw_content_text = $html_tree->look_down('id', $template_content_id);
-	if (!defined $mw_content_text) {
-		print {*STDERR} <<"CONFIG";
-Could not combine the new content with the template. You might want to
-configure `mediawiki.IDContent` in your config:
-	git config --add remote.${remote_name}.mwIDcontent <id>
-and re-run the command afterward.
-		exit 1;
-	}
-	$mw_content_text->delete_content();
-	$mw_content_text->push_content($content_tree);
-	make_links_absolute($html_tree, $remote_url);
-	return $html_tree->as_HTML;
-sub make_links_absolute {
-	my $html_tree = shift;
-	my $remote_url = shift;
-	for (@{ $html_tree->extract_links() }) {
-		my ($link, $element, $attr) = @{ $_ };
-		my $url = url($link)->canonical;
-		if ($url !~ /#/) {
-			$element->attr($attr, URI->new_abs($url, $remote_url));
-		}
-	}
-	return $html_tree;
-sub is_valid_remote {
-	my $remote = shift;
-	my @remotes = git_cmd_try {
-		Git::command('remote') }
-		"%s failed w/ code %d";
-	my $found_remote = 0;
-	foreach my $remote (@remotes) {
-		if ($remote eq $remote) {
-			$found_remote = 1;
-			last;
-		}
-	}
-	return $found_remote;
-sub find_mediawiki_remotes {
-	my @remotes = git_cmd_try {
-		Git::command('remote'); }
-		"%s failed w/ code %d";
-	my $remote_url;
-	my @valid_remotes = ();
-	foreach my $remote (@remotes) {
-		$remote_url = mediawiki_remote_url_maybe($remote);
-		if ($remote_url) {
-			push(@valid_remotes, $remote);
-		}
-	}
-	return @valid_remotes;
-sub find_upstream_remote_name {
-	my $current_branch = git_cmd_try {
-		Git::command_oneline('symbolic-ref', '--short', 'HEAD') }
-		"%s failed w/ code %d";
-	return Git::config("branch.${current_branch}.remote");
-sub mediawiki_remote_url_maybe {
-	my $remote = shift;
-	# Find remote url
-	my $remote_url = Git::config("remote.${remote}.url");
-	if ($remote_url =~ s/mediawiki::(.*)/$1/) {
-		return url($remote_url)->canonical;
-	}
-	return;
-sub get_template {
-	my $url = shift;
-	my $page_name = shift;
-	my ($req, $res, $code, $url_after);
-	$req = LWP::UserAgent->new;
-	if ($verbose) {
-		$req->show_progress(1);
-	}
-	$res = $req->get("${url}/index.php?title=${page_name}");
-	if (!$res->is_success) {
-		$code = $res->code;
-		$url_after = $res->request()->uri(); # resolve all redirections
-		if ($code == HTTP_CODE_PAGE_NOT_FOUND) {
-			if ($verbose) {
-				print {*STDERR} <<"WARNING";
-Warning: Failed to retrieve '$page_name'. Create it on the mediawiki if you want
-all the links to work properly.
-Trying to use the mediawiki homepage as a fallback template ...
-			}
-			# LWP automatically redirects GET request
-			$res = $req->get("${url}/index.php");
-			if (!$res->is_success) {
-				$url_after = $res->request()->uri(); # resolve all redirections
-				die "Failed to get homepage @ ${url_after} w/ code ${code}\n";
-			}
-		} else {
-			die "Failed to get '${page_name}' @ ${url_after} w/ code ${code}\n";
-		}
-	}
-	return $res->decoded_content;
-############################## Help Functions ##################################
-sub help {
-	print {*STDOUT} <<'END';
-usage: git mw <command> <args>
-git mw commands are:
-    help        Display help information about git mw
-    preview     Parse and render local file into HTML
-	exit;
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.perl b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.perl
deleted file mode 100755
index a5624413dc11..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.perl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1390 +0,0 @@
-#! /usr/bin/perl
-# Copyright (C) 2011
-#     Jérémie Nikaes <jeremie.nikaes@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Arnaud Lacurie <arnaud.lacurie@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Claire Fousse <claire.fousse@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     David Amouyal <david.amouyal@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Matthieu Moy <matthieu.moy@grenoble-inp.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# Gateway between Git and MediaWiki.
-# Documentation & bugtracker: https://github.com/Git-Mediawiki/Git-Mediawiki
-use strict;
-use MediaWiki::API;
-use Git;
-use Git::Mediawiki qw(clean_filename smudge_filename connect_maybe
-use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
-use warnings;
-# By default, use UTF-8 to communicate with Git and the user
-binmode STDERR, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-use URI::Escape;
-# It's not always possible to delete pages (may require some
-# privileges). Deleted pages are replaced with this content.
-use constant DELETED_CONTENT => "[[Category:Deleted]]\n";
-# It's not possible to create empty pages. New empty files in Git are
-# sent with this content instead.
-use constant EMPTY_CONTENT => "<!-- empty page -->\n";
-# used to reflect file creation or deletion in diff.
-use constant NULL_SHA1 => '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000';
-# Used on Git's side to reflect empty edit messages on the wiki
-use constant EMPTY_MESSAGE => '*Empty MediaWiki Message*';
-# Number of pages taken into account at once in submodule get_mw_page_list
-use constant SLICE_SIZE => 50;
-# Number of linked mediafile to get at once in get_linked_mediafiles
-# The query is split in small batches because of the MW API limit of
-# the number of links to be returned (500 links max).
-use constant BATCH_SIZE => 10;
-if (@ARGV != 2) {
-	exit_error_usage();
-my $remotename = $ARGV[0];
-my $url = $ARGV[1];
-# Accept both space-separated and multiple keys in config file.
-# Spaces should be written as _ anyway because we'll use chomp.
-my @tracked_pages = split(/[ \n]/, run_git_quoted(["config", "--get-all", "remote.${remotename}.pages"]));
-# Just like @tracked_pages, but for MediaWiki categories.
-my @tracked_categories = split(/[ \n]/, run_git_quoted(["config", "--get-all", "remote.${remotename}.categories"]));
-# Just like @tracked_categories, but for MediaWiki namespaces.
-my @tracked_namespaces = split(/[ \n]/, run_git_quoted(["config", "--get-all", "remote.${remotename}.namespaces"]));
-for (@tracked_namespaces) { s/_/ /g; }
-# Import media files on pull
-my $import_media = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "--bool", "remote.${remotename}.mediaimport"]);
-$import_media = ($import_media eq 'true');
-# Export media files on push
-my $export_media = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "--bool", "remote.${remotename}.mediaexport"]);
-$export_media = !($export_media eq 'false');
-my $wiki_login = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "remote.${remotename}.mwLogin"]);
-# Note: mwPassword is discouraged. Use the credential system instead.
-my $wiki_passwd = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "remote.${remotename}.mwPassword"]);
-my $wiki_domain = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "remote.${remotename}.mwDomain"]);
-# Import only last revisions (both for clone and fetch)
-my $shallow_import = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "--bool", "remote.${remotename}.shallow"]);
-$shallow_import = ($shallow_import eq 'true');
-# Fetch (clone and pull) by revisions instead of by pages. This behavior
-# is more efficient when we have a wiki with lots of pages and we fetch
-# the revisions quite often so that they concern only few pages.
-# Possible values:
-# - by_rev: perform one query per new revision on the remote wiki
-# - by_page: query each tracked page for new revision
-my $fetch_strategy = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "remote.${remotename}.fetchStrategy"]);
-if (!$fetch_strategy) {
-	$fetch_strategy = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "mediawiki.fetchStrategy"]);
-if (!$fetch_strategy) {
-	$fetch_strategy = 'by_page';
-# Remember the timestamp corresponding to a revision id.
-my %basetimestamps;
-# Dumb push: don't update notes and mediawiki ref to reflect the last push.
-# Configurable with mediawiki.dumbPush, or per-remote with
-# remote.<remotename>.dumbPush.
-# This means the user will have to re-import the just-pushed
-# revisions. On the other hand, this means that the Git revisions
-# corresponding to MediaWiki revisions are all imported from the wiki,
-# regardless of whether they were initially created in Git or from the
-# web interface, hence all users will get the same history (i.e. if
-# the push from Git to MediaWiki loses some information, everybody
-# will get the history with information lost). If the import is
-# deterministic, this means everybody gets the same sha1 for each
-# MediaWiki revision.
-my $dumb_push = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "--bool", "remote.${remotename}.dumbPush"]);
-if (!$dumb_push) {
-	$dumb_push = run_git_quoted(["config", "--get", "--bool", "mediawiki.dumbPush"]);
-$dumb_push = ($dumb_push eq 'true');
-my $wiki_name = $url;
-$wiki_name =~ s{[^/]*://}{};
-# If URL is like http://user:password@example.com/, we clearly don't
-# want the password in $wiki_name. While we're there, also remove user
-# and '@' sign, to avoid author like MWUser@HTTPUser@host.com
-$wiki_name =~ s/^.*@//;
-# Commands parser
-while (<STDIN>) {
-	chomp;
-	if (!parse_command($_)) {
-		last;
-	}
-	BEGIN { $| = 1 } # flush STDOUT, to make sure the previous
-			 # command is fully processed.
-########################## Functions ##############################
-## error handling
-sub exit_error_usage {
-	die "ERROR: git-remote-mediawiki module was not called with a correct number of\n" .
-	    "parameters\n" .
-	    "You may obtain this error because you attempted to run the git-remote-mediawiki\n" .
-            "module directly.\n" .
-	    "This module can be used the following way:\n" .
-	    "\tgit clone mediawiki://<address of a mediawiki>\n" .
-	    "Then, use git commit, push and pull as with every normal git repository.\n";
-sub parse_command {
-	my ($line) = @_;
-	my @cmd = split(/ /, $line);
-	if (!defined $cmd[0]) {
-		return 0;
-	}
-	if ($cmd[0] eq 'capabilities') {
-		die("Too many arguments for capabilities\n")
-		    if (defined($cmd[1]));
-		mw_capabilities();
-	} elsif ($cmd[0] eq 'list') {
-		die("Too many arguments for list\n") if (defined($cmd[2]));
-		mw_list($cmd[1]);
-	} elsif ($cmd[0] eq 'import') {
-		die("Invalid argument for import\n")
-		    if ($cmd[1] eq EMPTY);
-		die("Too many arguments for import\n")
-		    if (defined($cmd[2]));
-		mw_import($cmd[1]);
-	} elsif ($cmd[0] eq 'option') {
-		die("Invalid arguments for option\n")
-		    if ($cmd[1] eq EMPTY || $cmd[2] eq EMPTY);
-		die("Too many arguments for option\n")
-		    if (defined($cmd[3]));
-		mw_option($cmd[1],$cmd[2]);
-	} elsif ($cmd[0] eq 'push') {
-		mw_push($cmd[1]);
-	} else {
-		print {*STDERR} "Unknown command. Aborting...\n";
-		return 0;
-	}
-	return 1;
-# MediaWiki API instance, created lazily.
-my $mediawiki;
-sub fatal_mw_error {
-	my $action = shift;
-	print STDERR "fatal: could not $action.\n";
-	print STDERR "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
-	if ($url =~ /^https/) {
-		print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page\n";
-		print STDERR "fatal: and the SSL certificate is correct.\n";
-	} else {
-		print STDERR "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
-	}
-	print STDERR "fatal: (error " .
-	    $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': ' .
-	    $mediawiki->{error}->{details} . ")\n";
-	exit 1;
-## Functions for listing pages on the remote wiki
-sub get_mw_tracked_pages {
-	my $pages = shift;
-	get_mw_page_list(\@tracked_pages, $pages);
-	return;
-sub get_mw_page_list {
-	my $page_list = shift;
-	my $pages = shift;
-	my @some_pages = @{$page_list};
-	while (@some_pages) {
-		my $last_page = SLICE_SIZE;
-		if ($#some_pages < $last_page) {
-			$last_page = $#some_pages;
-		}
-		my @slice = @some_pages[0..$last_page];
-		get_mw_first_pages(\@slice, $pages);
-		@some_pages = @some_pages[(SLICE_SIZE + 1)..$#some_pages];
-	}
-	return;
-sub get_mw_tracked_categories {
-	my $pages = shift;
-	foreach my $category (@tracked_categories) {
-		if (index($category, ':') < 0) {
-			# Mediawiki requires the Category
-			# prefix, but let's not force the user
-			# to specify it.
-			$category = "Category:${category}";
-		}
-		my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->list( {
-			action => 'query',
-			list => 'categorymembers',
-			cmtitle => $category,
-			cmlimit => 'max' } )
-			|| die $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': '
-				. $mediawiki->{error}->{details} . "\n";
-		foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
-			$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-sub get_mw_tracked_namespaces {
-    my $pages = shift;
-    foreach my $local_namespace (sort @tracked_namespaces) {
-        my $namespace_id;
-        if ($local_namespace eq "(Main)") {
-            $namespace_id = 0;
-        } else {
-            $namespace_id = get_mw_namespace_id($local_namespace);
-        }
-        # virtual namespaces don't support allpages
-        next if !defined($namespace_id) || $namespace_id < 0;
-        my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->list( {
-            action => 'query',
-            list => 'allpages',
-            apnamespace => $namespace_id,
-            aplimit => 'max' } )
-            || die $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ': '
-                . $mediawiki->{error}->{details} . "\n";
-        print {*STDERR} "$#{$mw_pages} found in namespace $local_namespace ($namespace_id)\n";
-        foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
-            $pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
-        }
-    }
-    return;
-sub get_mw_all_pages {
-	my $pages = shift;
-	# No user-provided list, get the list of pages from the API.
-	my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->list({
-		action => 'query',
-		list => 'allpages',
-		aplimit => 'max'
-	});
-	if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
-		fatal_mw_error("get the list of wiki pages");
-	}
-	foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
-		$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
-	}
-	return;
-# queries the wiki for a set of pages. Meant to be used within a loop
-# querying the wiki for slices of page list.
-sub get_mw_first_pages {
-	my $some_pages = shift;
-	my @some_pages = @{$some_pages};
-	my $pages = shift;
-	# pattern 'page1|page2|...' required by the API
-	my $titles = join('|', @some_pages);
-	my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->api({
-		action => 'query',
-		titles => $titles,
-	});
-	if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
-		fatal_mw_error("query the list of wiki pages");
-	}
-	while (my ($id, $page) = each(%{$mw_pages->{query}->{pages}})) {
-		if ($id < 0) {
-			print {*STDERR} "Warning: page $page->{title} not found on wiki\n";
-		} else {
-			$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-# Get the list of pages to be fetched according to configuration.
-sub get_mw_pages {
-	$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-	print {*STDERR} "Listing pages on remote wiki...\n";
-	my %pages; # hash on page titles to avoid duplicates
-	my $user_defined;
-	if (@tracked_pages) {
-		$user_defined = 1;
-		# The user provided a list of pages titles, but we
-		# still need to query the API to get the page IDs.
-		get_mw_tracked_pages(\%pages);
-	}
-	if (@tracked_categories) {
-		$user_defined = 1;
-		get_mw_tracked_categories(\%pages);
-	}
-	if (@tracked_namespaces) {
-		$user_defined = 1;
-		get_mw_tracked_namespaces(\%pages);
-	}
-	if (!$user_defined) {
-		get_mw_all_pages(\%pages);
-	}
-	if ($import_media) {
-		print {*STDERR} "Getting media files for selected pages...\n";
-		if ($user_defined) {
-			get_linked_mediafiles(\%pages);
-		} else {
-			get_all_mediafiles(\%pages);
-		}
-	}
-	print {*STDERR} (scalar keys %pages) . " pages found.\n";
-	return %pages;
-# usage: $out = run_git_quoted(["command", "args", ...]);
-#        $out = run_git_quoted(["command", "args", ...], "raw"); # don't interpret output as UTF-8.
-#        $out = run_git_quoted_nostderr(["command", "args", ...]); # discard stderr
-#        $out = run_git_quoted_nostderr(["command", "args", ...], "raw"); # ditto but raw instead of UTF-8 as above
-sub _run_git {
-	my $args = shift;
-	my $encoding = (shift || 'encoding(UTF-8)');
-	open(my $git, "-|:${encoding}", @$args)
-	    or die "Unable to fork: $!\n";
-	my $res = do {
-		local $/ = undef;
-		<$git>
-	};
-	close($git);
-	return $res;
-sub run_git_quoted {
-    _run_git(["git", @{$_[0]}], $_[1]);
-sub run_git_quoted_nostderr {
-    _run_git(['sh', '-c', 'git "$@" 2>/dev/null', '--', @{$_[0]}], $_[1]);
-sub get_all_mediafiles {
-	my $pages = shift;
-	# Attach list of all pages for media files from the API,
-	# they are in a different namespace, only one namespace
-	# can be queried at the same moment
-	my $mw_pages = $mediawiki->list({
-		action => 'query',
-		list => 'allpages',
-		apnamespace => get_mw_namespace_id('File'),
-		aplimit => 'max'
-	});
-	if (!defined($mw_pages)) {
-		print {*STDERR} "fatal: could not get the list of pages for media files.\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "fatal: '$url' does not appear to be a mediawiki\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "fatal: make sure '$url/api.php' is a valid page.\n";
-		exit 1;
-	}
-	foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
-		$pages->{$page->{title}} = $page;
-	}
-	return;
-sub get_linked_mediafiles {
-	my $pages = shift;
-	my @titles = map { $_->{title} } values(%{$pages});
-	my $batch = BATCH_SIZE;
-	while (@titles) {
-		if ($#titles < $batch) {
-			$batch = $#titles;
-		}
-		my @slice = @titles[0..$batch];
-		# pattern 'page1|page2|...' required by the API
-		my $mw_titles = join('|', @slice);
-		# Media files could be included or linked from
-		# a page, get all related
-		my $query = {
-			action => 'query',
-			prop => 'links|images',
-			titles => $mw_titles,
-			plnamespace => get_mw_namespace_id('File'),
-			pllimit => 'max'
-		};
-		my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-		while (my ($id, $page) = each(%{$result->{query}->{pages}})) {
-			my @media_titles;
-			if (defined($page->{links})) {
-				my @link_titles
-				    = map { $_->{title} } @{$page->{links}};
-				push(@media_titles, @link_titles);
-			}
-			if (defined($page->{images})) {
-				my @image_titles
-				    = map { $_->{title} } @{$page->{images}};
-				push(@media_titles, @image_titles);
-			}
-			if (@media_titles) {
-				get_mw_page_list(\@media_titles, $pages);
-			}
-		}
-		@titles = @titles[($batch+1)..$#titles];
-	}
-	return;
-sub get_mw_mediafile_for_page_revision {
-	# Name of the file on Wiki, with the prefix.
-	my $filename = shift;
-	my $timestamp = shift;
-	my %mediafile;
-	# Search if on a media file with given timestamp exists on
-	# MediaWiki. In that case download the file.
-	my $query = {
-		action => 'query',
-		prop => 'imageinfo',
-		titles => "File:${filename}",
-		iistart => $timestamp,
-		iiend => $timestamp,
-		iiprop => 'timestamp|archivename|url',
-		iilimit => 1
-	};
-	my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-	my ($fileid, $file) = each( %{$result->{query}->{pages}} );
-	# If not defined it means there is no revision of the file for
-	# given timestamp.
-	if (defined($file->{imageinfo})) {
-		$mediafile{title} = $filename;
-		my $fileinfo = pop(@{$file->{imageinfo}});
-		$mediafile{timestamp} = $fileinfo->{timestamp};
-		# Mediawiki::API's download function doesn't support https URLs
-		# and can't download old versions of files.
-		print {*STDERR} "\tDownloading file $mediafile{title}, version $mediafile{timestamp}\n";
-		$mediafile{content} = download_mw_mediafile($fileinfo->{url});
-	}
-	return %mediafile;
-sub download_mw_mediafile {
-	my $download_url = shift;
-	my $response = $mediawiki->{ua}->get($download_url);
-	if ($response->code == HTTP_CODE_OK) {
-		# It is tempting to return
-		# $response->decoded_content({charset => "none"}), but
-		# when doing so, utf8::downgrade($content) fails with
-		# "Wide character in subroutine entry".
-		$response->decode();
-		return $response->content();
-	} else {
-		print {*STDERR} "Error downloading mediafile from :\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "URL: ${download_url}\n";
-		print {*STDERR} 'Server response: ' . $response->code . q{ } . $response->message . "\n";
-		exit 1;
-	}
-sub get_last_local_revision {
-	# Get note regarding last mediawiki revision.
-	my $note = run_git_quoted_nostderr(["notes", "--ref=${remotename}/mediawiki",
-					    "show", "refs/mediawiki/${remotename}/master"]);
-	my @note_info = split(/ /, $note);
-	my $lastrevision_number;
-	if (!(defined($note_info[0]) && $note_info[0] eq 'mediawiki_revision:')) {
-		print {*STDERR} 'No previous mediawiki revision found';
-		$lastrevision_number = 0;
-	} else {
-		# Notes are formatted : mediawiki_revision: #number
-		$lastrevision_number = $note_info[1];
-		chomp($lastrevision_number);
-		print {*STDERR} "Last local mediawiki revision found is ${lastrevision_number}";
-	}
-	return $lastrevision_number;
-# Get the last remote revision without taking in account which pages are
-# tracked or not. This function makes a single request to the wiki thus
-# avoid a loop onto all tracked pages. This is useful for the fetch-by-rev
-# option.
-sub get_last_global_remote_rev {
-	$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-	my $query = {
-		action => 'query',
-		list => 'recentchanges',
-		prop => 'revisions',
-		rclimit => '1',
-		rcdir => 'older',
-	};
-	my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-	return $result->{query}->{recentchanges}[0]->{revid};
-# Get the last remote revision concerning the tracked pages and the tracked
-# categories.
-sub get_last_remote_revision {
-	$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-	my %pages_hash = get_mw_pages();
-	my @pages = values(%pages_hash);
-	my $max_rev_num = 0;
-	print {*STDERR} "Getting last revision id on tracked pages...\n";
-	foreach my $page (@pages) {
-		my $id = $page->{pageid};
-		my $query = {
-			action => 'query',
-			prop => 'revisions',
-			rvprop => 'ids|timestamp',
-			pageids => $id,
-		};
-		my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-		my $lastrev = pop(@{$result->{query}->{pages}->{$id}->{revisions}});
-		$basetimestamps{$lastrev->{revid}} = $lastrev->{timestamp};
-		$max_rev_num = ($lastrev->{revid} > $max_rev_num ? $lastrev->{revid} : $max_rev_num);
-	}
-	print {*STDERR} "Last remote revision found is $max_rev_num.\n";
-	return $max_rev_num;
-# Clean content before sending it to MediaWiki
-sub mediawiki_clean {
-	my $string = shift;
-	my $page_created = shift;
-	# Mediawiki does not allow blank space at the end of a page and ends with a single \n.
-	# This function right trims a string and adds a \n at the end to follow this rule
-	$string =~ s/\s+$//;
-	if ($string eq EMPTY && $page_created) {
-		# Creating empty pages is forbidden.
-		$string = EMPTY_CONTENT;
-	}
-	return $string."\n";
-# Filter applied on MediaWiki data before adding them to Git
-sub mediawiki_smudge {
-	my $string = shift;
-	if ($string eq EMPTY_CONTENT) {
-		$string = EMPTY;
-	}
-	# This \n is important. This is due to mediawiki's way to handle end of files.
-	return "${string}\n";
-sub literal_data {
-	my ($content) = @_;
-	print {*STDOUT} 'data ', bytes::length($content), "\n", $content;
-	return;
-sub literal_data_raw {
-	# Output possibly binary content.
-	my ($content) = @_;
-	# Avoid confusion between size in bytes and in characters
-	utf8::downgrade($content);
-	binmode STDOUT, ':raw';
-	print {*STDOUT} 'data ', bytes::length($content), "\n", $content;
-	binmode STDOUT, ':encoding(UTF-8)';
-	return;
-sub mw_capabilities {
-	# Revisions are imported to the private namespace
-	# refs/mediawiki/$remotename/ by the helper and fetched into
-	# refs/remotes/$remotename later by fetch.
-	print {*STDOUT} "refspec refs/heads/*:refs/mediawiki/${remotename}/*\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "import\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "list\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "push\n";
-	if ($dumb_push) {
-		print {*STDOUT} "no-private-update\n";
-	}
-	print {*STDOUT} "\n";
-	return;
-sub mw_list {
-	# MediaWiki do not have branches, we consider one branch arbitrarily
-	# called master, and HEAD pointing to it.
-	print {*STDOUT} "? refs/heads/master\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "\@refs/heads/master HEAD\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "\n";
-	return;
-sub mw_option {
-	print {*STDERR} "remote-helper command 'option $_[0]' not yet implemented\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "unsupported\n";
-	return;
-sub fetch_mw_revisions_for_page {
-	my $page = shift;
-	my $id = shift;
-	my $fetch_from = shift;
-	my @page_revs = ();
-	my $query = {
-		action => 'query',
-		prop => 'revisions',
-		rvprop => 'ids',
-		rvdir => 'newer',
-		rvstartid => $fetch_from,
-		rvlimit => 500,
-		pageids => $id,
-		# Let MediaWiki know that we support the latest API.
-		continue => '',
-	};
-	my $revnum = 0;
-	# Get 500 revisions at a time due to the mediawiki api limit
-	while (1) {
-		my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-		# Parse each of those 500 revisions
-		foreach my $revision (@{$result->{query}->{pages}->{$id}->{revisions}}) {
-			my $page_rev_ids;
-			$page_rev_ids->{pageid} = $page->{pageid};
-			$page_rev_ids->{revid} = $revision->{revid};
-			push(@page_revs, $page_rev_ids);
-			$revnum++;
-		}
-		if ($result->{'query-continue'}) { # For legacy APIs
-			$query->{rvstartid} = $result->{'query-continue'}->{revisions}->{rvstartid};
-		} elsif ($result->{continue}) { # For newer APIs
-			$query->{rvstartid} = $result->{continue}->{rvcontinue};
-			$query->{continue} = $result->{continue}->{continue};
-		} else {
-			last;
-		}
-	}
-	if ($shallow_import && @page_revs) {
-		print {*STDERR} "  Found 1 revision (shallow import).\n";
-		@page_revs = sort {$b->{revid} <=> $a->{revid}} (@page_revs);
-		return $page_revs[0];
-	}
-	print {*STDERR} "  Found ${revnum} revision(s).\n";
-	return @page_revs;
-sub fetch_mw_revisions {
-	my $pages = shift; my @pages = @{$pages};
-	my $fetch_from = shift;
-	my @revisions = ();
-	my $n = 1;
-	foreach my $page (@pages) {
-		my $id = $page->{pageid};
-		print {*STDERR} "page ${n}/", scalar(@pages), ': ', $page->{title}, "\n";
-		$n++;
-		my @page_revs = fetch_mw_revisions_for_page($page, $id, $fetch_from);
-		@revisions = (@page_revs, @revisions);
-	}
-	return ($n, @revisions);
-sub fe_escape_path {
-    my $path = shift;
-    $path =~ s/\\/\\\\/g;
-    $path =~ s/"/\\"/g;
-    $path =~ s/\n/\\n/g;
-    return qq("${path}");
-sub import_file_revision {
-	my $commit = shift;
-	my %commit = %{$commit};
-	my $full_import = shift;
-	my $n = shift;
-	my $mediafile = shift;
-	my %mediafile;
-	if ($mediafile) {
-		%mediafile = %{$mediafile};
-	}
-	my $title = $commit{title};
-	my $comment = $commit{comment};
-	my $content = $commit{content};
-	my $author = $commit{author};
-	my $date = $commit{date};
-	print {*STDOUT} "commit refs/mediawiki/${remotename}/master\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "mark :${n}\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "committer ${author} <${author}\@${wiki_name}> " . $date->epoch . " +0000\n";
-	literal_data($comment);
-	# If it's not a clone, we need to know where to start from
-	if (!$full_import && $n == 1) {
-		print {*STDOUT} "from refs/mediawiki/${remotename}/master^0\n";
-	}
-	if ($content ne DELETED_CONTENT) {
-		print {*STDOUT} 'M 644 inline ' .
-		    fe_escape_path("${title}.mw") . "\n";
-		literal_data($content);
-		if (%mediafile) {
-			print {*STDOUT} 'M 644 inline '
-			    . fe_escape_path($mediafile{title}) . "\n";
-			literal_data_raw($mediafile{content});
-		}
-		print {*STDOUT} "\n\n";
-	} else {
-		print {*STDOUT} 'D ' . fe_escape_path("${title}.mw") . "\n";
-	}
-	# mediawiki revision number in the git note
-	if ($full_import && $n == 1) {
-		print {*STDOUT} "reset refs/notes/${remotename}/mediawiki\n";
-	}
-	print {*STDOUT} "commit refs/notes/${remotename}/mediawiki\n";
-	print {*STDOUT} "committer ${author} <${author}\@${wiki_name}> " . $date->epoch . " +0000\n";
-	literal_data('Note added by git-mediawiki during import');
-	if (!$full_import && $n == 1) {
-		print {*STDOUT} "from refs/notes/${remotename}/mediawiki^0\n";
-	}
-	print {*STDOUT} "N inline :${n}\n";
-	literal_data("mediawiki_revision: $commit{mw_revision}");
-	print {*STDOUT} "\n\n";
-	return;
-# parse a sequence of
-# <cmd> <arg1>
-# <cmd> <arg2>
-# \n
-# (like batch sequence of import and sequence of push statements)
-sub get_more_refs {
-	my $cmd = shift;
-	my @refs;
-	while (1) {
-		my $line = <STDIN>;
-		if ($line =~ /^$cmd (.*)$/) {
-			push(@refs, $1);
-		} elsif ($line eq "\n") {
-			return @refs;
-		} else {
-			die("Invalid command in a '$cmd' batch: $_\n");
-		}
-	}
-	return;
-sub mw_import {
-	# multiple import commands can follow each other.
-	my @refs = (shift, get_more_refs('import'));
-	my $processedRefs;
-	foreach my $ref (@refs) {
-		next if $processedRefs->{$ref}; # skip duplicates: "import refs/heads/master" being issued twice; TODO: why?
-		$processedRefs->{$ref} = 1;
-		mw_import_ref($ref);
-	}
-	print {*STDOUT} "done\n";
-	return;
-sub mw_import_ref {
-	my $ref = shift;
-	# The remote helper will call "import HEAD" and
-	# "import refs/heads/master".
-	# Since HEAD is a symbolic ref to master (by convention,
-	# followed by the output of the command "list" that we gave),
-	# we don't need to do anything in this case.
-	if ($ref eq 'HEAD') {
-		return;
-	}
-	$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-	print {*STDERR} "Searching revisions...\n";
-	my $last_local = get_last_local_revision();
-	my $fetch_from = $last_local + 1;
-	if ($fetch_from == 1) {
-		print {*STDERR} ", fetching from beginning.\n";
-	} else {
-		print {*STDERR} ", fetching from here.\n";
-	}
-	my $n = 0;
-	if ($fetch_strategy eq 'by_rev') {
-		print {*STDERR} "Fetching & writing export data by revs...\n";
-		$n = mw_import_ref_by_revs($fetch_from);
-	} elsif ($fetch_strategy eq 'by_page') {
-		print {*STDERR} "Fetching & writing export data by pages...\n";
-		$n = mw_import_ref_by_pages($fetch_from);
-	} else {
-		print {*STDERR} qq(fatal: invalid fetch strategy "${fetch_strategy}".\n);
-		print {*STDERR} "Check your configuration variables remote.${remotename}.fetchStrategy and mediawiki.fetchStrategy\n";
-		exit 1;
-	}
-	if ($fetch_from == 1 && $n == 0) {
-		print {*STDERR} "You appear to have cloned an empty MediaWiki.\n";
-		# Something has to be done remote-helper side. If nothing is done, an error is
-		# thrown saying that HEAD is referring to unknown object 0000000000000000000
-		# and the clone fails.
-	}
-	return;
-sub mw_import_ref_by_pages {
-	my $fetch_from = shift;
-	my %pages_hash = get_mw_pages();
-	my @pages = values(%pages_hash);
-	my ($n, @revisions) = fetch_mw_revisions(\@pages, $fetch_from);
-	@revisions = sort {$a->{revid} <=> $b->{revid}} @revisions;
-	my @revision_ids = map { $_->{revid} } @revisions;
-	return mw_import_revids($fetch_from, \@revision_ids, \%pages_hash);
-sub mw_import_ref_by_revs {
-	my $fetch_from = shift;
-	my %pages_hash = get_mw_pages();
-	my $last_remote = get_last_global_remote_rev();
-	my @revision_ids = $fetch_from..$last_remote;
-	return mw_import_revids($fetch_from, \@revision_ids, \%pages_hash);
-# Import revisions given in second argument (array of integers).
-# Only pages appearing in the third argument (hash indexed by page titles)
-# will be imported.
-sub mw_import_revids {
-	my $fetch_from = shift;
-	my $revision_ids = shift;
-	my $pages = shift;
-	my $n = 0;
-	my $n_actual = 0;
-	my $last_timestamp = 0; # Placeholder in case $rev->timestamp is undefined
-	foreach my $pagerevid (@{$revision_ids}) {
-	        # Count page even if we skip it, since we display
-		# $n/$total and $total includes skipped pages.
-		$n++;
-		# fetch the content of the pages
-		my $query = {
-			action => 'query',
-			prop => 'revisions',
-			rvprop => 'content|timestamp|comment|user|ids',
-			revids => $pagerevid,
-		};
-		my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-		if (!$result) {
-			die "Failed to retrieve modified page for revision $pagerevid\n";
-		}
-		if (defined($result->{query}->{badrevids}->{$pagerevid})) {
-			# The revision id does not exist on the remote wiki.
-			next;
-		}
-		if (!defined($result->{query}->{pages})) {
-			die "Invalid revision ${pagerevid}.\n";
-		}
-		my @result_pages = values(%{$result->{query}->{pages}});
-		my $result_page = $result_pages[0];
-		my $rev = $result_pages[0]->{revisions}->[0];
-		my $page_title = $result_page->{title};
-		if (!exists($pages->{$page_title})) {
-			print {*STDERR} "${n}/", scalar(@{$revision_ids}),
-				": Skipping revision #$rev->{revid} of ${page_title}\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		$n_actual++;
-		my %commit;
-		$commit{author} = $rev->{user} || 'Anonymous';
-		$commit{comment} = $rev->{comment} || EMPTY_MESSAGE;
-		$commit{title} = smudge_filename($page_title);
-		$commit{mw_revision} = $rev->{revid};
-		$commit{content} = mediawiki_smudge($rev->{'*'});
-		if (!defined($rev->{timestamp})) {
-			$last_timestamp++;
-		} else {
-			$last_timestamp = $rev->{timestamp};
-		}
-		$commit{date} = DateTime::Format::ISO8601->parse_datetime($last_timestamp);
-		# Differentiates classic pages and media files.
-		my ($namespace, $filename) = $page_title =~ /^([^:]*):(.*)$/;
-		my %mediafile;
-		if ($namespace) {
-			my $id = get_mw_namespace_id($namespace);
-			if ($id && $id == get_mw_namespace_id('File')) {
-				%mediafile = get_mw_mediafile_for_page_revision($filename, $rev->{timestamp});
-			}
-		}
-		# If this is a revision of the media page for new version
-		# of a file do one common commit for both file and media page.
-		# Else do commit only for that page.
-		print {*STDERR} "${n}/", scalar(@{$revision_ids}), ": Revision #$rev->{revid} of $commit{title}\n";
-		import_file_revision(\%commit, ($fetch_from == 1), $n_actual, \%mediafile);
-	}
-	return $n_actual;
-sub error_non_fast_forward {
-	my $advice = run_git_quoted(["config", "--bool", "advice.pushNonFastForward"]);
-	chomp($advice);
-	if ($advice ne 'false') {
-		# Native git-push would show this after the summary.
-		# We can't ask it to display it cleanly, so print it
-		# ourselves before.
-		print {*STDERR} "To prevent you from losing history, non-fast-forward updates were rejected\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "Merge the remote changes (e.g. 'git pull') before pushing again. See the\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "'Note about fast-forwards' section of 'git push --help' for details.\n";
-	}
-	print {*STDOUT} qq(error $_[0] "non-fast-forward"\n);
-	return 0;
-sub mw_upload_file {
-	my $complete_file_name = shift;
-	my $new_sha1 = shift;
-	my $extension = shift;
-	my $file_deleted = shift;
-	my $summary = shift;
-	my $newrevid;
-	my $path = "File:${complete_file_name}";
-	my %hashFiles = get_allowed_file_extensions();
-	if (!exists($hashFiles{$extension})) {
-		print {*STDERR} "${complete_file_name} is not a permitted file on this wiki.\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "Check the configuration of file uploads in your mediawiki.\n";
-		return $newrevid;
-	}
-	# Deleting and uploading a file requires a privileged user
-	if ($file_deleted) {
-		$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-		my $query = {
-			action => 'delete',
-			title => $path,
-			reason => $summary
-		};
-		if (!$mediawiki->edit($query)) {
-			print {*STDERR} "Failed to delete file on remote wiki\n";
-			print {*STDERR} "Check your permissions on the remote site. Error code:\n";
-			print {*STDERR} $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ':' . $mediawiki->{error}->{details};
-			exit 1;
-		}
-	} else {
-		# Don't let perl try to interpret file content as UTF-8 => use "raw"
-		my $content = run_git_quoted(["cat-file", "blob", $new_sha1], 'raw');
-		if ($content ne EMPTY) {
-			$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-			$mediawiki->{config}->{upload_url} =
-				"${url}/index.php/Special:Upload";
-			$mediawiki->edit({
-				action => 'upload',
-				filename => $complete_file_name,
-				comment => $summary,
-				file => [undef,
-					 $complete_file_name,
-					 Content => $content],
-				ignorewarnings => 1,
-			}, {
-				skip_encoding => 1
-			} ) || die $mediawiki->{error}->{code} . ':'
-				 . $mediawiki->{error}->{details} . "\n";
-			my $last_file_page = $mediawiki->get_page({title => $path});
-			$newrevid = $last_file_page->{revid};
-			print {*STDERR} "Pushed file: ${new_sha1} - ${complete_file_name}.\n";
-		} else {
-			print {*STDERR} "Empty file ${complete_file_name} not pushed.\n";
-		}
-	}
-	return $newrevid;
-sub mw_push_file {
-	my $diff_info = shift;
-	# $diff_info contains a string in this format:
-	# 100644 100644 <sha1_of_blob_before_commit> <sha1_of_blob_now> <status>
-	my @diff_info_split = split(/[ \t]/, $diff_info);
-	# Filename, including .mw extension
-	my $complete_file_name = shift;
-	# Commit message
-	my $summary = shift;
-	# MediaWiki revision number. Keep the previous one by default,
-	# in case there's no edit to perform.
-	my $oldrevid = shift;
-	my $newrevid;
-	if ($summary eq EMPTY_MESSAGE) {
-		$summary = EMPTY;
-	}
-	my $new_sha1 = $diff_info_split[3];
-	my $old_sha1 = $diff_info_split[2];
-	my $page_created = ($old_sha1 eq NULL_SHA1);
-	my $page_deleted = ($new_sha1 eq NULL_SHA1);
-	$complete_file_name = clean_filename($complete_file_name);
-	my ($title, $extension) = $complete_file_name =~ /^(.*)\.([^\.]*)$/;
-	if (!defined($extension)) {
-		$extension = EMPTY;
-	}
-	if ($extension eq 'mw') {
-		my $ns = get_mw_namespace_id_for_page($complete_file_name);
-		if ($ns && $ns == get_mw_namespace_id('File') && (!$export_media)) {
-			print {*STDERR} "Ignoring media file related page: ${complete_file_name}\n";
-			return ($oldrevid, 'ok');
-		}
-		my $file_content;
-		if ($page_deleted) {
-			# Deleting a page usually requires
-			# special privileges. A common
-			# convention is to replace the page
-			# with this content instead:
-			$file_content = DELETED_CONTENT;
-		} else {
-			$file_content = run_git_quoted(["cat-file", "blob", $new_sha1]);
-		}
-		$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-		my $result = $mediawiki->edit( {
-			action => 'edit',
-			summary => $summary,
-			title => $title,
-			basetimestamp => $basetimestamps{$oldrevid},
-			text => mediawiki_clean($file_content, $page_created),
-				  }, {
-					  skip_encoding => 1 # Helps with names with accentuated characters
-				  });
-		if (!$result) {
-			if ($mediawiki->{error}->{code} == 3) {
-				# edit conflicts, considered as non-fast-forward
-				print {*STDERR} 'Warning: Error ' .
-				    $mediawiki->{error}->{code} .
-				    ' from mediawiki: ' . $mediawiki->{error}->{details} .
-				    ".\n";
-				return ($oldrevid, 'non-fast-forward');
-			} else {
-				# Other errors. Shouldn't happen => just die()
-				die 'Fatal: Error ' .
-				    $mediawiki->{error}->{code} .
-				    ' from mediawiki: ' . $mediawiki->{error}->{details} . "\n";
-			}
-		}
-		$newrevid = $result->{edit}->{newrevid};
-		print {*STDERR} "Pushed file: ${new_sha1} - ${title}\n";
-	} elsif ($export_media) {
-		$newrevid = mw_upload_file($complete_file_name, $new_sha1,
-					   $extension, $page_deleted,
-					   $summary);
-	} else {
-		print {*STDERR} "Ignoring media file ${title}\n";
-	}
-	$newrevid = ($newrevid or $oldrevid);
-	return ($newrevid, 'ok');
-sub mw_push {
-	# multiple push statements can follow each other
-	my @refsspecs = (shift, get_more_refs('push'));
-	my $pushed;
-	for my $refspec (@refsspecs) {
-		my ($force, $local, $remote) = $refspec =~ /^(\+)?([^:]*):([^:]*)$/
-		    or die("Invalid refspec for push. Expected <src>:<dst> or +<src>:<dst>\n");
-		if ($force) {
-			print {*STDERR} "Warning: forced push not allowed on a MediaWiki.\n";
-		}
-		if ($local eq EMPTY) {
-			print {*STDERR} "Cannot delete remote branch on a MediaWiki\n";
-			print {*STDOUT} "error ${remote} cannot delete\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		if ($remote ne 'refs/heads/master') {
-			print {*STDERR} "Only push to the branch 'master' is supported on a MediaWiki\n";
-			print {*STDOUT} "error ${remote} only master allowed\n";
-			next;
-		}
-		if (mw_push_revision($local, $remote)) {
-			$pushed = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	# Notify Git that the push is done
-	print {*STDOUT} "\n";
-	if ($pushed && $dumb_push) {
-		print {*STDERR} "Just pushed some revisions to MediaWiki.\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "The pushed revisions now have to be re-imported, and your current branch\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "needs to be updated with these re-imported commits. You can do this with\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "  git pull --rebase\n";
-		print {*STDERR} "\n";
-	}
-	return;
-sub mw_push_revision {
-	my $local = shift;
-	my $remote = shift; # actually, this has to be "refs/heads/master" at this point.
-	my $last_local_revid = get_last_local_revision();
-	print {*STDERR} ".\n"; # Finish sentence started by get_last_local_revision()
-	my $last_remote_revid = get_last_remote_revision();
-	my $mw_revision = $last_remote_revid;
-	# Get sha1 of commit pointed by local HEAD
-	my $HEAD_sha1 = run_git_quoted_nostderr(["rev-parse", $local]);
-	chomp($HEAD_sha1);
-	# Get sha1 of commit pointed by remotes/$remotename/master
-	my $remoteorigin_sha1 = run_git_quoted_nostderr(["rev-parse", "refs/remotes/${remotename}/master"]);
-	chomp($remoteorigin_sha1);
-	if ($last_local_revid > 0 &&
-	    $last_local_revid < $last_remote_revid) {
-		return error_non_fast_forward($remote);
-	}
-	if ($HEAD_sha1 eq $remoteorigin_sha1) {
-		# nothing to push
-		return 0;
-	}
-	# Get every commit in between HEAD and refs/remotes/origin/master,
-	# including HEAD and refs/remotes/origin/master
-	my @commit_pairs = ();
-	if ($last_local_revid > 0) {
-		my $parsed_sha1 = $remoteorigin_sha1;
-		# Find a path from last MediaWiki commit to pushed commit
-		print {*STDERR} "Computing path from local to remote ...\n";
-		my @local_ancestry = split(/\n/, run_git_quoted(["rev-list", "--boundary", "--parents", $local, "^${parsed_sha1}"]));
-		my %local_ancestry;
-		foreach my $line (@local_ancestry) {
-			if (my ($child, $parents) = $line =~ /^-?([a-f0-9]+) ([a-f0-9 ]+)/) {
-				foreach my $parent (split(/ /, $parents)) {
-					$local_ancestry{$parent} = $child;
-				}
-			} elsif (!$line =~ /^([a-f0-9]+)/) {
-				die "Unexpected output from git rev-list: ${line}\n";
-			}
-		}
-		while ($parsed_sha1 ne $HEAD_sha1) {
-			my $child = $local_ancestry{$parsed_sha1};
-			if (!$child) {
-				print {*STDERR} "Cannot find a path in history from remote commit to last commit\n";
-				return error_non_fast_forward($remote);
-			}
-			push(@commit_pairs, [$parsed_sha1, $child]);
-			$parsed_sha1 = $child;
-		}
-	} else {
-		# No remote mediawiki revision. Export the whole
-		# history (linearized with --first-parent)
-		print {*STDERR} "Warning: no common ancestor, pushing complete history\n";
-		my $history = run_git_quoted(["rev-list", "--first-parent", "--children", $local]);
-		my @history = split(/\n/, $history);
-		@history = @history[1..$#history];
-		foreach my $line (reverse @history) {
-			my @commit_info_split = split(/[ \n]/, $line);
-			push(@commit_pairs, \@commit_info_split);
-		}
-	}
-	foreach my $commit_info_split (@commit_pairs) {
-		my $sha1_child = @{$commit_info_split}[0];
-		my $sha1_commit = @{$commit_info_split}[1];
-		my $diff_infos = run_git_quoted(["diff-tree", "-r", "--raw", "-z", $sha1_child, $sha1_commit]);
-		# TODO: we could detect rename, and encode them with a #redirect on the wiki.
-		# TODO: for now, it's just a delete+add
-		my @diff_info_list = split(/\0/, $diff_infos);
-		# Keep the subject line of the commit message as mediawiki comment for the revision
-		my $commit_msg = run_git_quoted(["log", "--no-walk", '--format="%s"', $sha1_commit]);
-		chomp($commit_msg);
-		# Push every blob
-		while (@diff_info_list) {
-			my $status;
-			# git diff-tree -z gives an output like
-			# <metadata>\0<filename1>\0
-			# <metadata>\0<filename2>\0
-			# and we've split on \0.
-			my $info = shift(@diff_info_list);
-			my $file = shift(@diff_info_list);
-			($mw_revision, $status) = mw_push_file($info, $file, $commit_msg, $mw_revision);
-			if ($status eq 'non-fast-forward') {
-				# we may already have sent part of the
-				# commit to MediaWiki, but it's too
-				# late to cancel it. Stop the push in
-				# the middle, but still give an
-				# accurate error message.
-				return error_non_fast_forward($remote);
-			}
-			if ($status ne 'ok') {
-				die("Unknown error from mw_push_file()\n");
-			}
-		}
-		if (!$dumb_push) {
-			run_git_quoted(["notes", "--ref=${remotename}/mediawiki",
-					"add", "-f", "-m",
-					"mediawiki_revision: ${mw_revision}",
-					$sha1_commit]);
-		}
-	}
-	print {*STDOUT} "ok ${remote}\n";
-	return 1;
-sub get_allowed_file_extensions {
-	$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-	my $query = {
-		action => 'query',
-		meta => 'siteinfo',
-		siprop => 'fileextensions'
-		};
-	my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-	my @file_extensions = map { $_->{ext}} @{$result->{query}->{fileextensions}};
-	my %hashFile = map { $_ => 1 } @file_extensions;
-	return %hashFile;
-# In memory cache for MediaWiki namespace ids.
-my %namespace_id;
-# Namespaces whose id is cached in the configuration file
-# (to avoid duplicates)
-my %cached_mw_namespace_id;
-# Return MediaWiki id for a canonical namespace name.
-# Ex.: "File", "Project".
-sub get_mw_namespace_id {
-	$mediawiki = connect_maybe($mediawiki, $remotename, $url);
-	my $name = shift;
-	if (!exists $namespace_id{$name}) {
-		# Look at configuration file, if the record for that namespace is
-		# already cached. Namespaces are stored in form:
-		# "Name_of_namespace:Id_namespace", ex.: "File:6".
-		my @temp = split(/\n/,
-				 run_git_quoted(["config", "--get-all", "remote.${remotename}.namespaceCache"]));
-		chomp(@temp);
-		foreach my $ns (@temp) {
-			my ($n, $id) = split(/:/, $ns);
-			if ($id eq 'notANameSpace') {
-				$namespace_id{$n} = {is_namespace => 0};
-			} else {
-				$namespace_id{$n} = {is_namespace => 1, id => $id};
-			}
-			$cached_mw_namespace_id{$n} = 1;
-		}
-	}
-	if (!exists $namespace_id{$name}) {
-		print {*STDERR} "Namespace ${name} not found in cache, querying the wiki ...\n";
-		# NS not found => get namespace id from MW and store it in
-	        # configuration file.
-	        my $query = {
-	                action => 'query',
-	                meta => 'siteinfo',
-	                siprop => 'namespaces'
-	        };
-	        my $result = $mediawiki->api($query);
-	        while (my ($id, $ns) = each(%{$result->{query}->{namespaces}})) {
-	                if (defined($ns->{id}) && defined($ns->{canonical})) {
-				$namespace_id{$ns->{canonical}} = {is_namespace => 1, id => $ns->{id}};
-				if ($ns->{'*'}) {
-					# alias (e.g. french Fichier: as alias for canonical File:)
-					$namespace_id{$ns->{'*'}} = {is_namespace => 1, id => $ns->{id}};
-				}
-			}
-	        }
-	}
-	my $ns = $namespace_id{$name};
-	my $id;
-	if (!defined $ns) {
-		my @namespaces = map { s/ /_/g; $_; } sort keys %namespace_id;
-		print {*STDERR} "No such namespace ${name} on MediaWiki, known namespaces: @namespaces\n";
-		$ns = {is_namespace => 0};
-		$namespace_id{$name} = $ns;
-	}
-	if ($ns->{is_namespace}) {
-		$id = $ns->{id};
-	}
-	# Store "notANameSpace" as special value for inexisting namespaces
-	my $store_id = ($id || 'notANameSpace');
-	# Store explicitly requested namespaces on disk
-	if (!exists $cached_mw_namespace_id{$name}) {
-		run_git_quoted(["config", "--add", "remote.${remotename}.namespaceCache", "${name}:${store_id}"]);
-		$cached_mw_namespace_id{$name} = 1;
-	}
-	return $id;
-sub get_mw_namespace_id_for_page {
-	my $namespace = shift;
-	if ($namespace =~ /^([^:]*):/) {
-		return get_mw_namespace_id($namespace);
-	} else {
-		return;
-	}
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.txt b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5da825f61e20..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/git-remote-mediawiki.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-Git-Mediawiki is a project which aims the creation of a gate
-between git and mediawiki, allowing git users to push and pull
-objects from mediawiki just as one would do with a classic git
-repository thanks to remote-helpers.
-For more information, visit the wiki at
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/.gitignore b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/.gitignore
deleted file mode 100644
index 2b8dc30c6db1..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/.gitignore
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-trash directory.t*/
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/Makefile b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index f422203fa069..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-## Test git-remote-mediawiki
-all: test
--include ../../../config.mak.autogen
--include ../../../config.mak
-T = $(wildcard t[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-*.sh)
-.PHONY: help test clean all
-	@echo 'Run "$(MAKE) test" to launch test scripts'
-	@echo 'Run "$(MAKE) clean" to remove trash folders'
-	@for t in $(T); do \
-		echo "$$t"; \
-		"./$$t" || exit 1; \
-	done
-	$(RM) -r 'trash directory'.*
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/README b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/README
deleted file mode 100644
index 72c4889db7ae..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/README
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-Tests for Mediawiki-to-Git
-This manual describes how to install the git-remote-mediawiki test
-environment on a machine with git installed on it.
-In order to run this test environment correctly, you will need to
-install the following packages (Debian/Ubuntu names, may need to be
-adapted for another distribution):
-* lighttpd
-* php
-* php-cgi
-* php-cli
-* php-curl
-* php-sqlite
-Principles and Technical Choices
-The test environment makes it easy to install and manipulate one or
-several MediaWiki instances. To allow developers to run the testsuite
-easily, the environment does not require root privilege (except to
-install the required packages if needed). It starts a webserver
-instance on the user's account (using lighttpd greatly helps for
-that), and does not need a separate database daemon (thanks to the use
-of sqlite).
-Run the test environment
-Install a new wiki
-Once you have all the prerequisite, you need to install a MediaWiki
-instance on your machine. If you already have one, it is still
-strongly recommended to install one with the script provided. Here's
-how to work it:
-a. change directory to contrib/mw-to-git/t/
-b. if needed, edit test.config to choose your installation parameters
-c. run `./install-wiki.sh install`
-d. check on your favourite web browser if your wiki is correctly
-   installed.
-Remove an existing wiki
-Edit the file test.config to fit the wiki you want to delete, and then
-execute the command `./install-wiki.sh delete` from the
-contrib/mw-to-git/t directory.
-Run the existing tests
-The provided tests are currently in the `contrib/mw-to-git/t` directory.
-The files are all the t936[0-9]-*.sh shell scripts.
-a. Run all tests:
-To do so, run "make test" from the contrib/mw-to-git/ directory.
-b. Run a specific test:
-To run a given test <test_name>, run ./<test_name> from the
-contrib/mw-to-git/t directory.
-How to create new tests
-Available functions
-The test environment of git-remote-mediawiki provides some functions
-useful to test its behaviour. for more details about the functions'
-parameters, please refer to the `test-gitmw-lib.sh` and
-`test-gitmw.pl` files.
-** `test_check_wiki_precond`:
-Check if the tests must be skipped or not. Please use this function
-at the beginning of each new test file.
-** `wiki_getpage`:
-Fetch a given page from the wiki and puts its content in the
-directory in parameter.
-** `wiki_delete_page`:
-Delete a given page from the wiki.
-** `wiki_edit_page`:
-Create or modify a given page in the wiki. You can specify several
-parameters like a summary for the page edition, or add the page to a
-given category.
-See test-gitmw.pl for more details.
-** `wiki_getallpage`:
-Fetch all pages from the wiki into a given directory. The directory
-is created if it does not exists.
-** `test_diff_directories`:
-Compare the content of two directories. The content must be the same.
-Use this function to compare the content of a git directory and a wiki
-one created by wiki_getallpage.
-** `test_contains_N_files`:
-Check if the given directory contains a given number of file.
-** `wiki_page_exists`:
-Tests if a given page exists on the wiki.
-** `wiki_reset`:
-Reset the wiki, i.e. flush the database. Use this function at the
-beginning of each new test, except if the test re-uses the same wiki
-(and history) as the previous test.
-How to write a new test
-Please, follow the standards given by git. See git/t/README.
-New file should be named as t936[0-9]-*.sh.
-Be sure to reset your wiki regularly with the function `wiki_reset`.
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/install-wiki.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/install-wiki.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index c215213c4bfd..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/install-wiki.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-# This script installs or deletes a MediaWiki on your computer.
-# It requires a web server with PHP and SQLite running. In addition, if you
-# do not have MediaWiki sources on your computer, the option 'install'
-# downloads them for you.
-# Please set the CONFIGURATION VARIABLES in ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-WIKI_TEST_DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && pwd)
-if test -z "$WIKI_TEST_DIR"
-. "$WIKI_TEST_DIR"/test-gitmw-lib.sh
-usage () {
-	echo "usage: "
-	echo "	./install-wiki.sh <install | delete | --help>"
-	echo "		install | -i :	Install a wiki on your computer."
-	echo "		delete | -d : Delete the wiki and all its pages and "
-	echo "			content."
-	echo "		start  | -s : Start the previously configured lighttpd daemon"
-	echo "		stop        : Stop lighttpd daemon."
-# Argument: install, delete, --help | -h
-case "$1" in
-	"install" | "-i")
-		wiki_install
-		exit 0
-		;;
-	"delete" | "-d")
-		wiki_delete
-		exit 0
-		;;
-	"start" | "-s")
-		start_lighttpd
-		exit
-		;;
-	"stop")
-		stop_lighttpd
-		exit
-		;;
-	"--help" | "-h")
-		usage
-		exit 0
-		;;
-	*)
-		echo "Invalid argument: $1"
-		usage
-		exit 1
-		;;
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/push-pull-tests.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/push-pull-tests.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 9da2dc5ff036..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/push-pull-tests.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-test_push_pull () {
-	test_expect_success 'Git pull works after adding a new wiki page' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_1 &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "page created after the git clone" false &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_1 &&
-			git pull
-		) &&
-		wiki_getallpage ref_page_1 &&
-		test_diff_directories mw_dir_1 ref_page_1
-	'
-	test_expect_success 'Git pull works after editing a wiki page' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "page created before the git clone" false &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_2 &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "new line added on the wiki" true &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_2 &&
-			git pull
-		) &&
-		wiki_getallpage ref_page_2 &&
-		test_diff_directories mw_dir_2 ref_page_2
-	'
-	test_expect_success 'git pull works on conflict handled by auto-merge' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "1 init
-	" false &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_3 &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "1 init
-2 content added on wiki after clone
-	" false &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_3 &&
-		echo "1 init
-4 content added on git after clone
-" >Foo.mw &&
-			git commit -am "conflicting change on foo" &&
-			git pull &&
-			git push
-		)
-	'
-	test_expect_success 'Git push works after adding a file .mw' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_4 &&
-		wiki_getallpage ref_page_4 &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_4 &&
-			test_path_is_missing Foo.mw &&
-			touch Foo.mw &&
-			echo "hello world" >>Foo.mw &&
-			git add Foo.mw &&
-			git commit -m "Foo" &&
-			git push
-		) &&
-		wiki_getallpage ref_page_4 &&
-		test_diff_directories mw_dir_4 ref_page_4
-	'
-	test_expect_success 'Git push works after editing a file .mw' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		wiki_editpage "Foo" "page created before the git clone" false &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_5 &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_5 &&
-			echo "new line added in the file Foo.mw" >>Foo.mw &&
-			git commit -am "edit file Foo.mw" &&
-			git push
-		) &&
-		wiki_getallpage ref_page_5 &&
-		test_diff_directories mw_dir_5 ref_page_5
-	'
-	test_expect_failure 'Git push works after deleting a file' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "wiki page added before git clone" false &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_6 &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_6 &&
-			git rm Foo.mw &&
-			git commit -am "page Foo.mw deleted" &&
-			git push
-		) &&
-		test_must_fail wiki_page_exist Foo
-	'
-	test_expect_success 'Merge conflict expected and solving it' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_7 &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "1 conflict
-3 wiki
-4" false &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_7 &&
-		echo "1 conflict
-2 git
-4" >Foo.mw &&
-			git add Foo.mw &&
-			git commit -m "conflict created" &&
-			test_must_fail git pull &&
-			"$PERL_PATH" -pi -e "s/[<=>].*//g" Foo.mw &&
-			git commit -am "merge conflict solved" &&
-			git push
-		)
-	'
-	test_expect_failure 'git pull works after deleting a wiki page' '
-		wiki_reset &&
-		wiki_editpage Foo "wiki page added before the git clone" false &&
-		git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_8 &&
-		wiki_delete_page Foo &&
-		(
-			cd mw_dir_8 &&
-			git pull &&
-			test_path_is_missing Foo.mw
-		)
-	'
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9360-mw-to-git-clone.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9360-mw-to-git-clone.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 4c39bda7bf4d..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9360-mw-to-git-clone.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-test_description='Test the Git Mediawiki remote helper: git clone'
-. ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-. $TEST_DIRECTORY/test-lib.sh
-test_expect_success 'Git clone creates the expected git log with one file' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this is not important" false -c cat -s "this must be the same" &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_1 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_1 &&
-		git log --format=%s HEAD^..HEAD >log.tmp
-	) &&
-	echo "this must be the same" >msg.tmp &&
-	test_cmp msg.tmp mw_dir_1/log.tmp
-test_expect_success 'Git clone creates the expected git log with multiple files' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage daddy "this is not important" false -s="this must be the same" &&
-	wiki_editpage daddy "neither is this" true -s="this must also be the same" &&
-	wiki_editpage daddy "neither is this" true -s="same same same" &&
-	wiki_editpage dj "dont care" false -s="identical" &&
-	wiki_editpage dj "dont care either" true -s="identical too" &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_2 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_2 &&
-		git log --format=%s Daddy.mw  >logDaddy.tmp &&
-		git log --format=%s Dj.mw >logDj.tmp
-	) &&
-	echo "same same same" >msgDaddy.tmp &&
-	echo "this must also be the same" >>msgDaddy.tmp &&
-	echo "this must be the same" >>msgDaddy.tmp &&
-	echo "identical too" >msgDj.tmp &&
-	echo "identical" >>msgDj.tmp &&
-	test_cmp msgDaddy.tmp mw_dir_2/logDaddy.tmp &&
-	test_cmp msgDj.tmp mw_dir_2/logDj.tmp
-test_expect_success 'Git clone creates only Main_Page.mw with an empty wiki' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_3 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_3 1 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_3/Main_Page.mw
-test_expect_success 'Git clone does not fetch a deleted page' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this page must be deleted before the clone" false &&
-	wiki_delete_page foo &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_4 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_4 1 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_4/Main_Page.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_4/Foo.mw
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with page added' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo " I will be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "I will be cloned" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_5 &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_5 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_5 ref_page_5 &&
-	wiki_delete_page foo &&
-	wiki_delete_page bar
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with an edited page ' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this page will be edited" \
-		false -s "first edition of page foo"&&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this page has been edited and must be on the clone " true &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_6 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_6/Foo.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_6/Main_Page.mw &&
-	wiki_getallpage mw_dir_6/page_ref_6 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_6 mw_dir_6/page_ref_6 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_6 &&
-		git log --format=%s HEAD^ Foo.mw > ../Foo.log
-	) &&
-	echo "first edition of page foo" > FooExpect.log &&
-	diff FooExpect.log Foo.log
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with several pages and some deleted ' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this page will not be deleted" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "I must not be erased" false &&
-	wiki_editpage namnam "I will not be there at the end" false &&
-	wiki_editpage nyancat "nyan nyan nyan delete me" false &&
-	wiki_delete_page namnam &&
-	wiki_delete_page nyancat &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_7 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_7/Foo.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_7/Bar.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_7/Namnam.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_7/Nyancat.mw &&
-	wiki_getallpage mw_dir_7/page_ref_7 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_7 mw_dir_7/page_ref_7
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with one specific page cloned ' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "I will not be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "Do not clone me" false &&
-	wiki_editpage namnam "I will be cloned :)" false  -s="this log must stay" &&
-	wiki_editpage nyancat "nyan nyan nyan you cant clone me" false &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages=namnam \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_8 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_8 1 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_8/Namnam.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_8/Main_Page.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_8 &&
-		echo "this log must stay" >msg.tmp &&
-		git log --format=%s >log.tmp &&
-		test_cmp msg.tmp log.tmp
-	) &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_8/Namnam.mw Namnam
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with multiple specific page cloned ' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "I will be there" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "I will not disappear" false &&
-	wiki_editpage namnam "I be erased" false &&
-	wiki_editpage nyancat "nyan nyan nyan you will not erase me" false &&
-	wiki_delete_page namnam &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages="foo bar nyancat namnam" \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_9 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_9 3 &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_9/Namnam.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_9/Foo.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_9/Nyancat.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_9/Bar.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_9/Foo.mw Foo &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_9/Bar.mw Bar &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_9/Nyancat.mw Nyancat
-test_expect_success 'Mediawiki-clone of several specific pages on wiki' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "foo 1" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "bar 1" false &&
-	wiki_editpage dummy "dummy 1" false &&
-	wiki_editpage cloned_1 "cloned_1 1" false &&
-	wiki_editpage cloned_2 "cloned_2 2" false &&
-	wiki_editpage cloned_3 "cloned_3 3" false &&
-	mkdir -p ref_page_10 &&
-	wiki_getpage cloned_1 ref_page_10 &&
-	wiki_getpage cloned_2 ref_page_10 &&
-	wiki_getpage cloned_3 ref_page_10 &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages="cloned_1 cloned_2 cloned_3" \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_10 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_10 ref_page_10
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with the shallow option' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "1st revision, should be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "1st revision, should be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage nyan "1st revision, should not be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage nyan "2nd revision, should be cloned" false &&
-	git -c remote.origin.shallow=true clone \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_11 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_11 4 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/Nyan.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/Foo.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/Bar.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/Main_Page.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_11 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Nyan.mw | wc -l) -eq 1 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Foo.mw | wc -l) -eq 1 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Bar.mw | wc -l) -eq 1 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Main_Page.mw | wc -l ) -eq 1
-	) &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_11/Nyan.mw Nyan &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_11/Foo.mw Foo &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_11/Bar.mw Bar &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_11/Main_Page.mw Main_Page
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with the shallow option with a delete page' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "1st revision, will be deleted" false &&
-	wiki_editpage bar "1st revision, should be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage nyan "1st revision, should not be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage nyan "2nd revision, should be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_delete_page foo &&
-	git -c remote.origin.shallow=true clone \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_12 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_12 3 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_12/Nyan.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_12/Foo.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_12/Bar.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_12/Main_Page.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_12 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Nyan.mw | wc -l) -eq 1 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Bar.mw | wc -l) -eq 1 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Main_Page.mw | wc -l ) -eq 1
-	) &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_12/Nyan.mw Nyan &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_12/Bar.mw Bar &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_12/Main_Page.mw Main_Page
-test_expect_success 'Test of fetching a category' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage Foo "I will be cloned" false -c=Category &&
-	wiki_editpage Bar "Meet me on the repository" false -c=Category &&
-	wiki_editpage Dummy "I will not come" false &&
-	wiki_editpage BarWrong "I will stay online only" false -c=NotCategory &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.categories="Category" \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_13 &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_13 Category &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_13 ref_page_13
-test_expect_success 'Test of resistance to modification of category on wiki for clone' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage Tobedeleted "this page will be deleted" false -c=Catone &&
-	wiki_editpage Tobeedited "this page will be modified" false -c=Catone &&
-	wiki_editpage Normalone "this page wont be modified and will be on git" false -c=Catone &&
-	wiki_editpage Notconsidered "this page will not appear on local" false &&
-	wiki_editpage Othercategory "this page will not appear on local" false -c=Cattwo &&
-	wiki_editpage Tobeedited "this page have been modified" true -c=Catone &&
-	wiki_delete_page Tobedeleted &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.categories="Catone" \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_14 &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_14 Catone &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_14 ref_page_14
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9361-mw-to-git-push-pull.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9361-mw-to-git-push-pull.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 9ea201459b53..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9361-mw-to-git-push-pull.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# tests for git-remote-mediawiki
-test_description='Test the Git Mediawiki remote helper: git push and git pull simple test cases'
-. ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-. ./push-pull-tests.sh
-. $TEST_DIRECTORY/test-lib.sh
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9362-mw-to-git-utf8.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9362-mw-to-git-utf8.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6b0dbdac4d35..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9362-mw-to-git-utf8.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,347 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# tests for git-remote-mediawiki
-test_description='Test git-mediawiki with special characters in filenames'
-. ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-. $TEST_DIRECTORY/test-lib.sh
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works for a wiki with accents in the page names' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage féé "This page must be délétéd before clone" false &&
-	wiki_editpage kèè "This page must be deleted before clone" false &&
-	wiki_editpage hàà "This page must be deleted before clone" false &&
-	wiki_editpage kîî "This page must be deleted before clone" false &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "This page must be deleted before clone" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_1 &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_1 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_1 ref_page_1
-test_expect_success 'Git pull works with a wiki with accents in the pages names' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage kîî "this page must be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this page must be cloned" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_2 &&
-	wiki_editpage éàîôû "This page must be pulled" false &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_2 &&
-		git pull
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_2 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_2 ref_page_2
-test_expect_success 'Cloning a chosen page works with accents' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage kîî "this page must be cloned" false &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages=kîî \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_3 &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_3/Kîî.mw Kîî &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_3/Kîî.mw &&
-	rm -rf mw_dir_3
-test_expect_success 'The shallow option works with accents' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage néoà "1st revision, should not be cloned" false &&
-	wiki_editpage néoà "2nd revision, should be cloned" false &&
-	git -c remote.origin.shallow=true clone \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_4 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_4 2 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_4/Néoà.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_4/Main_Page.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_4 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Néoà.mw | wc -l) -eq 1 &&
-		test $(git log --oneline Main_Page.mw | wc -l ) -eq 1
-	) &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_4/Néoà.mw Néoà &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_4/Main_Page.mw Main_Page
-test_expect_success 'Cloning works when page name first letter has an accent' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage îî "this page must be cloned" false &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages=îî \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_5 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_5/Îî.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_5/Îî.mw Îî
-test_expect_success 'Git push works with a wiki with accents' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage féé "lots of accents : éèàÖ" false &&
-	wiki_editpage foo "this page must be cloned" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_6 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_6 &&
-		echo "A wild Pîkächû appears on the wiki" >Pîkächû.mw &&
-		git add Pîkächû.mw &&
-		git commit -m "A new page appears" &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_6 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_6 ref_page_6
-test_expect_success 'Git clone works with accentsand spaces' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage "é à î" "this page must be délété before the clone" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_7 &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_7 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_7 ref_page_7
-test_expect_success 'character $ in page name (mw -> git)' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage file_\$_foo "expect to be called file_$_foo" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_8 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_8/File_\$_foo.mw &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_8 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_8 ref_page_8
-test_expect_success 'character $ in file name (git -> mw) ' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_9 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_9 &&
-		echo "this file is called File_\$_foo.mw" >File_\$_foo.mw &&
-		git add . &&
-		git commit -am "file File_\$_foo.mw" &&
-		git pull &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_9 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_9 ref_page_9
-test_expect_failure 'capital at the beginning of file names' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_10 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_10 &&
-		echo "my new file foo" >foo.mw &&
-		echo "my new file Foo... Finger crossed" >Foo.mw &&
-		git add . &&
-		git commit -am "file foo.mw" &&
-		git pull &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_10 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_10 ref_page_10
-test_expect_failure 'special character at the beginning of file name from mw to git' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_11 &&
-	wiki_editpage {char_1 "expect to be renamed {char_1" false &&
-	wiki_editpage [char_2 "expect to be renamed [char_2" false &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_11 &&
-		git pull
-	) &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/{char_1 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/[char_2
-test_expect_success 'Pull page with title containing ":" other than namespace separator' '
-	wiki_editpage Foo:Bar content false &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_11 &&
-		git pull
-	) &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_11/Foo:Bar.mw
-test_expect_success 'Push page with title containing ":" other than namespace separator' '
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_11 &&
-		echo content >NotANameSpace:Page.mw &&
-		git add NotANameSpace:Page.mw &&
-		git commit -m "add page with colon" &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_page_exist NotANameSpace:Page
-test_expect_success 'test of correct formatting for file name from mw to git' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_12 &&
-	wiki_editpage char_%_7b_1 "expect to be renamed char{_1" false &&
-	wiki_editpage char_%_5b_2 "expect to be renamed char{_2" false &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_12 &&
-		git pull
-	) &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_12/Char\{_1.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_12/Char\[_2.mw &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_12 &&
-	mv ref_page_12/Char_%_7b_1.mw ref_page_12/Char\{_1.mw &&
-	mv ref_page_12/Char_%_5b_2.mw ref_page_12/Char\[_2.mw &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_12 ref_page_12
-test_expect_failure 'test of correct formatting for file name beginning with special character' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_13 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_13 &&
-		echo "my new file {char_1" >\{char_1.mw &&
-		echo "my new file [char_2" >\[char_2.mw &&
-		git add . &&
-		git commit -am "committing some exotic file name..." &&
-		git push &&
-		git pull
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_13 &&
-	test_path_is_file ref_page_13/{char_1.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file ref_page_13/[char_2.mw &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_13 ref_page_13
-test_expect_success 'test of correct formatting for file name from git to mw' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_14 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_14 &&
-		echo "my new file char{_1" >Char\{_1.mw &&
-		echo "my new file char[_2" >Char\[_2.mw &&
-		git add . &&
-		git commit -m "committing some exotic file name..." &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_14 &&
-	mv mw_dir_14/Char\{_1.mw mw_dir_14/Char_%_7b_1.mw &&
-	mv mw_dir_14/Char\[_2.mw mw_dir_14/Char_%_5b_2.mw &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_14 ref_page_14
-test_expect_success 'git clone with /' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage \/fo\/o "this is not important" false -c=Deleted &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_15 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_15/%2Ffo%2Fo.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_15/%2Ffo%2Fo.mw \/fo\/o
-test_expect_success 'git push with /' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_16 &&
-	echo "I will be on the wiki" >mw_dir_16/%2Ffo%2Fo.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_16 &&
-		git add %2Ffo%2Fo.mw &&
-		git commit -m " %2Ffo%2Fo added" &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_page_exist \/fo\/o &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_16/%2Ffo%2Fo.mw \/fo\/o
-test_expect_success 'git clone with \' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage \\ko\\o "this is not important" false -c=Deleted &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_17 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_17/\\ko\\o.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_17/\\ko\\o.mw \\ko\\o
-test_expect_success 'git push with \' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_18 &&
-	echo "I will be on the wiki" >mw_dir_18/\\ko\\o.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_18 &&
-		git add \\ko\\o.mw &&
-		git commit -m " \\ko\\o added" &&
-		git push
-	)&&
-	wiki_page_exist \\ko\\o &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_18/\\ko\\o.mw \\ko\\o
-test_expect_success 'git clone with \ in format control' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage \\no\\o "this is not important" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_19 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_19/\\no\\o.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_19/\\no\\o.mw \\no\\o
-test_expect_success 'git push with \ in format control' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_20 &&
-	echo "I will be on the wiki" >mw_dir_20/\\fo\\o.mw &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_20 &&
-		git add \\fo\\o.mw &&
-		git commit -m " \\fo\\o added" &&
-		git push
-	)&&
-	wiki_page_exist \\fo\\o &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_20/\\fo\\o.mw \\fo\\o
-test_expect_success 'fast-import meta-characters in page name (mw -> git)' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage \"file\"_\\_foo "expect to be called \"file\"_\\_foo" false &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_21 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_21/\"file\"_\\_foo.mw &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_21 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_21 ref_page_21
-test_expect_success 'fast-import meta-characters in page name (git -> mw) ' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_22 &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir_22 &&
-		echo "this file is called \"file\"_\\_foo.mw" >\"file\"_\\_foo &&
-		git add . &&
-		git commit -am "file \"file\"_\\_foo" &&
-		git pull &&
-		git push
-	) &&
-	wiki_getallpage ref_page_22 &&
-	test_diff_directories mw_dir_22 ref_page_22
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9363-mw-to-git-export-import.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9363-mw-to-git-export-import.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 6187ec67faaa..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9363-mw-to-git-export-import.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# tests for git-remote-mediawiki
-test_description='Test the Git Mediawiki remote helper: git push and git pull simple test cases'
-. ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-. $TEST_DIRECTORY/test-lib.sh
-test_git_reimport () {
-	git -c remote.origin.dumbPush=true push &&
-	git -c remote.origin.mediaImport=true pull --rebase
-# Don't bother with permissions, be administrator by default
-test_expect_success 'setup config' '
-	git config --global remote.origin.mwLogin "$WIKI_ADMIN" &&
-	git config --global remote.origin.mwPassword "$WIKI_PASSW" &&
-	test_might_fail git config --global --unset remote.origin.mediaImport
-test_expect_failure 'git push can upload media (File:) files' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		echo "hello world" >Foo.txt &&
-		git add Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "add a text file" &&
-		git push &&
-		"$PERL_PATH" -e "print STDOUT \"binary content: \".chr(255);" >Foo.txt &&
-		git add Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "add a text file with binary content" &&
-		git push
-	)
-test_expect_failure 'git clone works on previously created wiki with media files' '
-	test_when_finished "rm -rf mw_dir mw_dir_clone" &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.mediaimport=true \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_clone &&
-	test_cmp mw_dir_clone/Foo.txt mw_dir/Foo.txt &&
-	(cd mw_dir_clone && git checkout HEAD^) &&
-	(cd mw_dir && git checkout HEAD^) &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_clone/Foo.txt &&
-	test_cmp mw_dir_clone/Foo.txt mw_dir/Foo.txt
-test_expect_success 'git push can upload media (File:) files containing valid UTF-8' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		"$PERL_PATH" -e "print STDOUT \"UTF-8 content: éèàéê€.\";" >Bar.txt &&
-		git add Bar.txt &&
-		git commit -m "add a text file with UTF-8 content" &&
-		git push
-	)
-test_expect_success 'git clone works on previously created wiki with media files containing valid UTF-8' '
-	test_when_finished "rm -rf mw_dir mw_dir_clone" &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.mediaimport=true \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_clone &&
-	test_cmp mw_dir_clone/Bar.txt mw_dir/Bar.txt
-test_expect_success 'git push & pull work with locally renamed media files' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	test_when_finished "rm -fr mw_dir" &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		echo "A File" >Foo.txt &&
-		git add Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "add a file" &&
-		git mv Foo.txt Bar.txt &&
-		git commit -m "Rename a file" &&
-		test_git_reimport &&
-		echo "A File" >expect &&
-		test_cmp expect Bar.txt &&
-		test_path_is_missing Foo.txt
-	)
-test_expect_success 'git push can propagate local page deletion' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	test_when_finished "rm -fr mw_dir" &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		test_path_is_missing Foo.mw &&
-		echo "hello world" >Foo.mw &&
-		git add Foo.mw &&
-		git commit -m "Add the page Foo" &&
-		git push &&
-		rm -f Foo.mw &&
-		git commit -am "Delete the page Foo" &&
-		test_git_reimport &&
-		test_path_is_missing Foo.mw
-	)
-test_expect_success 'git push can propagate local media file deletion' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	test_when_finished "rm -fr mw_dir" &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		echo "hello world" >Foo.txt &&
-		git add Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "Add the text file Foo" &&
-		git rm Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "Delete the file Foo" &&
-		test_git_reimport &&
-		test_path_is_missing Foo.txt
-	)
-# test failure: the file is correctly uploaded, and then deleted but
-# as no page link to it, the import (which looks at page revisions)
-# doesn't notice the file deletion on the wiki. We fetch the list of
-# files from the wiki, but as the file is deleted, it doesn't appear.
-test_expect_failure 'git pull correctly imports media file deletion when no page link to it' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	test_when_finished "rm -fr mw_dir" &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		echo "hello world" >Foo.txt &&
-		git add Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "Add the text file Foo" &&
-		git push &&
-		git rm Foo.txt &&
-		git commit -m "Delete the file Foo" &&
-		test_git_reimport &&
-		test_path_is_missing Foo.txt
-	)
-test_expect_success 'git push properly warns about insufficient permissions' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir &&
-	test_when_finished "rm -fr mw_dir" &&
-	(
-		cd mw_dir &&
-		echo "A File" >foo.forbidden &&
-		git add foo.forbidden &&
-		git commit -m "add a file" &&
-		git push 2>actual &&
-		test_i18ngrep "foo.forbidden is not a permitted file" actual
-	)
-test_expect_success 'setup a repository with media files' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	wiki_editpage testpage "I am linking a file [[File:File.txt]]" false &&
-	echo "File content" >File.txt &&
-	wiki_upload_file File.txt &&
-	echo "Another file content" >AnotherFile.txt &&
-	wiki_upload_file AnotherFile.txt
-test_expect_success 'git clone works with one specific page cloned and mediaimport=true' '
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages=testpage \
-		  -c remote.origin.mediaimport=true \
-			mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_15 &&
-	test_when_finished "rm -rf mw_dir_15" &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_15 3 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_15/Testpage.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_15/File:File.txt.mw &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_15/File.txt &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_15/Main_Page.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_15/File:AnotherFile.txt.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_15/AnothetFile.txt &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_15/Testpage.mw Testpage &&
-	test_cmp mw_dir_15/File.txt File.txt
-test_expect_success 'git clone works with one specific page cloned and mediaimport=false' '
-	test_when_finished "rm -rf mw_dir_16" &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages=testpage \
-			mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_16 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_16 1 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_16/Testpage.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_16/File:File.txt.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_16/File.txt &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_16/Main_Page.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_16/Testpage.mw Testpage
-# should behave like mediaimport=false
-test_expect_success 'git clone works with one specific page cloned and mediaimport unset' '
-	test_when_finished "rm -fr mw_dir_17" &&
-	git clone -c remote.origin.pages=testpage \
-		mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir_17 &&
-	test_contains_N_files mw_dir_17 1 &&
-	test_path_is_file mw_dir_17/Testpage.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_17/File:File.txt.mw &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_17/File.txt &&
-	test_path_is_missing mw_dir_17/Main_Page.mw &&
-	wiki_check_content mw_dir_17/Testpage.mw Testpage
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9364-pull-by-rev.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9364-pull-by-rev.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 5c22457a0b6a..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9364-pull-by-rev.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Test the Git Mediawiki remote helper: git pull by revision'
-. ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-. ./push-pull-tests.sh
-. $TEST_DIRECTORY/test-lib.sh
-test_expect_success 'configuration' '
-	git config --global mediawiki.fetchStrategy by_rev
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9365-continuing-queries.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9365-continuing-queries.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 016454749f8d..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/t9365-continuing-queries.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-test_description='Test the Git Mediawiki remote helper: queries w/ more than 500 results'
-. ./test-gitmw-lib.sh
-. $TEST_DIRECTORY/test-lib.sh
-test_expect_success 'creating page w/ >500 revisions' '
-	wiki_reset &&
-	for i in $(test_seq 501)
-	do
-		echo "creating revision $i" &&
-		wiki_editpage foo "revision $i<br/>" true
-	done
-test_expect_success 'cloning page w/ >500 revisions' '
-	git clone mediawiki::'"$WIKI_URL"' mw_dir
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test-gitmw-lib.sh b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test-gitmw-lib.sh
deleted file mode 100755
index 64e46c16716f..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test-gitmw-lib.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,432 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# You might want to change these ones
-. ./test.config
-if test "$LIGHTTPD" = "false" ; then
-	PORT=80
-wiki_upload_file () {
-	"$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl upload_file "$@"
-wiki_getpage () {
-	"$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl get_page "$@"
-wiki_delete_page () {
-	"$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl delete_page "$@"
-wiki_editpage () {
-	"$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl edit_page "$@"
-die () {
-	die_with_status 1 "$@"
-die_with_status () {
-	status=$1
-	shift
-	echo >&2 "$*"
-	exit "$status"
-# Check the preconditions to run git-remote-mediawiki's tests
-test_check_precond () {
-	if ! test_have_prereq PERL
-	then
-		skip_all='skipping gateway git-mw tests, perl not available'
-		test_done
-	fi
-	GIT_EXEC_PATH=$(cd "$(dirname "$0")" && cd "../.." && pwd)
-	PATH="$GIT_EXEC_PATH"'/bin-wrapper:'"$PATH"
-	if ! test -d "$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME"
-	then
-		skip_all='skipping gateway git-mw tests, no mediawiki found'
-		test_done
-	fi
-# test_diff_directories <dir_git> <dir_wiki>
-# Compare the contents of directories <dir_git> and <dir_wiki> with diff
-# and errors if they do not match. The program will
-# not look into .git in the process.
-# Warning: the first argument MUST be the directory containing the git data
-test_diff_directories () {
-	rm -rf "$1_tmp"
-	mkdir -p "$1_tmp"
-	cp "$1"/*.mw "$1_tmp"
-	diff -r -b "$1_tmp" "$2"
-# $1=<dir>
-# $2=<N>
-# Check that <dir> contains exactly <N> files
-test_contains_N_files () {
-	if test $(ls -- "$1" | wc -l) -ne "$2"; then
-		echo "directory $1 should contain $2 files"
-		echo "it contains these files:"
-		ls "$1"
-		false
-	fi
-# wiki_check_content <file_name> <page_name>
-# Compares the contents of the file <file_name> and the wiki page
-# <page_name> and exits with error 1 if they do not match.
-wiki_check_content () {
-	mkdir -p wiki_tmp
-	wiki_getpage "$2" wiki_tmp
-	# replacement of forbidden character in file name
-	page_name=$(printf "%s\n" "$2" | sed -e "s/\//%2F/g")
-	diff -b "$1" wiki_tmp/"$page_name".mw
-	if test $? -ne 0
-	then
-		rm -rf wiki_tmp
-		error "ERROR: file $2 not found on wiki"
-	fi
-	rm -rf wiki_tmp
-# wiki_page_exist <page_name>
-# Check the existence of the page <page_name> on the wiki and exits
-# with error if it is absent from it.
-wiki_page_exist () {
-	mkdir -p wiki_tmp
-	wiki_getpage "$1" wiki_tmp
-	page_name=$(printf "%s\n" "$1" | sed "s/\//%2F/g")
-	if test -f wiki_tmp/"$page_name".mw ; then
-		rm -rf wiki_tmp
-	else
-		rm -rf wiki_tmp
-		error "test failed: file $1 not found on wiki"
-	fi
-# wiki_getallpagename
-# Fetch the name of each page on the wiki.
-wiki_getallpagename () {
-	"$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl getallpagename
-# wiki_getallpagecategory <category>
-# Fetch the name of each page belonging to <category> on the wiki.
-wiki_getallpagecategory () {
-	"$CURR_DIR"/test-gitmw.pl getallpagename "$@"
-# wiki_getallpage <dest_dir> [<category>]
-# Fetch all the pages from the wiki and place them in the directory
-# <dest_dir>.
-# If <category> is define, then wiki_getallpage fetch the pages included
-# in <category>.
-wiki_getallpage () {
-	if test -z "$2";
-	then
-		wiki_getallpagename
-	else
-		wiki_getallpagecategory "$2"
-	fi
-	mkdir -p "$1"
-	while read -r line; do
-		wiki_getpage "$line" $1;
-	done < all.txt
-# ================= Install part =================
-error () {
-	echo "$@" >&2
-	exit 1
-# config_lighttpd
-# Create the configuration files and the folders necessary to start lighttpd.
-# Overwrite any existing file.
-config_lighttpd () {
-	mkdir -p $WEB
-	mkdir -p $WEB_TMP
-	mkdir -p $WEB_WWW
-	cat > $WEB/lighttpd.conf <<EOF
-	server.document-root = "$CURR_DIR/$WEB_WWW"
-	server.port = $PORT
-	server.pid-file = "$CURR_DIR/$WEB_TMP/pid"
-	server.modules = (
-	"mod_rewrite",
-	"mod_redirect",
-	"mod_access",
-	"mod_accesslog",
-	"mod_fastcgi"
-	)
-	index-file.names = ("index.php" , "index.html")
-	mimetype.assign		    = (
-	".pdf"		=>	"application/pdf",
-	".sig"		=>	"application/pgp-signature",
-	".spl"		=>	"application/futuresplash",
-	".class"	=>	"application/octet-stream",
-	".ps"		=>	"application/postscript",
-	".torrent"	=>	"application/x-bittorrent",
-	".dvi"		=>	"application/x-dvi",
-	".gz"		=>	"application/x-gzip",
-	".pac"		=>	"application/x-ns-proxy-autoconfig",
-	".swf"		=>	"application/x-shockwave-flash",
-	".tar.gz"	=>	"application/x-tgz",
-	".tgz"		=>	"application/x-tgz",
-	".tar"		=>	"application/x-tar",
-	".zip"		=>	"application/zip",
-	".mp3"		=>	"audio/mpeg",
-	".m3u"		=>	"audio/x-mpegurl",
-	".wma"		=>	"audio/x-ms-wma",
-	".wax"		=>	"audio/x-ms-wax",
-	".ogg"		=>	"application/ogg",
-	".wav"		=>	"audio/x-wav",
-	".gif"		=>	"image/gif",
-	".jpg"		=>	"image/jpeg",
-	".jpeg"		=>	"image/jpeg",
-	".png"		=>	"image/png",
-	".xbm"		=>	"image/x-xbitmap",
-	".xpm"		=>	"image/x-xpixmap",
-	".xwd"		=>	"image/x-xwindowdump",
-	".css"		=>	"text/css",
-	".html"		=>	"text/html",
-	".htm"		=>	"text/html",
-	".js"		=>	"text/javascript",
-	".asc"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".c"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".cpp"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".log"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".conf"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".text"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".txt"		=>	"text/plain",
-	".dtd"		=>	"text/xml",
-	".xml"		=>	"text/xml",
-	".mpeg"		=>	"video/mpeg",
-	".mpg"		=>	"video/mpeg",
-	".mov"		=>	"video/quicktime",
-	".qt"		=>	"video/quicktime",
-	".avi"		=>	"video/x-msvideo",
-	".asf"		=>	"video/x-ms-asf",
-	".asx"		=>	"video/x-ms-asf",
-	".wmv"		=>	"video/x-ms-wmv",
-	".bz2"		=>	"application/x-bzip",
-	".tbz"		=>	"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",
-	".tar.bz2"	=>	"application/x-bzip-compressed-tar",
-	""		=>	"text/plain"
-	)
-	fastcgi.server = ( ".php" =>
-	("localhost" =>
-	( "socket" => "$CURR_DIR/$WEB_TMP/php.socket",
-	"bin-path" => "$PHP_DIR/php-cgi -c $CURR_DIR/$WEB/php.ini"
-	)
-	)
-	)
-	cat > $WEB/php.ini <<EOF
-	session.save_path ='$CURR_DIR/$WEB_TMP'
-# start_lighttpd
-# Start or restart daemon lighttpd. If restart, rewrite configuration files.
-start_lighttpd () {
-	if test -f "$WEB_TMP/pid"; then
-		echo "Instance already running. Restarting..."
-		stop_lighttpd
-	fi
-	config_lighttpd
-	"$LIGHTTPD_DIR"/lighttpd -f "$WEB"/lighttpd.conf
-	if test $? -ne 0 ; then
-		echo "Could not execute http daemon lighttpd"
-		exit 1
-	fi
-# stop_lighttpd
-# Kill daemon lighttpd and removes files and folders associated.
-stop_lighttpd () {
-	test -f "$WEB_TMP/pid" && kill $(cat "$WEB_TMP/pid")
-wiki_delete_db () {
-	rm -rf \
-	   "$FILES_FOLDER_DB"/* || error "Couldn't delete $FILES_FOLDER_DB/"
-wiki_delete_db_backup () {
-	rm -rf \
-# Install MediaWiki using its install.php script. If the database file
-# already exists, it will be deleted.
-install_mediawiki () {
-	localsettings="$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME/LocalSettings.php"
-	if test -f "$localsettings"
-	then
-		error "We already installed the wiki, since $localsettings exists" \
-		      "perhaps you wanted to run 'delete' first?"
-	fi
-	wiki_delete_db
-	wiki_delete_db_backup
-	mkdir \
-	install_script="$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME/maintenance/install.php"
-	echo "Installing MediaWiki using $install_script. This may take some time ..."
-	php "$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME/maintenance/install.php" \
-	    --server $WIKI_BASE_URL \
-	    --scriptpath /wiki \
-	    --lang en \
-	    --dbtype sqlite \
-	    --dbpath $PWD/$FILES_FOLDER_DB/ \
-	    --pass "$WIKI_PASSW" \
-	    Git-MediaWiki-Test \
-	    "$WIKI_ADMIN" ||
-		error "Couldn't run $install_script, see errors above. Try to run ./install-wiki.sh delete first."
-	cat <<-'EOF' >>$localsettings
-# Custom settings added by test-gitmw-lib.sh
-# Uploading text files is needed for
-# t9363-mw-to-git-export-import.sh
-$wgEnableUploads = true;
-$wgFileExtensions[] = 'txt';
-	# Copy the initially generated database file into our backup
-	# folder
-		error "Unable to copy $FILES_FOLDER_DB/* to $FILES_FOLDER_POST_INSTALL_DB/*"
-# Install a wiki in your web server directory.
-wiki_install () {
-	if test $LIGHTTPD = "true" ; then
-		start_lighttpd
-	fi
-	# In this part, we change directory to $TMP in order to download,
-	# unpack and copy the files of MediaWiki
-	(
-	if ! test -d "$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME"
-	then
-		error "Folder $WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME doesn't exist.
-		Please create it and launch the script again."
-	fi
-	# Fetch MediaWiki's archive if not already present in the
-	# download directory
-	if ! test -f $MW_FILENAME
-	then
-		echo "Downloading $MW_VERSION_MAJOR.$MW_VERSION_MINOR sources ..."
-		wget "http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/$MW_VERSION_MAJOR/$MW_FILENAME" ||
-			error "Unable to download "\
-			"http://download.wikimedia.org/mediawiki/$MW_VERSION_MAJOR/"\
-			"$MW_FILENAME. "\
-			"Please fix your connection and launch the script again."
-		echo "$MW_FILENAME downloaded in $(pwd)/;" \
-		     "you can delete it later if you want."
-	else
-		echo "Reusing existing $MW_FILENAME downloaded in $(pwd)/"
-	fi
-	archive_abs_path=$(pwd)/$MW_FILENAME
-		error "can't cd to $WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME/"
-	tar xzf "$archive_abs_path" --strip-components=1 ||
-		error "Unable to extract WikiMedia's files from $archive_abs_path to "\
-	) || exit 1
-	echo Extracted in "$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME"
-	install_mediawiki
-	echo "Your wiki has been installed. You can check it at
-# Reset the database of the wiki and the password of the admin
-# Warning: This function must be called only in a subdirectory of t/ directory
-wiki_reset () {
-	# Copy initial database of the wiki
-	if ! test -d "../$FILES_FOLDER_DB"
-	then
-		error "No wiki database at ../$FILES_FOLDER_DB, not installed yet?"
-	fi
-	if ! test -d "../$FILES_FOLDER_POST_INSTALL_DB"
-	then
-		error "No wiki backup database at ../$FILES_FOLDER_POST_INSTALL_DB, failed installation?"
-	fi
-	wiki_delete_db
-		error "Can't copy ../$FILES_FOLDER_POST_INSTALL_DB/* to ../$FILES_FOLDER_DB/*"
-	echo "File $FILES_FOLDER_DB/* has been reset"
-# Delete the wiki created in the web server's directory and all its content
-# saved in the database.
-wiki_delete () {
-	if test $LIGHTTPD = "true"; then
-		stop_lighttpd
-		rm -fr "$WEB"
-	else
-		# Delete the wiki's directory.
-		rm -rf "$WIKI_DIR_INST/$WIKI_DIR_NAME" ||
-			error "Wiki's directory $WIKI_DIR_INST/" \
-			"$WIKI_DIR_NAME could not be deleted"
-	fi
-	wiki_delete_db
-	wiki_delete_db_backup
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test-gitmw.pl b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test-gitmw.pl
deleted file mode 100755
index c5d687f078a8..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test-gitmw.pl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w -s
-# Copyright (C) 2012
-#     Charles Roussel <charles.roussel@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Cathebras <simon.cathebras@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Julien Khayat <julien.khayat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Guillaume Sasdy <guillaume.sasdy@ensimag.imag.fr>
-#     Simon Perrat <simon.perrat@ensimag.imag.fr>
-# License: GPL v2 or later
-# Usage:
-#       ./test-gitmw.pl <command> [argument]*
-# Execute in terminal using the name of the function to call as first
-# parameter, and the function's arguments as following parameters
-# Example:
-#     ./test-gitmw.pl "get_page" foo .
-# will call <wiki_getpage> with arguments <foo> and <.>
-# Available functions are:
-#     "get_page"
-#     "delete_page"
-#     "edit_page"
-#     "getallpagename"
-use MediaWiki::API;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use DateTime::Format::ISO8601;
-use constant SLASH_REPLACEMENT => "%2F";
-#Parsing of the config file
-my $configfile = "$ENV{'CURR_DIR'}/test.config";
-my %config;
-open my $CONFIG, "<",  $configfile or die "can't open $configfile: $!";
-while (<$CONFIG>)
-	chomp;
-	s/#.*//;
-	s/^\s+//;
-	s/\s+$//;
-	next unless length;
-	my ($key, $value) = split (/\s*=\s*/,$_, 2);
-	$config{$key} = $value;
-	last if ($key eq 'LIGHTTPD' and $value eq 'false');
-	last if ($key eq 'PORT');
-close $CONFIG or die "can't close $configfile: $!";
-my $wiki_address = "http://$config{'SERVER_ADDR'}".":"."$config{'PORT'}";
-my $wiki_url = "$wiki_address/$config{'WIKI_DIR_NAME'}/api.php";
-my $wiki_admin = "$config{'WIKI_ADMIN'}";
-my $wiki_admin_pass = "$config{'WIKI_PASSW'}";
-my $mw = MediaWiki::API->new;
-$mw->{config}->{api_url} = $wiki_url;
-# wiki_login <name> <password>
-# Logs the user with <name> and <password> in the global variable
-# of the mediawiki $mw
-sub wiki_login {
-	$mw->login( { lgname => "$_[0]",lgpassword => "$_[1]" } )
-	|| die "getpage: login failed";
-# wiki_getpage <wiki_page> <dest_path>
-# fetch a page <wiki_page> from the wiki referenced in the global variable
-# $mw and copies its content in directory dest_path
-sub wiki_getpage {
-	my $pagename = $_[0];
-	my $destdir = $_[1];
-	my $page = $mw->get_page( { title => $pagename } );
-	if (!defined($page)) {
-		die "getpage: wiki does not exist";
-	}
-	my $content = $page->{'*'};
-	if (!defined($content)) {
-		die "getpage: page does not exist";
-	}
-	$pagename=$page->{'title'};
-	# Replace spaces by underscore in the page name
-	$pagename =~ s/ /_/g;
-	$pagename =~ s/\//%2F/g;
-	open(my $file, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "$destdir/$pagename.mw");
-	print $file "$content";
-	close ($file);
-# wiki_delete_page <page_name>
-# delete the page with name <page_name> from the wiki referenced
-# in the global variable $mw
-sub wiki_delete_page {
-	my $pagename = $_[0];
-	my $exist=$mw->get_page({title => $pagename});
-	if (defined($exist->{'*'})){
-		$mw->edit({ action => 'delete',
-				title => $pagename})
-		|| die $mw->{error}->{code} . ": " . $mw->{error}->{details};
-	} else {
-		die "no page with such name found: $pagename\n";
-	}
-# wiki_editpage <wiki_page> <wiki_content> <wiki_append> [-c=<category>] [-s=<summary>]
-# Edit a page named <wiki_page> with content <wiki_content> on the wiki
-# referenced with the global variable $mw
-# If <wiki_append> == true : append <wiki_content> at the end of the actual
-# content of the page <wiki_page>
-# If <wik_page> doesn't exist, that page is created with the <wiki_content>
-sub wiki_editpage {
-	my $wiki_page = $_[0];
-	my $wiki_content = $_[1];
-	my $wiki_append = $_[2];
-	my $summary = "";
-	my ($summ, $cat) = ();
-	GetOptions('s=s' => \$summ, 'c=s' => \$cat);
-	my $append = 0;
-	if (defined($wiki_append) && $wiki_append eq 'true') {
-		$append=1;
-	}
-	my $previous_text ="";
-	if ($append) {
-		my $ref = $mw->get_page( { title => $wiki_page } );
-		$previous_text = $ref->{'*'};
-	}
-	my $text = $wiki_content;
-	if (defined($previous_text)) {
-		$text="$previous_text$text";
-	}
-	# Eventually, add this page to a category.
-	if (defined($cat)) {
-		my $category_name="[[Category:$cat]]";
-		$text="$text\n $category_name";
-	}
-	if(defined($summ)){
-		$summary=$summ;
-	}
-	$mw->edit( { action => 'edit', title => $wiki_page, summary => $summary, text => "$text"} );
-# wiki_getallpagename [<category>]
-# Fetch all pages of the wiki referenced by the global variable $mw
-# and print the names of each one in the file all.txt with a new line
-# ("\n") between these.
-# If the argument <category> is defined, then this function get only the pages
-# belonging to <category>.
-sub wiki_getallpagename {
-	# fetch the pages of the wiki
-	if (defined($_[0])) {
-		my $mw_pages = $mw->list ( { action => 'query',
-				list => 'categorymembers',
-				cmtitle => "Category:$_[0]",
-				cmnamespace => 0,
-				cmlimit => 500 },
-		)
-		|| die $mw->{error}->{code}.": ".$mw->{error}->{details};
-		open(my $file, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "all.txt");
-		foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
-			print $file "$page->{title}\n";
-		}
-		close ($file);
-	} else {
-		my $mw_pages = $mw->list({
-				action => 'query',
-				list => 'allpages',
-				aplimit => 500,
-			})
-		|| die $mw->{error}->{code}.": ".$mw->{error}->{details};
-		open(my $file, ">:encoding(UTF-8)", "all.txt");
-		foreach my $page (@{$mw_pages}) {
-			print $file "$page->{title}\n";
-		}
-		close ($file);
-	}
-sub wiki_upload_file {
-	my $file_name = $_[0];
-	my $resultat = $mw->edit ( {
-		action => 'upload',
-		filename => $file_name,
-		comment => 'upload a file',
-		file => [ $file_name ],
-		ignorewarnings=>1,
-	}, {
-		skip_encoding => 1
-	} ) || die $mw->{error}->{code} . ' : ' . $mw->{error}->{details};
-# Main part of this script: parse the command line arguments
-# and select which function to execute
-my $fct_to_call = shift;
-wiki_login($wiki_admin, $wiki_admin_pass);
-my %functions_to_call = (
-	upload_file    => \&wiki_upload_file,
-	get_page       => \&wiki_getpage,
-	delete_page    => \&wiki_delete_page,
-	edit_page      => \&wiki_editpage,
-	getallpagename => \&wiki_getallpagename,
-die "$0 ERROR: wrong argument" unless exists $functions_to_call{$fct_to_call};
-$functions_to_call{$fct_to_call}->(map { utf8::decode($_); $_ } @ARGV);
diff --git a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test.config b/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test.config
deleted file mode 100644
index ed10b3e4a472..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/contrib/mw-to-git/t/test.config
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
-# Name of the web server's directory dedicated to the wiki is WIKI_DIR_NAME
-# Login and password of the wiki's admin
-# Address of the web server
-# If LIGHTTPD is not set to true, the script will use the default
-# web server running in WIKI_DIR_INST.
-# If LIGHTTPD is set to true, the script will use Lighttpd to run
-# the wiki.
-# The variables below are useful only if LIGHTTPD is set to true.
-# Where our configuration for the wiki is located
-# The variables below are used by the script to install a wiki.
-# You should not modify these unless you are modifying the script itself.
-# tested versions: 1.19.X -> 1.21.1 -> 1.34.2
-# See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Download for what the latest
-# version is.