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path: root/third_party/git/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 168 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat b/third_party/git/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
deleted file mode 100644
index b35d264c0e6b..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/compat/vcbuild/find_vs_env.bat
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
-REM ================================================================
-REM You can use either GCC (the default) or MSVC to build git
-REM using the GIT-SDK command line tools.
-REM        $ make
-REM        $ make MSVC=1
-REM GIT-SDK BASH windows inherit environment variables with all of
-REM the bin/lib/include paths for GCC.  It DOES NOT inherit values
-REM for the corresponding MSVC tools.
-REM During normal (non-git) Windows development, you launch one
-REM of the provided "developer command prompts" to set environment
-REM variables for the MSVC tools.
-REM Therefore, to allow MSVC command line builds of git from BASH
-REM and MAKE, we must blend these two different worlds.  This script
-REM attempts to do that.
-REM ================================================================
-REM This BAT file starts in a plain (non-developer) command prompt,
-REM searches for the "best" command prompt setup script, installs
-REM it into the current CMD process, and exports the various MSVC
-REM environment variables for use by MAKE.
-REM The output of this script should be written to a make "include
-REM file" and referenced by the top-level Makefile.
-REM See "config.mak.uname" (look for compat/vcbuild/MSVC-DEFS-GEN).
-REM ================================================================
-REM The provided command prompts are custom to each VS release and
-REM filled with lots of internal knowledge (such as Registry settings);
-REM even their names vary by release, so it is not appropriate for us
-REM to look inside them.  Rather, just run them in a subordinate
-REM process and extract the settings we need.
-REM ================================================================
-REM Current (VS2017 and beyond)
-REM -------------------
-REM Visual Studio 2017 introduced a new installation layout and
-REM support for side-by-side installation of multiple versions of
-REM VS2017.  Furthermore, these can all coexist with installations
-REM of previous versions of VS (which have a completely different
-REM layout on disk).
-REM VS2017 Update 2 introduced a "vswhere.exe" command:
-REM https://github.com/Microsoft/vswhere
-REM https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/heaths/2017/02/25/vswhere-available/
-REM https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/vcblog/2017/03/06/finding-the-visual-c-compiler-tools-in-visual-studio-2017/
-REM VS2015
-REM ------
-REM Visual Studio 2015 uses the traditional VcVarsAll.
-REM Earlier Versions
-REM ----------------
-REM Currently unsupported.
-REM ================================================================
-REM Note: Throughout this script we use "dir <path> && <cmd>" rather
-REM than "if exist <path>" because of script problems with pathnames
-REM containing spaces.
-REM ================================================================
-REM Sanitize PATH to prevent git-sdk paths from confusing "wmic.exe"
-REM (called internally in some of the system BAT files).
-SET PATH=%SystemRoot%\system32;%SystemRoot%;%SystemRoot%\System32\Wbem;
-REM ================================================================
-   SET vs_where=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\vswhere.exe
-   dir "%vs_where%" >nul 2>nul && GOTO have_vs_where
-   GOTO not_2017
-   REM Try to use VsWhere to get the location of VsDevCmd.
-   REM Keep VsDevCmd from cd'ing away.
-   REM Get the root of the VS product installation.
-   FOR /F "usebackq tokens=*" %%i IN (`"%vs_where%" -latest -requires Microsoft.VisualStudio.Workload.NativeDesktop -property installationPath`) DO @SET vs_ip=%%i
-   SET vs_devcmd=%vs_ip%\Common7\Tools\VsDevCmd.bat
-   dir "%vs_devcmd%" >nul 2>nul && GOTO have_vs_devcmd
-   GOTO not_2017
-   REM Use VsDevCmd to setup the environment of this process.
-   REM Setup CL for building 64-bit apps using 64-bit tools.
-   @call "%vs_devcmd%" -no_logo -arch=x64 -host_arch=x64
-   SET mn=%VCToolsInstallDir%
-   SET msvc_includes=-I"%mn%INCLUDE"
-   SET msvc_libs=-L"%mn%lib\%tgt%"
-   SET msvc_bin_dir=%mn%bin\Host%VSCMD_ARG_HOST_ARCH%\%tgt%
-   SET sdk_dir=%WindowsSdkDir%
-   SET sdk_ver=%WindowsSDKVersion%
-   SET si=%sdk_dir%Include\%sdk_ver%
-   SET sdk_includes=-I"%si%ucrt" -I"%si%um" -I"%si%shared"
-   SET sl=%sdk_dir%lib\%sdk_ver%
-   SET sdk_libs=-L"%sl%ucrt\%tgt%" -L"%sl%um\%tgt%"
-   SET vs_ver=%VisualStudioVersion%
-   GOTO print_vars
-REM ================================================================
-   REM See if VS2015 is installed.
-   SET vs_2015_bat=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat
-   dir "%vs_2015_bat%" >nul 2>nul && GOTO have_vs_2015
-   GOTO not_2015
-   REM Use VcVarsAll like the "x64 Native" command prompt.
-   REM Setup CL for building 64-bit apps using 64-bit tools.
-   @call "%vs_2015_bat%" amd64
-   REM Note that in VS2015 they use "x64" in some contexts and "amd64" in others.
-   SET mn=C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\
-   SET msvc_includes=-I"%mn%INCLUDE"
-   SET msvc_libs=-L"%mn%lib\amd64"
-   SET msvc_bin_dir=%mn%bin\amd64
-   SET sdk_dir=%WindowsSdkDir%
-   SET sdk_ver=%WindowsSDKVersion%
-   SET si=%sdk_dir%Include\%sdk_ver%
-   SET sdk_includes=-I"%si%ucrt" -I"%si%um" -I"%si%shared" -I"%si%winrt"
-   SET sl=%sdk_dir%lib\%sdk_ver%
-   SET sdk_libs=-L"%sl%ucrt\x64" -L"%sl%um\x64"
-   SET vs_ver=%VisualStudioVersion%
-   GOTO print_vars
-REM ================================================================
-   echo "ERROR: unsupported VS version (older than VS2015)" >&2
-   EXIT /B 1
-REM ================================================================
-   REM Dump the essential vars to stdout to allow the main
-   REM Makefile to include it.  See config.mak.uname.
-   REM Include DOS-style and BASH-style path for bin dir.
-   echo msvc_bin_dir=%msvc_bin_dir%
-   SET X1=%msvc_bin_dir:C:=/C%
-   SET X2=%X1:\=/%
-   echo msvc_bin_dir_msys=%X2%
-   echo msvc_includes=%msvc_includes%
-   echo msvc_libs=%msvc_libs%
-   echo sdk_includes=%sdk_includes%
-   echo sdk_libs=%sdk_libs%
-   echo vs_ver=%vs_ver%
-   EXIT /B 0