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1 files changed, 1170 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt b/third_party/git/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt
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index 000000000000..4f07ceadcb3f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/third_party/git/Documentation/technical/api-trace2.txt
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+= Trace2 API
+The Trace2 API can be used to print debug, performance, and telemetry
+information to stderr or a file.  The Trace2 feature is inactive unless
+explicitly enabled by enabling one or more Trace2 Targets.
+The Trace2 API is intended to replace the existing (Trace1)
+printf-style tracing provided by the existing `GIT_TRACE` and
+`GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE` facilities.  During initial implementation,
+Trace2 and Trace1 may operate in parallel.
+The Trace2 API defines a set of high-level messages with known fields,
+such as (`start`: `argv`) and (`exit`: {`exit-code`, `elapsed-time`}).
+Trace2 instrumentation throughout the Git code base sends Trace2
+messages to the enabled Trace2 Targets.  Targets transform these
+messages content into purpose-specific formats and write events to
+their data streams.  In this manner, the Trace2 API can drive
+many different types of analysis.
+Targets are defined using a VTable allowing easy extension to other
+formats in the future.  This might be used to define a binary format,
+for example.
+Trace2 is controlled using `trace2.*` config values in the system and
+global config files and `GIT_TRACE2*` environment variables.  Trace2 does
+not read from repo local or worktree config files or respect `-c`
+command line config settings.
+== Trace2 Targets
+Trace2 defines the following set of Trace2 Targets.
+Format details are given in a later section.
+=== The Normal Format Target
+The normal format target is a tradition printf format and similar
+to GIT_TRACE format.  This format is enabled with the `GIT_TRACE2`
+environment variable or the `trace2.normalTarget` system or global
+config setting.
+For example
+$ export GIT_TRACE2=~/log.normal
+$ git version
+git version
+$ git config --global trace2.normalTarget ~/log.normal
+$ git version
+git version
+$ cat ~/log.normal
+12:28:42.620009 common-main.c:38                  version
+12:28:42.620989 common-main.c:39                  start git version
+12:28:42.621101 git.c:432                         cmd_name version (version)
+12:28:42.621215 git.c:662                         exit elapsed:0.001227 code:0
+12:28:42.621250 trace2/tr2_tgt_normal.c:124       atexit elapsed:0.001265 code:0
+=== The Performance Format Target
+The performance format target (PERF) is a column-based format to
+replace GIT_TRACE_PERFORMANCE and is suitable for development and
+testing, possibly to complement tools like gprof.  This format is
+enabled with the `GIT_TRACE2_PERF` environment variable or the
+`trace2.perfTarget` system or global config setting.
+For example
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_PERF=~/log.perf
+$ git version
+git version
+$ git config --global trace2.perfTarget ~/log.perf
+$ git version
+git version
+$ cat ~/log.perf
+12:28:42.620675 common-main.c:38                  | d0 | main                     | version      |     |           |           |            |
+12:28:42.621001 common-main.c:39                  | d0 | main                     | start        |     |  0.001173 |           |            | git version
+12:28:42.621111 git.c:432                         | d0 | main                     | cmd_name     |     |           |           |            | version (version)
+12:28:42.621225 git.c:662                         | d0 | main                     | exit         |     |  0.001227 |           |            | code:0
+12:28:42.621259 trace2/tr2_tgt_perf.c:211         | d0 | main                     | atexit       |     |  0.001265 |           |            | code:0
+=== The Event Format Target
+The event format target is a JSON-based format of event data suitable
+for telemetry analysis.  This format is enabled with the `GIT_TRACE2_EVENT`
+environment variable or the `trace2.eventTarget` system or global config
+For example
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_EVENT=~/log.event
+$ git version
+git version
+$ git config --global trace2.eventTarget ~/log.event
+$ git version
+git version
+$ cat ~/log.event
+=== Enabling a Target
+To enable a target, set the corresponding environment variable or
+system or global config value to one of the following:
+When trace files are written to a target directory, they will be named according
+to the last component of the SID (optionally followed by a counter to avoid
+filename collisions).
+== Trace2 API
+All public Trace2 functions and macros are defined in `trace2.h` and
+`trace2.c`.  All public symbols are prefixed with `trace2_`.
+There are no public Trace2 data structures.
+The Trace2 code also defines a set of private functions and data types
+in the `trace2/` directory.  These symbols are prefixed with `tr2_`
+and should only be used by functions in `trace2.c`.
+== Conventions for Public Functions and Macros
+The functions defined by the Trace2 API are declared and documented
+in `trace2.h`.  It defines the API functions and wrapper macros for
+Some functions have a `_fl()` suffix to indicate that they take `file`
+and `line-number` arguments.
+Some functions have a `_va_fl()` suffix to indicate that they also
+take a `va_list` argument.
+Some functions have a `_printf_fl()` suffix to indicate that they also
+take a varargs argument.
+There are CPP wrapper macros and ifdefs to hide most of these details.
+See `trace2.h` for more details.  The following discussion will only
+describe the simplified forms.
+== Public API
+All Trace2 API functions send a message to all of the active
+Trace2 Targets.  This section describes the set of available
+It helps to divide these functions into groups for discussion
+=== Basic Command Messages
+These are concerned with the lifetime of the overall git process.
+e.g: `void trace2_initialize_clock()`, `void trace2_initialize()`,
+`int trace2_is_enabled()`, `void trace2_cmd_start(int argc, const char **argv)`.
+=== Command Detail Messages
+These are concerned with describing the specific Git command
+after the command line, config, and environment are inspected.
+e.g: `void trace2_cmd_name(const char *name)`,
+`void trace2_cmd_mode(const char *mode)`.
+=== Child Process Messages
+These are concerned with the various spawned child processes,
+including shell scripts, git commands, editors, pagers, and hooks.
+e.g: `void trace2_child_start(struct child_process *cmd)`.
+=== Git Thread Messages
+These messages are concerned with Git thread usage.
+e.g: `void trace2_thread_start(const char *thread_name)`.
+=== Region and Data Messages
+These are concerned with recording performance data
+over regions or spans of code. e.g:
+`void trace2_region_enter(const char *category, const char *label, const struct repository *repo)`.
+Refer to trace2.h for details about all trace2 functions.
+== Trace2 Target Formats
+=== NORMAL Format
+Events are written as lines of the form:
+[<time> SP <filename>:<line> SP+] <event-name> [[SP] <event-message>] LF
+	is the event name.
+	is a free-form printf message intended for human consumption.
+Note that this may contain embedded LF or CRLF characters that are
+not escaped, so the event may spill across multiple lines.
+If `GIT_TRACE2_BRIEF` or `trace2.normalBrief` is true, the `time`, `filename`,
+and `line` fields are omitted.
+This target is intended to be more of a summary (like GIT_TRACE) and
+less detailed than the other targets.  It ignores thread, region, and
+data messages, for example.
+=== PERF Format
+Events are written as lines of the form:
+[<time> SP <filename>:<line> SP+
+    BAR SP] d<depth> SP
+    BAR SP <thread-name> SP+
+    BAR SP <event-name> SP+
+    BAR SP [r<repo-id>] SP+
+    BAR SP [<t_abs>] SP+
+    BAR SP [<t_rel>] SP+
+    BAR SP [<category>] SP+
+    BAR SP DOTS* <perf-event-message>
+    LF
+	is the git process depth.  This is the number of parent
+	git processes.  A top-level git command has depth value "d0".
+	A child of it has depth value "d1".  A second level child
+	has depth value "d2" and so on.
+	is a unique name for the thread.  The primary thread
+	is called "main".  Other thread names are of the form "th%d:%s"
+	and include a unique number and the name of the thread-proc.
+	is the event name.
+	when present, is a number indicating the repository
+	in use.  A `def_repo` event is emitted when a repository is
+	opened.  This defines the repo-id and associated worktree.
+	Subsequent repo-specific events will reference this repo-id.
+Currently, this is always "r1" for the main repository.
+This field is in anticipation of in-proc submodules in the future.
+	when present, is the absolute time in seconds since the
+	program started.
+	when present, is time in seconds relative to the start of
+	the current region.  For a thread-exit event, it is the elapsed
+	time of the thread.
+	is present on region and data events and is used to
+	indicate a broad category, such as "index" or "status".
+	is a free-form printf message intended for human consumption.
+15:33:33.532712 wt-status.c:2310                  | d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.126064 |           | status     | label:print
+15:33:33.532712 wt-status.c:2331                  | d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.127568 |  0.001504 | status     | label:print
+If `GIT_TRACE2_PERF_BRIEF` or `trace2.perfBrief` is true, the `time`, `file`,
+and `line` fields are omitted.
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.011717 |  0.009122 | index      | label:preload
+The PERF target is intended for interactive performance analysis
+during development and is quite noisy.
+=== EVENT Format
+Each event is a JSON-object containing multiple key/value pairs
+written as a single line and followed by a LF.
+'{' <key> ':' <value> [',' <key> ':' <value>]* '}' LF
+Some key/value pairs are common to all events and some are
+==== Common Key/Value Pairs
+The following key/value pairs are common to all events:
+	"event":"version",
+	"sid":"20190408T191827.272759Z-H9b68c35f-P00003510",
+	"thread":"main",
+	"time":"2019-04-08T19:18:27.282761Z",
+	"file":"common-main.c",
+	"line":42,
+	...
+	is the event name.
+	is the session-id.  This is a unique string to identify the
+	process instance to allow all events emitted by a process to
+	be identified.  A session-id is used instead of a PID because
+	PIDs are recycled by the OS.  For child git processes, the
+	session-id is prepended with the session-id of the parent git
+	process to allow parent-child relationships to be identified
+	during post-processing.
+	is the thread name.
+	is the UTC time of the event.
+	is source file generating the event.
+	is the integer source line number generating the event.
+	when present, is the integer repo-id as described previously.
+If `GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_BRIEF` or `trace2.eventBrief` is true, the `file`
+and `line` fields are omitted from all events and the `time` field is
+only present on the "start" and "atexit" events.
+==== Event-Specific Key/Value Pairs
+	This event gives the version of the executable and the EVENT format. It
+	should always be the first event in a trace session. The EVENT format
+	version will be incremented if new event types are added, if existing
+	fields are removed, or if there are significant changes in
+	interpretation of existing events or fields. Smaller changes, such as
+	adding a new field to an existing event, will not require an increment
+	to the EVENT format version.
+	"event":"version",
+	...
+	"evt":"2",		       # EVENT format version
+	"exe":"" # git version
+	This event is written to the git-trace2-discard sentinel file if there
+	are too many files in the target trace directory (see the
+	trace2.maxFiles config option).
+	"event":"discard",
+	...
+	This event contains the complete argv received by main().
+	"event":"start",
+	...
+	"t_abs":0.001227, # elapsed time in seconds
+	"argv":["git","version"]
+	This event is emitted when git calls `exit()`.
+	"event":"exit",
+	...
+	"t_abs":0.001227, # elapsed time in seconds
+	"code":0	  # exit code
+	This event is emitted by the Trace2 `atexit` routine during
+	final shutdown.  It should be the last event emitted by the
+	process.
+(The elapsed time reported here is greater than the time reported in
+the "exit" event because it runs after all other atexit tasks have
+	"event":"atexit",
+	...
+	"t_abs":0.001227, # elapsed time in seconds
+	"code":0          # exit code
+	This event is emitted when the program is terminated by a user
+	signal.  Depending on the platform, the signal event may
+	prevent the "atexit" event from being generated.
+	"event":"signal",
+	...
+	"t_abs":0.001227,  # elapsed time in seconds
+	"signo":13         # SIGTERM, SIGINT, etc.
+	This event is emitted when one of the `error()`, `die()`,
+	or `usage()` functions are called.
+	"event":"error",
+	...
+	"msg":"invalid option: --cahced", # formatted error message
+	"fmt":"invalid option: %s"	  # error format string
+The error event may be emitted more than once.  The format string
+allows post-processors to group errors by type without worrying
+about specific error arguments.
+	This event contains the discovered full path of the git
+	executable (on platforms that are configured to resolve it).
+	"event":"cmd_path",
+	...
+	"path":"C:/work/gfw/git.exe"
+	This event contains the command name for this git process
+	and the hierarchy of commands from parent git processes.
+	"event":"cmd_name",
+	...
+	"name":"pack-objects",
+	"hierarchy":"push/pack-objects"
+Normally, the "name" field contains the canonical name of the
+command.  When a canonical name is not available, one of
+these special values are used:
+"_query_"            # "git --html-path"
+"_run_dashed_"       # when "git foo" tries to run "git-foo"
+"_run_shell_alias_"  # alias expansion to a shell command
+"_run_git_alias_"    # alias expansion to a git command
+"_usage_"            # usage error
+	This event, when present, describes the command variant This
+	event may be emitted more than once.
+	"event":"cmd_mode",
+	...
+	"name":"branch"
+The "name" field is an arbitrary string to describe the command mode.
+For example, checkout can checkout a branch or an individual file.
+And these variations typically have different performance
+characteristics that are not comparable.
+	This event is present when an alias is expanded.
+	"event":"alias",
+	...
+	"alias":"l",		 # registered alias
+	"argv":["log","--graph"] # alias expansion
+	This event describes a child process that is about to be
+	spawned.
+	"event":"child_start",
+	...
+	"child_id":2,
+	"child_class":"?",
+	"use_shell":false,
+	"argv":["git","rev-list","--objects","--stdin","--not","--all","--quiet"]
+	"hook_name":"<hook_name>"  # present when child_class is "hook"
+	"cd":"<path>"		   # present when cd is required
+The "child_id" field can be used to match this child_start with the
+corresponding child_exit event.
+The "child_class" field is a rough classification, such as "editor",
+"pager", "transport/*", and "hook".  Unclassified children are classified
+with "?".
+	This event is generated after the current process has returned
+	from the waitpid() and collected the exit information from the
+	child.
+	"event":"child_exit",
+	...
+	"child_id":2,
+	"pid":14708,	 # child PID
+	"code":0,	 # child exit-code
+	"t_rel":0.110605 # observed run-time of child process
+Note that the session-id of the child process is not available to
+the current/spawning process, so the child's PID is reported here as
+a hint for post-processing.  (But it is only a hint because the child
+process may be a shell script which doesn't have a session-id.)
+Note that the `t_rel` field contains the observed run time in seconds
+for the child process (starting before the fork/exec/spawn and
+stopping after the waitpid() and includes OS process creation overhead).
+So this time will be slightly larger than the atexit time reported by
+the child process itself.
+	This event is generated before git attempts to `exec()`
+	another command rather than starting a child process.
+	"event":"exec",
+	...
+	"exec_id":0,
+	"exe":"git",
+	"argv":["foo", "bar"]
+The "exec_id" field is a command-unique id and is only useful if the
+`exec()` fails and a corresponding exec_result event is generated.
+	This event is generated if the `exec()` fails and control
+	returns to the current git command.
+	"event":"exec_result",
+	...
+	"exec_id":0,
+	"code":1      # error code (errno) from exec()
+	This event is generated when a thread is started.  It is
+	generated from *within* the new thread's thread-proc (for TLS
+	reasons).
+	"event":"thread_start",
+	...
+	"thread":"th02:preload_thread" # thread name
+	This event is generated when a thread exits.  It is generated
+	from *within* the thread's thread-proc (for TLS reasons).
+	"event":"thread_exit",
+	...
+	"thread":"th02:preload_thread", # thread name
+	"t_rel":0.007328                # thread elapsed time
+	This event is generated to log a global parameter.
+	"event":"def_param",
+	...
+	"param":"core.abbrev",
+	"value":"7"
+	This event defines a repo-id and associates it with the root
+	of the worktree.
+	"event":"def_repo",
+	...
+	"repo":1,
+	"worktree":"/Users/jeffhost/work/gfw"
+As stated earlier, the repo-id is currently always 1, so there will
+only be one def_repo event.  Later, if in-proc submodules are
+supported, a def_repo event should be emitted for each submodule
+	This event is generated when entering a region.
+	"event":"region_enter",
+	...
+	"repo":1,                # optional
+	"nesting":1,             # current region stack depth
+	"category":"index",      # optional
+	"label":"do_read_index", # optional
+	"msg":".git/index"       # optional
+The `category` field may be used in a future enhancement to
+do category-based filtering.
+`GIT_TRACE2_EVENT_NESTING` or `trace2.eventNesting` can be used to
+filter deeply nested regions and data events.  It defaults to "2".
+	This event is generated when leaving a region.
+	"event":"region_leave",
+	...
+	"repo":1,                # optional
+	"t_rel":0.002876,        # time spent in region in seconds
+	"nesting":1,             # region stack depth
+	"category":"index",      # optional
+	"label":"do_read_index", # optional
+	"msg":".git/index"       # optional
+	This event is generated to log a thread- and region-local
+	key/value pair.
+	"event":"data",
+	...
+	"repo":1,              # optional
+	"t_abs":0.024107,      # absolute elapsed time
+	"t_rel":0.001031,      # elapsed time in region/thread
+	"nesting":2,           # region stack depth
+	"category":"index",
+	"key":"read/cache_nr",
+	"value":"3552"
+The "value" field may be an integer or a string.
+	This event is generated to log a pre-formatted JSON string
+	containing structured data.
+	"event":"data_json",
+	...
+	"repo":1,              # optional
+	"t_abs":0.015905,
+	"t_rel":0.015905,
+	"nesting":1,
+	"category":"process",
+	"key":"windows/ancestry",
+	"value":["bash.exe","bash.exe"]
+== Example Trace2 API Usage
+Here is a hypothetical usage of the Trace2 API showing the intended
+usage (without worrying about the actual Git details).
+	Initialization happens in `main()`.  Behind the scenes, an
+	`atexit` and `signal` handler are registered.
+int main(int argc, const char **argv)
+	int exit_code;
+	trace2_initialize();
+	trace2_cmd_start(argv);
+	exit_code = cmd_main(argc, argv);
+	trace2_cmd_exit(exit_code);
+	return exit_code;
+Command Details::
+	After the basics are established, additional command
+	information can be sent to Trace2 as it is discovered.
+int cmd_checkout(int argc, const char **argv)
+	trace2_cmd_name("checkout");
+	trace2_cmd_mode("branch");
+	trace2_def_repo(the_repository);
+	// emit "def_param" messages for "interesting" config settings.
+	trace2_cmd_list_config();
+	if (do_something())
+	    trace2_cmd_error("Path '%s': cannot do something", path);
+	return 0;
+Child Processes::
+	Wrap code spawning child processes.
+void run_child(...)
+	int child_exit_code;
+	struct child_process cmd = CHILD_PROCESS_INIT;
+	...
+	cmd.trace2_child_class = "editor";
+	trace2_child_start(&cmd);
+	child_exit_code = spawn_child_and_wait_for_it();
+	trace2_child_exit(&cmd, child_exit_code);
+For example, the following fetch command spawned ssh, index-pack,
+rev-list, and gc.  This example also shows that fetch took
+5.199 seconds and of that 4.932 was in ssh.
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_BRIEF=1
+$ export GIT_TRACE2=~/log.normal
+$ git fetch origin
+$ cat ~/log.normal
+version 2.20.1.vfs.1.1.47.g534dbe1ad1
+start git fetch origin
+worktree /Users/jeffhost/work/gfw
+cmd_name fetch (fetch)
+child_start[0] ssh git@github.com ...
+child_start[1] git index-pack ...
+... (Trace2 events from child processes omitted)
+child_exit[1] pid:14707 code:0 elapsed:0.076353
+child_exit[0] pid:14706 code:0 elapsed:4.931869
+child_start[2] git rev-list ...
+... (Trace2 events from child process omitted)
+child_exit[2] pid:14708 code:0 elapsed:0.110605
+child_start[3] git gc --auto
+... (Trace2 events from child process omitted)
+child_exit[3] pid:14709 code:0 elapsed:0.006240
+exit elapsed:5.198503 code:0
+atexit elapsed:5.198541 code:0
+When a git process is a (direct or indirect) child of another
+git process, it inherits Trace2 context information.  This
+allows the child to print the command hierarchy.  This example
+shows gc as child[3] of fetch.  When the gc process reports
+its name as "gc", it also reports the hierarchy as "fetch/gc".
+(In this example, trace2 messages from the child process is
+indented for clarity.)
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_BRIEF=1
+$ export GIT_TRACE2=~/log.normal
+$ git fetch origin
+$ cat ~/log.normal
+start git fetch official
+worktree /Users/jeffhost/work/gfw
+cmd_name fetch (fetch)
+child_start[3] git gc --auto
+    version
+    start /Users/jeffhost/work/gfw/git gc --auto
+    worktree /Users/jeffhost/work/gfw
+    cmd_name gc (fetch/gc)
+    exit elapsed:0.001959 code:0
+    atexit elapsed:0.001997 code:0
+child_exit[3] pid:20303 code:0 elapsed:0.007564
+exit elapsed:3.868938 code:0
+atexit elapsed:3.868970 code:0
+	Regions can be use to time an interesting section of code.
+void wt_status_collect(struct wt_status *s)
+	trace2_region_enter("status", "worktrees", s->repo);
+	wt_status_collect_changes_worktree(s);
+	trace2_region_leave("status", "worktrees", s->repo);
+	trace2_region_enter("status", "index", s->repo);
+	wt_status_collect_changes_index(s);
+	trace2_region_leave("status", "index", s->repo);
+	trace2_region_enter("status", "untracked", s->repo);
+	wt_status_collect_untracked(s);
+	trace2_region_leave("status", "untracked", s->repo);
+void wt_status_print(struct wt_status *s)
+	trace2_region_enter("status", "print", s->repo);
+	switch (s->status_format) {
+	    ...
+	}
+	trace2_region_leave("status", "print", s->repo);
+In this example, scanning for untracked files ran from +0.012568 to
++0.027149 (since the process started) and took 0.014581 seconds.
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_PERF=~/log.perf
+$ git status
+$ cat ~/log.perf
+d0 | main                     | version      |     |           |           |            |
+d0 | main                     | start        |     |  0.001173 |           |            | git status
+d0 | main                     | def_repo     | r1  |           |           |            | worktree:/Users/jeffhost/work/gfw
+d0 | main                     | cmd_name     |     |           |           |            | status (status)
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.010988 |           | status     | label:worktrees
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.011236 |  0.000248 | status     | label:worktrees
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.011260 |           | status     | label:index
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.012542 |  0.001282 | status     | label:index
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.012568 |           | status     | label:untracked
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.027149 |  0.014581 | status     | label:untracked
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.027411 |           | status     | label:print
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.028741 |  0.001330 | status     | label:print
+d0 | main                     | exit         |     |  0.028778 |           |            | code:0
+d0 | main                     | atexit       |     |  0.028809 |           |            | code:0
+Regions may be nested.  This causes messages to be indented in the
+PERF target, for example.
+Elapsed times are relative to the start of the corresponding nesting
+level as expected.  For example, if we add region message to:
+static enum path_treatment read_directory_recursive(struct dir_struct *dir,
+	struct index_state *istate, const char *base, int baselen,
+	struct untracked_cache_dir *untracked, int check_only,
+	int stop_at_first_file, const struct pathspec *pathspec)
+	enum path_treatment state, subdir_state, dir_state = path_none;
+	trace2_region_enter_printf("dir", "read_recursive", NULL, "%.*s", baselen, base);
+	...
+	trace2_region_leave_printf("dir", "read_recursive", NULL, "%.*s", baselen, base);
+	return dir_state;
+We can further investigate the time spent scanning for untracked files.
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_PERF=~/log.perf
+$ git status
+$ cat ~/log.perf
+d0 | main                     | version      |     |           |           |            |
+d0 | main                     | start        |     |  0.001173 |           |            | git status
+d0 | main                     | def_repo     | r1  |           |           |            | worktree:/Users/jeffhost/work/gfw
+d0 | main                     | cmd_name     |     |           |           |            | status (status)
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.015047 |           | status     | label:untracked
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.015132 |           | dir        | ..label:read_recursive
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.016341 |           | dir        | ....label:read_recursive vcs-svn/
+d0 | main                     | region_leave |     |  0.016422 |  0.000081 | dir        | ....label:read_recursive vcs-svn/
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.016446 |           | dir        | ....label:read_recursive xdiff/
+d0 | main                     | region_leave |     |  0.016522 |  0.000076 | dir        | ....label:read_recursive xdiff/
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.016612 |           | dir        | ....label:read_recursive git-gui/
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.016698 |           | dir        | ......label:read_recursive git-gui/po/
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.016810 |           | dir        | ........label:read_recursive git-gui/po/glossary/
+d0 | main                     | region_leave |     |  0.016863 |  0.000053 | dir        | ........label:read_recursive git-gui/po/glossary/
+d0 | main                     | region_enter |     |  0.031876 |           | dir        | ....label:read_recursive builtin/
+d0 | main                     | region_leave |     |  0.032270 |  0.000394 | dir        | ....label:read_recursive builtin/
+d0 | main                     | region_leave |     |  0.032414 |  0.017282 | dir        | ..label:read_recursive
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.032454 |  0.017407 | status     | label:untracked
+d0 | main                     | exit         |     |  0.034279 |           |            | code:0
+d0 | main                     | atexit       |     |  0.034322 |           |            | code:0
+Trace2 regions are similar to the existing trace_performance_enter()
+and trace_performance_leave() routines, but are thread safe and
+maintain per-thread stacks of timers.
+Data Messages::
+	Data messages added to a region.
+int read_index_from(struct index_state *istate, const char *path,
+	const char *gitdir)
+	trace2_region_enter_printf("index", "do_read_index", the_repository, "%s", path);
+	...
+	trace2_data_intmax("index", the_repository, "read/version", istate->version);
+	trace2_data_intmax("index", the_repository, "read/cache_nr", istate->cache_nr);
+	trace2_region_leave_printf("index", "do_read_index", the_repository, "%s", path);
+This example shows that the index contained 3552 entries.
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_PERF=~/log.perf
+$ git status
+$ cat ~/log.perf
+d0 | main                     | version      |     |           |           |            |
+d0 | main                     | start        |     |  0.001173 |           |            | git status
+d0 | main                     | def_repo     | r1  |           |           |            | worktree:/Users/jeffhost/work/gfw
+d0 | main                     | cmd_name     |     |           |           |            | status (status)
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.001791 |           | index      | label:do_read_index .git/index
+d0 | main                     | data         | r1  |  0.002494 |  0.000703 | index      | ..read/version:2
+d0 | main                     | data         | r1  |  0.002520 |  0.000729 | index      | ..read/cache_nr:3552
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.002539 |  0.000748 | index      | label:do_read_index .git/index
+Thread Events::
+	Thread messages added to a thread-proc.
+For example, the multithreaded preload-index code can be
+instrumented with a region around the thread pool and then
+per-thread start and exit events within the threadproc.
+static void *preload_thread(void *_data)
+	// start the per-thread clock and emit a message.
+	trace2_thread_start("preload_thread");
+	// report which chunk of the array this thread was assigned.
+	trace2_data_intmax("index", the_repository, "offset", p->offset);
+	trace2_data_intmax("index", the_repository, "count", nr);
+	do {
+	    ...
+	} while (--nr > 0);
+	...
+	// report elapsed time taken by this thread.
+	trace2_thread_exit();
+	return NULL;
+void preload_index(struct index_state *index,
+	const struct pathspec *pathspec,
+	unsigned int refresh_flags)
+	trace2_region_enter("index", "preload", the_repository);
+	for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
+	    ... /* create thread */
+	}
+	for (i = 0; i < threads; i++) {
+	    ... /* join thread */
+	}
+	trace2_region_leave("index", "preload", the_repository);
+In this example preload_index() was executed by the `main` thread
+and started the `preload` region.  Seven threads, named
+`th01:preload_thread` through `th07:preload_thread`, were started.
+Events from each thread are atomically appended to the shared target
+stream as they occur so they may appear in random order with respect
+other threads. Finally, the main thread waits for the threads to
+finish and leaves the region.
+Data events are tagged with the active thread name.  They are used
+to report the per-thread parameters.
+$ export GIT_TRACE2_PERF=~/log.perf
+$ git status
+$ cat ~/log.perf
+d0 | main                     | region_enter | r1  |  0.002595 |           | index      | label:preload
+d0 | th01:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002699 |           |            |
+d0 | th02:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002721 |           |            |
+d0 | th01:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002736 |  0.000037 | index      | offset:0
+d0 | th02:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002751 |  0.000030 | index      | offset:2032
+d0 | th03:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002711 |           |            |
+d0 | th06:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002739 |           |            |
+d0 | th01:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002766 |  0.000067 | index      | count:508
+d0 | th06:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002856 |  0.000117 | index      | offset:2540
+d0 | th03:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002824 |  0.000113 | index      | offset:1016
+d0 | th04:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002710 |           |            |
+d0 | th02:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002779 |  0.000058 | index      | count:508
+d0 | th06:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002966 |  0.000227 | index      | count:508
+d0 | th07:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002741 |           |            |
+d0 | th07:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.003017 |  0.000276 | index      | offset:3048
+d0 | th05:preload_thread      | thread_start |     |  0.002712 |           |            |
+d0 | th05:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.003067 |  0.000355 | index      | offset:1524
+d0 | th05:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.003090 |  0.000378 | index      | count:508
+d0 | th07:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.003037 |  0.000296 | index      | count:504
+d0 | th03:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002971 |  0.000260 | index      | count:508
+d0 | th04:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.002983 |  0.000273 | index      | offset:508
+d0 | th04:preload_thread      | data         | r1  |  0.007311 |  0.004601 | index      | count:508
+d0 | th05:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.008781 |  0.006069 |            |
+d0 | th01:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.009561 |  0.006862 |            |
+d0 | th03:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.009742 |  0.007031 |            |
+d0 | th06:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.009820 |  0.007081 |            |
+d0 | th02:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.010274 |  0.007553 |            |
+d0 | th07:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.010477 |  0.007736 |            |
+d0 | th04:preload_thread      | thread_exit  |     |  0.011657 |  0.008947 |            |
+d0 | main                     | region_leave | r1  |  0.011717 |  0.009122 | index      | label:preload
+d0 | main                     | exit         |     |  0.029996 |           |            | code:0
+d0 | main                     | atexit       |     |  0.030027 |           |            | code:0
+In this example, the preload region took 0.009122 seconds.  The 7 threads
+took between 0.006069 and 0.008947 seconds to work on their portion of
+the index.  Thread "th01" worked on 508 items at offset 0.  Thread "th02"
+worked on 508 items at offset 2032.  Thread "th04" worked on 508 items
+at offset 508.
+This example also shows that thread names are assigned in a racy manner
+as each thread starts and allocates TLS storage.
+== Future Work
+=== Relationship to the Existing Trace Api (api-trace.txt)
+There are a few issues to resolve before we can completely
+switch to Trace2.
+* Updating existing tests that assume GIT_TRACE format messages.
+* How to best handle custom GIT_TRACE_<key> messages?
+** The GIT_TRACE_<key> mechanism allows each <key> to write to a
+different file (in addition to just stderr).
+** Do we want to maintain that ability or simply write to the existing
+Trace2 targets (and convert <key> to a "category").