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path: root/third_party/git/Documentation/revisions.txt
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Diffstat (limited to 'third_party/git/Documentation/revisions.txt')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 380 deletions
diff --git a/third_party/git/Documentation/revisions.txt b/third_party/git/Documentation/revisions.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index d9169c062eb1..000000000000
--- a/third_party/git/Documentation/revisions.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,380 +0,0 @@
-A revision parameter '<rev>' typically, but not necessarily, names a
-commit object.  It uses what is called an 'extended SHA-1'
-syntax.  Here are various ways to spell object names.  The
-ones listed near the end of this list name trees and
-blobs contained in a commit.
-NOTE: This document shows the "raw" syntax as seen by git. The shell
-and other UIs might require additional quoting to protect special
-characters and to avoid word splitting.
-'<sha1>', e.g. 'dae86e1950b1277e545cee180551750029cfe735', 'dae86e'::
-  The full SHA-1 object name (40-byte hexadecimal string), or
-  a leading substring that is unique within the repository.
-  E.g. dae86e1950b1277e545cee180551750029cfe735 and dae86e both
-  name the same commit object if there is no other object in
-  your repository whose object name starts with dae86e.
-'<describeOutput>', e.g. 'v1.7.4.2-679-g3bee7fb'::
-  Output from `git describe`; i.e. a closest tag, optionally
-  followed by a dash and a number of commits, followed by a dash, a
-  'g', and an abbreviated object name.
-'<refname>', e.g. 'master', 'heads/master', 'refs/heads/master'::
-  A symbolic ref name.  E.g. 'master' typically means the commit
-  object referenced by 'refs/heads/master'.  If you
-  happen to have both 'heads/master' and 'tags/master', you can
-  explicitly say 'heads/master' to tell Git which one you mean.
-  When ambiguous, a '<refname>' is disambiguated by taking the
-  first match in the following rules:
-  . If '$GIT_DIR/<refname>' exists, that is what you mean (this is usually
-    useful only for `HEAD`, `FETCH_HEAD`, `ORIG_HEAD`, `MERGE_HEAD`
-    and `CHERRY_PICK_HEAD`);
-  . otherwise, 'refs/<refname>' if it exists;
-  . otherwise, 'refs/tags/<refname>' if it exists;
-  . otherwise, 'refs/heads/<refname>' if it exists;
-  . otherwise, 'refs/remotes/<refname>' if it exists;
-  . otherwise, 'refs/remotes/<refname>/HEAD' if it exists.
-`HEAD` names the commit on which you based the changes in the working tree.
-`FETCH_HEAD` records the branch which you fetched from a remote repository
-with your last `git fetch` invocation.
-`ORIG_HEAD` is created by commands that move your `HEAD` in a drastic
-way, to record the position of the `HEAD` before their operation, so that
-you can easily change the tip of the branch back to the state before you ran
-`MERGE_HEAD` records the commit(s) which you are merging into your branch
-when you run `git merge`.
-`CHERRY_PICK_HEAD` records the commit which you are cherry-picking
-when you run `git cherry-pick`.
-Note that any of the 'refs/*' cases above may come either from
-the `$GIT_DIR/refs` directory or from the `$GIT_DIR/packed-refs` file.
-While the ref name encoding is unspecified, UTF-8 is preferred as
-some output processing may assume ref names in UTF-8.
-  '@' alone is a shortcut for `HEAD`.
-'[<refname>]@{<date>}', e.g. 'master@\{yesterday\}', 'HEAD@{5 minutes ago}'::
-  A ref followed by the suffix '@' with a date specification
-  enclosed in a brace
-  pair (e.g. '\{yesterday\}', '{1 month 2 weeks 3 days 1 hour 1
-  second ago}' or '{1979-02-26 18:30:00}') specifies the value
-  of the ref at a prior point in time.  This suffix may only be
-  used immediately following a ref name and the ref must have an
-  existing log ('$GIT_DIR/logs/<ref>'). Note that this looks up the state
-  of your *local* ref at a given time; e.g., what was in your local
-  'master' branch last week. If you want to look at commits made during
-  certain times, see `--since` and `--until`.
-'<refname>@{<n>}', e.g. 'master@\{1\}'::
-  A ref followed by the suffix '@' with an ordinal specification
-  enclosed in a brace pair (e.g. '\{1\}', '\{15\}') specifies
-  the n-th prior value of that ref.  For example 'master@\{1\}'
-  is the immediate prior value of 'master' while 'master@\{5\}'
-  is the 5th prior value of 'master'. This suffix may only be used
-  immediately following a ref name and the ref must have an existing
-  log ('$GIT_DIR/logs/<refname>').
-'@{<n>}', e.g. '@\{1\}'::
-  You can use the '@' construct with an empty ref part to get at a
-  reflog entry of the current branch. For example, if you are on
-  branch 'blabla' then '@\{1\}' means the same as 'blabla@\{1\}'.
-'@{-<n>}', e.g. '@{-1}'::
-  The construct '@{-<n>}' means the <n>th branch/commit checked out
-  before the current one.
-'[<branchname>]@\{upstream\}', e.g. 'master@\{upstream\}', '@\{u\}'::
-  The suffix '@\{upstream\}' to a branchname (short form '<branchname>@\{u\}')
-  refers to the branch that the branch specified by branchname is set to build on
-  top of (configured with `branch.<name>.remote` and
-  `branch.<name>.merge`).  A missing branchname defaults to the
-  current one. These suffixes are also accepted when spelled in uppercase, and
-  they mean the same thing no matter the case.
-'[<branchname>]@\{push\}', e.g. 'master@\{push\}', '@\{push\}'::
-  The suffix '@\{push}' reports the branch "where we would push to" if
-  `git push` were run while `branchname` was checked out (or the current
-  `HEAD` if no branchname is specified). Since our push destination is
-  in a remote repository, of course, we report the local tracking branch
-  that corresponds to that branch (i.e., something in `refs/remotes/`).
-Here's an example to make it more clear:
-$ git config push.default current
-$ git config remote.pushdefault myfork
-$ git switch -c mybranch origin/master
-$ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{upstream}
-$ git rev-parse --symbolic-full-name @{push}
-Note in the example that we set up a triangular workflow, where we pull
-from one location and push to another. In a non-triangular workflow,
-'@\{push}' is the same as '@\{upstream}', and there is no need for it.
-This suffix is also accepted when spelled in uppercase, and means the same
-thing no matter the case.
-'<rev>{caret}[<n>]', e.g. 'HEAD{caret}, v1.5.1{caret}0'::
-  A suffix '{caret}' to a revision parameter means the first parent of
-  that commit object.  '{caret}<n>' means the <n>th parent (i.e.
-  '<rev>{caret}'
-  is equivalent to '<rev>{caret}1').  As a special rule,
-  '<rev>{caret}0' means the commit itself and is used when '<rev>' is the
-  object name of a tag object that refers to a commit object.
-'<rev>{tilde}[<n>]', e.g. 'HEAD{tilde}, master{tilde}3'::
-  A suffix '{tilde}' to a revision parameter means the first parent of
-  that commit object.
-  A suffix '{tilde}<n>' to a revision parameter means the commit
-  object that is the <n>th generation ancestor of the named
-  commit object, following only the first parents.  I.e. '<rev>{tilde}3' is
-  equivalent to '<rev>{caret}{caret}{caret}' which is equivalent to
-  '<rev>{caret}1{caret}1{caret}1'.  See below for an illustration of
-  the usage of this form.
-'<rev>{caret}{<type>}', e.g. 'v0.99.8{caret}\{commit\}'::
-  A suffix '{caret}' followed by an object type name enclosed in
-  brace pair means dereference the object at '<rev>' recursively until
-  an object of type '<type>' is found or the object cannot be
-  dereferenced anymore (in which case, barf).
-  For example, if '<rev>' is a commit-ish, '<rev>{caret}\{commit\}'
-  describes the corresponding commit object.
-  Similarly, if '<rev>' is a tree-ish, '<rev>{caret}\{tree\}'
-  describes the corresponding tree object.
-  '<rev>{caret}0'
-  is a short-hand for '<rev>{caret}\{commit\}'.
-'<rev>{caret}\{object\}' can be used to make sure '<rev>' names an
-object that exists, without requiring '<rev>' to be a tag, and
-without dereferencing '<rev>'; because a tag is already an object,
-it does not have to be dereferenced even once to get to an object.
-'<rev>{caret}\{tag\}' can be used to ensure that '<rev>' identifies an
-existing tag object.
-'<rev>{caret}{}', e.g. 'v0.99.8{caret}{}'::
-  A suffix '{caret}' followed by an empty brace pair
-  means the object could be a tag,
-  and dereference the tag recursively until a non-tag object is
-  found.
-'<rev>{caret}{/<text>}', e.g. 'HEAD^{/fix nasty bug}'::
-  A suffix '{caret}' to a revision parameter, followed by a brace
-  pair that contains a text led by a slash,
-  is the same as the ':/fix nasty bug' syntax below except that
-  it returns the youngest matching commit which is reachable from
-  the '<rev>' before '{caret}'.
-':/<text>', e.g. ':/fix nasty bug'::
-  A colon, followed by a slash, followed by a text, names
-  a commit whose commit message matches the specified regular expression.
-  This name returns the youngest matching commit which is
-  reachable from any ref, including HEAD.
-  The regular expression can match any part of the
-  commit message. To match messages starting with a string, one can use
-  e.g. ':/^foo'. The special sequence ':/!' is reserved for modifiers to what
-  is matched. ':/!-foo' performs a negative match, while ':/!!foo' matches a
-  literal '!' character, followed by 'foo'. Any other sequence beginning with
-  ':/!' is reserved for now.
-  Depending on the given text, the shell's word splitting rules might
-  require additional quoting.
-'<rev>:<path>', e.g. 'HEAD:README', 'master:./README'::
-  A suffix ':' followed by a path names the blob or tree
-  at the given path in the tree-ish object named by the part
-  before the colon.
-  A path starting with './' or '../' is relative to the current working directory.
-  The given path will be converted to be relative to the working tree's root directory.
-  This is most useful to address a blob or tree from a commit or tree that has
-  the same tree structure as the working tree.
-':[<n>:]<path>', e.g. ':0:README', ':README'::
-  A colon, optionally followed by a stage number (0 to 3) and a
-  colon, followed by a path, names a blob object in the
-  index at the given path. A missing stage number (and the colon
-  that follows it) names a stage 0 entry. During a merge, stage
-  1 is the common ancestor, stage 2 is the target branch's version
-  (typically the current branch), and stage 3 is the version from
-  the branch which is being merged.
-Here is an illustration, by Jon Loeliger.  Both commit nodes B
-and C are parents of commit node A.  Parent commits are ordered
-G   H   I   J
- \ /     \ /
-  D   E   F
-   \  |  / \
-    \ | /   |
-     \|/    |
-      B     C
-       \   /
-        \ /
-         A
-    A =      = A^0
-    B = A^   = A^1     = A~1
-    C =      = A^2
-    D = A^^  = A^1^1   = A~2
-    E = B^2  = A^^2
-    F = B^3  = A^^3
-    G = A^^^ = A^1^1^1 = A~3
-    H = D^2  = B^^2    = A^^^2  = A~2^2
-    I = F^   = B^3^    = A^^3^
-    J = F^2  = B^3^2   = A^^3^2
-History traversing commands such as `git log` operate on a set
-of commits, not just a single commit.
-For these commands,
-specifying a single revision, using the notation described in the
-previous section, means the set of commits `reachable` from the given
-Specifying several revisions means the set of commits reachable from
-any of the given commits.
-A commit's reachable set is the commit itself and the commits in
-its ancestry chain.
-Commit Exclusions
-'{caret}<rev>' (caret) Notation::
- To exclude commits reachable from a commit, a prefix '{caret}'
- notation is used.  E.g. '{caret}r1 r2' means commits reachable
- from 'r2' but exclude the ones reachable from 'r1' (i.e. 'r1' and
- its ancestors).
-Dotted Range Notations
-The '..' (two-dot) Range Notation::
- The '{caret}r1 r2' set operation appears so often that there is a shorthand
- for it.  When you have two commits 'r1' and 'r2' (named according
- to the syntax explained in SPECIFYING REVISIONS above), you can ask
- for commits that are reachable from r2 excluding those that are reachable
- from r1 by '{caret}r1 r2' and it can be written as 'r1..r2'.
-The '...' (three-dot) Symmetric Difference Notation::
- A similar notation 'r1\...r2' is called symmetric difference
- of 'r1' and 'r2' and is defined as
- 'r1 r2 --not $(git merge-base --all r1 r2)'.
- It is the set of commits that are reachable from either one of
- 'r1' (left side) or 'r2' (right side) but not from both.
-In these two shorthand notations, you can omit one end and let it default to HEAD.
-For example, 'origin..' is a shorthand for 'origin..HEAD' and asks "What
-did I do since I forked from the origin branch?"  Similarly, '..origin'
-is a shorthand for 'HEAD..origin' and asks "What did the origin do since
-I forked from them?"  Note that '..' would mean 'HEAD..HEAD' which is an
-empty range that is both reachable and unreachable from HEAD.
-Other <rev>{caret} Parent Shorthand Notations
-Three other shorthands exist, particularly useful for merge commits,
-for naming a set that is formed by a commit and its parent commits.
-The 'r1{caret}@' notation means all parents of 'r1'.
-The 'r1{caret}!' notation includes commit 'r1' but excludes all of its parents.
-By itself, this notation denotes the single commit 'r1'.
-The '<rev>{caret}-[<n>]' notation includes '<rev>' but excludes the <n>th
-parent (i.e. a shorthand for '<rev>{caret}<n>..<rev>'), with '<n>' = 1 if
-not given. This is typically useful for merge commits where you
-can just pass '<commit>{caret}-' to get all the commits in the branch
-that was merged in merge commit '<commit>' (including '<commit>'
-While '<rev>{caret}<n>' was about specifying a single commit parent, these
-three notations also consider its parents. For example you can say
-'HEAD{caret}2{caret}@', however you cannot say 'HEAD{caret}@{caret}2'.
-Revision Range Summary
-	Include commits that are reachable from <rev> (i.e. <rev> and its
-	ancestors).
-	Exclude commits that are reachable from <rev> (i.e. <rev> and its
-	ancestors).
-	Include commits that are reachable from <rev2> but exclude
-	those that are reachable from <rev1>.  When either <rev1> or
-	<rev2> is omitted, it defaults to `HEAD`.
-	Include commits that are reachable from either <rev1> or
-	<rev2> but exclude those that are reachable from both.  When
-	either <rev1> or <rev2> is omitted, it defaults to `HEAD`.
-'<rev>{caret}@', e.g. 'HEAD{caret}@'::
-  A suffix '{caret}' followed by an at sign is the same as listing
-  all parents of '<rev>' (meaning, include anything reachable from
-  its parents, but not the commit itself).
-'<rev>{caret}!', e.g. 'HEAD{caret}!'::
-  A suffix '{caret}' followed by an exclamation mark is the same
-  as giving commit '<rev>' and then all its parents prefixed with
-  '{caret}' to exclude them (and their ancestors).
-'<rev>{caret}-<n>', e.g. 'HEAD{caret}-, HEAD{caret}-2'::
-	Equivalent to '<rev>{caret}<n>..<rev>', with '<n>' = 1 if not
-	given.
-Here are a handful of examples using the Loeliger illustration above,
-with each step in the notation's expansion and selection carefully
-spelt out:
-   Args   Expanded arguments    Selected commits
-   D                            G H D
-   D F                          G H I J D F
-   ^G D                         H D
-   ^D B                         E I J F B
-   ^D B C                       E I J F B C
-   C                            I J F C
-   B..C   = ^B C                C
-   B...C  = B ^F C              G H D E B C
-   B^-    = B^..B
-	  = ^B^1 B              E I J F B
-   C^@    = C^1
-	  = F                   I J F
-   B^@    = B^1 B^2 B^3
-	  = D E F               D G H E F I J
-   C^!    = C ^C^@
-	  = C ^C^1
-	  = C ^F                C
-   B^!    = B ^B^@
-	  = B ^B^1 ^B^2 ^B^3
-	  = B ^D ^E ^F          B
-   F^! D  = F ^I ^J D           G H D F