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-.. _guide:
-Introduction to Bazel: Building a Haskell project
-In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of building Haskell
-applications with Bazel. You will set up your workspace and build
-a simple Haskell project that illustrates key Bazel concepts, such as
-targets and ``BUILD.bazel`` files. After completing this tutorial, take
-a look at :ref:`Common Haskell build use cases <use-cases>` for
-information on more advanced concepts such as writing and running
-Haskell tests.
-What you'll learn
-In this tutorial you'll learn how to:
-* build a target,
-* visualize the project's dependencies,
-* split the project into multiple targets and packages,
-* control target visibility across packages,
-* reference targets through labels.
-Before you begin
-To prepare for the tutorial, first `install Bazel`_ if you don't have
-it installed already. Then, retrieve the ``rules_haskell`` GitHub
-  git clone
-The sample project for this tutorial is in the ``tutorial``
-directory and is structured as follows::
-  rules_haskell
-  └── tutorial
-     ├── WORKSPACE
-     ├── main
-     │  ├── BUILD.bazel
-     │  └── Main.hs
-     └── lib
-        ├── BUILD.bazel
-        └── Bool.hs
-The first thing to do is to::
-  $ cd tutorial
-Build with Bazel
-Set up the workspace
-Before you can build a project, you need to set up its workspace.
-A workspace is a directory that holds your project's source files and
-Bazel's build outputs. It also contains files that Bazel recognizes as
-* the ``WORKSPACE`` file, which identifies the directory and its
-  contents as a Bazel workspace and lives at the root of the project's
-  directory structure,
-* one or more ``BUILD.bazel`` files, which tell Bazel how to build different
-  parts of the project. (A directory within the workspace that
-  contains a ``BUILD.bazel`` file is a *package*. You will learn about
-  packages later in this tutorial.)
-To designate a directory as a Bazel workspace, create an empty file
-named ``WORKSPACE`` in that directory.
-When Bazel builds the project, all inputs and dependencies must be in
-the same workspace. Files residing in different workspaces are
-independent of one another unless linked, which is beyond the scope of
-this tutorial.
-Understand the BUILD file
-It is recommended to use a ``.bazel`` extension for each ``BUILD`` file to
-avoid clashing with files or folders already using that name.
-A ``BUILD.bazel`` file contains several different types of instructions for
-Bazel. The most important type is the *build rule*, which tells Bazel
-how to build the desired outputs, such as executable binaries or
-libraries. Each instance of a build rule in the ``BUILD.bazel`` file is
-called a *target* and points to a specific set of source files and
-dependencies. A target can also point to other targets.
-Take a look at the ``BUILD.bazel`` file in the ``tutorial/lib`` directory::
-  haskell_library(
-      name = "booleans",
-      srcs = ["Bool.hs"],
-  )
-In our example, the ``booleans`` target instantiates the
-`haskell_library`_ rule. The rule tells Bazel to build a reusable
-(statically or dynamically linked) library from the ``Bool.hs`` source
-file with no dependencies.
-The attributes in the target explicitly state its dependencies and
-options. While the ``name`` attribute is mandatory, many are optional.
-For example, in the ``booleans`` target, ``name`` is self-explanatory,
-and ``srcs`` specifies the source file(s) from which Bazel builds the
-Build the project
-Let's build your sample project. Run the following command::
-  $ bazel build //lib:booleans
-Notice the target label - the ``//lib:`` part is the location of our
-``BUILD.bazel`` file relative to the root of the workspace, and ``booleans``
-is what we named that target in the ``BUILD.bazel`` file. (You will learn
-about target labels in more detail at the end of this tutorial.)
-Bazel produces output similar to the following::
-  INFO: Found 1 target...
-  Target //lib:booleans up-to-date:
-    bazel-bin/lib/libZSbooleans/libZSbooleans.conf
-    bazel-bin/lib/libZSbooleans/package.cache
-  INFO: Elapsed time: 2.288s, Critical Path: 0.68s
-Congratulations, you just built your first Bazel target! Bazel places
-build outputs in the ``bazel-bin`` directory at the root of the
-workspace. Browse through its contents to get an idea for Bazel's
-output structure.
-Review the dependency graph
-A successful build has all of its dependencies explicitly stated in
-the ``BUILD.bazel`` file. Bazel uses those statements to create the
-project's dependency graph, which enables accurate incremental builds.
-Let's visualize our sample project's dependencies. First, generate
-a text representation of the dependency graph (run the command at the
-workspace root)::
-  bazel query --nohost_deps --noimplicit_deps \
-    'deps(//lib:booleans)' --output graph
-The above command tells Bazel to look for all dependencies for the
-target ``//lib:booleans`` (excluding host and implicit dependencies)
-and format the output as a graph.
-Then, paste the text into GraphViz_.
-On Ubuntu, you can view the graph locally by installing GraphViz and the xdot
-Dot Viewer::
-  sudo apt update && sudo apt install graphviz xdot
-Then you can generate and view the graph by piping the text output above
-straight to xdot::
-  xdot <(bazel query --nohost_deps --noimplicit_deps \
-           'deps(//lib:booleans)' --output graph)
-As you can see, the first stage of the sample project has a single
-target that builds a single source file with no additional
-.. digraph:: booleans
-   node [shape=box];
-   "//lib:booleans"
-   "//lib:booleans" -> "//lib:Bool.hs"
-   "//lib:Bool.hs"
-Now that you have set up your workspace, built your project, and
-examined its dependencies, let's add some complexity.
-Refine your Bazel build
-While a single target is sufficient for small projects, you may want
-to split larger projects into multiple targets and packages to allow
-for fast incremental builds (that is, only rebuild what's changed) and
-to speed up your builds by building multiple parts of a project at
-Specify multiple build targets
-Let's split our sample project build into two targets. Take a look at
-the ``BUILD.bazel`` files in the ``tutorial/lib`` and ``tutorial/main``
-directories. The contents of both files could have been kept in
-a single ``BUILD.bazel`` as follows::
-  haskell_library(
-      name = "booleans",
-      srcs = ["Bool.hs"],
-  )
-  haskell_toolchain_library(name = "base")
-  haskell_binary(
-      name = "demorgan",
-      srcs = ["Main.hs"],
-      compiler_flags = ["-threaded"],
-      deps = [":base", ":booleans"],
-  )
-With this single ``BUILD.bazel`` file, Bazel first builds the ``booleans``
-library (using the `haskell_library`_ rule), then the ``demorgan``
-binary (which as an example uses the ``booleans`` library to check one
-of the De Morgan laws). The ``deps`` attribute in the ``demorgan``
-target tells Bazel that the ``:booleans`` library is required to build
-the ``demorgan`` binary. The binary also requires the ``base``
-built-in library that ships with GHC, to perform I/O among other
-things. Libraries like ``base``, ``bytestring`` and others that ship
-with GHC are special in that they are prebuilt outside of Bazel. To
-import them as regular targets, we use the `haskell_toolchain_library`_ rule.
-Let's build this new version of our project::
-  $ bazel build //main:demorgan
-Bazel produces output similar to the following::
-  INFO: Found 1 target...
-  Target //main:demorgan up-to-date:
-    bazel-bin/main/demorgan
-  INFO: Elapsed time: 2.728s, Critical Path: 1.23s
-Now test your freshly built binary::
-  $ bazel-bin/main/demorgan
-Or alternatively::
-  $ bazel run //main:demorgan
-If you now modify ``Bool.hs`` and rebuild the project, Bazel will
-usually only recompile that file.
-Looking at the dependency graph:
-.. digraph:: demorgan
-  node [shape=box];
-  "//main:demorgan"
-  "//main:demorgan" -> "//main:base\n//main:Main.hs"
-  "//main:demorgan" -> "//lib:booleans"
-  "//lib:booleans"
-  "//lib:booleans" -> "//lib:Bool.hs"
-  "//lib:Bool.hs"
-  "//main:base\n//main:Main.hs"
-You have now built the project with two targets. The ``demorgan``
-target builds one source file and depends on one other target
-(``//lib:booleans``), which builds one additional source file.
-Use multiple packages
-Let’s now split the project into multiple packages.
-Notice that we actually have two sub-directories, and each contains
-a ``BUILD.bazel`` file. Therefore, to Bazel, the workspace contains two
-packages, ``lib`` and ``main``.
-Take a look at the ``lib/BUILD.bazel`` file::
-  haskell_library(
-      name = "booleans",
-      srcs = ["Bool.hs"],
-      visibility = ["//main:__pkg__"],
-  )
-And at the ``main/BUILD.bazel`` file::
-  haskell_toolchain_library(name = "base")
-  haskell_binary(
-      name = "demorgan",
-      srcs = ["Main.hs"],
-      compiler_flags = ["-threaded"],
-      deps = [":base", "//lib:booleans"],
-  )
-As you can see, the ``demorgan`` target in the ``main`` package
-depends on the ``booleans`` target in the ``lib`` package (hence the
-target label ``//lib:booleans``) - Bazel knows this through the
-``deps`` attribute.
-Notice that for the build to succeed, we make the ``//lib:booleans``
-target in ``lib/BUILD.bazel`` explicitly visible to targets in
-``main/BUILD.bazel`` using the ``visibility`` attribute. This is because by
-default targets are only visible to other targets in the same
-``BUILD.bazel`` file. (Bazel uses target visibility to prevent issues such
-as libraries containing implementation details leaking into public
-You have built the project as two packages with three targets and
-understand the dependencies between them.
-Use labels to reference targets
-In ``BUILD.bazel`` files and at the command line, Bazel uses *labels* to
-reference targets - for example, ``//main:demorgan`` or
-``//lib:booleans``. Their syntax is::
-  //path/to/package:target-name
-If the target is a rule target, then ``path/to/package`` is the path
-to the directory containing the ``BUILD.bazel`` file, and ``target-name`` is
-what you named the target in the ``BUILD.bazel`` file (the ``name``
-attribute). If the target is a file target, then ``path/to/package``
-is the path to the root of the package, and ``target-name`` is the
-name of the target file, including its full path.
-When referencing targets within the same package, you can skip the
-package path and just use ``//:target-name``. When referencing targets
-within the same ``BUILD.bazel`` file, you can even skip the ``//`` workspace
-root identifier and just use ``:target-name``.
-Further reading
-Congratulations! You now know the basics of building a Haskell project
-with Bazel. Next, read up on the most common :ref:`Common Haskell
-build use cases <use-cases>`. Then, check out the following:
-* `External Dependencies`_ to learn more about working with local and
-   remote repositories.
-* The `Build Encyclopedia`_ to learn more about Bazel.
-* The `C++ build tutorial`_ to get started with building C++
-  applications with Bazel.
-* The `Java build tutorial`_ to get started with building Java
-  applications with Bazel.
-* The `Android application tutorial`_ to get started with building
-  mobile applications for Android with Bazel.
-* The `iOS application tutorial`_ to get started with building mobile
-  applications for iOS with Bazel.
-Happy building!
-.. note:: This tutorial is adapted from the Bazel `C++ build tutorial`_.
-.. _install Bazel:
-.. _haskell_binary:
-.. _haskell_toolchain_library:
-.. _haskell_library:
-.. _graphviz:
-.. _external dependencies:
-.. _build encyclopedia:
-.. _C++ build tutorial:
-.. _Java build tutorial:
-.. _Android application tutorial:
-.. _iOS application tutorial: