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path: root/src/libstore/gc.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libstore/gc.cc')
1 files changed, 748 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libstore/gc.cc b/src/libstore/gc.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..96e891f87614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libstore/gc.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,748 @@
+#include "globals.hh"
+#include "misc.hh"
+#include "local-store.hh"
+#include <functional>
+#include <queue>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <sys/types.h>
+#include <sys/stat.h>
+#include <errno.h>
+#include <fcntl.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+namespace nix {
+static string gcLockName = "gc.lock";
+static string tempRootsDir = "temproots";
+static string gcRootsDir = "gcroots";
+/* Acquire the global GC lock.  This is used to prevent new Nix
+   processes from starting after the temporary root files have been
+   read.  To be precise: when they try to create a new temporary root
+   file, they will block until the garbage collector has finished /
+   yielded the GC lock. */
+int LocalStore::openGCLock(LockType lockType)
+    Path fnGCLock = (format("%1%/%2%")
+        % settings.nixStateDir % gcLockName).str();
+    debug(format("acquiring global GC lock `%1%'") % fnGCLock);
+    AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = open(fnGCLock.c_str(), O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0600);
+    if (fdGCLock == -1)
+        throw SysError(format("opening global GC lock `%1%'") % fnGCLock);
+    closeOnExec(fdGCLock);
+    if (!lockFile(fdGCLock, lockType, false)) {
+        printMsg(lvlError, format("waiting for the big garbage collector lock..."));
+        lockFile(fdGCLock, lockType, true);
+    }
+    /* !!! Restrict read permission on the GC root.  Otherwise any
+       process that can open the file for reading can DoS the
+       collector. */
+    return fdGCLock.borrow();
+static void makeSymlink(const Path & link, const Path & target)
+    /* Create directories up to `gcRoot'. */
+    createDirs(dirOf(link));
+    /* Create the new symlink. */
+    Path tempLink = (format("%1%.tmp-%2%-%3%")
+        % link % getpid() % rand()).str();
+    createSymlink(target, tempLink);
+    /* Atomically replace the old one. */
+    if (rename(tempLink.c_str(), link.c_str()) == -1)
+        throw SysError(format("cannot rename `%1%' to `%2%'")
+            % tempLink % link);
+void LocalStore::syncWithGC()
+    AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltRead);
+void LocalStore::addIndirectRoot(const Path & path)
+    string hash = printHash32(hashString(htSHA1, path));
+    Path realRoot = canonPath((format("%1%/%2%/auto/%3%")
+        % settings.nixStateDir % gcRootsDir % hash).str());
+    makeSymlink(realRoot, path);
+Path addPermRoot(StoreAPI & store, const Path & _storePath,
+    const Path & _gcRoot, bool indirect, bool allowOutsideRootsDir)
+    Path storePath(canonPath(_storePath));
+    Path gcRoot(canonPath(_gcRoot));
+    assertStorePath(storePath);
+    if (isInStore(gcRoot))
+        throw Error(format(
+                "creating a garbage collector root (%1%) in the Nix store is forbidden "
+                "(are you running nix-build inside the store?)") % gcRoot);
+    if (indirect) {
+        /* Don't clobber the the link if it already exists and doesn't
+           point to the Nix store. */
+        if (pathExists(gcRoot) && (!isLink(gcRoot) || !isInStore(readLink(gcRoot))))
+            throw Error(format("cannot create symlink `%1%'; already exists") % gcRoot);
+        makeSymlink(gcRoot, storePath);
+        store.addIndirectRoot(gcRoot);
+    }
+    else {
+        if (!allowOutsideRootsDir) {
+            Path rootsDir = canonPath((format("%1%/%2%") % settings.nixStateDir % gcRootsDir).str());
+            if (string(gcRoot, 0, rootsDir.size() + 1) != rootsDir + "/")
+                throw Error(format(
+                    "path `%1%' is not a valid garbage collector root; "
+                    "it's not in the directory `%2%'")
+                    % gcRoot % rootsDir);
+        }
+        makeSymlink(gcRoot, storePath);
+    }
+    /* Check that the root can be found by the garbage collector.
+       !!! This can be very slow on machines that have many roots.
+       Instead of reading all the roots, it would be more efficient to
+       check if the root is in a directory in or linked from the
+       gcroots directory. */
+    if (settings.checkRootReachability) {
+        Roots roots = store.findRoots();
+        if (roots.find(gcRoot) == roots.end())
+            printMsg(lvlError,
+                format(
+                    "warning: `%1%' is not in a directory where the garbage collector looks for roots; "
+                    "therefore, `%2%' might be removed by the garbage collector")
+                % gcRoot % storePath);
+    }
+    /* Grab the global GC root, causing us to block while a GC is in
+       progress.  This prevents the set of permanent roots from
+       increasing while a GC is in progress. */
+    store.syncWithGC();
+    return gcRoot;
+/* The file to which we write our temporary roots. */
+static Path fnTempRoots;
+static AutoCloseFD fdTempRoots;
+void LocalStore::addTempRoot(const Path & path)
+    /* Create the temporary roots file for this process. */
+    if (fdTempRoots == -1) {
+        while (1) {
+            Path dir = (format("%1%/%2%") % settings.nixStateDir % tempRootsDir).str();
+            createDirs(dir);
+            fnTempRoots = (format("%1%/%2%")
+                % dir % getpid()).str();
+            AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltRead);
+            if (pathExists(fnTempRoots))
+                /* It *must* be stale, since there can be no two
+                   processes with the same pid. */
+                unlink(fnTempRoots.c_str());
+            fdTempRoots = openLockFile(fnTempRoots, true);
+            fdGCLock.close();
+            debug(format("acquiring read lock on `%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
+            lockFile(fdTempRoots, ltRead, true);
+            /* Check whether the garbage collector didn't get in our
+               way. */
+            struct stat st;
+            if (fstat(fdTempRoots, &st) == -1)
+                throw SysError(format("statting `%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
+            if (st.st_size == 0) break;
+            /* The garbage collector deleted this file before we could
+               get a lock.  (It won't delete the file after we get a
+               lock.)  Try again. */
+        }
+    }
+    /* Upgrade the lock to a write lock.  This will cause us to block
+       if the garbage collector is holding our lock. */
+    debug(format("acquiring write lock on `%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
+    lockFile(fdTempRoots, ltWrite, true);
+    string s = path + '\0';
+    writeFull(fdTempRoots, (const unsigned char *) s.data(), s.size());
+    /* Downgrade to a read lock. */
+    debug(format("downgrading to read lock on `%1%'") % fnTempRoots);
+    lockFile(fdTempRoots, ltRead, true);
+void removeTempRoots()
+    if (fdTempRoots != -1) {
+        fdTempRoots.close();
+        unlink(fnTempRoots.c_str());
+    }
+/* Automatically clean up the temporary roots file when we exit. */
+struct RemoveTempRoots
+    ~RemoveTempRoots()
+    {
+        removeTempRoots();
+    }
+static RemoveTempRoots autoRemoveTempRoots __attribute__((unused));
+typedef std::shared_ptr<AutoCloseFD> FDPtr;
+typedef list<FDPtr> FDs;
+static void readTempRoots(PathSet & tempRoots, FDs & fds)
+    /* Read the `temproots' directory for per-process temporary root
+       files. */
+    Strings tempRootFiles = readDirectory(
+        (format("%1%/%2%") % settings.nixStateDir % tempRootsDir).str());
+    foreach (Strings::iterator, i, tempRootFiles) {
+        Path path = (format("%1%/%2%/%3%") % settings.nixStateDir % tempRootsDir % *i).str();
+        debug(format("reading temporary root file `%1%'") % path);
+        FDPtr fd(new AutoCloseFD(open(path.c_str(), O_RDWR, 0666)));
+        if (*fd == -1) {
+            /* It's okay if the file has disappeared. */
+            if (errno == ENOENT) continue;
+            throw SysError(format("opening temporary roots file `%1%'") % path);
+        }
+        /* This should work, but doesn't, for some reason. */
+        //FDPtr fd(new AutoCloseFD(openLockFile(path, false)));
+        //if (*fd == -1) continue;
+        /* Try to acquire a write lock without blocking.  This can
+           only succeed if the owning process has died.  In that case
+           we don't care about its temporary roots. */
+        if (lockFile(*fd, ltWrite, false)) {
+            printMsg(lvlError, format("removing stale temporary roots file `%1%'") % path);
+            unlink(path.c_str());
+            writeFull(*fd, (const unsigned char *) "d", 1);
+            continue;
+        }
+        /* Acquire a read lock.  This will prevent the owning process
+           from upgrading to a write lock, therefore it will block in
+           addTempRoot(). */
+        debug(format("waiting for read lock on `%1%'") % path);
+        lockFile(*fd, ltRead, true);
+        /* Read the entire file. */
+        string contents = readFile(*fd);
+        /* Extract the roots. */
+        string::size_type pos = 0, end;
+        while ((end = contents.find((char) 0, pos)) != string::npos) {
+            Path root(contents, pos, end - pos);
+            debug(format("got temporary root `%1%'") % root);
+            assertStorePath(root);
+            tempRoots.insert(root);
+            pos = end + 1;
+        }
+        fds.push_back(fd); /* keep open */
+    }
+static void foundRoot(StoreAPI & store,
+    const Path & path, const Path & target, Roots & roots)
+    Path storePath = toStorePath(target);
+    if (store.isValidPath(storePath))
+        roots[path] = storePath;
+    else
+        printMsg(lvlInfo, format("skipping invalid root from `%1%' to `%2%'") % path % storePath);
+static void findRoots(StoreAPI & store, const Path & path, Roots & roots)
+    try {
+        struct stat st = lstat(path);
+        if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+            Strings names = readDirectory(path);
+            foreach (Strings::iterator, i, names)
+                findRoots(store, path + "/" + *i, roots);
+        }
+        else if (S_ISLNK(st.st_mode)) {
+            Path target = readLink(path);
+            if (isInStore(target))
+                foundRoot(store, path, target, roots);
+            /* Handle indirect roots. */
+            else {
+                target = absPath(target, dirOf(path));
+                if (!pathExists(target)) {
+                    if (isInDir(path, settings.nixStateDir + "/" + gcRootsDir + "/auto")) {
+                        printMsg(lvlInfo, format("removing stale link from `%1%' to `%2%'") % path % target);
+                        unlink(path.c_str());
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    struct stat st2 = lstat(target);
+                    if (!S_ISLNK(st2.st_mode)) return;
+                    Path target2 = readLink(target);
+                    if (isInStore(target2)) foundRoot(store, target, target2, roots);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    catch (SysError & e) {
+        /* We only ignore permanent failures. */
+        if (e.errNo == EACCES || e.errNo == ENOENT || e.errNo == ENOTDIR)
+            printMsg(lvlInfo, format("cannot read potential root `%1%'") % path);
+        else
+            throw;
+    }
+Roots LocalStore::findRoots()
+    Roots roots;
+    /* Process direct roots in {gcroots,manifests,profiles}. */
+    nix::findRoots(*this, settings.nixStateDir + "/" + gcRootsDir, roots);
+    nix::findRoots(*this, settings.nixStateDir + "/manifests", roots);
+    nix::findRoots(*this, settings.nixStateDir + "/profiles", roots);
+    return roots;
+static void addAdditionalRoots(StoreAPI & store, PathSet & roots)
+    Path rootFinder = getEnv("NIX_ROOT_FINDER",
+        settings.nixLibexecDir + "/nix/find-runtime-roots.pl");
+    if (rootFinder.empty()) return;
+    debug(format("executing `%1%' to find additional roots") % rootFinder);
+    string result = runProgram(rootFinder);
+    StringSet paths = tokenizeString<StringSet>(result, "\n");
+    foreach (StringSet::iterator, i, paths) {
+        if (isInStore(*i)) {
+            Path path = toStorePath(*i);
+            if (roots.find(path) == roots.end() && store.isValidPath(path)) {
+                debug(format("got additional root `%1%'") % path);
+                roots.insert(path);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+struct GCLimitReached { };
+struct LocalStore::GCState
+    GCOptions options;
+    GCResults & results;
+    PathSet roots;
+    PathSet tempRoots;
+    PathSet dead;
+    PathSet alive;
+    bool gcKeepOutputs;
+    bool gcKeepDerivations;
+    unsigned long long bytesInvalidated;
+    Path trashDir;
+    bool shouldDelete;
+    GCState(GCResults & results_) : results(results_), bytesInvalidated(0) { }
+bool LocalStore::isActiveTempFile(const GCState & state,
+    const Path & path, const string & suffix)
+    return hasSuffix(path, suffix)
+        && state.tempRoots.find(string(path, 0, path.size() - suffix.size())) != state.tempRoots.end();
+void LocalStore::deleteGarbage(GCState & state, const Path & path)
+    unsigned long long bytesFreed;
+    deletePath(path, bytesFreed);
+    state.results.bytesFreed += bytesFreed;
+void LocalStore::deletePathRecursive(GCState & state, const Path & path)
+    checkInterrupt();
+    unsigned long long size = 0;
+    if (isValidPath(path)) {
+        PathSet referrers;
+        queryReferrers(path, referrers);
+        foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, referrers)
+            if (*i != path) deletePathRecursive(state, *i);
+        size = queryPathInfo(path).narSize;
+        invalidatePathChecked(path);
+    }
+    struct stat st;
+    if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st)) {
+        if (errno == ENOENT) return;
+        throw SysError(format("getting status of %1%") % path);
+    }
+    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("deleting `%1%'") % path);
+    state.results.paths.insert(path);
+    /* If the path is not a regular file or symlink, move it to the
+       trash directory.  The move is to ensure that later (when we're
+       not holding the global GC lock) we can delete the path without
+       being afraid that the path has become alive again.  Otherwise
+       delete it right away. */
+    if (S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)) {
+        // Estimate the amount freed using the narSize field.  FIXME:
+        // if the path was not valid, need to determine the actual
+        // size.
+        state.bytesInvalidated += size;
+        // Mac OS X cannot rename directories if they are read-only.
+        if (chmod(path.c_str(), st.st_mode | S_IWUSR) == -1)
+            throw SysError(format("making `%1%' writable") % path);
+        Path tmp = state.trashDir + "/" + baseNameOf(path);
+        if (rename(path.c_str(), tmp.c_str()))
+            throw SysError(format("unable to rename `%1%' to `%2%'") % path % tmp);
+    } else
+        deleteGarbage(state, path);
+    if (state.results.bytesFreed + state.bytesInvalidated > state.options.maxFreed) {
+        printMsg(lvlInfo, format("deleted or invalidated more than %1% bytes; stopping") % state.options.maxFreed);
+        throw GCLimitReached();
+    }
+bool LocalStore::canReachRoot(GCState & state, PathSet & visited, const Path & path)
+    if (visited.find(path) != visited.end()) return false;
+    if (state.alive.find(path) != state.alive.end()) {
+        return true;
+    }
+    if (state.dead.find(path) != state.dead.end()) {
+        return false;
+    }
+    if (state.roots.find(path) != state.roots.end()) {
+        printMsg(lvlDebug, format("cannot delete `%1%' because it's a root") % path);
+        state.alive.insert(path);
+        return true;
+    }
+    visited.insert(path);
+    if (!isValidPath(path)) return false;
+    PathSet incoming;
+    /* Don't delete this path if any of its referrers are alive. */
+    queryReferrers(path, incoming);
+    /* If gc-keep-derivations is set and this is a derivation, then
+       don't delete the derivation if any of the outputs are alive. */
+    if (state.gcKeepDerivations && isDerivation(path)) {
+        PathSet outputs = queryDerivationOutputs(path);
+        foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, outputs)
+            if (isValidPath(*i) && queryDeriver(*i) == path)
+                incoming.insert(*i);
+    }
+    /* If gc-keep-outputs is set, then don't delete this path if there
+       are derivers of this path that are not garbage. */
+    if (state.gcKeepOutputs) {
+        PathSet derivers = queryValidDerivers(path);
+        foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, derivers)
+            incoming.insert(*i);
+    }
+    foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, incoming)
+        if (*i != path)
+            if (canReachRoot(state, visited, *i)) {
+                state.alive.insert(path);
+                return true;
+            }
+    return false;
+void LocalStore::tryToDelete(GCState & state, const Path & path)
+    checkInterrupt();
+    if (path == linksDir || path == state.trashDir) return;
+    startNest(nest, lvlDebug, format("considering whether to delete `%1%'") % path);
+    if (!isValidPath(path)) {
+        /* A lock file belonging to a path that we're building right
+           now isn't garbage. */
+        if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".lock")) return;
+        /* Don't delete .chroot directories for derivations that are
+           currently being built. */
+        if (isActiveTempFile(state, path, ".chroot")) return;
+    }
+    PathSet visited;
+    if (canReachRoot(state, visited, path)) {
+        printMsg(lvlDebug, format("cannot delete `%1%' because it's still reachable") % path);
+    } else {
+        /* No path we visited was a root, so everything is garbage.
+           But we only delete ‘path’ and its referrers here so that
+           ‘nix-store --delete’ doesn't have the unexpected effect of
+           recursing into derivations and outputs. */
+        state.dead.insert(visited.begin(), visited.end());
+        if (state.shouldDelete)
+            deletePathRecursive(state, path);
+    }
+/* Unlink all files in /nix/store/.links that have a link count of 1,
+   which indicates that there are no other links and so they can be
+   safely deleted.  FIXME: race condition with optimisePath(): we
+   might see a link count of 1 just before optimisePath() increases
+   the link count. */
+void LocalStore::removeUnusedLinks(const GCState & state)
+    AutoCloseDir dir = opendir(linksDir.c_str());
+    if (!dir) throw SysError(format("opening directory `%1%'") % linksDir);
+    long long actualSize = 0, unsharedSize = 0;
+    struct dirent * dirent;
+    while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir)) {
+        checkInterrupt();
+        string name = dirent->d_name;
+        if (name == "." || name == "..") continue;
+        Path path = linksDir + "/" + name;
+        struct stat st;
+        if (lstat(path.c_str(), &st) == -1)
+            throw SysError(format("statting `%1%'") % path);
+        if (st.st_nlink != 1) {
+            unsigned long long size = st.st_blocks * 512ULL;
+            actualSize += size;
+            unsharedSize += (st.st_nlink - 1) * size;
+            continue;
+        }
+        printMsg(lvlTalkative, format("deleting unused link `%1%'") % path);
+        if (unlink(path.c_str()) == -1)
+            throw SysError(format("deleting `%1%'") % path);
+        state.results.bytesFreed += st.st_blocks * 512;
+    }
+    struct stat st;
+    if (stat(linksDir.c_str(), &st) == -1)
+        throw SysError(format("statting `%1%'") % linksDir);
+    long long overhead = st.st_blocks * 512ULL;
+    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("note: currently hard linking saves %.2f MiB")
+        % ((unsharedSize - actualSize - overhead) / (1024.0 * 1024.0)));
+void LocalStore::collectGarbage(const GCOptions & options, GCResults & results)
+    GCState state(results);
+    state.options = options;
+    state.trashDir = settings.nixStore + "/trash";
+    state.gcKeepOutputs = settings.gcKeepOutputs;
+    state.gcKeepDerivations = settings.gcKeepDerivations;
+    /* Using `--ignore-liveness' with `--delete' can have unintended
+       consequences if `gc-keep-outputs' or `gc-keep-derivations' are
+       true (the garbage collector will recurse into deleting the
+       outputs or derivers, respectively).  So disable them. */
+    if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific && options.ignoreLiveness) {
+        state.gcKeepOutputs = false;
+        state.gcKeepDerivations = false;
+    }
+    state.shouldDelete = options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead || options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific;
+    /* Acquire the global GC root.  This prevents
+       a) New roots from being added.
+       b) Processes from creating new temporary root files. */
+    AutoCloseFD fdGCLock = openGCLock(ltWrite);
+    /* Find the roots.  Since we've grabbed the GC lock, the set of
+       permanent roots cannot increase now. */
+    printMsg(lvlError, format("finding garbage collector roots..."));
+    Roots rootMap = options.ignoreLiveness ? Roots() : findRoots();
+    foreach (Roots::iterator, i, rootMap) state.roots.insert(i->second);
+    /* Add additional roots returned by the program specified by the
+       NIX_ROOT_FINDER environment variable.  This is typically used
+       to add running programs to the set of roots (to prevent them
+       from being garbage collected). */
+    if (!options.ignoreLiveness)
+        addAdditionalRoots(*this, state.roots);
+    /* Read the temporary roots.  This acquires read locks on all
+       per-process temporary root files.  So after this point no paths
+       can be added to the set of temporary roots. */
+    FDs fds;
+    readTempRoots(state.tempRoots, fds);
+    state.roots.insert(state.tempRoots.begin(), state.tempRoots.end());
+    /* After this point the set of roots or temporary roots cannot
+       increase, since we hold locks on everything.  So everything
+       that is not reachable from `roots'. */
+    if (state.shouldDelete) {
+        if (pathExists(state.trashDir)) deleteGarbage(state, state.trashDir);
+        createDirs(state.trashDir);
+    }
+    /* Now either delete all garbage paths, or just the specified
+       paths (for gcDeleteSpecific). */
+    if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific) {
+        foreach (PathSet::iterator, i, options.pathsToDelete) {
+            assertStorePath(*i);
+            tryToDelete(state, *i);
+            if (state.dead.find(*i) == state.dead.end())
+                throw Error(format("cannot delete path `%1%' since it is still alive") % *i);
+        }
+    } else if (options.maxFreed > 0) {
+        if (state.shouldDelete)
+            printMsg(lvlError, format("deleting garbage..."));
+        else
+            printMsg(lvlError, format("determining live/dead paths..."));
+        try {
+            AutoCloseDir dir = opendir(settings.nixStore.c_str());
+            if (!dir) throw SysError(format("opening directory `%1%'") % settings.nixStore);
+            /* Read the store and immediately delete all paths that
+               aren't valid.  When using --max-freed etc., deleting
+               invalid paths is preferred over deleting unreachable
+               paths, since unreachable paths could become reachable
+               again.  We don't use readDirectory() here so that GCing
+               can start faster. */
+            Paths entries;
+            struct dirent * dirent;
+            while (errno = 0, dirent = readdir(dir)) {
+                checkInterrupt();
+                string name = dirent->d_name;
+                if (name == "." || name == "..") continue;
+                Path path = settings.nixStore + "/" + name;
+                if (isValidPath(path))
+                    entries.push_back(path);
+                else
+                    tryToDelete(state, path);
+            }
+            dir.close();
+            /* Now delete the unreachable valid paths.  Randomise the
+               order in which we delete entries to make the collector
+               less biased towards deleting paths that come
+               alphabetically first (e.g. /nix/store/000...).  This
+               matters when using --max-freed etc. */
+            vector<Path> entries_(entries.begin(), entries.end());
+            random_shuffle(entries_.begin(), entries_.end());
+            foreach (vector<Path>::iterator, i, entries_)
+                tryToDelete(state, *i);
+        } catch (GCLimitReached & e) {
+        }
+    }
+    if (state.options.action == GCOptions::gcReturnLive) {
+        state.results.paths = state.alive;
+        return;
+    }
+    if (state.options.action == GCOptions::gcReturnDead) {
+        state.results.paths = state.dead;
+        return;
+    }
+    /* Allow other processes to add to the store from here on. */
+    fdGCLock.close();
+    fds.clear();
+    /* Delete the trash directory. */
+    printMsg(lvlInfo, format("deleting `%1%'") % state.trashDir);
+    deleteGarbage(state, state.trashDir);
+    /* Clean up the links directory. */
+    if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead || options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteSpecific) {
+        printMsg(lvlError, format("deleting unused links..."));
+        removeUnusedLinks(state);
+    }
+    /* While we're at it, vacuum the database. */
+    if (options.action == GCOptions::gcDeleteDead) vacuumDB();