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path: root/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc')
1 files changed, 332 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc b/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae9fb0e5ec38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libexpr/get-drvs.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
+#include "get-drvs.hh"
+#include "util.hh"
+#include "eval-inline.hh"
+#include <cstring>
+#include <regex>
+namespace nix {
+string DrvInfo::queryDrvPath()
+    if (drvPath == "" && attrs) {
+        Bindings::iterator i = attrs->find(state->sDrvPath);
+        PathSet context;
+        drvPath = i != attrs->end() ? state->coerceToPath(*i->pos, *i->value, context) : "";
+    }
+    return drvPath;
+string DrvInfo::queryOutPath()
+    if (outPath == "" && attrs) {
+        Bindings::iterator i = attrs->find(state->sOutPath);
+        PathSet context;
+        outPath = i != attrs->end() ? state->coerceToPath(*i->pos, *i->value, context) : "";
+    }
+    return outPath;
+DrvInfo::Outputs DrvInfo::queryOutputs(bool onlyOutputsToInstall)
+    if (outputs.empty()) {
+        /* Get the ‘outputs’ list. */
+        Bindings::iterator i;
+        if (attrs && (i = attrs->find(state->sOutputs)) != attrs->end()) {
+            state->forceList(*i->value, *i->pos);
+            /* For each output... */
+            for (unsigned int j = 0; j < i->value->listSize(); ++j) {
+                /* Evaluate the corresponding set. */
+                string name = state->forceStringNoCtx(*i->value->listElems()[j], *i->pos);
+                Bindings::iterator out = attrs->find(state->symbols.create(name));
+                if (out == attrs->end()) continue; // FIXME: throw error?
+                state->forceAttrs(*out->value);
+                /* And evaluate its ‘outPath’ attribute. */
+                Bindings::iterator outPath = out->value->attrs->find(state->sOutPath);
+                if (outPath == out->value->attrs->end()) continue; // FIXME: throw error?
+                PathSet context;
+                outputs[name] = state->coerceToPath(*outPath->pos, *outPath->value, context);
+            }
+        } else
+            outputs["out"] = queryOutPath();
+    }
+    if (!onlyOutputsToInstall || !attrs)
+        return outputs;
+    /* Check for `meta.outputsToInstall` and return `outputs` reduced to that. */
+    const Value * outTI = queryMeta("outputsToInstall");
+    if (!outTI) return outputs;
+    const auto errMsg = Error("this derivation has bad ‘meta.outputsToInstall’");
+        /* ^ this shows during `nix-env -i` right under the bad derivation */
+    if (!outTI->isList()) throw errMsg;
+    Outputs result;
+    for (auto i = outTI->listElems(); i != outTI->listElems() + outTI->listSize(); ++i) {
+        if ((*i)->type != tString) throw errMsg;
+        auto out = outputs.find((*i)->string.s);
+        if (out == outputs.end()) throw errMsg;
+        result.insert(*out);
+    }
+    return result;
+string DrvInfo::queryOutputName()
+    if (outputName == "" && attrs) {
+        Bindings::iterator i = attrs->find(state->sOutputName);
+        outputName = i != attrs->end() ? state->forceStringNoCtx(*i->value) : "";
+    }
+    return outputName;
+Bindings * DrvInfo::getMeta()
+    if (meta) return meta;
+    if (!attrs) return 0;
+    Bindings::iterator a = attrs->find(state->sMeta);
+    if (a == attrs->end()) return 0;
+    state->forceAttrs(*a->value, *a->pos);
+    meta = a->value->attrs;
+    return meta;
+StringSet DrvInfo::queryMetaNames()
+    StringSet res;
+    if (!getMeta()) return res;
+    for (auto & i : *meta)
+        res.insert(i.name);
+    return res;
+bool DrvInfo::checkMeta(Value & v)
+    state->forceValue(v);
+    if (v.isList()) {
+        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < v.listSize(); ++n)
+            if (!checkMeta(*v.listElems()[n])) return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    else if (v.type == tAttrs) {
+        Bindings::iterator i = v.attrs->find(state->sOutPath);
+        if (i != v.attrs->end()) return false;
+        for (auto & i : *v.attrs)
+            if (!checkMeta(*i.value)) return false;
+        return true;
+    }
+    else return v.type == tInt || v.type == tBool || v.type == tString ||
+                v.type == tFloat;
+Value * DrvInfo::queryMeta(const string & name)
+    if (!getMeta()) return 0;
+    Bindings::iterator a = meta->find(state->symbols.create(name));
+    if (a == meta->end() || !checkMeta(*a->value)) return 0;
+    return a->value;
+string DrvInfo::queryMetaString(const string & name)
+    Value * v = queryMeta(name);
+    if (!v || v->type != tString) return "";
+    return v->string.s;
+NixInt DrvInfo::queryMetaInt(const string & name, NixInt def)
+    Value * v = queryMeta(name);
+    if (!v) return def;
+    if (v->type == tInt) return v->integer;
+    if (v->type == tString) {
+        /* Backwards compatibility with before we had support for
+           integer meta fields. */
+        NixInt n;
+        if (string2Int(v->string.s, n)) return n;
+    }
+    return def;
+NixFloat DrvInfo::queryMetaFloat(const string & name, NixFloat def)
+    Value * v = queryMeta(name);
+    if (!v) return def;
+    if (v->type == tFloat) return v->fpoint;
+    if (v->type == tString) {
+        /* Backwards compatibility with before we had support for
+           float meta fields. */
+        NixFloat n;
+        if (string2Float(v->string.s, n)) return n;
+    }
+    return def;
+bool DrvInfo::queryMetaBool(const string & name, bool def)
+    Value * v = queryMeta(name);
+    if (!v) return def;
+    if (v->type == tBool) return v->boolean;
+    if (v->type == tString) {
+        /* Backwards compatibility with before we had support for
+           Boolean meta fields. */
+        if (strcmp(v->string.s, "true") == 0) return true;
+        if (strcmp(v->string.s, "false") == 0) return false;
+    }
+    return def;
+void DrvInfo::setMeta(const string & name, Value * v)
+    getMeta();
+    Bindings * old = meta;
+    meta = state->allocBindings(1 + (old ? old->size() : 0));
+    Symbol sym = state->symbols.create(name);
+    if (old)
+        for (auto i : *old)
+            if (i.name != sym)
+                meta->push_back(i);
+    if (v) meta->push_back(Attr(sym, v));
+    meta->sort();
+/* Cache for already considered attrsets. */
+typedef set<Bindings *> Done;
+/* Evaluate value `v'.  If it evaluates to a set of type `derivation',
+   then put information about it in `drvs' (unless it's already in `done').
+   The result boolean indicates whether it makes sense
+   for the caller to recursively search for derivations in `v'. */
+static bool getDerivation(EvalState & state, Value & v,
+    const string & attrPath, DrvInfos & drvs, Done & done,
+    bool ignoreAssertionFailures)
+    try {
+        state.forceValue(v);
+        if (!state.isDerivation(v)) return true;
+        /* Remove spurious duplicates (e.g., a set like `rec { x =
+           derivation {...}; y = x;}'. */
+        if (done.find(v.attrs) != done.end()) return false;
+        done.insert(v.attrs);
+        Bindings::iterator i = v.attrs->find(state.sName);
+        /* !!! We really would like to have a decent back trace here. */
+        if (i == v.attrs->end()) throw TypeError("derivation name missing");
+        Bindings::iterator i2 = v.attrs->find(state.sSystem);
+        DrvInfo drv(state, state.forceStringNoCtx(*i->value), attrPath,
+            i2 == v.attrs->end() ? "unknown" : state.forceStringNoCtx(*i2->value, *i2->pos),
+            v.attrs);
+        drvs.push_back(drv);
+        return false;
+    } catch (AssertionError & e) {
+        if (ignoreAssertionFailures) return false;
+        throw;
+    }
+bool getDerivation(EvalState & state, Value & v, DrvInfo & drv,
+    bool ignoreAssertionFailures)
+    Done done;
+    DrvInfos drvs;
+    getDerivation(state, v, "", drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures);
+    if (drvs.size() != 1) return false;
+    drv = drvs.front();
+    return true;
+static string addToPath(const string & s1, const string & s2)
+    return s1.empty() ? s2 : s1 + "." + s2;
+static std::regex attrRegex("[A-Za-z_][A-Za-z0-9-_+]*");
+static void getDerivations(EvalState & state, Value & vIn,
+    const string & pathPrefix, Bindings & autoArgs,
+    DrvInfos & drvs, Done & done,
+    bool ignoreAssertionFailures)
+    Value v;
+    state.autoCallFunction(autoArgs, vIn, v);
+    /* Process the expression. */
+    if (!getDerivation(state, v, pathPrefix, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures)) ;
+    else if (v.type == tAttrs) {
+        /* !!! undocumented hackery to support combining channels in
+           nix-env.cc. */
+        bool combineChannels = v.attrs->find(state.symbols.create("_combineChannels")) != v.attrs->end();
+        /* Consider the attributes in sorted order to get more
+           deterministic behaviour in nix-env operations (e.g. when
+           there are names clashes between derivations, the derivation
+           bound to the attribute with the "lower" name should take
+           precedence). */
+        for (auto & i : v.attrs->lexicographicOrder()) {
+            Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, format("evaluating attribute ‘%1%’") % i->name);
+            if (!std::regex_match(std::string(i->name), attrRegex))
+                continue;
+            string pathPrefix2 = addToPath(pathPrefix, i->name);
+            if (combineChannels)
+                getDerivations(state, *i->value, pathPrefix2, autoArgs, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures);
+            else if (getDerivation(state, *i->value, pathPrefix2, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures)) {
+                /* If the value of this attribute is itself a set,
+                   should we recurse into it?  => Only if it has a
+                   `recurseForDerivations = true' attribute. */
+                if (i->value->type == tAttrs) {
+                    Bindings::iterator j = i->value->attrs->find(state.symbols.create("recurseForDerivations"));
+                    if (j != i->value->attrs->end() && state.forceBool(*j->value, *j->pos))
+                        getDerivations(state, *i->value, pathPrefix2, autoArgs, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    else if (v.isList()) {
+        for (unsigned int n = 0; n < v.listSize(); ++n) {
+            Activity act(*logger, lvlDebug, "evaluating list element");
+            string pathPrefix2 = addToPath(pathPrefix, (format("%1%") % n).str());
+            if (getDerivation(state, *v.listElems()[n], pathPrefix2, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures))
+                getDerivations(state, *v.listElems()[n], pathPrefix2, autoArgs, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures);
+        }
+    }
+    else throw TypeError("expression does not evaluate to a derivation (or a set or list of those)");
+void getDerivations(EvalState & state, Value & v, const string & pathPrefix,
+    Bindings & autoArgs, DrvInfos & drvs, bool ignoreAssertionFailures)
+    Done done;
+    getDerivations(state, v, pathPrefix, autoArgs, drvs, done, ignoreAssertionFailures);