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path: root/scripts
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Diffstat (limited to 'scripts')
8 files changed, 829 insertions, 326 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/Makefile.am b/scripts/Makefile.am
index 18a59dbdb6f6..506b1aeb454f 100644
--- a/scripts/Makefile.am
+++ b/scripts/Makefile.am
@@ -7,17 +7,14 @@ noinst_SCRIPTS = nix-profile.sh \
   find-runtime-roots.pl build-remote.pl nix-reduce-build \
   copy-from-other-stores.pl nix-http-export.cgi
-nix-pull nix-push: download-using-manifests.pl
-install-exec-local: download-using-manifests.pl copy-from-other-stores.pl find-runtime-roots.pl
+install-exec-local: download-using-manifests.pl copy-from-other-stores.pl download-from-binary-cache.pl find-runtime-roots.pl
 	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/profile.d
 	$(INSTALL_DATA) nix-profile.sh $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/profile.d/nix.sh
 	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix
 	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) find-runtime-roots.pl $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix 
 	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) build-remote.pl $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix 
 	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix/substituters
-	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) download-using-manifests.pl $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix/substituters
-	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) copy-from-other-stores.pl $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix/substituters
+	$(INSTALL_PROGRAM) download-using-manifests.pl copy-from-other-stores.pl download-from-binary-cache.pl $(DESTDIR)$(libexecdir)/nix/substituters
 	$(INSTALL) -d $(DESTDIR)$(sysconfdir)/nix
 include ../substitute.mk
@@ -29,6 +26,7 @@ EXTRA_DIST = nix-collect-garbage.in \
   nix-build.in \
   download-using-manifests.pl.in \
   copy-from-other-stores.pl.in \
+  download-from-binary-cache.pl.in \
   nix-copy-closure.in \
   find-runtime-roots.pl.in \
   build-remote.pl.in \
diff --git a/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in b/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in
index b930b720725e..3ee6f075b27e 100755
--- a/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in
+++ b/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in
@@ -36,42 +36,45 @@ sub findStorePath {
 if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {
     while (<STDIN>) {
-        my $cmd = $_; chomp $cmd;
+        chomp;
+        my ($cmd, @args) = split " ", $_;
         if ($cmd eq "have") {
-            my $storePath = <STDIN>; chomp $storePath;
-            print STDOUT (defined findStorePath($storePath) ? "1\n" : "0\n");
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                print "$storePath\n" if defined findStorePath($storePath);
+            }
+            print "\n";
         elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
-            my $storePath = <STDIN>; chomp $storePath;
-            my ($store, $sourcePath) = findStorePath($storePath);
-            if (!defined $store) {
-                print "0\n";
-                next; # not an error
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                my ($store, $sourcePath) = findStorePath($storePath);
+                next unless defined $store;
+                $ENV{"NIX_DB_DIR"} = "$store/var/nix/db";
+                my $deriver = `@bindir@/nix-store --query --deriver $storePath`;
+                die "cannot query deriver of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+                chomp $deriver;
+                $deriver = "" if $deriver eq "unknown-deriver";
+                my @references = split "\n",
+                    `@bindir@/nix-store --query --references $storePath`;
+                die "cannot query references of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+                my $narSize = `@bindir@/nix-store --query --size $storePath`;
+                die "cannot query size of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+                chomp $narSize;
+                print "$storePath\n";
+                print "$deriver\n";
+                print scalar @references, "\n";
+                print "$_\n" foreach @references;
+                print "$narSize\n";
+                print "$narSize\n";
-            print "1\n";
-            $ENV{"NIX_DB_DIR"} = "$store/var/nix/db";
-            my $deriver = `@bindir@/nix-store --query --deriver $storePath`;
-            die "cannot query deriver of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-            chomp $deriver;
-            $deriver = "" if $deriver eq "unknown-deriver";
-            my @references = split "\n",
-                `@bindir@/nix-store --query --references $storePath`;
-            die "cannot query references of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-            my $narSize = `@bindir@/nix-store --query --size $storePath`;
-            die "cannot query size of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-            chomp $narSize;
-            print "$deriver\n";
-            print scalar @references, "\n";
-            print "$_\n" foreach @references;
-            print "$narSize\n";
-            print "$narSize\n";
+            print "\n";
         else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }
@@ -84,9 +87,10 @@ elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--substitute") {
     my $storePath = $ARGV[1];
     my ($store, $sourcePath) = findStorePath $storePath;
     die unless $store;
-    print "\n*** Copying `$storePath' from `$sourcePath'\n\n";
+    print STDERR "\n*** Copying `$storePath' from `$sourcePath'\n\n";
     system("$binDir/nix-store --dump $sourcePath | $binDir/nix-store --restore $storePath") == 0
         or die "cannot copy `$sourcePath' to `$storePath'";
+    print "\n"; # no hash to verify
diff --git a/scripts/download-from-binary-cache.pl.in b/scripts/download-from-binary-cache.pl.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..76306405cc05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/download-from-binary-cache.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,539 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use DBI;
+use File::Basename;
+use IO::Select;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Utils;
+use WWW::Curl::Easy;
+use WWW::Curl::Multi;
+use List::MoreUtils qw(any uniq);
+use strict;
+my @caches;
+my $gotCaches = 0;
+my $maxParallelRequests = int($Nix::Config::config{"binary-caches-parallel-connections"} // 150);
+$maxParallelRequests = 1 if $maxParallelRequests < 1;
+my $debug = ($ENV{"NIX_DEBUG_SUBST"} // "") eq 1;
+my ($dbh, $queryCache, $insertNAR, $queryNAR, $insertNARExistence, $queryNARExistence);
+my $curlm = WWW::Curl::Multi->new;
+my $activeRequests = 0;
+my $curlIdCount = 1;
+my %requests;
+my %scheduled;
+my $caBundle = $ENV{"CURL_CA_BUNDLE"} // $ENV{"OPENSSL_X509_CERT_FILE"};
+sub addRequest {
+    my ($storePath, $url, $head) = @_;
+    my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy->new;
+    my $curlId = $curlIdCount++;
+    $requests{$curlId} = { storePath => $storePath, url => $url, handle => $curl, content => "", type => $head ? "HEAD" : "GET" };
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_PRIVATE, $curlId);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, \$requests{$curlId}->{content});
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, $caBundle) if defined $caBundle;
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Nix/$Nix::Config::version");
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1) if $head;
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
+    if ($activeRequests >= $maxParallelRequests) {
+        $scheduled{$curlId} = 1;
+    } else {
+        $curlm->add_handle($curl);
+        $activeRequests++;
+    }
+    return $requests{$curlId};
+sub processRequests {
+    while ($activeRequests) {
+        my ($rfds, $wfds, $efds) = $curlm->fdset();
+        #print STDERR "R = @{$rfds}, W = @{$wfds}, E = @{$efds}\n";
+        # Sleep until we can read or write some data.
+        if (scalar @{$rfds} + scalar @{$wfds} + scalar @{$efds} > 0) {
+            IO::Select->select(IO::Select->new(@{$rfds}), IO::Select->new(@{$wfds}), IO::Select->new(@{$efds}), 0.1);
+        }
+        if ($curlm->perform() != $activeRequests) {
+            while (my ($id, $result) = $curlm->info_read) {
+                if ($id) {
+                    my $request = $requests{$id} or die;
+                    my $handle = $request->{handle};
+                    $request->{result} = $result;
+                    $request->{httpStatus} = $handle->getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
+                    print STDERR "$request->{type} on $request->{url} [$request->{result}, $request->{httpStatus}]\n" if $debug;
+                    $activeRequests--;
+                    delete $request->{handle};
+                    if (scalar(keys %scheduled) > 0) {
+                        my $id2 = (keys %scheduled)[0];
+                        $curlm->add_handle($requests{$id2}->{handle});
+                        $activeRequests++;
+                        delete $scheduled{$id2};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub initCache {
+    my $dbPath = "$Nix::Config::stateDir/binary-cache-v1.sqlite";
+    # Open/create the database.
+    $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbPath", "", "")
+        or die "cannot open database `$dbPath'";
+    $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+    $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
+    $dbh->do("pragma synchronous = off"); # we can always reproduce the cache
+    $dbh->do("pragma journal_mode = truncate");
+    # Initialise the database schema, if necessary.
+    $dbh->do(<<EOF);
+        create table if not exists BinaryCaches (
+            id        integer primary key autoincrement not null,
+            url       text unique not null,
+            timestamp integer not null,
+            storeDir  text not null,
+            wantMassQuery integer not null
+        );
+    $dbh->do(<<EOF);
+        create table if not exists NARs (
+            cache            integer not null,
+            storePath        text not null,
+            url              text not null,
+            compression      text not null,
+            fileHash         text,
+            fileSize         integer,
+            narHash          text,
+            narSize          integer,
+            refs             text,
+            deriver          text,
+            system           text,
+            timestamp        integer not null,
+            primary key (cache, storePath),
+            foreign key (cache) references BinaryCaches(id) on delete cascade
+        );
+    $dbh->do(<<EOF);
+        create table if not exists NARExistence (
+            cache            integer not null,
+            storePath        text not null,
+            exist            integer not null,
+            timestamp        integer not null,
+            primary key (cache, storePath),
+            foreign key (cache) references BinaryCaches(id) on delete cascade
+        );
+    $queryCache = $dbh->prepare("select id, storeDir, wantMassQuery from BinaryCaches where url = ?") or die;
+    $insertNAR = $dbh->prepare(
+        "insert or replace into NARs(cache, storePath, url, compression, fileHash, fileSize, narHash, " .
+        "narSize, refs, deriver, system, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") or die;
+    $queryNAR = $dbh->prepare("select * from NARs where cache = ? and storePath = ?") or die;
+    $insertNARExistence = $dbh->prepare(
+        "insert or replace into NARExistence(cache, storePath, exist, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, ?)") or die;
+    $queryNARExistence = $dbh->prepare("select exist from NARExistence where cache = ? and storePath = ?") or die;
+sub getAvailableCaches {
+    return if $gotCaches;
+    $gotCaches = 1;
+    sub strToList {
+        my ($s) = @_;
+        return map { s/\/+$//; $_ } split(/ /, $s);
+    }
+    my @urls = strToList
+        ($Nix::Config::config{"binary-caches"}
+         // ($Nix::Config::storeDir eq "/nix/store" ? "http://nixos.org/binary-cache" : ""));
+    my $urlsFiles = $Nix::Config::config{"binary-cache-files"}
+        // "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels/binary-caches/*";
+    foreach my $urlFile (glob $urlsFiles) {
+        next unless -f $urlFile;
+        open FILE, "<$urlFile" or die "cannot open ‘$urlFile’\n";
+        my $url = <FILE>; chomp $url;
+        close FILE;
+        push @urls, strToList($url);
+    }
+    # Allow Nix daemon users to override the binary caches to a subset
+    # of those listed in the config file.  Note that ‘untrusted-*’
+    # denotes options passed by the client.
+    if (defined $Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-binary-caches"}) {
+        my @untrustedUrls = strToList $Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-binary-caches"};
+        my @trustedUrls = (@urls, strToList($Nix::Config::config{"trusted-binary-caches"} // ""));
+        @urls = ();
+        foreach my $url (@untrustedUrls) {
+            die "binary cache ‘$url’ is not trusted (please add it to ‘trusted-binary-caches’ in $Nix::Config::confDir/nix.conf)\n"
+                unless any { $url eq $_ } @trustedUrls;
+            push @urls, $url;
+        }
+    }
+    foreach my $url (uniq @urls) {
+        # FIXME: not atomic.
+        $queryCache->execute($url);
+        my $res = $queryCache->fetchrow_hashref();
+        if (defined $res) {
+            next if $res->{storeDir} ne $Nix::Config::storeDir;
+            push @caches, { id => $res->{id}, url => $url, wantMassQuery => $res->{wantMassQuery} };
+            next;
+        }
+        # Get the cache info file.
+        my $request = addRequest(undef, $url . "/nix-cache-info");
+        processRequests;
+        if ($request->{result} != 0) {
+            print STDERR "could not download ‘$request->{url}’ (" .
+                ($request->{result} != 0 ? "Curl error $request->{result}" : "HTTP status $request->{httpStatus}") . ")\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        my $storeDir = "/nix/store";
+        my $wantMassQuery = 0;
+        foreach my $line (split "\n", $request->{content}) {
+            unless ($line =~ /^(.*): (.*)$/) {
+                print STDERR "bad cache info file ‘$request->{url}’\n";
+                return undef;
+            }
+            if ($1 eq "StoreDir") { $storeDir = $2; }
+            elsif ($1 eq "WantMassQuery") { $wantMassQuery = int($2); }
+        }
+        $dbh->do("insert into BinaryCaches(url, timestamp, storeDir, wantMassQuery) values (?, ?, ?, ?)",
+                 {}, $url, time(), $storeDir, $wantMassQuery);
+        my $id = $dbh->last_insert_id("", "", "", "");
+        next if $storeDir ne $Nix::Config::storeDir;
+        push @caches, { id => $id, url => $url, wantMassQuery => $wantMassQuery };
+    }
+sub processNARInfo {
+    my ($storePath, $cache, $request) = @_;
+    if ($request->{result} != 0) {
+        if ($request->{result} != 37 && $request->{httpStatus} != 404) {
+            print STDERR "could not download ‘$request->{url}’ (" .
+                ($request->{result} != 0 ? "Curl error $request->{result}" : "HTTP status $request->{httpStatus}") . ")\n";
+        } else {
+            $insertNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath), 0, time())
+                unless $request->{url} =~ /^file:/;
+        }
+        return undef;
+    }
+    my ($storePath2, $url, $fileHash, $fileSize, $narHash, $narSize, $deriver, $system);
+    my $compression = "bzip2";
+    my @refs;
+    foreach my $line (split "\n", $request->{content}) {
+        unless ($line =~ /^(.*): (.*)$/) {
+            print STDERR "bad NAR info file ‘$request->{url}’\n";
+            return undef;
+        }
+        if ($1 eq "StorePath") { $storePath2 = $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "URL") { $url = $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "Compression") { $compression = $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "FileHash") { $fileHash = $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "FileSize") { $fileSize = int($2); }
+        elsif ($1 eq "NarHash") { $narHash = $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "NarSize") { $narSize = int($2); }
+        elsif ($1 eq "References") { @refs = split / /, $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "Deriver") { $deriver = $2; }
+        elsif ($1 eq "System") { $system = $2; }
+    }
+    return undef if $storePath ne $storePath2;
+    if ($storePath ne $storePath2 || !defined $url || !defined $narHash) {
+        print STDERR "bad NAR info file ‘$request->{url}’\n";
+        return undef;
+    }
+    # Cache the result.
+    $insertNAR->execute(
+        $cache->{id}, basename($storePath), $url, $compression, $fileHash, $fileSize,
+        $narHash, $narSize, join(" ", @refs), $deriver, $system, time())
+        unless $request->{url} =~ /^file:/;
+    return
+        { url => $url
+        , compression => $compression
+        , fileHash => $fileHash
+        , fileSize => $fileSize
+        , narHash => $narHash
+        , narSize => $narSize
+        , refs => [ @refs ]
+        , deriver => $deriver
+        , system => $system
+        };
+sub getCachedInfoFrom {
+    my ($storePath, $cache) = @_;
+    $queryNAR->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath));
+    my $res = $queryNAR->fetchrow_hashref();
+    return undef unless defined $res;
+    return
+        { url => $res->{url}
+        , compression => $res->{compression}
+        , fileHash => $res->{fileHash}
+        , fileSize => $res->{fileSize}
+        , narHash => $res->{narHash}
+        , narSize => $res->{narSize}
+        , refs => [ split " ", $res->{refs} ]
+        , deriver => $res->{deriver}
+        } if defined $res;
+sub negativeHit {
+    my ($storePath, $cache) = @_;
+    $queryNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath));
+    my $res = $queryNARExistence->fetchrow_hashref();
+    return defined $res && $res->{exist} == 0;
+sub positiveHit {
+    my ($storePath, $cache) = @_;
+    return 1 if defined getCachedInfoFrom($storePath, $cache);
+    $queryNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath));
+    my $res = $queryNARExistence->fetchrow_hashref();
+    return defined $res && $res->{exist} == 1;
+sub printInfo {
+    my ($storePath, $info) = @_;
+    print "$storePath\n";
+    print $info->{deriver} ? "$Nix::Config::storeDir/$info->{deriver}" : "", "\n";
+    print scalar @{$info->{refs}}, "\n";
+    print "$Nix::Config::storeDir/$_\n" foreach @{$info->{refs}};
+    print $info->{fileSize} || 0, "\n";
+    print $info->{narSize} || 0, "\n";
+sub infoUrl {
+    my ($binaryCacheUrl, $storePath) = @_;
+    my $pathHash = substr(basename($storePath), 0, 32);
+    my $infoUrl = "$binaryCacheUrl/$pathHash.narinfo";
+sub printInfoParallel {
+    my @paths = @_;
+    # First print all paths for which we have cached info.
+    my @left;
+    foreach my $storePath (@paths) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+            my $info = getCachedInfoFrom($storePath, $cache);
+            if (defined $info) {
+                printInfo($storePath, $info);
+                $found = 1;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        push @left, $storePath if !$found;
+    }
+    return if scalar @left == 0;
+    foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+        my @left2;
+        %requests = ();
+        foreach my $storePath (@left) {
+            if (negativeHit($storePath, $cache)) {
+                push @left2, $storePath;
+                next;
+            }
+            addRequest($storePath, infoUrl($cache->{url}, $storePath));
+        }
+        processRequests;
+        foreach my $request (values %requests) {
+            my $info = processNARInfo($request->{storePath}, $cache, $request);
+            if (defined $info) {
+                printInfo($request->{storePath}, $info);
+            } else {
+                push @left2, $request->{storePath};
+            }
+        }
+        @left = @left2;
+    }
+sub printSubstitutablePaths {
+    my @paths = @_;
+    # First look for paths that have cached info.
+    my @left;
+    foreach my $storePath (@paths) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+            next unless $cache->{wantMassQuery};
+            if (positiveHit($storePath, $cache)) {
+                print "$storePath\n";
+                $found = 1;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        push @left, $storePath if !$found;
+    }
+    return if scalar @left == 0;
+    # For remaining paths, do HEAD requests.
+    foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+        next unless $cache->{wantMassQuery};
+        my @left2;
+        %requests = ();
+        foreach my $storePath (@left) {
+            if (negativeHit($storePath, $cache)) {
+                push @left2, $storePath;
+                next;
+            }
+            addRequest($storePath, infoUrl($cache->{url}, $storePath), 1);
+        }
+        processRequests;
+        foreach my $request (values %requests) {
+            if ($request->{result} != 0) {
+                if ($request->{result} != 37 && $request->{httpStatus} != 404) {
+                    print STDERR "could not check ‘$request->{url}’ (" .
+                        ($request->{result} != 0 ? "Curl error $request->{result}" : "HTTP status $request->{httpStatus}") . ")\n";
+                } else {
+                    $insertNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($request->{storePath}), 0, time())
+                        unless $request->{url} =~ /^file:/;
+                }
+                push @left2, $request->{storePath};
+            } else {
+                $insertNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($request->{storePath}), 1, time())
+                    unless $request->{url} =~ /^file:/;
+                print "$request->{storePath}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        @left = @left2;
+    }
+sub downloadBinary {
+    my ($storePath) = @_;
+    foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+        my $info = getCachedInfoFrom($storePath, $cache);
+        unless (defined $info) {
+            next if negativeHit($storePath, $cache);
+            my $request = addRequest($storePath, infoUrl($cache->{url}, $storePath));
+            processRequests;
+            $info = processNARInfo($storePath, $cache, $request);
+        }
+        next unless defined $info;
+        my $decompressor;
+        if ($info->{compression} eq "bzip2") { $decompressor = "$Nix::Config::bzip2 -d"; }
+        elsif ($info->{compression} eq "xz") { $decompressor = "$Nix::Config::xz -d"; }
+        else {
+            print STDERR "unknown compression method ‘$info->{compression}’\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        my $url = "$cache->{url}/$info->{url}"; # FIXME: handle non-relative URLs
+        print STDERR "\n*** Downloading ‘$url’ into ‘$storePath’...\n";
+        Nix::Utils::checkURL $url;
+        if (system("$Nix::Config::curl --fail --location --insecure '$url' | $decompressor | $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore $storePath") != 0) {
+            die "download of `$info->{url}' failed" . ($! ? ": $!" : "") . "\n" unless $? == 0;
+            next;
+        }
+        # Tell Nix about the expected hash so it can verify it.
+        print "$info->{narHash}\n";
+        print STDERR "\n";
+        return;
+    }
+    print STDERR "could not download ‘$storePath’ from any binary cache\n";
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {
+    while (<STDIN>) {
+        getAvailableCaches;
+        chomp;
+        my ($cmd, @args) = split " ", $_;
+        if ($cmd eq "have") {
+            printSubstitutablePaths(@args);
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
+            printInfoParallel(@args);
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }
+        flush STDOUT;
+    }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--substitute") {
+    my $storePath = $ARGV[1] or die;
+    getAvailableCaches;
+    downloadBinary($storePath);
+else {
+    die;
diff --git a/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in b/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in
index ef663dabb1ef..24f7c98e0cb9 100755
--- a/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in
+++ b/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ use strict;
 use Nix::Config;
 use Nix::Manifest;
 use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Utils;
 use POSIX qw(strftime);
 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
@@ -15,6 +16,9 @@ my $logFile = "$Nix::Config::logDir/downloads";
 # estimating the expected download size.
 my $fast = 1;
+# ‘--insecure’ is fine because Nix verifies the hash of the result.
+my $curl = "$Nix::Config::curl --fail --location --insecure";
 # Open the manifest cache and update it if necessary.
 my $dbh = updateManifestDB();
@@ -38,7 +42,7 @@ sub parseHash {
 # given path.
 sub computeSmallestDownload {
     my $targetPath = shift;
     # Build a graph of all store paths that might contribute to the
     # construction of $targetPath, and the special node "start".  The
     # edges are either patch operations, or downloads of full NAR
@@ -93,7 +97,7 @@ sub computeSmallestDownload {
             my $patchList = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
                 "select * from Patches where storePath = ?",
                 { Slice => {} }, $u);
             foreach my $patch (@{$patchList}) {
                 if (isValidPath($patch->{basePath})) {
                     my ($baseHashAlgo, $baseHash) = parseHash $patch->{baseHash};
@@ -106,7 +110,7 @@ sub computeSmallestDownload {
                         $hash =~ s/.*://;
                         $hashCache->{$baseHashAlgo}->{$patch->{basePath}} = $hash;
                     next if $hash ne $baseHash;
                 push @queue, $patch->{basePath};
@@ -117,7 +121,7 @@ sub computeSmallestDownload {
             my $narFileList = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
                 "select * from NARs where storePath = ?",
                 { Slice => {} }, $u);
             foreach my $narFile (@{$narFileList}) {
                 # !!! how to handle files whose size is not known in advance?
                 # For now, assume some arbitrary size (1 GB).
@@ -173,58 +177,56 @@ sub computeSmallestDownload {
 if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {
     while (<STDIN>) {
-        my $cmd = $_; chomp $cmd;
+        chomp;
+        my ($cmd, @args) = split " ", $_;
         if ($cmd eq "have") {
-            my $storePath = <STDIN>; chomp $storePath;
-            print STDOUT (
-                scalar @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select 1 from NARs where storePath = ?", {}, $storePath)} > 0
-                ? "1\n" : "0\n");
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                print "$storePath\n" if scalar @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select 1 from NARs where storePath = ?", {}, $storePath)} > 0;
+            }
+            print "\n";
         elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
-            my $storePath = <STDIN>; chomp $storePath;
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                my $infos = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+                    "select * from NARs where storePath = ?",
+                    { Slice => {} }, $storePath);
+                next unless scalar @{$infos} > 0;
+                my $info = @{$infos}[0];
+                print "$storePath\n";
+                print "$info->{deriver}\n";
+                my @references = split " ", $info->{refs};
+                print scalar @references, "\n";
+                print "$_\n" foreach @references;
+                my @path = computeSmallestDownload $storePath;
+                my $downloadSize = 0;
+                while (scalar @path > 0) {
+                    my $edge = pop @path;
+                    my $u = $edge->{start};
+                    my $v = $edge->{end};
+                    if ($edge->{type} eq "patch") {
+                        $downloadSize += $edge->{info}->{size} || 0;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($edge->{type} eq "narfile") {
+                        $downloadSize += $edge->{info}->{size} || 0;
+                    }
+                }
-            my $infos = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
-                "select * from NARs where storePath = ?",
-                { Slice => {} }, $storePath);
-            my $info;
-            if (scalar @{$infos} > 0) {
-                $info = @{$infos}[0];
-            }
-            else {
-                print "0\n";
-                next; # not an error
-            }
+                print "$downloadSize\n";
-            print "1\n";
-            print "$info->{deriver}\n";
-            my @references = split " ", $info->{refs};
-            print scalar @references, "\n";
-            print "$_\n" foreach @references;
-            my @path = computeSmallestDownload $storePath;
-            my $downloadSize = 0;
-            while (scalar @path > 0) {
-                my $edge = pop @path;
-                my $u = $edge->{start};
-                my $v = $edge->{end};
-                if ($edge->{type} eq "patch") {
-                    $downloadSize += $edge->{info}->{size} || 0;
-                }
-                elsif ($edge->{type} eq "narfile") {
-                    $downloadSize += $edge->{info}->{size} || 0;
-                }
+                my $narSize = $info->{narSize} || 0;
+                print "$narSize\n";
-            print "$downloadSize\n";
-            my $narSize = $info->{narSize} || 0;
-            print "$narSize\n";
+            print "\n";
         else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }
@@ -273,16 +275,6 @@ $dbh->disconnect;
 my $curStep = 1;
 my $maxStep = scalar @path;
-sub downloadFile { 
-    my $url = shift; 
-    $ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = 1;
-    $ENV{"QUIET"} = 1;
-    my ($hash, $path) = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-prefetch-url '$url'`;
-    die "download of `$url' failed" . ($! ? ": $!" : "") . "\n" unless $? == 0;
-    chomp $path;
-    return $path;
 my $finalNarHash;
 while (scalar @path > 0) {
@@ -314,13 +306,16 @@ while (scalar @path > 0) {
         # Download the patch.
         print STDERR "  downloading patch...\n";
-        my $patchPath = downloadFile "$patch->{url}";
+        my $patchPath = "$tmpDir/patch";
+        Nix::Utils::checkURL $patch->{url};
+        system("$curl '$patch->{url}' -o $patchPath") == 0
+            or die "cannot download patch `$patch->{url}'\n";
         # Apply the patch to the NAR archive produced in step 1 (for
         # the already present path) or a later step (for patch sequences).
         print STDERR "  applying patch...\n";
         system("$Nix::Config::libexecDir/bspatch $tmpNar $tmpNar2 $patchPath") == 0
-            or die "cannot apply patch `$patchPath' to $tmpNar";
+            or die "cannot apply patch `$patchPath' to $tmpNar\n";
         if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
             # The archive will be used as the base of the next patch.
@@ -330,7 +325,7 @@ while (scalar @path > 0) {
             # into the target path.
             print STDERR "  unpacking patched archive...\n";
             system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore $v < $tmpNar2") == 0
-                or die "cannot unpack $tmpNar2 into `$v'";
+                or die "cannot unpack $tmpNar2 into `$v'\n";
         $finalNarHash = $patch->{narHash};
@@ -342,20 +337,16 @@ while (scalar @path > 0) {
         my $size = $narFile->{size} || -1;
         print LOGFILE "$$ narfile $narFile->{url} $size $v\n";
-        # Download the archive.
-        print STDERR "  downloading archive...\n";
-        my $narFilePath = downloadFile "$narFile->{url}";
+        Nix::Utils::checkURL $narFile->{url};
         if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
             # The archive will be used a base to a patch.
-            system("$Nix::Config::bzip2 -d < '$narFilePath' > $tmpNar") == 0
-                or die "cannot unpack `$narFilePath' into `$v'";
+            system("$curl '$narFile->{url}' | $Nix::Config::bzip2 -d > $tmpNar") == 0
+                or die "cannot download and unpack `$narFile->{url}' into `$v'\n";
         } else {
             # Unpack the archive into the target path.
-            print STDERR "  unpacking archive...\n";
-            system("$Nix::Config::bzip2 -d < '$narFilePath' | $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore '$v'") == 0
-                or die "cannot unpack `$narFilePath' into `$v'";
+            system("$curl '$narFile->{url}' | $Nix::Config::bzip2 -d | $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore '$v'") == 0
+                or die "cannot download and unpack `$narFile->{url}' into `$v'\n";
         $finalNarHash = $narFile->{narHash};
@@ -365,21 +356,10 @@ while (scalar @path > 0) {
-# Make sure that the hash declared in the manifest matches what we
-# downloaded and unpacked.
-if (defined $finalNarHash) {
-    my ($hashAlgo, $hash) = parseHash $finalNarHash;
-    # The hash in the manifest can be either in base-16 or base-32.
-    # Handle both.
-    my $hash2 = hashPath($hashAlgo, $hashAlgo eq "sha256" && length($hash) != 64, $targetPath);
-    die "hash mismatch in downloaded path $targetPath; expected $hash, got $hash2\n"
-        if $hash ne $hash2;
-} else {
-    die "cannot check integrity of the downloaded path since its hash is not known\n";
+# Tell Nix about the expected hash so it can verify it.
+die "cannot check integrity of the downloaded path since its hash is not known\n"
+    unless defined $finalNarHash;
+print "$finalNarHash\n";
 print STDERR "\n";
diff --git a/scripts/nix-build.in b/scripts/nix-build.in
index 3ca3a1aafa6f..c46b270ff89d 100755
--- a/scripts/nix-build.in
+++ b/scripts/nix-build.in
@@ -58,6 +58,11 @@ EOF
         # '` hack
+    elsif ($arg eq "--version") {
+        print "nix-build (Nix) $Nix::Config::version\n";
+        exit 0;
+    }
     elsif ($arg eq "--add-drv-link") {
         $drvLink = "./derivation";
diff --git a/scripts/nix-channel.in b/scripts/nix-channel.in
index 6883ffd18db2..e057cc91671a 100755
--- a/scripts/nix-channel.in
+++ b/scripts/nix-channel.in
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ my $nixDefExpr = "$home/.nix-defexpr";
 my $userName = getpwuid($<) or die "cannot figure out user name";
 my $profile = "$Nix::Config::stateDir/profiles/per-user/$userName/channels";
 mkpath(dirname $profile, 0, 0755);
 my %channels;
@@ -77,20 +77,14 @@ sub removeChannel {
 # channels.
 sub update {
     my @channelNames = @_;
-    readChannels;
-    # Create the manifests directory if it doesn't exist.
-    mkdir $manifestDir, 0755 unless -e $manifestDir;
-    # Do we have write permission to the manifests directory?
-    die "$0: you do not have write permission to `$manifestDir'!\n" unless -W $manifestDir;
+    readChannels;
     # Download each channel.
     my $exprs = "";
     foreach my $name (keys %channels) {
         next if scalar @channelNames > 0 && ! grep { $_ eq $name } @{channelNames};
         my $url = $channels{$name};
         my $origUrl = "$url/MANIFEST";
@@ -101,11 +95,20 @@ sub update {
         die "$0: unable to check `$url'\n" if $? != 0;
         $headers =~ s/\r//g;
         $url = $1 if $headers =~ /^Location:\s*(.*)\s*$/m;
-        # Pull the channel manifest.
-        $ENV{'NIX_ORIG_URL'} = $origUrl;
-        system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-pull", "--skip-wrong-store", "$url/MANIFEST") == 0
-            or die "cannot pull manifest from `$url'\n";
+        # Check if the channel advertises a binary cache.
+        my $binaryCacheURL = `$Nix::Config::curl --silent '$url'/binary-cache-url`;
+        my $extraAttrs = "";
+        if ($? == 0 && $binaryCacheURL ne "") {
+            $extraAttrs .= "binaryCacheURL = \"$binaryCacheURL\"; ";
+        } else {
+            # No binary cache, so pull the channel manifest.
+            mkdir $manifestDir, 0755 unless -e $manifestDir;
+            die "$0: you do not have write permission to `$manifestDir'!\n" unless -W $manifestDir;
+            $ENV{'NIX_ORIG_URL'} = $origUrl;
+            system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-pull", "--skip-wrong-store", "$url/MANIFEST") == 0
+                or die "cannot pull manifest from `$url'\n";
+        }
         # Download the channel tarball.
         my $fullURL = "$url/nixexprs.tar.bz2";
@@ -120,7 +123,7 @@ sub update {
         my $cname = $name;
         $cname .= $1 if basename($url) =~ /(-\d.*)$/;
-        $exprs .= "'f: f { name = \"$cname\"; channelName = \"$name\"; src = builtins.storePath \"$path\"; }' ";
+        $exprs .= "'f: f { name = \"$cname\"; channelName = \"$name\"; src = builtins.storePath \"$path\"; $extraAttrs }' ";
     # Unpack the channel tarballs into the Nix store and install them
@@ -189,11 +192,16 @@ while (scalar @ARGV) {
     elsif ($arg eq "--help") {
+    elsif ($arg eq "--version") {
+        print "nix-channel (Nix) $Nix::Config::version\n";
+        exit 0;
+    }
     else {
         die "unknown argument `$arg'; try `--help'";
diff --git a/scripts/nix-install-package.in b/scripts/nix-install-package.in
index 951c2918fa70..6564529385d6 100755
--- a/scripts/nix-install-package.in
+++ b/scripts/nix-install-package.in
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@
 use strict;
 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
 use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Utils;
 sub usageError {
@@ -72,7 +73,7 @@ my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-install-package.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
 sub barf {
     my $msg = shift;
-    print "$msg\n";
+    print "\nInstallation failed: $msg\n";
     <STDIN> if $interactive;
     exit 1;
@@ -92,7 +93,6 @@ open PKGFILE, "<$pkgFile" or barf "cannot open `$pkgFile': $!";
 my $contents = <PKGFILE>;
 close PKGFILE;
-my $urlRE = "(?: [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\+\-\.]*\:[a-zA-Z0-9\%\/\?\:\@\&\=\+\$\,\-\_\.\!\~\*\']+ )";
 my $nameRE = "(?: [A-Za-z0-9\+\-\.\_\?\=]+ )"; # see checkStoreName()
 my $systemRE = "(?: [A-Za-z0-9\+\-\_]+ )";
 my $pathRE = "(?: \/ [\/A-Za-z0-9\+\-\.\_\?\=]* )";
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ my $pathRE = "(?: \/ [\/A-Za-z0-9\+\-\.\_\?\=]* )";
 # store path.  We'll let nix-env do that.
 $contents =~
-    / ^ \s* (\S+) \s+ ($urlRE) \s+ ($nameRE) \s+ ($systemRE) \s+ ($pathRE) \s+ ($pathRE) /x
+    / ^ \s* (\S+) \s+ ($Nix::Utils::urlRE) \s+ ($nameRE) \s+ ($systemRE) \s+ ($pathRE) \s+ ($pathRE) ( \s+ ($Nix::Utils::urlRE) )?  /x
     or barf "invalid package contents";
 my $version = $1;
 my $manifestURL = $2;
@@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ my $drvName = $3;
 my $system = $4;
 my $drvPath = $5;
 my $outPath = $6;
+my $binaryCacheURL = $8;
 barf "invalid package version `$version'" unless $version eq "NIXPKG1";
@@ -122,17 +123,25 @@ if ($interactive) {
-# Store the manifest in the temporary directory so that we don't
-# pollute /nix/var/nix/manifests.  This also requires that we don't
-# use the Nix daemon (because otherwise download-using-manifests won't
-# see our NIX_MANIFESTS_DIRS environment variable).
+if (defined $binaryCacheURL) {
+    push @extraNixEnvArgs, "--option", "binary-caches", $binaryCacheURL;
-print "\nPulling manifests...\n";
-system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-pull", $manifestURL) == 0
-    or barf "nix-pull failed: $?";
+} else {
+    # Store the manifest in the temporary directory so that we don't
+    # pollute /nix/var/nix/manifests.  This also requires that we
+    # don't use the Nix daemon (because otherwise
+    # download-using-manifests won't see our NIX_MANIFESTS_DIRS
+    # environment variable).
+    $ENV{NIX_MANIFESTS_DIR} = $tmpDir;
+    $ENV{NIX_REMOTE} = "";
+    print "\nPulling manifests...\n";
+    system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-pull", $manifestURL) == 0
+        or barf "nix-pull failed: $?";
 print "\nInstalling package...\n";
diff --git a/scripts/nix-push.in b/scripts/nix-push.in
index a1c02190bd6c..1edd8e77314b 100755
--- a/scripts/nix-push.in
+++ b/scripts/nix-push.in
@@ -1,85 +1,85 @@
 #! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
 use strict;
+use File::Basename;
 use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
 use File::stat;
+use File::Copy;
 use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Store;
 use Nix::Manifest;
-my $hashAlgo = "sha256";
 my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-push.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
     or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
 my $nixExpr = "$tmpDir/create-nars.nix";
-my $manifest = "$tmpDir/MANIFEST";
-my $curl = "$Nix::Config::curl --fail --silent";
-my $extraCurlFlags = ${ENV{'CURL_FLAGS'}};
-$curl = "$curl $extraCurlFlags" if defined $extraCurlFlags;
 # Parse the command line.
-my $localCopy;
-my $localArchivesDir;
-my $localManifestFile;
-my $targetArchivesUrl;
-my $archivesPutURL;
-my $archivesGetURL;
-my $manifestPutURL;
+my $compressionType = "xz";
+my $force = 0;
+my $destDir;
+my $writeManifest = 0;
+my $archivesURL;
+my @roots;
 sub showSyntax {
     print STDERR <<EOF
-Usage: nix-push --copy ARCHIVES_DIR MANIFEST_FILE PATHS...
+Usage: nix-push --dest DIR [--manifest] [--url-prefix URL] PATHS...
-`nix-push' copies or uploads the closure of PATHS to the given
+`nix-push' packs the closure of PATHS into a set of NAR files stored
+in DIR.  Optionally generate a manifest.
     ; # `
     exit 1;
-showSyntax if scalar @ARGV < 1;
-if ($ARGV[0] eq "--copy") {
-    showSyntax if scalar @ARGV < 3;
-    $localCopy = 1;
-    shift @ARGV;
-    $localArchivesDir = shift @ARGV;
-    $localManifestFile = shift @ARGV;
-    if ($ARGV[0] eq "--target") {
-       shift @ARGV;
-       $targetArchivesUrl = shift @ARGV;
-    }
-    else {
-       $targetArchivesUrl = "file://$localArchivesDir";
+for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @ARGV; $n++) {
+    my $arg = $ARGV[$n];
+    if ($arg eq "--help") {
+        showSyntax;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--bzip2") {
+        $compressionType = "bzip2";
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--force") {
+        $force = 1;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--dest") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $destDir = $ARGV[$n];
+        mkpath($destDir, 0, 0755);
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--manifest") {
+        $writeManifest = 1;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--url-prefix") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $archivesURL = $ARGV[$n];
+    } elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
+        showSyntax;
+    } else {
+        push @roots, $arg;
-else {
-    showSyntax if scalar @ARGV < 3;
-    $localCopy = 0;
-    $archivesPutURL = shift @ARGV;
-    $archivesGetURL = shift @ARGV;
-    $manifestPutURL = shift @ARGV;
+showSyntax if !defined $destDir;
+$archivesURL = "file://$destDir" unless defined $archivesURL;
 # From the given store paths, determine the set of requisite store
 # paths, i.e, the paths required to realise them.
 my %storePaths;
-foreach my $path (@ARGV) {
+foreach my $path (@roots) {
     die unless $path =~ /^\//;
-    # Get all paths referenced by the normalisation of the given 
+    # Get all paths referenced by the normalisation of the given
     # Nix expression.
     my $pid = open(READ,
         "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --query --requisites --force-realise " .
         "--include-outputs '$path'|") or die;
     while (<READ>) {
         die "bad: $_" unless /^\//;
@@ -92,8 +92,8 @@ foreach my $path (@ARGV) {
 my @storePaths = keys %storePaths;
-# For each path, create a Nix expression that turns the path into
-# a Nix archive.
+# Create a list of Nix derivations that turn each path into a Nix
+# archive.
 open NIX, ">$nixExpr";
 print NIX "[";
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ foreach my $storePath (@storePaths) {
     die unless ($storePath =~ /\/[0-9a-z]{32}[^\"\\\$]*$/);
     # Construct a Nix expression that creates a Nix archive.
-    my $nixexpr = 
+    my $nixexpr =
         "(import <nix/nar.nix> " .
-        "{ storePath = builtins.storePath \"$storePath\"; hashAlgo = \"$hashAlgo\"; }) ";
+        "{ storePath = builtins.storePath \"$storePath\"; hashAlgo = \"sha256\"; compressionType = \"$compressionType\"; }) ";
     print NIX $nixexpr;
@@ -112,172 +112,132 @@ print NIX "]";
 close NIX;
-# Instantiate store derivations from the Nix expression.
-my @storeExprs;
-print STDERR "instantiating store derivations...\n";
-my $pid = open(READ, "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-instantiate $nixExpr|")
-    or die "cannot run nix-instantiate";
+# Build the Nix expression.
+print STDERR "building compressed archives...\n";
+my @narPaths;
+my $pid = open(READ, "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-build $nixExpr -o $tmpDir/result |")
+    or die "cannot run nix-build";
 while (<READ>) {
     die unless /^\//;
-    push @storeExprs, $_;
+    push @narPaths, $_;
-close READ or die "nix-instantiate failed: $?";
+close READ or die "nix-build failed: $?";
-# Build the derivations.
-print STDERR "creating archives...\n";
-my @narPaths;
-my @tmp = @storeExprs;
-while (scalar @tmp > 0) {
-    my $n = scalar @tmp;
-    if ($n > 256) { $n = 256 };
-    my @tmp2 = @tmp[0..$n - 1];
-    @tmp = @tmp[$n..scalar @tmp - 1];
-    my $pid = open(READ, "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --realise @tmp2|")
-        or die "cannot run nix-store";
-    while (<READ>) {
-        chomp;
-        die unless (/^\//);
-        push @narPaths, "$_";
-    }
-    close READ or die "nix-store failed: $?";
+# Write the cache info file.
+my $cacheInfoFile = "$destDir/nix-cache-info";
+if (! -e $cacheInfoFile) {
+    open FILE, ">$cacheInfoFile" or die "cannot create $cacheInfoFile: $!";
+    print FILE "StoreDir: $Nix::Config::storeDir\n";
+    print FILE "WantMassQuery: 0\n"; # by default, don't hit this cache for "nix-env -qas"
+    close FILE;
-# Create the manifest.
-print STDERR "creating manifest...\n";
+# Copy the archives and the corresponding NAR info files.
+print STDERR "copying archives...\n";
+my $totalNarSize = 0;
+my $totalCompressedSize = 0;
 my %narFiles;
-my %patches;
-my @narArchives;
 for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @storePaths; $n++) {
     my $storePath = $storePaths[$n];
     my $narDir = $narPaths[$n];
-    $storePath =~ /\/([^\/]*)$/;
-    my $basename = $1;
-    defined $basename or die;
-    open HASH, "$narDir/narbz2-hash" or die "cannot open narbz2-hash";
-    my $narbz2Hash = <HASH>;
-    chomp $narbz2Hash;
-    $narbz2Hash =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/ or die "invalid hash";
-    close HASH;
-    my $narName = "$narbz2Hash.nar.bz2";
-    my $narFile = "$narDir/$narName";
-    (-f $narFile) or die "narfile for $storePath not found";
-    push @narArchives, $narFile;
-    my $narbz2Size = stat($narFile)->size;
-    my $references = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --query --references '$storePath'`;
-    die "cannot query references for `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-    $references = join(" ", split(" ", $references));
+    my $baseName = basename $storePath;
-    my $deriver = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --query --deriver '$storePath'`;
-    die "cannot query deriver for `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-    chomp $deriver;
-    $deriver = "" if $deriver eq "unknown-deriver";
-    my $narHash = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --query --hash '$storePath'`;
-    die "cannot query hash for `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-    chomp $narHash;
+    # Get info about the store path.
+    my ($deriver, $narHash, $time, $narSize, $refs) = queryPathInfo($storePath, 1);
     # In some exceptional cases (such as VM tests that use the Nix
     # store of the host), the database doesn't contain the hash.  So
     # compute it.
     if ($narHash =~ /^sha256:0*$/) {
-        $narHash = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 '$storePath'`;
-        die "cannot hash `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+        my $nar = "$tmpDir/nar";
+        system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --dump $storePath > $nar") == 0
+            or die "cannot dump $storePath\n";
+        $narHash = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 --flat $nar`;
+        die "cannot hash `$nar'" if $? != 0;
         chomp $narHash;
         $narHash = "sha256:$narHash";
+        $narSize = stat("$nar")->size;
+        unlink $nar or die;
-    my $narSize = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --query --size '$storePath'`;
-    die "cannot query size for `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
-    chomp $narSize;
+    $totalNarSize += $narSize;
-    my $url;
-    if ($localCopy) {
-        $url = "$targetArchivesUrl/$narName";
-    } else {
-        $url = "$archivesGetURL/$narName";
-    }
-    $narFiles{$storePath} = [
-        { url => $url
-        , hash => "$hashAlgo:$narbz2Hash"
-        , size => $narbz2Size
-        , narHash => "$narHash"
-        , narSize => $narSize
-        , references => $references
-        , deriver => $deriver
-        }
-    ];
-writeManifest $manifest, \%narFiles, \%patches;
+    # Get info about the compressed NAR.
+    open HASH, "$narDir/nar-compressed-hash" or die "cannot open nar-compressed-hash";
+    my $compressedHash = <HASH>;
+    chomp $compressedHash;
+    $compressedHash =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/ or die "invalid hash";
+    close HASH;
+    my $narName = "$compressedHash.nar." . ($compressionType eq "xz" ? "xz" : "bz2");
-sub copyFile {
-    my $src = shift;
-    my $dst = shift;
-    my $tmp = "$dst.tmp.$$";
-    system("@coreutils@/cp", $src, $tmp) == 0 or die "cannot copy file";
-    rename($tmp, $dst) or die "cannot rename file: $!";
+    my $narFile = "$narDir/$narName";
+    (-f $narFile) or die "NAR file for $storePath not found";
+    my $compressedSize = stat($narFile)->size;
+    $totalCompressedSize += $compressedSize;
-# Upload/copy the archives.
-print STDERR "uploading/copying archives...\n";
+    printf STDERR "%s [%.2f MiB, %.1f%%]\n", $storePath,
+        $compressedSize / (1024 * 1024), $compressedSize / $narSize * 100;
-sub archiveExists {
-    my $name = shift;
-    print STDERR "  HEAD on $archivesGetURL/$name\n";
-    return system("$curl --head $archivesGetURL/$name > /dev/null") == 0;
+    # Copy the compressed NAR.
+    my $dst = "$destDir/$narName";
+    if (! -f $dst) {
+        my $tmp = "$destDir/.tmp.$$.$narName";
+        copy($narFile, $tmp) or die "cannot copy $narFile to $tmp: $!\n";
+        rename($tmp, $dst) or die "cannot rename $tmp to $dst: $!\n";
+    }
-foreach my $narArchive (@narArchives) {
+    # Write the info file.
+    my $info;
+    $info .= "StorePath: $storePath\n";
+    $info .= "URL: $narName\n";
+    $info .= "Compression: $compressionType\n";
+    $info .= "FileHash: sha256:$compressedHash\n";
+    $info .= "FileSize: $compressedSize\n";
+    $info .= "NarHash: $narHash\n";
+    $info .= "NarSize: $narSize\n";
+    $info .= "References: " . join(" ", map { basename $_ } @{$refs}) . "\n";
+    if (defined $deriver) {
+        $info .= "Deriver: " . basename $deriver . "\n";
+        if (isValidPath($deriver)) {
+            my $drv = derivationFromPath($deriver);
+            $info .= "System: $drv->{platform}\n";
+        }
+    }
-    $narArchive =~ /\/([^\/]*)$/;
-    my $basename = $1;
+    my $pathHash = substr(basename($storePath), 0, 32);
-    if ($localCopy) {
-        # Since nix-push creates $dst atomically, if it exists we
-        # don't have to copy again.
-        my $dst = "$localArchivesDir/$basename";
-        if (! -f "$localArchivesDir/$basename") {
-            print STDERR "  $narArchive\n";
-            copyFile $narArchive, $dst;
-        }
+    $dst = "$destDir/$pathHash.narinfo";
+    if ($force || ! -f $dst) {
+        my $tmp = "$destDir/.tmp.$$.$pathHash.narinfo";
+        open INFO, ">$tmp" or die;
+        print INFO "$info" or die;
+        close INFO or die;
+        rename($tmp, $dst) or die "cannot rename $tmp to $dst: $!\n";
-    else {
-        if (!archiveExists("$basename")) {
-            print STDERR "  $narArchive\n";
-            system("$curl --show-error --upload-file " .
-                   "'$narArchive' '$archivesPutURL/$basename' > /dev/null") == 0 or
-                   die "curl failed on $narArchive: $?";
+    $narFiles{$storePath} = [
+        { url => "$archivesURL/$narName"
+        , hash => "sha256:$compressedHash"
+        , size => $compressedSize
+        , narHash => "$narHash"
+        , narSize => $narSize
+        , references => join(" ", @{$refs})
+        , deriver => $deriver
-    }
+    ] if $writeManifest;
+printf STDERR "total compressed size %.2f MiB, %.1f%%\n",
+    $totalCompressedSize / (1024 * 1024), $totalCompressedSize / $totalNarSize * 100;
-# Upload the manifest.
-print STDERR "uploading manifest...\n";
-if ($localCopy) {
-    copyFile $manifest, $localManifestFile;
-    copyFile "$manifest.bz2", "$localManifestFile.bz2";
-} else {
-    system("$curl --show-error --upload-file " .
-           "'$manifest' '$manifestPutURL' > /dev/null") == 0 or
-           die "curl failed on $manifest: $?";
-    system("$curl --show-error --upload-file " .
-           "'$manifest'.bz2 '$manifestPutURL'.bz2 > /dev/null") == 0 or
-           die "curl failed on $manifest: $?";
+# Optionally write a manifest.
+writeManifest "$destDir/MANIFEST", \%narFiles, \() if $writeManifest;