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22 files changed, 3471 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/scripts/build-remote.pl.in b/scripts/build-remote.pl.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..6dfa16d5cbda
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/build-remote.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use Fcntl qw(:DEFAULT :flock);
+use English '-no_match_vars';
+use IO::Handle;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::SSH qw/sshOpts openSSHConnection/;
+use Nix::CopyClosure;
+use Nix::Store;
+no warnings('once');
+# General operation:
+# Try to find a free machine of type $neededSystem.  We do this as
+# follows:
+# - We acquire an exclusive lock on $currentLoad/main-lock.
+# - For each machine $machine of type $neededSystem and for each $slot
+#   less than the maximum load for that machine, we try to get an
+#   exclusive lock on $currentLoad/$machine-$slot (without blocking).
+#   If we get such a lock, we send "accept" to the caller.  Otherwise,
+#   we send "postpone" and exit.
+# - We release the exclusive lock on $currentLoad/main-lock.
+# - We perform the build on $neededSystem.
+# - We release the exclusive lock on $currentLoad/$machine-$slot.
+# The nice thing about this scheme is that if we die prematurely, the
+# locks are released automatically.
+# Make sure that we don't get any SSH passphrase or host key popups -
+# if there is any problem it should fail, not do something
+# interactive.
+$ENV{"DISPLAY"} = "";
+$ENV{"SSH_ASKPASS"} = "";
+sub sendReply {
+    my $reply = shift;
+    print STDERR "# $reply\n";
+sub all { $_ || return 0 for @_; 1 }
+# Initialisation.
+my $loadIncreased = 0;
+my ($localSystem, $maxSilentTime, $printBuildTrace, $buildTimeout) = @ARGV;
+my $currentLoad = $ENV{"NIX_CURRENT_LOAD"};
+my $conf = $ENV{"NIX_REMOTE_SYSTEMS"};
+sub openSlotLock {
+    my ($machine, $slot) = @_;
+    my $slotLockFn = "$currentLoad/" . (join '+', @{$machine->{systemTypes}}) . "-" . $machine->{hostName} . "-$slot";
+    my $slotLock = new IO::Handle;
+    sysopen $slotLock, "$slotLockFn", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600 or die;
+    return $slotLock;
+# Read the list of machines.
+my @machines;
+if (defined $conf && -e $conf) {
+    open CONF, "<$conf" or die;
+    while (<CONF>) {
+        chomp;
+        s/\#.*$//g;
+        next if /^\s*$/;
+        my @tokens = split /\s/, $_;
+        my @supportedFeatures = split(/,/, $tokens[5] || "");
+        my @mandatoryFeatures = split(/,/, $tokens[6] || "");
+        push @machines,
+            { hostName => $tokens[0]
+            , systemTypes => [ split(/,/, $tokens[1]) ]
+            , sshKeys => $tokens[2]
+            , maxJobs => int($tokens[3])
+            , speedFactor => 1.0 * (defined $tokens[4] ? int($tokens[4]) : 1)
+            , supportedFeatures => [ @supportedFeatures, @mandatoryFeatures ]
+            , mandatoryFeatures => [ @mandatoryFeatures ]
+            , enabled => 1
+            };
+    }
+    close CONF;
+# Wait for the calling process to ask us whether we can build some derivation.
+my ($drvPath, $hostName, $slotLock);
+REQ: while (1) {
+    $_ = <STDIN> || exit 0;
+    (my $amWilling, my $neededSystem, $drvPath, my $requiredFeatures) = split;
+    my @requiredFeatures = split /,/, $requiredFeatures;
+    my $canBuildLocally = $amWilling && ($localSystem eq $neededSystem);
+    if (!defined $currentLoad) {
+        sendReply "decline";
+        next;
+    }
+    # Acquire the exclusive lock on $currentLoad/main-lock.
+    mkdir $currentLoad, 0777 or die unless -d $currentLoad;
+    my $mainLock = "$currentLoad/main-lock";
+    sysopen MAINLOCK, "$mainLock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600 or die;
+    flock(MAINLOCK, LOCK_EX) or die;
+    while (1) {
+        # Find all machine that can execute this build, i.e., that
+        # support builds for the given platform and features, and are
+        # not at their job limit.
+        my $rightType = 0;
+        my @available = ();
+        LOOP: foreach my $cur (@machines) {
+            if ($cur->{enabled}
+                && (grep { $neededSystem eq $_ } @{$cur->{systemTypes}})
+                && all(map { my $f = $_; 0 != grep { $f eq $_ } @{$cur->{supportedFeatures}} } (@requiredFeatures, @mandatoryFeatures))
+                && all(map { my $f = $_; 0 != grep { $f eq $_ } @requiredFeatures } @{$cur->{mandatoryFeatures}})
+                )
+            {
+                $rightType = 1;
+                # We have a machine of the right type.  Determine the load on
+                # the machine.
+                my $slot = 0;
+                my $load = 0;
+                my $free;
+                while ($slot < $cur->{maxJobs}) {
+                    my $slotLock = openSlotLock($cur, $slot);
+                    if (flock($slotLock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB)) {
+                        $free = $slot unless defined $free;
+                        flock($slotLock, LOCK_UN) or die;
+                    } else {
+                        $load++;
+                    }
+                    close $slotLock;
+                    $slot++;
+                }
+                push @available, { machine => $cur, load => $load, free => $free }
+                if $load < $cur->{maxJobs};
+            }
+        }
+        if (defined $ENV{NIX_DEBUG_HOOK}) {
+            print STDERR "load on " . $_->{machine}->{hostName} . " = " . $_->{load} . "\n"
+                foreach @available;
+        }
+        # Didn't find any available machine?  Then decline or postpone.
+        if (scalar @available == 0) {
+            # Postpone if we have a machine of the right type, except
+            # if the local system can and wants to do the build.
+            if ($rightType && !$canBuildLocally) {
+                sendReply "postpone";
+            } else {
+                sendReply "decline";
+            }
+            close MAINLOCK;
+            next REQ;
+        }
+        # Prioritise the available machines as follows:
+        # - First by load divided by speed factor, rounded to the nearest
+        #   integer.  This causes fast machines to be preferred over slow
+        #   machines with similar loads.
+        # - Then by speed factor.
+        # - Finally by load.
+        sub lf { my $x = shift; return int($x->{load} / $x->{machine}->{speedFactor} + 0.4999); }
+        @available = sort
+            { lf($a) <=> lf($b)
+                  || $b->{machine}->{speedFactor} <=> $a->{machine}->{speedFactor}
+                  || $a->{load} <=> $b->{load}
+            } @available;
+        # Select the best available machine and lock a free slot.
+        my $selected = $available[0];
+        my $machine = $selected->{machine};
+        $slotLock = openSlotLock($machine, $selected->{free});
+        flock($slotLock, LOCK_EX | LOCK_NB) or die;
+        utime undef, undef, $slotLock;
+        close MAINLOCK;
+        # Connect to the selected machine.
+        @sshOpts = ("-i", $machine->{sshKeys}, "-x");
+        $hostName = $machine->{hostName};
+        if (openSSHConnection($hostName)) {
+            last REQ if system("ssh $hostName @sshOpts nix-builds-inhibited < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1") != 0;
+            warn "machine `$hostName' is refusing builds, trying other available machines...\n";
+            closeSSHConnection;
+        } else {
+            warn "unable to open SSH connection to `$hostName', trying other available machines...\n";
+        }
+        $machine->{enabled} = 0;
+    }
+# Tell Nix we've accepted the build.
+sendReply "accept";
+my @inputs = split /\s/, readline(STDIN);
+my @outputs = split /\s/, readline(STDIN);
+print STDERR "@ build-remote $drvPath $hostName\n" if $printBuildTrace;
+my $maybeSign = "";
+$maybeSign = "--sign" if -e "$Nix::Config::confDir/signing-key.sec";
+# Register the derivation as a temporary GC root.  Note that $PPID is
+# the PID of the remote SSH process, which, due to the use of a
+# persistant SSH connection, should be the same across all remote
+# command invocations for this session.
+my $rootsDir = "@localstatedir@/nix/gcroots/tmp";
+system("ssh $hostName @sshOpts 'mkdir -m 1777 -p $rootsDir; ln -sfn $drvPath $rootsDir/\$PPID.drv'");
+sub removeRoots {
+    system("ssh $hostName @sshOpts 'rm -f $rootsDir/\$PPID.drv $rootsDir/\$PPID.out'");
+# Copy the derivation and its dependencies to the build machine.  This
+# is guarded by an exclusive lock per machine to prevent multiple
+# build-remote instances from copying to a machine simultaneously.
+# That's undesirable because we may end up with N instances uploading
+# the same missing path simultaneously, causing the effective network
+# bandwidth and target disk speed to be divided by N.
+my $uploadLock = "$currentLoad/$hostName.upload-lock";
+sysopen UPLOADLOCK, "$uploadLock", O_RDWR|O_CREAT, 0600 or die;
+eval {
+    local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "alarm\n" };
+    # Don't wait forever, so that a process that gets stuck while
+    # holding the lock doesn't block everybody else indefinitely.
+    # It's safe to continue after a timeout, just (potentially)
+    # inefficient.
+    alarm 15 * 60;
+    flock(UPLOADLOCK, LOCK_EX);
+    alarm 0;
+if ($@) {
+    die unless $@ eq "alarm\n";
+    print STDERR "somebody is hogging $uploadLock, continuing...\n";
+    unlink $uploadLock;
+Nix::CopyClosure::copyTo($hostName, [ @sshOpts ], [ $drvPath, @inputs ], "", "", 0, 0, $maybeSign ne "", "");
+# Perform the build.
+my $buildFlags =
+    "--max-silent-time $maxSilentTime --option build-timeout $buildTimeout"
+    . " --fallback --add-root $rootsDir/\$PPID.out --quiet"
+    . " --option build-keep-log false --option build-use-substitutes false";
+# We let the remote side kill its process group when the connection is
+# closed unexpectedly.  This is necessary to ensure that no processes
+# are left running on the remote system if the local Nix process is
+# killed.  (SSH itself doesn't kill child processes if the connection
+# is interrupted unless the `-tt' flag is used to force a pseudo-tty,
+# in which case every child receives SIGHUP; however, `-tt' doesn't
+# work on some platforms when connection sharing is used.)
+print STDERR "building `$drvPath' on `$hostName'\n";
+pipe STDIN, DUMMY; # make sure we have a readable STDIN
+if (system("exec ssh $hostName @sshOpts '(read; kill -INT -\$\$) <&0 & exec nix-store -r $drvPath $buildFlags > /dev/null' 2>&4") != 0) {
+    # Note that if we get exit code 100 from `nix-store -r', it
+    # denotes a permanent build failure (as opposed to an SSH problem
+    # or a temporary Nix problem).  We propagate this to the caller to
+    # allow it to distinguish between transient and permanent
+    # failures.
+    my $res = $? >> 8;
+    print STDERR "build of `$drvPath' on `$hostName' failed with exit code $res\n";
+    removeRoots;
+    exit $res;
+#print "build of `$drvPath' on `$hostName' succeeded\n";
+# Copy the output from the build machine.
+my @outputs2 = grep { !isValidPath($_) } @outputs;
+if (scalar @outputs2 > 0) {
+    system("exec ssh $hostName @sshOpts 'nix-store --export @outputs2'" .
+           "| NIX_HELD_LOCKS='@outputs2' @bindir@/nix-store --import > /dev/null") == 0
+        or die("cannot copy paths " . join(", ", @outputs) . " from `$hostName': $?");
+# Get rid of the temporary GC roots.
diff --git a/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in b/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..bfd38c9ba3f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/copy-from-other-stores.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use IO::Handle;
+my $binDir = $ENV{"NIX_BIN_DIR"} || "@bindir@";
+my @remoteStoresAll = split ':', ($ENV{"NIX_OTHER_STORES"} or "");
+my @remoteStores;
+foreach my $dir (@remoteStoresAll) {
+    push @remoteStores, glob($dir);
+exit if scalar @remoteStores == 0;
+print "\n";
+$ENV{"NIX_REMOTE"} = "";
+sub findStorePath {
+    my $storePath = shift;
+    foreach my $store (@remoteStores) {
+        my $sourcePath = "$store/store/" . basename $storePath;
+        next unless -e $sourcePath || -l $sourcePath;
+        $ENV{"NIX_DB_DIR"} = "$store/var/nix/db";
+        return ($store, $sourcePath) if
+            system("$binDir/nix-store --check-validity $storePath") == 0;
+    }
+    return undef;
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {
+    while (<STDIN>) {
+        chomp;
+        my ($cmd, @args) = split " ", $_;
+        if ($cmd eq "have") {
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                print "$storePath\n" if defined findStorePath($storePath);
+            }
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                my ($store, $sourcePath) = findStorePath($storePath);
+                next unless defined $store;
+                $ENV{"NIX_DB_DIR"} = "$store/var/nix/db";
+                my $deriver = `$binDir/nix-store --query --deriver $storePath`;
+                die "cannot query deriver of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+                chomp $deriver;
+                $deriver = "" if $deriver eq "unknown-deriver";
+                my @references = split "\n",
+                    `$binDir/nix-store --query --references $storePath`;
+                die "cannot query references of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+                my $narSize = `$binDir/nix-store --query --size $storePath`;
+                die "cannot query size of `$storePath'" if $? != 0;
+                chomp $narSize;
+                print "$storePath\n";
+                print "$deriver\n";
+                print scalar @references, "\n";
+                print "$_\n" foreach @references;
+                print "0\n";
+                print "$narSize\n";
+            }
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }
+    }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--substitute") {
+    die unless scalar @ARGV == 3;
+    my $storePath = $ARGV[1];
+    my $destPath = $ARGV[2];
+    my ($store, $sourcePath) = findStorePath $storePath;
+    die unless $store;
+    print STDERR "\n*** Copying `$storePath' from `$sourcePath'\n\n";
+    system("$binDir/nix-store --dump $sourcePath | $binDir/nix-store --restore $destPath") == 0
+        or die "cannot copy `$sourcePath' to `$storePath'";
+    print "\n"; # no hash to verify
+else { die; }
diff --git a/scripts/copying-collector.pl b/scripts/copying-collector.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..2e8be2d41f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/copying-collector.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+use strict;
+my @paths = `nix-store -qR /home/eelco/.nix-profile/bin/firefox`;
+my %copyMap;
+my %rewriteMap;
+my $counter = 0;
+foreach my $path (@paths) {
+    chomp $path;
+    $path =~ /^(.*)\/([^-]+)-(.*)$/ or die "invalid store path `$path'";
+    my $hash = $2;
+#    my $newHash = "deadbeef" . (sprintf "%024d", $counter++);
+    my $newHash = "deadbeef" . substr($hash, 0, 24);
+    my $newPath = "/home/eelco/chroot/$1/$newHash-$3";
+    die unless length $newHash == length $hash;
+    $copyMap{$path} = $newPath;
+    $rewriteMap{$hash} = $newHash;
+my %rewriteMap2;
+sub rewrite;
+sub rewrite {
+    my $src = shift;
+    my $dst = shift;
+    if (-l $dst) {
+        my $target = readlink $dst or die;
+        foreach my $srcHash (keys %rewriteMap2) {
+            my $dstHash = $rewriteMap{$srcHash};
+            print "  $srcHash -> $dstHash\n";
+            $target =~ s/$srcHash/$dstHash/g;
+        }
+        unlink $dst or die;
+        symlink $target, $dst;
+    }
+    elsif (-f $dst) {
+        print "$dst\n";
+        foreach my $srcHash (keys %rewriteMap2) {
+            my $dstHash = $rewriteMap{$srcHash};
+            print "  $srcHash -> $dstHash\n";
+            my @stats = lstat $dst or die;
+            system "sed s/$srcHash/$dstHash/g < '$dst' > '$dst.tmp'";
+            die if $? != 0;
+            rename "$dst.tmp", $dst or die;
+            chmod $stats[2], $dst or die;
+        }
+    }
+    elsif (-d $dst) {
+        chmod 0755, $dst;
+        opendir(DIR, "$dst") or die "cannot open `$dst': $!";
+        my @files = readdir DIR;
+        closedir DIR;
+        foreach my $file (@files) {
+            next if $file eq "." || $file eq "..";
+            rewrite "$src/$file", "$dst/$file";
+        }
+    }
+foreach my $src (keys %copyMap) {
+    my $dst = $copyMap{$src};
+    print "$src -> $dst\n";
+    if (!-e $dst) {
+        system "cp -prd $src $dst";
+        die if $? != 0;
+        my @refs = `nix-store -q --references $src`;
+        %rewriteMap2 = ();
+        foreach my $ref (@refs) {
+            chomp $ref;
+            $ref =~ /^(.*)\/([^-]+)-(.*)$/ or die "invalid store path `$ref'";
+            my $hash = $2;
+            $rewriteMap2{$hash} = $rewriteMap{$hash};
+        }
+        rewrite $src, $dst;
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/download-from-binary-cache.pl.in b/scripts/download-from-binary-cache.pl.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8b49a251765f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/download-from-binary-cache.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,606 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use DBI;
+use DBD::SQLite;
+use File::Basename;
+use IO::Select;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Utils;
+use Nix::Manifest;
+use WWW::Curl::Easy;
+use WWW::Curl::Multi;
+use strict;
+my @caches;
+my $gotCaches = 0;
+my $maxParallelRequests = int($Nix::Config::config{"binary-caches-parallel-connections"} // 150);
+$maxParallelRequests = 1 if $maxParallelRequests < 1;
+my $ttlNegative = 24 * 3600; # when to purge negative lookups from the database
+my $ttlNegativeUse = 3600; # how long negative lookups are valid for non-"have" lookups
+my $didExpiration = 0;
+my $showAfter = 5; # show that we're waiting for a request after this many seconds
+my $debug = ($Nix::Config::config{"debug-subst"} // "") eq 1 || ($Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-debug-subst"} // "") eq 1;
+my $cacheFileURLs = ($ENV{"_NIX_CACHE_FILE_URLS"} // "") eq 1; # for testing
+my ($dbh, $queryCache, $insertNAR, $queryNAR, $insertNARExistence, $queryNARExistence, $expireNARExistence);
+my $curlm = WWW::Curl::Multi->new;
+my $activeRequests = 0;
+my $curlIdCount = 1;
+my %requests;
+my %scheduled;
+my $caBundle = $ENV{"CURL_CA_BUNDLE"} // $ENV{"OPENSSL_X509_CERT_FILE"};
+my $userName = getpwuid($<) || $ENV{"USER"} or die "cannot figure out user name";
+my $requireSignedBinaryCaches = ($Nix::Config::config{"signed-binary-caches"} // "0") ne "0";
+my $curlConnectTimeout = int(
+    $Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-connect-timeout"} //
+    $Nix::Config::config{"connect-timeout"} //
+sub addRequest {
+    my ($storePath, $url, $head) = @_;
+    my $curl = WWW::Curl::Easy->new;
+    my $curlId = $curlIdCount++;
+    $requests{$curlId} = { storePath => $storePath, url => $url, handle => $curl, content => "", type => $head ? "HEAD" : "GET"
+                         , shown => 0, started => time() };
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_PRIVATE, $curlId);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_URL, $url);
+    open (my $fh, ">", \$requests{$curlId}->{content});
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, $fh);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CAINFO, $caBundle) if defined $caBundle;
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "Nix/$Nix::Config::version");
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1) if $head;
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_FAILONERROR, 1);
+    $curl->setopt(CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $curlConnectTimeout);
+    if ($activeRequests >= $maxParallelRequests) {
+        $scheduled{$curlId} = 1;
+    } else {
+        $curlm->add_handle($curl);
+        $activeRequests++;
+    }
+    return $requests{$curlId};
+sub processRequests {
+    while ($activeRequests) {
+        my ($rfds, $wfds, $efds) = $curlm->fdset();
+        #print STDERR "R = @{$rfds}, W = @{$wfds}, E = @{$efds}\n";
+        # Sleep until we can read or write some data.
+        if (scalar @{$rfds} + scalar @{$wfds} + scalar @{$efds} > 0) {
+            IO::Select->select(IO::Select->new(@{$rfds}), IO::Select->new(@{$wfds}), IO::Select->new(@{$efds}), 1.0);
+        }
+        if ($curlm->perform() != $activeRequests) {
+            while (my ($id, $result) = $curlm->info_read) {
+                if ($id) {
+                    my $request = $requests{$id} or die;
+                    my $handle = $request->{handle};
+                    $request->{result} = $result;
+                    $request->{httpStatus} = $handle->getinfo(CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
+                    print STDERR "$request->{type} on $request->{url} [$request->{result}, $request->{httpStatus}]\n" if $debug;
+                    $activeRequests--;
+                    delete $request->{handle};
+                    if (scalar(keys %scheduled) > 0) {
+                        my $id2 = (keys %scheduled)[0];
+                        $curlm->add_handle($requests{$id2}->{handle});
+                        $activeRequests++;
+                        delete $scheduled{$id2};
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        my $time = time();
+        while (my ($key, $request) = each %requests) {
+            next unless defined $request->{handle};
+            next if $request->{shown};
+            if ($time > $request->{started} + $showAfter) {
+                print STDERR "still waiting for ‘$request->{url}’ after $showAfter seconds...\n";
+                $request->{shown} = 1;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+sub initCache {
+    my $dbPath = "$Nix::Config::stateDir/binary-cache-v3.sqlite";
+    unlink "$Nix::Config::stateDir/binary-cache-v1.sqlite";
+    unlink "$Nix::Config::stateDir/binary-cache-v2.sqlite";
+    # Open/create the database.
+    $dbh = DBI->connect("dbi:SQLite:dbname=$dbPath", "", "")
+        or die "cannot open database `$dbPath'";
+    $dbh->{RaiseError} = 1;
+    $dbh->{PrintError} = 0;
+    $dbh->sqlite_busy_timeout(60 * 60 * 1000);
+    $dbh->do("pragma synchronous = off"); # we can always reproduce the cache
+    $dbh->do("pragma journal_mode = truncate");
+    # Initialise the database schema, if necessary.
+    $dbh->do(<<EOF);
+        create table if not exists BinaryCaches (
+            id        integer primary key autoincrement not null,
+            url       text unique not null,
+            timestamp integer not null,
+            storeDir  text not null,
+            wantMassQuery integer not null,
+            priority  integer not null
+        );
+    $dbh->do(<<EOF);
+        create table if not exists NARs (
+            cache            integer not null,
+            storePath        text not null,
+            url              text not null,
+            compression      text not null,
+            fileHash         text,
+            fileSize         integer,
+            narHash          text,
+            narSize          integer,
+            refs             text,
+            deriver          text,
+            signedBy         text,
+            timestamp        integer not null,
+            primary key (cache, storePath),
+            foreign key (cache) references BinaryCaches(id) on delete cascade
+        );
+    $dbh->do(<<EOF);
+        create table if not exists NARExistence (
+            cache            integer not null,
+            storePath        text not null,
+            exist            integer not null,
+            timestamp        integer not null,
+            primary key (cache, storePath),
+            foreign key (cache) references BinaryCaches(id) on delete cascade
+        );
+    $dbh->do("create index if not exists NARExistenceByExistTimestamp on NARExistence (exist, timestamp)");
+    $queryCache = $dbh->prepare("select id, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority from BinaryCaches where url = ?") or die;
+    $insertNAR = $dbh->prepare(
+        "insert or replace into NARs(cache, storePath, url, compression, fileHash, fileSize, narHash, " .
+        "narSize, refs, deriver, signedBy, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)") or die;
+    $queryNAR = $dbh->prepare("select * from NARs where cache = ? and storePath = ?") or die;
+    $insertNARExistence = $dbh->prepare(
+        "insert or replace into NARExistence(cache, storePath, exist, timestamp) values (?, ?, ?, ?)") or die;
+    $queryNARExistence = $dbh->prepare("select exist, timestamp from NARExistence where cache = ? and storePath = ?") or die;
+    $expireNARExistence = $dbh->prepare("delete from NARExistence where exist = ? and timestamp < ?") or die;
+sub getAvailableCaches {
+    return if $gotCaches;
+    $gotCaches = 1;
+    sub strToList {
+        my ($s) = @_;
+        return map { s/\/+$//; $_ } split(/ /, $s);
+    }
+    my @urls = strToList($Nix::Config::config{"binary-caches"} //
+        ($Nix::Config::storeDir eq "/nix/store" ? "http://cache.nixos.org" : ""));
+    my $urlsFiles = $Nix::Config::config{"binary-cache-files"}
+        // "$Nix::Config::stateDir/profiles/per-user/$userName/channels/binary-caches/*";
+    foreach my $urlFile (glob $urlsFiles) {
+        next unless -f $urlFile;
+        open FILE, "<$urlFile" or die "cannot open ‘$urlFile’\n";
+        my $url = <FILE>; chomp $url;
+        close FILE;
+        push @urls, strToList($url);
+    }
+    push @urls, strToList($Nix::Config::config{"extra-binary-caches"} // "");
+    # Allow Nix daemon users to override the binary caches to a subset
+    # of those listed in the config file.  Note that ‘untrusted-*’
+    # denotes options passed by the client.
+    my @trustedUrls = uniq(@urls, strToList($Nix::Config::config{"trusted-binary-caches"} // ""));
+    if (defined $Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-binary-caches"}) {
+        my @untrustedUrls = strToList $Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-binary-caches"};
+        @urls = ();
+        foreach my $url (@untrustedUrls) {
+            die "binary cache ‘$url’ is not trusted (please add it to ‘trusted-binary-caches’ [@trustedUrls] in $Nix::Config::confDir/nix.conf)\n"
+                unless scalar(grep { $url eq $_ } @trustedUrls) > 0;
+            push @urls, $url;
+        }
+    }
+    my @untrustedUrls = strToList $Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-extra-binary-caches"} // "";
+    foreach my $url (@untrustedUrls) {
+        next unless scalar(grep { $url eq $_ } @trustedUrls) > 0;
+        push @urls, $url;
+    }
+    foreach my $url (uniq @urls) {
+        # FIXME: not atomic.
+        $queryCache->execute($url);
+        my $res = $queryCache->fetchrow_hashref();
+        if (defined $res) {
+            next if $res->{storeDir} ne $Nix::Config::storeDir;
+            push @caches, { id => $res->{id}, url => $url, wantMassQuery => $res->{wantMassQuery}, priority => $res->{priority} };
+            next;
+        }
+        # Get the cache info file.
+        my $request = addRequest(undef, $url . "/nix-cache-info");
+        processRequests;
+        if ($request->{result} != 0) {
+            print STDERR "could not download ‘$request->{url}’ (" .
+                ($request->{result} != 0 ? "Curl error $request->{result}" : "HTTP status $request->{httpStatus}") . ")\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        my $storeDir = "/nix/store";
+        my $wantMassQuery = 0;
+        my $priority = 50;
+        foreach my $line (split "\n", $request->{content}) {
+            unless ($line =~ /^(.*): (.*)$/) {
+                print STDERR "bad cache info file ‘$request->{url}’\n";
+                return undef;
+            }
+            if ($1 eq "StoreDir") { $storeDir = $2; }
+            elsif ($1 eq "WantMassQuery") { $wantMassQuery = int($2); }
+            elsif ($1 eq "Priority") { $priority = int($2); }
+        }
+        $dbh->do("insert or replace into BinaryCaches(url, timestamp, storeDir, wantMassQuery, priority) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)",
+                 {}, $url, time(), $storeDir, $wantMassQuery, $priority);
+        $queryCache->execute($url);
+        $res = $queryCache->fetchrow_hashref() or die;
+        next if $storeDir ne $Nix::Config::storeDir;
+        push @caches, { id => $res->{id}, url => $url, wantMassQuery => $wantMassQuery, priority => $priority };
+    }
+    @caches = sort { $a->{priority} <=> $b->{priority} } @caches;
+    expireNegative();
+sub shouldCache {
+    my ($url) = @_;
+    return $cacheFileURLs || $url !~ /^file:/;
+sub processNARInfo {
+    my ($storePath, $cache, $request) = @_;
+    if ($request->{result} != 0) {
+        if ($request->{result} != 37 && $request->{httpStatus} != 404 && $request->{httpStatus} != 403) {
+            print STDERR "could not download ‘$request->{url}’ (" .
+                ($request->{result} != 0 ? "Curl error $request->{result}" : "HTTP status $request->{httpStatus}") . ")\n";
+        } else {
+            $insertNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath), 0, time())
+                if shouldCache $request->{url};
+        }
+        return undef;
+    }
+    my $narInfo = parseNARInfo($storePath, $request->{content}, $requireSignedBinaryCaches, $request->{url});
+    return undef unless defined $narInfo;
+    die if $requireSignedBinaryCaches && !defined $narInfo->{signedBy};
+    # Cache the result.
+    $insertNAR->execute(
+        $cache->{id}, basename($storePath), $narInfo->{url}, $narInfo->{compression},
+        $narInfo->{fileHash}, $narInfo->{fileSize}, $narInfo->{narHash}, $narInfo->{narSize},
+        join(" ", @{$narInfo->{refs}}), $narInfo->{deriver}, $narInfo->{signedBy}, time())
+        if shouldCache $request->{url};
+    return $narInfo;
+sub getCachedInfoFrom {
+    my ($storePath, $cache) = @_;
+    $queryNAR->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath));
+    my $res = $queryNAR->fetchrow_hashref();
+    return undef unless defined $res;
+    # We may previously have cached this info when signature checking
+    # was disabled.  In that case, ignore the cached info.
+    return undef if $requireSignedBinaryCaches && !defined $res->{signedBy};
+    return
+        { url => $res->{url}
+        , compression => $res->{compression}
+        , fileHash => $res->{fileHash}
+        , fileSize => $res->{fileSize}
+        , narHash => $res->{narHash}
+        , narSize => $res->{narSize}
+        , refs => [ split " ", $res->{refs} ]
+        , deriver => $res->{deriver}
+        , signedBy => $res->{signedBy}
+        } if defined $res;
+sub negativeHit {
+    my ($storePath, $cache) = @_;
+    $queryNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath));
+    my $res = $queryNARExistence->fetchrow_hashref();
+    return defined $res && $res->{exist} == 0 && time() - $res->{timestamp} < $ttlNegativeUse;
+sub positiveHit {
+    my ($storePath, $cache) = @_;
+    return 1 if defined getCachedInfoFrom($storePath, $cache);
+    $queryNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($storePath));
+    my $res = $queryNARExistence->fetchrow_hashref();
+    return defined $res && $res->{exist} == 1;
+sub expireNegative {
+    return if $didExpiration;
+    $didExpiration = 1;
+    my $time = time();
+    # Round up to the next multiple of the TTL to ensure that we do
+    # expiration only once per time interval.  E.g. if $ttlNegative ==
+    # 3600, we expire entries at most once per hour.  This is
+    # presumably faster than expiring a few entries per request (and
+    # thus doing a transaction).
+    my $limit = (int($time / $ttlNegative) - 1) * $ttlNegative;
+    $expireNARExistence->execute($limit, 0);
+    print STDERR "expired ", $expireNARExistence->rows, " negative entries\n" if $debug;
+sub printInfo {
+    my ($storePath, $info) = @_;
+    print "$storePath\n";
+    print $info->{deriver} ? "$Nix::Config::storeDir/$info->{deriver}" : "", "\n";
+    print scalar @{$info->{refs}}, "\n";
+    print "$Nix::Config::storeDir/$_\n" foreach @{$info->{refs}};
+    print $info->{fileSize} || 0, "\n";
+    print $info->{narSize} || 0, "\n";
+sub infoUrl {
+    my ($binaryCacheUrl, $storePath) = @_;
+    my $pathHash = substr(basename($storePath), 0, 32);
+    my $infoUrl = "$binaryCacheUrl/$pathHash.narinfo";
+sub printInfoParallel {
+    my @paths = @_;
+    # First print all paths for which we have cached info.
+    my @left;
+    foreach my $storePath (@paths) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+            my $info = getCachedInfoFrom($storePath, $cache);
+            if (defined $info) {
+                printInfo($storePath, $info);
+                $found = 1;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        push @left, $storePath if !$found;
+    }
+    return if scalar @left == 0;
+    foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+        my @left2;
+        %requests = ();
+        foreach my $storePath (@left) {
+            if (negativeHit($storePath, $cache)) {
+                push @left2, $storePath;
+                next;
+            }
+            addRequest($storePath, infoUrl($cache->{url}, $storePath));
+        }
+        processRequests;
+        foreach my $request (values %requests) {
+            my $info = processNARInfo($request->{storePath}, $cache, $request);
+            if (defined $info) {
+                printInfo($request->{storePath}, $info);
+            } else {
+                push @left2, $request->{storePath};
+            }
+        }
+        @left = @left2;
+    }
+sub printSubstitutablePaths {
+    my @paths = @_;
+    # First look for paths that have cached info.
+    my @left;
+    foreach my $storePath (@paths) {
+        my $found = 0;
+        foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+            next unless $cache->{wantMassQuery};
+            if (positiveHit($storePath, $cache)) {
+                print "$storePath\n";
+                $found = 1;
+                last;
+            }
+        }
+        push @left, $storePath if !$found;
+    }
+    return if scalar @left == 0;
+    # For remaining paths, do HEAD requests.
+    foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+        next unless $cache->{wantMassQuery};
+        my @left2;
+        %requests = ();
+        foreach my $storePath (@left) {
+            if (negativeHit($storePath, $cache)) {
+                push @left2, $storePath;
+                next;
+            }
+            addRequest($storePath, infoUrl($cache->{url}, $storePath), 1);
+        }
+        processRequests;
+        foreach my $request (values %requests) {
+            if ($request->{result} != 0) {
+                if ($request->{result} != 37 && $request->{httpStatus} != 404 && $request->{httpStatus} != 403) {
+                    print STDERR "could not check ‘$request->{url}’ (" .
+                        ($request->{result} != 0 ? "Curl error $request->{result}" : "HTTP status $request->{httpStatus}") . ")\n";
+                } else {
+                    $insertNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($request->{storePath}), 0, time())
+                        if shouldCache $request->{url};
+                }
+                push @left2, $request->{storePath};
+            } else {
+                $insertNARExistence->execute($cache->{id}, basename($request->{storePath}), 1, time())
+                    if shouldCache $request->{url};
+                print "$request->{storePath}\n";
+            }
+        }
+        @left = @left2;
+    }
+sub downloadBinary {
+    my ($storePath, $destPath) = @_;
+    foreach my $cache (@caches) {
+        my $info = getCachedInfoFrom($storePath, $cache);
+        unless (defined $info) {
+            next if negativeHit($storePath, $cache);
+            my $request = addRequest($storePath, infoUrl($cache->{url}, $storePath));
+            processRequests;
+            $info = processNARInfo($storePath, $cache, $request);
+        }
+        next unless defined $info;
+        my $decompressor;
+        if ($info->{compression} eq "bzip2") { $decompressor = "| $Nix::Config::bzip2 -d"; }
+        elsif ($info->{compression} eq "xz") { $decompressor = "| $Nix::Config::xz -d"; }
+        elsif ($info->{compression} eq "none") { $decompressor = ""; }
+        else {
+            print STDERR "unknown compression method ‘$info->{compression}’\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        my $url = "$cache->{url}/$info->{url}"; # FIXME: handle non-relative URLs
+        die if $requireSignedBinaryCaches && !defined $info->{signedBy};
+        print STDERR "\n*** Downloading ‘$url’ ", ($requireSignedBinaryCaches ? "(signed by ‘$info->{signedBy}’) " : ""), "to ‘$storePath’...\n";
+        checkURL $url;
+        if (system("$Nix::Config::curl --fail --location --insecure --connect-timeout $curlConnectTimeout '$url' $decompressor | $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore $destPath") != 0) {
+            warn "download of `$url' failed" . ($! ? ": $!" : "") . "\n";
+            next;
+        }
+        # Tell Nix about the expected hash so it can verify it.
+        die unless defined $info->{narHash} && $info->{narHash} ne "";
+        print "$info->{narHash}\n";
+        print STDERR "\n";
+        return;
+    }
+    print STDERR "could not download ‘$storePath’ from any binary cache\n";
+    exit 1;
+# Bail out right away if binary caches are disabled.
+exit 0 if
+    ($Nix::Config::config{"use-binary-caches"} // "true") eq "false" ||
+    ($Nix::Config::config{"untrusted-use-binary-caches"} // "true") eq "false";
+print "\n";
+flush STDOUT;
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {
+    while (<STDIN>) {
+        getAvailableCaches;
+        chomp;
+        my ($cmd, @args) = split " ", $_;
+        if ($cmd eq "have") {
+            print STDERR "checking binary caches for existence of @args\n" if $debug;
+            printSubstitutablePaths(@args);
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
+            print STDERR "checking binary caches for info on @args\n" if $debug;
+            printInfoParallel(@args);
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }
+        flush STDOUT;
+    }
+elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--substitute") {
+    my $storePath = $ARGV[1] or die;
+    my $destPath = $ARGV[2] or die;
+    getAvailableCaches;
+    downloadBinary($storePath, $destPath);
+else {
+    die;
diff --git a/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in b/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..b670163038e1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/download-using-manifests.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Manifest;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Utils;
+use POSIX qw(strftime);
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+my $logFile = "$Nix::Config::logDir/downloads";
+# For queries, skip expensive calls to nix-hash etc.  We're just
+# estimating the expected download size.
+my $fast = 1;
+# ‘--insecure’ is fine because Nix verifies the hash of the result.
+my $curl = "$Nix::Config::curl --fail --location --insecure";
+# Open the manifest cache and update it if necessary.
+my $dbh = updateManifestDB();
+exit 0 unless defined $dbh; # exit if there are no manifests
+print "\n";
+# $hashCache->{$algo}->{$path} yields the $algo-hash of $path.
+my $hashCache;
+sub parseHash {
+    my $hash = shift;
+    if ($hash =~ /^(.+):(.+)$/) {
+        return ($1, $2);
+    } else {
+        return ("md5", $hash);
+    }
+# Compute the most efficient sequence of downloads to produce the
+# given path.
+sub computeSmallestDownload {
+    my $targetPath = shift;
+    # Build a graph of all store paths that might contribute to the
+    # construction of $targetPath, and the special node "start".  The
+    # edges are either patch operations, or downloads of full NAR
+    # files.  The latter edges only occur between "start" and a store
+    # path.
+    my %graph;
+    $graph{"start"} = {d => 0, pred => undef, edges => []};
+    my @queue = ();
+    my $queueFront = 0;
+    my %done;
+    sub addNode {
+        my $graph = shift;
+        my $u = shift;
+        $$graph{$u} = {d => 999999999999, pred => undef, edges => []}
+            unless defined $$graph{$u};
+    }
+    sub addEdge {
+        my $graph = shift;
+        my $u = shift;
+        my $v = shift;
+        my $w = shift;
+        my $type = shift;
+        my $info = shift;
+        addNode $graph, $u;
+        push @{$$graph{$u}->{edges}},
+            {weight => $w, start => $u, end => $v, type => $type, info => $info};
+        my $n = scalar @{$$graph{$u}->{edges}};
+    }
+    push @queue, $targetPath;
+    while ($queueFront < scalar @queue) {
+        my $u = $queue[$queueFront++];
+        next if defined $done{$u};
+        $done{$u} = 1;
+        addNode \%graph, $u;
+        # If the path already exists, it has distance 0 from the
+        # "start" node.
+        if (isValidPath($u)) {
+            addEdge \%graph, "start", $u, 0, "present", undef;
+        }
+        else {
+            # Add patch edges.
+            my $patchList = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+                "select * from Patches where storePath = ?",
+                { Slice => {} }, $u);
+            foreach my $patch (@{$patchList}) {
+                if (isValidPath($patch->{basePath})) {
+                    my ($baseHashAlgo, $baseHash) = parseHash $patch->{baseHash};
+                    my $hash = $hashCache->{$baseHashAlgo}->{$patch->{basePath}};
+                    if (!defined $hash) {
+                        $hash = $fast && $baseHashAlgo eq "sha256"
+                            ? queryPathHash($patch->{basePath})
+                            : hashPath($baseHashAlgo, $baseHashAlgo ne "md5", $patch->{basePath});
+                        $hash =~ s/.*://;
+                        $hashCache->{$baseHashAlgo}->{$patch->{basePath}} = $hash;
+                    }
+                    next if $hash ne $baseHash;
+                }
+                push @queue, $patch->{basePath};
+                addEdge \%graph, $patch->{basePath}, $u, $patch->{size}, "patch", $patch;
+            }
+            # Add NAR file edges to the start node.
+            my $narFileList = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+                "select * from NARs where storePath = ?",
+                { Slice => {} }, $u);
+            foreach my $narFile (@{$narFileList}) {
+                # !!! how to handle files whose size is not known in advance?
+                # For now, assume some arbitrary size (1 GB).
+                # This has the side-effect of preferring non-Hydra downloads.
+                addEdge \%graph, "start", $u, ($narFile->{size} || 1000000000), "narfile", $narFile;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Run Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm to determine the shortest
+    # sequence of download and/or patch actions that will produce
+    # $targetPath.
+    my @todo = keys %graph;
+    while (scalar @todo > 0) {
+        # Remove the closest element from the todo list.
+        # !!! inefficient, use a priority queue
+        @todo = sort { -($graph{$a}->{d} <=> $graph{$b}->{d}) } @todo;
+        my $u = pop @todo;
+        my $u_ = $graph{$u};
+        foreach my $edge (@{$u_->{edges}}) {
+            my $v_ = $graph{$edge->{end}};
+            if ($v_->{d} > $u_->{d} + $edge->{weight}) {
+                $v_->{d} = $u_->{d} + $edge->{weight};
+                # Store the edge; to edge->start is actually the
+                # predecessor.
+                $v_->{pred} = $edge;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    # Retrieve the shortest path from "start" to $targetPath.
+    my @path = ();
+    my $cur = $targetPath;
+    return () unless defined $graph{$targetPath}->{pred};
+    while ($cur ne "start") {
+        push @path, $graph{$cur}->{pred};
+        $cur = $graph{$cur}->{pred}->{start};
+    }
+    return @path;
+# Parse the arguments.
+if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query") {
+    while (<STDIN>) {
+        chomp;
+        my ($cmd, @args) = split " ", $_;
+        if ($cmd eq "have") {
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                print "$storePath\n" if scalar @{$dbh->selectcol_arrayref("select 1 from NARs where storePath = ?", {}, $storePath)} > 0;
+            }
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        elsif ($cmd eq "info") {
+            foreach my $storePath (@args) {
+                my $infos = $dbh->selectall_arrayref(
+                    "select * from NARs where storePath = ?",
+                    { Slice => {} }, $storePath);
+                next unless scalar @{$infos} > 0;
+                my $info = @{$infos}[0];
+                print "$storePath\n";
+                print "$info->{deriver}\n";
+                my @references = split " ", $info->{refs};
+                print scalar @references, "\n";
+                print "$_\n" foreach @references;
+                my @path = computeSmallestDownload $storePath;
+                my $downloadSize = 0;
+                while (scalar @path > 0) {
+                    my $edge = pop @path;
+                    my $u = $edge->{start};
+                    my $v = $edge->{end};
+                    if ($edge->{type} eq "patch") {
+                        $downloadSize += $edge->{info}->{size} || 0;
+                    }
+                    elsif ($edge->{type} eq "narfile") {
+                        $downloadSize += $edge->{info}->{size} || 0;
+                    }
+                }
+                print "$downloadSize\n";
+                my $narSize = $info->{narSize} || 0;
+                print "$narSize\n";
+            }
+            print "\n";
+        }
+        else { die "unknown command `$cmd'"; }
+    }
+    exit 0;
+elsif ($ARGV[0] ne "--substitute") {
+    die;
+die unless scalar @ARGV == 3;
+my $targetPath = $ARGV[1];
+my $destPath = $ARGV[2];
+$fast = 0;
+# Create a temporary directory.
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-download.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+my $tmpNar = "$tmpDir/nar";
+my $tmpNar2 = "$tmpDir/nar2";
+open LOGFILE, ">>$logFile" or die "cannot open log file $logFile";
+my $date = strftime ("%F %H:%M:%S UTC", gmtime (time));
+print LOGFILE "$$ get $targetPath $date\n";
+print STDERR "\n*** Trying to download/patch `$targetPath'\n";
+# Compute the shortest path.
+my @path = computeSmallestDownload $targetPath;
+die "don't know how to produce $targetPath\n" if scalar @path == 0;
+# We don't need the manifest anymore, so close it as an optimisation:
+# if we still have SQLite locks blocking other processes (we
+# shouldn't), this gets rid of them.
+# Traverse the shortest path, perform the actions described by the
+# edges.
+my $curStep = 1;
+my $maxStep = scalar @path;
+my $finalNarHash;
+while (scalar @path > 0) {
+    my $edge = pop @path;
+    my $u = $edge->{start};
+    my $v = $edge->{end};
+    print STDERR "\n*** Step $curStep/$maxStep: ";
+    if ($edge->{type} eq "present") {
+        print STDERR "using already present path `$v'\n";
+        print LOGFILE "$$ present $v\n";
+        if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
+            # Since this is not the last step, the path will be used
+            # as a base to one or more patches.  So turn the base path
+            # into a NAR archive, to which we can apply the patch.
+            print STDERR "  packing base path...\n";
+            system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --dump $v > $tmpNar") == 0
+                or die "cannot dump `$v'";
+        }
+    }
+    elsif ($edge->{type} eq "patch") {
+        my $patch = $edge->{info};
+        print STDERR "applying patch `$patch->{url}' to `$u' to create `$v'\n";
+        print LOGFILE "$$ patch $patch->{url} $patch->{size} $patch->{baseHash} $u $v\n";
+        # Download the patch.
+        print STDERR "  downloading patch...\n";
+        my $patchPath = "$tmpDir/patch";
+        checkURL $patch->{url};
+        system("$curl '$patch->{url}' -o $patchPath") == 0
+            or die "cannot download patch `$patch->{url}'\n";
+        # Apply the patch to the NAR archive produced in step 1 (for
+        # the already present path) or a later step (for patch sequences).
+        print STDERR "  applying patch...\n";
+        system("$Nix::Config::libexecDir/nix/bspatch $tmpNar $tmpNar2 $patchPath") == 0
+            or die "cannot apply patch `$patchPath' to $tmpNar\n";
+        if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
+            # The archive will be used as the base of the next patch.
+            rename "$tmpNar2", "$tmpNar" or die "cannot rename NAR archive: $!";
+        } else {
+            # This was the last patch.  Unpack the final NAR archive
+            # into the target path.
+            print STDERR "  unpacking patched archive...\n";
+            system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore $destPath < $tmpNar2") == 0
+                or die "cannot unpack $tmpNar2 to `$v'\n";
+        }
+        $finalNarHash = $patch->{narHash};
+    }
+    elsif ($edge->{type} eq "narfile") {
+        my $narFile = $edge->{info};
+        print STDERR "downloading `$narFile->{url}' to `$v'\n";
+        my $size = $narFile->{size} || -1;
+        print LOGFILE "$$ narfile $narFile->{url} $size $v\n";
+        checkURL $narFile->{url};
+        my $decompressor =
+            $narFile->{compressionType} eq "bzip2" ? "| $Nix::Config::bzip2 -d" :
+            $narFile->{compressionType} eq "xz" ? "| $Nix::Config::xz -d" :
+            $narFile->{compressionType} eq "none" ? "" :
+            die "unknown compression type `$narFile->{compressionType}'";
+        if ($curStep < $maxStep) {
+            # The archive will be used a base to a patch.
+            system("$curl '$narFile->{url}' $decompressor > $tmpNar") == 0
+                or die "cannot download and unpack `$narFile->{url}' to `$v'\n";
+        } else {
+            # Unpack the archive to the target path.
+            system("$curl '$narFile->{url}' $decompressor | $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --restore '$destPath'") == 0
+                or die "cannot download and unpack `$narFile->{url}' to `$v'\n";
+        }
+        $finalNarHash = $narFile->{narHash};
+    }
+    $curStep++;
+# Tell Nix about the expected hash so it can verify it.
+die "cannot check integrity of the downloaded path since its hash is not known\n"
+    unless defined $finalNarHash;
+print "$finalNarHash\n";
+print STDERR "\n";
+print LOGFILE "$$ success\n";
+close LOGFILE;
diff --git a/scripts/find-runtime-roots.pl.in b/scripts/find-runtime-roots.pl.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e1a2dde556b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/find-runtime-roots.pl.in
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use Nix::Utils;
+use Nix::Config;
+sub readProc {
+    return unless -d "/proc";
+    opendir DIR, "/proc" or return;
+    foreach my $name (readdir DIR) {
+        next unless $name =~ /^\d+$/;
+        my $process = "/proc/$name";
+        #print STDERR "=== $process\n";
+        my $target;
+        print "$target\n" if $target = readlink "$process/exe";
+        print "$target\n" if $target = readlink "$process/cwd";
+        if (opendir FDS, "$process/fd") {
+            foreach my $name (readdir FDS) {
+                $target = readlink "$process/fd/$name";
+                print "$target\n" if $target && substr($target, 0, 1) eq "/";
+            }
+            closedir FDS;
+        }
+        if (open MAP, "<$process/maps") {
+            while (<MAP>) {
+                next unless /^ \s* \S+ \s+ \S+ \s+ \S+ \s+ \S+ \s+ \S+ \s+ (\/\S+) \s* $/x;
+                print "$1\n";
+            }
+            close MAP;
+        }
+        # Get all store paths that appear in the environment of this process.
+        eval {
+            my $env = Nix::Utils::readFile "$process/environ";
+            my @matches = $env =~ /\Q$Nix::Config::storeDir\E\/[0-9a-z]+[0-9a-zA-Z\+\-\._\?=]*/g;
+            print "$_\n" foreach @matches;
+        }
+    }
+    closedir DIR;
+sub lsof {
+    return unless open LSOF, "lsof -n -w -F n 2> /dev/null |";
+    while (<LSOF>) {
+        next unless /^n (\/ .*)$/x;
+        print $1, "\n";
+    }
+    close LSOF;
+sub printFile {
+    my ($fn) = @_;
+    if (-e $fn) {
+        print Nix::Utils::readFile($fn), "\n";
+    }
+# This is rather NixOS-specific, so it probably shouldn't be here.
+printFile "/proc/sys/kernel/modprobe";
+printFile "/proc/sys/kernel/fbsplash";
+printFile "/proc/sys/kernel/poweroff_cmd";
diff --git a/scripts/install-nix-from-closure.sh b/scripts/install-nix-from-closure.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..33ceeb37e26c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/install-nix-from-closure.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env bash
+set -e
+self="$(dirname "$0")"
+if ! [ -e $self/.reginfo ]; then
+    echo "$0: incomplete installer (.reginfo is missing)" >&2
+    exit 1
+if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
+    echo "$0: \$USER is not set" >&2
+    exit 1
+if [ "$(id -u)" -eq 0 ]; then
+    echo "warning: installing Nix as root is not recommended" >&2
+    exit 1
+echo "performing a single-user installation of Nix..." >&2
+if ! [ -e $dest ]; then
+    cmd="mkdir -m 0755 $dest && chown $USER $dest"
+    echo "directory $dest does not exist; creating it by running \`$cmd' using sudo" >&2
+    if ! sudo sh -c "$cmd"; then
+        echo "$0: please manually run \`$cmd' as root to create $dest" >&2
+        exit 1
+    fi
+if ! [ -w $dest ]; then
+    echo "$0: directory $dest exists, but is not writable by you; please run \`chown -R $USER $dest' as root" >&2
+    exit 1
+mkdir -p $dest/store
+echo -n "copying Nix to $dest/store..." >&2
+for i in $(cd $self/store && echo *); do
+    echo -n "." >&2
+    i_tmp="$dest/store/$i.$$"
+    if [ -e "$i_tmp" ]; then
+        rm -rf "$i_tmp"
+    fi
+    if ! [ -e "$dest/store/$i" ]; then
+        cp -Rp "$self/store/$i" "$i_tmp"
+        mv "$i_tmp" "$dest/store/$i"
+    fi
+echo "" >&2
+echo "initialising Nix database..." >&2
+if ! $nix/bin/nix-store --init; then
+    echo "$0: failed to initialize the Nix database" >&2
+    exit 1
+if ! $nix/bin/nix-store --load-db < $self/.reginfo; then
+    echo "$0: unable to register valid paths" >&2
+    exit 1
+. $nix/etc/profile.d/nix.sh
+if ! $nix/bin/nix-env -i $nix; then
+    echo "$0: unable to install Nix into your default profile" >&2
+    exit 1
+# Subscribe the user to the Nixpkgs channel and fetch it.
+if ! $nix/bin/nix-channel --list | grep -q "^nixpkgs "; then
+    $nix/bin/nix-channel --add http://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable
+$nix/bin/nix-channel --update nixpkgs
+# Make the shell source nix.sh during login.
+for i in .bash_profile .bash_login .profile; do
+    fn="$HOME/$i"
+    if [ -e "$fn" ]; then
+        if ! grep -q "$p" "$fn"; then
+            echo "modifying $fn..." >&2
+            echo "if [ -e $p ]; then . $p; fi # added by Nix installer" >> $fn
+        fi
+        added=1
+        break
+    fi
+if [ -z "$added" ]; then
+    cat >&2 <<EOF
+Installation finished!  To ensure that the necessary environment
+variables are set, please add the line
+  . $p
+to your shell profile (e.g. ~/.profile).
+    cat >&2 <<EOF
+Installation finished!  To ensure that the necessary environment
+variables are set, either log in again, or type
+  . $p
+in your shell.
diff --git a/scripts/local.mk b/scripts/local.mk
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f4c5e8097de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/local.mk
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+nix_bin_scripts := \
+  $(d)/nix-build \
+  $(d)/nix-channel \
+  $(d)/nix-collect-garbage \
+  $(d)/nix-copy-closure \
+  $(d)/nix-generate-patches \
+  $(d)/nix-install-package \
+  $(d)/nix-prefetch-url \
+  $(d)/nix-pull \
+  $(d)/nix-push
+bin-scripts += $(nix_bin_scripts)
+nix_substituters := \
+  $(d)/copy-from-other-stores.pl \
+  $(d)/download-from-binary-cache.pl \
+  $(d)/download-using-manifests.pl
+nix_noinst_scripts := \
+  $(d)/build-remote.pl \
+  $(d)/find-runtime-roots.pl \
+  $(d)/nix-http-export.cgi \
+  $(d)/nix-profile.sh \
+  $(d)/nix-reduce-build \
+  $(nix_substituters)
+noinst-scripts += $(nix_noinst_scripts)
+profiledir = $(sysconfdir)/profile.d
+$(eval $(call install-file-as, $(d)/nix-profile.sh, $(profiledir)/nix.sh, 0644))
+$(eval $(call install-program-in, $(d)/find-runtime-roots.pl, $(libexecdir)/nix))
+$(eval $(call install-program-in, $(d)/build-remote.pl, $(libexecdir)/nix))
+$(foreach prog, $(nix_substituters), $(eval $(call install-program-in, $(prog), $(libexecdir)/nix/substituters)))
+$(eval $(call install-symlink, nix-build, $(bindir)/nix-shell))
+clean-files += $(nix_bin_scripts) $(nix_noinst_scripts)
diff --git a/scripts/nix-build.in b/scripts/nix-build.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..187371d6e192
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-build.in
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Utils;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+my $dryRun = 0;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $runEnv = $0 =~ /nix-shell$/;
+my $pure = 0;
+my $fromArgs = 0;
+my $packages = 0;
+my @instArgs = ();
+my @buildArgs = ();
+my @exprs = ();
+my $shell = $ENV{SHELL} || "/bin/sh";
+my $envCommand = ""; # interactive shell
+my @envExclude = ();
+my $myName = $runEnv ? "nix-shell" : "nix-build";
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("$myName.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+my $outLink = "./result";
+my $drvLink = "$tmpDir/derivation";
+# Ensure that the $tmpDir is deleted.
+$SIG{'INT'} = sub { exit 1 };
+for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @ARGV; $n++) {
+    my $arg = $ARGV[$n];
+    if ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man $myName" or die;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--version") {
+        print "$myName (Nix) $Nix::Config::version\n";
+        exit 0;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--add-drv-link") {
+        $drvLink = "./derivation";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--no-out-link" || $arg eq "--no-link") {
+        $outLink = "$tmpDir/result";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--drv-link") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $drvLink = $ARGV[$n];
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--out-link" || $arg eq "-o") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $outLink = $ARGV[$n];
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--attr" || $arg eq "-A" || $arg eq "-I") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--arg" || $arg eq "--argstr") {
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires two arguments\n" unless $n + 2 < scalar @ARGV;
+        push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n + 1], $ARGV[$n + 2]);
+        $n += 2;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--log-type") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
+        push @buildArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--option") {
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires two arguments\n" unless $n + 2 < scalar @ARGV;
+        push @instArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n + 1], $ARGV[$n + 2]);
+        push @buildArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n + 1], $ARGV[$n + 2]);
+        $n += 2;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--max-jobs" || $arg eq "-j" || $arg eq "--max-silent-time" || $arg eq "--log-type" || $arg eq "--cores" || $arg eq "--timeout") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        push @buildArgs, ($arg, $ARGV[$n]);
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--dry-run") {
+        push @buildArgs, "--dry-run";
+        $dryRun = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--show-trace") {
+        push @instArgs, $arg;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "-") {
+        @exprs = ("-");
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--verbose" || substr($arg, 0, 2) eq "-v") {
+        push @buildArgs, $arg;
+        push @instArgs, $arg;
+        $verbose = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--quiet" || $arg eq "--repair") {
+        push @buildArgs, $arg;
+        push @instArgs, $arg;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--check") {
+        push @buildArgs, $arg;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--run-env") { # obsolete
+        $runEnv = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--command") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $envCommand = "$ARGV[$n]\nexit $!";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--exclude") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        push @envExclude, $ARGV[$n];
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--pure") { $pure = 1; }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--impure") { $pure = 0; }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--expr" || $arg eq "-E") {
+        $fromArgs = 1;
+        push @instArgs, "--expr";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--packages" || $arg eq "-p") {
+        $packages = 1;
+    }
+    elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
+        push @buildArgs, $arg;
+    }
+    else {
+        push @exprs, $arg;
+    }
+if ($packages) {
+    push @instArgs, "--expr";
+    @exprs = (
+        'with import <nixpkgs> { }; runCommand "shell" { buildInputs = [ '
+        . (join " ", map { "($_)" } @exprs) . ']; } ""');
+} elsif (!$fromArgs) {
+    @exprs = ("shell.nix") if scalar @exprs == 0 && $runEnv && -e "shell.nix";
+    @exprs = ("default.nix") if scalar @exprs == 0;
+$ENV{'IN_NIX_SHELL'} = 1 if $runEnv;
+foreach my $expr (@exprs) {
+    # Instantiate.
+    my @drvPaths;
+    if ($expr !~ /^\/.*\.drv$/) {
+        # !!! would prefer the perl 5.8.0 pipe open feature here.
+        my $pid = open(DRVPATHS, "-|") || exec "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-instantiate", "--add-root", $drvLink, "--indirect", @instArgs, $expr;
+        while (<DRVPATHS>) {chomp; push @drvPaths, $_;}
+        if (!close DRVPATHS) {
+            die "nix-instantiate killed by signal " . ($? & 127) . "\n" if ($? & 127);
+            exit 1;
+        }
+    } else {
+        push @drvPaths, $expr;
+    }
+    if ($runEnv) {
+        die "$0: a single derivation is required\n" if scalar @drvPaths != 1;
+        my $drvPath = $drvPaths[0];
+        $drvPath = (split '!',$drvPath)[0];
+        $drvPath = readlink $drvPath or die "cannot read symlink `$drvPath'" if -l $drvPath;
+        my $drv = derivationFromPath($drvPath);
+        # Build or fetch all dependencies of the derivation.
+        my @inputDrvs = grep { my $x = $_; (grep { $x =~ $_ } @envExclude) == 0 } @{$drv->{inputDrvs}};
+        system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store", "-r", "--no-output", "--no-gc-warning", @buildArgs, @inputDrvs, @{$drv->{inputSrcs}}) == 0
+            or die "$0: failed to build all dependencies\n";
+        # Set the environment.
+        if ($pure) {
+            foreach my $name (keys %ENV) {
+                next if grep { $_ eq $name } ("HOME", "USER", "LOGNAME", "DISPLAY", "PATH", "TERM", "IN_NIX_SHELL", "TZ");
+                delete $ENV{$name};
+            }
+            # NixOS hack: prevent /etc/bashrc from sourcing /etc/profile.
+            $ENV{'__ETC_PROFILE_SOURCED'} = 1;
+        }
+        $ENV{'NIX_BUILD_TOP'} = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} = $ENV{'TEMPDIR'} = $ENV{'TMP'} = $ENV{'TEMP'} = $ENV{'TMPDIR'} // "/tmp";
+        $ENV{'NIX_STORE'} = $Nix::Config::storeDir;
+        $ENV{$_} = $drv->{env}->{$_} foreach keys %{$drv->{env}};
+        # Run a shell using the derivation's environment.  For
+        # convenience, source $stdenv/setup to setup additional
+        # environment variables and shell functions.  Also don't lose
+        # the current $PATH directories.
+        my $rcfile = "$tmpDir/rc";
+        writeFile(
+            $rcfile,
+            "rm -rf '$tmpDir'; " .
+            'unset BASH_ENV; ' .
+            '[ -n "$PS1" ] && [ -e ~/.bashrc ] && source ~/.bashrc; ' .
+            ($pure ? '' : 'p=$PATH; ' ) .
+            'dontAddDisableDepTrack=1; ' .
+            '[ -e $stdenv/setup ] && source $stdenv/setup; ' .
+            'if [ "$(type -t runHook)" = function ]; then runHook shellHook; fi; ' .
+            ($pure ? '' : 'PATH=$PATH:$p; unset p; ') .
+            'set +e; ' .
+            '[ -n "$PS1" ] && PS1="\n\[\033[1;32m\][nix-shell:\w]$\[\033[0m\] "; ' .
+            'unset NIX_ENFORCE_PURITY; ' .
+            'unset NIX_INDENT_MAKE; ' .
+            'shopt -u nullglob; ' .
+            'unset TZ; ' . (defined $ENV{'TZ'} ? "export TZ='${ENV{'TZ'}}'; " : '') .
+            $envCommand);
+        $ENV{BASH_ENV} = $rcfile;
+        exec($ENV{NIX_BUILD_SHELL} // "bash", "--rcfile", $rcfile);
+        die;
+    }
+    # Ugly hackery to make "nix-build -A foo.all" produce symlinks
+    # ./result, ./result-dev, and so on, rather than ./result,
+    # ./result-2-dev, and so on.  This combines multiple derivation
+    # paths into one "/nix/store/drv-path!out1,out2,..." argument.
+    my $prevDrvPath = "";
+    my @drvPaths2;
+    foreach my $drvPath (@drvPaths) {
+        my $p = $drvPath; my $output = "out";
+        if ($drvPath =~ /(.*)!(.*)/) {
+            $p = $1; $output = $2;
+        } else {
+            $p = $drvPath;
+        }
+        my $target = readlink $p or die "cannot read symlink `$p'";
+        print STDERR "derivation is $target\n" if $verbose;
+        if ($target eq $prevDrvPath) {
+            push @drvPaths2, (pop @drvPaths2) . "," . $output;
+        } else {
+            push @drvPaths2, $target . "!" . $output;
+            $prevDrvPath = $target;
+        }
+    }
+    # Build.
+    my @outPaths;
+    my $pid = open(OUTPATHS, "-|") || exec "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store", "--add-root", $outLink, "--indirect", "-r",
+        @buildArgs, @drvPaths2;
+    while (<OUTPATHS>) {chomp; push @outPaths, $_;}
+    if (!close OUTPATHS) {
+        die "nix-store killed by signal " . ($? & 127) . "\n" if ($? & 127);
+        exit 1;
+    }
+    next if $dryRun;
+    foreach my $outPath (@outPaths) {
+        my $target = readlink $outPath or die "cannot read symlink `$outPath'";
+        print "$target\n";
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/nix-channel.in b/scripts/nix-channel.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..62292a87fd73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-channel.in
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Manifest;
+my $manifestDir = $Nix::Config::manifestDir;
+# Turn on caching in nix-prefetch-url.
+my $channelCache = "$Nix::Config::stateDir/channel-cache";
+mkdir $channelCache, 0755 unless -e $channelCache;
+$ENV{'NIX_DOWNLOAD_CACHE'} = $channelCache if -W $channelCache;
+# Figure out the name of the `.nix-channels' file to use.
+my $home = $ENV{"HOME"} or die '$HOME not set\n';
+my $channelsList = "$home/.nix-channels";
+my $nixDefExpr = "$home/.nix-defexpr";
+# Figure out the name of the channels profile.
+my $userName = getpwuid($<) || $ENV{"USER"} or die "cannot figure out user name";
+my $profile = "$Nix::Config::stateDir/profiles/per-user/$userName/channels";
+mkpath(dirname $profile, 0, 0755);
+my %channels;
+# Reads the list of channels.
+sub readChannels {
+    return if (!-f $channelsList);
+    open CHANNELS, "<$channelsList" or die "cannot open `$channelsList': $!";
+    while (<CHANNELS>) {
+        chomp;
+        next if /^\s*\#/;
+        my ($url, $name) = split ' ', $_;
+        $url =~ s/\/*$//; # remove trailing slashes
+        $name = basename $url unless defined $name;
+        $channels{$name} = $url;
+    }
+    close CHANNELS;
+# Writes the list of channels.
+sub writeChannels {
+    open CHANNELS, ">$channelsList" or die "cannot open `$channelsList': $!";
+    foreach my $name (keys %channels) {
+        print CHANNELS "$channels{$name} $name\n";
+    }
+    close CHANNELS;
+# Adds a channel.
+sub addChannel {
+    my ($url, $name) = @_;
+    readChannels;
+    $channels{$name} = $url;
+    writeChannels;
+# Remove a channel.
+sub removeChannel {
+    my ($name) = @_;
+    readChannels;
+    my $url = $channels{$name};
+    deleteOldManifests($url . "/MANIFEST", undef) if defined $url;
+    delete $channels{$name};
+    writeChannels;
+    system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-env --profile '$profile' -e '$name'") == 0
+        or die "cannot remove channel `$name'\n";
+# Fetch Nix expressions and pull manifests from the subscribed
+# channels.
+sub update {
+    my @channelNames = @_;
+    readChannels;
+    # Download each channel.
+    my $exprs = "";
+    foreach my $name (keys %channels) {
+        next if scalar @channelNames > 0 && ! grep { $_ eq $name } @{channelNames};
+        my $url = $channels{$name};
+        my $origUrl = "$url/MANIFEST";
+        # Check if $url is a redirect.  If so, follow it now to ensure
+        # consistency if the redirection is changed between
+        # downloading the manifest and the tarball.
+        my $headers = `$Nix::Config::curl --silent --head '$url'`;
+        die "$0: unable to check `$url'\n" if $? != 0;
+        $headers =~ s/\r//g;
+        $url = $1 if $headers =~ /^Location:\s*(.*)\s*$/m;
+        # Check if the channel advertises a binary cache.
+        my $binaryCacheURL = `$Nix::Config::curl --silent '$url'/binary-cache-url`;
+        my $extraAttrs = "";
+        my $getManifest = ($Nix::Config::config{"force-manifest"} // "false") eq "true";
+        if ($? == 0 && $binaryCacheURL ne "") {
+            $extraAttrs .= "binaryCacheURL = \"$binaryCacheURL\"; ";
+            deleteOldManifests($origUrl, undef);
+        } else {
+            $getManifest = 1;
+        }
+        if ($getManifest) {
+            # No binary cache, so pull the channel manifest.
+            mkdir $manifestDir, 0755 unless -e $manifestDir;
+            die "$0: you do not have write permission to `$manifestDir'!\n" unless -W $manifestDir;
+            $ENV{'NIX_ORIG_URL'} = $origUrl;
+            system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-pull", "--skip-wrong-store", "$url/MANIFEST") == 0
+                or die "cannot pull manifest from `$url'\n";
+        }
+        # Download the channel tarball.
+        my $fullURL = "$url/nixexprs.tar.xz";
+        system("$Nix::Config::curl --fail --silent --head '$fullURL' > /dev/null") == 0 or
+            $fullURL = "$url/nixexprs.tar.bz2";
+        print STDERR "downloading Nix expressions from `$fullURL'...\n";
+        my ($hash, $path) = `PRINT_PATH=1 QUIET=1 $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-prefetch-url '$fullURL'`;
+        die "cannot fetch `$fullURL'\n" if $? != 0;
+        chomp $path;
+        # If the URL contains a version number, append it to the name
+        # attribute (so that "nix-env -q" on the channels profile
+        # shows something useful).
+        my $cname = $name;
+        $cname .= $1 if basename($url) =~ /(-\d.*)$/;
+        $exprs .= "'f: f { name = \"$cname\"; channelName = \"$name\"; src = builtins.storePath \"$path\"; $extraAttrs }' ";
+    }
+    # Unpack the channel tarballs into the Nix store and install them
+    # into the channels profile.
+    print STDERR "unpacking channels...\n";
+    system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-env --profile '$profile' " .
+           "-f '<nix/unpack-channel.nix>' -i -E $exprs --quiet") == 0
+           or die "cannot unpack the channels";
+    # Make the channels appear in nix-env.
+    unlink $nixDefExpr if -l $nixDefExpr; # old-skool ~/.nix-defexpr
+    mkdir $nixDefExpr or die "cannot create directory `$nixDefExpr'" if !-e $nixDefExpr;
+    my $channelLink = "$nixDefExpr/channels";
+    unlink $channelLink; # !!! not atomic
+    symlink($profile, $channelLink) or die "cannot symlink `$channelLink' to `$profile'";
+die "$0: argument expected\n" if scalar @ARGV == 0;
+while (scalar @ARGV) {
+    my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+    if ($arg eq "--add") {
+        die "$0: `--add' requires one or two arguments\n" if scalar @ARGV < 1 || scalar @ARGV > 2;
+        my $url = shift @ARGV;
+        my $name = shift @ARGV;
+        unless (defined $name) {
+            $name = basename $url;
+            $name =~ s/-unstable//;
+            $name =~ s/-stable//;
+        }
+        addChannel($url, $name);
+        last;
+    }
+    if ($arg eq "--remove") {
+        die "$0: `--remove' requires one argument\n" if scalar @ARGV != 1;
+        removeChannel(shift @ARGV);
+        last;
+    }
+    if ($arg eq "--list") {
+        die "$0: `--list' requires one argument\n" if scalar @ARGV != 0;
+        readChannels;
+        foreach my $name (keys %channels) {
+            print "$name $channels{$name}\n";
+        }
+        last;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--update") {
+        update(@ARGV);
+        last;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-channel" or die;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--version") {
+        print "nix-channel (Nix) $Nix::Config::version\n";
+        exit 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        die "unknown argument `$arg'; try `--help'\n";
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/nix-collect-garbage.in b/scripts/nix-collect-garbage.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..55e0ba7a6fab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-collect-garbage.in
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use Nix::Config;
+my $profilesDir = "@localstatedir@/nix/profiles";
+# Process the command line arguments.
+my @args = ();
+my $arg;
+my $removeOld = 0;
+my $gen;
+my $dryRun = 0;
+while ($arg = shift) {
+    if ($arg eq "--delete-old" || $arg eq "-d") {
+        $removeOld = 1;
+        $gen = "old";
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--delete-older-than") {
+        $removeOld = 1;
+        $gen = shift;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--dry-run") {
+        $dryRun = 1;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-collect-garbage" or die;
+    } else {
+        push @args, $arg;
+    }
+# If `-d' was specified, remove all old generations of all profiles.
+# Of course, this makes rollbacks to before this point in time
+# impossible.
+sub removeOldGenerations;
+sub removeOldGenerations {
+    my $dir = shift;
+    my $dh;
+    opendir $dh, $dir or die;
+    foreach my $name (sort (readdir $dh)) {
+        next if $name eq "." || $name eq "..";
+        $name = $dir . "/" . $name;
+        if (-l $name && (readlink($name) =~ /link/)) {
+            print STDERR "removing old generations of profile $name\n";
+            system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-env", "-p", $name, "--delete-generations", $gen, $dryRun ? "--dry-run" : ());
+        }
+        elsif (! -l $name && -d $name) {
+            removeOldGenerations $name;
+        }
+    }
+    closedir $dh or die;
+removeOldGenerations $profilesDir if $removeOld;
+# Run the actual garbage collector.
+exec "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store", "--gc", @args unless $dryRun;
diff --git a/scripts/nix-copy-closure.in b/scripts/nix-copy-closure.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..23d5619519a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-copy-closure.in
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use Nix::SSH;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::CopyClosure;
+use List::Util qw(sum);
+if (scalar @ARGV < 1) {
+    print STDERR <<EOF
+Usage: nix-copy-closure [--from | --to] HOSTNAME [--sign] [--gzip] [--bzip2] [--xz] PATHS...
+    ;
+    exit 1;
+# Get the target host.
+my $sshHost;
+my $sign = 0;
+my $compressor = "";
+my $decompressor = "";
+my $progressViewer = "";
+my $toMode = 1;
+my $includeOutputs = 0;
+my $dryRun = 0;
+my $useSubstitutes = 0;
+# !!! Copied from nix-pack-closure, should put this in a module.
+my @storePaths = ();
+while (@ARGV) {
+    my $arg = shift @ARGV;
+    if ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-copy-closure" or die;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--sign") {
+        $sign = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--gzip") {
+        $compressor = "gzip";
+        $decompressor = "gunzip";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--bzip2") {
+        $compressor = "bzip2";
+        $decompressor = "bunzip2";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--xz") {
+        $compressor = "xz";
+        $decompressor = "xz -d";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--from") {
+        $toMode = 0;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--to") {
+        $toMode = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--include-outputs") {
+        $includeOutputs = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--show-progress") {
+        $progressViewer = "@pv@";
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--dry-run") {
+        $dryRun = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--use-substitutes" || $arg eq "-s") {
+        $useSubstitutes = 1;
+    }
+    elsif (!defined $sshHost) {
+        $sshHost = $arg;
+    }
+    else {
+        push @storePaths, $arg;
+    }
+die "$0: you did not specify a host name\n" unless defined $sshHost;
+openSSHConnection $sshHost or die "$0: unable to start SSH\n";
+if ($toMode) { # Copy TO the remote machine.
+    Nix::CopyClosure::copyTo(
+        $sshHost, [ @sshOpts ], [ @storePaths ], $compressor, $decompressor,
+        $includeOutputs, $dryRun, $sign, $progressViewer, $useSubstitutes);
+else { # Copy FROM the remote machine.
+    # Query the closure of the given store paths on the remote
+    # machine.  Paths are assumed to be store paths; there is no
+    # resolution (following of symlinks).
+    my $extraOpts = $includeOutputs ? "--include-outputs" : "";
+    my $pid = open(READ,
+        "set -f; ssh @sshOpts $sshHost nix-store --query --requisites $extraOpts @storePaths|") or die;
+    while (<READ>) {
+        chomp;
+        die "bad: $_" unless /^\//;
+        push @missing, $_ unless isValidPath($_);
+    }
+    close READ or die "nix-store on remote machine `$sshHost' failed: $?";
+    my $missingSize = 0;
+    if ($progressViewer ne "") {
+        $missingSize = sum (split ' ', `set -f; ssh @sshOpts $sshHost nix-store -q --size @missing`) or die;
+    }
+    # Export the store paths on the remote machine and import them locally.
+    if (scalar @missing > 0) {
+        print STDERR "copying ", scalar @missing, " missing paths from ‘$sshHost’...\n";
+        unless ($dryRun) {
+            if ($useSubstitutes) {
+                system "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store -r --ignore-unknown @missing";
+            }
+            $compressor = "| $compressor" if $compressor ne "";
+            $decompressor = "$decompressor |" if $decompressor ne "";
+            $progressViewer = "$progressViewer -s $missingSize |" if $progressViewer ne "";
+            my $extraOpts = $sign ? "--sign" : "";
+            system("set -f; ssh $sshHost @sshOpts 'nix-store --export $extraOpts @missing $compressor' | $decompressor $progressViewer $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --import > /dev/null") == 0
+                or die "copying store paths from remote machine `$sshHost' failed: $?";
+        }
+    }
diff --git a/scripts/nix-generate-patches.in b/scripts/nix-generate-patches.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..969af916d8e6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-generate-patches.in
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use Nix::Manifest;
+use Nix::GeneratePatches;
+if (scalar @ARGV != 5) {
+    print STDERR <<EOF;
+This command generates binary patches between NAR files listed in
+OLD-MANIFEST and NEW-MANIFEST.  The patches are written to the
+directory PATCH-DIR, and the prefix PATCH-URI is used to generate URIs
+for the patches.  The patches are added to NEW-MANIFEST.  All NARs are
+required to exist in NAR-DIR.  Patches are generated between
+succeeding versions of packages with the same name.
+    exit 1;
+my $narPath = $ARGV[0];
+my $patchesPath = $ARGV[1];
+my $patchesURL = $ARGV[2];
+my $srcManifest = $ARGV[3];
+my $dstManifest = $ARGV[4];
+my (%srcNarFiles, %srcLocalPaths, %srcPatches);
+readManifest $srcManifest, \%srcNarFiles, \%srcPatches;
+my (%dstNarFiles, %dstLocalPaths, %dstPatches);
+readManifest $dstManifest, \%dstNarFiles, \%dstPatches;
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-generate-patches.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+generatePatches \%srcNarFiles, \%dstNarFiles, \%srcPatches, \%dstPatches,
+    $narPath, $patchesPath, $patchesURL, $tmpDir;
+propagatePatches \%srcPatches, \%dstNarFiles, \%dstPatches;
+# Optionally add all new patches to the manifest in $NIX_ALL_PATCHES.
+my $allPatchesFile = $ENV{"NIX_ALL_PATCHES"};
+if (defined $allPatchesFile) {
+    my (%dummy, %allPatches);
+    readManifest("$patchesPath/all-patches", \%dummy, \%allPatches)
+        if -f $allPatchesFile;
+    copyPatches \%dstPatches, \%allPatches;
+    writeManifest($allPatchesFile, {}, \%allPatches, 0);
+writeManifest $dstManifest, \%dstNarFiles, \%dstPatches;
diff --git a/scripts/nix-http-export.cgi.in b/scripts/nix-http-export.cgi.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..19a505af1c50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-http-export.cgi.in
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+#! /bin/sh
+export HOME=/tmp
+export NIX_REMOTE=daemon
+@coreutils@/mkdir -p "$TMP_DIR" || true
+@coreutils@/chmod a+r "$TMP_DIR"
+#needed_path="$(echo $needed_path  | ./unhttp)"
+echo needed_path: "$needed_path" >&2
+echo NIX_STORE: "${NIX_STORE}" >&2
+if [ "$needed_path" != "${needed_path%.drv}" ]; then
+	echo "Status: 403 You should create the derivation file yourself"
+	echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
+	echo
+	echo "Refusing to disclose derivation contents"
+	exit
+if @bindir@/nix-store --check-validity "$full_path"; then
+	if ! [ -e nix-export/"$needed_path".nar.gz ]; then
+		@bindir@/nix-store --export "$full_path" | @gzip@ > "$TMP_DIR"/"$needed_path".nar.gz
+		@coreutils@/ln -fs  "$TMP_DIR"/"$needed_path".nar.gz nix-export/"$needed_path".nar.gz 
+	fi;
+	echo "Status: 301 Moved"
+	echo "Location: nix-export/"$needed_path".nar.gz"
+	echo
+	echo "Status: 404 No such path found"
+	echo "Content-Type: text/plain"
+	echo
+	echo "Path not found:"
+	echo "$needed_path"
+	echo "checked:"
+	echo "$full_path"
diff --git a/scripts/nix-install-package.in b/scripts/nix-install-package.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..e45337bcc9e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-install-package.in
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Utils;
+# Parse the command line arguments.
+my @args = @ARGV;
+my $source;
+my $fromURL = 0;
+my @extraNixEnvArgs = ();
+my $interactive = 1;
+while (scalar @args) {
+    my $arg = shift @args;
+    if ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-install-package" or die;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--url") {
+        $fromURL = 1;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--profile" || $arg eq "-p") {
+        my $profile = shift @args;
+        die "$0: `--profile' requires an argument\n" if !defined $profile;
+        push @extraNixEnvArgs, "-p", $profile;
+    }
+    elsif ($arg eq "--non-interactive") {
+        $interactive = 0;
+    }
+    else {
+        $source = $arg;
+    }
+die "$0: please specify a .nixpkg file or URL\n" unless defined $source;
+# Re-execute in a terminal, if necessary, so that if we're executed
+# from a web browser, the user gets to see us.
+if ($interactive && !defined $ENV{"NIX_HAVE_TERMINAL"}) {
+    $ENV{"NIX_HAVE_TERMINAL"} = "1";
+    $ENV{"LD_LIBRARY_PATH"} = "";
+    foreach my $term ("xterm", "konsole", "gnome-terminal", "xterm") {
+        exec($term, "-e", "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-install-package", @ARGV);
+    }
+    die "cannot execute `xterm'";
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-install-package.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+sub barf {
+    my $msg = shift;
+    print "\nInstallation failed: $msg\n";
+    <STDIN> if $interactive;
+    exit 1;
+# Download the package description, if necessary.
+my $pkgFile = $source;
+if ($fromURL) {
+    $pkgFile = "$tmpDir/tmp.nixpkg";
+    system("@curl@", "--silent", $source, "-o", $pkgFile) == 0
+        or barf "curl failed: $?";
+# Read and parse the package file.
+open PKGFILE, "<$pkgFile" or barf "cannot open `$pkgFile': $!";
+my $contents = <PKGFILE>;
+close PKGFILE;
+my $nameRE = "(?: [A-Za-z0-9\+\-\.\_\?\=]+ )"; # see checkStoreName()
+my $systemRE = "(?: [A-Za-z0-9\+\-\_]+ )";
+my $pathRE = "(?: \/ [\/A-Za-z0-9\+\-\.\_\?\=]* )";
+# Note: $pathRE doesn't check that whether we're looking at a valid
+# store path.  We'll let nix-env do that.
+$contents =~
+    / ^ \s* (\S+) \s+ ($Nix::Utils::urlRE) \s+ ($nameRE) \s+ ($systemRE) \s+ ($pathRE) \s+ ($pathRE) ( \s+ ($Nix::Utils::urlRE) )?  /x
+    or barf "invalid package contents";
+my $version = $1;
+my $manifestURL = $2;
+my $drvName = $3;
+my $system = $4;
+my $drvPath = $5;
+my $outPath = $6;
+my $binaryCacheURL = $8;
+barf "invalid package version `$version'" unless $version eq "NIXPKG1";
+if ($interactive) {
+    # Ask confirmation.
+    print "Do you want to install `$drvName' (Y/N)? ";
+    my $reply = <STDIN>;
+    chomp $reply;
+    exit if $reply ne "y" && $reply ne "Y";
+if (defined $binaryCacheURL) {
+    push @extraNixEnvArgs, "--option", "binary-caches", $binaryCacheURL;
+} else {
+    # Store the manifest in the temporary directory so that we don't
+    # pollute /nix/var/nix/manifests.  This also requires that we
+    # don't use the Nix daemon (because otherwise
+    # download-using-manifests won't see our NIX_MANIFESTS_DIRS
+    # environment variable).
+    $ENV{NIX_MANIFESTS_DIR} = $tmpDir;
+    $ENV{NIX_REMOTE} = "";
+    print "\nPulling manifests...\n";
+    system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-pull", $manifestURL) == 0
+        or barf "nix-pull failed: $?";
+print "\nInstalling package...\n";
+system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-env", "--install", $outPath, "--force-name", $drvName, @extraNixEnvArgs) == 0
+    or barf "nix-env failed: $?";
+if ($interactive) {
+    print "\nInstallation succeeded! Press Enter to continue.\n";
+    <STDIN>;
diff --git a/scripts/nix-prefetch-url.in b/scripts/nix-prefetch-url.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..bcd9197bcff1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-prefetch-url.in
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::stat;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Utils;
+my $hashType = $ENV{'NIX_HASH_ALGO'} || "sha256"; # obsolete
+my $cacheDir = $ENV{'NIX_DOWNLOAD_CACHE'};
+my @args;
+my $arg;
+while ($arg = shift) {
+    if ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-prefetch-url" or die;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--type") {
+        $hashType = shift;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless defined $hashType;
+    } elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
+        die "$0: unknown flag `$arg'\n";
+    } else {
+        push @args, $arg;
+    }
+my $url = $args[0];
+my $expHash = $args[1];
+if (!defined $url || $url eq "") {
+    print STDERR <<EOF
+Usage: nix-prefetch-url URL [EXPECTED-HASH]
+    ;
+    exit 1;
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-prefetch-url.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+# Hack to support the mirror:// scheme from Nixpkgs.
+if ($url =~ /^mirror:\/\//) {
+    system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-build '<nixpkgs>' -A resolveMirrorURLs --argstr url '$url' -o $tmpDir/urls > /dev/null") == 0
+        or die "$0: nix-build failed; maybe \$NIX_PATH is not set properly\n";
+    my @expanded = split ' ', readFile("$tmpDir/urls");
+    die "$0: cannot resolve ‘$url’" unless scalar @expanded > 0;
+    print STDERR "$url expands to $expanded[0]\n";
+    $url = $expanded[0];
+# Handle escaped characters in the URI.  `+', `=' and `?' are the only
+# characters that are valid in Nix store path names but have a special
+# meaning in URIs.
+my $name = basename $url;
+die "cannot figure out file name for ‘$url’\n" if $name eq ""; 
+$name =~ s/%2b/+/g;
+$name =~ s/%3d/=/g;
+$name =~ s/%3f/?/g;
+my $finalPath;
+my $hash;
+# If the hash was given, a file with that hash may already be in the
+# store.
+if (defined $expHash) {
+    $finalPath = makeFixedOutputPath(0, $hashType, $expHash, $name);
+    if (isValidPath($finalPath)) { $hash = $expHash; } else { $finalPath = undef; }
+# If we don't know the hash or a file with that hash doesn't exist,
+# download the file and add it to the store.
+if (!defined $finalPath) {
+    my $tmpFile = "$tmpDir/$name";
+    # Optionally do timestamp-based caching of the download.
+    # Actually, the only thing that we cache in $NIX_DOWNLOAD_CACHE is
+    # the hash and the timestamp of the file at $url.  The caching of
+    # the file *contents* is done in Nix store, where it can be
+    # garbage-collected independently.
+    my ($cachedTimestampFN, $cachedHashFN, @cacheFlags);
+    if (defined $cacheDir) {
+        my $urlHash = hashString("sha256", 1, $url);
+        writeFile "$cacheDir/$urlHash.url", $url;
+        $cachedHashFN = "$cacheDir/$urlHash.$hashType";
+        $cachedTimestampFN = "$cacheDir/$urlHash.stamp";
+        @cacheFlags = ("--time-cond", $cachedTimestampFN) if -f $cachedHashFN && -f $cachedTimestampFN;
+    }
+    # Perform the download.
+    my @curlFlags = ("curl", $url, "-o", $tmpFile, "--fail", "--location", "--max-redirs", "20", "--disable-epsv", "--cookie-jar", "$tmpDir/cookies", "--remote-time", (split " ", ($ENV{NIX_CURL_FLAGS} || "")));
+    (system $Nix::Config::curl @curlFlags, @cacheFlags) == 0 or die "$0: download of ‘$url’ failed\n";
+    if (defined $cacheDir && ! -e $tmpFile) {
+        # Curl didn't create $tmpFile, so apparently there's no newer
+        # file on the server.
+        $hash = readFile $cachedHashFN or die;
+        $finalPath = makeFixedOutputPath(0, $hashType, $hash, $name);
+        unless (isValidPath $finalPath) {
+            print STDERR "cached contents of ‘$url’ disappeared, redownloading...\n";
+            $finalPath = undef;
+            (system $Nix::Config::curl @curlFlags) == 0 or die "$0: download of ‘$url’ failed\n";
+        }
+    }
+    if (!defined $finalPath) {
+        # Compute the hash.
+        $hash = hashFile($hashType, $hashType ne "md5", $tmpFile);
+        if (defined $cacheDir) {
+            writeFile $cachedHashFN, $hash;
+            my $st = stat($tmpFile) or die;
+            open STAMP, ">$cachedTimestampFN" or die; close STAMP;
+            utime($st->atime, $st->mtime, $cachedTimestampFN) or die;
+        }
+        # Add the downloaded file to the Nix store.
+        $finalPath = addToStore($tmpFile, 0, $hashType);
+    }
+    die "$0: hash mismatch for ‘$url’\n" if defined $expHash && $expHash ne $hash;
+print STDERR "path is ‘$finalPath’\n" unless $ENV{'QUIET'};
+print "$hash\n";
+print "$finalPath\n" if $ENV{'PRINT_PATH'};
diff --git a/scripts/nix-profile.sh.in b/scripts/nix-profile.sh.in
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d682fc51a59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-profile.sh.in
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+if test -n "$HOME"; then
+    NIX_LINK="$HOME/.nix-profile"
+    # Set the default profile.
+    if ! [ -L "$NIX_LINK" ]; then
+        echo "creating $NIX_LINK" >&2
+        _NIX_DEF_LINK=@localstatedir@/nix/profiles/default
+        @coreutils@/ln -s "$_NIX_DEF_LINK" "$NIX_LINK"
+    fi
+    export PATH=$NIX_LINK/bin:$NIX_LINK/sbin:$PATH
+    # Subscribe the root user to the Nixpkgs channel by default.
+    if [ ! -e $HOME/.nix-channels ]; then
+        echo "http://nixos.org/channels/nixpkgs-unstable nixpkgs" > $HOME/.nix-channels
+    fi
+    # Append ~/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs to $NIX_PATH so that
+    # <nixpkgs> paths work when the user has fetched the Nixpkgs
+    # channel.
+    export NIX_PATH=${NIX_PATH:+$NIX_PATH:}nixpkgs=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels/nixpkgs
diff --git a/scripts/nix-pull.in b/scripts/nix-pull.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..58dd2cf27eee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-pull.in
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Manifest;
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-pull.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+my $manifestDir = $Nix::Config::manifestDir;
+# Prevent access problems in shared-stored installations.
+umask 0022;
+# Create the manifests directory if it doesn't exist.
+if (! -e $manifestDir) {
+    mkdir $manifestDir, 0755 or die "cannot create directory `$manifestDir'";
+# Make sure that the manifests directory is scanned for GC roots.
+my $gcRootsDir = "$Nix::Config::stateDir/gcroots";
+my $manifestDirLink = "$gcRootsDir/manifests";
+if (! -l $manifestDirLink) {
+    symlink($manifestDir, $manifestDirLink) or die "cannot create symlink `$manifestDirLink'";
+# Process the URLs specified on the command line.
+sub downloadFile {
+    my $url = shift;
+    $ENV{"PRINT_PATH"} = 1;
+    $ENV{"QUIET"} = 1;
+    my ($dummy, $path) = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-prefetch-url '$url'`;
+    die "cannot fetch `$url'" if $? != 0;
+    die "nix-prefetch-url did not return a path" unless defined $path;
+    chomp $path;
+    return $path;
+sub processURL {
+    my $url = shift;
+    $url =~ s/\/$//;
+    my $manifest;
+    my $origUrl = $ENV{'NIX_ORIG_URL'} || $url;
+    # First see if a bzipped manifest is available.
+    if (system("$Nix::Config::curl --fail --silent --location --head '$url'.bz2 > /dev/null") == 0) {
+        print "fetching list of Nix archives at `$url.bz2'...\n";
+        $manifest = downloadFile "$url.bz2";
+    }
+    # Otherwise, just get the uncompressed manifest.
+    else {
+        print "fetching list of Nix archives at `$url'...\n";
+        $manifest = downloadFile $url;
+    }
+    my $baseName = "unnamed";
+    if ($url =~ /\/([^\/]+)\/[^\/]+$/) { # get the forelast component
+        $baseName = $1;
+    }
+    my $hash = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-hash --flat '$manifest'`
+        or die "cannot hash `$manifest'";
+    chomp $hash;
+    my $urlFile = "$manifestDir/$baseName-$hash.url";
+    open URL, ">$urlFile" or die "cannot create `$urlFile'";
+    print URL $origUrl;
+    close URL;
+    my $finalPath = "$manifestDir/$baseName-$hash.nixmanifest";
+    unlink $finalPath if -e $finalPath;
+    symlink("$manifest", "$finalPath")
+        or die "cannot link `$finalPath to `$manifest'";
+    deleteOldManifests($origUrl, $urlFile);
+while (@ARGV) {
+    my $url = shift @ARGV;
+    if ($url eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-pull" or die;
+    } elsif ($url eq "--skip-wrong-store") {
+        # No-op, no longer supported.
+    } else {
+        processURL $url;
+    }
+# Update the cache.
diff --git a/scripts/nix-push.in b/scripts/nix-push.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..bdd128a6f5c2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-push.in
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@
+use strict;
+use File::Basename;
+use File::Temp qw(tempdir);
+use File::Path qw(mkpath);
+use File::stat;
+use File::Copy;
+use Nix::Config;
+use Nix::Store;
+use Nix::Manifest;
+use Nix::Utils;
+use Nix::Crypto;
+my $tmpDir = tempdir("nix-push.XXXXXX", CLEANUP => 1, TMPDIR => 1)
+    or die "cannot create a temporary directory";
+my $nixExpr = "$tmpDir/create-nars.nix";
+# Parse the command line.
+my $compressionType = "xz";
+my $force = 0;
+my $destDir;
+my $writeManifest = 0;
+my $manifestPath;
+my $archivesURL;
+my $link = 0;
+my $privateKeyFile;
+my $keyName;
+my @roots;
+for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @ARGV; $n++) {
+    my $arg = $ARGV[$n];
+    if ($arg eq "--help") {
+        exec "man nix-push" or die;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--bzip2") {
+        $compressionType = "bzip2";
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--none") {
+        $compressionType = "none";
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--force") {
+        $force = 1;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--dest") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $destDir = $ARGV[$n];
+        mkpath($destDir, 0, 0755);
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--manifest") {
+        $writeManifest = 1;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--manifest-path") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $manifestPath = $ARGV[$n];
+        $writeManifest = 1;
+        mkpath(dirname($manifestPath), 0, 0755);
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--url-prefix") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $archivesURL = $ARGV[$n];
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--link") {
+        $link = 1;
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--key") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $privateKeyFile = $ARGV[$n];
+    } elsif ($arg eq "--key-name") {
+        $n++;
+        die "$0: `$arg' requires an argument\n" unless $n < scalar @ARGV;
+        $keyName = $ARGV[$n];
+    } elsif (substr($arg, 0, 1) eq "-") {
+        die "$0: unknown flag `$arg'\n";
+    } else {
+        push @roots, $arg;
+    }
+die "$0: please specify a destination directory\n" if !defined $destDir;
+$archivesURL = "file://$destDir" unless defined $archivesURL;
+# From the given store paths, determine the set of requisite store
+# paths, i.e, the paths required to realise them.
+my %storePaths;
+foreach my $path (@roots) {
+    # Get all paths referenced by the normalisation of the given
+    # Nix expression.
+    my $pid = open(READ,
+        "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --query --requisites --force-realise " .
+        "--include-outputs '$path'|") or die;
+    while (<READ>) {
+        chomp;
+        die "bad: $_" unless /^\//;
+        $storePaths{$_} = "";
+    }
+    close READ or die "nix-store failed: $?";
+my @storePaths = keys %storePaths;
+# Don't create archives for files that are already in the binary cache.
+my @storePaths2;
+my %narFiles;
+foreach my $storePath (@storePaths) {
+    my $pathHash = substr(basename($storePath), 0, 32);
+    my $narInfoFile = "$destDir/$pathHash.narinfo";
+    if (-e $narInfoFile) {
+        my $narInfo = parseNARInfo($storePath, readFile($narInfoFile), 0, $narInfoFile) or die "cannot read `$narInfoFile'\n";
+        my $narFile = "$destDir/$narInfo->{url}";
+        if (-e $narFile) {
+            print STDERR "skipping existing $storePath\n";
+            # Add the NAR info to $narFiles if we're writing a
+            # manifest.
+            $narFiles{$storePath} = [
+                { url => ("$archivesURL/" . basename $narInfo->{url})
+                  , hash => $narInfo->{fileHash}
+                  , size => $narInfo->{fileSize}
+                  , compressionType => $narInfo->{compression}
+                  , narHash => $narInfo->{narHash}
+                  , narSize => $narInfo->{narSize}
+                  , references => join(" ", map { "$Nix::Config::storeDir/$_" } @{$narInfo->{refs}})
+                  , deriver => $narInfo->{deriver} ? "$Nix::Config::storeDir/$narInfo->{deriver}" : undef
+                  }
+            ] if $writeManifest;
+            next;
+        }
+    }
+    push @storePaths2, $storePath;
+# Create a list of Nix derivations that turn each path into a Nix
+# archive.
+open NIX, ">$nixExpr";
+print NIX "[";
+foreach my $storePath (@storePaths2) {
+    die unless ($storePath =~ /\/[0-9a-z]{32}[^\"\\\$]*$/);
+    # Construct a Nix expression that creates a Nix archive.
+    my $nixexpr =
+        "(import <nix/nar.nix> " .
+        "{ storePath = builtins.storePath \"$storePath\"; hashAlgo = \"sha256\"; compressionType = \"$compressionType\"; }) ";
+    print NIX $nixexpr;
+print NIX "]";
+close NIX;
+# Build the Nix expression.
+print STDERR "building compressed archives...\n";
+my @narPaths;
+my $pid = open(READ, "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-build $nixExpr -o $tmpDir/result |")
+    or die "cannot run nix-build";
+while (<READ>) {
+    chomp;
+    die unless /^\//;
+    push @narPaths, $_;
+close READ or die "nix-build failed: $?";
+# Write the cache info file.
+my $cacheInfoFile = "$destDir/nix-cache-info";
+if (! -e $cacheInfoFile) {
+    open FILE, ">$cacheInfoFile" or die "cannot create $cacheInfoFile: $!";
+    print FILE "StoreDir: $Nix::Config::storeDir\n";
+    print FILE "WantMassQuery: 0\n"; # by default, don't hit this cache for "nix-env -qas"
+    close FILE;
+# Copy the archives and the corresponding NAR info files.
+print STDERR "copying archives...\n";
+my $totalNarSize = 0;
+my $totalCompressedSize = 0;
+for (my $n = 0; $n < scalar @storePaths2; $n++) {
+    my $storePath = $storePaths2[$n];
+    my $narDir = $narPaths[$n];
+    my $baseName = basename $storePath;
+    # Get info about the store path.
+    my ($deriver, $narHash, $time, $narSize, $refs) = queryPathInfo($storePath, 1);
+    # In some exceptional cases (such as VM tests that use the Nix
+    # store of the host), the database doesn't contain the hash.  So
+    # compute it.
+    if ($narHash =~ /^sha256:0*$/) {
+        my $nar = "$tmpDir/nar";
+        system("$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --dump $storePath > $nar") == 0
+            or die "cannot dump $storePath\n";
+        $narHash = `$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-hash --type sha256 --base32 --flat $nar`;
+        die "cannot hash `$nar'" if $? != 0;
+        chomp $narHash;
+        $narHash = "sha256:$narHash";
+        $narSize = stat("$nar")->size;
+        unlink $nar or die;
+    }
+    $totalNarSize += $narSize;
+    # Get info about the compressed NAR.
+    open HASH, "$narDir/nar-compressed-hash" or die "cannot open nar-compressed-hash";
+    my $compressedHash = <HASH>;
+    chomp $compressedHash;
+    $compressedHash =~ /^[0-9a-z]+$/ or die "invalid hash";
+    close HASH;
+    my $narName = "$compressedHash.nar" . ($compressionType eq "xz" ? ".xz" : $compressionType eq "bzip2" ? ".bz2" : "");
+    my $narFile = "$narDir/$narName";
+    (-f $narFile) or die "NAR file for $storePath not found";
+    my $compressedSize = stat($narFile)->size;
+    $totalCompressedSize += $compressedSize;
+    printf STDERR "%s [%.2f MiB, %.1f%%]\n", $storePath,
+        $compressedSize / (1024 * 1024), $compressedSize / $narSize * 100;
+    # Copy the compressed NAR.
+    my $dst = "$destDir/$narName";
+    if (! -f $dst) {
+        my $tmp = "$destDir/.tmp.$$.$narName";
+        if ($link) {
+            link($narFile, $tmp) or die "cannot link $tmp to $narFile: $!\n";
+        } else {
+            copy($narFile, $tmp) or die "cannot copy $narFile to $tmp: $!\n";
+        }
+        rename($tmp, $dst) or die "cannot rename $tmp to $dst: $!\n";
+    }
+    # Write the info file.
+    my $info;
+    $info .= "StorePath: $storePath\n";
+    $info .= "URL: $narName\n";
+    $info .= "Compression: $compressionType\n";
+    $info .= "FileHash: sha256:$compressedHash\n";
+    $info .= "FileSize: $compressedSize\n";
+    $info .= "NarHash: $narHash\n";
+    $info .= "NarSize: $narSize\n";
+    $info .= "References: " . join(" ", map { basename $_ } @{$refs}) . "\n";
+    if (defined $deriver) {
+        $info .= "Deriver: " . basename $deriver . "\n";
+        if (isValidPath($deriver)) {
+            my $drv = derivationFromPath($deriver);
+            $info .= "System: $drv->{platform}\n";
+        }
+    }
+    if (defined $privateKeyFile && defined $keyName) {
+        my $sig = signString($privateKeyFile, $info);
+        $info .= "Signature: 1;$keyName;$sig\n";
+    }
+    my $pathHash = substr(basename($storePath), 0, 32);
+    $dst = "$destDir/$pathHash.narinfo";
+    if ($force || ! -f $dst) {
+        my $tmp = "$destDir/.tmp.$$.$pathHash.narinfo";
+        open INFO, ">$tmp" or die;
+        print INFO "$info" or die;
+        close INFO or die;
+        rename($tmp, $dst) or die "cannot rename $tmp to $dst: $!\n";
+    }
+    $narFiles{$storePath} = [
+        { url => "$archivesURL/$narName"
+        , hash => "sha256:$compressedHash"
+        , size => $compressedSize
+        , compressionType => $compressionType
+        , narHash => "$narHash"
+        , narSize => $narSize
+        , references => join(" ", @{$refs})
+        , deriver => $deriver
+        }
+    ] if $writeManifest;
+printf STDERR "total compressed size %.2f MiB, %.1f%%\n",
+    $totalCompressedSize / (1024 * 1024), $totalCompressedSize / ($totalNarSize || 1) * 100;
+# Optionally write a manifest.
+writeManifest($manifestPath // "$destDir/MANIFEST", \%narFiles, \()) if $writeManifest;
diff --git a/scripts/nix-reduce-build.in b/scripts/nix-reduce-build.in
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..50beb9d10b16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/nix-reduce-build.in
@@ -0,0 +1,171 @@
+#! @bash@
+WORKING_DIRECTORY=$(mktemp -d "${TMPDIR:-/tmp}"/nix-reduce-build-XXXXXX);
+if test -z "$1" || test "a--help" = "a$1" ; then
+	echo 'nix-reduce-build (paths or Nix expressions) -- (package sources)' >&2
+	echo As in: >&2
+	echo nix-reduce-build /etc/nixos/nixos -- ssh://user@somewhere.nowhere.example.org >&2
+	echo nix-reduce-build /etc/nixos/nixos -- \\
+	echo "   " \''http://somewhere.nowhere.example.org/nix/nix-http-export.cgi?needed_path='\' >&2
+	echo "  store path name will be added into the end of the URL" >&2
+	echo nix-reduce-build /etc/nixos/nixos -- file://home/user/nar/ >&2
+	echo "  that should be a directory where gzipped 'nix-store --export' ">&2
+	echo "  files are located (they should have .nar.gz extension)"  >&2
+	echo "        Or all together: " >&2
+	echo -e nix-reduce-build /expr.nix /e2.nix -- \\\\\\\n\
+	"    ssh://a@b.example.com http://n.example.com/get-nar?q= file://nar/" >&2
+	echo "        Also supports best-effort local builds of failing expression set:" >&2
+	echo "nix-reduce-build /e.nix -- nix-daemon:// nix-self://" >&2
+	echo "  nix-daemon:// builds using daemon"
+	echo "  nix-self:// builds directly using nix-store from current installation" >&2
+	echo "  nix-daemon-fixed:// and nix-self-fixed:// do the same, but only for" >&2;
+	echo "derivations with specified output hash (sha256, sha1 or md5)." >&2
+	echo "  nix-daemon-substitute:// and nix-self-substitute:// try to substitute" >&2;
+	echo "maximum amount of paths" >&2;
+	echo "  nix-daemon-build:// and nix-self-build:// try to build (not substitute)" >&2;
+	echo "maximum amount of paths" >&2;
+	echo "        If no package sources are specified, required paths are listed." >&2;
+	exit;
+while ! test "$1" = "--" || test "$1" = "" ; do 
+	echo "$1" >> initial; >&2
+	shift;
+echo Will work on $(cat initial | wc -l) targets. >&2
+while read ; do
+	case "$REPLY" in 
+		${NIX_STORE_DIR:-/nix/store}/*)
+			echo "$REPLY" >> paths; >&2
+			;;
+		*)
+			(
+				IFS=: ;
+				nix-instantiate $REPLY >> paths;
+			);
+			;;
+	esac;
+done < initial;
+echo Proceeding $(cat paths | wc -l) paths. >&2
+while read; do
+	case "$REPLY" in
+		*.drv)
+			echo "$REPLY" >> derivers; >&2
+			;;
+		*)
+			nix-store --query --deriver "$REPLY" >>derivers;
+			;;
+	esac;
+done < paths;
+echo Found $(cat derivers | wc -l) derivers. >&2
+cat derivers | xargs nix-store --query -R > derivers-closure;
+echo Proceeding at most $(cat derivers-closure | wc -l) derivers. >&2
+cat derivers-closure | egrep '[.]drv$' | xargs nix-store --query --outputs > wanted-paths;
+cat derivers-closure | egrep -v '[.]drv$' >> wanted-paths;
+echo Prepared $(cat wanted-paths | wc -l) paths to get. >&2
+cat wanted-paths | xargs nix-store --check-validity --print-invalid > needed-paths;
+echo We need $(cat needed-paths | wc -l) paths. >&2
+egrep '[.]drv$' derivers-closure > critical-derivers;
+if test -z "$1" ; then
+	cat needed-paths;	
+refresh_critical_derivers() {
+    echo "Finding needed derivers..." >&2;
+    cat critical-derivers | while read; do
+        if ! (nix-store --query --outputs "$REPLY" | xargs nix-store --check-validity &> /dev/null;); then
+            echo "$REPLY";
+        fi;
+    done > new-critical-derivers;
+    mv new-critical-derivers critical-derivers;
+    echo The needed paths are realized by $(cat critical-derivers | wc -l) derivers. >&2
+build_here() {
+    cat critical-derivers | while read; do 
+        echo "Realising $REPLY using nix-daemon" >&2
+        @bindir@/nix-store -r "${REPLY}"
+    done;
+    cat needed-paths | while read ; do 
+        echo "Building $REPLY using nix-daemon" >&2
+        @bindir@/nix-store -r "${NIX_STORE_DIR:-/nix/store}/${REPLY##*/}"
+    done;
+for i in "$@"; do 
+	sshHost="${i#ssh://}";
+	httpHost="${i#http://}";
+	httpsHost="${i#https://}";
+	filePath="${i#file:/}";
+	if [ "$i" != "$sshHost" ]; then
+		cat needed-paths | while read; do 
+			echo "Getting $REPLY and its closure over ssh" >&2
+			nix-copy-closure --from "$sshHost" --gzip "$REPLY" </dev/null || true; 
+		done;
+	elif [ "$i" != "$httpHost" ] || [ "$i" != "$httpsHost" ]; then
+		cat needed-paths | while read; do
+			echo "Getting $REPLY over http/https" >&2
+			curl ${BAD_CERTIFICATE:+-k} -L "$i${REPLY##*/}" | gunzip | nix-store --import;
+		done;
+	elif [ "$i" != "$filePath" ] ; then
+		cat needed-paths | while read; do 
+			echo "Installing $REPLY from file" >&2
+			gunzip < "$filePath/${REPLY##*/}".nar.gz | nix-store --import;
+		done;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-daemon://" ] ; then
+		NIX_REMOTE=daemon try_to_substitute;
+		refresh_critical_derivers;
+		NIX_REMOTE=daemon build_here;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-self://" ] ; then
+		NIX_REMOTE= try_to_substitute;
+		refresh_critical_derivers;
+		NIX_REMOTE= build_here;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-daemon-fixed://" ] ; then
+		refresh_critical_derivers;
+		cat critical-derivers | while read; do 
+			if egrep '"(md5|sha1|sha256)"' "$REPLY" &>/dev/null; then
+				echo "Realising $REPLY using nix-daemon" >&2
+				NIX_REMOTE=daemon @bindir@/nix-store -r "${REPLY}"
+			fi;
+		done;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-self-fixed://" ] ; then
+		refresh_critical_derivers;
+		cat critical-derivers | while read; do 
+			if egrep '"(md5|sha1|sha256)"' "$REPLY" &>/dev/null; then
+				echo "Realising $REPLY using direct Nix build" >&2
+				NIX_REMOTE= @bindir@/nix-store -r "${REPLY}"
+			fi;
+		done;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-daemon-substitute://" ] ; then
+		NIX_REMOTE=daemon try_to_substitute;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-self-substitute://" ] ; then
+		NIX_REMOTE= try_to_substitute;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-daemon-build://" ] ; then
+		refresh_critical_derivers;
+		NIX_REMOTE=daemon build_here;
+	elif [ "$i" = "nix-self-build://" ] ; then
+		refresh_critical_derivers;
+		NIX_REMOTE= build_here;
+	fi;
+	mv needed-paths wanted-paths;
+	cat wanted-paths | xargs nix-store --check-validity --print-invalid > needed-paths;
+	echo We still need $(cat needed-paths | wc -l) paths. >&2
+cd /
diff --git a/scripts/remove-patches.pl b/scripts/remove-patches.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..401771a27d76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/remove-patches.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w -I/home/eelco/nix/scripts
+use strict;
+use readmanifest;
+for my $p (@ARGV) {
+    my %narFiles;
+    my %patches;
+    readManifest $p, \%narFiles, \%patches;
+    %patches = ();
+    writeManifest $p, \%narFiles, \%patches;
diff --git a/scripts/show-duplication.pl b/scripts/show-duplication.pl
new file mode 100755
index 000000000000..0604c6696c7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/show-duplication.pl
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+#! /usr/bin/perl -w
+if (scalar @ARGV != 1) {
+    print "syntax: show-duplication.pl PATH\n";
+    exit 1;
+my $root = $ARGV[0];
+my $nameRE = "(?:(?:[A-Za-z0-9\+\_]|(?:-[^0-9]))+)";
+my $versionRE = "(?:[A-Za-z0-9\.\-]+)";
+my %pkgInstances;
+my $pid = open(PATHS, "-|") || exec "nix-store", "-qR", $root;
+while (<PATHS>) {
+    chomp;
+    /^.*\/[0-9a-z]*-(.*)$/;
+    my $nameVersion = $1;
+    $nameVersion =~ /^($nameRE)(-($versionRE))?$/;
+    $name = $1;
+    $version = $3;
+    $version = "(unnumbered)" unless defined $version;
+#    print "$nameVersion $name $version\n";
+    push @{$pkgInstances{$name}}, {version => $version, path => $_};
+close PATHS or exit 1;
+sub pathSize {
+    my $path = shift;
+    my @st = lstat $path or die;
+    my $size = $st[7];
+    if (-d $path) {
+        opendir DIR, $path or die;
+        foreach my $name (readdir DIR) {
+            next if $name eq "." || $name eq "..";
+            $size += pathSize("$path/$name");
+        }
+    }
+    return $size;
+my $totalPaths = 0;
+my $totalSize = 0, $totalWaste = 0;
+foreach my $name (sort {scalar @{$pkgInstances{$b}} <=> scalar @{$pkgInstances{$a}}} (keys %pkgInstances)) {
+    print "$name ", scalar @{$pkgInstances{$name}}, "\n";
+    my $allSize = 0;
+    foreach my $x (sort {$a->{version} cmp $b->{version}} @{$pkgInstances{$name}}) {
+        $totalPaths++;
+        my $size = pathSize $x->{path};
+        $allSize += $size;
+        print "    $x->{version} $size\n";
+    }
+    my $avgSize = int($allSize / scalar @{$pkgInstances{$name}});
+    my $waste = $allSize - $avgSize;
+    $totalSize += $allSize;
+    $totalWaste += $waste;
+    print "    average $avgSize, waste $waste\n";
+my $avgDupl = $totalPaths / scalar (keys %pkgInstances);
+my $wasteFactor = ($totalWaste / $totalSize) * 100;
+print "average package duplication $avgDupl, total size $totalSize, total waste $totalWaste, $wasteFactor% wasted\n";