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path: root/scratch/habit-screens/client/src/Habits.elm
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Diffstat (limited to 'scratch/habit-screens/client/src/Habits.elm')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 465 deletions
diff --git a/scratch/habit-screens/client/src/Habits.elm b/scratch/habit-screens/client/src/Habits.elm
deleted file mode 100644
index bbd5887f8bd5..000000000000
--- a/scratch/habit-screens/client/src/Habits.elm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,465 +0,0 @@
-module Habits exposing (render)
-import Browser
-import Date exposing (Date)
-import Html exposing (..)
-import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
-import Html.Events exposing (..)
-import Set exposing (Set)
-import State exposing (HabitType(..))
-import Time exposing (Weekday(..))
-import UI
-import Utils exposing (Strategy(..))
-morning : List State.Habit
-morning =
-    List.map
-        (\( duration, x ) ->
-            { label = x
-            , habitType = State.Morning
-            , minutesDuration = duration
-            }
-        )
-        [ ( 1, "Make bed" )
-        , ( 2, "Brush teeth" )
-        , ( 10, "Shower" )
-        , ( 1, "Do push-ups" )
-        , ( 10, "Meditate" )
-        ]
-evening : List State.Habit
-evening =
-    List.map
-        (\( duration, x ) ->
-            { label = x
-            , habitType = State.Evening
-            , minutesDuration = duration
-            }
-        )
-        [ ( 30, "Read" )
-        , ( 1, "Record in habit Journal" )
-        ]
-monday : List ( Int, String )
-monday =
-    [ ( 90, "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00" )
-    ]
-tuesday : List ( Int, String )
-tuesday =
-    [ ( 90, "Bikram Yoga @ 18:00" )
-    ]
-wednesday : List ( Int, String )
-wednesday =
-    [ ( 5, "Shave" )
-    , ( 90, "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00" )
-    ]
-thursday : List ( Int, String )
-thursday =
-    []
-friday : List ( Int, String )
-friday =
-    [ ( 60, "Bikram Yoga @ 17:00" )
-    , ( 3, "Take-out trash" )
-    , ( 60, "Shop for groceries" )
-    ]
-saturday : List ( Int, String )
-saturday =
-    [ ( 60, "Warm Yin Yoga @ 15:00" )
-    ]
-sunday : List ( Int, String )
-sunday =
-    [ ( 1, "Shampoo" )
-    , ( 5, "Shave" )
-    , ( 1, "Trim nails" )
-    , ( 1, "Combine trash cans" )
-    , ( 10, "Mop tile and wood floors" )
-    , ( 10, "Laundry" )
-    , ( 5, "Vacuum bedroom" )
-    , ( 5, "Dust surfaces" )
-    , ( 5, "Clean mirrors" )
-    , ( 5, "Clean desk" )
-    ]
-payday : List State.Habit
-payday =
-    List.map
-        (\( duration, x ) ->
-            { label = x
-            , habitType = State.Payday
-            , minutesDuration = duration
-            }
-        )
-        [ ( 1, "Ensure \"Emergency\" fund has a balance of 1000 GBP" )
-        , ( 1, "Open \"finances_2020\" Google Sheet" )
-        , ( 1, "Settle up with Mimi on TransferWise" )
-        , ( 1, "Adjust GBP:USD exchange rate" )
-        , ( 1, "Adjust \"Stocks (after tax)\" to reflect amount Google sent" )
-        , ( 1, "Add remaining cash to \"Carryover (cash)\"" )
-        , ( 1, "Adjust \"Paycheck\" to reflect amount Google sent" )
-        , ( 5, "In the \"International Xfer\" table, send \"Xfer amount\" from Monzo to USAA" )
-        , ( 10, "Go to an ATM and extract the amount in \"ATM withdrawal\"" )
-        , ( 0, "Await the TransferWise transaction to complete and pay MyFedLoan in USD" )
-        ]
-firstOfTheMonth : List State.Habit
-firstOfTheMonth =
-    List.map
-        (\( duration, x ) ->
-            { label = x
-            , habitType = State.FirstOfTheMonth
-            , minutesDuration = duration
-            }
-        )
-        [ ( 10, "Create habit template in journal" )
-        , ( 30, "Assess previous month's performance" )
-        , ( 5, "Register for Bikram Yoga classes" )
-        ]
-firstOfTheYear : List State.Habit
-firstOfTheYear =
-    List.map
-        (\( duration, x ) ->
-            { label = x
-            , habitType = State.FirstOfTheYear
-            , minutesDuration = duration
-            }
-        )
-        [ ( 60, "Write a post mortem for the previous year" )
-        ]
-habitTypes :
-    { includeMorning : Bool
-    , includeEvening : Bool
-    , date : Date
-    }
-    -> List State.HabitType
-habitTypes { includeMorning, includeEvening, date } =
-    let
-        habitTypePredicates : List ( State.HabitType, Date -> Bool )
-        habitTypePredicates =
-            [ ( Morning, \_ -> includeMorning )
-            , ( DayOfWeek, \_ -> True )
-            , ( Payday, \x -> Date.day x == 25 )
-            , ( FirstOfTheMonth, \x -> Date.day x == 1 )
-            , ( FirstOfTheYear, \x -> Date.day x == 1 && Date.monthNumber x == 1 )
-            , ( Evening, \_ -> includeEvening )
-            ]
-    in
-    habitTypePredicates
-        |> List.filter (\( _, predicate ) -> predicate date)
-        |> List.map (\( habitType, _ ) -> habitType)
-habitsFor : State.HabitType -> Weekday -> List State.Habit
-habitsFor habitType weekday =
-    case habitType of
-        Morning ->
-            morning
-        Evening ->
-            evening
-        DayOfWeek ->
-            let
-                toHabit : List ( Int, String ) -> List State.Habit
-                toHabit =
-                    List.map
-                        (\( duration, x ) ->
-                            { label = x
-                            , habitType = State.DayOfWeek
-                            , minutesDuration = duration
-                            }
-                        )
-            in
-            case weekday of
-                Mon ->
-                    toHabit monday
-                Tue ->
-                    toHabit tuesday
-                Wed ->
-                    toHabit wednesday
-                Thu ->
-                    toHabit thursday
-                Fri ->
-                    toHabit friday
-                Sat ->
-                    toHabit saturday
-                Sun ->
-                    toHabit sunday
-        Payday ->
-            payday
-        FirstOfTheMonth ->
-            firstOfTheMonth
-        FirstOfTheYear ->
-            firstOfTheYear
-weekdayLabelFor : Weekday -> State.WeekdayLabel
-weekdayLabelFor weekday =
-    case weekday of
-        Mon ->
-            "Monday"
-        Tue ->
-            "Tuesday"
-        Wed ->
-            "Wednesday"
-        Thu ->
-            "Thursday"
-        Fri ->
-            "Friday"
-        Sat ->
-            "Saturday"
-        Sun ->
-            "Sunday"
-timeRemaining : State.WeekdayLabel -> State.CompletedHabits -> List State.Habit -> Int
-timeRemaining weekdayLabel completed habits =
-    habits
-        |> List.indexedMap
-            (\i { label, minutesDuration } ->
-                if Set.member ( weekdayLabel, label ) completed then
-                    0
-                else
-                    minutesDuration
-            )
-        |> List.sum
-render : State.Model -> Html State.Msg
-render { today, visibleDayOfWeek, completed, includeMorning, includeEvening } =
-    case ( today, visibleDayOfWeek ) of
-        ( Just todaysDate, Just visibleWeekday ) ->
-            let
-                todaysWeekday : Weekday
-                todaysWeekday =
-                    Date.weekday todaysDate
-                habits : List State.Habit
-                habits =
-                    habitTypes
-                        { includeMorning = includeMorning
-                        , includeEvening = includeEvening
-                        , date = todaysDate
-                        }
-                        |> List.map (\habitType -> habitsFor habitType todaysWeekday)
-                        |> List.concat
-            in
-            div
-                [ Utils.class
-                    [ Always "max-w-xl mx-auto py-6 px-6"
-                    , When (todaysWeekday /= visibleWeekday) "pt-20"
-                    ]
-                ]
-                [ header []
-                    [ if todaysWeekday /= visibleWeekday then
-                        div [ class "text-center w-full bg-blue-600 text-white fixed top-0 left-0 px-3 py-4" ]
-                            [ p [ class "py-2 inline pr-5" ]
-                                [ text "As you are not viewing today's habits, the UI is in read-only mode" ]
-                            , UI.button
-                                [ class "bg-blue-200 px-4 py-2 rounded text-blue-600 text-xs font-bold"
-                                , onClick State.ViewToday
-                                ]
-                                [ text "View Today's Habits" ]
-                            ]
-                      else
-                        text ""
-                    , div [ class "flex center" ]
-                        [ UI.button
-                            [ class "w-1/4 text-gray-500"
-                            , onClick State.ViewPrevious
-                            ]
-                            [ text "‹ previous" ]
-                        , h1 [ class "font-bold text-blue-500 text-3xl text-center w-full" ]
-                            [ text (weekdayLabelFor visibleWeekday) ]
-                        , UI.button
-                            [ class "w-1/4 text-gray-500"
-                            , onClick State.ViewNext
-                            ]
-                            [ text "next ›" ]
-                        ]
-                    ]
-                , if todaysWeekday == visibleWeekday then
-                    p [ class "text-center pt-1 pb-4" ]
-                        [ let
-                            t : Int
-                            t =
-                                timeRemaining (weekdayLabelFor todaysWeekday) completed habits
-                          in
-                          if t == 0 then
-                            text "Nothing to do!"
-                          else
-                            text
-                                ((habits
-                                    |> timeRemaining (weekdayLabelFor todaysWeekday) completed
-                                    |> String.fromInt
-                                 )
-                                    ++ " minutes remaining"
-                                )
-                        ]
-                  else
-                    text ""
-                , if todaysWeekday == visibleWeekday then
-                    div []
-                        [ UI.button
-                            [ onClick
-                                (if Set.size completed == 0 then
-                                    State.DoNothing
-                                 else
-                                    State.ClearAll
-                                )
-                            , Utils.class
-                                [ Always "ml-10 px-3"
-                                , If (Set.size completed == 0)
-                                    "text-gray-500 cursor-not-allowed"
-                                    "text-red-500 underline cursor-pointer"
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                            [ let
-                                numCompleted : Int
-                                numCompleted =
-                                    habits
-                                        |> List.indexedMap (\i { label } -> ( i, label ))
-                                        |> List.filter
-                                            (\( i, label ) ->
-                                                Set.member
-                                                    ( weekdayLabelFor todaysWeekday, label )
-                                                    completed
-                                            )
-                                        |> List.length
-                              in
-                              if numCompleted == 0 then
-                                text "Clear"
-                              else
-                                text ("Clear (" ++ String.fromInt numCompleted ++ ")")
-                            ]
-                        , UI.button
-                            [ onClick State.ToggleMorning
-                            , Utils.class
-                                [ Always "px-3 underline"
-                                , If includeMorning
-                                    "text-gray-600"
-                                    "text-blue-600"
-                                ]
-                            ]
-                            [ text
-                                (if includeMorning then
-                                    "Hide Morning"
-                                 else
-                                    "Show Morning"
-                                )
-                            ]
-                        , UI.button
-                            [ Utils.class
-                                [ Always "px-3 underline"
-                                , If includeEvening
-                                    "text-gray-600"
-                                    "text-blue-600"
-                                ]
-                            , onClick State.ToggleEvening
-                            ]
-                            [ text
-                                (if includeEvening then
-                                    "Hide Evening"
-                                 else
-                                    "Show Evening"
-                                )
-                            ]
-                        ]
-                  else
-                    text ""
-                , ul [ class "pb-10" ]
-                    (habits
-                        |> List.indexedMap
-                            (\i { label, minutesDuration } ->
-                                let
-                                    isCompleted : Bool
-                                    isCompleted =
-                                        Set.member ( weekdayLabelFor todaysWeekday, label ) completed
-                                in
-                                li [ class "text-xl list-disc ml-6" ]
-                                    [ if todaysWeekday == visibleWeekday then
-                                        UI.button
-                                            [ class "py-5 px-3"
-                                            , onClick
-                                                (State.ToggleHabit
-                                                    (weekdayLabelFor todaysWeekday)
-                                                    label
-                                                )
-                                            ]
-                                            [ span
-                                                [ Utils.class
-                                                    [ Always "text-white pt-1 px-2 rounded"
-                                                    , If isCompleted "bg-gray-400" "bg-blue-500"
-                                                    ]
-                                                ]
-                                                [ text (String.fromInt minutesDuration ++ " mins") ]
-                                            , p
-                                                [ Utils.class
-                                                    [ Always "inline pl-3"
-                                                    , When isCompleted "line-through text-gray-400"
-                                                    ]
-                                                ]
-                                                [ text label ]
-                                            ]
-                                      else
-                                        UI.button
-                                            [ class "py-5 px-3 cursor-not-allowed"
-                                            , onClick State.DoNothing
-                                            ]
-                                            [ text label ]
-                                    ]
-                            )
-                    )
-                , footer [ class "bg-white text-sm text-center text-gray-500 fixed bottom-0 left-0 w-full py-4" ]
-                    [ p [] [ text "This app is brought to you by William Carroll." ]
-                    , p [] [ text "Client: Elm; Server: n/a" ]
-                    ]
-                ]
-        ( _, _ ) ->
-            p [] [ text "Unable to display habits because we do not know what day of the week it is." ]