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path: root/nix/runTestsuite
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1 files changed, 179 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/nix/runTestsuite/default.nix b/nix/runTestsuite/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9eb507099678
--- /dev/null
+++ b/nix/runTestsuite/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+{ lib, pkgs, depot, ... }:
+# Run a nix testsuite.
+# The tests are simple assertions on the nix level,
+# and can use derivation outputs if IfD is enabled.
+# You build a testsuite by bundling assertions into
+# “it”s and then bundling the “it”s into a testsuite.
+# Running the testsuite will abort evaluation if
+# any assertion fails.
+# Example:
+#   runTestsuite "myFancyTestsuite" [
+#     (it "does an assertion" [
+#       (assertEq "42 is equal to 42" "42" "42")
+#       (assertEq "also 23" 23 23)
+#     ])
+#     (it "frmbls the brlbr" [
+#       (assertEq true false)
+#     ])
+#   ]
+# will fail the second it group because true is not false.
+  inherit (depot.nix.yants)
+    sum
+    struct
+    string
+    any
+    defun
+    list
+    drv
+    bool
+    ;
+  bins = depot.nix.getBins pkgs.coreutils [ "printf" ]
+      // depot.nix.getBins pkgs.s6-portable-utils [ "s6-touch" "s6-false" "s6-cat" ];
+  # Returns true if the given expression throws when `deepSeq`-ed
+  throws = expr:
+    !(builtins.tryEval (builtins.deepSeq expr {})).success;
+  # rewrite the builtins.partition result
+  # to use `ok` and `err` instead of `right` and `wrong`.
+  partitionTests = pred: xs:
+    let res = builtins.partition pred xs;
+    in {
+      ok = res.right;
+      err = res.wrong;
+    };
+  AssertErrorContext =
+    sum "AssertErrorContext" {
+      not-equal = struct "not-equal" {
+        left = any;
+        right = any;
+      };
+      should-throw = struct "should-throw" {
+        expr = any;
+      };
+      unexpected-throw = struct "unexpected-throw" { };
+    };
+  # The result of an assert,
+  # either it’s true (yep) or false (nope).
+  # If it's nope we return an additional context
+  # attribute which gives details on the failure
+  # depending on the type of assert performed.
+  AssertResult =
+    sum "AssertResult" {
+      yep = struct "yep" {
+        test = string;
+      };
+      nope = struct "nope" {
+        test = string;
+        context = AssertErrorContext;
+      };
+    };
+  # Result of an it. An it is a bunch of asserts
+  # bundled up with a good description of what is tested.
+  ItResult =
+    struct "ItResult" {
+      it-desc = string;
+      asserts = list AssertResult;
+    };
+  # If the given boolean is true return a positive AssertResult.
+  # If the given boolean is false return a negative AssertResult
+  # with the provided AssertErrorContext describing the failure.
+  #
+  # This function is intended as a generic assert to implement
+  # more assert types and is not exposed to the user.
+  assertBoolContext = defun [ AssertErrorContext string bool AssertResult ]
+    (context: desc: res:
+      if res
+      then { yep = { test = desc; }; }
+      else { nope = {
+        test = desc;
+        inherit context;
+      };
+    });
+  # assert that left and right values are equal
+  assertEq = defun [ string any any AssertResult ]
+    (desc: left: right:
+      let
+        context = { not-equal = { inherit left right; }; };
+      in
+        assertBoolContext context desc (left == right));
+  # assert that the expression throws when `deepSeq`-ed
+  assertThrows = defun [ string any AssertResult ]
+    (desc: expr:
+      let
+        context = { should-throw = { inherit expr; }; };
+      in
+        assertBoolContext context desc (throws expr));
+  # assert that the expression does not throw when `deepSeq`-ed
+  assertDoesNotThrow = defun [ string any AssertResult ]
+    (desc: expr:
+      assertBoolContext { unexpected-throw = { }; } desc (!(throws expr)));
+  # Annotate a bunch of asserts with a descriptive name
+  it = desc: asserts: {
+    it-desc = desc;
+    inherit asserts;
+  };
+  # Run a bunch of its and check whether all asserts are yep.
+  # If not, abort evaluation with `throw`
+  # and print the result of the test suite.
+  #
+  # Takes a test suite name as first argument.
+  runTestsuite = defun [ string (list ItResult) drv ]
+    (name: itResults:
+      let
+        goodAss = ass: AssertResult.match ass {
+          yep = _: true;
+          nope = _: false;
+        };
+        res = partitionTests (it:
+          (partitionTests goodAss it.asserts).err == []
+        ) itResults;
+        prettyRes = lib.generators.toPretty {} res;
+      in
+        if res.err == []
+        then depot.nix.runExecline.local "testsuite-${name}-successful" {} [
+          "importas" "out" "out"
+          # force derivation to rebuild if test case list changes
+          "ifelse" [ bins.s6-false ] [
+            bins.printf "" (builtins.hashString "sha512" prettyRes)
+          ]
+          "if" [ bins.printf "%s\n" "testsuite ${name} successful!" ]
+          bins.s6-touch "$out"
+        ]
+        else depot.nix.runExecline.local "testsuite-${name}-failed" {
+          stdin = prettyRes + "\n";
+        } [
+          "importas" "out" "out"
+          "if" [ bins.printf "%s\n" "testsuite ${name} failed!" ]
+          "if" [ bins.s6-cat ]
+          "exit" "1"
+        ]);
+in {
+  inherit
+    assertEq
+    assertThrows
+    assertDoesNotThrow
+    it
+    runTestsuite
+    ;