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path: root/exwm-workspace.el
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1 files changed, 230 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/exwm-workspace.el b/exwm-workspace.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c225c434ddf7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/exwm-workspace.el
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+;;; exwm-workspace.el --- Workspace Module for EXWM  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Copyright (C) 2015 Chris Feng
+;; Author: Chris Feng <chris.w.feng@gmail.com>
+;; Keywords: unix
+;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+;; (at your option) any later version.
+;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this file.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This module adds workspace support for EXWM.
+;; Todo:
+;; + prevent from deleting frames of Emacs client (`frame-delete-functions')
+;;; Code:
+(defvar exwm-workspace-number 4 "Number of workspaces (1 ~ 10).")
+(defvar exwm-workspace--list nil "List of all workspaces (Emacs frames).")
+(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map [t] (lambda () (interactive)))
+    (dotimes (i 10)
+      (define-key map (int-to-string i)
+        `(lambda ()
+           (interactive)
+           (when (< ,i exwm-workspace-number)
+             (goto-history-element ,(1+ i))
+             (exit-minibuffer)))))
+    (define-key map "\C-a" (lambda () (interactive) (goto-history-element 1)))
+    (define-key map "\C-e" (lambda ()
+                             (interactive)
+                             (goto-history-element exwm-workspace-number)))
+    (define-key map "\C-g" 'abort-recursive-edit)
+    (define-key map "\C-]" 'abort-recursive-edit)
+    (define-key map "\C-j" 'exit-minibuffer)
+    ;; (define-key map "\C-m" 'exit-minibuffer) ;not working
+    (define-key map [return] 'exit-minibuffer)
+    (define-key map " " 'exit-minibuffer)
+    (define-key map "\C-f" 'previous-history-element)
+    (define-key map "\C-b" 'next-history-element)
+    ;; Alternative keys
+    (define-key map [right] 'previous-history-element)
+    (define-key map [left] 'next-history-element)
+    map)
+  "Keymap used for interactively switch workspace.")
+(defvar exwm-workspace--switch-history nil
+  "History for `read-from-minibuffer' to interactively switch workspace.")
+(defun exwm-workspace--update-switch-history ()
+  "Update the history for switching workspace to reflect the latest status."
+  (let ((sequence (number-sequence 0 (1- exwm-workspace-number)))
+        (not-empty (make-vector exwm-workspace-number nil)))
+    (dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
+      (with-current-buffer (cdr i)
+        (setf (elt not-empty (cl-position exwm--frame exwm-workspace--list))
+              t)))
+    (setq exwm-workspace--switch-history
+          (mapcar
+           (lambda (i)
+             (mapconcat
+              (lambda (j)
+                (format (if (= i j) "[%s]" " %s ")
+                        (propertize
+                         (int-to-string j)
+                         'face
+                         (cond ((frame-parameter (elt exwm-workspace--list j)
+                                                 'exwm--urgency)
+                                '(:foreground "orange"))
+                               ((elt not-empty j) '(:foreground "green"))
+                               (t nil)))))
+              sequence ""))
+           sequence))))
+(defvar exwm-workspace--current nil "Current active workspace.")
+(defvar exwm-workspace-current-index 0 "Index of current active workspace.")
+(defun exwm-workspace-switch (index &optional force)
+  "Switch to workspace INDEX. Query for INDEX if it's not specified.
+The optional FORCE option is for internal use only "
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (let* ((history-add-new-input nil)  ;prevent modifying history
+           (idx (read-from-minibuffer
+                 "Workspace: " (elt exwm-workspace--switch-history
+                                    exwm-workspace-current-index)
+                 exwm-workspace--switch-map nil
+                 `(exwm-workspace--switch-history
+                   . ,(1+ exwm-workspace-current-index)))))
+      (cl-position idx exwm-workspace--switch-history :test 'equal))))
+  (unless (and (<= 0 index) (< index exwm-workspace-number))
+    (user-error "[EXWM] Workspace index out of range: %d" index))
+  (when (or force (/= exwm-workspace-current-index index))
+    (select-frame-set-input-focus (elt exwm-workspace--list index))
+    ;; Hide all workspaces but the selected one
+    (dotimes (i exwm-workspace-number)
+      (unless (= i index) (make-frame-invisible (elt exwm-workspace--list i))))
+    (setq exwm-workspace--current (elt exwm-workspace--list index)
+          exwm-workspace-current-index index)
+    (setq default-minibuffer-frame (selected-frame))
+    ;; Hide windows in other workspaces by preprending a space
+    (dolist (i exwm--id-buffer-alist)
+      (with-current-buffer (cdr i)
+        (let ((name (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-*" "" (buffer-name))))
+          (rename-buffer (if (eq (selected-frame) exwm--frame)
+                             name
+                           (concat " " name))))))
+    ;; Update demands attention flag
+    (set-frame-parameter (selected-frame) 'exwm--urgency nil)
+    ;; Update switch workspace history
+    (exwm-workspace--update-switch-history)
+    (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+        (make-instance 'xcb:ewmh:set-_NET_CURRENT_DESKTOP
+                       :window exwm--root :data index))
+    (xcb:flush exwm--connection)))
+(defun exwm-workspace-move-window (index &optional id)
+  "Move window ID to workspace INDEX."
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (let* ((history-add-new-input nil)  ;prevent modifying history
+           (idx (read-from-minibuffer
+                 "Workspace: " (elt exwm-workspace--switch-history
+                                    exwm-workspace-current-index)
+                 exwm-workspace--switch-map nil
+                 `(exwm-workspace--switch-history
+                   . ,(1+ exwm-workspace-current-index)))))
+      (cl-position idx exwm-workspace--switch-history :test 'equal))))
+  (unless id (setq id (exwm--buffer->id (window-buffer))))
+  (unless (and (<= 0 index) (< index exwm-workspace-number))
+    (user-error "[EXWM] Workspace index out of range: %d" index))
+  (when (/= exwm-workspace-current-index index)
+    (set-window-buffer (get-buffer-window (exwm--id->buffer id))
+                       (other-buffer))
+    (let ((frame (elt exwm-workspace--list index)))
+      (with-current-buffer (exwm--id->buffer id)
+        (setq exwm--frame frame)
+        (rename-buffer
+         (concat " " (replace-regexp-in-string "^\\s-*" "" (buffer-name))))
+        (if exwm--floating-frame
+            ;; Move the floating frame is enough
+            (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+            (make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
+                           :window (frame-parameter exwm--floating-frame
+                                                    'exwm-outer-id)
+                           :parent (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-window-id)
+                           :x 0 :y 0))
+          ;; Move the window itself
+          (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+              (make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
+                             :window id :value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
+                             :event-mask xcb:EventMask:NoEvent))
+          (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+              (make-instance 'xcb:ReparentWindow
+                             :window id
+                             :parent (frame-parameter frame 'exwm-window-id)
+                             :x 0 :y 0))
+          (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+              (make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
+                             :window id :value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
+                             :event-mask exwm--client-event-mask)))))
+    (xcb:flush exwm--connection)
+    (exwm-workspace--update-switch-history)))
+(defun exwm-workspace--init ()
+  "Initialize workspace module."
+  (cl-assert (and (< 0 exwm-workspace-number) (>= 10 exwm-workspace-number)))
+  ;; Prevent unexpected exit
+  (setq confirm-kill-emacs
+        (lambda (prompt)
+          (pcase (length exwm--id-buffer-alist)
+            (0 (y-or-n-p prompt))
+            (x (yes-or-no-p (format "[EXWM] %d window%s currently alive. %s"
+                                    x (if (= x 1) "" "s") prompt))))))
+  ;; Initialize workspaces
+  (setq exwm-workspace--list (frame-list))
+  (when (< 1 (length exwm-workspace--list))
+    ;; Emacs client creates an extra (but unusable) frame
+    (dolist (i exwm-workspace--list)
+      (unless (frame-parameter i 'window-id)
+        (setq exwm-workspace--list (delq i exwm-workspace--list)))))
+  (cl-assert (= 1 (length exwm-workspace--list)))
+  ;; Configure the existing frame
+  (set-frame-parameter (car exwm-workspace--list) 'fullscreen 'fullboth)
+  ;; Create remaining frames
+  (dotimes (i (1- exwm-workspace-number))
+    (nconc exwm-workspace--list
+           (list (make-frame '((window-system . x) (fullscreen . fullboth))))))
+  ;; Configure workspaces
+  (dolist (i exwm-workspace--list)
+    (let ((window-id (string-to-int (frame-parameter i 'window-id)))
+          (outer-id (string-to-int (frame-parameter i 'outer-window-id))))
+      ;; Save window IDs
+      (set-frame-parameter i 'exwm-window-id window-id)
+      (set-frame-parameter i 'exwm-outer-id outer-id)
+      ;; Set OverrideRedirect on all frames
+      (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+          (make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
+                         :window outer-id :value-mask xcb:CW:OverrideRedirect
+                         :override-redirect 1))
+      ;; Select events on all virtual roots
+      (xcb:+request exwm--connection
+          (make-instance 'xcb:ChangeWindowAttributes
+                         :window window-id :value-mask xcb:CW:EventMask
+                         :event-mask xcb:EventMask:SubstructureRedirect))))
+  ;; Switch to the first workspace
+  (exwm-workspace-switch 0 t))
+(provide 'exwm-workspace)
+;;; exwm-workspace.el ends here