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path: root/emacs/.emacs.d
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/.emacs.d')
153 files changed, 22623 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/init.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/init.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a54ab18351ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/init.el
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+;; load order is intentional
+(require 'wpc-package)
+(require 'wpc-misc)
+(require 'ssh)
+(require 'keyboard)
+(require 'irc)
+(require 'email)
+(require 'keybindings)
+(require 'window-manager)
+(require 'wpc-ui)
+(require 'wpc-dired)
+(require 'wpc-org)
+(require 'wpc-company)
+(require 'wpc-shell)
+(require 'wpc-lisp)
+(require 'wpc-haskell)
+(require 'wpc-elixir)
+(require 'wpc-nix)
+(require 'wpc-rust)
+(require 'wpc-clojure)
+(require 'wpc-prolog)
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/opam-user-setup.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/opam-user-setup.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a23addefafe4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/opam-user-setup.el
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;; ## added by OPAM user-setup for emacs / base ## cfd3c9b7837c85cffd0c59de521990f0 ## you can edit, but keep this line
+(provide 'opam-user-setup)
+;; Base configuration for OPAM
+(defun opam-shell-command-to-string (command)
+  "Similar to shell-command-to-string, but returns nil unless the process
+  returned 0, and ignores stderr (shell-command-to-string ignores return value)"
+  (let* ((return-value 0)
+         (return-string
+          (with-output-to-string
+            (setq return-value
+                  (with-current-buffer standard-output
+                    (process-file shell-file-name nil '(t nil) nil
+                                  shell-command-switch command))))))
+    (if (= return-value 0) return-string nil)))
+(defun opam-update-env (switch)
+  "Update the environment to follow current OPAM switch configuration"
+  (interactive
+   (list
+    (let ((default
+            (car (split-string (opam-shell-command-to-string "opam switch show --safe")))))
+      (completing-read
+       (concat "opam switch (" default "): ")
+       (split-string (opam-shell-command-to-string "opam switch list -s --safe") "\n")
+       nil t nil nil default))))
+  (let* ((switch-arg (if (= 0 (length switch)) "" (concat "--switch " switch)))
+         (command (concat "opam config env --safe --sexp " switch-arg))
+         (env (opam-shell-command-to-string command)))
+    (when (and env (not (string= env "")))
+      (dolist (var (car (read-from-string env)))
+        (setenv (car var) (cadr var))
+        (when (string= (car var) "PATH")
+          (setq exec-path (split-string (cadr var) path-separator)))))))
+(opam-update-env nil)
+(defvar opam-share
+  (let ((reply (opam-shell-command-to-string "opam config var share --safe")))
+    (when reply (substring reply 0 -1))))
+(add-to-list 'load-path (concat opam-share "/emacs/site-lisp"))
+;; OPAM-installed tools automated detection and initialisation
+(defun opam-setup-tuareg ()
+  (add-to-list 'load-path (concat opam-share "/tuareg") t)
+  (load "tuareg-site-file"))
+(defun opam-setup-add-ocaml-hook (h)
+  (add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook h t)
+  (add-hook 'caml-mode-hook h t))
+(defun opam-setup-complete ()
+  (if (require 'company nil t)
+    (opam-setup-add-ocaml-hook
+      (lambda ()
+         (company-mode)
+         (defalias 'auto-complete 'company-complete)))
+    (require 'auto-complete nil t)))
+(defun opam-setup-ocp-indent ()
+  (opam-setup-complete)
+  (autoload 'ocp-setup-indent "ocp-indent" "Improved indentation for Tuareg mode")
+  (autoload 'ocp-indent-caml-mode-setup "ocp-indent" "Improved indentation for Caml mode")
+  (add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'ocp-setup-indent t)
+  (add-hook 'caml-mode-hook 'ocp-indent-caml-mode-setup  t))
+(defun opam-setup-ocp-index ()
+  (autoload 'ocp-index-mode "ocp-index" "OCaml code browsing, documentation and completion based on build artefacts")
+  (opam-setup-add-ocaml-hook 'ocp-index-mode))
+(defun opam-setup-merlin ()
+  (opam-setup-complete)
+  (require 'merlin)
+  (opam-setup-add-ocaml-hook 'merlin-mode)
+  (defcustom ocp-index-use-auto-complete nil
+    "Use auto-complete with ocp-index (disabled by default by opam-user-setup because merlin is in use)"
+    :group 'ocp_index)
+  (defcustom merlin-ac-setup 'easy
+    "Use auto-complete with merlin (enabled by default by opam-user-setup)"
+    :group 'merlin-ac)
+  ;; So you can do it on a mac, where `C-<up>` and `C-<down>` are used
+  ;; by spaces.
+  (define-key merlin-mode-map
+    (kbd "C-c <up>") 'merlin-type-enclosing-go-up)
+  (define-key merlin-mode-map
+    (kbd "C-c <down>") 'merlin-type-enclosing-go-down)
+  (set-face-background 'merlin-type-face "skyblue"))
+(defun opam-setup-utop ()
+  (autoload 'utop "utop" "Toplevel for OCaml" t)
+  (autoload 'utop-minor-mode "utop" "Minor mode for utop" t)
+  (add-hook 'tuareg-mode-hook 'utop-minor-mode))
+(defvar opam-tools
+  '(("tuareg" . opam-setup-tuareg)
+    ("ocp-indent" . opam-setup-ocp-indent)
+    ("ocp-index" . opam-setup-ocp-index)
+    ("merlin" . opam-setup-merlin)
+    ("utop" . opam-setup-utop)))
+(defun opam-detect-installed-tools ()
+  (let*
+      ((command "opam list --installed --short --safe --color=never")
+       (names (mapcar 'car opam-tools))
+       (command-string (mapconcat 'identity (cons command names) " "))
+       (reply (opam-shell-command-to-string command-string)))
+    (when reply (split-string reply))))
+(defvar opam-tools-installed (opam-detect-installed-tools))
+(defun opam-auto-tools-setup ()
+  (interactive)
+  (dolist (tool opam-tools)
+    (when (member (car tool) opam-tools-installed)
+     (funcall (symbol-function (cdr tool))))))
+;; ## end of OPAM user-setup addition for emacs / base ## keep this line
+;; ## added by OPAM user-setup for emacs / tuareg ## b10f42abebd2259b784b70d1a7f7e426 ## you can edit, but keep this line
+;; Set to autoload tuareg from its original switch when not found in current
+;; switch (don't load tuareg-site-file as it adds unwanted load-paths)
+(defun opam-tuareg-autoload (fct file doc args)
+  (let ((load-path (cons "/home/wpcarro/.opam/default/share/emacs/site-lisp" load-path)))
+    (load file))
+  (apply fct args))
+(when (not (member "tuareg" opam-tools-installed))
+  (defun tuareg-mode (&rest args)
+    (opam-tuareg-autoload 'tuareg-mode "tuareg" "Major mode for editing OCaml code" args))
+  (defun tuareg-run-ocaml (&rest args)
+    (opam-tuareg-autoload 'tuareg-run-ocaml "tuareg" "Run an OCaml toplevel process" args))
+  (defun ocamldebug (&rest args)
+    (opam-tuareg-autoload 'ocamldebug "ocamldebug" "Run the OCaml debugger" args))
+  (defalias 'run-ocaml 'tuareg-run-ocaml)
+  (defalias 'camldebug 'ocamldebug)
+  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.ml[iylp]?\\'" . tuareg-mode))
+  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.eliomi?\\'" . tuareg-mode))
+  (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("ocamlrun" . tuareg-mode))
+  (add-to-list 'interpreter-mode-alist '("ocaml" . tuareg-mode))
+  (dolist (ext '(".cmo" ".cmx" ".cma" ".cmxa" ".cmxs" ".cmt" ".cmti" ".cmi" ".annot"))
+    (add-to-list 'completion-ignored-extensions ext)))
+;; ## end of OPAM user-setup addition for emacs / tuareg ## keep this line
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/stdio b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/stdio
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..52bc717e470e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/stdio
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: <stdio.h>
+# key: sio
+# --
+#include <stdio.h>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/stdlib b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/stdlib
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d44e8ed7989
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/stdlib
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: <stdlib.h>
+# key: slb
+# --
+#include <stdlib.h>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/struct b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/struct
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6e9282f83c79
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/c-mode/struct
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: struct
+# key: struct
+# --
+typedef struct $1 {
+  $2
+} $1_t;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/elisp-module-docs b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/elisp-module-docs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8ea7b8f07724
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/elisp-module-docs
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Elisp module docs
+# key: emd
+# --
+;;; `(-> (buffer-file-name) f-filename)` --- $2 -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;;; Commentary:
+;; $3
+;;; Code:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bfa888d5265d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/function
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Function
+# key: fn
+# expand-env: ((yas-indent-line 'fixed))
+# --
+(defun $1 ($2)
+  "$3"
+  $4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/generic-header b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/generic-header
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bf6e525f8c65
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/generic-header
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Header
+# key: hdr
+# --
+;; $1
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/library-header b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/library-header
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f0ad5c4fc4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/library-header
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Library header
+# key: lib
+# --
+;; Library
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/provide-footer b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/provide-footer
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a0bcc33f7bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/emacs-lisp-mode/provide-footer
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Provide footer
+# key: elf
+# --
+(provide '`(-> (buffer-file-name) f-filename f-no-ext)`)
+;;; `(-> (buffer-file-name) f-filename)` ends here
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/derive-safe-copy b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/derive-safe-copy
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95f7d9deecd0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/derive-safe-copy
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Derive Safe Copy
+# key: dsc
+# --
+deriveSafeCopy 0 'base ''$1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/import-qualified b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/import-qualified
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4c4db62a8a47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/import-qualified
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Import qualified
+# key: iq
+# --
+import qualified $1 as $2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/instance-defn b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/instance-defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..10d194ce41f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/instance-defn
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Instance
+# key: inst
+# --
+instance $1 where
+  $2 = $3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/language-extension b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/language-extension
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9d6084acb40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/language-extension
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: language extension
+# key: lang
+# --
+{-# LANGUAGE $1 #-}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/separator b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/separator
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1ab0d762b611
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/separator
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Separator
+# key: -
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/undefined b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/undefined
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7609f801f278
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/haskell-mode/undefined
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Undefiend
+# key: nd
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/html-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/html-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/html-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/html-mode/index-boilerplate b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/html-mode/index-boilerplate
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3cea6ce003ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/html-mode/index-boilerplate
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: HTML index.html starter
+# key: html
+# --
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+  <meta charset="utf-8">
+  <title>$1</title>
+  <meta name="description" content="$2">
+  <meta name="author" content="William Carroll">
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
+  <script src="index.js"></script>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/java-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/java-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/java-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/java-mode/public-static-void-main b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/java-mode/public-static-void-main
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1839a27eb5c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/java-mode/public-static-void-main
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: public static void main
+# key: psvm
+# --
+public static void main(String[] args) {
+    $1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/defpackage b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/defpackage
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7f110a9718e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/defpackage
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Define package
+# key: defp
+# --
+(in-package #:cl-user)
+(defpackage #:$1
+  (:documentation "$2")
+  (:use #:cl))
+(in-package #:$1)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b1769cd3d102
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/function
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Function
+# key: fn
+# --
+(defun $1 ($2)
+  "$3"
+  $4)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/typed-function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/typed-function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a3c236821e06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/lisp-mode/typed-function
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Typed function
+# key: tfn
+# --
+(type $1 ($3) $4)
+(defun $1 ($2)
+  "$5"
+  $6)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/nix-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/nix-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/nix-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/nix-mode/shell-nix b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/nix-mode/shell-nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..45cb24e2b9e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/nix-mode/shell-nix
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: shell.nix boilerplate
+# key: import
+# --
+  briefcase = with import <briefcase> {};
+  pkgs = briefcase.third_party.pkgs;
+in stdenv.mkDerivation {
+  name = "$1";
+  buildInputs = [
+    $2
+  ];
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/code-snippet b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/code-snippet
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4215b15992b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/code-snippet
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Code Snippet
+# key: src
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/href b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/href
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ac65ea2e49be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/org-mode/href
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Org mode URL
+# key: href
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/dunder-main b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/dunder-main
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4dd22dc0b2da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/dunder-main
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Dunder main (__main__)
+# key: mn
+# --
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+    main()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..379ceda1a3a6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/function
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Function
+# key: fn
+# --
+def $1($2):
+    $3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/header b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/header
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..db48adfec737
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/header
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Header
+# key: hdr
+# --
+# $1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/init b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/init
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5c407495f53a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/init
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: dunder init
+# key: ctor
+# --
+def __init__(self$1):
+    $2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/shebang b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/shebang
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0f45ae782d32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/shebang
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: shebang
+# key: shb
+# --
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/utf-8 b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/utf-8
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3babc730305a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/python-mode/utf-8
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: utf-8
+# key: utf
+# --
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..882c48ded39d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/function
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Function
+# key: fn
+# --
+(define ($1) $2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/lambda b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/lambda
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9a684588bc4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/lambda
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Lambda function
+# key: ld
+# --
+(λ ($1) $2)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/lambda-symbol b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/lambda-symbol
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..254b9fd96b18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/racket-mode/lambda-symbol
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Lambda symbol
+# key: l
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6b4b6a5db2a7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/function
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Function
+# key: fn
+# --
+let $1 = (~$2:$3) => {
+  $4
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/switch b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/switch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..40f34ff8d1f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/reason-mode/switch
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Switch statement
+# key: sw
+# --
+switch ($1) {
+| $2 =>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/action-extractor b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/action-extractor
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..62834a29ab04
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/action-extractor
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: exactness
+# key: $x
+# --
+$Exact<$Call<typeof $1>>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/console-log b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/console-log
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..82ec3fd8e379
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/console-log
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Console.log helper
+# key: clg
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/const-defn b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/const-defn
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8e35e61fc2c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/const-defn
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: const definition
+# key: cn
+# --
+const $1 = '$2'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/const-function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/const-function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..13f2018f2269
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/const-function
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: const function
+# key: cfn
+# --
+const $1 = ($2) => {
+  $3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/destructure-const b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/destructure-const
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2a52c57c75cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/destructure-const
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Destructuring a const
+# key: cds
+# --
+const { $1 } = $2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/fat-arrow b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/fat-arrow
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..187a2efc5a7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/fat-arrow
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Fat arrow function
+# key: fa
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/fat-arrow-function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/fat-arrow-function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..694914a83c95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/fat-arrow-function
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Fat arrow function
+# key: faf
+# --
+() => {
+  $1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-destructured b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-destructured
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ded3ce163a93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-destructured
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Import destructured
+# key: ids
+# --
+import { $1 } from '$2'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-react b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-react
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0463f5cd5593
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-react
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Import React dependency (ES6)
+# key: ir
+# --
+import React from 'react'
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-type b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-type
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fcd51f687b61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-type
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: import type
+# key: ixt
+# --
+import type { $1 } from '$2'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-x-from-y b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-x-from-y
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..09fa6df50506
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-x-from-y
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: import x from y
+# key: ix
+# --
+import $1 from '$2'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-y b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-y
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f550e300d12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/import-y
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: import y
+# key: iy
+# --
+import '$1'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/jest-describe-test b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/jest-describe-test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ed382d4f74c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/jest-describe-test
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Jest describe/test block
+# key: dsc
+# --
+describe('$1', () => {
+  test('$2', () => {
+    expect($3).toEqual($4)
+  })
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/jest-test b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/jest-test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..12ca2e786ded
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/jest-test
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Jest / Jasmine test
+# key: tst
+# --
+test('$1', () => {
+  expect($2).toBe($3)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/react-class-component b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/react-class-component
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f2a93a31d96d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/react-class-component
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: React class extends
+# key: clz
+# --
+class $1 extends React.Component {
+  render() {
+    $2
+  }
+export default $1
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/redux-action b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/redux-action
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..681c5d0dfdf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/redux-action
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: redux-action
+# key: rax
+# --
+export const ${1:$$(string-lower->caps yas-text)} = '`(downcase (functions-buffer-dirname))`/${1:$(string-caps->kebab yas-text)}'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/typed-redux-action b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/typed-redux-action
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..53c6e5fc5ac2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rjsx-mode/typed-redux-action
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: typed-redux-action
+# key: trax
+# --
+export const ${1:$$(string-lower->caps yas-text)}: '`(downcase (functions-buffer-dirname))`/${1:$(string-caps->kebab yas-text)}' = '`(downcase (buffer-dirname))`/${1:$(string-caps->kebab yas-text)}'
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/for-loop b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/for-loop
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..4d8e0e3bbd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/for-loop
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: for-loop
+# key: for
+# --
+for $1 in $2 {
+    $3
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/match b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/match
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bf0e876e2b98
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/rust-mode/match
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: match
+# key: match
+# --
+match $1 {
+    $2 => $3,
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/sh-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/sh-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/sh-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/sh-mode/function b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/sh-mode/function
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..efa946bb272f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/sh-mode/function
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Create function
+# key: fn
+# --
+$1() {
+  $2
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/check-mark b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/check-mark
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..797781968881
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/check-mark
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Unicode checkmark
+# key: uck
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/x-mark b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/x-mark
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bc3c356a6157
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/text-mode/x-mark
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Unicode ex-mark
+# key: ux
+# --
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/.yas-parents b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/.yas-parents
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d58dacb7a0b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/.yas-parents
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/header b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/header
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae59c7a50f9c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/header
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: Header
+# key: hdr
+# --
+ * $1
+ ******************************************************************************/
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/index-boilerplate b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/index-boilerplate
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b791cdf86fe5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/snippets/web-mode/index-boilerplate
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+# -*- mode: snippet -*-
+# name: HTML index.html starter
+# key: html
+# --
+<!doctype html>
+<html lang="en">
+  <meta charset="utf-8">
+  <title>$1</title>
+  <meta name="description" content="$2">
+  <meta name="author" content="William Carroll">
+  <link rel="stylesheet" href="index.css">
+  <script src="index.js"></script>
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/dired+.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/dired+.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2403b0af9c02
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/dired+.el
@@ -0,0 +1,13696 @@
+;;; dired+.el --- Extensions to Dired.
+;; Filename: dired+.el
+;; Description: Extensions to Dired.
+;; Author: Drew Adams
+;; Maintainer: Drew Adams (concat "drew.adams" "@" "oracle" ".com")
+;; Copyright (C) 1999-2019, Drew Adams, all rights reserved.
+;; Created: Fri Mar 19 15:58:58 1999
+;; Version: 2019.04.21
+;; Package-Requires: ()
+;; Last-Updated: Sun Jul 21 09:47:33 2019 (-0700)
+;;           By: dradams
+;;     Update #: 11727
+;; URL: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/dired%2b.el
+;; Doc URL: https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DiredPlus
+;; Keywords: unix, mouse, directories, diredp, dired
+;; Compatibility: GNU Emacs: 20.x, 21.x, 22.x, 23.x, 24.x, 25.x, 26.x
+;; Features that might be required by this library:
+;;   `apropos', `apropos+', `autofit-frame', `avoid', `backquote',
+;;   `bookmark', `bookmark+', `bookmark+-1', `bookmark+-bmu',
+;;   `bookmark+-key', `bookmark+-lit', `button', `bytecomp', `cconv',
+;;   `cl', `cl-lib', `cmds-menu', `col-highlight', `crosshairs',
+;;   `dired', `dired+', `dired-aux', `dired-loaddefs', `dired-x',
+;;   `easymenu', `fit-frame', `font-lock', `font-lock+',
+;;   `format-spec', `frame-fns', `gv', `help+', `help-fns',
+;;   `help-fns+', `help-macro', `help-macro+', `help-mode',
+;;   `highlight', `hl-line', `hl-line+', `image', `image-dired',
+;;   `image-file', `image-mode', `info', `info+', `kmacro',
+;;   `macroexp', `menu-bar', `menu-bar+', `misc-cmds', `misc-fns',
+;;   `naked', `pp', `pp+', `radix-tree', `replace', `second-sel',
+;;   `strings', `syntax', `text-mode', `thingatpt', `thingatpt+',
+;;   `vline', `w32-browser', `w32browser-dlgopen', `wid-edit',
+;;   `wid-edit+', `widget'.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;    Extensions to Dired.
+;;  This file extends functionalities provided by standard GNU Emacs
+;;  files `dired.el', `dired-aux.el', and `dired-x.el'.
+;;  Key bindings changed.  Menus redefined.  `diredp-mouse-3-menu'
+;;  popup menu added.  New commands.  Some commands enhanced.
+;;  All of the new functions, variables, and faces defined here have
+;;  the prefix `diredp-' (for Dired Plus) in their names.
+;;  Wraparound Navigation
+;;  ---------------------
+;;  In vanilla Dired, `dired-next-marked-file' (`M-}' or `* C-n') and
+;;  `dired-previous-marked-file' (`M-{' or `* C-p') wrap around when
+;;  you get to the end or the beginning of the Dired buffer.  Handy.
+;;  But the other navigation commands do not wrap around.  In `Dired+'
+;;  they do, provided option `diredp-wrap-around-flag' is non-nil,
+;;  which it is by default.  This means the following commands:
+;;    `diredp-next-line'     - `n', `C-n', `down', `SPC'
+;;    `diredp-previous-line' - `p', `C-p', `up'
+;;    `diredp-next-dirline'  - `>'
+;;    `diredp-prev-dirline'  - `<'
+;;    `diredp-next-subdir'   - `C-M-n'
+;;    `diredp-prev-subdir'   - `C-M-p'
+;;  Quick Viewing While Navigating
+;;  ------------------------------
+;;  You can use key `C-down' or `C-up' to navigate to the next or
+;;  previous file line, respectively, and at the same time show its
+;;  file in another window.  The focus remains on the Dired buffer.
+;;  A numeric prefix arg means move that many lines first.
+;;  Names of files and directories that match either of the options
+;;  `diredp-visit-ignore-extensions' or `diredp-visit-ignore-regexps'
+;;  are skipped.
+;;  You can use `e' to show the file of the current line.  If it is
+;;  already shown in the same frame, and if Dired is the only other
+;;  window there, then the file is hidden (its window is deleted).
+;;  Font-Lock Highlighting
+;;  ----------------------
+;;  If you want a maximum or minimum fontification for Dired mode,
+;;  then customize option `font-lock-maximum-decoration'.  If you want
+;;  a different fontification level for Dired than for other modes,
+;;  you can do this too by customizing
+;;  `font-lock-maximize-decoration'.
+;;  A few of the user options defined here have an effect on
+;;  font-locking, and this effect is established only when Dired+ is
+;;  loaded, which defines the font-lock keywords for Dired.  These
+;;  options include `diredp-compressed-extensions',
+;;  `diredp-ignore-compressed-flag', `dired-omit-extensions', and
+;;  `diredp-omit-files-regexp'.  This means that if you change the
+;;  value of such an option then you will see the change only in a new
+;;  Emacs session.
+;;  (You can see the effect in the same session if you use `C-M-x' on
+;;  the `defvar' sexp for `diredp-font-lock-keywords-1', and then you
+;;  toggle font-lock off and back on.)
+;;  Act on All Files
+;;  ----------------
+;;  Most of the commands (such as `C' and `M-g') that operate on the
+;;  marked files have the added feature here that multiple `C-u' use
+;;  not the files that are marked or the next or previous N files, but
+;;  *all* of the files in the Dired buffer.  Just what "all" files
+;;  means changes with the number of `C-u', as follows:
+;;    `C-u C-u'         - Use all files present, but no directories.
+;;    `C-u C-u C-u'     - Use all files and dirs except `.' and `..'.
+;;    `C-u C-u C-u C-u' - use all files and dirs, `.' and `..'.
+;;    (More than four `C-u' act the same as two.)
+;;  This feature can be particularly useful when you have a Dired
+;;  buffer with files chosen from multiple directories.
+;;  Note that in most cases this behavior is described only in the doc
+;;  string of function `dired-get-marked-files'.  It is generally
+;;  *not* described in the doc strings of the various commands,
+;;  because that would require redefining each command separately
+;;  here.  Instead, we redefine macro `dired-map-over-marks' and
+;;  function `dired-get-filename' in order to achieve this effect.
+;;  Commands such as `dired-do-load' for which it does not make sense
+;;  to act on directories generally treat more than two `C-u' the same
+;;  as two `C-u'.
+;;  Exceptions to the general behavior described here are called out
+;;  in the doc strings.  In particular, the behavior of a prefix arg
+;;  for `dired-do-query-replace-regexp' is different, so that you can
+;;  use it also to specify word-delimited replacement.
+;;  Act on Marked (or All) Files Here and Below
+;;  -------------------------------------------
+;;  The prefix argument behavior just described does not apply to the
+;;  `diredp-*-recursive' commands.  These commands act on the marked
+;;  files in the current Dired buffer or on all files in the directory
+;;  if none are marked.
+;;  But these commands also handle marked subdirectories recursively,
+;;  in the same way.  That is, they act also on the marked files in
+;;  any marked subdirectories, found recursively.  If such a
+;;  descendant directory is listed in a Dired buffer then its marked
+;;  files and subdirs are handled the same way.  If there is no Dired
+;;  buffer that lists a given marked subdirectory then all of its
+;;  files and subdirs are acted on.
+;;  For most such here-and-below commands, a prefix argument means
+;;  ignore all marks.  The commands then act on all files in the
+;;  current Dired buffer and all of its subdirectories, recursively.
+;;  But here-and-below commands that unmark or change marks act
+;;  differently for different kinds of prefix argument:
+;;  * A non-positive prefix arg means ignore subdir markings and act
+;;    instead on ALL subdirs.
+;;  * A non-negative prefix arg means do not change marks on subdirs
+;;    themselves.
+;;  For example, `M-+ U' removes all marks, including from marked
+;;  subdirs, recursively.  `C-- M-+ U' removes them from all files in
+;;  all subdirs (marked or not), recursively.  `C-9 M-+ U' removes all
+;;  marks, recursively, except the marks on subdirs themselves.  `C-0
+;;  M-+ U' acts like those two combined: it descends everywhere,
+;;  ignoring which subdirs are marked, but it does not remove marks
+;;  from subdirs themselves.
+;;  All of the `diredp-*-recursive' commands are on prefix key `M-+',
+;;  and most are available on submenu `Marked Here and Below' of the
+;;  `Multiple' menu-bar menu.  The commands that unmark and change
+;;  marks are also in submenu `Here and Below' of menu-bar menu
+;;  `Marks'.
+;;  If you use library `Icicles' then you have the following
+;;  additional commands/keys that act recursively on marked files.
+;;  They are in the `Icicles' submenu of menu `Multiple' > `Marked
+;;  Here and Below'.
+;;  * `M-+ M-s M-s' or `M-s M-s m' - Use Icicles search (and its
+;;                  on-demand replace) on the marked files.
+;;  * Save the names of the marked files:
+;;    `M-+ C-M->' - Save as a completion set, for use during
+;;                  completion (e.g. with `C-x C-f').
+;;    `M-+ C->'   - Add marked names to the names in the current saved
+;;                  completion set.
+;;    `M-+ C-}'   - Save persistently to an Icicles cache file, for
+;;                  use during completion in another session.
+;;    `icicle-dired-save-marked-to-fileset-recursive' - Like `M-+
+;;                  C-}', but save persistently to an Emacs fileset.
+;;    `M-+ C-M-}' - Save to a Lisp variable.
+;;  In the other direction, if you have a saved set of file names then
+;;  you can use `C-M-<' (`icicle-dired-chosen-files-other-window') in
+;;  Dired to open a Dired buffer for just those files.  So you can
+;;  mark some files and subdirs in a hierarchy of Dired buffers, use
+;;  `M-+ C-}' to save their names persistently, then later use `C-{'
+;;  to retrieve them, and `C-M-<' (in Dired) to open Dired on them.
+;;  Image Files
+;;  -----------
+;;  `Dired+' provides several enhancements regarding image files.
+;;  Most of these require standard library `image-dired.el'.  One of
+;;  them, command `diredp-do-display-images', which displays all of
+;;  the marked image files, requires standard library `image-file.el'.
+;;  `Dired+' loads these libraries automatically, if available, which
+;;  means an Emacs version that supports image display (Emacs 22 or
+;;  later).  (You must of course have installed whatever else your
+;;  Emacs version needs to display images.)
+;;  Besides command `diredp-do-display-images', see the commands whose
+;;  names have prefix `diredp-image-'.  And see options
+;;  `diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip' and
+;;  `diredp-auto-focus-frame-for-thumbnail-tooltip-flag'.
+;;  Inserted Subdirs, Multiple Dired Buffers, Files from Anywhere,...
+;;  -----------------------------------------------------------------
+;;  These three standard Dired features are worth pointing out.  The
+;;  third in particular is little known because (a) it is limited in
+;;  vanilla Dired and (b) you cannot use it interactively.
+;;   * You can pass a glob pattern with wildcards to `dired'
+;;     interactively, as the file name.
+;;   * You can insert multiple subdirectory listings into a single
+;;     Dired buffer using `i' on each subdir line.  Use `C-u i' to
+;;     specify `ls' switches.  Specifying switch `R' inserts the
+;;     inserted subdirectory's subdirs also, recursively.  You can
+;;     also use `i' to bounce between a subdirectory line and its
+;;     inserted-listing header line.  You can delete a subdir listing
+;;     using `C-u k' on its header line.  You can hide/show an
+;;     inserted subdir using `$'.  You can use `C-_' to undo any of
+;;     these operations.
+;;   * You can open a Dired buffer for an arbitrary set of files from
+;;     different directories.  You do this by invoking `dired'
+;;     non-interactively, passing it a cons of a Dired buffer name and
+;;     the file names.  Relative file names are interpreted relative
+;;     to the value of `default-directory'.  Use absolute file names
+;;     when appropriate.
+;;  `Dired+' makes these features more useful.
+;;  `$' is improved: It is a simple toggle - it does not move the
+;;  cursor forward.  `M-$' advances the cursor, in addition to
+;;  toggling like `$'.  `C-u $' does hide/show all (what `M-$' does in
+;;  vanilla Dired).
+;;  `i' is improved in these ways:
+;;   * Once a subdir has been inserted, `i' bounces between the subdir
+;;     listing and the subdir line in the parent listing.  If the
+;;     parent dir is hidden, then `i' from a subdir opens the parent
+;;     listing so it can move to the subdir line there (Emacs 24+).
+;;   * Vanilla Dired lets you create a Dired listing with files and
+;;     directories from arbitrary locations, but you cannot insert
+;;     (`i') such a directory if it is not in the same directory tree
+;;     as the `default-directory' used to create the Dired buffer.
+;;     `Dired+' removes this limitation; you can insert any non-root
+;;     directories (that is, not `/', `c:/', etc.).
+;;  `Dired+' lets you create Dired buffers that contain arbitrary
+;;  files and directories interactively, not just using Lisp.  Just
+;;  use a non-positive prefix arg (e.g., `C--') when invoking `dired'.
+;;  You are then prompted for the Dired buffer name (anything you
+;;  like, not necessarily a directory name) and the individual files
+;;  and directories that you want listed.
+;;  A non-negative prefix arg still prompts you for the `ls' switches
+;;  to use.  (So `C-0' does both: prompts for `ls' switches and for
+;;  the Dired buffer name and the files to list.)
+;;  `Dired+' adds commands for combining and augmenting Dired
+;;  listings:
+;;   * `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer', bound globally to `C-x D A', lets
+;;     you add arbitrary file and directory names to an existing Dired
+;;     buffer.
+;;   * `diredp-dired-union', bound globally to `C-x D U', lets you
+;;     take the union of multiple Dired listings, or convert an
+;;     ordinary Dired listing to an explicit list of absolute file
+;;     names.  With a non-positive prefix arg, you can add extra file
+;;     and directory names, just as for `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer'.
+;;  You can optionally add a header line to a Dired buffer using
+;;  toggle command `diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode'.  (A
+;;  header line remains at the top of the window - no need to scroll
+;;  to see it.)  If you want to show the header line automatically in
+;;  all Dired buffers, you can do this:
+;;    (add-hook 'dired-before-readin-hook
+;;              'diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode)
+;;  Some other libraries, such as `Bookmark+' and `Icicles', make it
+;;  easy to create or re-create Dired buffers that list specific files
+;;  and have a particular set of markings.  `Bookmark+' records Dired
+;;  buffers persistently, remembering `ls' switches, markings, subdir
+;;  insertions, and hidden subdirs.  If you use `Icicles' then `dired'
+;;  is a multi-command: you can open multiple Dired buffers with one
+;;  `dired' invocation.
+;;  Dired can help you manage projects.  You might have multiple Dired
+;;  buffers with quite specific contents.  You might have some
+;;  subdirectories inserted in the same Dired buffer, and you might
+;;  have separate Dired buffers for some subdirectories.  Sometimes it
+;;  is useful to have both for the same subdirectory.  And sometimes
+;;  it is useful to move from one presentation to the other.
+;;  This is one motivation for the `Dired+' `diredp-*-recursive'
+;;  commands, which act on the marked files in marked subdirectories,
+;;  recursively.  In one sense, these commands are an alternative to
+;;  using a single Dired buffer with inserted subdirectories.  They
+;;  let you use the same operations on the files in a set of Dired
+;;  directories, without inserting those directories into an ancestor
+;;  Dired buffer.
+;;  You can use command `diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs' to open a
+;;  separate Dired buffer for each of the subdirs that is inserted in
+;;  the current Dired buffer.  Markings and Dired switches are
+;;  preserved.
+;;  In the opposite direction, if you use `Icicles' then you can use
+;;  multi-command `icicle-dired-insert-as-subdir', which lets you
+;;  insert any number of directories you choose interactively into a
+;;  Dired ancestor directory listing.  If a directory you choose to
+;;  insert already has its own Dired buffer, then its markings and
+;;  switches are preserved for the new, subdirectory listing in the
+;;  ancestor Dired buffer.
+;;  Hide/Show Details
+;;  -----------------
+;;  Starting with Emacs 24.4, listing details are hidden by default.
+;;  Note that this is different from the vanilla Emacs behavior, which
+;;  is to show details by default.
+;;  Use `(' anytime to toggle this hiding.  You can use option
+;;  `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag' to change the default/initial
+;;  state.  See also option `diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag'.
+;;  NOTE: If you do not want to hide details initially then you must
+;;        either (1) change `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag' using
+;;        Customize (recommended) or (2) set it to `nil' (e.g., using
+;;        `setq') *BEFORE* loading `dired+.el'.
+;;  If you have an Emacs version older than 24.4, you can use library
+;;  `dired-details+.el' (plus `dired-details.el') to get similar
+;;  behavior.
+;;  Mode-Line
+;;  ---------
+;;  The number of files and dirs that are marked with `*', and the
+;;  number that are flagged for deletion (marked `D') are indicated in
+;;  the mode-line.  When the cursor is on such a line the indication
+;;  tells you how many more there are.  For example, if the cursor is
+;;  on the line of the third file that is marked `*', and there are
+;;  seven of them total, then the mode-line shows `3/7*'.
+;;  The mode-line also indicates, for the current listing (which could
+;;  be a subdir listing), how many files and dirs are listed.  If the
+;;  cursor is on the 27th file in a listing of 78 files then the
+;;  mode-line shows 27/78.
+;;  For counting files and dirs in a listing, option
+;;  `diredp-count-.-and-..-flag' controls whether to count the lines
+;;  for `.' and `..'.  By default it is nil, meaning they are not
+;;  counted.
+;;  If You Use Dired+ in Terminal Mode
+;;  ----------------------------------
+;;  By default, Dired+ binds some keys that can be problematic in some
+;;  terminals when you use Emacs in terminal mode (i.e., `emacs -nw').
+;;  This is controlled by option
+;;  `diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys'.
+;;  In particular, keys that use modifiers Meta and Shift together can
+;;  be problematic.  If you use Dired+ in text-only terminal, and you
+;;  find that your terminal does not support such keys, then you might
+;;  want to customize the option to set the value to `nil', and then
+;;  bind the commands to some other keys, which your terminal
+;;  supports.
+;;  The problematic keys used by Dired+ include these:
+;;    `M-M'   (aka `M-S-m')   - `diredp-chmod-this-file'
+;;    `M-O'   (aka `M-S-o')   - `diredp-chown-this-file'
+;;    `M-T'   (aka `M-S-t')   - `diredp-touch-this-file'
+;;    `C-M-B' (aka `C-M-S-b') - `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file'
+;;    `C-M-G' (aka `C-M-S-g') - `diredp-chgrp-this-file'
+;;    `C-M-R' (aka `C-M-S-r') - `diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir'
+;;    `C-M-T' (aka `C-M-S-t') - `dired-do-touch'
+;;    `M-+ M-B'   (aka `M-+ M-S-b') -
+;;        `diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive'
+;;    `M-+ C-M-B' (aka `M-+ C-M-S-b') -
+;;        `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive'
+;;    `M-+ C-M-T' (aka `M-+ C-M-S-t') - `diredp-do-touch-recursive'
+;;  (See also `(info "(org) TTY keys")' for more information about
+;;  keys that can be problematic in a text-only terminal.)
+;;  Faces defined here:
+;;    `diredp-autofile-name', `diredp-compressed-file-suffix',
+;;    `diredp-date-time', `diredp-deletion',
+;;    `diredp-deletion-file-name', `diredp-dir-heading',
+;;    `diredp-dir-priv', `diredp-exec-priv', `diredp-executable-tag',
+;;    `diredp-file-name', `diredp-file-suffix', `diredp-flag-mark',
+;;    `diredp-flag-mark-line', `diredp-get-file-or-dir-name',
+;;    `diredp-ignored-file-name', `diredp-link-priv',
+;;    `diredp-mode-line-flagged', `diredp-mode-line-marked'
+;;    `diredp-omit-file-name', `diredp-no-priv', `diredp-number',
+;;    `diredp-other-priv', `diredp-rare-priv', `diredp-read-priv',
+;;    `diredp-symlink', `diredp-tagged-autofile-name',
+;;    `diredp-write-priv'.
+;;  Commands defined here:
+;;    `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer', `diredp-add-to-this-dired-buffer',
+;;    `diredp-do-apply-function',
+;;    `diredp-do-apply-function-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-async-shell-command-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-bookmark-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-byte-compile-this-file', `diredp-capitalize',
+;;    `diredp-capitalize-recursive', `diredp-capitalize-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-change-marks-recursive' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-chgrp-this-file', `diredp-chmod-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-chown-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-compilation-files-other-window' (Emacs 24+),
+;;    `diredp-compress-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill',
+;;    `diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-copy-tags-this-file', `diredp-copy-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-decrypt-this-file', `diredp-delete-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-describe-autofile', `diredp-describe-file',
+;;    `diredp-describe-marked-autofiles', `diredp-describe-mode',
+;;    `diredp-dired-for-files', `diredp-dired-for-files-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs', `diredp-dired-plus-help',
+;;    `diredp-dired-recent-dirs',
+;;    `diredp-dired-recent-dirs-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-dired-this-subdir', `diredp-dired-union',
+;;    `diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive', `diredp-do-bookmark',
+;;    `diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file',
+;;    `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-bookmark-recursive', `diredp-do-chmod-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-chgrp-recursive', `diredp-do-chown-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-copy-recursive', `diredp-do-decrypt-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-delete-recursive', `diredp-do-display-images' (Emacs
+;;    22+), `diredp-do-emacs-command', `diredp-do-encrypt-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive', `diredp-do-grep',
+;;    `diredp-do-grep-recursive', `diredp-do-hardlink-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-isearch-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive', `diredp-do-lisp-sexp'
+;;    (Emacs 22+), `diredp-do-move-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-paste-add-tags', `diredp-do-paste-replace-tags',
+;;    `diredp-do-print-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-redisplay-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-relsymlink-recursive', `diredp-do-remove-all-tags',
+;;    `diredp-do-search-recursive', `diredp-do-set-tag-value',
+;;    `diredp-do-shell-command-recursive', `diredp-do-sign-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-symlink-recursive', `diredp-do-tag',
+;;    `diredp-do-touch-recursive', `diredp-do-untag',
+;;    `diredp-do-verify-recursive', `diredp-downcase-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-downcase-this-file', `diredp-ediff',
+;;    `diredp-encrypt-this-file', `diredp-fileset',
+;;    `diredp-fileset-other-window', `diredp-find-a-file',
+;;    `diredp-find-a-file-other-frame',
+;;    `diredp-find-a-file-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-find-file-other-frame',
+;;    `diredp-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer',
+;;    `diredp-find-line-file-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion',
+;;    `diredp-grepped-files-other-window', `diredp-grep-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-hardlink-this-file', `diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-comment-file',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-comment-files-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-copy-with-exif-name',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-create-thumb',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-delete-tag',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-delete-tag-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-display-thumb',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-display-thumbs-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-edit-comment-and-tags',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-tag-file',
+;;    `diredp-image-dired-tag-files-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-image-show-this-file', `diredp-insert-as-subdir',
+;;    `diredp-insert-subdirs', `diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-kill-this-tree', `diredp-list-marked-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-load-this-file', `diredp-mark-autofiles',
+;;    `diredp-marked', `diredp-marked-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-marked-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-marked-recursive-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-mark-extension-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-tagged-all', `diredp-mark-files-tagged-none',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-tagged-some',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp', `diredp-mark-region-files',
+;;    `diredp-mark-sexp-recursive' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-mark/unmark-autofiles', `diredp-mark/unmark-extension',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-3-menu', `diredp-mouse-backup-diff',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-copy-tags', `diredp-mouse-describe-autofile',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-describe-file', `diredp-mouse-diff',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-bookmark', `diredp-mouse-do-byte-compile',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-chgrp', `diredp-mouse-do-chmod',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-chown', `diredp-mouse-do-compress',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-copy', `diredp-mouse-do-delete',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-grep', `diredp-mouse-do-hardlink',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-load', `diredp-mouse-do-print',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-remove-all-tags', `diredp-mouse-do-rename',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-set-tag-value',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-shell-command', `diredp-mouse-do-symlink',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-do-tag', `diredp-mouse-do-untag',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-downcase', `diredp-mouse-ediff',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-find-line-file-other-window',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-find-file-other-frame',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-flag-file-deletion', `diredp-mouse-mark',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-mark-region-files', `diredp-mouse-mark/unmark',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-unmark', `diredp-mouse-upcase',
+;;    `diredp-mouse-view-file', `diredp-move-file' (Emacs 24+),
+;;    `diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name', `diredp-next-dirline',
+;;    `diredp-next-line', `diredp-next-subdir', `diredp-omit-marked',
+;;    `diredp-omit-unmarked', `diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-paste-files', `diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-prev-dirline', `diredp-previous-line',
+;;    `diredp-prev-subdir', `diredp-print-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-relsymlink-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file', `diredp-rename-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-send-bug-report',
+;;    `diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked',
+;;    `diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-set-tag-value-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-shell-command-this-file', `diredp-show-metadata',
+;;    `diredp-show-metadata-for-marked', `diredp-sign-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-symlink-this-file', `diredp-tag-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir',
+;;    `diredp-toggle-marks-in-region', `diredp-touch-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-unmark-autofiles', `diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all',
+;;    `diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none',
+;;    `diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all',
+;;    `diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some', `diredp-unmark-region-files',
+;;    `diredp-untag-this-file', `diredp-upcase-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-up-directory', `diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer',
+;;    `diredp-upcase-this-file', `diredp-verify-this-file',
+;;    `diredp-visit-next-file', `diredp-visit-previous-file',
+;;    `diredp-visit-this-file', `diredp-w32-drives',
+;;    `diredp-w32-drives-mode', `diredp-yank-files',
+;;    `global-dired-hide-details-mode' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `toggle-diredp-find-file-reuse-dir'.
+;;  User options defined here:
+;;    `diredp-auto-focus-frame-for-thumbnail-tooltip-flag',
+;;    `diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys',
+;;    `diredp-compressed-extensions', `diredp-count-.-and-..-flag'
+;;    (Emacs 22+), `diredp-do-report-echo-limit',
+;;    `diredp-dwim-any-frame-flag' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip', `diff-switches',
+;;    `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode',
+;;    `diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-ignore-compressed-flag',
+;;    `diredp-image-show-this-file-use-frame-flag' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-list-file-attributes', `diredp-max-frames',
+;;    `diredp-move-file-dirs' (Emacs 24+), `diredp-omit-files-regexp'
+;;    `diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag',
+;;    `diredp-visit-ignore-extensions', `diredp-visit-ignore-regexps',
+;;    `diredp-w32-local-drives', `diredp-wrap-around-flag'.
+;;  Non-interactive functions defined here:
+;;    `derived-mode-p' (Emacs < 22), `diredp-all-files',
+;;    `diredp-ancestor-dirs', `diredp-apply-function-to-file-name',
+;;    `diredp-bookmark',
+;;    `diredp-create-files-non-directory-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-delete-dups', `diredp-delete-if',
+;;    `diredp-delete-if-not', `diredp-directories-within',
+;;    `diredp-dired-plus-description',
+;;    `diredp-dired-plus-description+links',
+;;    `diredp-dired-plus-help-link', `diredp-dired-union-1',
+;;    `diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec', `diredp-display-image'
+;;    (Emacs 22+), `diredp-do-chxxx-recursive',
+;;    `diredp-do-create-files-recursive', `diredp-do-grep-1',
+;;    `diredp-ensure-bookmark+', `diredp-ensure-mode',
+;;    `diredp-eval-lisp-sexp' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-existing-dired-buffer-p', `diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p',
+;;    `diredp-fewer-than-echo-limit-files-p',
+;;    `diredp-fewer-than-N-files-p', `diredp-fileset-1',
+;;    `diredp-find-a-file-read-args',
+;;    `diredp-file-for-compilation-hit-at-point' (Emacs 24+),
+;;    `diredp-files-within', `diredp-files-within-1',
+;;    `diredp-fit-frame-unless-buffer-narrowed' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-get-confirmation-recursive', `diredp-get-files',
+;;    `diredp-get-files-for-dir', `diredp-get-subdirs',
+;;    `diredp-hide-details-if-dired' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-hide/show-details' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-highlight-autofiles', `diredp-image-dired-required-msg',
+;;    `diredp-get-image-filename', `diredp-internal-do-deletions',
+;;    `diredp-invoke-emacs-command', `diredp-invoke-function-no-args',
+;;    `diredp-list-file', `diredp-list-files', `diredp-looking-at-p',
+;;    `diredp-make-find-file-keys-reuse-dirs',
+;;    `diredp-make-find-file-keys-not-reuse-dirs', `diredp-maplist',
+;;    `diredp-map-over-marks-and-report', `diredp-marked-here',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-tagged-all/none',
+;;    `diredp-mark-files-tagged-some/not-all',
+;;    `diredp-nonempty-region-p', `diredp-parent-dir',
+;;    `diredp-paste-add-tags', `diredp-paste-replace-tags',
+;;    `diredp-read-bookmark-file-args', `diredp-read-command',
+;;    `diredp-read-expression' (Emacs 22+),
+;;    `diredp-read-include/exclude', `diredp-read-regexp',
+;;    `diredp-recent-dirs', `diredp-refontify-buffer',
+;;    `diredp-remove-if', `diredp-remove-if-not',
+;;    `diredp-report-file-result', `diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper',
+;;    `diredp-root-directory-p', `diredp-set-header-line-breadcrumbs'
+;;    (Emacs 22+), `diredp-set-tag-value', `diredp-set-union',
+;;    `diredp--set-up-font-locking', `diredp-string-match-p',
+;;    `diredp-tag', `diredp-this-file-marked-p',
+;;    `diredp-this-file-unmarked-p', `diredp-this-subdir',
+;;    `diredp-untag', `diredp-visit-ignore-regexp',
+;;    `diredp-y-or-n-files-p'.
+;;  Variables defined here:
+;;    `diredp-bookmark-menu', `diredp-file-line-overlay',
+;;    `diredp-files-within-dirs-done', `diredp-font-lock-keywords-1',
+;;    `diredp-hide-details-last-state' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-hide-details-toggled' (Emacs 24.4+),
+;;    `diredp-hide/show-menu', `diredp-images-recursive-menu',
+;;    `diredp-last-copied-filenames', `diredp-list-files-map',
+;;    `diredp-loaded-p', `diredp-marks-recursive-menu',
+;;    `diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu', `diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu',
+;;    `diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu', `diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu',
+;;    `diredp-menu-bar-single-menu', `diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu',
+;;    `diredp-multiple-delete-menu', `diredp-multiple-dired-menu',
+;;    `diredp-multiple-images-menu',
+;;    `diredp-multiple-encryption-menu',
+;;    `diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu',
+;;    `diredp-multiple-omit-menu', `diredp-multiple-recursive-menu',
+;;    `diredp-multiple-rename-menu', `diredp-multiple-search-menu',
+;;    `diredp-navigate-menu', `diredp-regexp-recursive-menu',
+;;    `diredp-re-no-dot', `diredp-single-bookmarks-menu',
+;;    `diredp-single-encryption-menu', `diredp-single-image-menu',
+;;    `diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu', `diredp-single-open-menu',
+;;    `diredp-single-rename-menu', `diredp-w32-drives-mode-map'.
+;;  Macros defined here:
+;;    `diredp-mark-if', `diredp-user-error',
+;;    `diredp-with-help-window'.
+;;  ***** NOTE: The following macros defined in `dired.el' have
+;;              been REDEFINED HERE:
+;;  `dired-map-over-marks'    - Treat multiple `C-u' specially.
+;;  ***** NOTE: The following functions defined in `dired.el' have
+;;              been REDEFINED or ADVISED HERE:
+;;  `dired'                   - Handle non-positive prefix arg.
+;;  `dired-do-delete'         - Display message to warn that marked,
+;;                              not flagged, files will be deleted.
+;;  `dired-do-flagged-delete' - Display message to warn that flagged,
+;;                              not marked, files will be deleted.
+;;  `dired-dwim-target-directory' - Uses `diredp-dwim-any-frame-flag'.
+;;  `dired-find-file'         - Allow `.' and `..' (Emacs 20 only).
+;;  `dired-get-filename'      - Test `./' and `../' (like `.', `..').
+;;  `dired-get-marked-files'  - Can include `.' and `..'.
+;;                              Allow FILTER + DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED.
+;;  `dired-goto-file'         - Fix Emacs bug #7126.
+;;                              Remove `/' from dir before compare.
+;;                              (Emacs < 24 only.)
+;;  `dired-hide-details-mode' - Respect new user options:
+;;                              * `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag'
+;;                              * `diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag'
+;;                              (Emacs 24.4+)
+;;  `dired-insert-directory'  - Compute WILDCARD arg for
+;;                              `insert-directory' for individual file
+;;                              (don't just use nil). (Emacs 23+, and
+;;                              only for MS Windows)
+;;  `dired-insert-set-properties' - `mouse-face' on whole line.
+;;  `dired-flag-auto-save-files', `dired-mark-directories',
+;;  `dired-mark-executables', `dired-mark-files-containing-regexp',
+;;  `dired-mark-files-regexp', `dired-mark-symlinks'
+;;                            - Use `diredp-mark-if', not `dired-mark-if'.
+;;  `dired-mark-files-regexp' - Add regexp to `regexp-search-ring'.
+;;                              More matching possibilities.
+;;                              Added optional arg LOCALP.
+;;  `dired-mark-pop-up'       - Delete the window or frame popped up,
+;;                              afterward, and bury its buffer. Do not
+;;                              show a menu bar for pop-up frame.
+;;  `dired-other-frame'       - Handle non-positive prefix arg.
+;;  `dired-other-window'      - Handle non-positive prefix arg.
+;;  `dired-pop-to-buffer'     - Put window point at bob (bug #12281).
+;;                              (Emacs 22-24.1)
+;;  `dired-read-dir-and-switches' - Non-positive prefix arg behavior.
+;;; NOT YET:
+;;; ;;  `dired-readin-insert'     - Use t as WILDCARD arg to
+;;; ;;                              `dired-insert-directory'.  (Emacs 23+,
+;;; ;;                              and only for MS Windows)
+;;  `dired-revert'            - Reset `mode-line-process' to nil.
+;;  `dired-switches-escape-p' - Made compatible with Emacs 20, 21.
+;;  ***** NOTE: The following functions are included here with little
+;;              or no change to their definitions.  They are here to
+;;              take advantage of the new definition of macro
+;;              `dired-map-over-marks':
+;;  `dired-do-redisplay', `dired-map-over-marks-check',
+;;  `image-dired-dired-insert-marked-thumbs',
+;;  `image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs'.
+;;  ***** NOTE: The following functions defined in `dired-aux.el' have
+;;              been REDEFINED HERE:
+;;  `dired-do-byte-compile', `dired-do-compress', `dired-do-load' -
+;;     Redisplay only if at most one file is being treated.
+;;  `dired-do-find-regexp', `dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace' -
+;;     Prefix arg lets you act on files other than those marked.
+;;  `dired-do-isearch', `dired-do-isearch-regexp',
+;;     `dired-do-query-replace-regexp', `dired-do-search' -
+;;        Use new `dired-get-marked-files'.
+;;  `dired-insert-subdir-newpos' - If not a descendant, put at eob.
+;;  `dired-insert-subdir-validate' - Do nothing: no restrictions.
+;;  `dired-maybe-insert-subdir' - Go back to subdir line if in listing.
+;;  `dired-handle-overwrite' - Added optional arg FROM, for listing.
+;;  `dired-copy-file(-recursive)', `dired-hardlink', `dired-query',
+;;     `dired-rename-file' - You can list (`l') the files involved.
+;;  ***** NOTE: The following functions defined in `dired-x.el' have
+;;              been REDEFINED HERE:
+;;  `dired-copy-filename-as-kill' -
+;;     Put file names also in var `diredp-last-copied-filenames'.
+;;  `dired-do-find-marked-files' -
+;;     Call `dired-get-marked-files' with original ARG.
+;;     Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP - no error if nil and no files.
+;;  `dired-do-run-mail' - Require confirmation.
+;;  `dired-mark-sexp' - 1. Variable `s' -> `blks'.
+;;                      2. Fixes to `uid' and `gid'.
+;;  `dired-mark-unmarked-files' (Emacs < 24 only) - Emacs 24+ version.
+;;  `dired-simultaneous-find-file' -
+;;     Use separate frames instead of windows if `pop-up-frames' is
+;;     non-nil, or if prefix arg < 0.
+;;  ***** NOTE: (Emacs 20 only) The following variable defined in
+;;        `dired.el' has been REDEFINED HERE:
+;;  `dired-move-to-filename-regexp' - Recognize file size in k etc.
+;;; Change Log:
+;; 2019/07/03 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-unmarked-files: Apply fix for Emacs bug #27465.
+;;     diredp-mark-if, diredp-mark-sexp(-recursive), dired-mark-unmarked-files:
+;;       Use char-after, not diredp-looking-at-p.
+;; 2019/07/19 dadams
+;;     diredp-change-marks-recursive, diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive,
+;;       diredp-mark-files(-containing)-regexp-recursive, diredp-mark-sexp-recursive, diredp-mark-recursive-1:
+;;         Added missing PREDICATE arg in calls to diredp-get-subdirs.
+;; 2019/06/25 dadams
+;;     diredp-mark-if, diredp-this-file-(un)marked-p: Use regexp-quote for marker char.
+;; 2019/06/03 dadams
+;;     Removed autoload cookie for diredp-omit-files-regexp - it evaluates dired-omit-files, from dired-x.el.
+;;     Hard-require dired-x.el.  (No reason not to.)  Removed fboundp guards for it.
+;; 2019/04/22 dadams
+;;     Added diredp-move-files-named-in-kill-ring.  Bound to C-w.
+;; 2019/04/21 dadams
+;;     Added redefinitions of dired-do-find-regexp, dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace.
+;;     diredp-multiple-search-menu: Added "Using TAGS Table" for dired-do-(query-replace|search).
+;; 2019/04/20 dadams
+;;     Added:
+;;       diredp-map-over-marks-and-report, diredp-do-emacs-command, diredp-invoke-emacs-command,
+;;       diredp-read-command, diredp-do-lisp-sexp, diredp-eval-lisp-sexp, diredp-report-file-result,
+;;       diredp-do-report-echo-limit, diredp-fewer-than-N-files-p, diredp-fewer-than-echo-limit-files-p,
+;;       diredp-apply-function-to-file-name, diredp-invoke-function-no-args, diredp-list-file-attributes.
+;;     diredp-do-apply-function: Redefine to use diredp-map-over-marks-and-report.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description, diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu:
+;;       Added diredp-do-emacs-command, diredp-do-lisp-sexp.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu: Reordered items.
+;;     diredp-list-marked, diredp-*-recursive, diredp-describe-marked-autofiles:
+;;       Use diredp-list-file-attributes for DETAILS arg interactively.
+;;     diredp-yank-files, dired-query: Use diredp-list-file-attributes, not harcoded list (5 8).
+;;     diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive: Corrected interactive spec.
+;; 2019/04/16 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-delete-if.
+;;     dired-map-over-marks-check: Added &rest argument FUN-ARGS, so FUN can accept arguments.
+;; 2019/04/12 dadams
+;;     dired-get-marked-files: Do not add t to RESULT.  Thx to Jeff Spencer for bug report.
+;;                             If all marked is (t) for some reason reset it to nil, per vanilla Emacs 24+.
+;;     diredp-compressed-extensions: Added .rar, .rev.
+;; 2019/04/10 dadams
+;;     Added diredp-read-expression (forgot it when added diredp-mark-sexp-recursive).
+;;     diredp-mark-sexp-recursive is thus only for Emacs 22+.
+;; 2019/03/20 dadams
+;;     Added option diredp-omit-files-regexp.
+;;     Face diredp-omit-file-name: Added strike-through.
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1, for face diredp-omit-file-name:
+;;       Move to file name.  Use diredp-omit-files-regexp.  Append * for executable flag.  Highlight whole line.
+;; 2019/03/17 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1:
+;;       Use just dired-omit-files as regexp - its components already have ^...$.
+;;       Removed superfluous execute *'s in regexps and superfluous concat for compressed extensions.
+;;     Face diredp-omit-file-name: Removed :strike-through for default value.
+;; 2019/03/16 dadms
+;;     Added face diredp-omit-file-name.
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Use face diredp-omit-file-name for dired-omit-files matches.
+;; 2019/03/15 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Treat dired-omit-files like dired-omit-extensions.
+;; 2019/01/27 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive.
+;;              Bound to M-+ % g.  Added to diredp-marks-recursive-menu, diredp-regexp-recursive-menu.
+;; 2019/01/17 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-mark-sexp-recursive.  Bound to M-+ M-(, M-+ * (.  Added to diredp-marks-recursive-menu.
+;;     dired-query: Use dired-query-alist only when available.
+;;     diredp-move-file: Fix format string in error call.
+;;     diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive: Added missing DETAILS arg for diredp-mark-recursive-1.
+;; 2019/01/01 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-list-file.
+;;     Added redefinitions of dired-query, dired-handle-overwrite, dired-copy-file(-recursive), dired-rename-file,
+;;           dired-hardlink.
+;;     Added optional arg DETAILS to these functions: diredp-get-(subdirs|files), diredp-y-or-n-files-p,
+;;       diredp-list-(marked|files), diredp-yank-files, diredp-describe-marked-autofiles, plus all functions with
+;;       "recursive" in their name except diredp-get-confirmation-recursive.
+;;       Added optional arg DETAILS.
+;;     diredp-get-(subdirs|files), diredp-y-or-n-files-p, diredp-list-(marked|files), diredp-yank-files, 
+;;       diredp-describe-marked-autofiles:
+;;         Added optional arg DETAILS.
+;;     diredp-list-files: Use dired-list-file, to optionally show details.
+;;     diredp-yank-files: Non-positive prefix arg shows details now.
+;; 2018/12/02 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: Work around Emacs 22 bug in dired-pop-to-buffer which can exit in Dired buffer.
+;; 2018/10/17 dadams
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches: Removed mention of icicle-file-sort-first-time-p (no longer used in Icicles).
+;; 2018/09/21 dadams
+;;     diredp-image-dired-edit-comment-and-tags, diredp-w32-drives:
+;;       Use pop-to-buffer-same-window, not switch-to-buffer.
+;; 2018/09/14 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-move-file-dirs, diredp-move-file.
+;; 2018/06/30 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-delete-if-not.
+;; 2018/06/16 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-visit-ignore-extensions, diredp-visit-ignore-regexps, diredp-visit-next-file,
+;;            diredp-visit-previous-file, diredp-visit-this-file, diredp-visit-ignore-regexp.
+;;     Bind the commands to C-down, C-up, e.
+;; 2018/03/25 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-user-error.
+;;     Updated for Emacs 27-pretest-2 change in dired-get-marked-files signature.
+;;       dired-get-marked-files: Added optional arg ERROR-IF-NONE-P.
+;;       diredp-list-marked, diredp-insert-subdirs, dired-do-(i)search(-regexp), dired-do-query-replace-regexp,
+;;         dired-do-find-marked-files, diredp-describe-marked-autofiles:
+;;           Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+;;           Pass non-nil ERROR-IF-NONE-P to dired-get-marked-files when INTERACTIVEP.  (See Emacs bug #30938.)
+;; 2018/03/23 dadams
+;;     Added diredp-mark-if.  Removed: redefinition of dired-mark-if.
+;;       Differences: msg and return value include both number of matches and number of changes.
+;;     Added redefinitions (use diredp-mark-if) of dired-flag-auto-save-files,
+;;           dired-mark-(files-containing-regexp|symlinks|directories|executables).
+;;     Everywhere: Use diredp-mark-if, not dired-mark-if.
+;; 2018/03/03 dadams
+;;     diredp-delete-dups: defalias the symbol, not its symbol-function (dunno why I did the latter).
+;; 2018/02/28 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-last-copied-filenames, diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill-recursive,
+;;            and redefinition of vanilla diredp-last-copied-filenames.
+;;     diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill: Use diredp-ensure-mode in interactive spec.
+;;     diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive: Update diredp-last-copied-filenames with filenames string.
+;;     diredp-yank-files: Require confirmation for pasting, using diredp-y-or-n-files-p.
+;;                        Get file names from variable diredp-last-copied-filenames, not kill-ring.
+;;                        Added NO-CONFIRM-P arg.
+;;     diredp-ensure-mode: Added doc string.
+;;     diredp-do-grep, diredp-do-grep-recursive: Changed bindings to C-M-G and M-+ C-M-G, due to M-g conflict.
+;; 2018/02/27 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill, diredp-yank-files (aka diredp-paste-files) (bound to C-y).
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu: Added diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu: Added diredp-yank-files.
+;; 2018/01/11 dadams
+;;     diredp-get-files:
+;;       Set IGNORE-MARKS-P to non-nil if nothing marked here.  (It was not getting all if nothing marked.)
+;;     diredp-marked-recursive(-other-window):
+;;       Corrected interactive spec, which was missing nil DIRNAME arg.  Corrected body: use DIRNAME.
+;;     diredp-get-files-for-dir, diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive, diredp-change-marks-recursive,
+;;       diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive, diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive, diredp-mark-recursive-1,
+;;       diredp-do-delete-recursive:
+;;         Factor out (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name directory)).
+;; 2018/01/03 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-files-regexp: Corrected doc string wrt prefix args.  Thx to John Mastro.
+;;     diredp-do-grep-recursive: Removed unused optional arg IGNORE-MARKS-P.
+;;     diredp-marked-recursive(-other-window): Moved handling of optional arg from interactive spec to body.
+;; 2018/01/02 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive.  Bound to M-+ #.
+;;     diredp-get-file-or-dir-name, diredp-marked-here: Doubled backslashes to escape dots.
+;;     diredp-marked-here: Fixed regexp to match only double-dot, not single-dot.
+;;     diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive: Updated to include more M-+ keys.
+;;     diredp-marks-recursive-menu: Added diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive.
+;; 2017/12/31 dadams
+;;     diredp-get-files-for-dir: Pass non-nil NO-DOT-DOT-P arg to diredp-marked-here.
+;;     dired-get-marked-files: Allow use of FILTER and DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED together.
+;;     diredp-marked-here: Added optional arg NO-DOT-DOT-P.
+;;     diredp-change-marks-recursive, diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive: Removed unused vars include-dirs, files.
+;; 2017/12/30 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-change-marks-recursive, diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive, diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive.
+;;            Bound to M-+ * c, M-+ M-DEL, M-+ U, respectively.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu: Rename item Change Marks to Change Mark.
+;;     diredp-marks-recursive-menu, diredp-multiple-recursive-menu:
+;;       Added diredp-change-marks-recursive, diredp-unmark-all-(files|marks)-recursive.
+;; 2017/12/21 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-mark-recursive-1.  Forgot to add it last June.
+;; 2017/12/17 dadams
+;;     Removed: diredp-display-graphic-p.
+;;     Do not use diredp-display-graphic-p to allow binding diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys by default.
+;; 2017/11/25 dadams
+;;     diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name: Wrap last :eval sexp in save-excursion.
+;;                                    Protect Call dired-current-directory only when dired-subdir-alist.
+;; 2017/10/23 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-count-.-and-..-flag, diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper.
+;;     Removed: diredp-mouse-find-file.
+;;     diredp-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer, diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer,
+;;       diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer:
+;;         Use diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper.
+;;     diredp-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer: Changed logic: do find-alternate-file only if target is a dir not in
+;;                                        Dired and current Dired buffer is in only this window.
+;;     diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer: Added optional args FIND-FILE-FUNC and  FIND-DIR-FUNC.
+;;     diredp-up-directory, diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer: Pass OTHER-WINDOW arg to diredp-w32-drives.
+;;     diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name: Show also number of lines in current listing, and listing-relative lineno,
+;;                                    respecting diredp-count-.-and-..-flag.
+;;     diredp-find-a-file*: Added autoload cookies.
+;; 2017/08/18 dadams
+;;     Fixed emacswiki URLs everywhere.  They changed the locations and changed http to https.
+;; 2017/06/30 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys, diredp-display-graphic-p.
+;;     Guard bindings of problematic keys with diredp-display-graphic-p & diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys.
+;;     Documented problematic keys for terminal mode in commentary.
+;; 2017/06/23 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-read-regexp (removed alias to read-regexp), diredp-marks-recursive-menu,
+;;       diredp-mark-executables-recursive (bound to M-+ * *),
+;;       diredp-mark-directories-recursive (bound to M-+ * /),
+;;       diredp-mark-extension-recursive (bound to M-+ * .),
+;;       diredp-mark-autofiles-recursive (bound to M-+ * B),
+;;       diredp-mark-executables-recursive (bound to M-+ * *),
+;;       diredp-mark-directories-recursive (bound to M-+ * /),
+;;       diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive (bound to M-+ * @),
+;;     Bind diredp-mark-autofiles to * B.
+;;     diredp-marked-here: Bind dired-marker-char to ?*.
+;;     diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive: Better msgs - show total count.
+;;     Everywhere: Use diredp-looking-at, not looking-at.  Use diredp-read-regexp, not dired-read-regexp.
+;; 2017/05/30 dadams
+;;     Fixed typo: direp--set-up-font-locking -> diredp--set-up-font-locking.
+;; 2017/05/22 dadams
+;;     Added: direp--set-up-font-locking.
+;;     Use direp--set-up-font-locking instead of lambda in dired-mode-hook.
+;; 2017/04/09 dadams
+;;     Version 2017.04.09.
+;;     Added: diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu, diredp-multiple-rename-menu, diredp-multiple-dired-menu,
+;;            diredp-multiple-omit-menu, diredp-multiple-delete-menu, diredp-single-bookmarks-menu,
+;;            diredp-single-encryption-menu, diredp-single-image-menu, diredp-single-open-menu,
+;;            diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu, diredp-single-rename-menu.
+;;            Moved single menu items there.
+;;     Renamed: diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu        to diredp-multiple-encryption-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-mark-menu              to diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu           to diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-operate-bookmarks-menu to diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-operate-recursive-menu to diredp-multiple-recursive-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-operate-search-menu    to diredp-multiple-search-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-images-menu            to diredp-multiple-images-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu  to diredp-images-recursive-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu         to diredp-menu-bar-single-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu  to diredp-regexp-recursive-menu,
+;;              diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu            to diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu.
+;;     Added dired-do-rename to diredp-multiple-rename-menu.
+;;     diredp-nonempty-region-p: Ensure (mark) also.
+;; 2017/03/30 dadams
+;;     Moved key bindings to end of file.  Moved defgroup before defcustoms.
+;;     Bind dired-multiple-w32-browser to C-M-RET, diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive to M-+ C-M-RET.
+;; 2017/03/29 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-dired-union-other-window, diredp-add-to-dired-buffer-other-window.
+;;     diredp-dired-union-1: Added optional arg OTHERWIN.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Updated doc string.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu: Added diredp-dired-for-files.
+;;     Bind diredp-w32-drives to :/, diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs to C-M-i.
+;;     Bind diredp-add-to-dired-buffer to C-x D A (not C-x E), diredp-dired-union to C-x D U (not C-x D),
+;;          diredp-fileset to C-x D S (not C-M-f), diredp-dired-recent-dirs to C-x D R (not C-x R),
+;;          diredp-dired-for-files to C-x D F, plus other-window versions.
+;; 2017/03/24 dadams
+;;     Added defalias for dired-read-regexp.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Removed second arg to mouse-save-then-kill.
+;; 2017/02/20 dadams
+;;     diredp-(next|previous)-line, diredp-(next|prev)-dirline, diredp-(next|prev)-subdir:
+;;       Update interactive spec to use (in effect) ^p for prefix arg (for shift-select-mode).
+;; 2017/01/12 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-files-regexp: Swapped prefix-arg behavior for relative and absolute name matching.
+;; 2017/01/01 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-files-regexp: Fix to prompt for no prefix arg.
+;; 2016/12/28 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-files-regexp: Corrected prompt string for Mark/UNmark.  Thx to Tino Calancha.
+;; 2016/11/20 dadams
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-operate-search-menu: Added dired-do-find-regexp and dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace.
+;;     Bind dired-do-search to M-a and dired-do-query(-replace)-regexp to M-q.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Added dired-do-find-regexp and dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace.
+;; 2016/10/12 dadams
+;;     diredp-compressed-extensions: Added extensions .xz and .lzma.  Thx to xuhdev (https://www.topbug.net/).
+;; 2016/09/20 dadams
+;;     Emacs 25.1: Bind M-z to dired-do-compress-to (replaces c).  (Emacs bug #24484.)
+;;                 diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu: Added item: Compress to (dired-do-compress-to).
+;; 2016/09/15 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-max-frames.
+;;     dired-do-find-marked-files: Pass non-nil ARG to dired-get-marked-files only if it is a cons.
+;;                                 Clarified doc string wrt prefix arg.
+;;     dired-simultaneous-find-file: Require confirmation if more files than diredp-max-frames.
+;;     diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive: Clarified doc string wrt prefix arg.
+;;     Thx to Tino Calancha.
+;; 2016/09/14 dadams
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Added entry for dired-hide-details-mode - ( key.
+;; 2016/08/26 dadams
+;;     diredp-y-or-n-files-p: pop-to-buffer only when the buffer was created.
+;;                            Update wrt vanilla (scroll actions).
+;;     diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive:
+;;       Call diredp-get-confirmation-recursive.
+;;       Use only diredp-get-files, not dired-get-marked-files.
+;;       Non-positive prefix arg means DELIMITED.
+;; 2016/08/08 dadams
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-mark-menu:
+;;       Added: dired-mark-files-containing-regexp, dired-mark-sexp, image-dired-mark-tagged-files, 
+;; 2016/05/28 dadams
+;;     diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive: Use nil for dired-get-filename LOCALP arg.
+;;     dired-mark-files-regexp: Corrected doc string: absolute filename matching by default.
+;; 2016/05/24 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-files-regexp: Added optional arg LOCALP, so can mark/unmark matching different file-name forms.
+;; 2016/05/15 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-bookmark-menu, diredp-hide/show-menu, diredp-navigate-menu.
+;;     Move insert after revert and rename it to Insert/Move-To This Subdir.  Move create-directory before revert.
+;; 2016/04/29 dadams
+;;     diredp-next-line: Respect goal-column.
+;; 2016/01/24 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-ensure-bookmark+, diredp-mark-autofiles, diredp-unmark-autofiles,
+;;            diredp-mark/unmark-autofiles, diredp-describe-autofile, diredp-show-metadata,
+;;            diredp-mouse-describe-autofile, diredp-describe-marked-autofiles, diredp-show-metadata-for-marked
+;;     Soft-require help-fns+.el (Emacs 22+) or help+20.el (Emacs 20-21).
+;;     Add to menu-bar menus:
+;;       diredp-(un)mark-autofiles, diredp-describe-autofile, diredp-describe-marked-autofiles.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu: Add diredp-describe-file only if defined.
+;;     Bind diredp-describe-file to keys only if defined.
+;;     Use diredp-ensure-bookmark+ everywhere, instead of its definition.
+;;     diredp(-mouse)-describe-file: Define only if describe-file is defined.  Removed raising error if not.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Use  diredp-describe-autofile if diredp-describe-file is not defined.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Add diredp-mouse-describe-autofile, when bound.
+;;     dired-mark-if: Do not count non-changes.
+;; 2015/12/15 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Follow # with optional [/ ], for face diredp-number.  Thx to Tino Calancha.
+;; 2015/11/10 dadams
+;;     diredp-fileset(-other-window): Separate error msgs for unloaded filesets.el and empty filesets-data.
+;; 2015/10/02 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-sexp: Like vanilla, skip extended attributes marker before setting NLINK.  Thx to Tino Calancha.
+;; 2015/09/29 dadams
+;;     diredp-delete-this-file: Redefined to use delete-file instead of dired-do-delete.
+;; 2015/09/07 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Do not test diredp-ignore-compressed-flag when highlighting file names.
+;;                                  Use separate entries for compressed and non-compressed file names.
+;;                                  Added missing \\| before ignored compressed extensions.
+;; 2015/09/06 dadams
+;;     diredp-compressed-extensions: Added .tgz.  Removed duplicate .gz.
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Use regexp-opt where possible, instead of mapcar regexp-quote.
+;; 2015/09/05 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-compressed-extensions, diredp-ignore-compressed-flag, diredp-compressed-file-name,
+;;            diredp-dir-name.
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1:
+;;       Allow spaces in symlink names.  Highlight compressed-file names, if diredp-ignore-compressed-flag.
+;;       Use diredp-compressed-extensions instead of hardcoding extensions.
+;;     Highlight d with diredp-dir-priv (fix).
+;;     Treat l in third column the same as - and d there.
+;;     Highlight whole line for D-flagged files, with face diredp-deletion-file-name.
+;;     Thx to Nick Helm.
+;; 2015/08/30 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-sexp: Updated per Emacs 25 code.
+;; 2015/07/30 dadams
+;;     diredp-fileset(-other-window): Changed key binding from C-x F to C-x C-M-f (conflicted with find-function).
+;; 2015/06/24 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-parent-dir, diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode, diredp-set-header-line-breadcrumbs.
+;; 2015/06/06 dadams
+;;     Added dired-other-(frame|window).
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1:
+;;       Use dired-re-maybe-mark and dired-re-inode-size for permission matchings and directory names.
+;;     dired(-other-(frame|window)) advice:
+;;       Add interactive spec, to handle arg <= 0 (broken by change to dired-read-dir-and-switches 2015/02/02).
+;;     diredp-dired-for-files: Typo: pass empy string.
+;; 2015/06/05 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-grepped-files-other-window as alias for diredp-compilation-files-other-window.
+;;     diredp-compilation-files-other-window: Added SWITCHES optional arg (prefix arg).
+;; 2015/06/04 dadams
+;;     diredp-dired-for-files(-other-window):
+;;       Updated to fit change to dired-read-dir-and-switches made 2015/02/02: addition of READ-EXTRA-FILES-P.
+;;       Use prefix arg to prompt for switches.
+;; 2015/05/31 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-image-show-this-file,diredp-image-show-this-file-use-frame-flag, diredp-get-image-filename.
+;;     image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs, diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu [image]:
+;;       Use diredp-get-image-filename.
+;;     Bound diredp-image-show-this-file to C-t I.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-image-menu: Added diredp-image-show-this-file and dired-find-file.
+;;     Added autoload cookies for image commands.
+;; 2015/04/16 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-do-apply-function, diredp-do-apply-function-recursive.  Added to menus.  Bind to @, M-+ @.
+;;     dired-do-query-replace-regexp: Handle nil ARG properly.
+;; 2015/03/26 dadams
+;;     Added: redefinitions of dired-do-isearch, dired-do-isearch-regexp, dired-do-query-replace-regexp,
+;;            dired-do-search, to handle multi-C-u.
+;;     Added: dired-nondirectory-p (Emacs 20), diredp-refontify-buffer.
+;;     dired-do-byte-compile, dired-do-load, : Corrected interactive spec, to treat more than two C-u as two.
+;;     dired-after-readin-hook: Add diredp-refontify-buffer.  In particular, this ensures that reverting Dired
+;;       for a listing of explicit file names gets refontified.  (Just turn-on-font-lock does not refontify.)
+;; 2015/03/24 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-compilation-files-other-window, diredp-file-for-compilation-hit-at-point.
+;; 2015/03/06 dadams
+;;     Renamed: diredp-menu-bar-recursive-marked-menu to diredp-menu-bar-operate-recursive-menu.
+;;     Added: diredp-do-delete-recursive: M-+ D.  Added to diredp-menu-bar-operate-recursive-menu.
+;;     Added: diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive: M-+ % m.  Added to diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu.
+;; 2015/03/04 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-dwim-any-frame-flag, (redefinition of) dired-dwim-target-directory.
+;; 2015/02/22 dadams
+;;     diredp-bookmark: Corrected for use without Bookmark+ - bookmark-store signature.
+;;                      Pass correct value to bmkp-autofile-set for its MSG-P arg.
+;;     diredp-mouse-do-bookmark: Do not pass non-nil NO-MSG-P arg to diredp-bookmark.
+;; 2015/02/03 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-add-to-this-dired-buffer.
+;;     Removed: diredp-add-to-dired-buffer-other-window, diredp-dired-union-other-window.
+;;     diredp-dired-union-1: Removed optional arg OTHER-WINDOW-P.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu: Added diredp-add-to-this-dired-buffer.
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches, diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec:
+;;       Added optional arg DIRED-BUFFER.  If nil, use current buffer name as default when reading buffer name.
+;; 2015/02/02 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-add-to-dired-buffer, diredp-add-to-dired-buffer-other-window, diredp-set-union,
+;;            diredp-existing-dired-buffer-p.
+;;     Bind diredp-add-to-dired-buffer(-other-window) globally to C-x E, C-x 4 E.
+;;     diredp-dired-union(-other-window):
+;;       Added args DIRNAME and EXTRA.  Pass them to diredp-dired-union-1.  Moved "UNION" to *-interactive-spec.
+;;       Pass values for new args NO-DIRED-BUFS and READ-EXTRA-FILES-P to diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec.
+;;     diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec:
+;;       Added args NO-DIRED-BUFS and READ-EXTRA-FILES-P.  Use (updated) dired-read-dir-and-switches.
+;;       Delete dead buffers from dired-buffers.  Remove DIRNAME buffer as candidate.
+;;       Apply expand-file-name to default-directory.  Return list of DIRNAME BUFS SWITCHES EXTRA-FILES.
+;;     diredp-dired-union-1:
+;;       Added args DIRED-NAME and EXTRA.
+;;       For existing Dired buffer whose dired-directory is a cons:
+;;         Include its current listing.  Replace buffer with new one of same name, after deleting its window.
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches:
+;;       Added arg READ-EXTRA-FILES-P.
+;;       If chosen Dired buffer exists and is an ordinary listing then start out with its directory-files.
+;;     diredp-dired-union, diredp-fileset, diredp-dired-recent-dirs: Bind globally, not just in Dired mode.
+;; 2015/01/30 dadams
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches: Remove any killed buffers from dired-buffers, before using for completion.
+;; 2014/10/25 dadams
+;;     diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec: Typo: quote buffer-name-history.  Pass other-window STRING.
+;;     diredp-dired-union-other-window: Pass other-window STRING.
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches: Include STRING for reading buffer name also.
+;;     dired (defadvice): Corrected doc string for prefix arg >= and <= 0.
+;; 2014/10/15 dadams
+;;     diredp-hide-details-initially-flag:
+;;       Added :set, to ensure that diredp-hide-details-last-state is kept up-to-date.
+;; 2014/09/28 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-recent-dirs, diredp-read-include/exclude, diredp-root-directory-p, diredp-remove-if.
+;;     diredp-dired-recent-dirs(-other-window): Added optional ARG.  Use diredp-recent-dirs.  Pass SWITCHES.
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches: Use diredp-root-directory-p.
+;;     Bound diredp-dired-recent-dirs(-other-window) to C-x R and C-x 4 R.
+;;     Added diredp-dired-recent-dirs to Dir menu.
+;; 2014/09/27 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-dired-recent-dirs, diredp-dired-recent-dirs-other-window, diredp-delete-dups.
+;; 2014/09/26 dadams
+;;     diredp-mouseover-help: dired-get-filename etc. has to be inside the save-excursion.
+;;     diredp-image-dired-create-thumb: Added FILE arg.  Use numeric prefix arg as the new thumbnail size.
+;; 2014/09/22 dadams
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Do not place overlay unless on a file/dir name (i.e., dired-get-filename).
+;; 2014/09/15 dadams
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches: Made it (thus dired too) an Icicles multi-command.
+;;     dired (defadvice): Added doc about using it with Icicles.
+;; 2014/09/14 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-kill-this-tree.
+;;     Removed: diredp-dired-files(-other-window), diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec.
+;;     dired-read-dir-and-switches:
+;;       Based on diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec implementation now, but:
+;;        Moved unwind-protect outside call to list.  completing-read, not read-string, for DIRBUF.
+;;        Do not allow inclusion of root directories.  Protected icicle-sort-comparer with boundp.
+;;     dired-insert-subdir-validate: Make it a no-op.
+;;     dired advice (doc string): Mention wildcards, Icicles.
+;;     diredp-dired-for-files(-other-window):
+;;       Use dired-read-dir-and-switches and dired, not diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec and
+;;       diredp-dired-files.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu, diredp-mouse-3-menu:
+;;       Added item for diredp-kill-this-tree.
+;;       Corrected visible condition: expand-file-name, so ~/ compares with its expansion.
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Include period (.) for diredp(-compressed)-file-suffix.
+;; 2014/09/09 dadams
+;;     Added: dired-read-dir-and-switches.
+;;     Advise dired, for doc string.
+;;     dired-get-filename: Hack for Emacs 20-22, to expand ~/...
+;; 2014/09/07 dadams
+;;     Added: redefinitions of dired-insert-subdir-newpos, dired-insert-subdir-validate.
+;; 2014/07/26 dadams
+;;     diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive:
+;;       Only ARG >= 0 ignores marks now.  And ARG <= 0 means find but do not display.
+;; 2014/07/13 dadams
+;;     diredp-mouseover-help: Wrap (goto-char pos) in save-excursion (Emacs bug #18011).
+;; 2014/07/12 dadams
+;;     Faces diredp(-tagged)-autofile-name: Made paler/darker (less saturated).
+;;     Moved diredp-highlight-autofiles before diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode, so will be
+;;      defined for first revert.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Renamed items Tag, Untag to Add Tags, Remove Tags.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Updated.
+;; 2014/07/11 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode, diredp-highlight-autofiles,
+;;            diredp-autofile-name, diredp-tagged-autofile-name.
+;;     Soft-require bookmark+.el.  Soft-require highlight.el if bookmark+.el is provided.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu: Added item Toggle Autofile Highlighting.
+;;     Removed unused face: diredp-display-msg.
+;; 2014/06/29 dadams
+;;     dired-get-marked-files, diredp-internal-do-deletions:
+;;       Remove nils from dired-map-over-marks result.
+;; 2014/05/28 dadams
+;;     diredp-mode-line-marked: Use DarkViolet for both light and dark background modes.
+;; 2014/05/23 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-with-help-window.
+;;     diredp-list-files, diredp-dired-plus-help:
+;;       Use diredp-with-help-window, not with-output-to-temp-buffer.  See Emacs bug #17109.
+;; 2014/05/06 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-image-dired-required-msg, diredp-list-files-map,
+;;            diredp-find-line-file-other-window, diredp-mouse-find-line-file-other-window,
+;;            image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs, diredp-list-marked.
+;;     Soft-require image-dired.el and image-file.el.
+;;     diredp-image-dired-create-thumb: Define unconditionally.
+;;     image-dired-dired-insert-marked-thumbs, diredp-image-dired-comment-file, 
+;;       diredp-image-dired-tag-file, diredp-image-dired-delete-tag,
+;;       diredp-image-dired-display-thumb, diredp-image-dired-copy-with-exif-name,
+;;       diredp-image-dired-edit-comment-and-tags, diredp-do-display-images:
+;;         Define unconditionally and raise error if no image-(dired|file).el.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-image-menu, diredp-menu-bar-images-menu,
+;;       diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu, image-dired-mark-tagged-files:
+;;         Define unconditionally and use :enable.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-images-menu, diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu:
+;;       Add defalias so can use menu-item with :enable.
+;;     diredp-list-files: Add properties mouse-face, keymap, and help-echo.
+;;     diredp-mouseover-help: Make it work also for diredp-list-files listings.
+;;     image-dired-dired-insert-marked-thumbs: Add autoload cookie.
+;;     dired-get-marked-files: Pass non-nil 2nd arg to dired-get-filename, to include . and .. .
+;;     Bind diredp-list-marked to C-M-l and diredp-list-marked-recursive to M+ C-M-l.
+;;     diredp-insert-subdirs: Exclude . and .., as dired-get-marked-files can now include them.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu: Add diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu to menu.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Mention diredp-list-marked*.
+;; 2014/05/03 dadams
+;;     dired-switches-escape-p: Use dired-switches-check if available, based on bug #17218 fix.
+;; 2014/04/25 dadams
+;;     diredp-image-dired-create-thumb:
+;;       Do not call diredp-image-dired-create-thumb twice: reuse THUMB-NAME.
+;; 2014/04/24 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-mouseover-help, diredp-auto-focus-frame-for-thumbnail-tooltip-flag,
+;;            diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip.
+;;     dired-insert-set-properties: Show image-file preview in tooltip.
+;;     diredp-image-dired-create-thumb: Return thumbnail file name or nil.
+;; 2014/04/23 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-looking-at-p.
+;;     dired-insert-set-properties: Applied fix for bug #17228.
+;; 2014/04/05 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive.
+;;            Renamed from bmkp-create-dired-bookmarks-recursive in bookmark+-1.el (removed).
+;;       Bound to M-B (aka M-S-b).
+;;       Added to menus *-subdir-menu, *-operate-bookmarks-menu, *-bookmarks-menu.
+;;     diredp-get-confirmation-recursive: Added optional TYPE arg.
+;;     diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive: Call diredp-get-confirmation-recursive with TYPE arg.
+;; 2014/02/16 dadams
+;;     dired-pop-to-buffer: Do not redefine for Emacs > 24.1.
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: Updated doc string.
+;; 2014/02/13 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-fileset-other-window, diredp-fileset-1.
+;;     diredp-fileset: Use diredp-fileset-1.
+;;     Bind diredp-dired-union(-other-window) to C-x D, C-x 4 D,
+;;          diredp-fileset(-other-window)     to C-x F, C-x 4 F.
+;;     Use diredp-fileset-other-window, not diredp-fileset, in menu.
+;; 2014/02/03 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-hide-subdir-nomove.
+;;     Added: dired-goto-file for Emacs 24+ - open hidden parent dir, so can goto destination.
+;;     Replace bindings for dired-hide-subdir with diredp-hide-subdir-nomove.
+;;     Bind dired-hide-subdir to M-$ (not $).
+;; 2014/02/02 dadams
+;;     dired-goto-file: Redefine only for Emacs < 24. 
+;; 2014/01/15 dadams
+;;     Bind diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir to C-M-R (aka C-M-S-r).
+;; 2014/01/05 dadams
+;;     Bind dired-omit-mode (aka dired-omit-toggle) to C-x M-o.
+;; 2013/12/05 dadams
+;;     diredp-do-grep-1: Call grep-default-command with arg, if grep+.el is loaded.
+;; 2013/11/05 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-get-subdirs.
+;;     diredp-get-files, diredp-get-files-for-dir, diredp-marked-here: Added optional arg NIL-IF-NONE-P.
+;;     diredp-get-files: Pass INCLUDE-DIRS-P to diredp-files-within.
+;; 2013/11/04 dadams
+;;     Renamed Bookmarks submenus to Bookmark.
+;;     Added Bookmark Dired Buffer to Dir menu.
+;;     Alias dired-toggle-marks to dired-do-toggle for Emacs 20, instead of backwards for others.
+;;     Use dired-toggle-marks everywhere instead of dired-do-toggle.
+;; 2013/11/03 dadams
+;;     Created submenus of Multiple menu: Bookmarks, Search.
+;;     Created submenus of Multiple > Marked Here and Below menu:
+;;       Images, Encryption, Search, Bookmarks.
+;;     Reordered menus.
+;; 2013/09/26 dadams
+;;     diredp-next-line: Use let*, so line-move sees let bindings.
+;; 2013/08/11 dadams
+;;     diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec:
+;;       Protect icicle-file-sort with boundp.  Thx to Vladimir Lomov.
+;; 2013/08/06 dadams
+;;     diredp-display-image,diredp-menu-bar-immediate-image-menu (:enable's):
+;;       Protect diredp-string-match-p from nil argument.
+;; 2013/07/24 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-nonempty-region-p.  Use everywhere, in place of its definition.
+;; 2013/07/21 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-image-dired-(comment-file|copy-with-exif-name|(create|display)-thumb|
+;;                                delete-tag|edit-comment-and-tags|tag-file),
+;;            diredp-string-match-p, diredp-menu-bar-immediate-image-menu.
+;;     Put this-file image commands on new menu diredp-menu-bar-immediate-image-menu.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-images-menu: Added diredp-do-display-images.
+;;     Use diredp-string-match-p instead of string-match where appropriate.
+;;     diredp-find-a-file-read-args: Removed #' from lambda.
+;; 2013/07/19 dadams
+;;     Added redefinition of dired-hide-details-mode.
+;;     Added: diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag, diredp-hide-details-initially-flag,
+;;            diredp-hide-details-last-state, diredp-hide-details-toggled,
+;;            diredp-hide-details-if-dired, global-dired-hide-details-mode,
+;;            diredp-fit-frame-unless-buffer-narrowed, diredp-hide/show-details,
+;;            diredp-do-display-images, diredp-display-image.
+;;     On dired-after-readin-hook: diredp-hide/show-details.
+;;     On dired-hide-details-mode-hook: diredp-fit-frame-unless-buffer-narrowed.
+;;     diredp-maplist: Use diredp-maplist, not maplist, in recursive call.
+;;     diredp-next-line: Added bobp test for negative ARG.
+;;                       Emacs 20 line-move returns nil, so use (progn ... t).
+;;     Soft-require autofit-frame.el.
+;; 2013/07/18 dadams
+;;     diredp-next-line: Protect visible-p with fboundp for Emacs 20.
+;; 2013/07/17 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu, diredp-menu-bar-images-menu,
+;;            diredp-menu-bar-immediate-encryption-menu,
+;;            diredp-(decrypt|verify|sign|encrypt)-this-file.
+;;     Added diredp-(decrypt|verify|sign|encrypt)-this-file to *-immediate-encryption-menu.
+;;     Moved encryption and image-dired items to the new Multiple submenus from Multiple menu.
+;; 2013/07/15 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-async-shell-command-this-file, diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive.
+;;            Added them to menus.  Bind diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive to M-+ &.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-mark-menu, diredp-dired-plus-description: Added dired-mark-omitted.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu: Added dired-omit-mode, dired-hide-details-mode.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu: Added image-dired-mark-tagged-files.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu: Added dired-hide-details-mode.
+;;     diredp-shell-command-this-file: Corrected: provide file list to dired-do-shell-command.
+;; 2013/07/13 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1:
+;;       Ensure diredp-dir-priv is not used for directory header of d:/... (Windows drive name).
+;;     dired-insert-directory:
+;;       Update wrt Emacs 24.4: Do dired-insert-set-properties last; use saved CONTENT-POINT.
+;;     dired-insert-set-properties: Updated for Emacs 24.4, for dired-hide-details-mode.
+;;     Add frame-fitting to dired-hide-details-mode-hook.
+;;     dired-mouse-find-file(-other-window): Error msg if click off a file name.
+;; 2013/07/12 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-wrap-around-flag, diredp-(next|previous)-(subdir|(dir)line). 
+;;     Renamed dired-up-directory to diredp-up-directory.
+;;     Replaced vanilla commands by these new commands everywhere.
+;; 2013/07/11 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer.
+;;     diredp-make-find-file-keys(-not)-reuse-dirs: Added diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer.
+;; 2013/02/06 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: goto point-min, so show start of file list.  Thx to Michael Heerdegen.
+;; 2013/01/28 dadams
+;;     Added redefinition of dired-do-run-mail.  Fixes Emacs bug #13561.
+;; 2012/12/18 dadams
+;;     diredp-ediff: Better default for FILE2.  Thx to Michael Heerdegen.
+;;     Require subr-21.el for Emacs 20.
+;; 2012/11/17 dadams
+;;     Added: derived-mode-p (for Emacs < 22), diredp-ensure-mode.
+;;     Use diredp-ensure-mode everywhere for mode, so compatible with Sunrise Commander etc.
+;; 2012/11/01 dadams
+;;     Do not require ediff.el.  It is required in diredp-ediff itself.
+;; 2012/10/06 dadams
+;;     Added: minibuffer-with-setup-hook for code byte-compiled using Emacs < 22.
+;; 2012/09/28 dadams
+;;     Moved dired-*w32* bindings after normal mouse bindings, so they override them.
+;; 2012/09/05 dadams
+;;     diredp-(rename|copy|(rel)symlink|hardlink)-this-file: Bind use-file-dialog to nil.
+;; 2012/08/26 dadams
+;;     Set font-lock-defaults to a 3-element list, so it works with font-menus(-da).el.
+;; 2012/08/25 dadams
+;;     Added: redefinition of dired-pop-to-buffer (fix for bug #12281).
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: If buffer is shown in a separate frame, do not show menu bar.
+;; 2012/07/10 dadams
+;;     Removed unneeded substitute-key-definition for (next|previous)-line.
+;; 2012/07/09 dadams
+;;     Added redefinition of dired-mark-files-regexp: Push REGEXP onto regexp-search-ring.
+;; 2012/06/21 dadams
+;;     diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name:
+;;       Add marker numbers regardless of name match.
+;;       Use text property dired+-mode-name to tell whether mode-name was already changed.
+;; 2012/06/20 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name, diredp-mode-line-(flagged|marked).  Added to hooks.
+;;     Thx to Michael Heerdegen.
+;; 2012/06/14 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: Wrap save-excursion around window/frame deletion.
+;;     dired-do-redisplay: Updated wrt Emacs 23: bind, (then run) dired-after-readin-hook.
+;;     diredp-y-or-n-files-p: Corrected construction of prompt wrt final SPC.
+;; 2012/06/13 dadams
+;;     dired-buffers-for-dir: Updated wrt Emacs 23:
+;;       If dired-directory is a list then expand FILE in DIR & check whether in cdr of list.
+;;     diredp-get-files-for-dir, diredp-files-within-1, diredp-insert-as-subdir:
+;;       Expand dir name before passing it to dired-buffers-for-dir.
+;; 2012/06/05 dadams
+;;     MS Windows: Just do not define commands that are inappropriate for Windows (instead of
+;;       defining them to raise an error or making them invisible in menus).
+;; 2012/06/02 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-do-(print|encrypt|decrypt|sign|verify)-recursive.  Menus.  Keys.
+;;     diredp-do-move-recursive: Corrected to use dired-rename-file, not dired-copy-file.
+;; 2012/05/30 dadams
+;;     diredp-insert-as-subdir: Added optional arg IN-DIRED-NOW-P.  Pick up markings & switches
+;;                              from sole Dired buffer for CHILD if not in Dired now.
+;; 2012/05/29 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-do-(chxxx|chgrp|chown|touch)-recursive, diredp-touch-this-file,
+;;       diredp-menu-bar-(immediate|operate)-bookmarks-menu.  Added to menus.  Bound to keys.
+;;     Factored bookmark stuff into Bookmark(s) submenus.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu: Added dired-kill-subdir, [goto-subdir].
+;;     diredp-dired-this-subdir, dired-maybe-insert-subdir: Corrected :visible/enable.
+;;     diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs: Do dired-(remember-marks|mark-remembered) in this-buff.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu:
+;;       Do not use save-excursion, because some commands move point on purpose.  Just return to
+;;         original point unless command intends to MOVEP.
+;;       Added to menu dired-maybe-insert-subdir (two entries), dired-kill-subdir.
+;;       Use *-this-file*, not *-do-*: copy|symlink|shell-command|grep|load (don't use :keys).
+;; 2012/05/26 dadams
+;;     diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs, diredp-insert-as-subdir:
+;;       Preserve markings and switches in target buffer.
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: Use unwind-protect.  Bury buffer too.
+;;     diredp-do-chmod-recursive: Use only 5 args if < Emacs 23.
+;; 2012/05/25 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-insert-as-subdir, diredp-ancestor-dirs, diredp-maplist,
+;;            diredp-do-redisplay-recursive, diredp-do-chmod-recursive.
+;;            Bound diredp-do-chmod-recursive. to M-+ M and added to menu.
+;;     diredp-get-files: Added optional arg DONT-ASKP.
+;;     diredp-y-or-n-files-p: Kill list buffer if it was never shown.
+;;     dired-mark-pop-up: ignore error when delete frame/window.
+;; 2012/05/22 dadams
+;;     diredp-get-files(-for-dir): Added optional arg INCLUDE-DIRS-P.
+;;     Added: diredp-insert-subdirs(-recursive), diredp(-this)-dired-inserted-subdir(s).
+;;            Added to menus.  Bound diredp-insert-subdirs* to (M-+) M-i.
+;;     Bound diredp-capitalize(-recursive) to (M-+) %c.
+;;     Added diredp-dired-union-other-window to Dirs menu.
+;;     Updated diredp-dired-plus-description.
+;; 2012/05/19 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-image-dired-*-recursive, diredp-*link-recursive,
+;;            diredp-do-isearch(-regexp)-recursive, diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive,
+;;            diredp-do-search-recursive, diredp-(capitalize|(up|down)case)-recursive,
+;;            diredp-create-files-non-directory-recursive.
+;;              Bound on M-+ prefix key.  Added to menus.
+;;     diredp-get-files, diredp-y-or-n-files-p, diredp-list-files, diredp-list-marked-recursive:
+;;       Added optional arg PREDICATE.
+;;     diredp-do-create-files-recursive: Removed MARKER-CHAR arg.  Hard-code to keep markings.
+;;     diredp-do-(copy|move)-recursive: Use arg IGNORE-MARKS-P (forgot to use it).
+;;                                      Removed MARKER-CHAR arg in call to d-d-c-f-r.
+;;     Added missing autoload cookies.
+;; 2012/05/06 dadsms
+;;     diredp-y-or-n-files-p: Do not kill buffer *Files* - just bury it.
+;; 2012/05/05 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-do-bookmark-recursive, diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive,
+;;            diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive.
+;;              Bound to M-+ M-b, M-+ C-M-B (aka C-M-S-b), M-+ C-M-b, respectively.  Added to menus.
+;;     diredp-bookmark: Added optional arg FILE.
+;;     diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file: Added optional arg FILES.
+;;     diredp-dired-plus-description: Updated.
+;;     diredp-get-confirmation-recursive: Raise error if not in Dired.
+;;     diredp-do-bookmark-recursive, diredp-marked-recursive(-other-window),
+;;       diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive:
+;;         Use diredp-get-confirmation-recursive.
+;; 2012/05/04 dadams
+;;     Added: dired-mark-unmarked-files for Emacs < 24.
+;;     diredp-do-create-files-recursive: Corrected for Emacs < 24.
+;;     diredp-do-create-files-recursive, diredp-(un)mark-files-tagged-regexp,
+;;       diredp(-mouse)-do-(un)tag, diredp(-mouse)-do-remove-all-tags,
+;;       diredp(-mouse)-do-paste-(add|replace)-tags, diredp(-mouse)-do-set-tag-value,
+;;       diredp(-mouse)-do-bookmark(-in-bookmark-file), diredp-find-a-file-read-args,
+;;       diredp-mouse-do-shell-command:
+;;         Use lexical-let(*), to get closures for free vars in lambdas.
+;; 2012/04/28 dadams
+;;     Added:
+;;       diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive, diredp-do-copy-recursive,
+;;       diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive, diredp-do-grep-recursive,
+;;       diredp-do-move-recursive, diredp-do-shell-command-recursive,
+;;       diredp-list-marked-recursive, diredp-marked-recursive(-other-window),
+;;       diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive, diredp-do-create-files-recursive,
+;;       diredp-get-confirmation-recursive, diredp-list-files, diredp-y-or-n-files-p,
+;;       diredp-menu-bar-recursive-marked-menu.
+;;     diredp-get-files: Use diredp-y-or-n-files-p, not y-or-n-p.
+;;     Commented out dired-readin-insert - see comment.
+;;     Moved bookmark menu items to submenu Bookmarks.
+;;     Added keys (with M-+ prefix) and menu items for new (*-recursive) commands.
+;;     Reordered w32-browser stuff in menus.
+;;     diredp-do-grep: Combined defs for diff Emacs versions - do version test at runtime.
+;; 2012/04/25 dadams
+;;     dired-insert-directory: Updated per Emacs 24.
+;; 2012/04/23 dadams
+;;     Added (moved here from Icicles, and renamed prefix):
+;;       diredp-re-no-dot, diredp-get-files, diredp-get-files-for-dir, diredp-files-within,
+;;       diredp-files-within-dirs-done.
+;; 2012/04/05 dadams
+;;     Added redefinition of dired-mark-pop-up, to fix Emacs bug #7533.  If they ever fix it
+;;     then remove this hack.
+;; 2012/03/13 dadams
+;;     diredp-dired(-for)-files(-other-window):
+;;       Bind: icicle-sort-comparer, icicle-all-candidates-list-alt-action-fn.
+;;       Use icicle-(un)bind-file-candidate-keys.
+;;     diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec: Updated doc strings accordingly.
+;; 2012/03/07 dadams
+;;     Added: dired-switches-escape-p.
+;;     dired-get-filename: Updated wrt Emacs 24:
+;;       whitespace quoting for bug #10469, filename quoting per Emacs 23.3+,
+;;         MS Windows conversion of \ to / per Emacs 23.3+.
+;;     dired-goto-file: Escape whitespace, per Emacs 24 (for bug #10469).
+;; 2012/03/02 dadams
+;;     Require cl.el at compile time even for Emacs 22+, for case macro.
+;; 2012/02/28 dadams
+;;     Do not bother to soft-require mkhtml.el anymore.
+;; 2012/02/18 dadams
+;;     Swapped keys for dired-w32(-browser|explore), so the former is M-RET, as in Bookmark+.
+;; 2012/01/10 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Corrected for date/time when locale is used, not iso.
+;; 2011/12/19 dadams
+;;     dired-insert-set-properties, dired-mark-sexp, diredp-(un)mark-region-files,
+;;       diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion, diredp-mouse-3-menu:
+;;         Use line-(beginning|end)-position.
+;; 2011/12/16 dadams
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-mark-menu: Removed Revert item.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu: Add image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu:
+;;       Use commands bound to keys, so the keys show up in the menu.  Prefer *-this-file.
+;;       Correct the mark/unmark/flag menu-item visibility.  Added Capitalize.
+;; 2011/12/09 dadams
+;;     diredp-w32-drives: Use dolist, not mapcar.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Use easymenu to build the menu.  Conditionalize some items.
+;;     Bind down-mouse-3, not mouse-3, to diredp-mouse-3-menu.  (bind mouse-3 to ignore).
+;;     Added eval-when-compile for easymenu.el.
+;; 2011/12//02 dadams
+;;     Added diredp-internal-do-deletions.
+;;     dired(-mouse)-do(-flagged)-delete, : Use diredp-internal-do-deletions, for trash.
+;; 2011/11/29 dadams
+;;     diredp-read-bookmark-file-args: Corrected use of list of default file names: > Emacs 23.1.
+;; 2011/10/31 dadams
+;;     dired-mode-hook: Call font-lock-refresh-defaults - see Emacs 24 bugs #6662 and #9919.
+;; 2011/10/24 dadams
+;;     Protect dired-show-file-type with fboundp.
+;; 2011/09/03 dadams
+;;     diredp-do-grep-1: Map shell-quote-argument over file names.  Thx to Joe Bloggs.
+;; 2011/08/07 dadams
+;;     diredp-bookmark (need to keep in sync with bmkp-make-record-for-target-file):
+;;       Instead of image-bookmark-make-record, use explicit function that includes file, type.
+;; 2011/07/25 dadams
+;;     Changed featurep to eval-after-load, for bookmark+-1.el and w32-browser.el.
+;; 2011/07/01 dadams
+;;     Fixed typo: dired-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir -> ...diredp....  Thx to pasja on Emacs Wiki.
+;; 2011/06/18 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-describe-mode, diredp-dired-plus-help(-link), diredp-help-button,
+;;            diredp-dired-plus-description(+links), diredp-send-bug-report.
+;;     Bound diredp-describe-mode to whatever describe-mode is bound to.
+;;     All menus, :enable with mark-active: Added transient-mark-mode and mark != point.
+;;     toggle-diredp-find-file-reuse-dir: Swapped which one is the alias.
+;;     diredp-w32-list-mapped-drives: Display *Shell Command Output* at end.
+;;     diredp-mouse-(describe-file|3-menu|mark/unmark|(find|view)-file(-other-window)):
+;;       save-excursion set-buffer -> with-current-buffer.
+;; 2011/06/08 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-dired-for-files(-other-window).
+;; 2011/06/07 dadams
+;;     Bound dired-show-file-type to _, since y is diredp-relsymlink-this-file.
+;; 2011/04/25 dadams
+;;     Added (from files+.el): dired(-mouse)-describe-file. Bound to C-h (C-)RET, added to menus.
+;; 2011/04/23 dadams
+;;     Added, bound (T c, T M-w, T 0, T v, T p, T C-y, T q), and added to menus:
+;;       diredp-copy-tags-this-file, diredp-mouse-copy-tags,
+;;       diredp(-mouse)(-do)-remove-all-tags(-this-file),
+;;       diredp(-mouse)(-do)-set-tag-value(-this-file),
+;;       diredp(-mouse)(-do)-paste-(add|replace)-tags(-this-file).
+;;     diredp-mark-files-tagged-(all/none|some/not-all): Bound free var presentp.
+;;     dired-map-over-marks: Corrected: Bind NEWARG and use that, not ARG.
+;;     dired-get-marked-files: let* -> let.
+;;     dired-do-redisplay, diredp-mouse-diff: when/if -> and.
+;;     dired-readin-insert, dired-get-filename: if -> unless/when.
+;;     diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer: with-current-buffer, not save...
+;;     diredp-mouse-mark/unmark: Removed unused bol/eol vars.
+;; 2011/04/19 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-(un)mark-files-tagged-((not-)all|none|some|regexp|all/none|some/not-all),
+;;            dired-mark-if.  Added Tagged submenu for Mark menu.
+;;     Put tags commands on prefix key T, as in Bookmark+.  Removed C-(M-)+/- tags-cmd bindings.
+;;     diredp-untag-this-file: Added prefix-arg behavior.
+;; 2011/04/18 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag.
+;;            Use it in diredp(-mouse)-do-(un)tag, diredp-read-bookmark-file-args,
+;;                      diredp(-mouse)-do-bookmark, diredp-(bookmark|(un)tag)-this-file.
+;;     diredp-(bookmark|(un)tag)-this-file, diredp(-do)-bookmark, diredp-(un)tag,
+;;       diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file, diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked:
+;;         Made PREFIX arg optional.
+;; 2011/04/17 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-(bookmark|(un)tag)-this-file, diredp(-mouse)(-do)-(un)tag.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Added: diredp-mouse-do-(un)tag.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu: Added diredp-(un)tag-this-file, diredp-bookmark-this-file.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu: Added diredp-do-(un)tag.
+;;     Bound diredp-do-tag to C-+, diredp-tag-this-file to C-M-+, diredp-do-untag to C--,
+;;           diredp-untag-this-file to C-M--, diredp-bookmark-this-file to C-B.
+;;     diredp-bookmark: Use bmkp-autofile-set, not bmkp-file-target-set, so get autofile.
+;;     diredp-read-bookmark-file-args, diredp(-mouse)-do-bookmark:
+;;       Default for prefix is now an empty string, not the directory.
+;;     diredp-mouse-do-bookmark: Removed optional second arg.
+;;     Corrected typo: direp-read-bookmark-file-args -> diredp-read-bookmark-file-args.
+;; 2011/03/25 dadams
+;;     diredp-bookmark: Fixed typo: bmkp-file-indirect-set -> bmkp-file-target-set.
+;; 2011/02/11 dadams
+;;     diredp-deletion, diredp-deletion-file-name, diredp-executable-tag:
+;;       Made default the same for dark background as for light.
+;;     diredp-ignored-file-name: Made default a bit darker for dark background.
+;; 2011/02/03 dadams
+;;     All deffaces: Provided default values for dark-background screens too.
+;; 2011/01/12 dadams
+;;     dired-do-flagged-delete: Removed sit-for added on 1/02.
+;; 2011/01/04 dadams
+;;     defsubst -> defun everywhere.
+;;     Removed autoload cookies from non def* sexps, defvar, and non-interactive functions.
+;;     Added some missing autoload cookies for defcustom and commands.
+;; 2011/01/02 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-this-file-(un)marked-p, diredp-toggle-marks-in-region.
+;;     diredp-(un)mark-region-files, diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion:
+;;       Act only on marked/unmarked files (opposite).  Fix 2nd arg to dired-mark-if.
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu:
+;;       If region is active and mouse3.el was loaded, then use its popup.
+;;       Fix Toggle Marked/Unmarked:
+;;         Use diredp-toggle-marks-in-region, so widen, show details and use bol/eol.
+;;     dired-do-flagged-delete: Added sit-for.
+;; 2010/11/28 dadams
+;;     diredp-mouse-3-menu: Added Toggle Marked/Unmarked for region menu.
+;; 2010/10/20 dadams
+;;     Moved Emacs 20 tweak to recognize k in file sizes to var dired-move-to-filename-regexp.
+;;     Added diredp-loaded-p.
+;; 2010/10/19 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1:
+;;       Handle decimal pt in file size.  Thx to Michael Heerdegen.
+;;       Enable Emacs 20/21 to handle -h option (decimal point size).
+;;     Renamed: face diredp-inode+size to diredp-number.
+;; 2010/10/01 dadams
+;;     dired-goto-file: Avoid infloop from looking for dir line.  Thx to not-use.dilines.net.
+;; 2010/09/29 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-dired-union(-1|-other-window|-interactive-spec).
+;;     dired-goto-file: fix for Emacs bug #7126.
+;; 2010/09/27 dadams
+;;     Renamed diredp-dired-interactive-spec to diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec.
+;;     diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec: Respect file-list arg: kill existing Dired buffer.
+;;                                          Fix use of prefix arg for switches.
+;; 2010/09/26 dadams
+;;     Added: dired-insert-directory: Compute WILDCARD arg for individual files.
+;;     Added: dired-readin-insert: Use t as WILDCARD arg to dired-insert-directory.
+;;     Added: diredp-dired-files(-other-window), diredp-dired-interactive-spec.
+;; 2010/08/27 dadams
+;;     Use diredp-font-lock-keywords-1 properly as a second level of fontification.
+;;     Added: diredp-w32-drives(-mode(-map)), dired-up-directory.
+;; 2010/08/07 dadams
+;;     dired-map-over-marks: Removed loop that used dired-between-files.
+;;     diredp-get-file-or-dir-name: test against subdir/..? also.
+;;     dired-do-find-marked-files: Pass original ARG to dired-get-marked-files.
+;; 2010/08/05 dadams
+;;     diredp-bookmark:
+;;       Handle image files (and sound files, if Bookmark+ is used).
+;;       Use bmkp-file-indirect-set if available.
+;;       Use error-message-string to get failure msg.
+;; 2010/07/11 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked (C-M-b), diredp-mouse-do-bookmark,
+;;            diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file (C-M-B, aka C-M-S-b), diredp-read-bookmark-file-args.
+;;     Added them to the operate menu.  Added diredp-do-bookmark to mouse-3 menu.
+;; 2010/07/07 dadams
+;;     dired-do-*: Updated doc strings for prefix arg treatment from dired-map-over-marks-check.
+;;     Added missing autoload cookies.
+;; 2010/05/29 dadams
+;;     diredp-bookmark: Use relative file name in bookmark name.
+;;     Removed defvar of directory-listing-before-filename-regexp.
+;; 2010/05/28 dadams
+;;     Changed menu item for dired-create-directory to New Directory.  Moved it before Up Dir.
+;; 2010/03/19 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Handle date+time wrt regexp changes for Emacs 23.2.
+;; 2010/01/31 dadams
+;;     diredp-bookmark:
+;;       Don't use bookmark-set or find-file-noselect - inline the needed bookmark-store code.
+;;       Call bookmark-maybe-load-default-file.  Use rudimentary bookmark-make-record-function.
+;; 2010/01/21 dadams
+;;     Renamed:
+;;       diredp-subst-find-alternate-for-find to diredp-make-find-file-keys-reuse-dirs
+;;       diredp-subst-find-for-find-alternate to diredp-make-find-file-keys-not-reuse-dirs.
+;;     diredp-make-find-file-keys(-not)-reuse-dirs: Handle also dired(-mouse)-w32-browser.
+;; 2010/01/10 dadams
+;;     Added: face diredp-inode+size.  Use in diredp-font-lock-keywords-1.
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Allow decimal point in file size.  Thx to Regis.
+;; 2010/01/05 dadams
+;;     dired-insert-set-properties:
+;;       Add text property dired-filename to the file name (for Emacs 23).
+;; 2009/10/23 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Override `l' and `t' matches in headings with default face.
+;; 2009/10/13 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp(-do)-bookmark.  Added to Multiple menu, and bound to M-b.
+;; 2009/10/11 dadams
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu:
+;;       Added items: image display items, dired-maybe-insert-subdir.
+;;       Test dired-do-relsymlink, not diredp-relsymlink-this-file.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu:
+;;       Added items: epa encryption items, image items, isearch items.
+;;     diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu:
+;;       Added items: revert, isearch file names, dired-compare-directories.
+;;     Removed macro menu-item-any-version - use menu-item everywhere (works for Emacs 20+).
+;;     Added wdired-change-to-wdired-mode to subdir menu even for Emacs 20, if defined.
+;; 2009/07/09 dadams
+;;     dired-goto-file: Make sure we have a string before calling directory-file-name.
+;; 2009/05/08 dadams
+;;     dired-find-file (Emacs 20): Raise error if dired-get-filename returns nil.
+;; 2009/04/26 dadams
+;;     dired-insert-set-properties, diredp-(un)mark-region-files,
+;;       diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion, diredp-mouse-3-menu, diredp-mouse-mark/unmark:
+;;         Bind inhibit-field-text-motion to t, to ensure real eol.
+;; 2008/12/17 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Don't do diredp-deletion, diredp-flag-mark for empty lines.
+;; 2008/09/22 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-fileset, diredp-get-file-or-dir-name, and redefinitions of
+;;            dired-map-over-marks, dired-find-file, and dired-mouse-find-file-other-window.
+;;     Added vanilla code to pick up macro dired-map-over-marks:
+;;       dired-get-marked-files, dired-do-delete, dired-map-over-marks-check,
+;;       dired-do-redisplay, image-dired-dired-insert-marked-thumbs.
+;;     diredp-find-file-other-frame, diredp-mouse-(find|view)-file:
+;;       Added nil t args to dired-get-filename calls.
+;;     diredp-do-grep(-1): Use new dired-get-marked-files instead of ad-hoc treatment of C-u.
+;; 2008/09/21 dadams
+;;     diredp-marked(-other-window): Don't treat zero prefix arg as numerical (no empty Dired).
+;;     Added dired-find-file redefinition for Emacs 20.
+;; 2008/09/11 dadams
+;;     diredp-do-grep: Plain C-u means grep all files in Dired buffer.
+;;     diredp-do-grep-1: Treat 'all value of FILES arg.
+;;     Added: diredp-all-files.
+;; 2008/09/09 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-marked(-other-window).  Added to menus.  Bound *-other-window to C-M-*.
+;; 2008/09/07 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp(-mouse)-do-grep(-1), diredp-grep-this-file.
+;;     Bound diredp-do-grep to M-g.  Added grep commands to menus.
+;; 2008/07/18 dadams
+;;     Soft-require w32-browser.el.  Bind its commands in Dired map and menus.
+;; 2008/03/08 dadams
+;;     dired-maybe-insert-subdir: Fit one-window frame after inserting subdir.
+;; 2008/03/07 dadams
+;;     Added: redefinitions of dired-maybe-insert-subdir, dired-goto-file, dired-get-filename.
+;;     Added: diredp-this-subdir.
+;; 2007/11/27 dadams
+;;     diredp-mouse(-backup)-diff: If available, use icicle-read-string-completing.
+;; 2007/09/23 dadams
+;;     Removed second arg to undefine-killer-commands.
+;; 2007/07/27 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Allow also for bz2 compressed files - Thx to Andreas Eder.
+;; 2006/09/03 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Corrected file size and inode number.  Thx to Peter Barabas.
+;; 2006/08/20 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-find-a-file*.
+;; 2006/06/18 dadams
+;;     diredp-font-lock-keywords-1: Highlight file name (also) of flagged files.
+;;                                  Use dired-del-marker instead of literal D.
+;;     Added: diredp-deletion-file-name.
+;; 2006/03/31 dadams
+;;     No longer use display-in-minibuffer.
+;; 2006/01/07 dadams
+;;     Added: link for sending bug report.
+;; 2006/01/06 dadams
+;;     Added defgroup Dired-Plus and used it. Added :link.
+;; 2006/01/04 dadams
+;;     Added defvar of directory-listing-before-filename-regexp, for Emacs 22 compatibility.
+;; 2005/12/29 dadams
+;;     Added: diredp-mouse-mark/unmark-mark-region-files.
+;; 2005/12/26 dadams
+;;     Updated groups.
+;; 2005/12/05 dadams
+;;     diredp-ignored-file-name: Made it slightly darker.
+;; 2005/11/05 dadams
+;;     Renamed all stuff defined here to have diredp- prefix.
+;;     diredp-relsymlink-this-file: Protected with fboundp.
+;;     Changed to soft require: dired-x.el.
+;;     Removed comment to require this inside eval-after-load.
+;; 2005/11/03 dadams
+;;     Added: dired-display-msg.  Replace blue-foreground-face with it.
+;;     Alias dired-do-toggle to dired-toggle-marks, if defined.
+;; 2005/11/02 dadams
+;;     Added: dired-get-file-for-visit, dired(-mouse)-find-alternate-file*,
+;;            togglep-dired-find-file-reuse-dir, dired+-subst-find-*.
+;;     Use defface for all faces.  Renamed without "-face".  No longer require def-face-const.
+;;     dired-simultaneous-find-file: Minor bug fix (typo).
+;; 2005/07/10 dadams
+;;     dired-unmark-all-files-no-query -> dired-unmark-all-marks
+;;       (thanks to Sivaram Neelakantan for bug report).
+;; 2005/05/25 dadams
+;;     string-to-int -> string-to-number everywhere.
+;; 2005/05/17 dadams
+;;     Updated to work with Emacs 22.x.
+;; 2005/02/16 dadams
+;;     Added dired-mark/unmark-extension. Replaced dired-mark-extension with it everywhere.
+;; 2005/01/08 dadams
+;;     Bind [S-mouse-1], instead of [S-down-mouse-1], to dired-mouse-mark-region-files.
+;; 2004/11/20 dadams
+;;     dired-mark-sexp: Search for literal month names only for versions before Emacs 20.
+;;     Refined to deal with Emacs 21 < 21.3.50 (soon to be 22.x)
+;; 2004/11/14 dadams
+;;     Bound dired-no-confirm to non-nil for dired-mouse-*.
+;;     Updated for Emacs 21 and improved highlighting:
+;;       Spaces OK in file and directory names. Highlight date/time and size.
+;; 2004/10/17 dadams
+;;     Require cl only for Emacs 20, and only when compile.
+;; 2004/10/01 dadams
+;;     Updated to work with Emacs 21 also.
+;; 2004/04/02 dadams
+;;     dired-font-lock-keywords-1: Prefer using dired-omit-extensions
+;;     to completion-ignored-extensions, if available.
+;; 2004/03/22 dadams
+;;     Added dired-mouse-mark-region-files and dired-mouse-mark/unmark.
+;; 2000/09/27 dadams
+;;     1. dired-font-lock-keywords-1: fixed for spaces in dir names.
+;;     2. Added: dired-buffers-for-dir.
+;; 1999/09/06 dadams
+;;     Added S-*-mouse-2 bindings (same as C-*-mouse-2).
+;; 1999/08/26 dadams
+;;     1. Added *-face vars and dired-font-lock-keywords-1.
+;;     2. Added possibility to use dired-font-lock-keywords-1 via hook.
+;; 1999/08/26 dadams
+;;     Changed key binding of dired-mouse-find-file from down-mouse-2 to mouse-2.
+;; 1999/08/25 dadams
+;;     Changed (C-)(M-)mouse-2 bindings.
+;; 1999/08/25 dadams
+;;     1. Added cmds & menu bar and key bindings: (dired-)find-file-other-frame.
+;;     2. Changed binding for dired-display-file.
+;; 1999/03/26 dadams
+;;     1. Get rid of Edit menu-bar menu.
+;;     2. dired-mouse-3-menu: Changed popup titles and item names.
+;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+;; any later version.
+;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+;; GNU General Public License for more details.
+;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+;;; Code:
+(eval-when-compile (require 'cl)) ;; case (plus, for Emacs 20: dolist, pop, push)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'easymenu)) ;; easy-menu-create-menu
+(require 'dired) ;; dired-revert
+(require 'dired-aux) ;; dired-bunch-files, dired-do-chxxx, dired-do-create-files,
+                     ;; dired-mark-read-string, dired-read-shell-command,
+                     ;; dired-run-shell-command, dired-shell-stuff-it
+(require 'dired-x) ;; dired-do-relsymlink
+(require 'autofit-frame nil t) ;; (no error if not found) fit-frame-if-one-window
+(require 'bookmark+ nil t) ;; (no error if not found)
+ ;; bmkp-autofile-add-tags, bmkp-autofile-remove-tags, bmkp-autofile-set, bmkp-copied-tags,
+ ;; bmkp-current-bookmark-file, bmkp-describe-bookmark, bmkp-empty-file, bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark,
+ ;; bmkp-get-bookmark-in-alist, bmkp-get-tags, bmkp-read-tag-completing,
+ ;; bmkp-read-tags-completing, bmkp-refresh/rebuild-menu-list, bmkp-remove-all-tags,
+ ;; bmkp-same-file-p, bmkp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark, bmkp-set-sequence-bookmark,
+ ;; bmkp-set-tag-value, bmkp-some, bmkp-switch-bookmark-file, bmkp-tag-name
+;; For now at least, `highlight.el' is needed only if you use `bookmark+.el'.
+(when (featurep 'bookmark+) (require 'highlight nil t)) ;; (no error if not found):
+ ;; hlt-highlight-region
+(if (> emacs-major-version 21) (require 'help-fns+ nil t) (require 'help+20 nil t))  ;; (no error if not found):
+ ;; describe-file
+(require 'misc-fns nil t) ;; (no error if not found): undefine-killer-commands
+(require 'image-file nil t) ;; (no error if not found): image-file-name-regexp
+(require 'image-dired nil t) ;; (no error if not found):
+ ;; image-dired-create-thumb, image-dired-create-thumbnail-buffer,
+ ;; image-dired-dired-after-readin-hook, image-dired-delete-tag, image-dired-dired-comment-files,
+ ;; image-dired-dired-display-external, image-dired-dired-display-image,
+ ;; image-dired-display-thumbs, image-dired-get-comment, image-dired-get-exif-file-name,
+ ;; image-dired-get-thumbnail-image, image-dired-insert-thumbnail, image-dired-line-up,
+ ;; image-dired-line-up-dynamic, image-dired-line-up-interactive, image-dired-line-up-method,
+ ;; image-dired-list-tags, image-dired-main-image-directory, image-dired-mark-tagged-files,
+ ;; image-dired-read-comment, image-dired-remove-tag, image-dired-save-information-from-widgets,
+ ;; image-dired-tag-files, image-dired-thumb-height, image-dired-thumbnail-buffer,
+ ;; image-dired-thumb-name, image-dired-thumb-size, image-dired-thumb-width,
+ ;; image-dired-widget-list, image-dired-write-comments, image-dired-write-tags
+(when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  ;; (no error if not found):
+  (require 'w32-browser nil t));; dired-w32explore, dired-w32-browser, dired-mouse-w32-browser,
+                               ;; dired-multiple-w32-browser
+(when (< emacs-major-version 21) (require 'subr-21)) ;; replace-regexp-in-string
+;; Provide macro for code byte-compiled using Emacs < 22.
+ (when (< emacs-major-version 22)
+   (defmacro minibuffer-with-setup-hook (fun &rest body)
+     "Temporarily add FUN to `minibuffer-setup-hook' while executing BODY.
+BODY should use the minibuffer at most once.
+Recursive uses of the minibuffer are unaffected (FUN is not
+called additional times).
+This macro actually adds an auxiliary function that calls FUN,
+rather than FUN itself, to `minibuffer-setup-hook'."
+     ;; (declare (indent 1) (debug t))
+     (let ((hook  (make-symbol "setup-hook")))
+       `(let (,hook)
+         (setq ,hook  (lambda ()
+                        ;; Clear out this hook so it does not interfere
+                        ;; with any recursive minibuffer usage.
+                        (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook ,hook)
+                        (funcall ,fun)))
+         (unwind-protect
+              (progn (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook ,hook) ,@body)
+           (remove-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook ,hook)))))))
+(defmacro diredp-user-error (&rest args)
+  `(if (fboundp 'user-error) (user-error ,@args) (error ,@args)))
+;; Define these for Emacs 20 and 21.
+(unless (fboundp 'dired-get-file-for-visit) ; Emacs 22+
+  (defun dired-get-file-for-visit ()    ; Not bound
+    "Get the current line's file name, with an error if file does not exist."
+    (interactive)
+    (let ((raw  (dired-get-filename nil t)) ; Pass t for second arg so no error for `.' and `..'.
+          file-name)
+      (unless raw (error "No file on this line"))
+      (setq file-name  (file-name-sans-versions raw t))
+      (if (file-exists-p file-name)
+          file-name
+        (if (file-symlink-p file-name)
+            (error "File is a symlink to a nonexistent target")
+          (error "File no longer exists; type `g' to update Dired buffer")))))
+  (defun dired-find-alternate-file ()   ; Not bound
+    "In Dired, visit this file or directory instead of the Dired buffer."
+    (interactive)
+    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+    (find-alternate-file (dired-get-file-for-visit))))
+(provide 'dired+)
+(require 'dired+)                       ; Ensure loaded before compile this.
+;; Quiet the byte-compiler.
+(defvar bmkp-copied-tags)                         ; In `bookmark+-1.el'
+(defvar bmkp-current-bookmark-file)               ; In `bookmark+-1.el'
+(defvar bookmark-default-file)                    ; In `bookmark.el'
+(defvar compilation-current-error)                ; In `compile.el'
+(defvar delete-by-moving-to-trash)                ; Built-in, Emacs 23+
+(defvar dired-always-read-filesystem)             ; In `dired.el', Emacs 26+
+(defvar dired-auto-revert-buffer)                 ; In `dired.el', Emacs 23+
+(defvar dired-create-files-failures)              ; In `dired-aux.el', Emacs 22+
+(defvar dired-details-state)                      ; In `dired-details+.el'
+(defvar dired-keep-marker-hardlink)               ; In `dired-x.el'
+(defvar dired-overwrite-confirmed)                ; In `dired-aux.el'
+(defvar dired-query-alist)                        ; In `dired-aux.el', Emacs < 24
+(defvar dired-recursive-copies)                   ; In `dired-aux.el', Emacs 22+
+(defvar dired-recursive-deletes)                  ; In `dired.el', Emacs 22+
+(defvar dired-shrink-to-fit)                      ; In `dired.el'
+(defvar dired-switches-alist)                     ; In `dired.el'
+(defvar dired-subdir-switches)                    ; In `dired.el'
+(defvar dired-touch-program)                      ; Emacs 22+
+(defvar dired-use-ls-dired)                       ; Emacs 22+
+(defvar diredp-count-.-and-..-flag)               ; Here, Emacs 22+
+(defvar diredp-hide-details-initially-flag)       ; Here, Emacs 24.4+
+(defvar diredp-hide-details-last-state)           ; Here, Emacs 24.4+
+(defvar diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag)       ; Here, Emacs 24.4+
+(defvar diredp-hide-details-toggled)              ; Here, Emacs 24.4+
+(defvar diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode)          ; Here, Emacs 22+
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu)          ; Here, Emacs 23+
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu)    ; Here (old name)
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu)    ; Here (old name)
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu)              ; Here (old name)
+(defvar diredp-move-file-dirs)                    ; Here, Emacs 24+
+(defvar diredp-single-bookmarks-menu)             ; Here, if Bookmark+ is available
+(defvar filesets-data)                            ; In `filesets.el'
+(defvar grep-use-null-device)                     ; In `grep.el'
+(defvar header-line-format)                       ; Emacs 22+
+(defvar icicle-file-sort)                         ; In `icicles-opt.el'
+;; $$$$ (defvar icicle-file-sort-first-time-p)            ; In `icicles-var.el'
+(defvar icicle-files-ido-like-flag)               ; In `icicles-opt.el'
+(defvar icicle-ignored-directories)               ; In `icicles-opt.el'
+(defvar icicle-sort-comparer)                     ; In `icicles-opt.el'
+(defvar image-dired-display-image-buffer)         ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar image-dired-line-up-method)               ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar image-dired-main-image-directory)         ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar image-dired-thumbnail-buffer)             ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar image-dired-thumb-height)                 ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar image-dired-thumb-width)                  ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar image-dired-widget-list)                  ; In `image-dired.el'
+(defvar ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)     ; In `ls-lisp.el'
+(defvar minibuffer-default-add-function)          ; In `simple.el', Emacs 23+
+(defvar mouse3-dired-function)                    ; In `mouse3.el'
+(defvar read-file-name-completion-ignore-case)    ; In `minibuffer.el', Emacs 23+.  In C code, Emacs 22.
+(defvar recentf-list)                             ; In `recentf.el'
+(defvar switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point)   ; In `window.el', Emacs 24+
+(defvar tooltip-mode)                             ; In `tooltip.el'
+(defvar vc-directory-exclusion-list)              ; In `vc'
+(defvar w32-browser-wait-time)                    ; In `w32-browser.el'
+(defgroup Dired-Plus nil
+  "Various enhancements to Dired."
+  :prefix "diredp-" :group 'dired
+  :link `(url-link :tag "Send Bug Report"
+          ,(concat "mailto:" "drew.adams" "@" "oracle" ".com?subject=\
+dired+.el bug: \
+&body=Describe bug here, starting with `emacs -q'.  \
+Don't forget to mention your Emacs and library versions."))
+  :link '(url-link :tag "Other Libraries by Drew"
+          "https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DrewsElispLibraries")
+  :link '(url-link :tag "Download"
+          "https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/dired%2b.el")
+  :link '(url-link :tag "Description"
+          "https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DiredPlus")
+  :link '(emacs-commentary-link :tag "Commentary" "dired+"))
+;;; Variables
+;; `dired-do-toggle' was renamed to `dired-toggle-marks' after Emacs 20.
+(unless (fboundp 'dired-toggle-marks) (defalias 'dired-toggle-marks 'dired-do-toggle))
+;;; This is duplicated in `diff.el' and `vc.el'.
+(defcustom diff-switches "-c"
+  "*A string or list of strings specifying switches to be passed to diff."
+  :type '(choice string (repeat string))
+  :group 'dired :group 'diff)
+(defcustom diredp-auto-focus-frame-for-thumbnail-tooltip-flag nil
+  "*Non-nil means automatically focus the frame for a thumbnail tooltip.
+If nil then you will not see a thumbnail image tooltip when you
+mouseover an image-file name in Dired, unless you first give the frame
+the input focus (e.g., by clicking its title bar).
+This option has no effect if `diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip' is nil.
+It also has no effect for Emacs versions prior to Emacs 22."
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys t
+  "*Non-nil means bind some keys that might not work in a text-only terminal.
+This applies to keys that use modifiers Meta and Shift together.
+If you use Emacs in text-only terminal and your terminal does not
+support the use of such keys then customize this option to nil."
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-compressed-extensions '(".tar" ".taz" ".tgz" ".arj" ".lzh"
+                                          ".lzma" ".xz" ".zip" ".z" ".Z" ".gz" ".bz2" ".rar" ".rev")
+  "*List of compressed-file extensions, for highlighting.
+Note: If you change the value of this option then you need to restart
+Emacs to see the effect of the new value on font-locking."
+  :type '(repeat string) :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(when (> emacs-major-version 21)        ; Emacs 22+
+  (defcustom diredp-count-.-and-..-flag nil
+    "Non-nil means count `.' and `..' when counting files for mode-line."
+    :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus))
+(defcustom diredp-do-report-echo-limit 5
+  "Echo result for each file, for fewer than this many files.
+If more than this many files are acted on then there is no echoing.
+Used by some do-and-report commands such as `diredp-do-emacs-command'.
+Results that are not echoed are anyway reported by `dired-log', so you
+can show them with `?' in the Dired buffer."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives (wholenump)) :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-dwim-any-frame-flag pop-up-frames
+  "*Non-nil means the target directory can be in a window in another frame.
+Only visible frames are considered.
+This is used by ``dired-dwim-target-directory'.
+This option has no effect for Emacs versions before Emacs 22."
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(when (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode) ; Emacs 24.4+
+  (defcustom diredp-hide-details-initially-flag t
+    "*Non-nil means hide details in Dired from the outset."
+    :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus
+    :set (lambda (sym defs)
+           (custom-set-default sym defs)
+           (setq diredp-hide-details-last-state  diredp-hide-details-initially-flag)))
+  (defcustom diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag t
+    "*Non-nil means display the next Dired buffer the same way as the last.
+The last `dired-hide-details-mode' value set is used by the next Dired
+buffer created."
+    :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus))
+;; Emacs 20 only.
+(unless (fboundp 'define-minor-mode)
+  (defcustom diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode t
+    "*Non-nil means highlight names of files that are autofile bookmarks.
+Autofiles that have tags are highlighted using face
+`diredp-tagged-autofile-name'.  Those with no tags are highlighted
+using face `diredp-autofile-name'.
+Setting this option directly does not take effect; use either
+\\[customize] or command `diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode'.
+NOTE: When `dired+.el' is loaded (for the first time per Emacs
+session), the highlighting is turned ON, regardless of the option
+value.  To prevent this and have the highlighting OFF by default, you
+must do one of the following:
+ * Put (diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode -1) in your init file, AFTER
+   it loads `dired+.el'.
+ * Customize the option to `nil', AND ensure that your `custom-file'
+   (or the `custom-saved-variables' part of your init file) is
+   evaluated before `dired+.el' is loaded.
+This option has no effect unless you use libraries `Bookmark and
+    :set        (lambda (symbol value) (diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode (if value 1 -1)))
+    :initialize 'custom-initialize-default
+    :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus :require 'dired+))
+(defcustom diredp-ignore-compressed-flag t
+  "*Non-nil means to font-lock names of compressed files as ignored files.
+This applies to filenames whose extensions are in
+`diredp-compressed-extensions'.  If nil they are highlighted using
+face `diredp-compressed-file-name'.
+Note: If you change the value of this option then you need to restart
+Emacs to see the effect of the new value on font-locking."
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip (or (and (boundp 'image-dired-thumb-size)  image-dired-thumb-size)
+                                               100)
+  "*Whether and what kind of image preview to show in a tooltip.
+The possible values are:
+ `nil'       : do not show a tooltip preview
+ integer N>0 : show a thumbnail preview of that size
+ `full'      : show a full-size preview of the image
+To enable tooltip image preview you must turn on `tooltip-mode' and
+load library `image-dired.el'.  See also option
+This option has no effect for Emacs versions prior to Emacs 22."
+  :type '(choice
+          (restricted-sexp :tag "Show a thumnail image of size"
+           :match-alternatives ((lambda (x) (and (wholenump x)  (not (zerop x))))))
+          (const :tag "Show a full-size image preview"      full)
+          (const :tag "OFF: Do not show an image preview"   nil))
+  :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-image-show-this-file-use-frame-flag t
+  "Non-nil means `diredp-image-show-this-file' uses another frame.
+If nil then it uses another window.  Using another frame means you
+have more control over the image size when you use a prefix arg.
+If it uses another window then the prefix arg controls only the
+minimum window height, not necessarily the image scale (height).
+\(If the buffer displaying the image is already considered a
+special-display buffer by your Emacs setup, then a nil value of this
+option has no effect.)"
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-list-file-attributes (list '(5 8) 'auto)
+  "Which file attributes `diredp-list-file' uses, and when."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :type '(list (repeat integer)
+                                  (choice
+                                   (const :tag "Show automatically, immediately" 'auto)
+                                   (const :tag "Show on demand via `l'" 'on-demand))))
+(defcustom diredp-max-frames 200
+  "*Max number of frames, for commands that find files in separate frames.
+These commands are `dired-do-find-marked-files' and
+`diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive'.  See their descriptions for
+the circumstances in which they show the files in separate frames."
+  :type '(restricted-sexp :match-alternatives ((lambda (x) (and (wholenump x)  (not (zerop x))))))
+  :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(when (fboundp 'file-equal-p)           ; Emacs 24+
+  (defcustom diredp-move-file-dirs ()
+    "Alist of names of files and preferred directories to move them to.
+File names should be relative (no directory component).
+Target directory names should be absolute."
+    :group 'files :type '(alist :key-type file :value-type directory)))
+;; (Not used - just use the body directly in the option default value.
+;; (defun diredp-omit-files-regexp ()
+;;   "Return regexp to use for font-locking, using `dired-omit-files' as base."
+;;   (let* ((strg  dired-omit-files)
+;;          (strg  (if (eq ?^ (aref strg 0)) (substring strg 1) strg)) ; Remove initial ^
+;;          (strg  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(\\\\[|]\\)\\^" "\\1" strg 'FIXEDCASE nil)) ; Remove other ^'s
+;;          (strg  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([$]\\)" "" strg 'FIXEDCASE nil))) ; Remove $'s
+;;     strg))
+(defcustom diredp-omit-files-regexp (let* ((strg  dired-omit-files)
+                                           (strg  (if (eq ?^ (aref strg 0)) ; Remove initial ^
+                                                      (substring strg 1)
+                                                    strg))
+                                           (strg  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(\\\\[|]\\)\\^" ; Remove other ^'s
+                                                                            "\\1"
+                                                                            strg
+                                                                            'FIXEDCASE
+                                                                            nil))
+                                           (strg  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\([$]\\)" ; Remove $'s
+                                                                            ""
+                                                                            strg
+                                                                            'FIXEDCASE
+                                                                            nil)))
+                                      strg)
+  "Regexp for font-locking file names to be omitted by `dired-omit-mode'.
+The regexp is matched only against the file name, but the entire line
+is highlighted (with face `diredp-omit-file-name').
+The default value of this option differs from that of
+`dired-omit-files' by removing \"^\" from the beginning, and \"$\"
+from the end, of each regexp choice.  (The default value of
+`dired-omit-files', at least prior to Emacs 27, uses \"^\" and \"$\",
+but it should not.)
+If you want to control the beginning and end of choice matches then
+use \"\\`\" and \"\\'\" instead of \"^\" and \"$\".
+Note: If you change the value of this option then you need to restart
+Emacs to see the effect of the new value on font-locking."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :type 'regexp)
+(defcustom diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag nil
+  "*Non-nil means prompt for a prefix string for bookmark names."
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-visit-ignore-regexps ()
+  "Regexps matching file names for `diredp-visit-(next|previous)' to skip.
+A file or directory name matching one of these regexps is skipped,
+along with those with an extension in `diredp-visit-ignore-extensions'."
+  :type '(repeat regexp) :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-visit-ignore-extensions '("elc")
+  "Extensions of file names for `diredp-visit-(next|previous)' to skip.
+A file name with one of these extensions is skipped, along with those
+matching a regexp in `diredp-visit-ignore-regexps'."
+  :type '(repeat string) :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-w32-local-drives '(("C:" "Local disk"))
+  "*Local MS Windows drives that you want to use for `diredp-w32-drives'.
+Each entry is a list (DRIVE DESCRIPTION), where DRIVE is the drive
+name and DESCRIPTION describes DRIVE."
+  :type '(alist
+          :key-type   (string        :tag "Drive name")
+          :value-type (group (string :tag "Drive description")))
+  :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(defcustom diredp-wrap-around-flag t
+  "*Non-nil means Dired \"next\" commands wrap around to buffer beginning."
+  :type 'boolean :group 'Dired-Plus)
+(when (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode) ; Emacs 24.4+
+  (defvar diredp-hide-details-last-state diredp-hide-details-initially-flag
+    "Last `dired-hide-details-mode' value.
+Initialized to the value of option `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag'.")
+  (defvar diredp-hide-details-toggled nil
+    "Non-nil means you have already toggled hiding details in this buffer.")
+  (make-variable-buffer-local 'diredp-hide-details-toggled))
+;; Same value as the default value of `icicle-re-no-dot'.
+(defvar diredp-re-no-dot "^\\([^.]\\|\\.\\([^.]\\|\\..\\)\\).*"
+  "Regexp that matches anything except `.' and `..'.")
+(defvar diredp-w32-drives-mode-map (let ((map  (make-sparse-keymap)))
+                                     (define-key map "q"       'bury-buffer)
+                                     (define-key map "\r"      'widget-button-press)
+                                     (define-key map [mouse-2] 'widget-button-click)
+                                     map)
+  "Keymap for `diredp-w32-drives-mode'.")
+;;; $$$$$$ Starting with Emacs 22, *-move-to* is defvaraliased to *-listing-before*.
+;;; But `files+.el' defines *-listing-before*, so we define it here too.
+;;; (unless (> emacs-major-version 21)
+;;;   (defvar directory-listing-before-filename-regexp dired-move-to-filename-regexp
+;;;     "Regular expression to match up to the file name in a directory listing.
+;;; The default value is designed to recognize dates and times
+;;; regardless of the language."))
+;;; Macros
+;; Unlike `dired-mark-if':
+;; 1. Value returned and message indicate both the number matched and the number changed.
+;; 2. Added optional arg PLURAL, for irregular plurals (e.g. "directories").
+(defmacro diredp-mark-if (predicate singular &optional plural)
+  "Mark files for PREDICATE, according to `dired-marker-char'.
+PREDICATE is evaluated on each line, with point at beginning of line.
+SINGULAR is a singular noun phrase for the type of files being marked.
+Optional arg PLURAL is a plural noun phrase for the type of files
+ being marked.
+If PLURAL is nil then SINGULAR should end with a noun that can be
+pluralized by adding `s'.
+Return nil if no files matched PREDICATE.
+Otherwise return a cons (CHANGED . MATCHED), where:
+ CHANGED is the number of markings that were changed by the operation.
+ MATCHED is the number of files that matched PREDICATE."
+  `(let ((inhibit-read-only  t)
+         changed matched)
+    (save-excursion
+      (setq matched  0
+            changed  0)
+      (when ,singular (message "%s %s%s..."
+                               (cond ((eq dired-marker-char ?\040)            "Unmarking")
+                                     ((eq dired-del-marker dired-marker-char) "Flagging")
+                                     (t                                       "Marking"))
+                               (or ,plural  (concat ,singular "s"))
+                               (if (eq dired-del-marker dired-marker-char) " for deletion" "")))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (not (eobp))
+        (when ,predicate
+          (setq matched  (1+ matched))
+          (unless (eq dired-marker-char (char-after))
+            (delete-char 1) (insert dired-marker-char) (setq changed  (1+ changed))))
+        (forward-line 1))
+      (when ,singular (message "%s %s%s%s newly %s%s"
+                               matched
+                               (if (= matched 1) ,singular (or ,plural  (concat ,singular "s")))
+                               (if (not (= matched changed)) " matched, " "")
+                               (if (not (= matched changed)) changed "")
+                               (if (eq dired-marker-char ?\040) "un" "")
+                               (if (eq dired-marker-char dired-del-marker) "flagged" "marked"))))
+    (and (> matched 0)  (cons changed matched))))
+;; Just a helper function for `dired-map-over-marks'.
+(defun diredp-get-file-or-dir-name (arg)
+  "Return name of next file or directory or nil if none.
+Argument ARG:
+ `all-files-no-dirs' or nil means skip directories.
+ `all-files-no-dots' means skip `.' and `..'."
+  (let ((fname  nil))
+    (while (and (not fname)  (not (eobp)))
+      (setq fname  (dired-get-filename t t))
+      (when (and fname  (or (not arg)  (eq arg 'all-files-no-dirs))  (file-directory-p fname))
+        (setq fname  nil))
+      (when (and fname  (eq arg 'all-files-no-dots)  (or (member fname '("." ".."))
+                                                         (diredp-string-match-p "/\\.\\.?$" fname)))
+        (setq fname  nil))
+      (forward-line 1))
+    (forward-line -1)
+    fname))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Treat multiple `C-u' specially.
+(defmacro dired-map-over-marks (body arg &optional show-progress
+                                distinguish-one-marked)
+  "Eval BODY with point on each marked line.  Return a list of BODY's results.
+If no marked file could be found, execute BODY on the current line.
+ARG, if non-nil, specifies the files to use instead of the marked files.
+ If ARG is an integer, use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+   In that case, point is dragged along.  This is so that commands on
+   the next ARG (instead of the marked) files can be easily chained.
+ If ARG is a cons with element 16, 64, or 256, corresponding to
+   `C-u C-u', `C-u C-u C-u', or `C-u C-u C-u C-u', then use all files
+   in the Dired buffer, where:
+     16 includes NO directories (including `.' and `..')
+     64 includes directories EXCEPT `.' and `..'
+    256 includes ALL directories (including `.' and `..')
+ If ARG is otherwise non-nil, use the current file.
+If optional third arg SHOW-PROGRESS evaluates to non-nil,
+ redisplay the Dired buffer after each file is processed.
+No guarantee is made about the position on the marked line.  BODY must
+ensure this itself, if it depends on this.
+Search starts at the beginning of the buffer, thus the car of the list
+corresponds to the line nearest the end of the buffer.  This is also
+true for (positive and negative) integer values of ARG.
+BODY should not be too long, because it is expanded four times.
+If DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED is non-nil, then return (t FILENAME) instead
+ of (FILENAME), if only one file is marked."
+  ;; WARNING: BODY must not add new lines before point - this may cause an
+  ;; endless loop.  This warning should not apply any longer, sk  2-Sep-1991 14:10.
+  `(prog1
+    (let ((inhibit-read-only  t)
+          (newarg             ,arg)
+          multi-C-u case-fold-search found results)
+      (when (and (consp newarg)  (> (prefix-numeric-value newarg) 4))
+        (setq newarg     (case (prefix-numeric-value newarg)
+                           (16   'all-files-no-dirs) ; `C-u C-u'
+                           (64   'all-files-no-dots) ; `C-u C-u C-u'
+                           (256  'all-files) ; `C-u C-u C-u C-u'
+                           (t    'all-files-no-dirs))
+              multi-C-u  t))
+      (if (and newarg  (not multi-C-u))
+          (if (integerp newarg)
+              (progn                    ; No `save-excursion', want to move point.
+                (dired-repeat-over-lines newarg #'(lambda ()
+                                                    (when ,show-progress (sit-for 0))
+                                                    (setq results  (cons ,body results))))
+                (if (< newarg 0) (nreverse results) results))
+            ;; Non-nil, non-integer ARG means use current file:
+            (list ,body))
+        (let ((regexp  (dired-marker-regexp))
+              next-position)
+          (save-excursion
+            (goto-char (point-min))
+            ;; Remember position of next marked file before BODY can insert lines before the
+            ;; just found file, confusing us by finding the same marked file again and again...
+            (setq next-position  (and (if multi-C-u
+                                          (diredp-get-file-or-dir-name newarg)
+                                        (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+                                      (point-marker))
+                  found          (not (null next-position)))
+            (while next-position
+              (goto-char next-position)
+              (when ,show-progress (sit-for 0))
+              (setq results  (cons ,body results))
+              ;; move after last match
+              (goto-char next-position)
+              (forward-line 1)
+              (set-marker next-position nil)
+              (setq next-position  (and (if multi-C-u
+                                            (diredp-get-file-or-dir-name newarg)
+                                          (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+                                        (point-marker)))))
+          (when (and ,distinguish-one-marked  (= (length results) 1))
+            (setq results  (cons t results)))
+          (if found results (list ,body)))))
+    ;; `save-excursion' loses, again
+    (dired-move-to-filename)))
+;; Same as `icicle-with-help-window' in `icicles-mac.el'
+;; and `bmkp-with-help-window' in `bookmark+-mac.el'.
+(defmacro diredp-with-help-window (buffer &rest body)
+  "`with-help-window', if available; else `with-output-to-temp-buffer'."
+  (if (fboundp 'with-help-window)
+      `(with-help-window ,buffer ,@body)
+    `(with-output-to-temp-buffer ,buffer ,@body)))
+(put 'diredp-with-help-window 'common-lisp-indent-function '(4 &body))
+;;; Utility functions
+;; Same as `imenup-delete-if-not'.
+(defun diredp-delete-if-not (predicate xs)
+  "Remove all elements of list XS that do not satisfy PREDICATE.
+This operation is destructive, reusing conses of XS whenever possible."
+  (while (and xs  (not (funcall predicate (car xs))))
+    (setq xs  (cdr xs)))
+  (let ((cl-p  xs))
+    (while (cdr cl-p)
+      (if (not (funcall predicate (cadr cl-p))) (setcdr cl-p (cddr cl-p)) (setq cl-p  (cdr cl-p)))))
+  xs)
+;; Same as `imenup-delete-if'.
+(defun diredp-delete-if (predicate xs)
+  "Remove all elements of list XS that satisfy PREDICATE.
+This operation is destructive, reusing conses of XS whenever possible."
+  (while (and xs  (funcall predicate (car xs)))
+    (setq xs  (cdr xs)))
+  (let ((cl-p  xs))
+    (while (cdr cl-p)
+      (if (funcall predicate (cadr cl-p))
+          (setcdr cl-p (cddr cl-p))
+        (setq cl-p  (cdr cl-p)))))
+  xs)
+;; Same as `tap-string-match-p' in `thingatpt+.el'.
+(if (fboundp 'string-match-p)
+    (defalias 'diredp-string-match-p 'string-match-p) ; Emacs 23+
+  (defun diredp-string-match-p (regexp string &optional start)
+    "Like `string-match', but this saves and restores the match data."
+    (save-match-data (string-match regexp string start))))
+(if (fboundp 'looking-at-p)
+    (defalias 'diredp-looking-at-p 'looking-at-p) ; Emacs 23+
+  (defun diredp-looking-at-p (regexp)
+    "Like `looking-at', but this saves and restores the match data."
+    (save-match-data (looking-at regexp))))
+;; `dired-read-regexp' does not accept DEFAULT and HISTORY for older Emacsen, so use this.
+(defun diredp-read-regexp (prompt &optional default history)
+  "Read a regexp.
+HISTORY defaults to `dired-regexp-history'."
+  (setq history  (or history 'dired-regexp-history))
+  (if (fboundp 'read-regexp)
+      (read-regexp prompt default history)
+    (read-from-minibuffer prompt nil nil nil history default)))
+(if (fboundp 'delete-dups)
+    (defalias 'diredp-delete-dups 'delete-dups)
+  (defun diredp-delete-dups (list)
+    "Destructively remove `equal' duplicates from LIST.
+Store the result in LIST and return it.  LIST must be a proper list.
+Of several `equal' occurrences of an element in LIST, the first
+one is kept."
+    (let ((tail list))
+      (while tail
+        (setcdr tail (delete (car tail) (cdr tail)))
+        (setq tail (cdr tail))))
+    list))
+(defun diredp-nonempty-region-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if region is active and non-empty."
+  (and transient-mark-mode  mark-active  (mark)  (> (region-end) (region-beginning))))
+(defun diredp-get-image-filename (&optional localp no-error-if-not-filep)
+  "Return the image-file name on this line, or nil if no image file.
+If not in Dired (or a mode derived from Dired), then test the entire
+text of the current line as the file name.
+The optional args are the same as for `dired-get-filename'.  They are
+ignored if not in a Dired mode.
+\(Prior to Emacs 22, this function just returns nil.)"
+  (let ((file  (if (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
+                   (dired-get-filename localp no-error-if-not-filep)
+                 ;; Make it work also for `diredp-list-files' listings.
+                 (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))))
+    (and file
+         (fboundp 'image-file-name-regexp) ; Emacs 22+, `image-file.el'.
+         (diredp-string-match-p (image-file-name-regexp) file)
+         file)))
+(defun diredp-root-directory-p (file)
+  "Return non-nil if FILE is a root directory."
+  (if (fboundp 'ange-ftp-root-dir-p)
+      (ange-ftp-root-dir-p (file-name-as-directory file))
+    ;; This is essentially `ange-ftp-root-dir-p' applied to `file-name-as-directory'.
+    ;; If `ange-ftp-root-dir-p' changes, update this code.
+    (or (and (eq system-type 'windows-nt)  (diredp-string-match-p "\\`[a-zA-Z]:[/\\]\\'"
+                                                                  (file-name-as-directory file)))
+        (string= "/" file))))
+(defun diredp-parent-dir (file &optional relativep)
+  "Return the parent directory of FILE, or nil if none.
+Optional arg RELATIVEP non-nil means return a relative name, that is,
+just the parent component."
+  (let ((parent  (file-name-directory (directory-file-name (expand-file-name file))))
+        relparent)
+    (when relativep (setq relparent  (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name parent))))
+    (and (not (equal parent file))  (or relparent  parent))))
+(unless (fboundp 'derived-mode-p)       ; Emacs 20, 21.
+  (defun derived-mode-p (&rest modes)
+    "Non-nil if the current major mode is derived from one of MODES.
+Uses the `derived-mode-parent' property of the symbol to trace backwards."
+    (let ((parent  major-mode))
+      (while (and (not (memq parent modes))  (setq parent  (get parent 'derived-mode-parent))))
+      parent)))
+(defun diredp-ensure-mode ()
+  "Raise an error if not in Dired or a mode derived from it."
+  (unless (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
+    (error "You must be in Dired or a mode derived from it to use this command")))
+(defun diredp-ensure-bookmark+ ()
+  (unless (require 'bookmark+ nil t) (error "This command requires library `bookmark+.el'")))
+(unless (fboundp 'dired-nondirectory-p) ; Emacs 20, 21.
+  (defun dired-nondirectory-p (file)
+    "Return non-nil if FILE is not a directory."
+    (not (file-directory-p file))))
+;;; Some of the redefinitions that follow are essentially unaltered vanilla Emacs code to be
+;;; reloaded, to use the new definition of `dired-map-over-marks' here.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; 1. Pass non-nil second arg to `dired-get-filename' so we can include `.' and `..'.
+;; 2. Doc string is updated to reflect the new ARG behavior.
+;; 3. Allow, unlike vanilla Emacs, use of FILTER and DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED together.
+(defun dired-get-marked-files (&optional localp arg filter distinguish-one-marked error-if-none-p)
+  "Return names of the marked files and directories as a list of strings.
+The list is in the same order as the buffer, that is, the car is the
+  first marked file.
+Values returned are normally absolute file names.
+Optional arg LOCALP as in `dired-get-filename'.
+Optional second argument ARG specifies files to use instead of marked.
+ Usually ARG comes from the command's prefix arg.
+ If ARG is an integer, use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ If ARG is a cons with element 16, 64, or 256, corresponding to
+  `C-u C-u', `C-u C-u C-u', or `C-u C-u C-u C-u', then use all files
+  in the Dired buffer, where:
+    16 includes NO directories (including `.' and `..')
+    64 includes directories EXCEPT `.' and `..'
+   256 includes ALL directories (including `.' and `..')
+ If ARG is otherwise non-nil, use the current file.
+Optional third argument FILTER, if non-nil, is a function to select
+ some of the files: those for which (funcall FILTER FILENAME) is
+ non-nil.
+If DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED is non-nil, then return (t FILENAME) instead
+ of (FILENAME) if only one file is marked (after any filtering by
+If ERROR-IF-NONE-P is non-nil, signal an error if the list of files is
+ empty.  If ERROR-IF-NONE-P is a string then it is the error message.
+Note that the Dired+ version of this function differs from the vanilla
+version in these respects:
+* There are more possibilities for argument ARG (prefix argument).
+* Directories `.' and `..' can be included as marked.
+* You can use arguments FILTER and DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED together."
+  (let ((all  (delq nil (save-excursion (dired-map-over-marks (dired-get-filename localp 'NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-FILEP)
+                                                              arg
+                                                              nil
+                                                              distinguish-one-marked))))
+        result)
+    (when (equal all '(t)) (setq all  nil)) ; Added by vanilla Emacs 24+.
+    (if (and distinguish-one-marked  (eq (car all) t))
+        (if (not filter)
+            all
+          (and (funcall filter (cadr all))  (list t (cadr all))))
+      (dolist (file  all)
+        (when (or (not filter)  (funcall filter file)) (push file result)))
+      (when (and (null result)  error-if-none-p)
+        (diredp-user-error (if (stringp error-if-none-p) error-if-none-p "No files specified")))
+      result)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;; 1. Define here to make use of my `dired-map-over-marks'.
+;; 2. Added &rest arg FUN-ARGS.
+;; 3. Added doc string.
+(defun dired-map-over-marks-check (fun mark-arg op-symbol &optional show-progress &rest fun-args)
+  "Map FUN over marked lines and display failures.
+FUN returns non-nil (the offending object, e.g. the short form of the
+filename) for a failure and probably logs a detailed error explanation
+using function `dired-log'.
+MARK-ARG is as the second argument of `dired-map-over-marks'.
+OP-SYMBOL is a symbol describing the operation performed (e.g.
+`compress').  It is used with `dired-mark-pop-up' to prompt the user
+\(e.g. with `Compress * [2 files]? ') and to display errors (e.g.
+`Failed to compress 1 of 2 files - type ? for details (\"foo\")')
+SHOW-PROGRESS if non-nil means redisplay Dired after each file.
+FUN-ARGS is the list of any remaining args to
+`dired-map-over-marks-check'.  Function FUN is applied to these
+  (and (dired-mark-confirm op-symbol mark-arg)
+       (let* ((results     (dired-map-over-marks (apply fun fun-args) mark-arg show-progress)) ; FUN return vals.
+              (nb-results  (length results))
+              (failures    (delq nil results))
+              (nb-fail     (length failures))
+              (op-strg     (if (eq op-symbol 'compress) "Compress or uncompress" (capitalize
+                                                                                  (symbol-name op-symbol)))))
+         (if (null failures)
+             (message "%s: %d file%s." op-strg nb-results (dired-plural-s nb-results))
+           (dired-log-summary (format "Failed to %s %d of %d file%s"
+                                      (downcase op-strg) nb-fail nb-results (dired-plural-s nb-results))
+                              failures)))))
+;; Like `dired-map-over-marks-check', but `dired-log-summary' is always called, and first arg passed is different.
+(defun diredp-map-over-marks-and-report (fun mark-arg op-symbol &optional show-progress &rest fun-args)
+  "Map FUN over marked lines and report the results.
+FUN returns non-nil (the offending object, e.g. the short form of the
+filename) for a failure and probably logs a detailed error explanation
+using function `dired-log'.
+MARK-ARG is as the second argument of `dired-map-over-marks'.
+OP-SYMBOL is a symbol describing the operation performed (e.g.
+`compress').  It is used with `dired-mark-pop-up' to prompt the user
+\(e.g. with `Compress * [2 files]? ') and to display errors (e.g.
+`Failed to compress 1 of 2 files - type ? to see why (\"foo\")')
+SHOW-PROGRESS if non-nil means redisplay Dired after each file.
+FUN-ARGS is the list of any remaining args to
+`diredp-map-over-marks-and-report'.  Function FUN is applied to these
+  (and (dired-mark-confirm op-symbol mark-arg)
+       (let* ((results     (dired-map-over-marks (apply fun fun-args) mark-arg show-progress)) ; FUN return vals.
+              (nb-results  (length results))
+              (failures    (delq nil results))
+              (nb-fail     (length failures))
+              (op-strg     (capitalize (symbol-name op-symbol))))
+         (dired-log-summary (format "%s for %d file%s%s"
+                                    op-strg nb-results (dired-plural-s nb-results)
+                                    (if failures (format ": %d failures" nb-fail) ""))
+                            failures))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+(when (boundp 'dired-subdir-switches)   ; Emacs 22+
+  (defun dired-do-redisplay (&optional arg test-for-subdir) ; Bound to `l'
+    "Redisplay all marked (or next ARG) files.
+If on a subdir line, redisplay that subdirectory.  In that case,
+a prefix arg lets you edit the `ls' switches used for the new listing.
+Dired remembers switches specified with a prefix arg, so that reverting
+the buffer will not reset them.  However, using `dired-undo' to re-insert
+or delete subdirectories can bypass this machinery.  Hence, you sometimes
+may have to reset some subdirectory switches after a `dired-undo'.
+You can reset all subdirectory switches to the default using
+See Info node `(emacs)Subdir switches' for more details."
+    ;; Moves point if the next ARG files are redisplayed.
+    (interactive "P\np")
+    (if (and test-for-subdir  (dired-get-subdir))
+        (let* ((dir       (dired-get-subdir))
+               (switches  (cdr (assoc-string dir dired-switches-alist))))
+          (dired-insert-subdir dir (and arg  (read-string "Switches for listing: "
+                                                          (or switches
+                                                              dired-subdir-switches
+                                                              dired-actual-switches)))))
+      (message "Redisplaying...")
+      ;; `message' is much faster than making `dired-map-over-marks' show progress
+      (dired-uncache (if (consp dired-directory) (car dired-directory) dired-directory))
+      (dired-map-over-marks (let ((fname                    (dired-get-filename))
+                                  ;; Postpone readin hook map over all marked files (Bug#6810).
+                                  (dired-after-readin-hook  nil))
+                              (message "Redisplaying... `%s'" fname)
+                              (dired-update-file-line fname))
+                            arg)
+      (run-hooks 'dired-after-readin-hook)
+      (dired-move-to-filename)
+      (message "Redisplaying...done"))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+(unless (boundp 'dired-subdir-switches) ; Emacs 20, 21
+  (defun dired-do-redisplay (&optional arg test-for-subdir) ; Bound to `l'
+    "Redisplay all marked (or next ARG) files.
+If on a subdir line, redisplay that subdirectory.  In that case,
+a prefix arg lets you edit the `ls' switches used for the new listing."
+    ;; Moves point if the next ARG files are redisplayed.
+    (interactive "P\np")
+    (if (and test-for-subdir  (dired-get-subdir))
+        (dired-insert-subdir (dired-get-subdir)
+                             (and arg  (read-string "Switches for listing: " dired-actual-switches)))
+      (message "Redisplaying...")
+      ;; `message' is much faster than making dired-map-over-marks show progress
+      (dired-uncache (if (consp dired-directory) (car dired-directory) dired-directory))
+      (dired-map-over-marks (let ((fname  (dired-get-filename)))
+                              (message "Redisplaying... `%s'" fname)
+                              (dired-update-file-line fname))
+                            arg)
+      (dired-move-to-filename)
+      (message "Redisplaying...done"))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+(when (fboundp 'get-window-with-predicate) ; Emacs 22+
+  (defun dired-dwim-target-directory ()
+    "Guess a target directory to use for Dired.
+If there is a Dired buffer displayed in another window, use its
+current subdir, else use current subdir of this Dired buffer."
+    (let ((this-dir  (and (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)  (dired-current-directory))))
+      ;; Non-dired buffer may want to profit from this function, e.g. `vm-uudecode'.
+      (if dired-dwim-target
+          (let* ((other-win  (get-window-with-predicate (lambda (window)
+                                                          (with-current-buffer (window-buffer window)
+                                                            (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)))
+                                                        nil
+                                                        (and diredp-dwim-any-frame-flag  'visible)))
+                 (other-dir  (and other-win  (with-current-buffer (window-buffer other-win)
+                                               (and (eq major-mode 'dired-mode)  (dired-current-directory))))))
+            (or other-dir  this-dir))
+        this-dir))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; 1. Added behavior for non-positive prefix arg:
+;;    * Construct a cons DIRNAME arg.
+;;    * Read a Dired buffer name (not a directory) for its car.
+;;    * If READ-EXTRA-FILES-P is non-nil then read any number of file and dir names, to be included as its cdr. 
+;;    * If chosen Dired buffer exists and is an ordinary listing then start out with its `directory-files'.
+;; 2. If you use Icicles then this is a multi-command - see doc for `dired' defadvice.
+(defun dired-read-dir-and-switches (string &optional read-extra-files-p dired-buffer)
+  "Read arguments for `dired' commands.
+STRING is added to the prompt after \"Dired \".  If not \"\", it should
+end with a space.
+With a non-negative prefix arg, read the `ls' switches.
+With a non-negative prefix arg or none, read the directory to Dired.
+With a non-positive prefix arg:
+* If DIRED-BUFFER is non-nil, it is the name of the Dired buffer to
+  use.  Otherwise, read it (it is not necessarily a directory name).
+  If in Dired now, the current buffer name is the default.
+* If READ-EXTRA-FILES-P is non-nil then read any number of directory
+  or file names, to make up the Dired arbitrary-files listing.  You
+  can use file-name wildcards (i.e., `*' for globbing), to include the
+  matching files and directories.  Use `C-g' when done entering the
+  files and directories to list.
+Return a list of arguments for `dired': (DIRNAME SWITCHES).  DIRNAME
+here has the same form as `dired-directory'.  When a non-positive
+prefix arg is used, DIRNAME is a cons of the buffer name and the list
+of file names.
+If you use Icicles then reading uses Icicles completion, with
+additional multi-command keys.  See `dired' (defadvice doc)."
+  (let* ((switchs                                     (and current-prefix-arg
+                                                           (natnump (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
+                                                           (read-string "Dired listing switches: "
+                                                                        dired-listing-switches)))
+         (icicle-candidate-action-fn
+          (lambda (cand)
+            (dired-other-window cand (and current-prefix-arg  (read-string "Dired listing switches: "
+                                                                           dired-listing-switches)))
+            (select-window (minibuffer-window))
+            (select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame))))
+;;; $$$$$$ Alternative: Could choose no-op for non-dir candidate.
+;;;          (icicle-candidate-action-fn
+;;;           (lambda (cand)
+;;;             (cond ((file-directory-p cand)
+;;;                    (dired-other-window cand (and current-prefix-arg  (read-string "Dired listing switches: "
+;;;                                                                                   dired-listing-switches)))
+;;;                    (select-window (minibuffer-window))
+;;;                    (select-frame-set-input-focus (selected-frame)))
+;;;                   (t
+;;;                    (message "Not a directory: `%s'" cand) (sit-for 2)))))
+         (icicle-all-candidates-list-alt-action-fn ; M-|'
+          (lambda (files)
+            (let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers  t))
+              (dired-other-window (cons (read-string (format "Dired %s(buffer name): " string)) files)))))
+         (icicle-sort-comparer                        (or (and (boundp 'icicle-file-sort) ; If not reading files
+                                                               icicle-file-sort) ; then dirs first.
+                                                          (and (> (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+                                                               'icicle-dirs-first-p)
+                                                          (and (boundp 'icicle-sort-comparer)
+                                                               icicle-sort-comparer)))
+         ;; The rest of the bindings are from `icicle-file-bindings', in `icicles-mac.el'.
+         (completion-ignore-case
+          (or (and (boundp 'read-file-name-completion-ignore-case)  read-file-name-completion-ignore-case)
+              completion-ignore-case))
+         (icicle-show-Completions-initially-flag      (and (boundp 'icicle-show-Completions-initially-flag)
+                                                           (or icicle-show-Completions-initially-flag
+                                                               icicle-files-ido-like-flag)))
+         (icicle-top-level-when-sole-completion-flag  (and (boundp 'icicle-top-level-when-sole-completion-flag)
+                                                           (or icicle-top-level-when-sole-completion-flag
+                                                               icicle-files-ido-like-flag)))
+         (icicle-default-value                        (and (boundp 'icicle-default-value)
+                                                           (if (and icicle-files-ido-like-flag
+                                                                    icicle-default-value)
+                                                               icicle-files-ido-like-flag
+                                                             ;;  Get default via `M-n', but do not insert it.
+                                                             (and (memq icicle-default-value '(t nil))
+                                                                  icicle-default-value))))
+         (icicle-must-match-regexp                    (and (boundp 'icicle-file-match-regexp)
+                                                           icicle-file-match-regexp))
+         (icicle-must-not-match-regexp                (and (boundp 'icicle-file-no-match-regexp)
+                                                           icicle-file-no-match-regexp))
+         (icicle-must-pass-after-match-predicate      (and (boundp 'icicle-file-predicate)
+                                                           icicle-file-predicate))
+         (icicle-require-match-flag                   (and (boundp 'icicle-file-require-match-flag)
+                                                           icicle-file-require-match-flag))
+         (icicle-file-completing-p                    t)
+         (icicle-extra-candidates                     (and (boundp 'icicle-file-extras)  icicle-file-extras))
+         (icicle-transform-function                   'icicle-remove-dups-if-extras)
+         ;; Put `icicle-file-sort' first.  If already in the list, move it, else add it, to beginning.
+         (icicle--temp-orders                         (and (boundp 'icicle-sort-orders-alist)
+                                                           (copy-sequence icicle-sort-orders-alist)))
+         (icicle-candidate-help-fn                    (lambda (cand)
+                                                        (icicle-describe-file cand current-prefix-arg t)))
+         (icicle-candidate-alt-action-fn              (and (boundp 'icicle-candidate-alt-action-fn)
+                                                           (or icicle-candidate-alt-action-fn
+                                                               (icicle-alt-act-fn-for-type "file"))))
+         (icicle-delete-candidate-object              'icicle-delete-file-or-directory)
+         (icicle-sort-orders-alist
+          (and (boundp 'icicle-sort-orders-alist)
+               (progn (when t ; $$$$ (and icicle-file-sort-first-time-p  icicle-file-sort)
+                        (setq icicle-sort-comparer  icicle-file-sort))
+                        ; $$$$ (setq icicle-file-sort-first-time-p  nil))
+                      (if icicle-file-sort
+                          (let ((already-there  (rassq icicle-file-sort icicle--temp-orders)))
+                            (if already-there
+                                (cons already-there (setq icicle--temp-orders  (delete already-there
+                                                                                       icicle--temp-orders)))
+                              (cons `("by `icicle-file-sort'" ,@icicle-file-sort) icicle--temp-orders)))
+                        icicle--temp-orders)))))
+    (when (fboundp 'icicle-bind-file-candidate-keys) (icicle-bind-file-candidate-keys))
+    (unwind-protect
+         (list
+          (if (> (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+              ;; If a dialog box is about to be used, call `read-directory-name' so the dialog
+              ;; code knows we want directories.  Some dialog boxes can only select directories
+              ;; or files when popped up, not both. If no dialog box is used, call `read-file-name'
+              ;; because the user may want completion of file names for use in a wildcard pattern.
+              (funcall (if (and (fboundp 'read-directory-name)  (next-read-file-uses-dialog-p))
+                           #'read-directory-name
+                         #'read-file-name)
+                       (format "Dired %s(directory): " string) nil default-directory nil)
+            (dolist (db  dired-buffers) ; Remove any killed buffers from `dired-buffers' (even if DIRED-BUFFER).
+              (unless (buffer-name (cdr db)) (setq dired-buffers  (delq db dired-buffers))))
+            (let* ((dbufs   (and (not dired-buffer)
+                                 (mapcar (lambda (db) (list (buffer-name (cdr db)))) dired-buffers)))
+                   (dirbuf  (or dired-buffer
+                                (completing-read (format "Dired %s(buffer name): " string) dbufs nil nil nil nil
+                                                 (and (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)  (buffer-name)))))
+                   (files   (and (diredp-existing-dired-buffer-p dirbuf)
+                                 (with-current-buffer (get-buffer dirbuf)
+                                   (and (not (consp dired-directory))
+                                        (directory-files dired-directory 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot)))))
+                   file)
+              (when read-extra-files-p
+                (while (condition-case nil ; Use lax completion, to allow wildcards.
+                           (setq file  (read-file-name "File or dir (C-g when done): "))
+                         (quit nil))
+                  ;; Do not allow root dir (`/' or a Windows drive letter, e.g. `d:/').
+                  (if (diredp-root-directory-p file)
+                      (progn (message "Cannot choose root directory") (sit-for 1))
+                    (push file files))))
+              (cons dirbuf files)))
+          switchs)
+      (when (fboundp 'icicle-unbind-file-candidate-keys) (icicle-unbind-file-candidate-keys)))))
+;;; $$$$$$$$ An alternative implementation - different behavior.
+;;; ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; Non-positive prefix arg means construct cons DIRNAME arg: Read Dired name and files/dirs.
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defun dired-read-dir-and-switches (string)
+;;;   "Read arguments for `dired'.
+;;; With a non-negative prefix arg, prompt first for `ls' switches.
+;;; With a non-positive prefix arg, read the Dired buffer name and then
+;;;  read any number of dir or file names, to make up the Dired listing.
+;;; STRING is appended to the prompt, unless prefix arg is non-positive.
+;;; If non-empty, STRING should begin with a SPC."
+;;;   (let ((switches    (and current-prefix-arg
+;;;                           (>= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+;;;                           (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches)))
+;;;         (formt       (format "Dired %s(directory): " string))
+;;;         (entries     ())
+;;;         (curr-entry  ""))
+;;;     (when (and current-prefix-arg  (<= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))
+;;;       (push (completing-read "Dired buffer name: " dired-buffers) entries)
+;;;       (setq curr-entry  (read-file-name (format "Dir or file: ") nil "" 'MUST-MATCH))
+;;;       (while (not (equal "" curr-entry))
+;;;         (push curr-entry entries)
+;;;         (setq curr-entry  (read-file-name (format "Dir or file: ") nil "" 'MUST-MATCH)))
+;;;       (unless (cadr entries) (push default-directory entries)))
+;;;     (list (or (nreverse entries)  (if (and (fboundp 'next-read-file-uses-dialog-p)
+;;;                                            (next-read-file-uses-dialog-p))
+;;;                                       (read-directory-name formt nil default-directory nil)
+;;;                                     (read-file-name formt nil default-directory nil)))
+;;;           switches)))
+;; ADVISE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Add to doc string, to document non-positive prefix arg.
+(defadvice dired (before diredp-doc-cons-arg activate)
+  "Interactively, a prefix argument changes the behavior as follows:
+* If >= 0, you are first prompted for the `ls' switches to use.
+* If <= 0, you are prompted first for the name of the Dired  buffer.
+  Then you are prompted repeatedly for the names of the directories
+  or files to list in the buffer.  You can use file-name wildcards
+  (i.e., `*' for globbing), to include the matching files and
+  directories.  Use `C-g' to end.
+  In other words, instead of listing a single directory, the Dired
+  buffer can list any number of directories and file names, which can
+  even belong to different directory trees.
+The rest of this description applies only if you use Icicles.
+In Icicle mode this is a multi-command: You can cycle among file-name
+completion candidates and act individually on those that name
+directories.  The action is to open Dired for the directory.  While
+cycling, these keys are active:
+`C-mouse-2', `C-return' - Act on current completion candidate only
+`C-down', `C-wheel-down' - Move to next completion candidate and act
+`C-up', `C-wheel-up' - Move to previous completion candidate and act
+`C-next'  - Move to next apropos-completion candidate and act
+`C-prior' - Move to previous apropos-completion candidate and act
+`C-end'   - Move to next prefix-completion candidate and act
+`C-home'  - Move to previous prefix-completion candidate and act
+`\\[icicle-all-candidates-action]'     - Act on *all* candidates, successively (careful!)
+`\\[icicle-all-candidates-list-alt-action]'     - Open Dired on all candidates
+When candidate action and cycling are combined (e.g. `C-next'), user
+option `icicle-act-before-cycle-flag' determines which occurs first.
+With prefix `C-M-' instead of `C-', the same keys (`C-M-mouse-2',
+`C-M-RET', `C-M-down', and so on) provide help about candidates.
+Use `mouse-2', `RET', or `S-RET' to finally choose a candidate, or
+`C-g' to quit.
+These keys are also bound in the minibuffer during completion (`*'
+means the key requires library `Bookmark+'):
+   S-delete    - Delete candidate file or (empty) dir
+   C-c +       - Create a new directory
+   C-backspace - Go up one directory level
+ * C-x C-t *   - Narrow to files with all of the tags you specify
+ * C-x C-t +   - Narrow to files with some of the tags you specify
+ * C-x C-t % * - Narrow to files with all tags matching a regexp
+ * C-x C-t % + - Narrow to files with some tags  matching a regexp
+ * C-x a +     - Add tags to the current-candidate file
+ * C-x a -     - Remove tags from the current-candidate file
+ * C-x m       - Access file bookmarks (not just autofiles)"
+  (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches "" 'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+;; ADVISE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Add to doc string, to document non-positive prefix arg.
+(defadvice dired-other-window (before diredp-doc-cons-arg activate)
+  "Interactively, a prefix argument changes the behavior.
+A non-positive prefix arg lets you choose an explicit set of files and
+directories to list.  See the advice for `dired' for more information."
+  (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches "" 'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+;; ADVISE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Add to doc string, to document non-positive prefix arg.
+(defadvice dired-other-frame (before diredp-doc-cons-arg activate)
+  "Interactively, a prefix argument changes the behavior.
+A non-positive prefix arg lets you choose an explicit set of files and
+directories to list.  See the advice for `dired' for more information."
+  (interactive (dired-read-dir-and-switches "" 'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Made compatible with Emacs 20, 21, which do not have [:alnum].
+;; Also, this is defined here because it is used elsewhere in the file.
+(defun dired-switches-escape-p (switches)
+  "Return non-nil if the string SWITCHES contains `-b' or `--escape'."
+  (if (fboundp 'dired-switches-check)   ; Emacs 24.4+ - see Emacs bug #17218.
+      (dired-switches-check switches "escape" "b")
+    ;; Do not match things like "--block-size" that happen to contain "b".
+    (if (> emacs-major-version 21)      ; SWITCHES must be a string here, not nil.
+        (diredp-string-match-p "\\(\\`\\| \\)-[[:alnum:]]*b\\|--escape\\>" switches)
+      (diredp-string-match-p "\\(\\`\\| \\)-\\(\w\\|[0-9]\\)*b\\|--escape\\>" switches))))
+;; From `dired.el'
+(when (and (> emacs-major-version 22)  (featurep 'ls-lisp+))
+;;; 2012/04/26: Commented this out.
+;;;             Might need it again when update `ls-lisp+.el' to fix other things.
+;;;   ;; Use t as WILDCARD arg to `dired-insert-directory'.
+;;;   ;;
+;;;   (defun dired-readin-insert ()
+;;;     ;; Insert listing for the specified dir (and maybe file  list)
+;;;     ;; already in dired-directory, assuming a clean buffer.
+;;;     (let (dir  file-list)
+;;;       (if (consp dired-directory)
+;;;           (setq dir        (car dired-directory)
+;;;                 file-list  (cdr dired-directory))
+;;;         (setq dir        dired-directory
+;;;               file-list  ()))
+;;;       (setq dir  (expand-file-name dir))
+;;;       (if (and (equal "" (file-name-nondirectory dir))  (not file-list))
+;;;           ;; If we are reading a whole single directory...
+;;;           (dired-insert-directory dir dired-actual-switches nil nil t)
+;;;         (unless (file-readable-p (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir)))
+;;;           (error "Directory `%s' inaccessible or nonexistent" dir))
+;;;         ;; Else treat it as a wildcard spec.
+;;;         (dired-insert-directory dir dired-actual-switches file-list t t))))
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+  ;;
+  ;; Compute WILDCARD arg for `insert-directory' for individual file (don't just use nil).
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-insert-directory (dir switches &optional file-list wildcard hdr)
+    "Insert a directory listing of DIR, Dired style.
+Use SWITCHES to make the listings.
+If FILE-LIST is non-nil, list only those files.
+Otherwise, if WILDCARD is non-nil, expand wildcards;
+ in that case, DIR should be a file name that uses wildcards.
+In other cases, DIR should be a directory name or a directory filename.
+If HDR is non-nil, insert a header line with the directory name."
+    (let ((opoint               (point))
+          (process-environment  (copy-sequence process-environment))
+          end)
+      (when (and
+             ;; Do not try to invoke `ls' if on DOS/Windows, where `ls-lisp' is used, unless
+             ;; the user really wants to use `ls', as indicated by
+             ;; `ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program'.
+             (or (not (featurep 'ls-lisp))  ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)
+             (or (if (eq dired-use-ls-dired 'unspecified)
+                     ;; Check if "ls --dired" gives exit code 0.  Put it in `dired-use-ls-dired'.
+                     (or (setq dired-use-ls-dired  (eq 0 (call-process insert-directory-program
+                                                                       nil nil nil "--dired")))
+                         (progn (message "Command `ls' does not support switch `--dired' - see \
+                                nil))
+                   dired-use-ls-dired)
+                 (file-remote-p dir)))
+        (setq switches  (concat "--dired " switches)))
+      ;; We used to specify the C locale here, to force English month names.  This should not be
+      ;; necessary any more with the new value of `directory-listing-before-filename-regexp'.
+      (if file-list
+          (dolist (f  file-list)
+            (let ((beg  (point)))
+              ;; Compute wildcard arg for this file.
+              (insert-directory f switches (diredp-string-match-p "[[?*]" f) nil)
+              ;; Re-align fields, if necessary.
+              (dired-align-file beg (point))))
+        (insert-directory dir switches wildcard (not wildcard)))
+      ;; Quote certain characters, unless `ls' quoted them for us.
+      (unless (dired-switches-escape-p dired-actual-switches)
+        (save-excursion
+          (setq end  (point-marker))
+          (goto-char opoint)
+          (while (search-forward "\\" end t)
+            (replace-match (apply #'propertize "\\\\" (text-properties-at (match-beginning 0)))
+                           nil t))
+          (goto-char opoint)
+          (while (search-forward "\^m" end t)
+            (replace-match (apply #'propertize "\\015" (text-properties-at (match-beginning 0)))
+                           nil t))
+          (set-marker end nil))
+        ;; Comment in original, from some Emacs Dev developer:
+        ;;
+        ;; Replace any newlines in DIR with literal "\n" for the sake of the header line.  To
+        ;; disambiguate a literal "\n" in the actual dirname, we also replace "\" with "\\".
+        ;; I think this should always be done, irrespective of the value of
+        ;; dired-actual-switches, because:
+        ;;   i) Dired does not work with an unescaped newline in the directory name used in the
+        ;;      header (bug=10469#28), and
+        ;;  ii) "\" is always replaced with "\\" in the listing, so doing it in the header as
+        ;;      well makes things consistent.
+        ;; But at present it is done only if "-b" is in ls-switches, because newlines in dirnames
+        ;; are uncommon, and people may have gotten used to seeing unescaped "\" in the headers.
+        ;; Note: adjust `dired-build-subdir-alist' if you change this.
+        (setq dir  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\" dir nil t)
+              dir  (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\n" dir nil t)))
+      ;; If we used `--dired' and it worked, the lines are already indented.  Else indent them.
+      (unless (save-excursion (goto-char opoint) (diredp-looking-at-p "  "))
+        (let ((indent-tabs-mode  nil)) (indent-rigidly opoint (point) 2)))
+      ;; Insert text at the beginning to standardize things.
+      (let ((content-point opoint))
+        (save-excursion
+          (goto-char opoint)
+          (when (and (or hdr  wildcard)  (not (and (looking-at "^  \\(.*\\):$")
+                                                   (file-name-absolute-p (match-string 1)))))
+            ;; `dired-build-subdir-alist' will replace the name by its expansion, so it does not
+            ;; matter whether what we insert here is fully expanded, but it should be absolute.
+            (insert "  " (directory-file-name (file-name-directory dir)) ":\n")
+            (setq content-point (point)))
+          (when wildcard
+            ;; Insert "wildcard" line where "total" line would be for a full dir.
+            (insert "  wildcard " (file-name-nondirectory dir) "\n")))
+        (dired-insert-set-properties content-point (point))))))
+;;; Image stuff.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-required-msg ()
+  "Raise an error if `image-dired.el' is not loaded."
+  (unless (require 'image-dired nil t) (error "This command requires library `image-dired.el'")))
+;; See `image-dired-create-thumb'.
+;; Define this even if `image-dired.el' is not loaded.
+;; Do NOT raise an error if not loaded, because this is used in `diredp-mouseover-help'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-create-thumb (file &optional arg)
+  "Create thumbnail image file for FILE (default: file on current line).
+With a prefix arg, replace any existing thumbnail for FILE.
+With a numeric prefix arg (not a cons), use it as the thumbnail size.
+Return the name of the thumbnail image file, or nil if none."
+  (interactive (list (if (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
+                         (dired-get-filename nil 'NO-ERROR)
+                       ;; Make it work also for `diredp-list-files' listings.
+                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)))
+                     current-prefix-arg))
+  (and (fboundp 'image-dired-thumb-name) ; No-op (return nil) if `image-dired.el' not loaded.
+       (let ((thumb-name  (image-dired-thumb-name file)))
+         (when arg (clear-image-cache))
+         (when (or arg  (not (file-exists-p thumb-name)))
+           (let ((image-dired-thumb-width   (or (and arg  (atom arg)  arg)  image-dired-thumb-width))
+                 (image-dired-thumb-height  (or (and arg  (atom arg)  arg)  image-dired-thumb-height)))
+             (unless (zerop (image-dired-create-thumb file thumb-name))
+               (error "Thumbnail image file could not be created"))))
+         (and (file-exists-p thumb-name)  thumb-name))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `image-dired.el' (Emacs 22-23).
+;; 1. Raise an error if `image-dired.el' is not available.
+;; 2. Repro it here so it picks up `Dired+' version of `dired-map-over-marks'.
+(defun image-dired-dired-insert-marked-thumbs () ; Bound to `C-t C-t' (Emacs 22-23)
+  "Insert thumbnails before file names of marked files in the Dired buffer."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) ()))
+  (dired-map-over-marks
+   (let* ((image-pos   (dired-move-to-filename))
+          (image-file  (dired-get-filename))
+          (thumb-file  (image-dired-get-thumbnail-image image-file))
+          overlay)
+     ;; If image is not already added, then add it.
+     (unless (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (o) (overlay-get o 'put-image))
+                               ;; Can't use (overlays-at (point)), BUG?
+                               (overlays-in (point) (1+ (point)))))
+       (put-image thumb-file image-pos)
+       (setq overlay  (car (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (ov) (and (overlay-get ov 'put-image)  ov))
+                                             (overlays-in (point) (1+ (point)))))))
+       (overlay-put overlay 'image-file image-file)
+       (overlay-put overlay 'thumb-file thumb-file)))
+   nil)
+  (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'image-dired-dired-after-readin-hook nil t))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `image-dired.el' (Emacs 24+).
+;; 1. Raise an error if `image-dired.el' is not available.
+;; 2. Repro it here so it picks up `Dired+' version of `dired-map-over-marks'.
+(defun image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs (&optional arg) ; Bound to `C-t C-t' (Emacs 24+)
+  "Toggle thumbnails in front of file names in Dired.
+If no files are marked, insert or hide thumbnails on the current line.
+With a numeric prefix arg N, ignore marked files and act on the next N
+files (previous -N files, if N < 0)."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) (list current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks
+   (let* ((image-pos   (dired-move-to-filename))
+          (image-file  (diredp-get-image-filename nil 'NO-ERROR))
+          thumb-file  overlay)
+     (when image-file
+       (setq thumb-file  (image-dired-get-thumbnail-image image-file))
+       ;; If image is not already added, then add it.
+       (let* ((cur-ovs   (overlays-in (point) (1+ (point))))
+              (thumb-ov  (car (diredp-remove-if-not (lambda (ov) (overlay-get ov 'thumb-file))
+                                                    cur-ovs))))
+         (if thumb-ov
+             (delete-overlay thumb-ov)
+           (put-image thumb-file image-pos)
+           (setq overlay (car (delq nil (mapcar (lambda (ov) (and (overlay-get ov 'put-image)  ov))
+                                                (overlays-in (point) (1+ (point)))))))
+           (overlay-put overlay 'image-file image-file)
+           (overlay-put overlay 'thumb-file thumb-file)))))
+   arg
+  (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'image-dired-dired-after-readin-hook nil t))
+;; Corresponds to `image-dired-dired-comment-files'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-comment-file ()
+  "Add comment to this image file."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) ()))
+  (image-dired-write-comments (cons (dired-get-filename) (image-dired-read-comment))))
+;; Corresponds to `image-dired-tag-files'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-tag-file ()
+  "Tag this image file with an `image-dired' tag."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) ()))
+  (image-dired-write-tags (cons (dired-get-filename)
+                                (read-string "Tags to add (use `;' to separate): "))))
+;; Corresponds to `image-dired-delete-tag'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-delete-tag ()
+  "Remove an `image-dired' tag from  this image file."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) ()))
+  (image-dired-remove-tag (list (dired-get-filename)) (read-string "Tag to remove: ")))
+;; Corresponds to `image-dired-display-thumbs'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-display-thumb (&optional append)
+  "Pop to thumbnail of this image file, in `image-dired-thumbnail-buffer'.
+If a thumbnail image does not yet exist for this file, create it.
+With a prefix arg, append the thumbnail to the thumbnails buffer,
+instead of clearing the buffer first."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) (list current-prefix-arg)))
+  (let* ((dired-buf   (current-buffer))
+         (curr-file   (dired-get-filename))
+         (thumb-name  (image-dired-thumb-name curr-file)))
+    (with-current-buffer (image-dired-create-thumbnail-buffer)
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only  t))
+        (if (not append) (erase-buffer) (goto-char (point-max)))
+        (if (and (not (file-exists-p thumb-name))
+                 (not (zerop (image-dired-create-thumb curr-file thumb-name))))
+            (message "Cannot create thumbnail image for file `%s'" curr-file)
+          (image-dired-insert-thumbnail thumb-name curr-file dired-buf)))
+      (cond ((eq 'dynamic image-dired-line-up-method)     (image-dired-line-up-dynamic))
+            ((eq 'fixed image-dired-line-up-method)       (image-dired-line-up))
+            ((eq 'interactive image-dired-line-up-method) (image-dired-line-up-interactive))
+            ((eq 'none image-dired-line-up-method)        nil)
+            (t                                            (image-dired-line-up-dynamic))))
+    (pop-to-buffer image-dired-thumbnail-buffer)))
+;; Corresponds to `image-dired-copy-with-exif-file-name'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-copy-with-exif-name ()
+  "Copy this image file to your main image directory.
+Uses `image-dired-get-exif-file-name' to name the new file."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) ()))
+  (let* ((curr-file  (dired-get-filename))
+         (new-name   (format "%s/%s" (file-name-as-directory
+                                      (expand-file-name image-dired-main-image-directory))
+                             (image-dired-get-exif-file-name curr-file))))
+    (message "Copying `%s' to `%s'..." curr-file new-name)
+    (copy-file curr-file new-name)
+    (message "Copying `%s' to `%s'...done" curr-file new-name)))
+;; Corresponds to `image-dired-dired-edit-comment-and-tags'.
+(defun diredp-image-dired-edit-comment-and-tags ()
+  "Edit comment and tags for this image file."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) ()))
+  (setq image-dired-widget-list  ())
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-filename)))
+    (if (fboundp 'pop-to-buffer-same-window)
+        (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*Image-Dired Edit Meta Data*")
+      (switch-to-buffer "*Image-Dired Edit Meta Data*"))
+    (kill-all-local-variables)
+    (make-local-variable 'widget-example-repeat)
+    (let ((inhibit-read-only  t))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (remove-overlays)
+      (widget-insert
+       "\nEdit comment and tags for the image.  Separate multiple tags
+with a comma (`,').  Move forward among fields using `TAB' or `RET'.
+Move backward using `S-TAB'.  Click `Save' to save your edits or
+`Cancel' to abandon them.\n\n")
+      (let* ((thumb-file  (image-dired-thumb-name file))
+             (img         (create-image thumb-file))
+             comment-widget  tag-widget)
+        (insert-image img)
+        (widget-insert "\n\nComment: ")
+        (setq comment-widget  (widget-create 'editable-field :size 60 :format "%v "
+                                             :value (or (image-dired-get-comment file)  "")))
+        (widget-insert "\nTags:    ")
+        (setq tag-widget  (widget-create 'editable-field :size 60 :format "%v "
+                                         :value (or (mapconcat #'identity (image-dired-list-tags file) ",")  "")))
+        ;; Save info in widgets to use when the user saves the form.
+        (setq image-dired-widget-list  (append image-dired-widget-list
+                                               (list (list file comment-widget tag-widget))))
+        (widget-insert "\n\n")))
+    (widget-insert "\n")
+    (widget-create 'push-button :notify (lambda (&rest _ignore)
+                                          (image-dired-save-information-from-widgets)
+                                          (bury-buffer)
+                                          (message "Done"))
+                   "Save")
+    (widget-insert " ")
+    (widget-create 'push-button :notify (lambda (&rest _ignore)
+                                          (bury-buffer)
+                                          (message "Operation canceled"))
+                   "Cancel")
+    (widget-insert "\n")
+    (use-local-map widget-keymap)
+    (widget-setup)
+    (widget-forward 1)))                ; Jump to the first widget.
+(defun diredp-do-display-images (&optional arg)
+  "Display the marked image files.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any files are marked).
+ More than one `C-u' means use all files in the Dired buffer, as if
+ they were all marked."
+  (interactive (progn (unless (require 'image-file nil t)
+                        (error "This command requires library `image-file.el'"))
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check #'diredp-display-image arg 'display\ image
+                              (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-display-image ()
+  "Display image file at point.  Log an error using `dired-log'."
+  (let ((file     (dired-get-filename 'LOCAL 'NO-ERROR))
+        (failure  nil))
+    (save-excursion
+      (if (let ((inhibit-changing-match-data  t))
+            (and file  (diredp-string-match-p (image-file-name-regexp) file)))
+          (condition-case err
+              (let ((find-file-run-dired  nil)) (find-file-other-window file))
+            (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+        (dired-log (format "Not an image file: `%s'" file))
+        (setq failure  t)))
+    (and failure                    ; Return nil for success.
+         (prog1 file                ; Return file name for failure.
+           (unless (eq t failure) (dired-log "Cannot display image file `%s':\n%s\n" file failure)  t)))))
+(defun diredp-image-show-this-file (&optional arg)
+  "Show the image file named on this line in another frame or window.
+Option `diredp-image-show-this-file-use-frame-flag' which is used.
+With a prefix arg, shrink the image to fit a frame that many lines
+high or a window at least that many lines high.
+Otherwise, show the image full size.
+ * To show the image full size, you can also use `\\<dired-mode-map>\\[dired-find-file]'.
+ * To show the image in another window, at whatever scale fits there,
+   you can use `\\[image-dired-dired-display-image]'."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg) (list current-prefix-arg)))
+  (image-dired-create-display-image-buffer)
+  (let ((fit-frame-inhibit-fitting-flag  t) ; In `fit-frame.el'.
+        (img-file                        (diredp-get-image-filename)))
+    (if img-file
+        (with-current-buffer image-dired-display-image-buffer
+          (let* ((window-min-height  (if arg
+                                         (prefix-numeric-value arg)
+                                       (ceiling (cdr (image-size (create-image img-file))))))
+                 (special-display-frame-alist   (if diredp-image-show-this-file-use-frame-flag
+                                                    (cons `(height . ,window-min-height)
+                                                          special-display-frame-alist)
+                                                  special-display-frame-alist))
+                 (special-display-buffer-names  (if diredp-image-show-this-file-use-frame-flag
+                                                    (cons image-dired-display-image-buffer
+                                                          special-display-buffer-names)
+                                                  special-display-buffer-names)))
+            (display-buffer image-dired-display-image-buffer)
+            (image-dired-display-image img-file (not arg))))
+      (message "No image file here")))) ; An error is handled by `diredp-get-image-filename'.
+(defun diredp-report-file-result (file result failure echop)
+  (cond (failure
+         (when echop (message "Error for %s:\n%s\n" file failure) (sit-for 1))
+         (dired-log "Error for %s:\n%s\n" file failure)
+         (dired-make-relative file))   ; Return file name for failure.
+        (t
+         (when echop (message "Result for %s:\n%s\n" file result) (sit-for 1))
+         (dired-log "Result for %s:\n%s\n" file result)
+         nil)))                      ; Return nil for success.
+(defun diredp-do-emacs-command (command &optional arg)
+  "Invoke an Emacs COMMAND in each marked file.
+Visit each marked file at its beginning, then invoke COMMAND.
+You are prompted for the COMMAND.
+The result returned for each file is logged by `dired-log'.  Use `?'
+to see all such results and any error messages.  If there are fewer
+marked files than `diredp-do-report-echo-limit' then each result is
+also echoed momentarily.
+A prefix argument behaves according to the ARG argument of
+`dired-get-marked-files'.  In particular, `C-u C-u' operates on all
+files in the Dired buffer."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (diredp-read-command) current-prefix-arg)))
+  (save-selected-window
+    (diredp-map-over-marks-and-report
+     #'diredp-invoke-emacs-command arg 'invoke\ emacs\ command (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)
+     command (diredp-fewer-than-echo-limit-files-p arg))))
+(defun diredp-invoke-emacs-command (command &optional echop)
+  "Visit file of this line at its beginning, then invoke COMMAND.
+Log the result returned or any error.
+Non-nil optional arg ECHOP means also echo the result."
+  (let* ((file     (dired-get-filename))
+         (failure  (not (file-exists-p file)))
+         result)
+    (unless failure
+      (condition-case err
+          (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
+            (save-excursion
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (setq result  (call-interactively command))))
+        (error (setq failure  err))))
+    (diredp-report-file-result file result failure echop)))
+(defun diredp-read-command (&optional prompt default)
+  "Read the name of a command and return a symbol with that name.
+\(A command is anything that satisfies predicate `commandp'.)
+Prompt with PROMPT, which defaults to \"Command: \".
+By default, return the command named DEFAULT (or, with Emacs 23+, its
+first element if DEFAULT is a list).  (If DEFAULT does not name a
+command then it is ignored.)"
+  (setq prompt  (or prompt  "Command: "))
+  (let ((name  (completing-read prompt obarray #'commandp t nil
+                                'extended-command-history default)))
+    (while (string= "" name)
+      (setq name  (completing-read prompt obarray #'commandp t nil
+                                   'extended-command-history default)))
+    (intern name)))
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-read-expression) ; Emacs 22+
+  (defun diredp-do-lisp-sexp (sexp &optional arg)
+    "Evaluate an Emacs-Lisp SEXP in each marked file.
+Visit each marked file at its beginning, then evaluate SEXP.
+You are prompted for the SEXP.
+The result returned for each file is logged by `dired-log'.  Use `?'
+to see all such results and any error messages.  If there are fewer
+marked files than `diredp-do-report-echo-limit' then each result is
+also echoed momentarily.
+A prefix argument behaves according to the ARG argument of
+`dired-get-marked-files'.  In particular, `C-u C-u' operates on all
+files in the Dired buffer."
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                        (list (diredp-read-expression "Sexp: ") current-prefix-arg)))
+    (save-selected-window
+      (diredp-map-over-marks-and-report
+       #'diredp-eval-lisp-sexp arg 'eval\ elisp\ sexp (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)
+       sexp (diredp-fewer-than-echo-limit-files-p arg))))
+  (defun diredp-eval-lisp-sexp (sexp &optional echop)
+    "Visit file of this line at its beginning, then evaluate SEXP.
+Log the result returned or any error.
+Non-nil optional arg ECHOP means also echo the result."
+    (let* ((file     (dired-get-filename))
+           (failure  (not (file-exists-p file)))
+           result)
+      (unless failure
+        (condition-case err
+            (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
+              (save-excursion
+                (goto-char (point-min))
+                (setq result  (eval-expression sexp))))
+          (error (setq failure  err))))
+      (diredp-report-file-result file result failure echop)))
+  )
+;;; Face Definitions
+(defface diredp-autofile-name
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#111313F03181")) ; Very dark blue
+      (t                   (:background "#EEECEC0FCE7E"))) ; Very pale goldenrod
+  "*Face used in Dired for names of files that are autofile bookmarks."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-autofile-name 'diredp-autofile-name)
+(defface diredp-compressed-file-name
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Blue"))
+      (t                   (:foreground "Brown")))
+  "*Face used for compressed file names."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-compressed-file-name 'diredp-compressed-file-name)
+(defface diredp-compressed-file-suffix
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Blue"))
+      (t                   (:foreground "Yellow")))
+  "*Face used for compressed file suffixes in Dired buffers.
+This means the `.' plus the file extension.  Example: `.zip'."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-compressed-file-suffix 'diredp-compressed-file-suffix)
+(defface diredp-date-time
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#74749A9AF7F7")) ; ~ med blue
+      (t                   (:foreground "DarkGoldenrod4")))
+  "*Face used for date and time in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-date-time 'diredp-date-time)
+(defface diredp-deletion
+    '((t (:foreground "Yellow" :background "Red")))
+  "*Face used for deletion flags (D) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-deletion 'diredp-deletion)
+(defface diredp-deletion-file-name
+    '((t (:foreground "Red")))
+  "*Face used for names of deleted files in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-deletion-file-name 'diredp-deletion-file-name)
+(defface diredp-dir-heading
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow" :background "#00003F3F3434")) ; ~ dark green
+      (t                   (:foreground "Blue" :background "Pink")))
+  "*Face used for directory headings in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-dir-heading 'diredp-dir-heading)
+(defface diredp-dir-name
+    '((((background dark))
+       (:foreground "#7474FFFFFFFF" :background "#2C2C2C2C2C2C")) ; ~ cyan, dark gray
+      (t (:foreground "DarkRed" :background "LightGray")))
+  "*Face used for directory names."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-dir-name 'diredp-dir-name)
+(defface diredp-dir-priv
+    '((((background dark))
+       (:foreground "#7474FFFFFFFF" :background "#2C2C2C2C2C2C")) ; ~ cyan, dark gray
+      (t (:foreground "DarkRed" :background "LightGray")))
+  "*Face used for directory privilege indicator (d) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-dir-priv 'diredp-dir-priv)
+(defface diredp-exec-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#4F4F3B3B2121")) ; ~ dark brown
+      (t                   (:background "LightSteelBlue")))
+  "*Face used for execute privilege indicator (x) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-exec-priv 'diredp-exec-priv)
+;; For this to show up, you need `F' among the options in `dired-listing-switches'.
+;; For example, I use "-alF" for `dired-listing-switches'.
+(defface diredp-executable-tag
+    '((t (:foreground "Red")))
+  "*Face used for executable tag (*) on file names in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-executable-tag 'diredp-executable-tag)
+(defface diredp-file-name
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Yellow"))
+      (t                   (:foreground "Blue")))
+  "*Face used for file names (without suffixes) in Dired buffers.
+This means the base name.  It does not include the `.'."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-file-name 'diredp-file-name)
+(defface diredp-file-suffix
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#7474FFFF7474")) ; ~ light green
+      (t                   (:foreground "DarkMagenta")))
+  "*Face used for file suffixes in Dired buffers.
+This means the `.' plus the file extension.  Example: `.elc'."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-file-suffix 'diredp-file-suffix)
+(defface diredp-flag-mark
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Blue" :background "#7575D4D41D1D")) ; ~ olive green
+      (t                   (:foreground "Yellow" :background "Blueviolet")))
+  "*Face used for flags and marks (except D) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-flag-mark 'diredp-flag-mark)
+(defface diredp-flag-mark-line
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#787831311414")) ; ~ dark red brown
+      (t                   (:background "Skyblue")))
+  "*Face used for flagged and marked lines in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-flag-mark-line 'diredp-flag-mark-line)
+(defface diredp-ignored-file-name
+  '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#C29D6F156F15"))    ; ~ salmon
+    (t                   (:foreground "#00006DE06DE0"))) ; ~ dark cyan
+  "*Face used for files whose names are omitted based on the extension.
+See also face `diredp-omit-file-name'."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-ignored-file-name 'diredp-ignored-file-name)
+(defface diredp-link-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#00007373FFFF")) ; ~ blue
+      (t                   (:foreground "DarkOrange")))
+  "*Face used for link privilege indicator (l) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-link-priv 'diredp-link-priv)
+(when (> emacs-major-version 21)
+  (defface diredp-mode-line-marked
+      '((t (:foreground "DarkViolet")))
+    "*Face for marked number in mode-line `mode-name' for Dired buffers."
+    :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+  (defface diredp-mode-line-flagged
+      '((t (:foreground "Red")))
+    "*Face for flagged number in mode-line `mode-name' for Dired buffers."
+    :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces))
+(defface diredp-no-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#2C2C2C2C2C2C")) ; ~ dark gray
+      (t                   (:background "LightGray")))
+  "*Face used for no privilege indicator (-) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-no-priv 'diredp-no-priv)
+(defface diredp-number
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#FFFFFFFF7474")) ; ~ light yellow
+      (t                   (:foreground "DarkBlue")))
+  "*Face used for numerical fields in Dired buffers.
+In particular, inode number, number of hard links, and file size."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-number 'diredp-number)
+(defface diredp-omit-file-name
+  (if (assq :inherit custom-face-attributes) ; Emacs 22+
+      '((((background dark)) (:inherit diredp-ignored-file-name :strike-through "#555555555555")) ; ~ dark gray
+        (t                   (:inherit diredp-ignored-file-name :strike-through "#AAAAAAAAAAAA"))) ; ~ light gray
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#C29D6F156F15")) ; ~ salmon
+      (t                   (:foreground "#00006DE06DE0")))) ; ~ dark cyan
+  "*Face used for files whose names will be omitted in `dired-omit-mode'.
+This means file names that match regexp `diredp-omit-files-regexp'.
+\(File names matching `dired-omit-extensions' are highlighted with face
+`diredp-ignored-file-name' instead.)"
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-omit-file-name 'diredp-omit-file-name)
+(defface diredp-other-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#111117175555")) ; ~ dark blue
+      (t                   (:background "PaleGoldenrod")))
+  "*Face used for l,s,S,t,T privilege indicators in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-other-priv 'diredp-other-priv)
+(defface diredp-rare-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "Green" :background "#FFFF00008080")) ; ~ hot pink
+      (t                   (:foreground "Magenta" :background "SpringGreen")))
+  "*Face used for rare privilege indicators (b,c,s,m,p,S) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-rare-priv 'diredp-rare-priv)
+(defface diredp-read-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#999932325555")) ; ~ burgundy / dark magenta
+      (t                   (:background "MediumAquamarine")))
+  "*Face used for read privilege indicator (w) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-read-priv 'diredp-read-priv)
+(defface diredp-symlink
+    '((((background dark)) (:foreground "#00007373FFFF")) ; ~ blue
+      (t                   (:foreground "DarkOrange")))
+  "*Face used for symbolic links in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-symlink 'diredp-symlink)
+(defface diredp-tagged-autofile-name
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#328C0411328C")) ; Very dark magenta
+      (t                   (:background "#CD73FBEECD73"))) ; Very pale green
+  "*Face used in Dired for names of files that are autofile bookmarks."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-tagged-autofile-name 'diredp-tagged-autofile-name)
+(defface diredp-write-priv
+    '((((background dark)) (:background "#25258F8F2929")) ; ~ dark green
+      (t                   (:background "Orchid")))
+  "*Face used for write privilege indicator (w) in Dired buffers."
+  :group 'Dired-Plus :group 'font-lock-highlighting-faces)
+(defvar diredp-write-priv 'diredp-write-priv)
+;; Fix Emacs 20 recognition of fields up through file name when size is expressed using `k' etc.
+(when (and (< emacs-major-version 21)  (not (boundp 'diredp-loaded-p))
+           dired-move-to-filename-regexp ; These last two checks are just in case.
+           (eq (aref dired-move-to-filename-regexp 7) ?\  ))
+  (setq dired-move-to-filename-regexp  (concat "[0-9][BkKMGTPEZY]?"
+                                               (substring dired-move-to-filename-regexp 7))))
+;;; Define second level of fontifying.
+(defvar diredp-font-lock-keywords-1
+  (list
+   '("^  \\(.+:\\)$" 1 diredp-dir-heading) ; Directory headers
+   '("^  wildcard.*$" 0 'default)   ; Override others, e.g. `l' for `diredp-other-priv'.
+   '("^  (No match).*$" 0 'default) ; Override others, e.g. `t' for `diredp-other-priv'.
+   '("[^ .]\\(\\.[^. /]+\\)$" 1 diredp-file-suffix) ; Suffix, including `.'.
+   '("\\([^ ]+\\) -> .+$" 1 diredp-symlink)         ; Symbolic links
+   ;; 1) Date/time and 2) filename w/o suffix.
+   ;;    This is a bear, and it is fragile - Emacs can change `dired-move-to-filename-regexp'.
+   (if (or (not (fboundp 'version<))  (version< emacs-version "23.2"))
+       (list dired-move-to-filename-regexp
+             (list 1 'diredp-date-time t t) ; Date/time
+             (list (concat "\\(.+\\)\\(" (concat (funcall #'regexp-opt diredp-compressed-extensions)
+                                                 "\\)[*]?$")) ; Compressed-file name
+                   nil nil (list 0 diredp-compressed-file-name 'keep t)))
+     `(,dired-move-to-filename-regexp
+       (7 diredp-date-time t t) ; Date/time, locale (western or eastern)
+       (2 diredp-date-time t t) ; Date/time, ISO
+       (,(concat "\\(.+\\)\\(" (concat (funcall #'regexp-opt diredp-compressed-extensions)
+                                       "\\)[*]?$"))
+        nil nil (0 diredp-compressed-file-name keep t)))) ; Compressed-file suffix
+   (if (or (not (fboundp 'version<))  (version< emacs-version "23.2"))
+       (list dired-move-to-filename-regexp
+             (list 1 'diredp-date-time t t) ; Date/time
+             (list "\\(.+\\)$" nil nil (list 0 diredp-file-name 'keep t))) ; Filename
+     `(,dired-move-to-filename-regexp
+       (7 diredp-date-time t t) ; Date/time, locale (western or eastern)
+       (2 diredp-date-time t t) ; Date/time, ISO
+       ("\\(.+\\)$" nil nil (0 diredp-file-name keep t)))) ; Filename (not a compressed file)
+   ;; Files to ignore.
+   ;;   Use face `diredp-ignored-file-name' for omission by file-name extension.
+   ;;   Use face `diredp-omit-file-name' for omission by entire file name.
+   (let* ((omit-exts   (or (and (boundp 'dired-omit-extensions)  dired-omit-extensions)
+                           completion-ignored-extensions))
+          (omit-exts   (and omit-exts  (mapconcat #'regexp-quote omit-exts "\\|")))
+          (compr-exts  (and diredp-ignore-compressed-flag
+                            (concat "\\|" (mapconcat #'regexp-quote diredp-compressed-extensions "\\|")))))
+     (list (concat "^  \\(.*\\(" omit-exts compr-exts "\\)[*]?\\)$") ; [*]? allows for executable flag (*).
+           1 diredp-ignored-file-name t))
+   `(,(concat "^.*" dired-move-to-filename-regexp
+              "\\(" diredp-omit-files-regexp "\\).*[*]?$") ; [*]? allows for executable flag (*).
+     (0 diredp-omit-file-name t))
+   ;; Compressed-file (suffix)
+   (list (concat "\\(" (funcall #'regexp-opt diredp-compressed-extensions) "\\)[*]?$")
+         1 diredp-compressed-file-suffix t)
+   '("\\([*]\\)$" 1 diredp-executable-tag t) ; Executable (*)
+   ;; Inode, hard-links, & file size (. and , are for the decimal point, depending on locale)
+   ;; See comment for `directory-listing-before-filename-regexp' in `files.el' or `files+.el'.
+   '("\\(\\([0-9]+\\([.,][0-9]+\\)?\\)[BkKMGTPEZY]?[ /]?\\)" 1 diredp-number)
+   ;; Directory names - exclude d:/..., Windows drive letter in a dir heading.
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "\\(d\\)[^:]")
+         '(1 diredp-dir-priv t) '(".+" (dired-move-to-filename) nil (0 diredp-dir-name t)))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]........\\(x\\)") ; o x
+ 	 '(1 diredp-exec-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]........\\([lsStT]\\)") ; o misc
+ 	 '(1 diredp-other-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].......\\(w\\).") ; o w
+ 	 '(1 diredp-write-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]......\\(r\\)..") ; o r
+ 	 '(1 diredp-read-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].....\\(x\\)...") ; g x
+ 	 '(1 diredp-exec-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].....\\([lsStT]\\)...") ; g misc
+ 	 '(1 diredp-other-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]....\\(w\\)....") ; g w
+ 	 '(1 diredp-write-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]...\\(r\\).....") ; g r
+ 	 '(1 diredp-read-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]..\\(x\\)...") ; u x
+ 	 '(1 diredp-exec-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]..\\([lsStT]\\)...") ; u misc
+ 	 '(1 diredp-other-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].\\(w\\)....") ; u w
+ 	 '(1 diredp-write-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]\\(r\\).....") ; u r
+ 	 '(1 diredp-read-priv))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]........\\([-rwxlsStT]\\)") ; o -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].......\\([-rwxlsStT]\\).") ; g -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]......\\([-rwxlsStT]\\)..") ; u -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].....\\([-rwxlsStT]\\)...") ; o -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]....\\([-rwxlsStT]\\)....") ; g -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]...\\([-rwxlsStT]\\).....") ; u -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]..\\([-rwxlsStT]\\)......") ; o -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl].\\([-rwxlsStT]\\).......") ; g -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "[-dl]\\([-rwxlsStT]\\)........") ; u -
+ 	 '(1 diredp-no-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "\\([bcsmpS]\\)") ; (rare)
+         '(1 diredp-rare-priv keep))
+   (list (concat dired-re-maybe-mark dired-re-inode-size "\\(l\\)[-rwxlsStT]") ; l
+         '(1 diredp-rare-priv keep))
+   (list (concat "^\\([^\n " (char-to-string dired-del-marker) "].*$\\)")
+         1 diredp-flag-mark-line t)     ; Flag/mark lines
+   (list (concat "^\\([^\n " (char-to-string dired-del-marker) "]\\)") ; Flags, marks (except D)
+         1 diredp-flag-mark t)
+   (list (concat "^\\([" (char-to-string dired-del-marker) "].*$\\)") ; Deletion-flagged lines
+         1 diredp-deletion-file-name t)
+   (list (concat "^\\([" (char-to-string dired-del-marker) "]\\)") ; Deletion flags (D)
+         1 diredp-deletion t)
+   ) "2nd level of Dired highlighting.  See `font-lock-maximum-decoration'.")
+(defun diredp--set-up-font-locking ()
+  "Add this to `dired-mode-hook' to provide for second-level fontifying."
+  (set (make-local-variable 'font-lock-defaults)
+       ;; Two levels.  Use 3-element list, since it is standard to have one more
+       ;; than the number of levels.  This is necessary for it to work with
+       ;; `font(-lock)-menus.el'.
+       '((dired-font-lock-keywords
+          dired-font-lock-keywords
+          diredp-font-lock-keywords-1)
+         t nil nil beginning-of-line))
+  ;; Refresh `font-lock-keywords' from `font-lock-defaults'
+  (when (fboundp 'font-lock-refresh-defaults) (font-lock-refresh-defaults)))
+;;; Provide for the second level of fontifying.
+(add-hook 'dired-mode-hook 'diredp--set-up-font-locking)
+;; Ensure that Dired buffers are refontified when you use `g' or otherwise read in the file list.
+(defun diredp-refontify-buffer ()
+  "Turn `font-lock-mode' off, then on."
+  (setq font-lock-mode  nil)
+  (font-lock-mode))
+(add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'diredp-refontify-buffer)
+;;; Function Definitions
+;;; $$$$$$$$
+;;; (defun diredp-dired-files (arg &optional switches) ; Not bound
+;;;   "Like `dired', but non-positive prefix arg prompts for files to list.
+;;; This is like `dired' unless you use a non-positive prefix arg.
+;;; In that case, you are prompted for names of files and directories to
+;;; list, and then you are prompted for the name of the Dired buffer that
+;;; lists them.  Use `C-g' when you are done entering file names to list.
+;;; In all cases, when inputting a file or directory name you can use
+;;; shell wildcards.
+;;; If you use Icicles, then in Icicle mode the following keys are bound
+;;; in the minibuffer during completion (`*' means the key requires
+;;; library `Bookmark+'):
+;;;   M-|       - Open Dired on the file names matching your input
+;;;   C-c +     - Create a new directory
+;;;  *C-x a +   - Add tags to the current-candidate file
+;;;  *C-x a -   - Remove tags from the current-candidate file
+;;;  *C-x m     - Access file bookmarks (not just autofiles)"
+;;;   (interactive (diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec ""))
+;;;   (when (consp arg)
+;;;     (let ((buf  (dired-find-buffer-nocreate (car arg)))) ; Respect file list.
+;;;       (when buf (kill-buffer buf))))
+;;;   (if (fboundp 'pop-to-buffer-same-window)
+;;;       (pop-to-buffer-same-window (dired-noselect arg switches))
+;;;     (switch-to-buffer (dired-noselect arg switches))))
+;;; (defun diredp-dired-files-other-window (arg &optional switches) ; Not bound
+;;;   "Same as `diredp-dired-files' except uses another window."
+;;;   (interactive (diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec "in other window "))
+;;;   (when (consp arg)
+;;;     (let ((buf  (dired-find-buffer-nocreate (car arg)))) ; Respect file list.
+;;;       (when buf (kill-buffer buf))))
+;;;   (dired-other-window arg switches))
+(defun diredp-dired-for-files (arg &optional switches) ; Bound to `C-x D F'
+  "Dired file names that you enter, in a Dired buffer that you name.
+You are prompted for the name of the Dired buffer to use.
+You are then prompted for names of files and directories to list,
+ which can be located anywhere.
+Use `C-g' when you are done.
+With a prefix arg you are first prompted for the `ls' switches to use.
+See also `dired' (including the advice)."
+  (interactive (let ((current-prefix-arg  (if current-prefix-arg 0 -1)))
+                 (dired-read-dir-and-switches "" 'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+  (dired arg switches))
+(defun diredp-dired-for-files-other-window (arg &optional switches) ; Bound to `C-x 4 D F'
+  "Same as `diredp-dired-for-files', except uses another window."
+  (interactive (let ((current-prefix-arg  (if current-prefix-arg 0 -1)))
+                 (dired-read-dir-and-switches "in other window " 'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+  (dired-other-window arg switches))
+(defun diredp-dired-recent-dirs (buffer &optional arg) ; Bound to `C-x D R'
+  "Open Dired in BUFFER, showing recently used directories.
+You are prompted for BUFFER.
+No prefix arg or a plain prefix arg (`C-u', `C-u C-u', etc.) means
+list all of the recently used directories.
+With a prefix arg:
+* If 0, `-', or plain (`C-u') then you are prompted for the `ls'
+  switches to use.
+* If not plain (`C-u') then:
+  * If >= 0 then the directories to include are read, one by one.
+  * If  < 0 then the directories to exclude are read, one by one.
+When entering directories to include or exclude, use `C-g' to end."
+  (interactive (list (completing-read "Dired buffer name: " dired-buffers) current-prefix-arg))
+  (unless (require 'recentf nil t) (error "This command requires library `recentf.el'"))
+  (let ((switches  (and (or (zerop (prefix-numeric-value arg))  (consp arg))
+                        (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches))))
+    (dired (cons (generate-new-buffer-name buffer) (diredp-recent-dirs arg)) switches)))
+(defun diredp-dired-recent-dirs-other-window (buffer &optional arg) ; Bound to `C-x 4 D R'
+  "Same as `diredp-dired-recent-dirs', but use other window."
+  (interactive (list (completing-read "Dired buffer name: " dired-buffers) current-prefix-arg))
+  (unless (require 'recentf nil t) (error "This command requires library `recentf.el'"))
+  (let ((switches  (and (or (zerop (prefix-numeric-value arg))  (consp arg)  (eq '- arg))
+                        (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches))))
+    (dired-other-window (cons (generate-new-buffer-name buffer) (diredp-recent-dirs arg)) switches)))
+(defun diredp-recent-dirs (arg)
+  "Return a list of recently used directories.
+ARG is as for `diredp-dired-recent-dirs'."
+  (let ((recent-dirs  (diredp-remove-if #'diredp-root-directory-p
+                                        (diredp-delete-dups
+                                         (mapcar (lambda (f/d)
+                                                   (if (file-directory-p f/d) f/d (file-name-directory f/d)))
+                                                 recentf-list)))))
+    (if (and arg  (atom arg))
+        (diredp-read-include/exclude 'Dir recent-dirs (not (natnump (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
+      recent-dirs)))
+(defun diredp-read-include/exclude (thing things &optional exclude)
+  "Read which THINGs to include (or to EXCLUDE, if non-nil) from list THINGS.
+The things are read one by one.  `C-g' stops reading.
+THING is a string or symbol naming the type of thing to read, e.g.,
+`File' or `Directory'.  It is used only in the prompt, which is THING
+followed by \" to exclude\" or \" to include\" and a reminder about `C-g'.
+A new list is returned - list THINGS is not modified."
+  (let* ((thgs                    (if exclude (copy-sequence things) ()))
+         (prompt                  (format "%s to %s (C-g when done): " thing (if exclude 'EXCLUDE 'INCLUDE)))
+         (completion-ignore-case  (or (and (boundp 'read-file-name-completion-ignore-case)
+                                           (memq thing '(Dir Directory File "Dir" "Directory" "File")) ; Hack
+                                           read-file-name-completion-ignore-case)
+                                      completion-ignore-case))
+         thing)
+    (while (condition-case nil
+               (setq thing  (completing-read prompt (mapcar #'list things) nil t))
+             (quit nil))
+      (if exclude (delete thing thgs)
+        (push thing thgs)))
+    thgs))
+;;; $$$$$$$$
+;;; (defun diredp-dired-files-interactive-spec (str)
+;;;   "`interactive' spec for `diredp-dired-files' commands.
+;;; STR is a string appended to the prompt.
+;;; With non-negative prefix arg, read switches.
+;;; With non-positive prefix arg, read files and dirs to list and then the
+;;;  Dired buffer name.  User uses `C-g' when done reading files and dirs.
+;;; If you use Icicles, then in Icicle mode the following keys are bound
+;;; in the minibuffer during completion (`*' means the key requires
+;;; library `Bookmark+'):
+;;;   M-|       - Open Dired on the file names matching your input
+;;;   C-c +     - Create a new directory
+;;;  *C-x a +   - Add tags to the current-candidate file
+;;;  *C-x a -   - Remove tags from the current-candidate file
+;;;  *C-x m     - Access file bookmarks (not just autofiles)"
+;;;   (list
+;;;    (unwind-protect
+;;;         (let ((icicle-sort-comparer  (or (and (boundp 'icicle-file-sort) ;; If not reading files
+;;;                                               icicle-file-sort)          ;; then dirs first.
+;;;                                          (and (> (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+;;;                                               'icicle-dirs-first-p)
+;;;                                          icicle-sort-comparer))
+;;;               (icicle-all-candidates-list-alt-action-fn ; M-|'
+;;;                (lambda (files)
+;;;                  (let ((enable-recursive-minibuffers  t))
+;;;                    (dired-other-window (cons (read-string "Dired buffer name: ") files))))))
+;;;           (when (fboundp 'icicle-bind-file-candidate-keys) (icicle-bind-file-candidate-keys))
+;;;           (if (> (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+;;;               ;; If a dialog box is about to be used, call `read-directory-name' so the dialog
+;;;               ;; code knows we want directories.  Some dialog boxes can only select directories
+;;;               ;; or files when popped up, not both.
+;;;               (if (and (fboundp 'read-directory-name)  (next-read-file-uses-dialog-p))
+;;;                   (read-directory-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " str) nil
+;;;                                        default-directory nil)
+;;;                 (read-file-name (format "Dired %s(directory): " str) nil default-directory nil))
+;;;             (let ((insert-default-directory  nil)
+;;;                   (files                     ())
+;;;                   file)
+;;;               (while (condition-case nil ; Use lax completion, to allow wildcards.
+;;;                          (setq file  (read-file-name "File or dir (C-g when done): "))
+;;;                        (quit nil))
+;;;                 (push file files))
+;;;               (cons (read-string "Dired buffer name: " nil nil default-directory) files))))
+;;;      (when (fboundp 'icicle-unbind-file-candidate-keys)
+;;;        (icicle-unbind-file-candidate-keys)))
+;;;    (and current-prefix-arg  (natnump (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
+;;;         (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches))))
+(defun diredp-dired-union (dired-name dirbufs &optional switches extra) ; Bound to `C-x D U'
+  "Create a Dired buffer that is the union of some existing Dired buffers.
+With a non-negative prefix arg, you are prompted for `ls' switches.
+With a non-positive prefix arg, you are prompted for file and dir
+names to add to the listing - see below.
+You are prompted for the name of the Dired union buffer.  Completion
+against names of existing Dired buffers is available, but you can
+enter any other name to create a new Dired buffer of that name.
+If the union buffer name you choose names an existing Dired buffer,
+then what happens depends on whether that buffer is an ordinary Dired
+directory listing or a list of arbitrary file names.  That is, it
+depends on whether `dired-directory' is a directory name or a cons of
+a Dired buffer name plus file names.
+* If the buffer is an ordinary Dired listing, then it is converted to
+  an explicit list of absolute file names, just as if these had been
+  chosen individually.  The existing buffer and window are replaced by
+  new ones that show the explicit listing.  (This replacement is
+  necessary because the list of files contained in an ordinary Dired
+  listing cannot be modified.)
+* If the buffer lists arbitrary file names explicitly, then it is
+  updated to include also the files from any Dired buffers and any
+  additional files that you specify.
+If the union buffer name you choose does not name an existing Dired
+buffer, then its `default-directory' is the same as the
+`default-directory' before invoking the command.
+If you use a non-positive prefix arg, then you can next choose
+additional file and directory names to add to the listing.  Use `C-g'
+when done choosing them.
+Any directory names you choose this way are included as single entries
+in the listing - the directory contents are not included (these
+directories are not unioned).  To instead include the contents of a
+directory chosen this way, use a glob pattern: `/*' after the
+directory name.
+You are then prompted for the Dired buffers to union.  Use `C-g' when
+done choosing them.  These Dired listings to union are included in the
+order that you chose them, and each entry is listed only once in the
+new Dired buffer.
+The new Dired listing respects the markings, subdirectory insertions,
+and hidden subdirectories of the selected Dired listings.  However, in
+case of conflict between marked or unmarked status for the same entry,
+the entry is marked.  Similarly, in case of conflict over an included
+subdirectory between it being hidden or shown, it is hidden, but its
+contained files are also listed.
+See also command `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer'.
+From Lisp:
+ DIRED-NAME is the name of the resulting Dired union buffer.
+ DIRBUFS is a list of the names of Dired buffers to union.
+ SWITCHES is a string of `ls' switches.
+ EXTRA is a list of files & directories to be included in the listing."
+  (interactive (diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec "UNION "
+                                                    nil
+                                                    (and current-prefix-arg
+                                                         (<= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))))
+  (diredp-dired-union-1 dired-name dirbufs switches extra))
+(defun diredp-dired-union-other-window (dired-name dirbufs &optional switches extra) ; Bound to `C-x 4 D U'
+  "Same as `diredp-dired-union', except use other window."
+  (interactive (diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec "UNION "
+                                                    nil
+                                                    (and current-prefix-arg
+                                                         (<= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))))
+  (diredp-dired-union-1 dired-name dirbufs switches extra 'OTHERWIN))
+(defun diredp-add-to-dired-buffer (dired-name to-add &optional switches) ; Bound to `C-x D A'
+  "Add individual file and directory names to a Dired buffer.
+You are prompted for the buffer name.
+With a prefix arg, you are also prompted for the `ls' switches.
+The buffer must either not exist yet or must list arbitrary file and
+directory names.  That is, it cannot be an ordinary Dired directory
+listing - those cannot be modified.
+Any directory names you choose this way are included as single entries
+in the listing - the directory contents are not included (these
+directories are not unioned).  To instead include the contents of a
+directory chosen this way, use a glob pattern: `/*' after the
+directory name.
+See also command `diredp-dired-union'.
+From Lisp:
+ DIRED-NAME is the name of the Dired buffer to modify.
+ TO-ADD is the list of files and dirs to add to it.
+ SWITCHES is the string of `ls' switches."
+  ;; Bind `current-prefix-arg' to force reading file/dir names.
+  ;; Read `ls' switches too, if user used prefix arg.
+  (interactive
+   (let* ((current-prefix-arg  (if current-prefix-arg 0 -1))
+          (all                 (diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec "add files/dirs "
+                                                                    'NO-DIRED-BUFS
+                                                                    'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+     (list (nth 0 all) (nth 3 all) (nth 2 all))))
+  (diredp-dired-union-1 dired-name () switches to-add))
+(defun diredp-add-to-dired-buffer-other-window (dired-name to-add &optional switches) ; Bound to `C-x 4 D A'
+  "Same as `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer', except use other window."
+  ;; Bind `current-prefix-arg' to force reading file/dir names.
+  ;; Read `ls' switches too, if user used prefix arg.
+  (interactive
+   (let* ((current-prefix-arg  (if current-prefix-arg 0 -1))
+          (all                 (diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec "add files/dirs "
+                                                                    'NO-DIRED-BUFS
+                                                                    'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P)))
+     (list (nth 0 all) (nth 3 all) (nth 2 all))))
+  (diredp-dired-union-1 dired-name () switches to-add 'OTHERWIN))
+(defun diredp-add-to-this-dired-buffer (dired-name to-add &optional switches) ; Not bound by default
+  "Same as `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer' for this Dired buffer."
+  ;; Bind `current-prefix-arg' to force reading file/dir names.
+  ;; Read `ls' switches too, if user used prefix arg.
+  (interactive
+   (progn (unless (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) (error "Not in a Dired buffer"))
+          (let* ((current-prefix-arg  (if current-prefix-arg 0 -1))
+                 (all                 (diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec "add files/dirs here "
+                                                                           'NO-DIRED-BUFS
+                                                                           'READ-EXTRA-FILES-P
+                                                                           (buffer-name))))
+            (list (nth 0 all) (nth 3 all) (nth 2 all)))))
+  (diredp-dired-union-1 dired-name () switches to-add))
+;; $$$$$ Maybe I should set `dired-sort-inhibit' to t for now (?),
+;; since there is an Emacs bug (at least on Windows) that prevents
+;; sorting from working for a Dired buffer with an explicit file list.
+(defun diredp-dired-union-1 (dired-name dirbufs switches extra &optional otherwin)
+  "Helper for `diredp-dired-union' and `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer'.
+Non-nil optional OTHERWIN means use other window for the Dired buffer.
+See `diredp-dired-union' for the other argument descriptions."
+  (let ((dbuf         (get-buffer dired-name))
+        (files        extra)
+        (marked       ())
+        (subdirs      ())
+        (hidden-dirs  ())
+        hid-here files-here)
+    (dolist (buf  (reverse dirbufs))
+      (with-current-buffer buf
+        (unwind-protect
+             (progn (setq hid-here    (save-excursion (dired-remember-hidden))
+                          files-here  (if (consp dired-directory)
+                                          (reverse (cdr dired-directory)) ; Reverse bc will push.
+                                        ()))
+                    (unless files-here
+                      (save-excursion   ; This bit is more or less from `dired-toggle-marks'.
+                        (goto-char (point-min))
+                        (while (not (eobp))
+                          (or (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot)
+                              (push (dired-get-filename nil 'NO-ERROR-P) files-here))
+                          (forward-line 1)))
+                      (setq files-here  (delq nil files-here)))
+                    (dolist (hid-here  hid-here) (push hid-here hidden-dirs))
+                    (dolist (sub  (cdr (reverse dired-subdir-alist)))
+                      (push (list (car sub)) subdirs))
+                    (dolist (mkd  (dired-remember-marks (point-min) (point-max))) ; This unhides.
+                      (push (car mkd) marked))
+                    (dolist (file  files-here)
+                      (when (or (not (file-name-absolute-p file))  (not (member file files)))
+                        (push file files))))
+          (save-excursion               ; Hide subdirs that were hidden.
+            (dolist (dir  hid-here)  (when (dired-goto-subdir dir) (dired-hide-subdir 1)))))))
+    ;; For an existing Dired buffer having this name whose `dired-directory' is a cons:
+    ;; 1. Include the files and dirs already listed there.
+    ;; 2. Kill the current buffer and delete its window.  A new buffer of the same name is created and shown.
+    (when dbuf
+      (with-current-buffer dbuf
+        (when (consp dired-directory) (setq files  (diredp-set-union (cdr dired-directory) files)))
+        (let ((win  (get-buffer-window dbuf 0))) (when win (delete-window win)))
+        (kill-buffer dbuf)))
+    (setq dbuf  (dired-other-window (cons dired-name files) switches))
+    (with-current-buffer dbuf
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only  t))
+        (dired-insert-old-subdirs subdirs)
+        (dired-mark-remembered          ; Don't really need `expand-file-name' - already abs.
+         (mapcar (lambda (mf) (cons (expand-file-name mf dired-directory) 42)) marked))
+        (save-excursion
+          (dolist (hdir  hidden-dirs)  (when (dired-goto-subdir hdir) (dired-hide-subdir 1))))))))
+(defun diredp-dired-union-interactive-spec (string &optional no-dired-bufs read-extra-files-p dired-buffer)
+  "Read arguments for `diredp-dired-union' and `diredp-add-to-dired-buffer'.
+STRING is appended to the prompt for the listing buffer name.
+Non-nil NO-DIRED-BUFS means do not read Dired buffers to union.
+Non-nil READ-EXTRA-FILES-P is passed to `dired-read-dir-and-switches',
+ and means read extra files to add to the listing.
+Non-nil DIRED-BUFFER is passed to `dired-read-dir-and-switches'.
+  It is the name of the Dired union buffer."
+  (let* ((current-prefix-arg  -1)
+         (dir+switches        (dired-read-dir-and-switches string read-extra-files-p dired-buffer))
+         (dirname             (car  dir+switches))
+         (switches            (cadr dir+switches))
+         (dirbufs             ())
+         (bufs                ())
+         (extra-files         ())
+         buf)
+    (when (consp dirname) (setq extra-files  (cdr dirname)
+                                dirname      (car dirname)))
+    (unless no-dired-bufs
+      ;; Remove any killed buffers from `dired-buffers'.  Then use all but the target buffer as candidates.
+      (dolist (db  dired-buffers)
+        (if (buffer-live-p (cdr db))
+            (unless (equal dirname (buffer-name (cdr db)))
+              (push (cons (buffer-name (cdr db)) (car db)) dirbufs))
+          (setq dired-buffers  (delq db dired-buffers))))
+      (while (and dirbufs  (condition-case nil
+                               (setq buf  (completing-read "Existing Dired buffer to include (C-g when done): "
+                                                           dirbufs nil t nil 'buffer-name-history
+                                                           (and dirbufs  (car (assoc (buffer-name) dirbufs)))))
+                             (quit nil)))
+        (push buf bufs)
+        (setq dirbufs  (delete (cons buf (with-current-buffer buf (expand-file-name default-directory)))
+                               dirbufs)))
+      (setq bufs  (nreverse bufs)))
+    (list dirname bufs switches extra-files)))
+(when (> emacs-major-version 23)        ; `compilation--loc->file-struct'
+  (defalias 'diredp-grepped-files-other-window 'diredp-compilation-files-other-window)
+  (defun diredp-compilation-files-other-window (&optional switches)
+    "Open Dired on the files indicated by compilation (e.g., `grep') hits.
+Applies to any `compilation-mode'-derived buffer, such as `*grep*'.
+You are prompted for the name of the new Dired buffer.
+With a prefix arg you are first prompted for the `ls' switches.
+\(However, Emacs bug #20739 means that the switches are ignored.)"
+    (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg  (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches))))
+    (unless (compilation-buffer-p (current-buffer)) (error "Not in a buffer derived from `compilation-mode'"))
+    (let ((files  ()))
+      (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                      (while (condition-case nil (compilation-next-file 1) (error nil))
+                        (setq compilation-current-error  (point))
+                        (push (diredp-file-for-compilation-hit-at-point) files)))
+      (setq files  (nreverse files))
+      (dired-other-window
+       (cons (read-string "Dired buffer name: " nil nil (generate-new-buffer-name default-directory)) files)
+       switches)))
+  (defun diredp-file-for-compilation-hit-at-point ()
+    "Return the name of the file for the compilation hit at point.
+The name is expanded in the directory for the last directory change."
+    (let* ((msg         (compilation-next-error 0))
+           (loc         (compilation--message->loc msg))
+           (filestruct  (compilation--loc->file-struct loc))
+           (file        (caar filestruct))
+           (dir         (cadr (car filestruct))))
+      (when dir (setq file  (expand-file-name file dir)))
+      file))
+  )
+(defun diredp-fileset (flset-name)      ; Bound to `C-x D S'
+  "Open Dired on the files in fileset FLSET-NAME."
+  (interactive
+   (progn (unless (require 'filesets nil t) (error "Feature `filesets' not provided"))
+          (unless filesets-data (error "`filesets-data' is empty"))
+          (list (completing-read "Open Dired on fileset: " filesets-data))))
+  (diredp-fileset-1 flset-name))
+(defun diredp-fileset-other-window (flset-name) ; Bound to `C-x 4 D S'
+  "Open Dired in another window on the files in fileset FLSET-NAME."
+  (interactive
+   (progn (unless (require 'filesets nil t) (error "Feature `filesets' not provided"))
+          (unless filesets-data (error "`filesets-data' is empty"))
+          (list (completing-read "Open Dired on fileset, in other window: " filesets-data))))
+  (diredp-fileset-1 flset-name 'OTHER-WINDOW))
+(defun diredp-fileset-1 (flset-name &optional other-window-p)
+  "Helper for `diredp-fileset(-other-window)'."
+  (let ((flset   (filesets-get-fileset-from-name flset-name))
+        (files   ())
+        (mode    nil)
+        (dirfun  (if other-window-p #'dired-other-window #'dired)))
+    (unless (or (setq mode  (filesets-entry-mode flset)) ; ("my-fs" (:files "a" "b"))
+                (setq flset  (cons "dummy" flset) ; (:files "a" "b")
+                      mode   (filesets-entry-mode flset)))
+      (error "Bad fileset: %S" flset-name))
+    (message "Gathering file names...")
+    (dolist (file  (filesets-get-filelist flset mode)) (push file files))
+    (funcall dirfun (cons (generate-new-buffer-name flset-name)
+                          (nreverse (mapcar (lambda (file)
+                                              (if (file-name-absolute-p file)
+                                                  (expand-file-name file)
+                                                file))
+                                            files))))))
+(defun diredp-dired-this-subdir (&optional tear-off-p msgp)
+  "Open Dired for the subdir at or above point.
+If point is not on a subdir line, but is in an inserted subdir
+listing, then use that subdir.
+With a prefix arg:
+ If the subdir is inserted and point is in the inserted listing then
+ remove that listing and move to the ordinary subdir line.  In other
+ words, when in an inserted listing, a prefix arg tears off the
+ inserted subdir to its own Dired buffer."
+  (interactive "P\np")
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (let* ((this-dir       default-directory)
+         (this-subdir    (diredp-this-subdir))
+         (on-dir-line-p  (atom this-subdir)))
+    (unless on-dir-line-p               ; Subdir header line or non-directory file.
+      (setq this-subdir  (car this-subdir)))
+    (unless (string= this-subdir this-dir)
+      (when tear-off-p
+        (unless on-dir-line-p
+          (dired-kill-subdir)           ; Tear it off.
+          (dired-goto-file this-subdir))) ; Move to normal subdir line.
+      (dired-other-window this-subdir))))
+(defun diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs (&optional no-show-p msgp) ; Bound to `C-M-i'
+  "Open Dired for each of the subdirs inserted in this Dired buffer.
+A separate Dired buffer is used for each of them.
+With a prefix arg, create the Dired buffers but do not display them.
+Markings and current Dired switches are preserved."
+  (interactive "P\np")
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (let ((this-dir    default-directory)
+        (this-buff   (current-buffer))
+        (this-frame  (selected-frame))
+        marked)
+    (unwind-protect
+         (save-selected-window
+           (dolist (entry  dired-subdir-alist)
+             (unless (string= (car entry) this-dir)
+               (setq marked  (with-current-buffer this-buff
+                               (dired-remember-marks (dired-get-subdir-min entry) (dired-get-subdir-max entry))))
+               (if (not no-show-p)
+                   (dired-other-window (car entry) dired-actual-switches)
+                 (dired-noselect (car entry) dired-actual-switches)
+                 (when msgp (message "Dired buffers created but not shown")))
+               (set-buffer this-buff)
+               (let ((inhibit-read-only  t))
+                 (dired-mark-remembered marked))
+               (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
+      (select-frame-set-input-focus this-frame))))
+;;; Actions on marked files and subdirs, recursively.
+(defun diredp-get-subdirs (&optional ignore-marks-p predicate details)
+  "Return subdirs from this Dired buffer and from marked subdirs, recursively.
+If optional arg IGNORE-MARKS-P is non-nil then include all
+subdirectories.  Otherwise, include only those that are marked.
+Non-nil optional arg PREDICATE means include only subdirectory names
+for which the PREDICATE returns non-nil.  PREDICATE must accept a file
+name as its only required argument.
+Optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-files'."
+  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p (if predicate
+                                       `(lambda (name) (and (file-directory-p name)  (funcall ,predicate name)))
+                                     #'file-directory-p)
+                    'INCLUDE-DIRS-P 'DONT-ASKP 'ONLY-MARKED-P details))
+(defun diredp-get-files (&optional ignore-marks-p predicate include-dirs-p dont-askp only-marked-p details)
+  "Return file names from this Dired buffer and subdirectories, recursively.
+The names are those that are marked in the current Dired buffer, or
+all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked subdirectories
+are handled recursively in the same way.
+If there is some included subdirectory that has a Dired buffer with
+marked files, then (unless DONT-ASKP is non-nil) this asks you whether
+to use the marked files in Dired buffers, as opposed to using all of
+the files in included directories.  To this y-or-n question you can
+hit `l' to see the list of files that will be included (using
+`diredp-list-files').  In that `l' listing you can mouseover to see
+image-file previews or use `RET' or `mouse-2' to visit files.
+\(Directories in `icicle-ignored-directories' are skipped, if you use
+Icicles.  Otherwise, directories in `vc-directory-exclusion-list' are
+Non-nil IGNORE-MARKS-P means ignore all Dired markings: just get all
+of the files in the current directory (and all of the subdirectories,
+if INCLUDE-DIRS-P is non-nil).
+Non-nil PREDICATE means include only file names for which the
+PREDICATE returns non-nil.  PREDICATE must accept a file name as its
+only required argument.
+Non-nil INCLUDE-DIRS-P means include marked subdirectory names (but
+also handle those subdirs recursively, picking up their marked files
+and subdirs).
+Non-nil DONT-ASKP means do not ask the user whether to use marked
+instead of all.  Act as if the user was asked and replied `y'.
+Non-nil optional arg ONLY-MARKED-P means collect only marked files,
+instead of collecting all files if none are marked.  This argument is
+ignored if IGNORE-MARKS-P is non-nil.
+Optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-y-or-n-files-p'."
+  (let ((askp  (list nil)))             ; The cons's car will be set to `t' if need to ask user.
+    (if ignore-marks-p
+        (diredp-files-within (directory-files default-directory 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot)
+                             () nil include-dirs-p predicate)
+      ;; Pass FILES and ASKP to `diredp-get-files-for-dir', so we don't have to use them as
+      ;; free vars there.  But that means that they each need to be a cons cell that we can
+      ;; modify, so we can get back the updated info.
+      (let ((files  (list 'DUMMY)))     ; The files picked up will be added to this list.
+        (diredp-get-files-for-dir default-directory files askp include-dirs-p only-marked-p)
+        (setq files  (cdr files))       ; Remove `DUMMY' from the modifed list.
+        (if (or dont-askp
+                (not (car askp))
+                (diredp-y-or-n-files-p "Use marked (instead of all) in subdir Dired buffers? "
+                                       files predicate details))
+            (if predicate (diredp-remove-if-not predicate files) files)
+          (setq files  ())
+          (dolist (file  (diredp-marked-here))
+            (if (not (file-directory-p file))
+                (when (or (not predicate)  (funcall predicate file))
+                  (add-to-list 'files file))
+              (when include-dirs-p (setq files  (nconc files (list file))))
+              (setq files  (nconc files (diredp-files-within (directory-files file 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot)
+                                                             () nil include-dirs-p predicate)))))
+          (nreverse files))))))
+(defun diredp-get-files-for-dir (directory accum askp &optional include-dirs-p only-marked-p)
+  "Return marked file names for DIRECTORY and subdirectories, recursively.
+Pick up names of all marked files in DIRECTORY if it has a Dired
+buffer, or all files in DIRECTORY if not.  Handle subdirs recursively
+\(only marked subdirs, if Dired).
+ACCUM is an accumulator list: the files picked up in this call are
+nconc'd to it.
+ASKP is a one-element list, the element indicating whether to ask the
+user about respecting Dired markings.  It is set here to `t' if there
+is a Dired buffer for DIRECTORY.
+Non-nil optional arg INCLUDE-DIRS-P means include marked subdirectory
+names (but also handle those subdirs recursively).
+Non-nil optional arg ONLY-MARKED-P means collect only marked files,
+instead of collecting all files if none are marked.
+If there is more than one Dired buffer for DIRECTORY then raise an
+  (let ((dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name directory))))
+    (dolist (file  (if (not dbufs)
+                       (and (not only-marked-p)  (directory-files directory 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot))
+                     (when (cadr dbufs) (error "More than one Dired buffer for `%s'" directory))
+                     (unless (equal directory default-directory) (setcar askp  t))
+                     (with-current-buffer (car dbufs) (diredp-marked-here only-marked-p 'NO-DOT-DOT))))
+      (if (not (file-directory-p file))
+          (setcdr (last accum) (list file))
+        (when include-dirs-p (setcdr (last accum) (list file)))
+        (diredp-get-files-for-dir file accum askp include-dirs-p only-marked-p)))))
+(defun diredp-marked-here (&optional only-marked-p no-dot-dot-p)
+  "Marked files and subdirs in this Dired buffer, or all if none are marked.
+Non-nil optional arg ONLY-MARKED-P means return nil if none are
+Non-nil optional arg NO-DOT-DOT-P means do not include marked `..'."
+  ;; If no file is marked, exclude `(FILENAME)': the unmarked file at cursor.
+  ;; If there are no marked files as a result, return all files and subdirs in the dir.
+  (let* ((dired-marker-char  ?*)
+         (ff                 (condition-case nil ; Ignore error if on `.' or `..' and no file is marked.
+                                 (dired-get-marked-files
+                                  nil nil (and no-dot-dot-p
+                                               (lambda (mf) (not (diredp-string-match-p "/\\.\\.$" mf))))
+                                  'DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED)
+                               (error nil))))
+    (cond ((eq t (car ff))  (cdr ff))   ; Single marked
+          ((cadr ff)        ff)         ; Multiple marked
+          (t                (and (not only-marked-p) ; None marked
+                                 (directory-files default-directory 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot 'NOSORT))))))
+(defun diredp-y-or-n-files-p (prompt files &optional predicate details)
+  "PROMPT user with a \"y or n\" question about a list of FILES.
+Return t if answer is \"y\".  Otherwise, return nil.
+Like `y-or-n-p', but you can also hit `l' to display the list of files
+that the confirmation is for, in buffer `*Files'.  In that `'l'
+listing you can mouseover to see image-file previews or use `RET' or
+`mouse-2' to visit files.
+When finished, buffer `*Files*' is killed if it was never shown, or is
+hidden and buried otherwise.  Thus, if it was shown then it is still
+available to revisit afterward (even if you quit using `C-g').
+PREDICATE is passed to `diredp-list-files', to list only file names
+for which it returns non-nil.
+DETAILS is passed to `diredp-list-files', to show details about FILES."
+  (let ((answer  'recenter))
+    (cond (noninteractive
+           (setq prompt  (concat prompt
+                                 (and (not (eq ?\   (aref prompt (1- (length prompt)))))  " ")
+                                 "(y or n; l to show file list) "))
+           (let ((temp-prompt  prompt))
+             (while (not (memq answer '(act skip)))
+               (let ((str  (read-string temp-prompt)))
+                 (cond ((member str '("y" "Y")) (setq answer  'act))
+                       ((member str '("n" "N")) (setq answer  'skip))
+                       (t (setq temp-prompt  (concat "Please answer y or n.  " prompt))))))))
+          ((if (not (fboundp 'display-popup-menus-p))
+               (and window-system  (listp last-nonmenu-event)  use-dialog-box)
+             (and (display-popup-menus-p)  (listp last-nonmenu-event)  use-dialog-box))
+           (setq answer  (x-popup-dialog t `(,prompt ("Yes" . act) ("No" . skip)))))
+          (t
+           (let ((list-buf        (generate-new-buffer-name "*Files*"))
+                 (list-was-shown  nil))
+             (unwind-protect
+                 (progn
+                   (define-key query-replace-map "l" 'show)
+                   (setq prompt  (concat prompt
+                                         (and (eq ?\   (aref prompt (1- (length prompt))))
+                                              "" " ")
+                                         "(y or n; l to show file list) "))
+                   (while (let* ((reprompt-actions  '(recenter scroll-up scroll-down
+                                                               scroll-other-window scroll-other-window-down))
+                                 (key               (let ((cursor-in-echo-area  t))
+                                                      (when minibuffer-auto-raise
+                                                        (raise-frame (window-frame (minibuffer-window))))
+                                                      (if (fboundp 'read-key)
+                                                          (read-key (propertize
+                                                                     (if (memq answer reprompt-actions)
+                                                                         prompt
+                                                                       (concat "Please answer y or n.  " prompt))
+                                                                     'face 'minibuffer-prompt))
+                                                        (read-char-exclusive
+                                                         (if (memq answer reprompt-actions)
+                                                             prompt
+                                                           (concat "Please answer y or n.  " prompt)))))))
+                            (setq answer  (lookup-key query-replace-map (vector key) t))
+                            (case answer
+                              ((skip  act)              nil)
+                              (recenter                 (recenter) t)
+                              (show                     (diredp-list-files files nil list-buf predicate details)
+                                                        (setq list-was-shown  t)) ; Record showing it.
+                              (help                     (message "Use `l' to show file list") (sit-for 1))
+                              (scroll-up                (condition-case nil (scroll-up-command) (error nil)) t)
+                              (scroll-down              (condition-case nil (scroll-down-command) (error nil)) t)
+                              (scroll-other-window      (condition-case nil (scroll-other-window) (error nil)) t)
+                              (scroll-other-window-down (condition-case nil (scroll-other-window-down nil)
+                                                          (error nil)) t)
+                              ((exit-prefix  quit)      (signal 'quit nil) t)
+                              (t (or (not (eq key ?\e))  (progn (signal 'quit nil) t)))))
+                     (ding)
+                     (discard-input)))
+               (when (get-buffer list-buf)
+                 (save-window-excursion (pop-to-buffer list-buf)
+                                        (condition-case nil ; Ignore error if user already deleted.
+                                            (if (one-window-p) (delete-frame) (delete-window))
+                                          (error nil))
+                                        (if list-was-shown (bury-buffer list-buf) (kill-buffer list-buf))))
+               (define-key query-replace-map "l" nil)))))
+    (let ((ret  (eq answer 'act)))
+      (unless noninteractive (message "%s %s" prompt (if ret "y" "n")))
+      ret)))
+(defvar diredp-list-files-map
+  (let ((map  (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "q"       'quit-window)
+    (define-key map "\r"      'diredp-find-line-file-other-window)
+    (define-key map [mouse-2] 'diredp-mouse-find-line-file-other-window)
+    map)
+  "Keymap for `diredp-list-files' output.")
+(fset 'diredp-list-files-map diredp-list-files-map)
+(defun diredp-find-line-file-other-window ()
+  "Visit file named by current line, in another window.
+The full text of the line is used as the file name."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((file  (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
+    (when file (find-file-other-window file))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-find-line-file-other-window (e)
+  "Visit file named by clicked line, in another window.
+The full text of the line is used as the file name."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (save-excursion (mouse-set-point e) (diredp-find-line-file-other-window)))
+(defun diredp-list-marked (&optional arg predicate interactivep details) ; Bound to `C-M-l'
+  "List the marked files in this Dired buffer.
+A prefix arg specifies files to use instead of the marked files:
+ * Numeric prefix arg N: The next N files (previous -N, if < 0).
+ * C-u C-u: All files, but no directories.
+ * C-u C-u C-u: All files and directories, except `.' and `..'
+ * C-u C-u C-u C-u: All files and directories, including `.' and `..'
+ * Any other prefix arg: The current line's file only.
+You can use `RET' or `mouse-2' to visit any of the files.
+If `tooltip-mode' is on then moving the mouse over image-file names
+shows image previews.
+When called from Lisp:
+ Non-nil optional arg PREDICATE is a file-name predicate.  List only
+  the files for which it returns non-nil.
+ Non-nil optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-list-files'."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode) (list current-prefix-arg nil t diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((files  (dired-get-marked-files nil arg predicate 'DISTINGUISH-ONE interactivep)))
+    (diredp-list-files files nil nil nil details)))
+(defun diredp-list-files (files &optional dir bufname predicate details)
+  "Display FILES, a list of file names.  Wildcard patterns are expanded.
+The files are shown in a new buffer, `*Files*' by default.
+Optional arg DIR serves as the default directory for expanding file
+ names that are not absolute.  It defaults to `default-directory'.
+Optional arg BUFNAME is the name of the buffer for the display.
+ It defaults to `*Files*' (or `*Files*<N>' if `*Files*' exists).
+Optional arg PREDICATE is a predicate used to filter FILES: only files
+ satisfying PREDICATE are listed.
+Non-nil arg DETAILS means show details about each file, in addition to
+the file name.  It is passed to `diredp-list-file' (which see).
+File names listed are absolute.  Mouseover gives help or an image-file
+preview, and you can use `RET' or `mouse-2' to visit files."
+  (unless bufname (setq bufname  (generate-new-buffer-name "*Files*")))
+  (diredp-with-help-window
+   bufname
+   (princ "Files\n-----\n\n")
+   (let ((all-files-no-wildcards  ())
+         file-alist file-dir)
+     (dolist (file  files)
+       (unless (or (string= file "")    ; Ignore empty file names.
+                   (and predicate  (not (funcall predicate file))))
+         (if (not (diredp-string-match-p "[[?*]" file))
+             (add-to-list 'all-files-no-wildcards (diredp-list-file file details))
+           (setq file-dir    (or (file-name-directory file)  default-directory)
+                 file-alist  (directory-files-and-attributes file-dir 'FULL "[[?*]" 'NOSORT))
+           (dolist (ff  file-alist)
+             (add-to-list 'all-files-no-wildcards (diredp-list-file file details))))))
+     (save-excursion (dolist (fff  (nreverse all-files-no-wildcards))
+                       (princ fff) (terpri)))))
+  (with-current-buffer bufname
+    (let ((buffer-read-only  nil))
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (forward-line 3)
+        (while (not (eobp))
+          (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)
+                               '(mouse-face highlight help-echo diredp-mouseover-help dired-filename t
+                                            ;; `keymap' does not work for Emacs 20.  Could use `local-map'
+                                            ;; but that still leaves `RET' bound to `help-follow'.
+                                            keymap diredp-list-files-map))
+          (forward-line 1))))
+    (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+    (setq buffer-read-only  t)
+    (buffer-enable-undo)))
+(defun diredp-list-file (file &optional details)
+  "Return FILE name, expanded.
+Non-nil optional arg DETAILS means append details about FILE to the
+returned string.
+If DETAILS is a list of file attribute numbers then include only the
+values of those attributes.  Otherwise, include all attribute values."
+  (let ((file-dir  (and details  (or (file-name-directory file)  default-directory)))
+        attrs)
+    (setq file  (expand-file-name file file-dir))
+    (when (and details  (atom details)) (setq details  '(0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11)))
+    (concat
+     file
+     (and details
+          (setq attrs  (file-attributes file))
+          (concat
+           "\n"
+           (and (memq 0 details)
+                (format " File Type:                  %s\n"
+                        (cond ((eq t (nth 0 attrs))  "Directory")
+                              ((stringp (nth 0 attrs))  (format "Symbolic link to `%s'" (nth 0 attrs)))
+                              (t  "Normal file"))))
+           (and (memq 8 details)
+                (format " Permissions:                %s\n" (nth 8 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 7 details)  (not (eq t (nth 0 attrs)))
+                (format " Size in bytes:              %g\n" (nth 7 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 4 details)
+                (format-time-string " Time of last access:        %a %b %e %T %Y (%Z)\n" (nth 4 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 5 details)
+                (format-time-string " Time of last modification:  %a %b %e %T %Y (%Z)\n" (nth 5 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 6 details)
+                (format-time-string " Time of last status change: %a %b %e %T %Y (%Z)\n" (nth 6 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 1 details)
+                (format " Number of links:            %d\n" (nth 1 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 2 details)
+                (format " User ID (UID):              %s\n" (nth 2 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 3 details)
+                (format " Group ID (GID):             %s\n" (nth 3 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 10 details)
+                (format " Inode:                      %S\n" (nth 10 attrs)))
+           (and (memq 11 details)
+                (format " Device number:              %s\n" (nth 11 attrs))))))))
+(defvar diredp-files-within-dirs-done ()
+  "Directories already processed by `diredp-files-within'.")
+;; Not used in the `Dired+' code yet.
+(defun diredp-directories-within (&optional directory no-symlinks-p predicate)
+  "List of accessible directories within DIRECTORY.
+Directories in `icicle-ignored-directories' are skipped, if you use
+Icicles.  Otherwise, directories in `vc-directory-exclusion-list' are
+Optional arg DIRECTORY defaults to the value of `default-directory'.
+Non-nil optional arg NO-SYMLINKS-P means do not follow symbolic links.
+Non-nil optional arg PREDICATE must be a function that accepts a
+ file-name argument.  Only directories that satisfy PREDICATE are
+ included in the result."
+  (unless directory (setq directory  default-directory))
+  (let ((dirs  (diredp-files-within (directory-files directory 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot)
+                                    () no-symlinks-p 'INCLUDE-DIRS-P
+                                    #'file-directory-p)))
+    (if predicate (diredp-remove-if-not predicate dirs) dirs)))
+;; Args INCLUDE-DIRS-P and PREDICATE are not used in the `Dired+' code yet
+;; (except in `diredp-directories-within', which also is not used yet).
+(defun diredp-files-within (file-list accum &optional no-symlinks-p include-dirs-p predicate)
+  "List of readable files in FILE-LIST, handling directories recursively.
+FILE-LIST is a list of file names or a function that returns such.
+If a function then invoke it with no args to get the list of files.
+Accessible directories in the list of files are processed recursively
+to include their files and the files in their subdirectories.  The
+directories themselves are not included, unless optional arg
+INCLUDE-DIRS-P is non-nil.  (Directories in
+`icicle-ignored-directories' are skipped, if you use Icicles.
+Otherwise, directories in `vc-directory-exclusion-list' are skipped.)
+But if there is a Dired buffer for such a directory, and if FILE-LIST
+is a function, then it is invoked in that Dired buffer to return the
+list of files to use.  E.g., if FILE-LIST is `dired-get-marked-files'
+then only the marked files and subdirectories are included.  If you
+have more than one Dired buffer for a directory that is processed
+here, then only the first one in `dired-buffers' is used.
+The list of files is accumulated in ACCUM, which is used for recursive
+Non-nil optional arg NO-SYMLINKS-P means do not follow symbolic links.
+Non-nil optional arg INCLUDE-DIRS-P means include directory names
+along with the names of non-directories.
+Non-nil optional arg PREDICATE must be a function that accepts a
+file-name argument.  Only files (and possibly directories) that
+satisfy PREDICATE are included in the result."
+  ;; Bind `diredp-files-within-dirs-done' for use as a free var in `diredp-files-within-1'.
+  (let ((diredp-files-within-dirs-done  ()))
+    (nreverse (diredp-files-within-1 file-list accum no-symlinks-p include-dirs-p predicate))))
+;; `diredp-files-within-dirs-done' is free here, bound in `diredp-files-within'.
+(defun diredp-files-within-1 (file-list accum no-symlinks-p include-dirs-p predicate)
+  "Helper for `diredp-files-within'."
+  (let ((files  (if (functionp file-list) (funcall file-list) file-list))
+        (res    accum)
+        file)
+    (when (and files  predicate) (setq files  (diredp-remove-if-not predicate files)))
+    (while files
+      (setq file  (car files))
+      (unless (and no-symlinks-p  (file-symlink-p file))
+        (if (file-directory-p file)
+            ;; Skip directory if ignored, already treated, or inaccessible.
+            (when (and (not (member (file-name-nondirectory file)
+                                    (if (boundp 'icicle-ignored-directories)
+                                        icicle-ignored-directories
+                                      (and (boundp 'vc-directory-exclusion-list)
+                                           vc-directory-exclusion-list))))
+                       (not (member (file-truename file) diredp-files-within-dirs-done))
+                       (file-accessible-directory-p file))
+              (setq res  (diredp-files-within-1 (or (and (functionp file-list)
+                                                         (dired-buffers-for-dir
+                                                          (expand-file-name file)) ; Removes killed buffers.
+                                                         (with-current-buffer
+                                                             (cdr (assoc (file-name-as-directory file)
+                                                                         dired-buffers))
+                                                           (funcall file-list)))
+                                                    (directory-files file 'FULL diredp-re-no-dot))
+                                                res no-symlinks-p include-dirs-p predicate))
+              (when include-dirs-p (push file res))
+              (push (file-truename file) diredp-files-within-dirs-done))
+          (when (file-readable-p file) (push file res))))
+      (pop files))
+    res))
+(defun diredp-remove-if (pred xs)
+  "A copy of list XS with no elements that satisfy predicate PRED."
+  (let ((result  ()))
+    (dolist (x xs) (unless (funcall pred x) (push x result)))
+    (nreverse result)))
+(defun diredp-remove-if-not (pred xs)
+  "A copy of list XS with only elements that satisfy predicate PRED."
+  (let ((result  ()))
+    (dolist (x xs) (when (funcall pred x) (push x result)))
+    (nreverse result)))
+(when (> emacs-major-version 21)        ; Emacs 20 has no PREDICATE arg to `read-file-name'.
+  (defun diredp-insert-as-subdir (child ancestor &optional in-dired-now-p)
+    "Insert the current Dired dir into a Dired listing of an ancestor dir.
+Ancestor means parent, grandparent, etc. at any level.
+You are prompted for the ancestor directory.
+The ancestor Dired buffer is selected.
+Markings and switches in the current Dired buffer are preserved for
+the subdir listing in the ancestor Dired buffer.
+Note: If you use Icicles, then you can use
+`icicle-dired-insert-as-subdir' instead: it is a multi-command.  It
+does the same thing, but it lets you insert any number of descendant
+directories into a given ancestor-directory Dired buffer.
+ Insert CHILD dir into Dired listing for ANCESTOR dir.
+ Non-nil optional arg IN-DIRED-NOW-P means to use the current buffer
+ as the Dired buffer from which to pick up markings and switches.
+ Otherwise, pick them up from a Dired buffer for CHILD, if there is
+ exactly one such buffer."
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                        (list default-directory
+                              (completing-read
+                               "Insert this dir into ancestor dir: "
+                               (mapcar #'list (diredp-ancestor-dirs default-directory)))
+                              t)))
+    (let ((child-dired-buf  (if in-dired-now-p
+                                (current-buffer)
+                              (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name child))))
+          (switches         ())
+          (marked           ()))
+      (when (consp child-dired-buf)
+        (setq child-dired-buf  (and (= 1 (length child-dired-buf))  (car child-dired-buf))))
+      (when child-dired-buf
+        (with-current-buffer child-dired-buf
+          (setq switches  dired-actual-switches
+                marked    (dired-remember-marks (point-min) (point-max)))))
+      (dired-other-window ancestor)
+      (dired-insert-subdir child switches)
+      (when marked (let ((inhibit-read-only  t)) (dired-mark-remembered marked)))
+      (set-buffer-modified-p nil))))
+(defun diredp-ancestor-dirs (dir)
+  "Return a list of the ancestor directories of directory DIR."
+  (mapcar #'file-name-as-directory
+          (diredp-maplist (lambda (dd) (mapconcat #'identity (reverse dd) "/"))
+                          (cdr (nreverse (split-string dir "/" t))))))
+(defun diredp-maplist (function list)
+  "Map FUNCTION over LIST and its cdrs.
+A simple, recursive version of the classic `maplist'."
+  (and list  (cons (funcall function list) (diredp-maplist function (cdr list)))))
+(defun diredp-existing-dired-buffer-p (buffer-name)
+  "Return non-nil if BUFFER-NAME names a live, existing Dired buffer."
+  (let ((dbuf  (get-buffer buffer-name)))
+    (and dbuf  (buffer-live-p dbuf)  (rassq dbuf dired-buffers))))
+;; From `cl-seq.el', function `union', without keyword treatment.
+;; (Same as `icicle-set-union' in `icicles-fn.el'.)
+(defun diredp-set-union (list1 list2)
+  "Combine LIST1 and LIST2 using a set-union operation.
+The result list contains all items that appear in either LIST1 or
+LIST2.  Comparison is done using `equal'.  This is a non-destructive
+function; it copies the data if necessary."
+  (cond ((null list1)         list2)
+        ((null list2)         list1)
+        ((equal list1 list2)  list1)
+        (t
+         (unless (>= (length list1) (length list2))
+           (setq list1  (prog1 list2 (setq list2  list1)))) ; Swap them.
+         (while list2
+           (unless (member (car list2) list1)  (setq list1  (cons (car list2) list1)))
+           (setq list2  (cdr list2)))
+         list1)))
+(when (fboundp 'file-equal-p)           ; Emacs 24+
+  (defun diredp-move-file (file &optional prompt-anyway)
+    "Move FILE to associated directory in `diredp-move-file-dirs'.
+If no association, or if you use a prefix arg, prompt for directory."
+    (interactive (list (dired-get-filename) current-prefix-arg))
+    (unless file (error "No file specified"))
+    (let* ((file-sans  (file-name-nondirectory file))
+           (dir        (file-name-as-directory
+                        (or (and (not prompt-anyway)
+                                 (cdr (assoc file-sans diredp-move-file-dirs)))
+                            (read-directory-name "Move to: ")))))
+      (when (file-equal-p dir (file-name-directory file))
+        (error "Cannot move to same directory: %s" dir))
+      (dired-rename-file file dir nil)
+      (dired-add-file (expand-file-name file-sans dir))
+      (message "Moved `%s' to `%s'" file-sans dir))))
+(defvar diredp-last-copied-filenames ()
+  "String list of file names last copied to the `kill-ring'.
+Copying is done by `dired-copy-filename-as-kill' and related commands.")
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-x.el'.
+;; Put text copied to kill ring in variable `diredp-last-copied-filenames'.
+(defun dired-copy-filename-as-kill (&optional arg)
+  "Copy names of marked (or next ARG) files into the kill ring.
+The names are separated by a space.
+With a zero prefix arg, use the absolute file name of each marked file.
+With \\[universal-argument], use the file name relative to the Dired buffer's
+`default-directory'.  (This still may contain slashes if in a subdirectory.)
+If on a subdir headerline, use absolute subdirname instead;
+prefix arg and marked files are ignored in this case.
+You can then feed the file name(s) to other commands with \\[yank].
+The value of global variable `diredp-last-copied-filenames' is updated
+to the string list of file name(s), so you can obtain it even after
+the kill ring is modified."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* ((num-arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+         (string  (or (dired-get-subdir)
+                      (mapconcat #'identity
+                                 (cond ((not arg)       (dired-get-marked-files 'no-dir))
+                                       ((zerop num-arg) (dired-get-marked-files))
+                                       ((consp arg)     (dired-get-marked-files t))
+                                       (t               (dired-get-marked-files 'no-dir num-arg)))
+                                 " "))))
+    (unless (string= "" string)
+      (if (eq last-command 'kill-region) (kill-append string nil) (kill-new string))
+      (setq diredp-last-copied-filenames  (car kill-ring-yank-pointer))
+      (message "%s" string))))
+(defun diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill () ; Not bound.
+  "Copy absolute names of marked files in Dired to the kill ring.
+Also set variable `diredp-last-copied-filenames' to the string that
+lists the file names.
+This is the same as using a zero prefix arg with command
+`dired-copy-filename-as-kill', that is, \\<dired-mode-map>`M-0 \\[dired-copy-filename-as-kill]'."
+  (interactive (diredp-ensure-mode))
+  (dired-copy-filename-as-kill 0))
+(defalias 'diredp-paste-files 'diredp-yank-files) ; Bound to `C-y'.
+(defun diredp-yank-files (&optional dir no-confirm-p details)
+  "Paste files, whose absolute names you copied, to the current directory.
+With a non-negative prefix arg you are instead prompted for the target
+ directory.
+With a non-positive prefix arg you can see details about the files if
+ you hit `l' when prompted to confirm pasting.  Otherwise you see only
+ the file names.  The details you see are defined by option
+ `diredp-list-file-attributes'.
+You should have copied the list of file names as a string to the kill
+ring using \\<dired-mode-map>`M-0 \\[dired-copy-filename-as-kill]' or \
+Those commands also set variable `diredp-last-copied-filenames' to the
+same string.  `diredp-yank-files' uses the value of that variable, not
+whatever is currently at the head of the kill ring.
+When called from Lisp:
+Optional arg NO-CONFIRM-P means do not ask for confirmation to copy.
+Optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-y-or-n-files-p'."
+  (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg  (natnump (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
+                          (expand-file-name (read-directory-name "Yank files to directory: ")))
+                     nil
+                     (and current-prefix-arg
+                          (<= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+                          diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (setq dir  (or dir  (and (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)  (dired-current-directory))))
+  (unless (file-directory-p dir) (error "Not a directory: `%s'" dir))
+  (let ((files  diredp-last-copied-filenames))
+    (unless (stringp files)  (error "No copied file names"))
+    (setq files  (diredp-delete-if-not (lambda (file) (file-name-absolute-p file)) (split-string files)))
+    (unless files  (error "No copied *absolute* file names (Did you use `M-0 w'?)"))
+    (if (and (not no-confirm-p)
+             (diredp-y-or-n-files-p "Paste files whose names you copied? " files nil details))
+        (dired-create-files #'dired-copy-file "Copy" files
+                            (lambda (from) (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory from) dir)))
+      (message "OK, file-pasting canceled"))))
+(defun diredp-move-files-named-in-kill-ring (&optional dir no-confirm-p details) ; Bound to `C-w'
+  "Move files, whose absolute names you copied, to the current directory.
+With a non-negative prefix arg you are instead prompted for the target
+ directory.
+With a non-positive prefix arg you can see details about the files if
+ you hit `l' when prompted to confirm pasting.  Otherwise you see only
+ the file names.  The details you see are defined by option
+ `diredp-list-file-attributes'.
+You should have copied the list of file names as a string to the kill
+ring using \\<dired-mode-map>`M-0 \\[dired-copy-filename-as-kill]' or \
+Those commands also set variable `diredp-last-copied-filenames' to the
+same string.  `diredp-move-files-named-in-kill-ring' uses the value of
+that variable, not whatever is currently at the head of the kill ring.
+When called from Lisp:
+Optional arg NO-CONFIRM-P means do not ask for confirmation to move.
+Optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-y-or-n-files-p'."
+  (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg  (natnump (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg))
+                          (expand-file-name (read-directory-name "Move files to directory: ")))
+                     nil
+                     (and current-prefix-arg
+                          (<= (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0)
+                          diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (setq dir  (or dir  (and (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)  (dired-current-directory))))
+  (unless (file-directory-p dir) (error "Not a directory: `%s'" dir))
+  (let ((files  diredp-last-copied-filenames))
+    (unless (stringp files)  (error "No copied file names"))
+    (setq files  (diredp-delete-if-not (lambda (file) (file-name-absolute-p file)) (split-string files)))
+    (unless files  (error "No copied (absolute* file names (Did you use `M-0 w'?)"))
+    (if (and (not no-confirm-p)
+             (diredp-y-or-n-files-p "MOVE files whose names you copied? " files nil details))
+        (dired-create-files #'dired-rename-file "Move" files
+                            (lambda (from) (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory from) dir)))
+      (message "OK, file-moves canceled"))))
+;;; Commands operating on marked at all levels below (recursively)
+(defun diredp-get-confirmation-recursive (&optional type)
+  "Get confirmation from user to act on all TYPE here and below.
+If TYPE is nil use \"files\" in the confirmation prompt, else use TYPE.
+Raise an error if not confirmed.
+Raise an error first if not in Dired mode."
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (unless (y-or-n-p (format "Act on ALL %s (or all marked if any) in and UNDER this dir? "
+                            (or type 'files)))
+    (error "OK, canceled")))
+(when (> emacs-major-version 21)        ; Emacs 22+ has KILL-ROOT parameter.
+  (defun diredp-kill-this-tree ()
+    "Remove this subdir listing and lower listings."
+    (interactive)
+    (dired-kill-tree (dired-current-directory) nil 'KILL-ROOT)))
+(defun diredp-insert-subdirs (&optional switches interactivep) ; Bound to `M-i'
+  "Insert the marked subdirectories.
+Like using \\<dired-mode-map>`\\[dired-maybe-insert-subdir]' at each marked directory line."
+  (interactive (list (and current-prefix-arg
+                          (read-string "Switches for listing: "
+                                       (or (and (boundp 'dired-subdir-switches)  dired-subdir-switches)
+                                           dired-actual-switches)))
+                     t))
+  (dolist (subdir  (dired-get-marked-files nil
+                                           nil
+                                           (lambda (fl) (and (file-directory-p fl) ; Exclude `.' and `..'
+                                                             (not (diredp-string-match-p "/[.][.]?\\'" fl))))
+                                           nil
+                                           interactivep))
+    (dired-maybe-insert-subdir subdir switches)))
+(defun diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ M-i'
+  "Insert the marked subdirs, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `diredp-insert-subdirs', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The subdirs inserted are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or ALL subdirs in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way (their marked
+subdirs are inserted...).
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive 'subdirs)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (dolist (subdir  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p #'file-directory-p 'INCLUDE-SUBDIRS-P nil nil details))
+    (dired-maybe-insert-subdir subdir)))
+(defun diredp-do-shell-command-recursive (command &optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ !'
+  "Run shell COMMAND on the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-shell-command', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive
+   (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+          (let* ((prompt  "! on *: ")
+                 (cmd     (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
+                           (lambda ()
+                             (set (make-local-variable 'minibuffer-default-add-function)
+                                  'minibuffer-default-add-dired-shell-commands))
+                           (let ((dired-no-confirm  t))
+                             (if (functionp 'dired-guess-shell-command)
+                                 ;; Guess cmd based only on files marked in current (top) dir.
+                                 (dired-guess-shell-command prompt (dired-get-marked-files t))
+                               (read-shell-command prompt nil nil))))))
+            (list cmd current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+  (dired-do-shell-command command nil (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-async-shell-command) ; Emacs 23+
+  (defun diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive (command &optional ignore-marks-p details)
+                                        ; Bound to `M-+ &'
+    "Run async shell COMMAND on marked files, including in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-async-shell-command', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive
+     (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+            (let* ((prompt  "! on *: ")
+                   (cmd     (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
+                             (lambda ()
+                               (set (make-local-variable 'minibuffer-default-add-function)
+                                    'minibuffer-default-add-dired-shell-commands))
+                             (let ((dired-no-confirm  t))
+                               (if (functionp 'dired-guess-shell-command)
+                                   ;; Guess cmd based only on files marked in current (top) dir.
+                                   (dired-guess-shell-command prompt (dired-get-marked-files t))
+                                 (read-shell-command prompt nil nil))))))
+              (list cmd current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+    (dired-do-async-shell-command command nil (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))))
+(defun diredp-do-symlink-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ S'
+  "Make symbolic links to marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-symlink', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up the
+files to link.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-do-create-files-recursive #'make-symbolic-link "Symlink" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-do-relsymlink-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ Y'
+  "Relative symlink all marked files, including those in marked subdirs into a dir.
+Like `dired-do-relsymlink', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up the
+files to link.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+For absolute symlinks, use \\[diredp-do-symlink-recursive].
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-do-create-files-recursive #'dired-make-relative-symlink "RelSymLink" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-do-hardlink-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ H'
+  "Add hard links for marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-hardlink', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up the
+files to link.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-do-create-files-recursive #'dired-hardlink "Hardlink" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-do-print-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ P'
+  "Print the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-print', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up the
+files to print.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let* ((file-list  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+         (command    (dired-mark-read-string
+                      "Print %s with: "
+                      (mapconcat #'identity
+                                 (cons lpr-command (if (stringp lpr-switches) (list lpr-switches) lpr-switches))
+                                 " ")
+                      'print nil file-list)))
+    (dired-run-shell-command (dired-shell-stuff-it command file-list nil))))
+(defun diredp-image-dired-display-thumbs-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p append do-not-pop details)
+                                        ; Bound to `M-+ C-t d'
+  "Display thumbnails of marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `image-dired-display-thumbs', but act recursively on subdirs.
+Optional arguments APPEND and DO-NOT-POP are as for
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg)
+                      (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg nil nil diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((buf  (image-dired-create-thumbnail-buffer))
+        thumb-name files dired-buf)
+    (setq files      (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)
+          dired-buf  (current-buffer))
+    (with-current-buffer buf
+      (let ((inhibit-read-only  t))
+        (if append (goto-char (point-max)) (erase-buffer))
+        (mapc (lambda (curr-file)
+                (setq thumb-name  (image-dired-thumb-name curr-file))
+                (if (and (not (file-exists-p thumb-name))
+                         (not (= 0 (image-dired-create-thumb curr-file thumb-name))))
+                    (message "Thumb could not be created for file %s" curr-file)
+                  (image-dired-insert-thumbnail thumb-name curr-file dired-buf)))
+              files))
+      (case image-dired-line-up-method
+        (dynamic      (image-dired-line-up-dynamic))
+        (fixed        (image-dired-line-up))
+        (interactive  (image-dired-line-up-interactive))
+        (none         nil)
+        (t            (image-dired-line-up-dynamic))))
+    (if do-not-pop
+        (display-buffer image-dired-thumbnail-buffer)
+      (pop-to-buffer image-dired-thumbnail-buffer))))
+(defun diredp-image-dired-tag-files-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ C-t t'
+  "Tag marked files with an `image-dired' tag, including in marked subdirs.
+Like `image-dired-tag-files', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg)
+                      (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((tag  (read-string "Tags to add (separate tags with a semicolon): ")))
+    (image-dired-write-tags (mapcar (lambda (x) (cons x tag))
+                                    (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))))
+(defun diredp-image-dired-delete-tag-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ C-t r'
+  "Remove `image-dired' tag for marked files, including in marked subdirs.
+Like `image-dired-delete-tag', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg)
+                      (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (image-dired-remove-tag (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)
+                          (read-string "Tag to remove: ")))
+(defun diredp-image-dired-comment-files-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details)
+                                        ; Bound to `M-+ C-t c'
+  "Add comment to marked files in dired, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `image-dired-dired-comment-files' but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-image-dired-required-msg)
+                      (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((comment  (image-dired-read-comment)))
+    (image-dired-write-comments (mapcar (lambda (curr-file) (cons curr-file comment))
+                                        (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))))
+(when (> emacs-major-version 22)
+  (defun diredp-do-decrypt-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ : d'
+    "Decrypt marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `epa-dired-do-decrypt', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up
+the files to decrypt.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+      (epa-decrypt-file (expand-file-name file)))
+    (revert-buffer))
+  (defun diredp-do-verify-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ : v'
+    "Verify marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `epa-dired-do-verify', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up
+the files to verify.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+      (epa-verify-file (expand-file-name file)))
+    (revert-buffer))
+  (defun diredp-do-sign-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ : s'
+    "Sign marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `epa-dired-do-sign', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up
+the files to sign.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+      (epa-sign-file (expand-file-name file)
+                     (epa-select-keys (epg-make-context) "Select keys for signing.
+If none are selected, the default secret key is used.  ")
+                     (y-or-n-p "Make a detached signature? ")))
+    (revert-buffer))
+  (defun diredp-do-encrypt-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ : e'
+    "Encrypt marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `epa-dired-do-encrypt', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up
+the files to encrypt.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+      (epa-encrypt-file (expand-file-name file)
+                        (epa-select-keys (epg-make-context) "Select recipients for encryption.
+If none are selected, symmetric encryption is performed.  ")))
+    (revert-buffer)))
+(defun diredp-do-bookmark-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p prefix details) ; Bound to `M-+ M-b'
+  "Bookmark the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `diredp-do-bookmark', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg
+                            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+    (diredp-bookmark prefix file 'NO-MSG-P)))
+(defun diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive (ignore-marks-p &optional details msgp)
+  "Bookmark this Dired buffer and marked subdirectory Dired buffers, recursively.
+Create a Dired bookmark for this directory and for each of its marked
+subdirectories.  Handle each of the marked subdirectory similarly:
+bookmark it and its marked subdirectories, and so on, recursively.
+Name each of these Dired bookmarks with the Dired buffer name.
+After creating the Dired bookmarks, create a sequence bookmark, named
+`DIRBUF and subdirs', where DIRBUF is the name of the original buffer.
+This bookmark represents the whole Dired tree rooted in the directory
+where you invoked the command.  Jumping to this sequence bookmark
+restores all of the Dired buffers making up the tree, by jumping to
+each of their bookmarks.
+With a prefix arg, bookmark the marked and unmarked subdirectory Dired
+buffers, recursively, that is, ignore markings.
+* If there is more than one Dired buffer for a given subdirectory then
+  only the first such is used.
+* This command creates new bookmarks.  It never updates or overwrites
+  an existing bookmark.
+You need library `Bookmark+' for this command.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (unless (featurep 'bookmark+)
+                        (error "You need library `Bookmark+' for this command"))
+                      (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive 'subdirs)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes t)))
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (let ((sdirs   (diredp-get-subdirs ignore-marks-p nil details))
+        (snames  ())
+        dbufs)
+    (when (and msgp  sdirs) (message "Checking descendant directories..."))
+    (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+      (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+        (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+          (let ((bname  (bookmark-buffer-name))
+                (count  2))
+            (while (and (bmkp-get-bookmark-in-alist bname 'NOERROR)  (setq bname  (format "%s[%d]" bname count))))
+            (bookmark-set bname nil nil 'NO-UPDATE-P) ; Inhibit updating displayed list.
+            (push bname snames)))))
+    (let ((bname  (format "%s and subdirs" (bookmark-buffer-name)))
+          (count  2))
+      (while (and (bmkp-get-bookmark-in-alist bname 'NOERROR)  (setq bname  (format "%s[%d]" bname count))))
+      (bmkp-set-sequence-bookmark bname (nreverse snames) -1 'MSGP))
+    (bmkp-refresh/rebuild-menu-list nil)))
+(defun diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive (bookmark-file ; Bound to `M-+ C-M-B', aka `M-+ C-M-S-b')
+                                                      &optional prefix ignore-marks-p bfile-bookmarkp details)
+  "Bookmark files here and below in BOOKMARK-FILE and save BOOKMARK-FILE.
+Like `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file', but act recursively on
+subdirs.  The files included are those that are marked in the current
+Dired buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.
+Marked subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp:
+ * Optional arg BFILE-BOOKMARKP non-nil means create a bookmark-file
+   bookmark for BOOKMARK-FILE.
+ * Optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-files'."
+  (interactive
+   (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+          (let ((d-r-b-f-args  (diredp-read-bookmark-file-args)))
+            (list (car d-r-b-f-args)
+                  (cadr d-r-b-f-args)
+                  (car (cddr d-r-b-f-args))
+                  nil
+                  diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+  (diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file bookmark-file prefix nil bfile-bookmarkp
+                                       (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))
+(defun diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive (bookmark-file
+                                                               &optional prefix ignore-marks-p details)
+                                        ; Bound to `M-+ C-M-b'
+  "Bookmark the marked files and create a bookmark-file bookmark for them.
+Like `diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked', but act
+recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (let ((d-r-b-f-args  (diredp-read-bookmark-file-args)))
+                        (list (car d-r-b-f-args)
+                              (cadr d-r-b-f-args)
+                              (car (cddr d-r-b-f-args))
+                              diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive
+   bookmark-file prefix ignore-marks-p 'CREATE-BOOKMARK-FILE-BOOKMARK details))
+(defun diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive (&optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ F'
+  "Find marked files simultaneously, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-find-marked-files', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With (explicit) numeric prefix ARG >= 0, find the files but do not
+display them.
+With numeric prefix ARG <= 0, ignore all marks - include all files in
+this Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+Note that prefix-argument behavior is different for this command than
+for `dired-do-find-marked-files'.  In particular, a negative numeric
+prefix arg does not cause the files to be shown in separate frames.
+Only non-nil `pop-up-frames' (or equivalent configuration) causes
+the files to be shown in separate frames.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+    (dired-simultaneous-find-file (diredp-get-files (<= narg 0) nil nil nil nil details)
+                                  (and arg  (>= narg 0)  narg))))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-isearch-regexp) ; Emacs 23+
+  (defun diredp-do-isearch-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ M-s a C-s'
+    "Isearch the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (multi-isearch-files (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))
+  (defun diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; `M-+ M-s a C-M-s'
+    "Regexp-Isearch the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (multi-isearch-files-regexp (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))))
+(defun diredp-do-search-recursive (regexp &optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ A'
+  "Regexp-search the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+Stops when a match is found.
+To continue searching for the next match, use `\\[tags-loop-continue]'.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list (read-string "Search marked files (regexp): ")
+                            current-prefix-arg
+                            diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (tags-search regexp '(diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))
+(defun diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive (from to &optional arg details)
+                                        ; Bound to `M-+ Q'
+  "Do `query-replace-regexp' on marked files, including in marked subdirs.
+Query-replace FROM with TO.
+Like `dired-do-query-replace', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With an (explicit) numeric prefix argument:
+* >= 0 means ignore all marks - include ALL files in this Dired buffer
+  and all subdirs, recursively.
+* <= 0 means replace only word-delimited matches.
+If you exit (`\\[keyboard-quit]', `RET' or `q'), you can resume the query replacement
+using `\\[tags-loop-continue]'.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (let ((common  (query-replace-read-args "Query replace regexp in marked files" t t)))
+                        (list (nth 0 common)
+                              (nth 1 common)
+                              current-prefix-arg
+                              diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+  (let* ((narg                  (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+         (delimited             (and narg  (<= narg 0)))
+         (ignore-marks-p        (and narg  (>= narg 0)))
+         (files                 (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+         (fit-frame-min-width   30)
+         (fit-frame-min-height  15))
+    (dolist (file  files)
+      (let ((buffer  (get-file-buffer file)))
+        (when (and buffer  (with-current-buffer buffer buffer-read-only))
+          (error "File `%s' is visited read-only" file))))
+    (tags-query-replace from to delimited `',files)))
+(defun diredp-do-grep-recursive (command-args &optional details) ; Bound to `M+ C-M-G'
+  "Run `grep' on marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `diredp-do-grep', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (unless (if (< emacs-major-version 22)
+                                  grep-command
+                                (and grep-command  (or (not grep-use-null-device)  (eq grep-use-null-device t))))
+                        (grep-compute-defaults))
+                      (list (diredp-do-grep-1
+                             (diredp-get-files current-prefix-arg nil nil nil nil diredp-list-file-attributes)))))
+  (grep command-args))
+(defun diredp-marked-recursive (dirname &optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Not bound to a key
+  "Open Dired on marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `diredp-marked', but act recursively on subdirs.
+See `diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive' for a description of the
+files included.  In particular, if no files are marked here or in a
+marked subdir, then all files in the directory are included.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, DIRNAME here must be a string, not a cons.  It
+is used as the name of the new Dired buffer.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list nil current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (dired (cons (or dirname  (generate-new-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
+               (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))))
+(defun diredp-marked-recursive-other-window (dirname &optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ C-M-*'
+  "Same as `diredp-marked-recursive', but uses a different window.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                      (list nil current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (dired-other-window
+   (cons (or dirname  (generate-new-buffer-name (buffer-name)))
+         (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))))
+(defun diredp-list-marked-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p predicate details) ; Bound to `M-+ C-M-l'
+  "List the files marked here and in marked subdirs, recursively.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, all marks are ignored: all files in this Dired
+buffer and all descendant directories are included.
+You can use `RET' or `mouse-2' to visit any of the files.
+If `tooltip-mode' is on then moving the mouse over image-file names
+shows image previews.
+When called from Lisp:
+ Non-nil optional arg IGNORE-MARKS-P means ignore marks.
+ Non-nil optional arg PREDICATE is a file-name predicate.  List only
+  the files for which it returns non-nil.
+ Non-nil optional arg DETAILS is passed to `diredp-list-files'."
+  (interactive ; No need for `diredp-get-confirmation-recursive' here.
+   (progn (diredp-ensure-mode) (list current-prefix-arg nil diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((files  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p predicate))) (diredp-list-files files nil nil nil details)))
+(defun diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive (&optional arg details) ; `M-+ #'
+  "Flag all auto-save files for deletion, including in marked subdirs.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark (unflag) them instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, flag all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  dired-del-marker))
+    (diredp-mark-recursive-1 arg "auto-save files" "auto-save file" '(diredp-looking-at-p "^.* #.+#$") details)))
+(when (fboundp 'char-displayable-p)     ; Emacs 22+
+  (defun diredp-change-marks-recursive (old new &optional arg predicate details) ; `M-+ * c'
+    "Change all OLD marks to NEW marks, including those in marked subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+* A non-positive prefix arg means ignore subdir markings and act
+  instead on ALL subdirs.
+* A non-negative prefix arg means do not change marks on subdirs
+  themselves.
+Note: If there is more than one Dired buffer for a given subdirectory
+then only the first such is used.
+When called from Lisp:
+ Non-nil arg PREDICATE is a file-name predicate.  Act on only the
+  files for which it returns non-nil.
+ DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-subdirs'."
+    (interactive
+     (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+            (let* ((cursor-in-echo-area  t)
+                   (old                  (progn (message "Change (old mark): ") (read-char)))
+                   (new                  (progn (message "Change `%c' marks to (new mark): " old) (read-char))))
+              (list old new current-prefix-arg nil diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+    (let* ((numarg             (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+           (nosubs             (natnump numarg))
+           (ignore-marks       (and numarg  (<= numarg 0)))
+           (dired-marker-char  new)
+           (sdirs              (diredp-get-subdirs ignore-marks predicate details))
+           (old-strg           (format "\n%c" old))
+           (count              0)
+           dbufs)
+      (unless (char-displayable-p old) (error "Not a displayable character: `%c'" old))
+      (unless (char-displayable-p new) (error "Not a displayable character: `%c'" new))
+      (message "Changing mark `%c' to `%c'..." old new)
+      (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+        (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+          (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+            (let ((inhibit-read-only  t)
+                  (file               nil))
+              (save-excursion
+                (goto-char (point-min))
+                (while (search-forward old-strg nil t)
+                  (save-match-data (setq file  (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t)))
+                  ;; Do nothing if changing from UNmarked and not on a file or dir name.
+                  (unless (and (= old ?   )  (not file))
+                    ;; Do nothing if marked subdir and not changing subdir marks.
+                    (unless (and nosubs  file  (file-directory-p file))
+                      (subst-char-in-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) old new)
+                      (setq count  (1+ count))))))))))
+      (message "%d mark%s changed from `%c' to `%c'" count (dired-plural-s count) old new)))
+  (defun diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive (&optional arg details) ; `M-+ U'
+    "Remove ALL marks everywhere, including in marked subdirs.
+A prefix arg is as for `diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive'.
+Note that a negative prefix arg (e.g. `C--') removes all marks from
+this Dired buffer and then does the same recursively for each of its
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive ?\r arg details))
+  (defun diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive (mark &optional arg predicate details) ; `M-+ M-DEL'
+    "Remove a given mark (or ALL) everywhere, including in marked subdirs.
+You are prompted for the mark character to remove.  If you hit `RET'
+instead then ALL mark characters are removed.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+* A non-positive prefix arg means ignore subdir markings and act
+  instead on ALL subdirs.
+* A non-negative prefix arg means do not change marks on subdirs
+  themselves.
+Note: If there is more than one Dired buffer for a given subdirectory
+then only the first such is used.
+When called from Lisp:
+ Non-nil arg PREDICATE is a file-name predicate.  Act on only the
+  files for which it returns non-nil.
+ DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-subdirs'."
+    (interactive
+     (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+            (let* ((cursor-in-echo-area  t)
+                   (mrk                  (progn (message "Remove marks (RET means all): ") (read-char))))
+              (list mrk current-prefix-arg nil diredp-list-file-attributes))))
+    (let* ((numarg             (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+           (nosubs             (natnump numarg))
+           (ignore-marks       (and numarg  (<= numarg 0)))
+           (dired-marker-char  ?\  )    ; Unmark
+           (sdirs              (diredp-get-subdirs ignore-marks predicate details))
+           (mrk-strg           (format "\n%c" mark))
+           (count              0)
+           dbufs)
+      (unless (char-displayable-p mark) (error "Not a displayable character: `%c'" mark))
+      (if (eq mark ?\r)
+          (message "Unmarking ALL marks here and below...")
+        (message "Unmarking mark `%c' here and below..." mark))
+      (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+        (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+          (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+            (let ((inhibit-read-only  t)
+                  (file               nil))
+              (save-excursion
+                (goto-char (point-min))
+                (while (if (eq mark ?\r)
+                           (re-search-forward dired-re-mark nil t)
+                         (search-forward mrk-strg nil t))
+                  (save-match-data (setq file  (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t)))
+                  ;; Do nothing if marked subdir and not changing subdir marks.
+                  (unless (and nosubs  file  (file-directory-p file))
+                    (subst-char-in-region (match-beginning 0) (match-end 0) (preceding-char) ?\   ))
+                  (setq count  (1+ count))))))))
+      (message "%d mark%s UNmarked" count (dired-plural-s count))))
+  )
+(when (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))  (fboundp 'w32-browser))
+  (defun diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details)
+    "Run Windows apps for with marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-multiple-w32-browser', but act recursively on subdirs.
+See `diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive' for a description of the
+files included.  In particular, if no files are marked here or in a
+marked subdir, then all files in the directory are included.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+                        (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (let ((files  (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)))
+      (while files
+        (w32-browser (car files))
+        (sleep-for w32-browser-wait-time)
+        (setq files  (cdr files)))))
+  )
+(defun diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive (&optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ M-w'
+  "Copy names of marked files here and in marked subdirs, to `kill-ring'.
+The names are separated by a space.
+Like `dired-copy-filename-as-kill', but act recursively on subdirs.
+\(Do not copy subdir names themselves.)
+With no prefix arg, use relative file names.
+With a zero prefix arg, use absolute file names.
+With a plain prefix arg (`C-u'), use names relative to the current
+Dired directory.  (This might contain slashes if in a subdirectory.)
+If on a subdir headerline, use absolute subdir name instead - prefix
+arg and marked files are ignored in this case.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+The names are copied to the kill ring and to variable
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive                          ; No need for `diredp-get-confirmation-recursive' here.
+   (progn (diredp-ensure-mode) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let* ((files   (mapcar (cond ((zerop (prefix-numeric-value arg)) #'identity)
+                                ((consp arg) (lambda (fn) (concat (dired-current-directory t)
+                                                                  (file-name-nondirectory fn))))
+                                (t (lambda (fn) (file-name-nondirectory fn))))
+                          (diredp-get-files nil nil nil nil nil details)))
+         (string  (mapconcat #'identity files " ")))
+    (unless (string= "" string)
+      (if (eq last-command 'kill-region) (kill-append string nil) (kill-new string))
+      (setq diredp-last-copied-filenames  (car kill-ring-yank-pointer)))
+    (message "%s" string)))
+(defun diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Not bound.
+  "Copy absolute names of files marked here and in marked subdirs, recursively.
+The names are copied to the kill ring and to variable
+The files whose names are copied are those that are marked in the
+current Dired buffer, or all files in the directory if none are
+marked.  Marked subdirectories are handled recursively in the same
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive                          ; No need for `diredp-get-confirmation-recursive' here.
+   (progn (diredp-ensure-mode) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive 0 details)
+  (setq diredp-last-copied-filenames  (car kill-ring-yank-pointer)))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive (regexp
+                                           &optional marker-char ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ % m'
+  "Mark all files matching REGEXP, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-mark-files-regexp' but act recursively on marked subdirs.
+The file names to be matched by this command are always absolute -
+they include the full directory.  Note that this does NOT correspond
+to the default behavior for `dired-mark-files-regexp'.  The other
+matching possibilities offered by `dired-mark-files-regexp' are not
+available for this command.
+Directories `.' and `..' are never marked.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to UNmark the files instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all matching files in this
+directory and all descendant directories.
+REGEXP is an Emacs regexp, not a shell wildcard.  Thus, use `\\.o$' for
+object files--just `.o' will mark more than you might think.
+REGEXP is added to `regexp-search-ring', for regexp search.
+Note: If there is more than one Dired buffer for a given subdirectory
+then only the first such is used.
+When called from Lisp, DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-subdirs'."
+  (interactive (let* ((numarg   (and current-prefix-arg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                      (unmark   (and numarg  (>= numarg 0)))
+                      (ignorep  (and numarg  (<= numarg 0))))
+                 (list (diredp-read-regexp (concat (if unmark "UNmark" "Mark") " files (regexp): "))
+                       (and unmark  ?\040)
+                       ignorep
+                       diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (add-to-list 'regexp-search-ring regexp) ; Add REGEXP to `regexp-search-ring'.
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (or marker-char  dired-marker-char))
+        (sdirs              (diredp-get-subdirs ignore-marks-p nil details))
+        (matched            0)
+        (changed            0)
+        dbufs chg.mtch)
+    (message "%s files..." (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "UNmarking" "Marking"))
+    (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+      (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+        (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+          (setq chg.mtch  (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))
+                                               (not (eolp)) ; Empty line
+                                               (let ((fn  (dired-get-filename nil 'NO-ERROR)))
+                                                 (and fn  (diredp-string-match-p regexp fn))))
+                                          "file")
+                changed   (+ changed (or (car chg.mtch)  0))
+                matched   (+ matched (or (cdr chg.mtch)  0))))))
+    (message "%s file%s%s%s newly %s"
+             matched
+             (dired-plural-s matched)
+             (if (not (= matched changed)) " matched, " "")
+             (if (not (= matched changed)) changed "")
+             (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "unmarked" "marked"))))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive (regexp
+                                                      &optional marker-char ignore-marks-p details) ; `M-+ % g'
+  "Mark files with contents containing a REGEXP match, including in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-mark-files-containing-regexp' but act recursively on
+marked subdirs.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to UNmark the files instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all matching files in this
+directory and all descendant directories.
+REGEXP is added to `regexp-search-ring', for regexp search.
+Note: If there is more than one Dired buffer for a given subdirectory
+then only the first such is used.
+If a file is visited in a buffer and `dired-always-read-filesystem' is
+nil, this looks in the buffer without revisiting the file, so the
+results might be inconsistent with the file on disk if its contents
+have changed since it was last visited.
+When called from Lisp, DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-subdirs'."
+  (interactive (let* ((numarg   (and current-prefix-arg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                      (unmark   (and numarg  (>= numarg 0)))
+                      (ignorep  (and numarg  (<= numarg 0))))
+                 (list (diredp-read-regexp (concat (if unmark "UNmark" "Mark") " files containing (regexp): "))
+                       (and unmark  ?\040)
+                       ignorep
+                       diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (add-to-list 'regexp-search-ring regexp) ; Add REGEXP to `regexp-search-ring'.
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (or marker-char  dired-marker-char))
+        (sdirs              (diredp-get-subdirs ignore-marks-p nil details))
+        (matched            0)
+        (changed            0)
+        dbufs chg.mtch)
+    (message "%s files..." (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "UNmarking" "Marking"))
+    (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+      (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+        (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+          (setq chg.mtch
+                (diredp-mark-if
+                 (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))
+                      (not (eolp))
+                      (let ((fname  (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+                        (and fname
+                             (file-readable-p fname)
+                             (not (file-directory-p fname))
+                             (let ((prebuf  (get-file-buffer fname)))
+                               (message "Checking %s" fname)
+                               ;; For now, do it inside Emacs.  Grep might be better if there are lots of files.
+                               (if (and prebuf  (or (not (boundp 'dired-always-read-filesystem))
+                                                    (not dired-always-read-filesystem))) ; Emacs 26+
+                                   (with-current-buffer prebuf
+                                     (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))
+                                 (with-temp-buffer
+                                   (insert-file-contents fname)
+                                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                                   (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))))))
+                 "file")
+                changed   (+ changed (or (car chg.mtch)  0))
+                matched   (+ matched (or (cdr chg.mtch)  0))))))
+    (message "%s file%s%s%s newly %s"
+             matched
+             (dired-plural-s matched)
+             (if (not (= matched changed)) " matched, " "")
+             (if (not (= matched changed)) changed "")
+             (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "unmarked" "marked"))))
+(defun diredp-mark-extension-recursive (extension &optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ * .'
+  "Mark all files with a certain EXTENSION, including in marked subdirs.
+A `.' is not automatically prepended to the string entered.
+This is like `diredp-mark/unmark-extension', but this acts recursively
+on marked subdirs, and a non-positive prefix arg acts differently.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark them instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+Non-interactively, EXTENSION is the extension (a string).  It can also
+be a list of extension strings.
+Optional argument ARG is the prefix arg.
+When called from Lisp, DETAILS is passed to `diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive'."
+  (interactive (let* ((numarg  (and current-prefix-arg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                      (unmark  (and numarg  (>= numarg 0))))
+                 (list (diredp-read-regexp (concat (if unmark "UNmark" "Mark") " extension: "))
+                       current-prefix-arg
+                       diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let* ((numarg   (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+         (unmark   (and numarg  (>= numarg 0)))
+         (ignorep  (and numarg  (<= numarg 0))))
+    (or (listp extension)  (setq extension  (list extension)))
+    (diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive (concat ".+[.]\\("
+                                                (mapconcat #'regexp-quote extension "\\|")
+                                                "\\)$")
+                                        (if unmark ?\040 dired-marker-char)
+                                        ignorep
+                                        details)))
+;; FIXME: Factor out code that is common with `dired-mark-sexp'.
+(when (fboundp 'minibuffer-with-setup-hook) ; Emacs 22+
+  (defun diredp-mark-sexp-recursive (predicate &optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ M-(', `M-+ * ('
+    "Mark files here and below for which PREDICATE returns non-nil.
+Like `diredp-mark-sexp', but act recursively on subdirs.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark those files instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+PREDICATE is a lisp sexp that can refer to the following symbols as
+    `mode'   [string]  file permission bits, e.g. \"-rw-r--r--\"
+    `nlink'  [integer] number of links to file
+    `size'   [integer] file size in bytes
+    `uid'    [string]  owner
+    `gid'    [string]  group (If the gid is not displayed by `ls',
+                       this will still be set (to the same as uid))
+    `time'   [string]  the time that `ls' displays, e.g. \"Feb 12 14:17\"
+    `name'   [string]  the name of the file
+    `sym'    [string]  if file is a symbolic link, the linked-to name,
+                       else \"\"
+    `inode'  [integer] the inode of the file (only for `ls -i' output)
+    `blks'   [integer] the size of the file for `ls -s' output
+                       (ususally in blocks or, with `-k', in Kbytes)
+  Mark zero-length files: `(equal 0 size)'
+  Mark files last modified on Feb 2: `(string-match \"Feb  2\" time)'
+  Mark uncompiled Emacs Lisp files (`.el' file without a `.elc' file):
+     First, Dired just the source files: `dired *.el'.
+     Then, use \\[diredp-mark-sexp-recursive] with this sexp:
+          (not (file-exists-p (concat name \"c\")))
+There's an ambiguity when a single integer not followed by a unit
+prefix precedes the file mode: It is then parsed as inode number
+and not as block size (this always works for GNU coreutils ls).
+Another limitation is that the uid field is needed for the
+function to work correctly.  In particular, the field is not
+present for some values of `ls-lisp-emulation'.
+This function operates only on the Dired buffer content.  It does not
+refer at all to the underlying file system.  Contrast this with
+`find-dired', which might be preferable for the task at hand.
+When called from Lisp, DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-subdirs'."
+    ;; Using `sym' = "", instead of nil, for non-linked files avoids the trap of
+    ;; (string-match "foo" sym) into which a user would soon fall.
+    ;; Use `equal' instead of `=' in the example, as it works on integers and strings.
+    ;; (interactive "xMark if (vars: inode,blks,mode,nlink,uid,gid,size,time,name,sym): \nP")
+    (interactive
+     (let* ((numarg  (and current-prefix-arg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+            (unmark  (and numarg  (>= numarg 0))))
+       (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive)
+       (list (diredp-read-expression (format "%s if (Lisp expr): " (if current-prefix-arg "UNmark" "Mark")))
+             current-prefix-arg
+             diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+    (message "%s" predicate)
+    (let* ((numarg             (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+           (unmark             (and numarg  (>= numarg 0)))
+           (ignorep            (and numarg  (<= numarg 0)))
+           (dired-marker-char  (if unmark ?\040 dired-marker-char))
+           (inode              nil)
+           (blks               ())
+           (matched            0)
+           (changed            0)
+           dbufs chg.mtch mode nlink uid gid size time name sym)
+      (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory (diredp-get-subdirs ignorep nil details)))
+        (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+          (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+            (setq chg.mtch
+                  (diredp-mark-if
+                   (save-excursion
+                     (and
+                      ;; Sets vars INODE BLKS MODE NLINK UID GID SIZE TIME NAME and SYM
+                      ;; according to current file line.  Returns `t' for success, nil if
+                      ;; there is no file line.  Upon success, these vars are set, to either
+                      ;; nil or the appropriate value, so they need not be initialized.
+                      ;; Moves point within the current line.
+                      (dired-move-to-filename)
+                      (let ((mode-len             10) ; Length of `mode' string.
+                            ;; As in `dired.el', but with subexpressions \1=inode, \2=blks:
+                            ;; GNU `ls -hs' suffixes the block count with a unit and prints it as a float
+                            ;; FreeBSD does neither.
+                            ;; $$$$$$ (dired-re-inode-size  "\\s *\\([0-9]*\\)\\s *\\([0-9]*\\) ?")
+                            (dired-re-inode-size  (if (> emacs-major-version 24)
+                                                      "\\=\\s *\\([0-9]+\\s +\\)?\
+\\(?:\\([0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]*\\)?[BkKMGTPEZY]?\\)? ?\\)"
+                                                    "\\s *\\([0-9]*\\)\\s *\\([0-9]*\\) ?"))
+                            pos)
+                        (beginning-of-line)
+                        (forward-char 2)
+                        (search-forward-regexp dired-re-inode-size nil t)
+                        ;; `INODE', `BLKS', `MODE'
+                        ;; XXX Might be a size not followed by a unit prefix.
+                        ;; Could set `blks' to `inode' if it were otherwise nil, with similar reasoning
+                        ;; as for setting `gid' to `uid', but it would be even more whimsical.
+                        (setq inode  (and (match-string 1)  (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+                              blks   (and (match-string 2)  (if (fboundp 'dired-x--string-to-number) ; Emacs 25+
+                                                                (dired-x--string-to-number (match-string 2))
+                                                              (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
+                              mode   (buffer-substring (point) (+ mode-len (point))))
+                        (forward-char mode-len)
+                        ;; Skip any extended attributes marker ("." or "+").
+                        (unless (eq (char-after) ?\   ) (forward-char 1))
+                        (setq nlink  (read (current-buffer))) ; `NLINK'
+                        ;; `UID'
+                        ;; Another issue is that GNU `ls -n' right-justifies numerical UIDs and GIDs,
+                        ;; while FreeBSD left-justifies them, so do not rely on a specific whitespace
+                        ;; layout.  Both of them right-justify all other numbers, though.
+                        ;; XXX Return a number if the `uid' or `gid' seems to be numerical?
+                        ;; $$$$$$ (setq uid  (buffer-substring (+ (point) 1) (progn (forward-word 1) (point))))
+                        (setq uid  (buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t")  (point))
+                                                     (progn (skip-chars-forward "^ \t") (point))))
+                        (cond ((> emacs-major-version 24)
+                               (dired-move-to-filename)
+                               (save-excursion
+                                 (setq time ; `TIME'
+                                       ;; The regexp below tries to match from the last digit of the size
+                                       ;; field through a space after the date.  Also, dates may have
+                                       ;; different formats depending on file age, so the date column need
+                                       ;; not be aligned to the right.
+                                       (buffer-substring
+                                        (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))
+                                        (progn (re-search-backward directory-listing-before-filename-regexp)
+                                               (skip-chars-forward "^ \t")
+                                               (1+ (point))))
+                                       size ; `SIZE'
+                                       (dired-x--string-to-number
+                                        ;; We know that there's some kind of number before point because
+                                        ;; the regexp search above succeeded.  Not worth doing an extra
+                                        ;; check for leading garbage.
+                                        (buffer-substring (point) (progn (skip-chars-backward "^ \t") (point))))
+                                       ;; If no `gid' is displayed, `gid' will be set to `uid' but user
+                                       ;; will then not reference it anyway in PREDICATE.
+                                       gid ; `GID'
+                                       (buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))
+                                                         (progn (skip-chars-backward "^ \t") (point)))))
+                               ;; `NAME', `SYM'
+                               (setq name  (buffer-substring (point)
+                                                             (or (dired-move-to-end-of-filename t)  (point)))
+                                     sym   (if (diredp-looking-at-p " -> ")
+                                               (buffer-substring (progn (forward-char 4) (point))
+                                                                 (line-end-position))
+                                             "")))
+                              (t
+                               (re-search-forward
+                                (if (< emacs-major-version 20)
+                                    "\\(Jan\\|Feb\\|Mar\\|Apr\\|May\\|Jun\\|Jul\\|Aug\\|Sep\\|Oct\\|Nov\\|Dec\\)"
+                                  dired-move-to-filename-regexp))
+                               (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+                               (forward-char -1)
+                               (setq size ; `SIZE'
+                                     (string-to-number (buffer-substring (save-excursion (backward-word 1)
+                                                                                         (setq pos  (point)))
+                                                                         (point))))
+                               (goto-char pos)
+                               (backward-word 1)
+                               ;; `GID', `TIME', `NAME', `SYM'
+                               ;; if no `gid' is displayed, `gid' will be set to `uid' but user will then
+                               ;; not reference it anyway in PREDICATE.
+                               (setq gid   (buffer-substring (save-excursion (forward-word 1) (point)) (point))
+                                     time  (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (1- (dired-move-to-filename)))
+                                     name  (buffer-substring (point) (or (dired-move-to-end-of-filename t)
+                                                                         (point)))
+                                     sym   (if (diredp-looking-at-p " -> ")
+                                               (buffer-substring (progn (forward-char 4) (point))
+                                                                 (line-end-position))
+                                             "")))))
+                      ;; Vanilla Emacs uses `lexical-binding' = t, and it passes bindings to `eval'
+                      ;; as a second arg.  We use `lexical-binding' = nil, and anyway there should
+                      ;; be no need to pass the bindings.
+                      (eval predicate)))
+                   (format "'%s file" predicate)))
+            (setq changed   (+ changed (or (car chg.mtch)  0))
+                  matched   (+ matched (or (cdr chg.mtch)  0))))))
+      (message "%s file%s%s%s newly %s" matched (dired-plural-s matched)
+               (if (not (= matched changed)) " matched, " "")
+               (if (not (= matched changed)) changed "")
+               (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "unmarked" "marked"))))
+  (if (fboundp 'read--expression)       ; Emacs 24.4+
+      (defalias 'diredp-read-expression 'read--expression)
+    (defun diredp-read-expression (prompt &optional initial-contents)
+      (let ((minibuffer-completing-symbol  t))
+        (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
+            (lambda ()       ; Vanilla Emacs FIXME: call `emacs-lisp-mode'?
+              (add-function :before-until (local 'eldoc-documentation-function)
+                            #'elisp-eldoc-documentation-function)
+              (eldoc-mode 1)
+              (add-hook 'completion-at-point-functions #'elisp-completion-at-point nil t)
+              (run-hooks 'eval-expression-minibuffer-setup-hook))
+          (read-from-minibuffer
+           prompt initial-contents (if (boundp 'pp-read-expression-map)
+                                       pp-read-expression-map
+                                     read-expression-map)
+           t 'read-expression-history)))))
+  )
+(defun diredp-mark-autofiles-recursive (&optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ * B'
+  "Mark all autofiles, including in marked subdirs.
+Autofiles are files that have an autofile bookmark.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark them instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-recursive-1 arg "autofiles" "autofile"
+                           '(and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))  (not (eolp))
+                             (let ((fname  (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+                               (and fname  (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark fname))))
+                           details))
+(defun diredp-mark-executables-recursive (&optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ * *'
+  "Mark all executable files, including in marked subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark them instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+  (diredp-mark-recursive-1 arg "executable files" "executable file" '(diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-exe) details))
+(defun diredp-mark-directories-recursive (&optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ * /'
+  "Mark all directories except `.' and `..', including in marked subdirs.
+The directories included are those that are marked in the current
+Dired buffer, or all subdirs in the directory if none are marked.
+Marked subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark them instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+  (diredp-mark-recursive-1 arg "directories" "directory" '(and (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dir)
+                                                           (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot)))
+                           details))
+(defun diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive (&optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ * @'
+  "Mark all symbolic links, including in marked subdirs.
+The symlinks included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all symlinks in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+A non-negative prefix arg means to unmark them instead.
+A non-positive prefix arg means to ignore subdir markings and act
+instead on ALL subdirs.  That is, mark all in this directory and all
+descendant directories.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+  (diredp-mark-recursive-1 arg "symlinks" "symbolic link" '(diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-sym) details))
+(defun diredp-mark-recursive-1 (arg plural singular predicate-sexp details)
+  "Helper for `diredp-mark-*-recursive' commands."
+  (let* ((numarg             (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+         (unmark             (and numarg  (>= numarg 0)))
+         (ignorep            (and numarg  (<= numarg 0)))
+         (dired-marker-char  (if unmark ?\040 dired-marker-char))
+         (sdirs              (diredp-get-subdirs ignorep nil details))
+         (changed            0)
+         (matched            0)
+         dbufs chg.mtch)
+    (message "%s %s..." (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "UNmarking" "Marking") plural)
+    (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+      (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+        (with-current-buffer (car dbufs)
+          (setq chg.mtch  (diredp-mark-if (eval predicate-sexp) singular)
+                changed   (+ changed (or (car chg.mtch)  0))
+                matched   (+ matched (or (cdr chg.mtch)  0))))))
+    (message "%s %s%s%s newly %s"
+             matched
+             (if (= 1 matched) singular plural)
+             (if (not (= matched changed)) " matched, " "")
+             (if (not (= matched changed)) changed "")
+             (if (eq ?\040 dired-marker-char) "unmarked" "marked"))))
+(defun diredp-capitalize-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ % c'
+  "Rename marked files, including in marked subdirs, by capitalizing them.
+Like `diredp-capitalize', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-create-files-non-directory-recursive
+   #'dired-rename-file #'capitalize "Rename by capitalizing:" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-upcase-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ % u'
+  "Rename marked files, including in marked subdirs, making them uppercase.
+Like `dired-upcase', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-create-files-non-directory-recursive
+   #'dired-rename-file #'upcase "Rename to uppercase:" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-downcase-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ % l'
+  "Rename marked files, including in marked subdirs, making them lowercase.
+Like `dired-downcase', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-create-files-non-directory-recursive
+   #'dired-rename-file #'downcase "Rename to lowercase:" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-do-apply-function-recursive (function &optional arg details) ; Bound to `M-+ @'
+  "Apply FUNCTION to the marked files.
+Like `diredp-do-apply-function' but act recursively on subdirs and do
+no result or error logging or echoing.
+The files acted on are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+With a plain prefix ARG (`C-u'), visit each file and invoke FUNCTION
+ with no arguments.
+Otherwise, apply FUNCTION to each file name.
+Any other prefix arg behaves according to the ARG argument of
+`dired-get-marked-files'.  In particular, `C-u C-u' operates on all
+files in the Dired buffer.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) 
+                      (list (read (completing-read "Function: " obarray 'functionp nil nil
+                                                   (and (boundp 'function-name-history)  'function-name-history)))
+                            current-prefix-arg
+                            diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (if (and (consp arg)  (< (car arg) 16))
+      (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files)) (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file) (funcall function)))
+    (dolist (file  (diredp-get-files arg nil nil nil nil details)) (funcall function file))))
+(defun diredp-do-delete-recursive (arg &optional details) ; Bound to `M-+ D'
+  "Delete marked (not flagged) files, including in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-delete' but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files to be deleted are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+`diredp-get-files' and `diredp-get-subdirs'."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (unless arg
+    (ding)
+    (message "NOTE: Deletion of files marked `%c' (not those flagged `%c')."
+             dired-marker-char dired-del-marker))
+  (let* ((files     (diredp-get-files nil nil nil nil 'ONLY-MARKED-P details))
+         (count     (length files))
+         (trashing  (and (boundp 'delete-by-moving-to-trash)  delete-by-moving-to-trash))
+         (succ      0))
+    (if (dired-mark-pop-up
+         " *Deletions*" 'delete files dired-deletion-confirmer
+         (format "%s %s " (if trashing "Trash" "Delete") (dired-mark-prompt arg files)))
+        (let ((progress-reporter  (and (fboundp 'make-progress-reporter)
+                                       (make-progress-reporter (if trashing "Trashing..." "Deleting...")
+                                                               succ
+                                                               count)))
+              (failures           ()))
+          (unless progress-reporter (message "Deleting..."))
+          (dolist (file  files)
+            (condition-case err
+                (progn (if (fboundp 'dired-delete-file) ; Emacs 22+
+                           (dired-delete-file file dired-recursive-deletes trashing)
+                         ;; This test is equivalent to (and (file-directory-p file)  (not (file-symlink-p file)))
+                         ;; but more efficient.
+                         (if (eq t (car (file-attributes file))) (delete-directory file) (delete-file file)))
+                       (setq succ  (1+ succ))
+                       (when (fboundp 'progress-reporter-update)
+                         (progress-reporter-update progress-reporter succ)))
+              (error (dired-log "%s\n" err) ; Catch errors from failed deletions.
+                     (setq failures  (cons file failures))))
+            (dired-clean-up-after-deletion file))
+          (if failures
+              (dired-log-summary (format "%d of %d deletion%s failed"
+                                         (length failures) count (dired-plural-s count))
+                                 failures)
+            (if (fboundp 'progress-reporter-done)
+                (progress-reporter-done progress-reporter)
+              (message "Deleting...done")))
+          (let ((sdirs  (diredp-get-subdirs nil nil details))
+                dbufs)
+            (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory sdirs))
+              (when (setq dbufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir (expand-file-name dir))) ; Dirs with Dired buffers only.
+                (with-current-buffer (car dbufs) (dired-revert))))))
+      (message "OK. NO deletions performed"))))
+(defun diredp-do-move-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ R'
+  "Move marked files, including in marked subdirs, to a given directory.
+Like `dired-do-rename', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up the
+files to move.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+This means move the marked files of marked subdirs and their marked
+subdirs, etc.  It does not mean move or rename the subdirs themselves
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+Renames any buffers that are visiting the files.
+The default suggested for the target directory depends on the value of
+`dired-dwim-target', which see."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-do-create-files-recursive #'dired-rename-file "Move" ignore-marks-p details))
+(defun diredp-do-copy-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ C'
+  "Copy marked files, including in marked subdirs, to a given directory.
+Like `dired-do-copy', but act recursively on subdirs to pick up the
+files to copy.
+The files included are those that are marked in the current Dired
+buffer, or all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked
+subdirectories are handled recursively in the same way.
+This means copy the marked files of marked subdirs and their marked
+subdirs, etc.  It does not mean copy the subdirs themselves
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+Preserves the last-modified date when copying, unless
+`dired-copy-preserve-time' is nil.
+The default suggested for the target directory depends on the value of
+`dired-dwim-target', which see.
+This command copies symbolic links by creating new ones, like UNIX
+command `cp -d'.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let ((dired-recursive-copies  nil))  ; Doesn't have to be nil, but let's not go overboard now.
+    (diredp-do-create-files-recursive #'dired-copy-file "Copy" ignore-marks-p details)))
+(defun diredp-do-create-files-recursive (file-creator operation ignore-marks-p &optional details)
+  "Create a new file for each marked file, including those in marked subdirs.
+Like `dired-do-create-files', but act recursively on subdirs, and
+always keep markings.
+Prompts for the target directory, in which to create the files.
+FILE-CREATOR and OPERATION are as in `dired-create-files'.
+Non-nil IGNORE-MARKS-P means ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (lexical-let* ((fn-list     (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+                 (target-dir  (dired-dwim-target-directory))
+                 (defaults    (and (fboundp 'dired-dwim-target-defaults) ; Emacs 23+
+                                   (dired-dwim-target-defaults fn-list target-dir)))
+                 (target      (expand-file-name
+                               (if (fboundp 'minibuffer-with-setup-hook) ; Emacs 22+
+                                   (minibuffer-with-setup-hook
+                                    (lambda ()
+                                      (set (make-local-variable 'minibuffer-default-add-function)
+                                           nil)
+                                      (setq minibuffer-default  defaults))
+                                    (funcall (if (fboundp 'read-directory-name)
+                                                 #'read-directory-name
+                                               #'read-file-name)
+                                             (concat operation " files to: ")
+                                             default-directory default-directory))
+                                 (funcall (if (fboundp 'read-directory-name)
+                                              #'read-directory-name
+                                            #'read-file-name)
+                                          (concat operation "files to: ")
+                                          default-directory default-directory)))))
+    (unless (file-directory-p target) (error "Target is not a directory: `%s'" target))
+    (dired-create-files
+     file-creator operation fn-list
+     #'(lambda (from) (expand-file-name (file-name-nondirectory from) target))
+     ;; Hard-code `*' marker, or else it will be removed in lower dirs because the code uses
+     ;; `dired-file-marker', which only works in the current Dired directory.
+     ?*)))
+(defun diredp-create-files-non-directory-recursive (file-creator basename-constructor operation
+                                                    &optional ignore-marks-p details)
+  "Apply FILE-CREATOR + BASENAME-CONSTRUCTOR to non-dir part of marked names.
+Like `dired-create-files-non-directory', but act recursively on subdirs.
+The files acted on are those marked in the current Dired buffer, or
+all files in the directory if none are marked.  Marked subdirectories
+are handled recursively in the same way.
+With non-nil IGNORE-MARKS-P, ignore all marks - include all files in
+this Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (let (rename-non-directory-query)
+    (dired-create-files
+     file-creator
+     operation
+     (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details)
+     #'(lambda (from)
+         (let ((to  (concat (file-name-directory from)
+                            (funcall basename-constructor (file-name-nondirectory from)))))
+           (and (let ((help-form  (format "\
+Type SPC or `y' to %s one file, DEL or `n' to skip to next,
+`!' to %s all remaining matches with no more questions."
+                                          (downcase operation)
+                                          (downcase operation))))
+                  (dired-query 'rename-non-directory-query (concat operation " `%s' to `%s'")
+                               (dired-make-relative from) (dired-make-relative to)))
+                to)))
+     ;; Hard-code `*' marker, or else it will be removed in lower dirs because the code uses
+     ;; `dired-file-marker', which only works in the current Dired directory.
+     ?*)))
+(defun diredp-do-chxxx-recursive (attribute-name program op-symbol &optional ignore-marks-p default details)
+  "Change attributes of the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Refresh their file lines.
+Like `dired-do-chxxx', but act recursively on subdirs.  The subdirs
+acted on are those that are marked in the current Dired buffer, or all
+subdirs in the directory if none are marked.  Marked subdirectories
+are handled recursively in the same way.
+ATTRIBUTE-NAME is a string describing the attribute to the user.
+PROGRAM is the program used to change the attribute.
+OP-SYMBOL is the type of operation (for use in `dired-mark-pop-up').
+Non-nil IGNORE-MARKS-P means ignore all marks - include all files in this
+ Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+DEFAULT is the default value for reading the mark string.
+DETAILS is passed to `diredp-get-files' and
+ `diredp-do-redisplay-recursive'."
+  (let* ((this-buff      (current-buffer))
+         (files          (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+         (prompt         (concat "Change " attribute-name " of %s to: "))
+         (new-attribute  (if (> emacs-major-version 22)
+                             (dired-mark-read-string prompt nil op-symbol ignore-marks-p files default)
+                           (dired-mark-read-string prompt nil op-symbol ignore-marks-p files)))
+         (operation      (concat program " " new-attribute))
+         failures)
+    (setq failures  (dired-bunch-files 10000 (function dired-check-process)
+                                       (append (list operation program)
+                                               (unless (string-equal new-attribute "")
+                                                 (if (equal attribute-name "Timestamp")
+                                                     (list "-t" new-attribute)
+                                                   (list new-attribute)))
+                                               (and (diredp-string-match-p "gnu" system-configuration)
+                                                    '("--"))) ; --------------------------------
+                                       files))
+    (with-current-buffer this-buff (diredp-do-redisplay-recursive details 'MSGP))
+    (when failures (dired-log-summary (format "%s: error" operation) nil))))
+(defun diredp-do-chmod-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details) ; Bound to `M-+ M'
+  "Change the mode of the marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+Symbolic modes like `g+w' are allowed.
+Note that marked subdirs are not changed.  Their markings are used only
+to indicate that some of their files are to be changed.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+`diredp-get-files' and `diredp-do-redisplay-recursive'."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (let* ((files    (diredp-get-files ignore-marks-p nil nil nil nil details))
+         (modestr  (and (stringp (car files))  (nth 8 (file-attributes (car files)))))
+         (default  (and (stringp modestr)
+                        (string-match "^.\\(...\\)\\(...\\)\\(...\\)$" modestr)
+                        (replace-regexp-in-string "-" "" (format "u=%s,g=%s,o=%s"
+                                                                 (match-string 1 modestr)
+                                                                 (match-string 2 modestr)
+                                                                 (match-string 3 modestr)))))
+         (modes    (if (> emacs-major-version 22)
+                       (dired-mark-read-string
+                        "Change mode of marked files here and below to: " nil 'chmod
+                        nil files default)
+                     (dired-mark-read-string
+                      "Change mode of marked files here and below to: " nil 'chmod
+                      nil files))))
+    (when (equal modes "") (error "No file mode specified"))
+    (dolist (file  files)
+      (set-file-modes file (or (and (diredp-string-match-p "^[0-7]+" modes)  (string-to-number modes 8))
+                               (file-modes-symbolic-to-number modes (file-modes file)))))
+    (diredp-do-redisplay-recursive details 'MSGP)))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-do-chgrp-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details)
+    "Change the group of the marked (or next ARG) files.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+    (diredp-do-chxxx-recursive "Group" "chgrp" 'chgrp ignore-marks-p nil details)))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-do-chown-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details)
+    "Change the owner of the marked (or next ARG) files.
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+    (interactive (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes))
+    (diredp-do-chxxx-recursive "Owner" dired-chown-program 'chown ignore-marks-p nil details)))
+(defun diredp-do-touch-recursive (&optional ignore-marks-p details)
+  "Change the timestamp of marked files, including those in marked subdirs.
+This calls `touch'.  Like `dired-do-touch', but act recursively on
+subdirs.  The subdirs inserted are those that are marked in the
+current Dired buffer, or all subdirs in the directory if none are
+marked.  Marked subdirectories are handled recursively in the same
+With a prefix argument, ignore all marks - include all files in this
+Dired buffer and all subdirs, recursively.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-get-confirmation-recursive) (list current-prefix-arg diredp-list-file-attributes)))
+  (diredp-do-chxxx-recursive "Timestamp" (if (boundp 'dired-touch-program)
+                                             dired-touch-program ; Emacs 22+
+                                           "touch")
+                             'touch
+                             ignore-marks-p
+                             (format-time-string "%Y%m%d%H%M.%S" (current-time))
+                             details))
+(defun diredp-do-redisplay-recursive (&optional details msgp)
+  "Redisplay marked file lines, including those in marked subdirs.
+Non-nil MSGP means show status messages.
+Like `dired-do-redisplay' with no args, but act recursively on
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (unless (y-or-n-p "Act on all marked file lines in and UNDER this dir? ")
+                        (error "OK, canceled"))
+                      (list diredp-list-file-attributes t)))
+  (when msgp (message "Redisplaying..."))
+  (dolist (dir  (cons default-directory
+                      (diredp-get-files nil #'file-directory-p 'INCLUDE-SUBDIRS 'DONT-ASK nil details)))
+    (with-current-buffer (dired-noselect dir)
+      ;; `message' is much faster than making `dired-map-over-marks' show progress
+      (dired-uncache (if (consp dired-directory) (car dired-directory) dired-directory))
+      (dired-map-over-marks
+       (let ((fname                    (dired-get-filename))
+             ;; Postpone readin hook till we map over all marked files (Bug#6810).
+             (dired-after-readin-hook  nil))
+         (message "Redisplaying... %s" fname)
+         (dired-update-file-line fname))
+       nil)
+      (run-hooks 'dired-after-readin-hook)
+      (dired-move-to-filename)))
+  (when msgp (message "Redisplaying...done")))
+;;; `diredp-marked(-other-window)' tries to treat SWITCHES, but SWITCHES seems to be ignored
+;;; by `dired' when the DIRNAME arg is a cons, at least on MS Windows.  I filed Emacs bug #952
+;;; on 2008-09-10, but this doesn't work in Emacs 20, 21, 22, or 23, so I don't know if it will
+;;; ever be fixed.  If it is declared a non-bug and it doesn't work on any platforms, then I'll
+;;; remove SWITCHES here, alas.
+(defun diredp-marked (dirname &optional n switches) ; Not bound
+  "Open Dired on only the marked files or the next N files.
+With a non-zero numeric prefix arg N, use the next abs(N) files.
+A plain (`C-u'), zero, or negative prefix arg prompts for listing
+switches as in command `dired'.
+Note that the marked files can include files in inserted
+subdirectories, so the Dired buffer that is opened can contain files
+from multiple directories in the same tree."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (let ((num  (and current-prefix-arg
+                                       (atom current-prefix-arg)
+                                       (not (zerop (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                                       (abs (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))))
+                        (list (cons (generate-new-buffer-name (buffer-name)) (dired-get-marked-files t num))
+                              num
+                              (and current-prefix-arg ; Switches
+                                   (or (consp current-prefix-arg)
+                                       (< (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))
+                                   (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches))))))
+  (unless (or n  (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                                 (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                      (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t))))
+    (error "No marked files"))
+  (dired dirname switches))
+(defun diredp-marked-other-window (dirname &optional n switches) ; Bound to `C-M-*'
+  "Same as `diredp-marked', but uses a different window."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (let ((num  (and current-prefix-arg
+                                       (atom current-prefix-arg)
+                                       (not (zerop (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                                       (abs (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))))
+                        (list (cons (generate-new-buffer-name (buffer-name)) (dired-get-marked-files t num))
+                              num
+                              (and current-prefix-arg ; Switches
+                                   (or (consp current-prefix-arg)
+                                       (< (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg) 0))
+                                   (read-string "Dired listing switches: " dired-listing-switches))))))
+  (unless (or n  (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                                 (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                      (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t))))
+    (error "No marked files"))
+  (dired-other-window dirname switches))
+;; Similar to `dired-mark-extension' in `dired-x.el'.
+;; The difference is that this uses prefix arg to unmark, not to determine the mark character.
+(defun diredp-mark/unmark-extension (extension &optional unmark-p) ; Bound to `* .'
+  "Mark all files with a certain EXTENSION for use in later commands.
+A `.' is not automatically prepended to the string entered.
+Non-nil prefix argument UNMARK-P means unmark instead of mark.
+Non-interactively, EXTENSION is the extension (a string).  It can also
+  be a list of extension strings.
+Optional argument UNMARK-P is the prefix arg."
+  (interactive (list (diredp-read-regexp (concat (if current-prefix-arg "UNmark" "Mark") "ing extension: "))
+                     current-prefix-arg))
+  (or (listp extension)  (setq extension  (list extension)))
+  (dired-mark-files-regexp (concat ".";; Do not match names with nothing but an extension
+                                   "\\("
+                                   (mapconcat #'regexp-quote extension "\\|")
+                                   "\\)$")
+                           (and current-prefix-arg  ?\040)))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-all/none (tags &optional none-p unmarkp prefix)
+  "Mark or unmark files tagged with all or none of TAGS.
+TAGS is a list of strings, the tag names.
+NONEP non-nil means mark/unmark files that have none of the TAGS.
+UNMARKP non-nil means unmark; nil means mark.
+PREFIX non-nil is the prefix of the autofile bookmarks to check.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then mark or unmark the files
+that have any tags at all, or if NONEP is non-nil then mark or unmark
+those that have no tags at all."
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unmarkp ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))  (not (eolp))
+                         (let* ((fname     (dired-get-filename nil t))
+                                (bmk       (and fname  (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark fname nil prefix)))
+                                (btgs      (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk)))
+                                (presentp  nil)
+                                (allp      (and btgs  (catch 'diredp-m-f-t-an
+                                                        (dolist (tag  tags)
+                                                          (setq presentp  (assoc-default tag btgs nil t))
+                                                          (unless (if none-p (not presentp) presentp)
+                                                            (throw 'diredp-m-f-t-an nil)))
+                                                        t))))
+                           (if (null tags)
+                               (if none-p (not btgs) btgs)
+                             allp)))
+                    (if none-p "no-tags-matching file" "all-tags-matching file"))))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-some/not-all (tags &optional notallp unmarkp prefix)
+  "Mark or unmark files tagged with any or not all of TAGS.
+TAGS is a list of strings, the tag names.
+NOTALLP non-nil means mark/unmark files that do not have all TAGS.
+UNMARKP non-nil means unmark; nil means mark.
+PREFIX non-nil is the prefix of the autofile bookmarks to check.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then mark or unmark the files
+that have any tags at all, or if NOTALLP is non-nil then mark or
+unmark those that have no tags at all."
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unmarkp ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))  (not (eolp))
+                         (let* ((fname     (dired-get-filename nil t))
+                                (bmk       (and fname
+                                                (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark fname nil prefix)))
+                                (btgs      (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk)))
+                                (presentp  nil)
+                                (allp      (and btgs  (catch 'diredp-m-f-t-sna
+                                                        (dolist (tag  tags)
+                                                          (setq presentp  (assoc-default tag btgs nil t))
+                                                          (when (if notallp (not presentp) presentp)
+                                                            (throw 'diredp-m-f-t-sna t)))
+                                                        nil))))
+                           (if (null tags) (if notallp (not btgs) btgs) allp)))
+                    (if notallp "some-tags-not-matching file" "some-tags-matching file"))))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-all (tags &optional none-p prefix) ; `T m *'
+  "Mark all files that are tagged with *each* tag in TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then mark the files that have
+ any tags at all (i.e., at least one tag).
+With a prefix arg, mark all that are *not* tagged with *any* TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-all/none tags none-p nil prefix))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-none (tags &optional allp prefix) ; `T m ~ +'
+  "Mark all files that are not tagged with *any* tag in TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then mark the files that have
+ no tags at all.
+With a prefix arg, mark all that are tagged with *each* tag in TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-all/none tags (not allp) nil prefix))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-some (tags &optional somenotp prefix) ; `T m +'
+  "Mark all files that are tagged with *some* tag in TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then mark the files that have
+ any tags at all (i.e., at least one tag).
+With a prefix arg, mark all that are *not* tagged with *all* TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-some/not-all tags somenotp nil prefix))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all (tags &optional somep prefix) ; `T m ~ *'
+  "Mark all files that are not tagged with *all* TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then mark the files that have
+ no tags at all.
+With a prefix arg, mark all that are tagged with *some* TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-some/not-all tags (not somep) nil prefix))
+(defun diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp (regexp &optional notp prefix) ; `T m %'
+  "Mark files that have at least one tag that matches REGEXP.
+With a prefix arg, mark all that are tagged but have no matching tags.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (read-string "Regexp: ")
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))  (not (eolp))
+                       (lexical-let* ((fname  (dired-get-filename nil t))
+                                      (bmk    (and fname
+                                                   (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark fname nil prefix)))
+                                      (btgs   (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk)))
+                                      (anyp   (and btgs  (bmkp-some #'(lambda (tag)
+                                                                        (diredp-string-match-p
+                                                                         regexp
+                                                                         (bmkp-tag-name tag)))
+                                                                    btgs))))
+                         (and btgs  (if notp (not anyp) anyp))))
+                  "some-tag-matching-regexp file"))
+(defun diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp (regexp &optional notp prefix) ; `T u %'
+  "Unmark files that have at least one tag that matches REGEXP.
+With a prefix arg, unmark all that are tagged but have no matching tags.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (read-string "Regexp: ")
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  ?\040))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))  (not (eolp))
+                         (lexical-let* ((fname  (dired-get-filename nil t))
+                                        (bmk    (and fname  (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark fname nil prefix)))
+                                        (btgs   (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk)))
+                                        (anyp   (and btgs (bmkp-some #'(lambda (tag)
+                                                                         (diredp-string-match-p
+                                                                          regexp
+                                                                          (bmkp-tag-name tag)))
+                                                                     btgs))))
+                           (and btgs  (if notp (not anyp) anyp))))
+                    "some-tag-matching-regexp file")))
+(defun diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all (tags &optional none-p prefix) ; `T u *'
+  "Unmark all files that are tagged with *each* tag in TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then unmark the files that have
+ any tags at all (i.e., at least one tag).
+With a prefix arg, unmark all that are *not* tagged with *any* TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-all/none tags none-p 'UNMARK prefix))
+(defun diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none (tags &optional allp prefix) ; `T u ~ +'
+  "Unmark all files that are *not* tagged with *any* tag in TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then unmark the files that have
+ no tags at all.
+With a prefix arg, unmark all that are tagged with *each* tag in TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-all/none tags (not allp) 'UNMARK prefix))
+(defun diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some (tags &optional somenotp prefix) ; `T u +'
+  "Unmark all files that are tagged with *some* tag in TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then unmark the files that have
+ any tags at all.
+With a prefix arg, unmark all that are *not* tagged with *all* TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-some/not-all tags somenotp 'UNMARK prefix))
+(defun diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all (tags &optional somep prefix) ; `T u ~ *'
+  "Unmark all files that are *not* tagged with *all* TAGS.
+As a special case, if TAGS is empty, then unmark the files that have
+ no tags at all.
+With a prefix arg, unmark all that are tagged with *some* TAGS.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (list (and (fboundp 'bmkp-read-tags-completing)  (bmkp-read-tags-completing))
+                     current-prefix-arg
+                     (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                          (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark-files-tagged-some/not-all tags (not somep) 'UNMARK prefix))
+(defun diredp-do-tag (tags &optional prefix arg) ; `T > +'
+  "Tag the marked (or the next prefix argument) files.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+Hit `RET' to enter each tag, then hit `RET' again after the last tag.
+You can use completion to enter each tag.  Completion is lax: you are
+not limited to existing tags.
+TAGS is a list of strings.  PREFIX is as for `diredp-do-bookmark'.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (bmkp-read-tags-completing)
+                            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check (lexical-let ((pref  prefix)) #'(lambda () (diredp-tag tags pref)))
+                              arg 'tag (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-tag (tags &optional prefix)
+  "Add tags to the file or directory named on the current line.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this function.
+The bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Return nil for success, file name otherwise."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        failure)
+    (condition-case err
+        (bmkp-autofile-add-tags file tags nil prefix)
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (dired-log failure)
+      (dired-make-relative file))))     ; Return file name for failure.
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-tag (event)      ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, add some tags to this file.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-tag (bmkp-read-tags-completing) prefix))
+                                1 'tag t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-do-untag (tags &optional prefix arg) ; `T > -'
+  "Remove some tags from the marked (or the next prefix arg) files.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+Hit `RET' to enter each tag, then hit `RET' again after the last tag.
+You can use completion to enter each tag.  Completion is lax: you are
+not limited to existing tags.
+TAGS is a list of strings.  PREFIX is as for `diredp-do-bookmark'.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (bmkp-read-tags-completing)
+                            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check (lexical-let ((pref  prefix))
+                                #'(lambda () (diredp-untag tags pref)))
+                              arg 'untag (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-untag (tags &optional prefix)
+  "Remove some tags from the file or directory named on the current line.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this function.
+The bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Return nil for success, file name otherwise."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        failure)
+    (condition-case err
+        (bmkp-autofile-remove-tags file tags nil prefix)
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (dired-log failure)
+      (dired-make-relative file))))     ; Return file name for failure.
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-untag (event)    ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, remove some tags from this file.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (lexical-let* ((bmk   (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark  (dired-get-filename) nil prefix))
+                   (btgs  (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk))))
+      (unless btgs (error "File has no tags to remove"))
+      (dired-map-over-marks-check
+       #'(lambda () (diredp-untag (bmkp-read-tags-completing btgs) prefix)) 1 'untag t)))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-do-remove-all-tags (&optional prefix arg) ; `T > 0'
+  "Remove all tags from the marked (or the next prefix arg) files.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+PREFIX is as for `diredp-do-bookmark'.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (lexical-let ((pref  prefix))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-remove-all-tags pref)) arg 'remove-all-tags
+                                (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg))))
+(defun diredp-remove-all-tags (&optional prefix)
+  "Remove all tags from the file or directory named on the current line.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this function.
+The bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Return nil for success, file name otherwise."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        failure)
+    (condition-case err
+        (bmkp-remove-all-tags (bmkp-autofile-set file nil prefix))
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (dired-log failure)
+      (dired-make-relative file))))     ; Return file name for failure.
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-remove-all-tags (event) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, remove all tags from the marked (or next prefix arg) files.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-remove-all-tags prefix))
+                                1 'remove-all-tags t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-do-paste-add-tags (&optional prefix arg) ; `T > p', `T > C-y'
+  "Add previously copied tags to the marked (or next prefix arg) files.
+The tags were previously copied from a file to `bmkp-copied-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check (lexical-let ((pref  prefix))
+                                #'(lambda () (diredp-paste-add-tags pref)))
+                              arg 'paste-add-tags
+                              (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-paste-add-tags (&optional prefix)
+  "Add previously copied tags to the file or directory on the current line.
+The tags were previously copied from a file to `bmkp-copied-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this function.
+The bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Return nil for success, file name otherwise."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        failure)
+    (condition-case err
+        (bmkp-autofile-add-tags file bmkp-copied-tags nil prefix)
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (dired-log failure)
+      (dired-make-relative file))))     ; Return file name for failure.
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-paste-add-tags (event) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, add previously copied tags to this file.
+The tags were previously copied from a file to `bmkp-copied-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-paste-add-tags prefix))
+                                1 'paste-add-tags t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-do-paste-replace-tags (&optional prefix arg) ; `T > q'
+  "Replace tags for marked (or next prefix arg) files with copied tags.
+The tags were previously copied from a file to `bmkp-copied-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check (lexical-let ((pref  prefix))
+                                #'(lambda () (diredp-paste-replace-tags pref)))
+                              arg 'paste-replace-tags (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-paste-replace-tags (&optional prefix)
+  "Replace tags for this file or dir with tags copied previously.
+The tags were previously copied from a file to `bmkp-copied-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this function.
+The bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Return nil for success, file name otherwise."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        failure)
+    (condition-case err
+        (progn (bmkp-remove-all-tags (bmkp-autofile-set file nil prefix))
+               (bmkp-autofile-add-tags file bmkp-copied-tags nil prefix))
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (dired-log failure)
+      (dired-make-relative file))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-paste-replace-tags (event) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, replace tags for this file with tags copied previously.
+The tags were previously copied from a file to `bmkp-copied-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-paste-replace-tags prefix))
+                                1 'paste-replace-tags t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-do-set-tag-value (tag value &optional prefix arg) ; `T > v'
+  "Set TAG value to VALUE, for the marked (or next prefix arg) files.
+This does not change the TAG name.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+PREFIX is as for `diredp-do-bookmark'.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (bmkp-read-tag-completing)
+                            (read (read-string "Value: "))
+                            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check (lexical-let ((tg    tag)
+                                            (val   value)
+                                            (pref  prefix))
+                                #'(lambda () (diredp-set-tag-value tg val pref)))
+                              arg 'set-tag-value (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-set-tag-value (tag value &optional prefix)
+  "Set TAG value to VALUE for this file or directory.
+This does not change the TAG name.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this function.
+The bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Return nil for success, file name otherwise."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        failure)
+    (condition-case err
+        (bmkp-set-tag-value (bmkp-autofile-set file nil prefix) tag value)
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (dired-log failure)
+      (dired-make-relative file))))     ; Return file name for failure.
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-set-tag-value (event) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, set the value of a tag for this file.
+This does not change the tag name.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-set-tag-value (bmkp-read-tag-completing)
+                                                                   (read (read-string "Value: "))
+                                                                   prefix))
+                                1 'set-tag-value t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+;; Define these even if `Bookmark+' is not loaded.
+(defun diredp-mark-autofiles ()         ; Bound to `* B'
+  "Mark all autofiles, that is, files that have an autofile bookmark."
+  (interactive)
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark/unmark-autofiles))
+(defun diredp-unmark-autofiles ()
+  "Unmark all autofiles, that is, files that have an autofile bookmark."
+  (interactive)
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (diredp-mark/unmark-autofiles t))
+(defun diredp-mark/unmark-autofiles (&optional unmarkp)
+  "Mark all autofiles, or unmark if UNMARKP is non-nil."
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unmarkp ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))  (not (eolp))
+                         (let ((fname  (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+                           (and fname  (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark fname))))
+                    "autofile")))
+(when (and (fboundp 'bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark) ; Defined in `bookmark+-1.el'.
+           (fboundp 'hlt-highlight-region)) ; Defined in `highlight.el'.
+  (defun diredp-highlight-autofiles ()
+    "Highlight files that are autofile bookmarks.
+Highlighting uses face `diredp-autofile-name'."
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (while (re-search-forward dired-move-to-filename-regexp nil t)
+        ;; If Dired details are hidden the match data gets changed.
+        (let* ((bmk    (save-match-data
+                         (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark (buffer-substring (match-end 0) (line-end-position)))))
+               (tags  (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk))))
+          (when bmk
+            (hlt-highlight-region (match-end 0) (line-end-position)
+                                  (if tags
+                                      'diredp-tagged-autofile-name
+                                    'diredp-autofile-name)))))))
+  (cond ((fboundp 'define-minor-mode)
+         ;; Emacs 21+.  Use `eval' so that even if the library is byte-compiled with Emacs 20,
+         ;; loading it into Emacs 21+ will define variable `diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode'.
+         (eval '(define-minor-mode diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode
+                 "Toggle automatic highlighting of autofile bookmarks.
+When you turn this on, it ensures that your bookmark file is loaded.
+NOTE: This mode is ON BY DEFAULT.  More precisely, when `dired+.el' is
+loaded (for the first time per Emacs session), the mode is turned ON.
+To prevent this and have the mode OFF by default, you must do one of
+the following:
+ * Put (diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode -1) in your init file, AFTER
+   it loads `dired+.el'.
+ * Customize option `diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode' to `nil', AND
+   ensure that your `custom-file' (or the `custom-saved-variables'
+   part of your init file) is evaluated before `dired+.el' is loaded.
+You need libraries `Bookmark and `highlight.el' for this command."
+                 :init-value t :global t :group 'Dired-Plus :require 'dired+
+                 (if (not diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode)
+                     (remove-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'diredp-highlight-autofiles)
+                   (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'diredp-highlight-autofiles)
+                   (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file))
+                 (when (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) (dired-revert nil nil))
+                 (when (interactive-p)
+                   (message "Dired highlighting of autofile bookmarks is now %s"
+                            (if diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode "ON" "OFF"))))))
+        (t;; Emacs 20.
+         (defun diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode (&optional arg)
+           "Toggle automatic highlighting of autofile bookmarks.
+When you turn this on, it ensures that your bookmark file is loaded.
+NOTE: This mode is ON BY DEFAULT.  More precisely, when `dired+.el' is
+loaded (for the first time per Emacs session), the mode is turned ON.
+To prevent this and have the mode OFF by default, you must do one of
+the following:
+ * Put (diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode -1) in your init file, AFTER
+   it loads `dired+.el'.
+ * Customize option `diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode' to `nil', AND
+   ensure that your `custom-file' (or the `custom-saved-variables'
+   part of your init file) is evaluated before `dired+.el' is loaded.
+You need libraries `Bookmark and `highlight.el' for this command."
+           (interactive (list (or current-prefix-arg  'toggle)))
+           (setq diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode  (if (eq arg 'toggle)
+                                                      (not diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode)
+                                                    (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)))
+           (if (not diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode)
+               (remove-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'diredp-highlight-autofiles)
+             (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'diredp-highlight-autofiles)
+             (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file))
+           (when (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) (dired-revert nil nil))
+           (when (interactive-p) (message "Dired highlighting of autofile bookmarks is now %s"
+                                          (if diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode "ON" "OFF"))))))
+  ;; Turn it ON BY DEFAULT.
+  (unless (or (boundp 'diredp-loaded-p)  (get 'diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode 'saved-value))
+    (diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode 1))
+  )
+(defun diredp-do-bookmark (&optional prefix arg) ; Bound to `M-b'
+  "Bookmark the marked (or the next prefix argument) files.
+Each bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Interactively, you are prompted for the PREFIX if
+ `diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag' is non-nil.
+The bookmarked position is the beginning of the file.
+If you use library `bookmark+.el' then the bookmark is an autofile.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check (lexical-let ((pref  prefix))
+                                #'(lambda () (diredp-bookmark pref nil 'NO-MSG-P)))
+                              arg 'bookmark (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-bookmark (event) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, bookmark this file.  See `diredp-do-bookmark'."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+                (dired-no-confirm  t)
+                (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                        (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'(lambda () (diredp-bookmark prefix nil)) nil 'bookmark t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-bookmark (&optional prefix file no-msg-p)
+  "Bookmark the file or directory FILE.
+If you use library `bookmark+.el' then the bookmark is an autofile.
+Return nil for success or the file name otherwise.
+The bookmark name is the (non-directory) file name, prefixed by
+ optional arg PREFIX (a string) if non-nil.
+FILE defaults to the file name on the current Dired line.
+Non-nil optional arg NO-MSG-P means do not show progress messages."
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((fil      (or file  (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
+        (failure  nil))
+    (condition-case err
+        (if (fboundp 'bmkp-autofile-set) ; Bookmark+ - just set an autofile bookmark.
+            (bmkp-autofile-set fil nil prefix nil (not no-msg-p))
+          ;; Vanilla `bookmark.el' (or very old Bookmark+ version).
+          (let ((bookmark-make-record-function
+                 (cond ((and (require 'image nil t)  (require 'image-mode nil t)
+                             (condition-case nil (image-type fil) (error nil)))
+                        ;; Last two lines of function are from `image-bookmark-make-record'.
+                        ;; But don't use that directly, because it uses
+                        ;; `bookmark-make-record-default', which gets nil for `filename'.
+                        (lambda ()
+                          `((filename   . ,fil)
+                            (position   . 0)
+                            ;; NEED to keep this part of code sync'd with `bmkp-make-record-for-target-file'.
+                            (image-type . ,(image-type fil))
+                            (handler    . image-bookmark-jump)))) ; In `image-mode.el'.
+                       (t
+                        (lambda ()
+                          `((filename . ,fil)
+                            (position . 0)))))))
+            (bookmark-store (concat prefix (file-name-nondirectory fil)) (cdr (bookmark-make-record)) nil)))
+      (error (setq failure  (error-message-string err))))
+    (if (not failure)
+        nil                             ; Return nil for success.
+      (if (fboundp 'bmkp-autofile-set)
+          (dired-log failure)
+        (dired-log "Failed to create bookmark for `%s':\n%s\n" fil failure))
+      (dired-make-relative fil))))      ; Return file name for failure.
+(defun diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked (bookmark-file ; Bound to `C-M-b'
+                                                     &optional prefix arg)
+  "Bookmark the marked files and create a bookmark-file bookmark for them.
+The bookmarked position is the beginning of the file.
+Jumping to the bookmark-file bookmark loads the set of file bookmarks.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+Each bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Interactively, you are prompted for PREFIX if
+ `diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag' is non-nil.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories.
+You are also prompted for the bookmark file, BOOKMARK-FILE.  The
+default is `.emacs.bmk' in the current directory, but you can enter
+any file name, anywhere.
+The marked-file bookmarks are added to file BOOKMARK-FILE, but this
+command does not make BOOKMARK-FILE the current bookmark file.  To
+make it current, just jump to the bookmark-file bookmark created by
+this command.  That bookmark (which bookmarks BOOKMARK-FILE) is
+defined in that current bookmark file.
+ Bookmark file `~/.emacs.bmk' is current before invoking this command.
+ The current (Dired) directory is `/foo/bar'.
+ The marked files are bookmarked in the (possibly new) bookmark file
+   `/foo/bar/.emacs.bmk'.
+ The bookmarks for the marked files have names prefixed by `FOOBAR '.
+ The name of the bookmark-file bookmark is `Foobar Files'.
+ Bookmark `Foobar Files' is itself in bookmark file `~/.emacs.bmk'.
+ Bookmark file `~/.emacs.bmk' is current after invoking this command.
+You are prompted for the name of the bookmark-file bookmark, the
+BOOKMARK-FILE for the marked-file bookmarks, and a PREFIX string for
+each of the marked-file bookmarks.
+See also command `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file'."
+  (interactive (diredp-read-bookmark-file-args))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file bookmark-file prefix arg 'CREATE-BOOKMARK-FILE-BOOKMARK))
+(defun diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file (bookmark-file ; Bound to `C-M-B' (aka `C-M-S-b')
+                                            &optional prefix arg bfile-bookmarkp files)
+  "Bookmark marked files in BOOKMARK-FILE and save BOOKMARK-FILE.
+The files bookmarked are the marked files, by default.
+The bookmarked position is the beginning of the file.
+You are prompted for BOOKMARK-FILE.  The default is `.emacs.bmk' in
+the current directory, but you can enter any file name, anywhere.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command.
+The marked files are bookmarked in file BOOKMARK-FILE, but this
+command does not make BOOKMARK-FILE the current bookmark file.  To
+make it current, use `\\[bmkp-switch-bookmark-file]' (`bmkp-switch-bookmark-file').
+Each bookmark name is the non-directory portion of the file name,
+ prefixed by PREFIX if it is non-nil.
+Interactively, you are prompted for PREFIX if
+ `diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag' is non-nil.
+Interactively, a prefix argument ARG specifies the files to use
+instead of those marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories.
+See also command `diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked'.
+ * Non-nil BFILE-BOOKMARKP means create a bookmark-file bookmark for
+ * Non-nil FILES is the list of files to bookmark."
+  (interactive (diredp-read-bookmark-file-args))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (let ((bfile-exists-p  (file-readable-p bookmark-file)))
+    (unless bfile-exists-p (bmkp-empty-file bookmark-file))
+    (unless bmkp-current-bookmark-file (setq bmkp-current-bookmark-file  bookmark-default-file))
+    (let ((old-bmkp-current-bookmark-file  bmkp-current-bookmark-file))
+      (unwind-protect
+           (progn (bmkp-switch-bookmark-file bookmark-file) ; Changes `*-current-bookmark-file'.
+                  (if files
+                      (dolist (file  files)  (diredp-bookmark prefix file 'NO-MSG-P))
+                    (dired-map-over-marks-check
+                     (lexical-let ((pref  prefix)) #'(lambda () (diredp-bookmark pref nil 'NO-MSG-P)))
+                     arg 'bookmark (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+                  (bookmark-save)
+                  (unless bfile-exists-p (revert-buffer)))
+        (unless (bmkp-same-file-p old-bmkp-current-bookmark-file  bmkp-current-bookmark-file)
+          (bmkp-switch-bookmark-file old-bmkp-current-bookmark-file 'NO-MSG))))
+    (when bfile-bookmarkp (bmkp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark bookmark-file))))
+(defun diredp-read-bookmark-file-args ()
+  "Read args for `diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file' and similar."
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (list (let* ((insert-default-directory  t)
+               (bmk-file                  (expand-file-name
+                                           (read-file-name
+                                            "Use bookmark file (default is in CURRENT dir): " nil
+                                            (if (or (> emacs-major-version 23)
+                                                    (and (= emacs-major-version 23)  (> emacs-minor-version 1)))
+                                                (list ".emacs.bmk" bookmark-default-file)
+                                              ".emacs.bmk")))))
+          bmk-file)
+        (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag  (read-string "Prefix for autofile bookmark names: "))
+        current-prefix-arg))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Allows for consp `dired-directory' too.
+(defun dired-buffers-for-dir (dir &optional file)
+  "Return a list of buffers that Dired DIR (top level or in-situ subdir).
+If FILE is non-nil, include only those whose wildcard pattern (if any)
+matches FILE.
+The list is in reverse order of buffer creation, most recent last.
+As a side effect, killed Dired buffers for DIR are removed from
+  (setq dir  (file-name-as-directory dir))
+  (let (result buf)
+    (dolist (elt  dired-buffers)
+      (setq buf  (cdr elt))
+      (cond ((null (buffer-name buf))   ; Buffer is killed - clean up.
+             (setq dired-buffers  (delq elt dired-buffers)))
+            ((dired-in-this-tree dir (car elt))
+             (with-current-buffer buf
+               (and (assoc dir dired-subdir-alist)
+                    (or (null file)
+                        (if (stringp dired-directory)
+                            ;; Allow for consp `dired-directory' too.
+                            (let ((wildcards  (file-name-nondirectory (if (consp dired-directory)
+                                                                          (car dired-directory)
+                                                                        dired-directory))))
+                              (or (zerop (length wildcards))
+                                  (diredp-string-match-p (dired-glob-regexp wildcards) file)))
+                          (member (expand-file-name file dir) (cdr dired-directory))))
+                    (setq result  (cons buf result)))))))
+    result))
+;; If you use library `files+.el', you need not use these commands
+;; explicitly, because that library redefines `find-file-read-args' to
+;; do the same thing, in Dired mode.  These are provided here in case
+;; you want to bind them directly - for example, in case your code
+;; does not use `find-file-read-args'.
+(defun diredp-find-a-file (filename &optional wildcards) ; Not bound
+  "`find-file', but use file on current line as default (`M-n')."
+  (interactive (diredp-find-a-file-read-args "Find file: " nil))
+  (find-file filename wildcards))
+(defun diredp-find-a-file-other-frame (filename &optional wildcards) ; Not bound
+  "`find-file-other-frame', but use file under cursor as default (`M-n')."
+  (interactive (diredp-find-a-file-read-args "Find file: " nil))
+  (find-file-other-frame filename wildcards))
+(defun diredp-find-a-file-other-window (filename &optional wildcards) ; Not bound
+  "`find-file-other-window', but use file under cursor as default (`M-n')."
+  (interactive (diredp-find-a-file-read-args "Find file: " nil))
+  (find-file-other-window filename wildcards))
+(defun diredp-find-a-file-read-args (prompt mustmatch) ; Not bound
+  (list (lexical-let ((find-file-default  (abbreviate-file-name (dired-get-file-for-visit))))
+          (minibuffer-with-setup-hook (lambda ()
+                                        (setq minibuffer-default  find-file-default))
+                                      (read-file-name prompt nil default-directory mustmatch)))
+        t))
+(defun diredp-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer () ; Not bound
+  "Like `dired-find-file', but reuse Dired buffers.
+Unlike `dired-find-alternate-file' this does not use
+`find-alternate-file' unless (1) the target is a directory that is not
+yet visited as a Dired buffer, and (2) the current (Dired) buffer is
+not visited also in some other window (possibly in an iconified
+  (interactive)
+  (set-buffer-modified-p nil)
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
+    (diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper file)))
+(defun diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer (event &optional find-file-func find-dir-func) ; Not bound
+  "Like `dired-mouse-find-file', but reuse Dired buffers.
+Unlike `dired-find-alternate-file' this does not use
+`find-alternate-file' unless (1) the target is a directory that is not
+yet visited as a Dired buffer, and (2) the current (Dired) buffer is
+not visited also in some other window (possibly in an iconified
+Non-nil optional args FIND-FILE-FUNC and FIND-DIR-FUNC specify
+functions to visit the file and directory, respectively.
+Defaults: `find-file' and `dired', respectively."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let (window pos file)
+    (save-excursion
+      (setq window  (posn-window (event-end event))
+	    pos     (posn-point (event-end event)))
+      (unless (windowp window) (error "No file chosen"))
+      (set-buffer (window-buffer window))
+      (goto-char pos)
+      (setq file  (dired-get-file-for-visit)))
+    (select-window window)
+    (diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper file find-file-func find-dir-func)))
+(defun diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper (file &optional find-file-func find-dir-func other-window)
+  "Helper for commands `diredp-*-reuse-dir-buffer' commands.
+Non-nil optional args FIND-FILE-FUNC and FIND-DIR-FUNC specify
+functions to visit the file and directory, respectively.
+Defaults: `find-file' and `dired', respectively.
+Unlike `dired-find-alternate-file' this does not use
+`find-alternate-file' unless (1) the target is a directory that is not
+yet visited as a Dired buffer, and (2) the current (Dired) buffer is
+not visited also in some other window (possibly in an iconified
+  (setq find-file-func  (or find-file-func (if other-window #'find-file-other-window #'find-file))
+        find-dir-func   (or find-dir-func  (if other-window #'dired-other-window #'dired)))
+  (let (;; This binding prevents problems with preserving point in windows displaying Dired buffers, because
+        ;; reverting a Dired buffer empties it, which changes the places where the markers used by
+        ;; `switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point' point.
+        (switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point  (and (boundp 'switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point) ; Emacs 24+
+                                                      (or (not (boundp 'dired-auto-revert-buffer))
+                                                          (not dired-auto-revert-buffer))
+                                                      switch-to-buffer-preserve-window-point))
+        (find-file-run-dired                     t)
+        (wins                                    ())
+        (alt-find-file-func                      (if other-window
+                                                     #'find-alternate-file-other-window
+                                                   #'find-alternate-file))
+        dir-bufs)
+    (if (or (not (file-directory-p file)) ; New is a not a directory
+            (dired-buffers-for-dir file) ; or there is a Dired buffer for it, even as a subdir.
+            (and (setq dir-bufs  (dired-buffers-for-dir default-directory)) ; Dired bufs for current (old).
+                 (progn
+                   (dolist (buf  dir-bufs)
+                     (setq wins  (append wins (get-buffer-window-list buf 'NOMINI 0))))
+                   (setq wins  (delq nil wins))
+                   (cdr wins))))        ; More than one window showing current Dired buffer.
+        (if (file-directory-p file)
+	    (or (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-goto-subdir file)) ; New is a subdir inserted in current
+	        (funcall find-dir-func file))
+          (funcall find-file-func (file-name-sans-versions file t)))
+      (funcall alt-find-file-func (file-name-sans-versions file t)))))
+(defalias 'toggle-diredp-find-file-reuse-dir 'diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir)
+(defun diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir (force-p) ; Bound to `C-M-R' (aka `C-M-S-r')
+  "Toggle whether Dired `find-file' commands reuse directories.
+This applies also to `dired-w32-browser' commands and
+A prefix arg specifies directly whether or not to reuse.
+ If its numeric value is non-negative then reuse; else do not reuse.
+To set the behavior as a preference (default behavior), put this in
+your ~/.emacs, where VALUE is 1 to reuse or -1 to not reuse:
+ (diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir VALUE)
+Note: This affects only these commands:
+  `dired-find-file'
+  `dired-mouse-find-file'
+It does not affect the corresponding `-other-window' commands.  Note
+too that, by default, mouse clicks to open files or directories open
+in another window: command `diredp-mouse-find-file-other-window', not
+`dired-mouse-find-file'.  If you want a mouse click to reuse a
+directory then bind `mouse-2' to `dired-mouse-find-file' instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (if force-p                           ; Force.
+      (if (natnump (prefix-numeric-value force-p))
+          (diredp-make-find-file-keys-reuse-dirs)
+        (diredp-make-find-file-keys-not-reuse-dirs))
+    (if (where-is-internal 'dired-find-file dired-mode-map 'ascii)
+        (diredp-make-find-file-keys-reuse-dirs)
+      (diredp-make-find-file-keys-not-reuse-dirs))))
+(defun diredp-make-find-file-keys-reuse-dirs ()
+  "Make find-file keys reuse Dired buffers."
+  (substitute-key-definition 'diredp-up-directory 'diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+  (substitute-key-definition 'dired-find-file 'diredp-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+  (substitute-key-definition 'dired-mouse-find-file 'diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+  ;; These commands are defined in `w32-browser.el' (for use with MS Windows).
+  (substitute-key-definition 'dired-w32-browser 'dired-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+  (substitute-key-definition 'dired-mouse-w32-browser 'dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+  (message "Reusing Dired buffers is now ON"))
+(defun diredp-make-find-file-keys-not-reuse-dirs ()
+  "Make find-file keys not reuse Dired buffers (i.e. act normally)."
+  (substitute-key-definition 'diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer 'diredp-up-directory dired-mode-map)
+  (substitute-key-definition 'diredp-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer 'dired-find-file dired-mode-map)
+  (substitute-key-definition 'diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer 'dired-mouse-find-file dired-mode-map)
+  ;; These commands are defined in `w32-browser.el' (for use with MS Windows).
+  (substitute-key-definition 'dired-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer 'dired-w32-browser dired-mode-map)
+  (substitute-key-definition 'dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer 'dired-mouse-w32-browser dired-mode-map)
+  (message "Reusing Dired buffers is now OFF"))
+(defun diredp-omit-marked ()            ; Not bound
+  "Omit lines of marked files.  Return the number of lines omitted."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((old-modified-p  (buffer-modified-p))
+        count)
+    (when (interactive-p) (message "Omitting marked lines..."))
+    (setq count  (dired-do-kill-lines nil "Omitted %d line%s."))
+    (set-buffer-modified-p old-modified-p) ; So no `%*' appear in mode-line.
+    count))
+(defun diredp-omit-unmarked ()          ; Not bound
+  "Omit lines of unmarked files.  Return the number of lines omitted."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((old-modified-p  (buffer-modified-p))
+        count)
+    (dired-toggle-marks)
+    (message "Omitting unmarked lines...")
+    (setq count  (diredp-omit-marked))
+    (dired-toggle-marks)                ; Marks all except `.', `..'
+    (set-buffer-modified-p old-modified-p) ; So no `%*' appear in mode-line.
+    count))
+(defun diredp-ediff (file2)             ; Bound to `='
+  "Compare file at cursor with file FILE2 using `ediff'.
+FILE2 defaults to the file at the cursor as well.  If you enter just a
+directory name for FILE2, then the file at the cursor is compared with
+a file of the same name in that directory.  FILE2 is the second file
+given to `ediff'; the file at the cursor is the first.
+Try to guess a useful default value for FILE2, as follows:
+* If the mark is active, use the file at mark.
+* Else if the file at cursor is a autosave file or a backup file, use
+  the corresponding base file.
+* Else if there is any backup file for the file at point, use the
+  newest backup file for it.
+* Else use the file at point."
+  (interactive (progn (require 'ediff)
+                      (list (ediff-read-file-name ; In `ediff-util.el'.
+                             (format "Compare %s with" (dired-get-filename t))
+                             (dired-current-directory)
+                             (let* ((file           (dired-get-filename))
+                                    (file-sans-dir  (file-name-nondirectory file))
+                                    (file-dir       (file-name-directory file))
+                                    (file-at-mark   (and transient-mark-mode
+                                                         mark-active
+                                                         (save-excursion (goto-char (mark t))
+                                                                         (dired-get-filename t t))))
+                                    (last-backup    (file-newest-backup file)))
+                               (cond
+                                 (file-at-mark)
+                                 ((auto-save-file-name-p file-sans-dir)
+                                  (expand-file-name (substring file-sans-dir 1 -1) file-dir))
+                                 ((backup-file-name-p file-sans-dir)
+                                  (expand-file-name (file-name-sans-versions file-sans-dir) file-dir))
+                                 (last-backup)
+                                 (t file)))))))
+  (ediff-files (dired-get-filename) file2)) ; In `ediff.el'.
+(defun diredp-fewer-than-N-files-p (arg n)
+  "Return non-nil iff fewer than N files are to be treated by dired.
+More precisely, return non-nil iff ARG is nil and fewer than N
+files are marked, or the absolute value of ARG is less than N."
+  (if arg
+      (and (integerp arg)  (< (abs arg) n)) ; Next or previous file (or none).
+    (not (save-excursion                ; Fewer than two marked files.
+           (goto-char (point-min))
+           (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t n)))))
+(defun diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p (arg)
+  "Return non-nil iff fewer than two files are to be treated by dired.
+More precisely, return non-nil iff ARG is nil and fewer than two
+files are marked, or ARG is -1, 0 or 1."
+  (diredp-fewer-than-N-files-p arg 2))
+(defun diredp-fewer-than-echo-limit-files-p (arg)
+  "Return non-nil iff < `diredp-do-report-echo-limit' files marked.
+More precisely, return non-nil iff ARG is nil and fewer than two
+files are marked, or ARG is -1, 0 or 1."
+  (diredp-fewer-than-N-files-p arg diredp-do-report-echo-limit))
+(defun diredp-do-apply-function (function &optional arg) ; Bound to `@'
+  "Apply FUNCTION to the marked files.
+You are prompted for the FUNCTION.
+With a plain prefix ARG (`C-u'), visit each file and invoke FUNCTION
+ with no arguments.
+Otherwise, apply FUNCTION to each file name.
+Any prefix arg other than single `C-u' behaves according to the ARG
+argument of `dired-get-marked-files'.  In particular, `C-u C-u'
+operates on all files in the Dired buffer.
+The result returned for each file is logged by `dired-log'.  Use `?'
+to see all such results and any error messages.  If there are fewer
+marked files than `diredp-do-report-echo-limit' then each result is
+also echoed momentarily."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (read (completing-read "Function: " obarray 'functionp nil nil
+                                                   (and (boundp 'function-name-history)
+                                                        'function-name-history)))
+                            current-prefix-arg)))
+  (let ((use-no-args-p  (and (consp arg)  (< (car arg) 16))))
+    (when use-no-args-p (setq arg  ()))
+    (save-selected-window
+      (diredp-map-over-marks-and-report
+       (if use-no-args-p #'diredp-invoke-function-no-args #'diredp-apply-function-to-file-name)
+       arg
+       'apply\ function (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)
+       function
+       (diredp-fewer-than-echo-limit-files-p arg)))))
+(defun diredp-invoke-function-no-args (fun &optional echop)
+  "Visit file of this line at its beginning, then invoke function FUN.
+No arguments are passed to FUN.
+Log the result returned or any error.
+Non-nil optional arg ECHOP means also echo the result."
+  (let* ((file     (dired-get-filename))
+         (failure  (not (file-exists-p file)))
+         result)
+    (unless failure
+      (condition-case err
+          (with-current-buffer (find-file-noselect file)
+            (save-excursion
+              (goto-char (point-min))
+              (setq result  (funcall fun))))
+        (error (setq failure  err))))
+    (diredp-report-file-result file result failure echop)))
+(defun diredp-apply-function-to-file-name (fun &optional echop)
+  "Apply function FUN to (absolute) file name on this line.
+Log the result returned or any error.
+Non-nil optional arg ECHOP means also echo the result."
+  (let ((file     (dired-get-filename))
+        (failure  nil)
+        result)
+    (condition-case err
+        (setq result  (funcall fun file))
+      (error (setq failure  err)))
+    (diredp-report-file-result file result failure echop)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;; 1. Redisplay only if at most one file is being treated.
+;; 2. Doc string reflects `Dired+'s version of `dired-map-over-marks-check'.
+(defun dired-do-compress (&optional arg) ; Bound to `Z'
+  "Compress or uncompress marked (or next prefix argument) files.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of marked.
+ An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ `C-u': Use the current file (whether or not any are marked).
+ `C-u C-u': Use all files in Dired, except directories.
+ `C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and directories, except `.' and `..'.
+ `C-u C-u C-u C-u': Use all files and all directories."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check #'dired-compress arg 'compress (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;; 1. Redisplay only if at most one file is being treated.
+;; 2. Doc string reflects `Dired+'s version of `dired-map-over-marks-check'.
+(defun dired-do-byte-compile (&optional arg) ; Bound to `B'
+  "Byte compile marked Emacs Lisp files.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file."
+  (interactive (let* ((arg  current-prefix-arg)
+                      (C-u  (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                 (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                 (list arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check #'dired-byte-compile arg 'byte-compile
+                              (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;; 1. Redisplay only if at most one file is being treated.
+;; 2. Doc string reflects `Dired+' version of `dired-map-over-marks-check'.
+(defun dired-do-load (&optional arg)    ; Bound to `L'
+  "Load the marked Emacs Lisp files.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file."
+  (interactive (let* ((arg  current-prefix-arg)
+                      (C-u  (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                 (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                 (list arg)))
+  (dired-map-over-marks-check #'dired-load arg 'load (diredp-fewer-than-2-files-p arg)))
+(when (fboundp 'multi-isearch-files)
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. Added optional arg ARG, so you can act on next ARG files or on all files.
+  ;; 2. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;; 3. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-do-isearch (&optional arg interactivep)
+    "Search for a string through all marked files using Isearch.
+A prefix argument ARG specifies files to use instead of those marked.
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked."
+    (interactive (let* ((arg  current-prefix-arg)
+                        (C-u  (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                   (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                   (list arg t)))
+    (multi-isearch-files (dired-get-marked-files nil arg 'dired-nondirectory-p nil interactivep)))
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. Added optional arg ARG, so you can act on next ARG files or on all files.
+  ;; 2. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;; 3. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-do-isearch-regexp (&optional arg interactivep)
+    "Search for a regexp through all marked files using Isearch.
+A prefix arg behaves as follows:
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked."
+    (interactive (let* ((arg  current-prefix-arg)
+                        (C-u  (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                   (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                   (list arg t)))
+    (multi-isearch-files-regexp (dired-get-marked-files nil arg 'dired-nondirectory-p nil interactivep)))
+  )
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el':
+;; 1. Added optional arg ARG, so you can act on next ARG files or on all files.
+;; 2. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+;; 3. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+(defun dired-do-search (regexp &optional arg interactivep)
+  "Search through all marked files for a match for REGEXP.
+Stops when a match is found.
+To continue searching for next match, use command \\[tags-loop-continue].
+A prefix arg behaves as follows:
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked."
+  (interactive (let* ((arg  current-prefix-arg)
+                      (C-u  (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                 (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                 (list (diredp-read-regexp "Search marked files (regexp): ")
+                       arg
+                       t)))
+  (tags-search regexp `(dired-get-marked-files nil ',arg 'dired-nondirectory-p nil ,interactivep)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el':
+;; 1. Added optional arg ARG, so you can act on next ARG files or on all files.
+;; 2. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+;; 3. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+(defun dired-do-query-replace-regexp (from to &optional arg interactivep)
+  "Do `query-replace-regexp' of FROM with TO, on all marked files.
+NOTE: A prefix arg for this command acts differently than for other
+commands, so that you can use it to request word-delimited matches.
+With a prefix argument:
+ * An odd number of plain `C-u': act on the marked files, but replace
+   only word-delimited matches.
+ * More than one plain `C-u': act on all files, ignoring whether any
+   are marked.
+ * Any other prefix arg: Act on the next numeric-prefix files.
+So for example:
+ * `C-u C-u C-u': act on all files, replacing word-delimited matches.
+ * `C-u 4': act on the next 4 files.  `C-4' means the same thing.
+ * `C-u': act on the marked files, replacing word-delimited matches.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked.
+If you exit (\\[keyboard-quit], RET or q), you can resume the query replace
+with the command \\[tags-loop-continue]."
+  (interactive (let ((common  (query-replace-read-args "Query replace regexp in marked files" t t)))
+                 (list (nth 0 common)
+                       (nth 1 common)
+                       current-prefix-arg
+                       t)))
+  (let* ((argnum     (and (consp arg)  (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
+         (delimited  (and argnum  (eq (logand (truncate (log argnum 4)) 1) 1))) ; Odd number of plain `C-u'.
+         (all        (and argnum  (> argnum 4))) ; At least 3 plain `C-u'.
+         (dgmf-arg   (dired-get-marked-files nil
+                                             (if (and arg  (atom arg)) (abs arg) (and all  '(16)))
+                                             'dired-nondirectory-p
+                                             nil
+                                             interactivep)))
+    (dolist (file  dgmf-arg)
+      (let ((buffer  (get-file-buffer file)))
+        (when (and buffer  (with-current-buffer buffer buffer-read-only))
+          (error "File `%s' is visited read-only" file))))
+    (tags-query-replace from to delimited `',dgmf-arg)))
+(when (fboundp 'xref-collect-matches)   ; Emacs 25+
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el':
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. Added optional arg ARG, so you can act on next ARG files or on all files.
+  ;; 2. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;; 3. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-do-find-regexp (regexp &optional arg interactivep)
+    "Find all matches for REGEXP in all marked files.
+For any marked directory, all of its files are searched recursively.
+However, files matching `grep-find-ignored-files' and subdirectories
+matching `grep-find-ignored-directories' are skipped in the marked
+A prefix arg behaves as follows:
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked.
+REGEXP should use constructs supported by your local `grep' command."
+    (interactive (let* ((arg  current-prefix-arg)
+                        (C-u  (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                   (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                   (list (diredp-read-regexp "Search marked files (regexp): ")
+                         arg
+                         t)))
+    (require 'grep)
+    (defvar grep-find-ignored-files)
+    (defvar grep-find-ignored-directories)
+    (let* ((files    (dired-get-marked-files nil arg nil nil interactivep))
+           (ignores  (nconc (mapcar (lambda (s) (concat s "/")) grep-find-ignored-directories)
+                            grep-find-ignored-files))
+           (xrefs    (mapcan (lambda (file)
+                               (xref-collect-matches
+                                regexp "*" file (and (file-directory-p file)  ignores)))
+                             files)))
+      (if xrefs
+          (xref--show-xrefs xrefs nil t)
+        (when interactivep (diredp-user-error "No matches for: %s" regexp)))))
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el':
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. Added optional arg ARG, so you can act on next ARG files or on all files.
+  ;; 2. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;; 3. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace (from to &optional arg interactivep)
+    "Replace matches of FROM with TO, in all marked files.
+For any marked directory, matches in all of its files are replaced,
+recursively.  However, files matching `grep-find-ignored-files'
+and subdirectories matching `grep-find-ignored-directories' are skipped
+in the marked directories.
+A prefix arg behaves as follows:
+ * An integer means use the next ARG files (previous -ARG, if < 0).
+ * Two or more `C-u' (e.g. `C-u C-u') means ignore any marks and use
+   all files in the Dired buffer.
+ * Any other prefix arg means use the current file.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked.
+REGEXP should use constructs supported by your local `grep' command."
+    (interactive (let ((common  (query-replace-read-args "Query replace regexp in marked files" t t))
+                       (arg     current-prefix-arg)
+                       (C-u     (and (consp arg)  arg)))
+                   (when (and C-u  (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 16)) (setq arg  '(16)))
+                   (list (nth 0 common)
+                         (nth 1 common)
+                         arg
+                         t)))
+    (with-current-buffer (dired-do-find-regexp from arg interactivep)
+      (xref-query-replace-in-results from to)))
+  )
+(defun diredp-do-grep (command-args)    ; Bound to `C-M-G'
+  "Run `grep' on marked (or next prefix arg) files.
+A prefix argument behaves according to the ARG argument of
+`dired-get-marked-files'.  In particular, `C-u C-u' operates on all
+files in the Dired buffer."
+  (interactive (progn (unless (if (< emacs-major-version 22)
+                                  grep-command
+                                (and grep-command  (or (not grep-use-null-device)  (eq grep-use-null-device t))))
+                        (grep-compute-defaults))
+                      (list (diredp-do-grep-1))))
+  (grep command-args))
+;; Optional arg FILES is no longer used.  It was used in `diredp-do-grep' before the
+;; new `dired-get-marked-files'.
+(defun diredp-do-grep-1 (&optional files)
+  "Helper function for `diredp-do-grep'.
+Non-nil optional arg FILES are the files to grep, overriding the files
+choice described for `diredp-do-grep'."
+  (let ((default  (and (fboundp 'grep-default-command)
+                       (if (fboundp 'grepp-default-regexp-fn) ; In `grep+.el'.
+                           (grep-default-command (funcall (grepp-default-regexp-fn)))
+                         (grep-default-command)))))
+    (read-from-minibuffer
+     "grep <pattern> <files> :  "
+     (let ((up-to-files  (concat grep-command "   ")))
+       (cons (concat up-to-files
+                     (mapconcat #'identity
+                                (or files  (mapcar 'shell-quote-argument
+                                                   (dired-get-marked-files nil current-prefix-arg)))
+                                " "))
+             (- (length up-to-files) 2)))
+     nil nil 'grep-history default)))
+(when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (define-derived-mode diredp-w32-drives-mode fundamental-mode "Drives"
+    "Mode for Dired buffer listing MS Windows drives (local or remote)."
+    (setq buffer-read-only  t)))
+;; The next two commands were originally taken from Emacs Wiki, page WThirtyTwoBrowseNetDrives:
+;; https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WThirtyTwoBrowseNetDrives.  They are referred to there as
+;; commands `show-net-connections' and `netdir'.  I am hoping that the contributor (anonymous)
+;; does not mind my adapting them and including them in `Dired+'.
+(when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-w32-list-mapped-drives () ; Not bound
+    "List network connection information for shared MS Windows resources.
+This just invokes the Windows `NET USE' command."
+    (interactive)
+    (shell-command "net use")
+    (display-buffer "*Shell Command Output*")))
+(when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-w32-drives (&optional other-window-p) ; Bound to `:/'
+    "Visit a list of MS Windows drives for use by Dired.
+With a prefix argument use another window for the list.
+In the list, use `mouse-2' or `RET' to open Dired for a given drive.
+The drives listed are the remote drives currently available, as
+determined by the Windows command `NET USE', plus the local drives
+specified by option `diredp-w32-local-drives', which you can
+Note: When you are in Dired at the root of a drive (e.g. directory
+      `C:/'), command `diredp-up-directory' invokes this command.
+      So you can use `\\[diredp-up-directory]' to go up to the list of drives."
+    (interactive "P")
+    (require 'widget)
+    (let ((drive              (copy-sequence diredp-w32-local-drives))
+          (inhibit-read-only  t))
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (insert (shell-command-to-string "net use"))
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (re-search-forward "[A-Z]: +\\\\\\\\[^ ]+" nil t nil)
+          (setq drive  (cons (split-string (match-string 0)) drive))))
+      (if other-window-p
+          (pop-to-buffer "*Windows Drives*")
+        (if (fboundp 'pop-to-buffer-same-window)
+            (pop-to-buffer-same-window "*Windows Drives*")
+          (switch-to-buffer "*Windows Drives*")))
+      (erase-buffer)
+      (widget-minor-mode 1)
+      (dolist (drv  (sort drive (lambda (a b) (string-lessp (car a) (car b)))))
+        (lexical-let ((drv  drv))
+          (widget-create 'push-button
+                         :notify (lambda (widget &rest ignore) (dired (car drv)))
+                         (concat (car drv) "  " (cadr drv))))
+        (widget-insert "\n"))
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (diredp-w32-drives-mode))))
+;; $$$$$$ NO LONGER USED.  Was used in `diredp-do-grep(-1)' before new `dired-get-marked-files'.
+(defun diredp-all-files ()
+  "List of all files shown in current Dired buffer.
+Directories are not included."
+  (let ((pos    (make-marker))
+        (files  ())
+        file)
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min)) (beginning-of-line)
+      (while (not (eobp))
+        (beginning-of-line)
+        (while (and (not (eobp))  (dired-between-files))  (forward-line 1))
+        (save-excursion (forward-line 1) (move-marker pos (1+ (point))))
+        (setq file  (dired-get-filename nil t)) ; Non-nil second arg means "also . and ..".
+        (when file                      ; Remove directory portion if in same directory.
+          (setq file  (dired-get-filename (dired-in-this-tree file default-directory) t)))
+        (unless (or (not file)  (file-directory-p file))  (push file files))
+        (goto-char pos))
+      (move-marker pos nil))
+    (setq files  (sort files (if (and (featurep 'ls-lisp)
+                                      (not (symbol-value 'ls-lisp-use-insert-directory-program)))
+                                 'ls-lisp-string-lessp
+                               (if case-fold-search
+                                   (lambda (s1 s2) (string-lessp (upcase s1) (upcase s2)))
+                                 'string-lessp))))))
+(when (fboundp 'read-char-choice)       ; Emacs 24+
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+  ;;
+  ;; `l' lists the files involved and prompts again.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-query (sym prompt &rest args)
+    "Format PROMPT with ARGS, query user, and store the result in SYM.
+The return value is either nil or t.
+The user can type:
+ `y' or `SPC' to accept once
+ `n' or `DEL' to skip once
+ `!' to accept this and subsequent queries
+ `l' list the files, showing details per `diredp-list-file-attributes'
+ `q' or `ESC' to decline this and subsequent queries
+If SYM is already bound to a non-nil value, this function may return
+automatically without querying the user.  If SYM is `!', return t; if
+SYM is `q' or ESC, return nil."
+    (let* ((char            (symbol-value sym))
+           (char-choices    '(?y ?\   ?n ?\177 ?! ?l ?q ?\e)) ; Use ?\  , not ?\s, for Emacs 20 byte-compiler.
+           (list-buf        (generate-new-buffer-name "*Files*"))
+           (list-was-shown  nil))
+      (unwind-protect
+           (cond ((eq char ?!) t)       ; Accept, and don't ask again.
+                 ((memq char '(?q ?\e)) nil) ; Skip, and don't ask again.
+                 (t                     ; No previous answer - ask now
+                  (setq prompt  (concat (apply (if (fboundp 'format-message) #'format-message #'format)
+                                               prompt
+                                               args)
+                                        (if help-form
+                                            (format " [Type ynlq! or %s] " (key-description (vector help-char)))
+                                          " [Type y, n, l, q or !] ")))
+                  (set sym (setq char  (read-char-choice prompt char-choices)))
+                  (when (eq char ?l)    ; List files and prompt again.
+                    (diredp-list-files args nil nil nil diredp-list-file-attributes)
+                    (set sym (setq char  (read-char-choice prompt char-choices))))
+                  (and (memq char '(?y ?\   ?!))  t))) ; Use ?\  , not ?\s, for Emacs 20.
+        (when (get-buffer list-buf)
+          (save-window-excursion
+            (pop-to-buffer list-buf)
+            (condition-case nil         ; Ignore error if user already deleted.
+                (if (one-window-p) (delete-frame) (delete-window))
+              (error nil))
+            (if list-was-shown (bury-buffer list-buf) (kill-buffer list-buf)))))))
+  )
+(unless (fboundp 'read-char-choice)     ; Emacs 20-23 (modified the Emacs 23 version).  Needs `dired-query-alist'.
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. `l' lists the files involved and prompts again.
+  ;; 2. Compatible with older Emacs versions (before Emacs 24): can use `dired-query-alist'.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-query (qs-var qs-prompt &rest qs-args)
+    "Query user and return nil or t.
+The user can type:
+ `y' or `SPC' to accept once
+ `n' or `DEL' to skip once
+ `!' to accept this and subsequent queries
+ `l' list the files, showing details per `diredp-list-file-attributes'
+ `q' or `ESC' to decline this and subsequent queries
+Store answer in symbol VAR (which must initially be bound to nil).
+Format PROMPT with ARGS.
+Binding variable `help-form' will help the user who types the help key."
+    (let* ((char               (symbol-value qs-var))
+           (dired-query-alist  (cons '(?l . l) dired-query-alist))
+           (action             (cdr (assoc char dired-query-alist))))
+      (cond ((eq 'yes action) t)        ; Accept, and don't ask again.
+            ((eq 'no action) nil)       ; Skip, and don't ask again.
+            (t                          ; No lasting effects from last time we asked - ask now.
+             (let ((cursor-in-echo-area  t)
+                   (executing-kbd-macro  executing-kbd-macro)
+                   (qprompt              (concat qs-prompt
+                                                 (if help-form
+                                                     (format " [Type ynl!q or %s] "
+                                                             (key-description (char-to-string help-char)))
+                                                   " [Type y, n, l, q or !] ")))
+                   done result elt)
+               (while (not done)
+                 (apply #'message qprompt qs-args)
+                 (setq char  (set qs-var (read-event)))
+                 (when (eq char ?l)     ; List files and prompt again.
+                   (diredp-list-files qs-args nil nil nil diredp-list-file-attributes)
+                   (apply #'message qprompt qs-args)
+                   (setq char  (set qs-var (read-event))))
+                 (if (numberp char)
+                     (cond ((and executing-kbd-macro (= char -1))
+                            ;; `read-event' returns -1 if we are in a keyboard macro and there are no more
+                            ;; events in the macro.  Try to get an event interactively.
+                            (setq executing-kbd-macro  nil))
+                           ((eq (key-binding (vector char)) 'keyboard-quit) (keyboard-quit))
+                           (t (setq done  (setq elt  (assoc char dired-query-alist)))))))
+               ;; Display the question with the answer.
+               (message "%s" (concat (apply #'format qprompt qs-args) (char-to-string char)))
+               (memq (cdr elt) '(t y yes)))))))
+  )
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;; 1. Use `diredp-this-subdir' instead of `dired-get-filename'.
+;; 2. If on a subdir listing header line or a non-dir file in a subdir listing, go to
+;;    the line for the subdirectory in the parent directory listing.
+;; 3. Fit one-window frame after inserting subdir.
+(defun dired-maybe-insert-subdir (dirname &optional switches no-error-if-not-dir-p)
+                                        ; Bound to `i'
+  "Move to Dired subdirectory line or subdirectory listing.
+This bounces you back and forth between a subdirectory line and its
+inserted listing header line.  Using it on a non-directory line in a
+subdirectory listing acts the same as using it on the subdirectory
+header line.
+* If on a subdirectory line, then go to the subdirectory's listing,
+  creating it if not yet present.
+* If on a subdirectory listing header line or a non-directory file in
+  a subdirectory listing, then go to the line for the subdirectory in
+  the parent directory listing.
+* If on a non-directory file in the top Dired directory listing, do
+  nothing.
+Subdirectories are listed in the same position as for `ls -lR' output.
+With a prefix arg, you can edit the `ls' switches used for this
+listing.  Add `R' to the switches to expand the directory tree under a
+Dired remembers the switches you specify with a prefix arg, so
+reverting the buffer does not reset them.  However, you might
+sometimes need to reset some subdirectory switches after a
+`dired-undo'.  You can reset all subdirectory switches to the
+default value using \\<dired-mode-map>\\[dired-reset-subdir-switches].  See \
+Info node
+`(emacs)Subdir switches' for more details."
+  (interactive (list (diredp-this-subdir)
+                     (and current-prefix-arg
+                          (read-string "Switches for listing: "
+                                       (or (and (boundp 'dired-subdir-switches)  dired-subdir-switches)
+                                           dired-actual-switches)))))
+  (let ((opoint    (point))
+        (filename  dirname))
+    (cond ((consp filename)             ; Subdir header line or non-directory file.
+           (setq filename  (car filename))
+           (if (assoc filename dired-subdir-alist)
+               (dired-goto-file filename) ;  Subdir header line.
+             (dired-insert-subdir (substring (file-name-directory filename) 0 -1))))
+          (t
+           ;; We don't need a marker for opoint as the subdir is always
+           ;; inserted *after* opoint.
+           (setq dirname  (file-name-as-directory dirname))
+           (or (and (not switches)  (dired-goto-subdir dirname))
+               (dired-insert-subdir dirname switches no-error-if-not-dir-p))
+           ;; Push mark so that it's easy to go back.  Do this after the
+           ;; insertion message so that the user sees the `Mark set' message.
+           (push-mark opoint)
+           (when (and (get-buffer-window (current-buffer)) ; Fit one-window frame.
+                      (fboundp 'fit-frame-if-one-window)) ; In `autofit-frame.el'.
+             (fit-frame-if-one-window))))))
+(defun diredp-this-subdir ()
+  "This line's filename, if directory, or `dired-current-directory' list.
+If on a directory line, then return the directory name.
+Else return a singleton list of a directory name, which is as follows:
+  If on a subdirectory header line (either of the two lines), then use
+  that subdirectory name.  Else use the parent directory name."
+  (or (let ((file  (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+        (and file
+             (file-directory-p file)
+             (not (member (file-relative-name file (file-name-directory (directory-file-name file)))
+                          '("." ".." "./" "../")))
+             file))
+      (list (dired-current-directory))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+;; 1. Added optional arg FROM, which is also listed by `l' when prompted.
+;; 2. Added missing doc string.
+(defun dired-handle-overwrite (to &optional from)
+  "Save old version of file TO that is to be overwritten.
+`dired-overwrite-confirmed' and `overwrite-backup-query' are fluid vars
+from `dired-create-files'.
+Optional arg FROM is a file being copied or renamed to TO.  It is used
+only when a user hits `l' to list files when asked whether to
+  (let (backup)
+    (when (and dired-backup-overwrite
+               dired-overwrite-confirmed
+               (setq backup (car (find-backup-file-name to)))
+               (or (eq 'always dired-backup-overwrite)
+                   (dired-query 'overwrite-backup-query "Make backup for existing file `%s'? " to from)))
+      (rename-file to backup 0)         ; Confirm overwrite of old backup.
+      (dired-relist-entry backup))))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-copy-file-recursive) ; Emacs 22+
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. Pass also FROM to `dired-handle-overwrite', so `l' lists it too.
+  ;; 2. Added missing doc string.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-copy-file (from to ok-if-already-exists)
+    "Copy file FROM to location TO.
+Non-nil arg OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is passed to `copy-file' or
+ `make-symbolic-link'.
+Preserves the last-modified date when copying, unless
+`dired-copy-preserve-time' is nil."
+    (dired-handle-overwrite to from)
+    (dired-copy-file-recursive from to ok-if-already-exists dired-copy-preserve-time t dired-recursive-copies))
+  ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+  ;;
+  ;; 1. Pass also FROM to `dired-handle-overwrite', so `l' lists it too.
+  ;; 2. Added missing doc string.
+  ;;
+  (defun dired-copy-file-recursive (from to ok-if-already-exists &optional keep-time top recursive)
+    "Copy file FROM to location TO, handling directories in FROM recursively.
+Non-nil arg OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is passed to `copy-file' or
+ `make-symbolic-link'.
+Non-nil optional arg KEEP-TIME is passed to `copy-file' or
+ `copy-directory'.
+Non-nil optional arg TOP means do not bother with `dired-handle-overwrite'.
+Non-nil optional arg RECURSIVE means recurse on any directories in
+ FROM, after confirmation if RECURSIVE is not `always'."
+    (when (and (eq t (car (file-attributes from)))  (file-in-directory-p to from))
+      (error "Cannot copy `%s' into its subdirectory `%s'" from to))
+    (let ((attrs  (file-attributes from)))
+      (if (and recursive
+               (eq t (car attrs))
+               (or (eq recursive 'always)  (yes-or-no-p (format "Recursive copies of %s? " from))))
+          (copy-directory from to keep-time)
+        (or top  (dired-handle-overwrite to from))
+        (condition-case err
+            (if (stringp (car attrs))   ; It is a symlink
+                (make-symbolic-link (car attrs) to ok-if-already-exists)
+              (copy-file from to ok-if-already-exists keep-time))
+          (file-date-error
+           (push (dired-make-relative from) dired-create-files-failures)
+           (dired-log "Can't set date on %s:\n%s\n" from err))))))
+  )
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+;; 1. Pass also FILE to `dired-handle-overwrite', so `l' lists it too.
+;; 2. Added missing doc string.
+(defun dired-rename-file (file newname ok-if-already-exists)
+  "Rename FILE to NEWNAME.
+Non-nil arg OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is passed to `rename-file'."
+  (dired-handle-overwrite newname file)
+  (rename-file file newname ok-if-already-exists) ; Error is caught in `-create-files'.
+  ;; Silently rename the visited file of any buffer visiting this file.
+  (and (get-file-buffer file)  (with-current-buffer (get-file-buffer file) (set-visited-file-name newname nil t)))
+  (dired-remove-file file)
+  ;; See if it's an inserted subdir, and rename that, too.
+  (dired-rename-subdir file newname))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'
+;; Pass also FILE to `dired-handle-overwrite', so `l' lists it too.
+(defun dired-hardlink (file newname &optional ok-if-already-exists)
+  "Give FILE additional name NEWNAME.
+Non-nil arg OK-IF-ALREADY-EXISTS is passed to `add-name-to-file'."
+  (dired-handle-overwrite newname file)
+  (add-name-to-file file newname ok-if-already-exists) ; Error is caught in -create-files'.
+  (dired-relist-file file))             ; Update the link count.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; No-op: does nothing now.
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-validate (dirname &optional switches))
+;;; $$$$$$$$
+;;; ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; 1. Do not require that DIRNAME be in the current directory tree (no error if not).
+;;; ;; 2. Use `dolist' instead of `mapcar'.
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defun dired-insert-subdir-validate (dirname &optional switches)
+;;;   "Raise an error if it is invalid to insert DIRNAME with SWITCHES."
+;;; ;;; (or (dired-in-this-tree dirname (expand-file-name default-directory)) ; REMOVED
+;;; ;;;     (error  "%s: not in this directory tree" dirname))
+;;;   (let ((real-switches  (or switches  (and (boundp 'dired-subdir-switches) ; Emacs 22+
+;;;                                            dired-subdir-switches))))
+;;;     (when real-switches
+;;;       (let (case-fold-search)
+;;;         (dolist (switchs  '("F" "b"))   ; Switches that matter for `dired-get-filename'.
+;;;           (unless (eq (null (diredp-string-match-p switchs real-switches))
+;;;                       (null (diredp-string-match-p switchs dired-actual-switches)))
+;;;             (error "Can't have dirs with and without `-%s' switches together" switchs)))))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;; If NEW-DIR is not a descendant of a directory in the buffer, put it at eob.
+(defun dired-insert-subdir-newpos (new-dir)
+  "Move to the proper position for inserting NEW-DIR, and return it.
+Respect the order within each directory tree.  But if NEW-DIR is not a
+descendant of any directory in the buffer, then put it at the end."
+  (let ((alist  dired-subdir-alist)
+        elt dir new-pos)
+    (while alist
+      (setq elt    (car alist)
+            alist  (cdr alist)
+            dir    (car elt))
+      (if (dired-tree-lessp dir new-dir)
+          (setq new-pos  (dired-get-subdir-max elt) ; Position NEW-DIR after DIR.
+                alist    ())
+        (setq new-pos  (point-max))))
+    (goto-char new-pos))
+  (unless (eobp) (forward-line -1))
+  (insert "\n")
+  (point))
+;; This is like original `dired-hide-subdir' in `dired-aux.el', except:
+;; 1. Plain prefix arg means invoke `dired-hide-all'.  Added optional arg NEXT.
+;; 2. Do not move to the next subdir.
+;; 3. Modified to work with also with older Emacs versions.
+(defun diredp-hide-subdir-nomove (arg &optional next)
+  "Hide or unhide the current directory.
+Unlike `dired-hide-subdir', this does not advance the cursor to the
+next directory header line.
+With a plain prefix arg (`C-u'), invoke `dired-hide-all' to hide or
+ show everything.
+With a numeric prefix arg N, hide this subdirectory and the next N-1
+ subdirectories."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (dired-hide-check)
+  (if (consp arg)
+      (dired-hide-all 'IGNORED)         ; Arg needed for older Emacs versions.
+    (setq arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+    (let ((modflag  (buffer-modified-p)))
+      (while (>=  (setq arg  (1- arg)) 0)
+        (let* ((cur-dir   (dired-current-directory))
+               (hidden-p  (dired-subdir-hidden-p cur-dir))
+               (elt       (assoc cur-dir dired-subdir-alist))
+               (end-pos   (1- (dired-get-subdir-max elt)))
+               buffer-read-only)
+          (goto-char (dired-get-subdir-min elt)) ; Keep header line visible, hide rest
+          (skip-chars-forward "^\n\r")
+          (if hidden-p
+              (subst-char-in-region (point) end-pos ?\r ?\n)
+            (subst-char-in-region (point) end-pos ?\n ?\r)))
+        (when next (dired-next-subdir 1 t)))
+      (if (fboundp 'restore-buffer-modified-p)
+          (restore-buffer-modified-p modflag)
+        (set-buffer-modified-p modflag)))))
+;;; ----------------------
+;;; If we instead renamed `diredp-hide-subdir-nomove' to `dired-hide-subdir' as a replacement,
+;;; then we would define things this way:
+;;; ;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-aux.el'.
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; 1. Plain prefix arg means invoke `dired-hide-all'.  Added optional arg NEXT.
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; 2. Do not move to the next subdir.
+;;; ;;
+;;; ;; 3. Modified to work with also with older Emacs versions.
+;;; ;;
+;;; (defun dired-hide-subdir (arg &optional next)
+;;;   "Hide or unhide the current directory.
+;;; Unlike `diredp-hide-subdir-goto-next', this does not advance the
+;;; cursor to the next directory header line.
+;;; With a plain prefix arg (`C-u'), invoke `dired-hide-all' to hide or
+;;;  show everything.
+;;; With a numeric prefix arg N, hide this subdirectory and the next N-1
+;;;  subdirectories."
+;;;   (interactive "P")
+;;;   (dired-hide-check)
+;;;   (if (consp arg)
+;;;       (dired-hide-all 'IGNORED)         ; Arg needed for older Emacs versions.
+;;;     (setq arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg))
+;;;     (let ((modflag  (buffer-modified-p)))
+;;;       (while (>=  (setq arg  (1- arg)) 0)
+;;;         (let* ((cur-dir   (dired-current-directory))
+;;;                (hidden-p  (dired-subdir-hidden-p cur-dir))
+;;;                (elt       (assoc cur-dir dired-subdir-alist))
+;;;                (end-pos   (1- (dired-get-subdir-max elt)))
+;;;                buffer-read-only)
+;;;           (goto-char (dired-get-subdir-min elt)) ; Keep header line visible, hide rest
+;;;           (skip-chars-forward "^\n\r")
+;;;           (if hidden-p
+;;;               (subst-char-in-region (point) end-pos ?\r ?\n)
+;;;             (subst-char-in-region (point) end-pos ?\n ?\r)))
+;;;         (when next (dired-next-subdir 1 t)))
+;;;       (if (fboundp 'restore-buffer-modified-p)
+;;;           (restore-buffer-modified-p modflag)
+;;;         (set-buffer-modified-p modflag)))))
+;;; (defun diredp-hide-subdir-goto-next (arg)
+;;;   "Hide or unhide current directory and move to next directory header line."
+;;;   (interactive "P")
+;;;   (dired-hide-subdir arg 'NEXT))
+;;; ----------------------
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-x.el'.
+;; Fix the `interactive' spec.  This is the Emacs 24+ version, provided for earlier versions.
+(unless (> emacs-major-version 23)
+  (defun dired-mark-unmarked-files (regexp msg &optional unflag-p localp)
+    "Mark unmarked files matching REGEXP, displaying MSG.
+REGEXP is matched against the entire file name.  When called
+interactively, prompt for REGEXP.
+With prefix argument, unflag all those files.
+ Returns t if any work was done, nil otherwise.
+ Optional fourth argument LOCALP is as in `dired-get-filename'."
+    (interactive (list (diredp-read-regexp "Mark unmarked files matching regexp (default all): ")
+                       nil
+                       current-prefix-arg
+                       nil))
+    (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unflag-p ?\   dired-marker-char))
+          (unmarkedp          (eq (char-after) ?\   )))
+      (diredp-mark-if (and (if unflag-p (not unmarkedp) unmarkedp) ; Fixes Emacs bug #27465.
+                           (let ((fn  (dired-get-filename localp 'NO-ERROR))) ; Uninteresting
+                             (and fn  (diredp-string-match-p regexp fn))))
+                      msg))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-x.el'.
+;; 1. Call `dired-get-marked-files' with original ARG, to get its multi-`C-u' behavior.
+;; 2. Doc string updated to reflect change to `dired-simultaneous-find-file'.
+;; 3. Added optional arg INTERACTIVEP.
+;; 4. Do not raise error if no files when not INTERACTIVEP.
+(defun dired-do-find-marked-files (&optional arg interactivep) ; Bound to `F'
+  "Find marked files, displaying all of them simultaneously.
+With no prefix argument:
+* If `pop-up-frames' is nil then split the current window across all
+  marked files, as evenly as possible.  Remaining lines go to the
+  bottom-most window.  The number of files that can be displayed this
+  way is restricted by the height of the current window and
+  `window-min-height'.
+* If `pop-up-frames' is non-nil then show each marked file in a
+  separate frame (not window).
+With a prefix argument:
+* One or more plain `C-u' behaves as for `dired-get-marked-files'.
+  In particular, `C-u C-u' means ignore any markings and operate on
+  ALL files and directories (except `.' and `..') in the Dired buffer.
+* A numeric prefix arg >= 0 means just find (visit) the marked files -
+  do not show them.
+* A numeric prefix arg < 0 means show each marked file in a separate
+  frame (not window).  (This is the same behavior as no prefix arg
+  with non-nil `pop-up-frames'.)
+Note that a numeric prefix argument acts differently with this command
+than it does with other `dired-do-*' commands: it does NOT act on the
+next or previous (abs ARG) files, ignoring markings.
+To keep the Dired buffer displayed, split the window (e.g., `C-x 2')
+first.  To show only the marked files, type `\\[delete-other-windows]' first.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked."
+  (interactive "P\np")
+  (dired-simultaneous-find-file
+   (dired-get-marked-files nil (and (consp arg)  arg) nil nil interactivep)
+   (and arg  (prefix-numeric-value arg))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-x.el'.
+;; Use separate frames instead of windows if `pop-up-frames' is non-nil,
+;; or if prefix arg is negative.
+(defun dired-simultaneous-find-file (file-list option)
+  "Visit all files in list FILE-LIST and display them simultaneously.
+With non-nil OPTION >= 0, the files are found (visited) but not shown.
+If `pop-up-frames' is non-nil or if OPTION < 0, use a separate frame
+for each file.  (See also option `diredp-max-frames'.)
+Otherwise, the current window is split across all files in FILE-LIST,
+as evenly as possible.  Remaining lines go to the bottom-most window.
+The number of files that can be displayed this way is restricted by
+the height of the current window and the value of variable
+  ;; This is not interactive because it is usually too clumsy to specify FILE-LIST interactively unless via dired.
+  (let (size)
+    (cond ((and option  (natnump option))
+           (while file-list (find-file-noselect (car file-list)) (pop file-list)))
+          ((or pop-up-frames  option)
+           (let ((nb-files  (length file-list)))
+             (when (and (> nb-files diredp-max-frames)
+                        (not (y-or-n-p (format "Really show %d files in separate frames? " nb-files))))
+               (error "OK, canceled"))
+             (while file-list (find-file-other-frame (car file-list)) (pop file-list))))
+          (t
+           (setq size  (/ (window-height) (length file-list)))
+           (when (> window-min-height size) (error "Too many files to show simultaneously"))
+           (find-file (car file-list))
+           (pop file-list)
+           (while file-list
+             ;; Vertically split off a window of desired size. Upper window will have SIZE lines.
+             ;; Select lower (larger) window.  We split it again.
+             (select-window (split-window nil size))
+             (find-file (car file-list))
+             (pop file-list))))))
+;;;;;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in both `dired.el' and `dired-x.el':
+;;;;;; 1. This incorporates the `dired-x.el' change to the `dired.el'
+;;;;;;    definition.  This version works with or without using dired-x.
+;;;;;;    The `dired-x.el' version respects the var `dired-find-subdir'.
+;;;;;;    When `dired-find-subdir' is non-nil, this version is the same
+;;;;;;    as the `dired-x.el' version, except that a bug is corrected:
+;;;;;;    Whenever the argument to `dired-find-buffer-nocreate' is a cons,
+;;;;;;    the call to `dired-buffers-for-dir' gave a wrong type error.
+;;;;;;    This has been avoided by not respecting `dired-find-subdir'
+;;;;;;    whenever `dired-find-buffer-nocreate' is a cons.
+;;;;;;    For the case when `dired-find-subdir' is nil, see #2, below.
+;;;;;; 2. Unless `dired-find-subdir' is bound and non-nil:
+;;;;;;    If both DIRNAME and `dired-directory' are conses, then only
+;;;;;;    compare their cars (directories), not their explicit file lists
+;;;;;;    too.  If equal, then update `dired-directory's file list to that
+;;;;;;    of DIRNAME.
+;;;;;;    This prevents `dired-internal-noselect' (which is currently
+;;;;;;    `dired-find-buffer-nocreate's only caller) from creating a new
+;;;;;;    buffer in this case whenever a different set of files is present
+;;;;;;    in the cdr of DIRNAME and DIRNAME represents the same buffer as
+;;;;;;    `dired-directory'.
+;;;;;;    If only one of DIRNAME and `dired-directory' is a cons, then
+;;;;;;    this returns nil.
+;;;;(defun dired-find-buffer-nocreate (dirname &optional mode)
+;;;;  (let ((atomic-dirname-p  (atom dirname)))
+;;;;    (if (and (boundp 'dired-find-subdir) dired-find-subdir atomic-dirname-p)
+;;;;        ;; This is the `dired-x.el' change:
+;;;;        (let* ((cur-buf (current-buffer))
+;;;;               (buffers (nreverse (dired-buffers-for-dir dirname)))
+;;;;               (cur-buf-matches (and (memq cur-buf buffers)
+;;;;                                     ;; Files list (wildcards) must match, too:
+;;;;                                     (equal dired-directory dirname))))
+;;;;          (setq buffers  (delq cur-buf buffers)) ; Avoid using same buffer---
+;;;;          (or (car (sort buffers (function dired-buffer-more-recently-used-p)))
+;;;;              (and cur-buf-matches cur-buf))) ; ---unless no other possibility.
+;;;;      ;; Comment from `dired.el':
+;;;;      ;;  This differs from `dired-buffers-for-dir' in that it doesn't consider
+;;;;      ;;  subdirs of `default-directory' and searches for the first match only.
+;;;;      (let ((blist dired-buffers)       ; was (buffer-list)
+;;;;            found)
+;;;;        (or mode (setq mode  'dired-mode))
+;;;;        (while blist
+;;;;          (if (null (buffer-name (cdr (car blist))))
+;;;;              (setq blist  (cdr blist))
+;;;;            (save-excursion
+;;;;              (set-buffer (cdr (car blist)))
+;;;;              (if (not (and (eq major-mode mode)
+;;;;                            ;; DIRNAME and `dired-directory' have the same dir,
+;;;;                            ;; and if either of them has an explicit file list,
+;;;;                            ;; then both of them do.  In that case, update
+;;;;                            ;; `dired-directory's file list from DIRNAME.
+;;;;                            (if atomic-dirname-p
+;;;;                                (and (atom dired-directory) ; Both are atoms.
+;;;;                                     (string= (file-truename dirname)
+;;;;                                              (file-truename dired-directory)))
+;;;;                              (and (consp dired-directory) ; Both are conses.
+;;;;                                   (string=
+;;;;                                    (file-truename (car dirname))
+;;;;                                    (file-truename (car dired-directory)))
+;;;;                                   ;; Update `dired-directory's file list.
+;;;;                                   (setq dired-directory  dirname)))))
+;;;;                  (setq blist  (cdr blist))
+;;;;                (setq found  (cdr (car blist)))
+;;;;                (setq blist  nil)))))
+;;;;        found))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-x.el'.
+;; Require confirmation.  Fixes Emacs bug #13561.
+(defun dired-do-run-mail ()
+  "If `dired-bind-vm' is non-nil, call `dired-vm', else call `dired-rmail'."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless (y-or-n-p "Read all marked mail folders? ") (error "OK, canceled"))
+  (if dired-bind-vm
+      ;; Read mail folder using vm.
+      (dired-vm)
+    ;; Read mail folder using rmail.
+    (dired-rmail)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; 1. Put `mouse-face' on whole line, not just file name.
+;; 2. Add text property `dired-filename' to only the file name.
+;; 3. Show image-file preview on mouseover, if `tooltip-mode'
+;;    and if `diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip'.
+(defun dired-insert-set-properties (beg end)
+  "Add various text properties to the lines in the region.
+Highlight entire line upon mouseover.
+Add text property `dired-filename' to the file name.
+Handle `dired-hide-details-mode' invisibility spec (Emacs 24.4+)."
+  (let ((inhibit-field-text-motion  t)) ; Just in case.
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char beg)
+      (while (< (point) end)
+        (condition-case nil
+            (cond ((dired-move-to-filename)
+                   (add-text-properties (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position)
+                                        '(mouse-face highlight help-echo diredp-mouseover-help))
+                   (put-text-property
+                    (point) (save-excursion (dired-move-to-end-of-filename) (point))
+                    'dired-filename t)
+                   (when (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode) ; Emacs 24.4+
+                     (put-text-property (+ (line-beginning-position) 1) (1- (point))
+                                        'invisible 'dired-hide-details-detail)
+                     (dired-move-to-end-of-filename)
+                     (when (< (+ (point) 4) (line-end-position))
+                       (put-text-property (+ (point) 4) (line-end-position)
+                                          'invisible 'dired-hide-details-link))))
+                  ((fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode) ; Emacs 24.4+
+                   (unless (or (diredp-looking-at-p "^$")  (diredp-looking-at-p dired-subdir-regexp))
+                     (put-text-property (line-beginning-position) (1+ (line-end-position))
+                                        'invisible 'dired-hide-details-information))))
+          (error nil))
+        (forward-line 1)))))
+(defun diredp-mouseover-help (window buffer pos)
+  "Show `help-echo' help for a file name, in Dired.
+If `tooltip-mode' is on and `diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip' says to
+show an image preview, then do so.  Otherwise, show text help."
+  (let ((image-dired-thumb-width   (or (and (wholenump diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip)
+                                            diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip)
+                                       image-dired-thumb-width))
+        (image-dired-thumb-height  (or (and (wholenump diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip)
+                                            diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip)
+                                       image-dired-thumb-height))
+        file)
+    (or (and (boundp 'tooltip-mode)  tooltip-mode
+             (fboundp 'image-file-name-regexp) ; Emacs 22+, `image-file.el'.
+             diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip
+             (condition-case nil
+                 (and (with-current-buffer buffer
+                        (save-excursion (goto-char pos)
+                                        (diredp-string-match-p
+                                         (image-file-name-regexp)
+                                         (setq file  (if (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
+                                                         (dired-get-filename nil 'NO-ERROR)
+                                                       ;; Make it work also for `diredp-list-files' listings.
+                                                       (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
+                                                                                       (line-end-position)))))))
+                      (or (not diredp-auto-focus-frame-for-thumbnail-tooltip-flag)
+                          (progn (select-frame-set-input-focus (window-frame window)) t))
+                      (let ((img-file  (if (eq 'full diredp-image-preview-in-tooltip)
+                                           file
+                                         (diredp-image-dired-create-thumb file))))
+                        (propertize " " 'display (create-image img-file))))
+               (error nil)))
+        (if (fboundp 'describe-file)    ; Library `help-fns+.el'
+            "mouse-2: visit in another window, C-h RET: describe"
+          "mouse-2: visit this file/dir in another window"))))
+;; `dired-hide-details-mode' enhancements.
+(when (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode) ; Emacs 24.4+
+  (defun diredp-hide-details-if-dired ()
+    "In Dired mode hide details.  Outside Dired, do nothing."
+    (when (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) (dired-hide-details-mode 1)))
+  ;; Use `eval' of list so file byte-compiled in Emacs 20 will be OK in later versions.
+  (eval '(define-globalized-minor-mode global-dired-hide-details-mode
+          dired-hide-details-mode diredp-hide-details-if-dired))
+  (eval '(define-minor-mode dired-hide-details-mode
+          "Hide details in Dired mode."
+          (and diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag  diredp-hide-details-last-state)
+          :group 'dired
+          (unless (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode) (error "Not a Dired buffer"))
+          (dired-hide-details-update-invisibility-spec)
+          (setq diredp-hide-details-toggled  t)
+          (when diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag
+            (setq diredp-hide-details-last-state  dired-hide-details-mode))
+          (if dired-hide-details-mode
+              (add-hook 'wdired-mode-hook 'dired-hide-details-update-invisibility-spec nil t)
+            (remove-hook 'wdired-mode-hook 'dired-hide-details-update-invisibility-spec t))))
+  (defun diredp-hide/show-details ()
+    "Hide/show details according to user options.
+If `diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag' is non-nil and details have
+never been hidden in the buffer, then hide/show according to your last
+hide/show choice in any other Dired buffer or, if no last choice,
+according to option `diredp-hide-details-initially-flag'."
+    (unless (or diredp-hide-details-toggled ; No op if hide/show already set.
+                (buffer-narrowed-p))    ; No-op when showing just newly copied file etc.
+      (cond (diredp-hide-details-propagate-flag
+             (dired-hide-details-mode (if diredp-hide-details-last-state 1 -1)))
+            (diredp-hide-details-initially-flag
+             (dired-hide-details-mode 1)))))
+  (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook #'diredp-hide/show-details)
+  (defun diredp-fit-frame-unless-buffer-narrowed ()
+    "Fit frame unless Dired buffer is narrowed.
+Requires library `autofit-frame.el'."
+    (when (and (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))  (not (buffer-narrowed-p)))
+      (fit-frame-if-one-window)))
+  ;; Fit frame only if not narrowed.  Put it on this hook because `dired-hide-details-mode' is
+  ;; invoked from `dired-after-readin-hook' via `diredp-hide/show-details', even for an update
+  ;; such as copying a file, where buffer is narrowed when invoked.
+  (when (fboundp 'fit-frame-if-one-window) ; In `autofit-frame.el'.
+    (add-hook 'dired-hide-details-mode-hook #'diredp-fit-frame-unless-buffer-narrowed)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Reset `mode-line-process' to nil.
+(when (< emacs-major-version 21)
+  (or (fboundp 'old-dired-revert)  (fset 'old-dired-revert (symbol-function 'dired-revert)))
+  (defun dired-revert (&optional arg noconfirm)
+    (setq mode-line-process  nil)        ; Set by, e.g., `find-dired'.
+    (old-dired-revert arg noconfirm)))
+;; Like `dired-up-directory', but go up to MS Windows drive if in top-level directory.
+(defun diredp-up-directory (&optional other-window) ; Bound to `^'
+  "Run Dired on parent directory of current directory.
+Find the parent directory either in this buffer or another buffer.
+Creates a buffer if necessary.
+With a prefix arg, Dired the parent directory in another window.
+On MS Windows, if you are already at the root directory, invoke
+`diredp-w32-drives' to visit a navigable list of Windows drives."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* ((dir  (dired-current-directory))
+         (up   (file-name-directory (directory-file-name dir))))
+    (or (dired-goto-file (directory-file-name dir))
+        ;; Only try `dired-goto-subdir' if buffer has more than one dir.
+        (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-goto-subdir up))
+        (progn (if other-window (dired-other-window up) (dired up))
+               (dired-goto-file dir))
+        (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))  (diredp-w32-drives other-window)))))
+(defun diredp-up-directory-reuse-dir-buffer (&optional other-window) ; Not bound
+  "Like `diredp-up-directory', but reuse Dired buffers.
+With a prefix arg, Dired the parent directory in another window.
+On MS Windows, moving up from a root Dired buffer does not kill that
+buffer (the Windows drives buffer is not really a Dired buffer)."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let* ((dir      (dired-current-directory))
+         (dirfile  (directory-file-name dir))
+         (up       (file-name-directory dirfile)))
+    (or (dired-goto-file dirfile)
+        ;; Only try `dired-goto-subdir' if buffer has more than one dir.
+        (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-goto-subdir up)) ; It is a subdir inserted in current Dired.
+        (progn (diredp--reuse-dir-buffer-helper up nil nil other-window)
+               (dired-goto-file dir))
+        (and (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))  (diredp-w32-drives other-window)))))
+;; Differs from `dired-next-line' in both wraparound and respect of `goal-column'.
+(defun diredp-next-line (arg)           ; Bound to `SPC', `n', `C-n', `down'
+  "Move down lines then position cursor at filename.
+If `goal-column' is non-nil then put the cursor at that column.
+Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one line.
+If `diredp-wrap-around-flag' is non-nil then wrap around if none is
+found before the buffer end (buffer beginning, if ARG is negative).
+Otherwise, just move to the buffer limit."
+  (interactive (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                 (when (and (boundp 'shift-select-mode)  shift-select-mode) (handle-shift-selection)) ; Emacs 23+
+                 (list narg)))          ; Equivalent to "^p"
+  (let* ((line-move-visual  nil)
+         ;; (goal-column       nil)
+         ;; Use `condition-case' and `(progn... t)' because Emacs < 22 `line-move' has no
+         ;; NO-ERROR arg and it always returns nil.
+         (no-more           (or (not (condition-case nil (progn (line-move arg) t) (error nil)))
+                                (if (< arg 0) (bobp) (eobp)))))
+    (when (and diredp-wrap-around-flag  no-more)
+      (let ((diredp-wrap-around-flag  nil))
+        (goto-char (if (< arg 0) (point-max) (point-min)))
+        (diredp-next-line arg)))
+    ;; We never want to move point into an invisible line.
+    (while (and (fboundp 'invisible-p)  ; Emacs 22+
+                (invisible-p (point))
+                (not (if (and arg  (< arg 0)) (bobp) (eobp))))
+      (forward-char (if (and arg  (< arg 0)) -1 1)))
+    (unless goal-column (dired-move-to-filename))))
+;; In Emacs < 22, `C-p' does not wrap around, because it never moves to the first header line.
+(defun diredp-previous-line (arg)       ; Bound to `p', `C-p', `up'
+  "Move up lines then position cursor at filename.
+If `goal-column' is non-nil then put the cursor at that column.
+Optional prefix ARG says how many lines to move; default is one line.
+If `diredp-wrap-around-flag' is non-nil then wrap around if none is
+found before the buffer beginning (buffer end, if ARG is negative).
+Otherwise, just move to the buffer limit."
+  (interactive (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                 (when (and (boundp 'shift-select-mode)  shift-select-mode) (handle-shift-selection)) ; Emacs 23+
+                 (list narg)))          ; Equivalent to "^p"
+  (diredp-next-line (- (or arg  1))))
+(defun diredp-next-dirline (arg &optional opoint) ; Bound to `>'
+  "Goto ARGth next directory file line.
+If `diredp-wrap-around-flag' is non-nil then wrap around if none is
+found before the buffer beginning (buffer end, if ARG is negative).
+Otherwise, raise an error or, if NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-FOUND is nil, return
+  (interactive (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                 (when (and (boundp 'shift-select-mode)  shift-select-mode) (handle-shift-selection)) ; Emacs 23+
+                 (list narg)))          ; Equivalent to "^p"
+  (or opoint  (setq opoint  (point)))
+  (if (if (> arg 0)
+          (re-search-forward dired-re-dir nil t arg)
+        (beginning-of-line)
+        (re-search-backward dired-re-dir nil t (- arg)))
+      (dired-move-to-filename)          ; user may type `i' or `f'
+    (if diredp-wrap-around-flag
+        (let ((diredp-wrap-around-flag  nil))
+          (goto-char (if (< arg 0) (point-max) (point-min)))
+          (diredp-next-dirline arg opoint))
+      (goto-char opoint)
+      (error "No more subdirectories"))))
+(defun diredp-prev-dirline (arg)        ; Bound to `<'
+  "Goto ARGth previous directory file line."
+  (interactive (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                 (when (and (boundp 'shift-select-mode)  shift-select-mode) (handle-shift-selection)) ; Emacs 23+
+                 (list narg)))          ; Equivalent to "^p"
+  (diredp-next-dirline (- arg)))
+(defun diredp-next-subdir (arg &optional no-error-if-not-found no-skip) ; Bound to `C-M-n'
+  "Go to the next subdirectory, regardless of level.
+If ARG = 0 then go to this directory's header line.
+If `diredp-wrap-around-flag' is non-nil then wrap around if none is
+found before the buffer end (buffer beginning, if ARG is negative).
+Otherwise, raise an error or, if NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-FOUND is nil, return
+Non-nil NO-SKIP means do not move to end of header line, and return
+the position moved to so far."
+  (interactive (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+                 (when (and (boundp 'shift-select-mode)  shift-select-mode) (handle-shift-selection)) ; Emacs 23+
+                 (list narg)))          ; Equivalent to "^p"
+  (let ((this-dir  (dired-current-directory))
+        pos index)
+    ;; `nth' with negative arg does not return nil but the first element
+    (setq index  (if diredp-wrap-around-flag
+                     (mod (- (dired-subdir-index this-dir) arg) (length dired-subdir-alist))
+                   (- (dired-subdir-index this-dir) arg))
+          pos    (and (>= index 0)  (dired-get-subdir-min (nth index dired-subdir-alist))))
+    (if pos
+        (progn (goto-char pos)
+               (or no-skip  (skip-chars-forward "^\n\r"))
+               (point))
+      (if no-error-if-not-found
+          nil                           ; Return nil if not found
+        (error "%s directory" (if (> arg 0) "Last" "First"))))))
+(defun diredp-prev-subdir (arg &optional no-error-if-not-found no-skip) ; Bound to `C-M-p'
+  "Go to the previous subdirectory, regardless of level.
+When called interactively and not on a subdir line, go to this subdir's line.
+Otherwise, this is a mirror image of `diredp-next-subdir'."
+  ;;(interactive "^p")
+  (interactive
+   (list (if current-prefix-arg
+             (let ((narg  (prefix-numeric-value current-prefix-arg)))
+               (when (and (boundp 'shift-select-mode)  shift-select-mode) (handle-shift-selection)) ; Emacs 23+
+               narg)                    ; Equivalent to "^p"
+           ;; If on subdir start already then do not stay there.
+           (if (dired-get-subdir) 1 0))))
+  (diredp-next-subdir (- arg) no-error-if-not-found no-skip))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; 1. Test also ./ and ../, in addition to . and .., for error "Cannot operate on `.' or `..'".
+;; 2. Hack for Emacs 20-22, to expand `~/...'.
+(defun dired-get-filename (&optional localp no-error-if-not-filep)
+  "In Dired, return name of file mentioned on this line.
+Value returned normally includes the directory name.
+Optional arg LOCALP:
+ `no-dir' means do not include directory name in result.
+ `verbatim' means  return the name exactly as it occurs in the buffer.
+ Any other non-nil value means construct the name relative to
+  `default-directory', which still might contain slashes if point is
+  in a subdirectory.
+Non-nil optional arg NO-ERROR-IF-NOT-FILEP means treat `.' and `..' as
+regular filenames and return nil if there is no filename on this line.
+Otherwise, an error occurs in these cases."
+  (let ((case-fold-search  nil)
+        (already-absolute  nil)
+        file p1 p2)
+    (save-excursion (when (setq p1  (dired-move-to-filename (not no-error-if-not-filep)))
+                      (setq p2  (dired-move-to-end-of-filename no-error-if-not-filep))))
+    ;; nil if no file on this line but `no-error-if-not-filep' is t:
+    (when (setq file  (and p1  p2  (buffer-substring p1 p2)))
+      ;; Get rid of the mouse-face property that file names have.
+      (set-text-properties 0 (length file) nil file)
+      ;; Unquote names quoted by `ls' or by `dired-insert-directory'.
+      ;; Prior to Emacs 23.3, this code was written using `read' (see commented code below),
+      ;; because that is faster than substituting \007 (4 chars) -> ^G (1 char) etc. in a loop.
+      ;; Unfortunately, that implementation required hacks such as dealing with filenames
+      ;; with quotation marks in their names.
+      (while (string-match (if (> emacs-major-version 21)
+                               "\\(?:[^\\]\\|\\`\\)\\(\"\\)" ; Shy group: Emacs 22+.
+                             "\\([^\\]\\|\\`\\)\\(\"\\)")
+                           file)
+        (setq file  (replace-match "\\\"" nil t file 1)))
+      ;; $$$ This was the code for that unquoting prior to Emacs 23.3:
+      ;; (setq file  (read (concat "\"" ; Some `ls -b' do not escape quotes.  But GNU `ls' is OK.
+      ;;                           (or (dired-string-replace-match
+      ;;                                "\\([^\\]\\|\\`\\)\"" file "\\1\\\\\"" nil t)
+      ;;                               file)
+      ;;                           "\"")))
+      ;; This sexp was added by Emacs 24, to fix bug #10469:
+      ;; Unescape any spaces escaped by `ls -b'.
+      ;; Other `-b' quotes, such as \t and \n, work transparently.
+      (when (dired-switches-escape-p dired-actual-switches)
+        (let ((start  0)
+              (rep    "")
+              (shift  -1))
+          (when (eq localp 'verbatim)  (setq rep    "\\\\"
+                                             shift  +1))
+          (while (string-match "\\(\\\\\\) " file start)
+            (setq file   (replace-match rep nil t file 1)
+                  start  (+ shift (match-end 0))))))
+      ;; $$$ This sexp was added by Emacs 23.3.
+      (when (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+        (save-match-data
+          (let ((start  0))
+            (while (string-match "\\\\" file start)
+              (aset file (match-beginning 0) ?/)
+              (setq start  (match-end 0))))))
+      ;; $$$ This sexp was added by Emacs 23.3.
+      ;; Hence we don't need to worry about converting `\\' back to `\'.
+      (setq file  (read (concat "\"" file "\"")))
+      ;; Above `read' returns a unibyte string if FILE contains eight-bit-control/graphic chars.
+      (when (and (fboundp 'string-to-multibyte) ; Emacs 22
+                 enable-multibyte-characters
+                 (not (multibyte-string-p file)))
+        (setq file  (string-to-multibyte file))))
+    (and file
+         (file-name-absolute-p file)
+         ;; A relative file name can start with ~.  Do not treat it as absolute in this context.
+         (not (eq (aref file 0) ?~))
+         (setq already-absolute  t))
+    (cond ((null file) nil)
+          ((eq localp 'verbatim) file)
+          ;; This is the essential `Dired+' change: Added ./ and ../, not just . and ..
+          ((and (not no-error-if-not-filep)  (member file '("." ".." "./" "../")))
+           (error "Cannot operate on `.' or `..'"))
+          ((and (eq localp 'no-dir)  already-absolute)
+           (file-name-nondirectory file))
+          (already-absolute
+           (let ((handler  (find-file-name-handler file nil)))
+             ;; check for safe-magic property so that we won't
+             ;; put /: for names that don't really need them.
+             ;; For instance, .gz files when auto-compression-mode is on.
+             (if (and handler  (not (get handler 'safe-magic)))
+                 (concat "/:" file)
+               file)))
+          ((eq localp 'no-dir) file)
+          ((equal (dired-current-directory) "/")
+           (setq file  (concat (dired-current-directory localp) file))
+           (let ((handler  (find-file-name-handler file nil)))
+             ;; check for safe-magic property so that we won't
+             ;; put /: for names that don't really need them.
+             ;; For instance, .gz files when auto-compression-mode is on.
+             (if (and handler  (not (get handler 'safe-magic)))
+                 (concat "/:" file)
+               file)))
+          ;; Ugly hack for Emacs < 23, for which `ls-lisp-insert-directory' can insert a subdir
+          ;; using `~/...'.  Expand `~/' for return value.
+          ((and (< emacs-major-version 23)  file  (file-name-absolute-p file)
+                (eq (aref file 0) ?~))
+           (expand-file-name file))
+          (t
+           (concat (dired-current-directory localp) file)))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; 1. Fixes Emacs bug #7126: Did not work with arbitrary file list (cons arg to `dired').
+;; 2. Remove `/' from directory name before comparing with BASE.
+(when (< emacs-major-version 24)
+  (defun dired-goto-file (file)         ; Bound to `j'
+    "Go to line describing file FILE in this Dired buffer.
+FILE must be an absolute file name.
+Return buffer position on success, else nil."
+    ;; Loses if FILE contains control chars like "\007" for which `ls' inserts "?" or "\\007"
+    ;; into the buffer, so we won't find it in the buffer.
+    (interactive (prog1                 ; Let push-mark display its message
+                     (list (expand-file-name (read-file-name "Goto file: " (dired-current-directory))))
+                   (push-mark)))
+    (unless (file-name-absolute-p file) (error "File name `%s' is not absolute" file))
+    (setq file  (directory-file-name file)) ; does no harm if no directory
+    (let* ((case-fold-search  nil)
+           (dir               (file-name-directory file))
+           (found             nil))
+      ;; `Dired+': Added this sexp.
+      (save-excursion
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (let ((search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\^m" "\\^m" file nil t))
+              (here           nil))
+          (setq search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\" search-string nil t))
+          ;; Escape whitespace.  Added per Emacs 24 addition in `unless' code below:
+          (when (and (dired-switches-escape-p dired-actual-switches)
+                     (diredp-string-match-p "[ \t\n]" search-string))
+            ;; FIXME: fix this for all possible file names (embedded control chars etc).
+            ;;        Need to escape everything that `ls -b' escapes.
+            (setq search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string " " "\\ "  search-string nil t)
+                  search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\t" "\\t" search-string nil t)
+                  search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\n" search-string nil t)))
+          ;; Use HERE to ensure we do not keep searching for a directory entry.
+          (while (and (not (eobp))  (not found)  (not (equal here (point))))
+            (setq here  (point))
+            (if (search-forward (concat " " search-string) nil 'NO-ERROR)
+                ;; Must move to filename since an (actually correct) match could have been
+                ;; elsewhere on the line (e.g. "-" would match somewhere in permission bits).
+                (setq found  (dired-move-to-filename))
+              ;; If this isn't the right line, move forward to avoid trying this line again.
+              (forward-line 1)))))
+      (unless found
+        (save-excursion
+          ;; The difficulty here is to get the result of `dired-goto-subdir' without really
+          ;; calling it, if we don't have any subdirs.
+          (when (if (string= dir (expand-file-name default-directory))
+                    (goto-char (point-min))
+                  (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-goto-subdir dir)))
+            (let ((base      (file-name-nondirectory file))
+                  (boundary  (dired-subdir-max))
+                  search-string)
+              (setq search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\^m" "\\^m" base nil t)
+                    search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\\\\" "\\\\" search-string nil t))
+              ;; Escape whitespace.  Sexp added by Emacs 24:
+              (when (and (dired-switches-escape-p dired-actual-switches)
+                         (diredp-string-match-p "[ \t\n]" search-string))
+                ;; FIXME: fix this for all possible file names (embedded control chars etc).
+                ;;        Need to escape everything that `ls -b' escapes.
+                (setq search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string " " "\\ " search-string nil t)
+                      search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\t" "\\t" search-string nil t)
+                      search-string  (replace-regexp-in-string "\n" "\\n" search-string nil t)))
+              (while (and (not found)
+                          ;; Filenames are preceded by SPC.  This makes the search faster
+                          ;; (e.g. for the filename "-"!).
+                          (search-forward (concat " " search-string) boundary 'move))
+                ;; `Dired+': Remove `/' from filename, then compare with BASE.
+                ;; Match could have BASE just as initial substring or
+                ;; or in permission bits or date or not be a proper filename at all.
+                (if (and (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t)
+                         (equal base (directory-file-name (dired-get-filename 'no-dir t))))
+                    ;; Must move to filename since an (actually correct) match could have been
+                    ;; elsewhere on the line (e.g. "-" would match somewhere in permission bits).
+                    (setq found  (dired-move-to-filename))
+                  ;; If this is not the right line, move forward to avoid trying this line again.
+                  (forward-line 1)))))))
+      (and found  (goto-char found))))) ; Return buffer position, or nil if not found.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; If destination is in a hidden dir listing, open that listing and move to destination in it.
+(unless (< emacs-major-version 24)
+  (defun dired-goto-file (file)
+    "Go to line describing file FILE in this Dired buffer.
+FILE must be an absolute file name.
+Return buffer position on success, else nil."
+    ;; Loses if FILE contains control chars like "\007" for which `ls' inserts "?" or "\\007"
+    ;; into the buffer, so we won't find it in the buffer.
+    (interactive (prog1 (list (expand-file-name (read-file-name "Goto file: " (dired-current-directory))))
+                   (push-mark)))        ; Let push-mark display its message.
+    (unless (file-name-absolute-p file) (error "File name `%s' is not absolute" file))
+    (setq file  (directory-file-name file)) ; Does no harm if not a directory
+    (let* ((case-fold-search  nil)
+           (dir               (file-name-directory file))
+           (found
+            (or
+             ;; First, look for a listing under the absolute name.
+             (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (dired-goto-file-1 file file (point-max)))
+             ;; Else look for it as a relative name.  The difficulty is to get the result
+             ;; of `dired-goto-subdir' without calling it, if we don't have any subdirs.
+             (save-excursion
+               (when (if (string= dir (expand-file-name default-directory))
+                         (goto-char (point-min))
+                       (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-goto-subdir dir)))
+                 (when (dired-subdir-hidden-p (dired-current-directory))
+                   (diredp-hide-subdir-nomove 1)) ; Open hidden parent directory.
+                 (dired-goto-file-1 (file-name-nondirectory file) file (dired-subdir-max)))))))
+      (and found  (goto-char found))))) ; Return buffer position, or nil if not found.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; 1. Display a message to warn that flagged, not marked, files will be deleted.
+;; 2. Use `diredp-internal-do-deletions', so it works with all Emacs versions.
+(defun dired-do-flagged-delete (&optional no-msg) ; Bound to `x'
+  "In Dired, delete the files flagged for deletion.
+NOTE: This deletes flagged, not marked, files.
+If arg NO-MSG is non-nil, no message is displayed.
+User option `dired-recursive-deletes' controls whether deletion of
+non-empty directories is allowed."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless no-msg
+    (ding)
+    (message "NOTE: Deletion of files flagged `%c' (not those marked `%c')"
+             dired-del-marker dired-marker-char)
+    ;; Too slow/annoying, but without it the message is never seen: (sit-for 2)
+    )
+  (let* ((dired-marker-char  dired-del-marker)
+         (regexp             (dired-marker-regexp))
+         (case-fold-search   nil))
+    (if (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward regexp nil t))
+        (diredp-internal-do-deletions
+         ;; This cannot move point since last arg is nil.
+         (dired-map-over-marks (cons (dired-get-filename) (point)) nil)
+         nil
+         'USE-TRASH-CAN)                ; This arg is for Emacs 24+ only.
+      (unless no-msg (message "(No deletions requested.)")))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; 1. Display a message to warn that marked, not flagged, files will be deleted.
+;; 2. Use `diredp-internal-do-deletions', so it works with all Emacs versions.
+(defun dired-do-delete (&optional arg)  ; Bound to `D'
+  "Delete all marked (or next ARG) files.
+NOTE: This deletes marked, not flagged, files.
+`dired-recursive-deletes' controls whether deletion of
+non-empty directories is allowed."
+  (interactive "P")
+  ;; This is more consistent with the file-marking feature than
+  ;; `dired-do-flagged-delete'.  But it can be confusing to the user,
+  ;; especially since this is usually bound to `D', which is also the
+  ;; `dired-del-marker'.  So offer this warning message:
+  (unless arg
+    (ding)
+    (message "NOTE: Deletion of files marked `%c' (not those flagged `%c')."
+             dired-marker-char dired-del-marker))
+  (diredp-internal-do-deletions
+   ;; This can move point if ARG is an integer.
+   (dired-map-over-marks (cons (dired-get-filename) (point)) arg)
+   arg
+   'USE-TRASH-CAN))                     ; This arg is for Emacs 24+ only.
+(defun diredp-internal-do-deletions (file-alist arg &optional trash)
+  "`dired-internal-do-deletions', but for any Emacs version.
+FILE-ALIST is an alist of files to delete, with their buffer positions.
+ARG is the prefix arg.  Filenames are absolute.
+Non-nil TRASH means use the trash can."
+  ;; \(car FILE-ALIST) *must* be the *last* (bottommost) file in the dired
+  ;; buffer.  That way as changes are made in the buffer they do not shift
+  ;; the lines still to be changed, so the (point) values in FILE-ALIST
+  ;; stay valid.  Also, for subdirs in natural order, a subdir's files are
+  ;; deleted before the subdir itself - the other way around would not work."
+  (setq file-alist  (delq nil file-alist)) ; nils could come from `dired-map-over-marks'.
+  (if (> emacs-major-version 23)
+      (dired-internal-do-deletions file-alist arg trash)
+    (dired-internal-do-deletions file-alist arg)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; Put window point at bob.  Fixes bug #12281.
+(when (and (> emacs-major-version 22)  (or (< emacs-major-version 24)
+                                           (and (= emacs-major-version 24)  (= emacs-minor-version 1))))
+  (defun dired-pop-to-buffer (buf)
+    "Pop up buffer BUF in a way suitable for Dired."
+    (let ((split-window-preferred-function
+           (lambda (window)
+             (or (and (let ((split-height-threshold  0)) (window-splittable-p (selected-window)))
+                      ;; Try to split the selected window vertically if that's possible.  (Bug#1806)
+                      (if (fboundp 'split-window-below) (split-window-below) (split-window-vertically)))
+                 (split-window-sensibly window))))
+          pop-up-frames)
+      (pop-to-buffer (get-buffer-create buf)))
+    (set-window-start (selected-window) (point-min))
+    (when dired-shrink-to-fit
+      ;; Try to not delete window when we want to display less than `window-min-height' lines.
+      (fit-window-to-buffer (get-buffer-window buf) nil 1))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; 1. Delete the window or frame popped up, afterward, and bury its buffer.
+;;    Fixes Emacs bug #7533.
+;; 2, If buffer is shown in a separate frame, do not show a menu bar for that frame.
+(defun dired-mark-pop-up (buffer-or-name op-symbol files function &rest args)
+  "Return FUNCTION's result on ARGS after showing which files are marked.
+Displays the file names in a buffer named BUFFER-OR-NAME, the default
+name being \" *Marked Files*\".  The buffer is not shown if there is
+just one file, `dired-no-confirm' is t, or OP-SYMBOL is a member of
+the list in `dired-no-confirm'.  Uses function `dired-pop-to-buffer'
+to show the buffer.
+The window is not shown if there is just one file, `dired-no-confirm'
+is `t', or OP-SYMBOL is a member of `dired-no-confirm'.
+FILES is the list of marked files.  It can also be (t FILENAME)
+in the case of one marked file, to distinguish that from using
+just the current file.
+FUNCTION should not manipulate the files.  It should just read input
+\(an argument or confirmation)."
+  (unless buffer-or-name (setq buffer-or-name  " *Marked Files*"))
+  (let (result)
+    (if (or (eq dired-no-confirm t)
+            (memq op-symbol dired-no-confirm)
+            ;; If FILES defaulted to the current line's file.
+            (= (length files) 1))
+        (setq result  (apply function args))
+      (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create buffer-or-name)
+        (erase-buffer)
+        ;; Handle (t FILE) just like (FILE), here.  That value is used (only in some cases),
+        ;; to mean just one file that was marked, rather than the current-line file.
+        (dired-format-columns-of-files (if (eq (car files) t) (cdr files) files))
+        (remove-text-properties (point-min) (point-max)
+                                '(mouse-face nil help-echo nil)))
+      (unwind-protect
+           (save-window-excursion
+             ;; Do not show menu bar, if buffer is popped up in a separate frame.
+             (let ((special-display-frame-alist  (cons '(menu-bar-lines . 0)
+                                                       special-display-frame-alist))
+                   (default-frame-alist          (cons '(menu-bar-lines . 0)
+                                                       default-frame-alist)))
+               (dired-pop-to-buffer buffer-or-name)
+               ;; Work around Emacs 22 bug in `dired-pop-to-buffer', which can exit with Dired buffer current.
+               (set-buffer buffer-or-name)
+               (goto-char (point-min)))
+             (setq result  (apply function args)))
+        (save-excursion
+          (condition-case nil           ; Ignore error if user already deleted window.
+              (progn (select-window (get-buffer-window buffer-or-name 0))
+                     (if (one-window-p) (delete-frame) (delete-window)))
+            (error nil)))
+        (bury-buffer buffer-or-name)))
+    result))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; 1. Prefix arg has more possibilities.
+;; 2, Added optional arg LOCALP, so you can mark/unmark matching different file-name forms.
+;; 3. Push REGEXP onto `regexp-search-ring'.
+(defun dired-mark-files-regexp (regexp &optional marker-char localp)
+  "Mark all file names matching REGEXP for use in later commands.
+`.' and `..' are never marked or unmarked by this command.
+Whether to mark or unmark, and what form of file name to match, are
+governed by the prefix argument.  For this, a plain (`C-u') or a
+double-plain (`C-u C-u') prefix arg is considered only as such - it is
+not considered numerically.
+Whether to mark or unmark:
+ - No prefix arg, a positive arg, or a negative arg means mark.
+ - Plain (`C-u'), double-plain (`C-u C-u'), or zero (e.g. `M-0' means
+   unmark.
+The form of a file name used for matching:
+ - No prefix arg (to mark) or a plain prefix arg (`C-u', to unmark)
+   means use the relative file name (no directory part).
+ - A negative arg (e.g. `M--', to mark) or a zero arg (e.g. `M-0', to
+   unmark) means use the absolute file name, that is, including all
+   directory components.
+ - A positive arg (e.g. `M-+', to mark) or a double plain arg (`C-u
+   C-u', to unmark) means construct the name relative to
+   `default-directory'.  For an entry in an inserted subdir listing,
+   this means prefix the relative file name (no directory part) with
+   the subdir name relative to `default-directory'.
+Note that the default matching behavior of this command is different
+for Dired+ than it is for vanilla Emacs.  Using a positive prefix arg
+or a double plain prefix arg (`C-u C-u') gives you the same behavior
+as vanilla Emacs (marking or unmarking, respectively): matching
+against names that are relative to the `default-directory'.
+What Dired+ offers in addition is the possibility to match against
+names that are relative (have no directory part - no prefix arg or
+`C-u' to mark and unmark, respectively) or absolute (`M--' or `M-0',
+respectively).  The default behavior uses relative names because this
+is likely to be the more common use case.  But matching against
+absolute names gives you more flexibility.
+REGEXP is an Emacs regexp, not a shell wildcard.  Thus, use `\\.o$'
+for object files--just `.o' might mark more than you might expect.
+REGEXP is added to `regexp-search-ring', for regexp search.
+ MARKER-CHAR is the marker character - used for `dired-marker-char'.
+ LOCALP is passed to `dired-get-filename'.  It determines the form of
+   filename that is matched against REGEXP."
+  (interactive (let* ((raw      current-prefix-arg)
+                      (C-u      (and (consp raw)  (= 4 (car raw))))
+                      (C-u-C-u  (and (consp raw)  (= 16 (car raw))))
+                      (num      (and raw  (prefix-numeric-value raw))))
+                 (list (diredp-read-regexp (concat (if (or (consp raw)  (and num  (zerop num)))
+                                                       "UNmark"
+                                                     "Mark")
+                                                   " files (regexp): "))
+                       (and raw  (or C-u  C-u-C-u  (zerop num))  ?\040)
+                       (cond ((or (not raw)  C-u)  t) ; none, `C-u' 
+                             ((> num 0)            nil) ; `M-+', `C-u C-u'
+                             (t                    'no-dir))))) ; `M--', `M-0'
+  (add-to-list 'regexp-search-ring regexp) ; Add REGEXP to `regexp-search-ring'.
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (or marker-char  dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))
+                         (not (eolp))   ; Empty line
+                         (let ((fn  (dired-get-filename localp t)))
+                           (and fn  (diredp-string-match-p regexp fn))))
+                    "file")))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; Use `diredp-mark-if', not `dired-mark-if'.
+(defun dired-mark-files-containing-regexp (regexp &optional marker-char)
+  "Mark files with contents containing a REGEXP match.
+A prefix argument means unmark them instead.
+`.' and `..' are never marked.
+If a file is visited in a buffer and `dired-always-read-filesystem' is
+nil, this looks in the buffer without revisiting the file, so the
+results might be inconsistent with the file on disk if its contents
+have changed since it was last visited."
+  (interactive
+   (list (diredp-read-regexp (concat (if current-prefix-arg "Unmark" "Mark") " files containing (regexp): ")
+                             nil 'dired-regexp-history)
+	 (and current-prefix-arg  ?\040)))
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (or marker-char  dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot))
+                         (not (eolp))
+                         (let ((fname  (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+                           (when (and fname  (file-readable-p fname)  (not (file-directory-p fname)))
+                             (let ((prebuf  (get-file-buffer fname)))
+                               (message "Checking %s" fname)
+                               ;; For now, do it inside Emacs.  Grep might be better if there are lots of files.
+                               (if (and prebuf  (or (not (boundp 'dired-always-read-filesystem))
+                                                    (not dired-always-read-filesystem))) ; Emacs 26+
+                                   (with-current-buffer prebuf
+                                     (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min)) (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))
+                                 (with-temp-buffer
+                                   (insert-file-contents fname)
+                                   (goto-char (point-min))
+                                   (re-search-forward regexp nil t)))))))
+                    "file")))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; Use `diredp-mark-if', not `dired-mark-if'.
+(defun dired-mark-symlinks (unflag-p)
+  "Mark all symbolic links.
+With prefix argument, unmark or unflag all those files."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-sym) "symbolic link")))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; Use `diredp-mark-if', not `dired-mark-if'.
+(defun dired-mark-directories (unflag-p)
+  "Mark all directory file lines except `.' and `..'.
+With prefix argument, unmark or unflag the files instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (and (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dir)  (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dot)))
+                    "directory" "directories")))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; Use `diredp-mark-if', not `dired-mark-if'.
+(defun dired-mark-executables (unflag-p)
+  "Mark all executable files.
+With prefix argument, unmark or unflag the files instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+    (diredp-mark-if (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-exe) "executable file")))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el':
+;; Use `diredp-mark-if', not `dired-mark-if'.
+(defun dired-flag-auto-save-files (&optional unflag-p)
+  "Flag for deletion files whose names suggest they are auto save files.
+A prefix argument says to unmark or unflag the files instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unflag-p ?\040 dired-del-marker)))
+    (diredp-mark-if
+     ;; It is less than general to check for # here, but it's the only way this runs fast enough.
+     (and (save-excursion (end-of-line)
+                          (or (eq (preceding-char) ?#)
+                              ;; Handle executables in case of -F option.  Need not worry about the other kinds
+                              ;; of markings that -F makes, since they won't appear on real auto-save files.
+                              (and (eq (preceding-char) ?*)
+                                   (progn (forward-char -1) (eq (preceding-char) ?#)))))
+	  (not (diredp-looking-at-p dired-re-dir))
+	  (let ((fname  (dired-get-filename t t)))
+	    (and fname  (auto-save-file-name-p (file-name-nondirectory fname)))))
+     "auto-save file")))
+(defun diredp-capitalize (&optional arg) ; Bound to `% c'
+  "Rename all marked (or next ARG) files by capitalizing them.
+Makes the first char of the name uppercase and the others lowercase."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (dired-rename-non-directory #'capitalize "Rename by capitalizing:" arg))
+;; This is more useful than a single-file version of `dired-do-delete'.
+(defun diredp-delete-this-file (&optional use-trash-can) ; Bound to `C-k', `delete'
+  "In Dired, delete the file on the cursor line, upon confirmation.
+This uses `delete-file'.
+If the file is a symlink, remove the symlink.  If the file has
+multiple names, it continues to exist with the other names.
+For Emacs 24 and later, a prefix arg means that if
+`delete-by-moving-to-trash' is non-nil then trash the file instead of
+deleting it."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((file  (dired-get-filename)))
+    (if (not (yes-or-no-p (format "%s file `%s'? " (if (and use-trash-can  delete-by-moving-to-trash)
+                                                       "Trash"
+                                                     "Permanently delete")
+                                  file)))
+        (message "OK - canceled")
+      (if (> emacs-major-version 23) (delete-file file use-trash-can) (delete-file file))
+      (revert-buffer))))
+;;; Versions of `dired-do-*' commands for just this line's file.
+(defun diredp-capitalize-this-file ()   ; Bound to `M-c'
+  "In Dired, rename the file on the cursor line by capitalizing it.
+Makes the first char of the name uppercase and the others lowercase."
+  (interactive) (diredp-capitalize 1))
+(defun diredp-downcase-this-file ()     ; Bound to `M-l'
+  "In Dired, rename the file on the cursor line to lower case."
+  (interactive) (dired-downcase 1))
+(defun diredp-upcase-this-file ()       ; Bound to `M-u'
+  "In Dired, rename the file on the cursor line to upper case."
+  (interactive) (dired-upcase 1))
+(defun diredp-rename-this-file ()       ; Bound to `r'
+  "In Dired, rename the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (dired-do-rename 1)))
+(when (fboundp 'epa-dired-do-encrypt)   ; Emacs 23+
+  (defun diredp-decrypt-this-file ()
+    "In Dired, decrypt the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive)
+    (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (epa-dired-do-decrypt 1)))
+  (defun diredp-encrypt-this-file ()
+    "In Dired, encrypt the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive)
+    (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (epa-dired-do-encrypt 1)))
+  (defun diredp-verify-this-file ()
+    "In Dired, verify the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive)
+    (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (epa-dired-do-verify 1)))
+  (defun diredp-sign-this-file ()
+    "In Dired, sign the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive)
+    (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (epa-dired-do-sign 1))))
+(defun diredp-copy-this-file ()         ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, copy the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (dired-do-copy 1)))
+(defun diredp-relsymlink-this-file ()   ; Bound to `y'
+  "In Dired, make a relative symbolic link to file on cursor line."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (dired-do-relsymlink 1)))
+(defun diredp-symlink-this-file ()      ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, make a symbolic link to the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (dired-do-symlink 1)))
+(defun diredp-hardlink-this-file ()     ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, add a name (hard link) to the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((use-file-dialog  nil)) (dired-do-hardlink 1)))
+(defun diredp-print-this-file ()        ; Bound to `M-p'
+  "In Dired, print the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive) (dired-do-print 1))
+(defun diredp-grep-this-file ()         ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, grep the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive)
+  (unless (and grep-command  (or (< emacs-major-version 22)
+                                 (not grep-use-null-device)
+                                 (eq grep-use-null-device t)))
+    (grep-compute-defaults))
+  (grep (diredp-do-grep-1 (list (dired-get-filename t)))))
+(defun diredp-compress-this-file ()     ; Bound to `z'
+  "In Dired, compress or uncompress the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive) (dired-do-compress 1))
+(defun diredp-async-shell-command-this-file (command filelist) ; Not bound
+  "Run a shell COMMAND asynchronously on the file on the Dired cursor line.
+Like `diredp-shell-command-this-file', but adds `&' at the end of
+COMMAND to execute it asynchronously.  The command output appears in
+buffer `*Async Shell Command*'."
+  (interactive (list (dired-read-shell-command (concat "& on " "%s: ") 1 (list (dired-get-filename t)))
+                     (list (dired-get-filename t))))
+  (unless (diredp-string-match-p "&[ \t]*\\'" command) (setq command  (concat command " &")))
+  (dired-do-shell-command command 1 filelist))
+(defun diredp-shell-command-this-file (command filelist) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, run a shell COMMAND on the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive (list (dired-read-shell-command (concat "! on " "%s: ") 1 (list (dired-get-filename t)))
+                     (list (dired-get-filename t))))
+  (dired-do-shell-command command 1 filelist))
+(defun diredp-bookmark-this-file (&optional prefix) ; Bound to `C-B' (`C-S-b')
+  "In Dired, bookmark the file on the cursor line.
+See `diredp-do-bookmark'."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: ")))))
+  (diredp-do-bookmark prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-tag-this-file (tags &optional prefix) ; Bound to `T +'
+  "In Dired, add some tags to the file on the cursor line.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (bmkp-read-tags-completing)
+                            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: ")))))
+  (diredp-do-tag tags prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-untag-this-file (tags &optional prefix arg) ; Bound to `T -'
+  "In Dired, remove some tags from the file on the cursor line.
+With a prefix arg, remove all tags from the file.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (let* ((pref  (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                         (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: ")))
+                             (bmk   (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark (dired-get-filename) nil pref))
+                             (btgs  (and bmk  (bmkp-get-tags bmk))))
+                        (unless btgs (error "File has no tags to remove"))
+                        (list (if current-prefix-arg btgs (bmkp-read-tags-completing btgs))
+                              pref
+                              current-prefix-arg))))
+  (diredp-do-untag tags prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file (&optional prefix msgp) ; Bound to `T 0'
+  "In Dired, remove all tags from this file.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            'MSG)))
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (diredp-do-remove-all-tags prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file (&optional prefix msgp) ; Bound to `T p', `T C-y'
+  "In Dired, add previously copied tags to this file.
+See `diredp-paste-add-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            'MSG)))
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (diredp-do-paste-add-tags prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file (&optional prefix msgp) ; Bound to `T q'
+  "In Dired, replace tags for this file with previously copied tags.
+See `diredp-paste-replace-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            'MSG)))
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (diredp-do-paste-add-tags prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-set-tag-value-this-file (tag value &optional prefix msgp) ; Bound to `T v'
+  "In Dired, Set value of TAG to VALUE for this file.
+See `diredp-set-tag-value'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (bmkp-read-tag-completing)
+                            (read (read-string "Value: "))
+                            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            'MSG)))
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (diredp-do-set-tag-value tag value prefix 1))
+(defun diredp-copy-tags-this-file (&optional prefix msgp) ; Bound to `T c', `T M-w'
+  "In Dired, copy the tags from this file, so you can paste them to another.
+See `diredp-copy-tags'.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive (progn (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+                      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+                      (list (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                 (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))
+                            'MSG)))
+  (bookmark-maybe-load-default-file)
+  (let ((bmk  (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark  (dired-get-filename) nil prefix)))
+    (and bmk  (bmkp-copy-tags bmk msgp))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-copy-tags (event)   ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, copy the tags from this file, so you can paste them to another.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' to use this command."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+        (dired-no-confirm  t)
+        (prefix            (and diredp-prompt-for-bookmark-prefix-flag
+                                (read-string "Prefix for bookmark name: "))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (diredp-copy-tags-this-file prefix 'MSG))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(when (fboundp 'describe-file)          ; In `help-fns+.el' or `help+20.el'.
+  (defun diredp-describe-file (&optional internal-form-p) ; Bound to `C-h RET', `C-h C-RET'
+    "In Dired, describe this file or directory.
+You need library `help-fns+.el' to use this command.
+If the file has an autofile bookmark and you use library `Bookmark+',
+then show also the bookmark information (tags etc.).  In this case, a
+prefix arg shows the internal form of the bookmark."
+    (interactive "P")
+    (describe-file (dired-get-filename nil t) internal-form-p))
+  (defun diredp-mouse-describe-file (event &optional internal-form-p) ; Not bound
+    "Describe the clicked file.
+You need library `help-fns+.el' to use this command.
+If the file has an autofile bookmark and you use library `Bookmark+',
+then show also the bookmark information (tags etc.).  In this case, a
+prefix arg shows the internal form of the bookmark."
+    (interactive "e\nP")
+    (let (file)
+      (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event)))
+        (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
+                        (setq file  (dired-get-filename nil t))))
+      (describe-file file internal-form-p))))
+;; Define these even if `Bookmark+' is not loaded.
+(defalias 'diredp-show-metadata 'diredp-describe-autofile)
+(defun diredp-describe-autofile (&optional internal-form-p)
+  "Show the metadata for the file of the current line.
+The file must name an autofile bookmark.  The metadata is the bookmark
+With a prefix argument, show the internal definition of the bookmark.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' for this command."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (diredp-ensure-mode)
+  (let ((bmk  (save-match-data
+                (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark (dired-get-filename nil t)))))
+    (unless bmk (error "Not on an autofile bookmark"))
+    (save-selected-window (if internal-form-p
+                              (bmkp-describe-bookmark-internals bmk)
+                            (bmkp-describe-bookmark bmk)))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-describe-autofile (event &optional internal-form-p) ; Not bound
+  "Show the metadata for the file whose name you click.
+The file must name an autofile bookmark.  The metadata is the bookmark
+With a prefix argument, show the internal definition of the bookmark.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' for this command."
+  (interactive "e\nP")
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (let (file)
+    (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event)))
+      (diredp-ensure-mode)
+      (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
+                      (setq file  (dired-get-filename nil t))))
+    (let ((bmk  (save-match-data (bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark file))))
+      (unless bmk (error "Not an autofile bookmark"))
+      (save-selected-window (if internal-form-p
+                                (bmkp-describe-bookmark-internals bmk)
+                              (bmkp-describe-bookmark bmk))))))
+(defalias 'diredp-show-metadata-for-marked 'diredp-describe-marked-autofiles)
+(defun diredp-describe-marked-autofiles (&optional internal-form-p interactivep details)
+  "Show metadata for the marked files.
+If no file is marked, describe ALL autofiles in this directory.
+With a prefix argument, show the internal (Lisp) form of the metadata.
+When invoked interactively, raise an error if no files are marked.
+You need library `bookmark+.el' for this command.
+When called from Lisp, optional arg DETAILS is passed to
+  (interactive (list current-prefix-arg t diredp-list-file-attributes))
+  (diredp-ensure-bookmark+)
+  (let ((help-xref-following  nil))
+    (help-setup-xref (list `(lambda (_buf)
+                             (with-current-buffer ,(current-buffer) (diredp-describe-marked-autofiles)))
+                           internal-form-p)
+                     (if (or (> emacs-major-version 23)
+                             (and (= emacs-major-version 23)  (> emacs-minor-version 1)))
+                         (called-interactively-p 'interactive)
+                       (interactive-p))))
+  (diredp-with-help-window "*Help*"
+    (let ((marked  (dired-get-marked-files nil nil nil 'DISTINGUISH-ONE-MARKED interactivep)))
+      (unless (cdr marked)
+        (message "Describing ALL autofiles here (none are marked)...")
+        (setq marked  (diredp-get-files 'IGNORE-MARKS-P nil nil nil nil details)))
+      (if (eq t (car marked))
+          (diredp-describe-autofile internal-form-p)
+        (dolist (bmk  (delq nil (mapcar #'bmkp-get-autofile-bookmark marked)))
+          (if internal-form-p
+              (let* ((bname      (bmkp-bookmark-name-from-record bmk))
+                     (help-text  (format "%s\n%s\n\n%s"
+                                         bname (make-string (length bname) ?-) (pp-to-string bmk))))
+                (princ help-text) (terpri))
+            (princ (bmkp-bookmark-description bmk)) (terpri)))))))
+(defun diredp-byte-compile-this-file () ; Bound to `b'
+  "In Dired, byte compile the (Lisp source) file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive) (dired-do-byte-compile 1))
+(defun diredp-load-this-file ()         ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, load the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive) (dired-do-load 1))
+(defun diredp-chmod-this-file ()        ; Bound to `M-m'
+  "In Dired, change the mode of the file on the cursor line."
+  (interactive) (dired-do-chmod 1))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-chgrp-this-file ()      ; Not bound
+    "In Dired, change the group of the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive) (dired-do-chgrp 1)))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-chown-this-file ()      ; Not bound
+    "In Dired, change the owner of the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive) (dired-do-chown 1)))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-touch)
+  (defun diredp-touch-this-file ()        ; Not bound
+    "In Dired, `touch' (change the timestamp of) the file on the cursor line."
+    (interactive) (dired-do-touch 1)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired-x.el'.
+;; 1. Variable (symbol) `s' -> `blks'.
+;; 2. Fixes to remove leading space from `uid' and allow `.' in `gid'.
+;; 3. Cleaned up doc string and code a bit.
+(defun dired-mark-sexp (predicate &optional unmark-p) ; Bound to `M-(', `* ('
+  "Mark files for which PREDICATE returns non-nil.
+With a prefix arg, unmark or unflag those files instead.
+PREDICATE is a lisp sexp that can refer to the following symbols as
+    `mode'   [string]  file permission bits, e.g. \"-rw-r--r--\"
+    `nlink'  [integer] number of links to file
+    `size'   [integer] file size in bytes
+    `uid'    [string]  owner
+    `gid'    [string]  group (If the gid is not displayed by `ls',
+                       this will still be set (to the same as uid))
+    `time'   [string]  the time that `ls' displays, e.g. \"Feb 12 14:17\"
+    `name'   [string]  the name of the file
+    `sym'    [string]  if file is a symbolic link, the linked-to name,
+                       else \"\"
+    `inode'  [integer] the inode of the file (only for `ls -i' output)
+    `blks'   [integer] the size of the file for `ls -s' output
+                       (ususally in blocks or, with `-k', in Kbytes)
+  Mark zero-length files: `(equal 0 size)'
+  Mark files last modified on Feb 2: `(string-match \"Feb  2\" time)'
+  Mark uncompiled Emacs Lisp files (`.el' file without a `.elc' file):
+     First, Dired just the source files: `dired *.el'.
+     Then, use \\[dired-mark-sexp] with this sexp:
+          (not (file-exists-p (concat name \"c\")))
+There's an ambiguity when a single integer not followed by a unit
+prefix precedes the file mode: It is then parsed as inode number
+and not as block size (this always works for GNU coreutils ls).
+Another limitation is that the uid field is needed for the
+function to work correctly.  In particular, the field is not
+present for some values of `ls-lisp-emulation'.
+This function operates only on the Dired buffer content.  It does not
+refer at all to the underlying file system.  Contrast this with
+`find-dired', which might be preferable for the task at hand."
+  ;; Using `sym' = "", instead of nil, for non-linked files avoids the trap of
+  ;; (string-match "foo" sym) into which a user would soon fall.
+  ;; Use `equal' instead of `=' in the example, as it works on integers and strings.
+  (interactive "xMark if (vars: inode,blks,mode,nlink,uid,gid,size,time,name,sym): \nP")
+  (message "%s" predicate)
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unmark-p ?\040 dired-marker-char))
+        (inode              nil)
+        (blks               ())
+        mode nlink uid gid size time name sym)
+    (diredp-mark-if
+     (save-excursion
+       (and
+        ;; according to current file line.  Returns `t' for success, nil if
+        ;; there is no file line.  Upon success, these vars are set, to either
+        ;; nil or the appropriate value, so they need not be initialized.
+        ;; Moves point within the current line.
+        (dired-move-to-filename)
+        (let ((mode-len             10) ; Length of mode string.
+              ;; As in `dired.el', but with subexpressions \1=inode, \2=blks:
+              ;; GNU `ls -hs' suffixes the block count with a unit and prints it as a float; FreeBSD does neither.
+              ;; $$$$$$ (dired-re-inode-size  "\\s *\\([0-9]*\\)\\s *\\([0-9]*\\) ?")
+              (dired-re-inode-size (if (> emacs-major-version 24)
+                                       "\\=\\s *\\([0-9]+\\s +\\)?\
+\\(?:\\([0-9]+\\(?:\\.[0-9]*\\)?[BkKMGTPEZY]?\\)? ?\\)"
+                                     "\\s *\\([0-9]*\\)\\s *\\([0-9]*\\) ?"))
+              pos)
+          (beginning-of-line)
+          (forward-char 2)
+          (search-forward-regexp dired-re-inode-size nil t)
+          ;; XXX Might be a size not followed by a unit prefix.  Could set `blks' to `inode' if it were otherwise
+          ;; nil, with similar reasoning as for setting `gid' to `uid', but it would be even more whimsical.
+          (setq inode  (and (match-string 1)  (string-to-number (match-string 1)))
+                blks   (and (match-string 2)  (if (fboundp 'dired-x--string-to-number)
+                                                  (dired-x--string-to-number (match-string 2)) ; Emacs 25+
+                                                (string-to-number (match-string 2))))
+                mode   (buffer-substring (point) (+ mode-len (point))))
+          (forward-char mode-len)
+          (unless (eq (char-after) ?\   ) (forward-char 1)) ; Skip any extended attributes marker ("." or "+").
+          (setq nlink  (read (current-buffer)))
+          ;; Karsten Wenger <kw@cis.uni-muenchen.de> fixed uid.
+          ;; Another issue is that GNU `ls -n' right-justifies numerical UIDs and GIDs, while FreeBSD
+          ;; left-justifies them, so do not rely on a specific whitespace layout.  Both of them right-justify all
+          ;; other numbers, though.
+          ;; XXX Return a number if the `uid' or `gid' seems to be numerical?
+          ;; $$$$$$ (setq uid  (buffer-substring (+ (point) 1) (progn (forward-word 1) (point))))
+          (setq uid  (buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-forward " \t")  (point))
+                                       (progn (skip-chars-forward "^ \t") (point))))
+          (cond ((> emacs-major-version 24)
+                 (dired-move-to-filename)
+                 (save-excursion
+                   (setq time
+                         ;; The regexp below tries to match from the last digit of the size field through a
+                         ;; space after the date.  Also, dates may have different formats depending on file age,
+                         ;; so the date column need not be aligned to the right.
+                         (buffer-substring (save-excursion (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))
+                                           (progn (re-search-backward directory-listing-before-filename-regexp)
+                                                  (skip-chars-forward "^ \t")
+                                                  (1+ (point))))
+                         size
+                         (dired-x--string-to-number
+                          ;; We know that there's some kind of number before point because the regexp search
+                          ;; above succeeded.  Not worth doing an extra check for leading garbage.
+                          (buffer-substring (point) (progn (skip-chars-backward "^ \t") (point))))
+                         ;; If no `gid' is displayed, `gid' will be set to `uid' but user will then not reference
+                         ;; it anyway in PREDICATE.
+                         gid
+                         (buffer-substring (progn (skip-chars-backward " \t") (point))
+                                           (progn (skip-chars-backward "^ \t") (point)))))
+                 (setq name  (buffer-substring (point) (or (dired-move-to-end-of-filename t)  (point)))
+                       sym   (if (diredp-looking-at-p " -> ")
+                                 (buffer-substring (progn (forward-char 4) (point)) (line-end-position))
+                               "")))
+                (t
+                 (re-search-forward
+                  (if (< emacs-major-version 20)
+                      "\\(Jan\\|Feb\\|Mar\\|Apr\\|May\\|Jun\\|Jul\\|Aug\\|Sep\\|Oct\\|Nov\\|Dec\\)"
+                    dired-move-to-filename-regexp))
+                 (goto-char (match-beginning 1))
+                 (forward-char -1)
+                 (setq size  (string-to-number (buffer-substring (save-excursion (backward-word 1)
+                                                                                 (setq pos  (point)))
+                                                                 (point))))
+                 (goto-char pos)
+                 (backward-word 1)
+                 ;; if no `gid' is displayed, `gid' will be set to `uid' but user will then not reference
+                 ;; it anyway in PREDICATE.
+                 (setq gid   (buffer-substring (save-excursion (forward-word 1) (point)) (point))
+                       time  (buffer-substring (match-beginning 1) (1- (dired-move-to-filename)))
+                       name  (buffer-substring (point) (or (dired-move-to-end-of-filename t)  (point)))
+                       sym   (if (diredp-looking-at-p " -> ")
+                                 (buffer-substring (progn (forward-char 4) (point)) (line-end-position))
+                               "")))))
+        ;; Vanilla Emacs uses `lexical-binding' = t, and it passes bindings to `eval' as a second arg.
+        ;; We use `lexical-binding' = nil, and anyway there should be no need to pass the bindings.
+        (eval predicate)))
+     (format "'%s file" predicate))))
+(defun diredp-this-file-marked-p (&optional mark-char)
+  "Return non-nil if the file on this line is marked.
+Optional arg MARK-CHAR is the type of mark to check.
+ If nil, then if the file has any mark, including `D', it is marked."
+  (and (dired-get-filename t t)  (save-excursion
+                                   (beginning-of-line)
+                                   (if mark-char
+                                       (diredp-looking-at-p
+                                        (concat "^" (regexp-quote (char-to-string mark-char))))
+                                     (not (diredp-looking-at-p "^ "))))))
+(defun diredp-this-file-unmarked-p (&optional mark-char)
+  "Return non-nil if the file on this line is unmarked.
+Optional arg MARK-CHAR is the type of mark to check.
+ If nil, then if the file has no mark, including `D', it is unmarked.
+ If non-nil, then it is unmarked for MARK-CHAR if it has no mark or
+ it has any mark except MARK-CHAR."
+  (and (dired-get-filename t t)  (save-excursion
+                                   (beginning-of-line)
+                                   (if mark-char
+                                       (not (diredp-looking-at-p
+                                             (concat "^" (regexp-quote (char-to-string mark-char)))))
+                                     (diredp-looking-at-p "^ ")))))
+(defun diredp-mark-region-files (&optional unmark-p) ; Not bound
+  "Mark all of the files in the current region (if it is active).
+With non-nil prefix arg, unmark them instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((beg                        (min (point) (mark)))
+        (end                        (max (point) (mark)))
+        (inhibit-field-text-motion  t)) ; Just in case.
+    (setq beg  (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-beginning-position))
+          end  (save-excursion (goto-char end) (line-end-position)))
+    (let ((dired-marker-char  (if unmark-p ?\040 dired-marker-char)))
+      (diredp-mark-if (and (<= (point) end)  (>= (point) beg)  (diredp-this-file-unmarked-p)) "region file"))))
+(defun diredp-unmark-region-files (&optional mark-p) ; Not bound
+  "Unmark all of the files in the current region (if it is active).
+With non-nil prefix arg, mark them instead."
+  (interactive "P")
+  (let ((beg                        (min (point) (mark)))
+        (end                        (max (point) (mark)))
+        (inhibit-field-text-motion  t)) ; Just in case.
+    (setq beg  (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-beginning-position))
+          end  (save-excursion (goto-char end) (line-end-position)))
+    (let ((dired-marker-char  (if mark-p dired-marker-char ?\040)))
+      (diredp-mark-if (and (<= (point) end)  (>= (point) beg)  (diredp-this-file-marked-p)) "region file"))))
+(defun diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion () ; Not bound
+  "Flag all of the files in the current region (if it is active) for deletion."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((beg                        (min (point) (mark)))
+        (end                        (max (point) (mark)))
+        (inhibit-field-text-motion  t)) ; Just in case.
+    (setq beg  (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (line-beginning-position))
+          end  (save-excursion (goto-char end) (line-end-position)))
+    (let ((dired-marker-char  dired-del-marker))
+      (diredp-mark-if (and (<= (point) end)  (>= (point) beg)  (diredp-this-file-unmarked-p ?\D))
+                      "region file"))))
+(defun diredp-toggle-marks-in-region (start end) ; Not bound
+  "Toggle marks in the region."
+  (interactive "r")
+  (save-excursion
+    (save-restriction
+      (if (not (fboundp 'dired-toggle-marks))
+          ;; Pre-Emacs 22.  Use bol, eol.  If details hidden, show first.
+          (let ((details-hidden-p  (and (boundp 'dired-details-state)  (eq 'hidden dired-details-state))))
+            (widen)
+            (when details-hidden-p (dired-details-show))
+            (goto-char start)
+            (setq start  (line-beginning-position))
+            (goto-char end)
+            (setq end    (line-end-position))
+            (narrow-to-region start end)
+            (dired-toggle-marks)
+            (when details-hidden-p (dired-details-hide)))
+        (narrow-to-region start end)
+        (dired-toggle-marks))))
+  (when (and (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))  (fboundp 'fit-frame-if-one-window))
+    (fit-frame-if-one-window)))
+;;; Mouse 3 menu.
+(defvar diredp-file-line-overlay nil)
+(defun diredp-mouse-3-menu (event)      ; Bound to `mouse-3'
+  "Dired pop-up `mouse-3' menu, for files in selection or current line."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (if (not (and (fboundp 'mouse3-dired-use-menu)  (diredp-nonempty-region-p)))
+      ;; No `mouse3.el' or no region.
+      (if (diredp-nonempty-region-p)
+          ;; Region
+          (let ((reg-choice  (x-popup-menu
+                              event
+                              (list "Files in Region"
+                                    (list ""
+                                          '("Mark" . diredp-mark-region-files)
+                                          '("Unmark" . diredp-unmark-region-files)
+                                          '("Toggle Marked/Unmarked" .
+                                            diredp-toggle-marks-in-region)
+                                          '("Flag for Deletion" .
+                                            diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion))))))
+            (when reg-choice (call-interactively reg-choice)))
+        ;; Single file/dir (no region).
+        (let ((mouse-pos                  (event-start event))
+              ;; Do not use `save-excursion', because some commands will move point on purpose.
+              ;; Just save original point and return to it unless MOVEP is set to non-nil.
+              (opoint                     (point))
+              (movep                      nil)
+              (inhibit-field-text-motion  t) ; Just in case.
+              choice bol  eol  file/dir-name)
+          (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window mouse-pos))
+            (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+            (setq bol  (line-beginning-position)
+                  eol  (line-end-position))
+            (unwind-protect
+                 (when (setq file/dir-name  (and (not (eobp))  (dired-get-filename nil t)))
+                   (if diredp-file-line-overlay ; Don't re-create if exists.
+                       (move-overlay diredp-file-line-overlay bol eol (current-buffer))
+                     (setq diredp-file-line-overlay  (make-overlay bol eol))
+                     (overlay-put diredp-file-line-overlay 'face 'region))
+                   (sit-for 0)
+                   (let ((map
+                          (easy-menu-create-menu
+                           "This File"
+                           `(
+                             ("Bookmark" :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)
+                              ["Bookmark..." diredp-bookmark-this-file]
+                              ["Add Tags..." diredp-tag-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              ["Remove Tags..." diredp-untag-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              ["Remove All Tags" diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              ["Copy Tags" diredp-copy-tags-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              ["Paste Tags (Add)" diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              ["Paste Tags (Replace)" diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              ["Set Tag Value..." diredp-set-tag-value-this-file
+                               :visible (featurep 'bookmark+)]
+                              )
+                             ["Describe" ',(if (if (> emacs-major-version 21)
+                                                   (require 'help-fns+ nil t)
+                                                 (require 'help+20 nil t))
+                                               'diredp-describe-file
+                                               'diredp-describe-autofile)] ; Requires `bookmark+.el'
+                             ;; Stuff from `Marks' menu.
+                             ["Mark"  dired-mark
+                              :visible (not (eql (dired-file-marker file/dir-name)
+                                             dired-marker-char))]
+                             ["Unmark" dired-unmark
+                              :visible (dired-file-marker file/dir-name)]
+                             ["Flag for Deletion" dired-flag-file-deletion
+                              :visible (not (eql (dired-file-marker file/dir-name)
+                                             dired-del-marker))]
+                             ["Delete..." diredp-delete-this-file]
+                             "--"       ; ------------------------------------------------------
+                             ;; Stuff from `Single' / `Multiple' menus.
+                             ["Open" dired-find-file]
+                             ["Open in Other Window" dired-find-file-other-window]
+                             ["Open in Other Frame" diredp-find-file-other-frame]
+                             ["Open Associated Windows App" dired-w32-browser
+                              :visible (featurep 'w32-browser)]
+                             ["Open in Windows Explorer" dired-w32explore
+                              :visible (featurep 'w32-browser)]
+                             ["View (Read Only)" dired-view-file]
+                             ["--" 'ignore ; -------------------------------------------------
+                              :visible (or (atom (diredp-this-subdir)) ; Subdir line.
+                                        (not (equal (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                                              (expand-file-name default-directory))))] ; Not top.
+                             ["Insert This Subdir"
+                              (lambda () (interactive)
+                                      (call-interactively #'dired-maybe-insert-subdir)
+                                      (setq movep  t))
+                              :visible (and (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+                                        (not (assoc (file-name-as-directory (diredp-this-subdir))
+                                              dired-subdir-alist)))
+                              :enable (atom (diredp-this-subdir))]
+                             ["Go To Inserted Subdir"
+                              (lambda () (interactive)
+                                      (call-interactively #'dired-maybe-insert-subdir)
+                                      (setq movep  t))
+                              :visible (and (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+                                        (assoc (file-name-as-directory (diredp-this-subdir))
+                                         dired-subdir-alist))
+                              :enable (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+                              :keys "i"]
+                             ["Remove This Inserted Subdir" dired-kill-subdir
+                              :visible (not (equal
+                                             (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                                             (expand-file-name default-directory)))] ; In subdir, not top.
+                             ["Remove This Inserted Subdir and Lower" diredp-kill-this-tree
+                              :visible (and (fboundp 'diredp-kill-this-tree)
+                                        (not (equal
+                                              (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                                              (expand-file-name default-directory))))] ; In subdir, not top.
+                             ["Dired This Inserted Subdir (Tear Off)"
+                              (lambda () (interactive) (diredp-dired-this-subdir t))
+                              :visible (not (equal (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                                             (expand-file-name default-directory)))] ; In subdir, not top.
+                             "--"       ; ------------------------------------------------------
+                             ["Compare..." diredp-ediff]
+                             ["Diff..." dired-diff]
+                             ["Diff with Backup" dired-backup-diff]
+                             ["Bookmark..." diredp-bookmark-this-file
+                              :visible (not (featurep 'bookmark+))]
+                             "--"       ; ------------------------------------------------------
+                             ["Rename to..." diredp-rename-this-file]
+                             ["Capitalize" diredp-capitalize-this-file]
+                             ["Upcase" diredp-upcase-this-file]
+                             ["Downcase" diredp-downcase-this-file]
+                             "--"       ; ------------------------------------------------------
+                             ["Copy to..." diredp-copy-this-file]
+                             ["Symlink to (Relative)..." diredp-relsymlink-this-file]
+                             ["Symlink to..." diredp-symlink-this-file]
+                             ["Hardlink to..." diredp-hardlink-this-file]
+                             "--"       ; ------------------------------------------------------
+                             ["Shell Command..." diredp-shell-command-this-file]
+                             ["Asynchronous Shell Command..."
+                              diredp-async-shell-command-this-file]
+                             ["Print..." diredp-print-this-file]
+                             ["Grep" diredp-grep-this-file]
+                             ["Compress/Uncompress" diredp-compress-this-file]
+                             ["Byte-Compile" diredp-byte-compile-this-file]
+                             ["Load" diredp-load-this-file]
+                             "--"       ; ------------------------------------------------------
+                             ["Change Timestamp..." diredp-touch-this-file]
+                             ["Change Mode..." diredp-chmod-this-file]
+                             ["Change Group..." diredp-chgrp-this-file
+                              :visible (fboundp 'diredp-chgrp-this-file)]
+                             ["Change Owner..." diredp-chown-this-file
+                              :visible (fboundp 'diredp-chown-this-file)]))))
+                     (when diredp-file-line-overlay
+                       (delete-overlay diredp-file-line-overlay))
+                     (setq choice  (x-popup-menu event map))
+                     (when choice (call-interactively (lookup-key map (apply 'vector choice))))))
+              (unless movep (goto-char opoint))))))
+    ;; `mouse3.el' and active region.
+    (unless (eq mouse3-dired-function 'mouse3-dired-use-menu)
+      (funcall #'mouse3-dired-use-menu)
+      (revert-buffer))
+    (let ((last-command  'mouse-save-then-kill)) (mouse-save-then-kill event))))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el' for Emacs 20.
+;; Allow `.' and `..', by using non-nil second arg to `dired-get-filename'.
+(when (< emacs-major-version 21)
+  (defun dired-find-file ()             ; Bound to `RET'
+    "In Dired, visit the file or directory named on this line."
+    (interactive)
+    (let* ((dgf-result  (or (dired-get-filename nil t)  (error "No file on this line")))
+           (file-name   (file-name-sans-versions dgf-result t)))
+      (if (file-exists-p file-name)
+          (find-file file-name)
+        (if (file-symlink-p file-name)
+            (error "File is a symlink to a nonexistent target")
+          (error "File no longer exists; type `g' to update Dired buffer"))))))
+(defun diredp-find-file-other-frame ()  ; Bound to `C-o'
+  "In Dired, visit this file or directory in another frame."
+  (interactive)
+  (find-file-other-frame (file-name-sans-versions (dired-get-filename nil t) t)))
+(defun diredp-mouse-find-file-other-frame (event) ; Bound to `M-mouse-2'
+  "In Dired, visit file or directory clicked on in another frame."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((pop-up-frames  t)) (dired-mouse-find-file-other-window event)))
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL in `dired.el'.
+;; Allow `.' and `..', by using non-nil second arg to `dired-get-filename'.
+(defun dired-mouse-find-file-other-window (event) ; Bound to `mouse-2'
+  "In Dired, visit the file or directory name you click on."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let (file)
+    (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event)))
+      (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
+                      (setq file  (dired-get-filename nil t))))
+    (unless (stringp file) (error "No file here"))
+    (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
+    (find-file-other-window (file-name-sans-versions file t))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-view-file (event)   ; Not bound
+  "Examine this file in view mode, returning to Dired when done.
+When file is a directory, show it in this buffer if it is inserted;
+otherwise, display it in another buffer."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let (file)
+    (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window (event-end event)))
+      (save-excursion (goto-char (posn-point (event-end event)))
+                      (setq file  (dired-get-filename nil t))))
+    (select-window (posn-window (event-end event)))
+    (if (file-directory-p file)
+        (or (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-goto-subdir file))  (dired file))
+      (view-file file))))               ; In `view.el'.
+(defun diredp-mouse-ediff (event)       ; Not bound
+  "Compare this file (pointed by mouse) with file FILE2 using `ediff'.
+FILE2 defaults to this file as well.  If you enter just a directory
+name for FILE2, then this file is compared with a file of the same
+name in that directory.  FILE2 is the second file given to `ediff';
+this file is the first given to it."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (require 'ediff)
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (call-interactively 'diredp-ediff)))
+(defun diredp-mouse-diff (event &optional switches) ; Not bound
+  "Compare this file (pointed by mouse) with file FILE2 using `diff'.
+FILE2 defaults to the file at the mark.  This file is the first file
+given to `diff'.  With prefix arg, prompt for second arg SWITCHES,
+which are options for `diff'."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((default    (and (mark t)  (save-excursion (goto-char (mark t))
+                                                   (dired-get-filename t t))))
+        (mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (require 'diff)
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (let ((file2  (read-file-name (format "Diff %s with: %s"
+                                          (dired-get-filename t)
+                                          (if default (concat "(default " default ") ") ""))
+                                  (dired-current-directory) default t)))
+      (setq switches  (and current-prefix-arg
+                           (if (fboundp 'icicle-read-string-completing) ; In `icicles-fn.el'
+                               (icicle-read-string-completing "Options for diff: "
+                                                              (if (stringp diff-switches)
+                                                                  diff-switches
+                                                                (mapconcat #'identity diff-switches " "))
+                                                              (lambda (c)
+                                                                (diredp-string-match-p "switches"
+                                                                                       (symbol-name c))))
+                             (read-string "Options for diff: " (if (stringp diff-switches)
+                                                                   diff-switches
+                                                                 (mapconcat #'identity diff-switches " "))))))
+      (diff file2 (dired-get-filename t) switches))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-backup-diff (event) ; Not bound
+  "Diff this file with its backup file or vice versa.
+Use the latest backup, if there are several numerical backups.
+If this file is a backup, diff it with its original.
+The backup file is the first file given to `diff'.
+With prefix arg, prompt for SWITCHES which are the options for `diff'."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((switches   (and current-prefix-arg
+                         (if (fboundp 'icicle-read-string-completing) ; In `icicles-fn.el'
+                             (icicle-read-string-completing "Options for diff: "
+                                                            (if (stringp diff-switches)
+                                                                diff-switches
+                                                              (mapconcat #'identity diff-switches " "))
+                                                            (lambda (c)
+                                                              (diredp-string-match-p "switches"
+                                                                                     (symbol-name c))))
+                           (read-string "Options for diff: " (if (stringp diff-switches)
+                                                                 diff-switches
+                                                               (mapconcat #'identity diff-switches " "))))))
+        (mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (diff-backup (dired-get-filename) switches)))
+(defun diredp-mouse-mark (event)        ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, mark this file.
+If on a subdir headerline, mark all its files except `.' and `..'.
+Use \\[dired-unmark-all-files] to remove all marks,
+and \\[dired-unmark] on a subdir to remove the marks in this subdir."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (if (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist)  (dired-get-subdir))
+      (save-excursion (dired-mark-subdir-files))
+    (let ((buffer-read-only  nil))
+      (dired-repeat-over-lines 1 #'(lambda () (delete-char 1) (insert dired-marker-char)))
+      (diredp-previous-line 1))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-unmark (event)      ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, unmark this file.
+If looking at a subdir, unmark all its files except `.' and `..'."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  ?\040)) (dired-mark nil))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+;;; This can be bound to [C-down-mouse-1] to give behavior similar to Windows Explorer.
+;;; However, Emacs generally uses [C-down-mouse-1] for `mouse-buffer-menu'.
+(defun diredp-mouse-mark/unmark (event) ; Not bound
+  "Mark/unmark file or directory at mouse EVENT."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let* ((mouse-pos                  (event-start event))
+         (inhibit-field-text-motion  t) ; Just in case.
+         (file/dir-name              (with-current-buffer (window-buffer (posn-window mouse-pos))
+                                       (save-excursion
+                                         (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+                                         (and (not (eobp))  (dired-get-filename nil t))))))
+    ;; Return nil iff not on a file or directory name.
+    (and file/dir-name  (cond ((dired-file-marker file/dir-name)
+                               (diredp-mouse-unmark event)
+                               (message "Unmarked: %s" file/dir-name))
+                              (t
+                               (diredp-mouse-mark event)
+                               (message "Marked: %s" file/dir-name))))))
+;; This can be bound to [S-mouse-1] to give behavior similar to Windows Explorer.
+;; If you do that, consider binding `diredp-mouse-mark/unmark' to `C-mouse-1'.
+;; Alternatively, just bind `diredp-mouse-mark/unmark-mark-region-files' to [S-mouse-1].
+(defun diredp-mouse-mark-region-files (event) ; Bound to `S-mouse-1'
+  "Mark files between point and the mouse."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (call-interactively 'mouse-save-then-kill)
+  (diredp-mark-region-files))
+;; This can be bound to [S-mouse-1] to give behavior similar to Windows Explorer.
+;; If you don't bind `diredp-mouse-mark/unmark' to, for instance, `C-mouse-1', then
+;; Consider binding this to [S-mouse-1].
+(defun diredp-mouse-mark/unmark-mark-region-files (event) ; Not bound
+  "Mark/unmark file or mark files in region.
+If the file the cursor is on is marked, then mark all files between it
+ and the line clicked (included).
+Otherwise (cursor's file is unmarked):
+ If the file clicked is marked, then unmark it.
+ If it is unmarked, then mark it."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    ;; If same click same line as cursor, or cursor's line is marked,
+    ;; Then toggle the clicked line's mark.
+    ;; Else mark all files in region between point and clicked line (included).
+    (if (or (eq (count-lines (point-min) (posn-point mouse-pos))
+                (count-lines (point-min) (point)))
+            (equal dired-marker-char (dired-file-marker (dired-get-filename nil t))))
+        (diredp-mouse-mark/unmark event)
+      (call-interactively 'mouse-save-then-kill)
+      (diredp-mark-region-files))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-flag-file-deletion (event) ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, flag this file for deletion.
+If on a subdir headerline, mark all its files except `.' and `..'."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (let ((dired-marker-char  dired-del-marker)) (dired-mark 1))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-copy (event)     ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, copy this file.
+This normally preserves the last-modified date when copying."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-do-create-files 'copy #'dired-copy-file (if dired-copy-preserve-time "Copy [-p]" "Copy")
+                         1 dired-keep-marker-copy))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-rename (event)   ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, rename this file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-do-create-files 'move #'dired-rename-file "Move" 1 dired-keep-marker-rename "Rename"))
+(defun diredp-mouse-upcase (event)      ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, rename this file to upper case."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-rename-non-directory #'upcase "Rename to uppercase:" nil))
+(defun diredp-mouse-downcase (event)    ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, rename this file to lower case."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-rename-non-directory #'downcase "Rename to lowercase:" nil))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-delete (event)   ; Not bound
+  "In Dired, delete this file, upon confirmation."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (diredp-internal-do-deletions (dired-map-over-marks (cons (dired-get-filename) (point)) 1)
+                                1
+                                'USE-TRASH-CAN) ; This arg is for Emacs 24+ only.
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-shell-command (event) ; Not bound
+  "Run a shell COMMAND on this file.
+If there is output, it goes to a separate buffer.
+No automatic redisplay of Dired buffers is attempted, as there's no
+telling what files the command may have changed.  Type
+\\[dired-do-redisplay] to redisplay.
+The shell command has the top level directory as working directory, so
+output files usually are created there instead of in a subdir."
+  ;;Functions dired-run-shell-command and dired-shell-stuff-it do the
+  ;;actual work and can be redefined for customization.
+  (interactive "e")
+  (lexical-let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event))
+                (command    (dired-read-shell-command "! on %s: " nil (dired-get-marked-files t nil))))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-bunch-files (- 10000 (length command))
+                       (lambda (&rest files) (dired-run-shell-command (dired-shell-stuff-it command files t 1)))
+                       nil
+                       (dired-get-marked-files t 1))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-symlink (event)  ; Not bound
+  "Make symbolic link to this file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-do-create-files 'symlink #'make-symbolic-link "Symlink" 1 dired-keep-marker-symlink))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-hardlink (event) ; Not bound
+  "Make hard link (alias) to this file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-do-create-files 'hardlink #'add-name-to-file "Hardlink" 1 dired-keep-marker-hardlink))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-print (event)    ; Not bound
+  "Print this file.
+Uses the shell command coming from variables `lpr-command' and
+`lpr-switches' as default."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (let* ((file     (dired-get-filename))
+         (command  (dired-mark-read-string "Print %s with: "
+                                           (apply 'concat lpr-command " " lpr-switches)
+                                           'print 1 (list file))))
+    (dired-run-shell-command (dired-shell-stuff-it command (list file) nil))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-grep (event)     ; Not bound
+  "Run grep against this file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (unless grep-command (grep-compute-defaults))
+  (grep (diredp-do-grep-1 (list (dired-get-filename t)))))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-compress (event) ; Not bound
+  "Compress or uncompress this file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+        (dired-no-confirm  t))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'dired-compress 1 'compress t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-byte-compile (event) ; Not bound
+  "Byte compile this file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+        (dired-no-confirm  t))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'dired-byte-compile 1 'byte-compile t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-load (event)     ; Not bound
+  "Load this Emacs Lisp file."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos         (event-start event))
+        (dired-no-confirm  t))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos))
+    (dired-map-over-marks-check #'dired-load 1 'load t))
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(defun diredp-mouse-do-chmod (event)    ; Not bound
+  "Change the mode of this file.
+This calls chmod, so symbolic modes like `g+w' are allowed."
+  (interactive "e")
+  (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+    (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+    (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+  (dired-do-chxxx "Mode" "chmod" 'chmod 1)
+  (diredp-previous-line 1))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-mouse-do-chgrp (event)  ; Not bound
+    "Change the group of this file."
+    (interactive "e")
+    (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+      (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+      (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+    (dired-do-chxxx "Group" "chgrp" 'chgrp 1)
+    (diredp-previous-line 1)))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (defun diredp-mouse-do-chown (event)  ; Not bound
+    "Change the owner of this file."
+    (interactive "e")
+    (let ((mouse-pos  (event-start event)))
+      (select-window (posn-window mouse-pos))
+      (goto-char (posn-point mouse-pos)))
+    (dired-do-chxxx "Owner" dired-chown-program 'chown 1)
+    (diredp-previous-line 1)))
+;;; Breadcrumbs
+(when (fboundp 'define-minor-mode)
+  ;; Macro `define-minor-mode' is not defined in Emacs 20, so in order to be able to byte-compile
+  ;; this file in Emacs 20, prohibit byte-compiling of the `define-minor-mode' call.
+  ;;
+  (eval '(define-minor-mode diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode
+          "Toggle the use of breadcrumbs in Dired header line.
+With arg, show breadcrumbs iff arg is positive."
+          :init-value nil :group 'header-line :group 'Dired-Plus
+          (unless (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
+            (error "You must be in Dired or a mode derived from it to use this command"))
+          (if diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode
+              (diredp-set-header-line-breadcrumbs)
+            (setq header-line-format  (default-value 'header-line-format)))))
+  (defun diredp-set-header-line-breadcrumbs ()
+    "Show a header line with breadcrumbs to parent directories."
+    (let ((parent  (diredp-parent-dir default-directory))
+          (dirs    ())
+          (text    ""))
+      (while parent
+        (push parent dirs)
+        (setq parent  (diredp-parent-dir parent)))
+      (dolist (dir  dirs)
+        (let* ((crumbs-map    (make-sparse-keymap))
+               (menu-map      (make-sparse-keymap "Breadcrumbs in Header Line"))
+               ;; The next three are for showing the root as absolute and the rest as relative.
+               (rootp         (diredp-root-directory-p dir))
+               (parent-rootp  (and (not rootp)  (diredp-root-directory-p (diredp-parent-dir dir))))
+               (rdir          dir))
+          ;; (define-key crumbs-map [header-line mouse-3] menu-map)
+          (unless rootp (setq rdir  (file-name-nondirectory (directory-file-name dir))))
+          (when dir
+            (setq rdir  (propertize rdir
+                                    'local-map (progn (define-key crumbs-map [header-line mouse-1]
+                                                        `(lambda () (interactive)
+                                                          (dired ,dir dired-actual-switches)))
+                                                      (define-key crumbs-map [header-line mouse-2]
+                                                        `(lambda () (interactive)
+                                                          (dired-other-window ,dir dired-actual-switches)))
+                                                      crumbs-map)
+                                    'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
+                                    ;;'help-echo "mouse-1: Dired; mouse-2: Dired in other window; mouse-3: Menu"))
+                                    'help-echo "mouse-1: Dired; mouse-2: Dired in other window"))
+            (setq text  (concat text (if (or rootp  parent-rootp) " "  " / ") rdir)))))
+      (make-local-variable 'header-line-format)
+      (setq header-line-format  text)))
+  ;; Users can do this.
+  ;;
+  ;; (add-hook 'dired-before-readin-hook 'diredp-breadcrumbs-in-header-line-mode)
+  )
+;;; `Dired+' Help
+(defun diredp-describe-mode (&optional buffer)
+  "Describe Dired mode, including Dired+ features.
+This is `describe-mode' plus a description of Dired+ features.
+For just the latter, use \\<dired-mode-map>`\\[diredp-dired-plus-help]'."
+  (interactive "@")
+  (unless (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)
+    (error "Use `diredp-dired-plus-help' if you want information about Dired+"))
+  (with-current-buffer (or buffer  (current-buffer)) (describe-mode))
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Help*")
+    (save-excursion
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (diredp-dired-plus-help-link)
+      (let ((buffer-read-only  nil)) (insert "\n"))
+      (when (re-search-forward "Keybindings:\nkey\\s-+binding\n---\\s-+-------" nil t)
+        (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+        (let ((buffer-read-only  nil))
+          (insert "\f\n")
+          (diredp-dired-plus-description+links)
+          (insert "\f\n"))))))
+(defun diredp-dired-plus-help ()
+  "Describe Dired+."
+  (interactive "@")
+  (diredp-with-help-window "*Help*" (diredp-dired-plus-description+links)))
+(defun diredp-dired-plus-description+links ()
+  "Insert Dired+ help text in `*Help*'."
+  (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create "*Help*")
+    (let ((buffer-read-only  nil))
+      (save-restriction
+        (narrow-to-region (point) (point))
+        (diredp-dired-plus-help-link)
+        (insert (diredp-dired-plus-description))
+        (goto-char (point-max))
+        (insert "\n")
+        (diredp-dired-plus-help-link)))))
+(when (and (> emacs-major-version 21)
+           (require 'help-mode nil t)
+           (get 'help-xref 'button-category-symbol)) ; `button.el'
+  (define-button-type 'diredp-help-button
+      :supertype 'help-xref
+      'help-function #'(lambda () (browse-url "https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DiredPlus"))
+      'help-echo
+      (purecopy "mouse-2, RET: Dired+ documentation on the Emacs Wiki (requires \
+Internet access)")))
+(defun diredp-dired-plus-help-link ()
+  "Add Web link for Dired+ help, and reminder about sending bug report."
+  ;; Don't bother to do this for Emacs 21.3.  Its `help-insert-xref-button' is different.
+  (when (and (> emacs-major-version 21)
+             (require 'help-mode nil t)
+             (fboundp 'help-insert-xref-button)) ; `help-mode.el'.
+    (let ((buffer-read-only  nil))
+      (help-insert-xref-button "[Dired+ Help on the Web]" 'diredp-help-button)
+      (insert (substitute-command-keys
+               "\t\tSend a Dired+ bug report:\n\t\t\t\t\t`\\[diredp-send-bug-report]'\n")))))
+(defun diredp-dired-plus-description ()
+  "Dired+ description."
+  (substitute-command-keys
+   (concat
+    "\\<dired-mode-map>\
+              Dired+ Features
+              ---------------
+To see or customize the  Dired+ options or faces, use
+`M-x customize-option diredp TAB' or `M-x customize-face diredp TAB'.
+Most keys listed here are in addition to those for vanilla Dired.
+Many Dired+ actions are available from the menu-bar menus and the
+`mouse-3' context menu.  This may include commands shown here as not
+being bound to keys (i.e., listed as `M-x ...').
+General Here
+    (and (fboundp 'diredp-w32-drives)
+         "  \\[diredp-w32-drives]\t\t- Go up to a list of MS Windows drives
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode)
+         "  \\[dired-hide-details-mode]\t\t- Hide/show details
+    "  \\[revert-buffer]\t\t- Refresh (sync and show all)
+  \\[diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir]\t- Toggle reusing directories
+    "  \\[diredp-marked-other-window]\t\t- Open Dired on marked files here
+  \\[diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs]\t\t- Dired separately each subdir inserted here
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "  \\[diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode]\t- Toggle autofile highlighting
+    "General Globally
+  \\[diredp-add-to-dired-buffer]\t- Add files to a Dired buffer
+  \\[diredp-fileset]\t- Open Dired on files in a fileset
+  \\[diredp-dired-recent-dirs]\t- Open Dired on recently used dirs
+  \\[diredp-dired-union]\t- Create union of some Dired buffers
+  \\[diredp-dired-for-files]\t- Open Dired on files located anywhere
+  \\[diredp-mouse-3-menu]\t- Context-sensitive menu
+    (and (where-is-internal 'diredp-mouse-describe-file dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[diredp-mouse-describe-file]\t- Describe file
+    (and (where-is-internal 'diredp-mouse-describe-autofile dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[diredp-mouse-describe-autofile]\t- Describe autofile
+    "  \\[diredp-mouse-mark-region-files]\t\t- Mark all in region
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-mouse-w32-browser) ; In `w32-browser.el'.
+         (where-is-internal 'dired-mouse-w32-browser dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[dired-mouse-w32-browser]\t\t- MS Windows `Open' action
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer) ; In `w32-browser.el'.
+         (where-is-internal 'dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer]\t- MS Windows `Open' action
+    (and (where-is-internal 'dired-mouse-find-file dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[dired-mouse-find-file]\t- Open in this window
+    (and (where-is-internal 'diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[diredp-mouse-find-file-reuse-dir-buffer]\t- Open in this window
+    (and (where-is-internal 'dired-mouse-find-file-other-window dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[dired-mouse-find-file-other-window]\t\t- Open in another window
+    "  \\[diredp-mouse-find-file-other-frame]\t\t- Open in another frame
+    "
+  \\[dired-mark]\t\t- Mark this file/dir
+  \\[dired-unmark]\t\t- Unmark this file/dir
+  \\[dired-toggle-marks]\t\t- Toggle marked/unmarked
+  \\[dired-mark-sexp]\t\t- Mark all satisfying a predicate
+  \\[dired-unmark-all-marks]\t\t- Unmark all
+  \\[diredp-mark/unmark-extension]\t\t- Mark/unmark all that have a given extension
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-mark-omitted)  ; In `dired-x.el' Emacs 22+.
+         "  \\[dired-mark-omitted]\t\t- Mark omitted
+    "  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp]\t\t- Mark those with a tag that matches a regexp
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp]\t\t- Unmark those with a tag that matches a regexp
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-all]\t\t- Mark those with all of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all]\t\t- Unmark those with all of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-some]\t\t- Mark those with some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some]\t\t- Unmark those with some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all]\t- Mark those without some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all]\t- Unmark those without some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-none]\t- Mark those with none of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none]\t- Unmark those with none of the given tags
+    "
+Current file/subdir (current line)
+  \\[diredp-describe-file]\t- Describe
+  \\[dired-find-file]\t\t- Open
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-mouse-w32-browser) ; In `w32-browser.el'.
+         (where-is-internal 'dired-mouse-w32-browser dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[dired-mouse-w32-browser]\t- MS Windows `Open' action
+  \\[dired-w32explore]\t- MS Windows Explorer
+    "  \\[diredp-byte-compile-this-file]\t\t- Byte-compile
+  \\[diredp-compress-this-file]\t\t- Compress/uncompress
+  \\[diredp-print-this-file]\t\t- Print
+  \\[diredp-relsymlink-this-file]\t\t- Create relative symlink
+  \\[diredp-delete-this-file]\t\t- Delete (with confirmation)
+  \\[diredp-rename-this-file]\t\t- Rename
+  \\[diredp-capitalize-this-file]\t\t- Capitalize (rename)
+  \\[diredp-upcase-this-file]\t\t- Rename to uppercase
+  \\[diredp-downcase-this-file]\t\t- Rename to lowercase
+  \\[diredp-ediff]\t\t- Ediff
+  \\[diredp-bookmark-this-file]\t\t- Bookmark
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "  \\[diredp-tag-this-file]\t\t- Add some tags to this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-untag-this-file]\t\t- Remove some tags from this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file]\t\t- Remove all tags from this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-copy-tags-this-file]\t\t- Copy the tags from this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file]\t\t- Paste (add) copied tags to this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file]\t\t- Paste (replace) tags for this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-set-tag-value-this-file]\t\t- Set a tag value for this file/dir
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer) ; In `w32-browser.el'.
+         (where-is-internal 'dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer dired-mode-map)
+         "  \\[dired-mouse-w32-browser-reuse-dir-buffer]\t- MS Windows `Open' action
+  \\[dired-w32explore]\t- MS Windows Explorer
+    "
+Marked (or next prefix arg) files & subdirs here
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-multiple-w32-browser) ; In `w32-browser.el'.
+         "
+  \\[dired-multiple-w32-browser]\t- MS Windows `Open' action
+    "  \\[diredp-list-marked]\t\t- List marked files and directories
+  \\[diredp-insert-subdirs]\t\t- Insert marked subdirectories
+  \\[dired-copy-filename-as-kill]\t\t- Copy names for pasting
+  M-o \\[dired-copy-filename-as-kill]\t\t- Copy absolute names for pasting
+  \\[diredp-yank-files]\t\t- Paste files whose absolute names you copied
+  \\[dired-do-find-marked-files]\t\t- Visit
+  \\[dired-do-copy]\t\t- Copy
+  \\[dired-do-rename]\t\t- Rename/move
+  \\[diredp-do-grep]\t\t- Run `grep'
+  \\[dired-do-search]\t\t- Search
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-do-find-regexp) ; Emacs 25+
+         "  \\[dired-do-find-regexp]\t\t- Search using `find'
+    (if (fboundp 'dired-do-query-replace-regexp) ; Emacs 22+
+        "  \\[dired-do-query-replace-regexp]\t\t- Query-replace
+      "  \\[dired-do-query-replace]\t\t- Query-replace
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace)
+         "  \\[dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace]\t\t- Query-replace using `find'
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-do-isearch)
+         "  \\[dired-do-isearch]\t- Isearch
+  \\[dired-do-isearch-regexp]\t- Regexp isearch
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-do-async-shell-command)
+         "  \\[dired-do-async-shell-command]\t\t- Run shell command asynchronously
+    "  \\[dired-do-shell-command]\t\t- Run shell command
+  \\[diredp-marked-other-window]\t\t- Dired
+  \\[dired-do-compress]\t\t- Compress
+  \\[dired-do-byte-compile]\t\t- Byte-compile
+  \\[dired-do-load]\t\t- Load (Emacs Lisp)
+  \\[diredp-do-apply-function]\t\t- Apply Lisp function
+  \\[diredp-do-emacs-command]\t\t- Invoke Emacs command
+    (and (fboundp 'diredp-read-expression) ; Emacs 22+
+         "  \\[diredp-do-lisp-sexp]\t\t- Evaluate Lisp sexp
+    "  \\[diredp-omit-marked]\t- Omit
+  \\[diredp-omit-unmarked]\t- Omit unmarked
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "
+  \\[diredp-do-tag]\t\t- Add some tags to marked
+  \\[diredp-do-untag]\t\t- Remove some tags from marked
+  \\[diredp-do-remove-all-tags]\t\t- Remove all tags from marked
+  \\[diredp-do-paste-add-tags]\t- Paste (add) copied tags to marked
+  \\[diredp-do-paste-replace-tags]\t\t- Paste (replace) tags for marked
+  \\[diredp-do-set-tag-value]\t\t- Set a tag value for marked
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp]\t\t- Mark those with a tag that matches a regexp
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-all]\t\t- Mark those with all of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-some]\t\t- Mark those with some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all]\t- Mark those without some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-none]\t- Mark those with none of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp]\t\t- Unmark those with a tag that matches a regexp
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all]\t\t- Unmark those with all of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some]\t\t- Unmark those with some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all]\t- Unmark those without some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none]\t- Unmark those with none of the given tags")
+    "
+  \\[diredp-do-bookmark]\t\t- Bookmark
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "  \\[diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked]\t\t- \
+Bookmark and create bookmark-file bookmark
+  \\[diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file]\t- Bookmark in specific bookmark file
+    "
+Here and below (in marked subdirs)
+    (and (fboundp 'dired-multiple-w32-browser) ; In `w32-browser.el'.
+         "
+  \\[diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive]\t- MS Windows `Open' action
+    "  \\[diredp-list-marked-recursive]\t\t- List marked files and directories
+  \\[diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive]\t\t- Insert marked subdirectories
+  \\[diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive]\t\t- Copy names for pasting
+  \\[diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive]\t\t\t- Visit
+  \\[diredp-do-print-recursive]\t\t\t- Print
+  \\[diredp-do-copy-recursive]\t\t\t- Copy
+  \\[diredp-do-move-recursive]\t\t\t- Move
+  \\[diredp-do-touch-recursive]\t\t- Touch (update timestamp)
+  \\[diredp-do-chmod-recursive]\t\t\t- Change mode
+  \\[diredp-do-symlink-recursive]\t\t\t- Add symbolic links
+  \\[diredp-do-relsymlink-recursive]\t\t\t- Add relative symbolic links
+  \\[diredp-do-hardlink-recursive]\t\t\t- Add hard links
+  \\[diredp-capitalize-recursive]\t\t- Capitalize
+  \\[diredp-downcase-recursive]\t\t- Downcase
+  \\[diredp-upcase-recursive]\t\t- Upcase
+  (and (fboundp 'epa-dired-do-encrypt)   ; Emacs 23+
+       "
+  \\[diredp-do-encrypt-recursive]\t\t- Encrypt
+  \\[diredp-do-decrypt-recursive]\t\t- Decrypt
+  \\[diredp-do-sign-recursive]\t\t- Sign
+  \\[diredp-do-verify-recursive]\t\t- Verify
+  "
+  \\[diredp-do-grep-recursive]\t\t- `grep'
+  \\[diredp-do-search-recursive]\t\t\t- Search
+  \\[diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive]\t\t\t- Query-replace
+  \\[diredp-do-isearch-recursive]\t\t- Isearch
+  \\[diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive]\t- Regexp isearch
+    (and (fboundp 'diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive) ; Emacs 23+
+         "
+  \\[diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive]\t\t\t- Run shell command asynchronously
+    "  \\[diredp-do-shell-command-recursive]\t\t\t- Run shell command
+  \\[diredp-do-apply-function-recursive]\t\t\t- Apply Lisp function
+  \\[diredp-marked-recursive-other-window]\t\t- Dired
+  \\[diredp-list-marked-recursive]\t\t- List
+  \\[diredp-image-dired-comment-files-recursive]\t\t- Add image comment
+  \\[diredp-image-dired-display-thumbs-recursive]\t\t- Show thumbnail images
+  \\[diredp-image-dired-tag-files-recursive]\t\t- Tag images
+  \\[diredp-image-dired-delete-tag-recursive]\t\t- Delete image tags
+  \\[diredp-do-bookmark-recursive]\t\t- Bookmark
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "  \\[diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive]\t\t- Bookmark in bookmark file
+  \\[diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive]\t\t- Create bookmark-file bookmark
+    "
+  \\[diredp-mark-directories-recursive]\t\t- Mark directories
+  \\[diredp-mark-executables-recursive]\t\t- Mark executables
+  \\[diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive]\t\t- Mark symbolic links
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive]\t\t- Mark content regexp matches
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive]\t\t- Mark filename regexp matches
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "  \\[diredp-mark-autofiles-recursive]\t\t- Mark autofiles
+    "  \\[diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive]\t\t\t- Flag auto-save
+  \\[diredp-do-delete-recursive]\t\t\t- Delete marked (not flagged)
+  \\[diredp-change-marks-recursive]\t\t- Change marks
+  \\[diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive]\t\t- Remove a given mark
+  \\[diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive]\t\t\t- Remove all marks
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+  \\[diredp-tag-this-file]\t\t- Add some tags to this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-untag-this-file]\t\t- Remove some tags from this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file]\t\t- Remove all tags from this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-copy-tags-this-file]\t\t- Copy the tags from this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file]\t\t- Paste (add) copied tags to this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file]\t\t- Paste (replace) tags for this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-set-tag-value-this-file]\t\t- Set a tag value for this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-do-tag]\t\t- Add some tags to marked
+  \\[diredp-do-untag]\t\t- Remove some tags from marked
+  \\[diredp-do-remove-all-tags]\t\t- Remove all tags from marked
+  \\[diredp-do-paste-add-tags]\t- Paste (add) copied tags to marked
+  \\[diredp-do-paste-replace-tags]\t\t- Paste (replace) tags for marked
+  \\[diredp-do-set-tag-value]\t\t- Set a tag value for marked
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp]\t\t- Mark those with a tag that matches a regexp
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-all]\t\t- Mark those with all of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-some]\t\t- Mark those with some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all]\t- Mark those without some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-mark-files-tagged-none]\t- Mark those with none of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp]\t\t- Unmark those with a tag that matches a regexp
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all]\t\t- Unmark those with all of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some]\t\t- Unmark those with some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all]\t- Unmark those without some of the given tags
+  \\[diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none]\t- Unmark those with none of the given tags
+    "
+  \\[diredp-bookmark-this-file]\t\t- Bookmark this file/dir
+  \\[diredp-do-bookmark]\t\t- Bookmark marked"
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "
+  \\[diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked]\t\t- \
+Bookmark marked and create bookmark-file bookmark
+  \\[diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file]\t- Bookmark marked, in specific bookmark file
+    "  \\[diredp-do-bookmark-recursive]\t- Bookmark marked, here and below
+    (and (featurep 'bookmark+)
+         "  \\[diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive]\t- \
+Bookmark marked, here and below, in specific file
+  \\[diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive]\t- \
+Set bookmark-file bookmark for marked here and below
+    )))
+(when (> emacs-major-version 21)
+  (defun diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name ()
+    "Show number of marked, flagged, and current-list lines in mode-line.
+\(Flagged means flagged for deletion.)
+If the current line is marked/flagged and there are others
+marked/flagged after it then show `N/M', where `N' is the number
+marked/flagged through the current line and `M' is the total number
+If the current line is for a file then show `L/T', where `L' is the
+line number in the current listing and `T' is the number of files in
+that listing.  If option `diredp-count-.-and-..-flag' is non-nil then
+count also `.' and `..'.
+Also abbreviate `mode-name', using \"Dired/\" instead of \"Dired by\"."
+    (let ((mname  (format-mode-line mode-name)))
+      ;; Property `dired+-mode-name' indicates whether `mode-name' has been changed.
+      (unless (get-text-property 0 'dired+-mode-name mname)
+        (save-match-data
+          (setq mode-name
+                `(,(propertize (if (string-match "^[dD]ired \\(by \\)?\\(.*\\)" mname)
+                                   (format "Dired/%s" (match-string 2 mname))
+                                 mname)
+                               'dired+-mode-name t)
+                  (:eval (let* ((dired-marker-char  (if (eq ?D dired-marker-char)
+                                                        ?* ; `dired-do-flagged-delete' binds it.
+                                                      dired-marker-char))
+                                (marked-regexp      (dired-marker-regexp))
+                                (nb-marked          (count-matches marked-regexp
+                                                                   (point-min) (point-max))))
+                           (if (not (> nb-marked 0))
+                               ""
+                             (propertize
+                              (format " %s%d%c"
+                                      (save-excursion
+                                        (forward-line 0)
+                                        (if (diredp-looking-at-p (concat marked-regexp ".*"))
+                                            (format "%d/" (1+ (count-matches
+                                                               marked-regexp
+                                                               (point-min) (point))))
+                                          ""))
+                                      nb-marked dired-marker-char)
+                              'face 'diredp-mode-line-marked 'dired+-mode-name t))))
+                  (:eval (let* ((flagged-regexp  (let ((dired-marker-char  dired-del-marker))
+                                                   (dired-marker-regexp)))
+                                (nb-flagged      (count-matches flagged-regexp
+                                                                (point-min) (point-max))))
+                           (if (not (> nb-flagged 0))
+                               ""
+                             (propertize
+                              (format " %s%dD"
+                                      (save-excursion
+                                        (forward-line 0)
+                                        (if (diredp-looking-at-p (concat flagged-regexp ".*"))
+                                            (format "%d/" (1+ (count-matches
+                                                               flagged-regexp
+                                                               (point-min) (point))))
+                                          ""))
+                                      nb-flagged)
+                              'face 'diredp-mode-line-flagged))))
+                  (:eval (save-excursion
+                           (let ((this   0)
+                                 (total  0)
+                                 (o-pt   (line-beginning-position))
+                                 (e-pt   (or (condition-case nil
+                                                 (let ((diredp-wrap-around-flag  nil))
+                                                   (save-excursion
+                                                     (diredp-next-subdir 1)
+                                                     (line-beginning-position)))
+                                               (error nil))
+                                             (save-excursion (goto-char (point-max)) (line-beginning-position)))))
+                             (when dired-subdir-alist (dired-goto-subdir (dired-current-directory)))
+                             (while (and (<= (point) e-pt)
+                                         (< (point) (point-max))) ; Hack to work around Emacs display-engine bug.
+                               (when (condition-case nil
+                                         (dired-get-filename nil diredp-count-.-and-..-flag)
+                                       (error nil))
+                                 (when (<= (line-beginning-position) o-pt) (setq this  (1+ this)))
+                                 (setq total  (1+ total)))
+                               (forward-line 1))
+                             (if (not (> this 0)) (format " %d" total) (format " %d/%d" this total)))))))))))
+  (add-hook 'dired-after-readin-hook 'diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name)
+  ;; This one is needed for `find-dired', because it does not call `dired-readin'.
+  (add-hook 'dired-mode-hook         'diredp-nb-marked-in-mode-name))
+(defun diredp-send-bug-report ()
+  "Send a bug report about a Dired+ problem."
+  (interactive)
+  (browse-url (format (concat "mailto:" "drew.adams" "@" "oracle" ".com?subject=\
+Dired+ bug: \
+&body=Describe bug below, using a precise recipe that starts with `emacs -Q' or `emacs -q'.  \
+File `dired+.el' has a header `Update #' that you can use to identify it.\
+%%0A%%0AEmacs version: %s.")
+                      (emacs-version))))
+(defun diredp-visit-ignore-regexp ()    ; Taken from `image-file-name-regexp'.
+  "Return a regular expression matching file names to skip.
+This is used by `dired-visit-(next|previous)'."
+  (let ((exts-regexp  (and diredp-visit-ignore-extensions
+                           (concat "\\." (regexp-opt (nconc (mapcar #'upcase diredp-visit-ignore-extensions)
+                                                            diredp-visit-ignore-extensions)
+                                                     t)
+                                   "\\'"))))
+    (if diredp-visit-ignore-regexps
+	(mapconcat #'identity (if exts-regexp
+                                  (cons exts-regexp diredp-visit-ignore-regexps)
+                                diredp-visit-ignore-regexps)
+		   "\\|")
+      exts-regexp)))
+(defun diredp-visit-next-file (&optional arg) ; Bound to `C-down'
+  "Move down a line and visit its file in another window.
+With numeric prefix arg N, move down N-1 lines first.
+After moving N lines, skip any lines with file names that match either
+`diredp-visit-ignore-extensions' or `diredp-visit-ignore-regexps'. 
+Kill the last buffer visited by a `dired-visit-*' command."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (dired-next-line arg)
+  (while (diredp-string-match-p (diredp-visit-ignore-regexp) (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+    (dired-next-line 1))
+  (diredp-visit-this-file))
+(defun diredp-visit-previous-file (&optional arg) ; Bound to `C-up'
+  "Move up a line and visit its file in another window.
+With numeric prefix arg N, move up N-1 lines first.
+After moving N lines, skip any lines with file names that match either
+`diredp-visit-ignore-extensions' or `diredp-visit-ignore-regexps'. 
+Kill the last buffer visited by a `dired-visit-*' command."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (dired-previous-line arg)
+  (while (diredp-string-match-p (diredp-visit-ignore-regexp) (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+    (dired-previous-line 1))
+  (diredp-visit-this-file))
+(defun diredp-visit-this-file ()        ; Bound to `e' (replaces `dired-find-file' binding)
+  "View the file on this line in another window in the same frame.
+If it was not already shown there then kill the previous buffer
+visited by a `dired-visit-*' command.
+If it was already shown there, and if it and Dired are the only
+windows there, then delete its window (toggle : show/hide the file)."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((file   (dired-get-file-for-visit))
+        (obuf   (current-buffer))
+        (shown  nil)
+        fwin)
+    (unless (or (and (fboundp 'window-parent)  (window-parent))
+                (not (one-window-p 'NOMINI)))
+      (split-window))
+    (save-selected-window
+      (other-window 1)
+      (setq fwin  (selected-window))
+      (unless (or (setq shown  (or (equal (current-buffer) (get-file-buffer file))
+                                   (memq (current-buffer) (dired-buffers-for-dir file))))
+                  (equal obuf (current-buffer)))
+        (kill-buffer (current-buffer))))
+    (if shown
+        (when (= 2 (count-windows 'NOMINI)) (delete-window fwin))
+      (set-window-buffer fwin (find-file-noselect file)))))
+;;; Key Bindings.
+;; Menu Bar.
+;; New order is (left -> right):
+;;     Dir  Regexp  Mark  Multiple  Single
+;; Get rid of menu bar predefined in `dired.el'.
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar] nil)
+;; Get rid of Edit menu bar menu to save space.
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar edit] 'undefined)
+;; `Single' menu.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL `Immediate' menu in `dired.el'.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-single-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Single"))
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar immediate] (cons "Single" diredp-menu-bar-single-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu 'diredp-menu-bar-single-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-immediate-menu 'diredp-menu-bar-single-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(if (fboundp 'diredp-describe-file)
+    (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [diredp-describe-file]
+      '(menu-item "Describe" diredp-describe-file
+        :help "Describe the file or directory at cursor"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [diredp-describe-autofile]
+    '(menu-item "Describe" diredp-describe-autofile
+      :help "Describe the autofile at cursor"
+      :enable (featurep 'bookmark+))))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [separator-describe] '("--")) ; ---------------------
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-chown-this-file)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [chown]
+    '(menu-item "Change Owner..." diredp-chown-this-file
+      :help "Change the owner of file at cursor")))
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-chgrp-this-file)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [chgrp]
+    '(menu-item "Change Group..." diredp-chgrp-this-file
+      :help "Change the group of file at cursor")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [chmod]
+  '(menu-item "Change Mode..." diredp-chmod-this-file
+    :help "Change mode (attributes) of file at cursor"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-touch)         ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [touch]
+    '(menu-item "Change Timestamp (`touch')..." diredp-touch-this-file
+      :help "Change the timestamp of file at cursor, using `touch'")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [separator-change] '("--")) ; -----------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [print]
+  '(menu-item "Print..." diredp-print-this-file
+    :help "Print file at cursor, supplying print command"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [grep]
+  '(menu-item "Grep..." diredp-grep-this-file :help "Grep file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [compress]
+  '(menu-item "Compress/Uncompress" diredp-compress-this-file
+    :help "Compress/uncompress file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [command]
+  '(menu-item "Shell Command..." diredp-shell-command-this-file
+    :help "Run a shell command on file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [diredp-async-shell-command-this-file]
+  '(menu-item "Asynchronous Shell Command..." diredp-async-shell-command-this-file
+    :help "Run a shell command asynchronously on file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [compile]
+  '(menu-item "Byte Compile" diredp-byte-compile-this-file
+    :help "Byte-compile this Emacs Lisp file"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [load]
+  '(menu-item "Load" diredp-load-this-file
+    :help "Load this Emacs Lisp file"))
+(when (fboundp 'mkhtml-dired-files)     ; In `mkhtml.el'.
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [mkhtml-dired-files]
+    '(menu-item "Create HTML" mkhtml-dired-files
+      :help "Create an HTML file corresponding to file at cursor")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [separator-misc] '("--")) ; -------------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [delete]
+  '(menu-item "Delete" diredp-delete-this-file :help "Delete file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [separator-delete] '("--")) ; -----------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [backup-diff]
+  '(menu-item "Diff with Backup" dired-backup-diff
+    :help "Diff file at cursor with its latest backup"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [diff]
+  '(menu-item "Diff..." dired-diff
+    :help "Compare file at cursor with another file using `diff'"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [ediff]
+  '(menu-item "Compare..." diredp-ediff :help "Compare file at cursor with another file"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [separator-diff] '("--")) ; -------------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [diredp-kill-this-tree]
+  '(menu-item "Remove This Inserted Subdir and Lower" diredp-kill-this-tree
+    :visible (and (fboundp 'diredp-kill-this-tree)
+              (not (equal
+                    (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                    (expand-file-name default-directory)))))) ; In subdir, not top.
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [dired-kill-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Remove This Inserted Subdir" dired-kill-subdir
+    :visible (not (equal (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                         (expand-file-name default-directory))))) ; In subdir, not top.
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [diredp-dired-this-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Dired This Inserted Subdir (Tear Off)"
+    (lambda () (interactive) (diredp-dired-this-subdir t))
+    :visible (and (cdr dired-subdir-alist) ; First is current dir.  Must have at least one more.
+              (not (equal (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                          (expand-file-name default-directory)))) ; Must be sub, not top.
+    :help "Open Dired for subdir at or above point, tearing it off if inserted"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [insert-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Insert This Subdir" dired-maybe-insert-subdir
+    :visible (and (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+              (not (assoc (file-name-as-directory (diredp-this-subdir)) dired-subdir-alist)))
+    :enable (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+    :help "Insert a listing of this subdirectory"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [goto-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Go To Inserted Subdir" dired-maybe-insert-subdir
+    :visible (and (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+              (assoc (file-name-as-directory (diredp-this-subdir)) dired-subdir-alist))
+    :enable (atom (diredp-this-subdir))
+    :help "Go to the inserted listing of this subdirectory"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [separator-subdir] '("--" ; ------------------------
+            :visible (or (atom (diredp-this-subdir)) ; Subdir line.
+                         (not (equal (expand-file-name (dired-current-directory))
+                                     (expand-file-name default-directory)))))) ; Not top.
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [view]
+  '(menu-item "View (Read Only)" dired-view-file
+    :help "Examine file at cursor in read-only mode"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [display]
+  '(menu-item "Display in Other Window" dired-display-file
+    :help "Display file at cursor in a different window"))
+;; `Single' > `Open' menu.
+(defvar diredp-single-open-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Rename")
+  "`Open' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Single' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [multiple-open] (cons "Open" diredp-single-open-menu))
+;; On Windows, bind more.
+(eval-after-load "w32-browser"
+  '(progn
+    (define-key diredp-single-open-menu [dired-w32-browser]
+      '(menu-item "Open Associated Windows App" dired-w32-browser
+        :help "Open file using the Windows app associated with its file type"))
+    (define-key diredp-single-open-menu [dired-w32explore]
+      '(menu-item "Open in Windows Explorer" dired-w32explore
+        :help "Open file in Windows Explorer"))))
+(define-key diredp-single-open-menu [find-file-other-frame]
+  '(menu-item "Open in Other Frame" diredp-find-file-other-frame
+    :help "Edit file at cursor in a different frame"))
+(define-key diredp-single-open-menu [find-file-other-window]
+  '(menu-item "Open in Other Window" dired-find-file-other-window
+    :help "Edit file at cursor in a different window"))
+(define-key diredp-single-open-menu [find-file]
+  '(menu-item "Open" dired-find-file :help "Edit file at cursor"))
+;; `Single' > `Rename' menu.
+(defvar diredp-single-rename-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Rename")
+  "`Rename' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Single' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [multiple-case] (cons "Rename" diredp-single-rename-menu))
+(define-key diredp-single-rename-menu [single-rename-capitalize]
+  '(menu-item "Capitalize" diredp-capitalize-this-file
+    :help "Capitalize (initial caps) name of file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-single-rename-menu [single-rename-downcase]
+  '(menu-item "Downcase" diredp-downcase-this-file
+    ;; When running on plain MS-DOS, there is only one letter-case for file names.
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Rename file at cursor to a lower-case name"))
+(define-key diredp-single-rename-menu [single-rename-upcase]
+  '(menu-item "Upcase" diredp-upcase-this-file
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Rename file at cursor to an upper-case name"))
+;; `Single' > `Move / Copy / Link' menu.
+(defvar diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Move / Copy / Link")
+  "`Move / Copy / Link' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Single' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [multiple-move-copy-link]
+  (cons "Move / Copy / Link" diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu))
+(define-key diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu [single-hardlink]
+  '(menu-item "Hardlink to..." diredp-hardlink-this-file
+    :help "Make hard links for current or marked files"))
+(define-key diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu [single-symlink]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Absolute)..." diredp-symlink-this-file
+              :help "Make absolute symbolic link for file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu [single-relsymlink]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Relative)..." diredp-relsymlink-this-file
+              :help "Make relative symbolic link for file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu [single-copy]
+  '(menu-item "Copy to..." diredp-copy-this-file :help "Copy file at cursor"))
+(define-key diredp-single-move-copy-link-menu [single-rename]
+  '(menu-item "Move to..." diredp-rename-this-file
+    :help "Rename file at cursor, or move it to a different directory"))
+;; `Single' > `Image' menu.
+(defvar diredp-single-image-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Image"))
+(defalias 'diredp-single-image-menu diredp-single-image-menu)
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [image]
+  '(menu-item "Image" diredp-single-image-menu
+    :enable (let ((img-file  (diredp-get-image-filename 'LOCALP 'NO-ERROR)))
+              (and (fboundp 'image-dired-dired-display-image)  img-file))))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-display-thumb]
+  '(menu-item "Go To Thumbnail" diredp-image-dired-display-thumb
+    :help "Pop to buffer showing the thumbnail of this image file"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-create-thumb]
+  '(menu-item "Create Thumbnail" diredp-image-dired-create-thumb
+    :help "Create a thumbnail image for this image file"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-edit-comment-and-tags]
+  '(menu-item "Edit Comment and Tags..." diredp-image-dired-edit-comment-and-tags
+    :help "Edit comment and tags for this image file"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-delete-tag]
+  '(menu-item "Delete Image Tag..." diredp-image-dired-delete-tag
+    :help "Remove an `image-dired' tag from this image file"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-tag-file]
+  '(menu-item "Add Tags..." diredp-image-dired-tag-file
+    :help "Add tags to this image file"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-comment-file]
+  '(menu-item "Add Comment..." diredp-image-dired-comment-file
+    :help "Add a comment to this image file"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-dired-copy-with-exif-name]
+  '(menu-item "Copy with EXIF Name" diredp-image-dired-copy-with-exif-name
+    :help "Copy this image file to main image dir using EXIF name"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [image-dired-dired-display-external]
+  '(menu-item "Display Externally" image-dired-dired-display-external
+    :help "Display image using external viewer"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [image-dired-dired-display-image]
+  '(menu-item "Display to Fit Other Window" image-dired-dired-display-image
+    :help "Display scaled image to fit a separate window"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [diredp-image-show-this-file]
+  '(menu-item "Display Full Size Or Smaller" diredp-image-show-this-file
+    :help "Display image full size or at least prefix-arg lines high"))
+(define-key diredp-single-image-menu [dired-find-file]
+  '(menu-item "Display Full Size" dired-find-file
+    :help "Display image full size"))
+;; `Single' > `Encryption' menu.
+(when (fboundp 'epa-dired-do-encrypt)   ; Emacs 23+
+  (defvar diredp-single-encryption-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Encryption"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [encryption]
+    (cons "Encryption" diredp-single-encryption-menu))
+  (define-key diredp-single-encryption-menu [diredp-decrypt-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Decrypt..." (lambda ()
+                               (interactive)
+                               (epa-decrypt-file (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename
+                                                                    nil 'NO-ERROR-P))))
+      :help "Decrypt this file"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-encryption-menu [diredp-verify-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Verify..." (lambda ()
+                              (interactive)
+                              (epa-verify-file (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename
+                                                                  nil 'NO-ERROR-P))))
+      :help "Verify this file"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-encryption-menu [diredp-sign-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Sign..." (lambda ()
+                            (interactive)
+                            (epa-sign-file (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename
+                                                              nil 'NO-ERROR-P))
+                                           (epa-select-keys (epg-make-context)
+                                                            "Select keys for signing.
+If no one is selected, default secret key is used.  "
+                                                            nil t)))
+      :help "Encrypt this file"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-encryption-menu [diredp-encrypt-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Encrypt..." (lambda ()
+                               (interactive)
+                               (epa-encrypt-file (expand-file-name (dired-get-filename
+                                                                    nil 'NO-ERROR-P))
+                                                 (epa-select-keys
+                                                  (epg-make-context)
+                                                  "Select recipients for encryption.
+If no one is selected, symmetric encryption will be performed.  "
+                                                  nil t)))
+      :help "Sign this file")))
+;; `Single' > `Bookmark' menu.
+(when (require 'bookmark+ nil t)
+  (defvar diredp-single-bookmarks-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-single-menu [bookmark]
+    (cons "Bookmark" diredp-single-bookmarks-menu))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-set-tag-value-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Set Tag Value..." diredp-set-tag-value-this-file
+      :help "Set the value (not the name) of a given tag for this file"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Paste Tags (Replace)" diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file
+      :help "Replace tags for this file with previously copied tags"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Paste Tags (Add)" diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file
+      :help "Add previously copied tags to this file"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-copy-tags-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Copy Tags" diredp-copy-tags-this-file
+      :help "Copy the tags from this file, so you can paste them to another"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Remove All Tags" diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file
+      :help "Remove all tags from the file at cursor"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-untag-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Remove Tags..." diredp-untag-this-file
+      :help "Remove some tags from the file at cursor (`C-u': remove all tags)"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-tag-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Add Tags..." diredp-tag-this-file :help "Add some tags to the file at cursor"))
+  (define-key diredp-single-bookmarks-menu [diredp-bookmark-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark..." diredp-bookmark-this-file
+      :help "Bookmark the file at cursor (create/set autofile)")))
+;; `Multiple' menu.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL "Operate" menu in `dired.el'.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Multiple"))
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar operate] (cons "Multiple" diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu 'diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-menu 'diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-describe-marked-autofiles]
+  '(menu-item "Describe Marked Autofiles" diredp-describe-marked-autofiles
+    :help "Show the metadata for the marked files that are autofiles"
+    :enable (featurep 'bookmark+)))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [separator-describe] '("--")) ; -----------------------
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [chown]
+    '(menu-item "Change Owner..." dired-do-chown
+      :help "Change the owner of marked files")))
+(unless (memq system-type '(windows-nt ms-dos))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [chgrp]
+    '(menu-item "Change Group..." dired-do-chgrp
+      :help "Change the owner of marked files")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [chmod]
+  '(menu-item "Change Mode..." dired-do-chmod
+    :help "Change mode (attributes) of marked files"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-touch)         ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [touch]
+    '(menu-item "Change Timestamp (`touch')..." dired-do-touch
+      :help "Change the timestamp of the marked files, using `touch'")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [separator-change] '("--")) ; -------------------------
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-read-expression) ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-do-lisp-sexp]
+    '(menu-item "Eval Sexp..." diredp-do-lisp-sexp
+                :help "Evaluate an Emacs-Lisp sexp in each marked file")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-do-emacs-command]
+    '(menu-item "Invoke Emacs Command..." diredp-do-emacs-command
+      :help "Invoke an Emacs command in each marked file"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-do-apply-function]
+    '(menu-item "Apply Function..." diredp-do-apply-function
+      :help "Apply a Lisp function to each marked file name (`C-u': file contents, not name)"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [print]
+  '(menu-item "Print..." dired-do-print :help "Print marked files, supplying print command"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [compress]
+  '(menu-item "Compress/Uncompress" dired-do-compress :help "Compress/uncompress marked files"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-compress-to)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [compress-to]
+    '(menu-item "Compress to..." dired-do-compress-to
+      :help "Compress marked files and dirs together, in the same archive")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [command]
+  '(menu-item "Shell Command..." dired-do-shell-command
+    :help "Run a shell command on each marked file"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-async-shell-command) ; Emacs 23+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [async-command]
+    '(menu-item "Asynchronous Shell Command..." dired-do-async-shell-command
+      :help "Run a shell command asynchronously on each marked file")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [compile]
+  '(menu-item "Byte Compile" dired-do-byte-compile :help "Byte-compile marked Emacs Lisp files"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [load]
+  '(menu-item "Load" dired-do-load :help "Load marked Emacs Lisp files"))
+(unless (require 'bookmark+ nil t)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-bookmark-this-file]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark..." diredp-bookmark-this-file :help "Bookmark the file at cursor")))
+(when (fboundp 'mkhtml-dired-files)     ; In `mkhtml.el'.
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [mkhtml-dired-files]
+    '(menu-item "Create HTML" mkhtml-dired-files
+      :help "Create HTML files corresponding to marked files")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [separator-misc] '("--")) ; ---------------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill]
+  '(menu-item "Copy Marked Names as Absolute" diredp-copy-abs-filenames-as-kill
+    :help "Copy absolute names of marked files to the kill ring"
+    :keys "M-0 w"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [kill-ring]
+  '(menu-item "Copy Marked Names" dired-copy-filename-as-kill
+    :help "Copy names of marked files to the kill ring, for pasting"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-list-marked]
+    '(menu-item "List Marked Files" diredp-list-marked
+      :help "List the files marked here (C-u C-u: all, C-u C-u C-u: all + dirs)"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [diredp-insert-subdirs]
+  '(menu-item "Insert Subdirs" diredp-insert-subdirs
+    :help "Insert the marked subdirectories - like using `i' at each marked dir"))
+;; On Windows, bind more.
+(eval-after-load "w32-browser"
+  '(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [dired-multiple-w32-browser]
+      '(menu-item "Open Associated Windows Apps" dired-multiple-w32-browser
+        :help "Open files using the Windows apps associated with their file types")))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-find-marked-files)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [find-files]
+    '(menu-item "Open" dired-do-find-marked-files ; In `dired-x.el'.
+      :help "Open each marked file for editing")))
+;; `Multiple' > `Dired' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-dired-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Dired")
+  "`Dired' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Multiple' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [multiple-dired]
+  `(menu-item "Dired" ,diredp-multiple-dired-menu
+    :enable (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                 (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)))
+    :help "Open Dired on marked files and dirs only"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-dired-menu [diredp-marked-other-window]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Marked in Other Window" diredp-marked-other-window
+    :enable (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                 (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)))
+    :help "Open Dired on marked files and dirs only, in other window"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-dired-menu [diredp-marked]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Marked" diredp-marked
+    :enable (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                 (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)))
+    :help "Open Dired on marked files and dirs only"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Omit' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-omit-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Omit")
+  "`Omit' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Multiple' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [multiple-omit] (cons "Omit" diredp-multiple-omit-menu))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-omit-menu [omit-unmarked]
+  '(menu-item "Omit Unmarked" diredp-omit-unmarked :help "Hide lines of unmarked files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-omit-menu [omit-marked]
+  '(menu-item "Omit Marked" diredp-omit-marked :help "Hide lines of marked files"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Delete' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-delete-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Delete")
+  "`Delete' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Multiple' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [multiple-delete] (cons "Delete" diredp-multiple-delete-menu))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-delete-menu [delete-flagged]
+  '(menu-item "Delete Flagged" dired-do-flagged-delete
+    :help "Delete all files flagged for deletion (D)"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-delete-menu [delete]
+  '(menu-item "Delete Marked (not Flagged)" dired-do-delete
+    :help "Delete current file or all marked files (not flagged files)"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Rename' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-rename-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Rename")
+  "`Rename' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Multiple' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [multiple-case] (cons "Rename" diredp-multiple-rename-menu))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-rename-menu [multiple-rename-rename]
+  '(menu-item "Move to Dir... / Rename This..." dired-do-rename
+    :help "Move marked (or next N) files, or rename current file"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-rename-menu [multiple-rename-capitalize]
+  '(menu-item "Capitalize" diredp-capitalize
+    :help "Capitalize (initial caps) the names of all marked files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-rename-menu [multiple-rename-downcase]
+  '(menu-item "Downcase" dired-downcase
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Rename marked files to lowercase names"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-rename-menu [multiple-rename-upcase]
+  '(menu-item "Upcase" dired-upcase
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Rename marked files to uppercase names"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Move / Copy / Link' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Move / Copy / Link")
+  "`Move / Copy / Link' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Multiple' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [multiple-move-copy-link]
+  (cons "Move / Copy / Link" diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu [multiple-move-copy-link-hardlink]
+  '(menu-item "Hardlink to..." dired-do-hardlink
+    :help "Make hard links for current or marked files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu [multiple-move-copy-link-symlink]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Absolute)..." dired-do-symlink ; In `dired-aux.el'.
+              :help "Make absolute symbolic links for current or marked files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu [multiple-move-copy-link-relsymlink]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Relative)..." dired-do-relsymlink ; In `dired-x.el'.
+              :help "Make relative symbolic links for current or marked files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu [multiple-move-copy-link-copy]
+  '(menu-item "Copy to..." dired-do-copy :help "Copy current file or all marked files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-move-copy-link-menu [multiple-move-copy-link-rename]
+  '(menu-item "Move to..." dired-do-rename :help "Rename current file or move marked files"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Images' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-images-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Images"))
+(defalias 'diredp-multiple-images-menu diredp-multiple-images-menu)
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [images]
+  '(menu-item "Images" diredp-multiple-images-menu
+    :enable (fboundp 'image-dired-display-thumbs)))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-images-menu 'diredp-multiple-images-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-images-menu 'diredp-multiple-images-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+;; Remove the items from `Multiple' menu.
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [image-dired-delete-tag] nil)
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [image-dired-tag-files] nil)
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [image-dired-dired-comment-files] nil)
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [image-dired-display-thumbs] nil)
+;; Add them to `Multiple' > `Images' menu.
+(define-key diredp-multiple-images-menu [image-dired-delete-tag]
+  '(menu-item "Delete Tag..." image-dired-delete-tag
+    :help "Delete tag from marked image files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-images-menu [image-dired-tag-files]
+  '(menu-item "Add Tags..." image-dired-tag-files
+    :help "Add tags to marked image files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-images-menu [image-dired-dired-comment-files]
+  '(menu-item "Add Comment..." image-dired-dired-comment-files
+    :help "Add comment to marked image files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-images-menu [image-dired-display-thumbs]
+  '(menu-item "Display Thumbnails" image-dired-display-thumbs
+    :help "Display thumbnails for marked image files"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-images-menu [diredp-do-display-images]
+  '(menu-item "Display" diredp-do-display-images
+    :help "Display the marked image files"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Encryption' menu.
+(when (fboundp 'epa-dired-do-encrypt)   ; Emacs 23+
+  (defvar diredp-multiple-encryption-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Encryption"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [encryption]
+    (cons "Encryption" diredp-multiple-encryption-menu))
+  ;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+  ;; works for newer Emacs too.
+  (when (fboundp 'defvaralias)          ; Emacs 22+
+    (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu 'diredp-multiple-encryption-menu))
+  (make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu 'diredp-multiple-encryption-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+  (when (boundp 'diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu)
+    (defalias 'diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu))
+  (make-obsolete 'diredp-menu-bar-encryption-menu 'diredp-multiple-encryption-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+  ;; Remove the items from `Multiple' menu.
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [epa-dired-do-decrypt] nil)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [epa-dired-do-verify] nil)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [epa-dired-do-sign] nil)
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [epa-dired-do-encrypt] nil)
+  ;; Add them to `Multiple' > `Encryption' menu.
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-encryption-menu [epa-dired-do-decrypt]
+    '(menu-item "Decrypt..." epa-dired-do-decrypt :help "Decrypt the marked files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-encryption-menu [epa-dired-do-verify]
+    '(menu-item "Verify..." epa-dired-do-verify :help "Verify the marked files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-encryption-menu [epa-dired-do-sign]
+    '(menu-item "Sign..." epa-dired-do-sign :help "Sign the marked files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-encryption-menu [epa-dired-do-encrypt]
+    '(menu-item "Encrypt..." epa-dired-do-encrypt :help "Encrypt the marked files")))
+;; `Multiple' > `Search' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-search-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Search"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [search]
+  (cons "Search" diredp-multiple-search-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-search-menu 'diredp-multiple-search-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-search-menu 'diredp-multiple-search-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-isearch-regexp) ; Emacs 23+
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [isearch-regexp]
+    '(menu-item "Isearch Regexp Files..." dired-do-isearch-regexp
+      :help "Incrementally search marked files for regexp"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [isearch]
+    '(menu-item "Isearch Files..." dired-do-isearch
+      :help "Incrementally search marked files for string")))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace)
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [find-query-replace]
+    '(menu-item "Query Replace Using `find'..." dired-do-find-regexp-and-replace
+      :help "Replace regexp in marked files using `find'")))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [query-replace]
+  (if (< emacs-major-version 21)
+      '(menu-item "Query Replace Using TAGS Table..." dired-do-query-replace)
+    '(menu-item "Query Replace Using TAGS Table..." dired-do-query-replace-regexp
+      :help "Replace regexp in marked files using tags in a TAGS table")))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-find-regexp)
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [find-regexp]
+    '(menu-item "Search Files Using `find'..." dired-do-find-regexp
+      :help "Search marked files for regexp using `find'")))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [search]
+  '(menu-item "Search Files Using TAGS Table..." dired-do-search
+              :help "Search marked files for regexp using tags in a TAGS table"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-search-menu [grep]
+  '(menu-item "Grep..." diredp-do-grep :help "Grep marked, next N, or all files shown"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Bookmark' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [bookmark]
+  (cons "Bookmark" diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-bookmarks-menu 'diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-bookmarks-menu 'diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(when (require 'bookmark+ nil t)
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-set-tag-value]
+    '(menu-item "Set Tag Value..." diredp-do-set-tag-value
+      :help "Set the value of a given tag for the marked or next N files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-paste-replace-tags]
+    '(menu-item "Paste Tags (Replace)" diredp-do-paste-replace-tags
+      :help "Replace tags for the marked or next N files with copied tags"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-paste-add-tags]
+    '(menu-item "Paste Tags (Add)" diredp-do-paste-add-tags
+      :help "Add previously copied tags to the marked or next N files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-remove-all-tags]
+    '(menu-item "Remove All Tags" diredp-do-remove-all-tags
+      :help "Remove all tags from the marked or next N files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-untag]
+    '(menu-item "Remove Tags..." diredp-do-untag
+      :help "Remove some tags from the marked or next N files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-tag]
+    '(menu-item "Add Tags..." diredp-do-tag
+      :help "Add some tags to the marked or next N files"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [separator-book-2] '("--"))) ; ------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu
+    [diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Bookmark in Bookmark File (Here and Below)..."
+    diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive
+    :help "Bookmark marked files (including in marked subdirs) in bookmark file and save it"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu
+    [diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Create Bookmark-File Bookmark (Here and Below)..."
+    diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive
+    :help "Create a bookmark-file bookmark for marked files, including in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark Dirs (Here and Below)..." diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive
+      :help "Bookmark this Dired buffer and marked subdirectory Dired buffers, recursively."))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-bookmark-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Bookmark (Here and Below)..." diredp-do-bookmark-recursive
+    :help "Bookmark the marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [separator-book-1] '("--")) ; ---------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file]
+  '(menu-item "Bookmark in Bookmark File..." diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file
+    :help "Bookmark the marked files in BOOKMARK-FILE and save BOOKMARK-FILE"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked]
+  '(menu-item "Create Bookmark-File Bookmark..." diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked
+    :help "Create a bookmark-file bookmark, and bookmark the marked files in it"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-bookmarks-menu [diredp-do-bookmark]
+  '(menu-item "Bookmark..." diredp-do-bookmark :help "Bookmark the marked or next N files"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Marked Here and Below' menu.
+(defvar diredp-multiple-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Marked Here and Below"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-multiple-menu [operate-recursive]
+  (cons "Marked Here and Below" diredp-multiple-recursive-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-recursive-menu 'diredp-multiple-recursive-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-operate-recursive-menu 'diredp-multiple-recursive-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-do-chown-recursive)
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [chown]
+    '(menu-item "Change Owner..." diredp-do-chown-recursive
+      :help "Change the owner of marked files, including those in marked subdirs")))
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-do-chgrp-recursive)
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [chgrp]
+    '(menu-item "Change Group..." diredp-do-chgrp-recursive
+      :help "Change the owner of marked files, including those in marked subdirs")))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [chmod]
+  '(menu-item "Change Mode..." diredp-do-chmod-recursive
+    :help "Change mode (attributes) of marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-touch)         ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [touch]
+    '(menu-item "Change Timestamp (`touch')..." diredp-do-touch-recursive
+      :help "Change timestamp of marked files, including those in marked subdirs")))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-change] '("--")) ; ----------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-apply-function-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Apply Lisp Function..." diredp-do-apply-function-recursive
+      :help "Apply a Lisp function to the marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-print-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Print..." diredp-do-print-recursive
+      :help "Print the marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-shell-command-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Shell Command..." diredp-do-shell-command-recursive
+      :help "Run shell command on the marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-async-shell-command) ; Emacs 23+
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Asynchronous Shell Command..." diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive
+      :help "Run shell command asynchronously on marked files, including in marked subdirs")))
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive) ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-1] '("--")) ; ------------
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-change-marks-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Change Mark..." diredp-change-marks-recursive
+      :help "Change all OLD marks to NEW marks, including those in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Marked-With..." diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive
+      :help "Remove a given mark everywhere, including in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark All..." diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive
+      :help "Remove ALL marks everywhere, including in marked subdirs")))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-misc] '("--")) ; ------------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-delete-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Delete Marked (not Flagged)" diredp-do-delete-recursive
+      :help "Delete marked (not flagged) files, including in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-delete] '("--")) ; ----------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-hardlink-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Hardlink to..." diredp-do-hardlink-recursive
+    :help "Make hard links for marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-symlink-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Absolute)..." diredp-do-symlink-recursive
+              :help "Make absolute symbolic links for marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-relsymlink-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Relative)..." diredp-do-relsymlink-recursive
+              :help "Make relative symbolic links for marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-copy-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Copy to..." diredp-do-copy-recursive
+      :help "Copy marked files, including in marked subdirs, to a given directory"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-move-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Move to..." diredp-do-move-recursive
+      :help "Move marked files, including in marked subdirs, to a given directory"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-copy-move] '("--")) ; -------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-capitalize-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Capitalize" diredp-capitalize-recursive
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Capitalize the names of all marked files, including in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-downcase-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Downcase" diredp-downcase-recursive
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Rename marked files, including in marked subdirs, to lowercase names"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-upcase-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Upcase" diredp-upcase-recursive
+    :enable (or (not (fboundp 'msdos-long-file-names))  (msdos-long-file-names))
+    :help "Rename marked files, including in marked subdirs, to uppercase names"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-lettercase] '("--")) ; ------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-list-marked-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "List Marked Files" diredp-list-marked-recursive
+      :help "List the files marked here and in marked subdirs, recursively"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Copy File Names (to Paste)" diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive
+      :help "Copy names of files marked here and in marked subdirs, to `kill-ring'"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Insert Subdirs" diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive
+    :help "Insert the marked subdirectories, gathered recursively"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [separator-dirs] '("--")) ; ------------------
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-marked-recursive-other-window]
+    '(menu-item "Dired (Marked) in Other Window" diredp-marked-recursive-other-window
+      :help "Open Dired (in other window) on marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-marked-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Dired (Marked)" diredp-marked-recursive
+      :help "Open Dired on marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+;; On Windows, bind more.
+(eval-after-load "w32-browser"
+  '(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Open Associated Windows Apps" diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive
+      :help "Run Windows apps for with marked files, including those in marked subdirs")))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Open" diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive
+      :help "Find marked files simultaneously, including those in marked subdirs"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Marked Here and Below' > `Images' menu.
+(defvar diredp-images-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Images"))
+(defalias 'diredp-images-recursive-menu diredp-images-recursive-menu)
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu 'diredp-images-recursive-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu 'diredp-images-recursive-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(when (boundp 'diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu)
+  (defalias 'diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu))
+(make-obsolete 'diredp-menu-bar-images-recursive-menu 'diredp-images-recursive-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [images]
+  '(menu-item "Images" diredp-images-recursive-menu
+    :enable (fboundp 'image-dired-delete-tag)))
+(define-key diredp-images-recursive-menu [diredp-image-dired-delete-tag-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Delete Image Tag..." diredp-image-dired-delete-tag-recursive
+    :help "Remove an `image-dired' tag from marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-images-recursive-menu [diredp-image-dired-tag-files-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Add Image Tags..." diredp-image-dired-tag-files-recursive
+    :help "Add `image-dired' tags to marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-images-recursive-menu [diredp-image-dired-comment-files-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Add Image Comment..." diredp-image-dired-comment-files-recursive
+    :help "Add image comment to marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-images-recursive-menu [diredp-image-dired-display-thumbs-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Display Image Thumbnails" diredp-image-dired-display-thumbs-recursive
+    :help "Show thumbnails for marked image files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Marked Here and Below' > `Encryption' menu.
+(when (fboundp 'epa-dired-do-encrypt)   ; Emacs 23+
+  (defvar diredp-menu-bar-encryption-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Encryption"))
+  (define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [encryption]
+    (cons "Encryption" diredp-menu-bar-encryption-recursive-menu))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-encryption-recursive-menu [diredp-do-decrypt-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Decrypt..." diredp-do-decrypt-recursive
+      :help "Decrypt marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-encryption-recursive-menu [diredp-do-verify-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Verify..." diredp-do-verify-recursive
+      :help "Verify marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-encryption-recursive-menu [diredp-do-sign-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Sign..." diredp-do-sign-recursive
+      :help "Sign marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-encryption-recursive-menu [diredp-do-encrypt-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Encrypt..." diredp-do-encrypt-recursive
+      :help "Encrypt marked files, including those in marked subdirs")))
+;; `Multiple' > `Marked Here and Below' > `Search' menu.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Search"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [search]
+  (cons "Search" diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-isearch-regexp) ; Emacs 23+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu [diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Isearch Regexp Files..." diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive
+      :help "Incrementally regexp search marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu [diredp-do-isearch-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Isearch Files..." diredp-do-isearch-recursive
+      :help "Incrementally search marked files, including those in marked subdirs")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu [diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Query Replace..." diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive
+    :help "Replace regexp in marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu [diredp-do-search-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Search Files..." diredp-do-search-recursive
+    :help "Regexp search marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-search-recursive-menu [diredp-do-grep-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Grep..." diredp-do-grep-recursive
+    :help "Run `grep' on the marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+;; `Multiple' > `Marked Here and Below' > `Bookmark' menu.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-bookmarks-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark"))
+(define-key diredp-multiple-recursive-menu [bookmarks]
+  (cons "Bookmark" diredp-menu-bar-bookmarks-recursive-menu))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-bookmarks-recursive-menu
+    [diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark in Bookmark File..." diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive
+      :help "Bookmark marked files, including those in marked subdirs, in a bookmark file"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-bookmarks-recursive-menu
+    [diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Create Bookmark-File Bookmark..."
+    diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive
+    :help "Create a bookmark-file bookmark for marked files, including in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-bookmarks-recursive-menu [diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark Dirs..." diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive
+      :help "Bookmark this Dired buffer and marked subdirectory Dired buffers, recursively."))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-bookmarks-recursive-menu [diredp-do-bookmark-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark..." diredp-do-bookmark-recursive
+      :help "Bookmark the marked files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+;; `Regexp' menu.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL `Regexp' menu in `dired.el'.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Regexp"))
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar regexp] (cons "Regexp" diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [hardlink]
+  '(menu-item "Hardlink to..." dired-do-hardlink-regexp ; In `dired-aux.el'.
+    :help "Make hard links for files matching regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [symlink]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Absolute)..." dired-do-symlink-regexp ; In `dired-aux.el'.
+              :help "Make absolute symbolic links for files matching regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [relsymlink]
+  '(menu-item "Symlink to (Relative)..." dired-do-relsymlink-regexp ; In `dired-x.el'.
+              :help "Make relative symbolic links for files matching regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [copy]
+  '(menu-item "Copy to..." dired-do-copy-regexp ; In `dired-aux.el'.
+              :help "Copy marked files matching regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [rename]
+  '(menu-item "Move to..." dired-do-rename-regexp ; In `dired-aux.el'.
+              :help "Move marked files matching regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [flag]
+  '(menu-item "Flag..." dired-flag-files-regexp :help "Flag files matching regexp for deletion"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [image-dired-mark-tagged-files]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Image Files Tagged..." image-dired-mark-tagged-files
+    :enable (fboundp 'image-dired-mark-tagged-files)
+    :help "Mark image files whose image tags match regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [mark-cont]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Containing..." dired-mark-files-containing-regexp
+    :help "Mark files whose contents matches regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [mark]
+  '(menu-item "Mark..." dired-mark-files-regexp
+    :help "Mark files matching regexp"))
+;; `Regexp' > `Here and Below' menu.
+(defvar diredp-regexp-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Here and Below"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-regexp-menu [mark-recursive]
+  (cons "Here and Below" diredp-regexp-recursive-menu))
+(define-key diredp-regexp-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Named..." diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive
+      :help "Mark all file names matching a regexp, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-regexp-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Containing..." diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive
+      :help "Mark all files with content matching a regexp, including in marked subdirs"))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu 'diredp-regexp-recursive-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu 'diredp-regexp-recursive-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(when (boundp 'diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu)
+  (defalias 'diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu))
+(make-obsolete 'diredp-menu-bar-regexp-recursive-menu 'diredp-regexp-recursive-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+;; "Marks" menu.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL `Marks' menu in `dired.el'.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Marks"))
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar mark] (cons "Marks" diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-mark-menu 'diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-mark-menu 'diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [prev]
+  '(menu-item "Previous Marked" dired-prev-marked-file :help "Move to previous marked file"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [next]
+  '(menu-item "Next Marked" dired-next-marked-file :help "Move to next marked file"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [marks]
+  '(menu-item "Change Mark..." dired-change-marks
+    :help "Replace a given mark character with another"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [toggle-marks]
+  (if (> emacs-major-version 21)
+      '(menu-item "Toggle Marked/Unmarked" dired-toggle-marks
+        :help "Mark unmarked files, unmark marked ones")
+    '(menu-item "Toggle Marked/Unmarked" dired-toggle-marks
+      :help "Mark unmarked files, unmark marked ones")))
+;; `Marks' > `Tagged' menu.
+(when (require 'bookmark+ nil t)
+  (defvar diredp-marks-tags-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Tagged (Autofiles)")
+    "`Tags' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Marks' menu.")
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [mark-tags] (cons "Tagged" diredp-marks-tags-menu))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Not Tagged with Any..." diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none
+      :help "Unmark files that are not tagged with *any* of the tags you enter"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Not Tagged with All..." diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all
+      :help "Unmark files that are not tagged with *all* tags"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Tagged with Some..." diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some
+      :help "Unmark files that are tagged with at least one of the tags you enter"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Tagged with All..." diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all
+      :help "Unmark files that are tagged with *each* tag you enter"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Tagged Matching Regexp..." diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp
+      :help "Unmark files that have at least one tag that matches a regexp"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [separator-marks-tags] '("--")) ; -------------------------
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-mark-files-tagged-none]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Not Tagged with Any..." diredp-mark-files-tagged-none
+      :help "Mark files that are not tagged with *any* of the tags you enter"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Not Tagged with All..." diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all
+      :help "Mark files that are not tagged with *all* tags"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-mark-files-tagged-some]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Tagged with Some..." diredp-mark-files-tagged-some
+      :help "Mark files that are tagged with at least one of the tags you enter"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-mark-files-tagged-all]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Tagged with All..." diredp-mark-files-tagged-all
+      :help "Mark files that are tagged with *each* tag you enter"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-tags-menu [diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Tagged Matching Regexp..." diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp
+      :help "Mark files that have at least one tag that matches a regexp")))
+;; `Marks' > `Omit' menu.
+(defvar diredp-marks-omit-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Omit")
+  "`Omit' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Marks' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [marks-omit] (cons "Omit" diredp-marks-omit-menu))
+(define-key diredp-marks-omit-menu [marks-omit-unmarked]
+  '(menu-item "Omit Unmarked" diredp-omit-unmarked :help "Hide lines of unmarked files"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-omit-menu [marks-omit-marked]
+  '(menu-item "Omit Marked" diredp-omit-marked :help "Hide lines of marked files"))
+;; `Marks' > `Flag' menu.
+(defvar diredp-marks-flag-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Flag")
+  "`Flag' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Marks' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [mark-flag] (cons "Flag" diredp-marks-flag-menu))
+(define-key diredp-marks-flag-menu [marks-flag-extension]
+  '(menu-item "Flag Extension..." dired-flag-extension ; In `dired-x.el'
+              :help "Flag all files that have a certain extension, for deletion"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-flag-menu [marks-flag-garbage-files]
+  '(menu-item "Flag Garbage Files" dired-flag-garbage-files
+    :help "Flag unneeded files for deletion"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-flag-menu [marks-flag-backup-files]
+  '(menu-item "Flag Backup Files" dired-flag-backup-files
+    :help "Flag all backup files for deletion"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-flag-menu [marks-flag-auto-save-files]
+  '(menu-item "Flag Auto-save Files" dired-flag-auto-save-files
+    :help "Flag auto-save files for deletion"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-flag-menu [marks-flag-region]
+  '(menu-item "Flag Region" diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion
+    :visible (diredp-nonempty-region-p)
+    :help "Flag all files in the region (selection) for deletion"))
+(when (< emacs-major-version 21)
+  (put 'diredp-flag-region-files-for-deletion 'menu-enable '(diredp-nonempty-region-p)))
+(define-key diredp-marks-flag-menu [marks-flag-deletion]
+  '(menu-item "Flag This" dired-flag-file-deletion
+    :visible (not (diredp-nonempty-region-p))
+    :help "Flag current line's file for deletion"))
+;; `Marks' > `Unmark' menu.
+(defvar diredp-marks-unmark-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Unmark")
+  "`Unmark' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Marks' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [mark-mark] (cons "Unmark" diredp-marks-unmark-menu))
+(define-key diredp-marks-unmark-menu [unmark-autofiles]
+  '(menu-item "Unmark Autofiles" diredp-unmark-autofiles
+    :help "Unmark all autofiles (bookmarks with same name as file)"
+    :enable (featurep 'bookmark+)))
+(define-key diredp-marks-unmark-menu [unmark-all]
+  '(menu-item "Unmark All" dired-unmark-all-marks :help "Remove all marks from all files"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-unmark-menu [unmark-with]
+  '(menu-item "Unmark Marked-With..." dired-unmark-all-files
+    :help "Remove a specific mark (or all marks) from every file"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-unmark-menu [unmark-region]
+  '(menu-item "Unmark Region" diredp-unmark-region-files
+    :visible (diredp-nonempty-region-p)
+    :help "Unmark all files in the region (selection)"))
+(when (< emacs-major-version 21)
+  (put 'diredp-unmark-region-files 'menu-enable '(diredp-nonempty-region-p)))
+(define-key diredp-marks-unmark-menu [unmark-this]
+  '(menu-item "Unmark This" dired-unmark
+    :visible (not (diredp-nonempty-region-p))
+    :help "Unmark or unflag current line's file"))
+;; `Marks' > `Mark' menu.
+(defvar diredp-marks-mark-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Mark")
+  "`Mark' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Marks' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [marks-mark] (cons "Mark" diredp-marks-mark-menu))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-sexp]
+  '(menu-item "Mark If..." dired-mark-sexp ; In `dired-x.el'.
+              :help "Mark files that satisfy specified condition"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-image-dired-mark-tagged-files]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Image Files Tagged..." image-dired-mark-tagged-files
+    :enable (fboundp 'image-dired-mark-tagged-files) ; In `image-dired.el'.
+    :help "Mark image files whose image tags match regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-cont]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Content Matching Regexp..." dired-mark-files-containing-regexp
+    :help "Mark files whose contents matches regexp"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark...]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Name Matching Regexp..." dired-mark-files-regexp
+    :help "Mark file names matching regexp"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-mark-omitted)     ; In `dired-x.el', Emacs 22+.
+  (define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-omitted]
+    '(menu-item "Mark Omitted..." dired-mark-omitted
+      :help "Mark all omitted files and subdirectories")))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-extension]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Extension..." diredp-mark/unmark-extension
+    :help "Mark all files with specified extension"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-autofiles]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Autofiles" diredp-mark-autofiles
+    :help "Mark all autofiles (bookmarks with same name as file)"
+    :enable (featurep 'bookmark+)))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-symlinks]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Symlinks" dired-mark-symlinks
+    :visible (fboundp 'make-symbolic-link) :help "Mark all symbolic links"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-directories]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Directories" dired-mark-directories
+    :help "Mark all directories except `.' and `..'"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-directory]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Old Backups" dired-clean-directory
+    :help "Flag old numbered backups for deletion"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-executables]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Executables" dired-mark-executables :help "Mark all executable files"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-region]
+  '(menu-item "Mark Region" diredp-mark-region-files
+    :visible (diredp-nonempty-region-p)
+    :help "Mark all of the files in the region (selection)"))
+(when (< emacs-major-version 21)
+  (put 'diredp-mark-region-files 'menu-enable '(diredp-nonempty-region-p)))
+(define-key diredp-marks-mark-menu [marks-mark-this]
+  '(menu-item "Mark This" dired-mark
+    :visible (not (diredp-nonempty-region-p))
+    :help "Mark current line's file for future operations"))
+;; `Marks' > `Here and Below' menu.
+(defvar diredp-marks-recursive-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Here and Below"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-marks-menu [mark-recursive]
+  (cons "Here and Below" diredp-marks-recursive-menu))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Flag Auto-Save Files..." diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive
+      :help "Flag all auto-save files for deletion, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive) ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-change-marks-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Change Mark..." diredp-change-marks-recursive
+      :help "Change all OLD marks to NEW marks, including those in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark Marked-With..." diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive
+      :help "Remove a given mark everywhere, including in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Unmark All..." diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive
+      :help "Remove ALL marks everywhere, including in marked subdirs"))
+  (define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [separator-1] '("--"))) ; ------------
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-sexp-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "If..." diredp-mark-sexp-recursive
+    :help "Mark files satisfying specified condition, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Containing Regexp..." diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive
+    :help "Mark all files with content matching a regexp, including in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Named Regexp..." diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive
+    :help "Mark all file names matching a regexp, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-extension-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Extension..." diredp-mark-extension-recursive
+    :help "Mark all files with a given extension, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-autofiles-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Autofiles" diredp-mark-autofiles-recursive
+    :help "Mark all files with a given extension, including those in marked subdirs"
+    :enable (featurep 'bookmark+)))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Symbolic Links" diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive
+    :help "Mark all symbolic links, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-directories-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Directories" diredp-mark-directories-recursive
+    :help "Mark all directories, including those in marked subdirs"))
+(define-key diredp-marks-recursive-menu [diredp-mark-executables-recursive]
+  '(menu-item "Executables" diredp-mark-executables-recursive
+    :help "Mark all executable files, including those in marked subdirs"))
+;; "Dir" menu.
+;; REPLACE ORIGINAL `Subdir' menu in `dired.el'.
+(defvar diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Dir"))
+(define-key dired-mode-map [menu-bar subdir] (cons "Dir" diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu))
+;; We don't use `define-obsolete-variable-alias' so that byte-compilation in older Emacs
+;; works for newer Emacs too.
+(when (fboundp 'defvaralias)            ; Emacs 22+
+  (defvaralias 'diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu 'diredp-dir-menu))
+(make-obsolete-variable 'diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu 'diredp-dir-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+(when (boundp 'diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu)
+  (defalias 'diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu))
+(make-obsolete 'diredp-menu-bar-subdir-menu 'diredp-dir-menu) ; 2017-04-09
+;; `Dir' > `Hide/Show' menu.
+(defvar diredp-hide/show-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Hide/Show")
+  "`Hide/Show' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Dir' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [hide-show] (cons "Hide/Show" diredp-hide/show-menu))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-omit-mode)
+  (define-key diredp-hide/show-menu [dired-omit-mode]
+    '(menu-item "Hide/Show Uninteresting (Omit Mode)" dired-omit-mode
+      :help "Toggle omission of uninteresting files (Omit mode)")))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-hide-details-mode) ; Emacs 24.4+
+  (define-key diredp-hide/show-menu [hide-details]
+    '(menu-item "Hide/Show Details" dired-hide-details-mode
+      :help "Hide or show less important fields of directory listing")))
+(define-key diredp-hide/show-menu [hide-all]
+  '(menu-item "Hide/Show All Subdirs" dired-hide-all
+    :help "Hide all subdirectories, leave only header lines"))
+(define-key diredp-hide/show-menu [hide-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Hide/Show Subdir" diredp-hide-subdir-nomove
+    :help "Hide or unhide current directory listing"))
+;; `Dir' > `Bookmark' menu.
+(defvar diredp-bookmark-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Bookmark")
+  "`Bookmark' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Dir' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [bookmark] (cons "Bookmark" diredp-bookmark-menu))
+(define-key diredp-bookmark-menu [diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode]
+  '(menu-item "Toggle Autofile Highlighting" diredp-highlight-autofiles-mode
+    :help "Toggle whether to highlight autofile bookmarks"
+    :visible (and (featurep 'bookmark+)  (featurep 'highlight))))
+(define-key diredp-bookmark-menu [diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive]
+    '(menu-item "Bookmark Dirs Here and Below..." diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive
+      :help "Bookmark this Dired buffer and marked subdirectory Dired buffers, recursively."))
+(define-key diredp-bookmark-menu [bookmark-dired]
+  '(menu-item "Bookmark Dired Buffer..." bookmark-set :help "Bookmark this Dired buffer"))
+;; `Dir' > `Navigate' menu.
+(defvar diredp-navigate-menu (make-sparse-keymap "Navigate")
+  "`Navigate' submenu for Dired menu-bar `Dir' menu.")
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [navigate] (cons "Navigate" diredp-navigate-menu))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [insert]
+  '(menu-item "Move To This Subdir" dired-maybe-insert-subdir
+    :help "Move to subdirectory line or listing"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [tree-down]
+  '(menu-item "Tree Down" dired-tree-down :help "Go to first subdirectory header down the tree"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [tree-up]
+  '(menu-item "Tree Up" dired-tree-up :help "Go to first subdirectory header up the tree"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [up]
+  '(menu-item "Up Directory" diredp-up-directory :help "Dired the parent directory"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [prev-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Prev Subdir" diredp-prev-subdir :help "Go to previous subdirectory header line"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [next-subdir]
+  '(menu-item "Next Subdir" diredp-next-subdir :help "Go to next subdirectory header line"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [prev-dirline]
+  '(menu-item "Prev Dirline" diredp-prev-dirline :help "Move to previous directory-file line"))
+(define-key diredp-navigate-menu [next-dirline]
+  '(menu-item "Next Dirline" diredp-next-dirline :help "Move to next directory-file line"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [separator-subdir] '("--")) ; --------------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs]
+  '(menu-item "Toggle Image Thumbnails" image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs
+    :enable (fboundp 'image-dired-dired-toggle-marked-thumbs)
+    :help "Add or remove image thumbnails in front of marked file names"))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-isearch-filenames) ; Emacs 23+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [isearch-filenames-regexp]
+    '(menu-item "Isearch Regexp in File Names..." dired-isearch-filenames-regexp
+      :help "Incrementally search for regexp in file names only"))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [isearch-filenames]
+    '(menu-item "Isearch in File Names..." dired-isearch-filenames
+      :help "Incrementally search for literal text in file names only.")))
+(when (or (> emacs-major-version 21)  (fboundp 'wdired-change-to-wdired-mode))
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [wdired-mode]
+    '(menu-item "Edit File Names (WDired)" wdired-change-to-wdired-mode
+      :help "Put a Dired buffer in a mode in which filenames are editable"
+      :keys "C-x C-q" :filter (lambda (x) (and (derived-mode-p 'dired-mode)  x)))))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-yank-files]
+  '(menu-item "Paste Files from Copied Absolute Names" diredp-yank-files
+    :help "Paste files here whose absolute names you copied"
+    :enable (catch 'dir-menu--yank-files
+              (let ((files  (car kill-ring-yank-pointer)))
+                (and (stringp files)
+                     (dolist (file  (split-string files))
+                       (unless (file-name-absolute-p file) (throw 'dir-menu--yank-files nil)))))
+              t)))
+(when (fboundp 'dired-compare-directories) ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [compare-directories]
+    '(menu-item "Compare Directories..." dired-compare-directories
+      :help "Mark files with different attributes in two Dired buffers")))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [separator-dired-on-set] '("--")) ; --------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-dired-recent-dirs]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Recent Directories..." diredp-dired-recent-dirs
+    :visible (boundp 'recentf-list) :enable  (and (boundp 'recentf-list)  (consp recentf-list))
+    :help "Open a Dired buffer for recently used directories"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Each Inserted Subdir..." diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs
+    :enable (cdr dired-subdir-alist)    ; First elt is current dir.  Must have at least one more.
+    :help "Open Dired separately for each of the inserted subdirectories"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-add-to-this-dired-buffer]
+  '(menu-item "Add Entries Here..." diredp-add-to-this-dired-buffer
+    :help "Add individual file and directory names to the listing"
+    :keys "C-x E"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-dired-union]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Union..." diredp-dired-union
+    :help "Open Dired for the union of some existing Dired buffers"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-fileset-other-window]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Fileset..." diredp-fileset-other-window
+    :enable (> emacs-major-version 21) :help "Open Dired on an Emacs fileset"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-dired-for-files]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Files Located Anywhere" diredp-dired-for-files
+    :help "Open Dired on specific files whose names you provide"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-marked-other-window]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Marked Files in Other Window" diredp-marked-other-window
+    :enable (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                 (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)))
+    :help "Open Dired on marked files only, in other window"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [diredp-marked]
+  '(menu-item "Dired Marked Files" diredp-marked
+    :enable (save-excursion (goto-char (point-min))
+                            (and (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)
+                                 (re-search-forward (dired-marker-regexp) nil t)))
+    :help "Open Dired on marked files only"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [dired]
+  '(menu-item "Dired (Filter via Wildcards)..." dired
+    :help "Explore a directory (you can provide wildcards)"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [separator-dired] '("--")) ; ---------------------
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [insert]
+  '(menu-item "Insert/Move-To This Subdir" dired-maybe-insert-subdir
+    :help "Move to subdirectory line or listing"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [revert]
+  '(menu-item "Refresh (Sync \& Show All)" revert-buffer :help "Update directory contents"))
+(define-key diredp-menu-bar-dir-menu [create-directory] ; Moved from "Immediate".
+  '(menu-item "New Directory..." dired-create-directory :help "Create a directory"))
+;;; Mouse-3 menu binding.
+(define-key dired-mode-map [down-mouse-3] 'diredp-mouse-3-menu)
+(define-key dired-mode-map [mouse-3]      'ignore)
+;;; Non-menu Dired bindings.
+;; Move `dired-omit-mode' to `C-x M-o', so prefix key `M-o' is free for face/font-lock stuff.
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-x\M-o" (if (fboundp 'dired-omit-mode) 'dired-omit-mode 'dired-omit-toggle))
+(when (memq (lookup-key dired-mode-map "\M-o") '(dired-omit-mode dired-omit-toggle))
+  (define-key dired-mode-map "\M-o" nil))
+;; These are global, not just Dired mode.  They are on prefix key `C-x D'.
+(unless (lookup-key ctl-x-map "D")
+  (define-key ctl-x-map   "D" nil)      ; For Emacs 20
+  (define-key ctl-x-map   "DA" 'diredp-add-to-dired-buffer)                ; `C-x D A'
+  (define-key ctl-x-map   "DF" 'diredp-dired-for-files)                    ; `C-x D F'
+  (define-key ctl-x-map   "DR" 'diredp-dired-recent-dirs)                  ; `C-x D R'
+  (define-key ctl-x-map   "DS" 'diredp-fileset)                            ; `C-x D S'
+  (define-key ctl-x-map   "DU" 'diredp-dired-union))                       ; `C-x D U'
+(unless (lookup-key ctl-x-4-map "D")
+  (define-key ctl-x-4-map "D" nil)      ; For Emacs 20
+  (define-key ctl-x-4-map "DA" 'diredp-add-to-dired-buffer-other-window)   ; `C-x 4 D A'
+  (define-key ctl-x-4-map "DF" 'diredp-dired-for-files-other-window)       ; `C-x 4 D F'
+  (define-key ctl-x-4-map "DR" 'diredp-dired-recent-dirs-other-window)     ; `C-x 4 D R'
+  (define-key ctl-x-4-map "DS" 'diredp-fileset-other-window)               ; `C-x 4 D S'
+  (define-key ctl-x-4-map "DU" 'diredp-dired-union-other-window))          ; `C-x 4 D U'
+;; Navigation
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-up-directory 'diredp-up-directory dired-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-next-line 'diredp-next-line dired-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-previous-line 'diredp-previous-line dired-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-next-dirline 'diredp-next-dirline dired-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-prev-dirline 'diredp-prev-dirline dired-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-next-subdir 'diredp-next-subdir dired-mode-map)
+(substitute-key-definition 'dired-prev-subdir 'diredp-prev-subdir dired-mode-map)
+(define-key dired-mode-map [S-down-mouse-1] 'ignore) ; (normally `mouse-set-font')
+;; `diredp-mouse-mark-region-files' provides Windows-Explorer behavior
+;; for selecting (marking) files.
+(define-key dired-mode-map [S-mouse-1] 'diredp-mouse-mark-region-files)     ; `S-mouse-1'
+(define-key dired-mode-map [mouse-2] 'dired-mouse-find-file-other-window)   ; `mouse-2'
+;; But be aware that `dired-sort-menu.el' binds `S-mouse-2' to `dired-sort-menu-popup'.
+(define-key dired-mode-map [S-down-mouse-2] 'dired-mouse-find-file)         ; `S-mouse-2'
+(define-key dired-mode-map [S-mouse-2] 'ignore)
+(define-key dired-mode-map [M-mouse-2] 'diredp-mouse-find-file-other-frame) ; `M-mouse-2'
+;; On Windows, bind more.
+(eval-after-load "w32-browser"
+  '(progn
+    (define-key dired-mode-map [(control return)] 'dired-w32explore)                ; `C-RET'
+    (define-key dired-mode-map [(meta return)] 'dired-w32-browser)                  ; `M-RET'
+    (define-key dired-mode-map [mouse-2] 'dired-mouse-w32-browser)                  ; `mouse-2'
+    (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "<C-M-return>") 'dired-multiple-w32-browser)))  ; `C-M-RET'
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-w32-drives)
+  (when (< emacs-major-version 21) (define-key dired-mode-map ":"    nil)) ; For Emacs 20
+  (define-key dired-mode-map ":/"    'diredp-w32-drives))                            ; `:/'
+;; Other keyboard keys
+(define-key dired-mode-map "@"       'diredp-do-apply-function)                     ; `@'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\$"      'diredp-hide-subdir-nomove)                    ; `$'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-$"    'dired-hide-subdir)                            ; `M-$'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "="       'diredp-ediff)                                 ; `='
+;; This replaces the `dired-x.el' binding of `dired-mark-extension'.
+(define-key dired-mode-map "*."      'diredp-mark/unmark-extension)                 ; `* .'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "*B"      'diredp-mark-autofiles)                        ; `* B'
+(define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta ?*)] 'diredp-marked-other-window)         ; `C-M-*'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-a"    'dired-do-search)                              ; `M-a'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-b"    'diredp-do-bookmark)                           ; `M-b'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-\M-b" 'diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked) ; `C-M-b'
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta shift ?b)]                              ; `C-M-B' (aka `C-M-S-b')
+    'diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file))
+(define-key dired-mode-map "e"       'diredp-visit-this-file)                       ; `e' (was `dired-find-file')
+(define-key dired-mode-map [C-down]  'diredp-visit-next-file)                 ; `C-down' (was `forward-paragraph')
+(define-key dired-mode-map [C-up]    'diredp-visit-previous-file)             ; `C-up' (was `backward-paragraph')
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-\M-G" 'diredp-do-grep)                               ; `C-M-G'
+(when (fboundp 'mkhtml-dired-files)     ; In `mkhtml.el'.
+  (define-key dired-mode-map "\M-h"  'mkhtml-dired-files))                          ; `M-h'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-\M-i" 'diredp-dired-inserted-subdirs)                ; `C-M-i'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-q"    (if (< emacs-major-version 21)
+                                         'dired-do-query-replace
+                                       'dired-do-query-replace-regexp))             ; `M-q'
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta shift ?r)]                              ; `C-M-R' (aka `C-M-S-r')
+    'diredp-toggle-find-file-reuse-dir))
+(define-key dired-mode-map "U"       'dired-unmark-all-marks)                       ; `U'
+(substitute-key-definition 'describe-mode 'diredp-describe-mode                     ; `h', `C-h m'
+                           dired-mode-map (current-global-map))
+;; Tags - same keys as in `*Bookmark List*'.
+;; NOTE: If this changes then need to update `dired-sort-menu+.el' to reflect the changes.
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T"       nil) ; For Emacs 20
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T+"      'diredp-tag-this-file)                ; `T +'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T-"      'diredp-untag-this-file)              ; `T -'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T0"      'diredp-remove-all-tags-this-file)    ; `T 0'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tc"      'diredp-copy-tags-this-file)          ; `T c'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tp"      'diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file)     ; `T p'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tq"      'diredp-paste-replace-tags-this-file) ; `T q'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tv"      'diredp-set-tag-value-this-file)      ; `T v'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T\M-w"   'diredp-copy-tags-this-file)          ; `T M-w'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T\C-y"   'diredp-paste-add-tags-this-file)     ; `T C-y'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>+"     'diredp-do-tag)                       ; `T > +'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>-"     'diredp-do-untag)                     ; `T > -'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>0"     'diredp-do-remove-all-tags)           ; `T > 0'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>p"     'diredp-do-paste-add-tags)            ; `T > p'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>q"     'diredp-do-paste-replace-tags)        ; `T > q'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>v"     'diredp-do-set-tag-value)             ; `T > v'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "T>\C-y"  'diredp-do-paste-add-tags)            ; `T > C-y'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tm%"     'diredp-mark-files-tagged-regexp)     ; `T m %'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tm*"     'diredp-mark-files-tagged-all)        ; `T m *'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tm+"     'diredp-mark-files-tagged-some)       ; `T m +'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tm~*"    'diredp-mark-files-tagged-not-all)    ; `T m ~ *'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tm~+"    'diredp-mark-files-tagged-none)       ; `T m ~ +'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tu%"     'diredp-unmark-files-tagged-regexp)   ; `T u %'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tu*"     'diredp-unmark-files-tagged-all)      ; `T u *'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tu+"     'diredp-unmark-files-tagged-some)     ; `T u +'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tu~*"    'diredp-unmark-files-tagged-not-all)  ; `T u ~ *'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "Tu~+"    'diredp-unmark-files-tagged-none)     ; `T u ~ +'
+;; $$$$$$ (define-key dired-mode-map [(control ?+)] 'diredp-do-tag)
+;; $$$$$$ (define-key dired-mode-map [(control ?-)] 'diredp-do-untag)
+;; Vanilla Emacs binds `c' to `dired-do-compress-to'.  Use `M-z' instead'.
+;; (`dired-sort-menu.el' binds `c' to `dired-sort-menu-toggle-ignore-case'.)
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-compress-to) ; Emacs 25+
+  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "M-z") 'dired-do-compress-to))
+;; Commands for operating on the current line's file.  When possible,
+;; these are lower-case versions of the upper-case commands for operating on
+;; the marked files.  (Most of the other corresponding lower-case letters are already
+;; defined and cannot be used here.)
+;; $$$$$$ (define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta ?+)] 'diredp-tag-this-file)
+;; $$$$$$ (define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta ?-)] 'diredp-untag-this-file)
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\r"      'dired-find-file)                      ; `RET'
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-describe-file)
+  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-h RET")        'diredp-describe-file)  ; `C-h RET'
+  (define-key dired-mode-map (kbd "C-h C-<return>") 'diredp-describe-file)) ; `C-h C-RET'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "%c"      'diredp-capitalize)                    ; `% c'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "b"       'diredp-byte-compile-this-file)        ; `b'
+(define-key dired-mode-map [(control shift ?b)] 'diredp-bookmark-this-file) ; `C-B'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-c"    'diredp-capitalize-this-file)          ; `M-c'
+(when (and (fboundp 'diredp-chgrp-this-file)  diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys)
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta shift ?g)] 'diredp-chgrp-this-file)) ; `C-M-G' (aka `C-M-S-g')
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-i"    'diredp-insert-subdirs)                ; `M-i'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-l"    'diredp-downcase-this-file)            ; `M-l'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-\M-l" 'diredp-list-marked)                   ; `C-M-l'
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(meta shift ?m)] 'diredp-chmod-this-file))    ; `M-M' (aka `M-S-m')
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-o"    'diredp-find-file-other-frame)         ; `C-o'
+(when (and (fboundp 'diredp-chown-this-file)  diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys)
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(meta shift ?o)] 'diredp-chown-this-file))    ; `M-O' (aka `M-S-o')
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-\M-o" 'dired-display-file)                   ; `C-M-o' (not `C-o')
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-p"    'diredp-print-this-file)               ; `M-p'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "r"       'diredp-rename-this-file)              ; `r'
+(when (fboundp 'image-dired-dired-display-image)
+  (define-key dired-mode-map "\C-tI"   'diredp-image-show-this-file))       ; `C-t I'
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(meta shift ?t)] 'diredp-touch-this-file)     ; `M-T' (aka `M-S-t')
+  (define-key dired-mode-map [(control meta shift ?t)] 'dired-do-touch))    ; `C-M-T' (aka `C-M-S-t')
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-u"    'diredp-upcase-this-file)              ; `M-u'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "y"       'diredp-relsymlink-this-file)          ; `y'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-w"    'diredp-move-files-named-in-kill-ring) ; `C-w'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\C-y"    'diredp-yank-files)                    ; `C-y'
+(define-key dired-mode-map "z"       'diredp-compress-this-file)            ; `z'
+(when (fboundp 'dired-show-file-type)
+  (define-key dired-mode-map "_"      'dired-show-file-type))               ; `_' (underscore)
+(substitute-key-definition 'kill-line 'diredp-delete-this-file              ; `C-k', `delete', `deleteline'
+                           dired-mode-map (current-global-map))
+;; Commands that handle marked below, recursively.
+;; Use `M-+' as a prefix key for all such commands.
+(define-prefix-command 'diredp-recursive-map)
+(define-key dired-mode-map "\M-+"  diredp-recursive-map) ; `M-+'
+(when (fboundp 'char-displayable-p)     ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map "\M-\C-?"   'diredp-unmark-all-files-recursive))     ; `M-DEL'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "@"           'diredp-do-apply-function-recursive)     ; `@'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "#"           'diredp-flag-auto-save-files-recursive)  ; `#'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "*@"          'diredp-mark-symlinks-recursive)         ; `* @'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "**"          'diredp-mark-executables-recursive)      ; `* *'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "*/"          'diredp-mark-directories-recursive)      ; `* /'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "*."          'diredp-mark-extension-recursive)        ; `* .'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "*("          'diredp-mark-sexp-recursive)             ; `* ('
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "*B"          'diredp-mark-autofiles-recursive)        ; `* B'
+(when (fboundp 'char-displayable-p)     ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map "*c"        'diredp-change-marks-recursive))         ; `* c'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "*%"          'diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive)     ; `* %'
+(when (> emacs-major-version 22)
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map ":d"        'diredp-do-decrypt-recursive)            ; `: d'
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map ":e"        'diredp-do-encrypt-recursive)            ; `: e'
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map ":s"        'diredp-do-sign-recursive)               ; `: s'
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map ":v"        'diredp-do-verify-recursive))            ; `: v'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "%c"          'diredp-capitalize-recursive)            ; `% c'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "%g"          'diredp-mark-files-containing-regexp-recursive) ; `% g'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "%l"          'diredp-downcase-recursive)              ; `% l'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "%m"          'diredp-mark-files-regexp-recursive)     ; `% m'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "%u"          'diredp-upcase-recursive)                ; `% u'
+(when (fboundp 'dired-do-async-shell-command) ; Emacs 23+
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map "&"         'diredp-do-async-shell-command-recursive)) ; `&'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "!"           'diredp-do-shell-command-recursive)      ; `!'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map (kbd "C-M-*") 'diredp-marked-recursive-other-window)   ; `C-M-*'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "A"           'diredp-do-search-recursive)             ; `A'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\M-b"        'diredp-do-bookmark-recursive)           ; `M-b'
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map [(meta shift ?b)]                                    ; `M-B' (aka `M-S-b')
+    'diredp-do-bookmark-dirs-recursive))
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map (kbd "C-M-b")                                          ; `C-M-b'
+  'diredp-set-bookmark-file-bookmark-for-marked-recursive)
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map [(control meta shift ?b)]                            ; `C-M-B' (aka `C-M-S-b')
+    'diredp-do-bookmark-in-bookmark-file-recursive))
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "C"           'diredp-do-copy-recursive)               ; `C'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "D"           'diredp-do-delete-recursive)             ; `D'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "F"           'diredp-do-find-marked-files-recursive)  ; `F'
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-do-chgrp-recursive)
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map "G"         'diredp-do-chgrp-recursive))             ; `G'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\C-\M-G"     'diredp-do-grep-recursive)               ; `C-M-G'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "H"           'diredp-do-hardlink-recursive)           ; `H'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\M-i"        'diredp-insert-subdirs-recursive)        ; `M-i'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\C-\M-l"     'diredp-list-marked-recursive)           ; `C-M-l'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "M"           'diredp-do-chmod-recursive)              ; `M'
+(when (fboundp 'diredp-do-chown-recursive)
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map "O"         'diredp-do-chown-recursive))             ; `O'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "P"           'diredp-do-print-recursive)              ; `P'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "Q"         'diredp-do-query-replace-regexp-recursive) ; `Q'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "R"           'diredp-do-move-recursive)               ; `R'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "S"           'diredp-do-symlink-recursive)            ; `S'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map (kbd "M-s a C-s")                                      ; `M-s a C-s'
+  'diredp-do-isearch-recursive)
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map (kbd "M-s a C-M-s")                                    ; `M-s a C-M-s'
+  'diredp-do-isearch-regexp-recursive)
+(when diredp-bind-problematic-terminal-keys
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map [(control meta shift ?t)]
+    'diredp-do-touch-recursive))                                                        ; `C-M-T' (aka `C-M-S-t')
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\C-tc"   'diredp-image-dired-comment-files-recursive) ; `C-t c'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\C-td"  'diredp-image-dired-display-thumbs-recursive) ; `C-t d'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\C-tr"      'diredp-image-dired-delete-tag-recursive) ; `C-t r'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\C-tt"       'diredp-image-dired-tag-files-recursive) ; `C-t t'
+(when (fboundp 'char-displayable-p)     ; Emacs 22+
+  (define-key diredp-recursive-map "U"         'diredp-unmark-all-marks-recursive))     ; `U'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\M-("        'diredp-mark-sexp-recursive)             ; `M-('
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "\M-w"        'diredp-copy-filename-as-kill-recursive) ; `M-w'
+(define-key diredp-recursive-map "Y"           'diredp-do-relsymlink-recursive)         ; `Y'
+(eval-after-load "w32-browser"
+  '(define-key diredp-recursive-map (kbd "<C-M-return>") 'diredp-multiple-w32-browser-recursive)) ; `C-M-RET'
+;; Undefine some bindings that would try to modify a Dired buffer.  Their key sequences will
+;; then appear to the user as available for local (Dired) definition.
+(when (fboundp 'undefine-killer-commands) (undefine-killer-commands dired-mode-map))
+(setq diredp-loaded-p  t)
+;;; dired+.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-indent.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-indent.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8fd3c9425866
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-indent.el
@@ -0,0 +1,304 @@
+;;; reason-indent.el --- Indentation functions for ReasonML -*-lexical-binding: t-*-
+;; Portions Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Indentation functions for Reason.
+;;; Code:
+(defconst reason-re-ident "[[:word:][:multibyte:]_][[:word:][:multibyte:]_[:digit:]]*")
+(defcustom reason-indent-offset 2
+  "Indent Reason code by this number of spaces."
+  :type 'integer
+  :group 'reason-mode
+  :safe #'integerp)
+(defun reason-looking-back-str (str)
+  "Like `looking-back' but for fixed strings rather than regexps.
+Works around some regexp slowness.
+Argument STR string to search for."
+  (let ((len (length str)))
+    (and (> (point) len)
+         (equal str (buffer-substring-no-properties (- (point) len) (point))))))
+(defun reason-paren-level ()
+  "Get the level of nesting inside parentheses."
+  (nth 0 (syntax-ppss)))
+(defun reason-in-str-or-cmnt ()
+  "Return whether point is currently inside a string or a comment."
+  (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)))
+(defun reason-rewind-past-str-cmnt ()
+  "Rewind past string or comment."
+  (goto-char (nth 8 (syntax-ppss))))
+(defun reason-rewind-irrelevant ()
+  "Rewind past irrelevant characters (whitespace of inside comments)."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((starting (point)))
+    (skip-chars-backward "[:space:]\n")
+    (if (reason-looking-back-str "*/") (backward-char))
+    (if (reason-in-str-or-cmnt)
+        (reason-rewind-past-str-cmnt))
+    (if (/= starting (point))
+        (reason-rewind-irrelevant))))
+(defun reason-align-to-expr-after-brace ()
+  "Align the expression at point to the expression after the previous brace."
+  (save-excursion
+    (forward-char)
+    ;; We don't want to indent out to the open bracket if the
+    ;; open bracket ends the line
+    (when (not (looking-at "[[:blank:]]*\\(?://.*\\)?$"))
+      (when (looking-at "[[:space:]]")
+        (forward-word 1)
+        (backward-word 1))
+      (current-column))))
+(defun reason-align-to-prev-expr ()
+  "Align the expression at point to the previous expression."
+  (let ((alignment (save-excursion
+                     (forward-char)
+                     ;; We don't want to indent out to the open bracket if the
+                     ;; open bracket ends the line
+                     (when (not (looking-at "[[:blank:]]*\\(?://.*\\)?$"))
+                       (if (looking-at "[[:space:]]")
+                           (progn
+                             (forward-word 1)
+                             (backward-word 1))
+                         (backward-char))
+                       (current-column)))))
+    (if (not alignment)
+        (save-excursion
+          (forward-char)
+          (forward-line)
+          (back-to-indentation)
+          (current-column))
+      alignment)))
+;;; Start of a reason binding
+(defvar reason-binding
+  (regexp-opt '("let" "type" "module" "fun")))
+(defun reason-beginning-of-defun (&optional arg)
+  "Move backward to the beginning of the current defun.
+With ARG, move backward multiple defuns.  Negative ARG means
+move forward.
+This is written mainly to be used as `beginning-of-defun-function'.
+Don't move to the beginning of the line.  `beginning-of-defun',
+which calls this, does that afterwards."
+  (interactive "p")
+  (re-search-backward (concat "^\\(" reason-binding "\\)\\_>")
+                      nil 'move (or arg 1)))
+(defun reason-end-of-defun ()
+  "Move forward to the next end of defun.
+With argument, do it that many times.
+Negative argument -N means move back to Nth preceding end of defun.
+Assume that this is called after ‘beginning-of-defun’.  So point is
+at the beginning of the defun body.
+This is written mainly to be used as `end-of-defun-function' for Reason."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; Find the opening brace
+  (if (re-search-forward "[{]" nil t)
+      (progn
+        (goto-char (match-beginning 0))
+        ;; Go to the closing brace
+        (condition-case nil
+            (forward-sexp)
+          (scan-error
+           ;; The parentheses are unbalanced; instead of being unable to fontify, just jump to the end of the buffer
+           (goto-char (point-max)))))
+    ;; There is no opening brace, so consider the whole buffer to be one "defun"
+    (goto-char (point-max))))
+(defun reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr ()
+  "Rewind to the beginning of the expression on the current level of nesting."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((current-level (reason-paren-level)))
+    (back-to-indentation)
+    (when (looking-at "=>")
+      (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+      (back-to-indentation))
+    (while (> (reason-paren-level) current-level)
+      (backward-up-list)
+      (back-to-indentation))))
+(defun reason-mode-indent-line ()
+  "Indent current line."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((indent
+         (save-excursion
+           (back-to-indentation)
+           ;; Point is now at beginning of current line
+           (let* ((level (reason-paren-level))
+                  (baseline
+                   ;; Our "baseline" is one level out from the indentation of the expression
+                   ;; containing the innermost enclosing opening bracket. That
+                   ;; way if we are within a block that has a different
+                   ;; indentation than this mode would give it, we still indent
+                   ;; the inside of it correctly relative to the outside.
+                   (if (= 0 level)
+                       0
+                     (save-excursion
+                       (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                       (if (save-excursion
+                             (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                             (looking-at "<"))
+                           (progn
+                             (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                             (current-column))
+                           (progn
+                             (backward-up-list)
+                             (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                             (cond
+                              ((looking-at "switch")
+                               (current-column))
+                              ((looking-at "|")
+                               (+ (current-column) (* reason-indent-offset 2)))
+                              (t
+                               (let ((current-level (reason-paren-level)))
+                                 (save-excursion
+                                   (while (and (= current-level (reason-paren-level))
+                                               (not (looking-at reason-binding)))
+                                     (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                                     (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr))
+                                   (+ (current-column) reason-indent-offset)))))))))))
+             (cond
+              ;; A function return type is indented to the corresponding function arguments
+              ((looking-at "=>")
+               (+ baseline reason-indent-offset))
+              ((reason-in-str-or-cmnt)
+               (cond
+                ;; In the end of the block -- align with star
+                ((looking-at "*/") (+ baseline 1))
+                ;; Indent to the following shape:
+                ;; /* abcd
+                ;;  * asdf
+                ;;  */
+                ;;
+                ((looking-at "*") (+ baseline 1))
+                ;; Indent to the following shape:
+                ;; /* abcd
+                ;;    asdf
+                ;;  */
+                ;;
+                (t (+ baseline (+ reason-indent-offset 1)))))
+              ((looking-at "</") (- baseline reason-indent-offset))
+              ;; A closing brace is 1 level unindented
+              ((looking-at "}\\|)\\|\\]")
+               (save-excursion
+                 (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                 (let ((jsx? (reason-looking-back-str ">")))
+                   (backward-up-list)
+                   (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                   (cond
+                    ((looking-at "switch") baseline)
+                    (jsx? (current-column))
+                    (t (- baseline reason-indent-offset))))))
+              ;; Doc comments in /** style with leading * indent to line up the *s
+              ((and (nth 4 (syntax-ppss)) (looking-at "*"))
+               (+ 1 baseline))
+              ;; If we're in any other token-tree / sexp, then:
+              (t
+               (or
+                ;; If we are inside a pair of braces, with something after the
+                ;; open brace on the same line and ending with a comma, treat
+                ;; it as fields and align them.
+                (when (> level 0)
+                  (save-excursion
+                    (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                    (backward-up-list)
+                    ;; Point is now at the beginning of the containing set of braces
+                    (reason-align-to-expr-after-brace)))
+                (progn
+                  (back-to-indentation)
+                  (cond ((looking-at (regexp-opt '("and" "type")))
+                         baseline)
+                        ((save-excursion
+                           (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                           (= (point) 1))
+                         baseline)
+                        ((save-excursion
+                           (while (looking-at "|")
+                             (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                             (back-to-indentation))
+                           (looking-at (regexp-opt '("type"))))
+                         (+ baseline reason-indent-offset))
+                        ((looking-at "|\\|/[/*]")
+                         baseline)
+                        ((and (> level 0)
+                              (save-excursion
+                                (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                                (backward-up-list)
+                                (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                                (looking-at "switch")))
+                         (+ baseline reason-indent-offset))
+                        ((save-excursion
+                           (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                           (looking-back "[{;,\\[(]" (- (point) 2)))
+                         baseline)
+                        ((and
+                          (save-excursion
+                            (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                            (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                            (and (looking-at reason-binding)
+                                 (not (progn
+                                        (forward-sexp)
+                                        (forward-sexp)
+                                        (skip-chars-forward "[:space:]\n")
+                                        (looking-at "=")))))
+                          (not (save-excursion
+                                 (skip-chars-backward "[:space:]\n")
+                                 (reason-looking-back-str "=>"))))
+                         (save-excursion
+                           (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                           (backward-sexp)
+                           (reason-align-to-prev-expr)))
+                        ((save-excursion
+                           (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                           (looking-back "<\/.*?>" (- (point) 30)))
+                         baseline)
+                        (t
+                         (save-excursion
+                           (reason-rewind-irrelevant)
+                           (reason-rewind-to-beginning-of-current-level-expr)
+                           (if (looking-at "|")
+                               baseline
+                             (+ baseline reason-indent-offset)))))
+                  ;; Point is now at the beginning of the current line
+                  ))))))))
+    (when indent
+      ;; If we're at the beginning of the line (before or at the current
+      ;; indentation), jump with the indentation change.  Otherwise, save the
+      ;; excursion so that adding the indentations will leave us at the
+      ;; equivalent position within the line to where we were before.
+      (if (<= (current-column) (current-indentation))
+          (indent-line-to indent)
+        (save-excursion (indent-line-to indent))))))
+(provide 'reason-indent)
+;;; reason-indent.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-interaction.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-interaction.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6ceaed1e9340
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-interaction.el
@@ -0,0 +1,216 @@
+;;; reason-interaction.el --- Phrase navitagion for rtop -*-lexical-binding: t-*-
+;; Portions Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Phrase navigation for utop and maybe other REPLs.
+;; The utop compatibility layer for Reason was mainly taken from:
+;; https://github.com/ocaml/tuareg/blob/master/tuareg-light.el (big thanks!)
+;;; Code:
+(defun reason-backward-char (&optional step)
+  "Go back one char.
+Similar to `backward-char` but it does not signal errors
+`beginning-of-buffer` and `end-of-buffer`.  It optionally takes a
+STEP parameter for jumping back more than one character."
+  (when step (goto-char (- (point) step))
+        (goto-char (1- (point)))))
+(defun reason-forward-char (&optional step)
+  "Go forward one char.
+Similar to `forward-char` but it does not signal errors
+`beginning-of-buffer` and `end-of-buffer`.  It optionally takes a
+STEP parameter for jumping back more than one character."
+  (when step (goto-char (+ (point) step))
+    (goto-char (1+ (point)))))
+(defun reason-in-literal-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if point is inside an Reason literal."
+  (nth 3 (syntax-ppss)))
+(defconst reason-comment-delimiter-regexp "\\*/\\|/\\*"
+  "Regex for identify either open or close comment delimiters.")
+(defun reason-in-between-comment-chars-p ()
+  "Return non-nil iff point is in between the comment delimiter chars.
+It returns non-nil if point is between the chars only (*|/ or /|*
+where | is point)."
+  (and (not (bobp)) (not (eobp))
+       (or (and (char-equal ?/ (char-before)) (char-equal ?* (char-after)))
+           (and (char-equal ?* (char-before)) (char-equal ?/ (char-after))))))
+(defun reason-looking-at-comment-delimiters-p ()
+  "Return non-nil iff point in between comment delimiters."
+  (looking-at-p reason-comment-delimiter-regexp))
+(defun reason-in-between-comment-delimiters-p ()
+  "Return non-nil if inside /* and */."
+  (nth 4 (syntax-ppss)))
+(defun reason-in-comment-p ()
+  "Return non-nil iff point is inside or right before a comment."
+  (or (reason-in-between-comment-delimiters-p)
+      (reason-in-between-comment-chars-p)
+      (reason-looking-at-comment-delimiters-p)))
+(defun reason-beginning-of-literal-or-comment ()
+  "Skip to the beginning of the current literal or comment (or buffer)."
+  (interactive)
+  (goto-char (or (nth 8 (syntax-ppss)) (point))))
+(defun reason-inside-block-scope-p ()
+  "Skip to the beginning of the current literal or comment (or buffer)."
+  (and (> (nth 0 (syntax-ppss)) 0)
+       (let ((delim-start (nth 1 (syntax-ppss))))
+         (save-excursion
+           (goto-char delim-start)
+           (char-equal ?{ (following-char))))))
+(defun reason-at-phrase-break-p ()
+  "Is the underlying `;' a phrase break?"
+  ;; Difference from OCaml, the phrase separator is a single semi-colon
+  (and (not (eobp))
+       (char-equal ?\; (following-char))))
+(defun reason-skip-to-close-delimiter (&optional limit)
+  "Skip to the end of a Reason block.
+It basically calls `re-search-forward` in order to go to any
+closing delimiter, not concerning itself with balancing of any
+sort.  Client code needs to check that.
+LIMIT is passed to `re-search-forward` directly."
+  (re-search-forward "\\s)" limit 'move))
+(defun reason-skip-back-to-open-delimiter (&optional limit)
+  "Skip to the beginning of a Reason block backwards.
+It basically calls `re-search-backward` in order to go to any
+opening delimiter, not concerning itself with balancing of any
+sort.  Client code needs to check that.
+LIMIT is passed to `re-search-backward` directly."
+  (re-search-backward "\\s(" limit 'move))
+(defun reason-find-phrase-end ()
+  "Skip to the end of a phrase."
+  (while (and (not (eobp))
+              (not (reason-at-phrase-break-p)))
+    (if (re-search-forward ";" nil 'move)
+        (progn (when (reason-inside-block-scope-p)
+                 (reason-skip-to-close-delimiter))
+               (goto-char (1- (point))))
+      ;; avoid infinite loop at the end of the buffer
+      (re-search-forward "[[:space:]\\|\n]+" nil 'move)))
+  (min (goto-char (1+ (point))) (point-max)))
+(defun reason-skip-blank-and-comments ()
+  "Skip blank spaces and comments."
+  (cond
+   ((eobp) (point))
+   ((or (reason-in-between-comment-chars-p)
+        (reason-looking-at-comment-delimiters-p)) (progn
+                                                    (reason-forward-char 1)
+                                                    (reason-skip-blank-and-comments)))
+   ((reason-in-between-comment-delimiters-p) (progn
+                                               (search-forward "*/" nil t)
+                                               (reason-skip-blank-and-comments)))
+   ((eolp) (progn
+             (reason-forward-char 1)
+             (reason-skip-blank-and-comments)))
+   (t (progn (skip-syntax-forward " ")
+             (point)))))
+(defun reason-skip-back-blank-and-comments ()
+  "Skip blank spaces and comments backwards."
+  (cond
+   ((bobp) (point))
+   ((looking-back reason-comment-delimiter-regexp) (progn
+                                                     (reason-backward-char 1)
+                                                     (reason-skip-back-blank-and-comments)))
+   ((reason-in-between-comment-delimiters-p) (progn
+                                               (search-backward "/*" nil t)
+                                               (reason-backward-char 1)
+                                               (reason-skip-back-blank-and-comments)))
+   ((or (reason-in-between-comment-chars-p)
+        (reason-looking-at-comment-delimiters-p)) (progn
+                                                    (reason-backward-char 1)
+                                                    (reason-skip-back-blank-and-comments)))
+   ((bolp) (progn
+             (reason-backward-char 1)
+             (reason-skip-back-blank-and-comments)))
+   (t (progn (skip-syntax-backward " ")
+             (point)))))
+(defun reason-ro (&rest words)
+  "Build a regex matching iff at least a word in WORDS is present."
+  (concat "\\<" (regexp-opt words t) "\\>"))
+(defconst reason-find-phrase-beginning-regexp
+  (concat (reason-ro "end" "type" "module" "sig" "struct" "class"
+                     "exception" "open" "let")
+          "\\|^#[ \t]*[a-z][_a-z]*\\>\\|;"))
+(defun reason-at-phrase-start-p ()
+  "Return t if is looking at the beginning of a phrase.
+A phrase starts when a toplevel keyword is at the beginning of a line."
+  (or (looking-at "#")
+      (looking-at reason-find-phrase-beginning-regexp)))
+(defun reason-find-phrase-beginning-backward ()
+  "Find the beginning of a phrase and return point.
+It scans code backwards, therefore the caller can assume that the
+beginning of the phrase (if found) is always before the starting
+point.  No error is signalled and (point-min) is returned when a
+phrease cannot be found."
+  (beginning-of-line)
+  (while (and (not (bobp)) (not (reason-at-phrase-start-p)))
+    (if (reason-inside-block-scope-p)
+        (reason-skip-back-to-open-delimiter)
+      (re-search-backward reason-find-phrase-beginning-regexp nil 'move)))
+  (point))
+(defun reason-discover-phrase ()
+  "Discover a Reason phrase in the buffer."
+  ;; TODO reason-with-internal-syntax ;; tuareg2 modifies the syntax table (removed for now)
+  ;; TODO stop-at-and feature for phrase detection (do we need it?)
+  ;; TODO tuareg2 has some custom logic for module and class (do we need it?)
+  (save-excursion
+    (let ((case-fold-search nil))
+      (reason-skip-blank-and-comments)
+      (list (reason-find-phrase-beginning-backward) ;; beginning
+            (reason-find-phrase-end)                ;; end
+            (save-excursion                         ;; end-with-comment
+              (reason-skip-blank-and-comments)
+              (point))))))
+(defun reason-discover-phrase-debug ()
+  "Discover a Reason phrase in the buffer (debug mode)."
+  (let ((triple (reason-discover-phrase)))
+    (message (concat "Evaluating: \"" (reason-fetch-phrase triple) "\""))
+    triple))
+(defun reason-fetch-phrase (triple)
+  "Fetch the phrase text given a TRIPLE."
+  (let* ((start (nth 0 triple))
+         (end (nth 1 triple))) ;; we don't need end-with-comment
+    (buffer-substring-no-properties start end)))
+(defun reason-next-phrase ()
+  "Skip to the beginning of the next phrase."
+  (cond
+   ((reason-at-phrase-start-p) (point))
+   ((eolp) (progn
+             (forward-char 1)
+             (reason-skip-blank-and-comments)
+             (reason-next-phrase)))
+   ((reason-inside-block-scope-p) (progn (reason-skip-to-close-delimiter)
+                                         (reason-next-phrase)))
+   ((looking-at ";") (progn
+                       (forward-char 1)
+                       (reason-next-phrase)))
+   (t (progn (end-of-line)
+             (reason-next-phrase)))))
+(provide 'reason-interaction)
+;;; reason-interaction.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-mode.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-mode.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..789735955db2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/reason-mode.el
@@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
+;;; reason-mode.el --- A major mode for editing ReasonML -*-lexical-binding: t-*-
+;; Portions Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
+;; Version: 0.4.0
+;; Author: Mozilla
+;; Url: https://github.com/reasonml-editor/reason-mode
+;; Keywords: languages, ocaml
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
+;; This file is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the
+;; Apache License (version 2.0).
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This project provides useful functions and helpers for developing code
+;; using the Reason programming language (https://facebook.github.io/reason).
+;; Reason is an umbrella project that provides a curated layer for OCaml.
+;; It offers:
+;;  - A new, familiar syntax for the battle-tested language that is OCaml.
+;;  - A workflow for compiling to JavaScript and native code.
+;;  - A set of friendly documentations, libraries and utilities.
+;; See the README.md for more details.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'reason-indent)
+(require 'refmt)
+(require 'reason-interaction)
+(eval-when-compile (require 'rx)
+                   (require 'compile)
+                   (require 'url-vars))
+;; Syntax definitions and helpers
+(defvar reason-mode-syntax-table
+  (let ((table (make-syntax-table)))
+    ;; Operators
+    (dolist (i '(?+ ?- ?* ?/ ?& ?| ?^ ?! ?< ?> ?~ ?@))
+      (modify-syntax-entry i "." table))
+    ;; Strings
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\" "\"" table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\\ "\\" table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\' "_"  table)
+    ;; Comments
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?/  ". 124b" table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?*  ". 23n"  table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "> b"    table)
+    (modify-syntax-entry ?\^m "> b"   table)
+    table))
+(defgroup reason nil
+  "Support for Reason code."
+  :link '(url-link "http://facebook.github.io/reason/")
+  :group 'languages)
+(defcustom reason-mode-hook nil
+  "Hook called by `reason-mode'."
+  :type 'hook
+  :group 'reason)
+;; Font-locking definitions and helpers
+(defconst reason-mode-keywords
+  '("and" "as"
+    "else" "external"
+    "fun" "for"
+    "if" "impl" "in" "include"
+    "let"
+    "module" "match" "mod" "move" "mutable"
+    "open"
+    "priv" "pub"
+    "rec" "ref" "return"
+    "self" "static" "switch" "struct" "super"
+    "trait" "type"
+    "use"
+    "virtual"
+    "where" "when" "while"))
+(defconst reason-mode-consts
+  '("true" "false"))
+(defconst reason-special-types
+  '("int" "float" "string" "char"
+    "bool" "unit" "list" "array" "exn"
+    "option" "ref"))
+(defconst reason-camel-case
+  (rx symbol-start
+      (group upper (0+ (any word nonascii digit "_")))
+      symbol-end))
+  (defconst reason--char-literal-rx
+    (rx (seq (group "'")
+             (or (seq "\\" anything)
+                 (not (any "'\\")))
+             (group "'")))))
+(defun reason-re-word (inner)
+  "Build a word regexp given INNER."
+  (concat "\\<" inner "\\>"))
+(defun reason-re-grab (inner)
+  "Build a grab regexp given INNER."
+  (concat "\\(" inner "\\)"))
+(defun reason-regexp-opt-symbols (words)
+  "Like `(regexp-opt words 'symbols)`, but will work on Emacs 23.
+See rust-mode PR #42.
+Argument WORDS argument to pass to `regexp-opt`."
+  (concat "\\_<" (regexp-opt words t) "\\_>"))
+;;; Syntax highlighting for Reason
+(defvar reason-font-lock-keywords
+  `((,(reason-regexp-opt-symbols reason-mode-keywords) . font-lock-keyword-face)
+    (,(reason-regexp-opt-symbols reason-special-types) . font-lock-builtin-face)
+    (,(reason-regexp-opt-symbols reason-mode-consts) . font-lock-constant-face)
+    (,reason-camel-case 1 font-lock-type-face)
+    ;; Field names like `foo:`, highlight excluding the :
+    (,(concat (reason-re-grab reason-re-ident) ":[^:]") 1 font-lock-variable-name-face)
+    ;; Module names like `foo::`, highlight including the ::
+    (,(reason-re-grab (concat reason-re-ident "::")) 1 font-lock-type-face)
+    ;; Name punned labeled args like ::foo
+    (,(concat "[[:space:]]+" (reason-re-grab (concat "::" reason-re-ident))) 1 font-lock-type-face)
+    ;; TODO jsx attribs?
+    (,
+     (concat "<[/]?" (reason-re-grab reason-re-ident) "[^>]*" ">")
+     1 font-lock-type-face)))
+(defun reason-mode-try-find-alternate-file (mod-name extension)
+  "Switch to the file given by MOD-NAME and EXTENSION."
+  (let* ((filename (concat mod-name extension))
+         (buffer (get-file-buffer filename)))
+    (if buffer (switch-to-buffer buffer)
+      (find-file filename))))
+(defun reason-mode-find-alternate-file ()
+  "Switch to implementation/interface file."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((name buffer-file-name))
+    (when (string-match "\\`\\(.*\\)\\.re\\([il]\\)?\\'" name)
+      (let ((mod-name (match-string 1 name))
+            (e (match-string 2 name)))
+        (cond
+         ((string= e "i")
+          (reason-mode-try-find-alternate-file mod-name ".re"))
+         (t
+          (reason-mode-try-find-alternate-file mod-name ".rei")))))))
+(defun reason--syntax-propertize-multiline-string (end)
+  "Propertize Reason multiline string.
+Argument END marks the end of the string."
+  (let ((ppss (syntax-ppss)))
+    (when (eq t (nth 3 ppss))
+      (let ((key (save-excursion
+                   (goto-char (nth 8 ppss))
+                   (and (looking-at "{\\([a-z]*\\)|")
+                        (match-string 1)))))
+        (when (search-forward (format "|%s}" key) end 'move)
+          (put-text-property (1- (match-end 0)) (match-end 0)
+                             'syntax-table (string-to-syntax "|")))))))
+(defun reason-syntax-propertize-function (start end)
+  "Propertize Reason function.
+Argument START marks the beginning of the function.
+Argument END marks the end of the function."
+  (goto-char start)
+  (reason--syntax-propertize-multiline-string end)
+  (funcall
+   (syntax-propertize-rules
+    (reason--char-literal-rx (1 "\"") (2 "\""))
+    ;; multi line strings
+    ("\\({\\)[a-z]*|"
+     (1 (prog1 "|"
+          (goto-char (match-end 0))
+          (reason--syntax-propertize-multiline-string end)))))
+   (point) end))
+(defvar reason-mode-map
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-a" #'reason-mode-find-alternate-file)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-r" #'refmt-region-ocaml-to-reason)
+    (define-key map "\C-c\C-o" #'refmt-region-reason-to-ocaml)
+    map))
+(define-derived-mode reason-mode prog-mode "Reason"
+  "Major mode for Reason code.
+  :group 'reason
+  :syntax-table reason-mode-syntax-table
+  :keymap reason-mode-map
+  ;; Syntax
+  (setq-local syntax-propertize-function #'reason-syntax-propertize-function)
+  ;; Indentation
+  (setq-local indent-line-function 'reason-mode-indent-line)
+  ;; Fonts
+  (setq-local font-lock-defaults '(reason-font-lock-keywords))
+  ;; Misc
+  (setq-local comment-start "/*")
+  (setq-local comment-end   "*/")
+  (setq-local indent-tabs-mode nil)
+  ;; Allow paragraph fills for comments
+  (setq-local comment-start-skip "/\\*+[ \t]*")
+  (setq-local paragraph-start
+              (concat "^[ \t]*$\\|\\*)$\\|" page-delimiter))
+  (setq-local paragraph-separate paragraph-start)
+  (setq-local require-final-newline t)
+  (setq-local normal-auto-fill-function nil)
+  (setq-local comment-multi-line t)
+  (setq-local beginning-of-defun-function 'reason-beginning-of-defun)
+  (setq-local end-of-defun-function 'reason-end-of-defun)
+  (setq-local parse-sexp-lookup-properties t))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.rei?\\'" . reason-mode))
+(defun reason-mode-reload ()
+  "Reload Reason mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (unload-feature 'reason-mode)
+  (unload-feature 'reason-indent)
+  (unload-feature 'reason-interaction)
+  (require 'reason-mode)
+  (reason-mode))
+(provide 'reason-mode)
+;;; reason-mode.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/refmt.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/refmt.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b9ea2b43f0ce
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/refmt.el
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+;;; refmt.el --- utility functions to format reason code
+;; Copyright (c) 2014 The go-mode Authors. All rights reserved.
+;; Portions Copyright (c) 2015-present, Facebook, Inc. All rights reserved.
+;; Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+;; modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
+;; met:
+;; * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+;; notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+;; * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+;; copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
+;; in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
+;; distribution.
+;; * Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of its
+;; contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
+;; this software without specific prior written permission.
+;;; Commentary:
+;;; Code:
+(require 'cl-lib)
+(defcustom refmt-command "refmt"
+  "The 'refmt' command."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 're-fmt)
+(defcustom refmt-show-errors 'buffer
+    "Where to display refmt error output.
+It can either be displayed in its own buffer, in the echo area, or not at all.
+Please note that Emacs outputs to the echo area when writing
+files and will overwrite refmt's echo output if used from inside
+a `before-save-hook'."
+    :type '(choice
+            (const :tag "Own buffer" buffer)
+            (const :tag "Echo area" echo)
+            (const :tag "None" nil))
+      :group 're-fmt)
+(defcustom refmt-width-mode nil
+  "Specify width when formatting buffer contents."
+  :type '(choice
+          (const :tag "Window width" window)
+          (const :tag "Fill column" fill)
+          (const :tag "None" nil))
+  :group 're-fmt)
+(defun refmt-before-save ()
+  "Add this to .emacs to run refmt on the current buffer when saving:
+ (add-hook 'before-save-hook 'refmt-before-save)."
+    (interactive)
+      (when (eq major-mode 'reason-mode) (refmt)))
+(defun reason--goto-line (line)
+  (goto-char (point-min))
+    (forward-line (1- line)))
+(defun reason--delete-whole-line (&optional arg)
+    "Delete the current line without putting it in the `kill-ring'.
+Derived from function `kill-whole-line'.  ARG is defined as for that
+    (setq arg (or arg 1))
+    (if (and (> arg 0)
+             (eobp)
+             (save-excursion (forward-visible-line 0) (eobp)))
+        (signal 'end-of-buffer nil))
+    (if (and (< arg 0)
+             (bobp)
+             (save-excursion (end-of-visible-line) (bobp)))
+        (signal 'beginning-of-buffer nil))
+    (cond ((zerop arg)
+           (delete-region (progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
+                          (progn (end-of-visible-line) (point))))
+          ((< arg 0)
+           (delete-region (progn (end-of-visible-line) (point))
+                          (progn (forward-visible-line (1+ arg))
+                                 (unless (bobp)
+                                   (backward-char))
+                                 (point))))
+          (t
+           (delete-region (progn (forward-visible-line 0) (point))
+                                                  (progn (forward-visible-line arg) (point))))))
+(defun reason--apply-rcs-patch (patch-buffer &optional start-pos)
+  "Apply an RCS-formatted diff from PATCH-BUFFER to the current buffer."
+  (setq start-pos (or start-pos (point-min)))
+  (let ((first-line (line-number-at-pos start-pos))
+        (target-buffer (current-buffer))
+        ;; Relative offset between buffer line numbers and line numbers
+        ;; in patch.
+        ;;
+        ;; Line numbers in the patch are based on the source file, so
+        ;; we have to keep an offset when making changes to the
+        ;; buffer.
+        ;;
+        ;; Appending lines decrements the offset (possibly making it
+        ;; negative), deleting lines increments it. This order
+        ;; simplifies the forward-line invocations.
+        (line-offset 0))
+    (save-excursion
+      (with-current-buffer patch-buffer
+        (goto-char (point-min))
+        (while (not (eobp))
+          (unless (looking-at "^\\([ad]\\)\\([0-9]+\\) \\([0-9]+\\)")
+            (error "invalid rcs patch or internal error in reason--apply-rcs-patch"))
+          (forward-line)
+          (let ((action (match-string 1))
+                (from (string-to-number (match-string 2)))
+                (len  (string-to-number (match-string 3))))
+            (cond
+             ((equal action "a")
+              (let ((start (point)))
+                (forward-line len)
+                (let ((text (buffer-substring start (point))))
+                  (with-current-buffer target-buffer
+                    (cl-decf line-offset len)
+                    (goto-char start-pos)
+                    (forward-line (- from len line-offset))
+                    (insert text)))))
+             ((equal action "d")
+              (with-current-buffer target-buffer
+                (reason--goto-line (- (1- (+ first-line from)) line-offset))
+                (cl-incf line-offset len)
+                (reason--delete-whole-line len)))
+             (t
+              (error "invalid rcs patch or internal error in reason--apply-rcs-patch")))))))))
+(defun refmt--process-errors (filename tmpfile errorfile errbuf)
+  (with-current-buffer errbuf
+    (if (eq refmt-show-errors 'echo)
+        (progn
+          (message "%s" (buffer-string))
+          (refmt--kill-error-buffer errbuf))
+      (insert-file-contents errorfile nil nil nil)
+      ;; Convert the refmt stderr to something understood by the compilation mode.
+      (goto-char (point-min))
+      (insert "refmt errors:\n")
+      (while (search-forward-regexp (regexp-quote tmpfile) nil t)
+        (replace-match (file-name-nondirectory filename)))
+      (compilation-mode)
+      (display-buffer errbuf))))
+(defun refmt--kill-error-buffer (errbuf)
+  (let ((win (get-buffer-window errbuf)))
+    (if win
+        (quit-window t win)
+      (with-current-buffer errbuf
+        (erase-buffer))
+      (kill-buffer errbuf))))
+(defun apply-refmt (&optional start end from to)
+  (setq start (or start (point-min))
+        end (or end (point-max))
+        from (or from "re")
+        to (or to "re"))
+   (let* ((ext (file-name-extension buffer-file-name t))
+          (bufferfile (make-temp-file "refmt" nil ext))
+          (outputfile (make-temp-file "refmt" nil ext))
+          (errorfile (make-temp-file "refmt" nil ext))
+          (errbuf (if refmt-show-errors (get-buffer-create "*Refmt Errors*")))
+          (patchbuf (get-buffer-create "*Refmt patch*"))
+          (coding-system-for-read 'utf-8)
+          (coding-system-for-write 'utf-8)
+          (width-args
+           (cond
+            ((equal refmt-width-mode 'window)
+             (list "--print-width" (number-to-string (window-body-width))))
+            ((equal refmt-width-mode 'fill)
+             (list "--print-width" (number-to-string fill-column)))
+            (t
+             '()))))
+     (unwind-protect
+         (save-restriction
+           (widen)
+           (write-region start end bufferfile)
+           (if errbuf
+               (with-current-buffer errbuf
+                 (setq buffer-read-only nil)
+                 (erase-buffer)))
+           (with-current-buffer patchbuf
+             (erase-buffer))
+           (if (zerop (apply 'call-process
+                             refmt-command nil (list (list :file outputfile) errorfile)
+                             nil (append width-args (list "--parse" from "--print" to bufferfile))))
+               (progn
+                 (call-process-region start end "diff" nil patchbuf nil "-n" "-"
+                                      outputfile)
+                 (reason--apply-rcs-patch patchbuf start)
+                 (message "Applied refmt")
+                 (if errbuf (refmt--kill-error-buffer errbuf)))
+             (message "Could not apply refmt")
+             (if errbuf
+                 (refmt--process-errors (buffer-file-name) bufferfile errorfile errbuf)))))
+     (kill-buffer patchbuf)
+     (delete-file errorfile)
+     (delete-file bufferfile)
+     (delete-file outputfile)))
+(defun refmt ()
+  "Format the current buffer according to the refmt tool."
+  (interactive)
+  (apply-refmt))
+(defun refmt-region-ocaml-to-reason (start end)
+  (interactive "r")
+  (apply-refmt start end "ml"))
+(defun refmt-region-reason-to-ocaml (start end)
+  (interactive "r")
+  (apply-refmt start end "re" "ml"))
+(provide 'refmt)
+;;; refmt.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/>.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/>.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..68d8576b8079
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/>.el
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+;;; >.el --- Small utility functions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Originally I stored the `>>` macro in macros.el, but after setting up linting
+;; for my Elisp in CI, `>>` failed because it didn't have the `macros-`
+;; namespace.  I created this module to establish a `>-` namespace under which I
+;; can store some utilities that would be best kept without a cumbersome
+;; namespace.
+;;; Code:
+;; Library
+(defmacro >-> (&rest forms)
+  "Compose a new, point-free function by composing FORMS together."
+  (let ((sym (gensym)))
+    `(lambda (,sym)
+       (->> ,sym ,@forms))))
+(provide '>)
+;;; >.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/al.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/al.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e29f853f8ea5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/al.el
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
+;;; al.el --- Interface for working with associative lists -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Firstly, a rant:
+;; In most cases, I find Elisp's APIs to be confusing.  There's a mixture of
+;; overloaded functions that leak the implementation details (TODO: provide an
+;; example of this.) of the abstract data type, which I find privileges those
+;; "insiders" who spend disproportionately large amounts of time in Elisp land,
+;; and other functions with little-to-no pattern about the order in which
+;; arguments should be applied.  In theory, however, most of these APIs could
+;; and should be much simpler.  This module represents a step in that direction.
+;; I'm modelling these APIs after Elixir's APIs.
+;; On my wishlist is to create protocols that will allow generic interfaces like
+;; Enum protocols, etc.  Would be nice to abstract over...
+;; - associative lists (i.e. alists)
+;; - property lists (i.e. plists)
+;; - hash tables
+;; ...with some dictionary or map-like interface.  This will probably end up
+;; being quite similar to the kv.el project but with differences at the API
+;; layer.
+;; Similar libraries:
+;; - map.el: Comes bundled with recent versions of Emacs.
+;; - asoc.el: Helpers for working with alists.  asoc.el is similar to alist.el
+;;   because it uses the "!" convention for signalling that a function mutates
+;;   the underlying data structure.
+;; - ht.el: Hash table library.
+;; - kv.el: Library for dealing with key-value collections.  Note that map.el
+;;   has a similar typeclass because it works with lists, hash-tables, or
+;;   arrays.
+;; - a.el: Clojure-inspired way of working with key-value data structures in
+;; Elisp.  Works with alists, hash-tables, and sometimes vectors.
+;; Some API design principles:
+;; - The "noun" (i.e. alist) of the "verb" (i.e. function) comes last to improve
+;; composability with the threading macro (i.e. `->>') and to improve consumers'
+;; intuition with the APIs.  Learn this once, know it always.
+;; - Every function avoids mutating the alist unless it ends with !.
+;; - CRUD operations will be named according to the following table:
+;;   - "create" *and* "set"
+;;   - "read"   *and* "get"
+;;   - "update"
+;;   - "delete" *and* "remove"
+;; For better or worse, all of this code expects alists in the form of:
+;; ((first-name . "William") (last-name . "Carroll"))
+;; Special thanks to github.com/alphapapa/emacs-package-dev-handbook for some of
+;; the idiomatic ways to update alists.
+;; TODO: Include a section that compares alist.el to a.el from
+;; github.com/plexus/a.el.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies:
+(require 'macros)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'tuple)
+(require 'maybe)
+;; TODO: Support function aliases for:
+;; - create/set
+;; - read/get
+;; - update
+;; - delete/remove
+;; Support mutative variants of functions with an ! appendage to their name.
+;; Ensure that the same message about only updating the first occurrence of a
+;; key is consistent throughout documentation using string interpolation or some
+;; other mechanism.
+;; TODO: Consider wrapping all of this with `(cl-defstruct alist xs)'.
+;; Constants
+(defconst al-enable-tests? t
+  "When t, run the test suite.")
+;; Library
+;; TODO: Support a variadic version of this to easily construct alists.
+(defun al-new ()
+  "Return a new, empty alist."
+  '())
+;; Create
+;; TODO: See if this mutates.
+(defun al-set (k v xs)
+  "Set K to V in XS."
+  (if (al-has-key? k xs)
+      (progn
+        ;; Note: this is intentional `alist-get' and not `al-get'.
+        (setf (alist-get k xs) v)
+        xs)
+    (list-cons `(,k . ,v) xs)))
+(defun al-set! (k v xs)
+  "Set K to V in XS mutatively.
+Note that this doesn't append to the alist in the way that most alists handle
+  writing.  If the k already exists in XS, it is overwritten."
+  (map-delete xs k)
+  (map-put! xs k v))
+;; Read
+(defun al-get (k xs)
+  "Return the value at K in XS; otherwise, return nil.
+Returns the first occurrence of K in XS since alists support multiple entries."
+  (cdr (assoc k xs)))
+(defun al-get-entry (k xs)
+  "Return the first key-value pair at K in XS."
+  (assoc k xs))
+;; Update
+;; TODO: Add warning about only the first occurrence being updated in the
+;; documentation.
+(defun al-update (k f xs)
+  "Apply F to the value stored at K in XS.
+If `K' is not in `XS', this function errors.  Use `al-upsert' if you're
+interested in inserting a value when a key doesn't already exist."
+  (if (not (al-has-key? k xs))
+      (error "Refusing to update: key does not exist in alist")
+    (al-set k (funcall f (al-get k xs)) xs)))
+(defun al-update! (k f xs)
+  "Call F on the entry at K in XS.
+Mutative variant of `al-update'."
+  (al-set! k (funcall f (al-get k xs))xs))
+;; TODO: Support this.
+(defun al-upsert (k v f xs)
+  "If K exists in `XS' call `F' on the value otherwise insert `V'."
+  (if (al-has-key? k xs)
+      (al-update k f xs)
+    (al-set k v xs)))
+;; Delete
+;; TODO: Make sure `delete' and `remove' behave as advertised in the Elisp docs.
+(defun al-delete (k xs)
+  "Deletes the entry of K from XS.
+This only removes the first occurrence of K, since alists support multiple
+  key-value entries.  See `al-delete-all' and `al-dedupe'."
+  (remove (assoc k xs) xs))
+(defun al-delete! (k xs)
+  "Delete the entry of K from XS.
+Mutative variant of `al-delete'."
+  (delete (assoc k xs) xs))
+;; Additions to the CRUD API
+;; TODO: Implement this function.
+(defun al-dedupe-keys (xs)
+  "Remove the entries in XS where the keys are `equal'.")
+(defun al-dedupe-entries (xs)
+  "Remove the entries in XS where the key-value pair are `equal'."
+  (delete-dups xs))
+(defun al-keys (xs)
+  "Return a list of the keys in XS."
+  (mapcar 'car xs))
+(defun al-values (xs)
+  "Return a list of the values in XS."
+  (mapcar 'cdr xs))
+(defun al-has-key? (k xs)
+  "Return t if XS has a key `equal' to K."
+  (maybe-some? (assoc k xs)))
+(defun al-has-value? (v xs)
+  "Return t if XS has a value of V."
+  (maybe-some? (rassoc v xs)))
+(defun al-count (xs)
+  "Return the number of entries in XS."
+  (length xs))
+;; TODO: Should I support `al-find-key' and `al-find-value' variants?
+(defun al-find (p xs)
+  "Find an element in XS.
+Apply a predicate fn, P, to each key and value in XS and return the key of the
+first element that returns t."
+  (let ((result (list-find (lambda (x) (funcall p (car x) (cdr x))) xs)))
+    (if result
+        (car result)
+      nil)))
+(defun al-map-keys (f xs)
+  "Call F on the values in XS, returning a new alist."
+  (list-map (lambda (x)
+              `(,(funcall f (car x)) . ,(cdr x)))
+            xs))
+(defun al-map-values (f xs)
+  "Call F on the values in XS, returning a new alist."
+  (list-map (lambda (x)
+              `(,(car x) . ,(funcall f (cdr x))))
+            xs))
+(defun al-reduce (acc f xs)
+  "Return a new alist by calling F on k v and ACC from XS.
+F should return a tuple.  See tuple.el for more information."
+  (->> (al-keys xs)
+       (list-reduce acc
+                    (lambda (k acc)
+                      (funcall f k (al-get k xs) acc)))))
+(defun al-merge (a b)
+  "Return a new alist with a merge of alists, A and B.
+In this case, the last writer wins, which is B."
+  (al-reduce a #'al-set b))
+;; Tests
+(when al-enable-tests?
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal '((2 . one)
+            (3 . two))
+          (al-map-keys #'1+
+                          '((1 . one)
+                            (2 . two)))))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal '((one . 2)
+            (two . 3))
+          (al-map-values #'1+
+                            '((one . 1)
+                              (two . 2))))))
+;; TODO: Support test cases for the entire API.
+(provide 'al)
+;;; al.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bag.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bag.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..38a09d94f900
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bag.el
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+;;; bag.el --- Working with bags (aka multi-sets) -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; What is a bag?  A bag should be thought of as a frequency table.  It's a way
+;; to convert a list of something into a set that allows duplicates.  Isn't
+;; allowing duplicates the whole thing with Sets?  Kind of.  But the interface
+;; of Sets is something that bags resemble, so multi-set isn't as bag of a name
+;; as it may first seem.
+;; If you've used Python's collections.Counter, the concept of a bag should be
+;; familiar already.
+;; Interface:
+;; - add        :: x -> Bag(x) -> Bag(x)
+;; - remove     :: x -> Bag(x) -> Bag(x)
+;; - union      :: Bag(x) -> Bag(x) -> Bag(x)
+;; - difference :: Bag(x) -> Bag(x) -> Bag(x)
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'al)
+(require 'number)
+;; Library
+(cl-defstruct bag xs)
+(defun bag-update (f xs)
+  "Call F on alist in XS."
+  (let ((ys (bag-xs xs)))
+    (setf (bag-xs xs) (funcall f ys))))
+(defun bag-new ()
+  "Create an empty bag."
+  (make-bag :xs (al-new)))
+(defun bag-contains? (x xs)
+  "Return t if XS has X."
+  (al-has-key? x (bag-xs xs)))
+;; TODO: Tabling this for now since working with structs seems to be
+;; disappointingly difficult.  Where is `struct-update'?
+;; (defun bag-add (x xs)
+;;   "Add X to XS.")
+;; TODO: What do we name delete vs. remove?
+;; (defun bag-remove (x xs)
+;;   "Remove X from XS.
+;; This is a no-op is X doesn't exist in XS.")
+(defun bag-from-list (xs)
+  "Map a list of `XS' into a bag."
+  (->> xs
+       (list-reduce
+        (bag-new)
+        (lambda (x acc)
+          (bag-add x 1 #'number-inc acc)))))
+(provide 'bag)
+;;; bag.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bookmark.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bookmark.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..76fc6fe4d75b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bookmark.el
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+;;; bookmark.el --- Saved files and directories on my filesystem -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; After enjoying and relying on Emacs's builtin `jump-to-register' command, I'd
+;; like to recreate this functionality with a few extensions.
+;; Everything herein will mimmick my previous KBDs for `jump-to-register', which
+;; were <leader>-j-<register-kbd>.  If the `bookmark-path' is a file, Emacs will
+;; open a buffer with that file.  If the `bookmark-path' is a directory, Emacs
+;; will open an ivy window searching that directory.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'f)
+(require 'buffer)
+(require 'list)
+(require 'string)
+(require 'set)
+(require 'constants)
+(require 'general)
+;; Constants
+(cl-defstruct bookmark label path kbd)
+;; TODO: Consider hosting this function somewhere other than here, since it
+;; feels useful above of the context of bookmarks.
+;; TODO: Assess whether it'd be better to use the existing function:
+;; `counsel-projectile-switch-project-action'.  See the noise I made on GH for
+;; more context: https://github.com/ericdanan/counsel-projectile/issues/137
+(defun bookmark-handle-directory-dwim (path)
+  "Open PATH as either a project directory or a regular directory.
+If PATH is `projectile-project-p', open with `counsel-projectile-find-file'.
+Otherwise, open with `counsel-find-file'."
+  (if (projectile-project-p path)
+      (with-temp-buffer
+        (cd (projectile-project-p path))
+        (call-interactively #'counsel-projectile-find-file))
+    (let ((ivy-extra-directories nil))
+      (counsel-find-file path))))
+(defconst bookmark-handle-directory #'bookmark-handle-directory-dwim
+  "Function to call when a bookmark points to a directory.")
+(defconst bookmark-handle-file #'counsel-find-file-action
+  "Function to call when a bookmark points to a file.")
+(defconst bookmark-whitelist
+  (list
+   (make-bookmark :label "briefcase"
+                  :path constants-briefcase
+                  :kbd "b")
+   (make-bookmark :label "current project"
+                  :path constants-current-project
+                  :kbd "p"))
+  "List of registered bookmarks.")
+;; API
+(defun bookmark-open (b)
+  "Open bookmark, B, in a new buffer or an ivy minibuffer."
+  (let ((path (bookmark-path b)))
+    (cond
+     ((f-directory? path)
+      (funcall bookmark-handle-directory path))
+     ((f-file? path)
+      (funcall bookmark-handle-file path)))))
+(defun bookmark-install-kbds ()
+  "Install the keybindings defined herein."
+  (->> bookmark-whitelist
+       (list-map
+        (lambda (b)
+          (general-define-key
+           :prefix "<SPC>"
+           :states '(normal)
+           (format "J%s" (bookmark-kbd b))
+           (lambda () (interactive) (find-file (bookmark-path b)))
+           (format "j%s" (bookmark-kbd b))
+           ;; TODO: Consider `cl-labels' so `which-key' minibuffer is more
+           ;; helpful.
+           (lambda () (interactive) (bookmark-open b)))))))
+(provide 'bookmark)
+;;; bookmark.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/buffer.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/buffer.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3c78601b79f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/buffer.el
@@ -0,0 +1,206 @@
+;;; buffer.el --- Working with buffers -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Utilities for CRUDing buffers in Emacs.
+;; Many of these functions may seem unnecessary especially when you consider
+;; there implementations.  In general I believe that Elisp suffers from a
+;; library disorganization problem.  Providing simple wrapper functions that
+;; rename functions or reorder parameters is worth the effort in my opinion if
+;; it improves discoverability (via intuition) and improve composability.
+;; I support three ways for switching between what I'm calling "source code
+;; buffers":
+;; 1. Toggling previous: <SPC><SPC>
+;; 2. Using `ivy-read': <SPC>b
+;; TODO: These obscure evil KBDs.  Maybe a hydra definition would be best?
+;; 3. Cycling (forwards/backwards): C-f, C-b
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'maybe)
+(require 'set)
+(require 'cycle)
+(require 'struct)
+(require 'ts)
+(require 'general)
+;; Library
+(defconst buffer-enable-tests? t
+  "When t, run the test suite.")
+(defconst buffer-install-kbds? t
+  "When t, install the keybindings defined herein.")
+(defconst buffer-source-code-blacklist
+  (set-new 'dired-mode
+           'erc-mode
+           'vterm-mode
+           'magit-status-mode
+           'magit-process-mode
+           'magit-log-mode
+           'magit-diff-mode
+           'org-mode
+           'fundamental-mode)
+  "A blacklist of major-modes to ignore for listing source code buffers.")
+(defconst buffer-source-code-timeout 2
+  "Number of seconds to wait before invalidating the cycle.")
+(cl-defstruct source-code-cycle cycle last-called)
+(defun buffer-emacs-generated? (name)
+  "Return t if buffer, NAME, is an Emacs-generated buffer.
+Some buffers are Emacs-generated but are surrounded by whitespace."
+  (let ((trimmed (s-trim name)))
+    (and (s-starts-with? "*" trimmed))))
+(defun buffer-find (buffer-or-name)
+  "Find a buffer by its BUFFER-OR-NAME."
+  (get-buffer buffer-or-name))
+(defun buffer-major-mode (name)
+  "Return the active `major-mode' in buffer, NAME."
+  (with-current-buffer (buffer-find name)
+    major-mode))
+(defun buffer-source-code-buffers ()
+  "Return a list of source code buffers.
+This will ignore Emacs-generated buffers, like *Messages*.  It will also ignore
+  any buffer whose major mode is defined in `buffer-source-code-blacklist'."
+  (->> (buffer-list)
+       (list-map #'buffer-name)
+       (list-reject #'buffer-emacs-generated?)
+       (list-reject (lambda (name)
+                      (set-contains? (buffer-major-mode name)
+                                     buffer-source-code-blacklist)))))
+(defvar buffer-source-code-cycle-state
+  (make-source-code-cycle
+   :cycle (cycle-from-list (buffer-source-code-buffers))
+   :last-called (ts-now))
+  "State used to manage cycling between source code buffers.")
+(defun buffer-exists? (name)
+  "Return t if buffer, NAME, exists."
+  (maybe-some? (buffer-find name)))
+(defun buffer-new (name)
+  "Return a newly created buffer NAME."
+  (generate-new-buffer name))
+(defun buffer-find-or-create (name)
+  "Find or create buffer, NAME.
+Return a reference to that buffer."
+  (let ((x (buffer-find name)))
+    (if (maybe-some? x)
+        x
+      (buffer-new name))))
+;; TODO: Should this consume: `display-buffer' or `switch-to-buffer'?
+(defun buffer-show (buffer-or-name)
+  "Display the BUFFER-OR-NAME, which is either a buffer reference or its name."
+  (display-buffer buffer-or-name))
+;; TODO: Move this and `buffer-cycle-prev' into a separate module that
+;; encapsulates all of this behavior.
+(defun buffer-cycle (cycle-fn)
+  "Using CYCLE-FN, move through `buffer-source-code-buffers'."
+  (let ((last-called (source-code-cycle-last-called
+                      buffer-source-code-cycle-state))
+        (cycle (source-code-cycle-cycle
+                buffer-source-code-cycle-state)))
+    (if (> (ts-diff (ts-now) last-called)
+           buffer-source-code-timeout)
+        (progn
+          (struct-set! source-code-cycle
+                       cycle
+                       (cycle-from-list (buffer-source-code-buffers))
+                       buffer-source-code-cycle-state)
+          (let ((cycle (source-code-cycle-cycle
+                        buffer-source-code-cycle-state)))
+            (funcall cycle-fn cycle)
+            (switch-to-buffer (cycle-current cycle)))
+          (struct-set! source-code-cycle
+                       last-called
+                       (ts-now)
+                       buffer-source-code-cycle-state))
+      (progn
+        (funcall cycle-fn cycle)
+        (switch-to-buffer (cycle-current cycle))))))
+(defun buffer-cycle-next ()
+  "Cycle forward through the `buffer-source-code-buffers'."
+  (interactive)
+  (buffer-cycle #'cycle-next))
+(defun buffer-cycle-prev ()
+  "Cycle backward through the `buffer-source-code-buffers'."
+  (interactive)
+  (buffer-cycle #'cycle-prev))
+(defun buffer-ivy-source-code ()
+  "Use `ivy-read' to choose among all open source code buffers."
+  (interactive)
+  (ivy-read "Source code buffer: "
+            (-drop 1 (buffer-source-code-buffers))
+            :sort nil
+            :action #'switch-to-buffer))
+(defun buffer-show-previous ()
+  "Call `switch-to-buffer' on the previously visited buffer.
+This function ignores Emacs-generated buffers, i.e. the ones that look like
+  this: *Buffer*.  It also ignores buffers that are `dired-mode' or `erc-mode'.
+  This blacklist can easily be changed."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((xs (buffer-source-code-buffers))
+         (candidate (list-get 1 xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (maybe-some? candidate))
+    (switch-to-buffer candidate)))
+(when buffer-install-kbds?
+  (general-define-key
+   :states '(normal)
+   "C-f" #'buffer-cycle-next
+   "C-b" #'buffer-cycle-prev)
+  (general-define-key
+   :prefix "<SPC>"
+   :states '(normal)
+   "b" #'buffer-ivy-source-code
+   "<SPC>" #'buffer-show-previous
+   "k" #'kill-buffer))
+;; Tests
+(when buffer-enable-tests?
+  (prelude-assert
+   (list-all? #'buffer-emacs-generated?
+              '("*scratch*"
+                "*Messages*"
+                "*shell*"
+                "*Shell Command Output*"
+                "*Occur*"
+                "*Warnings*"
+                "*Help*"
+                "*Completions*"
+                "*Apropos*"
+                "*info*"))))
+(provide 'buffer)
+;;; buffer.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bytes.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bytes.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..48d3932f1cf8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/bytes.el
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
+;;; bytes.el --- Working with byte values -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Functions to help with human-readable representations of byte values.
+;; Usage:
+;; See the test cases for example usage.  Or better yet, I should use a type of
+;; structured documentation that would allow me to expose a view into the test
+;; suite here.  Is this currently possible in Elisp?
+;; API:
+;; - serialize :: Integer -> String
+;; Wish list:
+;; - Rounding: e.g. (bytes (* 1024 1.7)) => "2KB"
+;;; Code:
+;; TODO: Support -ibabyte variants like Gibibyte (GiB).
+;; Ranges:
+;;  B: [   0,  1e3)
+;; KB: [ 1e3,  1e6)
+;; MB: [ 1e6,  1e6)
+;; GB: [ 1e9, 1e12)
+;; TB: [1e12, 1e15)
+;; PB: [1e15, 1e18)
+;; Note: I'm currently not support exabytes because that causes the integer to
+;;  overflow.  I imagine a larger integer type may exist, but for now, I'll
+;;  treat this as a YAGNI.
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'tuple)
+(require 'math)
+(require 'number)
+;; Constants
+(defconst bytes-kb (math-exp 2 10)
+  "Number of bytes in a kilobyte.")
+(defconst bytes-mb (math-exp 2 20)
+  "Number of bytes in a megabytes.")
+(defconst bytes-gb (math-exp 2 30)
+  "Number of bytes in a gigabyte.")
+(defconst bytes-tb (math-exp 2 40)
+  "Number of bytes in a terabyte.")
+(defconst bytes-pb (math-exp 2 50)
+  "Number of bytes in a petabyte.")
+(defconst bytes-eb (math-exp 2 60)
+  "Number of bytes in an exabyte.")
+;; Functions
+(defun bytes-classify (x)
+  "Return unit that closest fits byte count, X."
+  (prelude-assert (number-whole? x))
+  (cond
+   ((and (>= x 0)        (< x bytes-kb))     'byte)
+   ((and (>= x bytes-kb) (< x bytes-mb)) 'kilobyte)
+   ((and (>= x bytes-mb) (< x bytes-gb)) 'megabyte)
+   ((and (>= x bytes-gb) (< x bytes-tb)) 'gigabyte)
+   ((and (>= x bytes-tb) (< x bytes-pb)) 'terabyte)
+   ((and (>= x bytes-pb) (< x bytes-eb)) 'petabyte)))
+(defun bytes-to-string (x)
+  "Convert integer X into a human-readable string."
+  (let ((base-and-unit
+         (pcase (bytes-classify x)
+           ('byte     (tuple/from        1 "B"))
+           ('kilobyte (tuple/from bytes-kb "KB"))
+           ('megabyte (tuple/from bytes-mb "MB"))
+           ('gigabyte (tuple/from bytes-gb "GB"))
+           ('terabyte (tuple/from bytes-tb "TB"))
+           ('petabyte (tuple/from bytes-pb "PB")))))
+    (string-format "%d%s"
+                   (round x (tuple/first base-and-unit))
+                   (tuple/second base-and-unit))))
+;; Tests
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal "1000B" (bytes-to-string 1000)))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal "2KB" (bytes-to-string (* 2 bytes-kb))))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal "17MB" (bytes-to-string (* 17 bytes-mb))))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal "419GB" (bytes-to-string (* 419 bytes-gb))))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal "999TB" (bytes-to-string (* 999 bytes-tb))))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal "2PB" (bytes-to-string (* 2 bytes-pb)))))
+(provide 'bytes)
+;;; bytes.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/cache.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/cache.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..be2049091c6d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/cache.el
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+;;; cache.el --- Caching things -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; An immutable cache data structure.
+;; This is like a sideways stack, that you can pull values out from and re-push
+;; to the top.  It'd be like a stack supporting push, pop, pull.
+;; This isn't a key-value data-structure like you might expect from a
+;; traditional cache.  The name is subject to change, but the underlying idea of
+;; a cache remains the same.
+;; Think about prescient.el, which uses essentially an LRU cache integrated into
+;; counsel to help create a "clairovoyant", self-organizing list.
+;; Use-cases:
+;; - Keeps an cache of workspaces sorted as MRU with an LRU eviction strategy.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'struct)
+(require '>)
+;; Library
+(cl-defstruct cache xs)
+;; TODO: Prefer another KBD for yasnippet form completion than company-mode's
+;; current KBD.
+(defun cache-from-list (xs)
+  "Turn list, XS, into a cache."
+  (make-cache :xs xs))
+(defun cache-contains? (x xs)
+  "Return t if X in XS."
+  (->> xs
+       cache-xs
+       (list-contains? x)))
+(defun cache-touch (x xs)
+  "Ensure value X in cache, XS, is front of the list.
+If X isn't in XS (using `equal'), insert it at the front."
+  (struct-update
+   cache
+   xs
+   (>-> (list-reject (lambda (y) (equal x y)))
+       (list-cons x))
+   xs))
+;; Tests
+  (let ((cache (cache-from-list '("chicken" "nugget"))))
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; contains?/2
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    (prelude-refute
+     (cache-contains? "turkey" cache))
+    (prelude-assert
+     (cache-contains? "chicken" cache))
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    ;; touch/2
+    ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+    (prelude-assert
+     (equal
+      (cache-touch "nugget" cache)
+      (cache-from-list '("nugget" "chicken"))))
+    (prelude-assert
+     (equal
+      (cache-touch "spicy" cache)
+      (cache-from-list '("spicy" "chicken" "nugget"))))))
+(provide 'cache)
+;;; cache.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/clipboard.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/clipboard.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..47cc459061e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/clipboard.el
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+;;; clipboard.el --- Working with X11's pasteboard -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Simple functions for copying and pasting.
+;; Integrate with bburns/clipmon so that System Clipboard can integrate with
+;; Emacs's kill-ring.
+;; Wish list:
+;; - Create an Emacs integration with github.com/cdown/clipmenud.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Library
+(cl-defun clipboard-copy (x &key (message "[clipboard.el] Copied!"))
+  "Copy string, X, to X11's clipboard and `message' MESSAGE."
+  (kill-new x)
+  (message message))
+(cl-defun clipboard-paste (&key (message "[clipboard.el] Pasted!"))
+  "Paste contents of X11 clipboard and `message' MESSAGE."
+  (yank)
+  (message message))
+(defun clipboard-contents ()
+  "Return the contents of the clipboard as a string."
+  (substring-no-properties (current-kill 0)))
+(provide 'clipboard)
+;;; clipboard.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/colorscheme.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/colorscheme.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a02dc67c56a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/colorscheme.el
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;;; colorscheme.el --- Syntax highlight and friends -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; TODO: Clarify this.
+;; Since I have my own definition of "theme", which couples wallpaper, font,
+;; with Emacs's traditional notion of the word "theme", I'm choosing to use
+;; "colorscheme" to refer to *just* the notion of syntax highlight etc.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'cycle)
+(require '>)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Library
+(defcustom colorscheme-whitelist
+  (cycle-from-list
+   (->> (custom-available-themes)
+        (list-map #'symbol-name)
+        (list-filter (>-> (s-starts-with? "doom-")))
+        (list-map #'intern)))
+  "The whitelist of colorschemes through which to cycle.")
+(defun colorscheme-current ()
+  "Return the currently enabled colorscheme."
+  (cycle-current colorscheme-whitelist))
+(defun colorscheme-disable-all ()
+  "Disable all currently enabled colorschemes."
+  (interactive)
+  (->> custom-enabled-themes
+       (list-map #'disable-theme)))
+(defun colorscheme-set (theme)
+    "Call `load-theme' with `THEME', ensuring that the line numbers are bright.
+There is no hook that I'm aware of to handle this more elegantly."
+    (load-theme theme t)
+    (prelude-set-line-number-color "#da5468"))
+(defun colorscheme-whitelist-set (colorscheme)
+  "Focus the COLORSCHEME in the `colorscheme-whitelist' cycle."
+  (cycle-focus (lambda (x) (equal x colorscheme)) colorscheme-whitelist)
+  (colorscheme-set (colorscheme-current)))
+(defun colorscheme-ivy-select ()
+  "Load a colorscheme using ivy."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((theme (ivy-read "Theme: " (cycle-to-list colorscheme-whitelist))))
+    (colorscheme-disable-all)
+    (colorscheme-set (intern theme))))
+(cl-defun colorscheme-cycle (&key forward?)
+  "Cycle next if `FORWARD?' is non-nil.
+Cycle prev otherwise."
+  (disable-theme (cycle-current colorscheme-whitelist))
+  (let ((theme (if forward?
+                   (cycle-next colorscheme-whitelist)
+                 (cycle-prev colorscheme-whitelist))))
+    (colorscheme-set theme)
+    (message (s-concat "Active theme: " (symbol-to-string theme)))))
+(defun colorscheme-next ()
+  "Disable the currently active theme and load the next theme."
+  (interactive)
+  (colorscheme-cycle :forward? t))
+(defun colorscheme-prev ()
+  "Disable the currently active theme and load the previous theme."
+  (interactive)
+  (colorscheme-cycle :forward? nil))
+(provide 'colorscheme)
+;;; colorscheme.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/constants.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/constants.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae21a089cc05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/constants.el
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+;;; constants.el --- Constants for organizing my Elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains constants that are shared across my configuration.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'f)
+(require 'maybe)
+(prelude-assert (f-exists? (getenv "BRIEFCASE")))
+;; Configuration
+(defconst constants-ci?
+  (maybe-some? (getenv "CI"))
+  "Encoded as t when Emacs is running in CI.")
+(defconst constants-briefcase
+  (getenv "BRIEFCASE")
+  "Path to my monorepo, which various parts of my configuration rely on.")
+;; TODO: Consider merging `ui.el' and `misc.el' because those are the only
+;; current consumers of these constants, and I'm unsure if the indirection that
+;; globally defined constants introduces is worth it.
+(defconst constants-current-project
+  constants-briefcase
+  "Variable holding the directory for my currently active project.")
+(defconst constants-mouse-kbds
+  '([mouse-1] [down-mouse-1] [drag-mouse-1] [double-mouse-1] [triple-mouse-1]
+    [mouse-2] [down-mouse-2] [drag-mouse-2] [double-mouse-2] [triple-mouse-2]
+    [mouse-3] [down-mouse-3] [drag-mouse-3] [double-mouse-3] [triple-mouse-3]
+    [mouse-4] [down-mouse-4] [drag-mouse-4] [double-mouse-4] [triple-mouse-4]
+    [mouse-5] [down-mouse-5] [drag-mouse-5] [double-mouse-5] [triple-mouse-5])
+  "All of the mouse-related keybindings that Emacs recognizes.")
+(defconst constants-fill-column 80
+  "Variable used to set the defaults for wrapping, highlighting, etc.")
+(provide 'constants)
+;;; constants.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/cycle.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/cycle.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5ea015930017
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/cycle.el
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+;;; cycle.el --- Simple module for working with cycles -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Something like this may already exist, but I'm having trouble finding it, and
+;; I think writing my own is a nice exercise for learning more Elisp.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'math)
+(require 'maybe)
+(require 'struct)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Wish list
+;; - TODO: Provide immutable variant.
+;; - TODO: Replace mutable consumption with immutable variant.
+;; - TODO: Replace indexing with (math-mod current cycle).
+;; Library
+;; `current-index' tracks the current index
+;; `xs' is the original list
+(cl-defstruct cycle current-index previous-index xs)
+(defconst cycle-enable-tests? t
+  "When t, run the tests defined herein.")
+(defun cycle-from-list (xs)
+  "Create a cycle from a list of `XS'."
+  (if (= 0 (length xs))
+      (make-cycle :current-index nil
+                  :previous-index nil
+                  :xs xs)
+    (make-cycle :current-index 0
+                :previous-index nil
+                :xs xs)))
+(defun cycle-new (&rest xs)
+  "Create a cycle with XS as the values."
+  (cycle-from-list xs))
+(defun cycle-to-list (xs)
+  "Return the list representation of a cycle, XS."
+  (cycle-xs xs))
+(defun cycle--next-index<- (lo hi x)
+  "Return the next index in a cycle when moving downwards.
+- `LO' is the lower bound.
+- `HI' is the upper bound.
+- `X' is the current index."
+  (if (< (- x 1) lo)
+      (- hi 1)
+    (- x 1)))
+(defun cycle--next-index-> (lo hi x)
+  "Return the next index in a cycle when moving upwards.
+- `LO' is the lower bound.
+- `HI' is the upper bound.
+- `X' is the current index."
+  (if (>= (+ 1 x) hi)
+      lo
+    (+ 1 x)))
+(defun cycle-previous-focus (cycle)
+  "Return the previously focused entry in CYCLE."
+  (let ((i (cycle-previous-index cycle)))
+    (if (maybe-some? i)
+        (nth i (cycle-xs cycle))
+      nil)))
+;; TODO: Consider adding "!" to the function name herein since many of them
+;; mutate the collection, and the APIs are beginning to confuse me.
+(defun cycle-focus-previous! (xs)
+  "Jump to the item in XS that was most recently focused; return the cycle.
+This will error when previous-index is nil.  This function mutates the
+underlying struct."
+  (let ((i (cycle-previous-index xs)))
+    (if (maybe-some? i)
+        (progn
+          (cycle-jump i xs)
+          (cycle-current xs))
+      (error "Cannot focus the previous element since cycle-previous-index is nil"))))
+(defun cycle-next (xs)
+  "Return the next value in `XS' and update `current-index'."
+  (let* ((current-index (cycle-current-index xs))
+         (next-index (cycle--next-index-> 0 (cycle-count xs) current-index)))
+    (struct-set! cycle previous-index current-index xs)
+    (struct-set! cycle current-index next-index xs)
+    (nth next-index (cycle-xs xs))))
+(defun cycle-prev (xs)
+  "Return the previous value in `XS' and update `current-index'."
+  (let* ((current-index (cycle-current-index xs))
+         (next-index (cycle--next-index<- 0 (cycle-count xs) current-index)))
+    (struct-set! cycle previous-index current-index xs)
+    (struct-set! cycle current-index next-index xs)
+    (nth next-index (cycle-xs xs))))
+(defun cycle-current (cycle)
+  "Return the current value in `CYCLE'."
+  (nth (cycle-current-index cycle) (cycle-xs cycle)))
+(defun cycle-count (cycle)
+  "Return the length of `xs' in `CYCLE'."
+  (length (cycle-xs cycle)))
+(defun cycle-jump (i xs)
+  "Jump to the I index of XS."
+  (let ((current-index (cycle-current-index xs))
+        (next-index (math-mod i (cycle-count xs))))
+    (struct-set! cycle previous-index current-index xs)
+    (struct-set! cycle current-index next-index xs))
+  xs)
+(defun cycle-focus (p cycle)
+  "Focus the element in CYCLE for which predicate, P, is t."
+  (let ((i (->> cycle
+                cycle-xs
+                (-find-index p))))
+    (if i
+        (cycle-jump i cycle)
+      (error "No element in cycle matches predicate"))))
+(defun cycle-focus-item (x xs)
+  "Focus item, X, in cycle XS.
+ITEM is the first item in XS that t for `equal'."
+  (cycle-focus (lambda (y) (equal x y)) xs))
+(defun cycle-contains? (x xs)
+  "Return t if cycle, XS, has member X."
+  (->> xs
+       cycle-xs
+       (list-contains? x)))
+(defun cycle-empty? (xs)
+  "Return t if cycle XS has no elements."
+  (= 0 (length (cycle-xs xs))))
+(defun cycle-focused? (xs)
+  "Return t if cycle XS has a non-nil value for current-index."
+  (maybe-some? (cycle-current-index xs)))
+(defun cycle-append (x xs)
+  "Add X to the left of the focused element in XS.
+If there is no currently focused item, add X to the beginning of XS."
+  (if (cycle-empty? xs)
+      (progn
+        (struct-set! cycle xs (list x) xs)
+        (struct-set! cycle current-index 0 xs)
+        (struct-set! cycle previous-index nil xs))
+    (let ((curr-i (cycle-current-index xs))
+          (prev-i (cycle-previous-index xs)))
+      (if curr-i
+          (progn
+            (struct-set! cycle xs (-insert-at curr-i x (cycle-xs xs)) xs)
+            (when (>= prev-i curr-i) (struct-set! cycle previous-index (1+ prev-i) xs))
+            (when curr-i (struct-set! cycle current-index (1+ curr-i) xs)))
+        (progn
+          (struct-set! cycle xs (cons x (cycle-xs xs)) xs)
+          (when prev-i (struct-set! cycle previous-index (1+ prev-i) xs))))
+      xs)))
+(defun cycle-remove (x xs)
+  "Attempt to remove X from XS.
+X is found using `equal'.
+If X is the currently focused value, after it's deleted, current-index will be
+  nil.  If X is the previously value, after it's deleted, previous-index will be
+  nil."
+  (let ((curr-i (cycle-current-index xs))
+        (prev-i (cycle-previous-index xs))
+        (rm-i (-elem-index x (cycle-xs xs))))
+    (struct-set! cycle xs (-remove-at rm-i (cycle-xs xs)) xs)
+    (when prev-i
+      (when (> prev-i rm-i) (struct-set! cycle previous-index (1- prev-i) xs))
+      (when (= prev-i rm-i) (struct-set! cycle previous-index nil xs)))
+    (when curr-i
+      (when (> curr-i rm-i) (struct-set! cycle current-index (1- curr-i) xs))
+      (when (= curr-i rm-i) (struct-set! cycle current-index nil xs)))
+    xs))
+;; Tests
+(when cycle-enable-tests?
+  (let ((xs (cycle-new 1 2 3)))
+    (prelude-assert (maybe-nil? (cycle-previous-focus xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 1 (cycle-current xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 2 (cycle-next xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 1 (cycle-previous-focus xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 1 (->> xs (cycle-jump 0) cycle-current)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 2 (->> xs (cycle-jump 1) cycle-current)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 3 (->> xs (cycle-jump 2) cycle-current)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 2 (cycle-previous-focus xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 2 (cycle-focus-previous! xs)))
+    (prelude-assert (equal '(1 4 2 3) (cycle-xs (cycle-append 4 xs))))
+    (prelude-assert (equal '(1 2 3) (cycle-xs (cycle-remove 4 xs))))
+    (progn
+      (cycle-focus-item 3 xs)
+      (cycle-focus-item 2 xs)
+      (cycle-remove 1 xs)
+      (prelude-assert (= 2 (cycle-current xs)))
+      (prelude-assert (= 3 (cycle-previous-focus xs))))))
+(provide 'cycle)
+;;; cycle.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/device.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/device.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e7992fd79e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/device.el
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+;;; device.el --- Physical device information -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Functions for querying device information.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'al)
+;; Library
+(defconst device-hostname->device
+  '(("zeno.lon.corp.google.com" . work-desktop)
+    ("seneca" . work-laptop))
+  "Mapping hostname to a device symbol.")
+;; TODO: Should I generate these predicates?
+(defun device-classify ()
+  "Return the device symbol for the current host or nil if not supported."
+  (al-get system-name device-hostname->device))
+(defun device-work-laptop? ()
+  "Return t if current device is work laptop."
+  (equal 'work-laptop
+         (device-classify)))
+(defun device-work-desktop? ()
+  "Return t if current device is work desktop."
+  (equal 'work-desktop
+         (device-classify)))
+(defun device-corporate? ()
+  "Return t if the current device is owned by my company."
+  (or (device-work-laptop?) (device-work-desktop?)))
+(provide 'device)
+;;; device.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/display.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/display.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3507f11915f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/display.el
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+;;; display.el --- Working with single or multiple displays -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Mostly wrappers around xrandr.
+;; Troubleshooting:
+;; The following commands help me when I (infrequently) interact with xrandr.
+;; - xrandr --listmonitors
+;; - xrandr --query
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 's)
+;; Library
+(cl-defmacro display-register (name &key
+                                    output
+                                    primary
+                                    coords
+                                    size
+                                    rate
+                                    dpi
+                                    rotate)
+  "Macro to define constants and two functions for {en,dis}abling a display.
+NAME    - the human-readable identifier for the display
+OUTPUT  - the xrandr identifier for the display
+PRIMARY - if true, send --primary flag to xrandr
+COORDS  - X and Y offsets
+SIZE    - the pixel resolution of the display
+RATE    - the refresh rate
+DPI     - the pixel density in dots per square inch
+rotate  - one of {normal,left,right,inverted}
+See the man-page for xrandr for more details."
+  `(progn
+     (defconst ,(intern (format "display-%s" name)) ,output
+       ,(format "The xrandr identifier for %s" name))
+     (defconst ,(intern (format "display-%s-args" name))
+       ,(replace-regexp-in-string
+         "\s+" " "
+         (s-format "--output ${output} ${primary-flag} --auto \
+                    --size ${size-x}x${size-y} --rate ${rate} --dpi ${dpi} \
+                    --rotate ${rotate} ${pos-flag}"
+                   #'aget
+                   `(("output" . ,output)
+                     ("primary-flag" . ,(if primary "--primary" "--noprimary"))
+                     ("pos-flag" . ,(if coords
+                                        (format "--pos %dx%d"
+                                                (car coords)
+                                                (cadr coords))
+                                      ""))
+                     ("size-x" . ,(car size))
+                     ("size-y" . ,(cadr size))
+                     ("rate" . ,rate)
+                     ("dpi" . ,dpi)
+                     ("rotate" . ,rotate))))
+       ,(format "The arguments we pass to xrandr for display-%s." name))
+     (defconst ,(intern (format "display-%s-command" name))
+       (format "xrandr %s" ,(intern (format "display-%s-args" name)))
+       ,(format "The command we run to configure %s" name))
+     (defun ,(intern (format "display-enable-%s" name)) ()
+       ,(format "Attempt to enable my %s monitor" name)
+       (interactive)
+       (prelude-start-process
+        :name ,(format "display-enable-%s" name)
+        :command ,(intern (format "display-%s-command" name))))
+     (defun ,(intern (format "display-disable-%s" name)) ()
+       ,(format "Attempt to disable my %s monitor." name)
+       (interactive)
+       (prelude-start-process
+        :name ,(format "display-disable-%s" name)
+        :command ,(format
+                   "xrandr --output %s --off"
+                   output)))))
+(defmacro display-arrangement (name &key displays)
+  "Create a function, display-arrange-<NAME>, to enable all your DISPLAYS."
+  `(defun ,(intern (format "display-arrange-%s" name)) ()
+     (interactive)
+     (prelude-start-process
+      :name ,(format "display-configure-%s" name)
+      :command ,(format "xrandr %s"
+                        (->> displays
+                             (-map (lambda (x)
+                                     (eval (intern (format "display-%s-args" x)))))
+                             (s-join " "))))))
+;; Configuration
+(display-register laptop
+                  :output "eDP1"
+                  :primary nil
+                  :size (3840 2160)
+                  :rate 30.0
+                  :dpi 144
+                  :rotate normal)
+(display-register 4k-horizontal
+                  :output "HDMI1"
+                  :primary t
+                  :coords (0 1062)
+                  :size (3840 2160)
+                  :rate 30.0
+                  :dpi 144
+                  :rotate normal)
+(display-register 4k-vertical
+                  :output "DP2"
+                  :primary nil
+                  :coords (3840 0)
+                  :size (3840 2160)
+                  :rate 30.0
+                  :dpi 144
+                  :rotate right)
+(display-arrangement primary
+                     :displays (4k-horizontal 4k-vertical))
+(provide 'display)
+;;; display.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/dotted.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/dotted.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f400affd6ec6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/dotted.el
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+;;; dotted.el --- Working with dotted pairs in Elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Part of my primitives library extensions in Elisp.  Contrast my primitives
+;; with the wrapper extensions that I provide, which expose immutable variants
+;; of data structures like an list, alist, tuple, as well as quasi-typeclasses
+;; like sequence, etc.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'macros)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Library
+(cl-defun dotted-new (&optional a b)
+  "Create a new dotted pair of A and B."
+  (cons a b))
+(defun dotted-instance? (x)
+  "Return t if X is a dotted pair."
+  (let ((b (cdr x)))
+    (and b (atom b))))
+(defun dotted-first (x)
+  "Return the first element of X."
+  (car x))
+(defun dotted-second (x)
+  "Return the second element of X."
+  (cdr x))
+;; Tests
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal '(fname . "Bob") (dotted-new 'fname "Bob")))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (dotted-instance? '(one . two)))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (dotted-instance? '(1 2 3))))
+(provide 'dotted)
+;;; dotted.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/email.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/email.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ef5d7c9534ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/email.el
@@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
+;;; email.el --- My email settings -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Attempting to configure to `notmuch' for my personal use.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'notmuch)
+(require 'list)
+;; Configuration
+(setq notmuch-saved-searches
+      '((:name "inbox" :query "tag:inbox" :key "i")
+        (:name "direct"
+         :query "tag:direct and tag:unread and not tag:sent"
+         :key "d")
+        (:name "action" :query "tag:action" :key "a")
+        (:name "review" :query "tag:review" :key "r")
+        (:name "waiting" :query "tag:waiting" :key "w")
+        (:name "broadcast" :query "tag:/broadcast\/.+/ and tag:unread" :key "b")
+        (:name "systems" :query "tag:/systems\/.+/ and tag:unread" :key "s")
+        (:name "sent" :query "tag:sent" :key "t")
+        (:name "drafts" :query "tag:draft" :key "D")))
+;; Sort results from newest-to-oldest.
+(setq notmuch-search-oldest-first nil)
+;; Discard noisy email signatures.
+(setq notmuch-mua-cite-function #'message-cite-original-without-signature)
+;; By default, this is just '("-inbox")
+(setq notmuch-archive-tags '("-inbox" "-unread" "+archive"))
+;; Show saved searches even when they're empty.
+(setq notmuch-show-empty-saved-searches t)
+;; Currently the sendmail executable on my system is symlinked to msmtp.
+(setq send-mail-function #'sendmail-send-it)
+;; I'm not sure if I need this or not. Copying it from tazjin@'s monorepo.
+(setq notmuch-always-prompt-for-sender nil)
+;; Add the "User-Agent" header to my emails and ensure that it includes Emacs
+;; and notmuch information.
+(setq notmuch-mua-user-agent-function
+      (lambda ()
+        (format "Emacs %s; notmuch.el %s" emacs-version notmuch-emacs-version)))
+;; I was informed that Gmail does this server-side
+(setq notmuch-fcc-dirs nil)
+;; Ensure buffers are closed after sending mail.
+(setq message-kill-buffer-on-exit t)
+;; Ensure sender is correctly passed to msmtp.
+(setq mail-specify-envelope-from t
+      message-sendmail-envelope-from 'header
+      mail-envelope-from 'header)
+;; Assert that no two saved searches share share a KBD
+ (list-xs-distinct-by? (lambda (x) (plist-get x :key)) notmuch-saved-searches))
+(provide 'email)
+;;; email.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/fonts.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/fonts.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ad77b512d78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/fonts.el
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+;;; fonts.el --- Font preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Control my font preferences with ELisp.
+;;; Code:
+;; TODO: `defcustom' font-size.
+;; TODO: `defcustom' fonts.
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'cycle)
+(require 'device)
+(require 'maybe)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Constants
+;; TODO: Troubleshoot why "8" appears so large on my desktop.
+;; TODO: Consider having a different font size when I'm using my 4K monitor.
+(defconst fonts-size
+  (pcase (device-classify)
+    ('work-laptop "10")
+    ('work-desktop "10"))
+  "My preferred default font-size, which is device specific.")
+(defconst fonts-size-step 10
+  "The amount (%) by which to increase or decrease a font.")
+(defconst fonts-hacker-news-recommendations
+  '("APL385 Unicode"
+    "Go Mono"
+    "Sudo"
+    "Monoid"
+    "Input Mono Medium" ;; NOTE: Also "Input Mono Thin" is nice.
+    )
+  "List of fonts optimized for programming I found in a HN article.")
+(defconst fonts-whitelist
+  (cycle-from-list
+   (list-concat
+    fonts-hacker-news-recommendations
+    '("JetBrainsMono"
+      "Mononoki Medium"
+      "Monospace"
+      "Operator Mono Light"
+      "Courier"
+      "Andale Mono"
+      "Source Code Pro"
+      "Terminus")))
+  "This is a list of my preferred fonts.")
+;; Functions
+;; TODO: fonts and fonts-whitelist make it difficult to name functions like
+;; fonts-set as a generic Emacs function vs choosing a font from the whitelist.
+(cl-defun fonts-cycle (&key forward?)
+  "Cycle forwards when `FORWARD?' non-nil."
+  (let ((font (if forward?
+                  (cycle-next fonts-whitelist)
+                (cycle-prev fonts-whitelist))))
+    (message (s-concat "Active font: " font))
+    (fonts-set font)))
+(defun fonts-next ()
+  "Quickly cycle through preferred fonts."
+  (interactive)
+  (fonts-cycle :forward? t))
+(defun fonts-prev ()
+  "Quickly cycle through preferred fonts."
+  (interactive)
+  (fonts-cycle :forward? nil))
+(defun fonts-set (font &optional size)
+  "Change the font to `FONT' with option integer, SIZE, in pixels."
+  (if (maybe-some? size)
+      (set-frame-font (string-format "%s %s" font size) nil t)
+    (set-frame-font font nil t)))
+(defun fonts-whitelist-set (font)
+  "Focuses the FONT in the `fonts-whitelist' cycle.
+The size of the font is determined by `fonts-size'."
+  (prelude-assert (cycle-contains? font fonts-whitelist))
+  (cycle-focus (lambda (x) (equal x font)) fonts-whitelist)
+  (fonts-set (fonts-current) fonts-size))
+(defun fonts-ivy-select ()
+  "Select a font from an ivy prompt."
+  (interactive)
+  (fonts-whitelist-set
+   (ivy-read "Font: " (cycle-to-list fonts-whitelist))))
+(defun fonts-print-current ()
+  "Message the currently enabled font."
+  (interactive)
+  (message
+   (string-format "[fonts] Current font: \"%s\""
+                  (fonts-current))))
+(defun fonts-current ()
+  "Return the currently enabled font."
+  (cycle-current fonts-whitelist))
+(defun fonts-increase-size ()
+  "Increase font size."
+  (interactive)
+  (->> (face-attribute 'default :height)
+       (+ fonts-size-step)
+       (set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height)))
+(defun fonts-decrease-size ()
+  "Decrease font size."
+  (interactive)
+  (->> (face-attribute 'default :height)
+       (+ (- fonts-size-step))
+       (set-face-attribute 'default (selected-frame) :height)))
+(defun fonts-reset-size ()
+  "Restore font size to its default value."
+  (interactive)
+  (fonts-whitelist-set (fonts-current)))
+(defun fonts-enable-ligatures ()
+  "Call this function to enable ligatures."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((alist '((33 . ".\\(?:\\(?:==\\|!!\\)\\|[!=]\\)")
+                 (35 . ".\\(?:###\\|##\\|_(\\|[#(?[_{]\\)") ;;
+                 (36 . ".\\(?:>\\)")
+                 (37 . ".\\(?:\\(?:%%\\)\\|%\\)")
+                 (38 . ".\\(?:\\(?:&&\\)\\|&\\)")
+                 (42 . ".\\(?:\\(?:\\*\\*/\\)\\|\\(?:\\*[*/]\\)\\|[*/>]\\)") ;;
+                 (43 . ".\\(?:\\(?:\\+\\+\\)\\|[+>]\\)")
+                 (45 . ".\\(?:\\(?:-[>-]\\|<<\\|>>\\)\\|[<>}~-]\\)")
+                 (46 . ".\\(?:\\(?:\\.[.<]\\)\\|[.=-]\\)") ;;
+                 (47 . ".\\(?:\\(?:\\*\\*\\|//\\|==\\)\\|[*/=>]\\)")
+                 (48 . ".\\(?:x[a-zA-Z]\\)")
+                 (58 . ".\\(?:::\\|[:=]\\)")
+                 (59 . ".\\(?:;;\\|;\\)")
+                 (60 . ".\\(?:\\(?:!--\\)\\|\\(?:~~\\|->\\|\\$>\\|\\*>\\|\\+>\\|--\\|<[<=-]\\|=[<=>]\\||>\\)\\|[*$+~/<=>|-]\\)")
+                 (61 . ".\\(?:\\(?:/=\\|:=\\|<<\\|=[=>]\\|>>\\)\\|[<=>~]\\)")
+                 (62 . ".\\(?:\\(?:=>\\|>[=>-]\\)\\|[=>-]\\)")
+                 (63 . ".\\(?:\\(\\?\\?\\)\\|[:=?]\\)")
+                 (91 . ".\\(?:]\\)")
+                 (92 . ".\\(?:\\(?:\\\\\\\\\\)\\|\\\\\\)")
+                 (94 . ".\\(?:=\\)")
+                 (119 . ".\\(?:ww\\)")
+                 (123 . ".\\(?:-\\)")
+                 (124 . ".\\(?:\\(?:|[=|]\\)\\|[=>|]\\)")
+                 (126 . ".\\(?:~>\\|~~\\|[>=@~-]\\)"))))
+    (dolist (char-regexp alist)
+      (set-char-table-range composition-function-table (car char-regexp)
+                            `([,(cdr char-regexp) 0 font-shape-gstring])))))
+(provide 'fonts)
+;;; fonts.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/fs.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/fs.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2f83019fd4c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/fs.el
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;;; fs.el --- Make working with the filesystem easier -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Ergonomic alternatives for working with the filesystem.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'f)
+(require 's)
+;; Library
+(defun fs-ensure-file (path)
+  "Ensure that a file and its directories in `PATH' exist.
+Will error for inputs with a trailing slash."
+  (when (s-ends-with? "/" path)
+    (error (format "Input path has trailing slash: %s" path)))
+  (->> path
+       f-dirname
+       fs-ensure-dir)
+  (f-touch path))
+(f-dirname "/tmp/a/b/file.txt")
+(defun fs-ensure-dir (path)
+  "Ensure that a directory and its ancestor directories in `PATH' exist."
+  (->> path
+       f-split
+       (apply #'f-mkdir)))
+(defun fs-ls (dir &optional full-path?)
+  "List the files in `DIR' one-level deep.
+Should behave similarly in spirit to the Unix command, ls.
+If `FULL-PATH?' is set, return the full-path of the files."
+  (-drop 2 (directory-files dir full-path?)))
+;; Tests
+(ert-deftest fs-test-ensure-file ()
+  (let ((file "/tmp/file/a/b/c/file.txt"))
+    ;; Ensure this file doesn't exist first to prevent false-positives.
+    (f-delete file t)
+    (fs-ensure-file file)
+    (should (and (f-exists? file)
+                 (f-file? file)))))
+(ert-deftest fs-test-ensure-dir ()
+  (let ((dir "/tmp/dir/a/b/c"))
+    ;; Ensure the directory doesn't exist.
+    (f-delete dir t)
+    (fs-ensure-dir dir)
+    (should (and (f-exists? dir)
+                 (f-dir? dir)))))
+(provide 'fs)
+;;; fs.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/functions.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/functions.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c0b873aaff14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/functions.el
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+;;; functions.el --- Helper functions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file hopefully contains friendly APIs that making ELisp development more
+;; enjoyable.
+;; TODO: Break these out into separate modules.
+;;; Code:
+(defun functions-evil-window-vsplit-right ()
+  "Split the window vertically and focus the right half."
+  (interactive)
+  (evil-window-vsplit)
+  (windmove-right))
+(defun functions-evil-window-split-down ()
+  "Split the window horizontal and focus the bottom half."
+  (interactive)
+  (evil-window-split)
+  (windmove-down))
+(defun functions-create-snippet ()
+  "Create a window split and then opens the Yasnippet editor."
+  (interactive)
+  (evil-window-vsplit)
+  (call-interactively #'yas-new-snippet))
+(defun functions-evil-replace-under-point ()
+  "Faster than typing %s//thing/g."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((term (s-replace "/" "\\/" (symbol-to-string (symbol-at-point)))))
+    (save-excursion
+      (evil-ex (concat "%s/\\b" term "\\b/")))))
+(defun functions-buffer-dirname ()
+  "Return the directory name of the current buffer as a string."
+  (->> buffer-file-name
+       f-dirname
+       f-filename))
+(provide 'functions)
+;;; functions.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/graph.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/graph.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9965622bb6d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/graph.el
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+;;; graph.el --- Working with in-memory graphs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Remember that there are optimal three ways to model a graph:
+;; 1. Edge List
+;; 2. Vertex Table (a.k.a. Neighbors Table)
+;; 3. Adjacency Matrix
+;; I may call these "Edges", "Neighbors", "Adjacencies" to avoid verbose naming.
+;; For now, I'm avoiding dealing with Adjacency Matrices as I don't have an
+;; immediate use-case for them.  This is subject to change.
+;; There are also hybrid representations of graphs that combine the three
+;; aforementioned models.  I believe Erlang's digraph module models graphs in
+;; Erlang Term Storage (i.e. ETS) this way.
+;; TODO: Verify this claim.
+;; Graphs can be weighted or unweighted.  They can also be directed or
+;; undirected.
+;; TODO: Create a table explaining all graph variants.
+;; TODO: Figure out the relationship of this module and tree.el, which should in
+;; principle overlap.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+;; Library
+;; For now, I'll support storing *either* neighbors or edges in the graph struct
+;; as long as both aren't set, since that introduces consistency issues.  I may
+;; want to handle that use-case in the future, but not now.
+(cl-defstruct graph neighbors edges)
+;; TODO: How do you find the starting point for a topo sort?
+(defun graph-sort (xs)
+  "Return a topological sort of XS.")
+(defun graph-from-edges (xs)
+  "Create a graph struct from the Edge List, XS.
+The user must pass in a valid Edge List since asserting on the shape of XS might
+  be expensive."
+  (make-graph :edges xs))
+(defun graph-from-neighbors (xs)
+  "Create a graph struct from a Neighbors Table, XS.
+The user must pass in a valid Neighbors Table since asserting on the shape of
+  XS might be expensive."
+  (make-graph :neighbors xs))
+(defun graph-instance? (xs)
+  "Return t if XS is a graph struct."
+  (graph-p xs))
+;; TODO: Model each of the mapping functions into an isomorphism.
+(defun graph-edges->neighbors (xs)
+  "Map Edge List, XS, into a Neighbors Table."
+  (prelude-assert (graph-instance? xs)))
+(defun graph-neighbors->edges (xs)
+  "Map Neighbors Table, XS, into an Edge List."
+  (prelude-assert (graph-instance? xs)))
+;; Below are three different models of the same unweighted, directed graph.
+(defvar graph-edges
+  '((a . b) (a . c) (a . e)
+    (b . c) (b . d)
+    (c . e)
+    (d . f)
+    (e . d) (e . f)))
+(defvar graph-neighbors
+  ((a b c e)
+   (b c d)
+   (c e)
+   (d f)
+   (e d g)
+   (f)))
+(provide 'graph)
+;;; graph.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/irc.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/irc.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7ce679cd5008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/irc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+;;; irc.el --- Configuration for IRC chat -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Need to decide which client I will use for IRC.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'erc)
+(require 'cycle)
+(require 'string)
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'al)
+(require 'set)
+(require 'maybe)
+(require 'macros)
+(require '>)
+(require 'password-store)
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+(defconst irc-enable-tests? t
+  "When t, run the tests defined herein.")
+(setq erc-rename-buffers t)
+;; TODO: Find a way to avoid putting "freenode" and "#freenode" as channels
+;; here.  I'm doing it because when erc first connects, it's `(buffer-name)' is
+;; "freenode", so when `irc-next-channel' is called, it 404s on the
+;; `cycle-contains?' call in `irc-channel->cycle" unless "freenode" is there. To
+;; make matters even uglier, when `erc-join-channel' is called with "freenode"
+;; as the value, it connects to the "#freenode" channel, so unless "#freenode"
+;; exists in this cycle also, `irc-next-channel' breaks again.  This doesn't
+;; pass my smell test.
+(defconst irc-server->channels
+  `(("irc.freenode.net"    . ,(cycle-new "freenode" "#freenode" "#nixos" "#emacs" "#pass"))
+    ("irc.corp.google.com" . ,(cycle-new "#omg" "#london" "#panic" "#prod-team")))
+  "Mapping of IRC servers to a cycle of my preferred channels.")
+;; TODO: Assert that no two servers have a channel with the same name. We need
+;; this because that's the assumption that underpins the `irc-channel->server'
+;; function. This will probably be an O(n^2) operation.
+ (set-distinct? (set-from-list
+                 (cycle-to-list
+                  (al-get "irc.freenode.net"
+                          irc-server->channels)))
+                (set-from-list
+                 (cycle-to-list
+                  (al-get "irc.corp.google.com"
+                          irc-server->channels)))))
+(defun irc-channel->server (server->channels channel)
+  "Using SERVER->CHANNELS, resolve an IRC server from a given CHANNEL."
+  (let ((result (al-find (lambda (k v) (cycle-contains? channel v))
+                         server->channels)))
+    (prelude-assert (maybe-some? result))
+    result))
+(defun irc-channel->cycle (server->channels channel)
+  "Using SERVER->CHANNELS, resolve an IRC's channels cycle from CHANNEL."
+  (al-get (irc-channel->server server->channels channel)
+          server->channels))
+;; Setting `erc-join-buffer' to 'bury prevents erc from stealing focus of the
+;; current buffer when it connects to IRC servers.
+(setq erc-join-buffer 'bury)
+;; TODO: Here is another horrible hack that should be revisted.
+(setq erc-autojoin-channels-alist
+      (->> irc-server->channels
+           (al-map-values #'cycle-to-list)
+           (al-map-keys (>-> (s-chop-prefix "irc.")
+                             (s-chop-suffix ".net")))))
+(defcustom irc-install-kbds? t
+  "When t, install the keybindings defined herein.")
+;; Library
+(defun irc-message (x)
+  "Print message X in a structured way."
+  (message (string-format "[irc.el] %s" x)))
+;; TODO: Integrate Google setup with Freenode setup.
+;; TODO: Support function or KBD for switching to an ERC buffer.
+(defun irc-kill-all-erc-processes ()
+  "Kill all ERC buffers and processes."
+  (interactive)
+  (->> (erc-buffer-list)
+       (-map #'kill-buffer)))
+(defun irc-switch-to-erc-buffer ()
+  "Switch to an ERC buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((buffers (erc-buffer-list)))
+    (if (list-empty? buffers)
+        (error "[irc.el] No ERC buffers available")
+      (switch-to-buffer (list-head (erc-buffer-list))))))
+(defun irc-connect-to-freenode ()
+  "Connect to Freenode IRC."
+  (interactive)
+  (erc-ssl :server "irc.freenode.net"
+           :port 6697
+           :nick "wpcarro"
+           :password (password-store-get "programming/irc-freenode")
+           :full-name "William Carroll"))
+;; TODO: Handle failed connections.
+(defun irc-connect-to-google ()
+  "Connect to Google's Corp IRC using ERC."
+  (interactive)
+  (erc-ssl :server "irc.corp.google.com"
+           :port 6697
+           :nick "wpcarro"
+           :full-name "William Carroll"))
+;; TODO: Prefer defining these with a less homespun solution. There is a
+;; function call `erc-buffer-filter' that would be more appropriate for the
+;; implementation of `irc-next-channel' and `irc-prev-channel'.
+(defun irc-next-channel ()
+  "Join the next channel for the active server."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+    (let ((cycle (irc-channel->cycle irc-server->channels (buffer-name))))
+      (erc-join-channel
+       (cycle-next cycle))
+      (irc-message
+       (string-format "Current IRC channel: %s" (cycle-current cycle))))))
+(defun irc-prev-channel ()
+  "Join the previous channel for the active server."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+    (let ((cycle (irc-channel->cycle irc-server->channels (buffer-name))))
+      (erc-join-channel
+       (cycle-prev cycle))
+      (irc-message
+       (string-format "Current IRC channel: %s" (cycle-current cycle))))))
+(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook (macros-disable auto-fill-mode))
+(add-hook 'erc-mode-hook (macros-disable company-mode))
+;; Keybindings
+(when irc-install-kbds?
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'erc-mode-map
+   "<C-tab>" #'irc-next-channel
+   "<C-S-iso-lefttab>" #'irc-prev-channel))
+;; Tests
+(when irc-enable-tests?
+  (prelude-assert
+   (equal
+    (irc-channel->server `(("irc.dairy.com" . ,(cycle-new "#cheese" "#milk"))
+                           ("irc.color.com" . ,(cycle-new "#red" "#blue")))
+                         "#cheese")
+    "irc.dairy.com")))
+(provide 'irc)
+;;; irc.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ivy-clipmenu.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ivy-clipmenu.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f5b7ca8a0f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ivy-clipmenu.el
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+;;; ivy-clipmenu.el --- Emacs client for clipmenu -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Ivy integration with the clipboard manager, clipmenu.  Essentially, clipmenu
+;; turns your system clipboard into a list.
+;; To use this module, you must first install clipmenu and ensure that the
+;; clipmenud daemon is running.  Refer to the installation instructions at
+;; github.com/cdown/clipmenu for those details.
+;; This module intentionally does not define any keybindings since I'd prefer
+;; not to presume my users' preferences.  Personally, I use EXWM as my window
+;; manager, so I call `exwm-input-set-key' and map it to `ivy-clipmenu-copy'.
+;; Usually clipmenu integrates with rofi or dmenu.  This Emacs module integrates
+;; with ivy.  Launch this when you want to select a clip.
+;; Clipmenu itself supports a variety of environment variables that allow you to
+;; customize its behavior.  These variables are respected herein.  If you'd
+;; prefer to customize clipmenu's behavior from within Emacs, refer to the
+;; variables defined in this module.
+;; For more information:
+;; - See `clipmenu --help`.
+;; - Visit github.com/cdown/clipmenu.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'f)
+(require 's)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'ivy)
+;; Variables
+(defgroup ivy-clipmenu nil
+  "Ivy integration for clipmenu."
+  :group 'ivy)
+(defcustom ivy-clipmenu-directory
+  (or (getenv "XDG_RUNTIME_DIR")
+      (getenv "TMPDIR")
+      "/tmp")
+  "Base directory for clipmenu's data."
+  :type 'string
+  :group 'ivy-clipmenu)
+(defconst ivy-clipmenu-executable-version 5
+   "The major version number for the clipmenu executable.")
+(defconst ivy-clipmenu-cache-directory
+  (f-join ivy-clipmenu-directory
+          (format "clipmenu.%s.%s"
+                  ivy-clipmenu-executable-version
+                  (getenv "USER")))
+  "Directory where the clips are stored.")
+(defconst ivy-clipmenu-cache-file-pattern
+  (f-join ivy-clipmenu-cache-directory "line_cache_*")
+  "Glob pattern matching the locations on disk for clipmenu's labels.")
+(defcustom ivy-clipmenu-history-length
+  (or (getenv "CM_HISTLENGTH") 25)
+  "Limit the number of clips in the history.
+This value defaults to 25.")
+(defvar ivy-clipmenu-history nil
+  "History for `ivy-clipmenu-copy'.")
+;; Functions
+(defun ivy-clipmenu-parse-content (x)
+  "Parse the label from the entry, X, in clipmenu's line-cache."
+  (->> (s-split " " x)
+       (-drop 1)
+       (s-join " ")))
+(defun ivy-clipmenu-list-clips ()
+  "Return a list of the content of all of the clips."
+  (->> ivy-clipmenu-cache-file-pattern
+       f-glob
+       (-map (lambda (path)
+               (s-split "\n" (f-read path) t)))
+       -flatten
+       (-reject #'s-blank?)
+       (-sort #'string>)
+       (-map #'ivy-clipmenu-parse-content)
+       delete-dups
+       (-take ivy-clipmenu-history-length)))
+(defun ivy-clipmenu-checksum (content)
+  "Return the CRC checksum of CONTENT."
+  (s-trim-right
+   (with-temp-buffer
+     (call-process "/bin/bash" nil (current-buffer) nil "-c"
+                   (format "cksum <<<'%s'" content))
+     (buffer-string))))
+(defun ivy-clipmenu-line-to-content (line)
+  "Map the chosen LINE from the line cache its content from disk."
+  (->> line
+       ivy-clipmenu-checksum
+       (f-join ivy-clipmenu-cache-directory)
+       f-read))
+(defun ivy-clipmenu-do-copy (x)
+  "Copy string, X, to the system clipboard."
+  (kill-new x)
+  (message "[ivy-clipmenu.el] Copied!"))
+(defun ivy-clipmenu-copy ()
+  "Use `ivy-read' to select and copy a clip.
+It's recommended to bind this function to a globally available keymap."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((ivy-sort-functions-alist nil))
+    (ivy-read "Clipmenu: "
+              (ivy-clipmenu-list-clips)
+              :history 'ivy-clipmenu-history
+              :action (lambda (line)
+                        (->> line
+                             ivy-clipmenu-line-to-content
+                             ivy-clipmenu-do-copy)))))
+(provide 'ivy-clipmenu)
+;;; ivy-clipmenu.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ivy-helpers.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ivy-helpers.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d13b99353451
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ivy-helpers.el
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+;;; ivy-helpers.el --- More interfaces to ivy -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hopefully to improve my workflows.
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'tuple)
+(require 'string)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Library
+(cl-defun ivy-helpers-kv (prompt kv f)
+  "PROMPT users with the keys in KV and return its corresponding value.
+Apply key and value from KV to F."
+  (ivy-read
+   prompt
+   kv
+   :require-match t
+   :action (lambda (entry)
+             (funcall f (car entry) (cdr entry)))))
+(defun ivy-helpers-do-run-external-command (cmd)
+  "Execute the specified CMD and notify the user when it finishes."
+  (message "Starting %s..." cmd)
+  (set-process-sentinel
+   (start-process-shell-command cmd nil cmd)
+   (lambda (process event)
+     (when (string= event "finished\n")
+       (message "%s process finished." process)))))
+(defun ivy-helpers-list-external-commands ()
+  "Create a list of all external commands available on $PATH."
+  (cl-loop
+   for dir in (split-string (getenv "PATH") path-separator)
+   when (and (file-exists-p dir) (file-accessible-directory-p dir))
+   for lsdir = (cl-loop for i in (directory-files dir t)
+                        for bn = (file-name-nondirectory i)
+                        when (and (not (s-contains? "-wrapped" i))
+                                  (not (member bn completions))
+                                  (not (file-directory-p i))
+                                  (file-executable-p i))
+                        collect bn)
+   append lsdir into completions
+   finally return (sort completions 'string-lessp)))
+(defun ivy-helpers-run-external-command ()
+  "Prompts the user with a list of all installed applications to launch."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((external-commands-list (ivy-helpers-list-external-commands)))
+    (ivy-read "Command:" external-commands-list
+              :require-match t
+              :action #'ivy-helpers-do-run-external-command)))
+;;; Code:
+(provide 'ivy-helpers)
+;;; ivy-helpers.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/kbd.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/kbd.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b456f30cba89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/kbd.el
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;;; kbd.el --- Elisp keybinding -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; In order to stay organized, I'm attempting to dedicate KBD prefixes to
+;; specific functions.  I'm hoping I can be more deliberate with my keybinding
+;; choices this way.
+;; Terminology:
+;; For a more thorough overview of the terminology refer to `keybindings.md'
+;; file.  Here's a brief overview:
+;; - workspace: Anything concerning EXWM workspaces.
+;; - x11: Anything concerning X11 applications.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'al)
+(require 'set)
+(require 'string)
+;; Constants
+(defconst kbd-prefixes
+  '((workspace . "s")
+    (x11 . "C-s"))
+  "Mapping of functions to designated keybinding prefixes to stay organized.")
+;; Assert that no keybindings are colliding.
+ (= (al-count kbd-prefixes)
+    (->> kbd-prefixes
+         al-values
+         set-from-list
+         set-count)))
+;; Library
+(defun kbd-raw (f x)
+  "Return the string keybinding for function F and appendage X.
+Values for F include:
+- workspace
+- x11"
+  (prelude-assert (al-has-key? f kbd-prefixes))
+  (string-format
+   "%s-%s"
+   (al-get f kbd-prefixes)
+   x))
+(defun kbd-for (f x)
+  "Return the `kbd' for function F and appendage X.
+Values for F include:
+- workspace
+- x11"
+  (kbd (kbd-raw f x)))
+;; TODO: Prefer copying human-readable versions to the clipboard.  Right now
+;; this isn't too useful.
+(defun kbd-copy-keycode ()
+  "Copy the pressed key to the system clipboard."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "[kbd] Awaiting keypress...")
+  (let ((key (read-key)))
+    (clipboard-copy (string-format "%s" key))
+    (message (string-format "[kbd] \"%s\" copied!" key))))
+(defun kbd-print-keycode ()
+  "Prints the pressed keybinding."
+  (interactive)
+  (message "[kbd] Awaiting keypress...")
+  (message (string-format "[kbd] keycode: %s" (read-key))))
+(provide 'kbd)
+;;; kbd.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/keybindings.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/keybindings.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f4ad789389f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/keybindings.el
@@ -0,0 +1,369 @@
+;;; keybindings.el --- Centralizing my keybindings -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Attempting to centralize my keybindings to simplify my configuration.
+;; I have some expectations about my keybindings.  Here are some of those
+;; defined:
+;; - In insert mode:
+;;   - C-a: beginning-of-line
+;;   - C-e: end-of-line
+;;   - C-b: backwards-char
+;;   - C-f: forwards-char
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'functions)
+(require 'clipboard)
+(require 'screen-brightness)
+(require 'pulse-audio)
+(require 'scrot)
+(require 'ivy-clipmenu)
+(require 'general)
+(require 'exwm)
+(require 'vterm-mgt)
+(require 'buffer)
+(require 'display)
+(require 'device)
+(require 'fonts)
+(require 'bookmark)
+(require 'constants)
+(require 'window-manager)
+;; Note: The following lines must be sorted this way.
+(setq evil-want-integration t)
+(setq evil-want-keybinding nil)
+(require 'evil)
+(require 'evil-collection)
+(require 'evil-magit)
+(require 'evil-commentary)
+(require 'evil-surround)
+(require 'key-chord)
+;; General Keybindings
+;; Install KBDs like <SPC>jb to search through my monorepo.
+;; Ensure that evil's command mode behaves with readline bindings.
+ :keymaps 'evil-ex-completion-map
+ "C-a" #'move-beginning-of-line
+ "C-e" #'move-end-of-line
+ "C-k" #'kill-line
+ "C-u" #'evil-delete-whole-line
+ "C-v" #'evil-paste-after
+ "C-d" #'delete-char
+ "C-f" #'forward-char
+ "M-b" #'backward-word
+ "M-f" #'forward-word
+ "M-d" #'kill-word
+ "M-DEL" #'backward-kill-word
+ "C-b" #'backward-char)
+  :keymaps 'override
+  "RET" #'evil-goto-line
+  "H"   #'evil-first-non-blank
+  "L"   #'evil-end-of-line
+  "_"   #'ranger
+  "-"   #'dired-jump
+  "sl"  #'functions-evil-window-vsplit-right
+  "sh"  #'evil-window-vsplit
+  "sk"  #'evil-window-split
+  "sj"  #'functions-evil-window-split-down)
+  :keymaps 'override
+  "gu" #'browse-url-at-point
+  "gd" #'xref-find-definitions
+  ;; Wrapping `xref-find-references' in the `let' binding to prevent xref from
+  ;; prompting.  There are other ways to handle this variable, such as setting
+  ;; it globally with `setq' or buffer-locally with `setq-local'.  For now, I
+  ;; prefer setting it with `let', which should bind it in the dynamic scope
+  ;; for the duration of the `xref-find-references' function call.
+  "gx" (lambda ()
+         (interactive)
+         (let ((xref-prompt-for-identifier nil))
+           (call-interactively #'xref-find-references))))
+(general-unbind 'motion "M-." "C-p" "<SPC>")
+(general-unbind 'normal "s"   "M-." "C-p" "C-n")
+(general-unbind 'insert "C-v" "C-d" "C-a" "C-e" "C-n" "C-p" "C-k")
+(setq evil-symbol-word-search t)
+(evil-mode 1)
+(global-evil-surround-mode 1)
+;; Ensure the Evil search results get centered vertically.
+;; When Emacs is run from a terminal, this forces Emacs to redraw itself, which
+;; is visually disruptive.
+(when window-system
+  (progn
+    (defadvice isearch-update
+        (before advice-for-isearch-update activate)
+      (evil-scroll-line-to-center (line-number-at-pos)))
+    (defadvice evil-search-next
+        (after advice-for-evil-search-next activate)
+      (evil-scroll-line-to-center (line-number-at-pos)))
+    (defadvice evil-search-previous
+        (after advice-for-evil-search-previous activate)
+      (evil-scroll-line-to-center (line-number-at-pos)))))
+(key-chord-mode 1)
+(key-chord-define evil-insert-state-map "jk" 'evil-normal-state)
+;; This may be contraversial, but I never use the prefix key, and I'd prefer to
+;; have to bound to the readline function that deletes the entire line.
+(general-unbind "C-u")
+(defmacro keybindings-exwm (c fn)
+  "Bind C to FN using `exwm-input-set-key' with `kbd' applied to C."
+  `(exwm-input-set-key (kbd ,c) ,fn))
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-v" #'ivy-clipmenu-copy)
+(keybindings-exwm "<XF86MonBrightnessUp>" #'screen-brightness-increase)
+(keybindings-exwm "<XF86MonBrightnessDown>" #'screen-brightness-decrease)
+(keybindings-exwm "<XF86AudioMute>" #'pulse-audio-toggle-mute)
+(keybindings-exwm "<XF86AudioLowerVolume>" #'pulse-audio-decrease-volume)
+(keybindings-exwm "<XF86AudioRaiseVolume>" #'pulse-audio-increase-volume)
+(keybindings-exwm "<XF86AudioMicMute>" #'pulse-audio-toggle-microphone)
+(keybindings-exwm (kbd-raw 'x11 "s") #'scrot-select)
+(keybindings-exwm "<C-M-tab>" #'window-manager-switch-to-exwm-buffer)
+(keybindings-exwm (kbd-raw 'workspace "k") #'fonts-increase-size)
+(keybindings-exwm (kbd-raw 'workspace "j") #'fonts-decrease-size)
+(keybindings-exwm (kbd-raw 'workspace "0") #'fonts-reset-size)
+;; Window sizing
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-=" #'balance-windows)
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-j" #'shrink-window)
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-k" #'enlarge-window)
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-h" #'shrink-window-horizontally)
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-l" #'enlarge-window-horizontally)
+;; Window Management
+(keybindings-exwm "M-h" #'windmove-left)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-j" #'windmove-down)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-k" #'windmove-up)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-l" #'windmove-right)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-\\" #'evil-window-vsplit)
+(keybindings-exwm "M--" #'evil-window-split)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-q" #'delete-window)
+;; Miscellaneous
+(keybindings-exwm "M-:" #'eval-expression)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-SPC" #'ivy-helpers-run-external-command)
+(keybindings-exwm "M-x" #'counsel-M-x)
+(keybindings-exwm "<M-tab>" #'window-manager-next-workspace)
+(keybindings-exwm "<M-S-iso-lefttab>" #'window-manager-prev-workspace)
+(keybindings-exwm "C-M-\\" #'ivy-pass)
+;; Workspaces
+(keybindings-exwm (kbd-raw 'workspace "l") #'window-manager-logout)
+ :keymaps 'override
+ "M-q" #'delete-window
+ "<s-return>" #'toggle-frame-fullscreen
+ "M-h" #'windmove-left
+ "M-l" #'windmove-right
+ "M-k" #'windmove-up
+ "M-j" #'windmove-down
+ "M-q" #'delete-window)
+;; Support pasting in M-:.
+ :keymaps 'read-expression-map
+ "C-v"   #'clipboard-yank
+ "C-S-v" #'clipboard-yank)
+ :prefix "<SPC>"
+ :states '(normal)
+ "." #'ffap
+ "gn" #'notmuch
+ "i" #'counsel-semantic-or-imenu
+ "I" #'ibuffer
+ "hk" #'helpful-callable
+ "hf" #'helpful-function
+ "hm" #'helpful-macro
+ "hc" #'helpful-command
+ "hk" #'helpful-key
+ "hv" #'helpful-variable
+ "hp" #'helpful-at-point
+ "hi" #'info-apropos
+ "s" #'flyspell-mode
+ "S" #'sort-lines
+ "=" #'align
+ "p" #'flycheck-previous-error
+ "f" #'project-find-file
+ "n" #'flycheck-next-error
+ "N" #'smerge-next
+ "W" #'balance-windows
+ "gss" #'magit-status
+ "gsb" (lambda ()
+         (interactive)
+         (magit-status constants-briefcase))
+ "E" #'refine
+ "es" #'functions-create-snippet
+ "l" #'linum-mode
+ "B" #'magit-blame
+ "w" #'save-buffer
+ "r" #'functions-evil-replace-under-point
+ "R" #'deadgrep)
+;; Vterm
+;; Show or hide a vterm buffer.  I'm intentionally not defining this in
+;; vterm-mgt.el because it consumes `buffer-show-previous', and I'd like to
+;; avoid bloating vterm-mgt.el with dependencies that others may not want.
+(general-define-key (kbd-raw 'x11 "t")
+                    (lambda ()
+                      (interactive)
+                      (if (vterm-mgt--instance? (current-buffer))
+                          (switch-to-buffer (first (buffer-source-code-buffers)))
+                        (call-interactively #'vterm-mgt-find-or-create))))
+ :keymaps '(vterm-mode-map)
+ "C-S-n" #'vterm-mgt-instantiate
+ "C-S-w" #'vterm-mgt-kill
+ "<C-tab>" #'vterm-mgt-next
+ "<C-S-iso-lefttab>" #'vterm-mgt-prev
+ "<s-backspace>" #'vterm-mgt-rename-buffer)
+;; Displays
+(when (device-work-laptop?)
+  (general-define-key
+   :prefix "<SPC>"
+   :states '(normal)
+   "d0" #'display-enable-laptop
+   "D0" #'display-disable-laptop
+   "d1" #'display-enable-4k-horizontal
+   "D1" #'display-disable-4k-horizontal
+   "d2" #'display-enable-4k-vertical
+   "D2" #'display-disable-4k-vertical))
+;; notmuch
+;; evil-collection adds many KBDs to notmuch modes. Some of these I find
+;; disruptive.
+ :states '(normal)
+ :keymaps '(notmuch-show-mode-map)
+ "M-j" nil
+ "M-k" nil
+ "<C-S-iso-lefttab>" #'notmuch-show-previous-thread-show
+ "<C-tab>" #'notmuch-show-next-thread-show
+ "e" #'notmuch-show-archive-message-then-next-or-next-thread)
+;; TODO(wpcarro): Consider moving this to a separate module
+(defun keybindings--evil-ex-define-cmd-local (cmd f)
+  "Define CMD to F locally to a buffer."
+  (unless (local-variable-p 'evil-ex-commands)
+    (setq-local evil-ex-commands (copy-alist evil-ex-commands)))
+  (evil-ex-define-cmd cmd f))
+;; TODO(wpcarro): Support a macro that can easily define evil-ex commands for a
+;; particular mode.
+;; Consumption:
+;; (evil-ex-for-mode 'notmuch-message-mode
+;;                   "x" #'notmuch-mua-send-and-exit)
+(add-hook 'notmuch-message-mode-hook
+          (lambda ()
+            (keybindings--evil-ex-define-cmd-local "x" #'notmuch-mua-send-and-exit)))
+;; For now, I'm mimmicking Gmail KBDs that I have memorized and enjoy
+ :states '(normal visual)
+ :keymaps '(notmuch-search-mode-map)
+ "M"  (lambda ()
+        (interactive)
+        (notmuch-search-tag '("-inbox" "+muted")))
+ "mi" (lambda ()
+        (interactive)
+        (notmuch-search-tag '("+inbox" "-action" "-review" "-waiting" "-muted")))
+ "ma" (lambda ()
+        (interactive)
+        (notmuch-search-tag '("-inbox" "+action" "-review" "-waiting")))
+ "mr" (lambda ()
+        (interactive)
+        (notmuch-search-tag '("-inbox" "-action" "+review" "-waiting")))
+ "mw" (lambda ()
+        (interactive)
+        (notmuch-search-tag '("-inbox" "-action" "-review" "+waiting")))
+ "e" #'notmuch-search-archive-thread)
+;; magit
+ :states '(normal)
+ :keymaps '(magit-status-mode-map
+            magit-log-mode-map
+            magit-revision-mode-map)
+ "l" #'evil-forward-char
+ "L" #'magit-log)
+;; Info-mode
+;; NOTE: I find some of the following, existing KBDs useful:
+;;   M-x info-apropos
+;;   u   Info-up
+;;   M-n clone-buffer
+ :states '(normal)
+ :keymaps '(Info-mode-map)
+ "SPC" nil
+ "g SPC" #'Info-scroll-up
+ "RET" #'Info-follow-nearest-node
+ "<C-tab>" #'Info-next
+ "<C-S-iso-lefttab>" #'Info-prev
+ "g l" #'Info-history-back
+ "g t" #'Info-toc)
+;; ibuffer
+ :states '(normal)
+ :keymaps '(ibuffer-mode-map)
+ "M-j" nil
+ "K" #'ibuffer-do-delete)
+(provide 'keybindings)
+;;; keybindings.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/keyboard.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/keyboard.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d5a3f92f122b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/keyboard.el
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+;;; keyboard.el --- Managing keyboard preferences with Elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Setting key repeat and other values.
+;; Be wary of suspiciously round numbers.  Especially those divisible by ten!
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'string)
+(require 'number)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Constants
+;; TODO: Support clamping functions for repeat-{rate,delay} to ensure only valid
+;; values are sent to xset.
+(defcustom keyboard-repeat-rate 80
+  "The number of key repeat signals sent per second.")
+(defcustom keyboard-repeat-delay 170
+  "The number of milliseconds before autorepeat starts.")
+(defconst keyboard-repeat-rate-copy keyboard-repeat-rate
+  "Copy of `keyboard-repeat-rate' to support `keyboard-reset-key-repeat'.")
+(defconst keyboard-repeat-delay-copy keyboard-repeat-delay
+  "Copy of `keyboard-repeat-delay' to support `keyboard-reset-key-repeat'.")
+(defcustom keyboard-install-preferences? t
+  "When t, install keyboard preferences.")
+;; Functions
+(defun keyboard-message (x)
+  "Message X in a structured way."
+  (message (string-format "[keyboard.el] %s" x)))
+(cl-defun keyboard-set-key-repeat (&key
+                                   (rate keyboard-repeat-rate)
+                                   (delay keyboard-repeat-delay))
+  "Use xset to set the key-repeat RATE and DELAY."
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "keyboard-set-key-repeat"
+   :command (string-format "xset r rate %s %s" delay rate)))
+;; NOTE: Settings like this are machine-dependent. For instance I only need to
+;; do this on my laptop and other devices where I don't have access to my split
+;; keyboard.
+;; NOTE: Running keysym Caps_Lock is not idempotent.  If this is called more
+;; than once, xmodmap will start to error about non-existent Caps_Lock symbol.
+;; For more information see here:
+;; https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/108207/how-to-map-caps-lock-as-the-compose-key-using-xmodmap-portably-and-idempotently
+(defun keyboard-swap-caps-lock-and-escape ()
+  "Swaps the caps lock and escape keys using xmodmap."
+  (interactive)
+  ;; TODO: Ensure these work once the tokenizing in prelude-start-process works
+  ;; as expected.
+  (start-process "keyboard-swap-caps-lock-and-escape"
+                 nil "/usr/bin/xmodmap" "-e" "remove Lock = Caps_Lock")
+  (start-process "keyboard-swap-caps-lock-and-escape"
+                 nil "/usr/bin/xmodmap" "-e" "keysym Caps_Lock = Escape"))
+(defun keyboard-inc-repeat-rate ()
+  "Increment `keyboard-repeat-rate'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq keyboard-repeat-rate (number-inc keyboard-repeat-rate))
+  (keyboard-set-key-repeat :rate keyboard-repeat-rate)
+  (keyboard-message
+   (string-format "Rate: %s" keyboard-repeat-rate)))
+(defun keyboard-dec-repeat-rate ()
+  "Decrement `keyboard-repeat-rate'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq keyboard-repeat-rate (number-dec keyboard-repeat-rate))
+  (keyboard-set-key-repeat :rate keyboard-repeat-rate)
+  (keyboard-message
+   (string-format "Rate: %s" keyboard-repeat-rate)))
+(defun keyboard-inc-repeat-delay ()
+  "Increment `keyboard-repeat-delay'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq keyboard-repeat-delay (number-inc keyboard-repeat-delay))
+  (keyboard-set-key-repeat :delay keyboard-repeat-delay)
+  (keyboard-message
+   (string-format "Delay: %s" keyboard-repeat-delay)))
+(defun keyboard-dec-repeat-delay ()
+  "Decrement `keyboard-repeat-delay'."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq keyboard-repeat-delay (number-dec keyboard-repeat-delay))
+  (keyboard-set-key-repeat :delay keyboard-repeat-delay)
+  (keyboard-message
+   (string-format "Delay: %s" keyboard-repeat-delay)))
+(defun keyboard-print-key-repeat ()
+  "Print the currently set values for key repeat."
+  (interactive)
+  (keyboard-message
+   (string-format "Rate: %s. Delay: %s"
+                  keyboard-repeat-rate
+                  keyboard-repeat-delay)))
+(defun keyboard-set-preferences ()
+  "Reset the keyboard preferences to their default values.
+NOTE: This function exists because occasionally I unplug and re-plug in a
+  keyboard and all of the preferences that I set using xset disappear."
+  (interactive)
+  (keyboard-swap-caps-lock-and-escape)
+  (keyboard-set-key-repeat :rate keyboard-repeat-rate
+                           :delay keyboard-repeat-delay)
+  ;; TODO: Implement this message function as a macro that pulls the current
+  ;; file name.
+  (keyboard-message "Keyboard preferences set!"))
+(defun keyboard-reset-key-repeat ()
+  "Set key repeat rate and delay to original values."
+  (interactive)
+  (keyboard-set-key-repeat :rate keyboard-repeat-rate-copy
+                           :delay keyboard-repeat-delay-copy)
+  (keyboard-message "Key repeat preferences reset."))
+(when keyboard-install-preferences?
+  (keyboard-set-preferences))
+(provide 'keyboard)
+;;; keyboard.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/laptop-battery.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/laptop-battery.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..91b2e3125001
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/laptop-battery.el
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+;;; laptop-battery.el --- Display laptop battery information -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Some wrappers to obtain battery information.
+;; To troubleshoot battery consumpton look into the CLI `powertop`.
+;;; Code:
+;; Roadmap
+;; TODO: Support functions that work with reporting battery stats.
+;; TODO: low-battery-reporting-threshold
+;; TODO: charged-battery-reporting-threshold
+;; TODO: Format modeline battery information.
+;; TODO: Provide better time information in the modeline.
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'battery)
+(require 'al)
+(require 'maybe)
+;; Library
+(defun laptop-battery-available? ()
+  "Return t if battery information is available."
+  (maybe-some? battery-status-function))
+(defun laptop-battery-percentage ()
+  "Return the current percentage of the battery."
+  (->> battery-status-function
+       funcall
+       (al-get 112)))
+(defun laptop-battery-print-percentage ()
+  "Return the current percentage of the battery."
+  (interactive)
+  (->> (laptop-battery-percentage)
+       message))
+(defun laptop-battery-display ()
+  "Display laptop battery percentage in the modeline."
+  (interactive)
+  (display-battery-mode 1))
+(defun laptop-battery-hide ()
+  "Hide laptop battery percentage in the modeline."
+  (interactive)
+  (display-battery-mode -1))
+(provide 'laptop-battery)
+;;; laptop-battery.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/list.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/list.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cc91ac1eaf60
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/list.el
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+;;; list.el --- Functions for working with lists -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Since I prefer having the `list-' namespace, I wrote this module to wrap many
+;; of the functions that are defined in the the global namespace in ELisp.  I
+;; sometimes forget the names of these functions, so it's nice for them to be
+;; organized like this.
+;; Motivation:
+;; Here are some examples of function names that I cannot tolerate:
+;; - `car': Return the first element (i.e. "head") of a linked list
+;; - `cdr': Return the tail of a linked list
+;; As are most APIs for standard libraries that I write, this is heavily
+;; influenced by Elixir's standard library.
+;; Elixir's List library:
+;; - ++/2
+;; - --/2
+;; - hd/1
+;; - tl/1
+;; - in/2
+;; - length/1
+;; Similar libraries:
+;; - dash.el: Functional library that mimmicks Clojure.  It is consumed herein.
+;; - list-utils.el: Utility library that covers things that dash.el may not
+;;   cover.
+;;   stream.el: Elisp implementation of streams, "implemented as delayed
+;;   evaluation of cons cells."
+;; TODO: Consider naming this file linked-list.el.
+;; TODO: Support module-like macro that auto-namespaces functions.
+;; TODO: Consider wrapping most data structures like linked-lists,
+;; associative-lists, etc in a `cl-defstruct', so that the dispatching by type
+;; can be nominal instead of duck-typing.  I'm not sure if this is a good idea
+;; or not.  If I do this, I should provide isomorphisms to map between idiomatic
+;; ways of working with Elisp data structures and my wrapped variants.
+;; TODO: Are function aliases/synonyms even a good idea?  Or do they just
+;; bloat the API unnecessarily?
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+;; TODO: Move `prelude-assert' elsewhere so that I can require it without
+;; introducing the circular dependency of list.el -> prelude.el -> list.el.
+;;(require 'prelude)
+(require 'dash)
+;; Constants
+(defconst list-tests? t
+  "When t, run the test suite.")
+;; Library
+(defun list-new ()
+  "Return a new, empty list."
+  '())
+(defun list-concat (&rest lists)
+  "Joins `LISTS' into on list."
+  (apply #'-concat lists))
+(defun list-join (joint xs)
+  "Join a list of strings, XS, with JOINT."
+  (if (list-empty? xs)
+      ""
+    (list-reduce (list-first xs)
+                 (lambda (x acc)
+                   (string-concat acc joint x))
+                 (list-tail xs))))
+(defun list-length (xs)
+  "Return the number of elements in `XS'."
+  (length xs))
+(defun list-get (i xs)
+  "Return the value in `XS' at `I', or nil."
+  (nth i xs))
+(defun list-head (xs)
+  "Return the head of `XS'."
+  (car xs))
+;; TODO: Learn how to write proper function aliases.
+(defun list-first (xs)
+  "Alias for `list-head' for `XS'."
+  (list-head xs))
+(defun list-tail (xs)
+  "Return the tail of `XS'."
+  (cdr xs))
+(defun list-reverse (xs)
+  "Reverses `XS'."
+  (reverse xs))
+(defun list-cons (x xs)
+  "Add `X' to the head of `XS'."
+  (cons x xs))
+;; map, filter, reduce
+;; TODO: Create function adapters like swap.
+;; (defun adapter/swap (f)
+;;   "Return a new function that wraps `F' and swaps the arguments."
+;;   (lambda (a b)
+;;     (funcall f b a)))
+;; TODO: Make this function work.
+(defun list-reduce (acc f xs)
+  "Return over `XS' calling `F' on an element in `XS'and `ACC'."
+  (-reduce-from (lambda (acc x) (funcall f x acc)) acc xs))
+(defun list-map (f xs)
+  "Call `F' on each element of `XS'."
+  (-map f xs))
+(defun list-map-indexed (f xs)
+  "Call `F' on each element of `XS' along with its index."
+  (-map-indexed (lambda (i x) (funcall f x i)) xs))
+(defun list-filter (p xs)
+  "Return a subset of XS where predicate P returned t."
+  (list-reverse
+   (list-reduce
+    '()
+    (lambda (x acc)
+      (if (funcall p x)
+          (list-cons x acc)
+        acc))
+    xs)))
+(defun list-reject (p xs)
+  "Return a subset of XS where predicate of P return nil."
+  (list-filter (lambda (x) (not (funcall p x))) xs))
+(defun list-find (p xs)
+  "Return the first x in XS that passes P or nil."
+  (-find p xs))
+;; Predicates
+(defun list-instance? (xs)
+  "Return t if `XS' is a list.
+Be leery of using this with things like alists.  Many data structures in Elisp
+  are implemented using linked lists."
+  (listp xs))
+(defun list-empty? (xs)
+  "Return t if XS are empty."
+  (= 0 (list-length xs)))
+(defun list-all? (p xs)
+  "Return t if all `XS' pass the predicate, `P'."
+  (-all? p xs))
+(defun list-any? (p xs)
+  "Return t if any `XS' pass the predicate, `P'."
+  (-any? p xs))
+(defun list-contains? (x xs)
+  "Return t if X is in XS using `equal'."
+  (-contains? xs x))
+(defun list-xs-distinct-by? (f xs)
+  "Return t if all elements in XS are distinct after applying F to each."
+  (= (length xs)
+     (->> xs (-map f) set-from-list set-count)))
+;; TODO: Support dedupe.
+;; TODO: Should we call this unique? Or distinct?
+;; TODO: Add tests.
+(defun list-dedupe-adjacent (xs)
+  "Return XS without adjacent duplicates."
+  (prelude-assert (not (list-empty? xs)))
+  (list-reduce (list (list-first xs))
+    (lambda (x acc)
+      (if (equal x (list-first acc))
+          acc
+        (list-cons x acc)))
+    xs))
+;; Tests
+;; (when list-tests?
+;;   (prelude-assert
+;;    (= 0
+;;       (list-length '())))
+;;   (prelude-assert
+;;    (= 5
+;;       (list-length '(1 2 3 4 5))))
+;;   (prelude-assert
+;;    (= 16
+;;       (list-reduce 1 (lambda (x acc) (+ x acc)) '(1 2 3 4 5))))
+;;   (prelude-assert
+;;    (equal '(2 4 6 8 10)
+;;           (list-map (lambda (x) (* x 2)) '(1 2 3 4 5)))))
+(provide 'list)
+;;; list.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/macros.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/macros.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..07b88d8f5860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/macros.el
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+;;; macros.el --- Helpful variables for making my ELisp life more enjoyable -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This file contains helpful variables that I use in my ELisp development.
+;; TODO: Consider a macro solution for mimmicking OCaml's auto resolution of
+;; dependencies using `load-path' and friends.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'f)
+(require 'string)
+(require 'symbol)
+;; Library
+(defmacro macros-enable (mode)
+  "Helper for enabling `MODE'.
+Useful in `add-hook' calls.  Some modes, like `linum-mode' need to be called as
+`(linum-mode 1)', so `(add-hook mode #'linum-mode)' won't work."
+  `#'(lambda nil (,mode 1)))
+(defmacro macros-disable (mode)
+  "Helper for disabling `MODE'.
+Useful in `add-hook' calls."
+  `#'(lambda nil (,mode -1)))
+(defmacro macros-add-hook-before-save (mode f)
+  "Register a hook, `F', for a mode, `MODE' more conveniently.
+Usage: (macros-add-hook-before-save 'reason-mode-hook #'refmt-before-save)"
+  `(add-hook ,mode
+             (lambda ()
+               (add-hook 'before-save-hook ,f))))
+;; TODO: Privatize?
+(defun macros--namespace ()
+  "Return the namespace for a function based on the filename."
+  (->> (buffer-file-name)
+       f-filename
+       f-base))
+(defmacro macros-comment (&rest _)
+  "Empty comment s-expresion where `BODY' is ignored."
+  `nil)
+(defmacro macros-support-file-extension (ext mode)
+  "Register MODE to automatically load with files ending with EXT extension.
+Usage: (macros-support-file-extension \"pb\" protobuf-mode)"
+  (let ((extension (string-format "\\.%s\\'" ext)))
+    `(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '(,extension . ,mode))))
+(provide 'macros)
+;;; macros.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/math.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/math.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9f6218fa4930
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/math.el
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+;;; math.el --- Math stuffs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Containing some useful mathematical functions.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'maybe)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Constants
+(defconst math-pi pi
+  "The number pi.")
+;; Functions
+;; TODO: Support all three arguments.
+;; Int -> Int -> Int -> Boolean
+(cl-defun math-triangle-of-power (&key base power result)
+  (cond
+   ((maybe-somes? base power result)
+    (error "All three arguments should not be set"))
+   ((maybe-somes? power result)
+    (message "power and result"))
+   ((maybe-somes? base result)
+    (log result base))
+   ((maybe-somes? base power)
+    (expt base power))
+   (t
+    (error "Two of the three arguments must be set"))))
+(defun math-mod (x y)
+  "Return X mod Y."
+  (mod x y))
+(defun math-exp (x y)
+  "Return X raised to the Y."
+  (expt x y))
+(defun math-round (x)
+  "Round X to nearest ones digit."
+  (round x))
+(defun math-floor (x)
+  "Floor value X."
+  (floor x))
+(provide 'math)
+;;; math.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/maybe.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/maybe.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..270ee909a8e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/maybe.el
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+;;; maybe.el --- Library for dealing with nil values -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Inspired by Elm's Maybe library.
+;; For now, a Nothing value will be defined exclusively as a nil value.  I'm
+;; uninterested in supported falsiness in this module even at risk of going
+;; against the LISP grain.
+;; I'm avoiding introducing a struct to handle the creation of Just and Nothing
+;; variants of Maybe.  Perhaps this is a mistake in which case this file would
+;; be more aptly named nil.el.  I may change that.  Because of this limitation,
+;; functions in Elm's Maybe library like andThen, which is the monadic bind for
+;; the Maybe type, doesn't have a home here since we cannot compose multiple
+;; Nothing or Just values without a struct or some other construct.
+;; Possible names for the variants of a Maybe.
+;; None    | Some
+;; Nothing | Something
+;; None    | Just
+;; Nil     | Set
+;; NOTE: In Elisp, values like '() (i.e. the empty list) are aliases for nil.
+;; What else in Elisp is an alias in this way?
+;; Examples:
+;; TODO: Provide examples of other nil types in Elisp.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'list)
+;; Constants
+(defvar maybe--run-tests? t
+  "When t, run the test suite defined herein.")
+;; Library
+(defun maybe-nil? (x)
+  "Return t if X is nil."
+  (eq nil x))
+(defun maybe-some? (x)
+  "Return t when X is non-nil."
+  (not (maybe-nil? x)))
+(defun maybe-nils? (&rest xs)
+  "Return t if all XS are nil."
+  (list-all? #'maybe-nil? xs))
+(defun maybe-somes? (&rest xs)
+  "Return t if all XS are non-nil."
+  (list-all? #'maybe-some? xs))
+(defun maybe-default (default x)
+  "Return DEFAULT when X is nil."
+  (if (maybe-nil? x) default x))
+(defun maybe-map (f x)
+  "Apply F to X if X is not nil."
+  (if (maybe-some? x)
+      (funcall f x)
+    x))
+(provide 'maybe)
+;;; maybe.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/modeline.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/modeline.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6852bb284bc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/modeline.el
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+;;; modeline.el --- Customize my mode-line -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Because I use EXWM, I treat my Emacs mode-line like my system bar: I need to
+;; quickly check the system time, and I expect it to be at the bottom-right of
+;; my Emacs frame.  I used doom-modeline for awhile, which is an impressive
+;; package, but it conditionally colorizes on the modeline for the active
+;; buffer.  So if my bottom-right window is inactive, I cannot see the time.
+;; My friend, @tazjin, has a modeline setup that I think is more compatible with
+;; EXWM, so I'm going to base my setup off of his.
+;;; Code:
+(use-package telephone-line)
+(defun modeline-bottom-right-window? ()
+  "Determines whether the last (i.e.
+bottom-right) window of the
+active frame is showing the buffer in which this function is
+  executed."
+  (let* ((frame (selected-frame))
+         (right-windows (window-at-side-list frame 'right))
+         (bottom-windows (window-at-side-list frame 'bottom))
+         (last-window (car (seq-intersection right-windows bottom-windows))))
+    (eq (current-buffer) (window-buffer last-window))))
+(defun modeline-maybe-render-time ()
+  "Conditionally renders the `mode-line-misc-info' string.
+  The idea is to not display information like the current time,
+  load, battery levels on all buffers."
+  (when (modeline-bottom-right-window?)
+    (telephone-line-raw mode-line-misc-info t)))
+(defun modeline-setup ()
+  "Render my custom modeline."
+  (telephone-line-defsegment telephone-line-last-window-segment ()
+    (modeline-maybe-render-time))
+  ;; Display the current EXWM workspace index in the mode-line
+  (telephone-line-defsegment telephone-line-exwm-workspace-index ()
+    (when (modeline-bottom-right-window?)
+      (format "[%s]" exwm-workspace-current-index)))
+  ;; Define a highlight font for ~ important ~ information in the last
+  ;; window.
+  (defface special-highlight
+    '((t (:foreground "white" :background "#5f627f"))) "")
+  (add-to-list 'telephone-line-faces
+               '(highlight . (special-highlight . special-highlight)))
+  (setq telephone-line-lhs
+        '((nil . (telephone-line-position-segment))
+          (accent . (telephone-line-buffer-segment))))
+  (setq telephone-line-rhs
+        '((accent . (telephone-line-major-mode-segment))
+          (nil . (telephone-line-last-window-segment
+                  telephone-line-exwm-workspace-index))))
+  (setq telephone-line-primary-left-separator 'telephone-line-tan-left
+        telephone-line-primary-right-separator 'telephone-line-tan-right
+        telephone-line-secondary-left-separator 'telephone-line-tan-hollow-left
+        telephone-line-secondary-right-separator 'telephone-line-tan-hollow-right)
+  (telephone-line-mode 1))
+(provide 'modeline)
+;;; modeline.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/number.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/number.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c8ed665b3098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/number.el
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+;;; number.el --- Functions for working with numbers -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Classifications of numbers:
+;; - Natural: (a.k.a positive integers, counting numbers); {1, 2, 3, ... }
+;; - Whole: Natural Numbers, plus zero; {0, 1, 2, 3, ...}
+;; - Integers: Whole numbers plus all the negatives of the natural numbers;
+;;   {... , -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, ...}
+;; - Rational numbers: (a.k.a. fractions) where the top and bottom numbers are
+;;   integers; e.g., 1/2, 3/4, 7/2, ⁻4/3, 4/1.  Note: The denominator cannot be
+;;   0, but the numerator can be.
+;; - Real numbers: All numbers that can be written as a decimal.  This includes
+;;   fractions written in decimal form e.g., 0.5, 0.75 2.35, ⁻0.073, 0.3333, or
+;;   2.142857. It also includes all the irrational numbers such as π, √2 etc.
+;;   Every real number corresponds to a point on the number line.
+;; The functions defined herein attempt to capture the mathematical definitions
+;; of numbers and their classifications as defined above.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'dash)
+;; Library
+(defconst number-test? t
+  "When t, run the test suite defined herein.")
+;; TODO: What about int.el?
+;; TODO: How do we handle a number typeclass?
+(defun number-positive? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is a positive number."
+  (> x 0))
+(defun number-negative? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is a positive number."
+  (< x 0))
+;; TODO: Don't rely on this. Need to have 10.0 and 10 behave similarly.
+(defun number-float? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is a floating point number."
+  (floatp x))
+(defun number-natural? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is a natural number."
+  (and (number-positive? x)
+       (not (number-float? x))))
+(defun number-whole? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is a whole number."
+  (or (= 0 x)
+      (number-natural? x)))
+(defun number-integer? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is an integer."
+  (or (number-whole? x)
+      (number-natural? (- x))))
+;; TODO: How defensive should these guards be?  Should we assert that the inputs
+;; are integers before checking evenness or oddness?
+;; TODO: Look up Runar (from Unison) definition of handling zero as even or odd.
+;; TODO: How should rational numbers be handled? Lisp is supposedly famous for
+;; its handling of rational numbers.
+;; TODO: `calc-mode' supports rational numbers as "1:2" meaning "1/2"
+;; (defun number-rational? (x))
+;; TODO: Can or should I support real numbers?
+;; (defun number-real? (x))
+(defun number-even? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is an even number."
+  (or (= 0 x)
+      (= 0 (mod x 2))))
+(defun number-odd? (x)
+  "Return t if `X' is an odd number."
+  (not (number-even? x)))
+(defun number-dec (x)
+  "Subtract one from `X'.
+While this function is undeniably trivial, I have unintentionally done (- 1 x)
+  when in fact I meant to do (- x 1) that I figure it's better for this function
+  to exist, and for me to train myself to reach for it and its inc counterpart."
+  (- x 1))
+(defun number-inc (x)
+  "Add one to `X'."
+  (+ x 1))
+;; Tests
+(when number-test?
+  (prelude-assert
+   (number-positive? 10))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (number-natural? 10))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (number-whole? 10))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (number-whole? 0))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (number-integer? 10))
+  ;; (prelude-assert
+  ;;  (= 120 (number-factorial 5)))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (number-even? 6))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (number-odd? 6))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (number-positive? -10))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (number-natural? 10.0))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (number-natural? -10))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (number-natural? -10.0)))
+(provide 'number)
+;;; number.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/prelude.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/prelude.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..824a80f8047c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/prelude.el
@@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
+;;; prelude.el --- My attempt at augmenting Elisp stdlib -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Some of these ideas are scattered across other modules like `fs',
+;; `string-functions', etc.  I'd like to keep everything modular.  I still don't
+;; have an answer for which items belond in `misc'; I don't want that to become
+;; a dumping grounds.  Ideally this file will `require' all other modules and
+;; define just a handful of functions.
+;; TODO: Consider removing all dependencies from prelude.el.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'dash)
+(require 's)
+(require 'f)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Utilities
+(defun prelude-to-string (x)
+  "Convert X to a string."
+  (format "%s" x))
+(defun prelude-inspect (&rest args)
+  "Message ARGS where ARGS are any type."
+  (->> args
+       (-map #'prelude-to-string)
+       (apply #'s-concat)
+       message))
+(defmacro prelude-call-process-to-string (cmd &rest args)
+  "Return the string output of CMD called with ARGS."
+  `(with-temp-buffer
+     (call-process ,cmd nil (current-buffer) nil ,@args)
+     (buffer-string)))
+;; Assertions
+;; TODO: Should I `throw' instead of `error' here?
+(defmacro prelude-assert (x)
+  "Errors unless X is t.
+These are strict assertions and purposely do not rely on truthiness."
+  (let ((as-string (prelude-to-string x)))
+    `(unless (equal t ,x)
+       (error (s-concat "Assertion failed: " ,as-string)))))
+(defmacro prelude-refute (x)
+  "Errors unless X is nil."
+  (let ((as-string (prelude-to-string x)))
+    `(unless (equal nil ,x)
+       (error (s-concat "Refutation failed: " ,as-string)))))
+;; Adapter functions
+(defun prelude-identity (x)
+  "Return X unchanged."
+  x)
+(defun prelude-const (x)
+  "Return a variadic lambda that will return X."
+  (lambda (&rest _) x))
+;; Miscellaneous
+;; TODO: Consider packaging these into a linum-color.el package.
+;; TODO: Generate the color used here from the theme.
+(defvar prelude--linum-safe? nil
+  "Flag indicating whether it is safe to work with function `linum-mode'.")
+(defvar prelude--linum-mru-color nil
+  "Stores the color most recently attempted to be applied.")
+(add-hook 'linum-mode-hook
+          (lambda ()
+            (setq prelude--linum-safe? t)
+            (when (maybe-some? prelude--linum-mru-color)
+              (set-face-foreground 'linum prelude--linum-mru-color))))
+(defun prelude-set-line-number-color (color)
+  "Safely set linum color to `COLOR'.
+If this is called before Emacs initializes, the color will be stored in
+`prelude--linum-mru-color' and applied once initialization completes.
+Why is this safe?
+If `(set-face-foreground 'linum)' is called before initialization completes,
+Emacs will silently fail.  Without this function, it is easy to introduce
+difficult to troubleshoot bugs in your init files."
+  (if prelude--linum-safe?
+      (set-face-foreground 'linum color)
+    (setq prelude--linum-mru-color color)))
+(defun prelude-prompt (prompt)
+  "Read input from user with PROMPT."
+  (read-string prompt))
+(cl-defun prelude-start-process (&key name command)
+  "Pass command string, COMMAND, and the function name, NAME.
+This is a wrapper around `start-process' that has an API that resembles
+  ;; TODO: Fix the bug with tokenizing here, since it will split any whitespace
+  ;; character, even though it shouldn't in the case of quoted string in shell.
+  ;; e.g. - "xmodmap -e 'one two three'" => '("xmodmap" "-e" "'one two three'")
+  (prelude-refute (s-contains? "'" command))
+  (let* ((tokens (s-split " " command))
+         (program-name (nth 0 tokens))
+         (program-args (cdr tokens)))
+    (apply #'start-process
+           `(,(format "*%s<%s>*" program-name name)
+             ,nil
+             ,program-name
+             ,@program-args))))
+(defun prelude-executable-exists? (name)
+  "Return t if CLI tool NAME exists according to the variable `exec-path'."
+  (let ((file (locate-file name exec-path)))
+    (require 'maybe)
+    (if (maybe-some? file)
+        (f-exists? file)
+      nil)))
+(defmacro prelude-time (x)
+  "Print the time it takes to evaluate X."
+  `(benchmark 1 ',x))
+(provide 'prelude)
+;;; prelude.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/pulse-audio.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/pulse-audio.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d22cace46de9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/pulse-audio.el
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+;;; pulse-audio.el --- Control audio with Elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Because everything in my configuration is turning into Elisp these days.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'string)
+;; Constants
+(defconst pulse-audio--step-size 5
+  "The size by which to increase or decrease the volume.")
+;; Library
+(defun pulse-audio--message (x)
+  "Output X to *Messages*."
+  (message (string-format "[pulse-audio.el] %s" x)))
+(defun pulse-audio-toggle-mute ()
+  "Mute the default sink."
+  (interactive)
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "pulse-audio-toggle-mute"
+   :command "pactl set-sink-mute @DEFAULT_SINK@ toggle")
+  (pulse-audio--message "Mute toggled."))
+(defun pulse-audio-toggle-microphone ()
+  "Mute the default sink."
+  (interactive)
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "pulse-audio-toggle-microphone"
+   :command "pactl set-source-mute @DEFAULT_SOURCE@ toggle")
+  (pulse-audio--message "Microphone toggled."))
+(defun pulse-audio-decrease-volume ()
+  "Low the volume output of the default sink."
+  (interactive)
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "pulse-audio-decrease-volume"
+   :command (string-format "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ -%s%%"
+                           pulse-audio--step-size))
+  (pulse-audio--message "Volume decreased."))
+(defun pulse-audio-increase-volume ()
+  "Raise the volume output of the default sink."
+  (interactive)
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "pulse-audio-increase-volume"
+   :command (string-format "pactl set-sink-volume @DEFAULT_SINK@ +%s%%"
+                           pulse-audio--step-size))
+  (pulse-audio--message "Volume increased."))
+(provide 'pulse-audio)
+;;; pulse-audio.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/random.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/random.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..aa3c3071bb8f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/random.el
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+;;; random.el --- Functions for working with randomness -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Functions for working with randomness.  Some of this code is not as
+;; functional as I'd like from.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'number)
+(require 'math)
+(require 'series)
+(require 'list)
+(require 'set)
+;; Library
+(defun random-int (x)
+  "Return a random integer from 0 to `X'."
+  (random x))
+;; TODO: Make this work with sequences instead of lists.
+(defun random-choice (xs)
+  "Return a random element of `XS'."
+  (let ((ct (list-length xs)))
+    (list-get
+     (random-int ct)
+     xs)))
+(defun random-boolean? ()
+  "Randonly return t or nil."
+  (random-choice (list t nil)))
+;; TODO: This may not work if any of these generate numbers like 0, 1, etc.
+(defun random-uuid ()
+  "Return a generated UUID string."
+  (let ((eight  (number-dec (math-triangle-of-power :base 16 :power 8)))
+        (four   (number-dec (math-triangle-of-power :base 16 :power 4)))
+        (twelve (number-dec (math-triangle-of-power :base 16 :power 12))))
+    (format "%x-%x-%x-%x-%x"
+            (random-int eight)
+            (random-int four)
+            (random-int four)
+            (random-int four)
+            (random-int twelve))))
+(defun random-token (length)
+  "Return a randomly generated hexadecimal string of LENGTH."
+  (->> (series/range 0 (number-dec length))
+       (list-map (lambda (_) (format "%x" (random-int 15))))
+       (list-join "")))
+;; TODO: Support random-sample
+;; (defun random-sample (n xs)
+;;   "Return a randomly sample of list XS of size N."
+;;   (prelude-assert (and (>= n 0) (< n (list-length xs))))
+;;   (cl-labels ((do-sample
+;;                (n xs y ys)
+;;                (if (= n (set-count ys))
+;;                    (->> ys
+;;                         set-to-list
+;;                         (list-map (lambda (i)
+;;                                     (list-get i xs))))
+;;                  (if (set-contains? y ys)
+;;                      (do-sample n xs (random-int (list-length xs)) ys)
+;;                    (do-sample n xs y (set-add y ys))))))
+;;     (do-sample n xs (random-int (list-length xs)) (set-new))))
+(provide 'random)
+;;; random.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/region.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/region.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f915f24ec851
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/region.el
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+;;; region.el --- Functions for working with regions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Sometimes Emacs's function names and argument ordering is great; other times,
+;; it isn't.
+;;; Code:
+;; Library
+(defun region-to-string ()
+  "Return the string in the active region."
+  (buffer-substring-no-properties (region-beginning)
+                                  (region-end)))
+(provide 'region)
+;;; region.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/scope.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/scope.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..267baac9fb14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/scope.el
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+;;; scope.el --- Work with a scope data structure -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Exposing an API for working with a scope data structure in a non-mutative
+;; way.
+;; What's a scope?  Think of a scope as a stack of key-value bindings.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'al)
+(require 'stack)
+(require 'struct)
+(require '>)
+;; Create
+(cl-defstruct scope scopes)
+(defun scope-new ()
+  "Return an empty scope."
+  (make-scope :scopes (->> (stack-new)
+                           (stack-push (al-new)))))
+(defun scope-flatten (xs)
+  "Return a flattened representation of the scope, XS.
+The newest bindings eclipse the oldest."
+  (->> xs
+       scope-scopes
+       stack-to-list
+       (list-reduce (al-new)
+                    (lambda (scope acc)
+                      (al-merge acc scope)))))
+(defun scope-push-new (xs)
+  "Push a new, empty scope onto XS."
+  (struct-update scope
+                 scopes
+                 (>-> (stack-push (al-new)))
+                 xs))
+;; Read
+(defun scope-get (k xs)
+  "Return K from XS if it's in scope."
+  (->> xs
+       scope-flatten
+       (al-get k)))
+(defun scope-current (xs)
+  "Return the newest scope from XS."
+  (let ((xs-copy (copy-scope xs)))
+    (->> xs-copy
+         scope-scopes
+         stack-peek)))
+;; Update
+(defun scope-set (k v xs)
+  "Set value, V, at key, K, in XS for the current scope."
+  (struct-update scope
+                 scopes
+                 (>-> (stack-map-top (>-> (al-set k v))))
+                 xs))
+;; Delete
+(defun scope-pop (xs)
+  "Return a new scope without the top element from XS."
+  (->> xs
+       scope-scopes
+       stack-pop))
+;; Predicates
+(defun scope-defined? (k xs)
+  "Return t if K is in scope of XS."
+  (->> xs
+       scope-flatten
+       (al-has-key? k)))
+;; TODO: Find a faster way to write aliases like this.
+(defun scope-instance? (xs)
+  "Return t if XS is a scope struct."
+  (scope-p xs))
+(provide 'scope)
+;;; scope.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/screen-brightness.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/screen-brightness.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..30973607bb03
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/screen-brightness.el
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+;;; screen-brightness.el --- Control laptop screen brightness -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Mainly just Elisp wrappers around `xbacklight`.
+;;; Code:
+;; TODO: Define some isomorphisms. E.g. int->string, string->int.
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+;; Constants
+(defconst screen-brightness-step-size 15
+  "The size of the increment or decrement step for the screen's brightness.")
+;; Library
+(defun screen-brightness-increase ()
+  "Increase the screen brightness."
+  (interactive)
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "screen-brightness-increase"
+   :command (string-format "xbacklight -inc %s" screen-brightness-step-size))
+  (message "[screen-brightness.el] Increased screen brightness."))
+(defun screen-brightness-decrease ()
+  "Decrease the screen brightness."
+  (interactive)
+  (prelude-start-process
+   :name "screen-brightness-decrease"
+   :command (string-format "xbacklight -dec %s" screen-brightness-step-size))
+  (message "[screen-brightness.el] Decreased screen brightness."))
+(provide 'screen-brightness)
+;;; screen-brightness.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/scrot.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/scrot.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e7231b44fd95
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/scrot.el
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+;;; scrot.el --- Screenshot functions -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; scrot is a Linux utility for taking screenshots.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'f)
+(require 'string)
+(require 'ts)
+(require 'clipboard)
+(require 'kbd)
+;; Library
+(defconst scrot-screenshot-directory "~/Downloads"
+  "The default directory for screenshot outputs.")
+(defconst scrot-path-to-executable "/usr/bin/scrot"
+  "Path to the scrot executable.")
+(defconst scrot-output-format "screenshot_%H:%M:%S_%Y-%m-%d.png"
+  "The format string for the output screenshot file.
+See scrot's man page for more information.")
+(defun scrot--copy-image (path)
+  "Use xclip to copy the image at PATH to the clipboard.
+This currently only works for PNG files because that's what I'm outputting"
+  (call-process "xclip" nil nil nil
+                "-selection" "clipboard" "-t" "image/png" path)
+  (message (string-format "[scrot.el] Image copied to clipboard!")))
+(defun scrot-select ()
+  "Click-and-drag to screenshot a region.
+The output path is copied to the user's clipboard."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((screenshot-path (f-join scrot-screenshot-directory
+                                 (ts-format scrot-output-format (ts-now)))))
+    (make-process
+     :name "scrot-select"
+     :command `(,scrot-path-to-executable "--select" ,screenshot-path)
+     :sentinel (lambda (proc _err)
+                 (when (= 0 (process-exit-status proc))
+                   (scrot--copy-image screenshot-path))))))
+(provide 'scrot)
+;;; scrot.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/sequence.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/sequence.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9da3ba4575f9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/sequence.el
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+;;; sequence.el --- Working with the "sequence" types -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Elisp supports a typeclass none as "sequence" which covers the following
+;; types:
+;; - list: '(1 2 3 4 5)
+;; - vector: ["John" 27 :blue]
+;; - string: "To be or not to be..."
+;; TODO: Document the difference between a "reduce" and a "fold".  I.e. - reduce
+;; has an initial value whereas fold uses the first element in the sequence as
+;; the initial value.
+;; Note: This should be an approximation of Elixir's Enum protocol albeit
+;; without streams.
+;; Elisp has done a lot of this work already and these are mostly wrapper
+;; functions.
+;; See the following list for reference:
+;; - sequencep
+;; - elt
+;; - copy-sequence
+;; - reverse
+;; - nreverse
+;; - sort
+;; - seq-elt
+;; - seq-length
+;; - seqp
+;; - seq-drop
+;; - seq-take
+;; - seq-take-while
+;; - seq-drop-while
+;; - seq-do
+;; - seq-map
+;; - seq-mapn
+;; - seq-filter
+;; - seq-remove
+;; - seq-reduce
+;; - seq-some
+;; - seq-find
+;; - seq-every-p
+;; - seq-empty-p
+;; - seq-count
+;; - seq-sort
+;; - seq-contains
+;; - seq-position
+;; - seq-uniq
+;; - seq-subseq
+;; - seq-concatenate
+;; - seq-mapcat
+;; - seq-partition
+;; - seq-intersection
+;; - seq-difference
+;; - seq-group-by
+;; - seq-into
+;; - seq-min
+;; - seq-max
+;; - seq-doseq
+;; - seq-let
+;;; Code:
+;; Perhaps we can provide default implementations for `filter' and `map' derived
+;; from the `reduce' implementation.
+;; (defprotocol sequence
+;;   :functions (reduce))
+;; (definstance sequence list
+;;   :reduce #'list-reduce
+;;   :filter #'list-filter
+;;   :map    #'list-map)
+;; (definstance sequence vector
+;;   :reduce #'vector/reduce)
+;; (definstance sequence string
+;;   :reduce #'string)
+(defun sequence-classify (xs)
+  "Return the type of `XS'."
+  (cond
+   ((listp xs) 'list)
+   ((vectorp xs) 'vector)
+   ((stringp xs) 'string)))
+(defun sequence-reduce (acc f xs)
+  "Reduce of `XS' calling `F' on x and `ACC'."
+  (seq-reduce
+   (lambda (acc x)
+     (funcall f x acc))
+   xs
+   acc))
+;; Elixir also turned everything into a list for efficiecy reasons.
+(defun sequence-filter (p xs)
+  "Filter `XS' with predicate, `P'.
+Returns a list regardless of the type of `XS'."
+  (seq-filter p xs))
+(defun sequence-map (f xs)
+  "Maps `XS' calling `F' on each element.
+Returns a list regardless of the type of `XS'."
+  (seq-map f xs))
+(provide 'sequence)
+;;; sequence.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/series.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/series.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..00be03a976f0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/series.el
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+;;; series.el --- Hosting common series of numbers -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Encoding number series as I learn about them.
+;; These are the following series I'm interested in supporting:
+;; - Fibonacci
+;; - Catalan numbers
+;; - Figurate number series
+;;   - Triangular
+;;   - Square
+;;   - Pentagonal
+;;   - Hexagonal
+;;   - Lazy-caterer
+;; - Magic square
+;; - Look-and-say
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'number)
+;; Library
+(defun series-range (beg end)
+  "Create a list of numbers from `BEG' to `END'.
+This is an inclusive number range."
+  (if (< end beg)
+      (list-reverse
+       (number-sequence end beg))
+    (number-sequence beg end)))
+(defun series-fibonacci-number (i)
+  "Return the number in the fibonacci series at `I'."
+  (cond
+   ((= 0 i) 0)
+   ((= 1 i) 1)
+   (t (+ (series-fibonacci-number (- i 1))
+         (series-fibonacci-number (- i 2))))))
+(defun series-fibonacci (n)
+  "Return the first `N' numbers of the fibonaccci series starting at zero."
+  (if (= 0 n)
+      '()
+    (list-reverse
+     (list-cons (series-fibonacci-number (number-dec n))
+                (list-reverse
+                 (series-fibonacci (number-dec n)))))))
+;; TODO: Consider memoization.
+(defun series-triangular-number (i)
+  "Return the number in the triangular series at `I'."
+  (if (= 0 i)
+      0
+    (+ i (series-triangular-number (number-dec i)))))
+;; TODO: Improve performance.
+;; TODO: Consider creating a stream protocol with `stream/next' and implement
+;; this using that.
+(defun series-triangular (n)
+  "Return the first `N' numbers of a triangular series starting at 0."
+  (if (= 0 n)
+      '()
+    (list-reverse
+     (list-cons (series-triangular-number (number-dec n))
+                (list-reverse
+                 (series-triangular (number-dec n)))))))
+(defun series-catalan-number (i)
+  "Return the catalan number in the series at `I'."
+  (if (= 0 i)
+      1
+    (/ (number-factorial (* 2 i))
+       (* (number-factorial (number-inc i))
+          (number-factorial i)))))
+(defun series-catalan (n)
+  "Return the first `N' numbers in a catalan series."
+  (->> (series-range 0 (number-dec n))
+       (list-map #'series-catalan-number)))
+(provide 'series)
+;;; series.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/set.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/set.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..51c0c434f54e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/set.el
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+;;; set.el --- Working with mathematical sets -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; The set data structure is a collection that deduplicates its elements.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'ht) ;; friendlier API for hash-tables
+(require 'dotted)
+(require 'struct)
+;; Wish List
+;; - TODO: Support enum protocol for set.
+;; - TODO: Prefer a different hash-table library that doesn't rely on mutative
+;;   code.
+;; Library
+(cl-defstruct set xs)
+(defconst set-enable-testing? t
+  "Run tests when t.")
+(defun set-from-list (xs)
+  "Create a new set from the list XS."
+  (make-set :xs (->> xs
+                     (list-map #'dotted-new)
+                     ht-from-alist)))
+(defun set-new (&rest args)
+  "Create a new set from ARGS."
+  (set-from-list args))
+(defun set-to-list (xs)
+  "Map set XS into a list."
+  (->> xs
+       set-xs
+       ht-keys))
+(defun set-add (x xs)
+  "Add X to set XS."
+  (struct-update set
+                 xs
+                 (lambda (table)
+                   (let ((table-copy (ht-copy table)))
+                     (ht-set table-copy x nil)
+                     table-copy))
+                 xs))
+;; TODO: Ensure all `*/reduce' functions share the same API.
+(defun set-reduce (acc f xs)
+  "Return a new set by calling F on each element of XS and ACC."
+  (->> xs
+       set-to-list
+       (list-reduce acc f)))
+(defun set-intersection (a b)
+  "Return the set intersection between A and B."
+  (set-reduce (set-new)
+              (lambda (x acc)
+                (if (set-contains? x b)
+                    (set-add x acc)
+                  acc))
+              a))
+(defun set-count (xs)
+  "Return the number of elements in XS."
+  (->> xs
+       set-xs
+       ht-size))
+;; Predicates
+(defun set-empty? (xs)
+  "Return t if XS has no elements in it."
+  (= 0 (set-count xs)))
+(defun set-contains? (x xs)
+  "Return t if set XS has X."
+  (ht-contains? (set-xs xs) x))
+;; TODO: Prefer using `ht.el' functions for this.
+(defun set-equal? (a b)
+  "Return t if A and B share the name members."
+  (ht-equal? (set-xs a)
+             (set-xs b)))
+(defun set-distinct? (a b)
+  "Return t if A and B have no shared members."
+  (set-empty? (set-intersection a b)))
+(defun set-superset? (a b)
+  "Return t if A has all of the members of B."
+  (->> b
+       set-to-list
+       (list-all? (lambda (x) (set-contains? x a)))))
+(defun set-subset? (a b)
+  "Return t if each member of set A is present in set B."
+  (set-superset? b a))
+;; Tests
+(when set-enable-testing?
+  ;; set-distinct?
+  (prelude-assert
+   (set-distinct? (set-new 'one 'two 'three)
+                  (set-new 'a 'b 'c)))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (set-distinct? (set-new 1 2 3)
+                  (set-new 3 4 5)))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (set-distinct? (set-new 1 2 3)
+                  (set-new 1 2 3)))
+  ;; set-equal?
+  (prelude-refute
+   (set-equal? (set-new 'a 'b 'c)
+               (set-new 'x 'y 'z)))
+  (prelude-refute
+   (set-equal? (set-new 'a 'b 'c)
+               (set-new 'a 'b)))
+  (prelude-assert
+   (set-equal? (set-new 'a 'b 'c)
+               (set-new 'a 'b 'c)))
+  ;; set-intersection
+  (prelude-assert
+   (set-equal? (set-new 2 3)
+               (set-intersection (set-new 1 2 3)
+                                 (set-new 2 3 4))))
+  ;; set-{from,to}-list
+  (prelude-assert (equal '(1 2 3)
+                         (->> '(1 1 2 2 3 3)
+                              set-from-list
+                              set-to-list)))
+  (let ((primary-colors (set-new "red" "green" "blue")))
+    ;; set-subset?
+    (prelude-refute
+     (set-subset? (set-new "black" "grey")
+                  primary-colors))
+    (prelude-assert
+     (set-subset? (set-new "red")
+                  primary-colors))
+    ;; set-superset?
+    (prelude-refute
+     (set-superset? primary-colors
+                    (set-new "black" "grey")))
+    (prelude-assert
+     (set-superset? primary-colors
+                    (set-new "red" "green" "blue")))
+    (prelude-assert
+     (set-superset? primary-colors
+                    (set-new "red" "blue"))))
+  ;; set-empty?
+  (prelude-assert (set-empty? (set-new)))
+  (prelude-refute (set-empty? (set-new 1 2 3)))
+  ;; set-count
+  (prelude-assert (= 0 (set-count (set-new))))
+  (prelude-assert (= 2 (set-count (set-new 1 1 2 2)))))
+(provide 'set)
+;;; set.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ssh.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ssh.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2e5839c04698
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/ssh.el
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+;;; ssh.el --- When working remotely -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Configuration to make remote work easier.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'tramp)
+;; Configuration
+;; TODO: Is "ssh" preferable to "scp"?
+(setq tramp-default-method "ssh")
+;; Taken from: https://superuser.com/questions/179313/tramp-waiting-for-prompts-from-remote-shell
+(setq tramp-shell-prompt-pattern "^[^$>\n]*[#$%>] *\\(\[[0-9;]*[a-zA-Z] *\\)*")
+;; Sets the value of the TERM variable to "dumb" when logging into the remote
+;; host. This allows me to check for the value of "dumb" in my shell's init file
+;; and control the startup accordingly. You can see in the (shamefully large)
+;; commit, 0b4ef0e, that I added a check like this to my ~/.zshrc. I've since
+;; switched from z-shell to fish. I don't currently have this check in
+;; config.fish, but I may need to add it one day soon.
+(setq tramp-terminal-type "dumb")
+;; Maximizes the tramp debugging noisiness while I'm still learning about tramp.
+(setq tramp-verbose 10)
+;; As confusing as this may seem, this forces Tramp to use *my* .ssh/config
+;; options, which enable ControlMaster. In other words, disabling this actually
+;; enables ControlMaster.
+(setq tramp-use-ssh-controlmaster-options nil)
+(defcustom ssh-hosts '("desktop" "socrates")
+  "List of hosts to which I commonly connect.
+Note: It could be interesting to read these values from ~/.ssh-config, but
+  that's more than I need at the moment.")
+(defun ssh-sudo-buffer ()
+  "Open the current buffer with sudo rights."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+    (if (s-starts-with? "/ssh:" buffer-file-name)
+        (message "[ssh.el] calling ssh-sudo-buffer for remote files isn't currently supported")
+      (find-file (format "/sudo::%s" buffer-file-name)))))
+(defun ssh-cd-home ()
+  "Prompt for an SSH host and open a dired buffer for wpcarro on that machine."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((machine (completing-read "Machine: " ssh-hosts)))
+    (find-file (format "/ssh:wpcarro@%s:~" machine))))
+(provide 'ssh)
+;;; ssh.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/stack.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/stack.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c90f41e7602d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/stack.el
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+;;; stack.el --- Working with stacks in Elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; A stack is a LIFO queue.
+;; The design goal here is to expose an intuitive API for working with stacks in
+;; non-mutative way.
+;; TODO: Consider naming a Functor instance "Mappable."
+;; TODO: Consider naming a Foldable instance "Reduceable."
+;; TODO: Consider implementing an instance for Mappable.
+;; TODO: Consider implementing an instance for Reduceable.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'list)
+(require '>)
+;; Create
+(cl-defstruct stack xs)
+(defun stack-new ()
+  "Create an empty stack."
+  (make-stack :xs '()))
+(defun stack-from-list (xs)
+  "Create a new stack from the list, `XS'."
+  (list-reduce (stack-new) #'stack-push xs))
+;; Read
+(defun stack-peek (xs)
+  "Look at the top element of `XS' without popping it off."
+  (->> xs
+       stack-xs
+       list-head))
+;; Update
+(defun stack-push (x xs)
+  "Push `X' on `XS'."
+  (struct-update stack
+                 xs
+                 (>-> (list-cons x))
+                 xs))
+;; TODO: How to return something like {(list-head xs), (list-tail xs)} in Elixir
+;; TODO: How to handle popping from empty stacks?
+(defun stack-pop (xs)
+  "Return the stack, `XS', without the top element.
+Since I cannot figure out a nice way of return tuples in Elisp, if you want to
+look at the first element, use `stack-peek' before running `stack-pop'."
+  (struct-update stack
+                 xs
+                 (>-> list-tail)
+                 xs))
+(defun stack-map-top (f xs)
+  "Apply F to the top element of XS."
+  (->> xs
+       stack-pop
+       (stack-push (funcall f (stack-peek xs)))))
+;; Miscellaneous
+(defun stack-to-list (xs)
+  "Return XS as a list.
+The round-trip property of `stack-from-list' and `stack-to-list' should hold."
+  (->> xs
+       stack-xs
+       list-reverse))
+;; Predicates
+;; TODO: Create a macro that wraps `cl-defstruct' that automatically creates
+;; things like `new', `instance?'.
+(defun stack-instance? (xs)
+  "Return t if XS is a stack."
+  (stack-p xs))
+(provide 'stack)
+;;; stack.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/string.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/string.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9a43f1664501
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/string.el
@@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
+;;; string.el --- Library for working with strings -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Library for working with string.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 's)
+(require 'dash)
+;; TODO: Resolve the circular dependency that this introduces.
+;; (require 'prelude)
+;; Library
+(defun string-contains? (c x)
+  "Return t if X is in C."
+  (s-contains? c x))
+(defun string-hookify (x)
+  "Append \"-hook\" to X."
+  (s-append "-hook" x))
+(defun string-split (y x)
+  "Map string X into a list of strings that were separated by Y."
+  (s-split y x))
+(defun string-ensure-hookified (x)
+  "Ensure that X has \"-hook\" appended to it."
+  (if (s-ends-with? "-hook" x)
+      x
+    (string-hookify x)))
+(defun string-format (x &rest args)
+  "Format template string X with ARGS."
+  (apply #'format (cons x args)))
+(defun string-concat (&rest strings)
+  "Joins `STRINGS' into onto string."
+  (apply #'s-concat strings))
+(defun string-->symbol (string)
+  "Maps `STRING' to a symbol."
+  (intern string))
+(defun string-<-symbol (symbol)
+  "Maps `SYMBOL' into a string."
+  (symbol-name symbol))
+(defun string-prepend (prefix x)
+  "Prepend `PREFIX' onto `X'."
+  (s-concat prefix x))
+(defun string-append (postfix x)
+  "Appen `POSTFIX' onto `X'."
+  (s-concat x postfix))
+(defun string-surround (s x)
+  "Surrounds `X' one each side with `S'."
+  (->> x
+       (string-prepend s)
+       (string-append s)))
+;; TODO: Define a macro for defining a function and a test.
+;; Casing
+(defun string-caps->kebab (x)
+  "Change the casing of `X' from CAP_CASE to kebab-case."
+  (->> x
+       s-downcase
+       (s-replace "_" "-")))
+(defun string-kebab->caps (x)
+  "Change the casing of X from CAP_CASE to kebab-case."
+  (->> x
+       s-upcase
+       (s-replace "-" "_")))
+(defun string-lower->caps (x)
+  "Change the casing of X from lowercase to CAPS_CASE."
+  (->> x
+       s-upcase
+       (s-replace " " "_")))
+(defun string-lower->kebab (x)
+  "Change the casing of `X' from lowercase to kebab-case."
+  (s-replace " " "-" x))
+;; Predicates
+(defun string-instance? (x)
+  "Return t if X is a string."
+  (stringp x))
+(provide 'string)
+;;; string.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/struct.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/struct.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..35957e834449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/struct.el
@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+;;; struct.el --- Helpers for working with structs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.3"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Provides new macros for working with structs.  Also provides adapter
+;; interfaces to existing struct macros, that should have more intuitive
+;; interfaces.
+;; Sometimes `setf' just isn't enough.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'string)
+(require 'dash)
+;; Library
+(defvar struct--enable-tests? t
+  "When t, run the test suite defined herein.")
+(defmacro struct-update (type field f xs)
+  "Apply F to FIELD in XS, which is a struct of TYPE.
+This is immutable."
+  (let ((copier (->> type
+                     symbol-name
+                     (string-prepend "copy-")
+                     intern))
+        (accessor (->> field
+                       symbol-name
+                       (string-prepend (string-concat (symbol-name type) "-"))
+                       intern)))
+    `(let ((copy (,copier ,xs)))
+       (setf (,accessor copy) (funcall ,f (,accessor copy)))
+       copy)))
+(defmacro struct-set (type field x xs)
+  "Immutably set FIELD in XS (struct TYPE) to X."
+  (let ((copier (->> type
+                     symbol-name
+                     (string-prepend "copy-")
+                     intern))
+        (accessor (->> field
+                       symbol-name
+                       (string-prepend (string-concat (symbol-name type) "-"))
+                       intern)))
+    `(let ((copy (,copier ,xs)))
+       (setf (,accessor copy) ,x)
+       copy)))
+(defmacro struct-set! (type field x xs)
+  "Set FIELD in XS (struct TYPE) to X mutably.
+This is an adapter interface to `setf'."
+  (let ((accessor (->> field
+                       symbol-name
+                       (string-prepend (string-concat (symbol-name type) "-"))
+                       intern)))
+    `(progn
+       (setf (,accessor ,xs) ,x)
+       ,xs)))
+;; Tests
+(when struct--enable-tests?
+  (cl-defstruct dummy name age)
+  (defvar struct--test-dummy (make-dummy :name "Roofus" :age 19))
+  (struct-set! dummy name "Doofus" struct--test-dummy)
+  (prelude-assert (string= "Doofus" (dummy-name struct--test-dummy)))
+  (let ((result (struct-set dummy name "Shoofus" struct--test-dummy)))
+    ;; Test the immutability of `struct-set'
+    (prelude-assert (string= "Doofus" (dummy-name struct--test-dummy)))
+    (prelude-assert (string= "Shoofus" (dummy-name result)))))
+(provide 'struct)
+;;; struct.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/symbol.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/symbol.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..39450caff59e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/symbol.el
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+;;; symbol.el --- Library for working with symbols -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Library for working with symbols.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'string)
+;; Library
+;; Symbols
+(defun symbol-as-string (callback x)
+  "Treat the symbol, X, as a string while applying CALLBACK to it.
+Coerce back to a symbol on the way out."
+  (->> x
+       #'symbol-name
+       callback
+       #'intern))
+(defun symbol-to-string (x)
+  "Map `X' into a string."
+  (string-<-symbol x))
+(defun symbol-hookify (x)
+  "Append \"-hook\" to X when X is a symbol."
+  (symbol-as-string #'string-hookify x))
+(defun symbol-ensure-hookified (x)
+  "Ensure that X has \"-hook\" appended to it when X is a symbol."
+  (symbol-as-string #'string-ensure-hookified x))
+(defun symbol-instance? (x)
+  "Return t if X is a symbol."
+  (symbolp x))
+(provide 'symbol)
+;;; symbol.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/timestring.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/timestring.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a9bf64e9a459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/timestring.el
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+;;; timestring.el --- Quickly access timestamps in different formats -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; I was making some API calls where a URL needed a `since` parameter that of an
+;; RFC 3339 encoded string.
+;; Because I didn't know what a RFC 3339 encoded
+;; string was at the time, and because I didn't know what its format was
+;; according to strftime, and because I'm most likely to forget both of these
+;; things by the next time that I need something similar, I decided to write
+;; this package so that I can accumulate a list of common time encodings.
+;; Thank you, Emacs.
+;; p.s. - I may turn this into a proper module and publish it.  But not today.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'ts)
+;; Library
+(defgroup timestring nil
+  "Customize group for timestring configuration.")
+(defcustom timestring-supported-encodings
+  '(("RFC 3339" . "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
+    ;; Does anyone recognize this format?
+    ("IDK" . "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z"))
+  "Mapping of encoding names to their format strings."
+  :group 'timestring)
+(defcustom timestring-supported-times
+  '(("yesterday" . timestring--yesterday)
+    ("now" . ts-now)
+    ("tomorrow" . timestring--tomorrow))
+  "Mapping of a labels to the functions that create those time objects."
+  :group 'timestring)
+(defun timestring--yesterday ()
+  "Return a time object for yesterday."
+  (ts-adjust 'day -1 (ts-now)))
+(defun timestring--tomorrow ()
+  "Return a time object for yesterday."
+  (ts-adjust 'day +1 (ts-now)))
+(defun timestring--completing-read (label xs)
+  "Call `completing-read' with LABEL over the collection XS."
+  (alist-get (completing-read label xs) xs nil nil #'equal))
+(defun timestring-copy-encoded-time ()
+  "Select a common time and an encoding.
+The selected time will be encoded using the selected encoding and copied onto
+your clipboard."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((time (funcall (timestring--completing-read
+                        "Time: " timestring-supported-times)))
+        (fmt (timestring--completing-read
+              "Encoding: " timestring-supported-encodings)))
+    (kill-new (ts-format fmt time))
+    (message "Copied!")))
+(provide 'timestring)
+;;; timestring.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/tree.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/tree.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ae5fba7950c9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/tree.el
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+;;; tree.el --- Working with Trees -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Some friendly functions that hopefully will make working with trees cheaper
+;; and therefore more appealing!
+;; Tree terminology:
+;; - leaf: node with zero children.
+;; - root: node with zero parents.
+;; - depth: measures a node's distance from the root node.  This implies the
+;;   root node has a depth of zero.
+;; - height: measures the longest traversal from a node to a leaf.  This implies
+;;   that a leaf node has a height of zero.
+;; - balanced?
+;; Tree variants:
+;; - binary: the maximum number of children is two.
+;; - binary search: the maximum number of children is two and left sub-trees are
+;;   lower in value than right sub-trees.
+;; - rose: the number of children is variable.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'list)
+(require 'set)
+(require 'tuple)
+(require 'series)
+(require 'random)
+(require 'maybe)
+(require 'cl-lib)
+;; Library
+(cl-defstruct tree xs)
+(cl-defstruct node value children)
+(cl-defun tree-node (value &optional children)
+  "Create a node struct of VALUE with CHILDREN."
+  (make-node :value value
+             :children children))
+(defun tree-reduce-breadth (acc f xs)
+  "Reduce over XS breadth-first applying F to each x and ACC (in that order).
+Breadth-first traversals guarantee to find the shortest path in a graph.
+  They're typically more difficult to implement than DFTs and may also incur
+  higher memory costs on average than their depth-first counterparts.")
+;; TODO: Support :order as 'pre | 'in | 'post.
+;; TODO: Troubleshoot why I need defensive (nil? node) check.
+(defun tree-reduce-depth (acc f node)
+  "Reduce over NODE depth-first applying F to each NODE and ACC.
+F is called with each NODE, ACC, and the current depth.
+Depth-first traversals have the advantage of typically consuming less memory
+  than their breadth-first equivalents would have.  They're also typically
+  easier to implement using recursion.  This comes at the cost of not
+  guaranteeing to be able to find the shortest path in a graph."
+  (cl-labels ((do-reduce-depth
+               (acc f node depth)
+               (let ((acc-new (funcall f node acc depth)))
+                 (if (or (maybe-nil? node)
+                         (tree-leaf? node))
+                     acc-new
+                   (list-reduce
+                    acc-new
+                    (lambda (node acc)
+                      (tree-do-reduce-depth
+                       acc
+                       f
+                       node
+                       (number-inc depth)))
+                    (node-children node))))))
+    (do-reduce-depth acc f node 0)))
+;; Helpers
+(defun tree-height (xs)
+  "Return the height of tree XS.")
+;; TODO: Troubleshoot why need for (nil? node).  Similar misgiving
+;; above.
+(defun tree-leaf-depths (xs)
+  "Return a list of all of the depths of the leaf nodes in XS."
+  (list-reverse
+   (tree-reduce-depth
+    '()
+    (lambda (node acc depth)
+      (if (or (maybe-nil? node)
+              (tree-leaf? node))
+          (list-cons depth acc)
+        acc))
+    xs)))
+;; Generators
+;; TODO: Consider parameterizing height, forced min-max branching, random
+;; distributions, etc.
+;; TODO: Bail out before stack overflowing by consider branching, current-depth.
+(cl-defun tree-random (&optional (value-fn (lambda (_) nil))
+                                 (branching-factor 2))
+  "Randomly generate a tree with BRANCHING-FACTOR.
+This uses VALUE-FN to compute the node values.  VALUE-FN is called with the
+current-depth of the node.  Useful for generating test data.  Warning this
+function can overflow the stack."
+  (cl-labels ((do-random
+               (d vf bf)
+               (make-node
+                :value (funcall vf d)
+                :children (->> (series/range 0 (number-dec bf))
+                               (list-map
+                                (lambda (_)
+                                  (when (random-boolean?)
+                                    (do-random d vf bf))))))))
+    (do-random 0 value-fn branching-factor)))
+;; Predicates
+(defun tree-instance? (tree)
+  "Return t if TREE is a tree struct."
+  (node-p tree))
+(defun tree-leaf? (node)
+  "Return t if NODE has no children."
+  (maybe-nil? (node-children node)))
+(defun tree-balanced? (n xs)
+  "Return t if the tree, XS, is balanced.
+A tree is balanced if none of the differences between any two depths of two leaf
+  nodes in XS is greater than N."
+  (> n (->> xs
+            tree-leaf-depths
+            set-from-list
+            set-count
+            number-dec)))
+;; Tests
+(defconst tree-enable-testing? t
+  "When t, test suite runs.")
+;; TODO: Create set of macros for a proper test suite including:
+;; - describe (arbitrarily nestable)
+;; - it (arbitrarily nestable)
+;; - line numbers for errors
+;; - accumulated output for synopsis
+;; - do we want describe *and* it? Why not a generic label that works for both?
+(when tree-enable-testing?
+  (let ((tree-a (tree-node 1
+                           (list (tree-node 2
+                                            (list (tree-node 5)
+                                                  (tree-node 6)))
+                                 (tree-node 3
+                                            (list (tree-node 7)
+                                                  (tree-node 8)))
+                                 (tree-node 4
+                                            (list (tree-node 9)
+                                                  (tree-node 10))))))
+        (tree-b (tree-node 1
+                           (list (tree-node 2
+                                            (list (tree-node 5)
+                                                  (tree-node 6)))
+                                 (tree-node 3)
+                                 (tree-node 4
+                                            (list (tree-node 9)
+                                                  (tree-node 10)))))))
+    ;; instance?
+    (prelude-assert (tree-instance? tree-a))
+    (prelude-assert (tree-instance? tree-b))
+    (prelude-refute (tree-instance? '(1 2 3)))
+    (prelude-refute (tree-instance? "oak"))
+    ;; balanced?
+    (prelude-assert (tree-balanced? 1 tree-a))
+    (prelude-refute (tree-balanced? 1 tree-b))
+    (message "Tests pass!")))
+(provide 'tree)
+;;; tree.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/tuple.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/tuple.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..dd8e88f5c34d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/tuple.el
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+;;; tuple.el --- Tuple API for Elisp -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Work with cons cells with two elements with a familiar API for those who have
+;; worked with tuples before.
+;;; Code:
+;; Library
+(cl-defstruct tuple first second)
+;; Create
+(defun tuple-new ()
+  "Return an empty tuple."
+  (make-tuple :first nil
+              :second nil))
+(defun tuple-from (a b)
+  "Return a new tuple from A and B."
+  (make-tuple :first a
+              :second b))
+(defun tuple-from-dotted (dp)
+  "Convert dotted pair, DP, into a tuple."
+  (tuple-from (car dp) (cdr dp)))
+;; Read
+(defun tuple-first (pair)
+  "Return the first element of PAIR."
+  (tuple-first pair))
+(defun tuple-second (pair)
+  "Return the second element of PAIR."
+  (tuple-second pair))
+;; Update
+(defun tuple-map-each (f g pair)
+  "Apply F to first, G to second in PAIR."
+  (->> pair
+       (tuple-map-first f)
+       (tuple-map-second g)))
+(defun tuple-map (f pair)
+  "Apply F to PAIR."
+  (let ((pair-copy (copy-tuple pair)))
+    (funcall f pair-copy)))
+(defun tuple-map-first (f pair)
+  "Apply function F to the first element of PAIR."
+  (let ((pair-copy (copy-tuple pair)))
+    (setf (tuple-first pair-copy) (funcall f (tuple-first pair-copy)))
+    pair-copy))
+(defun tuple-map-second (f pair)
+  "Apply function F to the second element of PAIR."
+  (let ((pair-copy (copy-tuple pair)))
+    (setf (tuple-second pair-copy) (funcall f (tuple-second pair-copy)))
+    pair-copy))
+(defun tuple-set-first (a pair)
+  "Return a new tuple with the first element set as A in PAIR."
+  (tuple-map-first (lambda (_) a) pair))
+(defun tuple-set-second (b pair)
+  "Return a new tuple with the second element set as B in PAIR."
+  (tuple-map-second (lambda (_) b) pair))
+;; Delete
+(defun tuple-delete-first (pair)
+  "Return PAIR with the first element set to nil."
+  (tuple-set-first nil pair))
+(defun tuple-delete-second (pair)
+  "Return PAIR with the second element set to nil."
+  (tuple-set-second nil pair))
+;; Predicates
+(defun tuple-instance? (x)
+  "Return t if X is a tuple."
+  (tuple-p x))
+(provide 'tuple)
+;;; tuple.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/vector.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/vector.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..033f8de8347d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/vector.el
@@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
+;;; vector.el --- Working with Elisp's Vector data type -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; It might be best to think of Elisp vectors as tuples in languages like
+;; Haskell or Erlang.
+;; Not surprisingly, this API is modelled after Elixir's Tuple API.
+;; Some Elisp trivia:
+;; - "Array": Usually means vector or string.
+;; - "Sequence": Usually means list or "array" (see above).
+;; It might be a good idea to think of Array and Sequence as typeclasses in
+;; Elisp.  This is perhaps more similar to Elixir's notion of the Enum protocol.
+;; Intentionally not supporting a to-list function, because tuples can contain
+;; heterogenous types whereas lists should contain homogenous types.
+;;; Code:
+;; TODO: Consider supporting an alias named tuple for vector.
+;; Library
+(defconst vector-enable-tests? t
+  "When t, run the tests defined herein.")
+;; TODO: Consider labelling variadic functions like `vector-concat*'
+;; vs. `vector-concat'.
+(defun vector-concat (&rest args)
+  "Return a new vector composed of all vectors in `ARGS'."
+  (apply #'vconcat args))
+;; TODO: Here's a sketch of a protocol macro being consumed.
+;; (definstance monoid vector
+;;   :empty (lambda () []))
+(defun vector-prepend (x xs)
+  "Add `X' to the beginning of `XS'."
+  (vector-concat `[,x] xs))
+(defun vector-append (x xs)
+  "Add `X' to the end of `XS'."
+  (vector-concat xs `[,x]))
+(defun vector-get (i xs)
+  "Return the value in `XS' at index, `I'."
+  (aref xs i))
+(defun vector-set (i v xs)
+  "Set index `I' to value `V' in `XS'.
+Returns a copy of `XS' with the updates."
+  (let ((copy (vconcat [] xs)))
+    (aset copy i v)
+    copy))
+(defun vector-set! (i v xs)
+  "Set index `I' to value `V' in `XS'.
+This function mutates XS."
+  (aset xs i v))
+(when vector-enable-tests?
+  (let ((xs [1 2 3])
+        (ys [1 2 3]))
+    (prelude-assert (= 1 (vector-get 0 ys)))
+    (vector-set 0 4 ys)
+    (prelude-assert (= 1 (vector-get 0 ys)))
+    (prelude-assert (= 1 (vector-get 0 xs)))
+    (vector-set! 0 4 xs)
+    (prelude-assert (= 4 (vector-get 0 xs)))))
+;; TODO: Decide between "remove" and "delete" as the appropriate verbs.
+;; TODO: Implement this.
+;; (defun vector/delete (i xs)
+;;   "Remove the element at `I' in `XS'.")
+(provide 'vector)
+;;; vector.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/vterm-mgt.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/vterm-mgt.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ce60bab149c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/vterm-mgt.el
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+;;; vterm-mgt.el --- Help me manage my vterm instances -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Supporting functions to instantiate vterm buffers, kill existing vterm
+;; buffers, rename vterm buffers, cycle forwards and backwards through vterm
+;; buffers.
+;; Many of the functions defined herein are intended to be bound to
+;; `vterm-mode-map'.  Some assertions are made to guard against calling
+;; functions that are intended to be called from outside of a vterm buffer.
+;; These assertions shouldn't error when the functions are bound to
+;; `vterm-mode-map'.  If for some reason, you'd like to bind these functions to
+;; a separate keymap, caveat emptor.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'cycle)
+(require 'vterm)
+;; Configuration
+(defgroup vterm-mgt nil
+  "Customization options for `vterm-mgt'.")
+(defcustom vterm-mgt-scroll-on-focus nil
+  "When t, call `end-of-buffer' after focusing a vterm instance."
+  :type '(boolean)
+  :group 'vterm-mgt)
+(defconst vterm-mgt--instances (cycle-new)
+  "A cycle tracking all of my vterm instances.")
+(defun vterm-mgt--instance? (b)
+  "Return t if the buffer B is a vterm instance."
+  (equal 'vterm-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode b)))
+(defmacro vterm-mgt--assert-vterm-buffer ()
+  "Error when the `current-buffer' is not a vterm buffer."
+  '(prelude-assert (vterm-mgt--instance? (current-buffer))))
+(defun vterm-mgt-next ()
+  "Replace the current buffer with the next item in `vterm-mgt--instances'.
+This function should be called from a buffer running vterm."
+  (interactive)
+  (vterm-mgt--assert-vterm-buffer)
+  (cycle-focus-item (current-buffer) vterm-mgt--instances)
+  (switch-to-buffer (cycle-next vterm-mgt--instances))
+  (when vterm-mgt-scroll-on-focus (end-of-buffer)))
+(defun vterm-mgt-prev ()
+  "Replace the current buffer with the previous item in `vterm-mgt--instances'.
+This function should be called from a buffer running vterm."
+  (interactive)
+  (vterm-mgt--assert-vterm-buffer)
+  (cycle-focus-item (current-buffer) vterm-mgt--instances)
+  (switch-to-buffer (cycle-prev vterm-mgt--instances))
+  (when vterm-mgt-scroll-on-focus (end-of-buffer)))
+(defun vterm-mgt-instantiate ()
+  "Create a new vterm instance.
+Prefer calling this function instead of `vterm'.  This function ensures that the
+  newly created instance is added to `vterm-mgt--instances'.
+If however you must call `vterm', if you'd like to cycle through vterm
+  instances, make sure you call `vterm-mgt-populate-cycle' to allow vterm-mgt to
+  collect any untracked vterm instances."
+  (interactive)
+  (let ((buffer (vterm)))
+    (cycle-append buffer vterm-mgt--instances)
+    (cycle-focus-item buffer vterm-mgt--instances)))
+(defun vterm-mgt-kill ()
+  "Kill the current buffer and remove it from `vterm-mgt--instances'.
+This function should be called from a buffer running vterm."
+  (interactive)
+  (vterm-mgt--assert-vterm-buffer)
+  (let ((buffer (current-buffer)))
+    (cycle-remove buffer vterm-mgt--instances)
+    (kill-buffer buffer)))
+(defun vterm-mgt-find-or-create ()
+  "Call `switch-to-buffer' on a focused vterm instance if there is one.
+When `cycle-focused?' returns nil, focus the first item in the cycle.  When
+there are no items in the cycle, call `vterm-mgt-instantiate' to create a vterm
+  (interactive)
+  (if (cycle-empty? vterm-mgt--instances)
+      (vterm-mgt-instantiate)
+    (if (cycle-focused? vterm-mgt--instances)
+        (switch-to-buffer (cycle-current vterm-mgt--instances))
+      (progn
+        (cycle-jump 0 vterm-mgt--instances)
+        (switch-to-buffer (cycle-current vterm-mgt--instances))))))
+(defun vterm-mgt-rename-buffer (name)
+  "Rename the current buffer ensuring that its NAME is wrapped in *vterm*<...>.
+This function should be called from a buffer running vterm."
+  (interactive "SRename vterm buffer: ")
+  (vterm-mgt--assert-vterm-buffer)
+  (rename-buffer (format "vterm<%s>" name)))
+(defun vterm-mgt-repopulate-cycle ()
+  "Fill `vterm-mgt--instances' with the existing vterm buffers.
+If for whatever reason, the state of `vterm-mgt--instances' is corrupted and
+  misaligns with the state of vterm buffers in Emacs, use this function to
+  restore the state."
+  (interactive)
+  (setq vterm-mgt--instances
+        (->> (buffer-list)
+             (-filter #'vterm-mgt--instance?)
+             cycle-from-list)))
+(provide 'vterm-mgt)
+;;; vterm-mgt.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f0dd196cc7fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/window-manager.el
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+;;; window-manager.el --- Functions augmenting my usage of EXWM -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; I switched to EXWM from i3, and I haven't looked back.  One day I may write a
+;; poem declaring my love for Emacs and EXWM.  For now, I haven't the time.
+;; Wish list:
+;; - TODO: Support different startup commands and layouts depending on laptop or
+;;   desktop.
+;; - TODO: Support a Music named-workspace.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'alert)
+(require 'al)
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'string)
+(require 'cycle)
+(require 'set)
+(require 'kbd)
+(require 'ivy-helpers)
+(require 'display)
+(require 'vterm-mgt)
+(require 'dash)
+;; Library
+;; TODO: Associate `window-purpose' window-layouts with each of these named
+;; workspaces.
+;; TODO: Associate KBDs for each of these named-layouts.
+;; TODO: Decide between window-manager, exwm, or some other namespace.
+;; TODO: Support (cycle-from-list '(current previous)) to toggle back and forth
+;; between most recent workspace.
+;; TODO: Support ad hoc cycle for loading a few workspaces that can be cycled
+;; between. (cycle-from-list '("Project" "Workspace"))
+;; TODO: Consider supporting a workspace for Racket, Clojure, Common Lisp,
+;; Haskell, Elixir, and a few other languages. These could behave very similarly
+;; to repl.it, which I've wanted to have locally for awhile now.
+;; TODO: Support MRU cache of workspaces for easily switching back-and-forth
+;; between workspaces.
+(cl-defstruct window-manager--named-workspace label kbd display)
+(defconst window-manager--install-kbds? t
+  "When t, install the keybindings to switch between named-workspaces.")
+;; TODO: Consume `cache/touch' after changing workspaces.  Use this to enable
+;; cycling through workspaces.
+(defconst window-manager--named-workspaces
+  (list (make-window-manager--named-workspace
+         :label "Web Browsing"
+         :kbd "c"
+         :display display-4k-horizontal)
+        (make-window-manager--named-workspace
+         :label "Coding"
+         :kbd "d"
+         :display display-4k-horizontal)
+        (make-window-manager--named-workspace
+         :label "Todos"
+         :kbd "o"
+         :display display-4k-horizontal)
+        (make-window-manager--named-workspace
+         :label "Chatter"
+         :kbd "h"
+         :display display-4k-vertical)
+        (make-window-manager--named-workspace
+         :label "Logs"
+         :kbd "t"
+         :display display-4k-vertical))
+  "List of `window-manager--named-workspace' structs.")
+;; Assert that no two workspaces share KBDs.
+(prelude-assert (= (list-length window-manager--named-workspaces)
+                   (->> window-manager--named-workspaces
+                        (list-map #'window-manager--named-workspace-kbd)
+                        set-from-list
+                        set-count)))
+(defun window-manager--alert (x)
+  "Message X with a structured format."
+  (alert (string-concat "[exwm] " x)))
+;; Use Emacs as my primary window manager.
+(use-package exwm
+  :config
+  (require 'exwm-config)
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  ;; Multiple Displays
+  ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
+  (require 'exwm-randr)
+  (exwm-randr-enable)
+  (setq exwm-randr-workspace-monitor-plist
+        (->> window-manager--named-workspaces
+             (-map-indexed (lambda (i x)
+                             (list i (window-manager--named-workspace-display x))))
+             -flatten))
+  (setq exwm-workspace-number (list-length window-manager--named-workspaces))
+  (setq exwm-input-simulation-keys
+        ;; TODO: Consider supporting M-d and other readline style KBDs.
+        '(([?\C-b] . [left])
+          ([?\M-b] . [C-left])
+          ([?\C-f] . [right])
+          ([?\M-f] . [C-right])
+          ([?\C-p] . [up])
+          ([?\C-n] . [down])
+          ([?\C-a] . [home])
+          ([?\C-e] . [end])
+          ([?\C-d] . [delete])
+          ;; TODO: Assess whether or not this is a good idea.
+          ;; TODO: Ensure C-c copies.
+          ([?\C-c] . [C-c])))
+  (exwm-enable))
+;; Here is the code required to allow EXWM to cycle workspaces.
+(defconst window-manager--workspaces
+  (->> window-manager--named-workspaces
+       cycle-from-list)
+  "Cycle of the my EXWM workspaces.")
+ (= exwm-workspace-number
+    (list-length window-manager--named-workspaces)))
+(defun window-manager-next-workspace ()
+  "Cycle forwards to the next workspace."
+  (interactive)
+  (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-next window-manager--workspaces)))
+(defun window-manager-prev-workspace ()
+  "Cycle backwards to the previous workspace."
+  (interactive)
+  (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-prev window-manager--workspaces)))
+;; TODO: Create friendlier API for working with EXWM.
+;; Here is the code required to toggle EXWM's modes.
+(defun window-manager--line-mode ()
+  "Switch exwm to line-mode."
+  (call-interactively #'exwm-input-grab-keyboard)
+  (window-manager--alert "Switched to line-mode"))
+(defun window-manager--char-mode ()
+  "Switch exwm to char-mode."
+  (call-interactively #'exwm-input-release-keyboard)
+  (window-manager--alert "Switched to char-mode"))
+(defconst window-manager--modes
+  (cycle-from-list (list #'window-manager--char-mode
+                         #'window-manager--line-mode))
+  "Functions to switch exwm modes.")
+(defun window-manager-toggle-mode ()
+  "Switch between line- and char- mode."
+  (interactive)
+  (with-current-buffer (window-buffer)
+    (when (eq major-mode 'exwm-mode)
+      (funcall (cycle-next window-manager--modes)))))
+;; Ensure exwm apps open in char-mode.
+(add-hook 'exwm-manage-finish-hook #'window-manager--char-mode)
+;; Interface to the Linux password manager
+;; TODO: Consider writing a better client for this.
+(use-package ivy-pass)
+;; TODO: How do I handle this dependency?
+(defconst window-manager--preferred-browser "google-chrome"
+  "My preferred web browser.")
+;; TODO: Consider replacing the `ivy-read' call with something like `hydra' that
+;; can provide a small mode for accepting user-input.
+;; TODO: Put this somewhere more diliberate.
+;; TODO: Configure the environment variables for xsecurelock so that the font is
+;; smaller, different, and the glinux wallpaper doesn't show.
+;; - XSECURELOCK_FONT="InputMono-Black 10"
+;; Maybe just create a ~/.xsecurelockrc
+;; TODO: Is there a shell-command API that accepts an alist and serializes it
+;; into variables to pass to the shell command?
+(defconst window-manager--xsecurelock
+  "/usr/share/goobuntu-desktop-files/xsecurelock.sh"
+  "Path to the proper xsecurelock executable.
+The other path to xsecurelock is /usr/bin/xsecurelock, which works fine, but it
+is not optimized for Goobuntu devices.  Goobuntu attempts to check a user's
+password using the network.  When there is no network connection available, the
+login attempts fail with an \"unknown error\", which isn't very helpful.  To
+avoid this, prefer the goobuntu wrapper around xsecurelock when on a goobuntu
+device.  This all relates to PAM (i.e. pluggable authentication modules).")
+(defun window-manager-logout ()
+  "Prompt the user for options for logging out, shutting down, etc.
+The following options are supported:
+- Lock
+- Logout
+- Suspend
+- Hibernate
+- Reboot
+- Shutdown
+Ivy is used to capture the user's input."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((name->cmd `(("Lock" . ,window-manager--xsecurelock)
+                      ("Logout" . "sudo systemctl stop lightdm")
+                      ("Suspend" . ,(string-concat
+                                     window-manager--xsecurelock
+                                     " && systemctl suspend"))
+                      ("Hibernate" . ,(string-concat
+                                       window-manager--xsecurelock
+                                       " && systemctl hibernate"))
+                      ("Reboot" . "systemctl reboot")
+                      ("Shutdown" . "systemctl poweroff"))))
+    (funcall
+     (lambda ()
+       (shell-command
+        (al-get (ivy-read "System: " (al-keys name->cmd))
+                name->cmd))))))
+(defun window-manager--label->index (label workspaces)
+  "Return the index of the workspace in WORKSPACES named LABEL."
+  (let ((index (-elem-index label (-map #'window-manager--named-workspace-label
+                                        workspaces))))
+    (if index index (error (format "No workspace found for label: %s" label)))))
+(defun window-manager--register-kbd (workspace)
+  "Registers a keybinding for WORKSPACE struct.
+Currently using super- as the prefix for switching workspaces."
+  (let ((handler (lambda ()
+                   (interactive)
+                   (window-manager--switch
+                    (window-manager--named-workspace-label workspace))))
+        (key (window-manager--named-workspace-kbd workspace)))
+    (exwm-input-set-key
+     (kbd-for 'workspace key)
+     handler)))
+(defun window-manager--change-workspace (workspace)
+  "Switch EXWM workspaces to the WORKSPACE struct."
+  (exwm-workspace-switch
+   (window-manager--label->index
+    (window-manager--named-workspace-label workspace)
+    window-manager--named-workspaces))
+  (window-manager--alert
+   (string-format "Switched to: %s"
+                  (window-manager--named-workspace-label workspace))))
+(defun window-manager--switch (label)
+  "Switch to a named workspaces using LABEL."
+  (cycle-focus (lambda (x)
+                 (equal label
+                        (window-manager--named-workspace-label x)))
+               window-manager--workspaces)
+  (window-manager--change-workspace (cycle-current window-manager--workspaces)))
+(exwm-input-set-key (kbd "C-S-f") #'window-manager-toggle-previous)
+(defun window-manager-toggle-previous ()
+  "Focus the previously active EXWM workspace."
+  (interactive)
+  (window-manager--change-workspace
+   (cycle-focus-previous! window-manager--workspaces)))
+(defun window-manager--exwm-buffer? (x)
+  "Return t if buffer X is an EXWM buffer."
+  (equal 'exwm-mode (buffer-local-value 'major-mode x)))
+(defun window-manager--application-name (buffer)
+  "Return the name of the application running in the EXWM BUFFER.
+This function asssumes that BUFFER passes the `window-manager--exwm-buffer?'
+  (with-current-buffer buffer exwm-class-name))
+;; TODO: Support disambiguating between two or more instances of the same
+;; application. For instance if two `exwm-class-name' values are
+;; "Google-chrome", find a encode this information in the `buffer-alist'.
+(defun window-manager-switch-to-exwm-buffer ()
+  "Use `completing-read' to focus an EXWM buffer."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((buffer-alist (->> (buffer-list)
+                            (-filter #'window-manager--exwm-buffer?)
+                            (-map
+                             (lambda (buffer)
+                               (cons (window-manager--application-name buffer)
+                                     buffer)))))
+         (label (completing-read "Switch to EXWM buffer: " buffer-alist)))
+    (exwm-workspace-switch-to-buffer
+     (al-get label buffer-alist))))
+(when window-manager--install-kbds?
+  (progn
+    (->> window-manager--named-workspaces
+         (list-map #'window-manager--register-kbd))
+    (window-manager--alert "Registered workspace KBDs!")))
+(defun window-manager-current-workspace ()
+  "Output the label of the currently active workspace."
+  (->> window-manager--workspaces
+       cycle-current
+       window-manager--named-workspace-label))
+(defun window-manager-swap-workspaces ()
+  "Prompt the user to switch the current workspace with another."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((selection (->> window-manager--named-workspaces
+                         (-map #'window-manager--named-workspace-label)
+                         (-reject
+                          (lambda (x)
+                            (s-equals? x (window-manager-current-workspace))))
+                         (completing-read
+                          (format "Swap current workspace (i.e. \"%s\") with: "
+                                  (window-manager-current-workspace)))))
+         (i (-find-index (lambda (x)
+                           (s-equals? selection (window-manager--named-workspace-label x)))
+                                 window-manager--named-workspaces)))
+    (exwm-workspace-swap exwm-workspace--current (elt exwm-workspace--list i))))
+;; Startup Applications in `window-manager--named-workspaces'
+(add-hook 'exwm-init-hook (lambda () (window-manager--switch "Coding")))
+(provide 'window-manager)
+;;; window-manager.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/window.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/window.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee3c109b79b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/window.el
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+;;; window.el --- Working with windows -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Utilities to make CRUDing windows in Emacs easier.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'macros)
+(require 'maybe)
+;; Library
+(defun window-find (name)
+  "Find a window by the NAME of the buffer it's hosting."
+  (let ((buffer (get-buffer name)))
+    (if (maybe-some? buffer)
+        (get-buffer-window buffer)
+      nil)))
+;; TODO: Find a way to incorporate these into function documentation.
+ (window-find "*scratch*"))
+(defun window-delete (window)
+  "Delete the WINDOW reference."
+  (delete-window window))
+(provide 'window)
+;;; window.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-clojure.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-clojure.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..025ef9aab988
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-clojure.el
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+;;; wpc-clojure.el --- My Clojure preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hosting my Clojure tooling preferences
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+(use-package clojure-mode
+  :config
+  ;; from Ryan Schmukler:
+  (setq cljr-magic-require-namespaces
+        '(("io" . "clojure.java.io")
+          ("sh" . "clojure.java.shell")
+          ("jdbc" . "clojure.java.jdbc")
+          ("set" . "clojure.set")
+          ("time" . "java-time")
+          ("str" . "cuerdas.core")
+          ("path" . "pathetic.core")
+          ("walk" . "clojure.walk")
+          ("zip" . "clojure.zip")
+          ("async" . "clojure.core.async")
+          ("component" . "com.stuartsierra.component")
+          ("http" . "clj-http.client")
+          ("url" . "cemerick.url")
+          ("sql" . "honeysql.core")
+          ("csv" . "clojure.data.csv")
+          ("json" . "cheshire.core")
+          ("s" . "clojure.spec.alpha")
+          ("fs" . "me.raynes.fs")
+          ("ig" . "integrant.core")
+          ("cp" . "com.climate.claypoole")
+          ("re-frame" . "re-frame.core")
+          ("rf" . "re-frame.core")
+          ("re" . "reagent.core")
+          ("reagent" . "reagent.core")
+          ("u.core" . "utopia.core")
+          ("gen" . "clojure.spec.gen.alpha"))))
+(use-package cider
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+    :keymaps 'cider-repl-mode-map
+    "C-l"    #'cider-repl-clear-buffer
+    "C-u"    #'kill-whole-line
+    "<up>"   #'cider-repl-previous-input
+    "<down>" #'cider-repl-next-input)
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'clojure-mode-map
+   :states '(normal)
+   :prefix "<SPC>"
+   "x" #'cider-eval-defun-at-point
+   "X" #'cider-eval-buffer
+   "d" #'cider-symbol-at-point)
+  (setq cider-prompt-for-symbol nil))
+(provide 'wpc-clojure)
+;;; wpc-clojure.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-company.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-company.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..03535621cf2a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-company.el
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+;;; wpc-company.el --- Autocompletion package, company, preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hosts my company mode preferences
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+;; autocompletion client
+(use-package company
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+    :keymaps 'company-active-map
+    "C-j" #'company-select-next
+    "C-n" #'company-select-next
+    "C-k" #'company-select-previous
+    "C-p" #'company-select-previous
+    "C-d" #'company-show-doc-buffer)
+  (setq company-tooltip-align-annotations t)
+  (setq company-idle-delay 0)
+  (setq company-show-numbers t)
+  (setq company-minimum-prefix-length 2)
+  (setq company-dabbrev-downcase nil
+        company-dabbrev-ignore-case t)
+  (global-company-mode))
+(provide 'wpc-company)
+;;; wpc-company.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-dired.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-dired.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bd2805c7369c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-dired.el
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+;;; wpc-dired.el --- My dired preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; File management in Emacs, if learned and configured properly, should be
+;; capable to reduce my dependency on the terminal.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'macros)
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+  (require 'dired)
+  (setq dired-recursive-copies 'always
+        dired-recursive-deletes 'top
+        dired-dwim-target t)
+  (setq dired-listing-switches "-la --group-directories-first")
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'dired-mode-map
+   :states '(normal)
+   ;; Overriding some KBDs defined in the evil-collection module.
+   "o" #'dired-find-file-other-window
+   "<SPC>" nil ;; This unblocks some of my leader-prefixed KBDs.
+   "s" nil ;; This unblocks my window-splitting KBDs.
+   "c" #'find-file
+   "f" #'project-find-file
+   "-" (lambda () (interactive) (find-alternate-file "..")))
+  (general-add-hook 'dired-mode-hook
+                    (list (macros-enable dired-hide-details-mode)
+                          #'auto-revert-mode)))
+  (require 'locate)
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'locate-mode-map
+   :states 'normal
+   "o" #'dired-find-file-other-window))
+(provide 'wpc-dired)
+;;; wpc-dired.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-elixir.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-elixir.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0b5e3917139e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-elixir.el
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+;;; wpc-elixir.el --- Elixir / Erland configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; My preferences for working with Elixir / Erlang projects
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'macros)
+;; Configuration
+(use-package elixir-mode
+  :config
+  (macros-add-hook-before-save 'elixir-mode-hook #'elixir-format))
+(provide 'wpc-elixir)
+;;; wpc-elixir.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-flycheck.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-flycheck.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..1f32ce51361e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-flycheck.el
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+;;; wpc-flycheck.el --- My flycheck configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hosts my Flycheck preferences
+;;; Code:
+(use-package flycheck
+  :config
+  (global-flycheck-mode))
+(provide 'wpc-flycheck)
+;;; wpc-flycheck.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-golang.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-golang.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d73249334f89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-golang.el
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; wpc-golang.el --- Tooling preferences for Go -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Tooling support for golang development.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'macros)
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+;; TODO: Support jumping to go source code for fmt.Println, etc.
+;; I'm unsure if this belongs in wpc-golang.el because it's a generic setting,
+;; but because go is the first languages I've encountered that enforces tab
+;; usage (I think) I'm configuring it.
+(setq-default tab-width 4)
+(use-package go-mode
+  :config
+  (setq gofmt-command "goimports")
+  ;; TODO: Consider configuring `xref-find-definitions' to use `godef-jump'
+  ;; instead of shadowing the KBD here.
+  (general-define-key
+   :states '(normal)
+   :keymaps '(go-mode-map)
+   "M-." #'godef-jump)
+  ;; Support calling M-x `compile'.
+  (add-hook 'go-mode-hook (lambda ()
+                            (set (make-local-variable 'compile-command)
+                                 "go build -v")))
+  (macros-add-hook-before-save 'go-mode-hook #'gofmt-before-save))
+(provide 'wpc-golang)
+;;; wpc-golang.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-haskell.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-haskell.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f9ed8552e0be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-haskell.el
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+;;; wpc-haskell.el --- My Haskell preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hosts my Haskell development preferences
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'macros)
+;; Configuration
+;; font-locking, glyph support, etc
+(use-package haskell-mode
+  :config
+  (macros-add-hook-before-save 'haskell-mode #'haskell-align-imports))
+;; LSP support
+(use-package lsp-haskell
+  :after (haskell-mode)
+  :config
+  (setq lsp-haskell-process-path-hie "hie-wrapper")
+  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'lsp-haskell-enable)
+  (add-hook 'haskell-mode-hook #'flycheck-mode))
+;; Test toggling
+(defun wpc-haskell-module->test ()
+  "Jump from a module to a test."
+  (let ((filename (->> buffer-file-name
+                       (s-replace "/src/" "/test/")
+                       (s-replace ".hs" "Test.hs")
+                       find-file)))
+    (make-directory (f-dirname filename) t)
+    (find-file filename)))
+(defun wpc-haskell-test->module ()
+  "Jump from a test to a module."
+  (let ((filename (->> buffer-file-name
+                       (s-replace "/test/" "/src/")
+                       (s-replace "Test.hs" ".hs"))))
+    (make-directory (f-dirname filename) t)
+    (find-file filename)))
+(defun wpc-haskell-test<->module ()
+  "Toggle between test and module in Haskell."
+  (interactive)
+  (if (s-contains? "/src/" buffer-file-name)
+      (wpc-haskell-module->test)
+    (wpc-haskell-test->module)))
+(provide 'wpc-haskell)
+;;; wpc-haskell.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-javascript.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-javascript.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..da84df66d409
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-javascript.el
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+;;; wpc-javascript.el --- My Javascript preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This module hosts my Javascript tooling preferences.  This also includes
+;; tooling for TypeScript and other frontend tooling.  Perhaps this module will
+;; change names to more accurately reflect that.
+;; Depends
+;; - yarn global add prettier
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+;; Constants
+(defconst wpc-javascript--js-hooks
+  '(js-mode-hook
+    web-mode-hook
+    typescript-mode-hook
+    js2-mode-hook
+    rjsx-mode-hook)
+  "All of the commonly used hooks for Javascript buffers.")
+(defconst wpc-javascript--frontend-hooks
+  (-insert-at 0 'css-mode-hook wpc-javascript--js-hooks)
+  "All of the commonly user hooks for frontend development.")
+;; frontend indentation settings
+(setq typescript-indent-level 2
+      js-indent-level 2
+      css-indent-offset 2)
+;; Flow for Javascript
+(use-package add-node-modules-path
+  :config
+  (general-add-hook wpc-javascript--js-hooks #'add-node-modules-path))
+(use-package web-mode
+  :mode "\\.html\\'"
+  :config
+  (setq web-mode-css-indent-offset 2)
+  (setq web-mode-code-indent-offset 2)
+  (setq web-mode-markup-indent-offset 2))
+;; JSX highlighting
+(use-package rjsx-mode
+  :config
+  (general-unbind rjsx-mode-map "<" ">" "C-d")
+  (general-nmap
+    :keymaps 'rjsx-mode-map
+    "K" #'flow-minor-type-at-pos)
+  (setq js2-mode-show-parse-errors nil
+        js2-mode-show-strict-warnings nil))
+  (defun wpc-javascript-tide-setup ()
+    (interactive)
+    (tide-setup)
+    (flycheck-mode 1)
+    (setq flycheck-check-syntax-automatically '(save mode-enabled))
+    (eldoc-mode 1)
+    (tide-hl-identifier-mode 1)
+    (company-mode 1))
+  (use-package tide
+    :config
+    (add-hook 'typescript-mode-hook #'wpc-javascript-tide-setup))
+  (require 'web-mode)
+  (add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.tsx\\'" . web-mode))
+  (add-hook 'web-mode-hook
+            (lambda ()
+              (when (string-equal "tsx" (f-ext buffer-file-name))
+                (wpc-javascript-tide-setup))))
+  (flycheck-add-mode 'typescript-tslint 'web-mode))
+;; JS autoformatting
+(use-package prettier-js
+  :config
+  (general-add-hook wpc-javascript--frontend-hooks #'prettier-js-mode))
+;; Support Elm
+(use-package elm-mode
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'elm-mode-hook #'elm-format-on-save-mode))
+(provide 'wpc-javascript)
+;;; wpc-javascript.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-lisp.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-lisp.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f4f8c6931582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-lisp.el
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+;;; wpc-lisp.el --- Generic LISP preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; parent (up)
+;; child (down)
+;; prev-sibling (left)
+;; next-sibling (right)
+;;; Code:
+;; TODO: Consider having a separate module for each LISP dialect.
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+(defconst wpc-lisp--hooks
+  '(lisp-mode-hook
+    emacs-lisp-mode-hook
+    clojure-mode-hook
+    clojurescript-mode-hook
+    racket-mode-hook)
+  "List of LISP modes.")
+(use-package sly
+  :config
+  (setq inferior-lisp-program "sbcl")
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'sly-mode-map
+   :states '(normal)
+   :prefix "<SPC>"
+   "x" #'sly-eval-defun
+   "X" #'sly-eval-buffer
+   "d" #'sly-describe-symbol))
+(use-package rainbow-delimiters
+  :config
+  (general-add-hook wpc-lisp--hooks #'rainbow-delimiters-mode))
+(use-package racket-mode
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'racket-mode-map
+   :states 'normal
+   :prefix "<SPC>"
+   "x" #'racket-send-definition
+   "X" #'racket-run
+   "d" #'racket-describe)
+  (setq racket-program "~/.nix-profile/bin/racket"))
+(use-package lispyville
+  :init
+  (defconst wpc-lisp--lispyville-key-themes
+    '(c-w
+      operators
+      text-objects
+      prettify
+      commentary
+      slurp/barf-cp
+      wrap
+      additional
+      additional-insert
+      additional-wrap
+      escape)
+    "All available key-themes in Lispyville.")
+  :config
+  (general-add-hook wpc-lisp--hooks #'lispyville-mode)
+  (lispyville-set-key-theme wpc-lisp--lispyville-key-themes)
+  (progn
+    (general-define-key
+     :keymaps 'lispyville-mode-map
+     :states 'motion
+     ;; first unbind
+     "M-h" nil
+     "M-l" nil)
+    (general-define-key
+     :keymaps 'lispyville-mode-map
+     :states 'normal
+     ;; first unbind
+     "M-j" nil
+     "M-k" nil
+     ;; second rebind
+     "C-s-h" #'lispyville-drag-backward
+     "C-s-l" #'lispyville-drag-forward
+     "C-s-e" #'lispyville-end-of-defun
+     "C-s-a" #'lispyville-beginning-of-defun)))
+;; Elisp
+(use-package elisp-slime-nav
+  :config
+  (general-add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode #'ielm-mode))
+ :keymaps 'emacs-lisp-mode-map
+ :prefix "<SPC>"
+ :states 'normal
+ "x" #'eval-defun
+ "X" #'eval-buffer
+ "d" (lambda ()
+       (interactive)
+       (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+         (helpful-function (symbol-at-point)))))
+(provide 'wpc-lisp)
+;;; wpc-lisp.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9d1ba7a54de5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-misc.el
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+;;; wpc-misc.el --- Hosting miscellaneous configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is the home of any configuration that couldn't find a better home.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'project)
+(require 'f)
+(require 'dash)
+(require 'constants)
+(require 'region)
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+;; I'm borrowing from the dot-time format (i.e. https://dotti.me) to encode the
+;; timestamp. This displays the UTC time and an offset to show the number of
+;; hours East or West of UTC my current timezone is using `current-time-zone'.
+;; Reminder to me:
+;; LON: +00 (UTC) or +01 (BST)
+;; NYC: -05
+;; SF:  -07
+(setq display-time-string-forms
+      '((format-time-string
+         (concat "%H·%M"
+                 (format "%0+3d" (/ (car (current-time-zone)) 3600))
+                 " %a %d %b") nil t)))
+(display-time-mode 1)
+;; Remove the boilerplate in the *scratch* buffer
+(setq initial-scratch-message "")
+;; disable custom variable entries from being written to ~/.emacs.d/init.el
+(setq custom-file (f-join user-emacs-directory "custom.el"))
+(load custom-file 'noerror)
+;; integrate Emacs with X11 clipboard
+(setq select-enable-primary t)
+(setq select-enable-clipboard t)
+(general-def 'insert
+  "s-v" #'clipboard-yank
+  "C-S-v" #'clipboard-yank)
+;; transparently edit compressed files
+(auto-compression-mode t)
+;; autowrap when over the fill-column
+(setq-default auto-fill-function #'do-auto-fill)
+;; link to Emacs source code
+;; TODO: Update this link.
+(setq find-function-C-source-directory
+      "~/Dropbox/programming/emacs/src")
+;; change emacs prompts from "yes or no" -> "y or n"
+(fset 'yes-or-no-p 'y-or-n-p)
+;; open photos in Emacs
+(auto-image-file-mode 1)
+;; disable line-wrapping
+(setq-default truncate-lines 1)
+;; shell file indentation
+(setq sh-basic-offset 2)
+(setq sh-indentation 2)
+;; Emacs library that interfaces with my Linux password manager.
+(use-package password-store)
+(use-package vterm
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps '(vterm-mode-map)
+   :states '(insert)
+   "C-S-v" #'vterm-yank)
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps '(vterm-mode-map)
+   :states '(normal)
+   "K" #'evil-scroll-line-up
+   "J" #'evil-scroll-line-down
+   "C-b" #'evil-scroll-page-up
+   "C-f" #'evil-scroll-page-down))
+;; Use en Emacs buffer as a REST client.
+;; For more information: http://emacsrocks.com/e15.html
+(use-package restclient)
+;; Run `package-lint' before publishing to MELPA.
+(use-package package-lint)
+;; Parser combinators in Elisp.
+(use-package parsec)
+;; disable company mode when editing markdown
+;; TODO: move this out of wpc-misc.el and into a later file to call
+;; `(disable company-mode)'
+(use-package markdown-mode
+  :config
+  ;; TODO: Add assertion that pandoc is installed and it is accessible from
+  ;; Emacs.
+  (setq markdown-command "pandoc")
+  (setq markdown-split-window-direction 'right)
+  ;; (add-hook 'markdown-mode-hook #'markdown-live-preview-mode)
+  )
+(use-package alert)
+(use-package refine)
+;; Required by some google-emacs package commands.
+(use-package deferred)
+;; git integration
+(use-package magit
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'git-commit-setup-hook
+            (lambda ()
+              (company-mode -1)
+              (flyspell-mode 1)))
+  (setq magit-display-buffer-function
+        #'magit-display-buffer-fullframe-status-v1))
+(use-package magit-popup)
+;; http
+(use-package request)
+;; perl-compatible regular expressions
+(use-package pcre2el)
+;; alternative to help
+(use-package helpful)
+;; If called from an existing helpful-mode buffer, reuse that buffer; otherwise,
+;; call `pop-to-buffer'.
+(setq helpful-switch-buffer-function
+      (lambda (buffer-or-name)
+        (if (eq major-mode 'helpful-mode)
+            (switch-to-buffer buffer-or-name)
+          (pop-to-buffer buffer-or-name))))
+;; Emacs integration with direnv
+(use-package direnv
+  :config
+  (direnv-mode))
+;; Superior Elisp library for working with dates and times.
+;; TODO: Put this where my other installations for dash.el, s.el, a.el, and
+;; other utility Elisp libraries are located.
+(use-package ts)
+;; persist history etc b/w Emacs sessions
+(setq desktop-save 'if-exists)
+(desktop-save-mode 1)
+(setq desktop-globals-to-save
+      (append '((extended-command-history . 30)
+                (file-name-history        . 100)
+                (grep-history             . 30)
+                (compile-history          . 30)
+                (minibuffer-history       . 50)
+                (query-replace-history    . 60)
+                (read-expression-history  . 60)
+                (regexp-history           . 60)
+                (regexp-search-ring       . 20)
+                (search-ring              . 20)
+                (shell-command-history    . 50)
+                tags-file-name
+                register-alist)))
+;; configure ibuffer
+(setq ibuffer-default-sorting-mode 'major-mode)
+;; config Emacs to use $PATH values
+(use-package exec-path-from-shell
+  :if (memq window-system '(mac ns))
+  :config
+  (exec-path-from-shell-initialize))
+;; Emacs autosave, backup, interlocking files
+(setq auto-save-default nil
+      make-backup-files nil
+      create-lockfiles nil)
+;; ensure code wraps at 80 characters by default
+(setq-default fill-column constants-fill-column)
+(put 'narrow-to-region 'disabled nil)
+;; trim whitespace on save
+(add-hook 'before-save-hook #'delete-trailing-whitespace)
+;; call `git secret hide` after saving secrets.json
+(add-hook 'after-save-hook
+          (lambda ()
+            (when (f-equal? (buffer-file-name)
+                            (f-join constants-briefcase "secrets.json"))
+              (shell-command "git secret hide"))))
+;; use tabs instead of spaces
+(setq-default indent-tabs-mode nil)
+;; automatically follow symlinks
+(setq vc-follow-symlinks t)
+;; fullscreen settings
+(setq ns-use-native-fullscreen nil)
+(use-package yasnippet
+  :config
+  (setq yas-snippet-dirs (list (f-join user-emacs-directory "snippets")))
+  (yas-global-mode 1))
+(use-package projectile
+  :config
+  (projectile-mode t))
+;; TODO: Consider moving this into a briefcase.el module.
+(defun wpc-misc--briefcase-find (dir)
+  "Find the default.nix nearest to DIR."
+  ;; I use 'vc only at the root of my monorepo because 'transient doesn't use my
+  ;; .gitignore, which slows things down. Ideally, I could write a version that
+  ;; behaves like 'transient but also respects my monorepo's .gitignore and any
+  ;; ancestor .gitignore files.
+  (if (f-equal? constants-briefcase dir)
+      (cons 'vc dir)
+    (when (f-ancestor-of? constants-briefcase dir)
+      (if (f-exists? (f-join dir "default.nix"))
+          (cons 'transient dir)
+        (wpc-misc--briefcase-find (f-parent dir))))))
+(add-to-list 'project-find-functions #'wpc-misc--briefcase-find)
+(defun wpc-misc-pkill (name)
+  "Call the pkill executable using NAME as its argument."
+  (interactive "sProcess name: ")
+  (call-process "pkill" nil nil nil name))
+(use-package deadgrep
+  :config
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps 'deadgrep-mode-map
+   :states 'normal
+   "o" #'deadgrep-visit-result-other-window)
+  (setq-default deadgrep--context '(0 . 3))
+  (defun wpc-misc-deadgrep-region ()
+    "Run a ripgrep search on the active region."
+    (interactive)
+    (deadgrep (region-to-string)))
+  (defun wpc-misc-deadgrep-dwim ()
+    "If a region is active, use that as the search, otherwise don't."
+    (interactive)
+    (with-current-buffer (current-buffer)
+      (if (region-active-p)
+          (setq deadgrep--additional-flags '("--multiline"))
+          (wpc-misc-deadgrep-region)
+        (call-interactively #'deadgrep))))
+  (advice-add
+   'deadgrep--format-command
+   :filter-return
+   (lambda (cmd)
+     (replace-regexp-in-string
+      "^rg " "rg --hidden " cmd))))
+;; TODO: Do I need this when I have swiper?
+(use-package counsel)
+(use-package counsel-projectile)
+;; search Google, Stackoverflow from within Emacs
+(use-package engine-mode
+  :config
+  (defengine google
+    "http://www.google.com/search?ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&q=%s"
+    :keybinding "g")
+  (defengine stack-overflow
+    "https://stackoverflow.com/search?q=%s"
+    :keybinding "s"))
+;; EGlot (another LSP client)
+(use-package eglot)
+;; Microsoft's Debug Adapter Protocol (DAP)
+(use-package dap-mode
+  :after lsp-mode
+  :config
+  (dap-mode 1)
+  (dap-ui-mode 1))
+;; Microsoft's Language Server Protocol (LSP)
+(use-package lsp-ui
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'lsp-mode-hook #'lsp-ui-mode))
+(use-package company-lsp
+  :config
+  (push 'company-lsp company-backends))
+;; Wilfred/suggest.el - Tool for discovering functions basesd on declaring your
+;; desired inputs and outputs.
+(use-package suggest)
+;; Malabarba/paradox - Enhances the `list-packages' view.
+(use-package paradox
+  :config
+  (paradox-enable))
+;; Start the Emacs server
+(when (not (server-running-p))
+  (server-start))
+(provide 'wpc-misc)
+;;; wpc-misc.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-nix.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-nix.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a555e4621a1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-nix.el
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+;;; wpc-nix.el --- Nix support -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Configuration to support working with Nix.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'device)
+(require 'constants)
+;; Library
+(use-package nix-mode
+  :mode "\\.nix\\'")
+;; TODO(wpcarro): Ensure the sub-process can resolve <briefcase>.
+(defun wpc-nix-rebuild-emacs ()
+  "Use nix-env to rebuild wpcarros-emacs."
+  (interactive)
+  (let* ((pname (format "nix-build <briefcase/emacs.nixos>"))
+         (bname (format "*%s*" pname)))
+    (start-process pname bname
+                   "nix-env"
+                   "-I" (format "briefcase=%s" constants-briefcase)
+                   "-f" "<briefcase>" "-iA" "emacs.nixos")
+    (display-buffer bname)))
+(defun wpc-nix-sly-from-briefcase (attr)
+  "Start a Sly REPL configured using the derivation pointed at by ATTR.
+  The derivation invokes nix.buildLisp.sbclWith and is built asynchronously.
+  The build output is included in the error thrown on build failures."
+  (interactive "sAttribute: ")
+  (lexical-let* ((outbuf (get-buffer-create (format "*briefcase-out/%s*" attr)))
+         (errbuf (get-buffer-create (format "*briefcase-errors/%s*" attr)))
+         (expression (format "let briefcase = import <briefcase> {}; in briefcase.third_party.depot.nix.buildLisp.sbclWith [ briefcase.%s ]" attr))
+         (command (list "nix-build" "-E" expression)))
+    (message "Acquiring Lisp for <briefcase>.%s" attr)
+    (make-process :name (format "nix-build/%s" attr)
+                  :buffer outbuf
+                  :stderr errbuf
+                  :command command
+                  :sentinel
+                  (lambda (process event)
+                    (unwind-protect
+                        (pcase event
+                          ("finished\n"
+                           (let* ((outpath (s-trim (with-current-buffer outbuf
+                                                     (buffer-string))))
+                                  (lisp-path (s-concat outpath "/bin/sbcl")))
+                             (message "Acquired Lisp for <briefcase>.%s at %s"
+                                      attr lisp-path)
+                             (sly lisp-path)))
+                          (_ (with-current-buffer errbuf
+                               (error "Failed to build '%s':\n%s" attr
+                                      (buffer-string)))))
+                      (kill-buffer outbuf)
+                      (kill-buffer errbuf))))))
+(provide 'wpc-nix)
+;;; wpc-nix.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-org.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-org.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..bed4dd067615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-org.el
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+;;; wpc-org.el --- My org preferences -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hosts my org mode preferences
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'f)
+(require 'macros)
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+(use-package org
+  :config
+  (evil-set-initial-state 'org-mode 'normal)
+  (general-add-hook 'org-mode-hook
+                    (list (macros-disable linum-mode)
+                          (macros-disable company-mode)))
+  (setq org-startup-folded nil)
+  (setq org-todo-keywords '((sequence "TODO" "BLOCKED" "DONE")))
+  (general-unbind 'normal org-mode-map "M-h" "M-j" "M-k" "M-l"))
+(use-package org-bullets
+  :config
+  (general-add-hook 'org-mode-hook (macros-enable org-bullets-mode)))
+(provide 'wpc-org)
+;;; wpc-org.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-package.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-package.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3a363df8ec9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-package.el
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+;;; wpc-package.el --- My package configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.1"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This module hosts all of the settings required to work with ELPA,
+;; MELPA, QUELPA, and co.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'package)
+;; Even though we're packaging our Emacs with Nix, having MELPA registered is
+;; helpful to ad-hoc test out packages before declaratively adding them to
+;; emacs/default.nix.
+(add-to-list 'package-archives '("melpa" . "http://melpa.org/packages/"))
+(unless (package-installed-p 'use-package)
+  ;; TODO: Consider removing this to improve initialization speed.
+  (package-refresh-contents)
+  (package-install 'use-package))
+  (require 'use-package))
+;; TODO: Consider removing this, since I'm requiring general.el in individual
+;; modules.
+(use-package general)
+(provide 'wpc-package)
+;;; wpc-package.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-prolog.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-prolog.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b891a7df6912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-prolog.el
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+;;; wpc-prolog.el --- For Prologging things -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Code configuring my Prolog work.
+;;; Code:
+(require 'macros)
+;; TODO: Notice that the .pl extension conflicts with Perl files. This may
+;; become a problem should I start working with Perl.
+(macros-support-file-extension "pl" prolog-mode)
+(provide 'wpc-prolog)
+;;; wpc-prolog.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-python.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-python.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cd30f3ea3739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-python.el
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+;;; wpc-python.el --- Python configuration -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; My Python configuration settings
+;; Depends
+;; - `apti yapf`
+;;; Code:
+;; Configuration
+(use-package py-yapf
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'python-mode-hook #'py-yapf-enable-on-save))
+(provide 'wpc-python)
+;;; wpc-python.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-rust.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-rust.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..396d6349ae6a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-rust.el
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+;;; wpc-rust.el --- Support Rust language -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Supports my Rust work.
+;; Dependencies:
+;; - `rustup`
+;; - `rustup component add rust-src`
+;; - `rustup toolchain add nightly && cargo +nightly install racer`
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'macros)
+;; Configuration
+(use-package racer
+  :config
+  (setq rust-sysroot (->> "~/.cargo/bin/rustc --print sysroot"
+                          shell-command-to-string
+                          s-trim-right))
+  (setq racer-rust-src-path (f-join rust-sysroot "lib/rustlib/src/rust/src"))
+  (add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'eldoc-mode))
+(use-package rust-mode
+  :config
+  (add-hook 'rust-mode-hook #'racer-mode)
+  (macros-add-hook-before-save 'rust-mode-hook #'rust-format-buffer)
+  (define-key rust-mode-map
+    (kbd "TAB")
+    #'company-indent-or-complete-common)
+  (define-key rust-mode-map
+    (kbd "M-d")
+    #'racer-describe))
+(provide 'wpc-rust)
+;;; wpc-rust.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-shell.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-shell.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..855f234b281d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-shell.el
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+;;; wpc-shell.el --- POSIX Shell scripting support -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;; Homepage: https://user.git.corp.google.com/wpcarro/briefcase
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Helpers for my shell scripting.  Includes bash, zsh, etc.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'zle)
+;; Code
+(use-package flymake-shellcheck
+  :commands flymake-shellcheck-load
+  :init
+  (add-hook 'sh-mode-hook #'flymake-shellcheck-load)
+  (add-hook 'sh-mode-hook #'zle-minor-mode))
+(use-package fish-mode)
+(provide 'wpc-shell)
+;;; wpc-shell.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-ui.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-ui.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0bfe6577ca76
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/wpc-ui.el
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+;;; wpc-ui.el --- Any related to the UI/UX goes here -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; Hosts font settings, scrolling, color schemes.
+;;; Code:
+;; Dependencies
+(require 'constants)
+(require 'prelude)
+(require 'al)
+(require 'fonts)
+(require 'colorscheme)
+(require 'device)
+(require 'laptop-battery)
+(require 'modeline)
+(require 'general)
+;; Configuration
+;; line height
+(setq-default line-spacing 0)
+(when window-system
+  (setq frame-title-format '(buffer-file-name "%f" ("%b"))))
+;; Ensure that buffers update when their contents change on disk.
+(global-auto-revert-mode t)
+;; smooth scrolling settings
+(setq scroll-step 1
+      scroll-conservatively 10000)
+;; clean up modeline
+(use-package diminish
+  :config
+  (diminish 'emacs-lisp-mode "elisp")
+  (diminish 'evil-commentary-mode)
+  (diminish 'flycheck-mode)
+  (diminish 'auto-revert-mode)
+  (diminish 'which-key-mode)
+  (diminish 'yas-minor-mode)
+  (diminish 'lispyville-mode)
+  (diminish 'undo-tree-mode)
+  (diminish 'company-mode)
+  (diminish 'projectile-mode)
+  (diminish 'eldoc-mode)
+  ;; This is how to diminish `auto-fill-mode'.
+  (diminish 'auto-fill-function)
+  (diminish 'counsel-mode)
+  (diminish 'ivy-mode))
+;; TODO: Further customize `mode-line-format' variable.
+(delete 'mode-line-modes mode-line-format)
+(delete '(vc-mode vc-mode) mode-line-format)
+;; disable startup screen
+(setq inhibit-startup-screen t)
+;; disable toolbar
+(tool-bar-mode -1)
+;; set default buffer for Emacs
+(setq initial-buffer-choice constants-current-project)
+;; premium Emacs themes
+(use-package doom-themes
+  :config
+  (setq doom-themes-enable-bold t
+        doom-themes-enable-italic t)
+  (doom-themes-visual-bell-config)
+  (doom-themes-org-config))
+;; kbd discovery
+(use-package which-key
+  :config
+  (setq which-key-idle-delay 0.25)
+  (which-key-mode))
+;; completion framework
+(use-package ivy
+  :config
+  (counsel-mode t)
+  (ivy-mode t)
+  ;; Remove preceding "^" from ivy prompts
+  (setq ivy-initial-inputs-alist nil)
+  ;; prefer using `helpful' variants
+  (progn
+    (setq counsel-describe-function-function #'helpful-callable)
+    (setq counsel-describe-variable-function #'helpful-variable))
+  (general-define-key
+   :keymaps '(ivy-minibuffer-map ivy-switch-buffer-map)
+   ;; prev
+   "C-k" #'ivy-previous-line
+   "<backtab>" #'ivy-previous-line
+   ;; next
+   "C-j" #'ivy-next-line
+   "<tab>" #'ivy-next-line))
+(use-package ivy-prescient
+  :config
+  (ivy-prescient-mode 1)
+  (prescient-persist-mode 1))
+;; all-the-icons
+(use-package all-the-icons
+  :config
+  (when (not constants-ci?)
+    (unless (f-exists? "~/.local/share/fonts/all-the-icons.ttf")
+      (all-the-icons-install-fonts t))))
+;; icons for Ivy
+(use-package all-the-icons-ivy
+  :after (ivy all-the-icons)
+  :config
+  (all-the-icons-ivy-setup))
+;; disable menubar
+(menu-bar-mode -1)
+;; reduce noisiness of auto-revert-mode
+(setq auto-revert-verbose nil)
+;; highlight lines that are over `constants-fill-column' characters long
+(use-package whitespace
+  :config
+  ;; TODO: This should change depending on the language and project. For
+  ;; example, Google Java projects prefer 100 character width instead of 80
+  ;; character width.
+  (setq whitespace-line-column constants-fill-column)
+  (setq whitespace-style '(face lines-tail))
+  (add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'whitespace-mode))
+;; dirname/filename instead of filename<dirname>
+(setq uniquify-buffer-name-style 'forward)
+;; highlight matching parens, brackets, etc
+(show-paren-mode 1)
+;; hide the scroll-bars in the GUI
+(scroll-bar-mode -1)
+;; TODO: Learn how to properly integrate this with dunst or another system-level
+;; notification program.
+;; GUI alerts in emacs
+(use-package alert
+  :commands (alert)
+  :config
+  (setq alert-default-style 'notifier))
+;; TODO: Should `device-work-laptop?' be a function or a constant that gets set
+;; during initialization?
+(when (device-work-laptop?)
+  (laptop-battery-display))
+(if window-system
+    (progn
+      (fonts-whitelist-set "JetBrainsMono")
+      (fonts-enable-ligatures)
+      (colorscheme-whitelist-set 'doom-acario-dark)
+      ;; the doom-acario-dark theme uses "Monospace Serif" as the font for
+      ;; comments, and I'd prefer JetBrainsMono (no italics).
+      (set-face-attribute font-lock-comment-face nil
+                          :family "JetBrainsMono"
+                          :slant 'normal))
+  (load-theme 'wombat))
+(provide 'wpc-ui)
+;;; wpc-ui.el ends here
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/zle.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/zle.el
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0e0baad2d974
--- /dev/null
+++ b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/zle.el
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+;;; zle.el --- Functions to mimmick my ZLE KBDs -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
+;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
+;; Version: 0.0.1
+;; URL: https://git.wpcarro.dev/wpcarro/briefcase
+;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24"))
+;;; Commentary:
+;; This is primarily for personal use.  The keybindings that I choose are those
+;; that feel slightly mnemonic while also not shadowing important bindings.
+;; It's quite possible that our tastes will differ here.
+;; All of these keybindings are intended to shave off milliseconds off your
+;; typing.  I don't expect these numbers to sum up to a meaningful amount.  The
+;; primary reason that I wrote this, is that it introduces a small amount of
+;; structural editing to my workflow.  I've been using these exact keybindings
+;; on the command line, and I find them subtely delightful to use.  So much so
+;; that I decided to bring them to my Emacs configuration.
+;; ZLE is the Z-shell line editor.  I have some KBDs and functions that I often
+;; want in Emacs.
+;; Usage:
+;; Consider running `(zle-minor-mode)' to run this globally.  Depending on your
+;; configuration, it could be non-disruptive, disruptive, or extremely
+;; disruptive.
+;;; Code:
+;; subshell (C-j)
+(defun zle-subshell ()
+  "Insert the characters necessary to create a subshell."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert-char ?$)
+  (insert-char ?\()
+  (save-excursion
+    (insert-char ?\))))
+;; variable (C-v)
+(defun zle-variable ()
+  "Insert the characters to reference a variable."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert-char ?$)
+  (insert-char ?{)
+  (save-excursion
+    (insert-char ?})))
+;; 2x dash (C-M--)
+(defun zle-dash-dash ()
+  "Insert the characters for flags with 2x dashes."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert-char ? )
+  (insert-char ?-)
+  (insert-char ?-))
+;; 1x quotes (M-')
+(defun zle-single-quote ()
+  "Insert the characters to quickly create single quotes."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert-char ? )
+  (insert-char ?')
+  (save-excursion
+    (insert-char ?')))
+;; 2x quotes (M-")
+(defun zle-double-quote ()
+  "Insert the characters to quickly create double quotes."
+  (interactive)
+  (insert-char ? )
+  (insert-char ?\")
+  (save-excursion
+    (insert-char ?\")))
+(defvar zle-kbds
+  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
+    (bind-keys :map map
+               ("C-j"   . zle-subshell)
+               ("C-v"   . zle-variable)
+               ("C-M--" . zle-dash-dash)
+               ("M-'"   . zle-single-quote)
+               ("M-\""  . zle-double-quote))
+    map)
+  "Keybindings shaving milliseconds off of typing.")
+(define-minor-mode zle-minor-mode
+  "A minor mode mirroring my ZLE keybindings."
+  :init-value nil
+  :lighter " zle"
+  :keymap zle-kbds)
+(provide 'zle)
+;;; zle.el ends here