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path: root/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/todo.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/todo.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 293 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/todo.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/todo.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 236912c086fd..000000000000
--- a/emacs/.emacs.d/wpc/todo.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-;;; todo.el --- Bespoke task management system -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Author: William Carroll <wpcarro@gmail.com>
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Marriage of my personal task-management system, which I've been using for 18
-;; months and is a mixture of handwritten notes, iOS notes, and org-mode files,
-;; with Emacs's famous `org-mode'.
-;; For me, I'd like a live, reactive state management system.  I'd like
-;; `org-mode' to be a nice way of rendering my TODOs, but I think the
-;; relationship with `org-mode' ends there.
-;; Intended to supplement my org-mode workflow.
-;; Wish-list:
-;; - Daily emails for standups
-;; - Templates for commonly occurring tasks
-;; Dependencies
-(require 'dash)
-(require 'f)
-(require 'macros)
-;;; Code:
-;; TODO: Classify habits as 'daily, 'weekly, 'monthly, 'yearly, 'event-driven
-;; TODO: Consider serving these values up to a React webpage in Chrome.
-;; TODO: Classify meetings as either 'recurrent or 'ad-hoc.
-;; TODO: Support sorting by `type'.
-;; TODO: Support work-queue idea for "Tomorrow's todos."
-;; TODO: Support macro to generate all possible predicates for todo types.
-;; TODO: Support export to org-mode file
-;; TODO: Support generic way to quickly render a list
-(defcustom todo/install-kbds? t
-  "When t, install the keybindings.")
-;; TODO: Add documentation.
-(cl-defstruct todo type label)
-;; TODO: Consider keeping this in Dropbox.
-;; TODO: Support whether or not the todo is done.
-(defconst todo/org-file-path "~/Dropbox/org/today.org")
-;; TODO: Support remaining function for each type.
-;; TODO: Support completed function for each type.
-(defun todo/completed? (x)
-  "Return t is `X' is marked complete."
-  (todo-complete x))
-;; TODO: Prefer `new-{task,habit,meeting}'.
-(defun todo/completed (xs)
-  "Return the todo items in `XS' that are marked complete."
-  (->> xs
-       (-filter #'todo/completed?)))
-(defun todo/remaining (xs)
-  "Return the todo items in `XS' that are not marked complete."
-  (->> xs
-       (-reject #'todo/completed?)))
-(defun todo/task (label)
-  "Convenience function for creating a task todo with `LABEL'."
-  (make-todo
-   :type 'task
-   :label label))
-(defun todo/meeting (label)
-  "Convenience function for creating a meeting todo with `LABEL'."
-  (make-todo
-   :type 'meeting
-   :label label))
-(defun todo/habit (label)
-  "Convenience function for creating a habit todo with `LABEL'."
-  (make-todo
-   :type 'habit
-   :label label))
-(defun todo/task? (x)
-  "Return t if `X' is a task."
-  (equal 'task (todo-type x)))
-(defun todo/habit? (x)
-  "Return t if `X' is a habit."
-  (equal 'habit (todo-type x)))
-(defun todo/meeting? (x)
-  "Return t if `X' is a meeting."
-  (equal 'meeting (todo-type x)))
-(defun todo/label (x)
-  "Return the label of `X'."
-  (todo-label x))
-;; TODO: Support moving todos between todo/{today,tomorrow}.
-;; TODO: Consider modelling todo/{today,tomorrow} as queues instead of lists so that I can
-;; append cheaply.
-;; TODO: Find an Elisp date library.
-;; TODO: type-driven development of this habit tree.
-;; TODO: Create this tree on a whiteboard first.
-;; (defconst todo/habits
-;;   '(:beginning-of-month
-;;     '("Create habit template for current month"
-;;       "Post mortem of previous month")
-;;     :monday    '("Jiu Jitsu")
-;;     :tuesday   '("Jiu Jitsu")
-;;     :wednesday '("Jiu Jitsu")
-;;     :thursday  '("Salsa class")
-;;     :friday    '("Jiu Jitsu")
-;;     :saturday  '("Borough market")
-;;     :sunday    '("Shave")
-;;     :weekday '(:arrive-at-work
-;;                '("Breakfast"
-;;                  "Coffee"
-;;                  "Placeholder")
-;;                :before-lunch
-;;                '("Lock laptop"
-;;                  "Placeholder")
-;;                :home->work
-;;                '("Michel Thomas Italian lessons"))
-;;     :daily '(:morning
-;;              '("Meditate"
-;;                "Stretch")
-;;              :)))
-;; overlay weekday with specific weekdays (e.g. BJJ is only on M,T,W)
-;; TODO: Extend the record type to support duration estimations for AFK, K
-;; calculations.
-;; Habits
-;; TODO: Should I be writing this in ReasonML and Haskell?
-(defconst todo/monthly-habit-challenge
-  "InterviewCake.com"
-  "The monthly habit challenge I do for fifteen minutes each day.")
-(defconst todo/daily-habits
-  (->> (list "Meditate"
-             todo/monthly-habit-challenge)
-       (-map #'todo/habit)))
-(defconst todo/first-of-the-month-stack
-  '("Create habit template for current month"
-    "Reserve two dinners in London for dates"
-    "Post mortem of previous month"
-    "Create monthly financial budget in Google Sheets")
-  "A stack of habits that I do at the beginning of each month.")
-(defconst todo/adhoc-habits
-  (->> (list/concat
-        todo/first-of-the-month-stack)
-       (-map #'todo/habit))
-  "Habits that I have no classification for at the moment.")
-;; TODO: Model this as a function.
-(defconst todo/habits
-  (list/concat todo/daily-habits
-               todo/adhoc-habits)
-  "My habits for today.")
-;; Meetings
-;; TODO: Define "meeting".
-(defconst todo/daily-meetings
-  (->> '("Standup"
-         "Lunch")
-       (-map #'todo/meeting))
-  "Daily, recurrent meetings.")
-(defconst todo/day-of-week-meetings
-  '(:Monday    '("Lunch")
-    :Tuesday   '("Lunch")
-    :Wednesday '("Team Lunch")
-    :Thursday  '("Lunch")
-    :Friday    '("Lunch")
-    :Satuday   '()
-    :Sunday    '())
-  "Meetings that occur depending on the current day of the week.")
-(parse-time-string "today")
-;; TODO: Support recurrent, non-daily meetings.
-(defconst todo/adhoc-meetings
-  (->> '("WSE Weekly Standup"
-         "Team Lunch"
-         "Karisa Explains It All")
-       (-map #'todo/meeting))
-  "Non-recurrent meetings.")
-(defconst todo/meetings
-  (list/concat todo/daily-meetings
-               todo/adhoc-meetings)
-  "My meetings for today.")
-;; Tasks
-(defconst todo/tasks
-  (->> '("GetEmailCase"
-         "Async node workflow"
-         "Support C-c in EXWM"
-         "Post-its for bathroom mirror"
-         "Visit AtomicHabit.com/scorecard"
-         "Visit AtomicHabit.com/habitstacking"
-         "Create GraphViz for Carpe Diem cirriculum"
-         "Create CitC client for local browsing of CE codebase"
-         "Respond to SRE emails")
-       (-map #'todo/task)))
-;; Work queues (today, tomorrow, someday)
-;; TODO: Generate standup documents from DONE items in the state.
-;; TODO: Learn how to create a gen-server style of live, reactive state.
-;; TODO: This should probably be `defconst' and a reference to the live state.
-(defconst todo/today
-  (list/concat
-   todo/habits
-   todo/meetings
-   todo/tasks))
-(defconst todo/tomorrow
-  '())
-(defconst todo/someday
-  '())
-;; View functions
-(defun todo/to-org (xs)
-  "Map `XS' into a string with `org-mode' syntax."
-  ;; TODO: Create function to DRY this code up.
-  (let ((meetings (->> xs
-                       (-filter #'todo/meeting?)
-                       (-map (lambda (x)
-                               (s-concat "** TODO " (todo/label x))))
-                       (s-join "\n")))
-        (tasks (->> xs
-                    (-filter #'todo/task?)
-                    (-map (lambda (x)
-                            (s-concat "** TODO " (todo/label x))))
-                    (s-join "\n")))
-        (habits (->> xs
-                     (-filter #'todo/habit?)
-                     (-map (lambda (x)
-                             (s-concat "** TODO " (todo/label x))))
-                     (s-join "\n"))))
-    (s-join "\n" (list
-                  (s-concat "* Meetings\n" meetings)
-                  (s-concat "* Tasks\n" tasks)
-                  (s-concat "* Habits\n" habits)))))
-(defun todo/export-to-org (xs)
-  "Export `XS' to `todo/org-file-path'."
-  (f-write-text (->> xs
-                     todo/to-org)
-                'utf-8
-                todo/org-file-path))
-(defun todo/orgify-today ()
-  "Exports today's todos to an org file."
-  (interactive)
-  (todo/export-to-org todo/today)
-  (alert (string/concat  "Exported today's TODOs to: " todo/org-file-path)))
-(provide 'todo)
-;;; todo.el ends here