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path: root/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor
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Diffstat (limited to 'emacs/.emacs.d/vendor')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 228 deletions
diff --git a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el b/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bf933cfb86d..000000000000
--- a/emacs/.emacs.d/vendor/slack-snippets.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,228 +0,0 @@
-;;; private/grfn/slack-snippets.el -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-(require 's)
-(require 'json)
-(require 'dash)
-(require 'dash-functional)
-(require 'request)
-(require 'subr-x)
-;;; Configuration
-(defvar slack/token nil
-  "Legacy (https://api.slack.com/custom-integrations/legacy-tokens) access token")
-(defvar slack/include-public-channels 't
-  "Whether or not to inclue public channels in the list of conversations")
-(defvar slack/include-private-channels 't
-  "Whether or not to inclue public channels in the list of conversations")
-(defvar slack/include-im 't
-  "Whether or not to inclue IMs (private messages) in the list of conversations")
-(defvar slack/include-mpim nil
-  "Whether or not to inclue multi-person IMs (multi-person private messages) in
-  the list of conversations")
-;;; Utilities
-(defmacro comment (&rest _body)
-  "Comment out one or more s-expressions"
-  nil)
-(defun ->list (vec) (append vec nil))
-(defun json-truthy? (x) (and x (not (equal :json-false x))))
-;;; Generic API integration
-(defvar slack/base-url "https://slack.com/api")
-(defun slack/get (path params &optional callback)
-  "params is an alist of query parameters"
-  (let* ((params-callback (if (functionp params) `(() . ,params) (cons params callback)))
-         (params (car params-callback)) (callback (cdr params-callback))
-         (params (append `(("token" . ,slack/token)) params))
-         (url (concat (file-name-as-directory slack/base-url) path)))
-    (request url
-             :type "GET"
-             :params params
-             :parser 'json-read
-             :success (cl-function
-                       (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                         (funcall callback data))))))
-(defun slack/post (path params &optional callback)
-  (let* ((params-callback (if (functionp params) `(() . ,params) (cons params callback)))
-         (params (car params-callback)) (callback (cdr params-callback))
-         (url (concat (file-name-as-directory slack/base-url) path)))
-    (request url
-             :type "POST"
-             :data (json-encode params)
-             :headers `(("Content-Type"  . "application/json")
-                        ("Authorization" . ,(format "Bearer %s" slack/token)))
-             :success (cl-function
-                       (lambda (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                         (funcall callback data))))))
-;;; Specific API endpoints
-;; Users
-(defun slack/users (cb)
-  "Returns users as (id . name) pairs"
-  (slack/get
-   "users.list"
-   (lambda (data)
-     (->> data
-          (assoc-default 'members)
-          ->list
-          (-map (lambda (user)
-                  (cons (assoc-default 'id user)
-                        (assoc-default 'real_name user))))
-          (-filter #'cdr)
-          (funcall cb)))))
- (slack/get
-  "users.list"
-  (lambda (data) (setq response-data data)))
- (slack/users (lambda (data) (setq --users data)))
- )
-;; Conversations
-(defun slack/conversation-types ()
-  (->>
-   (list (when slack/include-public-channels  "public_channel")
-         (when slack/include-private-channels "private_channel")
-         (when slack/include-im               "im")
-         (when slack/include-mpim             "mpim"))
-   (-filter #'identity)
-   (s-join ",")))
-(defun channel-label (chan users-alist)
-  (cond
-   ((json-truthy? (assoc-default 'is_channel chan))
-    (format "#%s" (assoc-default 'name chan)))
-   ((json-truthy? (assoc-default 'is_im chan))
-    (let ((user-id (assoc-default 'user chan)))
-      (format "Private message with %s" (assoc-default user-id users-alist))))
-   ((json-truthy? (assoc-default 'is_mpim chan))
-    (->> chan
-         (assoc-default 'purpose)
-         (assoc-default 'value)))))
-(defun slack/conversations (cb)
-  "Calls `cb' with (id . '((label . \"label\") '(topic . \"topic\") '(purpose . \"purpose\"))) pairs"
-  (slack/get
-   "conversations.list"
-   `(("types"            . ,(slack/conversation-types))
-     ("exclude-archived" . "true"))
-   (lambda (data)
-     (setq --data data)
-     (slack/users
-      (lambda (users)
-        (->> data
-             (assoc-default 'channels)
-             ->list
-             (-filter
-              (lambda (chan) (channel-label chan users)))
-             (-map
-              (lambda (chan)
-                (cons (assoc-default 'id chan)
-                      `((label   . ,(channel-label chan users))
-                        (topic   . ,(->> chan
-                                         (assoc-default 'topic)
-                                         (assoc-default 'value)))
-                        (purpose . ,(->> chan
-                                         (assoc-default 'purpose)
-                                         (assoc-default 'value)))))))
-             (funcall cb)))))))
- (slack/get
-  "conversations.list"
-  '(("types" . "public_channel,private_channel,im,mpim"))
-  (lambda (data) (setq response-data data)))
- (slack/get
-  "conversations.list"
-  '(("types" . "im"))
-  (lambda (data) (setq response-data data)))
- (slack/conversations
-  (lambda (convos) (setq --conversations convos)))
- )
-;; Messages
-(cl-defun slack/post-message
-    (&key text channel-id (on-success #'identity))
-  (slack/post "chat.postMessage"
-              `((text    . ,text)
-                (channel . ,channel-id)
-                (as_user . t))
-              on-success))
- (slack/post-message
-  :text "hi slackbot"
-  :channel-id slackbot-channel-id
-  :on-success (lambda (data) (setq resp data)))
- (-map (lambda (chan) (let ((label (assoc-default 'label (cdr chan)))
-                            (id (car chan)))
-                        (propertize label 'channel-id id)))
-            --conversations)
- )
-;;; Posting code snippets to slack
-(defun prompt-for-channel (cb)
-  (slack/conversations
-   (lambda (conversations)
-     (setq testing (-map (lambda (chan) (let ((label (assoc-default 'label (cdr chan)))
-                            (id (car chan)))
-                        (propertize label 'channel-id id)))
-            conversations))
-     (ivy-read
-      "Select channel: "
-      ;; TODO want to potentially use purpose / topic stuff here
-      (-map (lambda (chan) (let ((label (assoc-default 'label (cdr chan)))
-                            (id (car chan)))
-                        (propertize label 'channel-id id)))
-            conversations)
-      :history 'slack/channel-history
-      :action (lambda (selected)
-                (let ((channel-id (get-text-property 0 'channel-id selected)))
-                  (funcall cb channel-id)
-                  (message "Sent message to %s" selected))))))
-  nil)
-(defun slack-send-code-snippet (&optional snippet-text)
-  (interactive)
-  (when-let ((snippet-text (or snippet-text
-                               (buffer-substring-no-properties (mark) (point)))))
-    (prompt-for-channel
-     (lambda (channel-id)
-       (slack/post-message
-        :text       (format "```\n%s```" snippet-text)
-        :channel-id channel-id)))))