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path: root/dev/utilities.lisp
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1 files changed, 104 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dev/utilities.lisp b/dev/utilities.lisp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..b0a249867aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev/utilities.lisp
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+(in-package #:trivial-backtrace)
+(defparameter *date-time-format* "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M"
+  "The default format to use when printing dates and times.
+* %% - A '%' character
+* %d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01-31]
+* %e - Same as %d but does not print the leading 0 for days 1 through 9 
+     [unlike strftime[], does not print a leading space]
+* %H - Hour based on a 24-hour clock as a decimal number [00-23]
+*%I - Hour based on a 12-hour clock as a decimal number [01-12]
+* %m - Month as a decimal number [01-12]
+* %M - Minute as a decimal number [00-59]
+* %S - Second as a decimal number [00-59]
+* %w - Weekday as a decimal number [0-6], where Sunday is 0
+* %y - Year without century [00-99]
+* %Y - Year with century [such as 1990]
+This code is borrowed from the `format-date` function in 
+;; modified from metatilities-base
+(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+  (defmacro generate-time-part-function (part-name position)
+    (let ((function-name 
+	   (intern 
+	    (concatenate 'string
+			 (symbol-name 'time) "-" (symbol-name part-name))
+	    :trivial-backtrace)))
+      `(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
+         (defun ,function-name
+                (&optional (universal-time (get-universal-time))
+                           (time-zone nil))
+           ,(format nil "Returns the ~(~A~) part of the given time." part-name)
+           (nth-value ,position 
+		      (apply #'decode-universal-time
+			     universal-time time-zone))))))
+  (generate-time-part-function second 0)
+  (generate-time-part-function minute 1)
+  (generate-time-part-function hour 2)
+  (generate-time-part-function date 3)
+  (generate-time-part-function month 4)
+  (generate-time-part-function year 5)
+  (generate-time-part-function day-of-week 6)
+  (generate-time-part-function daylight-savings-time-p 7))
+(defun date-time-string (&key (date/time (get-universal-time))
+			 (format *date-time-format*))
+  (format-date format date/time nil))
+(defun format-date (format date &optional stream time-zone)
+  (declare (ignore time-zone))
+  (let ((format-length (length format)))
+    (format 
+     stream "~{~A~}"
+     (loop for index = 0 then (1+ index) 
+	while (< index format-length) collect 
+	(let ((char (aref format index)))
+	  (cond 
+	    ((char= #\% char)
+	     (setf char (aref format (incf index)))
+	     (cond 
+	       ;; %% - A '%' character
+	       ((char= char #\%) #\%)
+	       ;; %d - Day of the month as a decimal number [01-31]
+	       ((char= char #\d) (format nil "~2,'0D" (time-date date)))
+	       ;; %e - Same as %d but does not print the leading 0 for 
+	       ;; days 1 through 9. Unlike strftime, does not print a 
+	       ;; leading space
+	       ((char= char #\e) (format nil "~D" (time-date date)))
+	       ;; %H - Hour based on a 24-hour clock as a decimal number [00-23]
+	       ((char= char #\H) (format nil "~2,'0D" (time-hour date)))
+	       ;; %I - Hour based on a 12-hour clock as a decimal number [01-12]
+	       ((char= char #\I) (format nil "~2,'0D" 
+					 (1+ (mod (time-hour date) 12))))
+	       ;; %m - Month as a decimal number [01-12]
+	       ((char= char #\m) (format nil "~2,'0D" (time-month date)))
+	       ;; %M - Minute as a decimal number [00-59]
+	       ((char= char #\M) (format nil "~2,'0D" (time-minute date)))
+	       ;; %S - Second as a decimal number [00-59]
+	       ((char= char #\S) (format nil "~2,'0D" (time-second date)))
+	       ;; %w - Weekday as a decimal number [0-6], where Sunday is 0
+	       ((char= char #\w) (format nil "~D" (time-day-of-week date)))
+	       ;; %y - Year without century [00-99]
+	       ((char= char #\y) 
+		(let ((year-string (format nil "~,2A" (time-year date))))
+		  (subseq year-string (- (length year-string) 2))))
+	       ;; %Y - Year with century [such as 1990]
+	       ((char= char #\Y) (format nil "~D" (time-year date)))
+	       (t
+		(error "Ouch - unknown formatter '%~c" char))))
+	    (t char)))))))