about summary refs log tree commit diff
path: root/corp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'corp')
-rw-r--r--corp/ops/yandex/encrypted-state-secret.keybin0 -> 121 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.eotbin0 -> 229248 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.ttfbin0 -> 229072 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.woffbin0 -> 93520 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.woff2bin0 -> 65404 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/futurabookc.eotbin0 -> 22434 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/futurabookc.ttfbin0 -> 22196 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/futurabookc.woffbin0 -> 13092 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/fonts/futurabookc.woff2bin0 -> 9552 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/img/fon.pngbin0 -> 95122 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/img/it.pngbin0 -> 397645 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/img/mat.pngbin0 -> 296697 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/img/mat2.pngbin0 -> 882101 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/img/rus.pngbin0 -> 51952 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/img/work.pngbin0 -> 343895 bytes
-rw-r--r--corp/rih/frontend/rih-logo.pngbin0 -> 420956 bytes
72 files changed, 21418 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/corp/LICENSE b/corp/LICENSE
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6ae339dea33f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/LICENSE
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+Copyright 2021-2023 ООО ТВЛ
+Code under this folder may be redistributed as part of the TVL depot
+repository. All other usage rights for this code are reserved.
diff --git a/corp/OWNERS b/corp/OWNERS
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e99d7151f3b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/OWNERS
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+set noparent
diff --git a/corp/ops/.envrc b/corp/ops/.envrc
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..26049cf426a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/.envrc
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+out=$(nix-build ../.. -A corp.ops.deps --out-link ../../.gcroots/corp-deps)
+PATH_add "$out/bin"
+watch_file default.nix
diff --git a/corp/ops/.gitignore b/corp/ops/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5def054d764c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
diff --git a/corp/ops/default.nix b/corp/ops/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c88b3bdc1c71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets rec {
+  # Provide a Terraform wrapper with Yandex Cloud support.
+  terraform = pkgs.terraform.withPlugins (p: [
+    p.yandex
+  ]);
+  validate = depot.tools.checks.validateTerraform {
+    inherit terraform;
+    name = "corp";
+    src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
+  };
+  # Yandex Cloud CLI
+  yc-cli = pkgs.stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
+    pname = "yc-cli";
+    version = "0.106.0";
+    src = pkgs.fetchurl {
+      url = "https://storage.yandexcloud.net/yandexcloud-yc/release/${version}/linux/amd64/yc";
+      sha256 = "sha256:1f7fq9rlihz91ld1vdjj9vq9ssq1ls031jin4zisxv75rcdpslh3";
+    };
+    phases = [ "installPhase" ];
+    installPhase = "install -D $src $out/bin/yc";
+  };
+  deps = depot.tools.depot-deps.overrideDeps {
+    tf-yandex = {
+      attr = "corp.ops.terraform";
+      cmd = "terraform";
+    };
+    yc.attr = "corp.ops.yc-cli";
+  };
diff --git a/corp/ops/modules/.skip-tree b/corp/ops/modules/.skip-tree
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a6f528167f00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/modules/.skip-tree
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Only NixOS modules here.
diff --git a/corp/ops/yandex/creds.fish b/corp/ops/yandex/creds.fish
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..2985b2880864
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/yandex/creds.fish
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+export YC_TOKEN=(yc iam create-token)
+export YC_CLOUD_ID=(yc config get cloud-id)
+export YC_FOLDER_ID=(yc config get folder-id)
+export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="YCAJE6eRLY8Az-9kveNRtz4sh"
+export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=(yc kms symmetric-crypto decrypt --name tvl-credentials --cloud-id b1ggu5m1btue982app12 --folder-name default --ciphertext-file encrypted-state-secret.key --plaintext-file /dev/stdout | head -n1)
diff --git a/corp/ops/yandex/encrypted-state-secret.key b/corp/ops/yandex/encrypted-state-secret.key
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0d07158f2f01
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/yandex/encrypted-state-secret.key
Binary files differdiff --git a/corp/ops/yandex/main.tf b/corp/ops/yandex/main.tf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..cd8fa6e4cc67
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/yandex/main.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+# Terraform configuration for TVL corp infrastructure (on Yandex
+# Cloud).
+terraform {
+  required_providers {
+    yandex = {
+      source = "yandex-cloud/yandex"
+    }
+  }
+  # Credentials need to be sourced from creds.fish
+  backend "s3" {
+    endpoint = "storage.yandexcloud.net"
+    bucket   = "su-tvl-terraform-state"
+    region   = "ru-central1"
+    key      = "corp/ops/terraform.tfstate"
+    skip_region_validation      = true
+    skip_credentials_validation = true
+  }
+provider "yandex" {
+  zone = "ru-central1-b"
+locals {
+  tvl_cloud_id  = "b1ggu5m1btue982app12"
+  tvl_folder_id = "b1gmbeqt9o5kbl7rclln"
+  rih_cloud_id  = "b1glccvcqggi2ruibgvt"
+  rih_folder_id = "b1gsavcrsjn059d1sbh9"
+# Storage state bucket configuration
+resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "tf_state_sa" {
+  folder_id = local.tvl_folder_id
+  name      = "terraform-state"
+resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_member" "tf_state_sa_storage" {
+  folder_id = local.tvl_folder_id
+  role      = "storage.editor"
+  member    = "serviceAccount:${yandex_iam_service_account.tf_state_sa.id}"
+resource "yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key" "tf_state_sa_key" {
+  service_account_id = yandex_iam_service_account.tf_state_sa.id
+  description        = "Static access key for Terraform state"
+resource "yandex_storage_bucket" "tf_state" {
+  access_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.tf_state_sa_key.access_key
+  secret_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.tf_state_sa_key.secret_key
+  bucket     = "su-tvl-terraform-state"
+# Secret management configuration
+resource "yandex_kms_symmetric_key" "tvl_credentials_key" {
+  name              = "tvl-credentials"
+  folder_id         = local.tvl_folder_id
+  default_algorithm = "AES_256"
+  rotation_period   = "2160h" # 90 days
+resource "yandex_kms_secret_ciphertext" "tf_state_key" {
+  key_id    = yandex_kms_symmetric_key.tvl_credentials_key.id
+  plaintext = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.tf_state_sa_key.secret_key
diff --git a/corp/ops/yandex/rih.tf b/corp/ops/yandex/rih.tf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..104a61f86496
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/ops/yandex/rih.tf
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+# Deployment configuration for russiaishiring.com
+# The frontend of the page is served from a storage bucket, the
+# backend runs in a container.
+resource "yandex_dns_zone" "russiaishiring_com" {
+  name      = "russiaishiring-com"
+  zone      = "russiaishiring.com."
+  public    = true
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "rih_storage_sa" {
+  name      = "rih-storage-sa"
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_member" "rih_sa_storage_editor" {
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+  role      = "storage.admin"
+  member    = "serviceAccount:${yandex_iam_service_account.rih_storage_sa.id}"
+resource "yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key" "rih_sa_static_key" {
+  service_account_id = yandex_iam_service_account.rih_storage_sa.id
+  description        = "RIH bucket access key"
+resource "yandex_storage_bucket" "rih_storage_bucket" {
+  access_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.rih_sa_static_key.access_key
+  secret_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.rih_sa_static_key.secret_key
+  bucket     = "russiaishiring.com"
+  folder_id  = local.rih_folder_id
+  acl        = "public-read"
+  https {
+    certificate_id = yandex_cm_certificate.russiaishiring_com.id
+  }
+  website {
+    index_document = "index.html"
+  }
+resource "yandex_cm_certificate" "russiaishiring_com" {
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+  name      = "russiaishiring-com"
+  domains   = ["russiaishiring.com"]
+  managed {
+    challenge_type = "DNS_CNAME"
+  }
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "acme_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = yandex_cm_certificate.russiaishiring_com.challenges[0].dns_name
+  type    = yandex_cm_certificate.russiaishiring_com.challenges[0].dns_type
+  data    = [yandex_cm_certificate.russiaishiring_com.challenges[0].dns_value]
+  ttl     = 3600
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "yandex_txt_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = "@"
+  type    = "TXT"
+  ttl     = 21600
+  data = [
+    "\"yandex-verification: b42768b04ab10b58\"",
+    "\"v=spf1 redirect=_spf.yandex.net\""
+  ]
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "yandex_mx_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = "@"
+  type    = "MX"
+  data    = ["10 mx.yandex.net."]
+  ttl     = 21600
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "yandex_dkim_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = "mail._domainkey"
+  type    = "TXT"
+  data    = ["\"v=DKIM1; k=rsa; t=s; p=MIGfMA0GCSqGSIb3DQEBAQUAA4GNADCBiQKBgQDgRfKnq+PZS3RFcHUnsKAvnBs2HCH5zSFjiZZ8/oyaC4va6I506/88HkZbME2xxfivpFmkKc6eBBpSzg6TVws0R3hAmb02u3qUQpX29+lEossq9j2fYvYBBZDf557ioxfQrE0+bIpsqV7+LXIsybq61+egbH+MKbxhda6fr4oPqwIDAQAB\""]
+  ttl     = 21600
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "aname_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = "russiaishiring.com."
+  type    = "ANAME"
+  data    = ["russiaishiring.com.website.yandexcloud.net"]
+  ttl     = 3600
+resource "yandex_container_registry" "rih_registry" {
+  name      = "rih-registry"
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+resource "yandex_iam_service_account" "rih_backend" {
+  name      = "rih-backend"
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+resource "yandex_resourcemanager_folder_iam_member" "rih_backend_image_pull" {
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+  role      = "container-registry.images.puller"
+  member    = "serviceAccount:${yandex_iam_service_account.rih_backend.id}"
+resource "yandex_serverless_container" "rih_backend" {
+  name               = "rih-backend"
+  folder_id          = local.rih_folder_id
+  memory             = 128
+  execution_timeout  = "10s"
+  cores              = 1
+  core_fraction      = 100
+  service_account_id = yandex_iam_service_account.rih_backend.id
+  image {
+    url = "cr.yandex/crpkcq65tn6bhq6puq2o/rih-backend:q8kfd6kwc7p4wphzw1pj916y9m6icl9q"
+  }
+  secrets {
+    id                   = yandex_lockbox_secret.rih_backend_storage_key.id
+    version_id           = yandex_lockbox_secret_version.rih_backend_storage_secret.id
+    key                  = "access_key"
+    environment_variable = "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID"
+  }
+  secrets {
+    id                   = yandex_lockbox_secret.rih_backend_storage_key.id
+    version_id           = yandex_lockbox_secret_version.rih_backend_storage_secret.id
+    key                  = "secret_key"
+    environment_variable = "AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY"
+  }
+  secrets {
+    id                   = data.yandex_lockbox_secret.rih_captcha_prod_key.id
+    version_id           = data.yandex_lockbox_secret.rih_captcha_prod_key.current_version[0].id
+    key                  = "key"
+    environment_variable = "YANDEX_SMARTCAPTCHA_KEY"
+  }
+resource "yandex_api_gateway" "rih_gateway" {
+  name      = "rih-gateway"
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+  custom_domains {
+    fqdn           = "api.russiaishiring.com"
+    certificate_id = yandex_cm_certificate.api_russiaishiring_com.id
+  }
+  depends_on = [
+    yandex_cm_certificate.api_russiaishiring_com,
+    yandex_dns_recordset.acme_api_russiaishiring_com,
+  ]
+  spec = <<-EOT
+    openapi: "3.0.0"
+    info:
+      version: 1.0.0
+      title: RIH API
+    x-yc-apigateway:
+      cors:
+        origin: 'https://russiaishiring.com'
+        methods: '*'
+        allowedHeaders: '*'
+    paths:
+      /{proxy+}:
+        x-yc-apigateway-any-method:
+          x-yc-apigateway-integration:
+            type: serverless_containers
+            container_id: ${yandex_serverless_container.rih_backend.id}
+            service_account_id: ${yandex_iam_service_account.rih_backend.id}
+          parameters:
+          - explode: false
+            in: path
+            name: proxy
+            required: false
+            schema:
+              default: '-'
+              type: string
+            style: simple
+  EOT
+resource "yandex_cm_certificate" "api_russiaishiring_com" {
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+  name      = "api-russiaishiring-com"
+  domains   = ["api.russiaishiring.com"]
+  managed {
+    challenge_type = "DNS_CNAME"
+  }
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "acme_api_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = yandex_cm_certificate.api_russiaishiring_com.challenges[0].dns_name
+  type    = yandex_cm_certificate.api_russiaishiring_com.challenges[0].dns_type
+  data    = [yandex_cm_certificate.api_russiaishiring_com.challenges[0].dns_value]
+  ttl     = 60
+resource "yandex_dns_recordset" "cname_api_russiaishiring_com" {
+  zone_id = yandex_dns_zone.russiaishiring_com.id
+  name    = "api.russiaishiring.com."
+  type    = "CNAME"
+  data    = [yandex_api_gateway.rih_gateway.domain]
+  ttl     = 600
+# Bucket setup for data receival bucket
+# The bucket is set up and controlled by the default storage account,
+# but a separate key is set up for the rih-backend IAM account which
+# can only access the information in this bucket.
+resource "yandex_kms_symmetric_key" "backend_data_key" {
+  name              = "rih-backend-data-key"
+  default_algorithm = "AES_128"
+  rotation_period   = "4380h" # ~6 months
+  lifecycle {
+    prevent_destroy = true
+  }
+resource "yandex_kms_symmetric_key_iam_binding" "rih_encryption_access" {
+  symmetric_key_id = yandex_kms_symmetric_key.backend_data_key.id
+  role             = "kms.keys.encrypter"
+  members = [
+    "serviceAccount:${yandex_iam_service_account.rih_backend.id}"
+  ]
+resource "yandex_storage_bucket" "rih_backend_data" {
+  access_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.rih_sa_static_key.access_key
+  secret_key = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.rih_sa_static_key.secret_key
+  bucket     = "rih-backend-data"
+  folder_id  = local.rih_folder_id
+  acl        = "private"
+  versioning {
+    enabled = true
+  }
+  server_side_encryption_configuration {
+    rule {
+      apply_server_side_encryption_by_default {
+        kms_master_key_id = yandex_kms_symmetric_key.backend_data_key.id
+        sse_algorithm     = "aws:kms"
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  lifecycle {
+    prevent_destroy = true
+  }
+resource "yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key" "rih_backend_static_key" {
+  service_account_id = yandex_iam_service_account.rih_backend.id
+  description        = "RIH backend bucket access key"
+resource "yandex_lockbox_secret" "rih_backend_storage_key" {
+  name      = "rih-backend-storage-key"
+  folder_id = local.rih_folder_id
+resource "yandex_lockbox_secret_version" "rih_backend_storage_secret" {
+  secret_id = yandex_lockbox_secret.rih_backend_storage_key.id
+  entries {
+    key        = "access_key"
+    text_value = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.rih_backend_static_key.access_key
+  }
+  entries {
+    key        = "secret_key"
+    text_value = yandex_iam_service_account_static_access_key.rih_backend_static_key.secret_key
+  }
+# TODO(tazjin): automate if tf-yandex gains support for captcha resources
+data "yandex_lockbox_secret" "rih_captcha_prod_key" {
+  secret_id = "e6qloc8913tnracefb8f"
+# TODO(tazjin): needs provider update
+# resource "yandex_lockbox_secret_iam_binding" "viewer" {
+#   secret_id = yandex_lockbox_secret.rih_backend_storage_key.id
+#   role = "viewer"
+#   members = [
+#     "serviceAccount:${yandex_iam_service_account.rih_backend.id}"
+#   ]
+# }
diff --git a/corp/rih/.gitignore b/corp/rih/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64476c05e05d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/corp/rih/README.md b/corp/rih/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..e44d0f2a58e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Implementation of russiaishiring.com.
+This is a corporate TVL project, see `//corp/LICENSE`.
diff --git a/corp/rih/backend/Cargo.lock b/corp/rih/backend/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..afbe6fbc0bf4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/backend/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,1315 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
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+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
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new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/backend/Cargo.toml
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/backend/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets rec {
+  binary = depot.third_party.naersk.buildPackage {
+    src = ./.;
+  };
+  image = pkgs.dockerTools.buildLayeredImage {
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@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+use anyhow::{bail, Context, Result};
+use log::{debug, error, info, warn, LevelFilter};
+use rouille::{Request, Response};
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use std::collections::BTreeSet;
+use std::env;
+use std::net::SocketAddr;
+use std::time::{SystemTime, UNIX_EPOCH};
+use uuid::Uuid;
+mod yandex_log;
+/// Represents the request sent by the frontend application.
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+struct FrontendReq {
+    captcha_token: String,
+    record: Record,
+/// Represents a single record as filled in by a user. This is the
+/// primary data structure we want to populate and persist somewhere.
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+struct Record {
+    // Record-specific metadata
+    uuid: Uuid,
+    // Personal information
+    name: String,
+    email: String,
+    citizenship: String, // TODO
+    personal_details: String,
+    // Job information
+    position: String,
+    technologies: BTreeSet<String>,
+    job_details: String,
+    work_background: String,
+impl Record {
+    fn validate(&self) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+fn validate_captcha(token: &str) -> Result<()> {
+    // TODO(tazjin): pass `ip` parameter
+    let url = "https://smartcaptcha.yandexcloud.net/validate";
+    let backend_key =
+        env::var("YANDEX_SMARTCAPTCHA_KEY").context("captcha verification key not provided")?;
+    #[derive(Deserialize)]
+    struct CaptchaResponse {
+        status: String,
+        message: String,
+    }
+    let response: CaptchaResponse = attohttpc::get(url)
+        .param("secret", backend_key)
+        .param("token", token)
+        .send()
+        .context("failed to send captcha verification request")?
+        .error_for_status()
+        .context("captcha verification request failed")?
+        .json()
+        .context("failed to deserialize captcha verification response")?;
+    if response.status != "ok" {
+        warn!(
+            "invalid captcha: {} ({})",
+            response.message, response.status
+        );
+    }
+    info!("captcha token was valid");
+    Ok(())
+fn persist_record(ip: &SocketAddr, record: &Record) -> Result<()> {
+    let bucket_name = "rih-backend-data";
+    let credentials =
+        s3::creds::Credentials::from_env().context("failed to initialise storage credentials")?;
+    let yandex_region: s3::Region = s3::Region::Custom {
+        region: "ru-central1".to_string(),
+        endpoint: "storage.yandexcloud.net".to_string(),
+    };
+    let bucket = s3::Bucket::new(bucket_name, yandex_region, credentials)
+        .context("failed to initialise storage client")?;
+    let path_uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
+    let epoch = SystemTime::now()
+        .duration_since(UNIX_EPOCH)
+        .context("failed to get current time")?
+        .as_secs();
+    let path = format!("/records/{}-{}.json", epoch, path_uuid);
+    info!("writing record to '{}'", path);
+    let data = serde_json::json!({
+        "ip": ip.to_string(),
+        "record": record,
+    });
+    let response = bucket
+        .put_object(path, data.to_string().as_bytes())
+        .context("failed to persist storage object")?;
+    debug!(
+        "Object Storage response: ({}) {}",
+        response.status_code(),
+        response.as_str().unwrap_or("<unprintable>")
+    );
+    Ok(())
+fn handle_submit(req: &Request) -> Result<Response> {
+    let submitted: FrontendReq =
+        rouille::input::json::json_input(req).context("failed to deserialise frontend request")?;
+    validate_captcha(&submitted.captcha_token)?;
+    if !submitted.record.validate() {
+        bail!("invalid record: {:?}", submitted.record);
+    }
+    persist_record(req.remote_addr(), &submitted.record).context("failed to persist record")?;
+    Ok(Response::text("success"))
+fn main() -> Result<()> {
+    log::set_logger(&yandex_log::YANDEX_CLOUD_LOGGER)
+        .map(|()| log::set_max_level(LevelFilter::Info))
+        .expect("log configuration must succeed");
+    let port = env::var("PORT").unwrap_or_else(|_| /* rihb = */ "7442".to_string());
+    let listen = format!("{port}");
+    info!("launching rih-backend on: {}", listen);
+    rouille::start_server(&listen, move |request| {
+        if request.method() == "POST" && request.url() == "/submit" {
+            info!("handling submit request from {}", request.remote_addr());
+            match handle_submit(request) {
+                Ok(response) => {
+                    info!("submit handled successfully");
+                    response
+                }
+                Err(err) => {
+                    error!("failed to handle submit: {}", err);
+                    Response::empty_400()
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            warn!(
+                "no matching route for request: {} {}",
+                request.method(),
+                request.url()
+            );
+            Response::empty_404()
+        }
+    });
diff --git a/corp/rih/backend/src/yandex_log.rs b/corp/rih/backend/src/yandex_log.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..64bb4ff97dc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/backend/src/yandex_log.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+//! Implements a `log::Log` logger that adheres to the structure
+//! expected by Yandex Cloud Serverless logs.
+//! https://cloud.yandex.ru/docs/serverless-containers/concepts/logs
+use log::{Level, Log};
+use serde_json::json;
+pub struct YandexCloudLogger;
+pub const YANDEX_CLOUD_LOGGER: YandexCloudLogger = YandexCloudLogger;
+fn level_map(level: &Level) -> &'static str {
+    match level {
+        Level::Error => "ERROR",
+        Level::Warn => "WARN",
+        Level::Info => "INFO",
+        Level::Debug => "DEBUG",
+        Level::Trace => "TRACE",
+    }
+impl Log for YandexCloudLogger {
+    fn enabled(&self, _: &log::Metadata<'_>) -> bool {
+        true
+    }
+    fn log(&self, record: &log::Record<'_>) {
+        if !self.enabled(record.metadata()) {
+            return;
+        }
+        eprintln!(
+            "{}",
+            json!({
+                "level": level_map(&record.level()),
+                "message": record.args().to_string(),
+                "target": record.target(),
+                "module": record.module_path(),
+                "file": record.file(),
+                "line": record.line(),
+            })
+        );
+    }
+    fn flush(&self) {}
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+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "89b249cdb39e0cddaf0644dedc781854524374664793479fdc01e6a65d6e6ae3"
+dependencies = [
+ "proc-macro2",
+ "quote",
+ "syn 1.0.109",
diff --git a/corp/rih/frontend/Cargo.toml b/corp/rih/frontend/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..6ae2824d1dbe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/frontend/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+version = "0.1.0"
+name = "rih"
+authors = [ "Vincent Ambo <tazjin@tvl.su>" ]
+license = "Proprietary"
+edition = "2021"
+fuzzy-matcher = "0.3.7"
+getrandom = { version = "0.2", features = ["js"] }
+gloo = "0.8"
+js-sys = "0.3"
+rand = "0.8"
+rust_iso3166 = "0.1.10"
+serde_json = "1.0"
+serde_urlencoded = "*" # pinned by yew
+yew = { version = "0.20", features = ["csr"] }
+yew-router = "0.17"
+wasm-bindgen-futures = "0.4"
+# needs to be in sync with nixpkgs
+wasm-bindgen = "= 0.2.87"
+uuid = { version = "1.3.3", features = ["v4", "serde"] }
+version = "*" # pinned by yew
+features = [ "derive" ]
+version = "*" # pinned by yew
+features = [ "HtmlDetailsElement" ]
+path = "./static-markdown"
+lto = true
+opt-level = 'z'
+codegen-units = 1
+wasm-opt = ['-Os']
diff --git a/corp/rih/frontend/default.nix b/corp/rih/frontend/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..24bbde09b975
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/frontend/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  wasmRust = pkgs.rust-bin.stable.latest.default.override {
+    targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ];
+  };
+  cargoToml = with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ./Cargo.toml);
+  wasmBindgenMatch =
+    cargoToml.dependencies.wasm-bindgen == "= ${pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.version}";
+  assertWasmBindgen = assert (lib.assertMsg wasmBindgenMatch ''
+    Due to instability in the Rust WASM ecosystem, the trunk build
+    tool enforces that the Cargo-dependency version of `wasm-bindgen`
+    MUST match the version of the CLI supplied in the environment.
+    This can get out of sync when nixpkgs is updated. To resolve it,
+    wasm-bindgen must be bumped in the Cargo.toml file and cargo needs
+    to be run to resolve the dependencies.
+    Versions of `wasm-bindgen` in Cargo.toml:
+      Expected: '= ${pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.version}'
+      Actual:   '${cargoToml.dependencies.wasm-bindgen}'
+  ''); pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli;
+  deps = with pkgs; [
+    binaryen
+    sass
+    wasmRust
+    trunk
+    assertWasmBindgen
+  ];
+pkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+  pname = "rih-frontend";
+  version = "canon";
+  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
+  cargoLock.lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+  buildPhase = ''
+    export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath deps}:$PATH
+    mkdir home
+    export HOME=$PWD/.home
+    env
+    trunk build --release -d $out
+  '';
+  dontInstall = true;
diff --git a/corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.eot b/corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.eot
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..de1dfa2ed867
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.eot
Binary files differdiff --git a/corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.svg b/corp/rih/frontend/fonts/IdealistSans.svg
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..01134450efcf
--- /dev/null
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@@ -0,0 +1,10438 @@
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+l73 47z" />
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+l-103 -136h-64z" />
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+l-23 48l123 125h23l124 -125l-23 -48z" />
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+q25 0 41.5 -6t30.5 -13.5t28 -13.5t34 -6q21 0 36 7t32 24l41 -46q-23 -29 -48.5 -42.5t-59.5 -13.5q-23 0 -40.5 6.5t-34 14t-32.5 14t-34 6.5q-26 0 -45 -9.5t-35 -29.5z" />
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+q29 0 45.5 -17t16.5 -43q0 -25 -16.5 -41.5t-45.5 -16.5q-28 0 -44.5 16.5t-16.5 41.5q0 26 16.5 43t44.5 17zM430 681q29 0 45.5 -17t16.5 -43q0 -25 -16.5 -41.5t-45.5 -16.5q-28 0 -44.5 16.5t-16.5 41.5q0 26 16.5 43t44.5 17z" />
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+t-50 -137q0 -100 65 -150zM267 68q12 -2 25 -3.5t27 -1.5q88 0 138 50t50 137q0 86 -51 137z" />
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+q0 26 16.5 43t44.5 17zM413 681q29 0 45.5 -17t16.5 -43q0 -25 -16.5 -41.5t-45.5 -16.5q-28 0 -44.5 16.5t-16.5 41.5q0 26 16.5 43t44.5 17z" />
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+q-23 0 -41 -1t-33.5 -3.5t-30 -6t-30.5 -8.5v-298z" />
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+q0 52 -28.5 76t-101.5 24q-94 0 -189 -41zM418 238q-87 -2 -146.5 -9.5t-108.5 -20.5q-20 -24 -20 -60q0 -41 25.5 -61.5t72.5 -20.5q50 0 92.5 15t84.5 51v106zM450 642v-70h-314v70h314z" />
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+" />
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+v106z" />
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+v-203z" />
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+h-120zM151 333q0 -52 35.5 -78.5t101.5 -26.5q60 0 98.5 25.5t38.5 79.5q0 27 -10.5 47.5t-29 34t-43.5 20t-54 6.5q-63 0 -100 -28t-37 -80zM294 622l-112 -77l-23 48l123 125h23l124 -125l-23 -48z" />
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+q0 -59 19.5 -106.5t53.5 -80.5t80 -51t99 -18q51 0 90 8.5t76 28.5v166h-170v75h262zM288 839q14 -29 39.5 -44t56.5 -15q68 0 97 59l60 -27q-17 -53 -58.5 -79t-98.5 -26q-56 0 -98.5 27t-57.5 78z" />
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+h-120zM151 333q0 -52 35.5 -78.5t101.5 -26.5q60 0 98.5 25.5t38.5 79.5q0 27 -10.5 47.5t-29 34t-43.5 20t-54 6.5q-63 0 -100 -28t-37 -80zM287 685q32 0 49.5 -19t17.5 -47q0 -29 -17.5 -46t-49.5 -17t-49 17t-17 46q0 28 17 47t49 19z" />
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+q-89 0 -140.5 -46t-63.5 -121h301v-74z" />
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+q0 52 -28.5 76t-101.5 24q-94 0 -189 -41zM418 238q-50 -1 -90 -3t-74 -8q-54 -9 -82.5 -27.5t-28.5 -57.5q0 -41 25.5 -58.5t72.5 -17.5q50 0 92.5 15t84.5 51v106zM322 563h-64l-103 136l73 47z" />
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+l-39 -65q-30 22 -58.5 31.5t-63.5 9.5q-51 0 -77 -19t-26 -48q0 -23 10 -38.5t32 -34.5l229 -191q18 35 24 66t6 72l-81 19l8 57h196zM197 293q-32 -16 -49.5 -42.5t-17.5 -62.5q0 -31 11.5 -54.5t32 -39t47.5 -23.5t57 -8q47 0 78 11t59 34z" />
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+q93 0 170 42l28 -73q-48 -26 -96 -35.5t-107 -9.5q-63 0 -113.5 19.5t-86 54t-54.5 81.5t-19 102q0 59 22.5 107.5t61.5 83t91 53.5t112 19q13 0 25 -0.5t23 -1.5q-15 30 -15 77q0 35 13.5 64t38 50t58 32.5t73.5 11.5q47 0 84.5 -6.5t79.5 -21.5v-423l80 53l174 155h109z
+" />
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+t-61.5 -88t-92 -57t-114 -20q-62 0 -115 19.5t-93 56t-62.5 88t-22.5 115.5t22.5 115.5t62.5 88t93 56t115 19.5q61 0 114 -20t92 -57t61.5 -88t22.5 -114zM115 259q0 -52 17.5 -92t47.5 -67.5t69.5 -42t83.5 -14.5t83.5 14.5t69.5 42t47.5 67.5t17.5 92t-17.5 92
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+t-61.5 23.5q-17 0 -33 -6t-28 -17.5t-19 -27t-7 -34.5t7.5 -35t19.5 -27t27.5 -17.5t32.5 -6.5t33 6.5t28 17.5t19.5 27t7.5 35z" />
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+l-142 119l21 54z" />
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+q-54 0 -76.5 -20t-22.5 -51t18 -44t53 -22l93 -24q36 -9 65.5 -22.5t50.5 -33.5t33 -47.5t12 -64.5q0 -65 -44.5 -109.5t-131.5 -53.5v-72h-84v72z" />
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+q-54 0 -76.5 -20t-22.5 -51t18 -44t53 -22l93 -24q36 -9 65.5 -22.5t50.5 -33.5t33 -47.5t12 -64.5q0 -65 -44.5 -109.5t-131.5 -53.5v-72h-84v72z" />
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+q38 -18 72 -25t73 -7q79 0 116.5 19t37.5 60q0 20 -7 33t-22.5 21t-41.5 13t-65 9q-98 10 -146 42.5t-48 102.5q0 52 39 91t120 50v71h84z" />
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+q38 -18 72 -25t73 -7q79 0 116.5 19t37.5 60q0 20 -7 33t-22.5 21t-41.5 13t-65 9q-98 10 -146 42.5t-48 102.5q0 52 39 91t120 50v71h84z" />
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+q0 27 11.5 46t30 31t43 18t50.5 6q25 0 49 -6t43 -18t30 -30.5t11 -44.5q0 -20 -9 -38.5t-27 -29.5q34 -15 48 -39.5t14 -56.5q0 -33 -13.5 -57t-36 -39t-51 -22t-59.5 -7q-35 0 -64 7.5t-50.5 22.5t-33.5 38t-12 55q0 66 61 94z" />
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+t-74.5 41.5t-42.5 63t-13.5 79.5q0 57 30.5 100.5t81.5 62.5v4zM295 383q56 0 83.5 28t27.5 75q0 43 -25.5 74t-85.5 31q-30 0 -51 -8.5t-34.5 -22.5t-20 -33t-6.5 -41q0 -21 7 -39.5t21 -32.5t35 -22.5t49 -8.5zM295 311q-68 0 -106.5 -32t-38.5 -93q0 -26 7.5 -48.5
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+q24 -15 44.5 -25.5t40.5 -17t42 -9.5t49 -3q63 0 95 23.5t32 66.5q0 42 -23 61.5t-76 32.5l-101 24q-59 14 -89.5 51t-30.5 96q0 66 50 107.5t137 41.5q58 0 105 -12.5t86 -39.5zM175 -225q62 24 62 68q-30 0 -43.5 16.5t-13.5 37.5q0 10 3 20t10 18.5t18.5 14t28.5 5.5
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+l25 78q42 -25 79 -32.5t77 -7.5q22 0 42 2.5t35.5 9.5t24.5 20t9 33q0 32 -23 46t-61 23l-81 20q-74 18 -107.5 56t-33.5 90q0 82 80 127q-23 17 -34.5 37.5t-11.5 51.5q0 35 16 61.5t42 44t58.5 26t66.5 8.5q49 0 88.5 -10t79.5 -33zM184 360q-28 -15 -40.5 -31.5
+t-12.5 -43.5q0 -36 23.5 -52t71.5 -28l109 -27q24 11 37 32t13 45q0 19 -6.5 32t-18.5 22t-29.5 15.5t-40.5 11.5z" />
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+d="M305 370v-46l-165 -324h-77l161 308h-199v62h280z" />
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+d="M305 650v-46l-165 -324h-77l161 308h-199v62h280z" />
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+d="M432 560v-50l-241 -510h-98l229 484h-277v76h387z" />
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+d="M488 560v-50l-241 -510h-98l229 484h-277v76h387z" />
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+d="M481 510v-58l-270 -587h-99l262 562h-329v83h436z" />
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+d="M406 407q-39 18 -74.5 24.5t-76.5 6.5q-66 0 -95.5 -18.5t-29.5 -47.5q0 -20 10 -32t27.5 -19.5t42 -11.5t53.5 -7q47 -5 84 -15.5t62 -29t38 -46.5t13 -68q0 -78 -64 -115.5t-174 -37.5q-55 0 -96.5 7.5t-85.5 26.5l23 76q74 -35 155 -35q155 0 155 79q0 20 -7 33
+t-23 21t-42 13t-65 9q-98 10 -146 42.5t-48 102.5q0 30 13 56.5t39.5 46t67 31t94.5 11.5h19.5t18.5 -1q-7 15 -10.5 33.5t-3.5 42.5q0 35 13.5 64t38 50t58 32.5t73.5 11.5q47 0 84.5 -6.5t79.5 -21.5v-287q35 44 82.5 63t98.5 19q104 0 155.5 -56.5t51.5 -162.5v-291h-93
+v292q0 66 -25 104t-89 38q-56 0 -100.5 -22t-80.5 -66v-346h-93v660q-38 11 -79 11q-46 0 -71 -23.5t-25 -64.5q0 -35 16 -60t60 -44z" />
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+d="M99 162q0 -49 21 -79.5t63 -30.5t62 18t20 48q0 68 -70 68q-29 0 -51.5 -6t-44.5 -18zM297 319q-54 -1 -89.5 -7.5t-57 -19.5t-32.5 -32.5t-17 -46.5q21 16 45.5 24.5t56.5 8.5q26 0 50 -7t43 -22.5t30 -40t11 -58.5q0 -33 -12 -57t-33 -39.5t-49 -23t-60 -7.5
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+M153 272q0 -54 11 -93t31.5 -63.5t49 -36t63.5 -11.5q61 0 94 33t33 99q0 63 -32.5 97t-95.5 34q-51 0 -86.5 -15t-67.5 -44z" />
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+d="M461 573q-62 0 -118.5 -11.5t-99 -37.5t-68 -69.5t-25.5 -107.5q34 30 75 46t96 16q44 0 82 -14.5t66 -41.5t44 -66t16 -87q0 -58 -21 -98.5t-54.5 -66t-75.5 -37t-85 -11.5q-109 0 -172 80.5t-63 247.5q0 90 32 154t87 104t127 58.5t153 18.5zM151 272q0 -55 12 -94
+t32 -63.5t46.5 -35.5t56.5 -11q67 0 102 33t35 99q0 63 -32.5 97t-95.5 34q-51 0 -87.5 -15t-68.5 -44z" />
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+t32 -63.5t46.5 -35.5t56.5 -11q67 0 102 33t35 99q0 63 -32.5 97t-95.5 34q-51 0 -87.5 -15t-68.5 -44z" />
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+d="M627 292l80 53l174 155h118l-226 -201l229 -299h-108l-190 255l-77 -43v-212h-93v660q-38 11 -79 11q-46 0 -71 -23.5t-25 -64.5q0 -35 17 -59.5t59 -44.5l-29 -72q-39 18 -74.5 24.5t-76.5 6.5q-66 0 -95.5 -18.5t-29.5 -47.5q0 -20 10 -32t27.5 -19.5t42 -11.5t53.5 -7
+q47 -5 84 -15.5t62 -29t38 -46.5t13 -68q0 -78 -64 -115.5t-174 -37.5q-55 0 -96.5 7.5t-85.5 26.5l23 76q74 -35 155 -35q155 0 155 79q0 20 -7 33t-23 21t-42 13t-65 9q-98 10 -146 42.5t-48 102.5q0 30 13 56.5t39.5 46t67 31t94.5 11.5h20.5t18.5 -1q-8 15 -11.5 33.5
+t-3.5 42.5q0 35 13.5 64t38 50t58 32.5t73.5 11.5q47 0 84.5 -6.5t79.5 -21.5v-423z" />
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+d="M243 627l77 -25l-243 -697l-75 25z" />
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+d="M402 407q-39 18 -74.5 24.5t-76.5 6.5q-66 0 -95.5 -18.5t-29.5 -47.5q0 -20 10 -32t27.5 -19.5t42 -11.5t53.5 -7q47 -5 84 -15.5t62 -29t38 -46.5t13 -68q0 -78 -64 -115.5t-174 -37.5q-55 0 -96.5 7.5t-85.5 26.5l23 76q74 -35 155 -35q155 0 155 79q0 20 -7 33
+t-23 21t-42 13t-65 9q-98 10 -146 42.5t-48 102.5q0 30 13 56.5t39.5 46t67 31t94.5 11.5h21.5t20.5 -1q-7 15 -10.5 33.5t-3.5 42.5q0 35 15 64t40.5 50t59 32.5t69.5 11.5q43 0 78 -13t59.5 -34.5t37.5 -49t13 -56.5q0 -27 -4.5 -48.5t-13.5 -41.5h215l-3 -77l-196 8v-262
+q0 -57 26 -81t67 -24q33 0 59.5 9t54.5 26l30 -67q-31 -22 -67.5 -32t-86.5 -10q-86 0 -131.5 45t-45.5 133v255l-68 11v35q51 21 67 51t16 63q0 41 -28.5 68.5t-79.5 27.5q-46 0 -75 -27.5t-29 -68.5q0 -35 15 -59t57 -45z" />
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+d="M466 560v-75h-172v-485h-92v485h-172v75h436z" />
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+d="M262 207q60 -27 60 -90q0 -33 -13 -56.5t-35 -39t-50.5 -23t-59.5 -7.5q-25 0 -44 2t-35 7t-30.5 13t-29.5 20l24 55q29 -22 54 -30.5t57 -8.5q39 0 66 17t27 51q0 29 -16.5 40.5t-54.5 11.5h-83v58h74q29 0 44.5 9.5t15.5 35.5q0 47 -67 47q-54 0 -95 -31l-33 47
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+t-75.5 -46.5t-102 -17q-75 0 -128 18t-96 59l44 77q44 -41 83.5 -57t90.5 -16q33 0 61.5 9t49 26.5t32.5 42t12 54.5q0 63 -38.5 90.5t-96.5 27.5h-105v77h100z" />
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+d="M262 487q60 -27 60 -90q0 -33 -13 -56.5t-35 -39t-50.5 -23t-59.5 -7.5q-25 0 -44 2t-35 7t-30.5 13t-29.5 20l24 55q29 -22 54 -30.5t57 -8.5q39 0 66 17t27 51q0 29 -16.5 40.5t-54.5 11.5h-83v58h74q29 0 44.5 9.5t15.5 35.5q0 47 -67 47q-54 0 -95 -31l-33 47
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+d="M246 336q42 0 64 24.5t22 59.5q0 39 -30.5 58t-69.5 19q-46 0 -75.5 -12t-55.5 -36l-43 61q41 32 81.5 46t95.5 14q38 0 71.5 -10.5t59 -29.5t40.5 -45.5t15 -57.5q0 -36 -17.5 -68t-52.5 -47v-4q44 -14 72.5 -49t28.5 -90q0 -39 -15 -72t-43.5 -56.5t-68.5 -37
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+t-89 -13.5q-69 0 -116.5 14t-84.5 51l41 68q19 -17 36.5 -28t35.5 -17.5t37 -9t42 -2.5q63 0 99.5 24.5t36.5 77.5q0 52 -29.5 74.5t-80.5 22.5h-107v71h100z" />
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+q-48 0 -87 6.5t-79 23.5l26 77q18 -8 34 -13t32.5 -8t35 -4.5t41.5 -1.5q40 0 74.5 10.5t59 29.5t38.5 45.5t14 58.5q0 60 -36 83t-94 23h-112v76h106z" />
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+q-48 0 -87 6.5t-79 23.5l26 77q18 -8 34 -13t32.5 -8t35 -4.5t41.5 -1.5q40 0 74.5 10.5t59 29.5t38.5 45.5t14 58.5q0 60 -36 83t-94 23h-112v76h106z" />
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+d="M296 0h-271v61l157 119q26 19 37.5 37t11.5 41q0 26 -17.5 41.5t-54.5 15.5q-30 0 -54 -10.5t-48 -33.5l-34 51q29 29 62.5 43t78.5 14q63 0 100.5 -32.5t37.5 -87.5q0 -33 -14 -62t-42 -49l-117 -86h167v-62z" />
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+    <hkern u1="&#x3d;" u2="&#x37;" k="60" />
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+    <hkern u1="&#x3e;" u2="&#x442;" k="50" />
+    <hkern u1="&#x3e;" u2="&#x37;" k="60" />
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+    <hkern u1="A" u2="&#x447;" k="50" />
+    <hkern u1="A" u2="&#x442;" k="60" />
+    <hkern u1="A" u2="&#x42a;" k="60" />
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+    <hkern u1="A" u2="&#x2f;" k="-30" />
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+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x44a;" k="20" />
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+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x442;" k="30" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x42f;" k="30" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x42a;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x427;" k="30" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x39;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x37;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x35;" k="10" />
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+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x32;" k="30" />
+    <hkern u1="B" u2="&#x31;" k="20" />
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+    <hkern u1="C" u2="&#x44a;" k="40" />
+    <hkern u1="C" u2="&#x447;" k="20" />
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+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x447;" k="10" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x442;" k="10" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x42f;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x42a;" k="40" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x427;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x37;" k="40" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x33;" k="40" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x32;" k="30" />
+    <hkern u1="D" u2="&#x31;" k="20" />
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+    <hkern u1="E" u2="&#x44a;" k="30" />
+    <hkern u1="E" u2="&#x447;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="E" u2="&#x442;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="E" u2="&#x42f;" k="10" />
+    <hkern u1="E" u2="&#x427;" k="20" />
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+    <hkern u1="F" g2="gbreve.alt1" k="40" />
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+    <hkern u1="F" g2="Euro.sc" k="40" />
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+    <hkern u1="F" u2="&#x2264;" k="20" />
+    <hkern u1="F" u2="&#x2260;" k="20" />
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+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="zero,nine,D,O,Q,copyright,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Thorn,eth,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni020C,uni020E,afii10032,afii10038,afii10047,afii10048,Omega,partialdiff,zero.slash"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="zero,nine,D,O,Q,copyright,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Thorn,eth,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni020C,uni020E,afii10032,afii10038,afii10047,afii10048,Omega,partialdiff,zero.slash"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="zero,nine,D,O,Q,copyright,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Thorn,eth,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni020C,uni020E,afii10032,afii10038,afii10047,afii10048,Omega,partialdiff,zero.slash"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="zero,nine,D,O,Q,copyright,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Thorn,eth,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni020C,uni020E,afii10032,afii10038,afii10047,afii10048,Omega,partialdiff,zero.slash"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="zero,nine,D,O,Q,copyright,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Thorn,eth,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni020C,uni020E,afii10032,afii10038,afii10047,afii10048,Omega,partialdiff,zero.slash"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="40" />
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+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="zero,nine,D,O,Q,copyright,Eth,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Thorn,eth,Dcaron,Dcroat,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,uni020C,uni020E,afii10032,afii10038,afii10047,afii10048,Omega,partialdiff,zero.slash"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="30" />
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+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="50" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="40" />
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+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="50" />
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+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="40" />
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+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="10" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="10" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
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+	k="20" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	k="50" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	k="40" />
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+	k="60" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	k="30" />
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+	k="30" />
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+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="20" />
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+	k="20" />
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+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="30" />
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+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
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+	k="50" />
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+	k="20" />
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+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="70" />
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+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="20" />
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+	k="60" />
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+	k="70" />
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+	k="50" />
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+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="60" />
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+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="70" />
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+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10052,afii10020,afii10036,afii10050"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="110" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="three,B,germandbls,afii10018,afii10019,afii10025"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="C,Ccedilla,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,afii10053,afii10035,Euro"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="E,AE,Egrave,Eacute,Ecircumflex,Edieresis,Emacron,Ebreve,Edotaccent,Eogonek,Ecaron,OE,uni0204,uni0206,afii10023,afii10022,summation"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="K,X,Kcommaaccent,afii10061,afii10024,afii10028,afii10039"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="100" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="110" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="L,Lacute,Lcommaaccent,Lcaron,Ldot,Lslash"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="120" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="P,afii10034,rupiah"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="R,Racute,Rcommaaccent,Rcaron,uni0210,uni0212"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="W,Wcircumflex"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="100" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="110" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="110" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10021,afii10040,afii10043"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10058,afii10059,afii10044,afii10046"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10058,afii10059,afii10044,afii10046"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10058,afii10059,afii10044,afii10046"
+	g2="afii10058,afii10021,afii10029"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10058,afii10059,afii10044,afii10046"
+	g2="afii10025,afii10047,summation"
+	k="20" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	k="10" />
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+	k="20" />
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+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,oe,uni0205,uni0207,afii10070,afii10071,ae.alt1"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,oe,uni0205,uni0207,afii10070,afii10071,ae.alt1"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="e,ae,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,oe,uni0205,uni0207,afii10070,afii10071,ae.alt1"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="h,m,n,ntilde,hcircumflex,hbar,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,napostrophe,afii10099,afii10108,ch.liga,fh.liga,lsh.liga,sh.liga"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="f,florin,fb.liga,ff.liga,ffi.liga,ffj.liga,fh.liga,fi.liga,fj.liga,fk.liga,fl.liga,ft.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="k,x,kcommaaccent,kgreenlandic,afii10072,afii10076,afii10087,afii10109,ck.liga,fk.liga,lsk.liga,sk.liga"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="130" />
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+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="30" />
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+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="r,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,uni0211,uni0213,afii10068,afii10100,afii10098"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="30" />
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+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="-80" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="f,dcaron,lcaron,longs,ff.liga,lsls.liga"
+	g2="m,n,p,r,ntilde,dotlessi,kgreenlandic,nacute,ncommaaccent,ncaron,racute,rcommaaccent,rcaron,dotlessj,afii10067,afii10068,afii10074,afii10075,afii10076,afii10078,afii10079,afii10081,afii10082,afii10088,afii10090,afii10091,afii10093,afii10094,afii10096,afii10100,afii10107,afii10109,afii10193,afii10098,oneoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="80" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="w,wcircumflex"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="100" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="w,wcircumflex"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="w,wcircumflex"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="w,wcircumflex"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="w,wcircumflex"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="w,wcircumflex"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	g2="b,h,i,j,k,l,germandbls,igrave,iacute,icircumflex,idieresis,thorn,hcircumflex,hbar,itilde,imacron,iogonek,jcircumflex,kcommaaccent,lacute,lcommaaccent,ldot,lslash,uni0209,uni020B,afii10099,afii10103,afii10104,afii10105,afii10108,ii.liga,lsb.liga,lsh.liga,lsi.liga,lsj.liga,lsk.liga,lsl.liga,lsls.liga,lslsi.liga,lslsj.liga,lst.liga"
+	k="30" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="40" />
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+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10067,afii10073"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10067,afii10073"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="40" />
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+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10069,afii10088,afii10091"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
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+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
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+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="30" />
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+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="90" />
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+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092,afii10094,afii10106,afii10107"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092,afii10094,afii10106,afii10107"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092,afii10094,afii10106,afii10107"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092,afii10094,afii10106,afii10107"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092,afii10094,afii10106,afii10107"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10080.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10095.sc,afii10096.sc,d.sc,dcaron.sc,dcroat.sc,eth.sc,nine.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,thorn.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10068.sc,afii10084.sc,afii10098.sc,afii10100.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10066.sc,afii10067.sc,afii10073.sc,b.sc,three.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="Euro.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="ae.sc,afii10070.sc,afii10071.sc,e.sc,eacute.sc,ebreve.sc,ecaron.sc,ecircumflex.sc,edieresis.sc,edotaccent.sc,egrave.sc,emacron.sc,eogonek.sc,oe.sc,uni0205.sc,uni0207.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10072.sc,afii10076.sc,afii10087.sc,afii10109.sc,k.sc,kcommaaccent.sc,kgreenlandic.sc,x.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="140" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="100" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="l.sc,lacute.sc,lcaron.sc,lcommaaccent.sc,ldot.sc,lslash.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10082.sc,p.sc,rupiah.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="r.sc,racute.sc,rcaron.sc,rcommaaccent.sc,uni0211.sc,uni0213.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10102.sc,dollar.sc,s.sc,sacute.sc,scaron.sc,scedilla.sc,scircumflex.sc,scommaaccent.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	g2="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10069.sc,afii10088.sc,afii10091.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10069.sc,afii10088.sc,afii10091.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10069.sc,afii10088.sc,afii10091.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10069.sc,afii10088.sc,afii10091.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	k="160" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="afii10092.sc,afii10094.sc,afii10106.sc,afii10107.sc"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="130" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="a,agrave,aacute,acircumflex,atilde,adieresis,aring,ae,amacron,abreve,aogonek,uni0201,uni0203,afii10065,a.alt1,aacute.alt1,abreve.alt1,acircumflex.alt1,adieresis.alt1,ae.alt1,afii10065.77.liga,afii10065.alt1,agrave.alt1,amacron.alt1,aogonek.alt1,aring.alt1,atilde.alt1,uni0201.alt1,uni0203.alt1"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="g,gcircumflex,gbreve,gdotaccent,gcommaaccent,g.alt1,gbreve.alt1,gcircumflex.alt1,gcommaaccent.alt1,gdotaccent.alt1"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="90" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="110" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="s,sacute,scircumflex,scedilla,scaron,scommaaccent,afii10102,dollaroldstyle,sb.liga,sh.liga,sk.liga,st.liga"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="quotedbl,quotesingle,asterisk,asciicircum,ordfeminine,registered,degree,ordmasculine,uni02C9,quoteleft,quoteright,quotedblleft,quotedblright,trademark"
+	g2="afii10069,afii10077,afii10106"
+	k="60" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="A,Agrave,Aacute,Acircumflex,Atilde,Adieresis,Aring,AE,Amacron,Abreve,Aogonek,uni0200,uni0202,afii10017,Delta"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="dollar,S,Sacute,Scircumflex,Scedilla,Scaron,Scommaaccent,afii10054"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="X,afii10024,afii10039"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="Z,Zacute,Zdotaccent,Zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="z,zacute,zdotaccent,zcaron"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="x,afii10072,afii10087,afii10072.77.liga"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="afii10073,afii10095"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="afii10072.sc,afii10087.sc,x.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="z.sc,zacute.sc,zcaron.sc,zdotaccent.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="a.sc,aacute.sc,abreve.sc,acircumflex.sc,adieresis.sc,ae.sc,afii10065.sc,agrave.sc,amacron.sc,aogonek.sc,aring.sc,atilde.sc,uni0201.sc,uni0203.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="afii10069.sc,afii10077.sc,afii10106.sc"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="numbersign,plus,hyphen,less,equal,greater,asciitilde,currency,guillemotleft,logicalnot,uni00AD,plusminus,periodcentered,guillemotright,multiply,divide,endash,emdash,guilsinglleft,guilsinglright,arrowleft,arrowright,minus,infinity,approxequal,notequal,lessequal,greaterequal,approxequal.case,asciitilde.case,bullet.case,currency.taboldstyle,divide.case,emdash.case,endash.case,equal.case,greater.case,greaterequal.case,guillemotleft.case,guillemotright.case,guilsinglleft.case,guilsinglright.case,hyphen.case,less.case,lessequal.case,logicalnot.case,minus.case,multiply.case,notequal.case,numbersign.case,periodcentered.case,plus.case,plusminus.case,uni00AD.case"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="T,Tcommaaccent,Tcaron,uni021A,afii10051,afii10060,afii10036"
+	k="80" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="V,yen,afii10062,afii10037"
+	k="110" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="W,Wcircumflex"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="Y,Yacute,Ycircumflex,Ydieresis"
+	k="100" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="w,wcircumflex"
+	k="100" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="v,y,yacute,ydieresis,ycircumflex,afii10085,afii10110,radical,yenoldstyle"
+	k="120" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="u,ugrave,uacute,ucircumflex,udieresis,utilde,umacron,ubreve,uring,uhungarumlaut,uogonek,uni0215,uni0217"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="afii10085.sc,afii10110.sc,v.sc,yen.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="u.sc,uacute.sc,ubreve.sc,ucircumflex.sc,udieresis.sc,ugrave.sc,uhungarumlaut.sc,umacron.sc,uni0215.sc,uni0217.sc,uogonek.sc,uring.sc,utilde.sc"
+	k="30" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="afii10084.sc,afii10099.sc,afii10108.sc,t.sc,tcaron.sc,tcommaaccent.sc,uni021B.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="y.sc,yacute.sc,ycircumflex.sc,ydieresis.sc"
+	k="70" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="w.sc,wcircumflex.sc"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="afii10073.sc,afii10095.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="Euro.sc,afii10080.sc,afii10083.sc,afii10086.sc,afii10101.sc,c.sc,cacute.sc,ccaron.sc,ccedilla.sc,ccircumflex.sc,cdotaccent.sc,g.sc,gbreve.sc,gcircumflex.sc,gcommaaccent.sc,gdotaccent.sc,o.sc,oacute.sc,obreve.sc,ocircumflex.sc,odieresis.sc,oe.sc,ograve.sc,ohungarumlaut.sc,omacron.sc,oslash.sc,otilde.sc,q.sc,six.sc,uni020D.sc,uni020F.sc,zero.sc,zero.slash.sc"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="zero,six,C,G,O,Q,copyright,Ccedilla,Ograve,Oacute,Ocircumflex,Otilde,Odieresis,Oslash,Cacute,Ccircumflex,Cdotaccent,Ccaron,Gcircumflex,Gbreve,Gdotaccent,Gcommaaccent,Omacron,Obreve,Ohungarumlaut,OE,uni020C,uni020E,afii10053,afii10032,afii10035,afii10038,Euro,Omega,sixoldstyle,zero.slash"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="U,Ugrave,Uacute,Ucircumflex,Udieresis,Utilde,Umacron,Ubreve,Uring,Uhungarumlaut,Uogonek,uni0214,uni0216"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="c,d,e,o,q,cent,ccedilla,egrave,eacute,ecircumflex,edieresis,eth,ograve,oacute,ocircumflex,otilde,odieresis,oslash,cacute,ccircumflex,cdotaccent,ccaron,dcaron,dcroat,emacron,ebreve,edotaccent,eogonek,ecaron,omacron,obreve,ohungarumlaut,oe,uni020D,uni020F,afii10066,afii10070,afii10080,afii10083,afii10086,afii10071,afii10101,estimated,partialdiff,Eurooldstyle,cb.liga,centoldstyle,ch.liga,ck.liga,copyright.case,ct.liga,zero.slash.oldstyle,zerooldstyle"
+	k="40" />
+    <hkern g1="comma,period,underscore,quotesinglbase,quotedblbase,onedotenleader,twodotenleader,ellipsis"
+	g2="t,tcommaaccent,tcaron,uni021B"
+	k="50" />
+    <hkern g1="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	g2="sevensuperior,seveninferior,seven.denominator,seven.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	g2="onesuperior,oneinferior,one.denominator,one.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	g2="twosuperior,twoinferior,two.denominator,two.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	g2="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	g2="fivesuperior,fiveinferior,five.denominator,five.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	g2="ninesuperior,nineinferior,nine.denominator,nine.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="twosuperior,twoinferior,two.denominator,two.numerator"
+	g2="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="sevensuperior,seveninferior,seven.denominator,seven.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="onesuperior,oneinferior,one.denominator,one.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="twosuperior,twoinferior,two.denominator,two.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="fivesuperior,fiveinferior,five.denominator,five.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="ninesuperior,nineinferior,nine.denominator,nine.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="eightsuperior,eightinferior,eight.denominator,eight.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	g2="foursuperior,fourinferior,four.denominator,four.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="foursuperior,fourinferior,four.denominator,four.numerator"
+	g2="onesuperior,oneinferior,one.denominator,one.numerator"
+	k="20" />
+    <hkern g1="foursuperior,fourinferior,four.denominator,four.numerator"
+	g2="threesuperior,threeinferior,three.denominator,three.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="foursuperior,fourinferior,four.denominator,four.numerator"
+	g2="ninesuperior,nineinferior,nine.denominator,nine.numerator"
+	k="10" />
+    <hkern g1="foursuperior,fourinferior,four.denominator,four.numerator"
+	g2="zerosuperior,zeroinferior,zero.denominator,zero.numerator"
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@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
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+		<div class="mb-3 font-size-250 font-india text-center text-md-start">
+		  Privacy Policy
+		</div>
+		<div class="mb-3 text-grey1">
+                  <p><i>Effective as of: 2023-05-26</i></p>
+                  <p>This policy outlines who, how and what happens with personal
+                    information entered on russiaishiring.com.</p>
+                  <ol start="0">
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Parties</p>
+                      <p>Entities involved in the collection, storage and processing of
+                        data are the following, all registered in Russia:</p>
+                      <ul>
+                        <li>
+                          <p><a class="text-grey2" href="https://vista-immigration.ru/">VFBS LLC</a> (Vista Foreign Business
+                            Support), INN 7709963942, г. Москва, муниципальный округ
+                            Таганский вн.тер.г., ул. Таганская, д. 17-23</p>
+                          <p>Contact: <a class="text-grey2" href="mailto:tbis@vfbs.ru">tbis@vfbs.ru</a></p>
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                          <p><a class="text-grey2" href="https://tvl.su/">TVL LLC</a>, INN 9703038861, г. Москва, вн.тер.г.
+                            муниципальный округ Беговой, ул Правды, д. 24, стр. 2, помещ. 3П</p>
+                          <p>Contact: <a class="text-grey2" href="mailto:contact@tvl.su">contact@tvl.su</a></p>
+                        </li>
+                        <li>
+                          <p><a class="text-grey2" href="https://yandex.com/company/">Yandex LLC</a>, INN 1027700229193,
+                            119021, город Москва, ул. Льва Толстого, д.16</p>
+                          <p>Contacts: <a class="text-grey2" href="https://yandex.com/company/contacts/moscow/">https://yandex.com/company/contacts/moscow/</a></p>
+                        </li>
+                      </ul>
+                      <p>In the following text, VFBS LLC will be referred to as &quot;we&quot;.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Information we collect</p>
+                      <p>We collect information used for the purpose of matching a potential
+                        job candidate with a vacancy. This includes:</p>
+                      <ul>
+                        <li>Name</li>
+                        <li>Contact e-mail address</li>
+                        <li>Work background</li>
+                        <li>Citizenship</li>
+                        <li>Language skills</li>
+                      </ul>
+                      <p>We collect other <strong>optional</strong> information, such as data about the
+                        work background or expectations from a new job, as deemed relevant
+                        and supplied by the user.</p>
+                      <p>As part of our technical processes we also store the IP address
+                        from which data was submitted.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Data storage</p>
+                      <p>We store all collected data in services in Yandex Cloud, with the
+                        help of our technical services provider TVL LLC.</p>
+                      <p>Stored data is subject to the <a class="text-grey2" href="https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/">Yandex privacy
+                          policy</a>.</p>
+                      <p>Collected data is technically accessible by employees of TVL LLC
+                        and VFBC LLC.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Data processing</p>
+                      <p>Data is processed by automatic systems in Yandex Cloud. During
+                        processing, no access is granted to any parties not mentioned
+                        above.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Data sharing with third-parties</p>
+                      <p>As part of the operation of the service, data may be passed on to
+                        companies looking to hire candidates based on the data set.</p>
+                      <p>This is never done without the user's consent. If you submit data
+                        to us and a suitable job opportunity is found, we will reach out to
+                        you and confirm the further process as well as any data sharing.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>User rights</p>
+                      <p>Users that have submitted data to the service always have the right
+                        to request its removal. Please contact us at
+                        <a class="text-grey2" href="mailto:privacy@russiaishiring.com">privacy@russiaishiring.com</a> for help with data removal.</p>
+                      <p>Note that we may require you to verify your identity through the
+                        e-mail address you supplied to us when submitting data.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Tracking technologies, cookies, advertising</p>
+                      <p>We do not have any tracking technologies or advertising on
+                        russiaishiring.com. We do not use cookies. Only data explicitly
+                        entered by the user in the form is submitted to us.</p>
+                      <p>The site uses local storage on the user's machine to store form
+                        data between visits to the site.</p>
+                    </li>
+                    <li>
+                      <p>Retention period</p>
+                      <p>We will retain individual data no longer than 2 years from the date
+                        of entering the data. If updated data is received for a user, this
+                        period is reset.
+                        &quot;#)</p>
+                    </li>
+                  </ol>
+		</div>
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+		<a href="/" class="d-block text-decoration-none text-grey2 font-size-150 mb-3 font-india text-center text-md-start">
+		  Go back →
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+html! {
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+	      <div class="col-auto pt-5 pt-mb-0">
+		<div class="mb-3 font-size-250 font-india text-center text-md-start">
+		  {"Are you an IT-specialist on the hunt for a job?"}
+		</div>
+		<div class="mb-3 text-grey1">
+		  {"Well, times are tough in Western countries at the moment. Meanwhile tech is booming in Russia, and national support programs make life as an IT-specialist very comfortable.  Why not look East?"}
+		</div>
+		<div class="mb-3 text-grey1">
+		  {"We can help you find an employer in Russia, sort out the formalities and get you started. Sign up and tell us a bit about your profile, or read on below about the benefits of life in Russia."}
+		</div>
+		<a href="#signup" class="d-block text-decoration-none text-red font-size-150 mb-3 font-india text-center text-md-start">
+		  {"Sign up →"}
+		</a>
+	      </div>
+	      <img src="img/mat.png" class="hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl hidden-xxl my-3" width="" height="" />
+	      <div class="col-auto text-center text-md-start">
+		<div class="text-red mb-3 font-size-250 font-india">
+		  {"Russia is well placed to draw highly-qualified specialists"}
+		</div>
+		<div class="mb-3 font-size-125">
+		  {"looking to relocate from any part of the World."}
+		</div>
+	      </div>
+	    </div>
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
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+      <div class="px-3">
+	<div class="row py-3 py-sm-4">
+	  <div class="col-12 col-md-4 text-red font-size-150 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"Russia is"}
+            <br/>
+            {"an industrialized country"}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class="col-12 col-md-8 font-size-125">
+	    <div class="mb-3">
+	      {"and the sole European power whose economic cycle is synchronized with Asian economic growth rather than with Western economic contraction."}
+	    </div>
+	    <div class="mb-3">
+	      {"Despite the recent sanctions and political tensions, Russia is developing rapidly and needs skilled workers to help fuel its growth. The country has a diverse economy, with strong industries in areas such as energy, technology, finance, and manufacturing. Russian economy has much less risks compared to the Western economies, it is isolated from the Western financial sector and is not a Bubble economy."}
+	    </div>
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="mb-3 mb-sm-4 mb-md-5">
+    <div class="container">
+      <div class="row">
+	<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
+	  <div class=" font-size-150 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"There are opportunities for professionals in a variety of fields, from engineering and IT to marketing and finance."}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class=" font-size-125 mb-3">
+	    {"So, if you're a skilled professional looking for new opportunities and want to have for you and your family a great quality of life, consider working in Russia."}
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
+	  <div class=" font-size-150 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"The country welcomes foreign workers and their families and is ready to offer you the support you need to succeed."}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class=" font-size-125 mb-3">
+	    {"Don't let politics or misconceptions hold you back - come see what Russia has to offer and help build a brighter future for all."}
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="mb-3 mb-sm-4 mb-md-5">
+    <div class="container">
+      <div class="row align-items-center">
+	<div class="col-12 col-md-4">
+	  <img src="img/it.png" alt="" title=""/>
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-12 col-md-8">
+	  <div class=" font-size-150 text-red mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"As an IT specialist you can qualify for"}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class=" font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"a Highly Qualified Specialist work permit"}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class=" font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"a 3 year work visa that gives you a flat 13% tax rate from day 1 on your salary"}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class=" font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"Moreover, in case your Russian employer is an accredited IT company you are eligible to obtain a permanent residency in Russia within 3-4 months after employment"}
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <div class="mb-3 mb-sm-4 mb-md-5">
+    <div class="container">
+      <div class="row align-items-center flex-md-row-reverse">
+	<div class="col-12 col-md-6 hidden-xs hidden-sm">
+	  <img src="img/work.png" alt="" title=""/>
+	</div>
+	<div class="col-12 col-md-6">
+	  <div class=" font-size-200 text-red mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"Finding Work in"}
+            <span class="hidden-xs hidden-sm">{"Russia"}</span>
+	  </div>
+	  <img src="img/rus.png" class="mb-3 hidden-md hidden-lg hidden-xl hidden-xxl" alt="" title=""/>
+	  <div class="font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"Usually landing the most interesting jobs requires you to have a well-developed network of contacts, but this is tough when you set your eyes on a new country."}
+          </div>
+	  <div class="font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"Luckily we at Vista Immigration have contacts with many tech companies in Russia, large and small, and can help you with this!"}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class="font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"Tell us a bit about yourself, the technologies you'd like to work with, and your situation in regards to relocating to Russia. We will then match up your profile with companies that match your interests, and establish contact between you and a potential employer if there is a good fit. No generic recruiter spam, guaranteed - we'd rather not send you anything, than send you something irrelevant!"}
+	  </div>
+	  <div class="font-size-125 mb-3 font-india">
+	    {"If you get hired, our experts can assist you with legal and other support for your move."}
+	  </div>
+	</div>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
+  <hr/>
+  if !self.submitted {
+  <div class="container font-size-200 text-center mb-3 mb-sm-4 mb-md-5 font-india" id="signup">
+    {"Welcome to Russia"}
+    <br/>
+    {"Добро пожаловать в Россию!"}
+  </div>
+  <div class="container font-size-150  mb-3 mb-sm-4 mb-md-5 font-india">
+    {"Let's get started with you telling us a bit"}
+    <br/>
+    {"about what kind of job you would like!"}
+  </div>
+  <form class="font-size-125  mb-3 mb-sm-4 mb-md-5" >
+    <div class="container">
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="job" class="form-label">{"What job(s) are you looking for?"}</label>
+        <input
+          type="text" class="form-control" id="job"
+          placeholder="Backend/frontend engineer, Test automation, DevOps/SRE, UI/UX ..."
+          oninput={link.callback(|event| input_message(event, Msg::SetPosition))} />
+      </div>
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="technologies" class="form-label">{"Which technologies do you want to work with?"}</label>
+        <div>{render_technologies(link, &self.record.technologies)}</div>
+        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="technologies"
+               aria-describedby="technologiesHelp"
+               onkeypress={link.callback(add_tech)}/>
+        <div id="technologiesHelp" class="form-text">{"Press enter after each technology."}</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="jobDetails" class="form-label">{"What's your work background?"}</label>
+        <textarea class="form-control" id="workBackground" rows=3
+                  aria-describedby="workBackgroundHelp"
+                  oninput={link.callback(|event| textarea_message(event, Msg::SetWorkBackground))} >
+        </textarea>
+        <div id="workBackgroundHelp" class="form-text">{"Tell us about your work experience, and/or leave links to your CV on your site, LinkedIn or wherever."}</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="jobDetails" class="form-label">{"Other job details:"}</label>
+        <textarea class="form-control" id="jobDetails" rows=3
+                  aria-describedby="jobDetailsHelp"
+                  oninput={link.callback(|event| textarea_message(event, Msg::SetJobDetails))}>
+        </textarea>
+        <div id="jobDetailsHelp" class="form-text">{"Tell us a bit about what you're looking for in a job and in an employer."}</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="font-size-150 mb-3 ">
+	{"Now we also need some personal details about you:"}
+      </div>
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="name" class="form-label">{"What's your name?"}</label>
+        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="name"
+               oninput={link.callback(|event| input_message(event, Msg::SetName))} />
+      </div>
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="email" class="form-label">{"What's your email address?"}</label>
+        <input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" aria-describedby="emailHelp"
+               oninput={link.callback(|event| input_message(event, Msg::SetEmail))}/>
+        <div id="emailHelp" class="form-text">{"No newsletters, no spam - we will only reach out if there's a match!"}</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label id="citizenship" class="form-label">{"What citizenship do you hold?"}</label>
+        {citizenship_input(self, link)}
+        <div id="citizenshipHelp" class="form-text">{"We need to know this to estimate immigration-related bureaucracy. If you hold more than one citizenship, pick the one with which you'd want to receive a work visa."}</div>
+      </div>
+      {"" /* TODO(tazjin): language knowledge selector */}
+      <div class="mb-3">
+        <label for="personalDetails" class="form-label">{"Other relevant information:"}</label>
+        <textarea class="form-control" id="personalDetails" rows=3
+                  aria-describedby="personalDetailsHelp"
+                  oninput={link.callback(|event| textarea_message(event, Msg::SetPersonalDetails))} >
+        </textarea>
+        <div id="personalDetailsHelp" class="form-text">{"Any specific places where you'd like to live? Would you be moving with family? Any other assistance required?"}</div>
+      </div>
+      <div class="form-check mb-3">
+	<input class="form-check-input" type="checkbox" id="privacy-policy" required=true />
+	<label class="form-check-label" for="privacy-policy">
+	  {"I have read and agree to the "}
+          <a href="/privacy-policy.html">{"privacy policy"}</a>
+	</label>
+      </div>
+      <div id="captcha-container" class="smart-captcha mb-3" style="height: 100px; width=350px;"/>
+      <div class="mb-3 text-center">
+        <button type="submit" class="mb-3 btn text-red font-india"
+                disabled={!(self.record.is_complete() && self.captcha_token.is_some())}
+                onclick={link.callback(|_| Msg::Submit)}>
+          {"Submit →"}
+        </button>
+      </div>
+    </div>
+  </form>
+  } else {
+  <div class="mx-auto col-6 border rounded-3 shadow">
+    <p>{"Thank you for submitting your data! We will reach out to confirm your email address, and further if any matches are found. You can contact us at contact@russiaishiring.com with any questions you might have."}</p>
+  </div>
+  }
+<footer class="footer m-0 py-3">
+  <div class="container">
+    <div class="row text-center">
+      <div class="col-12 col-sm-4 text-sm-start">
+        <a href="/privacy-policy.html">{"privacy policy"}</a>
+      </div>
+      <div class="col-12 col-sm-4">
+        {"By "}
+        <a href={VISTA_URL} class="text-white">{"Vista Immigration"}</a>
+        {", with help from "}
+        <a href="https://tvl.su/" class="text-white">{"TVL"}</a>
+        {"."}
+        <br/>
+        {"© 2023"}
+      </div>
+      <div class="col-12 col-sm-4 text-sm-end"><a href="#top" class="text-decoration-none">{"Go to top↑"}</a></div>
+    </div>
+  </div>
diff --git a/corp/rih/frontend/src/main.rs b/corp/rih/frontend/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..65f9c79a540e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/frontend/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+use fuzzy_matcher::skim::SkimMatcherV2;
+use fuzzy_matcher::FuzzyMatcher;
+use gloo::console;
+use gloo::history::{BrowserHistory, History};
+use gloo::net::http;
+use gloo::storage::{LocalStorage, Storage};
+use rand::seq::IteratorRandom;
+use rand::thread_rng;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use static_markdown::markdown;
+use std::collections::BTreeSet;
+use uuid::Uuid;
+use wasm_bindgen::closure::Closure;
+use wasm_bindgen::{JsCast, JsValue};
+use web_sys::{HtmlInputElement, HtmlTextAreaElement, KeyboardEvent};
+use yew::html::Scope;
+use yew::prelude::*;
+use yew_router::prelude::*;
+/// Form submission is protected with a captcha. The development
+/// version of the captcha does not do domain checking and works on
+/// `localhost` as well.
+const CAPTCHA_KEY: &'static str = "ysc1_K7iOi3FSmsyO8pZGu8Im2iQClCtPsVx7jSRyhyCV435a732c";
+const CAPTCHA_KEY: &'static str = "ysc1_a3LVlaDRDMwU8CLSZ0WKENTI2exyOxz5J2c6x28P5339d410";
+// Form data is submitted to different endpoints in dev/prod.
+const SUBMIT_URL: &'static str = "http://localhost:9090/submit";
+const SUBMIT_URL: &'static str = "https://api.russiaishiring.com/submit";
+/// This code ends up being compiled for the native and for the
+/// webassembly architectures during the build & test process.
+/// However, the `rust_iso3166` crate exposes a different API (!)
+/// based on the platform.
+/// This trait acts as a platform-independent wrapper for the crate.
+/// Upstream issue: https://github.com/rust-iso/rust_iso3166/issues/7
+trait CountryCodeAccess {
+    fn country_alpha2(&self) -> String;
+    fn country_alpha3(&self) -> String;
+    fn country_name(&self) -> String;
+#[cfg(target_arch = "wasm32")]
+impl CountryCodeAccess for rust_iso3166::CountryCode {
+    fn country_alpha2(&self) -> String {
+        self.alpha2()
+    }
+    fn country_alpha3(&self) -> String {
+        self.alpha3()
+    }
+    fn country_name(&self) -> String {
+        self.name()
+    }
+#[cfg(not(target_arch = "wasm32"))]
+impl CountryCodeAccess for rust_iso3166::CountryCode {
+    fn country_alpha2(&self) -> String {
+        self.alpha2.to_string()
+    }
+    fn country_alpha3(&self) -> String {
+        self.alpha3.to_string()
+    }
+    fn country_name(&self) -> String {
+        self.name.to_string()
+    }
+const VISTA_URL: &'static str = "https://vista-immigration.ru/";
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Routable)]
+enum Route {
+    #[at("/")]
+    Home,
+    #[at("/privacy-policy")]
+    PrivacyPolicy,
+    #[not_found]
+    #[at("/404")]
+    NotFound,
+/// Represents a single record as filled in by a user. This is the
+/// primary data structure we want to populate and persist somewhere.
+#[derive(Clone, Default, Debug, Deserialize, Serialize)]
+struct Record {
+    // Record-specific metadata
+    uuid: Uuid,
+    // Personal information
+    name: String,
+    email: String,
+    citizenship: String, // TODO
+    personal_details: String,
+    // Job information
+    position: String,
+    technologies: BTreeSet<String>,
+    job_details: String,
+    work_background: String,
+impl Record {
+    fn is_complete(&self) -> bool {
+        !self.name.is_empty()
+            && !self.email.is_empty()
+            && !self.citizenship.is_empty()
+            && !self.position.is_empty()
+            && !self.technologies.is_empty()
+    }
+struct App {
+    // The record being populated.
+    record: Record,
+    // Is the citizenship input focused?
+    citizenship_focus: bool,
+    // Current query in the citizenship field.
+    citizenship_query: String,
+    // History handler.
+    history: BrowserHistory,
+    // Captcha token, if the captcha has been solved.
+    captcha_token: Option<String>,
+    // Captcha callback closure which needs to be kept alive for the
+    // lifecycle of the app.
+    captcha_callback: Closure<dyn FnMut(String)>,
+    // Has data been submitted already by this user?
+    submitted: bool,
+#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
+enum Msg {
+    NoOp,
+    AddTechnology(String),
+    RemoveTechnology(String),
+    FocusCitizenship,
+    BlurCitizenship,
+    QueryCitizenship(String),
+    SetCitizenship(String),
+    SetName(String),
+    SetEmail(String),
+    SetPersonalDetails(String),
+    SetPosition(String),
+    SetJobDetails(String),
+    SetWorkBackground(String),
+    CaptchaSolved(String),
+    Submit,
+/// Callback handler for adding a technology.
+fn add_tech(e: KeyboardEvent) -> Msg {
+    if e.key_code() != 13 {
+        return Msg::NoOp;
+    }
+    let input = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>();
+    let tech = input.value();
+    input.set_value("");
+    Msg::AddTechnology(tech)
+fn select_country_enter(event: KeyboardEvent) -> Msg {
+    if event.key_code() != 13 {
+        return Msg::NoOp;
+    }
+    let input = event.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>();
+    if let Some(country) = fuzzy_country_matches(&input.value()).next() {
+        input.set_value(&country.country_name());
+        return Msg::SetCitizenship(country.country_name());
+    }
+    Msg::NoOp
+fn fuzzy_country_matches(query: &str) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = rust_iso3166::CountryCode> + '_> {
+    if query.is_empty() {
+        let rng = &mut thread_rng();
+        return Box::new(
+            rust_iso3166::ALL
+                .iter()
+                .choose_multiple(rng, 5)
+                .into_iter()
+                .map(Clone::clone),
+        );
+    }
+    let matcher = SkimMatcherV2::default();
+    let query = query.to_lowercase();
+    let query_len = query.len();
+    let mut results: Vec<_> = rust_iso3166::ALL
+        .iter()
+        .filter_map(|code| {
+            let mut score = None;
+            // Prioritize exact matches for country codes if query length <= 3
+            if query_len <= 3 {
+                if code.country_alpha2().eq_ignore_ascii_case(&query)
+                    || code.country_alpha3().eq_ignore_ascii_case(&query)
+                {
+                    score = Some(100);
+                }
+            }
+            // If no exact match, do a fuzzy match
+            if score.is_none() {
+                score = matcher.fuzzy_match(&code.country_name().to_lowercase(), &query);
+            }
+            score.map(|score| (score, code))
+        })
+        .collect();
+    // Sort by score in descending order
+    results.sort_by(|a, b| b.0.cmp(&a.0));
+    // Get iterator over the best matches
+    Box::new(results.into_iter().map(|(_score, code)| *code))
+// Callback for an input element's value being mapped straight into a
+// message.
+fn input_message(e: InputEvent, msg: fn(String) -> Msg) -> Msg {
+    let input = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>();
+    msg(input.value())
+// Callback for a text area's value being mapped straight into a
+// message.
+fn textarea_message(e: InputEvent, msg: fn(String) -> Msg) -> Msg {
+    let textarea = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlTextAreaElement>();
+    msg(textarea.value())
+fn schedule_blur(event: FocusEvent, link: Scope<App>) -> Msg {
+    let input = event.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlInputElement>();
+    let closure = Closure::once_into_js(Box::new(move || {
+        if let Some(app) = link.get_component() {
+            input.set_value(&app.record.citizenship);
+        }
+        link.send_message(Msg::BlurCitizenship);
+    }) as Box<dyn FnOnce()>);
+    let window = web_sys::window().expect("no global `window` exists");
+    let _ =
+        window.set_timeout_with_callback_and_timeout_and_arguments_0(closure.unchecked_ref(), 100);
+    Msg::NoOp
+/// Creates an input field for citizenship selection with suggestions.
+fn citizenship_input(app: &App, link: &Scope<App>) -> Html {
+    let dropdown_classes = if app.citizenship_focus {
+        "dropdown-menu show"
+    } else {
+        "dropdown-menu"
+    };
+    let choices = fuzzy_country_matches(&app.citizenship_query).map(|country| {
+        let msg = Msg::SetCitizenship(country.country_name());
+        html! {
+            <li><a class="dropdown-item" onclick={link.callback(move |_| msg.clone())}>{country.country_name()}</a></li>
+        }
+    });
+    let blur_link = link.clone();
+    html! {
+      <div class="dropdown">
+        <input type="text" class="form-control" id="citizenship" aria-describedby="citizenshipHelp"
+            autocomplete="off"
+            oninput={link.callback(|event| input_message(event, Msg::QueryCitizenship))}
+            onkeypress={link.callback(select_country_enter)}
+            onfocus={link.callback(|_| Msg::FocusCitizenship)}
+            onblur={link.callback(move |event| schedule_blur(event, blur_link.clone()))} />
+            <ul class={dropdown_classes} style="position: absolute; inset: 0px auto auto 0px; margin: 0px; transform: translate(0px, 40px);" data-popper-placement="bottom-start">
+          { choices.collect::<Html>() }
+        </ul>
+      </div>
+    }
+/// Creates a list of technologies which can be deleted again by clicking them.
+fn render_technologies(link: &Scope<App>, technologies: &BTreeSet<String>) -> Html {
+    if technologies.is_empty() {
+        return html! {};
+    }
+    let items = technologies.iter().map(|tech| {
+        let msg: Msg = Msg::RemoveTechnology(tech.to_string());
+        html! {
+            <>
+              <span class="btn btn-secondary btn-sm"
+                onclick={link.callback(move |_| msg.clone())}>
+                {tech}
+                <span class="mx-auto text-center text-black">{" x"}</span>
+              </span>{" "}
+            </>
+        }
+    });
+    html! {
+        <div class="p-1">
+            { items.collect::<Html>() }
+        </div>
+    }
+/// Submit the collected data to the backend service.
+async fn submit_data(captcha_token: &str, record: &Record) -> bool {
+    let response = http::Request::get(SUBMIT_URL)
+        .method(http::Method::POST)
+        .json(&serde_json::json!({
+            "captcha_token": captcha_token,
+            "record": record,
+        }))
+        .expect("serialising a serde_json::Value can not fail")
+        .send()
+        .await
+        .unwrap();
+    // currently there is nothing we can actually do with the response
+    // here, but we should add some way to communicate back some
+    // server errors etc., even if the whole thing should be as
+    // forgiving as possible.
+    response.ok()
+/// Handle the submit event, if all data was successfully collected.
+fn handle_submit(app: &App, _link: Scope<App>) -> Msg {
+    let token = app.captcha_token.as_ref().unwrap().clone();
+    let record = app.record.clone();
+    wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(async move {
+        if !submit_data(&token, &record).await {
+            console::warn!("failed to submit data for some reason");
+        } else {
+            console::log!("submitted data successfully");
+        }
+    });
+    Msg::NoOp
+impl Component for App {
+    type Message = Msg;
+    type Properties = ();
+    fn create(ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
+        App {
+            record: LocalStorage::get("record").unwrap_or_else(|_| {
+                let mut new_record = Record::default();
+                new_record.uuid = Uuid::new_v4();
+                new_record
+            }),
+            citizenship_focus: false,
+            citizenship_query: String::default(),
+            history: BrowserHistory::default(),
+            captcha_token: None,
+            captcha_callback: {
+                let link = ctx.link().clone();
+                Closure::wrap(Box::new(move |val| {
+                    link.send_message(Msg::CaptchaSolved(val));
+                }))
+            },
+            submitted: false,
+        }
+    }
+    fn update(&mut self, ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
+        console::log!("handling ", format!("{:?}", msg));
+        let (state_change, view_change) = match msg {
+            Msg::NoOp => (false, false),
+            Msg::AddTechnology(tech) => {
+                console::log!("adding technology", &tech);
+                self.record.technologies.insert(tech);
+                (true, true)
+            }
+            Msg::RemoveTechnology(tech) => {
+                console::log!("removing technology ", &tech);
+                self.record.technologies.remove(&tech);
+                (true, true)
+            }
+            Msg::QueryCitizenship(query) => {
+                self.citizenship_query = query;
+                (false, true)
+            }
+            Msg::FocusCitizenship => {
+                self.citizenship_focus = true;
+                (false, true)
+            }
+            Msg::BlurCitizenship => {
+                self.citizenship_focus = false;
+                (false, true)
+            }
+            Msg::SetCitizenship(country) => {
+                self.record.citizenship = country;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::SetName(name) => {
+                self.record.name = name;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::SetEmail(email) => {
+                self.record.email = email;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::SetPersonalDetails(details) => {
+                self.record.personal_details = details;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::SetPosition(position) => {
+                self.record.position = position;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::SetJobDetails(details) => {
+                self.record.job_details = details;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::SetWorkBackground(background) => {
+                self.record.work_background = background;
+                (true, false)
+            }
+            Msg::CaptchaSolved(token) => {
+                self.captcha_token = Some(token);
+                (false, true)
+            }
+            Msg::Submit => {
+                if self.record.is_complete() && self.captcha_token.is_some() {
+                    self.submitted = true;
+                    handle_submit(self, ctx.link().clone());
+                    (false, true)
+                } else {
+                    console::warn!("submitted data, but form or captcha was not ready");
+                    (false, false)
+                }
+            }
+        };
+        if state_change {
+            if let Err(err) = LocalStorage::set("record", &self.record) {
+                console::warn!(
+                    "failed to persist record in local storage: ",
+                    err.to_string()
+                );
+            }
+        }
+        view_change
+    }
+    fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
+        let link = ctx.link();
+        let location = self.history.location();
+        let route = Route::recognize(location.path()).unwrap_or(Route::NotFound);
+        match route {
+            Route::Home => include!("home.html"),
+            Route::PrivacyPolicy => html! {
+                <main>{include!("privacy-policy.md")}</main>
+            },
+            Route::NotFound => todo!(),
+        }
+    }
+    fn rendered(&mut self, _: &Context<Self>, first_render: bool) {
+        if first_render {
+            let func =
+                js_sys::Function::new_with_args("key, callback", "captchaOnload(key, callback)");
+            let _ = func.call2(
+                &JsValue::NULL,
+                &JsValue::from_str(CAPTCHA_KEY),
+                &self.captcha_callback.as_ref().unchecked_ref(),
+            );
+        }
+    }
+fn main() {
+    yew::Renderer::<App>::new().render();
diff --git a/corp/rih/frontend/src/privacy-policy.md b/corp/rih/frontend/src/privacy-policy.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..843aac4c0a90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/rih/frontend/src/privacy-policy.md
@@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
+Privacy Policy
+Effective as of: 2023-05-26
+This policy outlines who, how and what happens with personal
+information entered on russiaishiring.com.
+0. Parties
+    Entities involved in the collection, storage and processing of
+    data are the following, all registered in Russia:
+   - [VFBS LLC](https://vista-immigration.ru/) (Vista Foreign Business
+     Support), INN 7709963942, г. Москва, муниципальный округ
+     Таганский вн.тер.г., ул. Таганская, д. 17-23
+     Contact: tbis@vfbs.ru
+   - [TVL LLC](https://tvl.su/), INN 9703038861, г. Москва, вн.тер.г.
+     муниципальный округ Беговой, ул Правды, д. 24, стр. 2, помещ. 3П
+     Contact: contact@tvl.su
+   - [Yandex LLC](https://yandex.com/company/), INN 1027700229193,
+     119021, город Москва, ул. Льва Толстого, д.16
+     Contacts: https://yandex.com/company/contacts/moscow/
+   In the following text, VFBS LLC will be referred to as "we".
+1. Information we collect
+   We collect information used for the purpose of matching a potential
+   job candidate with a vacancy. This includes:
+   - Name
+   - Contact e-mail address
+   - Work background
+   - Citizenship
+   - Language skills
+   We collect other **optional** information, such as data about the
+   work background or expectations from a new job, as deemed relevant
+   and supplied by the user.
+   As part of our technical processes we also store the IP address
+   from which data was submitted.
+2. Data storage
+   We store all collected data in services in Yandex Cloud, with the
+   help of our technical services provider TVL LLC.
+   Stored data is subject to the [Yandex privacy
+   policy](https://yandex.ru/legal/confidential/).
+   Collected data is technically accessible by employees of TVL LLC
+   and VFBC LLC.
+3. Data processing
+   Data is processed by automatic systems in Yandex Cloud. During
+   processing, no access is granted to any parties not mentioned
+   above.
+4. Data sharing with third-parties
+   As part of the operation of the service, data may be passed on to
+   companies looking to hire candidates based on the data set.
+   This is never done without the user's consent. If you submit data
+   to us and a suitable job opportunity is found, we will reach out to
+   you and confirm the further process as well as any data sharing.
+5. User rights
+   Users that have submitted data to the service always have the right
+   to request its removal. Please contact us at
+   privacy@russiaishiring.com for help with data removal.
+   Note that we may require you to verify your identity through the
+   e-mail address you supplied to us when submitting data.
+6. Tracking technologies, cookies, advertising
+   We do not have any tracking technologies or advertising on
+   russiaishiring.com. We do not use cookies. Only data explicitly
+   entered by the user in the form is submitted to us.
+   The site uses local storage on the user's machine to store form
+   data between visits to the site.
+7. Retention period
+   We will retain individual data no longer than 2 years from the date
+   of entering the data. If updated data is received for a user, this
+   period is reset.
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@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+extern crate proc_macro;
+use comrak::{markdown_to_html, ComrakOptions};
+use proc_macro::TokenStream;
+use quote::quote;
+use syn::{parse_macro_input, LitStr};
+pub fn markdown(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
+    let input = parse_macro_input!(input as LitStr);
+    let mut options = ComrakOptions::default();
+    options.extension.strikethrough = true;
+    options.extension.tagfilter = true;
+    options.extension.table = true;
+    options.extension.autolink = true;
+    let rendered_html = markdown_to_html(&input.value(), &options);
+    let tokens = quote! {
+        yew::virtual_dom::VNode::VRaw(yew::virtual_dom::VRaw {
+            html: #rendered_html.into(),
+        })
+    };
+    tokens.into()
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@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+This folder contains TVL corp projects related to the Russian
+language, such as the code powering
+Unless otherwise specified, all rights to these projects are reserved
+by ООО "ТВЛ".
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+    sha256 = "04n5g43fkfc93z6xlwf2qfdrfdfl562pc2ivdb3cbbbsy56gkqg6";
+  };
+  openCorpora = pkgs.runCommand "dict.opcorpora.xml" { } ''
+    ${pkgs.bzip2}/bin/bunzip2 -k -c ${openCorporaArchive} > $out
+  '';
+  # mirrored input data from OpenRussian, as of 2023-01-17.
+  #
+  # This data is licensed under CC-BY-SA.
+  openRussianArchive = pkgs.fetchzip {
+    name = "openrussian-20230117";
+    url = "https://tazj.in/blobs/openrussian-20230117.tar.xz";
+    sha256 = "06jl7i23cx58a0n2626hb82xlzimixvnxp7lxdw0g664kv9bmw25";
+  };
+  # development shell with native deps
+  shell = pkgs.mkShell {
+    inherit buildInputs;
+    # make datasets available in the environment
+    OPENCORPORA_DATA = openCorpora;
+    OPENRUSSIAN_DATA = openRussianArchive;
+  };
+lib.fix (self: depot.third_party.naersk.buildPackage {
+  src = depot.third_party.gitignoreSource ./.;
+  inherit buildInputs;
+  passthru = depot.nix.readTree.drvTargets {
+    inherit shell openCorpora;
+    # target that actually builds an entire database
+    database = pkgs.runCommand "tvl-russian-db.sqlite"
+      {
+        OPENCORPORA_DATA = openCorpora;
+        OPENRUSSIAN_DATA = openRussianArchive;
+      } "${self}/bin/data-import --output $out";
+  };
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/db_setup.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/db_setup.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..c9fb51738651
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/db_setup.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+//! This module prepares the database layout.
+//! The XML import may be in an arbitrary order, so importing data is
+//! a multi-step process where we first set up schemas matching the
+//! data layout, import the data, and then modify the schema to
+//! introduce things like foreign key constraints between tables that
+//! represent relations.
+use super::Ensure;
+use crate::oc_parser::*;
+use crate::or_parser;
+use log::{debug, info};
+use rusqlite::Connection;
+/// Sets up an initial schema which matches the OpenCorpora data.
+pub fn initial_oc_schema(conn: &Connection) {
+    conn.execute_batch(
+        r#"
+-- table for plain import of grammemes from XML
+CREATE TABLE oc_grammemes (
+    parent TEXT,
+    alias TEXT,
+    description TEXT
+-- table for plain import of lemmas (*not* their variations!)
+CREATE TABLE oc_lemmas (
+    lemma TEXT NOT NULL
+-- table for relationship between grammemes and lemmas
+CREATE TABLE oc_lemma_grammemes (
+    lemma INTEGER,
+    grammeme TEXT NOT NULL,
+    FOREIGN KEY(lemma) REFERENCES oc_lemmas(id)
+-- table for all words, i.e. including variations of lemmata
+CREATE TABLE oc_words (
+    lemma INTEGER NOT NULL,
+    word TEXT NOT NULL,
+    FOREIGN KEY(lemma) REFERENCES oc_lemmas(id)
+-- table for relationship between words and grammemes
+CREATE TABLE oc_word_grammemes (
+    grammeme TEXT NOT NULL,
+-- table for link types
+CREATE TABLE oc_link_types (
+  name TEXT
+-- table for links between lemmata
+CREATE TABLE oc_links (
+  link_type INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  from_lemma INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  to_lemma INTEGER NOT NULL,
+  FOREIGN KEY(link_type) REFERENCES oc_link_types(id),
+  FOREIGN KEY(from_lemma) REFERENCES oc_lemmas(id),
+  FOREIGN KEY(to_lemma) REFERENCES oc_lemmas(id)
+    )
+    .ensure("setting up OpenCorpora table schema failed");
+    info!("set up initial table schema for OpenCorpora import");
+/// Inserts a single OpenCorpora element into the initial table structure.
+pub fn insert_oc_element(conn: &Connection, elem: OcElement) {
+    match elem {
+        OcElement::Grammeme(grammeme) => {
+            conn.execute(
+                "INSERT INTO oc_grammemes (name, parent, alias, description) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)",
+                (
+                    &grammeme.name,
+                    &grammeme.parent,
+                    &grammeme.alias,
+                    &grammeme.description,
+                ),
+            )
+            .ensure("failed to insert grammeme");
+            debug!("inserted grammeme {}", grammeme.name);
+        }
+        OcElement::Lemma(lemma) => insert_lemma(conn, lemma),
+        OcElement::LinkType(lt) => {
+            conn.execute(
+                "INSERT INTO oc_link_types (id, name) VALUES (?1, ?2)",
+                (&lt.id, &lt.name),
+            )
+            .ensure("failed to insert link type");
+            info!("inserted link type {}", lt.name);
+        }
+        OcElement::Link(link) => {
+            let mut stmt = conn
+                .prepare_cached(
+                    "INSERT INTO oc_links (id, link_type, from_lemma, to_lemma) VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4)",
+                )
+                .ensure("failed to prepare link statement");
+            stmt.execute((&link.id, &link.link_type, &link.from, &link.to))
+                .ensure("failed to insert link");
+            debug!("inserted link {}", link.id);
+        }
+    }
+/// Insert a single lemma into the initial structure. This is somewhat
+/// involved because it also establishes a bunch of relations.
+fn insert_lemma(conn: &Connection, lemma: Lemma) {
+    // insert the lemma itself
+    let mut stmt = conn
+        .prepare_cached("INSERT INTO oc_lemmas (id, lemma) VALUES (?1, ?2)")
+        .ensure("failed to prepare statement");
+    stmt.execute((&lemma.id, &lemma.lemma.word))
+        .ensure("failed to insert grammeme");
+    // followed by its relations to the grammemes set
+    let mut stmt = conn
+        .prepare_cached("INSERT INTO oc_lemma_grammemes (lemma, grammeme) VALUES (?1, ?2)")
+        .ensure("failed to prepare statement");
+    for grammeme in lemma.grammemes {
+        stmt.execute((&lemma.id, grammeme))
+            .ensure("failed to insert grammeme<>lemma relationship");
+    }
+    // followed by all of its variations ...
+    let mut word_insert = conn
+        .prepare_cached("INSERT INTO oc_words (lemma, word) VALUES (?1, ?2)")
+        .unwrap();
+    let mut word_grammeme = conn
+        .prepare_cached("INSERT INTO oc_word_grammemes (word, grammeme) VALUES (?1, ?2)")
+        .unwrap();
+    for variation in lemma.variations {
+        // insert the word itself and get its rowid
+        word_insert
+            .execute((&lemma.id, &variation.word))
+            .ensure("failed to insert word");
+        let row_id = conn.last_insert_rowid();
+        // then insert its grammeme links
+        for grammeme in variation.grammemes {
+            word_grammeme
+                .execute((row_id, grammeme))
+                .ensure("failed to insert word<>grammeme link");
+        }
+    }
+    debug!("inserted lemma {}", lemma.id);
+/// Sets up an initial schema for the OpenRussian data.
+pub fn initial_or_schema(conn: &Connection) {
+    conn.execute_batch(
+        r#"
+CREATE TABLE or_words (
+    bare TEXT NOT NULL,
+    accented TEXT,
+    derived_from_word_id INTEGER,
+    rank INTEGER,
+    word_type TEXT,
+    level TEXT
+CREATE TABLE or_words_forms (
+    word_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+    form_type TEXT,
+    position TEXT,
+    form TEXT,
+    form_bare TEXT,
+    FOREIGN KEY(word_id) REFERENCES words(id)
+CREATE TABLE or_translations (
+    word_id INTEGER NOT NULL,
+    translation TEXT,
+    example_ru TEXT,
+    example_tl TEXT,
+    info TEXT,
+    FOREIGN KEY(word_id) REFERENCES words(id)
+    )
+    .ensure("setting up OpenRussian table schema failed");
+    info!("set up initial table schema for OpenRussian import");
+pub fn insert_or_words<I: Iterator<Item = or_parser::Word>>(conn: &Connection, words: I) {
+    let mut stmt = conn
+        .prepare_cached(
+            "
+INSERT INTO or_words (id, bare, accented, derived_from_word_id, rank, word_type, level)
+VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6, ?7)
+        )
+        .ensure("failed to prepare OR words statement");
+    let mut count = 0;
+    for word in words {
+        stmt.execute((
+            word.id,
+            word.bare,
+            word.accented,
+            word.derived_from_word_id,
+            word.rank,
+            word.word_type,
+            word.level,
+        ))
+        .ensure("failed to insert OR word");
+        count += 1;
+    }
+    info!("inserted {} OpenRussian words", count);
+pub fn insert_or_word_forms<I: Iterator<Item = or_parser::WordForm>>(conn: &Connection, forms: I) {
+    let mut stmt = conn
+        .prepare_cached(
+            "
+INSERT INTO or_words_forms (id, word_id, form_type, position, form, form_bare)
+VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)
+        )
+        .ensure("failed to prepare OR word forms statement");
+    let mut count = 0;
+    for form in forms {
+        stmt.execute((
+            form.id,
+            form.word_id,
+            form.form_type,
+            form.position,
+            form.form,
+            form.form_bare,
+        ))
+        .ensure("failed to insert OR word form");
+        count += 1;
+    }
+    info!("inserted {} OpenRussian word forms", count);
+pub fn insert_or_translations<I: Iterator<Item = or_parser::Translation>>(
+    conn: &Connection,
+    translations: I,
+) {
+    let mut stmt = conn
+        .prepare_cached(
+            "INSERT INTO or_translations (id, word_id, translation, example_ru, example_tl, info)
+             VALUES (?1, ?2, ?3, ?4, ?5, ?6)",
+        )
+        .ensure("failed to prepare OR translation statement");
+    let mut count = 0;
+    for tl in translations {
+        if tl.lang != "en" {
+            continue;
+        }
+        stmt.execute((
+            tl.id,
+            tl.word_id,
+            tl.tl,
+            tl.example_ru,
+            tl.example_tl,
+            tl.info,
+        ))
+        .ensure("failed to insert OR translation");
+        count += 1;
+    }
+    info!("inserted {} OpenRussian translations", count);
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..21da48e8d8f4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+//! This program imports Russian language data from OpenCorpora
+//! ("Открытый корпус") and OpenRussian into a SQLite database that
+//! can be used for [//corp/russian][corp-russian] projects.
+//! [corp-russian]: https://at.tvl.fyi/?q=%2F%2Fcorp%2Frussian
+//! Ideally, running this on intact dumps should yield a fully
+//! functional SQLite database compatible with all other tools
+//! consuming it.
+//! ## OpenCorpora format
+//! The format used is partially documented on the [OpenCorpora
+//! website][format-docs]. This seems to be a slightly outdated
+//! format, however, hence some information about what the format
+//! seems to be today.
+//! [format-docs]: http://opencorpora.org/?page=export
+//! The format is an XML file, which has several categories of data,
+//! each with their own schema:
+//! * `grammemes`: These define units of grammar. They're *likely* pretty
+//!   static, and we'll *likely* want to map them into a custom set of
+//!   (simpler) categories.
+//!   They form some kind of internal hierarchy, where some of them have a
+//!   `parent` attribute set to some other grammemes `name`.
+//!   There's a ridiculous number of these.
+//! * `restrictions`: Unclear, not documented on the page. They describe
+//!   something about the relationship between grammemes.
+//! * `lemmata`: this lists the actual lemmas, as well as all their
+//!   included morphological variants
+//!   Each lemma has an `id` attribute uniquely identifying its dictionary
+//!   form, as well as a number of sub-elements:
+//!   * the `l` attribute contains the lemma itself
+//!   * the `f` attributes contain morphological variations
+//!   Each of these sub elements again contains a number of `g` elements,
+//!   which refer to the IDs of grammems in their `v` attributes.
+//! * `<link_types>` These list possible "relationships between lemmas",
+//!   basically just assigning them IDs and names. There's only 27 of
+//!   these.
+//! * `<links>`: Using the types defined above, this establishes links
+//!   between lemmas that have some kind of relationship.
+//!   For example, a relationship `cardinal/ordinal` might be established
+//!   between the lemmas "два" and "второй".
+//! ## OpenRussian format
+//! The [OpenRussian](https://en.openrussian.org/dictionary) project
+//! lets users export its database as a set of CSV-files. For our
+//! purposes, we download the files using `<tab>` separators.
+//! Whereas OpenCorpora opts for a flat structure with a "tag" system
+//! (through its flexible grammemes), OpenRussian has a fixed pre-hoc
+//! structure into which it sorts some words with their morphologies.
+//! The OpenRussian database is much smaller as of January 2023 (~1.7
+//! million words vs. >5 million for OpenCorpora), but some of the
+//! information is much more practically useful.
+//! Two very important bits of information OpenRussian has are accent
+//! marks (most tables containing actual words have a normal form
+//! containing and accent mark, and a "bare" form without) and
+//! translations into English and German.
+//! The full dump includes the following tables (and some more):
+//! * `words`: List of lemmas in the corpus, with various bits of
+//!    metadata as well as hand-written notes.
+//! * `adjectives`: Contains IDs for words that are adjectives.
+//! * `nouns`: IDs for words that are nouns; and noun metadata (e.g.
+//!   gender, declinability)
+//! * `verbs`: IDs of words that are verbs, including their aspect and
+//!   "partnered" verb in the other aspect
+//! * `words_forms`: Contains all morphed variants of the lemmas from
+//!   `words`, including information about their grammeme, and accent
+//!   marks.
+//! * `words_rels`: Contains relations between words, containing
+//!   information like "synonyms" or general relation between words.
+//! * `translations`: Contains translations tagged by target language,
+//!   as well as examples and (occasionally) additional information.
+//! These tables also contain something, but have not been analysed
+//! yet:
+//! * `expressions_words`
+//! * `sentences`
+//! * `sentences_translations`
+//! * `sentences_words`
+use log::{error, info};
+use rusqlite::{Connection, Result};
+use std::env;
+use std::fmt::Display;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::BufReader;
+mod db_setup;
+mod mappings;
+mod oc_parser;
+mod or_parser;
+struct Args {
+    output: String,
+    or_input: String,
+    oc_input: String,
+impl Args {
+    fn populated(&self) -> bool {
+        !(self.output.is_empty() || self.or_input.is_empty() || self.oc_input.is_empty())
+    }
+fn usage(binary_name: &str) {
+    bail(format!(
+        "usage: {} --output <output-file> --or-input <or-input> --oc-input <oc-input>",
+        binary_name
+    ));
+fn parse_args() -> Args {
+    let mut args_iter = env::args();
+    let binary_name = args_iter.next().unwrap();
+    let mut args = Args {
+        output: "".into(),
+        or_input: env::var("OPENRUSSIAN_DATA").unwrap_or_default(),
+        oc_input: env::var("OPENCORPORA_DATA").unwrap_or_default(),
+    };
+    loop {
+        if args.populated() {
+            break;
+        }
+        while let Some(arg) = args_iter.next() {
+            match arg.as_str() {
+                "--output" => {
+                    args.output = args_iter.next().unwrap();
+                }
+                "--or-input" => {
+                    args.or_input = args_iter.next().unwrap();
+                }
+                "--oc-input" => {
+                    args.oc_input = args_iter.next().unwrap();
+                }
+                _ => usage(&binary_name),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if args.output.is_empty() || args.or_input.is_empty() || args.oc_input.is_empty() {
+        usage(&binary_name);
+    }
+    args
+fn open_corpora(conn: &Connection, args: &Args) {
+    let input_file = File::open(&args.oc_input).ensure("failed to open input file");
+    let mut parser = oc_parser::OpenCorporaParser::new(BufReader::new(input_file));
+    db_setup::initial_oc_schema(&conn);
+    let mut tx = conn
+        .unchecked_transaction()
+        .ensure("failed to start transaction");
+    let mut count = 0;
+    while let Some(elem) = parser.next_element() {
+        // commit every 1000 things
+        if count % 1000 == 0 {
+            tx.commit().ensure("transaction failed");
+            tx = conn
+                .unchecked_transaction()
+                .ensure("failed to start new transaction");
+            info!("transaction committed at watermark {}", count);
+        }
+        db_setup::insert_oc_element(&tx, elem);
+        count += 1;
+    }
+    tx.commit().ensure("final OpenCorpora commit failed");
+    info!("finished OpenCorpora import");
+fn open_russian(conn: &Connection, args: &Args) {
+    let parser = or_parser::OpenRussianParser::new(&args.or_input);
+    db_setup::initial_or_schema(conn);
+    {
+        let tx = conn
+            .unchecked_transaction()
+            .ensure("failed to start transaction");
+        db_setup::insert_or_words(&tx, parser.words());
+        tx.commit().ensure("OpenRussian words commit failed");
+    }
+    {
+        let tx = conn
+            .unchecked_transaction()
+            .ensure("failed to start transaction");
+        db_setup::insert_or_word_forms(&tx, parser.words_forms());
+        tx.commit().ensure("OpenRussian word forms commit failed");
+    }
+    {
+        let tx = conn
+            .unchecked_transaction()
+            .ensure("failed to start transaction");
+        db_setup::insert_or_translations(&tx, parser.translations());
+        tx.commit().ensure("OpenRussian translations commit failed");
+    }
+    info!("finished OpenRussian import");
+fn main() {
+    env_logger::builder()
+        .filter_level(log::LevelFilter::Info)
+        .init();
+    let args = parse_args();
+    info!("output path: {}", args.output);
+    info!("OpenCorpora input path: {}", args.oc_input);
+    info!("OpenRussian input path: {}", args.or_input);
+    let conn = Connection::open(&args.output).ensure("failed to open DB connection");
+    open_corpora(&conn, &args);
+    open_russian(&conn, &args);
+    // afterwards:
+    // add actual IDs to grammemes
+    // properly reference keys internally
+    // add foreign key constraint on lemma_grammemes.grammeme
+/// It's like `expect`, but through `log::error`.
+trait Ensure<T> {
+    fn ensure<S: Into<String>>(self, msg: S) -> T;
+impl<T, E: Display> Ensure<T> for Result<T, E> {
+    fn ensure<S: Into<String>>(self, msg: S) -> T {
+        match self {
+            Ok(x) => x,
+            Err(err) => {
+                error!("{}: {}", msg.into(), err);
+                std::process::exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+impl<T> Ensure<T> for Option<T> {
+    fn ensure<S: Into<String>>(self, msg: S) -> T {
+        match self {
+            Some(x) => x,
+            None => {
+                error!("{}", msg.into());
+                std::process::exit(1);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+fn bail<S: Into<String>>(msg: S) -> ! {
+    error!("{}", msg.into());
+    std::process::exit(1);
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/mappings.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/mappings.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..985088a56628
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/mappings.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+//! Manual mapping of some data structures in OC/OR corpora.
+/// Maps the *names* of OpenRussian word types (the `word_type` field
+/// in the `or_words` table) to the *set* of OpenCorpora grammemes
+/// commonly attached to lemmata of this type in OC.
+/// Some word types just don't map over, and are omitted. Many words
+/// also have an empty word type.
+pub const WORD_TYPES_GRAMMEME_MAP: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str])] = &[
+    ("adjective", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("adverb", &["ADVB"]),
+    ("noun", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("verb", &["INFN"]), // or "VERB" ...
+/// Maps the *names* of OpenRussian grammemes (the `form_type` fields
+/// in the `or_word_forms` table) to the *set* of OpenCorpora
+/// grammemes attached to them corresponding lemma in the `oc_lemmas`
+/// table.
+/// This *only* includes grammatical information about the lemma of
+/// the word (such as whether it is a verb or other type), but *not*
+/// information about the specific instance of the word (such as its
+/// gender).
+/// Correctly corresponding these requires use of all mapping tables.
+pub const FORMS_LEMMATA_GRAMMEME_MAP: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str])] = &[
+    ("ru_adj_comparative", &["COMP"]),
+    ("ru_adj_superlative", &["ADJF", "Supr"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_acc", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_dat", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_gen", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_inst", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_nom", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_prep", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_acc", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_dat", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_gen", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_inst", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_nom", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_prep", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_acc", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_dat", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_gen", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_inst", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_nom", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_prep", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_acc", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_dat", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_gen", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_inst", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_nom", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_prep", &["ADJF"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_f", &["ADJS"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_m", &["ADJS"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_n", &["ADJS"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_pl", &["ADJS"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_acc", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_dat", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_gen", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_inst", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_nom", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_prep", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_acc", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_dat", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_gen", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_inst", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_nom", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_prep", &["NOUN"]),
+    ("ru_verb_gerund_past", &["GRND"]),
+    ("ru_verb_gerund_present", &["GRND"]),
+    ("ru_verb_imperative_pl", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_imperative_sg", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_f", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_m", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_n", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_pl", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl1", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl2", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl3", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg1", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg2", &["VERB"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg3", &["VERB"]),
+    (
+        "ru_base",
+        &[ /* nothing consistent, except often 'Fixd' */ ],
+    ),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_active_past", &["PRTF", "past", "actv"]),
+    (
+        "ru_verb_participle_active_present",
+        &["PRTF", "pres", "actv"],
+    ),
+    (
+        "ru_verb_participle_passive_past",
+        &["PRTF", "past", "passv"],
+    ),
+    (
+        "ru_verb_participle_passive_present",
+        &["PRTF", "pres", "passv"],
+    ),
+/// Maps the *names* of OpenRussian grammemes (the `form_type` fields
+/// in the `or_word_forms` table) to the *set* of OpenCorpora
+/// grammemes attached to them corresponding words in the `oc_words`
+/// table.
+/// This includes grammatical information about the "instance" of the
+/// word (such as its gender), but *not* the higher-level type
+/// information about its lemma.
+/// Correctly corresponding these requires use of all mapping tables.
+pub const FORMS_WORDS_GRAMMEME_MAP: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str])] = &[
+    ("ru_adj_comparative", &["Cmp2"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_acc", &["femn", "sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_dat", &["femn", "sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_gen", &["femn", "sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_inst", &["femn", "sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_nom", &["femn", "sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_prep", &["femn", "sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_acc", &["masc", "sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_dat", &["masc", "sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_gen", &["masc", "sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_inst", &["masc", "sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_nom", &["masc", "sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_prep", &["masc", "sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_acc", &["neut", "sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_dat", &["neut", "sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_gen", &["neut", "sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_inst", &["neut", "sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_nom", &["neut", "sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_prep", &["neut", "sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_acc", &["plur", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_dat", &["plur", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_gen", &["plur", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_inst", &["plur", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_nom", &["plur", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_prep", &["plur", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_f", &["femn", "sing"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_m", &["masc", "sing"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_n", &["neut", "sing"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_pl", &["plur"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_acc", &["plur", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_dat", &["plur", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_gen", &["plur", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_inst", &["plur", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_nom", &["plur", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_prep", &["plur", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_acc", &["sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_dat", &["sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_gen", &["sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_inst", &["sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_nom", &["sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_prep", &["sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_verb_gerund_past", &["past", "V-sh"]),
+    ("ru_verb_imperative_pl", &["plur", "impr"]),
+    ("ru_verb_imperative_sg", &["sing", "impr"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_f", &["femn", "sing", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_m", &["masc", "sing", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_n", &["neut", "sing", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_pl", &["plur", "past"]),
+    // these also contain "pres" or "futr", depending on the verb.
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl1", &["plur", "1per"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl2", &["plur", "2per"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl3", &["plur", "3per"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg1", &["sing", "1per"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg2", &["sing", "2per"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg3", &["sing", "3per"]),
+    // Unclear items, probably only useful tags on lemmata
+    (
+        "ru_verb_gerund_present",
+        &["pres" /* prob. something missing? */],
+    ),
+    (
+        "ru_adj_superlative",
+        &[/* TODO: unclear, random list of grammemes?! */],
+    ),
+    ("ru_base", &[/* TODO: unclear */]),
+    // These have no useful tags in the forms table, only gender &
+    // case tagging.
+    ("ru_verb_participle_active_past", &[]),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_active_present", &[]),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_passive_past", &[]),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_passive_present", &[]),
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/oc_parser.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/oc_parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8103ebd92369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/oc_parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+use super::{bail, Ensure};
+use log::{info, warn};
+use std::str::FromStr;
+use xml::attribute::OwnedAttribute;
+use xml::name::OwnedName;
+use xml::reader::XmlEvent;
+use xml::EventReader;
+#[derive(Default, Debug)]
+pub struct Grammeme {
+    pub parent: Option<String>,
+    pub name: String,
+    pub alias: String,
+    pub description: String,
+/// Single form of a word (either its lemma, or the variations).
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Variation {
+    pub word: String,
+    pub grammemes: Vec<String>,
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Lemma {
+    pub id: u64,
+    pub lemma: Variation,
+    pub grammemes: Vec<String>,
+    pub variations: Vec<Variation>,
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct LinkType {
+    pub id: u64,
+    pub name: String,
+#[derive(Debug, Default)]
+pub struct Link {
+    pub id: u64,   // link itself
+    pub from: u64, // lemma
+    pub to: u64,   // lemma
+    pub link_type: u64,
+pub enum OcElement {
+    Grammeme(Grammeme),
+    Lemma(Lemma),
+    LinkType(LinkType),
+    Link(Link),
+#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
+enum ParserState {
+    /// Parser is not parsing any particular section and waiting for a
+    /// start tag instead.
+    Init,
+    /// Parser is parsing grammemes.
+    Grammemes,
+    /// Parser is parsing lemmata.
+    Lemmata,
+    /// Parser is inside a lemma's actual lemma.
+    Lemma,
+    /// Parser is parsing a morphological variation of a lemma.
+    Variation,
+    /// Parser is parsing link types.
+    LinkTypes,
+    /// Parser is parsing links.
+    Links,
+    /// Parser has seen the end of the line and nothing more is
+    /// available.
+    Ended,
+pub struct OpenCorporaParser<R: std::io::Read> {
+    reader: EventReader<R>,
+    state: ParserState,
+enum SectionState {
+    /// Actively interested in parsing this section.
+    Active,
+    /// Section is known, but currently ignored.
+    Inactive,
+    /// Section is unknown (probably a bug).
+    Unknown,
+fn section_state(section: &str) -> SectionState {
+    match section {
+        "grammemes" | "lemmata" | "link_types" | "links" => SectionState::Active,
+        "restrictions" => SectionState::Inactive,
+        _ => SectionState::Unknown,
+    }
+impl<R: std::io::Read> OpenCorporaParser<R> {
+    pub fn new(reader: R) -> Self {
+        let config = xml::ParserConfig::new().trim_whitespace(true);
+        let reader = EventReader::new_with_config(reader, config);
+        Self {
+            reader,
+            state: ParserState::Init,
+        }
+    }
+    /// Pull an `OcElement` out of the parser. Returns `None` if the
+    /// parser stream has ended.
+    pub fn next_element(&mut self) -> Option<OcElement> {
+        if self.state == ParserState::Ended {
+            return None;
+        }
+        // Pull the next element to determine what context to enter
+        // next.
+        loop {
+            match &self.next() {
+                // no-op events that do not affect parser state
+                XmlEvent::Comment(_)
+                | XmlEvent::Whitespace(_)
+                | XmlEvent::ProcessingInstruction { .. }
+                | XmlEvent::StartDocument { .. } => continue,
+                XmlEvent::StartElement { name, .. } | XmlEvent::EndElement { name }
+                    if name.local_name == "dictionary" =>
+                {
+                    continue
+                }
+                // end of the file, nothing more to return
+                XmlEvent::EndDocument => {
+                    self.state = ParserState::Ended;
+                    return None;
+                }
+                // some sections are skipped
+                XmlEvent::StartElement { name, .. } | XmlEvent::EndElement { name }
+                    if section_state(&name.local_name) == SectionState::Inactive =>
+                {
+                    info!("skipping {} section", name.local_name);
+                    self.skip_section(&name.local_name);
+                }
+                // active section events start specific parser states ...
+                XmlEvent::StartElement { name, .. }
+                    if section_state(&name.local_name) == SectionState::Active =>
+                {
+                    self.state = match name.local_name.as_str() {
+                        "grammemes" => ParserState::Grammemes,
+                        "lemmata" => ParserState::Lemmata,
+                        "link_types" => ParserState::LinkTypes,
+                        "links" => ParserState::Links,
+                        _ => unreachable!(),
+                    };
+                }
+                // ... or end them
+                XmlEvent::EndElement { name, .. }
+                    if section_state(&name.local_name) == SectionState::Active =>
+                {
+                    // TODO: assert that the right section ended
+                    self.state = ParserState::Init;
+                }
+                // actual beginning of an actual element, dispatch accordingly
+                event @ XmlEvent::StartElement {
+                    name, attributes, ..
+                } => match &self.state {
+                    ParserState::Grammemes => {
+                        return Some(OcElement::Grammeme(self.parse_grammeme(name, attributes)))
+                    }
+                    ParserState::Lemmata => {
+                        return Some(OcElement::Lemma(self.parse_lemma(name, attributes)))
+                    }
+                    ParserState::LinkTypes => {
+                        return Some(OcElement::LinkType(self.parse_link_type(name, attributes)))
+                    }
+                    ParserState::Links if name.local_name == "link" => {
+                        return Some(OcElement::Link(self.parse_link(attributes)))
+                    }
+                    ParserState::Init | ParserState::Ended => bail(format!(
+                        "parser received an unexpected start element while in state {:?}: {:?}",
+                        self.state, event
+                    )),
+                    other => bail(format!(
+                        "next_element() called while parser was in state {:?}",
+                        other
+                    )),
+                },
+                // finally, events that indicate a bug if they're
+                // encountered here
+                event @ XmlEvent::EndElement { .. }
+                | event @ XmlEvent::CData(_)
+                | event @ XmlEvent::Characters(_) => {
+                    bail(format!("unexpected XML event: {:?}", event))
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Skip a section by advancing the parser state until we see an
+    /// end element for the skipped section.
+    fn skip_section(&mut self, section: &str) {
+        loop {
+            match self.next() {
+                XmlEvent::EndElement { name } if name.local_name == section => return,
+                _ => continue,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn next(&mut self) -> XmlEvent {
+        self.reader.next().ensure("XML parsing failed")
+    }
+    /// Parse a tag that should have plain string content.
+    fn parse_string(&mut self, tag_name: &str) -> String {
+        let mut out = String::new();
+        loop {
+            match self.next() {
+                // ignore irrelevant things
+                XmlEvent::Comment(_) | XmlEvent::Whitespace(_) => continue,
+                // set the content
+                XmlEvent::Characters(content) => {
+                    out = content;
+                }
+                // expect the end of the element
+                XmlEvent::EndElement { name } if name.local_name == tag_name => return out,
+                // fail on everything unexpected
+                event => bail(format!(
+                    "unexpected element while parsing <{}>: {:?}",
+                    tag_name, event
+                )),
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    /// Parse a single `<grammeme>` tag.
+    fn parse_grammeme(&mut self, name: &OwnedName, attributes: &[OwnedAttribute]) -> Grammeme {
+        if name.local_name != "grammeme" {
+            bail(format!(
+                "expected to parse a grammeme, but found <{}>",
+                name.local_name
+            ));
+        }
+        let mut grammeme = Grammeme::default();
+        for attr in attributes {
+            if attr.name.local_name == "parent" && !attr.value.is_empty() {
+                grammeme.parent = Some(attr.value.clone());
+            }
+        }
+        loop {
+            match self.next() {
+                // ignore irrelevant things
+                XmlEvent::Comment(_) | XmlEvent::Whitespace(_) => continue,
+                // expect known tags
+                XmlEvent::StartElement { name, .. } if name.local_name == "name" => {
+                    grammeme.name = self.parse_string("name");
+                }
+                XmlEvent::StartElement { name, .. } if name.local_name == "alias" => {
+                    grammeme.alias = self.parse_string("alias");
+                }
+                XmlEvent::StartElement { name, .. } if name.local_name == "description" => {
+                    grammeme.description = self.parse_string("description");
+                }
+                // handle end of the grammeme
+                XmlEvent::EndElement { name } if name.local_name == "grammeme" => break,
+                // fail on everything unexpected
+                event => bail(format!(
+                    "unexpected element while parsing <grammeme>: {:?}",
+                    event
+                )),
+            }
+        }
+        grammeme
+    }
+    fn parse_lemma(&mut self, name: &OwnedName, attributes: &[OwnedAttribute]) -> Lemma {
+        if name.local_name != "lemma" {
+            bail(format!(
+                "expected to parse a lemma, but found <{}>",
+                name.local_name
+            ));
+        }
+        self.state = ParserState::Lemma;
+        let mut lemma = Lemma::default();
+        for attr in attributes {
+            if attr.name.local_name == "id" {
+                lemma.id = u64::from_str(&attr.value).ensure("failed to parse lemma ID");
+            }
+        }
+        loop {
+            match self.next() {
+                // <lemma> has ended
+                XmlEvent::EndElement { name } if name.local_name == "lemma" => {
+                    self.state = ParserState::Lemmata;
+                    return lemma;
+                }
+                // actual lemma content
+                XmlEvent::StartElement {
+                    name, attributes, ..
+                } => {
+                    match name.local_name.as_str() {
+                        // beginning to parse the lemma itself
+                        "l" => {
+                            lemma.lemma.word = attributes
+                                .into_iter()
+                                .find(|attr| attr.name.local_name == "t")
+                                .map(|attr| attr.value)
+                                .ensure(format!("lemma {} had no actual word", lemma.id));
+                        }
+                        // parsing a lemma variation
+                        "f" => {
+                            self.state = ParserState::Variation;
+                            let word = attributes
+                                .into_iter()
+                                .find(|attr| attr.name.local_name == "t")
+                                .map(|attr| attr.value)
+                                .ensure(format!(
+                                    "variation of lemma {} had no actual word",
+                                    lemma.id
+                                ));
+                            lemma.variations.push(Variation {
+                                word,
+                                grammemes: vec![],
+                            });
+                        }
+                        // parse a grammeme association
+                        "g" => {
+                            let grammeme = attributes
+                                .into_iter()
+                                .find(|attr| attr.name.local_name == "v")
+                                .map(|attr| attr.value)
+                                .ensure(format!(
+                                    "grammeme association in lemma {} missing ID",
+                                    lemma.id
+                                ));
+                            match self.state {
+                                ParserState::Lemma => {
+                                    lemma.grammemes.push(grammeme);
+                                }
+                                ParserState::Variation => {
+                                    lemma
+                                        .variations
+                                        .last_mut()
+                                        .ensure("variations should be non-empty")
+                                        .grammemes
+                                        .push(grammeme);
+                                }
+                                _ => bail(format!("invalid parser state: encountered grammeme association while in {:?}", self.state)),
+                            }
+                        }
+                        other => bail(format!("unexpected element while parsing lemma: {other}")),
+                    };
+                }
+                XmlEvent::EndElement { name } => match name.local_name.as_str() {
+                    "l" if self.state == ParserState::Lemma => continue,
+                    "f" if self.state == ParserState::Variation => {
+                        self.state = ParserState::Lemma;
+                        continue;
+                    }
+                    "g" => continue,
+                    other => bail(format!(
+                        "unexpected </{other}> while parsing lemma {}",
+                        lemma.id
+                    )),
+                },
+                _ => continue,
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    fn parse_link_type(&mut self, name: &OwnedName, attributes: &[OwnedAttribute]) -> LinkType {
+        if name.local_name != "type" {
+            bail(format!(
+                "expected to parse a link type, but found <{}>",
+                name.local_name
+            ));
+        }
+        let mut link_type = LinkType::default();
+        for attr in attributes {
+            if attr.name.local_name == "id" {
+                link_type.id = u64::from_str(&attr.value).ensure("failed to parse link type ID");
+            }
+        }
+        link_type.name = self.parse_string("type");
+        link_type
+    }
+    fn parse_link(&mut self, attributes: &[OwnedAttribute]) -> Link {
+        let mut link = Link::default();
+        for attr in attributes {
+            let i_val = || u64::from_str(&attr.value).ensure("failed to parse link field");
+            match attr.name.local_name.as_str() {
+                "id" => {
+                    link.id = i_val();
+                }
+                "from" => {
+                    link.from = i_val();
+                }
+                "to" => {
+                    link.to = i_val();
+                }
+                "type" => {
+                    link.link_type = i_val();
+                }
+                other => {
+                    warn!("unexpected attribute {} on <link>", other);
+                    continue;
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        // expect the end of the <link> element, though since these
+        // are empty it should be immediate.
+        self.skip_section("link");
+        link
+    }
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/or_parser.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/or_parser.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..8bfc61dbef48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/or_parser.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
+//! Parser for the OpenRussian data format.
+//! Note that when exporting OpenRussian data from the project you
+//! have to choose an encoding. We choose tab-separated CSV files, as
+//! tabs have a very low probability of actually appearing in the
+//! input data and this skips some potential encoding issues.
+use super::Ensure;
+use serde::Deserialize;
+use std::fs::File;
+use std::io::BufReader;
+use std::path::PathBuf;
+/// A word from the `words` table.
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+pub struct Word {
+    pub id: usize,
+    pub position: String, // TODO: unknown
+    pub bare: String,     // TODO: unknown
+    pub accented: String, // TODO: unknown
+    pub derived_from_word_id: Option<usize>,
+    pub rank: Option<usize>,
+    pub disabled: String,     // TODO: unknown
+    pub audio: String,        // TODO: unknown
+    pub usage_en: String,     // TODO: unknown
+    pub usage_de: String,     // TODO: unknown
+    pub number_value: String, // TODO: unknown
+    #[serde(rename = "type")]
+    pub word_type: String, // TODO: unknown
+    pub level: String,      // TODO: unknown
+    pub created_at: String, // TODO: unknown
+/// A word form from the `words_forms` table.
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+pub struct WordForm {
+    pub id: usize,
+    pub word_id: usize,
+    pub form_type: String,
+    pub position: String,
+    pub form: String,
+    pub form_bare: String,
+/// A translation from the `translations` table.
+#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
+pub struct Translation {
+    pub id: usize,
+    pub lang: String,
+    pub word_id: usize,
+    pub position: String,
+    pub tl: String, // unknown
+    pub example_ru: String,
+    pub example_tl: String,
+    pub info: String,
+pub struct OpenRussianParser {
+    or_directory: PathBuf,
+pub type DynIter<T> = Box<dyn Iterator<Item = T>>;
+impl OpenRussianParser {
+    pub fn new<P: Into<PathBuf>>(path: P) -> Self {
+        OpenRussianParser {
+            or_directory: path.into(),
+        }
+    }
+    pub fn words(&self) -> DynIter<Word> {
+        self.parser_for("words.csv")
+    }
+    pub fn words_forms(&self) -> DynIter<WordForm> {
+        self.parser_for("words_forms.csv")
+    }
+    pub fn translations(&self) -> DynIter<Translation> {
+        self.parser_for("translations.csv")
+    }
+    fn parser_for<T: serde::de::DeserializeOwned + 'static>(
+        &self,
+        file_name: &str,
+    ) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = T>> {
+        let mut path = self.or_directory.clone();
+        path.push(file_name);
+        let reader = csv::ReaderBuilder::new()
+            .delimiter(b'\t')
+            .from_reader(BufReader::new(
+                File::open(&path).ensure("failed to open words.csv"),
+            ));
+        Box::new(reader.into_deserialize().map(|result| {
+            result.ensure(format!(
+                "failed to deserialize {}",
+                std::any::type_name::<T>()
+            ))
+        }))
+    }
diff --git a/corp/russian/predlozhnik/.gitignore b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/.gitignore
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..58eaf3e32687
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/.gitignore
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
diff --git a/corp/russian/predlozhnik/Cargo.lock b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/Cargo.lock
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..31eb00b1790a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/Cargo.lock
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+# This file is automatically @generated by Cargo.
+# It is not intended for manual editing.
+version = 3
+name = "autocfg"
+version = "1.1.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "d468802bab17cbc0cc575e9b053f41e72aa36bfa6b7f55e3529ffa43161b97fa"
+name = "boolinator"
+version = "2.4.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "cfa8873f51c92e232f9bac4065cddef41b714152812bfc5f7672ba16d6ef8cd9"
+name = "bumpalo"
+version = "3.11.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "c1ad822118d20d2c234f427000d5acc36eabe1e29a348c89b63dd60b13f28e5d"
+name = "cfg-if"
+version = "1.0.0"
+source = "registry+https://github.com/rust-lang/crates.io-index"
+checksum = "baf1de4339761588bc0619e3cbc0120ee582ebb74b53b4efbf79117bd2da40fd"
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index 000000000000..bb67a8ef8e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+name = "predlozhnik"
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+yew = "0.19"
+# needs to be in sync with nixpkgs
+wasm-bindgen = "= 0.2.87"
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+{ lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  wasmRust = pkgs.rust-bin.stable.latest.default.override {
+    targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ];
+  };
+  cargoToml = with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ./Cargo.toml);
+  wasmBindgenMatch =
+    cargoToml.dependencies.wasm-bindgen == "= ${pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.version}";
+  assertWasmBindgen = assert (lib.assertMsg wasmBindgenMatch ''
+    Due to instability in the Rust WASM ecosystem, the trunk build
+    tool enforces that the Cargo-dependency version of `wasm-bindgen`
+    MUST match the version of the CLI supplied in the environment.
+    This can get out of sync when nixpkgs is updated. To resolve it,
+    wasm-bindgen must be bumped in the Cargo.toml file and cargo needs
+    to be run to resolve the dependencies.
+    Versions of `wasm-bindgen` in Cargo.toml:
+      Expected: '= ${pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.version}'
+      Actual:   '${cargoToml.dependencies.wasm-bindgen}'
+  ''); pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli;
+  deps = with pkgs; [
+    binaryen
+    sass
+    wasmRust
+    trunk
+    assertWasmBindgen
+  ];
+pkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+  pname = "predlozhnik";
+  version = "canon";
+  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
+  cargoLock.lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+  buildPhase = ''
+    export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath deps}:$PATH
+    mkdir home
+    export HOME=$PWD/.home
+    env
+    trunk build --release -d $out
+  '';
+  dontInstall = true;
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+    margin: 40px auto;
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+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: column;
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+    border-color: #9f9f9f;
+    color: #9f9f9f;
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+    display: flex;
+    flex-direction: row;
+    flex-wrap: wrap;
+.btn {
+    margin: 3px;
+    flex-grow: 1;
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+    text-align: right;
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index 000000000000..6af1adc0bfba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset="utf-8" />
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+    <link rel="stylesheet"
+          href="https://unpkg.com/terminal.css@0.7.2/dist/terminal.min.css" />
+    <link data-trunk rel="inline" href="index.css">
+    <title>Предложник</title>
+    <!-- Yandex.RTB -->
+    <script>window.yaContextCb=window.yaContextCb||[]</script>
+    <script src="https://yandex.ru/ads/system/context.js" async></script>
+  </head>
+  <body>
+    <noscript>
+      <h1>Предложник</h1>
+      <p>
+        ... показывает с какими падежами употребляются предлоги в
+        русском языке. Но, к сожалению, только с помощью Javascript.
+      </p>
+    </noscript>
+  </body>
diff --git a/corp/russian/predlozhnik/src/main.rs b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..56ff04808f9d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/predlozhnik/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+use yew::html::Scope;
+use yew::prelude::*;
+use lazy_static::lazy_static;
+use maplit::hashmap;
+use std::collections::BTreeSet;
+use std::collections::HashMap;
+#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, Hash, PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
+enum Падеж {
+    Именительный,
+    Родительный,
+    Дательный,
+    Винительный,
+    Творительный,
+    Предложный,
+impl Падеж {
+    const ВСЕ: [Self; 6] = [
+        Self::Именительный,
+        Self::Родительный,
+        Self::Дательный,
+        Self::Винительный,
+        Self::Творительный,
+        Self::Предложный,
+    ];
+    fn вопрос(&self) -> &str {
+        use Падеж::*;
+        match self {
+            Именительный => "кто? Что?",
+            Родительный => "кого? Чего?",
+            Дательный => "кому? Чему?",
+            Винительный => "кого? Что?",
+            Творительный => "кем? Чем?",
+            Предложный => "ком? Чём?",
+        }
+    }
+lazy_static! {
+    static ref ПО_ПРЕДЛОГУ: HashMap<&'static str, BTreeSet<Падеж>> = {
+        use Падеж::*;
+        hashmap! {
+            "без" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "близ" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "в" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный, Предложный]),
+            "вместо" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "вне" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "внутри" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "возле" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "вокруг" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "вроде" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "для" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "до" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "за" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный, Творительный]),
+            "из" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "из-за" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "из-под" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "к" => BTreeSet::from([Дательный]),
+            "кроме" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "между" => BTreeSet::from([Творительный, Родительный]),
+            "на" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный, Предложный]),
+            "над" => BTreeSet::from([Творительный]),
+            "нет" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "о" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный, Предложный]),
+            "около" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "от" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "перед" => BTreeSet::from([Творительный]),
+            "по" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный, Дательный, Предложный]),
+            "под" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный, Творительный]),
+            "после" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "при" => BTreeSet::from([Предложный]),
+            "про" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный]),
+            "ради" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "с" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный, Винительный, Творительный]),
+            "сквозь" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный]),
+            "среди" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "у" => BTreeSet::from([Родительный]),
+            "через" => BTreeSet::from([Винительный]),
+        }
+    };
+    static ref ПО_ПАДЕЖУ: HashMap<Падеж, BTreeSet<&'static str>> = {
+        let mut m = hashmap!();
+        for c in Падеж::ВСЕ {
+            let mut предлоги: BTreeSet<&'static str> = BTreeSet::new();
+            for (k, v) in &*ПО_ПРЕДЛОГУ {
+                if v.contains(&c) {
+                    предлоги.insert(k);
+                }
+            }
+            m.insert(c, предлоги);
+        }
+        m
+    };
+    static ref ПАДЕЖИ: BTreeSet<Падеж> = BTreeSet::from(Падеж::ВСЕ);
+    static ref ПРЕДЛОГИ: BTreeSet<&'static str> = {
+        let mut s: BTreeSet<&'static str> = BTreeSet::new();
+        for п in ПО_ПРЕДЛОГУ.keys() {
+            s.insert(п);
+        }
+        s
+    };
+fn исключение(предлог: &str, падеж: Падеж) -> Option<Html> {
+    use Падеж::*;
+    match (предлог, падеж) {
+        ("в", Винительный) => Some(html! {"Во что? В кого?"}),
+        ("о", Винительный) => Some(html! {
+            <>
+              <p>{"О кого? Обо что?"}</p>
+              <p>{"Редко используется. Например:"}</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>{"Удариться о притолоку."}</li>
+                <li>{"точить о камень."}</li>
+              </ul>
+            </>
+        }),
+        ("между", Родительный) => Some(html! {
+            <>
+              <p>{"Между чего?"}</p>
+              <p>{"Редко используется. Только в идиомах и старой литературе:"}</p>
+              <ul>
+                <li>{"Читаю между строк."}</li>
+              </ul>
+            </>
+        }),
+        _ => None,
+    }
+enum Сообщение {
+    ВыбралПадеж(Option<Падеж>),
+    ВыбралПредлог(Option<&'static str>),
+struct Модель {
+    падеж: Option<Падеж>,
+    предлог: Option<&'static str>,
+struct Вывод {
+    доступные_падежи: BTreeSet<Падеж>,
+    доступные_предлоги: BTreeSet<&'static str>,
+    объяснение: Option<Html>,
+fn объясни(падеж: Падеж, предлог: &str) -> Html {
+    let иск = match исключение(предлог, падеж) {
+        Some(exp) => html! { exp },
+        None => html! { format!("{} {}", предлог, падеж.вопрос()) },
+    };
+    html! {
+        <div id="obyasnenie">
+          <hr/>
+          <h2>{"Пример:"}</h2>
+          {иск}
+        </div>
+    }
+fn ограничить(м: &Модель) -> Вывод {
+    match (м.падеж, &м.предлог) {
+        (Some(пж), Some(пл)) => Вывод {
+            доступные_падежи: (*ПО_ПРЕДЛОГУ)[пл].clone(),
+            доступные_предлоги: (*ПО_ПАДЕЖУ)[&пж].clone(),
+            объяснение: Some(объясни(пж, пл)),
+        },
+        (Some(пж), None) => Вывод {
+            доступные_падежи: BTreeSet::from([пж]),
+            доступные_предлоги: (*ПО_ПАДЕЖУ)[&пж].clone(),
+            объяснение: None,
+        },
+        (None, Some(пл)) => Вывод {
+            доступные_падежи: (*ПО_ПРЕДЛОГУ)[пл].clone(),
+            доступные_предлоги: BTreeSet::from([*пл]),
+            объяснение: None,
+        },
+        (None, None) => Вывод {
+            доступные_падежи: ПАДЕЖИ.clone(),
+            доступные_предлоги: ПРЕДЛОГИ.clone(),
+            объяснение: None,
+        },
+    }
+fn класс_кнопки(выбран: bool, доступен: bool) -> String {
+    let класс = "btn ".to_string();
+    класс
+        + match (выбран, доступен) {
+            (true, _) => "btn-primary",
+            (false, true) => "btn-ghost btn-primary",
+            (false, false) => "btn-ghost btn-default",
+        }
+fn покажи_предлог(
+    link: &Scope<Модель>,
+    м: &Модель,
+    вв: &Вывод,
+    п: &'static str,
+) -> Html {
+    let выбран = м.предлог == Some(п);
+    let доступен = вв.доступные_предлоги.contains(п);
+    let класс = класс_кнопки(выбран, доступен);
+    html! {
+        <button class={класс}
+         onclick={link.callback(move |_| if выбран {
+             Сообщение::ВыбралПредлог(None)
+         } else {
+             Сообщение::ВыбралПредлог(Some(п))
+         })}
+         disabled={!доступен}>
+        {п}
+        </button>
+    }
+fn покажи_падеж(
+    link: &Scope<Модель>, м: &Модель, вв: &Вывод, п: Падеж
+) -> Html {
+    let выбран = м.падеж == Some(п);
+    let доступен = вв.доступные_падежи.contains(&п);
+    let класс = класс_кнопки(выбран, доступен);
+    html! {
+        <button class={класс}
+         onclick={link.callback(move |_| if выбран {
+             Сообщение::ВыбралПадеж(None)
+         } else {
+             Сообщение::ВыбралПадеж(Some(п))
+         })}
+         disabled={!доступен}>
+        {format!("{:?}", п)}
+        </button>
+    }
+impl Component for Модель {
+    type Message = Сообщение;
+    type Properties = ();
+    fn create(_ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
+        Default::default()
+    }
+    fn update(&mut self, _ctx: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
+        match msg {
+            Сообщение::ВыбралПадеж(пж) => self.падеж = пж,
+            Сообщение::ВыбралПредлог(пл) => self.предлог = пл,
+        }
+        true
+    }
+    fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
+        let вв = ограничить(self);
+        let link = ctx.link();
+        let кнопки_предлогов = ПРЕДЛОГИ
+            .iter()
+            .map(|п| покажи_предлог(link, self, &вв, п))
+            .collect::<Html>();
+        let кнопки_падежов = ПАДЕЖИ
+            .iter()
+            .map(|п| покажи_падеж(link, self, &вв, *п))
+            .collect::<Html>();
+        let объяснение = вв.объяснение.map(|exp| exp).unwrap_or_else(|| html! {});
+        let footer = html! {
+            <footer>
+              <hr/>
+              <p class="footer">
+                <a href="https://code.tvl.fyi/tree/corp/russian/predlozhnik">{"код"}</a>
+                {" | "}
+                {"сделано "}<a href="https://tvl.su">{"ООО \"ТВЛ\""}</a>
+              </p>
+            </footer>
+        };
+        let код_рекламы = r#"
+  Ya.Context.AdvManager.render({
+    renderTo: 'yandex_rtb_R-A-1773485-1',
+    blockId: 'R-A-1773485-1'
+  })
+        let реклама = html! {
+            <div id="ad">
+              <div id="yandex_rtb_R-A-1773485-1"></div>
+              <script>{код_рекламы}</script>
+            </div>
+        };
+        html! {
+            <>
+                <div id="header">
+                  <h1>{"Предложник"}</h1>
+                  <p>{"... показывает с какими падежами употребляются предлоги в русском языке."}</p>
+                </div>
+                <h2>{"Выбирай предлог:"}</h2>
+                <div id="predlogi">
+                  {кнопки_предлогов}
+                </div>
+                <hr/>
+                <h2>{"Выбирай падеж:"}</h2>
+                <div id="padezhi">
+                  {кнопки_падежов}
+                </div>
+                {объяснение}
+                {footer}
+                {реклама}
+            </>
+        }
+    }
+fn main() {
+    yew::start_app::<Модель>();
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+rnix = "0.11.0"
+# needs to be in sync with nixpkgs
+wasm-bindgen = "= 0.2.87"
+path = "../../tvix/eval"
+default-features = false
+version = "*" # pinned by yew
+features = [ "derive" ]
+version = "*" # pinned by yew
+features = [ "HtmlDetailsElement" ]
diff --git a/corp/tvixbolt/default.nix b/corp/tvixbolt/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..9b6baa582fb0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/tvixbolt/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+{ depot, lib, pkgs, ... }:
+  wasmRust = pkgs.rust-bin.stable.latest.default.override {
+    targets = [ "wasm32-unknown-unknown" ];
+  };
+  cargoToml = with builtins; fromTOML (readFile ./Cargo.toml);
+  wasmBindgenMatch =
+    cargoToml.dependencies.wasm-bindgen == "= ${pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.version}";
+  assertWasmBindgen = assert (lib.assertMsg wasmBindgenMatch ''
+    Due to instability in the Rust WASM ecosystem, the trunk build
+    tool enforces that the Cargo-dependency version of `wasm-bindgen`
+    MUST match the version of the CLI supplied in the environment.
+    This can get out of sync when nixpkgs is updated. To resolve it,
+    wasm-bindgen must be bumped in the Cargo.toml file and cargo needs
+    to be run to resolve the dependencies.
+    Versions of `wasm-bindgen` in Cargo.toml:
+      Expected: '= ${pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli.version}'
+      Actual:   '${cargoToml.dependencies.wasm-bindgen}'
+  ''); pkgs.wasm-bindgen-cli;
+  deps = [
+    pkgs.binaryen
+    pkgs.sass
+    pkgs.trunk
+    wasmRust
+    assertWasmBindgen
+  ];
+  # Cargo.toml needs to be patched with the /nix/store source path of
+  # tvix-eval.
+  cargoTomlPatch = pkgs.writeText "tvix-eval-src.patch" ''
+    diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
+    index 75006bec18..6ca244bbb2 100644
+    --- a/Cargo.toml
+    +++ b/Cargo.toml
+    @@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ rnix = "0.11.0"
+     wasm-bindgen = "= 0.2.83"
+     [dependencies.tvix-eval]
+    -path = "../../tvix/eval"
+    +path = "${depot.tvix.crates.workspaceMembers.tvix-eval.build.src}"
+     default-features = false
+     [dependencies.serde]
+  '';
+pkgs.rustPlatform.buildRustPackage rec {
+  pname = "tvixbolt";
+  version = "canon";
+  src = lib.cleanSource ./.;
+  cargoLock.lockFile = ./Cargo.lock;
+  patches = [
+    cargoTomlPatch
+  ];
+  buildPhase = ''
+    export PATH=${lib.makeBinPath deps}:$PATH
+    mkdir home
+    export HOME=$PWD/home
+    trunk build --release -d $out
+  '';
+  dontInstall = true;
diff --git a/corp/tvixbolt/index.css b/corp/tvixbolt/index.css
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..95bd7d098362
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/tvixbolt/index.css
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+.footer {
+    text-align: right;
+.lod {
+    text-align: center;
diff --git a/corp/tvixbolt/index.html b/corp/tvixbolt/index.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..d35fe1a006e9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/tvixbolt/index.html
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+  <head>
+    <meta charset="utf-8" />
+    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
+    <link rel="stylesheet"
+          href="https://static.tvl.su/latest/terminal.min.css" />
+    <link data-trunk rel="inline" href="index.css">
+    <title>Tvixbolt</title>
+    <!-- Yandex.RTB -->
+    <script>window.yaContextCb=window.yaContextCb||[]</script>
+    <script src="https://yandex.ru/ads/system/context.js" async></script>
+  </head>
diff --git a/corp/tvixbolt/src/main.rs b/corp/tvixbolt/src/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0de48b3ac71e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/tvixbolt/src/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+use std::fmt::Write;
+use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use tvix_eval::observer::{DisassemblingObserver, TracingObserver};
+use web_sys::HtmlDetailsElement;
+use web_sys::HtmlTextAreaElement;
+use yew::prelude::*;
+use yew::TargetCast;
+use yew_router::{prelude::*, AnyRoute};
+enum Msg {
+    CodeChange(String),
+    ToggleTrace(bool),
+    ToggleDisplayAst(bool),
+    // Required because browsers are stupid and it's easy to get into
+    // infinite loops with `ontoggle` events.
+    NoOp,
+#[derive(Clone, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+struct Model {
+    code: String,
+    // #[serde(skip_serializing)]
+    trace: bool,
+    // #[serde(skip_serializing)]
+    display_ast: bool,
+fn tvixbolt_overview() -> Html {
+    html! {
+        <>
+          <p>
+            {"This page lets you explore the bytecode generated by the "}
+            <a href="https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot/-/tree/tvix">{"Tvix"}</a>
+            {" compiler for the Nix language. See the "}
+            <a href="https://tvl.fyi/blog/rewriting-nix">{"Tvix announcement"}</a>
+            {" for some background information on Tvix itself."}
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            {"Tvix is still "}<i>{"extremely work-in-progress"}</i>{" and you "}
+            {"should expect to be able to cause bugs and errors in this tool."}
+          </p>
+          <p>
+            {"Tvixbolt is a project from "}
+            <a href="https://tvl.su">
+              {"TVL LLC"}
+            </a>
+            {". If you're looking for the TVL Community, click "}
+            <a href="https://tvl.fyi">
+              {"here"}
+            </a>
+            {"."}
+          </p>
+        </>
+    }
+/// This renders an ad in the Tvixbolt footer. Most people that end up
+/// on Tvixbolt will probably block this anyways, but might as well.
+fn ad() -> Html {
+    let ad_code = r#"
+  Ya.Context.AdvManager.render({
+    renderTo: 'yandex_rtb_R-A-1943274-1',
+    blockId: 'R-A-1943274-1'
+  })
+    html! {
+        <div id="ad">
+            <div id="yandex_rtb_R-A-1943274-1"></div>
+            <script>{ad_code}</script>
+        </div>
+    }
+fn footer_link(location: &'static str, name: &str) -> Html {
+    html! {
+        <>
+            <a class="uncoloured-link" href={location}>{name}</a>{" | "}
+        </>
+    }
+fn footer() -> Html {
+    html! {
+        <>
+        <hr/>
+        <footer>
+          <p class="footer">
+            {footer_link("https://tvl.su", "home")}
+            {footer_link("https://cs.tvl.fyi", "code")}
+            {footer_link("https://tvl.fyi/builds", "ci")}
+            {footer_link("https://b.tvl.fyi", "bugs")}
+            {"© ООО ТВЛ"}
+          </p>
+          <p class="lod">{"ಠ_ಠ"}</p>
+          {ad()}
+        </footer>
+        </>
+    }
+impl Component for Model {
+    type Message = Msg;
+    type Properties = ();
+    fn create(_: &Context<Self>) -> Self {
+        BrowserHistory::new()
+            .location()
+            .query::<Self>()
+            .unwrap_or_else(|_| Self {
+                code: String::new(),
+                trace: false,
+                display_ast: false,
+            })
+    }
+    fn update(&mut self, _: &Context<Self>, msg: Self::Message) -> bool {
+        match msg {
+            Msg::ToggleTrace(trace) => {
+                self.trace = trace;
+            }
+            Msg::ToggleDisplayAst(display_ast) => {
+                self.display_ast = display_ast;
+            }
+            Msg::CodeChange(new_code) => {
+                self.code = new_code;
+            }
+            Msg::NoOp => {}
+        }
+        let _ = BrowserHistory::new().replace_with_query(AnyRoute::new("/"), self.clone());
+        true
+    }
+    fn view(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
+        // This gives us a component's "`Scope`" which allows us to send messages, etc to the component.
+        let link = ctx.link();
+        html! {
+            <>
+            <div class="container">
+                <h1>{"tvixbolt 0.1-alpha"}</h1>
+                {tvixbolt_overview()}
+                <form>
+                  <fieldset>
+                    <legend>{"Input"}</legend>
+                    <div class="form-group">
+                        <label for="code">{"Nix code:"}</label>
+                        <textarea
+                         oninput={link.callback(|e: InputEvent| {
+                             let ta = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlTextAreaElement>().value();
+                             Msg::CodeChange(ta)
+                         })}
+                         id="code" cols="30" rows="10" value={self.code.clone()}>
+                         </textarea>
+                    </div>
+                  </fieldset>
+                </form>
+                <hr />
+                {self.run(ctx)}
+                {footer()}
+            </div>
+            </>
+        }
+    }
+impl Model {
+    fn run(&self, ctx: &Context<Self>) -> Html {
+        if self.code.is_empty() {
+            return html! {
+                <p>
+                  {"Enter some Nix code above to get started. Don't know Nix yet? "}
+                  {"Check out "}
+                  <a href="https://code.tvl.fyi/about/nix/nix-1p/README.md">{"nix-1p"}</a>
+                  {"!"}
+                </p>
+            };
+        }
+        html! {
+            <>
+              <h2>{"Result:"}</h2>
+            {eval(self).display(ctx, self)}
+            </>
+        }
+    }
+struct Output {
+    errors: String,
+    warnings: String,
+    output: String,
+    bytecode: Vec<u8>,
+    trace: Vec<u8>,
+    ast: String,
+fn maybe_show(title: &str, s: &str) -> Html {
+    if s.is_empty() {
+        html! {}
+    } else {
+        html! {
+            <>
+              <h3>{title}</h3>
+              <pre>{s}</pre>
+            </>
+        }
+    }
+fn maybe_details(
+    ctx: &Context<Model>,
+    title: &str,
+    s: &str,
+    display: bool,
+    toggle: fn(bool) -> Msg,
+) -> Html {
+    let link = ctx.link();
+    if display {
+        let msg = toggle(false);
+        html! {
+            <details open=true
+                     ontoggle={link.callback(move |e: Event| {
+                         let details = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlDetailsElement>();
+                         if !details.open() {
+                             msg.clone()
+                         } else {
+                             Msg::NoOp
+                         }
+                     })}>
+              <summary><h3 style="display: inline;">{title}</h3></summary>
+              <pre>{s}</pre>
+            </details>
+        }
+    } else {
+        let msg = toggle(true);
+        html! {
+            <details ontoggle={link.callback(move |e: Event| {
+                         let details = e.target_unchecked_into::<HtmlDetailsElement>();
+                         if details.open() {
+                             msg.clone()
+                         } else {
+                             Msg::NoOp
+                         }
+                     })}>
+              <summary><h3 style="display: inline;">{title}</h3></summary>
+            </details>
+        }
+    }
+impl Output {
+    fn display(self, ctx: &Context<Model>, model: &Model) -> Html {
+        html! {
+            <>
+            {maybe_show("Errors:", &self.errors)}
+            {maybe_show("Warnings:", &self.warnings)}
+            {maybe_show("Output:", &self.output)}
+            {maybe_show("Bytecode:", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.bytecode))}
+            {maybe_details(ctx, "Runtime trace:", &String::from_utf8_lossy(&self.trace), model.trace, Msg::ToggleTrace)}
+            {maybe_details(ctx, "Parsed AST:", &self.ast, model.display_ast, Msg::ToggleDisplayAst)}
+            </>
+        }
+    }
+fn eval(model: &Model) -> Output {
+    let mut out = Output::default();
+    if model.code.is_empty() {
+        return out;
+    }
+    let mut eval = tvix_eval::Evaluation::new(&model.code, Some("/nixbolt".into()));
+    let source = eval.source_map();
+    let result = {
+        let mut compiler_observer = DisassemblingObserver::new(source.clone(), &mut out.bytecode);
+        eval.compiler_observer = Some(&mut compiler_observer);
+        let mut runtime_observer = TracingObserver::new(&mut out.trace);
+        if model.trace {
+            eval.runtime_observer = Some(&mut runtime_observer);
+        }
+        eval.evaluate()
+    };
+    if model.display_ast {
+        if let Some(ref expr) = result.expr {
+            out.ast = tvix_eval::pretty_print_expr(expr);
+        }
+    }
+    out.output = match result.value {
+        Some(val) => val.to_string(),
+        None => "".to_string(),
+    };
+    for warning in result.warnings {
+        writeln!(
+            &mut out.warnings,
+            "{}\n",
+            warning.fancy_format_str(&source).trim(),
+        )
+        .unwrap();
+    }
+    if !result.errors.is_empty() {
+        for error in &result.errors {
+            writeln!(
+                &mut out.errors,
+                "{}\n",
+                error.fancy_format_str(&source).trim(),
+            )
+            .unwrap();
+        }
+        return out;
+    }
+    out
+fn main() {
+    yew::start_app::<Model>();
diff --git a/corp/website/content-en.md b/corp/website/content-en.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3f60ddb23689
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/website/content-en.md
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<p class="lang-links" style="text-align: right;">
+    <a href="/ru">ru</a> | <span class="active-lang">en</span>
+<img class="tvl-logo" src="https://static.tvl.su/latest/logo-animated.svg"
+     alt="Virus with lambda-shaped spike proteins sitting on an armchair">
+Welcome to the website of TVL LLC, the corporate face of the [**TVL**][tvl] Community.
+We are a technology company headquartered in Moscow, working with a variety of topics:
+* <details><summary><b>Monorepos</b>. Effective ways for an organisation to
+  structure their internal codebase in a single repository, unify tooling across
+  languages, and reduce <a
+  href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/No_Silver_Bullet#Summary">accidental
+  complexity</a> in software development.</summary>
+  With experience from companies like Google, Spotify and DeepMind, we help
+  organisations of different sizes to find streamlined software development
+  workflows that reduce mental load and increase code quality.
+  We use our own monorepo solutions in our internal software development flows,
+  and all of this is visible in our [public monorepo][depot].
+  </details>
+* <details><summary><b>Nix</b>. We believe that functional and declarative
+  computer systems are a massive and as-of-yet underrated step forward for
+  computing, and that Nix is the most promising solution for this
+  purpose.</summary>
+  Nix allows companies to significantly improve in areas such as:
+  1. Unification of development and production environments, leading to fewer
+     surprises when deploying an application.
+  2. Tailoring their stack to their use-case. Avoid the complexity of running
+     something like Kubernetes while you are scaling up, but *also* avoid the
+     complexity of rewriting your infrastructure stack once you need it.
+  3. Unified developer tooling across different programming languages, without
+     the overhead of using something like Bazel.
+  Its radically new model can bring many other advantages which depend
+  on the exact use-cases.
+  </details>
+* **Software development**. We offer a wide range of software development
+  services. Whether you need existence with existing projects, or want to create
+  a new solution from scratch, we can help. We specialize in helping
+  organizations avoid the trap of building overly complex systems that don't
+  meet their needs.
+* **Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)**. We can help with many infrastructure
+  concerns, such as deployment, scaling, monitoring, troubleshooting analysing
+  failure points in existing solutions. We offer this for any Linux-based
+  technology stack.
+We support open-source software development, and prefer to work on our projects
+in the open. Some of our projects are:
+* The public TVL [monorepo][depot], the **depot**, is a demonstration of the
+  monorepo tooling we have been working on for the last couple of years.
+  It contains many open-source projects, work by lots of international
+  open-source contributors, and all public code of the company.
+* [**Tvix**][tvix], a new implementation of Nix that is fully compatible with
+  existing Nix code. Architectural differences between Nix and Tvix allow us to
+  develop tooling that is better tailored to collaborative software development,
+  and to develop domestic, high-quality solutions for CI/CD.
+  We run a demonstration of some parts of Tvix online as [tvixbolt].
+* [**Nixery**][nixery] is a service that lets users easily build and deploy
+  ad-hoc container images from their software build definitions.
+* Out of personal interest, we also develop free tools that help with learning
+  the Russian language, such as [**Предложник**][predlozhnik].
+Reach out to us at **contact@tvl.su** if you are interested in working with us.
+TVL originated as an international community of software developers that wanted
+to socialise and collaborate on projects. Many people from all over the world
+contribute to our open-source software projects. Check out the [TVL community
+website][tvl] for more information.
+[tvl]: https://tvl.fyi
+[tvix]: https://tvl.fyi/blog/rewriting-nix
+[nixery]: https://nixery.dev
+[predlozhnik]: https://predlozhnik.ru/
+[depot]: https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot
diff --git a/corp/website/content-ru.md b/corp/website/content-ru.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..f61d3c6bf9dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/website/content-ru.md
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+<p class="lang-links" style="text-align: right;">
+    <span class="active-lang">ru</span> | <a href="/en">en</a>
+<img class="tvl-logo" src="https://static.tvl.su/latest/logo-animated.svg"
+     alt="Вирус со спайк-белками в форме лямбды, сидящий на диване">
+Добро пожаловать на официальный сайт ТВЛ. Мы - технологическая компания в
+Москве, занимающаяся следующими направлениями:
+* <details><summary><b>Монорепозитории</b>. Набор эффективных способов по
+  структурированию внутренней кодовой базы в едином репозитории, унификации
+  инструментов разработки между различными языками, а также снижения <a
+  href="https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%A1%D0%B5%D1%80%D0%B5%D0%B1%D1%80%D1%8F%D0%BD%D0%BE%D0%B9_%D0%BF%D1%83%D0%BB%D0%B8_%D0%BD%D0%B5%D1%82#%D0%9E%D0%BF%D0%B8%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0%B5">побочныx
+  сложностей</a> в разработке ПО.</summary>
+  Наш опыт работы с такими компаниями, как Google, Spotify и DeepMind, позволяет
+  нам помочь организациям любого размера оптимизировать процессы разработки ПО,
+  уменьшить нагрузку на разработчиков и улучшить качество кода.
+  Мы используем собственные монорепо-решения во внутренних процессах разработки
+  ПО. Всё это можно увидеть в нашем [публичном монорепозитории][depot].
+  </details>
+* <details><summary><b>Nix</b>. Мы считаем, что функциональные и декларативные
+  компьютерные системы являются важным и пока ещё недооцененным подходом к
+  вычислениям, и <a href="https://nixos.org">Nix</a> является наиболее
+  перспективным решением в этом направлении.</summary>
+  Nix позволяет компаниям значительно улучшить следующие области:
+  1. Унификация сред разработки и производства, что приводит к меньшему
+     количеству сюрпризов при развертывании приложения.
+  2. Настройка стека компании под конкретные задачи. Избегайте сложности
+     инструментов вроде Kubernetes при масштабировании, но также избегайте
+     изменения всей инфраструктуры по малейшей необходимости.
+  3. Единый набор инструментов разработки для различных языков программирования,
+     без сложностей, связанных с использованием Bazel и подобных.
+  Nix прелагает радикально новую модель, которая может принести множество
+  преимуществ для каждого способа использования.
+  </details>
+* **Разработка программного обеспечения**. Мы предлагаем широкий спектр услуг по
+  разработке ПО. Вне зависимости от того, нуждаетесь вы в поддержке существующих
+  проектов или хотите создать новое решение с нуля, мы можем вам помочь. Наша
+  задача - помочь компаниям избежать ловушки излишне сложных систем, которые не
+  соответствуют их потребностям.
+* **Site Reliability Engineering (SRE)**. Мы можем помочь с множеством
+  инфраструктурных проблем, таких как развертывание, масштабирование,
+  мониторинг, анализ и устранение неполадок в существующих решениях. Мы
+  работаем с любыми технологическими стеками на базе Linux.
+Мы поддерживаем разработку программного обеспечения с открытым исходным кодом и
+предпочитаем работать над нашими проектами в открытом доступе. Некоторые из
+наших проектов:
+* Публичный репозиторий ТВЛ, [**depot**][depot], является демонстрацией
+  инструментов монорепо, над которыми мы работаем в течение последних нескольких
+  лет.
+  В нем содержится множество проектов c открытым исходным кодом, результат
+  работы разработчиков из разных стран, а также весь публичный код компании.
+* [**Tvix**][tvix] - это новая реализация Nix, которая полностью совместима с
+  существующим кодом Nix. Архитектурные различия между Nix и Tvix позволяют нам
+  разрабатывать инструменты, которые лучше подходят для совместной разработки
+  программного обеспечения, и разрабатывать отечественные качественные решения
+  для CI/CD.
+  Мы запускаем демонстрацию некоторых компонентов Tvix онлайн: [tvixbolt][].
+* [Nixery][nixery] - это сервис, который позволяет пользователям с легкостью
+  создавать и развёртывать образы контейнеров напрямую из их инструкций сборки
+  софта.
+* Из личных интересов, мы также разрабатываем бесплатные инструменты, которые
+  помогают в изучении русского языка, такие как [**Предложник**][predlozhnik].
+Свяжитесь с нами по адресу **contact@tvl.su**, если вы заинтересованы в
+сотрудничестве с нами.
+ТВЛ возникла как международное сообщество программистов для общения и совместной
+работы над проектами. Люди из разных стран вносят свой вклад в наши открытые
+проекты по разработке программного обеспечения. Посетите [веб-сайт сообщества
+TVL][tvl], чтобы узнать больше.
+[tvl]: https://tvl.fyi
+[tvix]: https://tvl.fyi/blog/rewriting-nix
+[nixery]: https://nixery.dev
+[predlozhnik]: https://predlozhnik.ru/
+[depot]: https://cs.tvl.fyi/depot
+[tvixbolt]: https://tvixbolt.tvl.su/
diff --git a/corp/website/default.nix b/corp/website/default.nix
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..a8ac132cb217
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/website/default.nix
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+{ depot, pkgs, ... }:
+  # https://developers.google.com/search/docs/advanced/structured-data/logo
+  structuredData = {
+    "@context" = "https://schema.org";
+    "@type" = "Organisation";
+    url = "https://tvl.su";
+    logo = "https://static.tvl.fyi/latest/logo-animated.svg";
+  };
+  common = description: {
+    extraFooter = "\n|\n © ООО ТВЛ";
+    staticUrl = "https://static.tvl.su/latest";
+    extraHead = ''
+      <meta name="description" content="${description}">
+      <script type="application/ld+json">
+        ${builtins.toJSON structuredData}
+      </script>
+      <style>
+        .tvl-logo {
+          width: 60%;
+          display: block;
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+          margin-right: auto;
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+        .active-lang {
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+        }
+        .inactive-lang {
+          color: inherit;
+        }
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+    '';
+  };
+  descEn = "TVL provides technology consulting for monorepos, Nix, and other SRE/DevOps/Software Engineering topics.";
+  indexEn = depot.web.tvl.template ({
+    title = "TVL (The Virus Lounge) - Software consulting";
+    content = builtins.readFile ./content-en.md;
+  } // common descEn);
+  descRu = "TVL предоставляет технологическое консультирование по монорепозиториям, Nix и другим темам SRE/DevOps/Software Engineering.";
+  indexRu = depot.web.tvl.template ({
+    title = "ТВЛ - Монорепозитории, SRE, Nix, программное обеспечение";
+    content = builtins.readFile ./content-ru.md;
+  } // common descRu);
+pkgs.runCommand "corp-website" { } ''
+  mkdir -p $out/{en,ru}
+  cp ${indexEn} $out/index.html
+  cp ${indexEn} $out/en/index.html
+  cp ${indexRu} $out/ru/index.html