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path: root/corp/russian/data-import
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Diffstat (limited to 'corp/russian/data-import')
2 files changed, 85 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs
index 95a38e6e93d1..21da48e8d8f4 100644
--- a/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/main.rs
@@ -111,6 +111,7 @@ use std::fs::File;
 use std::io::BufReader;
 mod db_setup;
+mod mappings;
 mod oc_parser;
 mod or_parser;
diff --git a/corp/russian/data-import/src/mappings.rs b/corp/russian/data-import/src/mappings.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5d8d4f3352fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/corp/russian/data-import/src/mappings.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+//! Manual mapping of some data structures in OC/OR corpora.
+/// This maps the *names* of OpenRussian grammemes (the set of
+/// `form_type` fields in the `word_forms` table) to the *names*
+/// of OpenCorpora grammemes.
+/// The names of the OR grammemes are much easier to understand in
+/// general, as the OC ones seem to have strange acronyms in them,
+/// however the OC ones are much more structured.
+/// As these forms map to the word_forms table they lack the forms
+/// attached to the lemmata.
+pub const FORM_TYPES_GRAMMEMES: &'static [(&'static str, &'static [&'static str])] = &[
+    ("ru_adj_comparative", &["Cmp2"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_acc", &["femn", "sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_dat", &["femn", "sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_gen", &["femn", "sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_inst", &["femn", "sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_nom", &["femn", "sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_f_prep", &["femn", "sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_acc", &["masc", "sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_dat", &["masc", "sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_gen", &["masc", "sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_inst", &["masc", "sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_nom", &["masc", "sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_m_prep", &["masc", "sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_acc", &["neut", "sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_dat", &["neut", "sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_gen", &["neut", "sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_inst", &["neut", "sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_nom", &["neut", "sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_n_prep", &["neut", "sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_acc", &["plur", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_dat", &["plur", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_gen", &["plur", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_inst", &["plur", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_nom", &["plur", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_adj_pl_prep", &["plur", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_f", &["femn", "sing"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_m", &["masc", "sing"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_n", &["neut", "sing"]),
+    ("ru_adj_short_pl", &["plur"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_acc", &["plur", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_dat", &["plur", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_gen", &["plur", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_inst", &["plur", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_nom", &["plur", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_noun_pl_prep", &["plur", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_acc", &["sing", "accs"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_dat", &["sing", "datv"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_gen", &["sing", "gent"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_inst", &["sing", "ablt"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_nom", &["sing", "nomn"]),
+    ("ru_noun_sg_prep", &["sing", "loct"]),
+    ("ru_verb_gerund_past", &["past", "V-sh"]),
+    ("ru_verb_imperative_pl", &["plur", "impr"]),
+    ("ru_verb_imperative_sg", &["sing", "impr"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_f", &["femn", "sing", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_m", &["masc", "sing", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_n", &["neut", "sing", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_past_pl", &["plur", "past"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl1", &["plur", "1per", "pres"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl2", &["plur", "2per", "pres"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_pl3", &["plur", "3per", "pres"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg1", &["sing", "1per", "pres"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg2", &["sing", "2per", "pres"]),
+    ("ru_verb_presfut_sg3", &["sing", "3per", "pres"]),
+    // Unclear items, probably only useful tags on lemmata
+    (
+        "ru_verb_gerund_present",
+        &["pres" /* prob. something missing? */],
+    ),
+    (
+        "ru_adj_superlative",
+        &[/* TODO: unclear, random list of grammemes?! */],
+    ),
+    ("ru_base", &[/* TODO: unclear */]),
+    // These have no useful tags in the forms table, only gender &
+    // case tagging.
+    ("ru_verb_participle_active_past", &[]),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_active_present", &[]),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_passive_past", &[]),
+    ("ru_verb_participle_passive_present", &[]),