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path: root/configs/shared/zsh/dumping_grounds.zsh
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/zsh/dumping_grounds.zsh')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 433 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/zsh/dumping_grounds.zsh b/configs/shared/zsh/dumping_grounds.zsh
deleted file mode 100644
index e61164fc64d1..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/zsh/dumping_grounds.zsh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,433 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env zsh
-# Docker
-dsh() {
-  # Drop into a Docker shell. Shell defaults to /bin/bash.
-  container=$1
-  cmd=${2-/bin/bash}
-  docker exec -it "${container}" "${cmd}"
-# Emacs
-dired() {
-  # Opens either the `$(pwd)` or `$1` in Emacs's `dired`.
-  # Uses i3 to focus Emacs.
-  directory=${1:-$(pwd)}
-  echo $directory
-  emacsclient --eval "(dired \"$directory\")" && focus Emacs
-org_capture() {
-  # Spawns an Emacs frame running org-capture.
-  echo called
-  emacsclient --create-frame \
-              --frame-parameters '(quote (name . "org-protocol-capture"))' \
-              --eval '(org-capture)'
-# Git
-conflicts() {
-  # Edit git conflicts one-by-one in your favorite editor.
-  ${EDITOR} "$(git status --porcelain | awk '/^UU/ { print $2 }')"
-# GPG
-gpg_encrypt() {
-  # Convenience function around encryping files and directories.
-  # Appends a .gpg extension and deletes the unencrypted source.
-  local file=${1}
-  echo "Encrypting..."
-  if [ -f "${file}" ]; then
-    gpg --symmetric "${file}" && \
-    rm "${file}"
-  elif [ -d "${file}" ]; then
-    tar -cz "${file}" | gpg --symmetric --output "${file}.tar.gz.gpg"
-  fi
-  echo "Done."
-gpg_decrypt() {
-  # Convenience function around decrypting .gpg files and directories.
-  # Deletes the original encrypted file with the .gpg extension.
-  local file=$1
-  echo "Decrypting..."
-  if [ -f "${file}" ]; then
-    gpg --decrypt "${file}" >"${file%.gpg}" && \
-    rm "${file}"
-  elif [ -d "${file}" ]; then
-    local outdir="${dirname%.tar.gz.gpg}"
-    if [ -d "${outdir}" ]; then
-      echo "Output directory, ${outdir}, already exists and will be overwritten by this command. Aborting..."
-      return 1
-    else
-      gpg --decrypt "${dirname}" | tar -xv
-    fi
-  fi
-  echo "Done."
-# Python
-python_sandbox() {
-  # Creates a nix-shell with the specified arguments as Python packages
-  nix-shell -p "python36.withPackages(p: with p; [$@])"
-# Haskell
-cabal_unhell() {
-  # Run this function to save yourself from Cabal hell.
-  # Note: this will require that you reinstall packages for your projects again.
-  find ~/.ghc -maxdepth 1 -type d -exec rm -rf {} \;
-  rm -rf ~/.cabal/{lib,packages,share}
-haskell_sandbox() {
-  # Creates a nix-shell with the specified arguments as Haskell packages
-  nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (p: with p; [$@])"
-_haskell_test_watch_path() {
-  # Runs and watches the tests for a provided file path.
-  ghcid -c "stack ghci grid:lib grid:grid-test --ghci-options=-fobject-code" \
-    --height="$(tput lines)" --width="$(tput cols)" --warnings --test "$1"
-_haskell_test_watch_pattern() {
-  # Runs and watches the tests that match a provided pattern.
-  stack test --file-watch grid:grid-test --ta "-p \"${1}\""
-haskell_test_watch() {
-  # Accepts either a filepath or a pattern and runs a test-watcher for either.
-  if [ -f "$1" ]; then
-    _haskell_test_watch_path "$1"
-  else
-    _haskell_test_watch_pattern "$1"
-  fi
-# Kubernetes
-kush() {
-  # Drop into a shell via Kubernetes. Shell defaults to /bin/bash.
-  local name=$1
-  local cmd=${2-/bin/bash}
-  kubectl exec -it "${name}" -- "${cmd}"
-# Misc
-all_users() {
-  # Lists all of the known users in the Linux system
-  # Useful because when you type `~art` in a prompt and tab-complete, ZSH looks
-  # up all users whose names start with "art". It's also just interesting to
-  # have access to this information.
-  #
-  # NOTE: this is not as simple as `cat /etc/passwd` for reasons of which I'm
-  # not entirely sure.
-  getent passwd
-test_true_color() {
-  # Run this to test if your terminal emulator supports True Color
-  curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/JohnMorales/dotfiles/master/colors/24-bit-color.sh | bash
-path() {
-  # Pretty-print the $PATH variable
-  echo "$PATH" | tr : '\n'
-nix_installed() {
-  # Lists the packages installed with `nix-env`
-  nix-env -q
-nix_store() {
-  # Print the packages in /nix/store without the preceding hash
-  ls /nix/store | sed 's/[a-z0-9]*-//'
-browse() {
-  # Open a URL in $BROWSER. Friendly for terminal input and output.
-  nohup "$BROWSER" $@ &
-lh() {
-  # Opens http://localhost:<port> in your $BROWSER.
-  # Usage: `lh 8080`
-  # Here, in case it wasn't obvious, `lh` stands for "localhost".
-  browse "http://localhost:$1"
-essids() {
-  # Returns a list of all ESSIDs the network card detects
-  local interface=${1-wlp4s0}
-  sudo iwlist "${interface}" scan | awk -F \" '{print $2}' | sed '/^\s*$/d'
-mkdir_cd() {
-  # Make and cd into a directory or path
-  mkdir -p "$1" && cd "$1"
-swap() {
-  # Swaps the names of files and directories.
-  local file_a="${1}"
-  local file_b="${2}"
-  if [ -d "${file_a}" ] && [ -d "${file_b}" ]; then
-    local backup=$(mktemp -d backup.XXX)
-    mv "${file_a}" "${backup}"
-    mv "${file_b}" "${file_a}"
-    mv "${backup}/${file_a}" "${file_b}"
-    rm -rf "${backup}"
-  elif [ -f "${file_a}" ] && [ -f "${file_b}" ]; then
-    local backup=$(mktemp backup.XXX)
-    mv "${file_a}" "${backup}"
-    mv "${file_b}" "${file_a}"
-    mv "${backup}" "${file_b}"
-    rm "${backup}"
-  fi
-  echo "Swapped: ${file_a} <-> ${file_b}"
-bak() {
-  # Backup a file or a directory by appending a .bak extension to it.
-  mv "$1" "$1.bak"
-unbak() {
-  # Restore a file by removing the .bak extension from it.
-  mv "$1.bak" "$1"
-is_online() {
-  # Pings google.com and echos "Online" or "Offline" and returns the appropriate
-  # exit code. Could be useful in the ${PS1} variable.
-  wget -q --spider "http://google.com"
-  if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
-    echo "Online"
-    return 0
-  else
-    echo "Offline"
-    return 1
-  fi
-du_it_live() {
-  # Outputs and refreshes the size of a directory's content.
-  # Useful for watching a directory as large amounts of data are
-  # downloaded into it.
-  local directory="${1}"
-  while true; do
-    du -hc "${directory}" | tail -n 1 | tr -d '\n' && echo -n ' ' && sleep 0.5
-    # elipsis
-    echo -n '.' && sleep 0.5 &&
-    echo -n '.' && sleep 0.5 &&
-    echo -n '.' && sleep 0.5 &&
-    # clear the three-dots
-    echo -n '\b\b\b' && echo -n '   ' && echo -n '\r'
-  done
-router() {
-  # Returns the IP address of the network's router.
-  # Useful in a call like `ping $(router)` to diagnose an internet problem.
-  netstat -nr | grep default | head -n 1 | awk '{ print $2 }'
-monitor_dimensions() {
-  # Outputs the dimensions of your computer monitor
-  xdpyinfo | awk '/dimensions/{ print $2 }'
-list_sinks() {
-  # Lists the available output sources (speakers?)
-  pacmd list-sinks | grep -e 'name:' -e 'index:'
-list_sources() {
-  # List available input sources (microphones?)
-  pacmd list-sources | grep -e 'index:' -e device.string -e 'name:'
-lt() {
-  # Convenience wrapper around `exa --tree`.
-  # Optionally accepts a number for the max-depth and a directory to list.
-  # $ lt 2 ./scripts
-  # lt
-  if [ -z ${1} ]; then
-    exa --tree --all
-  # lt 2
-  elif [[ "${1}" =~ '^[0-9]+$' ]] && [ -z ${2} ]; then
-    local depth="${1}"
-    exa --tree -all --level "${depth}"
-  # lt ./scripts
-  elif [ -z ${2} ]; then
-    local directory="${1}"
-    exa --tree --all "${directory}"
-  # lt 2 ./scripts
-  else
-    local depth=${1}
-    local directory="${2}"
-    exa --tree --all --level ${depth} "${directory}"
-  fi
-gql() {
-  # Convenience wrapper around `http POST` that allows you write GQL queries in
-  # Vim before posting them to the server.
-  local endpoint="${1}"
-  local query="/tmp/http-query.gql"
-  vim "${query}" && \
-  echo "{\"query\":\"$(cat ${query})\"}" | \
-  http --body POST "${endpoint}"
-# Nix
-nix_introspect() {
-  # Greps through my local nixpkgs repo for
-  rg --after-context 5 "\\b$1\\b\\s*=" "$(nix-instantiate --find-file nixpkgs)"
-# Tmux
-t() {
-  # Find or create a Tmux session.
-  local session_name="${1}"
-  if ! tmux has-session -t "${session_name}" 2> /dev/null; then
-    local oldTMUX="${TMUX}"
-    unset TMUX
-    tmux new -d -s "${session_name}" -n "${session_name}"
-    export TMUX="${oldTMUX}"
-    unset oldTMUX
-    if command -v j >/dev/null; then
-      tmux send-keys -t "${session_name}" "j ${session_name}; clear" "C-m"
-    else
-      tmux send-keys -t "${session_name}"
-    fi
-  fi
-  if [[ -n "${TMUX}" ]]; then
-    tmux switch-client -t "${session_name}"
-  else
-    tmux attach -t "${session_name}"
-  fi
-tk() {
-  # `tk`: "tmux kill". Kills a tmux session by name.
-  # If no arguments are provided, kills the current session after jumping to the previous session.
-  session_name="${1}"
-  if [ ! -z "${session_name}" ]; then
-    tmux kill-session -t "${session_name}"
-  else
-    session_name=tmux ls -f '#{?session_attached,#{session_name},}' | xargs
-    tmux switch-client -l
-    tmux kill-session -t "${session_name}"
-  fi
-tmux_is_running() {
-  # Returns zero if tmux is running
-  # Although this is a simple function body, it's useful to encode esoteric
-  # knowledge that I will easily forget.
-  test -n "$TMUX"
-tmux_focused_pane() {
-  # Returns the ID of the focused tmux pane.
-  # WIP
-  # tmux list-panes -F '#{pane_active} #{pane_tty}' | awk /1/{ print $1 }
-  echo 'Not implemented'
-# Google3
-g3_root() {
-  # Outputs the root of the CitC client in g3
-  # NOTE: there is probably a function already supported by g4 to cd to the
-  # root, so support for this function may be dropped shortly.
-  echo "${PWD%%/google3/*}/google3"
-# i3
-focus() {
-  # Focuses an i3 window by application name.
-  i3-msg "[class=\"$1\"] focus" >/dev/null
-# zsh
-fns() {
-  # Outputs all available functions.
-  # `fns` was chosen instead of `functions`, since `functions` was already
-  # taken.
-  compgen -A function
-aliases() {
-  # Outputs all available aliases.
-  compgen -a
-keywords() {
-  # Outputs all of the shell's reserved keywords.
-  compgen -k
-builtins() {
-  # Outputs all of the shell's builtin commands.
-  compgen -b
-zle_insert_subshell() {
-zle -N zle_insert_subshell
-bindkey '^j' zle_insert_subshell
-zle_insert_variable() {
-zle -N zle_insert_variable
-bindkey '^v' zle_insert_variable
-zle_insert_2x_dash() {
-  LBUFFER+=' --'
-zle -N zle_insert_2x_dash
-bindkey '^[^f' zle_insert_2x_dash
-zle_insert_2x_quote() {
-zle -N zle_insert_2x_quote
-bindkey '^["' zle_insert_2x_quote
-zle_insert_quote() {
-zle -N zle_insert_quote
-bindkey "^['" zle_insert_quote