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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-util.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-util.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 481 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-util.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-util.el
deleted file mode 100644
index dd415a941d02..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-util.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
-;;; slack-util.el ---utility functions               -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2015  yuya.minami
-;; Author: yuya.minami <yuya.minami@yuyaminami-no-MacBook-Pro.local>
-;; Keywords:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'timer)
-(require 'diary-lib)
-(defcustom slack-profile-image-file-directory temporary-file-directory
-  "Default directory for slack profile images."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defcustom slack-image-file-directory temporary-file-directory
-  "Default directory for slack images."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defcustom slack-image-max-height 300
-  "Max Height of image.  nil is unlimited.  integer."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defconst slack-log-levels
-  '(;; debugging
-    (trace . 40) (debug . 30)
-    ;; information
-    (info . 20)
-    ;; errors
-    (warn . 10) (error . 0))
-  "Named logging levels.")
-(defcustom slack-log-level 'info
-  "Used in `slack-message-logger'.
-One of 'info, 'debug"
-  :group 'slack)
-(defcustom slack-log-time-format
-  "[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S]"
-  "Time format for log."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defalias 'slack-if-let*
-  (if (fboundp 'if-let*)
-      'if-let*
-    'if-let))
-(defun slack-seq-to-list (seq)
-  (if (listp seq) seq (append seq nil)))
-(defun slack-decode (seq)
-  (cl-loop for e in (slack-seq-to-list seq)
-           collect (if (stringp e)
-                       (decode-coding-string e 'utf-8)
-                     (if (listp e)
-                         (slack-decode e)
-                       e))))
-(defun slack-class-have-slot-p (class slot)
-  (and (symbolp slot)
-       (let* ((stripped (substring (symbol-name slot) 1))
-              (replaced (replace-regexp-in-string "_" "-"
-                                                  stripped))
-              (symbolized (intern replaced)))
-         (slot-exists-p class symbolized))))
-(defun slack-collect-slots (class seq)
-  (let ((plist (slack-seq-to-list seq)))
-    (cl-loop for p in plist
-             if (and (slack-class-have-slot-p class p)
-                     (plist-member plist p))
-             nconc (let ((value (plist-get plist p)))
-                     (list p (if (stringp value)
-                                 (decode-coding-string value 'utf-8)
-                               (if (eq :json-false value)
-                                   nil
-                                 value)))))))
-(defun slack-log-level-to-int (level)
-  (slack-if-let* ((cell (cl-assoc level slack-log-levels)))
-      (cdr cell)
-    20))
-(defun slack-message-logger (message level team)
-  "Display message using `message'."
-  (let ((user-level (slack-log-level-to-int slack-log-level))
-        (current-level (slack-log-level-to-int level)))
-    (when (<= current-level user-level)
-      (message (format "%s [%s] [%s] %s"
-                       (format-time-string slack-log-time-format)
-                       level
-                       (oref team name)
-                       message)))))
-(cl-defun slack-log (msg team &key
-                         (logger #'slack-message-logger)
-                         (level 'debug))
-  "LEVEL is one of 'trace, 'debug, 'info, 'warn, 'error"
-  (let ((log (format "%s [%s] %s - %s"
-                     (format-time-string slack-log-time-format)
-                     level
-                     msg
-                     (oref team name)))
-        (buf (get-buffer-create (slack-log-buffer-name team))))
-    (when (functionp logger)
-      (funcall logger msg level team))
-    (with-current-buffer buf
-      (setq buffer-read-only nil)
-      (save-excursion
-        (goto-char (point-max))
-        (insert log)
-        (insert "\n"))
-      (setq buffer-read-only t))))
-(defun company-slack-backend (command &optional arg &rest ignored)
-  "Completion backend for slack chats.  It currently understands
-@USER; adding #CHANNEL should be a simple matter of programming."
-  (interactive (list 'interactive))
-  (cl-labels
-      ((start-from-line-beginning (str)
-                                  (let ((prompt-length (length lui-prompt-string)))
-                                    (>= 0 (- (current-column) prompt-length (length str)))))
-       (prefix-type (str) (cond
-                           ((string-prefix-p "@" str) 'user)
-                           ((string-prefix-p "#" str) 'channel)
-                           ((and (string-prefix-p "/" str)
-                                 (start-from-line-beginning str))
-                            'slash)))
-       (content (str) (substring str 1 nil)))
-    (cl-case command
-      (interactive (company-begin-backend 'company-slack-backend))
-      (prefix (when (string= "slack" (car (split-string (format "%s" major-mode) "-")))
-                  ;; (cl-find major-mode '(slack-mode
-                  ;;                         slack-edit-message-mode
-                  ;;                         slack-thread-mode))
-                (company-grab-line "\\(\\W\\|^\\)\\(@\\w*\\|#\\w*\\|/\\w*\\)"
-                                   2)))
-      (candidates (let ((content (content arg)))
-                    (cl-case (prefix-type arg)
-                      (user
-                       (cl-loop for user in (oref slack-current-team users)
-                                if (and (not (eq (plist-get user :deleted) t))
-                                        (string-prefix-p content
-                                                         (plist-get user :name)))
-                                collect (concat "@" (plist-get user :name))))
-                      (channel
-                       (cl-loop for team in (oref slack-current-team channels)
-                                if (string-prefix-p content
-                                                    (oref team name))
-                                collect (concat "#" (oref team name))))
-                      (slash
-                       (cl-loop for command in (oref slack-current-team commands)
-                                if (string-prefix-p (concat "/" content)
-                                                    (oref command name))
-                                collect (oref command name))
-                       ))))
-      (doc-buffer
-       (cl-case (prefix-type arg)
-         (slash
-          (company-doc-buffer
-           (let* ((team slack-current-team)
-                  (command (slack-command-find arg team)))
-             (when command
-               (slack-command-company-doc-string command team))))))))))
-(defun slack-get-ts ()
-  (get-text-property 0 'ts (thing-at-point 'line)))
-(defun slack-linkfy (text link)
-  (if (not (slack-string-blankp link))
-      (format "<%s|%s>" link text)
-    text))
-(defun slack-string-blankp (str)
-  (if str
-      (> 1 (length str))
-    t))
-(defun slack-log-buffer-name (team)
-  (format "*Slack Log - %s*" (slack-team-name team)))
-(defun slack-log-open-buffer ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((team (slack-team-select)))
-    (funcall slack-buffer-function (get-buffer-create (slack-log-buffer-name team)))))
-(defun slack-event-log-buffer-name (team)
-  (format "*Slack Event Log - %s*" (slack-team-name team)))
-(defun slack-log-websocket-payload (payload team)
-  (let* ((bufname (slack-event-log-buffer-name team))
-         (buf (get-buffer-create bufname)))
-    (when buf
-      (with-current-buffer buf
-        (setq buffer-read-only nil)
-        (save-excursion
-          (goto-char (point-max))
-          (insert (format "[%s] %s\n"
-                          (format-time-string "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-                          payload)))
-        (setq buffer-read-only t)))))
-(defun slack-log-open-websocket-buffer ()
-  (interactive)
-  (if websocket-debug
-      (progn
-        (let* ((team (slack-team-select))
-               (websocket (oref team ws-conn)))
-          (if websocket
-              (funcall slack-buffer-function
-                       (websocket-get-debug-buffer-create websocket))
-            (error "Websocket is not connected"))))
-    (error "`websocket-debug` is not t")))
-(defun slack-log-open-event-buffer ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((team (slack-team-select))
-         (bufname (slack-event-log-buffer-name team))
-         (buf (get-buffer bufname)))
-    (if buf
-        (funcall slack-buffer-function buf)
-      (error "No Event Log Buffer"))))
-(defun slack-profile-image-path (image-url team)
-  (expand-file-name
-   (concat (md5 (concat (slack-team-name team) "-" image-url))
-           "."
-           (file-name-extension image-url))
-   slack-profile-image-file-directory))
-(cl-defun slack-image--create (path &key (width nil) (height nil) (max-height nil) (max-width nil))
-  (let* ((imagemagick-available-p (image-type-available-p 'imagemagick))
-         (image (apply #'create-image (append (list path (and imagemagick-available-p 'imagemagick) nil)
-                                              (if height (list :height height))
-                                              (if width (list :width width))
-                                              (if max-height
-                                                  (list :max-height max-height))
-                                              (if max-width
-                                                  (list :max-width max-width))))))
-    (if (and (display-graphic-p) imagemagick-available-p)
-        (slack-image-shrink image max-height)
-      image)))
-(defun slack-image-exists-p (image-spec)
-  (file-exists-p (slack-image-path (car image-spec))))
-(defun slack-image-string (spec &optional pad no-token)
-  (if spec
-      (slack-if-let* ((path (slack-image-path (car spec))))
-          (if (file-exists-p path)
-              (slack-mapconcat-images
-               (slack-image-slice
-                (slack-image--create path
-                                     :width (cadr spec)
-                                     :height (caddr spec)
-                                     :max-height (cadddr spec)
-                                     :max-width (cadr (cdddr spec))))
-               pad)
-            (propertize "[Image]"
-                        'slack-image-spec spec
-                        'no-token no-token))
-        "")
-    ""))
-(defun slack-image-path (image-url)
-  (and image-url
-       (expand-file-name
-        (concat (md5 image-url)
-                "."
-                (file-name-extension image-url))
-        slack-image-file-directory)))
-(defun slack-image-slice (image)
-  (when image
-    (let* ((line-height 50.0)
-           (height (or (plist-get (cdr image) :height)
-                       (cdr (image-size image t))))
-           (line-count (/ height line-height))
-           (line (/ 1.0 line-count)))
-      (if (< line-height height)
-          (cl-loop for i from 0 to (- line-count 1)
-                   collect (list (list 'slice 0 (* line i) 1.0 line)
-                                 image))
-        (list image)))))
-(defun slack-image-shrink (image &optional max-height)
-  (unless (image-type-available-p 'imagemagick)
-    (error "Need Imagemagick"))
-  (if max-height
-      (let* ((data (plist-get (cdr image) :data))
-             (file (plist-get (cdr image) :file))
-             (size (image-size image t))
-             (height (cdr size))
-             (width (car size))
-             (h (min height max-height))
-             (w (if (< max-height height)
-                    (ceiling
-                     (* (/ (float max-height) height)
-                        width))
-                  width)))
-        (create-image (or file data) 'imagemagick data :height h :width w))
-    image))
-(defun slack-mapconcat-images (images &optional pad)
-  (when images
-    (cl-labels
-        ((sort-images (images)
-                      (let ((compare (if (or (and (eq system-type 'darwin)
-                                                  (< emacs-major-version 26))
-                                             (< emacs-major-version 25))
-                                         #'>
-                                       #'<)))
-                        (cl-sort images compare :key
-                                 #'(lambda (image) (caddr (car image))))))
-         (propertize-image (image)
-                           (propertize "image"
-                                       'display image
-                                       'face 'slack-profile-image-face)))
-      (mapconcat #'propertize-image
-                 (sort-images images)
-                 (format "\n%s" (or pad ""))))))
-(cl-defun slack-url-copy-file (url newname &key (success nil) (error nil) (sync nil) (token nil))
-  (if (executable-find "curl")
-      (slack-curl-downloader url newname
-                             :success success
-                             :error error
-                             :token token)
-    (cl-labels
-        ((on-success (&key data &allow-other-keys)
-                     (when (functionp success) (funcall success)))
-         (on-error (&key error-thrown symbol-status response data)
-                   (message "Error Fetching Image: %s %s %s, url: %s"
-                            (request-response-status-code response)
-                            error-thrown symbol-status url)
-                   (if (file-exists-p newname)
-                       (delete-file newname))
-                   (case (request-response-status-code response)
-                     (403 nil)
-                     (404 nil)
-                     (t (when (functionp error)
-                          (funcall error
-                                   (request-response-status-code response)
-                                   error-thrown
-                                   symbol-status
-                                   url)))))
-         (parser () (mm-write-region (point-min) (point-max)
-                                     newname nil nil nil 'binary t)))
-      (let* ((url-obj (url-generic-parse-url url))
-             (need-token-p (and url-obj
-                                (string-match-p "slack"
-                                                (url-host url-obj))))
-             (use-https-p (and url-obj
-                               (string= "https" (url-type url-obj)))))
-        (request
-         url
-         :success #'on-success
-         :error #'on-error
-         :parser #'parser
-         :sync sync
-         :headers (if (and token use-https-p need-token-p)
-                      (list (cons "Authorization" (format "Bearer %s" token)))))))))
-(defun slack-render-image (image team)
-  (let ((buf (get-buffer-create
-              (format "*Slack - %s Image*" (slack-team-name team)))))
-    (with-current-buffer buf
-      (setq buffer-read-only nil)
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (if image
-          (insert (slack-mapconcat-images (slack-image-slice image)))
-        (insert "Loading Image..."))
-      (setq buffer-read-only t)
-      (goto-char (point-min)))
-    buf))
-(defun slack-parse-time-string (time)
-  "TIME should be one of:
-- a string giving today’s time like \"11:23pm\"
-  (the acceptable formats are HHMM, H:MM, HH:MM, HHam, HHAM,
-  HHpm, HHPM, HH:MMam, HH:MMAM, HH:MMpm, or HH:MMPM;
-  a period ‘.’ can be used instead of a colon ‘:’ to separate
-  the hour and minute parts);
-- a string giving specific date and time like \"1991/03/23 03:00\";
-- a string giving a relative time like \"90\" or \"2 hours 35 minutes\"
-  (the acceptable forms are a number of seconds without units
-  or some combination of values using units in ‘timer-duration-words’);
-- a number of seconds from now;"
-  (if (numberp time)
-      (setq time (timer-relative-time nil time)))
-  (if (stringp time)
-      (let ((secs (timer-duration time)))
-        (if secs
-            (setq time (timer-relative-time nil secs)))))
-  (if (stringp time)
-      (progn
-        (let* ((date-and-time (split-string time " "))
-               (date (and (eq (length date-and-time) 2) (split-string (car date-and-time) "/")))
-               (time-str (or (and (eq (length date-and-time) 2) (cadr date-and-time))
-                             (car date-and-time)))
-               (hhmm (diary-entry-time time-str))
-               (now (or (and date (decode-time
-                                   (encode-time 0 0 0
-                                                (string-to-number (nth 2 date))
-                                                (string-to-number (nth 1 date))
-                                                (string-to-number (nth 0 date))
-                                                )))
-                        (decode-time))))
-          (if (>= hhmm 0)
-              (setq time
-                    (encode-time 0 (% hhmm 100) (/ hhmm 100) (nth 3 now)
-                                 (nth 4 now) (nth 5 now) (nth 8 now)))))))
-  time)
-(defmacro slack-merge-list (old-list new-list)
-  `(cl-loop for n in ,new-list
-            do (let ((o (cl-find-if #'(lambda (e) (slack-equalp n e))
-                                    ,old-list)))
-                 (if o (slack-merge o n)
-                   (push n ,old-list)))))
-(cl-defun slack-curl-downloader (url name &key (success nil) (error nil) (token nil))
-  (cl-labels
-      ((sentinel (proc event)
-                 (cond
-                  ((string-equal "finished\n" event)
-                   (when (functionp success) (funcall success)))
-                  (t
-                   (let ((status (process-status proc))
-                         (output (with-current-buffer (process-buffer proc)
-                                   (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min)
-                                                                   (point-max)))))
-                     (if (functionp error)
-                         (funcall error status output url name)
-                       (message "Download Failed. STATUS: %s, EVENT: %s, URL: %s, NAME: %s, OUTPUT: %s"
-                                status
-                                event
-                                url
-                                name
-                                output))
-                     (if (file-exists-p name)
-                         (delete-file name))
-                     (delete-process proc))))))
-    (let* ((url-obj (url-generic-parse-url url))
-           (need-token-p (and url-obj
-                              (string-match-p "slack" (url-host url-obj))))
-           (header (or (and token
-                            need-token-p
-                            (string-prefix-p "https" url)
-                            (format "-H 'Authorization: Bearer %s'" token))
-                       ""))
-           (output (format "--output '%s'" name))
-           (command (format "curl --silent --show-error --fail --location %s %s '%s'" output header url))
-           (proc (start-process-shell-command "slack-curl-downloader"
-                                              "slack-curl-downloader"
-                                              command)))
-      (set-process-sentinel proc #'sentinel))))
-(provide 'slack-util)
-;;; slack-util.el ends here