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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-team.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-team.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 324 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-team.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-team.el
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index abb0ac77288c..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/slack-20180913.651/slack-team.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,324 +0,0 @@
-;;; slack-team.el ---  team class                    -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016  南優也
-;; Author: 南優也 <yuyaminami@minamiyuunari-no-MacBook-Pro.local>
-;; Keywords:
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;;; Code:
-(require 'eieio)
-(require 'slack-util)
-(defvar slack-teams nil)
-(defvar slack-current-team nil)
-(defcustom slack-prefer-current-team nil
-  "If set to t, using `slack-current-team' for interactive function.
-use `slack-change-current-team' to change `slack-current-team'"
-  :group 'slack)
-(defcustom slack-modeline-count-only-subscribed-channel t
-  "Count unread only subscribed channel."
-  :group 'slack)
-(defclass slack-team-threads ()
-  ((initializedp :initform nil)
-   (has-more :initform t)
-   (total-unread-replies :initform 0 :type number)
-   (new-threads-count :initform 0 :type number)))
-(defclass slack-team ()
-  ((id :initarg :id)
-   (token :initarg :token :initform nil)
-   (client-id :initarg :client-id)
-   (client-secret :initarg :client-secret)
-   (name :initarg :name :initform nil)
-   (domain :initarg :domain)
-   (self :initarg :self)
-   (self-id :initarg :self-id)
-   (self-name :initarg :self-name)
-   (channels :initarg :channels :initform nil)
-   (groups :initarg :groups :initform nil)
-   (ims :initarg :ims :initform nil)
-   (file-room :initform nil)
-   (search-results :initform nil)
-   (users :initarg :users :initform nil)
-   (bots :initarg :bots :initform nil)
-   (ws-url :initarg :ws-url)
-   (ws-conn :initarg :ws-conn :initform nil)
-   (ping-timer :initform nil)
-   (check-ping-timeout-timer :initform nil)
-   (check-ping-timeout-sec :initarg :check-ping-timeout-sec :initform 20)
-   (reconnect-auto :initarg :reconnect-auto :initform t)
-   (reconnect-timer :initform nil)
-   (reconnect-after-sec :initform 10)
-   (reconnect-count :initform 0)
-   (reconnect-count-max :initform 360)
-   (last-pong :initform nil)
-   (waiting-send :initform nil)
-   (sent-message :initform (make-hash-table))
-   (message-id :initform 0)
-   (connected :initform nil)
-   (subscribed-channels :initarg :subscribed-channels
-                        :type list :initform nil)
-   (typing :initform nil)
-   (typing-timer :initform nil)
-   (reminders :initform nil :type list)
-   (ping-check-timers :initform (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
-   (threads :type slack-team-threads :initform (make-instance 'slack-team-threads))
-   (modeline-enabled :initarg :modeline-enabled :initform nil)
-   (modeline-name :initarg :modeline-name :initform nil)
-   (websocket-event-log-enabled :initarg :websocket-event-log-enabled :initform nil)
-   (display-profile-image :initarg :display-profile-image :initform nil)
-   (display-attachment-image-inline :initarg :display-attachment-image-inline :initform nil)
-   (display-file-image-inline :initarg :display-file-image-inline :initform nil)
-   (waiting-requests :initform nil)
-   (authorize-request :initform nil)
-   (emoji-download-watch-timer :initform nil)
-   (websocket-nowait :initarg :websocket-nowait :initform nil)
-   (star :initform nil)
-   (slack-message-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-file-info-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-file-list-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-message-edit-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-pinned-items-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-user-profile-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-thread-message-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-message-share-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-room-message-compose-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-thread-message-compose-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-stars-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-search-result-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-dialog-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-dialog-edit-element-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (slack-room-info-buffer :initform nil :type (or null list))
-   (reconnect-url :initform "" :type string)
-   (full-and-display-names :initarg :full-and-display-names :initform nil)
-   (websocket-connect-timeout-timer :initform nil)
-   (websocket-connect-timeout-sec :type number :initform 20) ;; websocket url is valid for 30 seconds.
-   (mark-as-read-immediately :initarg :mark-as-read-immediately :initform t)
-   (inhibit-reconnection :initform nil)
-   (commands :initform '() :type list)
-   ))
-(cl-defmethod slack-team-kill-buffers ((this slack-team) &key (except nil))
-  (let* ((l (list 'slack-message-buffer
-                  'slack-file-info-buffer
-                  'slack-file-list-buffer
-                  'slack-message-edit-buffer
-                  'slack-pinned-items-buffer
-                  'slack-user-profile-buffer
-                  'slack-thread-message-buffer
-                  'slack-message-share-buffer
-                  'slack-room-message-compose-buffer
-                  'slack-thread-message-compose-buffer
-                  'slack-search-result-buffer
-                  'slack-stars-buffer))
-         (slots (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (e) (cl-find e except)) l)))
-    (cl-loop for slot in slots
-             do (cl-loop for buffer in (slot-value this slot)
-                         do (kill-buffer buffer)))))
-(defun slack-team-find (id)
-  (cl-find-if #'(lambda (team) (string= id (oref team id)))
-              slack-teams))
-(defmethod slack-team-disconnect ((team slack-team))
-  (slack-ws-close team))
-(defmethod slack-team-equalp ((team slack-team) other)
-  (with-slots (token) team
-    (string= token (oref other token))))
-(defmethod slack-team-name ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team name))
-(defun slack-register-team (&rest plist)
-  "PLIST must contain :name :client-id :client-secret with value.
-setting :token will reduce your configuration step.
-you will notified when receive message with channel included in subscribed-channels.
-if :default is t and `slack-prefer-current-team' is t, skip selecting team when channels listed.
-you can change current-team with `slack-change-current-team'"
-  (interactive
-   (let ((name (read-from-minibuffer "Team Name: "))
-         (client-id (read-from-minibuffer "Client Id: "))
-         (client-secret (read-from-minibuffer "Client Secret: "))
-         (token (read-from-minibuffer "Token: ")))
-     (list :name name :client-id client-id :client-secret client-secret
-           :token token)))
-  (cl-labels ((same-client-id
-               (client-id)
-               (cl-find-if #'(lambda (team)
-                               (string= client-id (oref team client-id)))
-                           slack-teams))
-              (missing (plist)
-                       (cl-remove-if
-                        #'null
-                        (mapcar #'(lambda (key)
-                                    (unless (plist-member plist key)
-                                      key))
-                                '(:name :client-id :client-secret)))))
-    (let ((missing (missing plist)))
-      (if missing
-          (error "Missing Keyword: %s" missing)))
-    (let ((team (apply #'slack-team "team"
-                       (slack-collect-slots 'slack-team plist))))
-      (let ((same-team (cl-find-if
-                        #'(lambda (o) (slack-team-equalp team o))
-                        slack-teams)))
-        (if same-team
-            (progn
-              (slack-team-disconnect same-team)
-              (slack-start team))))
-      (setq slack-teams
-            (cons team
-                  (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (other)
-                                    (slack-team-equalp team other))
-                                slack-teams)))
-      (if (plist-get plist :default)
-          (setq slack-current-team team)))))
-(defun slack-team-find-by-name (name)
-  (if name
-      (cl-find-if #'(lambda (team) (string= name (oref team name)))
-                  slack-teams)))
-(cl-defun slack-team-select (&optional no-default include-not-connected)
-  (cl-labels ((select-team ()
-                           (slack-team-find-by-name
-                            (funcall slack-completing-read-function
-                                     "Select Team: "
-                                     (mapcar #'(lambda (team) (oref team name))
-                                             (if include-not-connected
-                                                 slack-teams
-                                               (slack-team-connected-list)))))))
-    (let ((team (if (and slack-prefer-current-team
-                         slack-current-team
-                         (not no-default))
-                    slack-current-team
-                  (select-team))))
-      ;; (if (and slack-prefer-current-team
-      ;;          (not slack-current-team)
-      ;;          (not no-default))
-      ;;     (if (yes-or-no-p (format "Set %s to current-team?"
-      ;;                              (oref team name)))
-      ;;         (setq slack-current-team team)))
-      team)))
-(defmethod slack-team-connectedp ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team connected))
-(defun slack-team-connected-list ()
-  (cl-remove-if #'null
-                (mapcar #'(lambda (team)
-                            (if (slack-team-connectedp team) team))
-                        slack-teams)))
-(defun slack-change-current-team ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((team (slack-team-find-by-name
-               (funcall slack-completing-read-function
-                        "Select Team: "
-                        (mapcar #'(lambda (team) (oref team name))
-                                slack-teams)))))
-    (setq slack-current-team team)
-    (message "Set slack-current-team to %s" (or (and team (oref team name))
-                                                "nil"))
-    (setq slack-teams
-          (cons team (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (e)
-                                       (string= (oref e id)
-                                                (oref slack-current-team id)))
-                                   slack-teams)))
-    (if team
-        (slack-team-connect team))))
-(defmethod slack-team-connect ((team slack-team))
-  (unless (slack-team-connectedp team)
-    (slack-start team)))
-(defun slack-team-delete ()
-  (interactive)
-  (let ((selected (slack-team-select t t)))
-    (if (yes-or-no-p (format "Delete %s from `slack-teams'?"
-                             (oref selected name)))
-        (progn
-          (setq slack-teams
-                (cl-remove-if #'(lambda (team)
-                                  (slack-team-equalp selected team))
-                              slack-teams))
-          (slack-team-disconnect selected)
-          (message "Delete %s from `slack-teams'" (oref selected name))))))
-(defmethod slack-team-init-ping-check-timers ((team slack-team))
-  (oset team ping-check-timers (make-hash-table :test 'equal)))
-(defmethod slack-team-get-ping-check-timers ((team slack-team))
-  (if (not (slot-boundp team 'ping-check-timers))
-      (slack-team-init-ping-check-timers team))
-  (oref team ping-check-timers))
-(defmethod slack-team-need-token-p ((team slack-team))
-  (with-slots (token) team
-    (or (not token) (< (length token) 1))))
-(defun slack-team-get-unread-messages (team)
-  (cl-labels
-      ((count-unread (rooms)
-                     (cl-reduce #'(lambda (a e) (+ a (oref e unread-count-display)))
-                                rooms :initial-value 0)))
-    (with-slots (ims channels groups) team
-      (let ((rooms (append ims channels groups)))
-        (+ (count-unread (if slack-modeline-count-only-subscribed-channel
-                             (cl-remove-if-not #'(lambda (e) (slack-room-subscribedp e team))
-                                               rooms)
-                           rooms)))))))
-(defun slack-team-modeline-enabledp (team)
-  (oref team modeline-enabled))
-(defmethod slack-team-event-log-enabledp ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team websocket-event-log-enabled))
-(defmethod slack-team-display-profile-imagep ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team display-profile-image))
-(defmethod slack-team-display-attachment-image-inlinep ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team display-attachment-image-inline))
-(defmethod slack-team-display-file-image-inlinep ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team display-file-image-inline))
-(defmethod slack-team-mark-as-read-immediatelyp ((team slack-team))
-  (oref team mark-as-read-immediately))
-(defvar slack-team-random-numbers-for-client-token
-  (let ((result nil))
-    (dotimes (_ 10)
-      (push (random 10) result))
-    (mapconcat #'number-to-string result "")))
-(defmethod slack-team-client-token ((team slack-team))
-  (format "EmacsSlack-%s-%s"
-          (oref team id)
-          slack-team-random-numbers-for-client-token))
-(provide 'slack-team)
-;;; slack-team.el ends here