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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645')
-rw-r--r--configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.elcbin119106 -> 0 bytes
4 files changed, 0 insertions, 1422 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode-autoloads.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode-autoloads.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 1323470ce1f5..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode-autoloads.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-;;; rjsx-mode-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Code:
-(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
-;;;### (autoloads nil "rjsx-mode" "rjsx-mode.el" (23450 31811 168601
-;;;;;;  424000))
-;;; Generated autoloads from rjsx-mode.el
-(autoload 'rjsx-mode "rjsx-mode" "\
-Major mode for editing JSX files.
-\(fn)" t nil)
-(autoload 'rjsx-minor-mode "rjsx-mode" "\
-Minor mode for parsing JSX syntax into an AST.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jsx\\'" . rjsx-mode))
-(autoload 'rjsx-comment-dwim "rjsx-mode" "\
-RJSX implementation of `comment-dwim'. If called on a region,
-this function delegates to `comment-or-uncomment-region'. If the
-point is not in a JSX context, it delegates to the
-`comment-dwim', otherwise it will comment the JSX AST node at
-point using the apppriate comment delimiters.
-For example: If point is on a JSX attribute or JSX expression, it
-will comment the entire attribute using \"/* */\". , otherwise if
-it's on a descendent JSX Element, it will use \"{/* */}\"
-\(fn ARG)" t nil)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; End:
-;;; rjsx-mode-autoloads.el ends here
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode-pkg.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode-pkg.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 237f0b804083..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode-pkg.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-;;; -*- no-byte-compile: t -*-
-(define-package "rjsx-mode" "20180823.1645" "Real support for JSX" '((emacs "24.4") (js2-mode "20170504")) :commit "c463a162a2557668f624c32dd5c3b58512e80b1a" :keywords '("languages") :authors '(("Felipe Ochoa" . "felipe@fov.space")) :maintainer '("Felipe Ochoa" . "felipe@fov.space") :url "https://github.com/felipeochoa/rjsx-mode/")
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 9f43b1699586..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1377 +0,0 @@
-;;; rjsx-mode.el --- Real support for JSX    -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2016 Felipe Ochoa
-;; Author: Felipe Ochoa <felipe@fov.space>
-;; URL: https://github.com/felipeochoa/rjsx-mode/
-;; Package-Version: 20180823.1645
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (js2-mode "20170504"))
-;; Version: 1.1
-;; Keywords: languages
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Defines a major mode `rjsx-mode' based on `js2-mode' for editing
-;; JSX files.  `rjsx-mode' extends the parser in `js2-mode' to support
-;; the full JSX syntax.  This means you get all of the `js2' features
-;; plus proper syntax checking and highlighting of JSX code blocks.
-;; Some features that this mode adds to js2:
-;; - Highlighting JSX tag names and attributes (using the rjsx-tag and
-;;   rjsx-attr faces)
-;; - Highlight undeclared JSX components
-;; - Parsing the spread operator {...otherProps}
-;; - Parsing && and || in child expressions {cond && <BigComponent/>}
-;; - Parsing ternary expressions {toggle ? <ToggleOn /> : <ToggleOff />}
-;; Additionally, since rjsx-mode extends the js2 AST, utilities using
-;; the parse tree gain access to the JSX structure.
-;;; Code:
-;;;; Basic mode definitions
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'js2-mode)
-(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
-(require 'newcomment)
-(defgroup rjsx-mode nil
-  "Support for JSX."
-  :group 'js2-mode)
-(defcustom rjsx-max-size-for-frequent-reparse 100000
-  "Buffers with fewer than this many characters will be parsed more frequently.
-Set this to 0 to disable the reparsing altogether.  The frequent
-parsing supports the magic `rjsx-electric-lt' and
-`rjsx-delete-creates-full-tag' behaviors."
-  :group 'rjsx-mode
-  :type 'integer)
-(define-derived-mode rjsx-mode js2-jsx-mode "RJSX"
-  "Major mode for editing JSX files."
-  :lighter ":RJSX"
-  :group 'rjsx-mode
-  (setq-local comment-use-syntax nil)
-  (setq-local comment-start-skip "[[:space:]]*\\(//+\\|{?/\\*+\\)")
-  ;; \n is included to get arround `comment-normalize-vars' and `comment-only-p'
-  (setq-local comment-end-skip "\\(\\*+/}?[[:space:]]*\\)\n?\\|\n")
-  (setq-local comment-region-function 'rjsx-comment-region-function)
-  (setq-local uncomment-region-function 'rjsx-uncomment-region-function)
-  (setq-local comment-quote-nested-function 'rjsx-comment-quote-nested-function)
-  (setq-local indent-line-function 'rjsx-indent-line)
-  (setq-local indent-region-function 'rjsx-indent-region))
-(define-minor-mode rjsx-minor-mode
-  "Minor mode for parsing JSX syntax into an AST."
-  :lighter " rjsx"
-  (if rjsx-minor-mode
-      (js2-minor-mode 1)
-    (js2-minor-mode 0)))
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.jsx\\'" . rjsx-mode))
-(defun rjsx-parse-xml-initializer (orig-fun)
-  "Dispatch the xml parser based on variable `rjsx-mode' being active or not.
-This function is used to advise `js2-parse-xml-initializer' (ORIG-FUN) using
-the `:around' combinator.  JS2-PARSER is the original XML parser."
-  (if (or (eq major-mode 'rjsx-mode) rjsx-minor-mode)
-      (rjsx-parse-top-xml)
-    (apply orig-fun nil)))
-(advice-add 'js2-parse-xml-initializer :around #'rjsx-parse-xml-initializer)
-(defun rjsx-unadvice-js2 ()
-  "Remove the rjsx advice on the js2 parser.  This will cause rjsx to stop working globally."
-  (advice-remove 'js2-parse-xml-initializer #'rjsx-parse-xml-initializer)
-  (advice-remove 'js--looking-at-operator-p #'rjsx--js--looking-at-operator-p-advice))
-(defface rjsx-tag
-  '((t . (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face)))
-  "`rjsx-mode' face used to highlight JSX tag names."
-  :group 'rjsx-mode)
-(defface rjsx-attr
-  '((t . (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face)))
-  "`rjsx-mode' face used to highlight JSX attribute names."
-  :group 'rjsx-mode)
-(defface rjsx-text
-  '((t . (:inherit font-lock-string-face)))
-  "`rjsx-mode' face used to highlight JSX text."
-  :group 'rjsx-mode)
-(defface rjsx-tag-bracket-face
-  '((t . (:inherit default)))
-  "`rjsx-mode' face used to highlight `<', `/', and `>'."
-  :group 'rjsx-mode)
-;;;; Parser constants struct definitions
-;; Token types for XML nodes. We need to re-use some unused values to
-;; not mess up the vectors that js2 has set up
-(defvar rjsx-JSX            js2-ENUM_INIT_KEYS)
-(defvar rjsx-JSX-CLOSE      js2-ENUM_INIT_VALUES)
-(defvar rjsx-JSX-IDENT      js2-ENUM_INIT_ARRAY)
-(defvar rjsx-JSX-MEMBER     js2-ENUM_NEXT)
-(defvar rjsx-JSX-ATTR       js2-ENUM_ID)
-(defvar rjsx-JSX-SPREAD     js2-REF_NS_MEMBER)
-(defvar rjsx-JSX-TEXT       js2-ESCXMLTEXT)
-(dolist (sym '(rjsx-JSX rjsx-JSX-CLOSE rjsx-JSX-IDENT rjsx-JSX-MEMBER rjsx-JSX-ATTR
-                        rjsx-JSX-SPREAD rjsx-JSX-TEXT rjsx-JSX-EXPRESSION))
-  (aset js2-token-names (symbol-value sym) (downcase (substring (symbol-name sym) 5)))
-  (puthash sym (symbol-value sym) js2-token-codes))
-(js2-msg "msg.bad.jsx.ident" "invalid JSX identifier")
-(js2-msg "msg.invalid.jsx.string" "invalid JSX string (cannot contain delimiter in string body)")
-(js2-msg "msg.mismatched.close.tag" "mismatched closing JSX tag; expected `%s'")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.gt.in.opener" "missing `>' in opening tag")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.gt.in.closer" "missing `>' in closing tag")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.gt.after.slash" "missing `>' after `/' in self-closing tag")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.rc.after.spread" "missing `}' after spread-prop")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.value.after.jsx.prop" "missing value after prop `%s'")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.dots.in.prop.spread" "missing `...' in spread prop")
-(js2-msg "msg.no.rc.after.expr" "missing `}' after expression")
-(js2-msg "msg.empty.expr" "empty `{}' expression")
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-node
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-node
-                             (&key (pos (js2-current-token-beg))
-                                   len
-                                   name
-                                   rjsx-props
-                                   kids)))
-  name         ; AST node containing the parsed xml name or nil for fragments
-  rjsx-props   ; linked list of AST nodes (both attributes and spreads)
-  kids         ; linked list of child xml nodes
-  closing-tag) ; AST node with the tag closer
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-node 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-node-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-node 'js2-printer 'rjsx-node-print)
-(defun rjsx-node-visit (ast callback)
-  "Visit the `rjsx-node' children of AST, invoking CALLBACK on them."
-  (let ((name (rjsx-node-name ast)))
-    (when name (js2-visit-ast name callback)))
-  (dolist (prop (rjsx-node-rjsx-props ast))
-    (js2-visit-ast prop callback))
-  (dolist (prop (rjsx-node-kids ast))
-    (js2-visit-ast prop callback))
-  (when (rjsx-node-closing-tag ast)
-    (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-node-closing-tag ast) callback)))
-(defun rjsx-node-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-node' NODE at indent level INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (insert (js2-make-pad indent-level) "<")
-  (let ((name-n (rjsx-node-name node)))
-   (when name-n (js2-print-ast name-n 0)))
-  (dolist (attr (rjsx-node-rjsx-props node))
-    (insert " ")
-    (js2-print-ast attr 0))
-  (let ((closer (rjsx-node-closing-tag node)))
-    (if (null closer)
-        (insert "/>")
-      (insert ">")
-      (dolist (child (rjsx-node-kids node))
-          (js2-print-ast child 0))
-      (js2-print-ast closer indent-level))))
-(defun rjsx-node-opening-tag-name (node)
-  "Return a string with NODE's opening tag including any namespace and member operations."
-  (let ((name-n (rjsx-node-name node)))
-    (cond
-     ((null name-n) "")                 ; fragment
-     ((rjsx-member-p name-n) (rjsx-member-full-name name-n))
-     ((rjsx-identifier-p name-n) (rjsx-identifier-full-name name-n))
-     (t ""))))                          ; js2-error-node
-(defun rjsx-node-push-prop (n rjsx-prop)
-  "Extend rjsx-node N's rjsx-props with js2-node RJSX-PROP.
-Sets JSX-PROPS's parent to N."
-  (let ((rjsx-props (rjsx-node-rjsx-props n)))
-    (if rjsx-props
-        (setcdr rjsx-props (nconc (cdr rjsx-props) (list rjsx-prop)))
-      (setf (rjsx-node-rjsx-props n) (list rjsx-prop))))
-  (js2-node-add-children n rjsx-prop))
-(defun rjsx-node-push-child (n kid)
-  "Extend rjsx-node N's children with js2-node KID.
-Sets KID's parent to N."
-  (let ((kids (rjsx-node-kids n)))
-    (if kids
-        (setcdr kids (nconc (cdr kids) (list kid)))
-      (setf (rjsx-node-kids n) (list kid))))
-  (js2-node-add-children n kid))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-closing-tag
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-CLOSE))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-closing-tag (&key pos len name)))
-  name) ; An rjsx-identifier or rjsx-member node or nil for fragments
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-closing-tag 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-closing-tag-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-closing-tag 'js2-printer 'rjsx-closing-tag-print)
-(defun rjsx-closing-tag-visit (ast callback)
-  "Visit the `rjsx-closing-tag' children of AST, invoking CALLBACK on them."
-  (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-closing-tag-name ast) callback))
-(defun rjsx-closing-tag-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-closing-tag' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (insert (js2-make-pad indent-level) "</" (rjsx-closing-tag-full-name node) ">"))
-(defun rjsx-closing-tag-full-name (n)
-  "Return the string with N's fully-namespaced name, or just name if it's not namespaced."
-  (let ((child (rjsx-closing-tag-name n)))
-    (cond
-     ((null child) "")                  ; fragment
-     ((rjsx-member-p child) (rjsx-member-full-name child))
-     ((rjsx-identifier-p child) (rjsx-identifier-full-name child))
-     (t ""))))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-identifier
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-IDENT))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-identifier (&key (pos (js2-current-token-beg))
-                                                           len namespace name)))
-  (namespace nil)
-  name)  ; js2-name-node
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-identifier 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-identifier-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-identifier 'js2-printer 'rjsx-identifier-print)
-(defun rjsx-identifier-visit (n callback)
-  "Visit N's children can call CALLBACK on them."
-  (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-identifier-name n) callback))
-(defun rjsx-identifier-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-identifier' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (insert (js2-make-pad indent-level) (rjsx-identifier-full-name node)))
-(defun rjsx-identifier-full-name (n)
-  "Return the string with N's fully-namespaced name, or just name if it's not namespaced."
-  (if (rjsx-identifier-namespace n)
-      (format "%s:%s" (rjsx-identifier-namespace n) (js2-name-node-name (rjsx-identifier-name n)))
-    (js2-name-node-name (rjsx-identifier-name n))))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-member
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-MEMBER))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-member (&key pos len dots-pos idents)))
-  dots-pos  ; List of positions of each dot
-  idents)   ; List of rjsx-identifier nodes
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-member 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-member-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-member 'js2-printer 'rjsx-member-print)
-(defun rjsx-member-visit (n callback)
-  "Visit N's children and call CALLBACK on them."
-  (dolist (ident (rjsx-member-idents n))
-    (js2-visit-ast ident callback)))
-(defun rjsx-member-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-member' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (insert (js2-make-pad indent-level) (rjsx-member-full-name node)))
-(defun rjsx-member-full-name (n)
-  "Return the string with N's combined names together."
-  (mapconcat 'rjsx-identifier-full-name (rjsx-member-idents n) "."))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-attr
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-ATTR))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-attr (&key (pos (js2-current-token-beg))
-                                                     len name value)))
-  name    ; a rjsx-identifier
-  value)  ; a js2-expression
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-attr 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-attr-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-attr 'js2-printer 'rjsx-attr-print)
-(defun rjsx-attr-visit (ast callback)
-  "Visit the `rjsx-attr' children of AST, invoking CALLBACK on them."
-  (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-attr-name ast) callback)
-  (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-attr-value ast) callback))
-(defun rjsx-attr-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-attr' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (js2-print-ast (rjsx-attr-name node) indent-level)
-  (unless (js2-empty-expr-node-p (rjsx-attr-value node))
-    (insert "=")
-    (js2-print-ast (rjsx-attr-value node) 0)))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-spread
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-SPREAD))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-spread (&key pos len expr)))
-  expr)  ; a js2-expression
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-spread 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-spread-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-spread 'js2-printer 'rjsx-spread-print)
-(defun rjsx-spread-visit (ast callback)
-  "Visit the `rjsx-spread' children of AST, invoking CALLBACK on them."
-  (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-spread-expr ast) callback))
-(defun rjsx-spread-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-spread' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (insert (js2-make-pad indent-level) "{...")
-  (js2-print-ast (rjsx-spread-expr node) 0)
-  (insert "}"))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-wrapped-expr
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-TEXT))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-wrapped-expr (&key pos len child)))
-  child)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-wrapped-expr 'js2-visitor 'rjsx-wrapped-expr-visit)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-wrapped-expr 'js2-printer 'rjsx-wrapped-expr-print)
-(defun rjsx-wrapped-expr-visit (ast callback)
-  "Visit the `rjsx-wrapped-expr' child of AST, invoking CALLBACK on them."
-  (js2-visit-ast (rjsx-wrapped-expr-child ast) callback))
-(defun rjsx-wrapped-expr-print (node indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-wrapped-expr' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  (insert (js2-make-pad indent-level) "{")
-  (js2-print-ast (rjsx-wrapped-expr-child node) indent-level)
-  (insert "}"))
-(cl-defstruct (rjsx-text
-               (:include js2-node (type rjsx-JSX-TEXT))
-               (:constructor nil)
-               (:constructor make-rjsx-text (&key (pos (js2-current-token-beg))
-                                                     (len (js2-current-token-len))
-                                                     value)))
-  value)  ; a string
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-text 'js2-visitor 'js2-visit-none)
-(js2--struct-put 'rjsx-text 'js2-printer 'rjsx-text-print)
-(defun rjsx-text-print (node _indent-level)
-  "Print the `rjsx-text' NODE at INDENT-LEVEL."
-  ;; Text nodes include whitespace
-  (insert (rjsx-text-value node)))
-;;;; Recursive descent parsing
-(defvar rjsx-print-debug-message nil "If t will print out debug messages.")
-;(setq rjsx-print-debug-message t)
-(defmacro rjsx-maybe-message (&rest args)
-  "If debug is enabled, call `message' with ARGS."
-  `(when rjsx-print-debug-message
-     (message ,@args)))
-(defvar rjsx-text-syntax-table
-  (let ((table (make-syntax-table (standard-syntax-table))))
-    ;; `js-indent-line' assumes that \n is not whitespace
-    ;; Since it's not a comment delimiter in JSX text, punctuation
-    ;; is the only other (semi) logical choice
-    (modify-syntax-entry ?\n "." table)
-    table))
-(js2-deflocal rjsx-in-xml nil "Variable used to track which xml parsing function is the outermost one.")
-(define-error 'rjsx-eof-while-parsing "RJSX: EOF while parsing")
-(defmacro rjsx-handling-eof (&rest body)
-  "Execute BODY and return the result of the last form.
-If BODY signals `rjsx-eof-while-parsing', instead report a syntax
-error and return a `js2-error-node'."
-  `(let ((beg (js2-current-token-beg)))
-     (condition-case nil
-         (progn ,@body)
-       (rjsx-eof-while-parsing
-        (let ((len (- js2-ts-cursor beg)))
-          (rjsx-maybe-message (format "Handling eof from %d" beg))
-          (js2-report-error "msg.syntax" nil beg len)
-          (make-js2-error-node :pos beg :len len))))))
-(defsubst rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face ()
-  "Fontify the current token with `rjsx-tag-bracket-face'."
-  (js2-set-face (js2-current-token-beg) (js2-current-token-end) 'rjsx-tag-bracket-face 'record))
-(defsubst rjsx-record-token-class (cls)
-  "Record an 'rjsx-class text property with value CLS for the current token."
-  (js2-record-text-property (js2-current-token-beg) (js2-current-token-end)
-                            'rjsx-class cls))
-(defun rjsx-parse-top-xml ()
-  "Parse a top level XML fragment.
-This is the entry point when ‘js2-parse-unary-expr’ finds a '<' character"
-  (if rjsx-in-xml
-      (rjsx-parse-xml)
-    (let ((rjsx-in-xml t))
-      (rjsx-handling-eof (rjsx-parse-xml)))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-xml ()
-  "Parse a complete xml node from start to end tag."
-  (rjsx-record-token-class '<)
-  (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face)
-  (let ((pn (make-rjsx-node)) self-closing name-n name-str child child-name-str is-fragment)
-    (rjsx-maybe-message "Starting rjsx-parse-xml after <")
-    (if (setq child (rjsx-parse-empty-tag))
-        child
-      (if (eq (js2-peek-token) js2-GT)
-          (setq is-fragment t)
-        (setf (rjsx-node-name pn) (setq name-n (rjsx-parse-member-or-ns 'rjsx-tag)))
-        (if (js2-error-node-p name-n)
-            (progn (rjsx-maybe-message "could not parse tag name")
-                   (make-js2-error-node :pos (js2-node-pos pn) :len (1+ (js2-node-len name-n))))
-          (js2-node-add-children pn name-n)
-          (if js2-highlight-external-variables
-              (let ((name-node (rjsx-identifier-name
-                                (if (rjsx-member-p name-n)
-                                    (car (rjsx-member-idents name-n))
-                                  name-n)))
-                    (case-fold-search nil))
-                (when (string-match-p "^[[:upper:]]" (js2-name-node-name name-node))
-                  (js2-record-name-node name-node)))))
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "cleared tag name: '%s'" name-str)
-        ;; Now parse the attributes
-        (rjsx-parse-attributes pn)
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "cleared attributes"))
-      (setq name-str (rjsx-node-opening-tag-name pn))
-      (progn
-        ;; Now parse either a self closing tag or the end of the opening tag
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "next type: `%s'" (js2-peek-token))
-        (if (setq self-closing (js2-match-token js2-DIV))
-            (progn
-              (rjsx-record-token-class 'self-closing-slash)
-              (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face)
-              ;; TODO: How do we un-mark old slashes?
-              (when (js2-must-match js2-GT "msg.no.gt.after.slash"
-                                    (js2-node-pos pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) (js2-node-pos pn)))
-                (rjsx-record-token-class '>)
-                (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face)))
-          (when (js2-must-match js2-GT "msg.no.gt.in.opener" (js2-node-pos pn) (js2-node-len pn))
-            (rjsx-record-token-class '>)
-            (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face)))
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "cleared opener closer, self-closing: %s" self-closing)
-        (if self-closing
-            (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) (js2-node-pos pn)))
-          (while (not (rjsx-closing-tag-p (setq child (rjsx-parse-child is-fragment))))
-            ;; rjsx-parse-child calls our scanner, which always moves
-            ;; forward at least one character. If it hits EOF, it
-            ;; signals to our caller, so we don't have to worry about infinite loops here
-            (rjsx-maybe-message "parsed child")
-            (rjsx-node-push-child pn child)
-            (if (= 0 (js2-node-len child)) ; TODO: Does this ever happen?
-                (js2-get-token)))
-          (setq child-name-str (rjsx-closing-tag-full-name child))
-          (unless (string= name-str child-name-str)
-            (js2-report-error "msg.mismatched.close.tag" name-str (js2-node-pos child) (js2-node-len child)))
-          (rjsx-maybe-message "cleared children for `%s'" name-str)
-          (js2-node-add-children pn child)
-          (setf (rjsx-node-closing-tag pn) child))
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "Returning completed XML node")
-        (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) (js2-node-pos pn)))
-        pn))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-empty-tag ()
-  "Check if we are in an empty tag of the form `</>' and consume it if so.
-Returns a `js2-error-node' if we are in one or nil if not."
-  (let ((beg (js2-current-token-beg)))
-    (when (js2-match-token js2-DIV)
-        (if (js2-match-token js2-GT)
-            (progn ; We're in a </> block, likely created by us in `rjsx-electric-lt'
-              ;; We only highlight the < to reduce the visual impact
-              (js2-report-error "msg.syntax" nil beg 1)
-              (make-js2-error-node :pos beg :len (- (js2-current-token-end) beg)))
-          ;; TODO: This is probably an unmatched closing tag. We should
-          ;; consume it, mark it an error, and move on
-          (js2-unget-token)
-          nil))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-attributes (parent)
-  "Parse all attributes, including key=value and {...spread}, and add them to PARENT."
-  ;; Getting this function to not hang in the loop proved tricky. The
-  ;; key is that `rjsx-parse-spread' and `rjsx-parse-single-attr' both
-  ;; return `js2-error-node's if they fail to consume any tokens,
-  ;; which signals to us that we just need to discard one token and
-  ;; keep going.
-  (let (attr
-        (loop-terminators (list js2-DIV js2-GT js2-EOF js2-ERROR)))
-    (while (not (memql (js2-peek-token) loop-terminators))
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "Starting loop. Next token type: %s\nToken pos: %s" (js2-peek-token) (js2-current-token-beg))
-      (setq attr
-            (if (js2-match-token js2-LC)
-                (or (rjsx-check-for-empty-curlies t)
-                    (prog1 (rjsx-parse-spread)
-                      (rjsx-maybe-message "Parsed spread")))
-              (rjsx-maybe-message "Parsing single attr")
-              (rjsx-parse-single-attr)))
-      (when (js2-error-node-p attr) (js2-get-token))
-                                        ; TODO: We should make this conditional on
-                                        ; `js2-recover-from-parse-errors'
-      (rjsx-node-push-prop parent attr))))
-(cl-defun rjsx-check-for-empty-curlies (&optional dont-consume-rc &key check-for-comments warning)
-  "If the following token is '}' set empty curly errors.
-If DONT-CONSUME-RC is non-nil, the matched right curly token
-won't be consumed.  Returns a `js2-error-node' if the curlies are
-empty or nil otherwise.  If CHECK-FOR-COMMENTS (a &KEY argument)
-is non-nil, this will check for comments inside the curlies and
-returns a `js2-empty-expr-node' if any are found.  If WARNING (a
-&key argument) is non-nil, reports the empty curlies as a warning
-and not an error and also returns a `js2-empty-expr-node'.
-Assumes the current token is a '{'."
-  (let ((beg (js2-current-token-beg)) end len)
-    (when (js2-match-token js2-RC)
-      (setq end (js2-current-token-end))
-      (setq len (- end beg))
-      (when dont-consume-rc
-        (js2-unget-token))
-      (if check-for-comments (rjsx-maybe-message "Checking for comments between %d and %d" beg end))
-      (unless (and check-for-comments
-                   (dolist (comment js2-scanned-comments)
-                     (rjsx-maybe-message "Comment at %d, length=%d"
-                                         (js2-node-pos comment)
-                                         (js2-node-len comment))
-                     ;; TODO: IF comments are in reverse document order, we should be able to
-                     ;; bail out early and know we didn't find one
-                     (when (and (>= (js2-node-pos comment) beg)
-                                (<= (+ (js2-node-pos comment) (js2-node-len comment)) end))
-                       (cl-return-from rjsx-check-for-empty-curlies
-                         (make-js2-empty-expr-node :pos beg :len (- end beg))))))
-        (if warning
-            (progn (js2-report-warning "msg.empty.expr" nil beg len)
-                   (make-js2-empty-expr-node :pos beg :len (- end beg)))
-          (js2-report-error "msg.empty.expr" nil beg len)
-          (make-js2-error-node :pos beg :len len))))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-spread ()
-  "Parse an {...props} attribute."
-  (let ((pn (make-rjsx-spread :pos (js2-current-token-beg)))
-        (beg (js2-current-token-beg))
-        missing-dots expr)
-    (setq missing-dots (not (js2-match-token js2-TRIPLEDOT)))
-    ;; parse-assign-expr will go crazy if we're looking at `} /', so we
-    ;; check for an empty spread first
-    (if (js2-match-token js2-RC)
-        (setq expr (make-js2-error-node :len 1))
-      (setq expr (js2-parse-assign-expr))
-      (when (js2-error-node-p expr)
-        (pop js2-parsed-errors)))       ; We'll add our own error
-    (unless (or (js2-match-token js2-RC) (js2-error-node-p expr))
-      (js2-report-error "msg.no.rc.after.spread" nil
-                        beg (- (js2-current-token-end) beg)))
-    (setf (rjsx-spread-expr pn) expr)
-    (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) (js2-node-pos pn)))
-    (js2-node-add-children pn expr)
-    (if (js2-error-node-p expr)
-        (js2-report-error "msg.syntax" nil beg (- (js2-current-token-end) beg))
-      (when missing-dots
-        (js2-report-error "msg.no.dots.in.prop.spread" nil beg (js2-node-len pn))))
-    (if (= 0 (js2-node-len pn))  ; TODO: Is this ever possible?
-        (make-js2-error-node :pos beg :len 0)
-      pn)))
-(defun rjsx-parse-single-attr ()
-  "Parse an 'a=b' JSX attribute and return the corresponding XML node."
-  (let ((pn (make-rjsx-attr)) name value beg)
-    (setq name (rjsx-parse-identifier 'rjsx-attr)) ; Won't consume token on error
-    (if (js2-error-node-p name)
-        name
-      (setf (rjsx-attr-name pn) name)
-      (setq beg (js2-node-pos name))
-      (setf (js2-node-pos pn) beg)
-      (js2-node-add-children pn name)
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "Got the name for the attr: `%s'" (rjsx-identifier-full-name name))
-      (if (js2-match-token js2-ASSIGN)  ; Won't consume on error
-          (progn
-            (rjsx-maybe-message "Matched the equals sign")
-            (if (js2-match-token js2-LC)
-                (setq value (rjsx-parse-wrapped-expr nil t))
-              (if (js2-match-token js2-STRING)
-                  (setq value (rjsx-parse-string))
-                (js2-report-error "msg.no.value.after.jsx.prop" (rjsx-identifier-full-name name)
-                                  beg (- (js2-current-token-end) beg))
-                (setq value (make-js2-error-node :pos beg :len (js2-current-token-len))))))
-        (setq value (make-js2-empty-expr-node :pos (js2-current-token-end) :len 0)))
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "value type: `%s'" (js2-node-type value))
-      (setf (rjsx-attr-value pn) value)
-      (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-node-end value) (js2-node-pos pn)))
-      (js2-node-add-children pn value)
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "Finished single attribute.")
-      pn)))
-(defun rjsx-parse-wrapped-expr (allow-empty skip-to-rc)
-  "Parse a curly-brace-wrapped JS expression.
-If ALLOW-EMPTY is non-nil, will warn for empty braces, otherwise
-will signal a syntax error.  If it does not find a right curly
-and SKIP-TO-RC is non-nil, after the expression, consumes tokens
-until the end of the JSX node"
-  (rjsx-maybe-message "parsing wrapped expression")
-  (let (pn
-        (beg (js2-current-token-beg))
-        (child (rjsx-check-for-empty-curlies nil
-                                             :check-for-comments allow-empty
-                                             :warning allow-empty)))
-    (if child
-        (if allow-empty
-            (make-rjsx-wrapped-expr :pos beg :len (js2-node-len child) :child child)
-          child) ;; Will be an error node in this case
-      (setq child (js2-parse-assign-expr))
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "parsed expression, type: `%s'" (js2-node-type child))
-      (setq pn (make-rjsx-wrapped-expr :pos beg :child child))
-      (js2-node-add-children pn child)
-      (when (js2-error-node-p child)
-        (pop js2-parsed-errors)) ; We'll record our own message after checking for RC
-      (if (js2-match-token js2-RC)
-          (rjsx-maybe-message "matched } after expression")
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "did not match } after expression")
-        (when skip-to-rc
-          (while (not (memql (js2-get-token) (list js2-RC js2-EOF js2-DIV js2-GT)))
-            (rjsx-maybe-message "Skipped over `%s'" (js2-current-token-string)))
-          (when (memq (js2-current-token-type) (list js2-DIV js2-GT))
-            (js2-unget-token)))
-        (unless (js2-error-node-p child)
-          (js2-report-error "msg.no.rc.after.expr" nil beg
-                            (- (js2-current-token-beg) beg))))
-      (when (js2-error-node-p child)
-        (js2-report-error "msg.syntax" nil beg (- (js2-current-token-end) beg)))
-      (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) beg))
-      pn)))
-(defun rjsx-parse-string ()
-  "Verify that current token is a valid JSX string.
-Returns a `js2-error-node' if TOKEN-STRING is not a valid JSX
-string, otherwise returns a `js2-string-node'.  (Strings are
-invalid if they contain the delimiting quote character inside)"
-  (rjsx-maybe-message "Parsing string")
-  (let* ((token (js2-current-token))
-         (beg (js2-token-beg token))
-         (len (- (js2-token-end token) beg))
-         (token-string (js2-token-string token)) ;; JS2 does not include the quote-chars
-         (quote-char (char-before (js2-token-end token))))
-    (if (cl-position quote-char token-string)
-        (progn
-          (js2-report-error "msg.invalid.jsx.string" nil beg len)
-          (make-js2-error-node :pos beg :len len))
-      (make-js2-string-node :pos beg :len len :value token-string))))
-(cl-defun rjsx-parse-identifier (&optional face &key (allow-ns t))
-  "Parse a possibly namespaced identifier and fontify with FACE if given.
-Returns a `js2-error-node' if unable to parse.  If the &key
-argument ALLOW-NS is nil, does not allow namespaced names."
-  (if (js2-must-match-name "msg.bad.jsx.ident")
-      (let ((pn (make-rjsx-identifier))
-            (beg (js2-current-token-beg))
-            (name-parts (list (js2-current-token-string)))
-            (allow-colon allow-ns)
-            (continue t)
-            (prev-token-end (js2-current-token-end))
-            (name-start (js2-current-token-beg))
-            matched-colon)
-        (while (and continue
-                    (or (and (memq (js2-peek-token) (list js2-SUB js2-ASSIGN_SUB))
-                             (prog2  ; Ensure no whitespace between previous name and this dash
-                                 (js2-get-token)
-                                 (eq prev-token-end (js2-current-token-beg))
-                               (js2-unget-token)))
-                        (and allow-colon (= (js2-peek-token) js2-COLON))))
-          (if (setq matched-colon (js2-match-token js2-COLON))
-              (setf (rjsx-identifier-namespace pn) (apply #'concat (nreverse name-parts))
-                    allow-colon nil
-                    name-parts (list)
-                    name-start nil)
-            (when (= (js2-get-token) js2-ASSIGN_SUB) ; Otherwise it's a js2-SUB
-              (setf (js2-token-end (js2-current-token)) (1- (js2-current-token-end))
-                    (js2-token-type (js2-current-token)) js2-SUB
-                    (js2-token-string (js2-current-token)) "-"
-                    js2-ts-cursor (1+ (js2-current-token-beg))
-                    js2-ti-lookahead 0))
-            (push "-" name-parts))
-          (setq prev-token-end (js2-current-token-end))
-          (if (js2-match-token js2-NAME)
-              (if (eq prev-token-end (js2-current-token-beg))
-                  (progn (push (js2-current-token-string) name-parts)
-                         (setq prev-token-end (js2-current-token-end)
-                               name-start (or name-start (js2-current-token-beg))))
-                (js2-unget-token)
-                (setq continue nil))
-            (when (= js2-COLON (js2-current-token-type))
-              (js2-report-error "msg.bad.jsx.ident" nil beg (- (js2-current-token-end) beg)))
-            ;; We only keep going if this is an `ident-ending-with-dash-colon:'
-            (setq continue (and (not matched-colon) (= (js2-peek-token) js2-COLON)))))
-        (when face
-          (js2-set-face beg (js2-current-token-end) face 'record))
-        (let ((name-node (if name-start
-                             (make-js2-name-node :pos name-start
-                                                 :len (- (js2-current-token-end) name-start)
-                                                 :name (apply #'concat (nreverse name-parts)))
-                           (make-js2-name-node :pos (js2-current-token-end) :len 0 :name ""))))
-          (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) beg)
-                (rjsx-identifier-name pn) name-node)
-          (js2-node-add-children pn name-node))
-        pn)
-    (make-js2-error-node :len (js2-current-token-len))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-member-or-ns (&optional face)
-  "Parse a dotted expression or a namespaced identifier and fontify with FACE if given."
-  (let ((ident (rjsx-parse-identifier face)))
-    (cond
-     ((js2-error-node-p ident) ident)
-     ((rjsx-identifier-namespace ident) ident)
-     (t (rjsx-parse-member ident face)))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-member (ident &optional face)
-  "Parse a dotted member expression starting with IDENT and fontify with FACE.
-IDENT is the `rjsx-identifier' node for the first item in the
-member expression.  Returns a `js2-error-node' if unable to
-  (let (idents dots-pos pn end)
-    (setq pn (make-rjsx-member :pos (js2-node-pos ident)))
-    (setq end (js2-current-token-end))
-    (push ident idents)
-    (while (and (js2-match-token js2-DOT) (not (js2-error-node-p ident)))
-      (push (js2-current-token-beg) dots-pos)
-      (setq end (js2-current-token-end))
-      (setq ident (rjsx-parse-identifier nil :allow-ns nil))
-      (push ident idents)
-      (unless (js2-error-node-p ident)
-        (setq end (js2-current-token-end)))
-      (js2-node-add-children pn ident))
-    (apply 'js2-node-add-children pn idents)
-    (setf (rjsx-member-idents pn) (nreverse idents)
-          (rjsx-member-dots-pos pn) (nreverse dots-pos)
-          (js2-node-len pn) (- end (js2-node-pos pn)))
-    (when face
-      (js2-set-face (js2-node-pos pn) end face 'record))
-    pn))
-(defun rjsx-parse-child (expect-fragment)
-  "Parse an XML child node.
-Child nodes include plain (unquoted) text, other XML elements,
-and {}-bracketed expressions.  Return the parsed child.
-EXPECT-FRAGMENT if t, indicates that `</>' should be parsed
-as a fragment closing node, and not as an empty tag."
-  (let ((tt (rjsx-get-next-xml-token)))
-    (rjsx-maybe-message "child type `%s'" tt)
-    (cond
-     ((= tt js2-LT)
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "xml-or-close")
-      (rjsx-parse-xml-or-closing-tag expect-fragment))
-     ((= tt js2-LC)
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "parsing expression { %s" (js2-peek-token))
-      (rjsx-parse-wrapped-expr t nil))
-     ((= tt rjsx-JSX-TEXT)
-      (rjsx-maybe-message "text node: '%s'" (js2-current-token-string))
-      (js2-set-face (js2-current-token-beg) (js2-current-token-end) 'rjsx-text 'record)
-      (js2-record-text-property (js2-current-token-beg) (js2-current-token-end)
-                                'syntax-table rjsx-text-syntax-table)
-      (make-rjsx-text :value (js2-current-token-string)))
-     ((= tt js2-ERROR)
-      (make-js2-error-node :len (js2-current-token-len)))
-     (t (error "Unexpected token type: %s" (js2-peek-token))))))
-(defun rjsx-parse-xml-or-closing-tag (expect-fragment)
-  "Parse a JSX tag, which could be a child or a closing tag.
-Return the parsed child, which is a `rjsx-closing-tag' if a
-closing tag was parsed.
-EXPECT-FRAGMENT if t, indicates that `</>' should be parsed
-as a fragment closing node, and not as an empty tag."
-  (let ((beg (js2-current-token-beg)) pn)
-    (rjsx-record-token-class '<)
-    (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face)
-    (if (and (not expect-fragment) (setq pn (rjsx-parse-empty-tag)))
-        pn
-      (if (js2-match-token js2-DIV)
-          (progn (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face)
-                 (if (and expect-fragment (eq (js2-peek-token) js2-GT))
-                     (setq pn (make-rjsx-closing-tag :pos beg))
-                   (setq pn (make-rjsx-closing-tag :pos beg
-                                                   :name (rjsx-parse-member-or-ns 'rjsx-tag)))
-                   (js2-node-add-children pn (rjsx-closing-tag-name pn)))
-                 (when (js2-must-match js2-GT "msg.no.gt.in.closer" beg (- (js2-current-token-end) beg))
-                   (rjsx-record-token-class '>)
-                   (rjsx-record-tag-bracket-face))
-                 (setf (js2-node-len pn) (- (js2-current-token-end) beg))
-                 pn)
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "parsing a child XML item")
-        (rjsx-parse-xml)))))
-(defun rjsx-get-next-xml-token ()
-  "Scan through the XML text and push one token onto the stack."
-  (setq js2-ts-string-buffer nil)  ; for recording the text
-  (when (> js2-ti-lookahead 0)
-    (setq js2-ts-cursor (js2-current-token-end))
-    (setq js2-ti-lookahead 0))
-  (let ((token (js2-new-token 0))
-        c)
-    (rjsx-maybe-message "Running the xml scanner")
-    (catch 'return
-      (while t
-        (setq c (js2-get-char))
-        (rjsx-maybe-message "'%s' (%s)" (if (= c js2-EOF_CHAR) "EOF" (char-to-string c)) c)
-        (cond
-         ((or (= c ?}) (= c ?>))
-          (js2-set-string-from-buffer token)
-          (setf (js2-token-type token) js2-ERROR)
-          (js2-report-scan-error "msg.syntax" t)
-          (throw 'return js2-ERROR))
-         ((or (= c ?<) (= c ?{))
-          (js2-unget-char)
-          (if js2-ts-string-buffer
-              (progn
-                (js2-set-string-from-buffer token)
-                (setf (js2-token-type token) rjsx-JSX-TEXT)
-                (rjsx-maybe-message "created rjsx-JSX-TEXT token: `%s'" (js2-token-string token))
-                (throw 'return rjsx-JSX-TEXT))
-            (js2-get-char)
-            (js2-set-string-from-buffer token)
-            (setf (js2-token-type token) (if (= c ?<) js2-LT js2-LC))
-            (setf (js2-token-string token) (string c))
-            (throw 'return (js2-token-type token))))
-         ((= c js2-EOF_CHAR)
-          (js2-set-string-from-buffer token)
-          (rjsx-maybe-message "Hit EOF. Current buffer: `%s'" (js2-token-string token))
-          (setf (js2-token-type token) js2-ERROR)
-          (rjsx-maybe-message "Scanner hit EOF. Panic!")
-          (signal 'rjsx-eof-while-parsing nil))
-         (t (js2-add-to-string c)))))))
-(js2-deflocal rjsx-buffer-chars-modified-tick 0 "Variable holding the last per-buffer value of `buffer-chars-modified-tick'.")
-(defun rjsx-maybe-reparse ()
-  "Called before accessing the parse tree.
-For small buffers, will do an immediate reparse to ensure the
-parse tree is up to date."
-  (when (and (<= (point-max) rjsx-max-size-for-frequent-reparse)
-             (/= rjsx-buffer-chars-modified-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick)))
-    (js2-reparse)
-    (setq rjsx-buffer-chars-modified-tick (buffer-chars-modified-tick))))
-(defun rjsx--tag-at-point ()
-  "Return the JSX tag at point, if any, or nil."
-  (rjsx-maybe-reparse)
-  (let ((node (js2-node-at-point (point) t)))
-    (while (and node (not (rjsx-node-p node)))
-      (setq node (js2-node-parent node)))
-    node))
-;;;; Interactive commands and keybindings
-(defun rjsx-electric-lt (n)
-  "Insert a context-sensitive less-than sign.
-Optional prefix argument N indicates how many signs to insert.
-If N is greater than one, no special handling takes place.
-Otherwise, if the less-than sign would start a JSX block, it
-inserts `</>' and places the cursor inside the new tag."
-    (interactive "p")
-    (if (/= n 1)
-        (insert (make-string n ?<))
-      (if (save-excursion
-            (forward-comment most-negative-fixnum)
-            (skip-chars-backward "\n\r")
-            (or (= (point) (point-min))
-                (memq (char-before) (append "=(?:>}&|{," nil))
-                (let ((start (- (point) 6)))
-                  (and (>= start (point-min))
-                       (string= (buffer-substring start (point)) "return")))))
-          (progn (insert "</>")
-                 (backward-char 2))
-        (insert "<"))))
-(define-key rjsx-mode-map "<" 'rjsx-electric-lt)
-(defun rjsx-expand-self-closing-tag (node)
-  "Expand NODE into a balanced tag.
-Assumes NODE is self-closing `rjsx-node', and that point is at
-the self-closing slash."
-  (delete-char 1)
-  (search-forward ">")
-  (save-excursion
-    (insert "</" (rjsx-node-opening-tag-name node) ">")))
-(defun rjsx-electric-gt (n)
-  "Insert a context-sensitive greater-than sign.
-Optional prefix argument N indicates how many signs to insert.
-If N is greater than one, no special handling takes place.
-Otherwise, if point is in a self-closing JSX tag just before the
-slash, it creates a matching end-tag and places point just inside
-the tags."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (if (or (/= n 1)
-          (not (eq (get-char-property (point) 'rjsx-class) 'self-closing-slash)))
-      (insert (make-string n ?>))
-    (let ((node (rjsx--tag-at-point)))
-      (if node
-          (rjsx-expand-self-closing-tag node)
-        (insert (make-string n ?>))))))
-(define-key rjsx-mode-map ">" 'rjsx-electric-gt)
-(defun rjsx-delete-creates-full-tag (n &optional killflag)
-  "N and KILLFLAG are as in `delete-char'.
-If N is 1 and KILLFLAG nil, checks to see if we're in a
-self-closing tag about to delete the slash.  If so, deletes the
-slash and inserts a matching end-tag."
-  (interactive "p")
-  (if (or killflag (/= 1 n) (not (eq (get-char-property (point) 'rjsx-class) 'self-closing-slash)))
-      (if (called-interactively-p 'any)
-	  (call-interactively 'delete-forward-char)
-	(delete-char n killflag))
-    (let ((node (rjsx--tag-at-point)))
-      (if node
-          (rjsx-expand-self-closing-tag node)
-        (delete-char 1)))))
-(define-key rjsx-mode-map (kbd "C-d") 'rjsx-delete-creates-full-tag)
-(defun rjsx-rename-tag-at-point (new-name)
-  "Prompt for a new name and modify the tag at point.
-NEW-NAME is the name to give the tag."
-  (interactive "sNew tag name: ")
-  (let* ((tag (rjsx--tag-at-point))
-         (closer (and tag (rjsx-node-closing-tag tag))))
-    (cond
-     ((null tag) (message "No JSX tag found at point"))
-     ((null (rjsx-node-name tag))       ; fragment
-      (cl-assert closer nil "Fragment has no closing-tag")
-      (save-excursion
-        (goto-char (+ 2 (js2-node-abs-pos closer)))
-        (insert new-name)
-        (goto-char (1+ (js2-node-abs-pos tag)))
-        (insert new-name))
-      (js2-reparse))
-     (t
-      (let* ((head (rjsx-node-name tag))
-             (tail (when closer (rjsx-closing-tag-name closer)))
-             beg end)
-        (dolist (part (if tail (list tail head) (list head)))
-          (setq beg (js2-node-abs-pos part)
-                end (+ beg (js2-node-len part)))
-          (delete-region beg end)
-          (save-excursion (goto-char beg) (insert new-name)))
-        (js2-reparse))))))
-(define-key rjsx-mode-map (kbd "C-c C-r") 'rjsx-rename-tag-at-point)
-;; Utilities
-(defun rjsx-ancestor (node predicate)
-  "Find an ancestor of NODE satisfying PREDICATE.
-Search upwards from the parent of NODE for an ancestor where
-PREDICATE returns t.  Returns nil if no ancestor satisfies
-  (let ((ancestor (js2-node-parent node)))
-    (while (and ancestor
-                (not (funcall predicate ancestor)))
-      (setq ancestor (js2-node-parent ancestor)))
-    ancestor))
-(cl-defun rjsx--prev-sibling (node)
-  "Get the previous non-blank sibling of NODE."
-  (let* ((parent (js2-node-parent node)) prev)
-    (dolist (kid (rjsx-node-kids parent))
-      (cond
-       ((eq kid node) (cl-return-from rjsx--prev-sibling prev))
-       ((and (rjsx-text-p kid) (string-blank-p (rjsx-text-value kid))))
-       (t (setq prev kid))))))
-;; Comment handling
-(defun rjsx-comment-region-function (beg end &optional arg)
-  (js2-mode-wait-for-parse
-   (lambda ()
-     (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point beg))
-            (in-jsx (or (rjsx-node-p node)
-                        (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-node-p)))
-            (use-jsx-comment (and (rjsx-node-p (js2-node-parent node))
-                                  (or (rjsx-text-p node)
-                                      (and (rjsx-node-p node)
-                                           (= (js2-node-abs-pos node) beg))))))
-       (cond (use-jsx-comment
-              (let ((comment-start "{/*")
-                    (comment-end "*/}"))
-                (comment-normalize-vars)
-                (comment-region-default beg end arg)))
-             (in-jsx
-              (let ((comment-start "/*")
-                    (comment-end "*/"))
-                (comment-normalize-vars)
-                (if (rjsx-wrapped-expr-p node)
-                    (if (js2-empty-expr-node-p (rjsx-wrapped-expr-child node))
-                        (let ((comment-start "{/*")
-                              (comment-end "*/}"))
-                          (comment-normalize-vars)
-                          (comment-region-default beg end arg))
-                      (comment-region-default (1+ beg) (1- end) arg))
-                  (comment-region-default beg end arg))))
-             (t (comment-region-default beg end arg)))))))
-(defun rjsx-maybe-unwrap-expr (beg end)
-  (save-excursion
-    (save-restriction
-      (js2-reparse)
-      (goto-char beg)
-      (skip-chars-forward "[:space:]\n" end)
-      (let* ((node (js2-node-at-point (point)))
-             (parent (js2-node-parent node)))
-        (when (and parent
-                   (rjsx-wrapped-expr-p parent)
-                   (rjsx-node-p (js2-node-parent parent))
-                   (or (rjsx-text-p node) (rjsx-node-p node)))
-          (let* ((expr-start (js2-node-abs-pos parent))
-                 (expr-end (+ expr-start (js2-node-len parent)))
-                 (body-start (1+ expr-start))
-                 (body-end (1- expr-end))
-                 (body-length (- body-end body-start)))
-            (when (and (comment-only-p body-start beg)
-                       (comment-only-p end body-end))
-              (goto-char expr-start)
-              (delete-char 1)
-              (forward-char body-length)
-              (delete-char 1))))))))
-(defun rjsx-uncomment-region-function (beg end &optional _)
-  (js2-mode-wait-for-parse
-   (lambda ()
-     (goto-char beg)
-     (setq end (copy-marker end))
-     (let (cs ts te ce matched-start)
-       ;; find comment start
-       (while (and (<= (point) end)
-                   (setq matched-start
-                         (and (re-search-forward comment-start-skip end t 1)
-                              (match-string-no-properties 0))))
-         ;; delete comment-start
-         (setq cs (match-beginning 1))
-         (setq ts (match-end 1))
-         (goto-char cs)
-         (delete-region cs ts)
-         ;; delete comment-padding start
-         (when (and comment-padding (looking-at (regexp-quote comment-padding)))
-           (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length comment-padding))))
-         ;; find comment end
-         (when (re-search-forward (if (string-match "//+" matched-start) "\n" "\\*/}?") end t 1)
-           (setq te (or (match-beginning 1) (match-beginning 0)))
-           (setq ce (or (match-end 1) (match-end 0)))
-           (goto-char te)
-           ;; delete commend-end if it's not a newline
-           (unless (string= "\n" (match-string-no-properties 0))
-             (delete-region te ce)
-             ;; delete comment-padding end
-             (when comment-padding
-               (backward-char (length comment-padding))
-               (when (looking-at (regexp-quote comment-padding))
-                 (delete-region (point) (+ (point) (length comment-padding))))))
-           ;; unescape inner comments if any
-           (save-restriction
-             (narrow-to-region cs (point))
-             (comment-quote-nested "{/*" "*/}" t)))))
-     (rjsx-maybe-unwrap-expr beg end)
-     (set-marker end nil))))
-(defun rjsx-comment-quote-nested-function (_ __ unp)
-  (let ((re (concat "\\*\\(\\\\" (if unp "+" "*") "\\)/}?"
-                    "\\|"
-                    "{?/\\(\\\\" (if unp "+" "*") "\\)\\*")))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (while (re-search-forward re (point-max) t 1)
-      (let ((ceme (match-end 1))
-            (csme (match-end 2)))
-        (goto-char (or ceme csme))
-        (if (and unp (>= (length (or (match-string-no-properties 1)
-                                     (match-string-no-properties 2)))
-                         1))
-            (delete-char -1)
-          (insert "\\"))))))
-(defun rjsx-comment-dwim (arg)
-  "RJSX implementation of `comment-dwim'. If called on a region,
-this function delegates to `comment-or-uncomment-region'. If the
-point is not in a JSX context, it delegates to the
-`comment-dwim', otherwise it will comment the JSX AST node at
-point using the apppriate comment delimiters.
-For example: If point is on a JSX attribute or JSX expression, it
-will comment the entire attribute using \"/* */\". , otherwise if
-it's on a descendent JSX Element, it will use \"{/* */}\"
-  (interactive "*P")
-  (js2-mode-wait-for-parse
-   (lambda ()
-     (if (use-region-p)
-         (comment-or-uncomment-region (region-beginning) (region-end) arg)
-       (save-excursion
-         (when (looking-at "[[:space:]]")
-           (forward-whitespace 1))
-         (let ((node (js2-node-at-point)))
-           (cond
-            ;; If inside a regular JS comment node, uncomment the node
-            ((js2-comment-at-point)
-             (uncomment-region (js2-node-abs-pos node) (js2-node-abs-end node)))
-            ;; If looking at a commented JSXAttribute value, forward one char to
-            ;; uncomment the body
-            ((and (looking-at comment-start-skip)
-                  (looking-at "{")
-                  (rjsx-attr-p (js2-node-parent node)))
-             (forward-char 1)
-             (rjsx-comment-dwim arg))
-            ;; If the entire line is a comment, uncomment it
-            ((and (comment-only-p (point) (line-end-position))
-                  (not (looking-at "[[:space:]]*$")))
-             (uncomment-region (point) (line-end-position)))
-            ;; If looking at JSXText, comment the current line
-            ((rjsx-text-p node)
-             (let ((comment-start "{/*")
-                   (comment-end "*/}"))
-               (comment-line 1)))
-            ;; If looking at a JSXAttribute or a JSXSpreadAttribute, comment the
-            ;; entire attribute with C-style comment
-            ((or (rjsx-spread-p node)
-                 (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-spread-p)
-                 (rjsx-attr-p node)
-                 (and (js2-name-node-p node)
-                      (rjsx-identifier-p (js2-node-parent node))
-                      (rjsx-attr-p (js2-node-parent (js2-node-parent node))))
-                 (and (rjsx-identifier-p node)
-                      (rjsx-attr-p (js2-node-parent node)))
-                 (and (js2-string-node-p node)
-                      (rjsx-attr-p (js2-node-parent node))))
-             (let ((node (or (and (rjsx-spread-p node) node)
-                             (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-spread-p)
-                             (and (rjsx-attr-p node) node)
-                             (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-attr-p)))
-                   (comment-start "/*")
-                   (comment-end "*/"))
-               (comment-region
-                (js2-node-abs-pos node)
-                (js2-node-abs-end node) arg)))
-            ;; If looking at a JSXElement or JSXFragment, comment the entire
-            ;; node with JSX comment if it's a child of one of the above,
-            ;; otherwise just comment with C-style comment.
-            ((or (rjsx-node-p node)
-                 (rjsx-closing-tag-p node)
-                 (rjsx-member-p node)
-                 (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-member-p))
-             (let* ((node (or (and (rjsx-node-p node) node)
-                              (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-node-p)))
-                    (parent-node-p (rjsx-node-p (js2-node-parent node)))
-                    (closing (rjsx-node-closing-tag node))
-                    (comment-start (if parent-node-p "{/*" "/*"))
-                    (comment-end (if parent-node-p "*/}" "*/")))
-               (comment-region
-                (js2-node-abs-pos node)
-                (js2-node-abs-end (or closing node)) arg)))
-            ;; If looking at a JSX {expression} or is inside a JSX expression,
-            ;; comment the body with regular C-style comment. If the body is
-            ;; already commented, uncomment it. If on a multi line JSX
-            ;; expression, just comment the line.
-            ((or (rjsx-wrapped-expr-p node)
-                 (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-wrapped-expr-p))
-             (let* ((expr (or (and (rjsx-wrapped-expr-p node) node)
-                              (rjsx-ancestor node 'rjsx-wrapped-expr-p)))
-                    ;; Can only happen as a child of an element or fragment, an
-                    ;; empty JSX expression attribute value will result in an
-                    ;; error node
-                    (expr-empty (js2-empty-expr-node-p (rjsx-wrapped-expr-child expr)))
-                    (body-start (1+ (js2-node-abs-pos expr)))
-                    (body-end (1- (js2-node-abs-end expr)))
-                    (expr-child-of-node (rjsx-node-p (js2-node-parent expr))))
-               ;; If the body is all comment, uncomment it, otherwise if it's
-               ;; empty, wrap it with a JSX comment
-               (if (and expr-child-of-node expr-empty)
-                   (if (or (= (1+ (js2-node-abs-pos expr)) (js2-node-abs-end expr)) ;; {}
-                           (string-blank-p (buffer-substring-no-properties body-start body-end)))
-                       (let ((comment-start "{/*")
-                             (comment-end "*/}"))
-                         (comment-region (js2-node-abs-pos expr) (js2-node-abs-end expr) arg))
-                     (when (comment-only-p body-start body-end)
-                       (uncomment-region body-start body-end arg)))
-                 ;; If in a multi-line JSX expression, comment the line
-                 (if (> (count-lines body-start body-end) 1)
-                     (comment-dwim arg)
-                   ;; Otherwise comment the entire body
-                   (let ((comment-start "/*")
-                         (comment-end "*/"))
-                     (comment-region body-start body-end arg))))))
-            ;; Otherwise just delegate to (comment-dwim)
-            (t (comment-dwim arg)))))))))
-(define-key rjsx-mode-map [remap comment-dwim] 'rjsx-comment-dwim)
-;; Indentation
-(defun rjsx--js--looking-at-operator-p-advice (orig-fun)
-  "Advice for `js--looking-at-operator-p' (ORIG-FUN) to handle JSX properly."
-  (if (memq (get-char-property (point) 'rjsx-class) '(< >))
-      nil
-    (apply orig-fun nil)))
-(advice-add 'js--looking-at-operator-p :around #'rjsx--js--looking-at-operator-p-advice)
-(defvar-local rjsx--indent-region-p nil
-  "t when `indent-region' is running.")
-(defvar-local rjsx--indent-running-offset 0
-  "Running offset to add to the node POS at the beginning of
-every line during `indent-region' so we don't have to reparse
-after indenting every line to update the AST node positions.")
-(defvar-local rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache nil
-  "Cache for JSX nodes' indent levels.
-Used during `indent-region' calls to avoid repeated
-`js2-node-abs-pos' calls.")
-(defun rjsx--node-abs-pos (node)
-  "Caching version of `js2-node-abs-pos' for NODE."
-  (if (null rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache)
-      (js2-node-abs-pos node)
-    (let ((cached (gethash node rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache)))
-      (or cached
-          (setf (gethash node rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache)
-                (js2-node-abs-pos node))))))
-(defsubst rjsx--node-indent-level (node)
-  "Return the indent level for NODE."
-  (save-excursion (goto-char (rjsx--node-abs-pos node)) (current-column)))
-(defsubst rjsx--indent-line-to-offset (node offset)
-  "Indent current line relative to NODE, which must be an `rjsx-node' instance.
-OFFSET indicates the number of spaces to add."
-  (indent-line-to
-   (+ offset (rjsx--node-indent-level node))))
-(defun rjsx-indent-line ()
-  "Similar to `js-jsx-indent-line', but fixes indentation bug
-with JSXElement after a JSX expression and arrow function. In
-addition, the > of a multi-line open tag and the /> of a
-multi-line self-closing tag are aligned to the beginning <. This
-function also ensures everything inside a JSX context is indented
-according to `js-indent-level' using spaces, this is due to the
-limitation of `sgml-indent-line' not being able to indent with
-- https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode/issues/490
-- https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode/issues/482
-- https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode/issues/462
-- https://github.com/mooz/js2-mode/issues/451
-  (unless rjsx--indent-region-p
-    (js2-reparse))
-  (let* ((indent-tabs-mode nil)
-         (cur-pos (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))
-         (cur-char (char-after cur-pos))
-         (node (js2-node-at-point (- cur-pos rjsx--indent-running-offset)))
-         (parent (js2-node-parent node)))
-    (cond
-     ((rjsx-node-p node)
-      (cond
-       ((eq cur-char ?<)
-        (if (rjsx-node-p parent)
-            (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset parent sgml-basic-offset)
-          ;; Top-level node, indent as JS
-          (js-indent-line))
-        (when rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache
-          (setf (gethash node rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache)
-                (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point)))))
-       ((memq cur-char '(?/ ?>))
-        (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset node 0))
-       ((eq cur-char ?\n)
-        (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset node sgml-basic-offset))
-       (t (error "Don't know how to indent %s for JSX node" (make-string 1 cur-char)))))
-     ((and (rjsx-identifier-p parent)
-           (rjsx-member-p (js2-node-parent parent))
-           (rjsx-node-p (js2-node-parent (js2-node-parent parent))))
-      (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset (js2-node-parent (js2-node-parent parent)) 0))
-     ;; JSX children
-     ((rjsx-closing-tag-p node)
-      (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset parent 0))
-     ((rjsx-text-p node)
-      (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset parent sgml-basic-offset))
-     ((rjsx-wrapped-expr-p node)
-      (if (eq cur-char ?})
-          (js-indent-line)
-        (rjsx--indent-line-to-offset parent sgml-basic-offset)))
-     ;; Attribute-like (spreads, attributes, etc.)
-     ;; if first attr is on same line as tag, then align
-     ;; otherwise indent to parent level + sgml-basic-offset
-     ((or (rjsx-identifier-p node)
-          (and (rjsx-identifier-p parent)
-               (rjsx-attr-p (js2-node-parent parent)))
-          (rjsx-spread-p node))
-      (let* ((tag (or (rjsx-ancestor node #'rjsx-node-p)
-                      (error "Did not find containing JSX tag for attributes")))
-             (name (rjsx-node-name tag))
-             column)
-        (save-excursion
-          (goto-char (rjsx--node-abs-pos tag))
-          (setq column (current-column))
-          (when name (forward-char (js2-node-end name)) (skip-chars-forward " \t"))
-          (if (eolp)
-              (setq column (+ column sgml-basic-offset sgml-attribute-offset))
-            (setq column (current-column))))
-        (indent-line-to column)))
-     ;; Everything else indent as javascript
-     (t (js-indent-line)))
-    (when rjsx--indent-region-p
-      (cl-incf rjsx--indent-running-offset
-               (- (save-excursion (back-to-indentation) (point))
-                  cur-pos)))))
-(defun rjsx-indent-region (start end)
-  "Indent the region from START to END as JS/JSX."
-  (js2-reparse)
-  (let ((rjsx--indent-region-p t)
-        (rjsx--indent-running-offset 0)
-        (rjsx--node-abs-pos-cache (make-hash-table)))
-    (js2-indent-region start end)))
-(provide 'rjsx-mode)
-;;; rjsx-mode.el ends here
-;; Local Variables:
-;; outline-regexp: ";;;\\(;* [^
-;; ]\\|###autoload\\)\\|(....."
-;; End:
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.elc b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.elc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d39dc917bc8..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/rjsx-mode-20180823.1645/rjsx-mode.elc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ