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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/lsp-ui-20180913.833/lsp-ui-doc.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/lsp-ui-20180913.833/lsp-ui-doc.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 653 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/lsp-ui-20180913.833/lsp-ui-doc.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/lsp-ui-20180913.833/lsp-ui-doc.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 3668a825fc65..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/lsp-ui-20180913.833/lsp-ui-doc.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,653 +0,0 @@
-;;; lsp-ui-doc.el --- Lsp-Ui-Doc  -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2017 Sebastien Chapuis
-;; Author: Sebastien Chapuis <sebastien@chapu.is>
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-lsp/lsp-ui
-;; Keywords: lsp, ui
-;;; License
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your option)
-;; any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
-;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
-;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Show documentation of the symbol at point in a child frame
-;;; Code:
-(require 'lsp-mode)
-(require 'dash)
-(require 'dash-functional)
-(require 'markdown-mode)
-(defgroup lsp-ui-doc nil
-  "Display informations of the current line."
-  :group 'tools
-  :group 'convenience
-  :group 'lsp-ui
-  :link '(custom-manual "(lsp-ui-doc) Top")
-  :link '(info-link "(lsp-ui-doc) Customizing"))
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-enable t
-  "Whether or not to enable lsp-ui-doc."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'lsp-ui)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-header nil
-  "Whether or not to enable the header which display the symbol string."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-include-signature nil
-  "Whether or not to include the object signature/type in the frame."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-position 'top
-  "Where to display the doc."
-  :type '(choice (const :tag "Top" top)
-                 (const :tag "Bottom" bottom)
-                 (const :tag "At point" at-point))
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-border "white"
-  "Border color of the frame."
-  :type 'color
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-max-width 150
-  "Maximum number of columns of the frame."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-max-height 30
-  "Maximum number of lines in the frame."
-  :type 'integer
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defcustom lsp-ui-doc-use-childframe t
-  "Whether to display documentation in a child-frame or the current frame.
-Child frames requires GNU/Emacs version >= 26 and graphical frames."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defface lsp-ui-doc-background
-  '((((background light)) :background "#b3b3b3")
-    (t :background "#272A36"))
-  "Background color of the documentation.
-Only the `background' is used in this face."
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defface lsp-ui-doc-header
-  '((t :foreground "black"
-       :background "deep sky blue"))
-  "Face used on the header."
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defface lsp-ui-doc-url
-  '((t :inherit link))
-  "Face used on links."
-  :group 'lsp-ui-doc)
-(defvar lsp-ui-doc-frame-parameters
-  '((left . -1)
-    (no-accept-focus . t)
-    (no-focus-on-map . t)
-    (min-width  . 0)
-    (width  . 0)
-    (min-height  . 0)
-    (height  . 0)
-    (internal-border-width . 1)
-    (vertical-scroll-bars . nil)
-    (horizontal-scroll-bars . nil)
-    (right-fringe . 0)
-    (menu-bar-lines . 0)
-    (tool-bar-lines . 0)
-    (line-spacing . 0)
-    (unsplittable . t)
-    (undecorated . t)
-    (top . -1)
-    (visibility . nil)
-    (mouse-wheel-frame . nil)
-    (no-other-frame . t)
-    (cursor-type . nil)
-    (inhibit-double-buffering . t)
-    (drag-internal-border . t)
-    (no-special-glyphs . t)
-    (desktop-dont-save . t))
-  "Frame parameters used to create the frame.")
-(defvar lsp-ui-doc-render-function nil
-  "Function called to format the documentation.
-The function takes a string as parameter and should return a string.
-If this variable is nil (the default), the documentation will be rendered
-as markdown.")
-(defvar lsp-ui-doc-custom-markup-modes
-  '((rust-mode "no_run" "rust,no_run" "rust,ignore" "rust,should_panic"))
-  "Mode to uses with markdown code blocks.
-They are added to `markdown-code-lang-modes'")
-(defvar lsp-ui-doc-frame-hook nil
-  "Hooks run on child-frame creation.
-The functions receive 2 parameters: the frame and its window.")
-(defvar-local lsp-ui-doc--bounds nil)
-(defvar-local lsp-ui-doc--string-eldoc nil)
-(declare-function lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer 'lsp-ui-sideline)
-;; Avoid warning with emacs < 26
-(declare-function display-buffer-in-child-frame "window.el")
-(defvar-local lsp-ui-doc--parent-vars nil
-  "Variables from the parents frame that we want to access in the child.
-Because some variables are buffer local.")
-(defvar-local lsp-ui-doc--inline-ov nil
-  "Overlay used to display the documentation in the buffer.")
-(defmacro lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer (&rest body)
-  "Execute BODY in the lsp-ui-doc buffer."
-  `(let ((parent-vars (list :buffer (current-buffer)
-                            :window (get-buffer-window)
-                            :workspace-root (when lsp--cur-workspace
-                                              (lsp--workspace-root lsp--cur-workspace)))))
-     (with-current-buffer (get-buffer-create (lsp-ui-doc--make-buffer-name))
-       (setq lsp-ui-doc--parent-vars parent-vars)
-       (prog1 (let ((buffer-read-only nil))
-                ,@body)
-         (setq buffer-read-only t)))))
-(defmacro lsp-ui-doc--get-parent (var)
-  "Return VAR in `lsp-ui-doc--parent-vars'."
-  `(plist-get lsp-ui-doc--parent-vars ,var))
-(defmacro lsp-ui-doc--set-frame (frame)
-  "Set the frame parameter ‘lsp-ui-doc-frame’ to FRAME."
-  `(set-frame-parameter nil 'lsp-ui-doc-frame ,frame))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--get-frame (&optional include-deleted-frame)
-  "Return the child frame."
-  (let ((frame (frame-parameter nil 'lsp-ui-doc-frame)))
-    (and (frame-live-p frame) frame)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--make-buffer-name ()
-  "Construct the buffer name, it should be unique for each frame."
-  (concat " *lsp-ui-doc-"
-          (or (frame-parameter nil 'window-id)
-              (frame-parameter nil 'name))
-          "*"))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--set-eldoc (marked-string)
-  (when marked-string
-    (let ((string (lsp-ui-doc--extract-marked-string marked-string)))
-      (setq lsp-ui-doc--string-eldoc string))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--eldoc (&rest _)
-  (when (and (lsp--capability "documentHighlightProvider")
-             lsp-highlight-symbol-at-point)
-    (lsp-symbol-highlight))
-  lsp-ui-doc--string-eldoc)
-;; ‘markdown-fontify-code-block-default-mode’ isn’t yet available in
-;; Markdown 2.3.
-(defvar markdown-fontify-code-block-default-mode)
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--setup-markdown (mode)
-  "Setup the ‘markdown-mode’ in the frame.
-MODE is the mode used in the parent frame."
-  (make-local-variable 'markdown-code-lang-modes)
-  (dolist (mark (alist-get mode lsp-ui-doc-custom-markup-modes))
-    (add-to-list 'markdown-code-lang-modes (cons mark mode)))
-  (setq-local markdown-fontify-code-blocks-natively t)
-  (setq-local markdown-fontify-code-block-default-mode mode)
-  (setq-local markdown-hide-markup t))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--extract-marked-string (marked-string)
-  "Render the MARKED-STRING."
-  (string-trim-right
-   (let* ((string (if (stringp marked-string)
-                      marked-string
-                    (gethash "value" marked-string)))
-          (with-lang (hash-table-p marked-string))
-          (language (and with-lang (gethash "language" marked-string)))
-          (render-fn (if with-lang (lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer language)
-                       (and (functionp lsp-ui-doc-render-function)
-                            lsp-ui-doc-render-function)))
-          (mode major-mode))
-     (if render-fn
-         (funcall render-fn string)
-       (with-temp-buffer
-         (insert string)
-         (delay-mode-hooks
-           (let ((inhibit-message t))
-             (funcall (cond ((and with-lang (string= "text" language)) 'text-mode)
-                            ((fboundp 'gfm-view-mode) 'gfm-view-mode)
-                            (t 'markdown-mode))))
-           (when (derived-mode-p 'markdown-mode)
-             (lsp-ui-doc--setup-markdown mode))
-           (ignore-errors
-             (font-lock-ensure)))
-         (buffer-string))))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--filter-marked-string (list-marked-string)
-  (let ((groups (--separate (and (hash-table-p it)
-                                 (lsp-ui-sideline--get-renderer (gethash "language" it)))
-                            list-marked-string)))
-    (lsp-ui-doc--set-eldoc (caar groups))
-    (if lsp-ui-doc-include-signature
-        list-marked-string
-      (cadr groups))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--extract (contents)
-  "Extract the documentation from CONTENTS.
-CONTENTS can be differents type of values:
-MarkedString | MarkedString[] | MarkupContent (as defined in the LSP).
-We don't extract the string that `lps-line' is already displaying."
-  (when contents
-    (cond
-     ((stringp contents) contents)
-     ((sequencep contents) ;; MarkedString[]
-      (mapconcat 'lsp-ui-doc--extract-marked-string
-                 (lsp-ui-doc--filter-marked-string contents)
-                 "\n\n"
-                 ;; (propertize "\n\n" 'face '(:height 0.4))
-                 ))
-     ((gethash "kind" contents) (gethash "value" contents)) ;; MarkupContent
-     ((gethash "language" contents) ;; MarkedString
-      (lsp-ui-doc--extract-marked-string contents)))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--make-request ()
-  "Request the documentation to the LS."
-  (when (and (bound-and-true-p lsp--cur-workspace)
-             (not (bound-and-true-p lsp-ui-peek-mode))
-             (lsp--capability "hoverProvider"))
-    (if (symbol-at-point)
-        (let ((bounds (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)))
-          (unless (equal lsp-ui-doc--bounds bounds)
-            (lsp--send-request-async (lsp--make-request "textDocument/hover"
-                                                        (lsp--text-document-position-params))
-                                     (lambda (hover)
-                                       (lsp-ui-doc--callback hover bounds (current-buffer))
-                                       ))))
-      (setq lsp-ui-doc--string-eldoc nil)
-      (lsp-ui-doc--hide-frame))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--callback (hover bounds buffer)
-  "Process the received documentation.
-HOVER is the doc returned by the LS.
-BOUNDS are points of the symbol that have been requested.
-BUFFER is the buffer where the request has been made."
-  (if (and hover
-           (lsp--point-is-within-bounds-p (car bounds) (cdr bounds))
-           (equal buffer (current-buffer)))
-      (let ((doc (lsp-ui-doc--extract (gethash "contents" hover))))
-        (setq lsp-ui-doc--bounds bounds)
-        (lsp-ui-doc--display (thing-at-point 'symbol t) doc))
-    (setq lsp-ui-doc--string-eldoc nil)
-    (lsp-ui-doc--hide-frame)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--hide-frame ()
-  "Hide the frame."
-  (setq lsp-ui-doc--bounds nil)
-  (when (overlayp lsp-ui-doc--inline-ov)
-    (delete-overlay lsp-ui-doc--inline-ov))
-  (when (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame)
-    (lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer
-     (erase-buffer))
-    (make-frame-invisible (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--buffer-width ()
-  "Calcul the max width of the buffer."
-  (lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer
-   (save-excursion
-     (let ((max 0))
-       (goto-char (point-min))
-       (while (not (eobp))
-         (let* ((len (- (line-end-position) (line-beginning-position))))
-           (when (> len max)
-             (setq max len)))
-         (forward-line 1))
-       max))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--line-height (&optional line)
-  "Return the pos-y of the LINE on screen, in pixel."
-  (nth 2 (or (window-line-height line)
-             (and (redisplay t)
-                  (window-line-height line)))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--sideline-pos-y ()
-  (-> (when (bound-and-true-p lsp-ui-sideline--occupied-lines)
-        (-min lsp-ui-sideline--occupied-lines))
-      (line-number-at-pos)
-      (lsp-ui-doc--line-height)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--resize-buffer ()
-  "If the buffer's width is larger than the current frame, resize it."
-  (let* ((frame-width (frame-width))
-         (fill-column (min lsp-ui-doc-max-width (- frame-width 5))))
-    (when (> (lsp-ui-doc--buffer-width) (min lsp-ui-doc-max-width frame-width))
-      (lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer
-       (fill-region (point-min) (point-max))))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--next-to-side-window-p nil
-  "Return non-nil if the window on the left is a side window."
-  (let* ((win (window-at 0 0))
-         (left (window-left (selected-window))))
-    (and (not (eq win (selected-window)))
-         (or (not left) (eq win left))
-         (eq (window-parameter win 'window-side) 'left))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--mv-at-point (frame height start-x start-y)
-  "Move the FRAME at point.
-HEIGHT is the child frame height.
-START-X is the position x of the current window.
-START-Y is the position y of the current window."
-  (-let* (((x . y) (--> (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'symbol)
-                        (nth 2 (posn-at-point (car it)))))
-          (mode-line-y (lsp-ui-doc--line-height 'mode-line))
-          (char-height (frame-char-height))
-          (y (or (and (> y (/ mode-line-y 2))
-                      (<= (- mode-line-y y) (+ char-height height))
-                      (> (- y height) 0)
-                      (- y height))
-                 (+ y char-height))))
-    (set-frame-position frame (+ x start-x) (+ y start-y))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--move-frame (frame)
-  "Place our FRAME on screen."
-  (lsp-ui-doc--resize-buffer)
-  (-let* (((left top _right _bottom) (window-edges nil nil nil t))
-          (window (frame-root-window frame))
-          ((width . height) (window-text-pixel-size window nil nil 10000 10000 t))
-          (width (+ width (* (frame-char-width frame) 1))) ;; margins
-          (char-h (frame-char-height))
-          (height (min (- (* lsp-ui-doc-max-height char-h) (/ char-h 2)) height))
-          (frame-resize-pixelwise t))
-    (set-frame-size frame width height t)
-    (if (eq lsp-ui-doc-position 'at-point)
-        (lsp-ui-doc--mv-at-point frame height left top)
-      (set-frame-position frame
-                          (if (and (>= left (+ width 10 (frame-char-width)))
-                                   (not (lsp-ui-doc--next-to-side-window-p)))
-                              10
-                            (- (frame-pixel-width) width 10 (frame-char-width)))
-                          (pcase lsp-ui-doc-position
-                            ('top (+ top 10))
-                            ('bottom (- (lsp-ui-doc--line-height 'mode-line)
-                                        height
-                                        10)))))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--visit-file (filename)
-  "Visit FILENAME in the parent frame."
-  (-some->> (find-file-noselect filename)
-            (set-window-buffer (lsp-ui-doc--get-parent :window))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--put-click (bounds fn)
-  "Add text properties on text to make it clickable.
-The text delimiters are BOUNDS.
-FN is the function to call on click."
-  (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
-    (define-key map [down-mouse-1] fn)
-    (put-text-property (car bounds) (cdr bounds) 'keymap map)
-    (put-text-property (car bounds) (cdr bounds) 'mouse-face
-                       (list :inherit 'lsp-ui-doc-url
-                             :box (list :line-width -1
-                                        :color (face-foreground 'lsp-ui-doc-url))))
-    (add-face-text-property (car bounds) (cdr bounds) 'lsp-ui-doc-url)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--make-clickable-link ()
-  "Find paths and urls in the buffer and make them clickable."
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (save-excursion
-    (while (not (eobp))
-      ;;; TODO:
-      ;;;  Search path in the whole buffer.
-      ;;;  For now, it searches only on beginning of lines.
-      (-when-let* ((filename (thing-at-point 'filename))
-                   (path (if (file-readable-p filename) filename
-                           (let ((full (concat (lsp-ui-doc--get-parent :workspace-root)
-                                               filename)))
-                             (and (file-readable-p full)
-                                  full)))))
-        (lsp-ui-doc--put-click (or (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'filename)
-                                   (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'url))
-                               (lambda () (interactive)
-                                 (lsp-ui-doc--visit-file path))))
-      (forward-line 1))
-    (goto-char (point-min))
-    (condition-case nil
-        (while (search-forward-regexp "http[s]?://")
-          (lsp-ui-doc--put-click (or (thing-at-point-bounds-of-url-at-point)
-                                     (bounds-of-thing-at-point 'filename))
-                                 'browse-url-at-mouse))
-      (search-failed nil))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--render-buffer (string symbol)
-  "Set the buffer with STRING."
-  (lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer
-   (erase-buffer)
-   (let ((inline-p (lsp-ui-doc--inline-p)))
-     (insert (concat (unless inline-p (propertize "\n" 'face '(:height 0.2)))
-                     (-> (replace-regexp-in-string "`\\([\n]+\\)" "" string)
-                         (string-trim-right))
-                     (unless inline-p (propertize "\n\n" 'face '(:height 0.3))))))
-   (lsp-ui-doc--make-clickable-link)
-   (setq-local face-remapping-alist `((header-line lsp-ui-doc-header)))
-   (setq-local window-min-height 1)
-   (setq header-line-format (when lsp-ui-doc-header (concat " " symbol))
-         mode-line-format nil
-         cursor-type nil)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-height ()
-  (lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer
-   (length (split-string (buffer-string) "\n"))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--remove-invisibles (string)
-  "Remove invisible characters in STRING."
-  (let* ((start (text-property-not-all 0 (length string) 'invisible nil string)))
-    (while start
-      (setq string (concat (substring string 0 start)
-                           (-some->> (next-single-property-change start 'invisible string)
-                                     (substring string))))
-      (setq start (text-property-not-all 0 (length string) 'invisible nil string)))
-    string))
-(defvar-local lsp-ui-doc--inline-width nil)
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-window-width nil
-  (- (min (window-text-width)
-          (window-body-width))
-     (if (bound-and-true-p display-line-numbers-mode)
-         (+ 2 (line-number-display-width))
-       0)
-     1))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-zip (s1 s2)
-  (let* ((width (lsp-ui-doc--inline-window-width))
-         (max-s1 (- width lsp-ui-doc--inline-width 2)))
-    (truncate-string-to-width
-     (concat (truncate-string-to-width s1 max-s1 nil ?\s) s2)
-     width nil ?\s)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-padding (string len)
-  (let ((string (concat " " string (make-string (- len (string-width string)) ?\s) " ")))
-    (add-face-text-property 0 (length string) (list :background (face-background 'lsp-ui-doc-background nil t)) t string)
-    string))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-faking-frame (doc-strings)
-  (let* ((len-max (-max-by '> (-map 'string-width doc-strings))))
-    (setq lsp-ui-doc--inline-width len-max)
-    (--map (lsp-ui-doc--inline-padding it len-max) doc-strings)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-untab (string)
-  (replace-regexp-in-string "\t" (make-string tab-width ?\s) string nil t))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-merge (strings)
-  (let* ((buffer-strings (-> (lsp-ui-doc--inline-untab strings)
-                             (lsp-ui-doc--remove-invisibles)
-                             (split-string "\n")))
-         (doc-strings (-> (lsp-ui-doc--with-buffer (buffer-string))
-                          (lsp-ui-doc--inline-untab)
-                          (lsp-ui-doc--remove-invisibles)
-                          (split-string "\n")))
-         (merged (--> (lsp-ui-doc--inline-faking-frame doc-strings)
-                      (-zip-with 'lsp-ui-doc--inline-zip buffer-strings it)
-                      (string-join it "\n")
-                      (concat it "\n"))))
-    (add-face-text-property 0 (length merged) 'default t merged)
-    merged))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at (start lines)
-  "Calcul the position at START + forward n LINES."
-  (save-excursion (goto-char start)
-                  (forward-line lines)
-                  (point)))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos (height)
-  "Return a cons of positions where to place the doc.
-HEIGHT is the documentation number of lines."
-  (let* ((w-start (window-start))
-         (w-end (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at w-start (window-body-height)))
-         (ov-end (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at w-start height)))
-    (cond
-     ;; Display on top ?
-     ((< (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at ov-end 1) (point))
-      (cons w-start ov-end))
-     ;; Display at the bottom ?
-     ((>= (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at w-end (- height))
-          (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at (point) 2))
-      (cons (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at w-end (- height))
-            w-end))
-     ;; The doc is too long to display it fixed to the bottom ?
-     ;; Then display 2 lines after `point'
-     ;; The end of the documentation won't be visible in the window
-     (t (cons (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at (point) 2)
-              (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos-at (point) (+ height 2)))))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline ()
-  "Display the doc in the buffer."
-  (-let* ((height (lsp-ui-doc--inline-height))
-          ((start . end) (lsp-ui-doc--inline-pos height))
-          (buffer-string (buffer-substring start end))
-          (ov (if (overlayp lsp-ui-doc--inline-ov) lsp-ui-doc--inline-ov
-                (setq lsp-ui-doc--inline-ov (make-overlay start end)))))
-    (move-overlay ov start end)
-    (overlay-put ov 'display (lsp-ui-doc--inline-merge buffer-string))
-    (overlay-put ov 'lsp-ui-doc-inline t)
-    (overlay-put ov 'window (selected-window))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--inline-p ()
-  "Return non-nil when the documentation should be display without a child frame."
-  (or (not lsp-ui-doc-use-childframe)
-      (not (display-graphic-p))
-      (not (fboundp 'display-buffer-in-child-frame))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--display (symbol string)
-  "Display the documentation."
-  (if (or (null string) (string-empty-p string))
-      (lsp-ui-doc--hide-frame)
-    (lsp-ui-doc--render-buffer string symbol)
-    (if (lsp-ui-doc--inline-p)
-        (lsp-ui-doc--inline)
-      (unless (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame)
-        (lsp-ui-doc--set-frame (lsp-ui-doc--make-frame)))
-      (lsp-ui-doc--move-frame (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame))
-      (unless (frame-visible-p (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame))
-        (make-frame-visible (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame))))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--make-frame ()
-  "Create the child frame and return it."
-  (lsp-ui-doc--delete-frame)
-  (let* ((after-make-frame-functions nil)
-         (before-make-frame-hook nil)
-         (name-buffer (lsp-ui-doc--make-buffer-name))
-         (buffer (get-buffer name-buffer))
-         (params (append lsp-ui-doc-frame-parameters
-                         `((default-minibuffer-frame . ,(selected-frame))
-                           (minibuffer . ,(minibuffer-window))
-                           (left-fringe . ,(frame-char-width))
-                           (background-color . ,(face-background 'lsp-ui-doc-background nil t)))))
-         (window (display-buffer-in-child-frame
-                  buffer
-                  `((child-frame-parameters . ,params))))
-         (frame (window-frame window)))
-    (set-frame-parameter nil 'lsp-ui-doc-buffer buffer)
-    (set-window-dedicated-p window t)
-    (redirect-frame-focus frame (frame-parent frame))
-    (set-face-background 'internal-border lsp-ui-doc-border frame)
-    (run-hook-with-args 'lsp-ui-doc-frame-hook frame window)
-    frame))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--delete-frame ()
-  "Delete the child frame if it exists."
-  (-when-let (frame (lsp-ui-doc--get-frame))
-    (delete-frame frame)
-    (lsp-ui-doc--set-frame nil)))
-(defadvice select-window (after lsp-ui-doc--select-window activate)
-  "Delete the child frame if window changes."
-  (unless (equal (ad-get-arg 0) (selected-window))
-    (lsp-ui-doc--hide-frame)))
-(advice-add 'load-theme :before (lambda (&rest _) (lsp-ui-doc--delete-frame)))
-(add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook #'lsp-ui-doc--hide-frame)
-(defun lsp-ui-doc-enable-eldoc ()
-  (setq-local eldoc-documentation-function 'lsp-ui-doc--eldoc))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc--on-delete (frame)
-  "Function called when a FRAME is deleted."
-  (-some--> (frame-parameter frame 'lsp-ui-doc-buffer)
-            (get-buffer it)
-            (and (buffer-live-p it) it)
-            (kill-buffer it)))
-(define-minor-mode lsp-ui-doc-mode
-  "Minor mode for showing hover information in child frame."
-  :init-value nil
-  :group lsp-ui-doc
-  (cond
-   (lsp-ui-doc-mode
-    (progn
-      (with-eval-after-load 'frameset
-        ;; The documentation frame can’t be properly restored.  Especially
-        ;; ‘desktop-save’ will misbehave and save a bogus string "Unprintable
-        ;; entity" in the desktop file.  Therefore we have to prevent
-        ;; ‘frameset-save’ from saving the parameter.
-        (unless (assq 'lsp-ui-doc-frame frameset-filter-alist)
-          ;; Copy the variable first.  See the documentation of
-          ;; ‘frameset-filter-alist’ for explanation.
-          (cl-callf copy-tree frameset-filter-alist)
-          (push '(lsp-ui-doc-frame . :never) frameset-filter-alist)))
-      (add-hook 'lsp-after-open-hook 'lsp-ui-doc-enable-eldoc nil t)
-      (add-hook 'post-command-hook 'lsp-ui-doc--make-request nil t)
-      (add-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'lsp-ui-doc--on-delete nil t)))
-   (t
-    (remove-hook 'delete-frame-functions 'lsp-ui-doc--on-delete t)
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook 'lsp-ui-doc--make-request t)
-    (remove-hook 'lsp-after-open-hook 'lsp-ui-doc-enable-eldoc t)
-    (setq-local eldoc-documentation-function 'lsp--on-hover))))
-(defun lsp-ui-doc-enable (enable)
-  "Enable/disable ‘lsp-ui-doc-mode’.
-It is supposed to be called from `lsp-ui--toggle'"
-  (lsp-ui-doc-mode (if enable 1 -1)))
-(provide 'lsp-ui-doc)
-;;; lsp-ui-doc.el ends here