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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-align-imports.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-align-imports.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 231 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-align-imports.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-align-imports.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 694ee259295b..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/haskell-mode-20180913.348/haskell-align-imports.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,231 +0,0 @@
-;;; haskell-align-imports.el --- Align the import lines in a Haskell file -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2010  Chris Done
-;; Author: Chris Done <chrisdone@gmail.com>
-;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
-;; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or
-;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
-;; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
-;; the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
-;; useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
-;; PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
-;; License along with this program.  If not, see
-;; <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Consider the following imports list:
-;; import One
-;; import Two as A
-;; import qualified Three
-;; import qualified Four as PRELUDE
-;; import Five (A)
-;; import Six (A,B)
-;; import qualified Seven (A,B)
-;; import "abc" Eight
-;; import "abc" Nine as TWO
-;; import qualified "abc" Ten
-;; import qualified "defg" Eleven as PRELUDE
-;; import "barmu" Twelve (A)
-;; import "zotconpop" Thirteen (A,B)
-;; import qualified "z" Fourteen (A,B)
-;; import Fifteen hiding (A)
-;; import Sixteen as TWO hiding (A)
-;; import qualified Seventeen hiding (A)
-;; import qualified Eighteen as PRELUDE hiding (A)
-;; import "abc" Nineteen hiding (A)
-;; import "abc" Twenty as TWO hiding (A)
-;; When haskell-align-imports is run within the same buffer, the
-;; import list is transformed to:
-;; import "abc"            Eight
-;; import qualified        Eighteen as PRELUDE hiding (A)
-;; import qualified "defg" Eleven as PRELUDE
-;; import                  Fifteen hiding (A)
-;; import                  Five (A)
-;; import qualified        Four as PRELUDE
-;; import qualified "z"    Fourteen  (A,B)
-;; import "abc"            Nine as TWO
-;; import "abc"            Nineteen hiding (A)
-;; import                  One
-;; import qualified        Seven (A,B)
-;; import qualified        Seventeen hiding (A)
-;; import                  Six (A,B)
-;; import                  Sixteen as TWO hiding (A)
-;; import qualified "abc"  Ten
-;; import "zotconpop"      Thirteen (A,B)
-;; import qualified        Three
-;; import "barmu"          Twelve (A)
-;; import "abc"            Twenty as TWO hiding (A)
-;; import                  Two as A
-;; If you want everything after module names to be padded out, too,
-;; customize `haskell-align-imports-pad-after-name', and you'll get:
-;; import                  One
-;; import                  Two       as A
-;; import qualified        Three
-;; import qualified        Four      as PRELUDE
-;; import                  Five      (A)
-;; import                  Six       (A,B)
-;; import qualified        Seven     (A,B)
-;; import "abc"            Eight
-;; import "abc"            Nine      as TWO
-;; import qualified "abc"  Ten
-;; import qualified "defg" Eleven    as PRELUDE
-;; import "barmu"          Twelve    (A)
-;; import "zotconpop"      Thirteen  (A,B)
-;; import qualified "z"    Fourteen  (A,B)
-;; import                  Fifteen   hiding (A)
-;; import                  Sixteen   as TWO hiding (A)
-;; import qualified        Seventeen hiding (A)
-;; import qualified        Eighteen  as PRELUDE hiding (A)
-;; import "abc"            Nineteen  hiding (A)
-;; import "abc"            Twenty    as TWO hiding (A)
-;;; Code:
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(defvar haskell-align-imports-regexp
-  (concat "^\\(import[ ]+\\)"
-          "\\(qualified \\)?"
-          "[ ]*\\(\"[^\"]*\" \\)?"
-          "[ ]*\\([A-Za-z0-9_.']+\\)"
-          "[ ]*\\([ ]*as [A-Z][^ ]*\\)?"
-          "[ ]*\\((.*)\\)?"
-          "\\([ ]*hiding (.*)\\)?"
-          "\\( -- .*\\)?[ ]*$")
-  "Regex used for matching components of an import.")
-(defcustom haskell-align-imports-pad-after-name
-  nil
-  "Pad layout after the module name also."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'haskell-interactive)
-(defun haskell-align-imports ()
-  "Align all the imports in the buffer."
-  (interactive)
-  (when (haskell-align-imports-line-match)
-    (save-excursion
-      (goto-char (point-min))
-      (let* ((imports (haskell-align-imports-collect))
-             (padding (haskell-align-imports-padding imports)))
-        (mapc (lambda (x)
-                (goto-char (cdr x))
-                (delete-region (point) (line-end-position))
-                (insert (haskell-align-imports-chomp
-                         (haskell-align-imports-fill padding (car x)))))
-              imports))))
-  nil)
-(defun haskell-align-imports-line-match ()
-  "Try to match the current line as a regexp."
-  (let ((line (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
-                                              (line-end-position))))
-    (if (string-match "^import " line)
-        line
-      nil)))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-collect ()
-  "Collect a list of mark / import statement pairs."
-  (let ((imports '()))
-    (while (not (or (equal (point) (point-max)) (haskell-align-imports-after-imports-p)))
-      (let ((line (haskell-align-imports-line-match-it)))
-        (when line
-          (let ((match
-                 (haskell-align-imports-merge-parts
-                  (cl-loop for i from 1 to 8
-                           collect (haskell-align-imports-chomp (match-string i line))))))
-            (setq imports (cons (cons match (line-beginning-position))
-                                imports)))))
-      (forward-line))
-    imports))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-merge-parts (l)
-  "Merge together parts of an import statement that shouldn't be separated."
-  (let ((parts (apply #'vector l))
-        (join (lambda (ls)
-                (cl-reduce (lambda (a b)
-                             (concat a
-                                     (if (and (> (length a) 0)
-                                              (> (length b) 0))
-                                         " "
-                                       "")
-                                     b))
-                           ls))))
-    (if haskell-align-imports-pad-after-name
-        (list (funcall join (list (aref parts 0)
-                                  (aref parts 1)
-                                  (aref parts 2)))
-              (aref parts 3)
-              (funcall join (list (aref parts 4)
-                                  (aref parts 5)
-                                  (aref parts 6)))
-              (aref parts 7))
-      (list (funcall join (list (aref parts 0)
-                                (aref parts 1)
-                                (aref parts 2)))
-            (funcall join (list (aref parts 3)
-                                (aref parts 4)
-                                (aref parts 5)
-                                (aref parts 6)
-                                (aref parts 7)))))))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-chomp (str)
-  "Chomp leading and tailing whitespace from STR."
-  (if str
-      (replace-regexp-in-string "\\(^[[:space:]\n]*\\|[[:space:]\n]*$\\)" ""
-                                str)
-    ""))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-padding (imports)
-  "Find the padding for each part of the import statements."
-  (if (null imports)
-      imports
-    (cl-reduce (lambda (a b) (cl-mapcar #'max a b))
-               (mapcar (lambda (x) (mapcar #'length (car x)))
-                       imports))))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-fill (padding line)
-  "Fill an import line using the padding worked out from all statements."
-  (mapconcat #'identity
-             (cl-mapcar (lambda (pad part)
-                          (if (> (length part) 0)
-                              (concat part (make-string (- pad (length part)) ? ))
-                            (make-string pad ? )))
-                        padding
-                        line)
-             " "))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-line-match-it ()
-  "Try to match the current line as a regexp."
-  (let ((line (buffer-substring-no-properties (line-beginning-position)
-                                              (line-end-position))))
-    (if (string-match haskell-align-imports-regexp line)
-        line
-      nil)))
-(defun haskell-align-imports-after-imports-p ()
-  "Are we after the imports list?"
-  (save-excursion
-    (goto-char (line-beginning-position))
-    (let ((case-fold-search nil))
-      (not (not (search-forward-regexp "\\( = \\|\\<instance\\>\\| :: \\| ∷ \\)"
-                                       (line-end-position) t 1))))))
-(provide 'haskell-align-imports)
-;;; haskell-align-imports.el ends here