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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/general-20180901.1552/general-autoloads.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/general-20180901.1552/general-autoloads.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 368 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/general-20180901.1552/general-autoloads.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/general-20180901.1552/general-autoloads.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 29f7278e3574..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/general-20180901.1552/general-autoloads.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,368 +0,0 @@
-;;; general-autoloads.el --- automatically extracted autoloads
-;;; Code:
-(add-to-list 'load-path (directory-file-name (or (file-name-directory #$) (car load-path))))
-;;;### (autoloads nil "general" "general.el" (23450 31866 790784
-;;;;;;  537000))
-;;; Generated autoloads from general.el
-(autoload 'general-define-key "general" "\
-The primary key definition function provided by general.el.
-Define MAPS, optionally using DEFINER, in the keymap(s) corresponding to STATES
-MAPS consists of paired keys (vectors or strings; also see
-`general-implicit-kbd') and definitions (those mentioned in `define-key''s
-docstring and general.el's \"extended\" definitions). All pairs (when not
-ignored) will be recorded and can be later displayed with
-If DEFINER is specified, a custom key definer will be used to bind MAPS. See
-general.el's documentation/README for more information.
-Unlike with normal key definitions functions, the keymaps in KEYMAPS should be
-quoted (this allows using the keymap name for other purposes, e.g. deferring
-keybindings if the keymap symbol is not bound, optionally inferring the
-corresponding major mode for a symbol by removing \"-map\" for :which-key,
-easily storing the keymap name for use with `general-describe-keybindings',
-etc.). Note that general.el provides other key definer macros that do not
-require quoting keymaps.
-STATES corresponds to the evil state(s) to bind the keys in. Non-evil users
-should not set STATES. When STATES is non-nil, `evil-define-key*' will be
-used (the evil auxiliary keymaps corresponding STATES and KEYMAPS will be used);
-otherwise `define-key' will be used (unless DEFINER is specified). KEYMAPS
-defaults to 'global. There is also 'local, which create buffer-local
-keybindings for both evil and non-evil keybindings. There are other special,
-user-alterable \"shorthand\" symbols for keymaps and states (see
-`general-keymap-aliases' and `general-state-aliases').
-Note that STATES and KEYMAPS can either be lists or single symbols. If any
-keymap does not exist, those keybindings will be deferred until the keymap does
-exist, so using `eval-after-load' is not necessary with this function.
-PREFIX corresponds to a key to prefix keys in MAPS with and defaults to none. To
-bind/unbind a key specified with PREFIX, \"\" can be specified as a key in
-MAPS (e.g. ...:prefix \"SPC\" \"\" nil... will unbind space).
-The keywords in this paragraph are only useful for evil users. If
-NON-NORMAL-PREFIX is specified, this prefix will be used instead of PREFIX for
-states in `general-non-normal-states' (e.g. the emacs and insert states). This
-argument will only have an effect if one of these states is in STATES or if
-corresponding global keymap (e.g. `evil-insert-state-map') is in KEYMAPS.
-Alternatively, GLOBAL-PREFIX can be used with PREFIX and/or NON-NORMAL-PREFIX to
-bind keys in all states under the specified prefix. Like with NON-NORMAL-PREFIX,
-GLOBAL-PREFIX will prevent PREFIX from applying to `general-non-normal-states'.
-INFIX can be used to append a string to all of the specified prefixes. This is
-potentially useful when you are using GLOBAL-PREFIX and/or NON-NORMAL-PREFIX so
-that you can sandwich keys in between all the prefixes and the specified keys in
-MAPS. This may be particularly useful if you are using default prefixes in a
-wrapper function/macro so that you can add to them without needing to re-specify
-all of them. If none of the other prefix keyword arguments are specified, INFIX
-will have no effect.
-If PREFIX-COMMAND or PREFIX-MAP is specified, a prefix command and/or keymap
-will be created. PREFIX-NAME can be additionally specified to set the keymap
-menu name/prompt. If PREFIX-COMMAND is specified, `define-prefix-command' will
-be used. Otherwise, only a prefix keymap will be created. Previously created
-prefix commands/keymaps will never be redefined/cleared. All prefixes (including
-the INFIX key, if specified) will then be bound to PREFIX-COMMAND or PREFIX-MAP.
-If the user did not specify any PREFIX or manually specify any KEYMAPS, general
-will bind all MAPS in the prefix keymap corresponding to either PREFIX-MAP or
-PREFIX-COMMAND instead of in the default keymap.
-PREDICATE corresponds to a predicate to check to determine whether a definition
-should be active (e.g. \":predicate '(eobp)\"). Definitions created with a
-predicate will only be active when the predicate is true. When the predicate is
-false, key lookup will continue to search for a match in lower-precedence
-In addition to the normal definitions supported by `define-key', general.el also
-provides \"extended\" definitions, which are plists containing the normal
-definition as well as other keywords. For example, PREDICATE can be specified
-globally or locally in an extended definition. New global (~general-define-key~)
-and local (extended definition) keywords can be added by the user. See
-`general-extended-def-keywords' and general.el's documentation/README for more
-PACKAGE is the global version of the extended definition keyword that specifies
-the package a keymap is defined in (used for \"autoloading\" keymaps)
-PROPERTIES, REPEAT, and JUMP are the global versions of the extended definition
-keywords used for adding evil command properties to commands.
-corresponding global versions of which-key extended definition keywords. They
-will only have an effect for extended definitions that specify :which-key or
-:wk. See the section on extended definitions in the general.el
-documentation/README for more information.
-LISPY-PLIST and WORF-PLIST are the global versions of extended definition
-keywords that are used for each corresponding custom DEFINER.
-\(fn &rest MAPS &key DEFINER (STATES general-default-states) (KEYMAPS general-default-keymaps KEYMAPS-SPECIFIED-P) (PREFIX general-default-prefix) (NON-NORMAL-PREFIX general-default-non-normal-prefix) (GLOBAL-PREFIX general-default-global-prefix) INFIX PREFIX-COMMAND PREFIX-MAP PREFIX-NAME PREDICATE PACKAGE PROPERTIES REPEAT JUMP MAJOR-MODES (WK-MATCH-KEYS t) (WK-MATCH-BINDING t) (WK-FULL-KEYS t) LISPY-PLIST WORF-PLIST &allow-other-keys)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'general-emacs-define-key "general" "\
-A wrapper for `general-define-key' that is similar to `define-key'.
-It has a positional argument for KEYMAPS (that will not be overridden by a later
-:keymaps argument). Besides this, it acts the same as `general-define-key', and
-ARGS can contain keyword arguments in addition to keybindings. This can
-basically act as a drop-in replacement for `define-key', and unlike with
-`general-define-key', KEYMAPS does not need to be quoted.
-\(fn KEYMAPS &rest ARGS)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-emacs-define-key 'lisp-indent-function '1)
-(autoload 'general-evil-define-key "general" "\
-A wrapper for `general-define-key' that is similar to `evil-define-key'.
-It has positional arguments for STATES and KEYMAPS (that will not be overridden
-by a later :keymaps or :states argument). Besides this, it acts the same as
-`general-define-key', and ARGS can contain keyword arguments in addition to
-keybindings. This can basically act as a drop-in replacement for
-`evil-define-key', and unlike with `general-define-key', KEYMAPS does not need
-to be quoted.
-\(fn STATES KEYMAPS &rest ARGS)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-evil-define-key 'lisp-indent-function '2)
-(autoload 'general-def "general" "\
-General definer that takes a variable number of positional arguments in ARGS.
-This macro will act as `general-define-key', `general-emacs-define-key', or
-`general-evil-define-key' based on how many of the initial arguments do not
-correspond to keybindings. All quoted and non-quoted lists and symbols before
-the first string, vector, or keyword are considered to be positional arguments.
-This means that you cannot use a function or variable for a key that starts
-immediately after the positional arguments. If you need to do this, you should
-use one of the definers that `general-def' dispatches to or explicitly separate
-the positional arguments from the maps with a bogus keyword pair like
-\":start-maps t\"
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-def 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-create-definer "general" "\
-A helper macro to create wrappers for `general-def'.
-This can be used to create key definers that will use a certain keymap, evil
-state, prefix key, etc. by default. NAME is the wrapper name and DEFAULTS are
-the default arguments. WRAPPING can also be optionally specified to use a
-different definer than `general-def'. It should not be quoted.
-\(fn NAME &rest DEFAULTS &key WRAPPING &allow-other-keys)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-create-definer 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-defs "general" "\
-A wrapper that splits into multiple `general-def's.
-Each consecutive grouping of positional argument followed by keyword/argument
-pairs (having only one or the other is fine) marks the start of a new section.
-Each section corresponds to one use of `general-def'. This means that settings
-only apply to the keybindings that directly follow.
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-defs 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-unbind "general" "\
-A wrapper for `general-def' to unbind multiple keys simultaneously.
-Insert after all keys in ARGS before passing ARGS to `general-def.' \":with
- #'func\" can optionally specified to use a custom function instead (e.g.
- `ignore').
-\(fn &rest ARGS)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-unbind 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-describe-keybindings "general" "\
-Show all keys that have been bound with general in an org buffer.
-Any local keybindings will be shown first followed by global keybindings.
-With a non-nil prefix ARG only show bindings in active maps.
-\(fn &optional ARG)" t nil)
-(autoload 'general-key "general" "\
-Act as KEY's definition in the current context.
-This uses an extended menu item's capability of dynamically computing a
-definition. It is recommended over `general-simulate-key' wherever possible. KEY
-should be a string given in `kbd' notation and should correspond to a single
-definition (as opposed to a sequence of commands). When STATE is specified, look
-up KEY with STATE as the current evil state. When specified, DOCSTRING will be
-the menu item's name/description. ACCEPT-DEFAULT, NO-REMAP, and POSITION are
-passed to `key-binding'.
-(autoload 'general-simulate-keys "general" "\
-Deprecated. Please use `general-simulate-key' instead.
-\(fn KEYS &optional STATE KEYMAP (LOOKUP t) DOCSTRING NAME)" nil t)
-(autoload 'general-simulate-key "general" "\
-Create and return a command that simulates KEYS in STATE and KEYMAP.
-KEYS should be a string given in `kbd' notation. It can also be a list of a
-single command followed by a string of the key(s) to simulate after calling that
-command. STATE should only be specified by evil users and should be a quoted
-evil state. KEYMAP should not be quoted. Both STATE and KEYMAP aliases are
-supported (but they have to be set when the macro is expanded). When neither
-STATE or KEYMAP are specified, the key(s) will be simulated in the current
-If NAME is specified, it will replace the automatically generated function name.
-NAME should not be quoted. If DOCSTRING is specified, it will replace the
-automatically generated docstring.
-Normally the generated function will look up KEY in the correct context to try
-to match a command. To prevent this lookup, LOOKUP can be specified as nil.
-Generally, you will want to keep LOOKUP non-nil because this will allow checking
-the evil repeat property of matched commands to determine whether or not they
-should be recorded. See the docstring for `general--simulate-keys' for more
-information about LOOKUP.
-When a WHICH-KEY description is specified, it will replace the command name in
-the which-key popup.
-When a command name is specified and that command has been remapped (i.e. [remap
-command] is currently bound), the remapped version will be used instead of the
-original command unless REMAP is specified as nil (it is true by default).
-The advantages of this over a keyboard macro are as follows:
-- Prefix arguments are supported
-- The user can control the context in which the keys are simulated
-- The user can simulate both a named command and keys
-- The user can simulate an incomplete key sequence (e.g. for a keymap)
-(function-put 'general-simulate-key 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-key-dispatch "general" "\
-Create and return a command that runs FALLBACK-COMMAND or a command in MAPS.
-MAPS consists of <key> <command> pairs. If a key in MAPS is matched, the
-corresponding command will be run. Otherwise FALLBACK-COMMAND will be run with
-the unmatched keys. So, for example, if \"ab\" was pressed, and \"ab\" is not
-one of the key sequences from MAPS, the FALLBACK-COMMAND will be run followed by
-the simulated keypresses of \"ab\". Prefix arguments will still work regardless
-of which command is run. This is useful for binding under non-prefix keys. For
-example, this can be used to redefine a sequence like \"cw\" or \"cow\" in evil
-but still have \"c\" work as `evil-change'. If TIMEOUT is specified,
-FALLBACK-COMMAND will also be run in the case that the user does not press the
-next key within the TIMEOUT (e.g. 0.5).
-NAME and DOCSTRING are optional keyword arguments. They can be used to replace
-the automatically generated name and docstring for the created function. By
-default, `cl-gensym' is used to prevent name clashes (e.g. allows the user to
-create multiple different commands using `self-insert-command' as the
-FALLBACK-COMMAND without explicitly specifying NAME to manually prevent
-When INHERIT-KEYMAP is specified, all the keybindings from that keymap will be
-inherited in MAPS.
-When a WHICH-KEY description is specified, it will replace the command name in
-the which-key popup.
-When command to be executed has been remapped (i.e. [remap command] is currently
-bound), the remapped version will be used instead of the original command unless
-REMAP is specified as nil (it is true by default).
-(function-put 'general-key-dispatch 'lisp-indent-function '1)
-(autoload 'general-predicate-dispatch "general" "\
-\(fn FALLBACK-DEF &rest DEFS &key DOCSTRING &allow-other-keys)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-predicate-dispatch 'lisp-indent-function '1)
-(autoload 'general-translate-key "general" "\
-Translate keys in the keymap(s) corresponding to STATES and KEYMAPS.
-STATES should be the name of an evil state, a list of states, or nil. KEYMAPS
-should be a symbol corresponding to the keymap to make the translations in or a
-list of keymap names. Keymap and state aliases are supported (as well as 'local
-and 'global for KEYMAPS). MAPS corresponds to a list of translations (key
-replacement pairs). For example, specifying \"a\" \"b\" will bind \"a\" to
-\"b\"'s definition in the keymap. If DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, the keymap will be
-destructively altered without creating a backup. If DESTRUCTIVE is nil, a backup
-of the keymap will be stored on the initial invocation, and future invocations
-will always look up keys in the backup keymap. On the other hand, if DESTRUCTIVE
-is non-nil, calling this function multiple times with \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\",
-for example, would continue to swap and unswap the definitions of these keys.
-This means that when DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, all related swaps/cycles should be
-done in the same invocation.
-\(fn STATES KEYMAPS &rest MAPS &key DESTRUCTIVE &allow-other-keys)" nil nil)
-(function-put 'general-translate-key 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-swap-key "general" "\
-Wrapper around `general-translate-key' for swapping keys.
-STATES, KEYMAPS, and ARGS are passed to `general-translate-key'. ARGS should
-consist of key swaps (e.g. \"a\" \"b\" is equivalent to \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\"
-with `general-translate-key') and optionally keyword arguments for
-\(fn STATES KEYMAPS &rest ARGS)" nil t)
-(function-put 'general-swap-key 'lisp-indent-function 'defun)
-(autoload 'general-auto-unbind-keys "general" "\
-Advise `define-key' to automatically unbind keys when necessary.
-This will prevent errors when a sub-sequence of a key is already bound (e.g. the
-user attempts to bind \"SPC a\" when \"SPC\" is bound, resulting in a \"Key
-sequnce starts with non-prefix key\" error). When UNDO is non-nil, remove
-\(fn &optional UNDO)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'general-add-hook "general" "\
-A drop-in replacement for `add-hook'.
-Unlike `add-hook', HOOKS and FUNCTIONS can be single items or lists. APPEND and
-LOCAL are passed directly to `add-hook'.
-\(fn HOOKS FUNCTIONS &optional APPEND LOCAL)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'general-remove-hook "general" "\
-A drop-in replacement for `remove-hook'.
-Unlike `remove-hook', HOOKS and FUNCTIONS can be single items or lists. LOCAL is
-passed directly to `remove-hook'.
-\(fn HOOKS FUNCTIONS &optional LOCAL)" nil nil)
-(autoload 'general-advice-add "general" "\
-A drop-in replacement for `advice-add'.
-SYMBOLS, WHERE, FUNCTIONS, and PROPS correspond to the arguments for
-`advice-add'. Unlike `advice-add', SYMBOLS and FUNCTIONS can be single items or
-\(fn SYMBOLS WHERE FUNCTIONS &optional PROPS)" nil nil)
- (autoload 'general-add-advice "general")
-(autoload 'general-advice-remove "general" "\
-A drop-in replacement for `advice-remove'.
-Unlike `advice-remove', SYMBOLS and FUNCTIONS can be single items or lists.
-\(fn SYMBOLS FUNCTIONS)" nil nil)
- (autoload 'general-remove-advice "general")
-(autoload 'general-evil-setup "general" "\
-Set up some basic equivalents for vim mapping functions.
-This creates global key definition functions for the evil states.
-Specifying SHORT-NAMES as non-nil will create non-prefixed function
-aliases such as `nmap' for `general-nmap'.
-\(fn &optional SHORT-NAMES _)" nil nil)
-;; Local Variables:
-;; version-control: never
-;; no-byte-compile: t
-;; no-update-autoloads: t
-;; End:
-;;; general-autoloads.el ends here