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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection.el
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 531 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection.el
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index 327ef0c0a04b..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-;;; evil-collection.el --- A set of keybindings for Evil mode -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2017 James Nguyen
-;; Author: James Nguyen <james@jojojames.com>
-;; Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
-;; Maintainer: James Nguyen <james@jojojames.com>
-;; Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection
-;; Version: 0.0.2
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "25.1") (cl-lib "0.5") (evil "1.2.13"))
-;; Keywords: evil, tools
-;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; A set of keybindings for Evil mode.
-;; If you want to use Evil in the minibuffer, you'll have to enable it by
-;; setting `evil-collection-setup-minibuffer' to t before loading this package.
-;; This is so because many users find it confusing.
-;; Some minibuffer-related packages such as Helm rely on this option.
-;;; Code:
-(eval-when-compile (require 'subr-x))
-(require 'cl-lib)
-(require 'evil)
-(defvar evil-want-integration)
-(defvar evil-want-keybinding)
-(if (featurep 'evil-keybindings)
-    (if evil-want-keybinding
-        (display-warning
-         '(evil-collection)
-         "Make sure to set `evil-want-keybinding' to nil before loading evil \
-or evil-collection.\
-See https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/60 for more details.")
-      (display-warning
-       '(evil-collection)
-       "`evil-want-keybinding' was set to nil but not before loading evil.\
-Make sure to set `evil-want-keybinding' to nil before loading evil \
-or evil-collection.\
-See https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/60 for more details.")))
-(unless (featurep 'evil-integration)
-  (message "Requiring evil-integration. Set evil-want-integration to t to\
- remove this message.\
-See https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection/issues/60 for more details.")
-  (require 'evil-integration))
-;; Compatibility
-  (with-no-warnings
-    (if (version< emacs-version "26")
-        (progn
-          (defalias 'evil-collection-if-let* #'if-let)
-          (defalias 'evil-collection-when-let* #'when-let)
-          (function-put #'evil-collection-if-let* 'lisp-indent-function 2)
-          (function-put #'evil-collection-when-let* 'lisp-indent-function 1))
-      (defalias 'evil-collection-if-let* #'if-let*)
-      (defalias 'evil-collection-when-let* #'when-let*))))
-;; Compatibility
-(declare-function org-table-align "org-table.el" nil)
-(defgroup evil-collection nil
-  "A set of keybindings for Evil mode"
-  :group 'evil)
-(defcustom evil-collection-setup-minibuffer nil
-  "Whether to setup Evil bindings in the minibuffer."
-  :type 'boolean
-  :group 'evil-collection)
-(defcustom evil-collection-mode-list
-  `(ace-jump-mode
-    ag
-    alchemist
-    anaconda-mode
-    arc-mode
-    avy
-    bookmark
-    (buff-menu "buff-menu")
-    calc
-    calendar
-    cider
-    cmake-mode
-    comint
-    company
-    compile
-    custom
-    cus-theme
-    daemons
-    deadgrep
-    debbugs
-    debug
-    diff-mode
-    dired
-    doc-view
-    edebug
-    ediff
-    eglot
-    elfeed
-    elisp-mode
-    elisp-refs
-    emms
-    epa
-    ert
-    eshell
-    eval-sexp-fu
-    evil-mc
-    eww
-    flycheck
-    flymake
-    free-keys
-    geiser
-    ggtags
-    git-timemachine
-    go-mode
-    grep
-    help
-    guix
-    helm
-    ibuffer
-    image
-    image-dired
-    image+
-    imenu-list
-    indium
-    info
-    ivy
-    js2-mode
-    log-view
-    lsp-ui-imenu
-    lua-mode
-    kotlin-mode
-    macrostep
-    man
-    magit
-    magit-todos
-    ,@(when evil-collection-setup-minibuffer '(minibuffer))
-    mu4e
-    mu4e-conversation
-    neotree
-    notmuch
-    nov
-    ;; occur is in replace.el which was built-in before Emacs 26.
-    (occur ,(if (<= emacs-major-version 25) "replace" 'replace))
-    outline
-    p4
-    (package-menu package)
-    paren
-    pass
-    (pdf pdf-view)
-    popup
-    proced
-    prodigy
-    profiler
-    python
-    quickrun
-    racer
-    realgud
-    reftex
-    rjsx-mode
-    robe
-    ruby-mode
-    rtags
-    simple
-    slime
-    (term term ansi-term multi-term)
-    tide
-    transmission
-    typescript-mode
-    vc-annotate
-    vc-dir
-    vc-git
-    vdiff
-    view
-    vlf
-    which-key
-    wdired
-    wgrep
-    woman
-    xref
-    youtube-dl
-    (ztree ztree-diff))
-  "The list of modes which will be evilified by `evil-collection-init'.
-Elements are either target mode symbols or lists which `car' is the
-mode symbol and `cdr' the packages to register.
-By default, `minibuffer' is not included because many users find
-this confusing. It will be included if
-`evil-collection-setup-minibuffer' is set to t."
-  :type '(repeat (choice symbol sexp))
-  :group 'evil-collection)
-(defcustom evil-collection-key-whitelist '()
-  "List of keys that may be used by Evil Collection.
-This is a list of strings that are suitable for input to
-`kbd'.  If there are no keys in the list, the whitelist will be ignored."
-  :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'evil-collection)
-(defcustom evil-collection-key-blacklist '()
-  "List of keys that may not be used by Evil Collection.
-This is a list of strings that are suitable for input to `kbd'."
-  :type '(repeat string)
-  :group 'evil-collection)
-(defvar evil-collection--bindings-record (make-hash-table :test 'eq)
-  "Record of bindings currently made by Evil Collection. This is
-a hash-table with the package symbol as a key.  The associated
-values are the package's bindings which are stored as a list of
-the form ((STATE KEY BINDING)).")
-(defvar evil-collection-setup-hook nil
-  "Hook run by `evil-collection-init' for each mode that is evilified.
-This hook runs after all setup (including keybindings) for a mode has already
-taken place. The arguments passed to functions for this hook are the name of the
-mode and a list of keymap names (i.e. symbols, not actual keymaps) customized by
-Evil Collection for that mode. More arguments may be added in the future, so
-functions added to this hook should include a \"&rest _rest\" for forward
-(defvar evil-collection-describe-buffer "*evil-collection*"
-  "Name for Evil Collection buffer used to describe bindings.")
-(defun evil-collection-define-key (state map-sym &rest bindings)
-  "Wrapper for `evil-define-key*' with additional features.
-Unlike `evil-define-key*' MAP-SYM should be a quoted keymap other
-than the unquoted keymap required for `evil-define-key*'.  This
-function adds the ability to filter keys on the basis of
-`evil-collection-key-whitelist' and
-`evil-collection-key-blacklist'. It also stores bindings in
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (let* ((whitelist (mapcar 'kbd evil-collection-key-whitelist))
-         (blacklist (mapcar 'kbd evil-collection-key-blacklist))
-         (record (gethash map-sym evil-collection--bindings-record))
-         filtered-bindings)
-    (while bindings
-      (let ((key (pop bindings))
-            (def (pop bindings)))
-        (when (or (and whitelist (member key whitelist))
-                  (not (member key blacklist)))
-          (if (consp state)
-              (dolist (st state)
-                (push (list (if st st 'all) (key-description key) def)
-                      record))
-            (push (list (if state state 'all) (key-description key) def)
-                  record))
-          (push key filtered-bindings)
-          (push def filtered-bindings))))
-    (puthash map-sym record evil-collection--bindings-record)
-    (setq filtered-bindings (nreverse filtered-bindings))
-    (cond ((null filtered-bindings))
-          ((and (boundp map-sym) (keymapp (symbol-value map-sym)))
-           (apply #'evil-define-key*
-                  state (symbol-value map-sym) filtered-bindings))
-          ((boundp map-sym)
-           (user-error "evil-collection: %s is not a keymap" map-sym))
-          (t
-           (let* ((fname (format "evil-collection-define-key-in-%s" map-sym))
-                  (fun (make-symbol fname)))
-             (fset fun `(lambda (&rest args)
-                          (when (and (boundp ',map-sym) (keymapp ,map-sym))
-                            (remove-hook 'after-load-functions #',fun)
-                            (apply #'evil-define-key*
-                                   ',state ,map-sym ',filtered-bindings))))
-             (add-hook 'after-load-functions fun t))))))
-(defun evil-collection-inhibit-insert-state (map-sym)
-  "Unmap insertion keys from normal state.
-This is particularly useful for read-only modes."
-  (evil-collection-define-key 'normal map-sym
-    [remap evil-append] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-append-line] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-insert] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-insert-line] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-change] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-change-line] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-substitute] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-change-whole-line] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-delete] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-delete-line] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-delete-char] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-delete-backward-char] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-replace] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-replace-state] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-open-below] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-open-above] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-paste-after] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-paste-before] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-join] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-indent] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-shift-left] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-shift-right] #'ignore
-    [remap evil-invert-char] #'ignore))
-(defun evil-collection--binding-lessp (a b)
-  "Comparison function used to sort bindings of the form (state key def)."
-  (let ((a-state (symbol-name (nth 0 a)))
-        (b-state (symbol-name (nth 0 b)))
-        (a-key (nth 1 a))
-        (b-key (nth 1 b)))
-    (if (not (string= a-state b-state))
-        (string-lessp a-state b-state)
-      (string-lessp a-key b-key))))
-(defun evil-collection-describe-bindings (&optional arg)
-  "Print bindings made by Evil Collection to separate buffer.
-With non-nil ARG, restrict to bindings corresponding to active
-modes in the current buffer."
-  (interactive "P")
-  (let ((orig-buf (current-buffer))
-        (desc-buf (get-buffer-create evil-collection-describe-buffer)))
-    (switch-to-buffer-other-window desc-buf)
-    (with-current-buffer desc-buf
-      (erase-buffer)
-      (org-mode)
-      (dolist (keymap
-               (sort (hash-table-keys evil-collection--bindings-record)
-                     (lambda (a b)
-                       (string-lessp (symbol-name a)
-                                     (symbol-name b)))))
-        (when (or (null arg)
-                  (with-current-buffer orig-buf
-                    (and (boundp keymap)
-                         (memq (symbol-value keymap) (current-active-maps)))))
-          (insert "\n\n* " (symbol-name keymap) "\n")
-          (insert "
-| State | Key | Definition |
-          (cl-loop
-           for (state key def) in
-           (sort (copy-sequence
-                  (gethash keymap evil-collection--bindings-record))
-                 #'evil-collection--binding-lessp)
-           do
-           (when (and def (not (eq def 'ignore)))
-             (insert (format "| %s | %s | %s |\n"
-                             state
-                             (replace-regexp-in-string "|" "¦" key)
-                             (cond ((symbolp def) def)
-                                   ((functionp def) "(lambda ...)")
-                                   ((consp def)
-                                    (format "(%s ...)" (car def)))
-                                   (t "??"))))))
-          (org-table-align)))
-      (goto-char (point-min)))))
-(defun evil-collection--translate-key (state keymap-symbol
-                                             translations
-                                             destructive)
-  "Helper function for `evil-collection-translate-key'.
-In the keymap corresponding to STATE and KEYMAP-SYMBOL, make the key
-TRANSLATIONS. When DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, make the TRANSLATIONS destructively
-without creating/referencing a backup keymap."
-  (let* ((backup-keymap-symbol (intern (format "evil-collection-%s%s-backup-map"
-                                               keymap-symbol
-                                               (if state
-                                                   (format "-%s-state" state)
-                                                 ""))))
-         (keymap (symbol-value keymap-symbol))
-         (lookup-keymap (if (and (not destructive)
-                                 (boundp backup-keymap-symbol))
-                            (symbol-value backup-keymap-symbol)
-                          (copy-keymap
-                           (if state
-                               (evil-get-auxiliary-keymap keymap state t t)
-                             keymap))))
-         (maps (cl-loop for (key replacement) on translations by 'cddr
-                        ;; :destructive can be in TRANSLATIONS
-                        unless (keywordp key)
-                        collect key
-                        and collect (when replacement
-                                      (lookup-key lookup-keymap replacement)))))
-    (unless (or destructive
-                (boundp backup-keymap-symbol))
-      (set backup-keymap-symbol lookup-keymap))
-    (apply #'evil-define-key* state keymap maps)))
-(cl-defun evil-collection-translate-key (states keymaps
-                                                &rest translations
-                                                &key destructive
-                                                &allow-other-keys)
-  "Translate keys in the keymap(s) corresponding to STATES and KEYMAPS.
-STATES should be the name of an evil state, a list of states, or nil. KEYMAPS
-should be a symbol corresponding to the keymap to make the translations in or a
-list of keymap symbols. Like `evil-define-key', when a keymap does not exist,
-the keybindings will be deferred until the keymap is defined, so
-`with-eval-after-load' is not neccessary. TRANSLATIONS corresponds to a list of
-key replacement pairs. For example, specifying \"a\" \"b\" will bind \"a\" to
-\"b\"'s definition in the keymap. Specifying nil as a replacement will unbind a
-key. If DESTRUCTIVE is nil, a backup of the keymap will be stored on the initial
-invocation, and future invocations will always look up keys in the backup
-keymap. When no TRANSLATIONS are given, this function will only create the
-backup keymap without making any translations. On the other hand, if DESTRUCTIVE
-is non-nil, the keymap will be destructively altered without creating a backup.
-For example, calling this function multiple times with \"a\" \"b\" \"b\" \"a\"
-would continue to swap and unswap the definitions of these keys. This means that
-when DESTRUCTIVE is non-nil, all related swaps/cycles should be done in the same
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (unless (listp keymaps)
-    (setq keymaps (list keymaps)))
-  (unless (and (listp states)
-               (not (null states)))
-    (setq states (list states)))
-  (dolist (keymap-symbol keymaps)
-    (dolist (state states)
-      (evil-delay `(and (boundp ',keymap-symbol)
-                        (keymapp ,keymap-symbol))
-          `(evil-collection--translate-key ',state ',keymap-symbol
-                                           ',translations ,destructive)
-        'after-load-functions t nil
-        (symbol-name (cl-gensym (format "evil-collection-translate-key-in-%s"
-                                        keymap-symbol)))))))
-(defmacro evil-collection-swap-key (states keymaps &rest args)
-  "Wrapper around `evil-collection-translate-key' for swapping keys.
-STATES, KEYMAPS, and ARGS are passed to `evil-collection-translate-key'. ARGS
-should consist of key swaps (e.g. \"a\" \"b\" is equivalent to \"a\" \"b\" \"b\"
-\"a\" with `evil-collection-translate-key') and optionally keyword arguments for
-  (declare (indent defun))
-  (setq args (cl-loop for (key replacement) on args by 'cddr
-                      collect key and collect replacement
-                      and unless (keywordp key)
-                      collect replacement and collect key))
-  `(evil-collection-translate-key ,states ,keymaps ,@args))
-(defun evil-collection-init (&optional modes)
-  "Register the Evil bindings for all modes in `evil-collection-mode-list'.
-Alternatively, you may register select bindings manually, for
-  (with-eval-after-load 'calendar
-    (require 'evil-collection-calendar)
-    (evil-collection-calendar-setup))
-If MODES is specified (as either one mode or a list of modes), use those modes
-instead of the modes in `evil-collection-mode-list'."
-  (interactive)
-  (if modes
-      (or (listp modes) (setq modes (list modes)))
-    (setq modes evil-collection-mode-list))
-  (dolist (mode modes)
-    (let ((m mode)
-          (reqs (list mode)))
-      (when (listp mode)
-        (setq m (car mode)
-              reqs (cdr mode)))
-      (dolist (req reqs)
-        (with-eval-after-load req
-          (require (intern (concat "evil-collection-" (symbol-name m))))
-          (funcall (intern (concat "evil-collection-" (symbol-name m)
-                                   "-setup")))
-          (let ((mode-keymaps
-                 (ignore-errors
-                   (symbol-value
-                    (intern (format "evil-collection-%s-maps" m))))))
-            (run-hook-with-args 'evil-collection-setup-hook
-                                m mode-keymaps)))))))
-(defvar evil-collection-delete-operators '(evil-delete
-                                           evil-cp-delete
-                                           evil-sp-delete
-                                           lispyville-delete)
-  "List of delete operators.")
-(defvar evil-collection-yank-operators '(evil-yank
-                                         evil-cp-yank
-                                         evil-sp-yank
-                                         lispyville-yank)
-  "List of yank operators.")
-;;* Search
-(defun evil-collection-evil-search-enabled ()
-  (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search))
-(defvar evil-collection-evil-search-forward
-  '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _)
-                               (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search)
-                                   #'evil-ex-search-forward
-                                 #'evil-search-forward))))
-(defvar evil-collection-evil-search-backward
-  '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _)
-                               (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search)
-                                   #'evil-ex-search-backward
-                                 #'evil-search-backward))))
-(defvar evil-collection-evil-search-next
-  '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _)
-                               (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search)
-                                   #'evil-ex-search-next
-                                 #'evil-search-next))))
-(defvar evil-collection-evil-search-previous
-  '(menu-item "" nil :filter (lambda (&optional _)
-                               (if (eq evil-search-module 'evil-search)
-                                   #'evil-ex-search-previous
-                                 #'evil-search-previous))))
-(provide 'evil-collection)
-;;; evil-collection.el ends here