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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection-mu4e.el
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Diffstat (limited to 'configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection-mu4e.el')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 337 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection-mu4e.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection-mu4e.el
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ea594dcbbac..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-collection-20180913.209/evil-collection-mu4e.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,337 +0,0 @@
-;;; evil-collection-mu4e.el --- Evil bindings for mu4e -*- lexical-binding: t -*-
-;; Copyright (C) 2015-2018 Joris Engbers
-;; Copyright (C) 2018 Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
-;; Author: Joris Engbers <info@jorisengbers.nl>
-;; Maintainer: James Nguyen <james@jojojames.com>
-;; Pierre Neidhardt <mail@ambrevar.xyz>
-;; URL: https://github.com/emacs-evil/evil-collection
-;; Version: 0.0.9
-;; Package-Requires: ((emacs "24.4") (evil "1.2.10"))
-;; Keywords: evil, mu4e, tools
-;; This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published
-;; by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3, or (at your
-;; option) any later version.
-;; This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; For a full copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-;;; Commentary:
-;; Evil keybindings for mu4e that make sense for Evil users.  The following
-;; keybindings are defined:
-;; General commands:
-;; | Commmand                 | evil-mu4e | Alternative |
-;; |--------------------------+-----------+-------------|
-;; | Jump to maildir          | J         |             |
-;; | Update                   | u         |             |
-;; | Compose message          | cc        | C           |
-;; | Kill update mail process | x         |             |
-;; Commands for header-mode and view-mode:
-;; | Command                         | evil-mu4e | Alternative |
-;; |---------------------------------+-----------+-------------|
-;; | Next message                    | C-j       |             |
-;; | Previous message                | C-k       |             |
-;; | Mark the current thread as read | T         |             |
-;; | Compose message                 | cc        | C           |
-;; | Compose edit**                  | ce        | E           |
-;; | Compose forward**               | cf        | F           |
-;; | Compose reply                   | cr        | R           |
-;; | Change sorting***               | o         | O           |
-;; | Rerun search                    | gr        |             |
-;; | Toggle include related          | zr        |             |
-;; | Toggle threading                | zt        |             |
-;; | Toggle hide cited               | za        |             |
-;; | Skip duplicates                 | zd        |             |
-;; | Show log                        | gl        |             |
-;; | Select other view               | gv        |             |
-;; | Save attachement(s)             | p         | P           |
-;; | Save url                        | yu        |             |
-;; | Go to url                       | gx        |             |
-;; | Fetch url                       | gX        |             |
-;;  - * denotes only in header-mode
-;;  - ** denotes Alternative only in header-mode
-;;  - *** denotes Alternative only in view-mode
-;;; Code:
-(require 'evil-collection)
-(require 'mu4e nil t)
-(declare-function mu4e~main-action-str "mu4e-main")
-(declare-function mu4e~main-view-queue "mu4e-main")
-(defvar smtpmail-send-queued-mail)
-(defvar smtpmail-queue-dir)
-(defconst evil-collection-mu4e-maps '(mu4e-main-mode-map
-                                      mu4e-headers-mode-map
-                                      mu4e-view-mode-map
-                                      mu4e-compose-mode-map))
-(defun evil-collection-mu4e-set-state ()
-  "Set the appropriate initial state of all mu4e modes."
-  (dolist (mode '(mu4e-main-mode
-                  mu4e-headers-mode
-                  mu4e-view-mode
-                  mu4e-org-mode))
-    (evil-set-initial-state mode 'normal))
-  (evil-set-initial-state 'mu4e-compose-mode 'insert))
-;;; Define bindings
-;; TODO: Inhibit insert-state functions as per Evil Collection.
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-mode-map-bindings
-  `((mu4e-main-mode-map
-     "J" mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir
-     "j" next-line
-     "k" previous-line
-     "u" mu4e-update-mail-and-index
-     "gr" revert-buffer
-     "b" mu4e-headers-search-bookmark
-     "B" mu4e-headers-search-bookmark-edit
-     "N" mu4e-news
-     ";" mu4e-context-switch
-     "H" mu4e-display-manual
-     "C" mu4e-compose-new
-     "cc" mu4e-compose-new
-     "x" mu4e-kill-update-mail
-     "A" mu4e-about
-     "f" smtpmail-send-queued-mail
-     "m" mu4e~main-toggle-mail-sending-mode
-     "s" mu4e-headers-search
-     "q" mu4e-quit)
-    (mu4e-headers-mode-map
-     "q" mu4e~headers-quit-buffer
-     "J" mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir
-     "C" mu4e-compose-new
-     "E" mu4e-compose-edit
-     "F" mu4e-compose-forward
-     "R" mu4e-compose-reply
-     "cc" mu4e-compose-new
-     "ce" mu4e-compose-edit
-     "cf" mu4e-compose-forward
-     "cr" mu4e-compose-reply
-     "o" mu4e-headers-change-sorting
-     "j" mu4e-headers-next
-     "k" mu4e-headers-prev
-     "gr" mu4e-headers-rerun-search
-     "b" mu4e-headers-search-bookmark
-     "B" mu4e-headers-search-bookmark-edit
-     ";" mu4e-context-switch
-     ,(kbd "RET") mu4e-headers-view-message
-     "/" mu4e-headers-search-narrow
-     "s" mu4e-headers-search
-     "S" mu4e-headers-search-edit
-     "x" mu4e-mark-execute-all
-     "a" mu4e-headers-action
-     "*" mu4e-headers-mark-for-something ; TODO: Don't override evil-seach-word-forward?
-     "&" mu4e-headers-mark-custom
-     "A" mu4e-headers-mark-for-action
-     "m" mu4e-headers-mark-for-move
-     "r" mu4e-headers-mark-for-refile
-     "D" mu4e-headers-mark-for-delete
-     "d" mu4e-headers-mark-for-trash
-     "=" mu4e-headers-mark-for-untrash
-     "u" mu4e-headers-mark-for-unmark
-     "U" mu4e-mark-unmark-all
-     "?" mu4e-headers-mark-for-unread
-     "!" mu4e-headers-mark-for-read
-     "%" mu4e-headers-mark-pattern
-     "+" mu4e-headers-mark-for-flag
-     "-" mu4e-headers-mark-for-unflag
-     "[" mu4e-headers-prev-unread
-     "]" mu4e-headers-next-unread
-     "gk" mu4e-headers-prev-unread
-     "gj" mu4e-headers-next-unread
-     "\C-j" mu4e-headers-next
-     "\C-k" mu4e-headers-prev
-     "zr" mu4e-headers-toggle-include-related
-     "zt" mu4e-headers-toggle-threading
-     "zd" mu4e-headers-toggle-skip-duplicates
-     "gl" mu4e-show-log
-     "gv" mu4e-select-other-view
-     "T" (lambda ()
-           (interactive)
-           (mu4e-headers-mark-thread nil '(read))))
-    (mu4e-compose-mode-map
-     "gg" mu4e-compose-goto-top
-     "G" mu4e-compose-goto-bottom)
-    (mu4e-view-mode-map
-     " " mu4e-view-scroll-up-or-next
-     [tab] shr-next-link
-     [backtab] shr-previous-link
-     "q" mu4e~view-quit-buffer
-     "gx" mu4e-view-go-to-url
-     "gX" mu4e-view-fetch-url
-     "C" mu4e-compose-new
-     "H" mu4e-view-toggle-html
-     ;; "E"               mu4e-compose-edit
-     ;; "F"               mu4e-compose-forward
-     "R" mu4e-compose-reply
-     "cc" mu4e-compose-new
-     "ce" mu4e-compose-edit
-     "cf" mu4e-compose-forward
-     "cr" mu4e-compose-reply
-     "p" mu4e-view-save-attachment
-     "P" mu4e-view-save-attachment-multi ; Since mu4e 1.0, -multi is same as normal.
-     "O" mu4e-headers-change-sorting
-     "o" mu4e-view-open-attachment
-     "A" mu4e-view-attachment-action
-     "a" mu4e-view-action
-     "J" mu4e~headers-jump-to-maildir
-     "[" mu4e-view-headers-prev-unread
-     "]" mu4e-view-headers-next-unread
-     "gk" mu4e-view-headers-prev-unread
-     "gj" mu4e-view-headers-next-unread
-     "\C-j" mu4e-view-headers-next
-     "\C-k" mu4e-view-headers-prev
-     "x" mu4e-view-marked-execute
-     "&" mu4e-view-mark-custom
-     "*" mu4e-view-mark-for-something   ; TODO: Don't override "*".
-     "m" mu4e-view-mark-for-move
-     "r" mu4e-view-mark-for-refile
-     "D" mu4e-view-mark-for-delete
-     "d" mu4e-view-mark-for-trash
-     "=" mu4e-view-mark-for-untrash
-     "u" mu4e-view-unmark
-     "U" mu4e-view-unmark-all
-     "?" mu4e-view-mark-for-unread
-     "!" mu4e-view-mark-for-read
-     "%" mu4e-view-mark-pattern
-     "+" mu4e-view-mark-for-flag
-     "-" mu4e-view-mark-for-unflag
-     "zr" mu4e-headers-toggle-include-related
-     "zt" mu4e-headers-toggle-threading
-     "za" mu4e-view-toggle-hide-cited
-     "gl" mu4e-show-log
-     "s" mu4e-view-search-edit
-     "|" mu4e-view-pipe
-     "." mu4e-view-raw-message
-     ,(kbd "C--") mu4e-headers-split-view-shrink
-     ,(kbd "C-+") mu4e-headers-split-view-grow
-     "T" (lambda ()
-           (interactive)
-           (mu4e-headers-mark-thread nil '(read)))
-     ,@(when evil-want-C-u-scroll
-         '("\C-u" evil-scroll-up))))
-  ;; TODO: Add mu4e-headers-search-bookmark?
-  "All evil-mu4e bindings.")
-(defun evil-collection-mu4e-set-bindings ()
-  "Set the bindings."
-  ;; WARNING: With lexical binding, lambdas from `mapc' and `dolist' become
-  ;; closures in which we must use `evil-define-key*' instead of
-  ;; `evil-define-key'.
-  (dolist (binding evil-collection-mu4e-mode-map-bindings)
-    (apply #'evil-collection-define-key 'normal binding))
-  (evil-collection-define-key 'visual 'mu4e-compose-mode-map
-    "gg" 'mu4e-compose-goto-top
-    "G" 'mu4e-compose-goto-bottom)
-  (evil-collection-define-key 'operator 'mu4e-view-mode-map
-    "u" '(menu-item
-          ""
-          nil
-          :filter (lambda (&optional _)
-                    (when (memq evil-this-operator
-                                '(evil-yank evil-cp-yank evil-sp-yank lispyville-yank))
-                      (setq evil-inhibit-operator t)
-                      #'mu4e-view-save-url)))))
-;;; Update mu4e-main-view
-;;; To avoid confusion the main-view is updated to show the keys that are in use
-;;; for evil-mu4e.
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-begin-region-basic "\n  Basics"
-  "The place where to start overriding Basic section.")
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-end-region-basic "a new message\n"
-  "The place where to end overriding Basic section.")
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-new-region-basic
-  (concat (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [J]ump to some maildir\n" 'mu4e-jump-to-maildir)
-          (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* enter a [s]earch query\n" 'mu4e-search)
-          (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [C]ompose a new message\n" 'mu4e-compose-new))
-  "Define the evil-mu4e Basic region.")
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-begin-region-misc "\n  Misc"
-  "The place where to start overriding Misc section.")
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-end-region-misc "q]uit"
-  "The place where to end overriding Misc section.")
-(defvar evil-collection-mu4e-new-region-misc
-  (concat
-   (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [;]Switch focus\n" 'mu4e-context-switch)
-   (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [u]pdate email & database (Alternatively: gr)\n"
-                         'mu4e-update-mail-and-index)
-   ;; show the queue functions if `smtpmail-queue-dir' is defined
-   (if (file-directory-p smtpmail-queue-dir)
-       (mu4e~main-view-queue)
-     "")
-   "\n"
-   (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [N]ews\n" 'mu4e-news)
-   (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [A]bout mu4e\n" 'mu4e-about)
-   (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [H]elp\n" 'mu4e-display-manual)
-   (mu4e~main-action-str "\t* [q]uit\n" 'mu4e-quit))
-  "Define the evil-mu4e Misc region.")
-(defun evil-collection-mu4e-replace-region (new-region start end)
-  "Replace region between START and END with NEW-REGION.
-START end END end are regular expressions."
-  ;; move to start of region
-  (goto-char (point-min))
-  (re-search-forward start)
-  ;; insert new headings
-  (insert "\n\n")
-  (insert new-region)
-  ;; Delete text until end of region.
-  (let ((start-point (point))
-        (end-point (re-search-forward end)))
-    (delete-region start-point end-point)))
-(defun evil-collection-mu4e-update-main-view ()
-  "Update 'Basic' and 'Misc' regions to reflect the new
-  (evil-collection-mu4e-replace-region evil-collection-mu4e-new-region-basic
-                                       evil-collection-mu4e-begin-region-basic
-                                       evil-collection-mu4e-end-region-basic)
-  (evil-collection-mu4e-replace-region evil-collection-mu4e-new-region-misc
-                                       evil-collection-mu4e-begin-region-misc
-                                       evil-collection-mu4e-end-region-misc))
-;;; Initialize evil-collection-mu4e
-(defun evil-collection-mu4e-setup ()
-  "Initialize evil-mu4e if necessary.
-If mu4e-main-mode is in evil-state-motion-modes, initialization
-is already done earlier."
-    (evil-collection-mu4e-set-state)
-    (evil-collection-mu4e-set-bindings)
-    (add-hook 'mu4e-main-mode-hook 'evil-collection-mu4e-update-main-view))
-(provide 'evil-collection-mu4e)
-;;; evil-collection-mu4e.el ends here