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path: root/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-20180912.957/evil-states.el
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 903 deletions
diff --git a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-20180912.957/evil-states.el b/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-20180912.957/evil-states.el
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index c91d673c70b3..000000000000
--- a/configs/shared/emacs/.emacs.d/elpa/evil-20180912.957/evil-states.el
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,903 +0,0 @@
-;;; evil-states.el --- States
-;; Author: Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com>
-;; Maintainer: Vegard Øye <vegard_oye at hotmail.com>
-;; Version: 1.2.13
-;; This file is NOT part of GNU Emacs.
-;;; License:
-;; This file is part of Evil.
-;; Evil is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-;; (at your option) any later version.
-;; Evil is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-;; GNU General Public License for more details.
-;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-;; along with Evil.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-(require 'evil-core)
-;;; Code:
-;;; Normal state
-(evil-define-state normal
-  "Normal state.
-AKA \"Command\" state."
-  :tag " <N> "
-  :enable (motion)
-  :exit-hook (evil-repeat-start-hook)
-  (cond
-   ((evil-normal-state-p)
-    (overwrite-mode -1)
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-normal-post-command nil t))
-   (t
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-normal-post-command t))))
-(defun evil-normal-post-command (&optional command)
-  "Reset command loop variables in Normal state.
-Also prevent point from reaching the end of the line.
-If the region is activated, enter Visual state."
-  (unless (or (evil-initializing-p)
-              (null this-command))
-    (setq command (or command this-command))
-    (when (evil-normal-state-p)
-      (setq evil-this-type nil
-            evil-this-operator nil
-            evil-this-motion nil
-            evil-this-motion-count nil
-            evil-inhibit-operator nil
-            evil-inhibit-operator-value nil)
-      (unless (memq command '(evil-use-register
-                              digit-argument
-                              negative-argument
-                              universal-argument
-                              universal-argument-minus
-                              universal-argument-more
-                              universal-argument-other-key))
-        (setq evil-this-register nil))
-      (evil-adjust-cursor))))
-(put 'evil-normal-post-command 'permanent-local-hook t)
-;;; Insert state
-(defun evil-maybe-remove-spaces (&optional do-remove)
-  "Remove space from newly opened empty line.
-This function removes (indentation) spaces that have been
-inserted by opening a new empty line. The behavior depends on the
-variable `evil-maybe-remove-spaces'. If this variable is nil the
-function does nothing. Otherwise the behavior depends on
-DO-REMOVE.  If DO-REMOVE is non-nil the spaces are
-removed. Otherwise `evil-maybe-remove-spaces' is set to nil
-unless the last command opened yet another new line.
-This function should be added as a post-command-hook to track
-commands opening a new line."
-  (cond
-   ((not evil-maybe-remove-spaces)
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-maybe-remove-spaces))
-   (do-remove
-    (when (save-excursion
-            (beginning-of-line)
-            (looking-at "^\\s-*$"))
-      (delete-region (line-beginning-position)
-                     (line-end-position)))
-    (setq evil-maybe-remove-spaces nil)
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-maybe-remove-spaces))
-   ((not (memq this-command
-               '(evil-open-above
-                 evil-open-below
-                 evil-append
-                 evil-append-line
-                 newline
-                 newline-and-indent
-                 indent-and-newline)))
-    (setq evil-maybe-remove-spaces nil)
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-maybe-remove-spaces))))
-(evil-define-state insert
-  "Insert state."
-  :tag " <I> "
-  :cursor (bar . 2)
-  :message "-- INSERT --"
-  :entry-hook (evil-start-track-last-insertion)
-  :exit-hook (evil-cleanup-insert-state evil-stop-track-last-insertion)
-  :input-method t
-  (cond
-   ((evil-insert-state-p)
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-maybe-remove-spaces)
-    (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-insert-repeat-hook)
-    (setq evil-maybe-remove-spaces t)
-    (unless (eq evil-want-fine-undo t)
-      (evil-start-undo-step)))
-   (t
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-maybe-remove-spaces)
-    (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-insert-repeat-hook)
-    (evil-maybe-remove-spaces t)
-    (setq evil-insert-repeat-info evil-repeat-info)
-    (evil-set-marker ?^ nil t)
-    (unless (eq evil-want-fine-undo t)
-      (evil-end-undo-step))
-    (when evil-move-cursor-back
-      (when (or (evil-normal-state-p evil-next-state)
-                (evil-motion-state-p evil-next-state))
-        (evil-move-cursor-back))))))
-(defun evil-insert-repeat-hook ()
-  "Record insertion keys in `evil-insert-repeat-info'."
-  (setq evil-insert-repeat-info (last evil-repeat-info))
-  (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-insert-repeat-hook))
-(put 'evil-insert-repeat-hook 'permanent-local-hook t)
-(defun evil-cleanup-insert-state ()
-  "Called when Insert state is about to be exited.
-Handles the repeat-count of the insertion command."
-  (when evil-insert-count
-    (dotimes (i (1- evil-insert-count))
-      (when evil-insert-lines
-        (evil-insert-newline-below)
-        (when evil-auto-indent
-          (indent-according-to-mode)))
-      (when (fboundp 'evil-execute-repeat-info)
-        (evil-execute-repeat-info
-         (cdr evil-insert-repeat-info)))))
-  (when evil-insert-vcount
-    (let ((buffer-invisibility-spec buffer-invisibility-spec))
-      ;; make all lines hidden by hideshow temporarily visible
-      (when (listp buffer-invisibility-spec)
-        (setq buffer-invisibility-spec
-              (evil-filter-list
-               #'(lambda (x)
-                   (or (eq x 'hs)
-                       (eq (car-safe x) 'hs)))
-               buffer-invisibility-spec)))
-      (let ((line (nth 0 evil-insert-vcount))
-            (col (nth 1 evil-insert-vcount))
-            (vcount (nth 2 evil-insert-vcount)))
-        (save-excursion
-          (dotimes (v (1- vcount))
-            (goto-char (point-min))
-            (forward-line (+ line v))
-            (when (or (not evil-insert-skip-empty-lines)
-                      (not (integerp col))
-                      (save-excursion
-                        (evil-move-end-of-line)
-                        (>= (current-column) col)))
-              (if (integerp col)
-                  (move-to-column col t)
-                (funcall col))
-              (dotimes (i (or evil-insert-count 1))
-                (when (fboundp 'evil-execute-repeat-info)
-                  (evil-execute-repeat-info
-                   (cdr evil-insert-repeat-info)))))))))))
-;;; Visual state
-;; Visual selections are implemented in terms of types, and are
-;; compatible with the Emacs region. This is achieved by "translating"
-;; the region to the selected text right before a command is executed.
-;; If the command is a motion, the translation is postponed until a
-;; non-motion command is invoked (distinguished by the :keep-visual
-;; command property).
-;; Visual state activates the region, enabling Transient Mark mode if
-;; not already enabled. This is only temporay: if Transient Mark mode
-;; was disabled before entering Visual state, it is disabled when
-;; exiting Visual state. This allows Visual state to harness the
-;; "transient" behavior of many commands without overriding the user's
-;; preferences in other states.
-(defmacro evil-define-visual-selection (selection doc &rest body)
-  "Define a Visual selection SELECTION.
-Creates a command evil-visual-SELECTION for enabling the selection.
-DOC is the function's documentation string. The following keywords
-may be specified in BODY:
-:message STRING         Status message when enabling the selection.
-:type TYPE              Type to use (defaults to SELECTION).
-Following the keywords is optional code which is executed each time
-the selection is enabled.
-\(fn SELECTION DOC [[KEY VAL]...] BODY...)"
-  (declare (indent defun)
-           (debug (&define name stringp
-                           [&rest keywordp sexp]
-                           def-body)))
-  (let* ((name (intern (format "evil-visual-%s" selection)))
-         (message (intern (format "%s-message" name)))
-         (type selection)
-         arg key string)
-    ;; collect keywords
-    (while (keywordp (car-safe body))
-      (setq key (pop body)
-            arg (pop body))
-      (cond
-       ((eq key :message)
-        (setq string arg))
-       ((eq key :type)
-        (setq type arg))))
-    ;; macro expansion
-    `(progn
-       (add-to-list 'evil-visual-alist (cons ',selection ',name))
-       (defvar ,name ',type ,(format "*%s" doc))
-       (defvar ,message ,string ,doc)
-       (evil-define-command ,name (&optional mark point type message)
-         ,@(when doc `(,doc))
-         :keep-visual t
-         :repeat nil
-         (interactive
-          (list nil nil
-                (if (and (evil-visual-state-p)
-                         (eq evil-visual-selection ',selection))
-                    'exit ,name) t))
-         (if (eq type 'exit)
-             (evil-exit-visual-state)
-           (setq type (or type ,name)
-                 evil-visual-selection ',selection)
-           (evil-visual-make-region mark point type message)
-           ,@body))
-       ',selection)))
-(evil-define-visual-selection char
-  "Characterwise selection."
-  :type inclusive
-  :message "-- VISUAL --")
-(evil-define-visual-selection line
-  "Linewise selection."
-  :message "-- VISUAL LINE --")
-(evil-define-visual-selection block
-  "Blockwise selection."
-  :message "-- VISUAL BLOCK --"
-  (evil-transient-mark -1)
-  ;; refresh the :corner property
-  (setq evil-visual-properties
-        (plist-put evil-visual-properties :corner
-                   (evil-visual-block-corner 'upper-left))))
-(evil-define-state visual
-  "Visual state."
-  :tag " <V> "
-  :enable (motion normal)
-  :message 'evil-visual-message
-  (cond
-   ((evil-visual-state-p)
-    (evil-save-transient-mark-mode)
-    (setq select-active-regions nil)
-    (cond
-     ((region-active-p)
-      (if (< (evil-visual-direction) 0)
-          (evil-visual-select (region-beginning) (region-end)
-                              evil-visual-char
-                              (evil-visual-direction))
-        (evil-visual-make-selection (mark t) (point)
-                                    evil-visual-char))
-      (evil-visual-highlight))
-     (t
-      (evil-visual-make-region (point) (point) evil-visual-char)))
-    (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-visual-pre-command nil t)
-    (add-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-visual-post-command nil t)
-    (add-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook #'evil-visual-deactivate-hook nil t))
-   (t
-    ;; Postpone deactivation of region if next state is Insert.
-    ;; This gives certain insertion commands (auto-pairing characters,
-    ;; for example) an opportunity to access the region.
-    (if (and (eq evil-next-state 'insert)
-             (eq evil-visual-selection 'char))
-        (add-hook 'evil-normal-state-entry-hook
-                  #'evil-visual-deactivate-hook nil t)
-      (evil-visual-deactivate-hook))
-    (setq evil-visual-region-expanded nil)
-    (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-visual-pre-command t)
-    (remove-hook 'post-command-hook #'evil-visual-post-command t)
-    (remove-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook #'evil-visual-deactivate-hook t)
-    (evil-visual-highlight -1))))
-(defun evil-visual-pre-command (&optional command)
-  "Run before each COMMAND in Visual state.
-Expand the region to the selection unless COMMAND is a motion."
-  (when (evil-visual-state-p)
-    (setq command (or command this-command))
-    (when evil-visual-x-select-timer
-      (cancel-timer evil-visual-x-select-timer))
-    (unless (evil-get-command-property command :keep-visual)
-      (evil-visual-update-x-selection)
-      (evil-visual-expand-region
-       ;; exclude final newline from linewise selection
-       ;; unless the command has real need of it
-       (and (eq (evil-visual-type) 'line)
-            (evil-get-command-property command :exclude-newline))))))
-(put 'evil-visual-pre-command 'permanent-local-hook t)
-(defun evil-visual-post-command (&optional command)
-  "Run after each COMMAND in Visual state.
-If COMMAND is a motion, refresh the selection;
-otherwise exit Visual state."
-  (when (evil-visual-state-p)
-    (setq command (or command this-command))
-    (if (or quit-flag
-            (eq command #'keyboard-quit)
-            ;; Is `mark-active' nil for an unexpanded region?
-            deactivate-mark
-            (and (not evil-visual-region-expanded)
-                 (not (region-active-p))
-                 (not (eq evil-visual-selection 'block))))
-        (progn
-          (evil-exit-visual-state)
-          (evil-adjust-cursor))
-      (if evil-visual-region-expanded
-          (evil-visual-contract-region)
-        (evil-visual-refresh))
-      (setq evil-visual-x-select-timer
-            (run-with-idle-timer evil-visual-x-select-timeout nil
-                                 #'evil-visual-update-x-selection
-                                 (current-buffer)))
-      (evil-visual-highlight))))
-(put 'evil-visual-post-command 'permanent-local-hook t)
-(defun evil-visual-update-x-selection (&optional buffer)
-  "Update the X selection with the current visual region."
-  (let ((buf (or buffer (current-buffer))))
-    (when (buffer-live-p buf)
-      (with-current-buffer buf
-        (when (and (evil-visual-state-p)
-                   (display-selections-p)
-                   (not (eq evil-visual-selection 'block)))
-          (evil-set-selection 'PRIMARY (buffer-substring-no-properties
-                                        evil-visual-beginning
-                                        evil-visual-end)))))))
-(defun evil-visual-activate-hook (&optional command)
-  "Enable Visual state if the region is activated."
-  (unless (evil-visual-state-p)
-    (evil-delay nil
-        ;; the activation may only be momentary, so re-check
-        ;; in `post-command-hook' before entering Visual state
-        '(unless (or (evil-visual-state-p)
-                     (evil-insert-state-p)
-                     (evil-emacs-state-p))
-           (when (and (region-active-p)
-                      (not deactivate-mark))
-             (evil-visual-state)))
-      'post-command-hook nil t
-      "evil-activate-visual-state")))
-(put 'evil-visual-activate-hook 'permanent-local-hook t)
-(defun evil-visual-deactivate-hook (&optional command)
-  "Deactivate the region and restore Transient Mark mode."
-  (setq command (or command this-command))
-  (remove-hook 'deactivate-mark-hook
-               #'evil-visual-deactivate-hook t)
-  (remove-hook 'evil-normal-state-entry-hook
-               #'evil-visual-deactivate-hook t)
-  (cond
-   ((and (evil-visual-state-p) command
-         (not (evil-get-command-property command :keep-visual)))
-    (setq evil-visual-region-expanded nil)
-    (evil-exit-visual-state))
-   ((not (evil-visual-state-p))
-    (evil-active-region -1)
-    (evil-restore-transient-mark-mode))))
-(put 'evil-visual-deactivate-hook 'permanent-local-hook t)
-(evil-define-command evil-exit-visual-state (&optional later buffer)
-  "Exit from Visual state to the previous state.
-If LATER is non-nil, exit after the current command."
-  :keep-visual t
-  :repeat abort
-  (with-current-buffer (or buffer (current-buffer))
-    (when (evil-visual-state-p)
-      (if later
-          (setq deactivate-mark t)
-        (when evil-visual-region-expanded
-          (evil-visual-contract-region))
-        (evil-change-to-previous-state)))))
-(defun evil-visual-message (&optional selection)
-  "Create an echo area message for SELECTION.
-SELECTION is a kind of selection as defined by
-`evil-define-visual-selection', such as `char', `line'
-or `block'."
-  (let (message)
-    (setq selection (or selection evil-visual-selection))
-    (when selection
-      (setq message
-            (symbol-value (intern (format "evil-visual-%s-message"
-                                          selection))))
-      (cond
-       ((functionp message)
-        (funcall message))
-       ((stringp message)
-        (evil-echo "%s" message))))))
-(defun evil-visual-select (beg end &optional type dir message)
-  "Create a Visual selection of type TYPE from BEG to END.
-Point and mark are positioned so that the resulting selection
-has the specified boundaries. If DIR is negative, point precedes mark,
-otherwise it succedes it. To specify point and mark directly,
-use `evil-visual-make-selection'."
-  (let* ((range (evil-contract beg end type))
-         (mark (evil-range-beginning range))
-         (point (evil-range-end range))
-         (dir (or dir 1)))
-    (when (< dir 0)
-      (evil-swap mark point))
-    (evil-visual-make-selection mark point type message)))
-(defun evil-visual-make-selection (mark point &optional type message)
-  "Create a Visual selection with point at POINT and mark at MARK.
-The boundaries of the selection are inferred from these
-and the current TYPE. To specify the boundaries and infer
-mark and point, use `evil-visual-select' instead."
-  (let* ((selection (evil-visual-selection-for-type type))
-         (func (evil-visual-selection-function selection))
-         (prev (and (evil-visual-state-p) evil-visual-selection))
-         (mark (evil-normalize-position mark))
-         (point (evil-normalize-position point))
-         (state evil-state))
-    (unless (evil-visual-state-p)
-      (evil-visual-state))
-    (setq evil-visual-selection selection)
-    (funcall func mark point type
-             ;; signal a message when changing the selection
-             (when (or (not (evil-visual-state-p state))
-                       (not (eq selection prev)))
-               message))))
-(defun evil-visual-make-region (mark point &optional type message)
-  "Create an active region from MARK to POINT.
-If TYPE is given, also set the Visual type.
-If MESSAGE is given, display it in the echo area."
-  (interactive)
-  (let* ((point (evil-normalize-position
-                 (or point (point))))
-         (mark (evil-normalize-position
-                (or mark
-                    (when (or (evil-visual-state-p)
-                              (region-active-p))
-                      (mark t))
-                    point))))
-    (unless (evil-visual-state-p)
-      (evil-visual-state))
-    (evil-active-region 1)
-    (setq evil-visual-region-expanded nil)
-    (evil-visual-refresh mark point type)
-    (cond
-     ((null evil-echo-state))
-     ((stringp message)
-      (evil-echo "%s" message))
-     (message
-      (cond
-       ((stringp evil-visual-state-message)
-        (evil-echo "%s" evil-visual-state-message))
-       ((functionp evil-visual-state-message)
-        (funcall evil-visual-state-message)))))))
-(defun evil-visual-expand-region (&optional exclude-newline)
-  "Expand the region to the Visual selection.
-If EXCLUDE-NEWLINE is non-nil and the selection ends with a newline,
-exclude that newline from the region."
-  (when (and (evil-visual-state-p)
-             (not evil-visual-region-expanded))
-    (let ((mark evil-visual-beginning)
-          (point evil-visual-end))
-      (when (< evil-visual-direction 0)
-        (evil-swap mark point))
-      (setq evil-visual-region-expanded t)
-      (evil-visual-refresh mark point)
-      (when (and exclude-newline
-                 (save-excursion
-                   (goto-char evil-visual-end)
-                   (and (bolp) (not (bobp)))))
-        (if (< evil-visual-direction 0)
-            (evil-move-mark (max point (1- (mark))))
-          (goto-char (max mark (1- (point)))))))))
-(defun evil-visual-contract-region ()
-  "The inverse of `evil-visual-expand-region'.
-Create a Visual selection that expands to the current region."
-  (evil-visual-refresh)
-  (setq evil-visual-region-expanded nil)
-  (evil-visual-refresh evil-visual-mark evil-visual-point))
-(defun evil-visual-refresh (&optional mark point type &rest properties)
-  "Refresh point, mark and Visual variables.
-Refreshes `evil-visual-beginning', `evil-visual-end',
-`evil-visual-mark', `evil-visual-point', `evil-visual-selection',
-`evil-visual-direction', `evil-visual-properties' and `evil-this-type'."
-  (let* ((point (or point (point)))
-         (mark (or mark (mark t) point))
-         (dir (evil-visual-direction))
-         (type (or type (evil-visual-type evil-visual-selection)
-                   (evil-visual-type)))
-         range)
-    (evil-move-mark mark)
-    (goto-char point)
-    (setq evil-visual-beginning
-          (or evil-visual-beginning
-              (let ((marker (make-marker)))
-                (move-marker marker (min point mark))))
-          evil-visual-end
-          (or evil-visual-end
-              (let ((marker (make-marker)))
-                (set-marker-insertion-type marker t)
-                (move-marker marker (max point mark))))
-          evil-visual-mark
-          (or evil-visual-mark
-              (let ((marker (make-marker)))
-                (move-marker marker mark)))
-          evil-visual-point
-          (or evil-visual-point
-              (let ((marker (make-marker)))
-                (move-marker marker point))))
-    (setq evil-visual-properties
-          (evil-concat-plists evil-visual-properties properties))
-    (cond
-     (evil-visual-region-expanded
-      (setq type (or (evil-visual-type) type))
-      (move-marker evil-visual-beginning (min point mark))
-      (move-marker evil-visual-end (max point mark))
-      ;; if the type is one-to-one, we can safely refresh
-      ;; the unexpanded positions as well
-      (when (evil-type-property type :one-to-one)
-        (setq range (apply #'evil-contract point mark type
-                           evil-visual-properties)
-              mark (evil-range-beginning range)
-              point (evil-range-end range))
-        (when (< dir 0)
-          (evil-swap mark point))
-        (move-marker evil-visual-mark mark)
-        (move-marker evil-visual-point point)))
-     (t
-      (setq range (apply #'evil-expand point mark type
-                         evil-visual-properties)
-            type (evil-type range type))
-      (move-marker evil-visual-beginning (evil-range-beginning range))
-      (move-marker evil-visual-end (evil-range-end range))
-      (move-marker evil-visual-mark mark)
-      (move-marker evil-visual-point point)))
-    (setq evil-visual-direction dir
-          evil-this-type type)))
-(defun evil-visual-highlight (&optional arg)
-  "Highlight Visual selection, depending on the Visual type.
-With negative ARG, disable highlighting."
-  (cond
-   ((and (numberp arg) (< arg 1))
-    (when evil-visual-overlay
-      (delete-overlay evil-visual-overlay)
-      (setq evil-visual-overlay nil))
-    (when evil-visual-block-overlays
-      (mapc #'delete-overlay evil-visual-block-overlays)
-      (setq evil-visual-block-overlays nil)))
-   ((eq evil-visual-selection 'block)
-    (when evil-visual-overlay
-      (evil-visual-highlight -1))
-    (evil-visual-highlight-block
-     evil-visual-beginning
-     evil-visual-end))
-   (t
-    (when evil-visual-block-overlays
-      (evil-visual-highlight -1))
-    (if evil-visual-overlay
-        (move-overlay evil-visual-overlay
-                      evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end)
-      (setq evil-visual-overlay
-            (make-overlay evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end)))
-    (overlay-put evil-visual-overlay 'face 'region)
-    (overlay-put evil-visual-overlay 'priority 99))))
-(defun evil-visual-highlight-block (beg end &optional overlays)
-  "Highlight rectangular region from BEG to END.
-Do this by putting an overlay on each line within the rectangle.
-Each overlay extends across all the columns of the rectangle.
-Reuse overlays where possible to prevent flicker."
-  (let* ((point (point))
-         (mark (or (mark t) point))
-         (overlays (or overlays 'evil-visual-block-overlays))
-         (old (symbol-value overlays))
-         (eol-col (and (memq this-command '(next-line previous-line))
-                       (numberp temporary-goal-column)
-                       (1+ (min (round temporary-goal-column)
-                                (1- most-positive-fixnum)))))
-         beg-col end-col new nlines overlay window-beg window-end)
-    (save-excursion
-      ;; calculate the rectangular region represented by BEG and END,
-      ;; but put BEG in the upper-left corner and END in the
-      ;; lower-right if not already there
-      (setq beg-col (evil-column beg)
-            end-col (evil-column end))
-      (when (>= beg-col end-col)
-        (if (= beg-col end-col)
-            (setq end-col (1+ end-col))
-          (evil-sort beg-col end-col))
-        (setq beg (save-excursion
-                    (goto-char beg)
-                    (evil-move-to-column beg-col))
-              end (save-excursion
-                    (goto-char end)
-                    (evil-move-to-column end-col 1))))
-      ;; update end column with eol-col (extension to eol).
-      (when (and eol-col (> eol-col end-col))
-        (setq end-col eol-col))
-      ;; force a redisplay so we can do reliable window
-      ;; BEG/END calculations
-      (sit-for 0)
-      (setq window-beg (max (window-start) beg)
-            window-end (min (window-end) (1+ end))
-            nlines (count-lines window-beg
-                                (min window-end (point-max))))
-      ;; iterate over those lines of the rectangle which are
-      ;; visible in the currently selected window
-      (goto-char window-beg)
-      (dotimes (i nlines)
-        (let (before after row-beg row-end)
-          ;; beginning of row
-          (evil-move-to-column beg-col)
-          (when (< (current-column) beg-col)
-            ;; prepend overlay with virtual spaces if unable to
-            ;; move directly to the first column
-            (setq before
-                  (propertize
-                   (make-string
-                    (- beg-col (current-column)) ?\s)
-                   'face
-                   (or (get-text-property (1- (point)) 'face)
-                       'default))))
-          (setq row-beg (point))
-          ;; end of row
-          (evil-move-to-column end-col)
-          (when (and (not (eolp))
-                     (< (current-column) end-col))
-            ;; append overlay with virtual spaces if unable to
-            ;; move directly to the last column
-            (setq after
-                  (propertize
-                   (make-string
-                    (if (= (point) row-beg)
-                        (- end-col beg-col)
-                      (- end-col (current-column)))
-                    ?\s) 'face 'region))
-            ;; place cursor on one of the virtual spaces
-            (if (= point row-beg)
-                (put-text-property
-                 0 (min (length after) 1)
-                 'cursor t after)
-              (put-text-property
-               (max 0 (1- (length after))) (length after)
-               'cursor t after)))
-          (setq row-end (min (point) (line-end-position)))
-          ;; trim old leading overlays
-          (while (and old
-                      (setq overlay (car old))
-                      (< (overlay-start overlay) row-beg)
-                      (/= (overlay-end overlay) row-end))
-            (delete-overlay overlay)
-            (setq old (cdr old)))
-          ;; reuse an overlay if possible, otherwise create one
-          (cond
-           ((and old (setq overlay (car old))
-                 (or (= (overlay-start overlay) row-beg)
-                     (= (overlay-end overlay) row-end)))
-            (move-overlay overlay row-beg row-end)
-            (overlay-put overlay 'before-string before)
-            (overlay-put overlay 'after-string after)
-            (setq new (cons overlay new)
-                  old (cdr old)))
-           (t
-            (setq overlay (make-overlay row-beg row-end))
-            (overlay-put overlay 'before-string before)
-            (overlay-put overlay 'after-string after)
-            (setq new (cons overlay new)))))
-        (forward-line 1))
-      ;; display overlays
-      (dolist (overlay new)
-        (overlay-put overlay 'face 'region)
-        (overlay-put overlay 'priority 99))
-      ;; trim old overlays
-      (dolist (overlay old)
-        (delete-overlay overlay))
-      (set overlays (nreverse new)))))
-(defun evil-visual-range ()
-  "Return the Visual selection as a range.
-This is a list (BEG END TYPE PROPERTIES...), where BEG is the
-beginning of the selection, END is the end of the selection,
-TYPE is the selection's type, and PROPERTIES is a property list
-of miscellaneous selection attributes."
-  (apply #'evil-range
-         evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end
-         (evil-visual-type)
-         :expanded t
-         evil-visual-properties))
-(defun evil-visual-direction ()
-  "Return direction of Visual selection.
-The direction is -1 if point precedes mark and 1 otherwise.
-See also the variable `evil-visual-direction', which holds
-the direction of the last selection."
-  (let* ((point (point))
-         (mark (or (mark t) point)))
-    (if (< point mark) -1 1)))
-(defun evil-visual-type (&optional selection)
-  "Return the type of the Visual selection.
-If SELECTION is specified, return the type of that instead."
-  (if (and (null selection) (evil-visual-state-p))
-      (or evil-this-type (evil-visual-type evil-visual-selection))
-    (setq selection (or selection evil-visual-selection))
-    (symbol-value (cdr-safe (assq selection evil-visual-alist)))))
-(defun evil-visual-goto-end ()
-  "Go to the last line of the Visual selection.
-This position may differ from `evil-visual-end' depending on
-the selection type, and is contained in the selection."
-  (let ((range (evil-contract-range (evil-visual-range))))
-    (goto-char (evil-range-end range))))
-(defun evil-visual-alist ()
-  "Return an association list from types to selection symbols."
-  (mapcar #'(lambda (e)
-              (cons (symbol-value (cdr-safe e)) (cdr-safe e)))
-          evil-visual-alist))
-(defun evil-visual-selection-function (selection)
-  "Return a selection function for TYPE.
-Default to `evil-visual-make-region'."
-  (or (cdr-safe (assq selection evil-visual-alist))
-      ;; generic selection function
-      'evil-visual-make-region))
-(defun evil-visual-selection-for-type (type)
-  "Return a Visual selection for TYPE."
-  (catch 'done
-    (dolist (selection evil-visual-alist)
-      (when (eq (symbol-value (cdr selection)) type)
-        (throw 'done (car selection))))))
-(defun evil-visual-block-corner (&optional corner point mark)
-  "Block corner corresponding to POINT, with MARK in opposite corner.
-Depending on POINT and MARK, the return value is `upper-left',
-`upper-right', `lower-left' or `lower-right':
-        upper-left +---+ upper-right
-                   |   |
-        lower-left +---+ lower-right
-One-column or one-row blocks are ambiguous. In such cases,
-the horizontal or vertical component of CORNER is used.
-CORNER defaults to `upper-left'."
-  (let* ((point (or point (point)))
-         (mark (or mark (mark t)))
-         (corner (symbol-name
-                  (or corner
-                      (and (overlayp evil-visual-overlay)
-                           (overlay-get evil-visual-overlay
-                                        :corner))
-                      'upper-left)))
-         (point-col (evil-column point))
-         (mark-col (evil-column mark))
-         horizontal vertical)
-    (cond
-     ((= point-col mark-col)
-      (setq horizontal
-            (or (and (string-match "left\\|right" corner)
-                     (match-string 0 corner))
-                "left")))
-     ((< point-col mark-col)
-      (setq horizontal "left"))
-     ((> point-col mark-col)
-      (setq horizontal "right")))
-    (cond
-     ((= (line-number-at-pos point)
-         (line-number-at-pos mark))
-      (setq vertical
-            (or (and (string-match "upper\\|lower" corner)
-                     (match-string 0 corner))
-                "upper")))
-     ((< point mark)
-      (setq vertical "upper"))
-     ((> point mark)
-      (setq vertical "lower")))
-    (intern (format "%s-%s" vertical horizontal))))
-;;; Operator-Pending state
-(evil-define-state operator
-  "Operator-Pending state."
-  :tag " <O> "
-  :cursor evil-half-cursor
-  :enable (evil-operator-shortcut-map operator motion normal))
-(evil-define-keymap evil-operator-shortcut-map
-  "Keymap for Operator-Pending shortcuts like \"dd\" and \"gqq\"."
-  :local t
-  (setq evil-operator-shortcut-map (make-sparse-keymap))
-  (evil-initialize-local-keymaps))
-;; the half-height "Operator-Pending cursor" cannot be specified
-;; as a static `cursor-type' value, since its height depends on
-;; the current font size
-(defun evil-half-cursor ()
-  "Change cursor to a half-height box.
-\(This is really just a thick horizontal bar.)"
-  (let ((height (/ (window-pixel-height) (* (window-height) 2))))
-    (setq cursor-type (cons 'hbar height))))
-;;; Replace state
-(evil-define-state replace
-  "Replace state."
-  :tag " <R> "
-  :cursor hbar
-  :message "-- REPLACE --"
-  :input-method t
-  (cond
-   ((evil-replace-state-p)
-    (overwrite-mode 1)
-    (add-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-replace-pre-command nil t)
-    (unless (eq evil-want-fine-undo t)
-      (evil-start-undo-step)))
-   (t
-    (overwrite-mode -1)
-    (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook #'evil-replace-pre-command t)
-    (unless (eq evil-want-fine-undo t)
-      (evil-end-undo-step))
-    (when evil-move-cursor-back
-      (evil-move-cursor-back))))
-  (setq evil-replace-alist nil))
-(defun evil-replace-pre-command ()
-  "Remember the character under point."
-  (when (evil-replace-state-p)
-    (unless (assq (point) evil-replace-alist)
-      (add-to-list 'evil-replace-alist
-                   (cons (point)
-                         (unless (eolp)
-                           (char-after)))))))
-(put 'evil-replace-pre-command 'permanent-local-hook t)
-(defun evil-replace-backspace ()
-  "Restore character under cursor."
-  (interactive)
-  (let (char)
-    (backward-char)
-    (when (assq (point) evil-replace-alist)
-      (setq char (cdr (assq (point) evil-replace-alist)))
-      (save-excursion
-        (delete-char 1)
-        (when char
-          (insert char))))))
-;;; Motion state
-(evil-define-state motion
-  "Motion state."
-  :tag " <M> "
-  :suppress-keymap t)
-;;; Emacs state
-(evil-define-state emacs
-  "Emacs state."
-  :tag " <E> "
-  :message "-- EMACS --"
-  :input-method t
-  :intercept-esc nil)
-(provide 'evil-states)
-;;; evil-states.el ends here